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Gaza: Kamala Harris and the Disgrace of Denial
“Kamala Harris†by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Outrage is a very fine thing. So is indignity. They are good for the circulation and keep one alert, I have always found. This is why I read The New York Times as diligently as I do. The once-but-no-longer newspaper of record never lets me down.

So it was last Wednesday, when The Times published a remarkable opinion piece under the headline, “This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails.†The 1,200–word commentary that follows reflects what we are calling the “Abandon Harris†movement. Hala Alyan, a Palestinian–American writer, calls for voters to reject Harris at the polls in November because — I will put this more bluntly than Alyan—Harris’s support for terrorist Israel’s genocide in Gaza while she professes a broken heart at the sight of the suffering is simply too much hypocrisy to take.

From the piece:

For me to lean into the powerful marketing of the current vice-president as a bastion of hope requires enormous amnesia—not only of this administration’s complicit funding of Palestinian slaughter but also of Ms. Harris’s track record on criminal reform, immigration, and law enforcement.

This piece is to be read and considered carefully, even if Alyan sometimes seems slightly too gentle as she makes her case. It is among the most persuasive, thoughtfully assembled arguments I have read for rejecting Harris, who is at this point more confection than flesh and blood, for her refusal to hold the Zionist state responsible for its countless crimes—war crimes, crimes against humanity, transgressions of international law. “An inconsistent stance on accountability, Alyan writes, “isn’t real accountability.â€

All good. Now to the outrage and indignation.

While I read comments attached to my own columns as a courtesy and a responsibility to readers, I do not much look at them when I read The Times. On this occasion I was encouraged to do so. I am sure The Times is carefully selective in deciding what comments it publishes so as to contain dissent and encourage conformity. And what a job it did on the Alyan piece. These comments, 2,264 of them by Monday, are beyond outrage and indignation. They give us the sound of an educated, liberal elite that has so lost its moorings it can no longer discern pure evil when it stares back at them—an elite that, indeed, condemns those who dare to raise their voices in objection, as every single one of us should.

To read these comments is to wade through an intellectual and moral cesspit. A reader from Detroit tells Alyan, “I see no reason Gaza should be the decision maker on your vote.†A Los Angeleno going by JM says for Harris to depart from the Biden’s regime’s unconditional support for Israel’s terror operation in Gaza is “to commit political suicide and abandon reality.†An Atlanta man asserts, “There are more important issues in this election than petty ethnic whining about who owns what land in the Middle East.â€

Petty ethnic whining. I had to type the phrase again to make sure I wasn’t having a bad dream.

The running theme, the thread giving color to this repellant weave, is that the presence of Donald Trump in American politics is far more dangerous and objectionable than Israel’s slaughter of 40,000 human beings who are Palestinian. “The vast majority of Dems have other priorities than Israel/Gaza,†JM writes. “As we should.â€

A special favorite in this line, for its exquisitely upside-down logic, comes from an Alaskan named Joe. “The author is missing the big picture. Trump poses an existential threat to the entire political framework, at both the national and international levels,†Joe writes. “So do you want to still have the right to protest without being shot at? Do you want for democracy to continue? Do you want for America to at least aspire to stand for freedom? Do you want for international law to exist?â€

Do you want for international law?

Holy St. Jamoli. What ethical abyss is this? To go by this comment thread, a good enough measure in my read, a great many Americans have no more idea of right and wrong than an Israel Defense Forces grunt machine-gunning a crowd of starving Gazans lining up for aid. Can there be any hope for a nation whose people—and these are the educated, we can assume—have retreated this far from the Age of Reason?

In our household, we call people such as these “the good Germans.â€

Let us mull just a few of the comments appended to Alyan’s piece. From the thousands posted, I choose these as representative of the prevailing sentiments throughout the whole. I will leave the malapropisms as The Times published them:

From a Californian:

Have you asked yourself why no neighboring countries in the Levant will accept anymore Palestinian immigrants? It’s because woven in their body politic are some of the most ruthless and violent people on earth….

“Em S, Paradise, USAâ€:

In other words, “If you don’t support our foreign cause, we will destroy the USA by handing the election to Trump and Republican fascismâ€!… Gaza will not figure into my vote. I am incensed that some voters are trying to hold all of us hostage until we capitulate to Palestinian’s demands.

From a Floridian:

The author misses the big point. You have to look where each side starts from. Israel wants peace and prosperity for everyone. The Palestinians want death and destruction for everyone.

R.W., a Pennsylvanian:

LOL. It’s not a genocide, silly. It’s a war—one that Palestinians started by killing, torturing, raping, and abducting innocent people, including children. Americans, by-and-large, don’t really care about Palestinians being killed because they rightly see the deaths in this context….

The writer who precipitated this gathering of narcissistic ignorance is a formidable figure. Hala Alyan was born in the States and grew up in Kuwait until her parents sought asylum in the U.S. when the Gulf War erupted in August 1990. She is now a clinical psychologist and a published poet and novelist whose themes run to forced exile and the reunions of families dispersed over decades of geopolitical conflict. She did not, in short, come to the thoughts expressed in her Times commentary lightly or the day before yesterday.


Alyan makes a perfectly rational case, reasoned and compassionate at once, for what is wrong with the Harris campaign’s way of addressing the Zionist state’s conduct in Gaza and now the West Bank—or, better put, its inexcusable flinch, its refusal to address all the atrocities and crimes. Harris’s few mentions of the agonies of the people of Gaza are always rendered in the passive voice. They suffer, but there is no one inflicting the suffering.

From Alyan’s piece:

I appreciate Ms. Harris’s broken heart. What I’d appreciate more is a direct naming of who is killing and starving Palestinians, acts that are neither inevitable nor without a perpetrator. I’d appreciate the upholding of international law through sanctions and an arms embargo. It’s hard to abide the passive framing of Palestinian death in the same speech that reasserts a nuclear power’s right to defend itself — a “defense†that in the past few months has included both American and Israeli representatives calling to level Gaza, mobs rioting to defend the rights of soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner, and bombs shredding hundreds of starving children in refugee camps.

Where is the acknowledgement of this heinousness, Alyan asks. Where is the context? Where is the history extending back 75 years (if not longer, depending on how you count) prior to the events of last Oct. 7? From whence arises this faith that a Harris administration would depart from the Biden White House’s shameless endorsement of Israel’s terror operation? How can Democratic voters satisfy themselves with nothing more than show-biz display, spectacle?

Anyone of sound, integrated mind must endorse Alyan as she poses such questions and levels this kind of critical observation. But to the majority of Times readers commenting on her column, Alyan has belched in chapel. Don’t bother me about Gaza and the Palestinians, who are dreadful people. I don’t want to think about all that. There is nothing anyone, or even America, can do about Gaza. What?! You want to talk about genocide and not Donald Trump—Trump the dictator, Trump the fascist, Trump the danger to our democracy? Have you lost your mind, woman?

I have never in my days come across such a collection of misinformed vulgarians in one place. Alyan gets to the core of their disgrace better than I:

It is maddening how people advocating the freedom of Palestinians are spoken about, as though their invocation of the genocide were the real problem, the downer, the Trump enabler. It implies that mentioning this administration’s material support to massacre Palestinian civilians is what ruins the vibes, not the act of sending billions of dollars in unconditional military aid to Israel. It is an obnoxious magic trick that makes naming the crime the crime.

You have to be a casualty of unrelenting psychological mistreatment to believe-without-thinking (but think you are thinking) that the genocide taking place before our eyes and with our nation’s complicity is of no importance or can be misrepresented to the point it is acceptable. You have to have surrendered all capacity for discernment—autonomous judgment in the Jesuits’ definition of the term—to believe there is nothing on earth, not even mass murder in your name, more important than keeping a second, third, fourth-rate figure in a tin-foil cap out of our post-democratic politics.

Yes, I mark down the Democratic mainstream and its clerks in the media—the one as much to blame as the other—as wholly responsible for what we witness and hear as we watch and listen to the beyond-belief inanity of the Harris-for-president mobs. Willfully blind, willfully un– or misinformed, willfully coarse: I see the Democratic majority in the comments attached to Alyan’s piece. And this is exactly what the party elite wanted when they conjured the various frenzies associated with Russiagate to explain their failure in 2016: people who come to prefer lies to the truth, just as Arendt, shortly before she died in 1975, warned those subjected to constant deceit are bound to do.

I read the comment thread appended to Hala Alyan’s commentary as a small measure of a greatly larger reality. Emmanuel Todd, the celebrated French historian (The Defeat of the West, 2024; After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order, 2006), argues that we now live amid “an anthropological rupture.†Humanity—humanity in the Western post-democracies, Todd means—has altogether lost its way. We are living through a civilizational collapse, in Toynbee’s terms. Those purporting to lead us are unserious people. A world-historical disorder defines us, for their capacity and ours for rational thought and action, to say nothing of moral principle and empathy, has comprehensively lapsed.

The comments following Hala Alyan’s supremely humane argument are what it sounds like on the far side of the rupture Todd sees among us.

With the assistance of Cara Marianna.

(Republished from Scheerpost by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Ron Unz says:

    Absolutely excellent piece!

  2. Notsofast says:

    excellent article mr. lawrence and i share your astonishment at the depths of moral depravity to which our nations “liberal elite” have fallen. there is no longer any liberal left, left, as the left, left long ago, leaving only a hollowed out insect like carapace, that had been consumed from within by ants, long ago.

    liberals are now neo-liberals, just as conservatives are neo-conservatives, all of which have been mergered into the zioneocon empire, in a hostile takeover of our “republic”. we were sold out by political whores to aipac, and by supreme court whores, through the citizens united ruling and their rubber stamping of bush vs. gore, that allowed it all. sold off to the highest bidder and led into eternal wars funded by our future tax earnings, imagined into existence by a “federal reserve” that is neither, that was purchased lock stock and barrel, by privateer banksters, now masquerading as a federal agency.

    very nice job of analysis exposing the old gray lady, as the old gray whore, that just ain’t what she used to be. run the story and then bury the lede in a mountain of comments, most of which are most likely a.i. generated mossad and deepstate bot responses, to give the impression that “average citizens” back the wholesale genocide, of the rightful heirs of the levant, the palestinians that have been there since egyptian times.

    what i find most troubling, is that it appears to be working and my own “liberal” relatives, all of whom consume the deadly mockingbird media kool-aid, buy into it and would rather write me off as an anti-semite, than listen to reason. the more outrageous the levels of evil displayed by this abominable apartheid state, the more they shut me out and it is easier for them to totally shun me, than be forced to see the truth.🙈🙉🙊

  3. muh muh says:
    @Ron Unz

    I occasionally do the same as Lawrence, wandering into the comments section of a Times article to check the readers’ pulse. My own experience has been no different, though there are some rare exceptions.

    Last month, I stumbled across an opinion piece in the Washington Post penned by a black female columnist who, in spite of her naive implication that Israel had ‘gotten in on the covert propaganda game’ of manipulating elections only after October 7, 2023, wisely advocated against voting for Harris on the basis of identity politics:

    Not voting is especially painful for many Black people, who see voting as sacrosanct — a right paid for with the blood of civil rights activists and always under attack from the GOP. Even more so when our votes could help put the first Black woman in the White House.

    But if that’s what it takes to put this human rights catastrophe in the spotlight, so be it. Representation alone will not save us. We can and should demand more and better. Voting alone is not democracy. Our votes must pressure those in power to wield their powers justly in protection of human life regardless of race, religion or nationality.


    The comment at the top of the queue, by one ‘Dc1124’:

    The pro-Palestinian political platform continues to and always has advocated the political position that leaves actual Palestinians in the worst possible circumstances. This article is one among many. They care about “sending a message” than leaving the possibility for any incremental improvement in the life of a Palestinian person. That’s what this article ignores entirely. Don’t vote for Harris! help Trump get elected! ensures the worst possible outcome for Palestinian people! Genius!

    The remainder of comments are wall-to-wall vitriol, seasoned copiously with accusations that the author is ‘pro-Hamas’.

    YahooNews comments appear to have been entirely commandeered by Zionists. Those at Newsweek are slightly better, but not by much.

    Interestingly, WaPo allowed non-subscribers to comment until last year, many months prior to the Oct. 7 attacks. What’s more, posts could be rated with a like/dislike option, and pro-Palestine comments always received the highest amount of likes, while Zionist drivel was concomitantly driven to the cellar.

    After Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder in 2022, I witnessed a successive fusillade of surprisingly good quality posts including numerous links to sites debunking stock Israeli propaganda.

    I’m absolutely convinced this was the reason they shuttered comments to non-subscribers.

  4. The hardest part in resisting the constant drum of conformity and control is to tune out from the constant rattle of noise and disinformation.

    The Karmala Harris circus has again shown that those with the biggest megaphone reach the largest number of ears.

