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Zionists in Amsterdam
Amsterdam’s Dam Square, site of the initial attacks. (Dragan Jankovic Faza, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

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What happened in one Dutch city is the world since the Zionist regime began its limitlessly barbaric assault on Gaza: Western powers blessed it, and Western media determined to hide it from view.

In the annals of “anti–Semitism,†if not anti–Semitism in its un-weaponized form, the events before, during, and since an ill-fated soccer match in Amsterdam last week merit a prominent entry.

We find in these chaotic days a picture in miniature of the sickness that has overtaken “the Jewish state,†the shameless apology those purporting to lead the Western post-democracies make for the straight-out barbarities of Zionist zealots, and the full-frontal disinformation spread by corporate and state-funded media as they pose as the first line of defense against disinformation.

It’s a three-fer, then, the whole banana in one place and at one time —all of this in the cause of the Zionist regime as it prosecutes its yearlong genocide in Gaza and sets about expanding its campaign of murder and destruction across West Asia.

Bad enough that planeloads of freak-show Israeli extremists arrived in Amsterdam last week for a match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax, the famous Dutch side, and instantly set about terrorizing the city in the name of Zionist chauvinism.

Worse were the authorities, starting but not ending with Amsterdam’s mayor and the Dutch foreign and prime ministers, recasting what was bound to follow as anti–Semitism, a 21st century pogrom, and so on down the list of hyperbolic absurdities.

Worst — and I indeed count this worst for its consequences — Western print and broadcast media purposefully falsified all representations of these events to turn reality upside down: Wall-to-wall, the criminals became the innocents in the news accounts, the victimizers became victims, and the victims became condemnable, anti–Semitic menaces to human decency.

See what I mean? Violence, lies, distortion, inverted reality: Two days in Amsterdam last week look now like one of those 16th century paintings the Dutch called “world landscapes,†wherein the whole of the earth is depicted in a compact panorama.

What happened in one Dutch city is the world as we have it since the Zionist regime began its limitlessly barbaric assault on the Palestinians of Gaza, the Western powers blessed it, and Western media determined to hide it from view.

Language is the instrument of my trade, and there must be words adequate to these depravities and corruptions. There must, there must. But the only one I know that matches the task at this point is “No!†Bear with me, please, as I struggle to find others.

It has been long and well documented that the Zionist ideologues who have fashioned a national consciousness among Israelis have systematically cultivated a presumption of Jewish superiority and — the contradiction here is only apparent — a corresponding belief that the rest of humanity detests Jews and the world is in consequence a dangerous place.

This project, wherein Old Testament tales of Jewish barbarities are routinely invoked, predates World War II by many decades; since 1945, as is plain to anyone who looks honestly, the Holocaust has been fully instrumentalized in this cause.

Systematic Indoctrination

I recall video footage shot in Jerusalem during the crisis at al–Aqsa Mosque in May 2021. It showed young Israelis, the girls in prim blue-and-white school uniforms, leaping up and down in a sort of blissed-out frenzy shouting “Kill all Arabs!†and other such obscenities.

What in hell? I wondered. Zionism is racism, yes, but how did it sink to this level of crudity? I should have understood. I did not know then the extent to which the minds of Israelis and Zionists the world over have been mutilated.

Two films — maybe there are more — explain the systematized indoctrination that produced the outcome at al–Aqsa.

Defamation is a cleverly done documentary from 2009 that follows adolescent students as they are brainwashed, during a summer sojourn in Europe, to fear a world that hates them.

Israelism, released last year, shows how American Jews are similarly instructed in Hebrew school — and how the eyes of many of these victims are opening to the frauds and racist cruelties of Zionist ideology.

Israeli police forces in Lod, on May 11, 2021. (Israel Police, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Israeli police forces in Lod, on May 11, 2021. (Israel Police, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

You can watch Defamation here and Israelism here. These films are brilliant and brave.

And there is a straight line from the purposefully inculcated xenophobia and paranoia they depict to the scene on Jerusalem’s streets during the crisis at al–Aqsa and now — my point here — to the repulsive mobs of Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam last week.

These are people, hundreds of them, who began their provocative aggressions as soon as they disembarked at Schiphol, Amsterdam’s airport.

The video and reported record shows them marching through the streets in what amounts to a rampage, tearing down Palestinian flags displayed on house fronts, vandalizing a taxicab with its driver (Moroccan) inside, attacking local people with pipes and clubs, chanting obscene, probably criminal slogans — “Kill the Arabs,†“Fuck you Palestine,†“There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left,†“Let the IDF fuck the Arabs,†and on and on in this line.

The last is a reference to recent protests in Israel in defense of Israel Defense Forces soldiers found to have gang-raped Palestinian prisoners. Violent demonstrators, among them members of the Netanyahu cabinet, thought sodomizing Palestinians held in what amount to torture camps, should be made legal.

Numerous videos and news reports detail the horrific conduct of these repellent punks and the to-be-expected response from local people.

Here is one published last Friday in Middle East Eye. Here is a nine-minute video from Owen Jones, The Guardian columnist who has had a lot of things wrong over the years but has this story very right. Here is an exceptionally pithy commentary in MEE by the estimable Jonathan Cook.

Video Link

On Sunday The Grayzone published the excellent video reporting of a young Dutch journalist-in-the-making that records Israelis attacking a contingent of uniformed Amsterdam police officers.

We can dispense with the ridiculous thought that these are football hooligans of the common variety and do not represent ordinary Israelis. Out of the question.

Owen Jones put out a second video Sunday, this one 17 minutes, that includes within it a video of the scene when the Israelis who went to Amsterdam arrived home. It is another raving paroxysm of racist delirium.

Let us take good care to understand these people and what they signify.

Sickness of a Nation

One, we see in them the sickness of a nation. Amsterdam showed this to the world in real-time video, reports on “X†and various other social media platforms.


I do not know when the apartheid state can be said to have succumbed to a perfectly diagnosable case of collective psychosis, but this is its condition now and it should be treated as such. Israel as now constituted, and arguably from the start, I mean to say, is not an acceptable presence in the community of nations.

See, for easy reference, the international community’s long, eventually successful ostracization of South Africa under the old apartheid regime. The time has come.

Two, it is one thing to indulge in deranged eruptions of hatred toward Palestinians and Arabs generally within the (internationally recognized) borders of an hysterical state.

Let us invoke the principle of noninterference in the affairs of others, even if these affairs amount to crazed ravings, and leave Israel’s freakish majority to itself. Gaza, and the Occupied Territories are, of course, another matter.

The Amsterdam events were something else. They were effectively an attempt to transport the extreme to which Israel has taken a premodern, even primitive ideology into a modern milieu and tell the world it must accept it.

This is what makes the mess in Amsterdam significant. And it is why it is important that it turned out to be, indeed, a mess.

Israeli terror did badly when it put its show on the road in the Netherlands last week. Ajax trounced Maccabi Tel Aviv 5 to zip. Zionism’s score was no better.

To consider this another way, listen carefully to all the racist chants. What were the Zionist deplorables who flew to Amsterdam saying?

In my read they were terrorists asserting that Israeli terror has a legitimate place in what we call Western civilization. They demanded acceptance. And why shouldn’t they try this on, given the Western powers’ unequivocal endorsement of all the state-sponsored barbarism?

The lesson here: It falls to those not of high office but of high principle to defend, in the streets or elsewhere, the remnants of the humane in the Western post-democracies.

Finally, let us not forget that in almost all cases history records, victimizers are also victims.

In this case, to praise gang rape and the slaughter of children amounts to an inverted, perverted admission that one’s psyche has been grotesquely disfigured at the hands of manipulating ideologues desperate to make a nation out of a diaspora that, as various Jews have argued over the years, ought to have remained a diaspora.

As to those who counter-demonstrated as these damaged people ripped through Amsterdam’s streets, it has been de rigueur this past week to include in one’s thoughts and observations some variation of, “There is no excuse for violence in response to the Israelis’ conduct.â€

I go back to that important word mentioned above, “No!†The violence of those protesting the Israeli racists as they exported their nation’s terror to Europe, and the extent of this violence cannot be measured and so not known, is perfectly understandable in my view.

Amsterdam at night. (Joe Lauria)
Amsterdam at night. (Joe Lauria)

We are talking about a city — one with a large Muslim population, as the Israelis surely knew — that was confronted with a manifestation of evil that is nearly as pure as it gets. And those subjected to this viciously aggressive display are to be criticized because they did not respond as angelic pacifists?

I am simply not on for this. It has long seemed to me that we in the West, to dilate the lens briefly, have a very peculiar attitude toward violence given we live under regimes whose policies at home as well as abroad begin and end with violence or the threat of it. But I will leave this topic for another time.

For now, this: However many Muslims were among those countering the Israelis in Amsterdam’s streets, and we cannot know this either, they are absolutely correct to read the small-time terrorists who arrived last week as manifestations of a global system that, in its centuries of racist ideology, has violently made of them its victims.

Israeli officials ran all the miles their legs could carry them as they cast the Amsterdam events as another demonstration of a rampant wave of anti–Semitism sweeping across the globe. “It was a pogrom!†“It was another Kristallnacht!â€

And among my favorites in this line for its faux desolation, this from Issac Herzog, the Israeli president: “I had hoped we would never again see these things.â€

This kind of stuff is altogether predictable. Zionist officials long ago lost the privilege of being taken seriously.

Dishonesty Exposed

It is the responses of Dutch officials, and soon enough others in Europe, Britain and the U.S., I take seriously indeed. Their dishonesty — pervasive, distant from reality — has consequences running to free speech, all manner of other democratic rights, and popular opposition to terrorist Israel’s gross offenses to our shared humanity.

As is now well-reported in many independent media, in the early aftermath of last week’s chaos Dutch officials and others — among them the egregious Ursula von der Leyen, president of the E.U. Commission — assiduously erased the provocations of the Israeli mobs, turning them into the innocent victims of Jew-hating urban marauders.

This narrative is now more or less in ruins. But there is no indication that officials at any level are prepared to self-correct in light of now-established facts.

“What happened over the past few days is a toxic cocktail of antisemitism, hooligan behavior and anger over the war in Palestine and Israel and other countries in the Middle East.†That is Femke Halsema, Amsterdam’s mayor, diagnosing last week’s events as quoted in The New York Times’ Tuesday editions.

Once again, “No!†There is no equivalence among the three items on Halsema’s list.

The “war in Palestine and Israel†— what does this mean, while I am at it? — is by a long way the main event. Thuggery and anti–Semitism, and I will get to the latter shortly, are of passing importance in any honest evaluation of last week’s chaos.

