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Gaza, We Cannot Remain Silent Any Longer

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A Palestinian child looks at the bodies of martyrs. Photo from Nov 9, 2023 by Hosni Salah
A Palestinian child looks at the bodies of martyrs. Photo from Nov 9, 2023 by Hosni Salah

I do not know how it is in your household, but in mine we have developed the practice over the past nine months of reciting to one another the most appalling of the news bulletins from Gaza that come our way from a great variety of sources. It is rather miserable to think life has come to this, reading aloud daily accounts of atrocities, but there is no turning away from the depths to which terrorist Israel has dragged the whole of humanity.

The subtext of each of these recitations is, “Can you believe this is happening? Can you believe the U.S. participates in this? Can you believe this is normalized?” It is indeed difficult to believe the things we read of are part of life in the third decade of the 21st century, and may this remain so: When it is no longer difficult to read or watch videos of the Israelis’ merciless barbarities, the Zionist army will have bombed and bulldozed our consciences as thoroughly as it has any Gazan or West Bank village.

Over the weekend my partner told me she had read something that was simply too much even for our recitation routines. It was a piece Politico had published Friday, July 19, and it had arrived courtesy of Jonathan Cook, the estimable British journalist. “We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable” was written not by journalists, but by two American surgeons who had volunteered last spring for humanitarian work in Gaza by way of the Palestinian American Medical Association. Mark Perlmutter is an orthopedic surgeon from North Carolina. Feroze Sidhwa is a trauma and critical care surgeon who practices in Northern California.

“I haven’t been able to mention this until now,” my partner began, her voice cracking. Then, holding back tears, she told me about the Politico piece. She related the stories of two Palestinians the American surgeons treated during their time at the European Hospital. The European Hospital sits at the southeastern edge of Khan Younis, the city in central Gaza where the Israeli Occupation Forces earlier directed Palestinians to evacuate, then bombed, then left, and now, Khan Younis having been resettled, is now being bombed again.

Here are the stories.

One is about a nine-year-old girl named Juri. She was malnourished, unconscious, and in septic shock when Perlmutter and Sidhwa came upon her at the hospital. They operated immediately, and when they did, they found, among other things, she was missing part of a femur and most of the flesh on one thigh. Her buttocks were cut so severely her pelvic bones were exposed. As they proceeded, maggots fell in clumps from Juri’s body.

“Even if they saved her,” my partner said, “she will live a life of severe disability and constant pain.”

The other story concerns a nurse who was serving at the Indonesian Hospital last November when Israeli terrorists raided the facility. Tamer, a young man with two children, was assisting the orthopedics staff in the operating room at the time. When he refused to leave an anesthetized patient, an Israeli soldier shot him point blank in the leg.

After the orthopedics team treated him, leaving external rods to stabilize his leg, terrorist soldiers went to his room, dragged him away, and held him—somewhere, Tamer did not know where—strapped to a table for 45 days. No medical care, one glass of juice most days, though sometimes not even that. His bone became infected—this is called osteomyelitis—and he was beaten so severely one eye fell out of its socket.

Perlmutter and Sidhwa:

Later, he said, he was unceremoniously dumped naked on the side of a road. With metal sticking out of his infected and broken leg and his right eye hanging out of his skull he crawled for two miles until someone found him and brought him to European Hospital.

The Politico piece is illustrated with many photographs taken by Feroze Sidhwa. One showed Tamer during his treatment just after he was shot: a strapping, vigorous man lying in a hospital bed. Another showed Tamer after he returned from his 45 days in captivity: emaciated, looking 20 years older, stripped of all vitality, his face set in what psychiatrists call flat affect.

My mind snapped as my partner offered summaries of these two stories. “That’s it!” I shouted. “It’s impossible to go on this way any longer.” I began asking in desperate tones what someone trying to be human can do while a nation run by terrorists disgraces all of those now living but for the Palestinian people and the Perlmutters and Sidhwas who give of themselves to them. I thought of Randy Kehler and all those honorable people who started the famous—back then, anyway—tax revolt during the Vietnam War. I thought of Camus and his invocation of Sisyphus: the futility of all action, the necessity of any.

I eventually returned to the headline atop the Politico piece. Yes, what Perlmutter and Sidhwa saw was unspeakable, there is no arguing this. If you read what they have written, and I urge everyone to do so, you must brace yourself for your reaction to it, as my own case may suggest. These two surgeons saw unspeakable things during their time in Gaza, but now they speak of them. And when they speak of the unspeakable, there is the potential for transformation in what they say. We must not miss this. We must not fail to see the power of language when put to its highest purpose.


“What can we do?” is surely a question on the minds of millions of people as apartheid Israel proceeds with its genocide in Gaza—and now escalates its criminal conduct in the occupied West Bank. What makes this question so serious a conundrum is that the Gaza genocide and America’s direct participation in it have pushed in our faces the reality that, American democracy in ruins, there are no mediating institutions any longer available to us through which to express our will.

As I sat to write this, Caitlin Johnstone, the Australian journalist, sent around a message posted on “X” by someone going by ThePryingEye, who makes a point that simply takes my breath away. “What is happening in Gaza is awful,” ThePryingEye has it, “but asking people to give up what they need to survive for morals is an unfair card to play. People are suffering here already, and when it can possibly get worse, it’s not that people don’t care about Gaza or we are selling the[sic] out for a taco.”

I hope my editors and readers will forgive my French, but what kind of fucking drip would say such a thing? ThePryingEye is, first, the lumpen exemplar of Western humanity’s long decline into moral slovenliness and what I call consumer nihilism. In this I would love to learn ThePryingEye’s idea of what people “need to survive”—apart from tacos, of course.

But there is something else here we must not miss: Whoever this pitiful person is, he or she is the victim of decade upon decade during which power has cynically abused language and images to strip eyes of the ability to see, ears of the ability to hear, minds of the ability to think, and—these most of all—tongues of the ability to speak and bodies of the ability to act. ThePryingEye is exactly how this is intended to turn out: a taco-eating dolt perfectly at home with “Nothing” as the answer to “What can we do?”

When we face at last the reality that we have been deprived of any institutional means to mediate our politics, it follows that we are forced back upon ourselves. And when we become self-reliant in this way, it will come to us that, as Perlmutter and Sidhwa have very clearly demonstrated, there is power in language, in speaking of the unspeakable.

I am not at all surprised that the Israelis and the Biden regime—along with the Germans and others—have radically escalated their long-running attack on clear language, most obviously but not only in their patently nonsensical effort to condemn as “antisemitic” even simple expressions of sympathy for Palestinians. Isn’t the objective here obvious? Isn’t it plain that these people understand the power of language and the necessity to control it if Western populations are to remain in ThePryingEye’s condition?

Among the many striking things in the Politico piece, two now come to mind. One is Perlmutter’s and Sidhwa’s description of their Palestinian colleagues: Many were jaundiced, suffering from hepatitis, malnourished; all were physically and mentally unwell, and—most striking, this—devoid of all empathy for those they were treating. “Several staff members told us they were simply waiting to die,” the two Americans write, “and that they hoped Israel would get it over with sooner rather than later.”

The other image I mention here confirms this impression: It is a photograph of a wall in the pediatric wing of the European Hospital, where one of Perlmutter and Sidhwa’s Palestinian colleagues has scribbled: “#Gaza We don’t care anymore about anything.” An illegible signature follows.

Isn’t this the kind of thing we read in accounts of Holocaust survivors? Agamben went long on just this topic in Remnants of Auschwitz (Zone Books, 1999), wherein he examined the reduction of those in the camps to dehumanized ghosts—psychologically destroyed, many of them beyond retrieval.

“I will be satisfied if Remnants of Auschwitz succeeds only in correcting some of the terms with which we register the decisive lesson of the century,” he wrote in a preface, “and if this book makes it possible for certain words to be left behind and others to be understood in a different sense. This is also a way — perhaps the only way—to listen to what is unsaid.”

Let us take some inspiration from the Italian philosopher and correct some terms while understanding others differently. This is my reply to “What can we do?” It is to refuse any longer to let our opinions and our expression of them be either policed or self-policed. Perlmutter and Sidhwa can liberate us in this way if we let them.

Read their piece again if you need to do so, think about what these past months of terror have done to Gazans, then join me in asking what we are not supposed to ask: Is what Israel is doing in Gaza worse than the Holocaust? I insist we now pose this question instead of flinching from it. Waiting to die? Getting it over with? I am not much for keeping scorecards of atrocity-committing regimes, but there seems an argument that the Reich’s camps were less terrorizing than the Israeli camp called the Gaza Strip.

After reading Perlmutter and Sidhwa, I went back to that remarkable essay Pankaj Mishra published last March in the London Review of Books, “The Shoah After Gaza.” I wanted to read again of all those prominent Jewish writers and thinkers, many of them Holocaust survivors, who rejected the Zionist project in the early years after its inception.

Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who won the Israel Prize in 1993, warned 25 years earlier of “the Nazification of Israel.” Jean Améry, the Austrian writer, after reports of torture in Israeli prisons began to surface in the 1970s: “I urgently call on all Jews who want to be human beings to join me in the radical condemnation of systematic torture. Where barbarism begins, even existential commitments must end.”

And then the case of Primo Levi, the famous survivor of the camps and author of, among other things, If This Be a Man, his account of his time at Auschwitz. A couple of years into the regime of Menachem Begin, who was not Israel’s first terrorist prime minister and not the last, Levi dismissed the Zionist project altogether. “The center of gravity of the Jewish world must turn back,” he wrote, “must move out of Israel and back into the diaspora.” He later told an American audience, “Israel was a mistake in historical terms.”

To turn back. I stand with Levi. I take courage from him and conviction from Perlmutter and Sidhwa to say now in the clear language we can admire in these three: Israel, an artificial construct misguided from the first, has to go. Some way or other it can no longer be permitted to exist—not as it is now constituted, and not in any hopeless notion of a two-state solution. We cannot tolerate the unceasing, systematic, criminal cruelty of a human population to which Israel has committed itself. Only a single, secular state that recognizes the equal rights of all has any promise of civilizing the Zionist presence in the Middle East.

I do not know how the project of ending this failed experiment may begin, but it should be set in motion as soon as possible. I see nothing shocking in this judgment once the paraphernalia of geopolitics is stripped away and the fraud of marking this thought down to “antisemitism” is dismissed. Eliminating the Nazi regime was a global project on the grounds of sheer humanity. Again, I am not much interested in precisely how Israel stacks up against the Reich, but we must acknowledge the similarities now such that the same principle obtains.

It will be 46 years this November since the U.N. passed Resolution 3379, wherein the General Assembly “determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” I am struck once again at the clarity of language that was once prevalent in public discourse and conclude that the immediate project is to recover it. Resolution 3379 was revoked in 1991 after the U.S. applied heavy and extensive pressure among the General Assembly members. “And to equate Zionism with the intolerable sin of racism,” George H.W. Bush said as he introduced the motion, “is to twist history and forget the terrible plight of Jews in World War II.” It is interesting to note how the Holocaust was leveraged, even then, in a way I have always thought a dishonor to the six million victims.

Bush got one thing very right that day. “To equate Zionism with racism is to reject Israel itself,” he said. It is many years later now, and Israel’s conduct in the interim seems to me to prove out this equation. This is the diabolic things about the Gaza atrocities. The Israeli military does not understand its operation there as cruel or immoral or in any way wrong. As Israeli leaders make clear again and again, they believe they are righteously doing God’s work.

Here is Bibi Netanyahu reacting to the International Court of Justice’s judgment last week, perfectly obvious in itself, that Israel’s occupation of all Palestinian land—not just the West Bank—is illegal.

The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land, including in our eternal capital Jerusalem nor Judea and Samaria, our historical homeland. No absurd opinion in The Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestral home.

This remark, openly defiant of decades of international law, openly indifferent to the legal commitments Israel made at its founding and many times since, can be read as a useful prelude to Netanyahu’s monumentally dishonest, reality-warping speech Wednesday to a joint session of Congress. His reiterated dismissal of the ICJ’s ruling—“utter and complete nonsense”—takes a minor place among the Zionist leader’s offensive distortions. Civilian deaths in Gaza have been minimal, the Israeli army should be commended, not criticized, Americans demonstrating for the Palestinian cause “stand with murderers” and are “Iran’s useful idiots,” the Palestinians are comparable to wartime Germans and Japanese: Netanyahu’s hour-long speech was end-to-end with this kind of thing.

The Israeli leader’s markedly assertive oration was revealing, at the same time, of the psychological injuries that lie deep within the Zionist project. He offered a generous recital of the centuries of antisemitic persecution across Europe and, of course, the great, indelible hurt of the Holocaust. Netanyahu’s world is one of we-they, us-and-them. You can hear in his these sentences the Zionists’ addiction to permanent victimhood and (especially interesting to me) the paranoia attaching to the feeling, common among Israelis, that the Jews of Europe appeared weak and unmanly as the Reich sent them to the camps. “The Jewish people are no longer helpless in the face of our enemies,” Netanyahu asserted proudly—confirming to my satisfaction that the Zionist project is in one dimension unhealthily, even dangerously compensatory.

“Jerusalem will never l be divided,” Netanyahu declared—an assertion he made in just these words when he last addressed Congress nine years ago. “The land of Israel, of Abraham, Jacob, and Issac, has always been our home and it will always be our home.” There you have it, as baldly stated as possible: Zionist Israel has no intention of entering talks of any kind to settle the Palestinian conflict and insists that the Old Testament is the only law it will observe.

And here we come to Netanyahu’s true purpose in Washington this week: It is to bind the U.S. fully into the Israeli cause even as it reaches egregious extremes.

“We meet today at a crossroads in history,” he said. “This is not a clash of civilizations. It is a clash between barbarism and civilization.” This is beyond preposterous if you keep Perlmutter and Sidhwa in mind as true witnesses to history. But to go by Netanyahu’s reception Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. will buy his story and invest ever more deeply in it. I counted 72 ovations as this de facto war criminal spoke, all but seven of them of the standing variety.


The great majority of those in Netanyahu’s audience, let us not forget, have accepted one or another form of bribe from the Israel lobby. As John Whitbeck, the Paris-based international attorney, put it in a privately circulated note Wednesday afternoon, “Anyone watching this spectacle could only conclude that the United States of America has ceased to be a respectable independent state, as, indeed, it has been for many years already, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the State of Israel, with shared values rightfully rejected by the overwhelming majority of mankind.”

Bibi Netanyahu is what Zionism sounds like in 2024. There is nothing in it to work with, nothing to honor, nothing to respect. If Zionist ideology ever fit into the modern world, and I will leave this an outstanding question, it no longer does. Intent on dehumanizing the Palestinian people, Zionists have succeeded in ennobling them while making themselves deformed creatures, nothing more or less than humans without humanity.

I do not seem to be the only one deeply affected by the Perlmutter–Sidhwa piece in Politico. Over the weekend Perlmutter gave a lengthy interview to CBS Sunday Morning, during which he reflected further on what he saw while at the European Hospital:

All of the disasters I’ve seen, combined—40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined—doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza…. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life, combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week … missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.

And then there’s sniper bullets. I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the “world’s best sniper.” And they’re dead-center shots.

It is time to say certain things, readers. It is time to put aside the policing and self-policing of our views of the things we see and hear. Time to make good use of language to say what we mean. It is time to see in ThePryingEye all those “good Germans” who saw what was going on around them during the 1930s but turned the other way and went about their business. Time to say, “Actually, what we need to survive is to utter the truth and determine to act on it.”

This is the first thing we can do. Much stands to come of it.

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  1. anon[139] •�Disclaimer says:

    Meanwhile the US Congress gives Netanyahu one standing ovation after another. No matter how one votes they get the same old thing. It’s very frustrating. After all these years of relentless, unending world war atrocity movies, television shows, books, etc, the real nature of the US emerges. It was always a pose, we’re the good guys and all that when in fact it is the US that has gone around the world bombing countries, overturning their governments, and now this, supplying the tools for the Gaza genocide. There’ll be nothing left there, just a bombed out desert with a pulverized population of scarred survivors who’ll be herded away somewhere. It can’t get anymore disgusting than this and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.

  2. Anonymous[195] •�Disclaimer says:

    A convoluted rationalization for acquiescence to genocide? On Apartheid sayanim Elon Musk’s propaganda organ Twitter?

    It cannot be!

    It’s a kikebot, duh.

    •�Agree: Shala
    •�Troll: Gvaltar
  3. Chris Moore says: •�Website

    These proper liberals and multicultists are paying for their sins of denying Christ and kvetching about the fake “Holocaust” for decades on end on behalf of the fake jews. If you’re stupid enough to fall for Zionist propaganda — and the JUSA has become one big Marxist-Zionist propaganda organ — this is the hell you have chosen for yourself.

    •�Agree: Che Guava, Thor Walhovd
  4. A123 says: •�Website

    The genocidal Hamas, October 7 Jihad attack was horrifying. Palestinian Jews have the right and moral duty to rescue hostages held by Muslim kidnappers. By placing these hostages among civilians, Hamas butchers their coreligionists by using them as human shields.

    How should Palestinian Jews recover hostages from Muslim war criminals, holding their victims in civilian buildings?

    I have posed this objective, physical reality many times. No one, yet, has presented a serious answer.

    Hamas, in the name of Muhammad, wrecked the Gaza aquifer. It cannot be fixed. Based on UN standards, surface water only meets the needs for 500-750K. Israel is already short on fresh water so no meaningful amounts can be bought from them. How will Muslims make up the shortfall? Will the greater Islamic community:

    • Pipe in fresh water from other Muslim nations?
    • Commit to expensive annual costs for desalination? And, protect these facilities from terrorist infiltration that will place them at risk from counter battery targeting Jihadists?

    Fundamentals show that Gaza already has too many people versus natural resources, and a population boom is imminent. If nothing is done Gaza will have over 3.5 MM people by 2050. If Islam is going to govern Gaza, it must provide basic services to this surging population.

    ♦︎ Fresh water has to be delivered by Islam to Muslims
    ♦︎ Electricity has to be delivered by Islam to Muslims
    ♦︎ Sewage treatment has to be delivered by Islam to Muslims
    ♦︎ Waste collection has to be delivered by Islam to Muslims

    China convincing disparate Islamist groups to say they will get along is a decent idea, but there is a notable shortage of details:

    How will this alliance of 14 factions actually deliver even minimal services?
    Of the 14 how many have deep financial resources?
    Will that cash be deployed equitably?
    Or, will preference be given to adherents of their faction?

    Governing is much harder than having an overseas press conference.

    PEACE 😇

  5. Anon[345] •�Disclaimer says:

    Well if you want to know to buttonhole, at her house, en masse at 4 AM, it’s the CIA focal point on the ILVF. Probably Erin Barclay, but Cohen’s churning them through to try and keep them out of genocide trouble.

    DO mole Erin Barclay keeps the genocide aid coming by saying, “Well, yeah they left the maggots in the baby but they gave a black a bad performance review.” Or, “Well yeah they scooped the eyeball out of that orderly but they gave a Sephardic chump a good talking to.” Or, “Yeah they gutshot that old lady and squooshed her with a tank but the CIA trainer tacoed a Mizrahi for it.”

    Here’s the script direct from Marlowe.


    CIA fuckin loves having psychotic Izzie pariahs as henchmen. Their primitive Bronze Age death cult of a state hangs by a thread. Hezbollah can make a desert of it overnight with 320 pops. CIA can say, get another Wally from the shed, we need to shoot Kennedy now. And the Izzie goons will say, “Aye aye!”

    Let’s go have a word with CIA cunt Erin Barclay.

    •�Replies: @Tony Hall
  6. Kathleen says:

    But “God’s chosen people have the right to defend themselves,” right? Now where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, didn’t the Ku Klux Klan say the exact same thing?

    Genocide is the ultimate expression of racism. And when you vote for genocidal racists like Joe Biden, you become a genocidal racist -the same judgment you pass on those who cheered on Hitler in his day.

    We are constantly bragging about being “anti-racist,” and pointing the moral finger at the people of the past who allowed horrible atrocities to occur like the Nazi Holocaust, while we simultaneously give our stamp of approval to Zionist perpetrators of such unimaginable horror against other human beings.

    If the KKK were to start hiring white women and people of color to do all their dirty work, none of us would be fooled. So why are we still fooled by war-profiteering genocidal AIPAC Zionists who clearly control both “right and left fists” of our political uni-party??

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Thanks: Thor Walhovd
    •�Replies: @Shala
    , @Trumpeter
    , @Sarita
    , @Ronehjr
  7. Such a powerful and heartbreaking piece, Patrick. I haven’t been reading you for very long so please forgive me if my comment is something you’ve already covered elsewhere.

    The lesson you’re drawing is between what Zionists are doing to Palestinians now, and what Germans did to Jews in Nazi concentration camps in WWII. The latter is what is used to traumatize Jews into being the people who can commit these atrocities. It’s a sociopathic mindset of ‘us against the world’ and ‘if we don’t protect ourselves by having a homeland, this will happen again.’

    If the WWII narrative is a lie, then we’re drawing the wrong lesson. We’re reinforcing the propaganda at the core of Israel. We’re looking at this as victims and perpetrators, who used to be the victims.

