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Kid Kree is a Marvel Comics character that appears in the Disney Channel series Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. He is a Kree teen who becomes friends, and even a potential love interest to, Moon Girl.

Kid Kree was created by Brandon Montclare, Amy Reeder, and Marco Failla.



Kid Kree is a dutiful alien from Hala. Despite this, he behaves like any other kid his age and has strong personal interests in science. He is an all around kind and good person who simply wants to do right by the people who matter most to him which in his case is Lunella Lafayette, his love interest, and Pad-Varr, his father. He can sometimes get distracted when he is given a genuine compliment and, much like Lunella, gets really into talking about his favorite subject.

Physical appearance[]

Like the rest of his fellow Kree, Kid Kree looks human, but possesses blue skin. His armor consists of a black and teal green suit that covers his entire body and head, leaving only his mouth open. Without his helmet, he is shown to have a black bowl cut.

His human guise has him looking like a earth Latino human.


  • In the comics, Kid Kree's relationship with Moon Girl was rather one-sided. He aimed to capture Moon Girl to prove himself to his father, but was frequently ignored or tossed aside by the more mature hero. Once Lunella showed kindness to him, he immediately fell in love with her and asked for her hand in marriage. Once again, Lunella showed little interest in him and told him to grow up.
  • Kid Kree is voiced by Xolo Maridueña, who did work for DC Comics playing superhero Blue Beetle in the movie of the same name, and voicing Snowy the Snowcrawler in Batwheels.


External links[]

v - e - d
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur logo
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (soundtrack one/two) • Chibi Tiny TalesMoon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll!
Disney Parks
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure
Main: Lunella Lafayette/Moon GirlDevil DinosaurCasey CalderonAdria LafayetteJames Lafayette Jr.Mimi LafayetteJames "Pops" Lafayette Sr.

Supporting: EduardoBrooklynAnandMel-Varr/Marvin Ellis/Kid KreeGeriTaiFawziaEliCeciliaJurneeCoach HrbekPrincipal NelsonAngeloIsaac and Antonio Goldberg-CalderonLOS-307Merle and MatsuyePad-VarrJean-MichelangeloDiego PeñaLara, Laura, and LaurelBobby the MythDr. Akonam OjoPebbleGraniteFranklinSam Wilson/Captain AmericaBill FosterMaria HillToothgnasherAragornRedwingVernell LewisTurboNick Fury
Villains: The BeyonderAftershockCold Cut BanditsDevos the DevastatorSymbiotesGravitasInstantanegirlMan BabyManeRockin' RudyStilettoAbyssRat KingGarko the Man-FrogFlying FoxThe MuzzlersOdessa DrakeTorg the Abominable Snow-KingNoxMaris MorlakMolecule ManDevil Girl and Moon DinosaurQuickwhipLady BullseyeJesterBig WheelDr. SternKat SwanBlue StreakGeneral HylesSilvermane

Season One: "Moon Girl Landing" • "The Borough Bully" • "Run the Rink" • "Check Yourself" • "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow" • "The Beyonder" • "Moon Girl's Day Off" • "Teacher's Pet" • "Skip This Ad...olescence" • "Goodnight, Moon Girl" • "Like Mother, Like Moon Girl" • "Today, I Am a Woman" • "Devil on Her Shoulder" • "Coney Island, Baby!" • "OMG Issue #1" • "OMG Issue #2"

Season Two: "The Great Beyond-er!" • "Suit Up!" • "Belly of the Beast" • "Ride or Die" • "Kid Kree" • "Wish-Tar" • "Make It, Don't Break It!" • "The Devil You Know" • "In The Heist" • "Dog Day Mid-Afternoon • "Roller Jam!" • "Dancing With Myself" • "Family Matters" • "The Molecular Level" • "Moon Girl, Grounded" • "Ride Along" • "Lava Actually" • "Full Moon" • "To Intervention and Beyond-er" • "Crushed" • "A Devil-ish Birthday" • "Party Girl" • "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" • "Shoot for the Moon"
Unaired episode: "The Gatekeeper"

New York CityRoll With It
Moon Girl Magic

Season One: Where You Come FromBorough Bully RapI Came to Play (IDKWYCTD)My Hair Is a MoodThe BeyonderLook in Your EyesCan't Be TamedJust the Two of UsFeelin' MeOut My MindNeon CityIn the HouseThe WavePretty Girl SwagLet's Get ItAltz Iz GutzCan You Keep Up?Go BigDoin' My ThingLight of My Day
Season Two: Suit Up

See also