Femke Halsema in 2019. (Guido van Nispen, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)
Femke Halsema in 2019. (Guido van Nispen, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)

Dick Schoof, the Dutch premier, asserted that many or most of those so far arrested — 60-odd at this point, and who knows how true this is — were of “a migration background.†He added, “We have an integration problem. This is an expression of that.â€

We are now dismissing last week’s events as unimportant, symptoms of the Netherlands’ social problems, nothing more than the resentments of brown people? “No!†once more. This is not an integration problem. It is a Zionism problem.

It was inevitable that the riot of Zionist excess the Netanyahu government set in motion a year ago last month would spill well beyond Gaza and the rest of West Asia, given the Western powers’ enthusiasm for it.

Amsterdam can be reasonably interpreted as merely a chicken come home to roost.

Dick Schoof will not get anywhere near addressing this reality. Dick Schoof is what I mean when I suggest that leadership in the Western post-democracies, artful dodgers all, is hopeless. As we must all face, there is no getting any sense or decency out of them.

Schoof with von der Leyen in July. (European Union, 2024, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)
Schoof with von der Leyen in July. (European Union, 2024, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

It is likely — once again, we have no confirmation of this — that there were declared anti–Semites among those who countered the Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam’s streets.

One cannot condone this, of course, but neither can one take these people, however many their number, as defining of the last week’s events, and neither can we neglect to put their presence in context.

Israel is Judaism and Judaism is Israel: This has long been the Zionist state’s refrain — and the Netanyahu regime’s incessant refrain since it began its assault on Gaza on Oct. 8, 2023.

The identification is, of course, key to the Israelis’ way of protecting themselves against criticism. Attack Israel and you attack the Jewish faith: You are an anti–Semite.

One of the responsibilities of those who oppose Israeli barbarism now is to reject this false congruence as a trap set by Zionist propagandists. This is not so easy for many people.

However many anti–Semites were on Amsterdam’s streets last week, it is likely some did not think this question through sufficiently to refuse the bait. To succumb to anti–Semitic sentiments at this point is to serve, in upside-down fashion, the Israeli cause.

It is years since various government departments, universities, and other entities operating in the public sphere have endorsed the equivalence of opposition to Israel and anti–Semitism.

This is well-enough known. Since the Gaza crisis and the demonstrations across the Western post-democracies, this project has accelerated markedly.

Official responses to the Amsterdam events seem to me disturbing in that they suggest the erasure of this vital distinction now appears to be more or less complete. This is a war not only of words but also of individual and democratic rights in the post-democracies.

Let us not, let us never allow this preposterous conflation to pass without vigorous objection. Voices raised in opposition to Zionist terrorism — at this point to the Zionist state, indeed — are too important to let the charge of anti–Semitism silence them.

Mainstream media across the Western world, as has now been well-exposed, have made an ungodly mess of their coverage of the Amsterdam events — and so of themselves.

By all appearance they complacently assumed they could control the narrative, chiefly by obscuring the chronology of events, and maintain their simply disgusting defense of Israel’s genocide and the freakery abroad among its citizens.

Stories with bold-faced lies, lies of omission, accurate broadcast news segments published and pulled as “not up to our standardsâ€: You had all of this as events unfolded. Those videos Owen Jones put out, linked above, give a good inventory of these derelictions.

As the days went by, it was very fine to see independent media force the corporate press and state-funded broadcasters such as the BBC to run for cover. This has to go down among the most revelatory, embarrassing occasions in the long decline of the mainstream.

I salute all those independent practitioners who got this work done.

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the big Swiss daily, published a piece in its Tuesday editions to this effect:

“The reconstruction of events in Amsterdam reveals a differentiated picture: The scenes surrounding the Champions League match between Ajax Amsterdam and Maccabi Tel Aviv went around the world, with top politicians outdoing each other in condemning the anti–Semitic incidents. However, amateur videos show a differentiated picture of the escalation. Maccabi fans were also violent before the anti–Israeli hunts.â€

Plenty of blur remains but here you see how the major media in the West are trying to climb out of the hole they dug for themselves without being seen to be climbing. This is likely to prove as far they will go in the direction of honesty.

My favorite in this line involves one of those amateurs the NZZ mentions. In its first-day story from Amsterdam, the Times included a brief, indistinct video showing, it said without equivocation, a gang of Dutch people running down a Maccabi Tel Aviv fan along an Amsterdam street.

“Verified by The New York Times†it assured readers with all that faux authority to which the once-but-no-longer newspaper of record no longer has any claim.

The video made the rounds among mainstream media. And in days following, its maker protested that all those reproducing it had turned it on its head: It was Israeli crazies chasing down a Dutch person. Her name turned out to be Annet de Graaf, and Annet de Graaf went public to demand retractions and apologies.

So far as I know she has had one, from Tagesschau, Evening News, in Germany.

And then this, from a piece in The New York Times Sunday. At this point our friends on Eighth Avenue appear a touch desperate to obscure all the false reporting published in previous days:

“A video taken after midnight by a teenage Dutch YouTube personality and verified by The Times shows a group of men, many wearing Maccabi fan colors, picking up pipes and boards from a construction site, then chasing and beating a man. The incident was also captured in a video shot by a photographer, Annet de Graaf.â€

Punks. Joe Kahn, the Times’ executive editor, is a punk to let his foreign desk pull this stunt. This is the same video it published several days earlier with the roles of victim and victimizers reversed.

Zionist Israel lost, lost big in Amsterdam. The horror it has made of itself is now plain for the world to see. The apologist pols, already hanging on for dear life in the post-democracies, lost. Mainstream media lost.

Annnet de Graaf, all the Annnet de Graafs — they won. They spoke the word and spoke for many. They said, “No!â€


Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune, is a columnist, essayist, lecturer and author, most recently of Journalists and Their Shadows, available from Clarity Press or via Amazon. Other books include Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His Twitter account, @thefloutist, has been permanently censored.

(Republished from Consortium News by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Everytime I hear about a European country being overun with Muslims, they might as well not even be a European country. This year has been nothing but a major distraction. And at this point I’m tired of articles about Muslims and Jews both.

    •ï¿½Agree: Alden, Chaskinss, Gerbils
    •ï¿½Disagree: N. Joseph Potts
    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
    , @muh muh
    , @Felpudinho
  2. muh muh says:

    Zionist Israel lost, lost big in Amsterdam. The horror it has made of itself is now plain for the world to see. The apologist pols, already hanging on for dear life in the post-democracies, lost. Mainstream media lost.

    Annnet de Graaf, all the Annnet de Graafs — they won. They spoke the word and spoke for many. They said, “No!â€

    Pretty much.

    No contest between the Dick Schoofs and the Benders.

    That kid’s a sign of good things to come.

    •ï¿½Agree: Badger Down
    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymitous
  3. tosca says:

    They hate not only Arabs but the whole of humanity. They deeply despise our submission.
    That is how they intend to treat the whole of us.
    They try to import their hatred in Europe where they let millions of muslims arrive.
    Remember the ‘Samson option’, explained by Golda Meir: If anything happens to I…l, then they’ll send nukes on all the european capitals. And it is not a joke. Their submarines are constantly patrolling the northern seas.

  4. Renard says:

    Trump’s Win Spurs New Push for West Bank Annexation in Israel

    Mike Huckabee, the president-elect’s nominee for ambassador to Israel, says annexation of the occupied territory is possible

    Donald Trump’s election victory has triggered a renewed push by some in Israel’s right-wing government to annex the occupied West Bank, an idea that is seen as illegal by most of the international community and could threaten Israel’s relations with its Arab allies.


  5. Anon[222] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Western print and broadcast media purposefully falsified all representations of these events to turn reality upside down: Wall-to-wall, the criminals became the innocents in the news accounts, the victimizers became victims, and the victims became condemnable, anti–Semitic menaces to human decency.

    See what I mean? Violence, lies, distortion, inverted reality

    Now apply these lessons you’ve learned to WWII and the Holocaust story.

    When Jews gained control of Western media (circa the late 1800s) they obtained control of the narrative framing of every conflict. They gained control of the moral high ground in every dispute – no matter how objectively in the wrong the Jew is or how despicably he behaves. They, in effect, gained control of the Western mind and with it their host nations’ purse, muscle and military, which they puppet about, sending off to destroy their personal foes, both foreign and domestic, such as Hitler, Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad, Iran, Putin, Southern white “racists,” “white nationalists,” “white supremacists” and “Christian nationalists.”

    All of these are the great bogeymen that the unsuspecting goyim have been conditioned to regard as our personal enemies. In truth, they’re not our enemies; they’re often our natural friends and allies. They’re merely the enemies of the Jews who employ us as their useful idiots golem pets.

    Maybe you think you know this already, but few grok how utterly mind-fucked the average Westerner is – even one oneself is – how many toxic Jewish ideas, beliefs and assumptions he still has knocking around in his head that he’s never bothered to seriously examine, perhaps under such label as “Libertarianism” or “Neoconservatism” or “Feminism” or “Communism” or “Liberalism” or “Judeo-Chrisianity” or “Diversity and Multiculturalism” or “Holocaust studies” or “Civil Rights” but often under no particular label at all.

    We’ve all been deeply mind-fucked by a century of virtually total Jewish narrative control. There really is, for example, no other way to explain why Westerners would welcome the prospect of being turned into hated minorities in their own nations and homelands (while simultaneously aiding the supremacist apartheid state of Israel in ethnically cleansing its neighbors) than some serious mind-fuckery and conditioning into a deep state of Stockholm syndrome and suicidal pathological altruism. What other nation on the face of the Earth has engaged in such a policy so blatantly insane or suicidal? Any? If they did that was the end of them and they immediately disappeared with little trace.

    Should we manage to overthrow these cancerous kikes (or, perhaps, as precondition to doing so) the Western mind and Western ideology must be fully and thoroughly audited and cleansed of toxic bullshit ideas that Jews have pushed down on us with their Jew media sewer pumps of trash, lies, subversion, inversion and deception.

  6. Tonight they do it in France. Last night there was a fundraiser in Paris with Smotrich or Ben Gvir supposed to attend. Macron regime did not ban it though the two fascists did not attend

    There was street anger

    Tonight there will be huge trouble in France. So much is owed to BENDER in Amsterdam for reporting truth

    •ï¿½Agree: Badger Down
  7. TPM says: •ï¿½Website

    Language is the instrument of my trade, and there must be words adequate to these depravities and corruptions. There must, there must. But the only one I know that matches the task at this point is “No!†Bear with me, please, as I struggle to find others.

    I wrote the following about 7 or 8 years ago, but it has well stood the test of time. It was from an introduction to the role of language manipulation as a nexus between the financial manipulators and the broadly-defined legal profession.

    1. Humans are highly cogno-linguistic. We perceive reality largely by the language that we use to describe it. Most everyone believes and presumes that you have to be able to think something before you can say it. The more dominant-reality is that, above a certain base-level of perception and communication, you have to have the words, language, and syntax by which to say something before you can think it. Whosoever controls language – controls the mind.