    Can anyone tell me one word ,not of tightly scripted and edited video, Karmala has spoken on critical U.S subjects and domestic policy she has made?

    All the American people are getting is this home town Girl routine with this accentuated drawl that would put the cartoon character huckleberry hound to shame.

    Its time to throw out the bums delivering this sitcom of an election…its an embarrassment for the U.S to serve this tripe up.

    •ï¿½Thanks: JR Foley
    •ï¿½LOL: JWalters
  5. the average White ‘Murkan – like the degenerate, dying white populations of all the other remnant former White Nations – is either a satanist, a complete idiot, or both at once.

    as for Kneepads, she – like Trumpstein of Pedo Island – falls into category III.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Gurrini
  6. Anon[235] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    The issue here is that information technology has become so simple and user-friendly that even average 92 IQ Izzies can use it. That’s where you get all this genocide kikery from.

  7. Chebyshev says:

    I read the comment thread appended to Hala Alyan’s commentary as a small measure of a greatly larger reality.

    The NYT commenters, like college-educated Americans generally, fell for the media’s inversion of reality and don’t recognize that Israeli terrorism is the biggest form of violence against civilians in the world. The Israel lobby is the biggest threat to American democracy.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Digital Samizdat
    •ï¿½LOL: meamjojo
    •ï¿½Replies: @mark green
    , @MLK
  8. Protogonus says: •ï¿½Website

    The murderous ethnic cleansing of christians and moslems by the Hebrews in occupied Palestine is perfectly consistent with everything the Tribe has contrived to do to the enemies they have identified since the days of Moses in Egypt. That’s a lot of murder and deceit, friends–almost too much for the heart to bear–but we have tried to summarize the tale from beginning to end:


    Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  9. Voltarde says:

    Where is the acknowledgement of this heinousness, Alyan asks. Where is the context? Where is the history extending back 75 years (if not longer, depending on how you count) . . .

    King–Crane Commission

    King–Crane Commission Report (1919)
    Office of the Historian of the U.S. State Department


    . . .
    The Commission recognized also that definite encouragement had been given to the Zionists by the Allies in Mr. Balfour’s often quoted statement, in its approval by other representatives of the Allies. If, however, the strict terms of the Balfour Statement are adhered to—favoring “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish peopleâ€, “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestineâ€â€”it can hardly be doubted that the extreme Zionist Program must be greatly modified. For “a national home for the Jewish people†is not equivalent to making Palestine into a Jewish State; nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the “civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestineâ€. The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase.
    . . .
    In his address of July 4, 1918, President Wilson laid down the following principle as one of the four great “ends for which the associated peoples of the world were fightingâ€: “The settlement of every question, whether of territory, of sovereignty, of economic arrangement, or of political relationship upon the basis of the free acceptance of that settlement by the people immediately concerned, and not upon the basis of the material interest or advantage of any other nation or people which may desire a different settlement for the sake of its own exterior influence or masteryâ€. If that principle is to rule, and so the wishes of Palestine’s population are to be decisive as to what is to be done with Palestine, then it is to be remembered that the non-Jewish population of Palestine—nearly nine-tenths of the whole—are emphatically against the entire Zionist program. The tables show that there was no one thing upon which the population of Palestine were more agreed than upon this. To subject a people so minded to unlimited Jewish immigration, and to steady financial and social pressure to surrender the land, would be a gross violation of the principle just quoted, and of the peoples’ rights, though it kept within the forms of law.
    . . .
    The Peace Conference should not shut its eyes to the fact that the anti-Zionist feeling in Palestine and Syria is intense and not lightly to be flouted. No British officer, consulted by the Commissioners, believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except by force of arms. The officers generally thought that a force of not less than fifty thousand soldiers would be required even to initiate the program. That of itself is evidence of a strong sense of the injustice of the Zionist program, on the part of the non-Jewish populations of Palestine and Syria. Decisions, requiring armies to carry out, are sometimes necessary, but they are surely not gratuitously to be taken in the interests of a serious injustice. For the initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a “right†to Palestine, based on an occupation of two thousand years ago, can hardly be seriously considered.

    •ï¿½Thanks: muh muh, JWalters, Buck Ransom
    •ï¿½Replies: @De Oppresso Liber
  10. exile987 says:

    It is a genocide. It is deplorable. The Israelis could not get away with this without the
    complicit USA Uniparty. Neither Harris nor any Democrat merits a sane person’s vote.

    And yet Trump and the Republicans are if anything only more unhinged as to Israel, Gaza, Iran,
    Syria and West Asia than the hapless Democrats. Friends and foes have gotten Trump terribly wrong for 8 years. Israel/Gaza/Iran is one example of where Trump and the Republicans are not the lesser
    of two evils. They are in many ways the very same and Trump has accelerated the convergence recently on domestic issues as well as foreign policy.

    Trump laid the ground work for the heinous crimes and foreign policy of Biden/Harris. Biden has
    followed Trump policy even more than Biden followed Obama/Biden. The Uniparty convergence despite our fake fight headlines. The totalitarian liberal regime is here. Speak out about this to nearly anyone and the faceless tyrants shall attack us even in our private lives.

    Neither Harris nor Trump merit my vote. 103 million eligible Americans voted for neither Biden( 81m) nor Trump(74m) in 2020. This number will rise in 2024. We are complicit in the genocide.
    Elections do not matter when the two parties are the same

    •ï¿½Agree: Digital Samizdat, Annacat
  11. barr says:

    In the comment section,people come with weird assertions and observations. Some of these bastards say that ME doesnt matter and some say that we should not get involved in the wars between Israel and Arab. After saying that they listen attentively to the bold anouncements from the leaders of the Republocrats that US needs Israel ,Israel doesnt need US , US should impose more sanctions on Syria,Iran,and Gazan ,US should not decide how its arms are used ,US should continue to provide arms and ammunitions to Israel, US should sanction ICC judges, US should not engage with Saudi Arab until it normalizes relation with Israel and there is no day,ight between Israel and US . Not onky these ,they even vote the candidates depending on the candidate’s level of support to Israel.

    These stupids listen to these policy statements and then ask a family member of the victim of Israeli onslaught not to bring ME politics or war into the election.

    They swallow the observations quietly that fealty to Israel to be confirmed and unless expressed clearly before the election, candidates get excoriated like the way drone operators swat the people in far away land without any remorse or afterthought .

    •ï¿½Replies: @JWalters
  12. muh muh says:

    what i find most troubling, is that it appears to be working and my own “liberal†relatives, all of whom consume the deadly mockingbird media kool-aid, buy into it and would rather write me off as an anti-semite, than listen to reason. the more outrageous the levels of evil displayed by this abominable apartheid state, the more they shut me out and it is easier for them to totally shun me, than be forced to see the truth.🙈🙉🙊

    You’re not alone, Nsf.

    Though my own family leans right, only one of them is just beginning to learn about Israel and the reality of its evil. It’s been a tough row to hoe.

    Many times I’ve had to pause and reflect on how fortunate I am simply to have a functioning conscience.

    •ï¿½Disagree: De Oppresso Liber
    •ï¿½Thanks: Notsofast
    •ï¿½Replies: @Gerald the Frog
  13. Saggy says: •ï¿½Website

    Her support is less that Trump’s, who says the US will join in the genocide his first day in office …

  14. Carlton Meyer says: •ï¿½Website

    Chris Hedges worked at the NY Times for 15 years. I just saw him on Jimmy Dore where explained the Times is worried about the loss of print subscribers but learned that when Trump was in office, half their on-line subscribers paid just to read daily “Trump is evil” stories. So the Times would do well if Trump won.

  15. .☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜† ®[AP©CALYPSE NOW NEWS]â„¢ ☆☆☆☠ï¸â˜†â˜†â˜†.

    Video Link

  16. @Notsofast

    The mindlessness of drug-addled and propagandised is a US revival of Germans of a certain era and ilke also present in German media today

    •ï¿½Agree: Notsofast
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  17. ghali says:

    It is not Harris and Trump who feel no compunction. They are serving the Jews and cannot deviate from that. However, there is another reason why the Genocide of the Palestinians continues. Other world’s powers like, China and Russia are looking the other way and have no desire to upset the U.S. or the Jews. In fact, the reason why the U.S. is playing the world’s policeman is because other countries have succumbed to U.S. dictates. Thanks to Ukraine, Russia is waking up to this very fact.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  18. @Chebyshev

    The NYT commenters, like college-educated Americans generally, fell for the media’s inversion of reality and don’t recognize that Israeli terrorism is the biggest form of violence against civilians in the world. The Israel lobby is the biggest threat to American democracy.

    So very true. And while I will (probably) vote for Trump (or skip voting this Nov.) Trump’s fan base is just as jingoistic and morally debased on the Palestinian question as these Zionized, ‘liberal’ NYTimes readers.

    I must also wonder: What percentage of these rabidly pro-Zionist ‘readers comments’ are manufactured by AI bots or paid Hasbara activists?

    •ï¿½Agree: De Oppresso Liber
    •ï¿½Replies: @Chebyshev
  19. JWalters says:

    Kamala is a rickety professional puppet. That’s why she was picked as Joe “Burisma” Biden’s VP despite her atrocious performance in the 2020 primary debates.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately) her rickety persona (recovering from something?) may be too obvious to too many voters.

    When the public learns the numbers about the Southern border under her tenure, including the millions of UNVETTED immigrants, the large numbers of single males from adversarial territories, the gangs, the thousands of unaccompanied children that have gone missing, the government policies fostering these amazing numbers, and the vast amount of government money spent to create these amazing numbers, then the average American will be shocked. In addition, she thinks they should all be given the full financial benefits of American citizens.

    And why is the director of Homeland Security who oversaw all this not someone with a security or military background, but instead is a former official at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)? It looks a lot like he was chosen specifically to manage this huge operation importing millions of unvetted immigrants.

    Redacted News has been covering this government operation regularly. Here’s their latest story on the increasing foreign gangs in America. If you’re not up to date on this story this episode is a MUST WATCH.
    HIGH ALERT! Multiple American Cities Being Invaded by HIGHLY Organized Illegal Gangs | Redacted News

    This policy has clearly not for the benefit of American citizens. And its last minute reversal has not undone the damage. It has been a deliberate, massive, expensive importation including poverty, crime, and social disruption under the misleading guise of kindness. It’s no wonder the Jewish Mafia’s corporate media has kept quiet about this story.

    This corporate media silence is further evidence of the crime. It parallels their cover=up of Israel’s long history of terrorism. It parallels the cover-up of the Jewish Mafia’s terrorist attacks on Russia through Ukraine.

    The NYT sells the attempt to topple Russia’s elected government and loot its natural resources as “defending democracy”. Just as toppling Ukraine’s elected government and installing Nazis has been sold as “defending democracy”. Just as protecting this mafia’s totalitarian control of America with surveillance & censorship is being sold as “defending democracy”.

    This mafia has no interest in democracy except to squash it. The NYT, Rachel Maddow, George Stephanopoulos, Amna Nawaz and the rest of the corporate media will unfortunately aid and abet them to the best of their smooth talking, con artist ability.

    Somewhere along the line the treason will be recognized.

    •ï¿½Agree: Gallatin
    •ï¿½Thanks: Gerbils, mark green, werpor
    •ï¿½Replies: @Gallatin
    , @hobnob
  20. JWalters says:
    @muh muh

    The PBS Newshour closed viewer comments on its website a couple of years ago after a growing number of commenters started criticizing Israel.

    A while before that TruthDig shut down entirely after a growing number of readers became Israel-aware. Eventually it re-started, but without comments (as I recall).

    •ï¿½Replies: @MoT
  21. JWalters says:

    To add to the confusion, I suspect there are closet anti-Zionists in prominent positions. They know the Israelis, aka Zionists, backed by Jewish big money are evil, but they calculate that speaking out at this time would likely diminish their potential to take an effective action at a more opportune time. I suspect RFK Jr is one such. That would explain why the powers that be (Jewish Mafia) have gone to such lengths to knock him out of the process.

    •ï¿½Agree: De Oppresso Liber
    •ï¿½Replies: @hobnob
    , @awry
  22. anon[216] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Outrage is a very fine thing. So is indignity.

    You mean indignancy, more commonly referred to, as you twice did yourself further along in your piece, as indignation. Indignity means a state of degradation or humiliation, not one of outrage.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Brás Cubas
  23. Xavier says:
    @muh muh

    I’m absolutely convinced this was the reason they shuttered comments to non-subscribers.

    Wasn’t there a report recently that said that 2/3 of Americans want the government to stop sending weapons to Israel? I think these comments hostile to the Palestinians are highly suspicious. It’s most likely the Israeli IT cell’s handiwork.