    I don’t know what the truth of WWII is but I know we’ve been lied to. I only ever use the term ZioNazis because they’ve always been one and the same. The betrayal of Germans by Jews in the Great War for the Balfour Declaration did to the Germans exactly what’s being done to Palestinians today. To make use of the Declaration, Jews needed to be forced to go to Palestine, the last place they wanted to go. The pograms and camps, run by Zionists who infiltrated the National Socialists, made Palestine their best option, along with the Transfer Agreement. The piles of emaciated bodies are of Germans after WWII, who were imprisoned in the camps and starved to death.

    If this is true, then Jews are victims twice over, but not by Germany, Russia and the world, but from their own rabbinical and strategic leadership. To end the atrocities, we need to end the propaganda that’s made them capable of these acts in the belief that they’re justified.

  8. US Congress isn’t hiding who they support, they were barking like seals and slapping their flippers 58 times as satan addressed them…they hope a fish is now thrown to them from mammon…maybe the bodies of dead Palistinians should be piled up at congresses door to remind them what pit they’re going to in death.

    Why is Miriam Adelson allowed to live in America?

    Don’t you have to make an oath of allegiance to the U.S if you take out citizenship? Yet we are told there is only one issue that the money of Miriam Adelson goes to…Israel?

    Has she lied when taking the oath to the U.S if she has citizenship?

    Why hasn’t her citizenship been stripped if she has American citizenship?

    •�Agree: RadicalCenter
    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  9. anarchyst says:

    The author repeats the same holohoax (oops, I mean “holocaust™”) falsehoods that the jews have been pushing for the last 70 years or so.
    This does not invalidate the gist of the article.
    Western jews have to get out of Palestine.
    The indigenous jews who are already there can stay.
    A single state with a single valid “rule of law” that applies to all equally must be established.

    •�Agree: Protogonus, Adolf Hitme
  10. Dragoslav says:

    Whitey will pay as usual.

    ” Silence anymore ”

    I think this author and people like him make a lot lot of noise for the ” Palestinians”

    But he is strangely silent about the ongoing genocide against whites.


  11. Protogonus says: •�Website

    “We” have not been silent about the horrors of Gaza. Millions have protested, hundreds of thousands of students in Europe and America have demanded a stop to the bombing and rocketing and shooting and forced starvation, the hideous tortures at Sde Teiman, plus terrorism and “settler operations” in the West Bank. It is obvious what good it does to shout “no.”

    Judaism itself is DEATH WORSHIP and always has been. What is the Old Testament but a saga of betrayal and murder? Even the prophets mentioned are understood as victims of the mentality against which they preached. That mentality, after a long, dark road, having seized invincible power (nuclear weapons), is emboldened to finish the job against the world that it started at Mt. Sinai.

    At least some of us know what is going to be “done” about this–it is called JUDGMENT and it was announced independently as imminent (even the decade was given) five hundred years ago–not by the satanic Nostradamus but by the pious Jacob Boehme (d. 1624), who knew much and probably correctly knows this, too. Meanwhile, what YOU need to do is get right with God.

    Go straight to the web page indicated and find some things to your liking in the vein indicated here. You can read the abstracts without hindrance but you must to SIGN IN (using Google or another means) or give a fake name to access complete articles. Thanks.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  12. Ron Unz says:

    Here’s a good interview segment on CBS Sunday Morning from one of the American doctors who spent time in Gaza:

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
    , @A123
    , @muh muh
  13. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Our depravity has no limits; we are agents of Satan!

    US lawmakers give Netanyahu over 50 standing ovations as jets pound ‘safe zones’ across Gaza


    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his much-anticipated address to a joint session of the US Congress on 24 July, receiving well over 50 standing ovations by lawmakers during an hour-long speech in which he repeated several disproven claims and outright lies about the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

    Just a handful of the lies told by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech at US Congress:

    ○ Israel has taken more precautions to avoid harming civilians than any military in history, beyond what international law requires.

    ○ Hamas burnt babies on 7… pic.twitter.com/60xZ5fhrbe
    — The Cradle (@TheCradleMedia) July 24, 2024

    Chief among these lies was saying that Tel Aviv has gone “beyond what international law requires” to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza.

    To rapturous applause, Netanyahu claimed that during a recent visit to Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, he was told by an army commander that “practically [no civilians were killed], with the exception of a single incident where shrapnel from a bomb hit a Hamas weapons depot and unintentionally killed two dozen people.”

    “The war in Gaza has one of the lowest ratios of combatant to non-combatants in the history of urban warfare,” Netanyahu said.

    Several rights groups and the UN have accused Israel of regularly flaunting international law and directly targeting civilians in Gaza, where it has displaced more than 90 percent of the population and wiped out entire neighborhoods.

    Israeli soldiers recently revealed that there are no firing regulations inside Gaza, describing most of the strip as “free fire zones” where civilians are killed with no repercussions. A US doctor who volunteered in Gaza has also accused Israeli snipers of deliberately shooting Palestinian children.

  14. Kamala Harris has reported to have said to Netanyahu that she isn’t going to remain silent on what is happening in Gaza.

    If this is so then why isn’t there an immediate push to get rid Bidet now, the constitution has a clause to get rid of Bidet now, just because it’s never been used before doesn’t mean it cannot be used in the future…and if not now…when?

    This is a chance to take the Kamala Harris for a test drive…and if she stops the Gaza slaughter immediately then I will be the first to say I was wrong about her…if she never does another thing then stop the Gaza slaughter, then this one act will put her above many of her contemporaries in histories pages.

    So start the push for Bidet to go now! Ever day that he remains children die unnecessarily, he’s had his life why should he be allowed to stop others from having theirs?

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  15. TKK says:

    Until you post your other articles....condemning in your histrionic, womanly fashion, all armed conflict globally, I call bullshit.

    You hate Jews.

    So, what should Israel’s response have been to the murders, rape and kidnappings? A heated game of Scrabble in the desert? Twister games with banana bread for Hamas? A group hug and time out?

    Your hypocrisy is revolting.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Disagree: muh muh
  16. The Jews will never admit to the truth that they are supremacists who only value Jewish life until the “6 million” lie is exposed to all the public. Every time someone tries to compare the Israeli slaughter in Gaza they bring up the “holocaust” and how can people who suffered through that approve of this industrial scale murder of children. Well, because it did not happen. Yes, Jews died as did 60 million people in every other ethnic group but there were no mass murder gas chambers. Like the Israelis who lied that 40 Israeli babies were beheaded and there was mass rape by Hamas to gain some propaganda advantage, the same clever Jews lied about the “6 million” to gain an advantage and to distract from their well deserved centuries long bad reputation. When you send a 93 year old grandmother to jail because she challenged the “6 million” lie, you know something is very seriously wrong. Destroy the Jews’ get-out-of-jail card and they will be viewed in a different light, otherwise, we will be pushed into WWIII to save the Jews stolen land. Kamala married her Jewish minder, RFK jewnior has the rabbi clown Boteach minder, Trump is probably a crypto-Jew who is their ultimate sock puppet.

    •�Agree: Holy Catholic, Cloverleaf, PrgB
    •�Replies: @Holy Catholic
  17. Tony Hall says:

    The US Congress is a shameful institution and everything that goes on there is tainted in infamy and desecration.

    •�Replies: @Justrambling
  18. Chris Moore says: •�Website
    @Tereza Coraggio

    If this is true, then Jews are victims twice over, but not by Germany, Russia and the world, but from their own rabbinical and strategic leadership. To end the atrocities, we need to end the propaganda that’s made them capable of these acts in the belief that they’re justified.

    That’s just the latest iteration of the “Jewish victim” mindset. Please stop.

    The Hebroid rabble has always been despised by top Jews, from Moses through the Prophets, who we now know were trying to deliver the Christ. And they finally did.

    The Hebroid rabble was trying to deliver something very different: the Golden Calf Ponzi. And they succeeded as well; they got their epic Ponzi in the form of international central banks and the Petrodollar and Eurodollar, which they have controlled since WW2 thanks to the Cousinhood, who laid the groundwork. It’s a Ponzi built on oceans of blood.

    So “their own rabbinical and strategic leadership” is greedy Hebroid scum, who are leading greedy Hebroid scum.

    Any Hebroid can leave the “Jews” anytime it sees fit. But it likes the funny money, just like the ZOG Congress likes all that Hebroid funny money. This is why Netanyahu is so self-certain and arrogant in the U.S. Congress and in his genocide in Palestine and all over the Arab world, and why the Hebroids are self-certain in their slow-motion genocide in Europe and of White Christian America: the Anglosphere and NATO are controlled by the Hebroid funny money Ponzi — the Golden Calf.

    •�Agree: gidoutahere
  19. Perlmutter, I assume, is a Jew. Thank God for non-Satanic Jews. Imagine being part of a community whose ‘leaders’ are Evil Incarnate and dragging you down towards the pit of Hell. And God curse the goyim, in Western MSM and politics who support the genocidal barbarians, actively, or passively by not opposing them fully. Austfailia is FULL of such vermin, starting from the one-term Federal ALP regime, the very worst ‘Labor’ regime ever in this country.

  20. ghali says:

    The Jews are not only perpetuating the most televised Genocide in human history, they have also stolen Palestinian land and Palestinian (Semitic) ethnicity. Shamefully, Jews have turned the world upside down. It is turning blind eye to Jewish crimes and forced to succumb to Jewish dictates. Any one who condemns Jews for their heinous crimes or simply criticizes Jews is called “anti-Semitic” and punished. One thing is clear, that Jews are not Semite, and there is no such thing as the “Jewish people“, as many scholars have argued. It is a fraud. There are more Jews in New York than in Palestine. Jews are committing their crimes with the full complicity of Western regimes. Western taxpayers are paying for every Palestinian child and every Palestinian woman killed by Jews.
    I repeat, according to British medical journal The Lancet, the Jews have deliberately, indiscriminately and for no apparent good reasons killed over 186,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians ( estimated to be 7% – 9% of Gaza population of 2.3 million) – overwhelmingly women and children – and wounded more than 100,000 civilians. The entire territory of Gaza is level to the ground in the same way Hiroshima and Nagasaki were burned and leveled with American bombs and missiles. Tens of thousands of Palestinians are buried under rubble that health workers and relatives are unable to reach.
    Jewish war criminal and mass murderer B. Netanyahu is currently in the U.S. lecturing Americans on his ongoing Palestinian Genocide, and has been invited by the French regime to attend the Olympic Games Ceremony. How low down the cesspool and moral bankruptcy will Western regimes go?

    •�Agree: Holy Catholic
    •�Replies: @SomeDude
  21. Tony Hall says:

    October 7 was rigged to create the pretext for the post-Oct. 7 episodes of genocide that Anon apparently champions.The prior knowledge of 10/7 was extensive. Netanyahu probably participated in the preparations. Much of the murdering was conducted by the IDF. The fate of the spotters who witnessed the concocted events around the fence have become one of the many smoking guns. Investigate 10/7. Conduct a evidence-based assessment of what really transpired. Consider the following:


  22. @Tereza Coraggio

    The Israelis could ‘defend’ themselves easily, but Gaza is NOT about ‘defence’. It is about depraved, ritual, slaughter, drowning the world in blood, and venting thirty-five hundred years of xenophobic hatred of the goyim.
    Decades of impunity to International Law provided by Western political and MSM corruption, blackmail and slander (with murder as a favoured resort)has bred in Israel a regime of utter barbarity, and a majority populace with a frantic blood-lust. The rise of the ‘religious’ Right finally seals the deal. As Voltaire presciently foretold, the Jews, (the great majority in Israel that is), have become a menace to all humanity.

    •�Agree: Adolf Hitme
  23. Having suffered this much…this disproportionately-savagely-mercilessly…why in Allah’s name would Hamas ever agree to a ceasefire? To let it all happen again?

    Hizbollah and Iran (aided by Russia-China-Syria-Iraq-etc.) need to remove the Matzonian cancer from the Levant. Permanently.Once and for all.

    Israelis only understand pain. I see no reason not to inflict the maximum on them now. Otherwise the shite will just happen again and again and again.

    Like it always does with the Tribe.

    •�Replies: @gidoutahere
  24. muh muh says:

    In reflecting upon the current tragedy in Gaza, I’m convinced it serves as a reliable means by which we may infer a great deal about the character of those addressing it.

    Those who side with Israel and appeal to some variety of sangfroid rationale as to the alleged necessity of its operations are essentially selfish, lacking vision that both transcends the present and perceives the terrible repurcussions of the legacy they leave for their posterity, as if the template of Israel’s behavior is actually worth replicating.

    In time-tested religious culture, no explanation is needed: the golden rule reigns supreme, inhering innately to conduct. Yet here we are, trapped in the intellect, having to explain how failure to abide by wisdom that has functioned for the good of our species throughout the ages is destined to yield disaster for our progeny, as if this truism really requires some measure of laboratory evidence to apprehend.

    Violence may be necessary at times, but it must ultimately serve a greater purpose.

    Israel does no such thing. Its purpose is to deprive others of autonomy, not only in the Middle East, but to every venue its rather paranoid collective imagination may be able to reach.

    Any who imagine this is the model to emulate are delusional, at best.

    •�Replies: @werpor
  25. @A123

    Zionist mental masturbation at the humping wall.

  26. @A123

    American Hasbara only promotes Israeli propaganda lies. Israel is short on water and keeps trying to get control of the Litani River in Lebanon by force. Israel’s agenda has always been to control water sources for Israelis and allow none for Palestinians, especially in Gaza.

    19 JUNE, 2014 ZUDDHI
    “Beginning over 45 years ago, Israel began building settlements in order to prove its claim to all of our land, which it stole by virtue of its greater strength and cunning. It build new settlements and continues to expand existing ones. ”

    Understanding the Crisis in Gaza
    Israel was created in 1948 through a political movement that had begun in Europe in the 1800s. Known as Political Zionism, the goal of this secular movement was to create a Jewish state in Palestine, even though at that time the population of Palestine was 85% Muslim, 15% Christian, and 4% Jewish. This movement eventually succeeded with Israel’s founding war, termed its “war of independence,” in which three-quarters of a million Palestinians were violently pushed out and Israel was established on 78% of Mandatory Palestine. Although in 1949 the United Nations affirmed the refugees’ right to return to their land, Israel has not allowed them to return to their homes because they are not Jewish.

    “In 1967, Israel launched a war against its neighbors, and conquered the rest of Palestine — the West Bank and the Gaza Strip – and began a decades-long military occupation.
    Israel began confiscating large swaths of Palestinian land in these occupied territories and moving Jews onto it. These colonies, which are illegal under international law, are called settlements. Palestinians and other non-Jews are not allowed to live in them.

    In 2006, in what was universally hailed as a free, democratic election, Palestinians elected members of Hamas, a Palestinian political party with a militant wing, to a majority of the seats in the Palestinian legislature. A unity government of Hamas and the former ruling party, Fatah, was formed.

    Israel was not happy with this result and has worked ever since to undermine it. Western powers declared a boycott of the Palestinian Authority as long as Hamas was included in the government. In 2007, this pressure caused the government to splinter, with Hamas in charge in Gaza, and Fatah in control in the West Bank.

    Israel then instituted a strangling blockade of Gaza (expanding its earlier blockades), which has remained in place ever since. Israel consistently blocks the food, medicine, and other essential supplies needed by the population of Gaza, and has created a humanitarian disaster.”

    The Politics of Water Under Occupation: Israel in Palestine
    by M. Reza Behnam Posted onJuly 24, 2024
    “The International Court of Justice released its historic advisory opinion on 19 July 2024 just as I was finishing my essay on Israel’s theft and abuse of the water resources of Palestine.”

    •�Agree: werpor, JR Foley
    •�Disagree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Holy Catholic
    , @meamjojo
  27. “the Gaza genocide and America’s direct participation in it have pushed in our faces the reality that, American democracy in ruins, there are no mediating institutions any longer available to us through which to express our will.”

    Pat’s just noticing this now?

    It’s been going on from before Israel was founded by terrorist Jew militias.

    Then, for at least the last 76 years, “good Jews” and goyim lackeys/do-gooders formed sundry pro-Palestinian groups like JVP, Mondoweiss, B’Tselem, and so on. They took notes, made surveys, held endless meetings, and wrote tons of articles…all of which did absofuckinglutley N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

    Each year, every year, more and more Palestinians were killed, had their land stolen, and watched their assets be confiscated. How did the world respond? Talk-talk-talk, balk-balk-balk, squawk-squawk-squawk…doing nothing, save aiding the Zionazi project.

    The same Jews who got rich telling goyim to never stand by when evil is done, to “never forget,” now punish anyone who protests the Fourth Reich’s shoah of Arabs.

    Palestinians should at least lampost Mockmood Abasshole (that cowardly quisling grifter living high on the hog while his people get butchered like pigs) like Italians did Il Douchebag at the end of WWII.

  28. tosca says:

    Quousque tandem abutere patientia nostra.

  29. @Dragoslav

    I think this author and people like him make a lot lot of noise for the ” Palestinians”

    But he is strangely silent about the ongoing genocide against whites.


    What about the ethnic cleansing of Christians in the CAUCASUS by the Turko-Judaic alliance in the past year? No one has talked about the forced exodus of hundreds of thousands of Armenians from their native lands?

    It must have something to do with the holy land syndrome in all Abrahamic religions. Somehow that strip of land in the east Mediterranean is the most important place on earth thanks to stories told by Semites swallowed by countless non-Semites across the world.

    •�Agree: chuck lowe
  30. It is rarely considered that both FDR and Eisenhower as children were schooled in Germany during formative years

    Both loathed Germany as a consequence of their experiences
    And in both cases this had significant adverse consequences for Germany

    Israel is not sustainable
    It is too costly for nations like US or U.K.
    Germany is not really a nation state and is decomposing internally. It has no internal logic or Staatsraison and has tried to make Israel its Staatsraison purely because Merkel as a West German born in Hamburg revolted against her GDR upbringing where Palestine was GDR focus and Israel an enemy state

    The German fixation is because of Washington and the need to ingratiate with the Temple of Zion in DC nothing more.

  31. When will Americans be able to honestly recognize their critical role in the Gaza genocide? First, we have to acknowledge that the Israelis are committing mass murder of innocent civilians, a fact which our media still avoids by omission and diversion, and references to a “defensive war” in response to the October 7th attack and hostage taking.

    The defensive war ended about a week after October 7, and every Israeli action from that
    point has been revenge and retribution, with the unmistakable goal of annihilation,
    disguised by nonsensical talk about “human shields.” Every Palestinian woman and
    child has been designated a potential terrorist who must be killed, starved, dehydrated,
    exposed to contagious disease and denied medical treatment.

    Real and feigned ignorance, and claims that our Government is acting without our consent, are not a defense. Americans share the guilt of the Israelis because we have been enabling partners in this monumental crime against humanity.

    •�Replies: @Kangaroo Shack
    , @Rurik
    , @meamjojo
  32. meamjojo says:

    “I do not know how it is in your household, but in mine we have developed the practice over the past nine months of reciting to one another the most appalling of the news bulletins from Gaza that come our way from a great variety of sources.”

    Wow! You and your “partner” are very sick individuals. You should seek psychiatric help. Seriously. And please don’t ever have children. They don’t deserve to suffer under parents like you two would be.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  33. meamjojo says:

    And on top of your list, we must not forget that a Palestinian state that consists of 2 geographically separate areas, each under a different government is not viable regardless of the water and sewage problems.

    I seriously doubt that Israel would be willing to give up any land between Gaza and the West Bank so that the Palestinian enclaves could be united.

    The best course of action would be to empty Gaza of Palestinians now and ship them to the West Bank or better yet, some other countries, such as Syria or Jordan.

    •�Agree: Zephyr Window
    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Ronehjr
  34. meamjojo says:
    @Ron Unz

    Just another standard bleeding heart, tear jerk story that get featured regularly on the western media. As they say, war is hell. People get shot, killed & crippled, especially when the fighters hide among and behind the civilians

    ALL the civilian deaths in Gaza are on the shoulders of Hamas. If they cared about the people they govern, they would surrender and return the hostages. Until/if they do this the war will continue and Gaza civilians will continue to die, be crippled for life and suffer PTSD. Such is their lot in life.

    Although there is some growing dissension about Hamas as this story relates:

    Hamas is losing the backing of ordinary people in Gaza who are paying the human price of its war
    “Hamas popularity among the populace who are actually living now in shelters, in tents and makeshift, you know, communities is declining,” one pollster told NBC News.

    July 6, 2024, 9:00 AM UTC
    By Matt Bradley

    TEL AVIV — It’s become a tragically familiar scene in the Gaza Strip: After seeing her slain son’s corpse, a Palestinian woman screams in agony.

    Yet she points her anger not at the Israelis whose weapons killed him, but at Hamas.

    “I hope that God will destroy you, Hamas, like you destroyed our children,” she yells in a video captured by NBC News crews in Gaza, her anger palpable, tears streaming down her face. Her startled companion reaches to cover her mouth, insisting the woman’s teenage son died a martyr as she quickly ushers her away.


    •�Agree: Zephyr Window
    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @Heretic50
  35. I tend to discount anybody who repeats anything from Caitlin Johnstone who did her cowardly part in the international Covid psy op which killed millions via lockdowns etc and the killer vax.

    That said, I read the article. Another one which highlights the massacre of innocents without saying a word about the armed resistance to this massacre.

    Look Mr. Lawrence, it’s a massacre AND it’s a fight. There is NO WAY your bleatings are going to do anything. The USA Govt ain’t going to listen. Neither of course are the Israeli murderous psychopaths.