    2. The world is ever-increasingly controlled and administered by people who genuinely believe whatever is necessary for the answer they need. Administrative agents of broadly-defined entrenched-financial-power have solved the criminal-law enigma of mens rea or guilty-mind by evolving or devolving (take your pick) into professional-schizophrenics who genuinely believe whatever they need to believe for the answer they need, and who communicate among themselves subconsciously by how they name things, and by how things are named for them. They suffer a cogno-linguistically-induced diminished-capacity that renders them largely-incapable of perceiving reality beyond labels.

    3. Their core business-model or modus operandi is called a systematized-delusion:

    “A “systematized delusion†is one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion ; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge.†Taylor v. McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914)).

    More generally, cogno-linguistic manipulation is a form of managed-mental-illness. It works very well in the short term, but it eventually consumes the rational capacity of those who traffic in it. The judges refer to their own multiple personalities as “jurisdictions”.

    It all forms a kind of tight little circular-reference argument that allows the control structure to justify virtually anything, while employing the resulting irrationality, per se, to concurrently broadcast policy to the administrative superstructure. The mainstream media does the same thing.

    It is like we have been under the dominant influence of a one-trick-pony for several centuries, and it is all now unravelling at an exponential pace.

  8. John Dael says:

    Antisemitism is a trick. Period.

    So when it is being paraded around, look for the lies.


  9. Man, is Europe zionist occupied territories or what?
    We are reliving the similarities leading up to the last holocaust. What events led up to Crystal Nacht, Bibi Satanyahoo?

    Was Voltaire correct when he said: the Jewish nation shows “an irreconcilable hatred against all nations; it revolts against all masters. Always superstitious, always greedy of the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous—cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.â€

    No truer words: always barbarous …cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.â€

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd
    •ï¿½Thanks: Renard
  10. anon[389] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I guess you better buckle-up buttercup, because with a Trump presidency it’s only going to be about Zionists, Muslims, and Jews — with a dash of Catholicism.
    Also, they think Bitcoin is “God’s Currency” for the “Abrahamic Faiths”. Maybe that’s why they are using Trump to put Bitcoin in the US Strategic Reserve.
    Watch this, it’s creepy!

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @bike-anarkist
  11. If you think the violence, as portrayed in Amsterdam by Israelis and their stooges, was a huge and unbelievable hoax, then you should spend some time reading accurate and revealing revisionist books on the Hoax of the 20th Century. It is the mother-of-all hoaxes and was created for the same reasons as the Amsterdam “riot” except that the Holohoaxâ„¢ was much more profitable and continues to grow.

    Germany will give compensation to Israel’s Holocaust survivors after the Hamas-led “October 7 attacks”. Germany will provide a one-time payment of $236 (€220) to Holocaust survivors, to help them cope with the impacts of the Hamas-led October 7 attacks in southern Israel. The Germans are also celebrated the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian women and children by sending more weapons.

    The Holohoaxâ„¢ is like the Energizer Bunny, it “Keeps paying and paying and paying â€.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  12. Let us invoke the principle of noninterference in the affairs of others, and heave “israel’s” freakish occupants out of Palestine. Yes, a return to 1896 borders.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Renard
    , @N. Joseph Potts
  13. anon[389] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Do you think there are any truths in:
    1. What this whistleblower is saying about governments trying to eliminate religious fundamentalists from the world by altering peoples’ brains/thinking?
    2. The writings of Rudolf Steiner, people will be vaccinated to eliminate the soul to eliminate the madness of spiritual life, for the sake of a “healthy point of view”?

    •ï¿½Replies: @TPM
  14. Amsterdam police chief: Israelis provoked Palestine supporters

    A century later, the criminals are still playing victim in Europe.

  15. Zionists in Amsterdam, Muslims in Amsterdam, shitstains in Amsterdam, monkeymen in Amsterdam.

    How about some f#cking *Dutch* in Amsterdam for a change?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gerhard57NL
    , @Felpudinho
  16. PF says:

    Thanks for the science. I do agree with the idea of an elaborate manipulation scheme.

    As a general rule, we tend to think as we act rather than the other way round as a mean to avoid cognitive dissonance; this unfortunate feature is also used against us for sure.

    Cognitive submission and “Mimetic Desire” so aptly analyzed by René Girard are certainly powerful tools too. Although it’s good to know and to keep them in mind when we communicate, it can probably lead us into unchartered territories of volatile speculation if we pursue them too far.

    Once I stumbled upon Patrick Lawrence resounding “NO!”, I could not help myself being taken aback by the reminiscence of Goethe’s Mephistopheles: Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint! (I am the Spirit that negates)
    Does that mean that I believe that P. Lawrence is the Devil? : no!

    •ï¿½Replies: @TPM
  17. Violence, lies, distortion, inverted reality…

    The Amsterdam football fiasco is a metaphor for not just violence, (a politically correct term) but centuries-old imperial exceses with a hefty dose of genocide, unfettered racism, dispossession, theft of resources, lies and reality distorted beyond recognition. These have always been the bedrock of American and West European barbarity (throw Canada and Australia into the mix).

    Humanity’s glimmer of hope is for Russia and China to nuke one or two American cities hoping America taste its own medicine and restrains itself from retaliation of equal proportion; if retaliation is disproportionate, the end is surely nigh. The winner-take-all notion of imperial hubris will dissipate instantly.

  18. CT says:

    Watching the soul shattering genocide for over 400 days, my contempt and disgust is not primarily directed at the Apartheid regime and its army of thugs in Palestine or Amsterdam. It is toward the cowards and neo-Nazi leaders of western countries. How else but to describe them than Nazi-like?

    Suppression of free speech. Demonizing and dehumanizing principled people who protest for human rights and a ceasefire. Genocide is not genocide. Hundreds of thousands of dead, injured, starved, orphaned and traumatized children? Nothing to see as far as these chickenhawk “leaders†are concerned. Palestinians are unpeople. People of a lesser god. And to host and lionize the president of Israel is beyond the pale. Herzog, famous for declaring that there are no innocents in Gaza as he signed his name to bombs and missiles there were about to be launched on a defenceless refugee population on the most densely populated place on earth. Sickening

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @Anonymitous
  19. “Violence, lies, distortion, inverted reality” – history shows that regimes that live by these things also perish by them. Always too slowly, but whadda ya gonna do. In the end they never prevail. They mistake their constantly repeated lies for truth and are so undone by their own BS. Drunk with what they think is success, Israelis are showing the world what they are, entirely forgetting history’s real lessons. It’s always struck me that in talking with members of the WW2 generation in my younger days, lots of them said, yeah that Hitker was an SOB all right but he knew what to do about Jews. Their words, back in the Fifties and early Sixties, when the official hololegend was about them being tossed alive into ovens.

  20. @TPM

    Excellent analysis, it has stood the test of time, just as one of the citations that use shows that people understood somethings quite well not too long ago, as I quote from your post because it is good!

    3. Their core business-model or modus operandi is called a systematized-delusion:

    “A “systematized delusion†is one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion ; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge.†Taylor v. McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914)).

    More generally, cogno-linguistic manipulation is a form of managed-mental-illness. It works very well in the short term, but it eventually consumes the rational capacity of those who traffic in it. The judges refer to their own multiple personalities as “jurisdictionsâ€.

    It all forms a kind of tight little circular-reference argument that allows the control structure to justify virtually anything, while employing the resulting irrationality, per se, to concurrently broadcast policy to the administrative superstructure. The mainstream media does the same thing.

    It is like we have been under the dominant influence of a one-trick-pony for several centuries, and it is all now unravelling at an exponential pace.

    And yes the legal profession has been at the core of the madness for a long while….Plato’s writing on the trial of Socrates is very important, particularly as Socrates’s method represents a certain antidote to the socio-cognitive poisons…

    •ï¿½Thanks: Antisemantic Prosecutor
    •ï¿½Replies: @TPM
  21. ariadna says:

    “I did not know then the extent to which the minds of Israelis and Zionists the world over have been mutilated.â€

    These are two distinct categories?! Or just one: Jews, a subset of whom (Israelis) are a transplanted version of the same invasive species?

    Here is a good description:

    Invasive species are the subset of established non-native alien or naturalized species that are a threat to native species and biodiversity.
    Invasive species may be plants, animals, fungi, and microbes; some include native species that have invaded human habitats such as farms and landscapes.
    An invasive species is an introduced species that harms its new environment.
    Invasive species adversely affect habitats and regions, using ecological, environmental, and/or economic damage.
    Since the 20th century, invasive species have become serious economic, social, and environmental threats worldwide.
    Human-facilitated introductions have greatly increased the rate, scale, and geographic range of invasion.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  22. Punchthem says:

    What is Israeli football club doing in European football championship. That is the main question.
    And Maccabi “supporters†will come again. I think Debrecen is the next venue match agains Besictas.
    Hopefully Turkish supporters will arrive to Hungary, as well, to watch the match.

    •ï¿½Agree: Alden
    •ï¿½Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Anonymous 1
  23. Zionism is racism, yes, but how did it sink to this level of crudity?

    No! “This level of crudity”, Lawrence, has been there ever since the Bronze Age: the alien Jew, the enemy of the human race, has ALWAYS been this way. The Jew didn’t suddenly “sink” to a level never seen before. On the contrary, the Jew has been this way “from the beginning” (John 8:44).

    Read the Jews’ “holy” (satanic) books and you will get the picture. And you don’t have to plow through some obscure passages in the Talmud or the Zohar to convince yourself that this crudity has been ever-present: it’s right there in the Tanakh, the Torah, the Old Testament. The Jews have been telling us themselves how crude they are since time immemorial. Shouldn’t we believe them?

    Isaiah 13:16-18 – “Their children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes! Their houses spoiled, and their wives raped… Dash the young men to pieces… have no pity on the fruit of the womb, the children shall not be spared.†…

    Deuteronomy 7:2 – “And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them.â€

    Deuteronomy 20:16-18 – “But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.â€

    Deuteronomy 25:19 – “You shall wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heavens; you shall not forget.â€

    1 Samuel 15:3 – “… And now, go and smite Amalek and destroy everything that is theirs; do not have mercy on them, but kill every man and woman, child and infant, ox, sheep, camel and donkey.â€

    Psalms 110:6 – “He will judge nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.â€

    Isaiah 49:26 – “I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine.â€

    Isaiah 60:12 – “For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined.â€

    Isaiah 13:16-18 – “Their children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes! Their houses spoiled, and their wives raped… Dash the young men to pieces… have no pity on the fruit of the womb, the children shall not be spared.â€

    [If you plug in those verses into the ChatGPT chatbot, the following message pops up: “This content may violate our usage policies.”]