    •ï¿½Agree: Notsofast
    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  24. eah says:

    For anyone interested and who doesn’t have or want to create a NYT account, the oped can be read here:

    This Is Who Kamala Harris Fails

    •ï¿½Thanks: Bro43rd
  25. Miro23 says:

    These comments, 2,264 of them by Monday, are beyond outrage and indignation. They give us the sound of an educated, liberal elite that has so lost its moorings it can no longer discern pure evil when it stares back at them—an elite that, indeed, condemns those who dare to raise their voices in objection, as every single one of us should.

    I meet these people all the time.

    Their call sign is “We have to stop Trump”. It immediately establishes the fact that they are part of the Western educated (rich) liberal elite.

    What matters is their social position/ income/ status. They’ll easily keep saying that black is white to safeguard their position. If they studied some history they would know that the fashionable, educated ethnic Russian supporters of the Bolshevik Jews went straight to the Gulag after the 1917 coup – it didn’t make any difference. Once there, these collaborators wrote pathetic letters that “there had been some misunderstanding” and that they were genuine comrades.

    •ï¿½Agree: Gerald the Frog
    •ï¿½Replies: @lavoisier
    , @SomeDude
  26. Genocide Joe and the camel toe …

    If this is the best government money can buy , maybe we should all pay more ? A lot more ! Peace and Love

    Of , by , and for … US . Divine Providence. Charity .Apocalypse.

    It is in the ” good book “. We have ” dominion ” .

    After all , God was a man , just like “US.”

    Vote , Vote , Vote , and continue to prai$e the profit$.

    Yes , an excellent article… Tax Exempt I hope…

  27. All that “news” that fits their views. It is for the upper middle classes and elites–nothing to see, everything fine, US is great, move on. The US dolts (redundant) gleefully buy into what the american propaganda tell them. Each and every time, a truly moronic populace. They symbolize emptiness and nothing else.

    Simply a bunch of hucksters and hustlers. A party with 2 right wings-Gore VIDAL.

    The “wool” is NOT being pulled over their eyes, the wool IS their eyes.

    Nothing will change in that dying empire of war, CONsumerism, orgasms, and imperialism. And the vassals dance to the USian tune. Just ask the Pilipinos, and EU-Japanland. Clowns in the US empire circus.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Jim H
  28. Linder says:

    Check this out:


    UK gov’t: many decent human beings w/a conscience

    US gov’t: a vast collection of genocidal scumbags, w/no conscience at all

  29. anarchyst says:

    Jews worldwide need to feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization, and even contempt for their actions in the middle east and around the western world.
    I realize that there are some jews who, realizing that their self-preservation is threatened and at stake, are against the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, but there are not enough of them to make a difference.
    At this stage of the game, I DON’T CARE if “good†jews feel the pain of ostracization, marginalization and contempt from gentiles. Just maybe, if there is enough pressure put on “good†jews, things will change.
    I won’t hold my breath.
    All good people must apply the same standard to the JEWS that JEWS apply to (the rest of) us goyim.
    You see, in civilized cultures, individual responsibility and individual punishment is the norm. Collective responsibility and collective punishment is illegal and does not figure in civilized “rule of lawâ€.
    Not so as JEWS hold gentiles responsible…collective responsibility and collective punishment are always the norm that the JEWS use to justify genocide when it comes to gentiles.
    Yes, every JEW who observes their talmud IS responsible for genocide. It’s baked into judaism. There is no getting around that.
    Let’s not forget the biblical book of Deuteronomy where, according to its proscriptions and advice, nothing (gentile) is to remain alive…
    This is where JEWS get their genocidal attitudes.
    When it comes to attitudes of jews themselves, they are among the worst behaving people on the planet. Their air of “superiority†and “supremacy†permeates the atmosphere wherever they go.
    A refreshing incident took place in Vietnam (of all places) where a restaurant owner kicked israelis out of his restaurant just because they were jews. It was easy to tell because of their condescending, snobbish attitude that almost every israeli possesses.
    We need to see more of this worldwide.
    If I had my way…
    1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime.
    2. Close every yeshiva in the western world. These “schools†that teach nothing but hate and contempt for all gentiles are breeding grounds for jewish terrorists. These same “schools†fail to teach basic subject material to their students.
    3. Close every holocaustianity temple in the USA. These temples violate the “separation of church and state†in the USA and are illegally receiving taxpayer dollars.
    4. Outlaw menorahs and other jewish displays placed on public property. As Christian displays have been marginalized through jewish lawfare, so should jewish symbology as well.
    5. EVERY tax-exempt jewish organization must be recognized as an “agent of a foreign government†and should lose its tax-exempt status. This applies to synagogues as well. Synagogues are “breeding grounds†for jewish terrorism as well.
    6. ALL USA politicians of jewish extraction as well as any politician who supports israel must be required to register themselves under the FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) and to be thoroughly “vetted†as their loyalty to their home country (USA) is in question. EVERY politician who holds “dual citizenship†with israel must forfeit his or her government position and be deported with loss of USA citizenship. If wishing to re-enter the USA and regain their USA citizenship must renounce their foreign citizenship.
    7. ANY citizen of the USA who joins the IDF must automatically lose his or her USA citizenship and be permanently deported. We should start with Brian Mast (R-Fla) who proudly wore his IDF uniform in the halls of congress.
    8. Future trials for “crimes against humanity†must hold every dual citizenship American politician, political appointees and all supporter of israel accountable, not just jews themselves.
    Jews in the western world must be held to the same standard that (((they))) hold for “the rest of us†(gentiles).
    Turnabout is indeed “fair playâ€.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Annacat, Gerbils, John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @N30rebel
  30. meamjojo says:

    I do so enjoy reading all the hysterical ranting on TUR about Israel genocide of Palestinians. You people use a word you don’t understand the definition of, stomp your little feet while scratching your asses as you wonder why the vast majority of the rest of the world doesn’t give a crap about the Palestinians or how many are killed.

    The Dems didn’t even give the pro-Hamas supporters a voice at their convention!

    Maybe all of you should start the your own political party. I’d suggest a PAC but I doubt that the lot of you have enough money to fund a PAC.

    So, y’all just keep whining on TUR and related websites that echo these false beliefs. You are powerless and no one pays any attention to you.

  31. Stewart says:

    Harris’s few mentions of the agonies of the people of Gaza are always rendered in the passive voice. They suffer, but there is no one inflicting the suffering.

    This is invariably the case for all the BBC reporting in the UK:

    Palestinians “suffer” and “die”, while israelis are brutally murdered or assassinated.

    And if, on occasion, they should give a bit too much information, how some Palestinian children “died” while sheltering in a school or hospital,for instance, then (as happened recently) they will receive a letter signed by hundreds of influential media jews accusing them of that most heinous of all crimes “anti-semitism”

    I can barely read about the unadulterated Evil that is being perpetrated in Gaza any more. It is poisoning our collective soul and is, I fear, heralding a global catastrophe that will overtake us all.

  32. Patrick Lawrence generally writes very worthwhile articles – delivered in a distinct and personal style – and this one is no exception.

    It is almost incredible how far removed from objectivity people can become when they are consistently exposed to one-sided propaganda, and exist in social circles where no contrary views are honestly reflected upon. It will be a terrible day for them, when reality intrudes.

    You have my sympathy, you honest Americans who have to live with this. May God bless and keep you.

    •ï¿½Thanks: De Oppresso Liber
  33. Jim H says:

    ‘We are living through a civilizational collapse, in Toynbee’s terms. — Patrick Lawrence

    A case in point:

    ‘Federal prosecutors charged Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, and five senior members of the group with planning and carrying out years of terrorist attacks in Israel, including the Oct. 7 massacre, according to a sweeping complaint unsealed on Tuesday.

    “Hamas and its leaders have continued to espouse the destruction of Israel as Hamas’s core purpose,†the complaint said, “and Hamas leaders have specifically called for retaliation against the United States in response to U.S. support of Israel’s existence.†— New York Slimes


    ‘Israel’s existence,’ we all understand, is a euphemism for 57 years of illegal occupation and siege of the Palestinians. Make that substitution, and the indictment falls apart: Hamas is merely calling for the enforcement of UN resolutions ignored for decades.

    Strategically, the US indictment of Hamas shows the hollowness of US claims to be negotiating a ceasefire. How can Hamas ‘negotiate’ with a US-Israeli team which already has labeled them as terrorists, assassinated their colleagues, and sought to imprison them at the first opportunity?

    Like all negotiations going back to the Oslo accords in the 1990s, the current talks demonstrate that the US and Israel act in patent bad faith. They are not agreement capable. Any ‘deal’ made with this toxic duo is null and void upon their mere whim.

    Finally, this ludicrous indictment — in which the defendants are beyond the reach of the US and cannot defend themselves in US court — shows the gross ethnic bias of attorney general Merrick Beria Garland, who has not charged Israel for its manifold violations of international law.

    Priority #1 for occupied Americans is to demand that no Jew be nominated as the next attorney general. Merrick Beria Garland’s baleful record shows that justice is inevitably perverted when self-serving, dual-loyalty Jews are in charge of it.

    •ï¿½Replies: @OrangeSmoke
  34. adamx says:
    @muh muh

    Yahoo bans anyone who is anti genocide or doesnt spout the wildest zukraine nonsense.Im convinced the postrrs are AI generated. NONE CAN be dumb enough to say Russia has lost 650,000 soldiers and is kidnapping conscripts

    •ï¿½Agree: JR Foley, muh muh
  35. lavoisier says:

    The collaborators of that time perhaps were unaware that the Bolshevik Jews were pure evil.

    Collaborators today supporting the Zionist project must know that they are supporting evil racist supremacists with a long track record of horrors to their credit.

  36. “Israel’s slaughter of 40,000 human beings who are Palestinian.”

    I keep reading this incorrect number in the media. That number was valid in the second or third month of the slaughter and Israel has killed all those in Gaza who keep track of the numbers. Months ago the Lancet estimated 180,000 and John Mearsheimer estimated it was closer to 250,000, which mean over 150,000, at a minimum, children have been murdered by the Jews. This would not be possible of the big wealthy American Satanic Jews of the Deep State did not willingly support the slaughter of children and babies on a massive industrial scale.

    I think the comments on the NYT rag are either propaganda (much as the use of 40,000 dead) to minimize the genocide or just reflect of the Jewish readers who are always encouraged by ADL, JDL or one of the thousands of the Zionist organizations to spread lies about the Palestinians in social media, we see examples of it here.

    I view most of the MSM and Zionist propaganda as efforts to find or cause a provocation to justify an escalation toward WWIII. It happened in WWII when Wilson won his election because “he kept us out of war” (Jews kept their promise to the Brits), in WWII Roosevelt worked very hard to create provocations to justify entering the war (successfully achieved the Jew’s goal of creating Israel). And Israel absolutely needs a major war in the Middle East because it is facing total destruction, internally and externally, with a potential civil war and a well armed, motivated and coordinated Axis of Resistance.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna, John Trout
  37. Anonymous[306] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Kamala Harris has the mental power of a 5-watt light bulb and the soul of a dead trout. As do most of her followers.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  38. Jim H says:
    @John Gurrini

    ‘All that “news†that fits their views. It is for the upper middle classes and elites.’ — John Gurrini

    Let me put a finer point on your paraphrase of the New York Slimes slogan: It is for upper middle class and elite Jews, who constitute about a third of its subscribers, as well as its owners.

    Patrick Lawrence is right to reject the Times’ anachronistic claim to be a newspaper of record. That august appellation died decades ago, when the Sulzbergers took it over and turned it into what it is today — a tendentious ethnic émigré rag, hiding its Hebrew agenda behind a fake vale of ostensible objectivity.

    Just take a look at the lengthy roster of leftist, zionist Jews infesting its Opinion columns, and you’ll instantly see what I mean.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd
  39. @muh muh

    Self-delusion at its finest, it must be very comfortable indeed to be so oblivious to one’s own mental deficiencies, Muhammad.

  40. @meamjojo

    Almost all of them are virtue signalers.
    How many of them, on this website, send money to the organisations taking care of the Palestinians or even travelling there to help ? Not so many, I guess.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Digital Samizdat
  41. While American “newspapers” distract their citizens with which of the zionist parties to support in the forthcoming “election”, and their “government” prepares to send long-range missiles to strike more kindergartens and Orthodox churches in Russia, the US “justice” system attempts to ensure the continued zio-slaughter in Palestine.

    📣 US Charges Hamas Leaders for Role in Oct 7 Attack on Israel

    Yahya Sinwar is among six members of Hamas’ leadership named in a complaint which was unsealed by a New York court.

    The seven charges include conspiracy to murder US nationals, conspiracy to support a foreign terrorist org resulting in death and conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction resulting in death.