    If you’really upset and serious you start reporting on and promoting the armed resistance in Gaza. If you’re really so upset you can join them in some way. It’s a fight, a physical fight. In fact it’s a regional undeclared war. Everybody in the world is aware of the daily atrocities and regional attacks on three or four different fronts. The massacres are only going to stop, at this point, via armed resistance.

  36. @A123

    Your irrepressible urge to defend the genocide of the Palestinians using
    a hydrology argument is sheer lunacy, going beyond your customary,
    bizarre inanities. Can you top that? I can’t wait!

    •�Thanks: Shala
    •�Replies: @muh muh
  37. @anon

    The stranglehold that the zionist mafia have in world governments precludes any mainstream criticism and the rightcheous response that this ongoing horrific crime deserves.

    It should be inconceivable that this continues without global outrage and broad condemnation. The world should be demanding that this illegitimate pariah state be destroyed.

    We the majority have been rendered powerless against these opressors who have permeated every branch of our government.

    •�Replies: @Justrambling
  38. @A123

    Water, electricity and so forth so on used to be provided to Gaza by Israel. Which means that Hamas was in fact biting feeding hand. All those huge amounts they received form donors they spent on building tunnels, missiles and personal wealth. I have been watching Middle East conflict since the beginning of 70’s and the truth is that every single war was caused by aggressive moves from neighbours toward Israel. First war in Lebanon was caused by PLO using Lebanon as launchpad against Israel. If Israel invades Lebanon again it will be totally justified by Hezbollah aggression. Who started it all on October 6, 2023? Doe s not Israel have right for self defence? If one is 100% objective , he would notice that Israel borders with Jordan and Egypt are peaceful. Why Syria and Lebanon won’t follow Jordan and Egypt example? Why Palestinians who are not allowed into other Arab states cannot start building their own state where they already live?

    •�Agree: A123, Zephyr Window
    •�Thanks: meamjojo
  39. @Tereza Coraggio

    Like all locals you are totally ignorant about WW2. The war was the means by the West to try and eliminate USSR as a project which was dangerous to the Western financial imperialistic elites by showing that things can be done differently, successfully and without them. Jewish capitalists were part of this. It was not about Jews but about destroying USSR. Unfortunately for the west , the monster which they were grooming had mind of its own and attacked them first before turning towards USSR. Without USSR the West would have lost the war against Nazis and this is not debatable.

  40. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Go Maduro

    •�Replies: @cousin lucky
  41. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    400 Jewish pro-Gaza Protesters arrested in US Capitol


    ‘Let Gaza live’, Jewish protesters chanted inside US Capital yesterday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned address of Congress today. Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which organised the protest, said 400 activists had been arrested. One protester said: ‘It’s what we have to do when our government refuses to listen to the people.’

  42. Stewart says:

    Hamas butchers their coreligionists by using them as human shields

    I have posed this objective, physical reality many times. No one, yet, has presented a serious answer

    You have not had a “serious” answer because, to paraphrase John McEnroe, “you cannot be serious”.

    There are no human shields in Gaza – the entire population is (and always has been) targeted indiscriminately.

    That you have the chutzpah to sign off your evil little screed with the word “Peace” ? For shame.

    You and your fellow zionists are an abomination before God – may He reward you well…

    •�Agree: Shala
    •�Troll: Zephyr Window
  43. @Dragoslav

    Not only this, but absolutely no one is paying attention to what happened to the Armenians during the last few years.

    There are even some people who thought that Erdogan is going to do anything against Israel, absolutely forgetting that it was Israeli drone technology sold to Turkey, which in turn produced them for the Azeris, which made the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh possible.

  44. EL_Kabong says:

    Video Link

    One of the chief people mentioned in this video is, General Amos Yadlin, head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate. From his Wiki page – “A leaked US embassy cable , released by WikiLeaks, detailed a meeting between Yadlin and the US ambassador to Israel. In this meeting Yadlin stated that his country would be “happy if Hamas took over Gaza because the IDF could then deal with Gaza as a hostile state”

    We already know the Israelis have secretly supported Hamas and have actually encouraged Qatar to continue funding it. And yet, even now, with all of these known facts, people still somehow believe these Israeli scumbags are the good guys in this.

    •�Thanks: ld
  45. Zumbuddi says:
    @Tereza Coraggio

    If the WWII narrative is a lie, then we’re drawing the wrong lesson. We’re reinforcing the propaganda at the core of Israel. We’re looking at this as victims and perpetrators, who used to be the victims.

    I don’t know what the truth of WWII is but I know we’ve been lied to.

    Americans must “reinforce the propaganda at the core of Israel” because part of the lie about WWII is that it was The Good War.

    Many, especially on this forum, can quickly recite, “but the bombing of Dresden”!!!.
    But that was just the finale, that last manic series at the end of a fireworks display.

    In fact, US and UK planned and rehearsed ways to firebomb German and Japanese civilians before they spent three years dropping tonnes of bombs and incendiaries on German and Japanese cities, reducing 75% of Germany to rubble.

    Allied firebombing campaigns killed “innocent civilians” in Italy (about 60,000: John Huston made a film about it), and also in France (also about 60,000).

    In Germany and in Japan, more innocent civilians were firebombed – incinerated in one day than the earlier figures of 30,000 or 40,000 that had been posted about Gaza.

    This is not not not to diminish the horror of the trauma and murder and war crimes being visited on the people of Gaza-Palestine.
    My intent is to say that the US and UK, egged on by zionists and on behalf of zionists, committed crimes of unspeakable horror and magnitude against the German and Japanese people, and have never been held to account for their crimes but rather covered them up with the lie of the holocaust of Jews.

    Then there’s this: in the USA, the firebombing is celebrated. A museum in Pooler, Georgia valorizes “The Mighty Eighth Air Force” that delivered that fire from the heavens.

    At the Museum of The Mighty Eighth you can arrange for your daughter’s Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party!
    If the timing is right, maybe you can arrange a guest appearance by Bibi Netanyahu!

    Making “Nazism” a comparative to zionism is an obscenity.

    One more thought:

    GIVEN that so many thought to be on “our side” make the comparison (Yesterday I heard the esteemed Chas Freeman say, “[Netanyahu is] a mass murderer at a level of evil we have not seen since Adolf Hitler in the 1930s,”) then the analogy must be played out:

    Israel and all zionists must be “de-zionized” with the same thoroughness and brutality and enduring shame with which Germany was “de-Nazified.”

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Tereza Coraggio
  46. Compare how they treated Milosevic, Karadzic, Hossein and Gadhafi to how they treat Netanyahu, and who committed the worst war crimes and crimes against humanity of this lot? And look at what do they do to the only nation practicing R2P the people of Gaza according to their rules based order.

  47. Anonymous[233] •�Disclaimer says:

    How should Palestinian Jews recover hostages from Muslim war criminals, holding their victims in civilian buildings?”

    By negotiating with Hamas, DUH.
    Hamas is willing to set free its hostages if Israel also sets free its own hostages, and withdraws from Gaza.
    The Israeli should accept that wonderful offer.
    Then they should build a wall good enough to prevent further October 7 style attacks (don’t tell me a nuclear power can’t build a wall that can stop third world mobs that have nothing but trucks and small arms).
    Doing so would be MUCH cheaper than the current genocidal campaign, let alone much more moral.
    This is what the Israeli should and would do if their goal were their own safety. But of course that is not their true goal.

  48. MLK says:

    It is time to see in ThePryingEye all those “good Germans” who saw what was going on around them during the 1930s but turned the other way and went about their business.

    Look on the bright side, recent events, only including but certainly not limited to 10/7 and what has followed, have shed some light on the mystery of the “good Germans.” Yet this author, like most dipping into these fetid waters, has it ass-backwards. Current events should have you reconsidering what amounts to smug, broad-brush smears of the German people.

    By the way, the same lessons apply in how we came to square the circle of how German Jews responded to their treatment under the Third Reich.

    My essential point is that we’re coming to the end, and rightly so, of “Are the Jews victims or Nazis?” I mean, is that some kind of cruel joke as we see the fruits of Obama, in 2014, ordering the Maidan Coup and the revitalization of Ukrainian Nazism. Call me crazy, but if you want to stomp your feet about Nazis you should start with the loud and proud ones and the Strange and Sinister Obama who ordered their revival.

    Ditto with the now parodied admonitions not to be today’s “good Germans,” turning a blind eye.

  49. Marcali says:

    Why are we surprised? The USA recognized the Soviet Union in 1933, right after it finished the political famine, the Holodomor with 7 million victims including 3 million children.

    •�Agree: Bookish1
  50. Anon[129] •�Disclaimer says:

    I read 21 and said WTF, and then realized oh it’s Tony Hall, not the BBC pedo but the Canuck whose heart is in the right place but he can’t fuckin burp without starting an argument.

    The old crank accuses this commenter of supporting jew supremacist genocide. He’s from the USA’s snowy boondocks so he doesn’t get the point of #5, which is not about his fixation on LIHOP or MIHOP, it’s about CIA’s joint responsibility and essential role in supplying arms for Jew genocide in its satellite. If you actually want to stop Jew genocide, or at least dial it back to the slo-mo onesies-and-twosies pace of prior decades, you got to pinch off the CIA ratline.

    So Tony Hall, you probably wear a hat with ear flaps and speak French and eat that gooky Pooteen shit so shut the fuck up and pay attention.

  51. “ It is interesting to note how the Holocaust was leveraged, even then, in a way I have always thought a dishonor to the six million victims.”

    You have already demolished any attempt of seeking justice for the Germans and the Palestinians.

    For someone interested in truth and justice, you cannot make Zionist claims without reviewing revisionist history.

  52. sally says:

    UN Resolution 3379, wherein the General Assembly “determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. Genocide is the ultimate expression of racism. “We” have not been silent about the horrors of Gaza. Millions have protested, etc.

    but what none have done is to object to the controlled ownership and use of the propaganda machinery that continuously promotes and distributes this permissive ideology. NONE of the speeches, protests and the like have been about destroying the ability of media to start, propagate and win wars and indulge in abusive anti-human activities. None have attempted to criminalize the production or the distribution of fake news or to impose liability on those who promote in the media false flag operations as truths. Palestinians in Gaza may have won a favorable ruling from the world court but the win fails to recognize and address the fact that propaganda, not law, is the weapon which is destroying the Palestinian right to remain in Gaza.

    Netanyohu’s visit is about using the USA as a prop to distribute pro Israeli propaganda to the American and global public. Netanyohu is not well liked in America in spite of the reception he received at the USA. The trip, the direct presentation to the Congress, the TV and social media coverage are attempts to sell a generally angry public on the idea that Americans should ratify the Israeli use of force and legal warfare expressed in Gaza.

    Racism is but one expression of Zionism. Zionism is an ideology, its not about race, its about ownership, control, monopoly power, profits, and wealth.

    What is happening in Gaza has been made possible by the media. The victory belongs to those who own the media. The media made Gaza possible. Media is the weapon that defeated the Palestinians in Gaza.

    Do not disturb our silence until you first do something about the media..

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @John Trout
  53. Anonymous[233] •�Disclaimer says:

    So, what should Israel’s response have been to the murders, rape and kidnappings?

    Israel should have done nothing but trade hostages and build a wall.
    Hamas wanted a prisoner exchange, which Israel should have gone along with. The hostage problem would then have been solved.
    The Israeli has so far spent a huge amount of money in their genocidal destruction of Gaza.
    If they had not done that, and had instead invested a fraction of that money in the construction of a defensive line around Gaza that can actually stop mobs with small arms, they’d be perfectly safe.
    Oh and rapes did not happen on October 7, that is Israeli propaganda.

    •�Troll: Gvaltar
  54. Shala says:

    The KKK was defending us. People, black and white both were strung up when they committed crimes because they only had circuit courts at the time. They don’t tell you that Do they?

    Have you seen what it’s like out there? Have you seen the 30 to 50 black kid Gangs Pillaging stores of everything they have? Did you see the little white three-year-old who was stabbed To death by the black woman In his mother’s arms? I Another little white boy who was shot in the leg by a black woman, and she was cackling in the mom’s face ? The black guy who shot the five-year-old white boy to death just sitting on his bicycle ? The three black kids, 11 years old, who stabbed a grandmother who had just given them cookies ?! Did you see the Christian couple that were killed in Haiti? Did you see the 350 rounds on the ground at every single Juneteenth party?

    I could go on, but there is not nearly enough room. These are just the top of the head. Look around for plenty plenty more

    •�Agree: anarchyst
  55. @anon

    The reality of Anglo-Zionism.

    You cannot stop it by just being ‘against Israel’ or being ‘against Jews.’ You also must have total opposition to all WASP imperialism. That requires you to be something other than WASP in culture and to oppose that culture born of Judaizing heresy.

  56. A123 says: •�Website
    @Ron Unz

    As part of the discussion of the Trump assassination attempt, everyone agreed that one of the key reasons it could not be fake is that a head shot would be fatal. Trying to shoot his ear was not credible “plan” as a miss would be lethal. Let us continue this logic further.

    What would be the result of an IDF sniper, using a heavier round, delivering a head shot? This would be a guaranteed fatality barring the most unusual circumstances.

    What are the doctors reporting? Multiple Muslim children with treatable head wounds. That is inconsistent with sniper fire. So what could it be?

    Now ask the next question — Which faction obtains the most “international sympathy” when they have pictures of injured children? Could it be Hamas?

    The immorality of Pallywood is well documented. Intentionally harming their coreligionists is highly believable as a Muslim propaganda technique. They have done it in prior conflicts.

    PEACE 😇

  57. @MLK

    Obama started no revival of anything.

    The US and UK were already done with basic planning to take the WW2 era pro-Nazi movement from within the Ukraine and train it to fully equate the Bolshevik USSR with Russia and Russians, so it would be thr front door death cult to use to start the war to totally destroy Russia. Soros and pals were funding that before the USSR officially collapsed. Obama just followed the orders of the Anglo-Zionist Deep State.

    Like Poles, the actual ethnic Ukrainian, who are a minority within those borders of the fake nation named Ukraine, are easily duped and used as lab rats and cannon fodder by duplicitous Jews and Germanic peoples.

    •�Replies: @MLK
  58. SomeDude says:

    Have you ever clicked on your screen name? Every single comment says the exact same thing.

    Well, retards gonna retard, I suppose…lol

    •�Disagree: Holy Catholic
    •�Replies: @ghali
  59. Shala says:

    What response? They literally arranged for it to happen and also made a lot of money on short sales in the stock market. Come on people have been hearing about all of this from the first day.

    Only a person like yourself could look someone in the eyes after it was proven false Literally the first few minutes and say “40 be headed babies”

  60. Anon 284 says:

    Man it will be satisfying when khizballah spanks the ziotards and sends them fleeing like scared rats into the sea

    Where will the hasbara monkeys go to post their lunatic twaddle then?

  61. Anon[260] •�Disclaimer says:

    Both Trump and Harris are traitors who have been married into Jewish mafia tribe where should be totally destroyed and its supporters executed, to allow peace on earth.

  62. @A123

    “China convincing disparate Islamist groups to say they will get along is a decent idea, but there is a notable shortage of details…”

    China reminds me of a crazy nigga seeking attention at someone else’s mayhem.

    And same goes for two loons of the South Asian origin: Pankaj Mishra, a misguided Hindu fool and Feroz Sidhwa, a well-meaning Zoroastrian fool.

  63. A123 says: •�Website

    A Muslim Gaza territory could work with the right conditions. Population ~500K. Security provided by Israel. Total exclusion of violent actors including Iran, Muslim Terrorist Brotherhood, Hamas, PIJ, and the worst of them all UNRWA.

    Resources and land would be available to meet daily needs. With security guaranteed, workers could cross into Israel daily for better wages. Trade would be more effective through Egypt as a everything would not have to be checked and double checked for contraband.

    Tapping the small gas field off Gaza for only domestic consumption by a population of ~500K would be a resource that could last generations. Limiting or prohibiting foreign sales would preserve this supply for the long term.

    Unfortunately, this cannot work with the current 2.5MM+ population. It will become even worse with the projected growth to over 3.5MM by 2050. There are neither resources nor economic activity to support this many people. Unless, the global Islamic community commits to pumping in huge quantities of subsidies every year. No such offer has been made.

    Muslims in Gaza need a “Right to Religious Return” allowing them to emigrate to authentic Muslim lands. Compensated and honourable departure from Gaza would be good for all sides. Alas, the global Islamic community is not willing to support that either.

    Islam has to offer a serious path forward for Muslims in Gaza. There is little that Christians, such as myself, or Palestinian Jews can do until then.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @Cleatus Jones
    , @meamjojo
  64. HT says:

    Israel is a big part of America’s downfall. Trillions on wars and oil embargoes on their behalf and thousands of lives lost with tens of thousands maimed fighting Israel’s wars. Now we are hated by Muslim countries as much as Israel. Meanwhile the average American propagandized moron still sees Israel as our “friend” and wants to do even more for them.

  65. @OrangeSmoke

    Very Good comment 100 % correct

  66. @Belle Pepper

    Iraq Lebanon and Syria also had a large % of Christian minority’s most of them spoke the ancient Aramaic language. The language of Jezus Christ ! When I lived in Berlin Germany I had a housemate who was half Greek/ half Iraqi .
    Before the Jews came to the Middle East most of the Christian minority’s were living in peace with the Muslims.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
    , @meamjojo
  67. Anonymous[141] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Tereza Coraggio

    Even though I am in my 80s, I was born too late to do anything about the Holocaust ——–but, but, I was surely born at the right time to do something about the slaughter of the Palestinians by the Jews. Unfortunately my enemies in all this are my fellow Americans. Some are Jews, but, most are just bribed by the Jews. Greedy swine – the bribes are so small.

  68. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    Oh yeah. The Jews will get in your face and scream about the Holocaust ignoring or denying the Red Terror unleashed in Russia by the Bolsheviks. No one will ever know how many Russians were killed by the heavily Jewish populated Bolsheviks. See the work of Solzhenitsyn for Gods sake. I’m inclined to believe the Germans knew full well what was happening in neighboring Russia and were determined to stop it in Germany. Look here, don’t look there.

  69. @Сергей Гончаров

    Wrong, WW2 was the means to eliminate Germany because she was a threat to the satanic bankers. The USSR was the weapon that flattened NS Germany.

    “The unforgivable sin of Hitler’s Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits”. ~ Winston Churchill.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @awakening observer
  70. skrik says:

    @Patrick Lawrence

    It is interesting to note how the Holocaust was leveraged, even then, in a way I have always thought a dishonor to the six million victims

    No need to read further [no holohoax ‘six million’]; bye.

    PS News: Jews lie; Israel [mass-murdering to steal property] is invalid and always was. The ‘true idiocy’ is that the RoW doesn’t simply terminate Israel.

  71. Jameson says:

    No need to remain silent, better to just cheer on the Israelis who are doing God’s work clearing out the vile Muslim terrorists.

  72. Anonymous[404] •�Disclaimer says:

    Good point, Sally, 52. Fun fact: the US actually tried to neutralize the supreme law of land with a legally void reservation exempting itself (and everyone else) from the ICCPR’s prohibition on hate speech and war propaganda. Other NATO satellites have retained Article 20 and twisted it to repress critical existential threats like Anglin typing nigger in his doublewide. The object and purpose of Article 20 is stop states organizing public hostility against their victims, whether nations or peoples. Direct public incitement of Jew supremacist genocide is the canonical example and crucial precedent.

    Article 20 will return as an inchoate crime composing CIA’s common plan and conspiracy for war, Count 1 at the postwar high-crimes tribunal in Khabarovsk. We will cheer to watch CIA wannabes in media swing in the wind. CIA’s Operation Mockingbird is begging for condign punishment.

  73. Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

    The East Berlin schlager shiksa believes she is a “yenta”
    now only because some circumcised Shlomo bangs her.


    Mathyssek not a Jewish name, but
    Polish and means “little Matthew”.

  74. Whoever this pitiful person is, he or she is the victim of decade upon decade during which power has cynically abused language and images to strip eyes of the ability to see, ears of the ability to hear, minds of the ability to think

    Patrice, cura te ipsum! Can’t you see that you yourself can’t think? That you yourself are trapped in this language labyrinth the Jews have created for you? Kill the Minotaur, Lawrence, which is nothing but Jewish Deception, Jew Mind control. Think, man: can’t you see that you’re just repeating the Jew narrative? Muh “Holocaust”. “The Six Million (TM).” What are you gonna say next, muh “gas chambers”, muh “lamp shades”?

    That the Jew has taken a dump on the White gene pool is grotesquely obvious: they opened the gates and allowed hoards of browns and blacks to invade White countries. But what is even worse is that the Jew has taken a shit right inside the White Mind: and the Lawrence brain is a prime example of a cesspool of Jew Holodung. When will you cut the Holocrap, Lawrence? The Holohoax is the number one tool of Jew mind control and unless you fully grasp the sheer atrociousness of this Jewish narrative wickedness, you will continue living in a Jew-created reality, which is just a grotesque Inversion of Reality.