    To elucidate the Jewish extremist penchant for bloodlust, violence and terrorism, one merely has to consult the historical record. Here are a few examples:

    1) Author Juri Lina, in his book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion (pp. 66-68), describes a few of the bloody and savage massacres committed by Jews in ancient times:

    “The Greek historian Dio Cassius described in detail how the Jews in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, in the year 116 A.D., during a rebellion began to murder various races they lived among. Judaists killed both women and children, at times using terrible torture. The most infamous bloodbaths were committed in the city of Cyrene and the province Cyrenaica (in the eastern part of present-day Libya) and on Cyprus and above all in its capital Salamis. The Greek historian Eusebius confirmed this. Mass murders were also perpetrated in Mesopotamia and Palestine.

    In Cyrenaica alone, the Jews killed 220 000 Romans and Greeks. On in Cyprus, their victims were estimated at 240 000. The Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117 A.D.) sent troops to stop the killing. It took Rome a year to rein in the bloodlust of the Jews. Dio Cassius tells us how the Jews even ate their victims and smeared themselves with their blood. (William Douglas Morrison, “The Jews Under Roman Ruleâ€, London and New York, 1890, pp. 191-193.) The most brutal murders were committed in Egypt. Dio Cassius describes how the Jews even attacked the ships in which fear-stricken people tried to escape.â€

    Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9-11 and the War on Terror Hoax (2013), by Zander C. Fuerza

    •ï¿½Thanks: Pat Kittle
    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
    , @anarchyst
  24. @muh muh

    The Zionists have not lost big at all. Not for now. They are the tails that wag all of their cronies, via their obsequious media, which have seized the narratives and distorted realities beyond recognition.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  25. ariadna says:

    “It is toward the cowards and neo-Nazi leaders of western countries. How else but to describe them than Nazi-like?”

    How else indeed once you are in the cul-de-sac of the judaic mindset?
    What the Soviet hecatombs of Russian Christian victims of the “Russian” Revolution and the millions of inniocents killed in our Jewish wars in the ME, to cite only two examples, is that those responsible were all… “Nazis” …
    Respecting the Jewish standard of “ultimate evil” is a requisite in any criticism of both committing crimes against humanity and aiding and abetting them.

  26. @CT

    No worries, salvation is right around the corner. Blinken recently said that Israel has achieved its objectives in Gaza while he spearheads shipment of dollars worth of arms to his tribesmen.

  27. ariadna says:

    Arthur Butz should be required reading in colleges and “Holocaust Study” departments should terminated.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pat Kittle
  28. @tosca

    They hate not only Arabs but the whole of humanity. They deeply despise our submission.

    “They” means Jews, right? “They” despise our “submission” to whom? If it’s the way Europeans bend over (submit) to Muslim immigrants and their spawn, then I agree.

    Europeans have acted like milquetoast capitulators to Muslim immigrants/”refugees”/”asylum seekers” – take your pick – whom they pay (welfare) to rape their daughters and pillage their country, and then to laugh in their face.

    Speaking of submission, that’s Islam’s entire schtick: submit or die is the essence of Islam.

    They try to import their hatred in Europe where they let millions of muslims arrive.

    “They” means Jews again, correct? Why would the West allow Jews to control their immigration policies? Who in government bent over for them? Why aren’t they in prison, or at least fired from their jobs? This is what angers me the most, non-Jews in power allowing Jews, who are not in power, to tell them what to do.

    As for “hatred,” Jews don’t need to teach Europeans to hate Muslims. No Jew taught me to hate Moroccan Muslims living around me in Brussels, those Muslims taught me to hate them.

    Muslims bring about European hatred of them one rape, one murderous terrorist attack, one mugging, one theft, one broken window, one broken into car, one welfare check, and one more act of total contempt for Europeans at a time.

    Remember the ‘Samson option’, explained by Golda Meir: If anything happens to I…l, [sic] then they’ll send nukes on all the european capitals.

    As for Israel threatening to hit Western capitals with atomic bombs, it sounds extremely farfetched. What American president would tolerate threats of mass murder from Israeli Jews, would continue to support them, to give them weapons and money after a psychopathic threat like that? If anything, Gold Meir’s death threats would have screamed into the president’s ear, It’s Time for a Surprise First Strike.”

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
  29. anon[144] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    Read the Jews’ “holy†(satanic) books and you will get the picture. And you don’t have to plow through some obscure passages in the Talmud or the Zohar to convince yourself that this crudity has been ever-present: it’s right there in the Tanakh, the Torah, the Old Testament.

    This is the fraudulent fairy tale on which the so-called ‘new testament’ is based.

    Judaism, Islam, Christianity–all epic scams.

    One day we’ll wake up as a species and rid ourselves of these millstones around our collective necks.

    Until them, all decent men should oppose them with every fiber of their being.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  30. ariadna says:

    Hats off to Max discussing with the Judge here both the Amsterdam Mossad operation and Trump’s cabinet picks:

    Video Link

  31. I don’t think the Israeli youth hate the Europeans but rather they would like to be liked by them, when they pride their country being a part of the western world.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  32. Agent76 says:

    Nov 11, 2024 Amsterdam Gets Front-Row Seat to Israeli Propaganda

    Video Link

  33. Bama says:

    Fifteen thousand or more Jews are not in Amsterdam today by coincidence. This city could be their 1930’s Berlin with its liberalism bordering depravity.

  34. Have patience. The zionists show their inhumanity, wreck their reputation and drag Israel down with it. The zionist colonial experiment is about to collapse. Israel is a pariah state, its economy is shattered and it heavily depends on the US. It has no friends in BRICS and Europe will soon be inconsequential. Jews who regard antizionism from goys as antisemitism, will soon have no other choice than to restore the distinction and condemn the atrocities, like goys were expected to condemn Hamas a year ago.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  35. @ariadna

    Invasive species adversely affect habitats and regions, using ecological, environmental, and/or economic damage.

    Hey, that sounds A LOT like YOU Nellie (aka ariadna).

    At what point are lonely, bitter, crones camping out on a web site, in this case The Unz Review,” all day and every day, spewing their bile considered an Invasive Species?

    You’ve clearly invaded this site, after fleeing from SONAR21, and have been obnoxiously vile towards all whose opinions greatly differ from yours, especially when those opinions differ towards your beloved deadbeat Arab saints in Gaza. You’ve also been spitefully heavy on the “Troll” button, pushing it as if the very quality of your life depended on it; I’ve come to the conclusion that it does.

    Pre-crone Nellie. Her nasty facial expressions remain to this day:

  36. Che Guava says:

    Agree. Personal experience is very educational. When down on money, I lived twice in cheap shared rental that was invaded by Israelis. Twice, twenty years apart.

    The first, they just were so obnoxious about their racial superiority.

    Before that, I thought that Israeli jews were normal people.

    Second, twenty years later, one night, i was watching television or a video in the common room.

    A group of Israelis arrived with a young Japanese girl. She had clearly been drugged.

    I was too inoccent at the time to work out what was happening.

    Really, I should have run to the police to report it. Not having done that is one of the great regrets of my life. However, that level of evil was beyond my comprehension at the time.

    All of the Israelis lined up, and sequentially raped the girl.

    A true account.

    •ï¿½Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  37. TPM says: •ï¿½Website

    Hi: Sorry for the delay in responding. For some reason I do not get notifications even though the box is checked.

    In any event, with respect to your first question, the closest I have come to it recently was the following (the first paragraph is mine):

    Here following is what I now believe, after having first-encountered it in June of 2023, and as quoted in a longer article by Mr. Emanual Pastreich, to be the CIA and US Army Intelligence and Security Command’s explanation of the same, or at least complimentary, process that I have been studying as a language-manipulation-phenomenon for the past 33 years. My larger essay to follow was written before I encountered this direct-hypnosis-based-explanation of it (in material part, emphasis-added):

    “Hypnosis is basically a technique which permits acquisition of direct access to the sensory motor cortex and pleasure centers, and lower cerebral (emotional) portions of the right side of the brain following successful disengagement of the stimulus screening function of the left hemisphere of the brain.

    The right hemisphere which functions as the noncritical, holistic, nonverbal and pattern-oriented component of the brain, appears to accept what the left hemisphere passes to it without question. Consequently, if the left hemisphere can be distracted either through boredom or through reduction to a soporific, semi-sleep state, external stimuli to include hypnotic suggestions are allowed to pass unchallenged into the right hemisphere where they are accepted and acted on directly.â€Â (FOIA document “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process†June 9, 1983 (US Army Intelligence and Security Command). (CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5).

    The scale of this experiment in mass hypnosis to render the citizens of all the world passive, and unable to resist persuasion from authority figures is unprecedented. This process is being undertaken slowly, over months and years, following complex algorithms that are kept secret.

    From my own research and experience, the entire global private financial system is one massive orchestration of cogno-linguistic fraud. It’s all about playing our left brains against our right brains.

    With respect to your second question, I am not familiar with Mr. Steiner, but again from long experience I think that there is much greater madness in the non-spiritual because it is so easy to get lost in it.

    •ï¿½Thanks: nosquat loquat
  38. TPM says: •ï¿½Website
    @Abdul Alhazred

    Hi and thanks! The particular quote / definition really resonated with me when I first encountered it. Several years on I have yet to encounter a major human system that is not a systematized delusion!

    It is very sad with respect to the lawyers, because the law schools seek out “the best and the brightest” and then go about the process of turning their brains into mush. Lots of drug and alcohol abuse among lawyers for that reason.

    •ï¿½Agree: bike-anarkist
  39. The video you linked to, as posted on X/Twitter by Megatron https://twitter.com/Megatron_ron/status/1855878064414085496 is presented as if it was part of the Amsterdam events. This tweet (what else to cause these things?) has gained 2.6M views, generated 1.9k comments and 3.2k likes.

    However, it is not directly related to the Amsterdam event, other than to show that the Macabbi soccer fans are not all sweetness and light.

    The video is from 2024-07-15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MFFk1eQmkA
    Video Linkand the song is documented on a page of soccer songs from 2015/2016: https://www.maccabipedia.co.il/%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%A8:%D7%A9%D7%99%D7%A8_%D7%94%D7%90%D7%95%D7%A0%D7%A1 which appears to document this song, “the rape song” (in English translation), the lyrics of which include: “You play extremist tea, sing songs about the holocaust and also think it’s funny to deny the state. You are Arab prostitutes. We are ashamed of you.”

    This page links to an audio-only You Tube page with the same song from 2016-08-20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grxzABC9lFs.

    Video Link

    There is evidence of violence by Maccabi supporters in Amsterdam, including: https://twitter.com/saifalikhan067/status/1855878723838546060

  40. TPM says: •ï¿½Website

    As a general rule, we tend to think as we act rather than the other way round as a mean to avoid cognitive dissonance; this unfortunate feature is also used against us for sure.