    Two of the charges can be punished with the death penalty, while others carry maximum sentences of life or 20 years in prison.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  42. @muh muh

    Not voting is especially painful for many Black people, who see voting as sacrosanct — a right paid for with the blood of civil rights activists and always under attack from the GOP. Even more so when our votes could help put the first Black woman in the White House.

    blackity black black blackity black BITCH STFU who the hell wrote this mike(lle) obama?

  43. @Notsofast

    Notsofast… You are not alone.
    Many of us are watching, connecting dots, trying to uncover the next possible development in the plot against humanity by the satanists haters of mankind. We warn and warn but nothing happens.

    This constant deligence comes at a high price to you, me and all who truly resent being manipulated into the bankers cattle chutes.

    It would help to know the outlines of the conflict. Knowing the next outline can help us define what leads to the next true headline and what is misdirection.

    So here is to you my friend the following outline of events to unfold.

    1. I am informed Islam was sent to counter the satanism of that faction of Jews always destroying its neighbors and enslaving them with usury.

    2. Muslims can’t fight today’s zionists for they are found in every country. So if the Muslims can’t go to the zionists, the zionist shall be rounded into one place, nearby, this place is Palestine.

    3. In the end, the Palestinians are the only Muslims protecting alAqsa Mosque. The zionists will destroy alAqsa. With the destruction of alAqsa, they will, inadvertently, destroy every whore of Shitrahell regime in the ME.

    4. Before the destruction of the zionist state, the Palestinians must be removed to make room for the zionists to be rounded up in Palestine. The removal of the Palestinians will give every country in the world the moral equivilance to send all its zionists to the Jewish state.

    5. The sovereign Bank of International Settlements, owner of all central banks including the Fed Res, is engineering the next economic depression by restricting the money supply, leading to massive unemployment followed by defaults and the fire sale of assets picked by the zionist Bankers. This carnage can only happen under a usurious system, In return a promissed war shall be waged against them. First, they shall be exposed as satanists and survive only by fleeing to the Jewish State. Jubilee shall follow.

    6. Shitrahell shall be destroyed along with all weapons of mass destruction. This will not be the end of the World for Jesus hasn’t returned yet.

    So in summary, the Palestinians are removed from the Jewish State. Then Jews who never considered themselves subject of the country they live in, shall be asked to leave now that they have their state. Then they will destroy alAqsa and attempt unsuccessfully to build the 3rd temple.

    I hope this gives you some major outlines to help sift through the data to reduce the exhaustive noise.

    I have been informed by a couple of scholars Muslim that these predictions are to be found in the most neglected book in Christendom, the Quran. No wonder the zionist do everything they can to keep us from its message.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Gerbils
  44. Ha, ha, that’s a good one, Mr. Lawrence. You almost had me for a second there — lauding Ms. Alyan for stating the truth, that “naming the crime is the crime.” As if you agree! So, what about naming the criminals behind the actions in Israel, the US government, and US media? What about outing the many Jews and Zionists in the Biden regime, owning or running mass media (liberal and conservative!)? Is it too much for you to finger the Jews who are fully responsible, both for the slaughter and for the cover-up? Instead, you invoke the Jewess Hannah Arendt — that’s a good one, Mr. Lawrence! Better luck next time.

  45. @meamjojo

    y’all… wut did you do mean jew move to oakland? lol degenerate.

    two things:

    israel should not be the recipient of any american aid. period

    WMD… coming israel’s way, soon.

  46. MoT says:

    I’ve on occasion had the misfortune of wading into a Yahoo! “conversation”, or Breitbartian firefight, to realize that we people gather where most folks are like minded. Birds of a feather gather together, eh? And the Times is no different. Ignorance has no sandbox.

  47. ariadna says:

    “Outrage is a very fine thing. So is indignity.”

    Did you men “indignation”?

  48. @Ron Unz

    Let US not forget…

    The Hamas terrorists just killed six young and vibrant hostages, who, most likely, would have contributed greatly to the society, unlike those animals.

    •ï¿½Troll: OrangeSmoke
  49. MoT says:

    There’s a site… “Gateway…” something or another, that had the annoying propensity of resetting its comment section and flushing everything over and over again. As though the burden of having too many counter arguments to the bullshit exposed their “op”.

    •ï¿½Thanks: JWalters
  50. @Jim H

    Thank you. Regarding Garland I agree. I would also apply the same ban to any cabinet position, just look at Mayorkas who was on the board of the Jewish HIAS which is flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens whose purpose is to fracture the social structure of America so the Jews feel safe to rule. Unfortunately, the MO of the Jews is to control while hiding behind their proxies, it’s just recently that they feel their total control of the media and other critical structures of society is so secure that they can appoint themselves into key cabinet positions and openly destroy our society. Their long march toward total control included the planned coup against Biden (the 3 Biden coaches for his disastrous debate were Dunn, Dunn’s husband, Zientz, all Jews) and inserting their controller (Emhoff) onto Harris. No wealthy Jew who marries a shiksa would choose hideous Kamala just ask Steven Mnuchin.

    •ï¿½Agree: Jim H
  51. Antiwar7 says:

    Vote for Jill Stein?

    •ï¿½Disagree: exile987
    •ï¿½Replies: @exile987
  52. The juice orchestrated Nine Eleven Terror and blamed the Muslims. They plan to destroy al-Aqsa mosque to built their Third Temple. What kind of people use lies and deceit for their agenda?

    Gawds Chozen people work By Way of Deception! After they are done with Palestine they will be coming for you. Moloch wants your children’s blood in order to usher in the Anti-Christ Dajjal, who will rule the world from Jerusalem.

    The Matrix is Collapsing
    This cover page from 2012 Economist Magazine clearly shows Hamas on hand gliders with Satanyahoo and the word “wrath†in the middle. These Satanic Criminal Psychopath tell us what they will be doing to the Goyim. These are the same people behind 911 Terror and all other false flag events in modern history. Time to expose these Criminal Sattanist.

    Mossad’s execution of 9-11 should have been a wake up call.
    You guys subscribed to the phony WMD and coyote planes dissapearing into the babylonian twin towers whilst your intuition should have kicked in and told you something is not right.
    9-11 should have been the litmus test for truth but you conveniently ignored it. You looked the other way due to cognitive dissonance.
    You followed Bush’s order to go on a spending spree with more credit card debt jacked up with high interest to feed the satanic cabal instead.
    With all these bogus wars on terror and non-ending hoaxes you have unwittingly supported the Zionist Satanic push for one world disorder.
    At this point, all you can do is repent for your sins and start fighting back the criminal enterprize who are in charge of orchestrating all these bogus war on terror, creating these monstrous, diabolical, sinister ISISraHELL with the help of al-CIA-da and MOSSAD.
    Alternate would be to sit back and enjoy bigger fireworks than 9-11 coming near you whilst they prepare greater IzraHELL for the coming of their Yahweh, The Anti-Christ dajjal who will globalize his reign of terror from Jerusalem.
    Either way buckle up for a roller coaster ride with some of these demonic, totally psychopathic, diabolical, sinister, pathological liars and corrupters of mother earth. You reap what you sow.

    The infuriating thing about 9/11 and the multitude of lesser false flags which both preceded and followed it is that, although most Americans know it was as phoney as a three and a half dollar fed reserve note, everyone seems content to put up with the extremely phoney “war on terror” it was designed to create and which has already destroyed a hand full of countries in the world, caused the murder of upwards of two million people, mostly using U.S. military, and turned the U.S. into a ruthlessly insane police state wherein everyone is made to obey patently unlawful statutes in the name of “emergency” while the ruling elite has quit obeying any laws at all while gathering a massive military presence to cow the now restless and resentful public. – See more at:Christopher Bollyn: The Man Who Solved 9/11

    •ï¿½Agree: Gerbils
  53. SomeDude says:

    Their call sign is “We have to stop Trumpâ€. It immediately establishes the fact that they are part of the Western educated (rich) liberal elite.

    There are too many anti-Trump Republicans and/or conservatives for this to be true.

    The thing that barely gets discussed in US political commentary is the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans would likely vote for a reasonable Republican who’s not an utterly unserious, vengeful, lying, bullying, narcissistic sociopathic con-artist.

    Personally, I actually agree with Trump on a number of policy positions. The problem is that there is something fundamentally broken in the man. He is clearly not well.

  54. @Arthur MacBride

    👀 Phillips O’Brien Professor of strategic studies at the University of St Andrews evaluates the United States. Perhaps this verdict is only unknown to certain low-IQ and/or uninformed Americans such as NYT readers.
    Because most of the rest of the world has known it for many decades as Prof. O’Brien notes. Known over generations in fact.
    (Nb. unable to copy … ?? … so writing it “longhand”)

    “Sadly, Ukraine is learning what many other States and peoples have learned over the previous decades. The United States is not a reliable partner/ally and almost never lives up to its rhetoric. Its foreign policy practitioners are a study in failure.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  55. ariadna says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Absolutely excellent piece.”

    Generous praise, which is understandable in times like these, when stating some blindingly obvious facts is considered a mark of exceptional acumen.
    I guess we must also become accustomed to reading analyses of Kamala Harris’ statements/positions that pretend they are the product of her mind, which should be easy, because we have been doing that all along with clearly mindless (literally) demented Biden.
    We must pretend idiot Harris is an independent thinker/politician, just as brain-damaged Biden was, or else conspiracy theorists would start poking behind the cardboard cutout to see who operates the resorts that move her lips.
    Finally, by saying that many Americans’ lack of indignation at the Israeli atrocities in Palestine is due to our moral illiteracy, which makes us like “the good Germans†( the author’s “household†aperçue) should make the article safe from accusations of anti-semitism:

    “a great many Americans have no more idea of right and wrong than an Israel Defense Forces grunt machine-gunning a crowd of starving Gazans lining up for aid. Can there be any hope for a nation whose people—and these are the educated, we can assume—have retreated this far from the Age of Reason? In our household, we call people such as these “the good Germans.â€

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  56. anonymous[139] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    It’s not just Gaza but Ukraine also whereby the Biden regime engineered a war in which hundreds of thousands have died. They used the Ukrainians as the US’s cannon fodder and will fight to the last Ukrainian, turning the country into a wasteland. It’s a pattern, here, there, everywhere. Most of the US population is hopeless, being propagandized from childhood on through the educational system and all media. It’s frustrating to look at.

  57. ariadna says:
    @Paul Greenwood

    While Germany is always the go-to standard for any measurement of nastiness, a bit more clarity helps: Which era? The Weimar republic?

  58. The once-but-no-longer newspaper of record

    When did it lose is supposed original innocence and when was it evicted from that journalistic Eden?

    Was it when their Pulitzer prize winning writer Walter Duranty fell from grace over the death of multitudes?

    Was it when they did the hatchet job on Finklestein’s “Holocaust Industry” or when they became the “main promotional vehicle of the holocaust industry” .. “a close second to the daily weather report” (Finklestein, p. 11)?

  59. MLK says:

    The NYT commenters, like college-educated Americans generally, fell for the media’s inversion of reality and don’t recognize that Israeli terrorism is the biggest form of violence against civilians in the world.

    They and you fell for the same inversion. All of you squealed with delight when the Nobel Committee awarded big gay Obama the Peace Prize shortly after taking power. It never ceased as he ordered Libya smashed, “Assad Must Go!” in Syria — with over one million dead, grievously wounded, displaced. In Ukraine he ordered the Maidan Coup in 2014 and the shelling of innocents in the Donbas by the Kiev regime — making Nazis and Nazism great again, among Democrats generally and Obama Jews specifically.

    10/7 never would have happened if Trump were president. Nor would have Strange and Sinister’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

    … more important than keeping a second, third, fourth-rate figure in a tin-foil cap out of our post-democratic politics.

    You knuckleheads will never learn.


  60. B man says:

    have retreated this far from the Age of Reason?

    Lefties say this type of stuff too. Perhaps it’s the pride of man that, through unaided reason alone , man can do just fine thank you very much

  61. @Arthur MacBride

    Short tg news this morning is accompanied by vdo. Wreckage, blood, bodies; everyday life for people going out to the local market and did not return home. This has been going on since 2014 thanks to American support and encouragement.

    This is the Sokol market in Donetsk after an AFU terrorist attack

    According to preliminary reports, three people were killed and five injured, including an 11-year-old girl.

    Shareholders/directors of Raytheon etc like Coal-In 2 the US “government minister” are not expected to be saddened by this news.
    It’s after all fairly routine and unsurprising.

    PS. Fuck the USA.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  62. Zionism has created the most perfect system of lies of all times. It’s completely impermeable to truth.

    It refers to history, but it’s completely mythical. It’s very complex on the one hand, but on the other hand it’s also completely primitive. It’s reasonable, but the people who adopt it are completely fanatical, it’s the product of a civilization, but it’s salvage. It’s very refined, but it attracs mainly people with psychopatic traits.