    All you have to do, Lawrence, to rid yourself of the Judaic facehugger wrapped around your consciousness is read some of the articles here on Unz. I know you said you are “not much interested in precisely how Israel stacks up against the Reich”, but why not? You should be! Here is how Ron Unz thinks they stack up:

    Reich: “I’m not convinced that even 100,000 unarmed Jews were killed by the Nazis”

    Israel: “a civilian death toll of 100,000 [in Gaza] or even something considerably higher seems perfectly plausible”

    So what do you think? Does that answer your question: “Is what Israel is doing in Gaza worse than the Holocaust?” You’re damn right it’s worse! Wrap your head around that, Lawrence, and you will start to escape from the facehugger grip of Jewish Deception.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Thanks: Cloverleaf
  75. zionists are satanists, this is on display in their genocide of the Palestinian people in a blood lust killing spree that the zionist controlled ZUS government is totally complicit in and without the ZUS supplying the bombs and planes and other military aid , this genocide could not be accomplished.

    Zionists want to bring on a world war with Russia to bring on their goal of armageddon, which they believe they will survive in their deep underground military bases , which they have throughout the ZUS and Isra-hell and ZEU, and this war will accomplish their goal of killing off the Christians and Muslims and leave a world totally zionist, that is their goal and a nuclear war with Russia is on the table, thanks to satanic zionism.

    The zionist wars are a sacrifice to the satan and WWIII is coming soon!

    •�Agree: John Trout
  76. Agent76 says:

    July 26, 2024 False Flag Operation, The Lie becomes the Truth: “Israel is the Victim of Palestinian Aggression”

    According to the ICC, “There Never Was A Genocide”.  Introduction:There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023 plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”. It’s an ongoing genocide, an absolute slaughter, coupled with atrocities: It’s a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001.


  77. If Palestinians are responsible for Hamas then American conservatives are responsible for abortion and raping kids and deserve the appropriate PUNISHMENT.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  78. @A123

    LOLOLLOLOLOL you’re not a Christian you’re a baby murdering Satan worshipping pedophile.

    If Palestinians are responsible for Hamas then American FAKE conservatives like you are responsible for abortion and raping kids and deserve the appropriate PUNISHMENT.

    I wonder what God’s punishment will be for you baby killer? Baby RAPIST.

    Ahh no need to ask rhetorical questions the Bible makes clear what happens to you YOU baby killers.

    •�Thanks: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Jameson
  79. muh muh says:
    @24th Alabama

    Can you top that? I can’t wait!

    He’s been flogging the same debunked nonsense for months.

    I know, since I thoroughly dismantled it back at the beginning of the year:


    •�Agree: 24th Alabama
  80. ariadna says:

    You toiled so hard and undoubtedly strained a lot at the stool to produce this hasbara fecalith and all you get is three other constipated hasbarniks’ agreement? Must be frustrating

  81. ariadna says:
    @Cleatus Jones

    If Palestinians are “responsible for Hamas” then Hamas represents the awesome courage, endurance and heroism of the Palestinian people.

    •�Agree: ld
    •�Replies: @John Trout
  82. Jameson says:
    @Cleatus Jones

    Muhammad, the creator of Islam, was a terrorist who broke all of the Ten Commandments, he lied, murdered, raped, stole, etc. etc. The Muslim so-called “Palestinians” view Muhammad as the perfect example of conduct for all of them for all time. That makes them responsible for the terrorists in their midst, they love and support terrorism, love killing Jews, it is their religion, their reality, their very inner core being.

    Christians in America, at least those who are pro-life, cannot be blamed for the millions of babies executed in the womb by abortion. The insane liberals are now jailing for decades peaceful abortion protesters, what more are people supposed to do? At least they got Trump elected who got Roe v. Wade repealed.

    The evil in the Koran and Hadith can never be repealed, that is the way Muhammad created it.

  83. ariadna says:

    Trying your hand at sarcasm?

    •�Replies: @Jameson
  84. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    In an honest nation, all dual citizens would be deported.

    •�Agree: anarchyst
  85. @Charles The Turd

    Absolutely spot on and well said. Our voices have been rendered futile and our taxes continue to aid and abet Kike war crimes atrocities.

  86. @Jameson

    Jameson: Are you well paid by Unit 8200? Your ultimate payment should be deportation to the outermost Aleutian Islands. Evil people need to be isolated from the rest of humanity. Unfortunately you will not be alone in that place of exile.

    ALL the enemies of humanity will require resettlement far away from any and all potential victims of your insane hatred for the other.

    The Bris was imposed on your conscience as well as your wounded weenie.

  87. @Jameson

    The jews you worship proclaim that theft, rape, and murder are acceptable against non jews in their satanic Talmud.

    Anyways thanks for accidentally admitting that you’re a baby murdering democrat pedophile AND a raging hypocrite.

    You’re going to burn baby killer.

  88. Jameson says:

    Serious as a heart attack. My belief is that tactical nukes should have been used on 10/8.

  89. @Cloverleaf

    The USSR was provided with immense amounts of cash, engineering assistance and other provender in order to establish them as a major military power. The people who devised that nefarious scheme included the #1 Rottenchild Agent in the U.$., Bernard Baruch, the scheming Herbert Hoover; the Rottenfeller Crime Clan; the J.P. Morgan Banksters AND the fixer…your beloved Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.

    World War Two was engineered a full decade before it officially began. WHY? All major wars are created by the bank$ters. Wars are the means by which they can achieve two goals: A higher and higher proportion of the world’s wealth AND to kill off millions of people in order to please their bloodthirsty Alien masters who thrive on the stench of burning human flesh.

    To resolve your historical ignorance I would recommend reading “The Ruling Elite” by the indomitable researcher and presenter, Deanna Spingola.

    •�Replies: @Cloverleaf
  90. HT says:

    Israel was created by terrorists. They bombed hotels, hung British soldiers, and killed thousands of Muslims who they displaced from their homes by force. Then later they killed and injured hundreds of US sailors on the USS Liberty. Americans should be outraged by their government’s support of these barbarians who now are killing thousands of women and children.

    •�Thanks: Protogonus
  91. Anon slim says:

    Stop saying apartheid in reference to the behavior of Jews and Israel you piece of shit. White people do not behave like this, south Africa did not torture the blacks who came to leech off their society. Yes, blacks were second class citizens in a country built by whites, where Palestinians are zero class citizens in their own homeland. You want to help Palestinians then stop conjuring up an anti white Boogeyman as a clever gotcha, and start calling a spade a spade. What is happening in Gaza is pure distilled Judaism. This is why anti semitism is the world’s oldest hatred, because this is who they are. Any Jewish objections to the current conduct of Israel is just a rear guard action so people don’t think “yeah it’s just all Jews” because this has been the behavior of the Jewish state for decades.

    •�Agree: Zumbuddi
  92. Trumpeter says:

    Kathleen @ 6,
    ” . . . when you vote for genocidal racists like Joe Biden or Donald Trump, you become a genocidal racist . . . ”

    There, fixed it for you!

  93. @Zumbuddi

    I think we’re in agreement here, Zumbuddi, but perhaps I’m not expressing myself clearly without more background from previous work. A lot of that draws from Unz on the civilian bombings, like this article: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/churchills-atrocities.

    I’m not sure exactly which is your point, though, that ‘Making “Nazism” a comparative to zionism is an obscenity’ or ‘Israel and all zionists must be “de-zionized” with the same thoroughness and brutality and enduring shame with which Germany was “de-Nazified.”’ Those seem contradictory, that the two can’t be compared or that the two need to be treated the same way.

    I’m not actually making a comparison, what I’m suspecting is that the National Socialist Party was infiltrated by the Zionists to turn it into the Nazis, a term the National Socialists never used for themselves. Even the name abbreviates the two. On my site there’s been an active debate over whether Hitler was an agent of Rothschild and the City of London all along, or whether he merely acted honorably when he could have decimated cities, made fatal mistakes, and was forced into the Havaara Agreement. No one believes in the myth of the Good War.

    I state plainly that I am not a Holocaust denier, we just have the wrong people who were the burnt offering. It was the Germans, not the Jews. Germany was never ‘de-Nazified,’ they just became the government, as they are in Ukraine and France and the UK and the US. Here are others that look at the question, to which I don’t have an answer. But I appreciate your response, I think you’re the only person who wasn’t reactionary and gave a thoughtful response, whether or not we agree.


    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
    , @Anon slim
    , @socratesjr
  94. anarchyst says:

    More proof that judaism is a bronze-age death cult that needs to consigned to the ashbin of history worldwide…
    The jews committing the genocide are PROUD of what they are doing, making videos of their crimes. I hold ALL jews worldwide responsible as genocide is written into their basic beliefs. Read the Torah and the Talmud…genocide is celebrated in both…add to that jewish “holy days” as they are all celebrations of genocide.
    Keep in mind–what the jews are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, they plan on doing to the rest of us…
    Judaism itself is a cancer which has metastasized and must be eliminated worldwide.

    •�Replies: @Protogonus
  95. @meamjojo

    Your comeback, if you can call it that, is about as funny as cancer 😒.

    Video Link

  96. @Jameson

    No need to remain silent, better to just cheer on the Israelis who are doing God’s work clearing out the vile Muslim terrorists.

    It is the other way round with the Palestinian Resistance sending the Cabalistic Zionists to the Hell Fire.

    “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer… and we are his chosen people.” – Harold Wallace Rosenthal

  97. Sarita says:

    Funny and sad;
    Hysterical, giggly Kamala Harris says: “I told Netanyahu the war must end”….
    Netanyahu was looking at her with an evil smile; She was suppressing a laugh.
    Basically, she had told him “I will say that in front of the Public to regain the votes we lost for supporting your genocide, once I win you can go back to business”


  98. @sally

    I agree, in WW2 it took over two years of relentless propaganda to get the US on the side of the Bolsheviks.

  99. bjondo says:

    I do not know how it is in your household, but in mine we have developed the practice over the past nine months of reciting to one another the most appalling of the news bulletins from Gaza

    We trust you have balanced this egregious practice
    with telling triple tall tales from Jew/Yid sufferings,
    travails, pogroms, slights, followed by overcomings.

    Fairness in media, school, government, home, matters.


  100. @Jameson

    An example of one of your so called blood thirsty muslims who hates all others and wishes for their death.

    Hang on a minute, isn’t that what Cabalistic Satanic Zionist Jews want 🤔

    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience.

    Hesen Jabr is the kind of American almost every community admires and raises up as a role model for young people to follow.

    A hardworking labor and delivery nurse in New York City, Jabr recently won a prestigious award for exemplary care to patients suffering from perinatal loss at New York University’s Langone Hospital where she has worked for the past nine years.

    The tenderness and empathy she showed to mothers who had lost babies, in childbirth or pregnancy, deeply impressed the other nurses in the unit, and in May they publicly honored her for it by awarding her the Sebastian Brun Compassionate Care Award, “Not only for providing stellar care,” they wrote in their nomination letter, “but also support for the rest of the nursing staff so that we can all live up to her example.”

    In her acceptance speech at the award ceremony, which by chance fell on Jabr’s birthday, she talked about the thousands of Palestinian mothers whose children have been killed in Israel’s genocidal military onslaught on the Gaza Strip, suggesting to her audience that they try to feel their pain as they do the pain of grieving mothers in New York…


  101. @Holy Catholic

    Before the Jews came to the Middle East most of the Christian minority’s were living in peace with the Muslims.

    True, the hasbara agents here will gnash their teeth to hear it. But prior to the advent of Zionism, Jews, Christians and Muslims co-existed peacefully in the middle east and North Africa, they prospered and even inter-married.

  102. @anon

    It may feel like you can nothing, but you can.

    You can start converting savings into other currencies and moving them out of US banks, into insured interest-earning accounts at major banks abroad. Banks that are not based in the US, uk, eu, aus/nz.

    Then you can vacation outside the US and its warmongering vassals. Spend that time and money somewhere else. Deprive the US government of that sales/excise/other tax revenue.

    You can invest in the stock of corporations that are neither incorporated in, nor have their principal place of business in, the USA, israel, or their vassals.

    You can refuse to let the US regime have your children’s time, talents, tax revenues, and in the case of boys subject to the military draft, their lives.

    Get them fluent in at least a second major world language, preferably at least proficient in a third, from a young age. Get them well-acquainted with one or two other cultures and able to assimilate, adapt, prosper, raise a family, and be happy there.

    If you can afford it, send them abroad for a semester or year of high school, and at least a year of university; if you acquire permanent residence permits or citizenship in the other country first, the tuition can be quite low compared to the US. Useful YT channels and sites are Nomad capitalist, Nomad Elite, Wealthy Expat.

    And in the meanwhile, boycott products and services from “israeli” corporations, and from US corporations complicit in helping the IDF commit genocide. Use the Boycat app:


    Boycott, the best you can, corporations pushing sexual perversion and psychological disorder (homosexuality), mental illness (“transgenderism”), discrimination against white people, etc. This usually means eschewing big national and multinational corporations in favor of smaller family-owned / local-regional shops and restaurants.

    And you, of course, can move abroad as well — without waiting for retirement — if you develop a decent sustained source of online (“location-independent”) income. If you can’t manage that, at least leave the country when you retire.

    Many ways to deprive the US murderers of a goodly chunk of your entire family’s lives, skills, taxes, and contributions if you’re willing to make it your priority.

  103. werpor says:

    I am, by Zionist/Jew definition an anti-Semite! No question. I have Jewish family and I have no hate for Jews qua Jews. Why would one hate an innocent bystander. But as is the case with all cultures each one has a ‘history’ accepted as received despite evidence that the past as received is a contrivance.

    I doubt 19th Century settlers had an overview of their actions. How many Civil War soldiers whether North or South had much more than emotional cues intentionally constructed to provoke them.

    For the vast majority of people their money is a simple medium of exchange — what they receive in exchange for their work and how to allocate those receipts. No doubt, for most people there is never enough. I am well off enough to know mostly other well off people. For the most part they never have enough money — by their lights — to have all the things they want. And they apparently compete to demonstrate their fealty to consumption.

    They suspect a cabal of some kind and in discussions often touch on the facts. Yet they are profoundly ignorant about the constant manipulation of moneys’ worth, the manipulation of interest rates, the manipulation of the inflation/deflation cycle, and the entire collusion of Wall Street insiders with the banks, with the Treasury, with corporate insiders, and with the Congress/bureaucrat collusion in setting policies — and the way these seemingly disparate activities are knitted together.

    It is evident that everyone has a piece of the facts. As a rule discussions about all the above include a strong defense of their piece of the facts — few of the people discussing these matters ever ask a question. Indeed they are ignorant.

    The finished garment acts to keep the establishment in power and gain more power. The process is gradually impoverishing those whose well being depends on a healthy exchange of value for work and a healthy distribution of societies assets.

    One example is the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Of course it was said to be flawed by those whose activities were curbed. It was repealed and shortly after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis caused a major market collapse — a direct correlation.

    Presently market concentration is enabled by selective lending to those whose aim and activity is to corral various market segments under a few roofs. Agribusiness concentration is a forceful capacity to buy up farmland in Ukraine. Thus creating an asset class there which seeks to benefit by encouraging NATO to protect their ambitions. No matter that close to a million people have lost their lives fighting for the interests of a foreign invader they mistake for Russia.

    Frédéric Mousseau, the Policy Director of the Oakland Institute wrote; “Despite being at the Center of news cycle and international policy, little attention has gone to the core of the conflict — who controls the agricultural land in the country known as the breadbasket of Europe.” He said “the answer to this question is paramount to understanding the major stakes in the war.”

    For an elaboration go to http://www.oaklandinstitute.org
    Find there: Amidst Chaos of War, A New Report Exposes the Stealth Takeover of Ukrainian Agricultural Land.

    This report can be understood as the blueprint encouraging the hegemony of a few elite interests to corral the entire global food supply and control national economies against the interests of the citizens.

    Then, along with interest rates, tax policies, etc — as noted above — the manipulation of the supply and quality of our food, and the additives present — especially in processed foods — will be increasingly a force against which we the people have little countervailing power to resist.

    Many authors have in their stories anticipated the terror of the situation.

    That a Zionist/Jew is given a platform to encourage the extermination of the native Palestinians while stealing their land and that almost the entire Congress applauded his every word ought to be sufficient warning about the dystopian future these evil promulgators of their anti-human policies and actions forebear us to resist.

    Is it not normal to resist evil? What is it that ensures their success but our complacency?

    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
  104. @ariadna

    Bless you, Ariadna

    •�Replies: @Desert Fox
  105. The ONLY reason this genocide is still going on is because most whites don’t see people that are of a different color as fellow humans. This lack of empathy allows the genocide to continue.

    If the large proportion of western society was not racist, there would be a surge of collective action.
    The protests in western countries would be SO massive that the turn out would cause the governments in those countries to backtrack on their Gaza policy due to fear of revolution.

    Until a huge cross section of whites recognize and confront this moral blind spot and start recognizing the inherent worth and humanity of all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or nationnly, there won’t be a stop to injustices in Gaza and elsewhere.

    Of late i’ve become even more persuaded that a lot of whites are actually racist and are not even aware of it.

    This occured to me recently as i was reading William Shirer’s book, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,.”

    In his book, William Shirer strongly criticizes Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, calling them evil dictators.

    However, he portrays Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill as kind leaders of democratic countries.

    What struck me as interesting was that Shirer uses Hitler’s laws against Jews as evidence of Hitler’s cruelty.

    These laws included prohibiting Jews from voting, holding public office, or marrying non-Jews.

    But, surprisingly, similar laws existed in America and the British Empire, targeting black people and natives. It seems like Hitler copied these policies from the West. The difference was that Hitler applied these laws to white people in Europe, while the British and Americans applied them to non-white people in their colonies.

    Shirer fails to notice this hypocrisy. This perfectly shows how the West tends to view itself as superior and noble, while seeing others as inferior and evil.

    A lot of folks on here are going to attack me because let’s face it, it’s not fun for someone to point out that the majority of your tribe has its DNA wired a certain way.

    But sometimes it’s essential to accept criticism before you can change course for the better.

    •�Replies: @Leif
    , @ariadna
    , @Anon
  106. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    There’s not necessarily a problem with letting US citizens hold dual citizenship in many countries.

    Certain citizenships should disqualify someone from ever getting US citizenship or permanent residence, though: “israel” first of all.

    Perhaps the standard should be: NO dual citizenship involving any country with a drastically divergent culture and military power, economic strength, and population so massive as to constitute a serious threat to our security, civilization, or ability to thrive and prosper.

    That means China and India, for starters.

  107. @Mr_Chow_Mein

    Dual citizens of “israel”, China, and India should lose their US citizenship (or permanent resident status).

    Dual citizenship in many other countries need not be a problem. My wife and children and I hold multiple citizenships and permanent-residence permits, as do numerous honest, peaceful, productive, freedom-loving Americans of our acquaintance (about half of them white Americans born and raised in the USA).

  108. Rurik says:
    @24th Alabama

    Real and feigned ignorance, and claims that our Government is acting without our consent, are not a defense. Americans share the guilt of the Israelis because we have been enabling partners in this monumental crime against humanity.

    I was going to agree with your comment, until this last part.

    Aren’t blanket condemnations of an entire people, the very thing Bibi and his boyz are using to ‘justify’ the starvation and annihilation of Gaza?

    I do condemn all those treasonous whores who clapped for the fiend recently.

    I condemn John Hagee and his ilk, but I damn sure do not condemn all Americans, many of whom have been the most vociferous defenders of the Palestinians you’ll find.

    How many European or Asian or African college students have sacrificed their futures to protest this evil?

    How many Muslim leaders have sacrificed anything, to oppose this on-going genocide?

    Yes, the people of Yemen and the fighters of Hezbollah and so forth, all deserve our admiration and respect, but where is the global outrage at what’s going on?

    Please don’t forget that Aaron Bushnell was a member of the U.S. military, and if anyone deserves our heartfelt respect for his protest against this genocide, it is him.

    Rest in Peace, beautiful soul. Martyr of Gaza.

    •�Agree: ld
    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  109. werpor says:
    @muh muh

    Ron Unz.
    Why have an edit button? Even the response seems rather peculiarly childish compared to Unz.com’s usual software sophistication…

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @muh muh
  110. @awakening observer

    No way that fat drunk is my beloved Churchill, I was only quoting him…. Lol.

  111. Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

    Communication is ultimately a comparison of mutual men-
    tal maps: How far have you already traveled in your head?

  112. muh muh says:
    @Ron Unz

    CBS Sunday Morning. Should reach quite a large audience.

    One good thing about all of this is that, prior to Oct. 7, 2023, most of the world either knew next to nothing about the situation in Palestine or they didn’t care. If we were to plot their awareness of it on a line graph during that period, it would hug the x-axis pretty closely. Up was the only direction it could go.

    Which is happening, as we speak.

    You’ve done admirable work in expounding upon the oddities of the Jewish religion, a topic which, I’m convinced, lies at the heart of Israel’s conduct. That nation’s founders were all on board with waging war against Palestinians decades before 1948 and their own words betray clear intent to ethnically cleanse the land, not only of Palestine, but of every non-Jewish inhabitant between the Nile and the Euphrates.

    I keep recalling how Ahad Ha’am, founder of Cultural Zionism, described late 19th century Ottoman Turkey as ‘a land of unlimited freedom’ when comparing the position of the first Zionist settlers to that of present day Palestinians. Since Zionists are always keen to distill the conflict to a religious one, it’s instructive to learn how much freer Jews were under Muslim rule than Muslims are under Jewish suzerainty, the latter of which is ultimately responsible for American support of despot vassals in Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE.