    I would agree with that on several levels. As to it being used against us, that too is reaching a crisis point. I often think as I leave the house that out there in the real world is an army of analysts and consultants all being well paid to get inside my head to get me to do what they want me do.

    But it is also rather satisfying to turn the tables and analyze the analyzers. In the final analysis their minds are just hollow shells. Thanks for the insight!

  41. anarchyst says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    That’s been going on since before the institution of the state of israel. Jewish criminal gangs actually invented terrorism.
    Terrorism is defined as violence committed against non-combatants (ordinary people) as a result of political and or government policy, in order to achieve a political objective.
    The present-day genocides in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria etc. show what twisted minds jews possess.
    The jewish double standard rears its ugly head once again.
    Us goyim are expected to treat jews as individuals, responsible for their actions on an individual basis.
    This does not apply to jews–collective responsibility and collective punishment (but only for goyim) are the norm in jewish thinking and practice.
    This is why jews think nothing of murdering innocents. We are all Palestinians, now.
    Jews are so twisted that they have no problem with sacrificing their fellow jews to achieve a political aim. The 1972 Munich Olympics comes to mind as there were mossad agents directing the whole operation. It’s called the “Hannibal Directive†which is in use to this very day. October 7, 2023 was one such operation.
    Their Kol Nidre prayer absolves jews from all oaths, affirmation, criminal behavior against goyim and other transgressions committed against the goyim.
    According to jewish talmudic doctrine, us goyim are less than human, on a lower spiritual plane, to be used and abused for the benefit of the jews.
    As far as I am concerned, every jew on the planet is responsible for what is going on in the middle east and in the rest of the world.
    Total destruction is baked into judaism.
    Ask any jew (even the supposed good jews) what they think of Jesus Christ. To a man, every jew is proud to have been responsible for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.
    Keep in mind that jews are already selling Gaza waterfront properties out of NYC synagogues. Trump’s son-in-law has already publicly advocated the sale of waterfront Gaza property to jews.
    Chutzpah, indeed.
    There are solutions:
    –Declare judaism itself to be a foreign political system and require every jew as well as every jewish organization and synagogue in the USA to register as agents of a foreign government with the U. S. State Department.
    –Remove all tax exemptions from every jewish organization in the USA.
    –Close and repurpose all holocaustianity temples. Allow one such temple to remain open with signage showing the fraudulent nature of the holohoax (oops, I mean holocaust™).
    All jews worldwide must be recognized, marginalized and brought to task for the actions of their fellow jews.
    It’s only fair…

  42. ariadna says:

    “Jews who regard antizionism from goys as antisemitism, will soon have no other choice than to restore the distinction”

    Au contraire, they reinforce the commonality with every criminal behavior.
    More people realize in the meantime that the difference between Jews and zionists is the same as the difference between a genus (Jewish supremacisms) and one of its species (boloshevism, zionism, neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism).

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gerhard57NL
  43. ariadna says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    “I don’t think the Israeli youth hate the Europeans but rather they would like to be liked by them, when they pride their country being a part of the western world.”

    Cute. But no cigar. They want to be feared and considered above any and all laws.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Chaskinss
    , @Proteus Procrustes
  44. anarchyst says:

    Get rid of the “judeo†in Christianity and Christianity will do just fine.
    Why do Evangelical Christians love Israel and Netanyahu?
    It’s all about the shekels.
    That fat bastard Hagee is a prime example. A close second is that of those who preach the “prosperity gospel†such as Joel Osteen insisting that “God†will make you wealthy if you just “believeâ€â€¦which couples directly with judaism which celebrates the worship of money and wealth, strictly jewish concepts.
    Every Christian or Catholic sect that promotes judaism is not following any of the precepts of Christianity or Catholicism.
    Judaism is the exact opposite of Christianity or Catholicism and must be recognized as such. The concept of “judeo-Christian†faith must be abolished.
    Is it possible to be a Christian or Catholic without falling into the error of promoting the jews?
    Absolutely YES.
    However, it requires a recognition that both the Old and New Testament Bible is NOT the “inspired word of God†but is a text which does have some usefulness in guiding human behavior. “Sola scriptura†is a false doctrine along with the Scofield “translation†of the Bible which cemented the jews to the status of “our elder brothersâ€.
    The Old Testament “God†is a vengeful “God†who has to constantly remind “his people†“who is bossâ€. Punishment was always a part of the equation.
    Contrast that with the New Testament “God†who is a “God†of mercy and forgiveness…two different concepts, indeed.
    Keep in mind that jews have never repudiated slavery or genocide. Both abominations are still a part of jewish doctrine. It’s all in their talmud.
    The worst people of any faith or belief system are those who “wear their faith on their shoulder†who insist that “their way†is “the only wayâ€.

  45. ariadna says:

    “This is the fraudulent fairy tale on which the so-called ‘new testament’ is based.”

    It is the worm in the apple.

  46. @Punchthem

    What is Israeli football club doing in European football championship.

    Most of those in Asian championships wouldn’t want to play with them.

    And Maccabi “supporters†will come again

    Any others would be banned after what happened in Dam.

    Hopefully Turkish supporters will arrive to Hungary, as well, to watch the match.

    What? Just to watch?

  47. Crush Limbraw says: •ï¿½Website

    This project, wherein Old Testament tales of Jewish barbarities are routinely invoked,

    Correction – Old Testament ISRAEL is NOT the Jews of today or their forebears – today’s Jews are DaSynagogue of Satan as defined and named by Jesus Himself – Pharisees!
    The Old Testament is NOT Jewish scripture – it is the Talmud. Any Rabbi will tell you that.
    Those ‘Jewish barbarities’ – of perverted child sacrificing nations like Canaan and others were done as commanded by God – were done by the 12 tribes of Israel.
    This citation by the author of Jews and Biblical history is a perfect example of how a little knowledge of the Bible leads into confirming the largely Biblical ignorance prevailing in Western Civilization. Hell, most of us don’t even know who we are….much less who the Jews are.
    Don’t get me started!

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  48. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Jews keep this up, who’s gonna believe the holocaust?

    Remember the Charlottesville narrative hoax? Jewish-backed Antifa attacked first but the alt right was blamed.
    Same thing here.

    Breaking down the Amsterdam antisemitism hoax

    Video Link

  49. muh muh says:

    The Zionists have not lost big at all.

    Yes, they have. You’re just too impatient to see the long game.

    I’ve been following news about Palestine, the Middle East, and the Muslim world for decades now. Until recently, truth concerning Israel’s criminality was published primarily at fringe alternative venues, of which there were a relatively small number with a comparably small subscriber base. After October 7, 2023, the sheer volume and scale of interest in these matters has exploded, which, of itself, constitutes a major public relations victory for Palestine and a proportionately inverse loss for Israel.

    With this latest series of events, the gaping chasm between the now evolving social media landscape and legacy media has not only widened, it’s become so large, we’re looking at two separate worlds, the former of which grows by leaps and bounds daily.

    Your problem is you want results yesterday. You think the matter of Israel’s dominance has to be settled in one fell swoop, a Hollywood climax hastened to satisfy our innermost desire.

    But history doesn’t unfold along those lines. To see it clearly, one has to step back from the timeline in order to see the trajectory of trends that herald seismic change.

    Palestine was virtually invisible before October 7, 2023.

    It is now absolutely, unequivocally impossible for it to return to the status quo ante.

    For Zionists, that’s a crushing defeat.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
    •ï¿½Thanks: anarchyst, Commentator Mike
  50. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    “Zionists, Muslims, shitstains and monkeymen in Amsterdam, how about some f*cking Dutch?, you said. That’s what a lot of Amsterdam citizens say, also. Many of them move to quieter cities Like Purmerend or Almere or Haarlem.

    Again, it’s a historical thing. For one, it’s a city with a liberal reputation, giving the impression to opportunity seekers that you can get away with anything here. Good access to drink and drugs and a red light district slap-bang in the centre gives a similar impression to tourists.

    But all can be explained. Amsterdam was a rather big and wealthy port city in the 17th century. The area of the present central railway station used to be the ship’s cargo unloading and trading area. Spices, sugar, textiles, precious metals and stones changed hands here and customs & excise and exchange offices were all nearby. And warehouses were further down the IJ. Sailors received pay and spent it on hookers and in taverns along the Zeedijk, close to this area. The shipping went elsewhere, but the rest remained and serves tourists. That’s why the red lights are where they are. The posh canal houses were built in semi-circles around this central area, with the canals being used for both boat and sewage transport. The canal house rings were built like tree rings, with the center ring being the oldest.

    Cities draw crowds and crowds draw opportunists looking for chances. That’s true for every city worldwide. Cities are also a reflection of a country’s past and ways.

    We had a history of trading wealth, so Amsterdam houses traders, merchants, businesses, lawyers, jewelry craftsmen, transport moguls and storage owners. A lot of them happen to be Jewish and they live in the center and in the southern city area.

    We had the stupidity to regard people of other continents and their land as our possessions, so Amsterdam houses newer generations of the subjects of our colonial past. A lot of them live in the Bijlmer (south-eastern city area).

    There was a lot of rebuilding to do after WW2. Dutch parents in the right places to enjoy after-war prosperity, pictured their kids in white shirts in managerial function in new industries, rather than in blue overalls on work floors. So a lot of dirty work was outsourced to “gastarbeiders” (guest workers). Initially, Italians and Middle Europeans were interested, but the main amount of these workers was attracted from Morocco and Turkiye. They were thought to travel back after a few years and no effort was spent on them to achieve proper integration (learning to speak and write in Dutch, knowing your way around in the Dutch society and its ways and legal system). But they stayed and raised families, which is a basic human right. These groups live in the western and eastern city part and in the past decade in the northern part also, across the IJ.

    To the naive, this mix is presented as a nice multicultural experiment that went along nicely. But the experienced know that there are undercurrents under the smooth surface, which is true in all big cities with a mix of peoples and histories. Every year, the Bijlmer area organises Keti Koti, the broken slavery chain remembrance, to celebrate freedom. The west, east and north have Ramadan, a Muslim celebration. The center and south have Hanuka and several Holocaust remembrances. Not a few of these events represent pasts that were not yet fully processed, digested, laid to rest or accepted as past history. Local emotions can run a bit higher than normal during these events.

    And then there are the homeless and addicted. Amsterdam has always managed to arrange a decent amount of shelter and care, although this has come under pressure due to reduced city budgets. Keeping grip on drug addict crime has a typical Dutch solution. Although it’s now gone and the care is executed in different ways, the “methadon bus” was a phenomenon. There were even police officers from the NYPD and SFPD in Amsterdam to learn from its method. Addicts to heroin, cocain, crack and such need their expensive daily dose. To raise the cash, they broke into cars, picked pockets, lifted shops and stole bikes and luggage. When ill and picked from the streets for treatment, they were an additional responsibility and burden for the city councils. So the methadon bus was invented to distribute free alternative drugs. It was parked at fixed places at fixed times and all addicts could be counted upon to visit it. This seems an expensive project, but it was vastly more profitable in the bottom line. Addicts received their daily dose without resorting to crime, which greatly reduced police work, damage repair and insurance claims. Also, the health of every visitor was checked and treated if necessary, and the registry of visitors gave an overview of which addict would be in which city area that night. That sober instrumental approach is typically Dutch.