    It’s unredeemable in itself. But it’s possible for some or for many people to break the system and to leave.

  63. Che Guava says:

    I agree that it is a good piece. However, I long ago (over ten years, perhaps 15) gave up reading the N.Y.T. or I.H.T. excerpts that used to be published in some newspapers in Japan.

    I used to buy those papers to support print journalism and to keep up my English, but the degree of falsehood was too much, not worth reading at all. Wall-to-wall lies.

  64. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    Yeah, what we are witnessing is a re-run of the Miller ads of two groups fighting over whether Miller light “tastes great” or is “Less filling.”

    Meanwhile, the country is falling apart, and no one seems to notice.

  65. None of us here at TUR is surprised at the comments by the readers of the NYT — it’s the NYT, for God’s sake! We could all expect their reaction, time and time again: that’s why they’re called “normies”. This is the way normies “think”. But, in reality, they don’t really “think” at all: all they do is regurgitate what was programmed into them, like robots — we can call them “NormiBots”. And it’s the NYT itself that has been programming — or Jewing — them for years.

    We’re all surrounded by an army of NormiBots: they’re called family and friends and colleagues and teachers and about 98% of the general population. We commenters here at TUR are outliers. We don’t think like normies “think”. Oh, the Mass Man! Should we talk about the plight of the Mass Man? What Ortega really meant with “revolt of the masses” is that the masses are “revolting” — that is, truly disgusting.

    I’ll tell you this: most men don’t live “lives of quiet desperation”. It was Thoreau who lived a life of quiet desperation. That’s because he had an over-the-top, overactive Aspie brain. Most people are not like that. Most are mere Mass Men and they have nothing in their minds, not even quiet desperation. This is not mere hyperbole: they literally have nothing in their minds.

    roughly 70% of people have little to no internal thoughts according to a 2007 University of Nevada Department of Psychology study on college students. … If this study is accurate, most people may simply be meat robots, lacking thoughts inside their heads and they react to stimuli as they experience it. So a speaker who wants to sway a crowd has to sway the lowest common denominator, i.e. people who lack internal thoughts.

    Gnostic individuation as an alternative to mass politics
    Neoliberal Feudalism
    Aug 18, 2024

    If my fellow commenters want to take a deep dive…

    into this subject, read some of Russ Hurlburt’s work or watch some of his videos. Quite illuminating.

    Now I’ve been looking a lot into Heidegger lately, and here are a couple of quotes from a video I was watching today that synchronistically fits into the discussion of the article above:

    Dreyfus: “People are eager not to deviate from the norm.”

    Magee: “if one takes together various aspects of what you’ve set up to this point they could be rather disquieting. …we are socially conditioned… Heidegger rejected the idea that most of our activity is directed by conscious choices and decisions and mentally aware reflection. If you take these things together doesn’t that rather reduce the human agent to a sort of zombie? I mean somebody who is merely responding to pressures on him from outside in an unreflecting wa?

    Dreyfus: “That’s quite right. This self that just does what one does in an unreflective way sounds pretty much like a very zombie-like character.”

    Husserl, Heidegger & Existentialism – Hubert Dreyfus & Bryan Magee (1987)

    See what I mean? “Zombies”. What we are dealing with is Zombies. People just react automatically with what they were programmed with. And who programs these zombies? The “media” does (and we all know who I’m referring to). That’s what Unz means when he repeats, ad nauseum, that “the media creates our reality”. So people are force-fed constant lies by the New York Times especially and end up living in this false reality, what Heimito von Doderer called “second reality”.

    So what do you expect? Normies will just spit out, regurgitate, what they were programmed with. How many times do you think an American adult has heard or read the phrase “Israel has the right to defend itself”? Thousands. How many times do you think they have heard the phrase “Palestinians have the right to defend themselves”? Probably none.

    So the normies don’t even have the vocabulary necessary to initiate reasonable thought. When they reach for the lexicon, there are no words to describe the Palestinians except the words they have heard and read thousands of times: terrorists, murderers, rapists and so on. What the Jews figured out long ago is that people are talking robots. All you have to do is program them with the right words. And they’ll repeat them like parrots, unthinkingly.

    Mass man has no agency, no real mental life. And they prefer it that way. When you conform to the norm, you feel so comfy. There is no anxiety. Oh, imagine having to live with the anxiety of having an opinion that doesn’t conform to the norm! That just won’t do! Nobody can sit with that kind of anxiety. It’s too unsettling.

    So we must all cut the normies some slack. They’ve never read The Unz Review. They’ve had a lifetime of Jew programming. Schools, academia, films, the media, everything points in one direction only. Why should they stray from the norm? You only get ostracized or even put in jail if you stray too far. So let’s have some compassion and try to help them. How do we deprogram the normies? How do we dismantle the death grip the Jews have on the media, finance, politics and all of the West? How do we get out of this conundrum? What is to be done?

    •ï¿½Replies: @skrik
    , @Poupon Marx
  66. In addition to the Geneva Conventions (the ones the US signed) and International Law, the US has its own law broadly against Genocide/ Ethnic Cleansing: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1091

    However, like most Laws in the US, the Law is very selectively enforced. As Nixon said (and recent SCOTUS rulings agree), “when the President does it, it’s not against the Law.” Of course, this only means Establishment Presidents like Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Biden. Can you imagine the outrage if Torture/ Enhanced Interrogation was started under President Trump? Can you imagine if Trump, almost as big an Israeli supporter as Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden or RFK Jr, had countenanced Netanyahu’s October Surprise, which was aimed not at Hamas, elected back in 2006 by Gazans, but serving largely as Netanyahu’s/ Israel’s Secret Police and Informants in Gaza. The Democrats would have, once again, impeached Trump in their feigned disgust, and likely booted him from office. When Genocide Joe does it, it is A-Ok! and saluted by both most Democrats and the deranged Rapture-Seeking Republicans (who are even more dependent on AIPAC’s ‘blessings’ for election victories.)

    Hamas was irreplaceable as Netanyahu bragged publicly to friends in 2018. EVERYONE in MidEast Intelligence including Netanyahu knew Hamas ‘freedom fighters’ were about to break out of their open air prison to take hostages to trade for the thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli jails, routinely tortured and raped for decades. Netanyahu was using Hamas and October 7th for his own “Final Solution”, an excuse to eradicate Palestinians, first in Gaza then the West Bank. Most Palestinians already had been displaced to other countries (fomenting problems in Jordan and Egypt) by the US and Israel. There would be no more need for Hamas after the Palestinians were executed.

    The REAL danger to the US, as exposed during his insane policies as Senator, is Credit Card Joe, not Trump. Biden and the US Establishment’s unwavering commitment to Zionist slaughter, maiming and displacement of non-Jews , “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.‖Hosea 8:7

  67. @Voltarde

    What I don’t understand is why only democrat candidates are attacked by the left for supporting Israel. Republicans are owned completely by Israel, but they seem to be getting a pass.
    Go to conservative web sites such as The Gateway Pundit and read the replies posted on this same topic. They are just as brutal and uncaring of the Palestinian people of any of those listed in this article.

    Conservative media has been completely taken over by Zionism.

    •ï¿½Replies: @cousin lucky
  68. Anon[284] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    “ You are powerless and no one pays any attention to you.â€

    Clearly you are paying attention since you are here every day and commenting on every authors piece about israel and its racist genocide

    The anti genociders may not have the kind of power you refer to but buying politicians, like buying mercenaries, has drawbacks so dont count on jewish lobby power to last. These coward rat politicians are already considering bailing on you as you become more and more toxic waste. Blowing up babies is not endearing anyone to your cause. You cannot delete images and videos of beheaded gazan babies fast enough using your “power†at mossad shell companies facebook and google. People are seeing them.

    The “cost†of your “power†keeps going up. Soon, Your hedge fund billionaires wont even be able to buy a candybar with their filthy stolen 911 airline short profits, let alone politicians

    Then what will you do joojoo?

    •ï¿½Replies: @meamjojo
  69. @exile987

    Yes sir. ‘Uniparty’… Nicely put. And all too true. Same destination, just a different route with a different chauffeur in the driver’s seat who only apprar to be making the decisions on where they are going.

    The DEMOn-cRATic fake kabuki theater party is run for and by domestic Jewish tyrants and criminals, while the RE-PUBe-LICk-ANuS fake kabuki theater party is run for internationalist Jewish tyrants and criminals.

  70. skrik says:
    @Fin of a cobra

    How do we deprogram the normies? How do we dismantle the death grip the Jews have on the media, finance, politics and all of the West? How do we get out of this conundrum? What is to be done

    One place to start could be forcing PFBCs [= publicly financed broadcasters] to report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This would require a large enough campaign by us, we the *thinking* people. As is stands, the PFBCs in my ‘input program’ often only echo ‘the standard [lying!] narrative’. Since we the people actually pay their wages and costs, it’d only be fair. Some ‘countervailing force’ is clearly needed, one wonders how the PFBCs ever dared to lie to us in the 1st place, and can only do so because the politicians supposed to ‘control’ PFBCs are in turn themselves corrupt.

    Clearly what’s needed is a ‘truth and justice’ organization [with teeth]; again, why is any such lacking? I suppose we can ‘blame’ the ‘usual suspects’. grrr + rgds

    •ï¿½Agree: Odd Rabbit
  71. exile987 says:

    She says some common sense things on war and a couple of decent domestic policy ideas
    but by and large I differ greatly from her domestic agenda which seems much more important to
    her platform than the foreign policy partial overlap

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd
  72. Agent76 says:

    Sep 2, 2024 Kamala’s RAMBLING Answer About Her First Day In Office!

    Video Link

    Jul 23, 2024 Black Activist SHREDS Kamala Harris & Refuses To Vote For Her!

    Black activist and online commentator Afeni X recently posted a video explaining why, under NO circumstances, will she be voting for Kamala Harris, nor should anyone else who cares about the African-American community. Harris was a proud prosecutor — a cop who kept inmates in prison after their sentences were served just so they could perform what amounted to slave labor, Afeni says.

    Video Link

  73. N30rebel says:

    1. Outlaw infant male genital mutilation. Removal of a healthy body part without medical necessity is a crime.?

    If you outlaw circumcision of male Jews, what do you propose doing with the ensuing mounds of smegma?

    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
  74. The nyt simply posts the article so that the cuckservatives can proclaim that the demonRATS are secret antisemites.

  75. hobnob says:
    @Ron Unz

    This article can be summed up in a single phrase: the New York Times. The New York Times is the thought and lifestyle manual for the credentialed class, from how to react to the name Trump to what’s the best smart smoke alarm to buy (today’s lifestyle lesson). Credentialed means educated and that means brain-washed, the cause of the lamented monotony in the comments to the subject Times opinion piece.

    This opinion piece countering the “recent rebranding and memeification of Kamala Harris”–so it says–was published over a month after Netanyahu spoke to his devotees in Congress. By then the Palestinian author was swimming against a riptide of brain washing, and it began with the New York Times itself. To wit: the day of the Netanyahu epiphany before Congress I checked the Times Breaking News online to see how it went. I was surprised to find no picture or mention of Netanyahu on the opening page. I had to scroll down to find his name, and that only after seven articles/opinion pieces about Kamala Harris, all in praise of one or another of her virtues. She upstaged Netanyahu! The mighty wurlitzer at work.

    The reason the piece was printed at all was not for substance but for diversity. They’re filling a quota. “The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor” and so too of articles. Why, some of their best friends are Palestinians.

    P.S. You can read the headlines and deck of all NY Times articles and opinion pieces online for free.

  76. B man says:

    Hala Alyan was born in the States and grew up in Kuwait until her parents sought asylum in the U.S. when the Gulf War erupted in August 1990. She is now a clinical psychologist

    Not an American. A woman, a non American feeding odd what my ancestor built for me. Out. Simple. All non whites out. Grow some white man!

    •ï¿½Troll: muh muh
  77. Sarita says:

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gallatin
  78. @Gerald the Frog

    Technically, sending money to the Palestinians would be illegal in this country. Maybe they can get aid from Iran?

  79. Z-man says:

    What a fukkin choice! Kneepads Kamalawala or Zionist Don…oy vey!
    Revolt, peaceful or not, is coming.

  80. @Notsofast

    Yes, those family members and relatives. My sweet, compassionate, conscientious and caring baby sister, now a grandmother, is totally addicted to NBC boobtoob noose and its handsome male whore who smoothly tells those lies and collects millions yearly for his “services”.

    Presstiticians is what those pampered pimps really are. In essence, they have sold their souls to the Evil Ones, whether planetary schemers or off-planet seekers of blood sacrifices.

    If the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans are not simply playing games…one single strictly kinetic (non nuclear) hypersonic missile precisely targeting Bohemian Grove when that site is jammed with the minions of the Evil Ones…would awaken people across the world that there is some level of justice on this planet and that the forces of evil will not continue to prevail.