    As for Christians, it’s clear the vast majority of Palestinian Christians would rather live under Muslim than Jewish rule. It’s certainly done nothing to protect them or their interests, and this also stems originally from Jewish animus toward Jesus and his mother, a hatred anathema to Islam.

    One can only hope Dr. Perlmutter’s interview will serve to increase awareness, not only of Israel’s vampiric bloodlust, but of its underpinnings.

    May it be so.

  113. muh muh says:


    Explain, please.

    •�Replies: @werpor
  114. Ronehjr says:

    Leave White people out of it, this is Jewish bullshit.

  115. Ronehjr says:

    Those stories are lies, and you are a liar for repeating them.

  116. Zumbuddi says:
    @Tereza Coraggio

    Thanks for the reply, Tereza Coraggio .

    Those seem contradictory, that the two can’t be compared or that the two need to be treated the same way.

    Yes, that is so. Perhaps it is a paradox: contradictory concepts are both true.

    Zionism is sui generis, as is the evil that is done in the name of zionism.

    It is my assessment that what is called Nazism, but more appropriately identified as NSDAP or National Socialism, is not evil; it has been relentlessly propagandized as such. That set of historical lies and the concomitant slander against an entire people are, themselves, evil.

    Yet many people, even those who seem to be in a position to know better, resort to the Appeal ad Hitlerum fallacy.

    Having been unable to correct that abuse of logic, I figured that forcing a logical conclusion to that erroneous claim might create a moment of enlightenment.

    Chas Freeman’s statement the other day, that “[Netanyahu is] a mass murderer at a level of evil we have not seen since Adolf Hitler in the 1930s” was particularly disturbing.
    I have long admired Freeman and his measured assessment of situations.

    If persons with his experience and worldliness set “Hitler/Nazism” as the benchmark of the “evil” carried on by Netanyahu and zionists, then, as a colleague used to say, Take it to its logical conclusion: Netanyahu and zionism should be dealt with in a way similar to the way Hitler and Nazism were dealt with.
    Either that, or the comparison must be re-examined: a paradox can exist in the abstract but two opposing concepts cannot be applied in practice.

    On another blog this morning, someone commented that Trump’s negotiations with Israel/Netanyahu would have to be “delicate.”

    Were the German people treated delicately? (or even justly?)
    Why should persons and an ideology that is violating every human standard of morality, in full view and real time, be treated “delicately?”

    Zionism is an idea, a mind-frame. It needs to be extirpated from any and every place where civilization seeks to thrive.

    The ideology of zionism must be exposed and excised from the body politic with the same thoroughness and brutality that “Nazism” was (wrongfully) carved from the cultural landscape and the very soul of the German people.

    My reference point for “the way Hitler and Nazism were dealt with;” that is, the process of “de-Nazification” imposed upon the German people in a situation where Allied occupying forces held the monopoly on violence, is Cora Sol Goldstein’s Capturing the German Eye.
    The several pages that can be read at this link provide a sense of the total psychological (as well as physical) control designed and employed by American occupying forces (OMGUS) to achieve “de-Nazification.”
    Pages 3 and 4 are particularly informative, and chilling, when one starts to recognize that similar methods and intentions are being carried out against the American people, from well before the war until this day.

    •�Replies: @Tereza Coraggio
  117. @John Trout

    John, I recommend these 2 books on zionist Israels treachery over the decades, Blood In The Water by Jewish professor Joan Mellen at Temple University and The Controversy of Zion by the late Douglas Reed, both can be had on amazon and are 2 of the best books on zionist Israel.

  118. cousin lucky says: •�Website
    @Priss Factor

    The ” deep state of the U.S.A. ” is going to take its frustrations and defeats all over this planet as an excuse to destroy this South American country.

    Venezuela had better joins BRICS as soon as possible because the U.S.A. is not done with them yet.

  119. Ronehjr says:

    The Jewish answer to any people that inconvenience them is always ethnic cleansing, and ultimately genocide.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  120. The author states that this genocide must end – it will – the only question being how and when. The outrage is building.
    The Bible clearly shows – and history confirms – that God uses whom He chooses to accomplish His ends. Can you think of a better example than Titus, who literally ended the reign of that ‘harlot who sits on many waters’? And Titus was no saint!
    That happened in 70 AD – ancient Israel was destroyed forever.
    However, the remnants of DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) have been busy for 2000 years – and since history has a tendency to repeat itself – I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the end of the current fake ‘chosen nation’ comes in the near future – the only unfortunate part being that DaChosen nation’s cash cow provider in blood and treasure will share in the consequences. As usual, God’s justice – while patient and slow to anger by our standards – eventually will deconstruct the satanic infrastructure built by DSOS and its churchian cheerleaders.
    Every socio-economic problem in our world is spiritually based, but few can see – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-gap-in-understanding-world-affairs.html?m=0 – I simply call it DaGap in understanding. It’s easier to just rant at imaginary ghosts, goblins and sock puppets than accept reality – but reality is arriving literally as we speak. Russia, China and Iran are not tiny pipsqueek nations to manipulate by our self-designated rulers.
    DSOS has hit a wall in Ukraine and is being exposed in Gaza and is now flailing in desperation….and at the same time has revealed its chokehold on the government, religion, politics and culture of what formerly was America – revealing a stink that must now be reaching high heaven – that cannot last. Can you just imagine what will be the reaction of the general formerly American population when they begin to see how naked our emperor us?
    Remember, any systemic degradation begins and grows slowly…then gains speed until it collapses of its own weight and excesses. History is unrelenting on this reality – confirming again and again that there not only is God – but that His justice is timely and fair.
    I don’t expect Him to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah anytime soon – so DaHarlot is already destined for destruction – but not to worry – His remnant is busy preparing to pick up the pieces and rebuild as usual.
    My website – for those interested – is the beginning of a fascinating journey!

    •�Thanks: Emslander
  121. Zumbuddi says:

    Tom Luongo without the cigar.


  122. Shadwell says:

    Who else stopped reading this article at a certain point?

  123. @Jameson

    I love how you’re so stupid you think all Palestinians are Muslims. Many are Christians. You stupid baby killer.

    You think jew bombs don’t kill Palestinian Christians you stupid baby killer?

    You baby killer fake Christian fake conservatives say Israel is the only democracy in the middle east while simultaneously proclaiming that ever Palestinian should be killed for the actions of Hamas.

    You baby killer fake Christian fake conservatives say we can’t ban abortion now because we gotta pander for democrat votes to stay in power proving you never cared about the millions of murdered babies.

    FU baby killer. FU baby RAPIST. FU Satanist.

    You’re going to BURN.

  124. Leif says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    Interesting observations regarding Shirer`s book, though it seems the flaws of his book “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” go far beyond those examples mentioned.

    It is unfortunately an examplification of the total abandonment of an objective approach to historiography that has unfortunately become characteristic for mainstream WW2 works.

    It is littered with so many factual errors, unproven claims, obfuscation of context, omnipresent unchecked bias, astonishing one-sidedness and falsified sourcing that one is just amazed at how this work can be ragarded as one of the standard works in -and at the same time understand well why it is so liked by- nowadays academia, for the reasons stated above.

    If of interest, here a detailed examination by the Institute For Historical Review of the many errors in Shirer`s (and similar mainstream) works:


  125. Emslander says:

    Too few people read the Bible. Today’s headlines reflect the tales of the children of Moses as they conquered the promised land. If those rules of engagement are what the current Israelis use as their guides and their goals, then all is explained.

    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
  126. @Zumbuddi

    I think that you and I, Zumbuddi, are in complete agreement on the history and ideology. 100%, and we both know how rare that is. It’s my objection to Patrick’s article that he sees Hitler as the face of evil and compares the Nazis to Zionists. I see your logic in bringing this to its logical conclusion but, personally, I think most people are so mired in the WWII myth–even on this site–that the subtlety of that might be missed.

    My strategy is to consistently refer to those who got the US into the Great War for the Balfour, those who ran the concentration camps in Germany, those who brutally murdered the middle class in Russia, those who burned people alive in Ukraine, and those committing the most horrible of atrocities in Gaza, all as ZioNazis.

    And yes, this certainly includes Churchill and FDR. It at least confuses people long enough to introduce that idea in their mind that this has been all led by the same group for 100 yrs–and I go back 3500 yrs in my blog on the techniques of infiltration and terrorism through a co-opted enforcer group that gets used (Yews) up and discarded when they can no longer provide plausible deniability.

    I’ll look at your reference with interest. I think my readers would find it useful. Good trading ideas with you.

  127. Sarita says:

    But, meamjo-ho
    I thought Netanyahu said there were zero civilian casualties during his speech at the US congress.
    I almost believed him!
    I was happy that those images and pictures and photos of dead kids were all AI provided by Iran and that the actual kids did not suffer.

    You proved me wrong.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  128. Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar Hauser"] says:

    And I always hear: “But there are so many nice Indians, Arabs and Africans!” Apart from the individual reasons why these exposed representatives are oh so nice: That’s not the point at all! It’s about the fact that these people have no business here and belong in their own countries! They can be nice in their own countries.

    How does this distortion of reality come about? Basically, people have no idea of the true situation. They have a dark-skinned doctor’s assistant who fulfills their wishes out of duty and believe that she is a typical representative of their race. Of course, this is pure nonsense, because this girl was chosen by her employer because of her suitability, which she now meets.

    The Chinese, who relied heavily on the American “construction method” (or whatever that is supposed to be), are now being overtaken by reality. The East Frisians would have paddled ashore on their rafts long ago.

    Video Link

  129. Zionists will vote 10 to 1 in favor of Kamala in 2024 just like they did in 2016 for Hillary and 2020 for Biden. Just ask them. Watch all the we hate Trump responses on Unz for more proof.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  130. DaveE says:

    And you wonder why (((The Scum of the Earth))) are so hated.

  131. ““good Germans” who saw what was going on around them during the 1930s but turned the other way and went about their business.”

    – Patrick Lawrence, are you really such an arrogant ignorant hypocritical prick as this sounds like?

    You really think that you as an american/brit are in any justifiable position to point fingers at the german people and what you claim they allegedly did or not (yet apparently of course never have bothered to study to even the extent of what is available at this website -f.ex. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/#the-enormous-scale-of-allied-war-crimes-) do in the 1930`s ?

    If you really want to take a stand against injustice, may one ask why you do not start with, look at and stop with it yourself first ?

    •�Agree: Caroline
  132. meamjojo says:
    @24th Alabama

    “revenge and retribution” are a valid response until Hamas kneels before the power of Israel and promises to never attack Israel or Jews again.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  133. ariadna says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    “A lot of folks on here are going to attack me because let’s face it, it’s not fun for someone to point out that the majority of your tribe has its DNA wired a certain way.”

    I doubt that whoever might attack your spiel would do so because “it’s not fun” to be called a racist based on your jewish slogan that Whites are biologically “wired” to be racists.
    Your”argument” is that “the ONLY reason this genocide is still going on is because most whites don’t see people that are of a different color as fellow humans. This lack of empathy allows the genocide to continue.”
    Is THAT the only reason? Think hard if you dare to or can think.
    You double down on it by saying:
    “If the large proportion of western society was not racist, there would be a surge of collective action. The protests in western countries would be SO massive that the turn out would cause the governments in those countries to backtrack on their Gaza policy due to fear of revolution.”

    Not just idiotic but patently false. Is it because Whites are “racists” that the Jew-led (Holbrook, Albright) US government attacked and devastated White Serbia?
    Is it because there are not enough protests that the governments bought and paid for, as well as “persuaded” by blackmail and threats by JP do not”back track on their Gaza policy.” They have no “Gaza policy”; they only obey orders from their “betters.”

    •�Agree: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @Kangaroo Shack
  134. meamjojo says:

    Harris is an idiot. She claims she supports Israel, that Israel has a right to defend itself, BUT not if that involves killing terrorists and their supporters (i.e. everybody) in Gaza.

    She talks out of both sides of her mouth as she tries to keep getting campaign money contributions from Jews while keeping the MI/Detroit Arab population and their leftist Jewish sympathizers happy,

    But you can’t have it both ways Kamala. Hamas should have thought about possible repercussions before they foolishly attacked Israel on Oct 7th.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  135. ghali says:

    The Only retard dotard reading this Website is YOU.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  136. meamjojo says:
    @Holy Catholic

    “Before the Jews came to the Middle East most of the Christian minority’s were living in peace with the Muslims. ”

    Umm, Jews have been in the Middle East for 5000+ years. You do know that the Jewish calendar is currently at year 5784?

  137. anonymous[783] •�Disclaimer says:

    This Jewish/Zionist/ GENOCIDE/INFANTICIDE///shall weigfht heavely OUR counciousness …A Israeli state military official admitted and excuted policy TO MASS KILLING OF PALESTINIAN CHILDREN: starvation/bombings/sniping/killing them on their hospital beds/ ..the IDF is a Child killing machine..every member of IDF must be indicted by ICC..as mass criminals against humanity..WE shall regret it bienbg silent..

  138. Munga Bulga [AKA "Kaspar hauser"] says:

    “He who sows stupidity will reap idiocy.”
    Has it ever been different? Of course not.
    Unfortunately, people need to be reminded
    of this time and again, otherwise they will
    start to think their madness is “natural”.

  139. MLK says:
    @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    I’m familiar with the history. Just as I am with the fact that every time there is any mention of big gay Obama ordering the Maidan Coup in 2014, shelling of civilians in the Donbas, and other atrocities, there is always someone like you to defend him.

  140. RRRic says:

    I like to think that being of German descent my revived disgust and condensed vitriol against the Zion butchers today is likely a lot like my ancestors who reviled Zionism before it was the clearly marked evil sect of the religious tree.

    Some peoples you, just, cant, reach

  141. ariadna says:

    “Until you post your other articles….condemning in your histrionic, womanly fashion, all armed conflict globally, I call bullshit.”

    Can’t you sense that faced with the terrorist state’s monstrous, monumental crimes against humanity which they even boast about this two-bit whatabaoutism falls like another turd in the hasbara cloaca?

    “You hate Jews.”

    Well, try to understand… a lot of people have herpetophobia, some because they were bitten, others because of knowledge of snakes’ behavior. It is true that not all snakes are venomous but you can’t criminalize the survival instinct, can you?

    “So, what should Israel’s response have been to the murders, rape and kidnappings?”

    First, the rapes have been debunked and now have about as much credibility as the lamp shades and the “Nazi masturbation machine” tales.
    Second, the prison inmates meant to take hostages hoping to exchange them for some of the more 5,000 Palestinians (even children) kidnapped and thrown in Israeli prisons. It was naive of them: obviously Israel would rather kill their own–and did so– than exchange them.

    So, what should Israel’s response have been to the murders, rape and kidnappings? It depends if you believe them capable of rational thinking.
    In that unlikely hypothesis they would have realized that the gig is up, and decided to “steal a move” on the ineluctable final outcome. Wring their hands and hypocritically admit that “mistakes were made,” proclaim their desire to live in peace and deplore “some excesses”that led to the prison riot. Stop the blockade of Gaza, evacuate the illegal squattlements, dismantle the roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank. For starters.

  142. ariadna says:

    I don’t think so. Thy like a “diversified portfolio.” All ramparts manned. Look at the money Peter Thiel et al are pouring into Trump’s coffers. The Adelson widow is also asking Trump for some “guarantees” so she can lavish funds on him.
    Like she needs to ask…

  143. meamjojo says:
    @Belle Pepper

    “Israel then instituted a strangling blockade of Gaza (expanding its earlier blockades), which has remained in place ever since. Israel consistently blocks the food, medicine, and other essential supplies needed by the population of Gaza, and has created a humanitarian disaster.”

    BS! UNRWA was bringing in 500 trucks of FREE food and supplies EVERY SINGLE DAY to Gaza alone prior to Oct.7th. You call that a blockade?

    Hamas and Gazans are just lazy welfare queens.

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @John Trout
    , @anarchyst
  144. meamjojo says:

    “I thought Netanyahu said there were zero civilian casualties during his speech at the US congress.”

    He did not say that. You weren’t paying attention and therefore should be barred from posting further falsehoods here for one month.

    •�LOL: Sarita
    •�Troll: ariadna
  145. Anon slim says:
    @Tereza Coraggio

    Have you ever stopped to think that maybe all your crazy convoluted explanations to justify your world view are simply wrong? If you have to perform mental contortions to explain the largest war in history then your your ability to think critically is either greatly exaggerated or has been degraded by Jewish propaganda. Also, what is your favorite flavor of paint chip?

  146. @Rurik

    Collective guilt or guilt by association are mainly conceptual except for those individuals
    who have agency or the will to act, and for them the responsibility is individual as well as
    collective. The leaders in Israel and the U.S. bear primary responsibility for the Gaza
    genocide, but like most criminals they accept neither responsibility nor guilt.

    Although most of us have virtually no individual political influence, we can collectively
    promise to not vote for any politician supporting the Genocide. I have done that by e-mails to my Representative and Senators and have received no response. This is shocking until you remind yourself that “liberal democracy” is a farce, and a very cruel one.

    •�Agree: N. Joseph Potts, Rurik
  147. meamjojo says:

    As long as the Palestinians are corralled into Gaza and the West Bank, they CANNOT ever have their own state. Corralled is the correct word. WHERE would the population of Palestinians expand to as it continued to grow?

    I believe I was the original person to bring this additional issue forward many months ago, here and in other forums. However, it has been ignored because unlimited and unfettered population growth is a human right!

    Of course, along with lack of water and natural resources, population growth is not anything we hear the world’s politicians mentioning as issues of concern because they are just looking for an easy out to the Palestinian problem.

    “Declare Gaza/West Bank a state and leave us all alone!” Yeah, that’s the ticket to quote a Jon Lovitz line.

    The Palestinians have to be forced out of Israel, as the settlers are slowly doing. As long as they don’t come to the USA, I don’t much care where they go.

    •�Disagree: N. Joseph Potts
    •�Troll: ariadna
  148. muh muh says:

    And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18: 3

    Little children are pure of heart. We’re less so, though there’s certainly nothing blameworthy about an effort to polish the heart by reminding ourselves of the value of living by simple, transcendent wisdom.

    But sneering at that effort? Particularly when there are much more deserving targets?

    How peculiarly childish is that?

    •�Replies: @werpor
  149. Anon[603] •�Disclaimer says:

    kikebot TKK asks rhetorically, with Jewy 92 IQ triumph: So, what should Israel’s response have been? All the other borderline retarded pimply kikebots chime in and whine a nasal Yeah! What??

    Interpret your commitments and obligations in good faith, you pustulent verminous kike. That is what you greasy sand nazis have to do. It will happen before or after you crawl out of the rubble of Tel Aviv kike HQ and die of thirst. That’s the law.

    Then your genocidal kike state ends and Palestine is free from the river to the see, even for contemptible genocide kikes like you! Don’t worry, you will get all Article 14 protections for your crimes against humanity, kike.

    And for future generations Jew will be an unspeakable insult, worse than nigger. Survivors of your atavistic genocide cult will skulk in shame and hide their taint.

  150. @ariadna

    You say i’m calling ALL white people racists based on biology. But that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that MANY white people have a blind spot when it comes to seeing people of other races as equals, and that’s a big reason why the genocide in Gaza continues.

    You also say that my argument is ‘idiotic’ and ‘completely false’ because I’m oversimplifying the issue. But I’m not saying it’s the only reason – I’m saying it’s a big factor.

    You then attempt to change the subject by bringing up the US government’s actions in Serbia, but that’s not relevant to the point I’m making about racism and empathy.

    Next you claim that governments only do what they’re told by more powerful people, but that’s not true. Governments can be influenced by public opinion and protests.

    Lastly, you try to smear me by saying I’m using a ‘Jewish slogan’ to attack white people, but that’s not what I’m doing. I’m using historical facts to point out hypocrisy and double standards.”

    I may only be a 20 year old African kid that hasn’t yet read that much. But from the little research i’ve done over the past 5 years, it is clear to me that certain systems and societies are set up in such a way that they prioritize certain lives over others.

    Just look at how the 6 aid workers lives were counted as “more equal” than the lives of thousands of palestinians killed.

    And consider this for a moment:

    Why i find western hypocrisy so baffling is the way its always doing everything it can to sanitize its image.

    For instance when Russia targets a children’s hospital, in the Western presentation, that is evidence of who they are – anti-democratic human rights abusers.

    But when America and its allies do the same thing, it is presented in Western media and popular culture as evidence of what the west is not – that this is a mere aberration, a failure to live up to their high moral standards of human decency.

    Well, something is an aberration when it happens once in a while. When a nation arrests people without trial, tortures them and denies them their humanity for more than a decade, as evidenced at Guantanamo and at Abu Greb in Iraq and other American detention facilities worldwide; that is not an aberration.

    When the president of that country orders drone strikes that mercilessly massacre innocent civilians in Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan for years, that cannot be evidence of a mistake or bad judgment but a statement of who you really are.

    All I’m doing is holding up a mirror to American society, revealing the stark contrast between its professed ideals and harsh realities.

    By pointing out these inconsistencies, I’m not attacking America, but rather encouraging it to confront its own flaws and live up to its promised standards of justice, equality, and human rights.

    Are we in agreement?

    •�Agree: Unbornawakened
    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @Anonymous 1
    , @ariadna
  151. muh muh says:

    Hamas still cooking.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
    , @ld
  152. Cancel Israel.