    Among a Dutch population of 17 million, approx. 950,000 are Muslim and 140,000 are Jewish. Among the 930,000 citizens in 750 years old Amsterdam, 84,000 are Muslim and 80,000 are Jewish. So if you favor one group and demonize the other, like our current stupid municipal and national leadership does, the disadvantaged group can muster quite a presence. Which they did and are likely to continue for while.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
    , @Felpudinho
  51. muh muh says:

    Everytime I hear about a European country being overun with Muslims

    That’s not what the story is about, though.

    You’re essentially parroting the Dutch (Zionist) premier, who also seeks to deflect attention away from the usual suspects.

    What a coincidence.

  52. muh muh says:

    Among a Dutch population of 17 million, approx. 950,000 are Muslim and 140,000 are Jewish.

    So… roughly 5.5% Muslim.

    Funny, but some folk here led us to believe Holland is ‘overrun’ by them.

    Sure doesn’t sound like that to me.

    •ï¿½Disagree: ariadna
    •ï¿½Replies: @The Germ Theory of Disease
  53. @ariadna

    In that case they truly will face the antisemitism they claim to fear, because their haters will also no longer respect the difference. Unless they have no fear for this antisemitism. In that case, the confrontations will be vastly more aggressive and have terrorist aspects in them. With only 16 million Jews in a world population of 8000 million (8 billion), that’s a bleak prospect.

  54. @NoBodyImportant

    And at this point I’m tired of articles about Muslims and Jews both.

    This Amsterdam/”Pogrom”/Mossad story has certainly been beaten to death considering that no one was murdered, or even seriously injured. It’s weird that this mini news event has gotten SO MUCH worldwide attention.

  55. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Zionists in Amsterdam, Muslims in Amsterdam, shitstains in Amsterdam, monkeymen in Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam is still charming just as long you visit the parts where the people you mentioned are not present. Muslims and “monkeymen,” anyone who is dependent on welfare and also possessing a penchant for violence, ruin wherever they go. The politicians who have allowed them in, who to this very day justify their worthless, sorry, violent asses being among us, need to be hung from lampposts.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
  56. Anonymous[139] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    “What American President would tolerate threats of mass murder from Israeli Jews, would continue
    to support them, to give them weapons and money after a psychopathic threat like that?”
    Simple pal – here’s two of them – Harris and Trump.

  57. @Gerhard57NL

    They (Third-world Muslims) were thought to travel back after a few years and no effort was spent on them to achieve proper integration (learning to speak and write in Dutch, knowing your way around in the Dutch society and its ways and legal system). But they stayed and raised families, which is a basic human right.

    What part of “stay and raise families” is part of the term “guest worker”? I call BS on your cavalier use of the words “basic human right” in this context. “They were thought to travel back,” “THOUGHT,” nothing concrete? Those guest workers never should have been allowed to stay. They had no basic human right to stay in Amsterdam. They were lucky they were allowed to come and make ten times what they made back home, they had the human right to take that money back home with them but they had NO human right to stay and have their scumbag descendants ruin Amsterdam.

    I’m also particularly disgusted where you blame the Dutch for not teaching the third-world Muslims how to live in their country. To this day the “I didn’t know I couldn’t rape a 12-year-old” is being used as an excuse by Muslim “refugees” who are caught raping European girls.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
  58. @Punchthem

    The Turk and French Ultras will sort them out if they try those antics again..

    •ï¿½Replies: @bike-anarkist
  59. muh muh says:

    tosca: Remember the ‘Samson option’, explained by Golda Meir: If anything happens to I…l, [sic] then they’ll send nukes on all the european capitals.
    puddy: As for Israel threatening to hit Western capitals with atomic bombs, it sounds extremely farfetched.

    Tosca just referenced the Sampson Option. An entire book was written on the subject.

    You should read it before passing judgment.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
  60. @muh muh

    “So… roughly 5.5% Muslim.

    Funny, but some folk here led us to believe Holland is ‘overrun’ by them.”

    If that “roughly 5.5%” has a median age of 16 and a TFR of 4.3 and a non-stop “more” spigot; but the median age of the “Dutch” is 45 and a TFR of 1.2… and the 5.5% function almost exclusively as a societal nuisance and economic drag via crime, welfare, and unnecessary “jobs” like sidewalk kebab vendors (whatever would the heirs of Rembrandt *do* without grilled meat on a stick?), and driving up the cost of housing and ruining neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, social capital and making Dutch family formation more difficult and expensive and destroying societal coherence with their endless demands and needs, needs, needs, needs, needs, needs…

    Then yeah, “overrun” is correct.

    Look at what needy needy negroes did to American cities with their paltry 7% (males, 1/2 of 14%) population share and +50% crime share, and their non-stop destruction of American culture, politics, and public discourse (we are all obliged to behave like kindergarten babies and tiptoe silently around Sacred Forbidden Words and Facts).

    Now picture Amsterdam with not 5.5% Muslims (now) but 15% (soon) or 65% (sorry Pieter, too late).

    FORTUNE: Don’t purchase a crystal-ball dealership.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Felpudinho
  61. muh muh says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Oh, look… Yet another poster trying to make this thread about ‘Muslim hordes’ instead of Jewish control.


    You don’t like Muslims, we get it. I think some of those city dwellers would be better off *not* aping the habits of westerners (e.g. drinking, promiscuity, etc.), contracting social maladies conducive to criminality. That isn’t the kind of assimilation they need.

    That said, it isn’t Muslims’ fault the west is so enamored of individualism, its men would rather be onanists than fathers.

    That problem rests squarely on selfish white men, the majority of whom appear not to possess enough moral backbone to admit they’re to blame for their own situation.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Renard
  62. anarchyst says:
    @muh muh

    I wouldn’t discount the “Samson Optionâ€.

    The zionists are stupid enough to try it, especially if the world goes against them and demands a real solution to the “Palestinian situationâ€. Notice that I did not call the Palestinian situation a “problem†as it is the foreign zionist jew interlopers who are the “problemâ€.

    Every country’s nukes are within the borders of their respective countries, but not so for israel.

    You see, israel’s nukes are already “in place†in cities around the world and as such, no delivery systems are needed. Israel’s nuclear “Damocles swords†are ready to go at a moment’s notice. This is a major reason why israel refuses to allow “international nuclear arms inspectors†to perform inspections. Israel cannot account for all of its nukes without revealing that they are not on israeli (Palestinian) soil.

    The next “9-11†will be a nuclear detonation (not an exchange or other conflagration) in a major American or European city. Look for an israeli nuke to be detonated in Chicago, Houston or Atlanta. “Jew York City†is “off-limits†as it is the jewish seat of power in the USA.

    European targets will be Rome, Brussels or Paris. Jews would LOVE to destroy the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, so look at Rome as being a primary target.

    Of course, the nuclear detonation will be blamed on an Arab or Persian country, (probably Iran) with passports being found in the “rubbleâ€, just as with 9-11 (yeah, right).

  63. muh muh says:

    I wouldn’t discount the “Samson Optionâ€.

    I don’t.

    That’s ‘Felpudinho’, just one of our resident Zionists larping as a white nationalist.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
  64. @Anonymous 1

    Very impressive.
    I challenge the French Authority to try anything.

  65. @anarchyst

    This anti-humanity behaviour of the Red Sea Pedestrians IS part of the Samson Option!
    The RSPedophiles will continue this shit behaviour wherever they can get it ex[pressed.

    The most reviled group of Human beings in history.

  66. Chaskinss says:

    Yup, and receive endless us taxpayer subsidies. Whooops there goes the usians “retirements”

  67. @Felpudinho

    As for Israel threatening to hit Western capitals with atomic bombs, it sounds extremely farfetched.

    Where cluster-B personality disorders are a factor, that sounds like an average Tuesday.

    I don’t think it will be nukes though, it will be ebola or COVID-666 or something– a bioweapon for sure. Narcissists don’t play to get even, they play to win.

  68. “of that “roughly 5.5%†has a median age of 16 and a TFR of 4.3 and a non-stop “more†spigot; but the median age of the “Dutch†is 45 and a TFR of 1.2… and the 5.5% function almost exclusively as a societal nuisance and economic drag via crime, welfare, and unnecessary “jobs†like sidewalk kebab vendors (whatever would the heirs of Rembrandt *do* without grilled meat on a stick?), and driving up the cost of housing and ruining neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, social capital and making Dutch family formation more difficult and expensive and destroying societal coherence with their endless demands and needs, needs, needs, needs, needs, needs…”

    Then yeah, “overrun†is correct.

    I blame the self-infliction on the actual Whities that choose to ‘govern’ by fealty to the Zionist BORG. Too bad the Collective Waste bankrolled this abject criminal endeavor top flood their nations with many desperate refugees from conflict spots the Collective Waste created, then left it for the actual citizens of those Euro countries to fend for themselves.

  69. eah says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    >a TFR of 4.3

    That’s no doubt too high, but the general point is correct — there’s also non-stop asylum, family members being allowed to migrate, etc, which causes the numbers to grow rapidly — plus migrants concentrate in cities as new migrants go where there are already a lot of people like them, so large and mid-sized cities throughout Europe tend to have a much higher percentage of migrants/non-Europeans than the country as a whole — e.g. the Dutch language Wikipedia page on Amsterdam suggests less than 45% of Amsterdam residents come from a family where both parents were born in the Netherlands, so I would not be surprised if muslims were 25% of the population there — but the main point is that all over Europe, non-European migrants are culturally and racially alien, disproportionately criminal, and an economic burden.

  70. @anarchyst

    This is a major reason why israel refuses to allow “international nuclear arms inspectors†to perform inspections. Israel cannot account for all of its nukes without revealing that they are not on israeli (Palestinian) soil.

    You’re probably right (this is how malware is staged too) but it is also possible the material was simply sold (or there is WAY more than supposed to be).

    The next “9-11†will be a nuclear detonation (not an exchange or other conflagration) in a major American or European city. Look for an israeli nuke to be detonated in Chicago, Houston or Atlanta. “Jew York City†is “off-limits†as it is the jewish seat of power in the USA.

    I’m less convinced of this happening in America. Atlanta has the CDC, which has strategic value. Chicago is the backup site for Jew York and home to many Jews. Houston seems like it’d be worth claiming, not destroying.