    The recent Russian strike on the Ukrainian military school in Poltava, with as many as 500 casualties, mostly wounded and featuring a number of Swedish instructors; could be considered as a template for further reduction of the enemies of humanity and their various minions and water-carriers.

    Again, if those opponents of the Collective Wa$te are actually for real; they would long ago have arrived at the conclusion that they need to take such a “beheading” action which would energize the financially created slaves and serfs (95% of humanity) into destroying the Beast.

  81. Gallatin says:

    Alejandro Mayorakus has done more damage to America than about anybody I can think of. Those apartment complex takeovers by well-armed gangs would have been unthinkable only 5 years ago.

    •ï¿½Agree: JWalters
  82. muh muh says:

    Wasn’t there a report recently that said that 2/3 of Americans want the government to stop sending weapons to Israel? I think these comments hostile to the Palestinians are highly suspicious. It’s most likely the Israeli IT cell’s handiwork.

    Yes, I think you’re right.

    There’s a noteworthy disconnect between the public and our purported ‘representatives’, one that will eventually prove unsustainable.

  83. Megoy says:

    Once again Patrick Lawrence won’t name the JEWS controlling the majority of Democratic Party campaign contributions and the lying Jews controlling the media as the intellectual epidemic that it is! Millennia of lying Jews and their HATRED of white gentiles has embolden them to the point of brazen lying as no one will call them out to STOP THEM!!! It is so bad NOW that Jews can LITERALLY array out a genocide and deceive people to support it!! Why stop when nothing/no one is stopping you? MANY respected voices are beginning to talk about the NEED to physically fight the “secret†war Jews have been waging. Carlson, Roberts, Shamir to name a few.
    The hour is late and Jews grow more brazen by the day. It’s time to topple the bully of the world!

  84. Gallatin says:

    As bad as America was to the Indians, they at least set aside reservations for them, Israel seems determined to just genocide the Palestinians.

  85. To be sure, those individuals who wrote leditors to the Chew Pork Slimes were of the most part of one particular chosen ethnic entity. Their very comments reveal a level of exceptionalist hatred of the victims of the BEA$T nation…and their U$$A enablers…which is almost exclusively a Talmudistic level of hatred against 98% of the human race.

    The underlying premise behind the “chosenness” was explained by the late Jewish brain-surgeon and polymath, Dr. Leonard Shlain as the “Bris”. The Bris is a ritual practiced by the father of a newborn baby boy and his accomplices when they seize the infant from his mother’s loving arms and take them to a room where the Dick-maker violently removes the very most nerve-ending rich and sensitive element of the male anatomy and thereby makes the wailing infant one of the “Chosen”.

    No psychiatrist or even psychologist, professionally trained and accepted by the “Board” has ever came out and explained the psychological and emotional impact of this brutal re-engineering of the male psyche into one which is based on existential FEAR. Those “professionals” dare not bite the hand which feeds them…job security, dontcha know.

    Talmudistic programming of the boy with the wounded weenie begins with parental programming early in his life cycle. If the parents are even somewhat orthodox in their cultural practices; the next stage is being Schuled in the precepts of “Chosenness” and of twisting that induced state of existential fear into hatred for the “Other” as being “Goyim” or mere animals…who are there for the exclusive use and abuse of their Talmudist masters.

    The only actually “reformed” Jew would simply cease with the Bris…that central core of Jewish identity. Cut the Unkindest Cut and the Jewish problem becomes liberated at its very roots.

    Such courageous Jews should be generously welcomed to the status of common humanity and celebrated for their human values.

    •ï¿½Agree: anarchyst
    •ï¿½LOL: Poupon Marx
    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @anarchyst
  86. Poor Hala! Here she was thinking that her fellow libruls were reasonable creatures, when all of the sudden she was ambushed by Dembots:

    Video Link
    You know, if I ever found a band, I may call it Trigger Trump & the Dembots.

  87. Harris and Walz and Biden and Trump and Vance and congress aka the lower house of the knesset are all in agreement with the psychopaths in Israels genocide of the Palestinian people, the uni-party aka the demon-rats and the repuli-cons all are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people, the uni-party is the party of war and genocide and are proving it every day in the genocide of the Palestinian people.

    Demons have taken over the zionists and Israel and the zionist controlled ZUS regime, demonic possession is the only explanation for the zionist blood lust, as is displayed in Palestine and in the attack on the WTC on 911 by zionist Israel and the zionist ZUS regime and blamed on the muslims to give the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda. Millions of muslims have died in the wars in Iraq and Syria and Libya and Yemen etc., and thousands of Americans who fought and died and the thousands more who were crippled for life all fighting for Israel in these demonic blood lust wars for Israel .

    The writing is on the wall, when the demons in Israel and the ZUS get done with their genocide in Palestine, the American gentiles are next on the zionist butchers block, the zionists are going to kill every gentile and every muslim if they are not stopped and this ZUS regime is helping with the zionist genocide, the ZUS regime is not our government, it is zionist Israels government, this a fact!

  88. At least the NYT commenters haven’t got to this level… yet:

    Israeli Podcast Hosts Spark Outrage with Ethnic Cleansing Comments
    The Free Press Journal – September 4, 2024

    Israeli podcast hosts Eytan Weinstein and Naor Meningher have ignited controversy by advocating for ethnic cleansing. Weinstein’s shocking declaration to erase Gaza and his indifference to Palestinian suffering have drawn widespread condemnation. The provocative statements highlight ongoing tensions and have fueled further debate about the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    Transcript (continues below more tab):

    Eytan Weinstein: “So if you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow—I would press it in a second.

    Video Link

    Naor Meningher: “That’s just… I think, I mean, I think most Israelis, that’s the choice.”

    Weinstein: “Yeah, yeah, mm-hmm. Even if it’s not like right now, yeah, yeah, I would press it right now. Same with the territories, I would press it right now. No choice, no…”

    Meningher: “You know, Shaan is safe at home, God willing. I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to her in like an hour.”

    Weinstein: “Uh, no, I’m saying for the chance, yeah, yeah, I would press it right now. Give me that button, I’d press it right now. There you go. And I think most Israelis would, yeah.”

    Meningher: “Most of them wouldn’t talk about it like I am. They wouldn’t say, ‘I pressed it,’ yeah, but they don’t have balls of steel like you. But they would press it, right? Like if they were in a closet alone, they wouldn’t even hesitate.”

    Weinstein: “If someone came to them and said, ‘No one will know, you press this, all the Palestinians are gone,’ you’d be like, ‘Hey, is there another one?’”

    •ï¿½Replies: @Fin of a cobra
  89. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Imho – to many to pity the Palestinians or condemn Israel is a crime, a sickness = anti-semitism!

    Humanity has looked the other way for 80 years as these people ( yes they are human beings) have endured endless persecution, death, and humiliation at the hands of Israel and the west.

    Injustice is wrong – that is supposed to be plain and simple..

    The West Truly Does Not See Palestinians As Human by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!


    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the worse democratic POTUS candidates in a long time. No one should think them capable of anything worth doing. They are both shams!

  90. Zumbuddi says:

    •ï¿½Replies: @cousin lucky
  91. @Fin of a cobra

    Well, well, all the prognoses and prescriptions have been propounded, and they are all share a common trait. They are all materialistic, rationalistic, concrete, and mechanistic. Just like Western Christianity, in the main, and Protest Ant Christ inanty especially. The ultimate measuring standard, the ultimate methodology.

    The true and authentic mode of feeling loss is through a spiritual basis, whereby the person(s) under topic are considered as beings connected to a Supreme Power, an Infinite Entity Beyond Capacity to define. Thus the death of an innocent, and to a lesser extent, a person devoid of much more than mechanical function presents a sense of deep loss and disturbance of Ultimate Consciousness.

    When Darwin’s Theory sprang out and was widely excepted, the Christians of the World despaired and sunk into hopelessness and irretrievable loss. Man,” the measure of all things”, “made in the image of G-d”, suddenly was a protoplasm emerging by materialistic forces, of impersonal determinism. A morbid blow was struck to a hopeless religion mired in obscurity, obtuseness, stagnation, hypocrisy, and monetized to the point of sickness.


    Another conceptualization that facilitates understanding is the modern tendency to general numbness, aligning with limitations of perceptions and conceptions of the sensate world.
    We’ve all been told that Nature is cruel, a force that perpetuates in a mysterious, unknowing fashion, beyond mere rational thought. The radiative overtone, beyond the human hearing spectrum is that It is mere mechanical reactions driven by previous infinite actions that are causes and corollaries.

    Consequences of a finite, rational, materialistic World: It is inherently limited. Limited as a metaphor and analogy to the human audible and visual spectrum. Limited to the descriptions of finite things. More is left unexplained then is known and accepted.

    So why would the Agnostic or atheist, or materialist deterministic have ANY emotion or concern or pity on any peoples slaughtered for no other reason except who they are, not what they have done? Because if they have spirit beyond this world as all living creatures (and as does the observer) AND everything ultimately is one and certainly connected, then these killings are influenced upon the observer as well, not just the victims.

    Most people today are spiritual-less, merely cogs meshed and nested in a gear set. Through clever hidden persuasions and value sets sub-consciously implanted, they sleep walk through life, with a metaphorically hot water bottle in counter the cold ambience. The old analog world of continuance and spectrum has given way to a metaphor digital world, where one must be this or that, or not that or not all. Finite choices or pain inflected ensues. You need to be “nudged”:

    The original edition of the multimillion-copy New York Times bestseller by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Richard H. Thaler, and Cass R. Sunstein: a revelatory look at how we make decisions—for fans of Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink, Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, James Clear’s Atomic Habits, and Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow

    Named a Best Book of the Year by TheEconomist and the Financial Times

    Every day we make choices—about what to buy or eat, about financial investments or our children’s health and education, even about the causes we champion or the planet itself. Unfortunately, we often choose poorly. Nudge is about how we make these choices and how we can make better ones. Using dozens of eye-opening examples and drawing on decades of behavioral science research, Nobel Prize winner Richard H. Thaler and Harvard Law School professor Cass R. Sunstein show that no choice is ever presented to us in a neutral way, and that we are all susceptible to biases that can lead us to make bad decisions. But by knowing how people think, we can use sensible “choice architecture†to nudge people toward the best decisions for ourselves, our families, and our society, without restricting our freedom of choice.

    Stay numb, Brothers and Sisters. If you dare to let yourselves feel and experience your conscience and your unconscious, you may do something you may regret.


    •ï¿½Replies: @Jack McArthur
  92. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website
    @De Oppresso Liber

    Our reality is a reality of slavery = we are the slaves of our Jewish masters; they own us, they own our government, they own our institutions, they own our media , they own or twist and bend everything in the U.S.A.!

    They own us and they blatantly flaunt owning us every chance that they get.

    It is disgusting.

  93. anarchyst says:

    …definitely toxic waste…cannot be put in a landfill. lol

  94. @ariadna

    … by saying that many Americans’ lack of indignation at the Israeli atrocities in Palestine is due to our moral illiteracy, which makes us like “the good Germans†(the author’s “household†aperçu) should make the article safe from accusations of anti-semitism …

    Indeed, the author’s evident timidity—if not something much worse—with respect to being on the receiving end of such an accusation is perfectly emblematized in his readiness to casually repeat an eighty-year-old slander against the German people for the crime of being on their own side contra mundum.

    Shame on Ron Unz for being first past the post with unmerited applause for this bowlful of thrice-familiar pabulum.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  95. anarchyst says:


    The advancing IOF troops murdered the hostages on orders from Netanyahu.

    What’s a few more jewish “martyrs” if it gives further evil license to destroy ALL Palestinians?
    The Hannibal Directive demands that “sacrifices be made” utilizing jewish lives.

    No different than the 1972 Munich Olympics in which israeli athletes were murdered by mossad agents.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Aleatorius
    , @HuMungus
  96. @awakening observer

    You’re awakening, alright. Still groggy and sleepy, as you smear your butter over the dish and make no distinction between what is edible and what is not.

    In most controversial and contesting ideas, using individual research is worthless these days. To attain a better chance at the Truth of the matter, META studies are used, which are the results and methodology’s of many studies on a specific subject.

    Just admit you have an ugly dick, and a higher probability of getting disease, and a higher probability of developing infections (yuck!) under your foreskin.


    •ï¿½Replies: @awakening observer
  97. anarchyst says:
    @awakening observer

    Not only the “bris” is suspect, but the jewish male infant getting his first “blowjob” from the dirty filthy “mohel” “seals the deal” transmitting STDs from the “mohel” to the infant.
    In fact, the NYC health department received a lot of criticism for revealing and condemning this practice on health grounds.
    Jews gonna jew…

  98. Jim H says:

    ‘The Hamas terrorists just killed six young and vibrant hostages, who, most likely, would have contributed greatly to the society, unlike those animals.’ — Aleatorius

    That’s after the zionazis slaughtered THOUSANDS of young, vibrant Palestinian children, along with their families.