    •�Agree: Sarita
  153. Anonymous[237] •�Disclaimer says:

    Assassinate the genocidal Netanyahu and his supporters.

    The Jewish MAFIA member, trump meets genocidal war criminal Netanyhu. The US and its politicians are COMPLICIT in the genocide in Gaza including Harris and Trump.
    Death to Israel, Death to mafia tribe.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Anon
  154. Anon[237] •�Disclaimer says:

    Shame on Trump. He is an illiterate Jewish mafia ASSASSIN.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
  155. Anon[314] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    White people have sacrificed untold treasure, countless lives, safety, comfort and even our own children’s future to help nonwhites. All we get in return is ethnic cleansing of our ancestral homelands by nonwhites, anger and resentment, and constant guilt for existing.

    Israel is a test case. Is it possible for a country to get rid of a restive nonwhite population while the world is watching? Is so, there may be hope for the future of Europe and N. America.

    •�Agree: Gvaltar
    •�Troll: Sarita
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  156. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Jeffrey Sachs On Why U.S. Foreign Policy Is Dangerously Misguided

    •�Replies: @werpor
  157. @Tereza Coraggio

    Mr. Coraggio

    “On my site there’s been an active debate over whether Hitler was an agent of Rothschild and the City of London all along, or whether he merely acted honorably when he could have decimated cities, made fatal mistakes, and was forced into the Havaara Agreement.”

    I recommend that you read the short but provocative

    THE RED SYMPHONY by Josif Maksimovitch Landowsky


    It is a translation of a Trotskyite confession in 1938 which reveals the three dimensional chess like decisions which were being made by the Cult before the war.

    You may find that this piece of information fits nicely into the puzzle.

    •�Replies: @Tereza Coraggio
  158. @meamjojo

    The zionist occupiers get 16 billion dollars per year from the US alone, Germany, Britain and France match the USs tribute. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Russia also sweeten the pot. The occupiers don’t have to lift a finger, just watch the money roll in, the jewish occupiers of Palestine are the lazy welfare queens.

  159. muh muh says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    It’s a tough crowd here.

    You’re going to need thick skin, and even then, it might just get too boring.

    But I appreciate seeing a different voice and encourage you to continue.

  160. @socratesjr

    Thanks for that, socrates. Yes, The Red Symphony has been part of the discussion. I haven’t read it myself but there are some avid readers on my site who’ve done far more research than me. If I’m remembering correctly, the person who goes by Julius Skoolafish has particularly cited it.

    For brevity, could you summarize on which side of the debate this falls? From the evidence presented, I tend towards Hitler always being an actor who was controlled by London/ Rothschild. What do you think from your research?

    Thanks for the link.

    •�Replies: @socratesjr
  161. @A123

    More “Israeli Intelligence” (Lies, Deception & Complete Bollocks)

    Why you keep postimg this same Hasbara Propaganda Point is baffling when it gets debunked time after time 🤔

    Palestinians pay high price for water apartheid.

    Palestinians in the occupied West Bank dread the arrival of summer.

    Hot weather exacerbates the problems associated with a severe water shortage. The cost of avoiding dehydration can be exorbitant.

    While Palestinians have to try and survive with little water, Israeli settlers enjoy an uninterrupted supply.

    Soon after its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza began in 1967, Israel placed all water resources under its control.

    Palestinians in the West Bank are blocked from accessing and using freshwater springs.



  162. @muh muh

    Thanks, always nice to see the useless IOF army being sent to hell or a life of disability.

    No wonder so many of them are refusing to return to service or fight!

    •�Agree: muh muh
  163. anarchyst says:

    Your hasbara nature is showing.
    It is israel who is the “welfare queen”, amassing billions if not trillions from other countries as well as benefiting from their massive holohoax (oops, I mean “holocaust™”) grift.
    israel controls EVERYTHING going in to the West Bank and Gaza.
    Hell, even cilantro is banned from importation into Gaza.
    Your support of israel is disgusting.

  164. @Kangaroo Shack

    I may only be a 20 year old African kid that hasn’t yet read that much.

    Out of curiosity where abouts in Africa are you living?

  165. SteveK9 says:

    How do we even fight this nightmare? Jews seem to have absolute control over the country. There has never been stronger evidence. Our ‘leaders’ are applauding this butchery. Who is there even to vote for? And, there is no one else in the World that seems to have the will to do something. How can the Arabs sit by, while this is happening? Are they afraid of the US? Of Israel’s nuclear weapons. What good does it do to worship Allah, if you are going to stand aside while this kind of evil is perpetrated? I have no answers.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
    , @muh muh
  166. anarchyst says:

    More proof that judaism is a bronze-age death cult that needs to consigned to the ashbin of history worldwide…
    The jews committing the genocide are PROUD of what they are doing, making videos of their crimes. I hold ALL jews worldwide responsible as genocide is written into their basic beliefs. Read the Torah and the Talmud…genocide is celebrated in both…add to that jewish “holy days” as they are all celebrations of genocide.
    Keep in mind–what the jews are doing in Gaza and the West Bank, they plan on doing to the rest of us…

  167. X101 says:

    I have posed this objective, physical reality many times. No one, yet, has presented a serious answer.

    Maybe you’d find the answer to your question, which no doubt keeps you awake at night, simply by reading the 4th Geneva convention, to which Israel is a signatory?

  168. Zumbuddi says:

    Too many people read the bible.

    Just finished reading Donna Leon’s latest Venice-based novel, A Refiner’s Fire.
    The epigraph is:
    “See, the raging flames arise.
    Hear, the dismal groans and cries.”

    It’s from the Second Act of Handel’s opera, Joshua.

    here’s the scene surrounding that passage:

    Joshua (the walls of Jericho falling)
    Glory to God!
Glory to God!
    The strong cemented walls,
The tott’ring tow’rs,
    the pond’rous ruin falls.

    The nations tremble at the dreadful sound,

    Heav’n thunders, tempests roar, and groans the ground.

    The walls are levelI’d, pour the chosen bands,
    With hostile gore imbrue your thirsty hands,
    Set palaces and temples in a blaze,
    Sap the foundations, and the bulwarks raze.
    But oh, remember, in the bloody strife,
    To spare the hospitable Rahab’s Hillary’s or ‘Nuland’s life.

    See, the raging flames arise,
    Hear, the dismal groans and cries!
    The fatal day of wrath is come,
    Proud Jericho hath met her doom.

    To vanity and earthly pride,
    How short a date is giv’n!
    The firmest rock, that shall abide,
    Is confidence in Heav’n.

    Gaza 2024.
    Snatched from the holy book as if 2500 years had not intervened.

    Abraham was from Ur in Mesopotamia/Iraq, not from Palestine/Canaan.
    Hebrews decimated and destroyed the advanced civilization of Jericho and claimed it as their ancient homeland.

    Not only must Israel be de-zionized; Christianity sorely needs a thorough overhaul.
    In its present murderous amoral state, it must not survive or it will kill any civilization centered on it.

  169. Zumbuddi says:

    puny, pathetic vase of flowers

    Iranians would make the table groan with beautiful flowers.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  170. Anon[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    Death to members of the JEWISH MAFIA, Trump, Biden, Harris, who are complicit in Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza. Trump, Biden along with Netanyahu and member of genocidal IDF should be executed. The world spit at them all.Israel has NO right to exist. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

  171. Protogonus says: •�Website

    “Anarchyst,” your heart is in the right place but the scope of the problem is much greater than you imagine. For one thing, the antagonist of the Brotherhood of Man has at least one holiday (“Purim”) that is used as a general self-forgiveness every year, explicitly including perjury in any court case anywhere. How’s that for clever?

    But this great Antagonist of Man theoretically practices not only worldly bestiality and barbarity but also executes “otherworldly” attacks on the goyim (that’s YOU, Jack!). We have more than once pointed out a recent case may shock you, but we also confirm the Great Antagonist’s inevitable self-destruction in the ultimate scheme of the universe:


    Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

  172. Anon[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    This is the genocidal Trump home where has bought from $2 Billions that he extorted from the faggot MBS at the end of his mafia regime where he was kicked out of the office by Americans

    The house is empty and no one live in it. It is only headquarter for the MAFIA members and their servants to meet and plan for more assassination, genocide and criminal activities like robbing other nations.

  173. @anon

    There is something that can be done. A serious boycott across the world by all concerned of Israeli goods & services is a start, and also show support for Hezbollah & Hamas, and the Houthis. I do.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  174. ariadna says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    “You say i’m calling ALL white people racists based on biology. But that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that MANY white people have a blind spot when it comes to seeing people of other races as equals, and that’s a big reason why the genocide in Gaza continues.”
    YOU LIE. You said “your tribe has its DNA wired a certain way”…. and “whites are actually racist and are not even aware of it “

    “Lastly, you try to smear me by saying I’m using a ‘Jewish slogan’ to attack white people, but that’s not what I’m doing.”
    YOU LIE. Of course that’s what you are doing. “Whites are wired to be racist/anti-semitic” is a jewish slogan. Appearing in black face to say does not make it less Jewish.

    “I may only be a 20 year old African kid that hasn’t yet read that much. But from the little research i’ve done over the past 5 years, it is clear to me that certain systems and societies are set up in such a way that they prioritize certain lives over others.”

    This made all your inept hasbara worth reading because it made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the comic relief. Not just an African but a”kid,” my little pickaninny, so smart that he memorized several Jewish spiels. Why, oh, why, do you, hasbara peddlers, pick improbable impersonations? Why didn’t you choose to play an Episcopalian?

    •�Thanks: John Trout
    •�Replies: @Kangaroo Shack
  175. Sarita says:

    Here they are, if you see any of these guys you should capture them and turn them over to the nearest interpol office, they are wanted by the ICJ.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Thanks: anarchyst, Protogonus
    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  176. Art says:

    The other story concerns a nurse who was serving at the Indonesian Hospital last November when Israeli terrorists raided the facility. Tamer, a young man with two children, was assisting the orthopedics staff in the operating room at the time. When he refused to leave an anesthetized patient, an Israeli soldier shot him point blank in the leg.

    After the orthopedics team treated him, leaving external rods to stabilize his leg, terrorist soldiers went to his room, dragged him away, and held him—somewhere, Tamer did not know where—strapped to a table for 45 days. No medical care, one glass of juice most days, though sometimes not even that. His bone became infected—this is called osteomyelitis—and he was beaten so severely one eye fell out of its socket.

    Please tell me why I should not hate the Jews responsible for this. (US)

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  177. @Sarita

    Three thousand five hundreds years in the making, and the original ‘Oldest Hatred’, that of the Judaics for ALL the goyim. Today Gaza-tomorrow, anybody who ‘..gets in our way’.

  178. @Terry in Dorset

    Show support for the resistance movements in Austfailia and you could end up in gaol.

  179. @Anon

    A truly psychopathic racist liar. ‘White’ elites RAPED the non-‘White’ world during centuries of Western imperialism, colonialism and pillage. Not forgeting the genocide of hundreds of millions.

    •�Troll: Richard B
  180. I was mildly interested in what the author had to say in his piece until he started spouting about the German National Socialist boogeyman that filth like him sees around every corner while frothing at the mouth while reciting the holohaux lie until they are blue in the face. What a kike-loving fag. The fact that he calls his wife his “partner” makes him a monumental fag.

  181. ld says:
    @muh muh

    thanks for the bit of good news

  182. werpor says:
    @muh muh

    I do not see the relevance of your post to mine.

    Sometimes when I post and then edit to correct a slight mistake, or add a sentence I had intended to include, the software advises me my edit time is up, even though the minutes remaining counter has more than two minutes remaining.

    How pointing that out when Ron Unz may be unaware of the short count is “sneering” I fail to understand let alone to understand the relevance of the quote from Matthew.

  183. werpor says:
    @muh muh

    Error. Apologies. Somehow my post went to your address muh muh…Gadzooks!

    •�Thanks: muh muh
    •�Replies: @muh muh
  184. @TKK

    It’s very hard not to hate your kind now, you know. I mean, what else should your victims do?

  185. meamjojo says:

    “How can the Arabs sit by, while this is happening?”

    It’s sad that I have to keep telling you people that no one gives a crap about the Palestinians. Everyone hates them. They are considered lazy, welfare queens and bad house guests. You reap what you sow.

    Read this and learn something!

    Worst Houseguests Ever: The Palestinians
    December 20, 2023
    By: David Anderson, J.D.

    “Why don’t the other Arabs take them in?” – ask many in the West about the Palestinians. After all, even the poorer Arab countries aren’t stingy accepting refugees. Egypt hosts millions, mainly from Sudan and Lebanon’s entire population currently comprises 20% Syrian refugees.

    So why won’t any of the Arab states give shelter to Palestinians?

    There are reasons for Palestinians being so unwanted, some historical. In 1967, after yet another Arab initiated war to destroy Israel, the “West Bank” fell under Israeli control. Palestinian fedayeen – fighters – left with their families.

    Admitted into the Kingdom of Jordan next door they immediately instituted the Black September terrorist campaign of bombings and spectacular hijackings in their host’s country. Their almost monthly plane hijackings were mainly bloodless as this was before 9/11’s religiously motivated suicide terrorism killed all the fun of a good hijack (religion ruins everything).

    But the mayhem they brought to Jordan wasn’t bloodless. The PM was assassinated and a near civil war ensued, almost toppling the state until the 100,000 Palestinian fighters and their families were thrown out, to Lebanon.


    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  186. @ariadna

    I see you’re still trying to distract from the issue at hand.

    I never said ALL white people are racists, but you keep trying to put those words in my mouth.

    And yes, I did say that MANY white people have a blind spot when it comes to seeing people of other races as equals, and that’s a fact.

    As for being racist/ having a blind spot being the same thing? I agree. At the end of the day whether we call it a blind spot or racism, the result is the same: harm and oppression against people that are non-white.

    Which is why as i pointed out earlier, the death of the 6 aid workers was given way more significance than the thousands of palestinian lives lost.

    And as for my supposed ‘Jewish slogan’, I’m not using it to attack white people, but to highlight the double standards and hypocrisy that exist in Western societies.

    And by the way, if I was a Hasbara agent, would I be advocating for protests to end the genocide? That doesn’t even make sense.

    Your attempts to discredit me by calling me a Hasbara agent just shows you’re running out of arguments.

    So, casting all the irrelevancies aside, can we please focus on the issue at hand: the genocide in Gaza and the lack of empathy and action from Western societies. Can you address that, or are you just going to keep trying to distract and deflect?

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  187. @Сергей Гончаров

    Hitler and Nazis was the project by those same bankers whom you here suppose to be the target of Hitler. You should check whom Hitler was seeing before election. You will find Bush grandfather there and many others USA elites representatives. All in all, you are completely clueless and wrong. Hitler and fascism is as Dimitrov told was and is the power of the most reactionary capitalistic cycles. They wer used by the West as a rabid dog to attack USSR after seeing that Poland and Roumania were not up to the task after successful industrialization of 30’s. USSR always was the project completely different from capitalism and showed successfully that humanity can live well without parasites and exploitation as they call themsleves job providers. We had 100% employment and zero unemployment in the Soviet Union, free housing, free medicine, free education, guaranteed employment and rest and pension at 55 for women and at 60 for men and so forth so on and chances for everyone who had it to become whoever he anted to be in life and rise to the very top form the very bottom. Check who were Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov, Gorbachev, Yeltsin. All of them were from working class which under capitalism has no chance to rise above its circumstances. Most of the Soviet marshals were of peasant and worker background and so were most of engineers and scientists. If you have any brain left, you should understand what it means. There is zero prospects under capitalism for vast majority to rise above strata they are bnorn into. It is caste society. It is dead end.

  188. Anonymous[105] •�Disclaimer says:

    We cannot remain silent any longer

    When did you ever remain silent about anything you wanted? Remember that “take street drugs, they are good for you” era, when the media killed all those new druggies? Remember the “Don’t get married and have children” bit, and the “I don’t want to work!”, “I don’t want to be a girl boss” we see on Youtube? Remember three years of “Biden is sharp as a tack” followed by “He had dementia for those three years” and the consequent demented Ukraine war -> seizure of Russian assets -> end of the US Dollar policy? Remember the idiotic totalitarian “new policy” of “all of society” and how it poisoned many people and destroyed the incomes of many others, and led to ~20% food inflation? Do you notice now the ineffective US policy on the Israeli/Gazan war that seems to be prolonging that war (just like the Ukraine war) without permitting an end to it?

    Your advice and media campaigns have killed a lot of people. And, you won’t shut up. Please, consider the virtues of quiet contemplation and guilt and repentance.

    It is time to say certain things, readers.

    And that’s your summation? “It is time”? Like this is some kind of optometrist appointment? Who died and made you a God to say “It is time”?

  189. Anonymous[117] •�Disclaimer says:

    One of the things it’s time to say is, we got to shitcan the Jew State AND the United States. Neither one meets the minimal standards of the civilized world.

    The United States gives way to demilitarized statelets with nothing in common except the International Bill of Human Rights. The Jew State gives way to Palestine.

  190. I am not at all surprised that pro-Jihad writers like P. Lawrence who deny the Israelis the right to defend themselves and their homeland have radically escalated their long-running attack on clear language by changing the meaning of words.

    ( The Jewish people did it !!! ha ha ha ha !! )

    1_Genocide (pepetrated by whites in many parts of the world )

    2_Apartheid ( perpetrated by whites )

    3_Nazi ( whites)

    _The Jewish people spread culture and civilization.
    _Trying to associate them with barbarity is a sign of incapability to think properly.
    _ Being educated and having the capability to think properly are not always the same.
    _The emotional P. Lawrence is a clear example of an educated person who can not think properly and clearly.
    _I do not know what he expects Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do against the Mohammedan terrorists who murdered many innocent civilians and kidnapped others.

    It is sad when Hamas ( one of the Mohammedan terrorist organizations …remember ISIS ) attacked Israel, murdered innocent civilians – including women and children – and kidnapped others and took them to Ghaza thought of people like P. Lawerence !!

    •�Replies: @Richard B
    , @Anon
  191. @meamjojo

    More “Isreali Intelligence” from one of UNZ residents Hasbara Zio Turds.

    Top 7 Lies Israel Uses to Gain Your Support.


    Lie #1: Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.

    Truth: Free and fair elections, along with parliaments with governmental cabinets and leadership positions, are held in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. Jordan and Lebanon have parliaments where legislation is debated and voted upon, just like in any normal democratic country.

    However, Israel actively tries to undermine those elections to ensure pro-Israel policies in neighboring states. For example, the very first democratically elected President of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, was overthrown at the instigation of Israel, who feared the Muslim Brotherhood past of President Morsi. Jordan suffered a significant coup attempt within the royal family right when Israel and America was pressuring them to accept the Abraham Accords.

    In Lebanon, Israel advocated the use of the quota system for balancing Sunni Muslim, Shia, and Christian representation in the Lebanese government. The Lebanese themselves did not favor this approach, as they are a majority Muslim country who did not see the need for quotas based on a person’s religious identity over other forms of political identity. However, this system was forced upon them at the end of the Lebanese Civil War in the Taif Agreement because it was favored by Israel and the West at the time.

    In fact, Israel is not very democratic itself. Israelis cannot register civil marriages in Israel unless they are Orthodox Jews, so secular and non-Orthodox Jews usually must travel abroad to get married, and then return to their country. That’s far less civil liberty than in any of their surrounding Arab countries.

    Representation for Arab Israelis in the Knesset is also a continuous problem, or the lack thereof. Arab Israelis represent about 20% of the Israeli population now, but have 0 or 1 person to represent them at any given time in the Knesset. Is that a democracy? It’s a joke.

    Lie #2: Al Aqsa Mosque is a Selfish Monument to those who wish to displace or replace Jews.

    Truth: The Romans started invading southern Jordan during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). By the time the Muslim armies under Caliph Umar pushed them back to beyond Jerusalem, they had the support of the Christians and Jews of both modern-day Syria, Jordan, and Jerusalem because they were tired of living under Roman occupation and repression.

    When Umar was invited to take the keys of Jerusalem, he did not tear down any church or other place of worship. The Jews asked him to do something for the Temple Mount, because the Romans had used it as a trash heap. So the Muslim armies cleared the garbage from off of it and sanctified the spot. There was a Jewish petition, led by Ka’b al Ahbar, a Jew who converted to Islam, to get the Muslim leaders to build a structure over the spot, but it was refused. Many years later under Caliph Abd al Malik the request was granted and Dome of the Rock was built along with the prayer hall of the Al Aqsa Mosque. This was done with their approval after many years of hesitation, which is key to understanding the vile lies told to the world about the historical sacred site.

    Lie #3: Israel does not target civilians, or tries to minimize civilian casualties, especially in this war with Gaza.

    Truth: Israel just shelled and bombed the floors of the Indonesian Hospital. They also just mortar shelled two stories of a UN-designated refuge school for the displaced, causing mass casualties of mainly children on both floors. Have you not seen the videos circulating on social media of the bodies draped over the railings and littering the stairwells and even all bodies piles on each other all the way inside the inner classrooms? People and their charred, severed limbs everywhere, mostly children, some between life and death in excruciating pain.