    They like destroying cultural icons and history to make lebensraum. I could see an attack on San Francisco maybe. False-fag (lol) the Muslims against the LGBTs. Makes real the trans genocide they’ve whined about for a decade.

    Rome/Vatican or Paris are more-likely targets.

    As for where suitcase nukes might be hidden, my guess would be safely entombed beneath Holocaust museums in major cities. They have them everywhere, enough to play the shell game. Minimizes radiation leakage, mitigates detection, and they are as protective of these lame exhibits as they are of military installations. Look what sites the cops move to defend every time there’s a riot. God forbid some ugly furniture gets destroyed or looted by niggers. They really don’t want these places torn apart.

    A sadistic mind would take no end of pleasure in storing tools to enact a nuclear Holocaust in plain sight, under the guise of memorials dedicated to Holocaust remembrance, while also extracting tax writeoffs and exemptions from the target warehousing the means of their own destruction for decades.

  71. anonymous[200] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    “It is likely — once again, we have no confirmation of this — that there were declared anti–Semites among those who countered the Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam’s streets.

    One cannot condone this…”

    That’s a joke a right?

  72. @anon

    Bitcoin is the most destructive Mammon Worship Strategy (as well as the other analogues) as there is no value to it (them).

    Any currency is worthless if nobody wants it.

    “You have a choice: Food or Mammon”.

  73. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Now picture Amsterdam with not 5.5% Muslims (now) but 15% (soon) or 65% (sorry Pieter, too late).

    The late Prof.Dr. Hans Jansen wrote an interesting book for those who are intelligent enough to read and understand the nature of Mohammedanism.

    Islam for pigs, monkeys, donkeys and other animals

    A bold introduction to Islam in the form of 250 answers to partly pressing questions. The Koran, Muslims believe, is the literal word of God. Such a belief is difficult to verify. In any case, the Koran, word of God or not, does not mince its words when it comes to unbelievers. Non-Muslims are referred to in the Koran without mercy as animals. As pigs, monkeys, donkeys or ‘the worst quadrupeds’. Moreover, the Koran explicitly instructs Muslims to fight unbelievers.

    This book provides answers to the increasingly urgent questions that such Islamic beliefs raise. The Islamic ideology and its jargon (halal and haram, fitna and jihad) is explained, not with the intention of offending Muslims but with the intention of making those who think differently understand it – to the extent that that is ever possible for people who have not been raised with this dogmatic doctrine.

    •ï¿½Troll: Renard
  74. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Now, the Mossad Mob is doing a pogrom in France.
    They see the West as one big West Bank.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
    , @Renard
    , @ariadna
  75. ariadna says:
    @Crush Limbraw

    What are you nattering about? The Torah is the Hebrew scripture, the Talmud is the User’s Manual with periodic “updates,” all consistent with Jewish supremacism.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Crush Limbraw
  76. ariadna says:
    @Charles Martel France

    “..those who are intelligent enough to read and understand the nature of Mohammedanism.”

    Why don’t you give up already?
    Is it because you are not “intelligent enough to read and understand ” the goyim’s disgusted rejection of your shameless judaic lies and transparent attempts to shift attention away from your tribe’s odious crimes?

  77. ariadna says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    So the Troll ‘germ’ bursts into bloom…

  78. muh muh says:
    @Priss Factor

    For shame, PF.

    Didn’t anyone here tell you you’re supposed to hone in on Muslim troublemakers in Europe?

  79. Renard says:
    @Badger Down

    Along with Truth and Reconciliation commissions; full reparations paid by zionists and their fellow tribalists; and total and complete disarmament of chosenites everywhere. They have proven themselves incapable of managing any sort of weaponry responsibly, and it’s arguable whether negroes do more or less damage with the weapons they get their own hands on.

    Locally, I mean. On the geopolitical scale of damage, jews are in a class of their own and have always been.

  80. @tosca

    I’m not familiar in detail with the Samson Option, but WHY would it not also include targets in the US? The coasts (and much more) are within range of Israeli submarine-launched cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.
    MAYBE they would spare New York, with its large populations of Jews, but there are dozens of targets with fewer Jews in them. And some of the European targets have good-sized Jewish populations.
    Just wondering.
    I’m not Jewish, but I think I’m safe here in Miami Beach.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymousrgc
  81. @Che Guava

    They did this in the common room? With you (and others) watching?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
  82. Renard says:
    @Priss Factor

    Israeli fans BEAT UP French fans during the France vs Israel match at the Stade de France in Paris.

    The western MSM version, soon to be released:

    Peace-loving, defenseless, and virtuous Judeo-christian People of God are ruthlessly attacked by white-arab-nazi aggressors in the latest totally unprovoked pogrom, showing how legislation must be enacted at once to prevent free speech on the internet.

    Legislation like this!


    “The legislation would for the first time enshrine a definition of antisemitism into federal law by adopting wording settled upon in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, a group of 35 member countries that includes the United States and Israel.

    “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.†Examples of the definition’s application include “accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group” and making “dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews.”

    The definition also includes “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination†(however jews choose to define that), or claiming that Israel’s existence is a “racist or colonial endeavor…â€

    (…or pretty much anything jews don’t like.)

    Essentially, enshrined into enforceable law will be a prohibition against saying anything remotely accurate about jews. In essence: go back to your televisions, goyim. Don’t repeat anything you haven’t seen Hollywood saying.

    Send money now to help these persecuted innocents!

  83. Renard says:
    @muh muh

    That problem rests squarely on selfish white men, the majority of whom appear not to possess enough moral backbone to admit they’re to blame for their own situation.

    The problem with white people is – being basically altruistic and trustworthy – they fail to perceive and anticipate the tireless perfidy and selfishness so basic to virtually all other tribes.

    This is in a nutshell how and why one particular (ambitious, avaricious, and ruthless) tribe slowly but insidiously grew to control the major media as well as the institutions (as well as much of the commerce and government, at their highest levels) of the United States.

    Faced with a sort of Manchurian Candidate situation where white Americans have been brainwashed en masse over the course of several decades, you choose to blame the victim rather than the brainwashers.

    I respect you and expect better of you.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  84. @Badger Down

    invoke the principle of noninterference in the affairs of others, and heave

    SOME “non-interference principle”!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Badger Down
  85. @TPM

    Excellent analysis. I would like to see more of the text from which this was drawn.

    •ï¿½Replies: @TPM
  86. Observers through the centuries identified the unique Evil of Judaism. Some made the error of blaming ‘the Jews’, who come and go with the generations, who are the first victims of Judaism, and many of whom have never fully self-inculcated the genocidal, xenophobic, hatred of all goyim, and ‘self-hating’ Jews, that is the essence of Judaism.
    It’s too late now-the cancer has metasasised throughout the West, has its fangs in places like Argentina, and is growing ever more crazed. And it has nukes and bio-warfare agents, controls the Internet and has promised to destroy humanity if they ever feel ‘threatened’. In the insane psychohell of the Judeonazi hive mind, opposing genocide is ‘threatening’ to Jews, and a sign of ‘Jew-hatred’.

  87. This was Amsterdam in the 1920s before the Zionists destroyed it.

    •ï¿½Thanks: The Germ Theory of Disease
  88. @ariadna

    Are you fearful of them? It sounds like you’re shaking in your boots.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @Felpudinho
  89. @ariadna

    Arthur Butz should be required reading in colleges and “Holocaust Study†departments should terminated.

    Better yet:

    Arthur Butz (et al.) should be required reading in colleges and “Holocaust Study†departments.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  90. ariadna says:
    @Priss Factor

    In have no sympathy for the French. They deserve to be treated with brutality and contempt by the genociders. The keep lapping up all the humiliations, and ask for more.
    The French Jews have their own ADL, called International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, but they also have something even the US banned, their JDL, thugs who roam like wild predators, attack and savagely beat up ‘deniers†as they did to Faurisson. The thugs have training facilities (esp. in the Marais) where they train in urban guerilla tactics openly..The French apparently accept the existence of this paramilitary outfit on the rationale that the law and order forces are insufficient to defend the eternally persecuted Jews from anti-semitic attacks.

  91. @Charles Martel France

    EXACTLY as Judaism does, over and over and over and over again. In fact, the Judaics prefer Islam of their bastard offspring, hating Christians with genocidal fury as ‘idolators’. It’s NOT Moslems who say that Jesus is in Hell, up to his neck in boiling faeces-it’s the ever scatological Judaics.

  92. ariadna says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    You might be thinking of your mother. I don’t wear boots.
    And what’s the deal with your handle? Procrustes? Fascination with mutilation to fit in?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  93. @anarchyst

    I often wondered why Assyrians were targeted, and slaughtered in the most atrocious manner, during the genocides in Turkey etc at the end of the Ottoman Empire. Then I learned that the ‘Young Turks’ were doenmeh, crypto-Jews pretending to be Islamic, and recalled that Assyria destroyed much of the kingdom of Judah in the years after 700BCE. They NEVER forgive or forget.

  94. Drake you says:

    I left a dump in the toilet and a Bibi was born

  95. Crush Limbraw says: •ï¿½Website

    I’m not sure you understood the context of what I commented, simply judging by your reply – perhaps you need to dig a little deeper on Biblical history – so I dug into DaLimbraw Library with a word search on ‘jews talmud Israel old Testament’ – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=jews+talmud+Israel+old+Testament&updated-max=2024-05-28T10:30:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 – that’s a list of headnotes of articles by various authors on the subject – takes some reading which most folks are not quite willing to do.
    In any case, you can ‘natter’ with the authors – I didn’t write what they wrote, but I learned a lot from them. I’ve found I learn more from reading than ‘nattering’!

  96. muh muh says:

    Faced with a sort of Manchurian Candidate situation where white Americans have been brainwashed en masse over the course of several decades, you choose to blame the victim rather than the brainwashers.

    No, that’s not accurate, but given that you accord me some respect, I’d like you to indulge me for one moment…

    You’ll note that I’m responding to one of no less than three individuals who have attempted to divert our attention away from the topic of Zionists in Amsterdam toward Muslims residing there, an effort intended to have us ignore Zionist criminal conduct and instigation of conflict which their media myrmidons exploited to gain sympathy for their vampiric bloodletting throughout the Muslim world.

    In other words, there’s a concerted effort on behalf of Zionists here to make this whole affair about Muslims. The pattern fits their standard modus operandi: misfired Hamas missile, Hamas uses human shields, Hamas steals all the food, and so on… It’s always the Muslims that are to blame when a conflict between them and Muslims breaks out. This is the context in which my comments should be understood: I’m responding to an attack on one of the Zionists’ favorite diversionary targets.

    Now, ‘Germ’ says he’s being overwhelmed by ‘unsavory’ Muslims, or rather, that he will be overwhelmed by them in the near future due to their higher birth rate. That could be, but as I pointed out, this is not a problem he can lay at the feet of Muslims.