    You are subtly, sleazily invoking the Hebrews’ mantra that one hundred Palestinian lives aren’t worth even one Jewish life.

    Begone with your ethnic supremacist poison.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Aleatorius
  99. madbadger says:

    Thank you, Patrick, for reading the NYT so I don’t have to. It is easier for me to read your excellent commentary on the NYT’s comments than it would be for me to read them. I must think of my blood pressure.

  100. Kingsmeg says:

    Good Germans all. The phrase is exactly correct.

    The Americans who have ignored repeated genocides perpetrated by the American state and its proxies are ‘Good Germans’ one and all. A lifetime of such studied ignorance does indeed leave one without any sort of moral compass, where ‘Trump says rude things‘ is worse than ‘Israel just bombed a clinic administering Polio vaccines to children, after giving Gaza the vaccines and designating the location for their administration, then bombing the clinic once it was up and running, because of course they did‘.

  101. hobnob says:

    Here’s hoping your suspicion about Kennedy pans out. But I do wish he could give us a sign like maybe finding an occasion to say “My favorite violinist is Yehudi Menuhin,” (whose father was a leading anti-zionist and his son a Holocaust denier).

    •ï¿½Agree: JWalters
  102. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    No, Tulsi, it was done by Jews… who also control Trump

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  103. awry says:

    Trump himself may be one such. But he is also controlled by his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

    •ï¿½Replies: @JWalters
  104. @Arthur MacBride

    With every due respect to righteous Americans, I’d like to say that I can remember Americans fulminating abt the outrage du jour back through the years. They said that Americans would never stand for it, million-man march on Washington, weapons out so on and so forth … very sincere, meaning every word, no reason to doubt it.
    Good people, no question … but …

    Things for USA have meantime grown exponentially worse, both for Americans themselves and the murderous savagery that they continue, directly or through proxies, to inflict on millions of mostly innocent people, civilians, women and wee children.
    But the Jews make them do it and “Patrick McNally” and “John Johnson” plus the ziotrolls say they have to keep on doing it because the Red Carmenists will take away US freedumbs. Look at the candidates in your election and the present incumbent, Americans, and ask yourself what they tell you about what your Ruling Power’s view of your collective intelligence is … and if it might possibly be accurate …

    How far away from being a Failed State is your country ?

    Every sincere wish to the righteous here present.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gonzalo’s Ghost
  105. meamjojo says:

    “Clearly you are paying attention since you are here every day and commenting on every authors piece about israel and its racist genocide”

    Monitoring TUR and interacting with fools like yourself, too lazy to even pick a name you can be identified by on a consistent basis, is the penance I pay for my sins in this life.

    •ï¿½Troll: Lurker
    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
    , @Anon
  106. @anarchyst

    “The advancing IOF troops murdered the hostages on orders from Netanyahu.”

    A Jew will walk a million miles to save the life of a fellow Jew.

    What are your proofs that either Netanyahu in the case of six Jewish young people or the then prime minister in 1972 gave orders to kill their fellow Jews?

    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Tiptoethrutulips
  107. @Jim H

    “You are subtly, sleazily invoking the Hebrews’ mantra that one hundred Palestinian lives aren’t worth even one Jewish life.”

    I wasn’t invoking any such thing but now that you have, it would be more like 1000:1 ratio.

    •ï¿½Agree: meamjojo
  108. muh muh says:

    Monitoring TUR

    There wouldn’t be any to monitor someone if you didn’t perceive a potential threat from him.

    This admission alone undermines everything you say about UR participants being ‘powerless’.

    Thanks for the hat tip, dodo. 🕶ï¸

  109. @Poupon Marx

    When Darwin’s Theory sprang out and was widely excepted, the Christians of the World despaired and sunk into hopelessness and irretrievable loss. Man,†the measure of all thingsâ€, “made in the image of G-dâ€, suddenly was a protoplasm emerging by materialistic forces, of impersonal determinism. A morbid blow was struck to a hopeless religion mired in obscurity, obtuseness, stagnation, hypocrisy, and monetized to the point of sickness.

    The Roman Catholic Church didn’t despair at all nor did they think a terrible blow had been struck as they were never bible literalists to begin with. They were by far (still are) the biggest Church. The following sums up their position at the beginning of the 20th century.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  110. @Arthur MacBride

    100%. Total agreement. Most Americans gleefully want what the us empire is offering. Period

    they truly get the govt they deserve and its complete lack of services from all their massive taxes which support endless wars-that they cheer on.

    The vile us empire is an extended experiment in denying their people basic needs and a fight to their entire life to their death bed. And….most see no problem with that.

  111. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    •ï¿½Replies: @cousin lucky
  112. @Fin of a cobra

    By the looks of it, this New York Times opinion piece was a set-up for a virtual stoning: the Jewditors knew all the commenters would come running out like rabid dogs to throw their stony vitriol at the author of the piece. Since we live in a Jew-created inverted reality, the original Bible verse has been re-versed: “He that is WITH sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” — John 8:7 (New Yiddish Times in-version)

    So everybody in the NYT comment section throws their virtual stones at the same time — because…

    they’re all big time sinners and they know it. But Israel has the right to defend itself, right? How? By bombing Gaza back to the stone age. The fact is these modern-day Pharisees are still stuck in their Bronze Age mentality, rabidly raging against Amalek and other monsters concocted in their warped brains.

    The problem is that Jews have never acquired real “consciousness” — and the video I posted above is a prime example: Eytan Weinstein: “So if you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow—I would press it in a second… And I think most Israelis would, yeah.â€

    Jesus attempted to reform Judaism in order to bequeath the Bronze Age Hebrews a new mentality, a higher consciousness. According to Julian Jaynes, “the attempted reformation of Judaism by Jesus can be construed as a necessarily new religion for conscious men rather than bicameral men.”

    Not only did Jesus NOT succeed, but the effect was the opposite of the one intended: the Jews doubled down on their sick mentality. And now their descendants are even worse than their forefathers, as seen by their unbriddled genocidal tendencies. Ah! you stiff-necked people! The Jews are unredeemable. That’s why they yearn so much for their Messiah, because they know they are the ones that are most in need of redemption.

    The problem is not only the Jews, of course, but the whole of the “West” — as exemplified by the NYT commenters. Since the Jews rule the “West”, they have infected the whole population with their own sick mentality. The Jews control reality and thus reality itself has been Judaized. All of the West has been Judaized. Everybody thinks like the Jews. Is it any wonder all these NYT commenters have no qualms about supporting Israel, and are thus in favor of continuing the genocide of the Palestinians?

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
    •ï¿½Thanks: anarchyst
  113. hobnob says:

    When the public learns the numbers about the Southern border under her tenure, including the millions of UNVETTED immigrants, the large numbers of single males from adversarial territories, the gangs, the thousands of unaccompanied children that have gone missing, the government policies fostering these amazing numbers, and the vast amount of government money spent to create these amazing numbers, then the average American will be shocked. In addition, she thinks they should all be given the full financial benefits of American citizens.

    Well, on the topic of immigration, check this YouTube video (link sent me by a neighbor after he stopped by to discuss the horrors of Project 2025): https://www.youtube.com/live/kgSqI3T3q-s.

    Here’s the transcript starting at time 2:06:

    In a little known, a little covered fact–the New York Times did a good piece on it two days ago– is naturalization of immigrants to make them new citizens is happening at a record pace by the Biden-Harris administration cutting in half the amount of time it’s taken to make new citizens, many of them of voter age and many if them in battle-ground states. 3.3 million people have become new US citizens under the Biden-Harris administration, many of them voting in November. What a record.

    The guy has 3.3 million subscribers. I bet most of them will be shocked only if Harris doesn’t win.

    •ï¿½Thanks: JWalters
  114. @Anonymous

    I’ll say one thing for the Black/Pajeet Whore from Mexifornia:

    she confined her sexual attentions to adult males.

    the satanist Trumpstein, on the other hand, is notorious for his multiple visits to (((Epstein)))’s Pedo Island.

    •ï¿½Replies: @HuMungus
  115. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    You know American Christians, NeoLibs, Sodomists, and HBD-ers are cackling with joy.

  116. King Edward I says: •ï¿½Website

    Let us mull just a few of the comments appended to Alyan’s piece. From the thousands posted, I choose these as representative of the prevailing sentiments throughout the whole. I will leave the malapropisms as The Times published them:

    Go look at the comments on fox about Gaza/jizzrael.

    The comments are identical to what you see at the NYT. It’s almost as though an army of IDF robots and AIPAC/ADL trolls are making comments on all websites because they are neurotic spazzes that must control everyone else’s opinion about everything. Donchathink?

  117. We see the same old playbook coming out from the so-called elite.

    We see the Russian interference ghost raise its ugly head again this time its RT in the sights.

    Watch this attempt to distract from Karmala and paint Trump as a Russian agent fill the whore media again.

    The media will be working overtime to stage all sorts of distractions and obfuscation so Kamala doesn’t have to say and do anything that shows her unfitness to head a dog kennel let alone President of the U.S.A.

    When Americans front up to the ballot box they will be left with a handful of nothingness in which to base their decisions on. You can either cast a vote for nothing…or vote for someone else who has said something of meaning…your choice.

  118. anarchyst says:

    The Hannibal Directive has been in place as a part of jewish doctrine for quite some time…
    Sacrificing the “little jews” for the political motives of the “big jews” in power is nothing new.
    Captives in Gaza have reported being treated quite well, considering the circumstances.
    It is in Netanyahu’s (nee Miliekowsky) best interest to keep Gazans and Palestinians from having human face.
    Unlike jews, Gazans ands Palestinians ARE human, with no demonic characteristics. The same cannot be said for the jews in power, both in the middle east and in the rest of the world.
    Gotta keep the propaganda machine going…

    •ï¿½Replies: @Aleatorius
  119. Anon[168] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    “Monitoring†a bunch of internet strangers like a cretin hasbarat hardly seems penance for being part of a delirious racist fascist baby mass murdering goon tribe.

    Try harder. Maybe theres a nice scenic cliff nearby? Or at least some croc and shark infested waters?


    Make sure theres a video record for X

  120. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Mr. Satanyahoo will do it all by himself!

    A front-row seat to the implosion of Israel’s government


    Amid an existential war, Israel’s government is fracturing under unprecedented internal conflicts and divisions as power struggles threaten to dismantle its leadership and transform a once formidable state into an irreparably fractured entity.

    Wave of resignations continues in Israel as police intel chief steps down


    The commander of Israel’s ground forces and the head of the army’s Unit 8200 are also set to resign, Hebrew media reported this week

    According to Hebrew newspaper Maariv, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir – who is in charge of the prison system and police – has been blocking the promotion of several officers, including Assaraf. Israeli media reported earlier this year that Israel’s High Court has shown great concern over a law passed in December 2022 which granted Ben Gvir broader power over the police system.

    The same Maariv report, released on 4 September, said that the appointment of every new police commissioner is accompanied by a wave of resignations. It adds that some realize they may not get promoted and decide to resign, while others are notified that they should retire.

    Assaraf is the fourth to resign from his post in recent days.

    Major General Tamir Yadai, the commander of the Israeli army’s ground forces, decided to resign for “personal reasons,†Hebrew news site Walla reported on 3 September.

    Walla also recently reported that the commander of Israel’s Unit 8200, Brigadier General Yossi Shariel, plans to announce his resignation in weeks to come. Unit 8200 is the same unit whose headquarters was targeted by Hezbollah as part of its retaliatory attack in late August.

    •ï¿½Replies: @bjondo
    , @meamjojo
  121. bjondo says:
    @cousin lucky

    Amid an existential war, Israel’s government is fracturing under unprecedented internal conflicts and divisions as power struggles threaten to dismantle its leadership and transform a once formidable state into an irreparably fractured entity.

    The fractured, deranged Yid still can kill unarmed babies.


  122. Chebyshev says:
    @mark green

    And while I will (probably) vote for Trump (or skip voting this Nov.) Trump’s fan base is just as jingoistic and morally debased on the Palestinian question as these Zionized, ‘liberal’ NYTimes readers.

    If you aren’t worried about losing health insurance or something like that, then the Palestinian conflict should be the issue that determines your vote.

    •ï¿½LOL: meamjojo
    •ï¿½Replies: @mark green
  123. DanFromCT says:

    Good comment. I’d just add that the Gray Old Lady is run by a collection of immoral, ear- and nose-picking Jewish social misfits and outright freaks, most of whom—and no doubt all the females—get by on psych meds, as their individual and group photos make clear. Taking this “newspaper of record†for anything more than Jewish psychological warfare against America is one of the greatest feats of brainwashing to date.