    Here are some quotes from Israel before this war on the civilians of Gaza began:

    “The emphasis is on damage, not on accuracy.” — Israeli Defense Forces Admiral Daniel Hagari (who also pointed to a calendar in Arabic saying “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday” written on it in Arabic and declared them names of ‘terrorists’ who were at the Al Shifa Hospital, as ‘evidence’ recently)

    “The children in Gaza brought it upon themselves.” — Member of the Knesset Merav Bin-Ari

    “Nuke them.” — Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu

    “We will turn Gaza into an Island of Ruins.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu in March 2019: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

    I would argue that Israel literally delights in targeting civilians. That’s how Israel was founded. The Knesset itself stands upon the land which once belonged to about 20 families who were bombed while they were still in their homes. It’s literally built upon ethnic cleansing, which has never stopped. People call it the slow-moving genocide in the world, taking 75 years and ongoing.

    Lie #4: Mufti Amin Husseini meeting with Hitler proves that Palestinians are ‘anti-Semitic.’

    Truth: This ‘Mufti’ was appointed ‘Mufti’ by the British after they exiled the four indigenous leaders of Al Aqsa Mosque and their colleagues in local government to the Seychelles Islands (along with the indigenous leaders of Ghana).

    Traditionally, Al Aqsa Mosque hosted four imams, (not a Mufti), one imam each, for each of the 4 main Sunni sects. That way, everyone had a representative to pray behind and follow. The British ended this practice, and Israel perpetuated this banishment, so there has never been freedom of religion for Muslims at Al Aqsa Mosque since, nor the return of the traditions of Al Aqsa Mosque to its rightful place. This has been deeply offensive to 2 billion Muslims around the globe.

    And, I might add, specific proof that Israel weaponizes the ‘anti-Semitism’ label.

    Lie #5: Oslo Accords was a good-faith attempt at Peace.

    Truth: The Oslo Accords were with the PLO, not any civic society organizations or other Palestinian political parties. The PLO did not represent the broad swath of Palestinian society, which all good-faith peace agreements are required to address.

    The Oslo Accords were about sidelining and isolating the PLO from the rest of Palestinian society. Many Palestinians were disinvited or told they were not welcome to attend the negotiations from either the beginning of the meetings, or partway through. Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian diplomat and negotiator, recalls being asked to leave. He has written about his experience and other Palestinian diplomats’ in the book “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.”

    Lie #6: Palestinians are troublesome everywhere they go. That’s why neighboring countries won’t accept them, because they don’t want them, either.

    Truth: Palestinians refugees have been living in neighboring countries like Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. However, they have not been granted citizenship rights in all of them. Why is that? Israelis try to make people believe that “everyone” finds Palestinians “inferior” (see the genocide?), and that is the reason.

    The real reason is that nobody wants to be complicit in Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. I can explain to a Western audience in different ways. In Islam, there is the concept of ‘zulm’ which means ‘oppression’ in English, as the closest translation. However, in Arabic its meaning is closer to “taking something out of its rightful place and putting it in another place” which is the root cause of oppression. You get angry, you take your angry feelings out on the dish washer, that’s “zulm” too, or “oppression.” (Do you see where this is going?)

    And in Arabic, if you agree with accepting that new wrongfully placed thing/person/emotion, it is equally complicit in the word ‘zulm.’ Likewise, in Islamic law you have the prohibition of not only drinking alcohol, but also being the person who sells it, imports it, or exports it, all under the same concept of ‘zulm.’

    I hope I’ve explained this culural and linguistic concept clearly enough to understand that it’s deeply engrained as a common concept that accepting an evil is the same as doing it, far more strongly than in Western culture and language.

    Lie #7: Palestinians turned down every 2-State Solution offered them by Israel.

    Israel has never offered Palestinians a “state”, but a continued “occupation agreement.” If you read ANY of the agreements, Israelis has ALWAYS refused fundamental rights of a state to Palestinians: right to access and control water, air space, own their own security, or even to own enough land for their population to settle and grow enough agriculture to sustain themselves. This is not a “state solution”, but an “occupation solution” to continue Palestinian dependence upon Israel, which Palestinians rightfully reject. Many Palestinian proposals have likewise been rejected by the Israelis, especially the very reasonable term of stop building and settling in the West Bank, which Israel does regardless of a negotiated agreement in process or not, which is against international law.

    Also, the Arab Peace Initiative was accepted by Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian National Authority, but was refused by Israel. This was the most recent peace attempt.


  192. A123 says: •�Website

    If you thought PLO Joe was bad, the understudy shows she is worse: (1)

    Kamala Harris wants to keep Hamas in power

    Vice President Kamala Harris has made it clear that she wants to protect Hamas in ways that essentially would keep the terrorist organization in power in Gaza and that she will continue President Joe Biden’s policies that embolden and empower terrorists.

    She then pivoted to shaming Israel. “What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating,” Harris said. “The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

    It is clear what the implications of Harris’s position are. She says this can end “in a way where Israel is secure” while demanding that Israel allow the genocidal terrorist organization that massacred 1,200 Israeli and American civilians to remain in power. She places the responsibility for the suffering of Gazans on Israel, not Hamas, which is why she is using their suffering to pressure Netanyahu into reaching a deal. Harris’s decision to shame Israel more than Hamas also helps give Hamas more leverage in hostage negotiations — you know, the hostages, including five remaining Americans, that Hamas took while massacring 1,200 civilians.

    Getting the Jihadist kidnappers to a fair cease fire was always going to be difficult. Has warmonger Harris’s anti-Semitism effectively ended peace negotiations? Signs point to, “Yes”.

    Grandstanding after meeting Netanyahu was a foolish act by someone who knows nothing about effective foreign policy. Even a raw novice would avoid such a mistake. Who is advising her?

    Genocidal Hamas leaders in Qatar and Iran see a potential puppet in Harris. From the terrorist point of view, waiting for U.S. Presidential outcome is now worthwhile. All it costs is more martyrs among their expendable coreligionists.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/3100863/harris-wants-hamas-in-power/

    •�Troll: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  193. Richard B says:
    @Charles Martel France

    1_Genocide (pepetrated by whites in many parts of the world )

    2_Apartheid ( perpetrated by whites )

    3_Nazi ( whites)

    Genocide and Apartheid have been and continue to be commited by human beings throughout the world, but are attributed exclusively to “whites” by Jews in hopes that no one will notice the obvious fact that they are the worst offender in human history of both.


    Oh, and the Nazis were German. White is just a racial descriptor. It’s not a specific culture group capable of acting in its own interests, as is the case with Jews.

    It is sad when Hamas ( one of the Mohammedan terrorist organizations …remember ISIS ) attacked Israel, murdered innocent civilians – including women and children – and kidnapped others and took them to Ghaza thought of people like P. Lawerence !!

    You’re so emotional you can’t even write a coherent sentence.

    Now that’s a JIDF Troll for you.

  194. Anon[426] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Charles Martel France

    The Jewish people spread culture and civilization.

    Which culture and civilization? They did not have one. They were parasite on other civilization to survive sucking other people’s blood.

  195. Blissex says:

    «I do not know how it is in your household, but in mine we have developed the practice over the past nine months of reciting to one another the most appalling of the news bulletins from Gaza that come our way from a great variety of sources.»

    I admire the fair and humanitarian people who instead of ignoring them campaign against massacres everywhere, in Ethiopia, Myanmar, Yemen, Sudan, without using just one of them as an excuse to make antiethiopitic, antiburmitic, antisauditic, antisudanitic propaganda.

    “Jeremy Corbyn calls on Aung San Suu Kyi to end Burma’s violence against Rohingya Muslims”

    “Jeremy Corbyn (Islington North) (Ind): I beg to move, That this House has considered the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia, Sudan and Tigray.”

    “I remain deeply concerned about the widely acknowledged humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Britain’s continued role in providing weapons and military support to Saudi Arabia while they are conducting military action against Yemen, including inflicting massive civilian casualties, is totally unacceptable.”

  196. @Richard B

    remember ISIS ) attacked Israel

    ISIS (Isreali Secret Intelligence Service) has never attacked Isreal since it conception.
    Wonder why that is 🤔


    •�Replies: @Charles Martel France
  197. @Richard B

    Richard B :

    Genocide and Apartheid have been and continue to be commited by human beings throughout the world.

    I do not want to ridicule you but as it appears you have your own definition of Genocide and Apartheid. Genocide is a serious matter and all of us know that Apartheid belonged to a specific country and period.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Holy Catholic
  198. muh muh says:

    It’s okay.

    I was wondering what that was all about.

    No harm, no foul.


  199. muh muh says:

    How can the Arabs sit by, while this is happening? Are they afraid of the US? Of Israel’s nuclear weapons. What good does it do to worship Allah, if you are going to stand aside while this kind of evil is perpetrated? I have no answers.

    It’s not just Arabs, it’s the Muslim world itself.

    To some here, the United States might seem incredibly weak, but it still has the world’s largest armed forces at its disposal and Muslim dominant nations are fully aware of this. Add to this the reality that more than a few of these nations have pre-existing security arrangements with America and we’re talking about a Muslim world that is very much unlike the Rashidun Caliphate.

    FACT: Most Muslim dominant nations aren’t even administrating their countries according to Islamic law.

    I’ve actually lived, studied and worked alongside Muslims in the Middle East. A number of governments actively seek to repress independent Islamic organizations, even those which are explicitly non-violent in nature. If you think the tyranny here is bad, you have no idea just how draconian some of those countries can be against religiously devout Muslims.

    Recently, Egyptian authorities arrested a handful of protestors in Alexandria just for showing solidarity with Palestinians. Jordan allows for slightly more, but not too much. There may come a point when we’re going to see more pushback from the masses. It simply hasn’t arrived yet.

    If Muslim dominant nations were like those of the Rashidun Caliphate, we’d be seeing a much different reality on the ground.

  200. @Anonymous 1

    Q (Anonymous 1 ) : The Isreali Secret Intelligence Service has never attacked Isreal since it conception. Wonder why that is ?

    A : Why do you expect the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service to attack Israel ?

    Q ( Anonymous 1 ) :ISIS has never attacked Isreal since it conception.Wonder why that is ?

    A : ISIS likes to first clean its own house. That is what their scholars say when the issue of Israel is raised. For them it is a simple question of prioritization. In other words : what do you do first ?

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  201. Let’s stipulate that the Holocaust happened as seen on TV. The serial killer doesn’t get a pass because he was abused as a child or because his grandfather was abused as a child. The serial killer in this analogy is Netanyahu in his current role as Zionism Incarnate. And the Congressheep seemed to really dig the speech. Sad.

    I’ve been saying for years that Israel’s foundation is the Original Sin of the U.N. Both sides claim Jerusalem so there’s no cutting the baby in half (Murder the family first Mimsy!).

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  202. ariadna says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    ” if I was a Hasbara agent, would I be advocating for protests to end the genocide? That doesn’t even make sense.”

    Bless his heart, my little pickaninny, the 20-year-old “African kid” prodigy, all absorbed by the Jewish genocide in Gaza, which he recommends ending by … protests. Because all those protests in Palestine for the past 8o years worked so well, didn’t they… because the current protests in the USA, swatted away by Netanyahu and his trained seals in the Little Knesset on the Hills as instigated by Iran have also worked so well…
    But my little pickaninny does not like violence, that’s why he is all for protests and he is clear-eyed about the danger of the DNA-imbedded racism in most Whites.
    Take your piss-poor impersonation and your subpar hasbara to a more Jew-friendly place and munch on it quietly. We are all stocked up here.

    •�Replies: @Kangaroo Shack
  203. @Charles Martel France

    That is what their scholars say when the issue of Israel is raised. For them it is a simple question of prioritization.

    Absolute nonsense, where is the proof?

    I wait for an answer and I give you a gift below ❤️

  204. @Tereza Coraggio


    “For brevity, could you summarize on which side of the debate this falls? From the evidence presented, I tend towards Hitler always being an actor who was controlled by London/ Rothschild. What do you think from your research?”

    I find that questions asked are more revealing about a person than their opinions. You also conditioned your view on evidence presented, not as an absolute but as a process open to further evaluation. Hopefully some TUR commentators are taking notes.

    The question of credibility of evidence is challenging for every seeker of truth. Establishing credibility is more of an art than a science that gains reliability only with lots of practice, kind of like becoming a good jazz musician. In time you begin to get a “feel” for it.

    With respect to Hitler I would recommend that you read his speeches, MEIN KAMPF (Stalag edition) and HITLER’S TABLE TALK to get a good feel for his character. Be careful with biographies. Leon Degrelle seems to be reliable. GERMANY’S HITLER by Heinz A. Heinz is the only authorized biography and is worth the read because it presents much info that will be suppressed by academic historians.

    With respect to the transformation of Germany from a broken and severely depressed people to an economic miracle in five years, I recommend a book by a British eyewitness who toured the country in 1938 just before the war. His account of the prosperity and the joy of the German people is stunning.

    THIS IS GERMANY by Charles W. Domville-Fife

    From the Cover: “A sweeping snapshot of Germany in 1938, written by one of Britain’s most prolific military and travel writers. It provides one of the most accurate English language overviews of all aspects of Hitler’s Germany ever written, but was completely suppressed.”

    Concerning my impression of Hitler with respect to a wide variety of historical reading material:

    Hitler was a unique man of destiny that could not be bought or intimidated into a subservient role. Almost all who commented on their personal experience with Hitler noted a power of focus and resolve in his personality.

    Extremely intelligent and well read – an architect, an artist, lover of music, a vegetarian and a man of compassion for animals and kindness toward children – he was an extraordinary person who had much in common with the Renaissance Man. He made an impression on all who met him!

    It is understandable that his adversaries had to demonize him. Hitler’s economic miracle and transformation of the German people convinced the Cult to throw all their power behind Stalin in order to defeat the greater of the two threats. This is explained in The RED Symphony.

    The Trotskyites lost their power to Stalin in 1924, so the Cult backed Hitler to stop Stalin in which both would be exhausted from war. This is exactly what the Cult and Israel did with the Iran/Iraq war. However the economic miracle showed by far that Hitler would be the greater threat to their world control agenda. The economic miracle had to be stopped and Stalin would be dealt with at a later date. There is speculation that the Cult did kill Stalin.

    Extra: After Stalin was eliminated, the Cult regained control over their experimental communist government but created a Cold War environment to funnel money into the US military and black ops, and manipulate the superficial flag waving patriots. The Cult effectively shifted attention from a Judaic agenda to an external communist agenda that was trying to gain a foothold in the United States. It worked and the Red Scare tactic fooled the American people again.

    There is much more evidence to support my position but I hope that this clears up some of the muddy waters.

    •�Thanks: NeverTrustaWizard
    •�Replies: @Tereza Coraggio
  205. @Anonymous 1

    وعلى الرغم من التناقض الذي يمكن أن يظهر بين خطاب “داعش” المحرض على استهداف إسرائيل وبين موقفه من القضية الفلسطينية المتعلق بأن القضية الفلسطينية ليست ذات أولوية ولا تأتي قبل قضايا الجهاد الأخرى، إلا أن هذا التناقض يمكن تفسيره في ضوء أولوية الاستهداف لدى التنظيم القائمة على قتال “العدو القريب”، والتي تعني محاربة الأنظمة العربية الحاكمة، وذلك في ضوء قناعته بأن “العدو القريب” أولى بالقتال، فضلًا عن أن إسقاط الأنظمة العربية سوف يوفر له البيئة المناسبة لتأسيس خلافته ومن ثَمّ التفرغ لاستهداف العدو البعيد المتمثل في الولايات المتحدة وحلفائها وعلى رأسهم إسرائيل. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن التنظيم يحاول الجمع بين استراتيجية قتال “العدو القريب”، واستراتيجية قتال “العدو البعيد”، لكن تظل الأولوية هي استهداف “العدو القريب”.

    Despite the contradiction that may appear between ISIS’s rhetoric inciting targeting Israel and its position on the Palestinian issue, which is that the Palestinian issue is not a priority and does not come before other jihad issues, this contradiction can be explained in light of the organization’s priority of targeting based on fighting“ the near enemy,” which means fighting the ruling Arab regimes, in light of its belief that the “near enemy” is more deserving of fighting, in addition to the fact that toppling the Arab regimes will provide it with the appropriate environment to establish its caliphate and then devote itself to targeting the distant enemy represented by the United States and its allies, led by Israel.

    It is worth noting that the organization is trying to combine the strategy of fighting the “near enemy” with the strategy of fighting the “distant enemy,” but the priority remains targeting the “near enemy.”

  206. @Anonymous 1

    _Despite the contradiction that may appear between ISIS’s rhetoric inciting targeting Israel and its position on the Palestinian issue, which is that the Palestinian issue is not a priority and does not come before other jihad issues,

    _this contradiction can be explained in light of the organization’s priority of targeting based on fighting the “near enemy,” which means fighting the ruling Arab regimes, in light of its belief that the “near enemy” is more deserving of fighting,

    _ in addition to the fact that toppling the Arab regimes will provide it with the appropriate environment to establish its caliphate and then devote itself to targeting the distant enemy represented by the United States and its allies, led by Israel.

    _It is worth noting that the organization is trying to combine the strategy of fighting the “near enemy” with the strategy of fighting the “distant enemy,” but the priority remains targeting the “near enemy.”

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  207. meamjojo says:

    “Please tell me why I should not hate the Jews responsible for this. (US) ”

    Because it isn’t a true story and you don’t even know the guy. Life’s a bitch and then you die…

  208. @socratesjr

    Thanks for that thorough reply, socrates. I like your use of ‘the Cult’ to name the perpetrators as a group while sidestepping premature debates over what name to use. The first level is recognizing what’s been done, the second is seeing that it’s being done by the same group of people who aren’t the names we know. Maybe the third is understanding it’s been the same techniques for millennia. If we could reach those three steps without getting sidetracked into ‘who,’ it would be an accomplishment.

    My book (https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607) is based on the same economic model as Hitler’s so I certainly agree that it was brilliant. I thought the architect of the system was Feder, who was working closely with the Populists and their candidate, William Jennings Bryan, with the ‘free silver’ platform. My recent article https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/state-of-disunion-2030 looks at this plan being in place in 2030. One comment mentioned other precedents and I said they missed Hitler’s, although I thought it was Feder to whom the credit was due.

    I’ve listened to some of Hitler’s translated speeches, referred by Julius Skoolafish, and I agree that they are inspired and exactly to the point. His policies within Germany were exactly the miracle that was described. In fact, how Germany went from the Wiemar hyperinflation to prosperity was the question that first led me to question the Hitler myth, and it’s been quite a journey since.

    Julius makes a compelling case for your position, if I’m interpreting correctly, that Hitler was a hero to Germans and behaved honorably towards Germany’s enemies, believing in the rules of engagement. And all of the active commenters on my site are in agreement that there was no holocaust of the Jews, as David Irving has shown: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-trials-of-david-irving.

    The role of ‘the Cult’ in subverting Russia I think we also agree about. In this one, I talk about the chapter titled The Red Terror in The Myth of German Villainy: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/fiddler-on-the-truth.

    The other nuanced view is presented by a reader called Nefahotep quoting from Firestarter, that Hitler made too many military mistakes to be just an accident. Germany should have won WWII, were it not for his decision not to take Dunkirk, was it? Or to march on Russia mid-winter. I remember reading that Hitler stayed up until 4 am every night and wouldn’t allow anyone to wake him before noon, yet refused to delegate military strategy, which caused great losses. And his calm in going to his death seems fishy to me. This one, that I mentioned before, presents that evidence: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey.

    So both sides, I’d say, are in 90% agreement on the facts. We all agree that the villains of the World Wars were ‘the Cult’ primarily Rothschild, the bankers, the London financiers who controlled the politicians. What they needed to demonize was Germany’s economic model, not Hitler. As they say, you can kill a man but not an idea. The understanding that you could renege on debts, kick out the bankers and issue your own currency had to be–not just defeated–but associated with such great evil that no one would dare try it again.

    Feder’s plan would have proceeded no matter who was in charge. Who funded Hitler’s campaign after the Beer Hall Putsch when he was in jail? This was the era of propaganda in the West, would it be that hard for someone else to write his speeches and Mein Kampf? As an actor, he could certainly play the role and deliver the lines. Hitler became the face of sovereign money and that became the face of evil. For me to now say my economic model is the same as Hitler’s is to immediately discredit it in most circles. Was that Hitler’s purpose?

    •�Replies: @socratesjr
  209. meamjojo says:

    Check out Kamala’s ugly dog daughter, featured in the article below, who claims to be a “model”. More like something that the cat dragged in! The comments attached to the article are brutal!

    Kamala Harris’ pro-Palestinian stepdaughter Ella Emhoff campaigns for step-mom after staying silent during Biden’s run
    Jon Levine
    July 27, 2024

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have found his No. 1 “useful idiot.”

    Vice President Harris’ Hamas-curious stepdaughter Ella Emhoff jumped into the presidential race with gusto this week with aggressive social media posts to her 330,000 followers.

    “You already know what time it is,” Emhoff, a 25-year-old model, said on Wednesday, sharing a slack-jawed image of herself and a voter registration link. “This is not the time to sit back and defer responsibility. This is on all of us to show up, take action and vote for our future. We can be the change we want to see.”


  210. @Charles Martel France

    Never read so much drivel in my life.

    You provided no link to the source of post.

    I wonder why that is 🤔🤔🤔

    •�Replies: @Charles Martel France
  211. @Charles Martel France

    Dude can you please stop using that username?
    Everybody here knows you a Jew troll
    Charles Martel was a great European Frankish Christian warlord ~ leader ~ politician who would have hated your guts for collaborating with the evil Christianity hating Talmudic warlords.
    Thanks buddy sjaloom

  212. Jameson says:

    As bad as she was already she added a bunch of weird tattoos to the mix.