    Note that I refer precisely to selfish white men, not white men per se. Just as I believe Muslims cannot play the victim card simply because they’re Muslim, neither can white men such as me claim victim status where I freely prefer the bilge pumped out of the Jewish dominated pornography mill to marriage, children, and the cultivation of family.

    Bemoaning the condition of one’s people is one thing; denying their agency to change that condition where circumstances allow for it is an entirely different matter.

    I don’t do the latter. That is not ‘blaming the victim’. That’s telling him he has the power to overcome his victimhood.

    Thanks for the civil approach, though. Hope that clears things up.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Renard
  97. Renard says:
    @muh muh

    Understood; however I’d note that referring to “selfish white men” (note no emphasis in the original) really makes it seem as though you’re tarring them all with the same brush.

    Surely if I used the phrase “lazy negro criminals” or “ruthless avaricious jews” we’d expect all negroes or jews to take umbrage. Unless perhaps I was careful to stipulate, and I don’t see that you were. Your quote was damning and I think

    That problem rests squarely on selfish white men, the majority of whom appear not to possess enough moral backbone to admit they’re to blame for their own situation.

    More importantly, though:

    That’s telling him he has the power to overcome his victimhood.

    I don’t know anyone who denies this, but how do you go about it? I’ve argued with family and friends (at some risk) but even in the cases where they actually end up persuaded, they return to their media of choice and within a day or so have reverted completely. As though our exchange had never happened.

    The “moral backbone” slur implies that they know, and I don’t think they know.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  98. Right so says:

    Sorry but I don’t buy the ‘bad Izzies’ narrative.

    2000 Macabee fans visiting a city crawling with hundreds of 1000s of idle, anti-Israel Muslims and start looking for trouble?
    Not gonna happen.
    Muzzies started it.

    •ï¿½Troll: Anonymous 1
  99. Renard says:

    Yet another site glitch, of the exact kind I encountered earlier. Turns out if you try to edit a post more than once or twice, the site garbles what you have already written!

    Now I can’t remember how I’d completed the sentence starting “Your quote was damning and I think…”

    And I think indeed blames the victim? Maybe.

    The question of individual agency in a media-besotted (and speech-regulated) age such ours is a profound and substantial one, which has been discussed many times at TUR, sometimes productively.

  100. muh muh says:

    Surely if I used the phrase “lazy negro criminals†or “ruthless avaricious jews†we’d expect all negroes or jews to take umbrage.

    Sorry, but this is an apples and oranges analogy.

    Try ‘selfish black folk’ or ‘selfish Jews’ on for size and it fits. I don’t need to make any special accommodations when describing any people as selfish, my own included, and no emphasis on the term ‘selfish’ is necessary at all.

    Re: those who have the power to overcome their victimhood, you write:

    I don’t know anyone who denies this

    I know plenty. They’re virtually everywhere.

    Even I have to struggle to avoid blaming others than myself where I know quite well I’m to blame. Sometimes, that’s less easy to do than I might expect, but it will always be the right thing to do.

    but how do you go about it?

    Good question.

    For starters, I believe in a higher power, one responsible for all that is. This allows me to anchor my experience in the knowledge of a greater purpose, however much I may fail to apprehend it. Simply trusting there is a meaning to everything, come what may, is one of the most valuable assets I have. I may remain unable to appreciate the wisdom of a particular trial or trauma I’ve lived until many years have passed, but eventually, it all comes to me. (Schopenhauer’s discourse on predestination is instructive here.)

    In any event, that is where I find power. I am not certain how others might do it. I can only share with you what I know.

    The “moral backbone†slur implies that they know, and I don’t think they know.


    There comes a point, however, when we have to stop seeing them as poor victims and acknowledge they own responsibility for their own actions. You obviously tried to edify them and it didn’t stick.

    Now, is that your fault? And if you think so, then why should it be?

  101. TPM says: •ï¿½Website
    @nosquat loquat

    Hi and thanks! The following is from the introduction to an article I have been working on, and which I hope to have posted on my website WEREX.org (World Equity Repository and EXchange) over this coming weekend.

    Our human species and civilization continues in the grip of two primary phenomena to which we have proved exceptionally vulnerable. The first, and our basic-building-block, is called a systematized delusion:

    “A “systematized delusion†is one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion ; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge.†Taylor v. McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914)).

    The modus operandi of the oligarch-control-structure and system has long been to (1) sell the public on a false premise, (2) establish a corresponding new systematized delusion, (3) link-it or daisy-chain-it to the ever more firmly-established / existing systematized delusions, and (4) move on to the next one. You cannot see this in the short term – you can only see it by studying history – on the order of about 300 years.

    The second is the psychological process popularly referred to as gaslighting, where the target of it is induced to accept ever-increasing non sequiturs and eventual absurdities by slow but relentless incremental steps. Also and more cognitively / accurately described as gradualism.

    There are at least a dozen daisy-chained critical subsystems that define today’s private global financial system – all of which qualify as serious systematized delusions – and which have settled into an orchestrated multi-layer feedback-loop that also relentlessly expands by the gaslighting / gradualism process.

    There is also an object-based lowest-common-denominator. Each of these processes is designed to both systemically and systematically deplete the working-capital of the masses to ensure their perpetual subservience to the oligarch-control-structure. And they all financially inter-cross-leverage each other, such that the whole is vastly greater than the mere sum of its parts.

    Perhaps the most determinative false premise among humans is that those at the top are supremely motivated by greed. They are not. They are motivated by their self-perceived need to dominate for its own sake. Greed is legitimately portrayed as a vice – but it is not unequivocally evil. The point at which greed becomes unequivocally evil is when you want something of value to another – not for its own sake – but solely to deprive the other of it for its own sake.

    But none of it is possible in all but the short-run without a critical additional element and that is acquiescence. The corresponding legal principle is called latches, and the oligarch-control-structure has had centuries of experience and practice in fostering and exploiting this most insidious of human failings. “Silence equals consent†is the ratcheting-device that drives the gaslighting / gradualism process ever forward.

    What the larger system has learned to do very efficiently is to induce and indeed orchestrate all levels of society (consumer, academic, political, media, etc.) into distractive and seemingly endless and vacuous arguments over any given or purported logical process of reasoning – but to never question the relative handful of false premises upon which it is all based and interconnected.

    But it is also critical to appreciate an inherent (and ultimately unavoidable) danger in daisy-chaining systematized-delusions, and that is that the entire chain can suffer a cascade-failure from the sudden-defeat or broad public exposure and realization of a single false premise. And both the probability and severity of that danger increase exponentially with each new link in the chain.

    The oligarch-control-structure is currently dancing-with-the-devil by way of several compartmentalized and systemized delusions that have reached the limits of the gaslighting process.

    The article is about 20 pages long, and represents a condensation of about 10,000 pages of research.

    In the meantime, I would start with the link to http://werex.org/nominal-rate-real-fraud/

    I will also be posting “Conspiracy Theory my ass” as a much expanded version of the shorter piece on the so-called nominal method.

    •ï¿½Thanks: anarchyst
  102. @Charles Martel France

    The late Prof.Dr. Hans Jansen wrote an interesting book for those who are intelligent enough to read and understand the nature of Mohammedanism.

    Maybe the below Dutch MP may have read the book before he converted?

    Former far-right Dutch politician converts to Islam.

    Joram van Klaveren talks about his extraordinary journey from Christianity to Islam.

    Read his book: Apostate: From Christianity to Islam in times of secularisation and terror.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  103. muh muh says:
    @Anonymous 1

    Joram van Klaveren talks about his extraordinary journey from Christianity to Islam.


    From Wilders’s right hand man to Muslim convert.

    That’s gotta make the usual suspects’ blood boil.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous 1
  104. @Proteus Procrustes

    Are you fearful of them (Israeli youth)? It sounds like you’re shaking in your boots.

    Nellie (aka ariadna) knows she’s safe here with her anonymity. She can spew her bile to her withered heart’s content.

    If Nellie ever needs to provide any link whatsoever (a real email address) as to who she really is she’ll be gone from this comment site in a heartbeat; she’ll disappear just as quickly as she did from SONAR21 when the owner, in order to clean up his site, made a genuine email address mandatory in order to continue to comment. It was at that exact moment that fearful Nellie, terrified she’d possibly be found out, disappeared, to immediately pop up here at The Unz Review to continue her all-day/everyday spewing of her bitter-crone bile where she left off at SONAR21.

    Switching to The Unz Review was an improvement to Nellie’s life, now she has a “Troll” button she can push to get her rocks off. It ain’t much, but it’s something. At their stage in life old biddies take whatever they can get.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  105. Che Guava says:
    @N. Joseph Potts

    No of course not. They used a side room which was one of the Israeli’s rooms.

    I am ashamed that I did not understand what had happened until the next day.

  106. @muh muh

    That’s gotta make the usual suspects’ blood boil


    It does, Jameson even pulled his pants up when he was sat in front if his mums PC because he went limp after reading that post!

  107. @ariadna

    I have noticed that whenever you are caught in the headlights like a deer on a country road you freeze, in other words, you go on a rant. I remember that someone had called you the C word and you had gone bezerk (if I find that comment, I will reference it for your pleasure).

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  108. @Felpudinho

    Nellie does seem to be fond of the troll button and also of ranting and raving. One of these days, the owner of this site may start requiring a real ID to comment and then where will she be… up the creek without a paddle, I guess.

  109. @N. Joseph Potts

    It’s basic interferometry, like sound-cancelling headphones. Hit the isralien interferers clean out of Palestine, and silence reigns: the sweet sound of the absence of interference.

  110. ariadna says: •ï¿½Website
    @Proteus Procrustes

    “I have noticed that whenever you are caught in the headlights like a deer on a country road you freeze, in other words, you go on a rant. I remember that someone had called you the C word and you had gone bezerk (if I find that comment, I will reference it for your pleasure).”

    “Headlights? Is that what you call kicking sand with your hind legs trying to obscure your hasbara? And I “freeze” AND go into a “rant”? Partial freeze, full rant?
    “Rant”? You consider the two contemptuous lines I addressed to you (below) a “rant”? Maybe you and Foul Pudding should split the cost and buy a dictionary, Hasbara Breath.
    I wrote:
    “You might be thinking of your mother. I don’t wear boots.
    And what’s the deal with your handle? Procrustes? Fascination with mutilation to fit in?”

    You never explained your choice of “Procrustes” as a handle. Obsession with ritual mutilation of babies to mark them as those who will conform?

    You say, “someone had called you the C word and you had gone bezerk”
    I don’t go berserk (note the correct spelling, Hasbara breath), I only express contempt for those who go into a Tourette syndrome seizure, frustrated by not being to refute FACTS.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  111. @ariadna

    Now that’s real rant, Nellie. Good luck!

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