    Maybe that is what liberal Democrats find attractive these days.

  213. A123 says: •�Website

    Check out Kamala’s ugly dog daughter, featured in the article below, who claims to be a “model”. More like something that the cat dragged in! The comments attached to the article are brutal!

    Poor life choices, like tattoos, should be called out.

    That being said, physical appearance is not necessarily a good yardstick.

    Viktor Orbán is an excellent champion for Judeo-Christian values. Is he “pretty”? Definitely not.

    Compare that to Hollywood detritus. For example, Rachel Zegler. Is she aesthetic? Yes. Is she morally debauched, intentionally damaging the classic tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? Yes.

    2 Corinthians 11:14
    “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

    Degenerate devil spawn like the genocidal Bella Hadid lure incels with weak minds towards the Anti-Christ Muhammad, enemy of Jesus.

    Proverbs 6:25
    “Do not desire her beauty in your heart, and do not let her capture you with her eyelashes”

    Everyone Serious knows that SJW🏳️‍🌈Muslim sexual deviancy is essential & integral to the life of the Anti-Christ Muhammad. He raped Aisha when she was 9.

    Perversion is a Pillar of Islam.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: John Trout
  214. @NotAnonymousHere

    Much BS has been written about the Holocaust, and many testimonies of alleged survivors are fake, but how did the stories about the gas chambers arise? The gas chambers are consistently repeated in so many narratives from different sources. So who was the first to mention them, and then did all the others just copy, or independently arrived at the same narrative, or was there some meeting where it was decided to disseminate stories about gas chambers? Then the Germans had already used gas chambers previously on their own people. And then the confessions of the Nazis themselves. Why was it necessary to torture them to confess to gas chambers if they hadn’t existed? Hadn’t they already committed so many war crimes and crimes against humanity to deserve what they got? And who decided that the gas chamber accusation should be made, if it wasn’t real? Let’s say you wanted to put those who ran Abu Ghraib prison on trial, would you have to invent any more crimes than those they had perpetrated in there to pass sentences on them?

  215. Heretic50 says:

    The terrorist state of Israel may be doing a lot of damage to women and children, but they sure aren’t doing great against Hamas. That’s to say nothing of Hezbollah, of whom the Israelis are downright fearful. Otherwise, why would they need to draft the ultra-Orthodox into the military?

    Just think of all the weapons and gear the Israeli maggots receive from the US, and they still struggle against a small guerrilla force. It’s hard to imagine anything more pathetic. The IDF makes even the US military seem competent. Can you imagine what a properly equipped military would do to the IDF?

    Israel is a loathsome parasite on its host, the US. But the US is in decline and is losing influence on the world stage by the day. The time will come when the US loses either the ability or the will to continue hosting the parasite (possibly due to a breakup of the US a la the USSR). When that happens, I would not want to be a Jew in Israel. Payback is going to be a major bitch.

  216. Heretic50 says:

    Viktor Orbán is an excellent champion for Judeo-Christian values. Is he “pretty”? Definitely not.

    There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian values.” Jewish values and Christian values have little in common. In particular, Jews absolutely detest Christ and Christianity. Muslims have a much higher opinion of Jesus than the Jews do.

    Where you’re correct is in pointing out that outward appearance is much less important than inner beauty. Nobody stays young and pretty forever, but character and moral values can stay with us throughout life, and they give us our worth as human beings.

    As for the Zionist Jews and their supporters, if their morality could be seen on the outside, each of them would be about as attractive as the Cryptkeeper.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  217. Judaics DESPISE Christians. They believe that Jesus is in Hell, up to his neck in boiling faeces, and his mother, Mary, was a whore. In Jerusalem the behatted and curly side-locked lunatics make a habit of spitting on Christians, or on churches. They targeted churches (and mosques) for destruction in Gaza. And the Talmudists who increasing run Israel have made plain that they will destroy all churches in ‘EretzYisrael’ when they come to power. As Ovadia Yosef, king-maker politically and former Chief Sephardic Rabbi in Israel bragged;’The goyim only exist to serve the Jews’.

    •�Thanks: Protogonus
    •�Replies: @Heretic50
  218. @A123

    First, you almost admire the projection. A Jew accusing others of perversion. Priceless! Epstein was a Moslem, apparently, and one could go on all day. And the apologist for and accomplice in genocide still, sickeningly, signs off with ‘Peace’??!!

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  219. @meamjojo

    Whereas you ARE something that the cat extruded, rectally.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  220. Sarita says:

    Guys in case you wonder how Memejoho, A123, Jameson and fake Charles Martell sisters look like here is a general idea:

    And this is what should be done with these God damned criminals:

    Learn from the main man!

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�LOL: Holy Catholic
  221. Sarita says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    “Epstein was a Moslem”

    Stfu stupid lying bitch!

    •�Agree: Holy Catholic
  222. Heretic50 says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Ovadia Yosef’s quote should be told to every Gentile on the planet, along with documentation from known Jewish and Israeli sources like this:


    This wasn’t just some fringe figure, either, but a Chief Rabbi in Israel. He openly stated what millions of Jews secretly think. This isn’t the only case in which a Jew let the cat out of the bag, but it’s one of the most important.

    That quote and link should be spread everywhere that people need to see it: Fox News, Yahoo, etc.

  223. Heretic50 says:

    Just another standard bleeding heart, tear jerk story that get featured regularly on the western media. As they say, war is hell. People get shot, killed & crippled, especially when the fighters hide among and behind the civilians

    Yep, civilian deaths are no big deal and are to be expected in a war. That’s your position, correct? So I guess you don’t mind this:

    TEL AVIV — A rocket strike Saturday at a soccer field killed at least 11 children and teens, Israeli authorities said, in the deadliest strike on an Israeli target along the country’s northern border since the fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah began. It raised fears of a broader regional war.


    “Trample the weak and hurdle the dead” — right, tough guy? Those little squatters were members of the “unlucky sperm club,” to use your words. At least they won’t grow up to be terrorists in the IDF. 😄

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  224. @Heretic50

    It’s amazing that Hamas is not running out of weapons and ammunition. Did they really stockpile so much or is Israel incapable of even stopping the flow of weapons to them.? They also record their hits from quite close up without the Israelis even being aware that they are being observed, recorded and about to be ambushed.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  225. meamjojo says:

    “Just think of all the weapons and gear the Israeli maggots receive from the US, and they still struggle against a small guerrilla force.”

    That hides behind and among civilians, in tunnels, in schools, in hospitals, in UNRWA HQ and more.

    It’s lucky for Hamas that Netanyahu is in charge and not me. I would have flooded those tunnels in the early weeks and forced them all above ground. I would have no concern for the hostages and would have got in shooting wherever Hamas was thought to be.

    And anyone that complained, I would tell them where they could shove their head. I’d love to see the look on Biden’s face when I told him that!

    As to:

    “The terrorist state of Israel may be doing a lot of damage to women and children, but they sure aren’t doing great against Hamas”

    20,000 dead Hamas fighters is a decent number, although as I said above, the number would be significantly higher were I in charge.

    •�Replies: @Heretic50
  226. meamjojo says:

    “In particular, Jews absolutely detest Christ and Christianity. Muslims have a much higher opinion of Jesus than the Jews do.”

    Well of course! Jesus, the stupid prick went and created a new religion, which has caused the world untold problems over the next 2000 years!

    •�Replies: @Jameson
  227. @ariadna

    Your attempt to discredit me by calling me a ‘Hasbara agent’ and accusing me of ‘subpar hasbara’ only reveals your inability to engage with my arguments in a constructive manner.

    It’s a tired tactic that avoids addressing the substance of the issue.

    I’m not claiming to have all the answers, but I know that dismissing protests as ineffective is a convenient excuse for inaction. Protests may not have yielded immediate results, but that doesn’t mean they’re futile.

    Instead, it shows that we need a critical mass of people in Western society to demand change and hold leaders accountable. We need a groundswell of public opinion that refuses to accept the status quo of complicity and inaction.

    Just imagine if 90% of the population in western cities took to the streets to protest this genocide. Economic activity would be grind to a halt, businesses and industries would feel the pressure and leaders would be forced to act and end the plight of the palestinian people.

    In light of the above, can you provide a logical explanation of how my stance on this issue benefits the interests of israel?

    As for being a ‘prodigy’, actually i’m not. I’m just a regular guy with a passion for rhetoric.

    The little ability i’ve gained in that regard comes from watching legal shows like Franklin and Bash, Suits, The Good Wife, the Lincoln lawyer and Boston Legal.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @meamjojo
  228. @Commentator Mike

    They have a stock pile for around 10 yrs of fighting plus they have the capability of manufacturing weapons when needed.

    They take the explosives from unexploaded bombs, missiles, etc. 5% of these are said to not explode when dropped or fired by the IOF and around 40% of the tnt in them can be salvaged from that weapon.

  229. It’s lucky for Hamas that Netanyahu is in charge and not me. I would have flooded those tunnels in the early weeks and forced them all above ground. I would have no concern for the hostages and would have got in shooting wherever Hamas was thought to be


    Another bs point from you that you keep bringing up. The IOF are getting sent to hell and a life of disability and pain every day ❤️

    Jon Elmer analyzes state of resistance in Gaza, Yemeni drone strikes Tel Aviv
    From 1:20:07

  230. @Heretic50

    TEL AVIV — A rocket strike Saturday at a soccer field killed at least 11 children and teens, Israeli authorities said, in the deadliest strike on an Israeli target along the country’s northern border since the fighting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah began. It raised fears of a broader regional war.

    The Lebanese have only been targeting military sites and not civilians.

  231. @Anonymous 1

    Drivel or not that is how they think. I can provide you with the link if you are still interested. Its content is in Arabic.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  232. @Tereza Coraggio


    “I like your use of ‘the Cult’ to name the perpetrators as a group while sidestepping premature debates over what name to use. The first level is recognizing what’s been done, the second is seeing that it’s being done by the same group of people who aren’t the names we know. Maybe the third is understanding it’s been the same techniques for millennia. If we could reach those three steps without getting sidetracked into ‘who,’ it would be an accomplishment.”

    Excellent observation and follow up points.
    We are moving beyond the scope of this article and therefore we should close out this thread for another time. I will follow your comments for an opening.

    A short response to your observation: The challenge for the objective thinker is a method of inquiry and a method of analysis. For historical investigation, if we don’t get a good grip on the bigger picture we can get lost in the forest of detail. This is the problem that keeps the academic research historians in the dark.

    I have chosen the term “CULT” because it best fits the three phases of your observation. In my investigations it became clear to me that this horrific agenda goes back farther than 2500 years and that the core of Judaism is the Talmud which is more of a cult manual than a religious document. Further, it appears that the Bible was hijacked by this cult, a strategy which is used today to infiltrate and control the opposition. The Old Testament and the New Testament have very different messages. Thomas Jefferson wrote about this observation.

    The evidence suggest that the strategy of the cult is to get the victim to take the race/religion bait which is the strongest of the ego defense triggers. Therefore, the Cult hides behind the pseudo “Jewish” religion and the infiltrated Christian religion. From this position the Cult can effectively manage the emotional thinking of the masses. The bigger picture is WHO or WHAT is behind the Cult?

    For a better presentation of my emphasis on a method of inquiry and a method of analysis, refer to my first two comments at TUR.

    Until our paths cross again, thanks for your thoughtful comments.

    •�Agree: Tereza Coraggio
  233. @Charles Martel France

    That is deception from you and not how Muslims think. You are not that clever even though you pretend to be by posting some Arabic text.

    That kind of drivel is thought up by US Think Tanks which are in reality Zionist / Israeli entities.

    That includes the below organisation:
    Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri)

    Selective Memri

    Brian Whitaker investigates whether the ‘independent’ media institute that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems.


    Sure some may remember these stories:

    Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised’ claims former commander.

    Massive evidence of Israel treating wounded ISIS fighters.

    Commentary — A quick read of the following article would give one the impression that Israel is treating wounded fighters from the Syrian civil war because Israelis’ compassion for their fellow man is just so powerful that it overwhelms their instincts for self-preservation. Yeah, right! A more careful read provides ample evidence that they are in fact supporting radical jihadists in order to topple the government of President Assad, whom they see as an arch enemy.


  234. Sarita says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I want to apologize to you.
    In comment #225 I responded to you thinking you were Memejoho.

    I am deeply sorry.

    •�Thanks: Anonymous 1
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  235. Heretic50 says:

    That hides behind and among civilians, in tunnels, in schools, in hospitals, in UNRWA HQ and more.

    A guerrilla force has no choice but to strike from hidden positions. What are they supposed to do: go out into open fields and take on Israeli jets and drones with their rifles and RPGs? Is that what you would do if you were them?

    The crap about Hamas hiding in schools and hospitals is a bullshit excuse that Israel uses to massacre civilians. Hamas knows that Israel has no problem killing civilians, so there would be no point in attempting to use human shields. It would be suicidal for Hamas to try to rely on the presence of civilians for security.

    Even if the “human shields” bullshit were true, Israel’s use of that as an excuse amounts to an admission of war crimes. It’s not permitted under international law to bomb an entire hospital just to kill a couple of targeted individuals. The proof is in the pudding: if a military force kills too many civilians, that is positive proof that said military did not take adequate measures to protect innocent life. This is why Israel is hated around the world now, and no amount of hasbara will ever, ever fix that.

    It’s lucky for Hamas that Netanyahu is in charge and not me. I would have flooded those tunnels in the early weeks and forced them all above ground. I would have no concern for the hostages and would have got in shooting wherever Hamas was thought to be.

    That’s exactly what Satanyahu has been doing, minus the flooding of the tunnels. I’m sure the latter would have been done as well, but it probably ended up being impractical. I guarantee it wasn’t for humanitarian reasons that the tunnels weren’t flooded.

    20,000 dead Hamas fighters is a decent number, although as I said above, the number would be significantly higher were I in charge.

    When taking into account the relative manpower and firepower available to each side, Israel is looking downright retarded. That’s assuming the 20,000 figure is even accurate. Israel has no real warriors. Its candy-ass soldiers are only good at shooting the unarmed, as well as dropping bombs indiscriminately.

    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @H. L. M
  236. I agree with Anonymous 1 (comment 234).

    This latest attack on the Druze community in the Golan stinks of a false flag operation. Israel claims the Druze community is part of Israel but the Druze are Arabs. They are not Jews and definitely not Israelis. Obviously, the Israelis could care less about the Druze.

    Consider: Hezbollah denied any part in the attack. In this case I tend to believe Hesbollah. As Anonymous 1 notes, Hesbollah has been targeting the Israeli military, not civilians and certainly not children.

    So, ask the question: who has been targeting children during the last nine months? Three guesses.

    Also, you have to wonder about the timing. The attack comes just days after Netanyahu’s return from the US where he sought to obtain a blank check for US support of a war against Lebanon. Given the adoring behavior by 80% of Congress, I suspect he successfully obtained the backing he sought.

    Conclusion: This is speculation but it’s likely that Israel bombed the Druze – and purposefully hit children. Why? Answer: Another propaganda coup to justify escalation in the north.

    I realize this does not jibe with sober assessments of the weakened IDF: that Israel’s military is in no shape for another campaign.

    Only time will tell.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  237. Jameson says:

    Might want to lay off the “stupid prick” attacks on the big guy, you will regret that one day.

    Jesus rose from the dead, it was foretold in the Old Testament, all according to God’s plan.

    The problem Jesus caused is that people now realize they have a personal choice to make, they can’t hide behind following some religion of their birth or choice and expect that to save them in the end.

  238. @Mark H. Gaffney

    Hi Mark, thanks for your comment. The Israelis have no problem in killing their own for political gains so why would they not have bombed the Druze?

    What has become more clear for many is how much the Israeli / Zionist Lobby is, behind many different movements and organisations.

    Below is one such organisation.

    Kurdistan and the Zionists.

    In this edition of Palestine Declassified, were going to examine a US-based organisation that was established to purportedly support the Kurdish people.

    But was there another surreptitious motive behind the foundation of the Justice for Kurds group six years ago? In our first report, we look at some of the characters associated with this group. Later in the show, we report about a seemingly improbable ally of the Justice for Kurds group.


  239. Sarita says:

    Oh God, poor guy…


  240. @Heretic50

    The IOF created a shortage of adult diapers.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous 1
  241. ariadna says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    I did not “attempt to discredit” you. I mocked you as a silly hasbara clown with a hilarious disguise.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  242. meamjojo says:
    @Kangaroo Shack

    “Just imagine if 90% of the population in western cities took to the streets to protest this genocide.”

    [lol] They had their chance with Netanyahu’s recent visit to Washington DC. What happened? How many turned out? A few thousand?

    I keep telling you people. Hardly anyone gives a crap about dead Palestinians (or Arabs) be they woman, children or anything else.

    The Arabs in MI should take a lesson from this and reverse migrate back to where they came from! Once Trump assumes the Presidency, life in MI is going to get a lot harder.

  243. NED says:

    We are living the time of monsters (Gramsci,1926)and it’s getting worse mainly in the western world.
    Monsters are the leaders elect or to be elected in the US and elsewhere who can watch the genocidal massacres in Gaza,the worst that a living person has seen,and approving of it and pretending not to see.Monsters are the people who see the parody of the last supper and turn their heads,they are at the image of their leaders perverse and satanists,monsters are the athletes who continue to compete in these games.Humanity doesn’t mean anything in our civilized west.If you are looking where humanity still exists look at the children of Gaza , the elderly men and women of Gaza, the stoicism and dignity of the people of Gaza suffering as I wish no one doing this to them would endure.
    The rest of humanity,save some of those living in the east and resisting with courage to the evil brought upon us by those satanists.The church of Christ has failed,Islam and the Arab brothers have failed,Judaism has failed and the justification alleged to old legends won’t help.
    I hope that in perpetual nightmare all those monsters will be obsessed by the little fingers of the children of Gaza pointing to their monstrous faces,maybe this can bring back some humanity to their hearts.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  244. Anonymous 1 says: •�Website

    This should cheer you up ❤️

    ‘No Tanks Left’ – New Qassam Video Addressed to Lebanese Resistance.

    The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, broadcast a video message that it said was addressed to the Lebanese Resistance.

    The video included a montage of destroyed Israeli occupation vehicles and armored vehicles in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

    The video also included a statement from a previous speech by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant to his soldiers earlier this month, in which he said that the tank coming out of Rafah could reach the Litani.

    The statement was made in the context of his threat to the Lebanese Hezbollah Party that Israel is ready to escalate the confrontations in southern Lebanon and northern Israel.

    This was followed by accelerated scenes of targeting and detonating Israeli vehicles and tanks in the fighting axes in Rafah, as well as scenes of the withdrawal of destroyed vehicles from the city.

    Additionally, the clip also included a message from the Al-Qassam Brigades to the Resistance in Lebanon saying,

    “These are Galant armored vehicles coming out of Rafah, and we are sure that you will complete the mission (of destroying more Israeli tanks in Lebanon).”


  245. @John Trout

    And the Palestinian Resistance created a shortage of Tanks that work

  246. anarchyst says:

    I must disagree with one of your statements.
    Judaism has NOT failed and is doing just what judaism does.
    Hatred of both Christianity and the goyim is ingrained in basic jewish teachings and is taught from birth. Mutilating jewish male infants completes the process.
    Jews do not consider us goyim to be human.
    Judaism must be consigned to the ash heap of history. Adherents to this bronze-age cult must be recognized, ostracized and shunned pending mandatory deportation to “who-knows-where”.
    I propose Haiti as a destination for jews. Let them use their “tikkun olam” on the natives.

    •�Replies: @NED
  247. anarchyst says:

    Prosecution of the J6 protesters out of proportion to their “crimes” was a warning to “the rest of us”. There are many J6 protesters who are still incarcerated on trumped-up charges without trial three plus years after the fact.
    This is why protests have been muted, especially around the District of Criminals…

  248. NED says:

    You are right about that,it’s what I meant by their reference to legends imposing them as God’s law

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  249. @A123

    “Peace,” my posterior. Beneath your tissue of lies is a wish for destruction of the other.

  250. H. L. M says:

    Well said.

    I’ve noticed that few people bother to respond to memejojo’s lame comments.

  251. @meamjojo

    The Palestinians are proud courageous warriors.
    Many thousands innocent civilians became marters. Still there’s no sign of giving up. They are true believers. Their fate is immense.
    No matter how many bombs are dropped over their head’s. Hamas is still alive and kicking.
    They are going to keep on fighting till the last man. The Jews make it look like they are winning but that’s a big lie.
    Check out what reserve general of Israeli army has to say. 95 % of Hamas Soldiers are alive safe in tunnels digged so deep the Jews can’t get to them.

    •�Replies: @Jameson
  252. Jameson says:
    @Holy Catholic

    So what you are saying, even if you don’t realize it, is that the ONLY way to eliminate the problem of Muslim terrorism in the Holy Land is to cleanse the land of so-called “Palestinians.” That only makes sense given that they brainwash the little dirtbag kids in kindergarten on to hate the Jews. There is no way to peacefully coexist with such a Satanic people, evil to the core. The solution needs to be agreed upon by the world community and then get it done and over with. That way the world can move forward in peace.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
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