  124. @Fin of a cobra

    I was thinking it rather odd that The NY Times would publish such a piece with a clear stance against what the Israelis are doing; then the comment section is filled with statements in support of Israel’s right to defend itself, so on….therefore it appears that the American populace, in general, supports Israel. Does it? Excluding our Useful Idiot Leaders, of course.

    The American populace, in general, knows NOTHING of the truth about the machinations for the Return to Eretz Israel, nor the truth about WW2, in great part due to our media, and certainly that of our nation’s paper of record. What a banner year was 1913 for the USA! How long did it take the Jews to gobble it up? Ten years from it’s founding?

    There are more important issues in this election than petty ethnic whining about who owns what land in the Middle East.â€

    Petty ethnic whining. I had to type the phrase again to make sure I wasn’t having a bad dream.

    Well, without full context, perhaps that particular American is tired of our incessant involvement in Middle Eastern affairs. America sends gobs of treasure to both Israel and Palestine. Funding both sides, are we? That’s a Jewish value for sure. How much blood has Europa spilled throughout history fighting for Israel; fighting against Moorish incursions/Islam? When we will note that Jews have been using Muslims against Europeans for centuries?

    Having said that, the conflict in Gaza is in no way petty. Nor was the fate of the German realm after WW2.

    In our household, we call people such as these “the good Germans.â€

    What do you think this means? I couldn’t quite figure it out, but apparently everyone in the world thinks that the EretzIsraelPeople must always be treated with kid gloves whenever some poor saps have had enough of their incessant, never-ending treachery.

    I think the author of this article is pulling somethin’ and so is the NYT.

  125. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Some of us wondered in the past… what if the ultimate irony happens?

    The West, in order to atone for the genocide of the Jews, end up supporting Jewish doing genocide on another people.

    Well, it has come to pass. In the name of ‘Never Again’, Jews were the ones who did it again.

    And all those white cucks who wept about “We ignored the deaths of Jews in WWII” are now ignoring the death of Palestinians. Worse, they are cackling with glee and autographing bombs that are blowing up Palestinian babies.

    INTERVIEW: ‘I’m done with being politically correct.’ Ghadi Francis unloads

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @bjondo
    , @HuMungus
  126. @Aleatorius

    The Hamas terrorists just killed six young and vibrant hostages

    Holocaust denier!! Hamas killed six million and not one less!!!!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Aleatorius
  127. ariadna says:
    @Priss Factor

    “I put my life on the line for this country. ”

    I didn’t know Tulsi did that. It must have been when the US was attacked by Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi or any one of them dastardly Islamic terrorists. She is too young to have participated in our glorious war in Grenada.

  128. @meamjojo

    Meanjew… do you know the song Hotel California by the Eagles?

    That’s what Pakestine is for you Anal Rape Hero. You can always check in, but, at some point, you won’t be able to check out.

    No body will want Shitrahelli in their countries and every day that goes by the World gets to know you as the baby killers and liars to be judged at Nuremberg.

    Hey guys, wouldn’t that be a switch, taking the Anal Rape Heroes to trial in Nuremberg?

    Keep it you Bibi your end will be worse than Sharon.


    •ï¿½LOL: meamjojo
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  129. ariadna says:
    @Priss Factor

    “Well, it has come to pass. In the name of ‘Never Again’, Jews were the ones who did it again.”

    By “again” you mean after the genocide they committed in Russia when they were heads of the bolshevik regime and gulag organizers.

  130. HuMungus says:


    Hamas has admitted to killing the hostages.

    •ï¿½Thanks: meamjojo
  131. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    We are witnessing a Shadow Reality perpetrated by a Shadow Government which in is it’s final days of destroying it’s own Shadow Empire of Lies (AshkeNazi False Jewish Zionist Marxist Bank Cartel, and their Shabbos Goyim lackeys)…thank God most of us here on UNZ have not drank their Kool Aid.

  132. Albabah says:

    Electios, wrong candidates + buletts zipping on the air…

  133. bjondo says:
    @Priss Factor

    The West, in order to atone for the genocide of the Jews, end up supporting Jewish doing genocide on another people.

    A real genocide to atone for a fake genocide.

    Many words fit but atone not one of them.

    Sick joke for which the Judaized West will suffer.


    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
  134. ariadna says:

    “The murderous ethnic cleansing of christians and moslems by the Hebrews in occupied Palestine”

    The Christian Palestinians should not be mentioned.
    It jams the transmission of “Islamic terrorism” hasbara.
    The late and much missed Edward Said was a highly inconvenient Christian Palestinian. Not only was he a Christian but he was a towering intellect able to articulate powerfully the Palestinian cause to the brain-washed Americans. He was also an accomplished amateur musician who could not be accused of “anti-semitism” because he worked with Barenboim to create a Palestinian-Israeli classical music orchestra. I guess this showed he was a naive idealist believing in building bridges with the Bronze Age mass murderers…
    This is an old video with him well worth watching:

  135. ariadna says:
    @One Nobody

    No, Bibi’s end cannot be worse than Sharon’s. They didn’t understand his dream of turning Gaza into an open-air concentration camp, which required getting all the settlers out. By force… They never forgave him for it. They didn’t bury him next to the other war criminals but… in the desert and even posthumously maligned him cfor not being a “real Jew” because he was de-prepuced as an adolescent, not on day 8. What can be worse for a jew.?
    Only S;pinoza beat him.

  136. HuMungus says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Nope! But ex President Clinton has gone there at least 27 times!

  137. ariadna says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    Timidity or something much worse, whatever it is, I cannot fathom characterizing this article as “excellent” when the author does not even dare to call Israel that which it calls itself: The Jewish state.
    He keeps calling it the “zionist state,” which any Israeli would laugh at as an anachronism. Zionism ended by accomplishing its aim– repeat after me: The Jewish State.
    Also, as I stated before, he talks about moronic Harris as if she makes any decisions herself, anymore than Biden did, or Trump would/will. But the word starting with “j” scares him.

    •ï¿½Agree: Pierre de Craon
  138. @Poupon Marx

    Once again you are doing what you can to stand up for your own wounded weenie. How old were you when your were victimized by the Unkindest Cut? Did you bawl your lungs out?

    Your subconscious mind never forgets anything, particularly extreme trauma as one of your very earliest life experiences. A damned good hypnotist could take you back there…if you dare…through the well-known process known as hypnotic regression.

    Curiously, a Jewish doctor from Florida who wrote a book about his successes in that arena and dealt with a few guys…most of whom suffered from neonatal circumcision trauma.

    So you virtually admitted in a public forum that you are a rationalist, academicist who actually believes in “authorities” and posits that only a chorus of the academically propagandized could possibly deal with such a “controversial” subject. Neither Nikola Tesla nor Henry Ford were degreed aristocraps.

    BTW: I do NOT have a docked DICK. Proud of my original equipment…known widely across the planet of English speakers as a COCK. As for “ugly”, seems as if back in junior high you were looking at what all the other guys had and concluded that Dicks are cuter than Cocks.

    To each his own, I guess.

  139. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website
    @Priss Factor

    Israel will stop killing when only Jews are the only human beings left on this earth!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Freddie the boar
  140. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Imho – Ms Harris is supposed to “debate” with Mr. Trump on Sept. 10, 2024.

    Will there be a debate?

    Ms Harris empty head will be on display for all to see; what do the democrats and the D.C. swamp monsters do then?

    The Wizards behind the curtains pulling the strings have a dire situation to deal with and they do not have a track record of coming up with palatable solutions to anything.

    Can you feel the chaos coming?

  141. @Chebyshev

    If you aren’t worried about losing health insurance or something like that, then the Palestinian conflict should be the issue that determines your vote.

    America’s toxic, partisan, and unfair role in the 70-yrar-old race war in Palestine should certainly be a major political consideration. But the Zions dominate all political discourse and they own both major US political parties, not to mention virtually all of our candidates. This translates into preemptive political capture. America is checkmated before the votes are even cast.

    Our civilization has been quietly seized from the inside by cryptic forces representing external interests. This undisclosed fact turns US elections in political theater.

    Incredibly, most Americans have no awareness of organized Jewry’s ruthless pressures, strategic omissions, and unrecognized machinations. It’s all a very slick, grand, kosher charade.

    Incredibly, even referring to this phenomena can spell political ruin.

    Quiet, children. We must eradicate antisemitism.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Chebyshev
  142. valconius says:

    How can Democratic voters satisfy themselves with nothing more than show-biz display, spectacle?

    They were raised on hotpockets and Costco chimichangas, their blood is gatorade, their heart is He-Man and their soul is twerking… what, were you expecting something different?

  143. @cousin lucky

    Priss, you clearly are not a Jew. I can tell you first hand that Jews hate everyone but reserve their greatest hate for each other. Try finding a Jewish family in which everyone is on speaking terms. It’s nearly impossible. I like to think that if Israel is successful and manages to expel or murder every Palestinian, Israel will be known as a nation of swindlers. To paraphrase Orwell, if you want to have a vision of a future Israel, imagine a country where every deli counter man places his or her thumb on the scale.

  144. JWalters says:

    Agree Trump might be one himself. He recently talked about how Jews used to control Congress, but don’t any more, and how that’s a problem. This is VERY weird. The Jews don’t want anybody bringing up the subject of their control over Congress. So they don’t want to fan that flame by disagreeing. And besides, he’s on their side, apparently. But why is he bringing this up at all? Is this just clumsy saying the quiet part out loud? Or is this a hint about his real agenda, i.e. he is aware of things that are forbidden to discuss, and is nudging them into the discussion?

    On the one hand, they have to at least pretend to love the guy for all his pro-Israel statements, and on the other they have been trying to knock him out of the game since 2016 with every tactic they can think of, including the JFK option. They surely don’t like his promise to appoint RFK Jr to a commission to release all the remaining JFK assassination documents.

  145. HuMungus says:
    @Priss Factor

    There are some 300 million Arabs is the world today. 40,000 makes very little difference in that total and it’s certainly not a genocide. It’s probably less then the number of Arab babies popped out every day of the year.

    There were more Arab deaths from the rise and fall of ISIS and there is little complaint about that in the Arab world. Toss is the half a million deaths from the Yemeni civil war, which also has few complaints in the Arab world and you get the impression that Arabs care very little when thy kill each other off.

    They just make a fuss when its Jews doing the killing.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
  146. meamjojo says:
    @cousin lucky

    This is good. Israel needs to purge the pro-Hamas supporting leftists infesting its ranks. Let them go out and protest on streets against Netanyahu.

    Netanyahu gave a great speech on Wednesday, confirming that he is sticking to his guns. He will not be vacating the Philadelphi Corridor and allow Hamas do resupply itself.

    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  147. meamjojo says:

    Since so many of you enjoy the NYT, here’s another article form that fine paper of record for your consideration:

    A Hostage Deal Is a Poison Pill for Israel
    Sept. 3, 2024, 5:28 p.m. ET
    By Bret Stephens

    Since the days of Abraham — who, according to Genesis, rescued his nephew Lot after he’d been seized by an invading army — Jewish tradition has placed supreme value on the redemption of captives. It is, in a sense, the fulfillment of a primary, implicit commandment: to be one’s brother’s keeper. It is also a source of Jewish communal cohesion over millenniums to never forsake those who have been taken, even if only to give them a proper burial.

    It’s also, to mix references from antiquity, a Jewish Achilles’ heel.

    In 2006, an Israeli soldier named Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas and held in Gaza. He was released five years later in exchange for more than 1,000 Palestinian security prisoners — a euphemism, in many cases, for terrorists. The deal, which was approved by Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, included the release of Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of Oct. 7.

    These two reference points are now at the heart of the debate Israelis are having about what comes next in Gaza. Huge demonstrations in Tel Aviv, coinciding with the heartbreaking funerals of six murdered hostages, have demanded that the prime minister agree to a cease-fire deal to obtain the release of additional hostages, at the cost of conceding one of Hamas’s core demands: an Israeli withdrawal from a strip of land known as the Philadelphi Corridor, which separates Gaza from Egypt. Netanyahu has refused, insisting in a news conference on Monday that Israeli forces will not leave.

    Netanyahu is right, and it’s important for his usual critics, including me, to acknowledge it.


    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  148. @anarchyst

    “Gotta keep the propaganda machine going…”

    And that’s exactly what you’re up to but thank God, it’s not working.

    •ï¿½Troll: anarchyst
  149. Your attempt at levity is astonishing …

    Thank you! In the words of Han Solo: “I know.”

  150. @Aleatorius

    A Jew will walk a million miles to save the life of a fellow Jew.

    Is that so? Maybe, especially if the saving is somehow destructive to a Gentile or a Gentile nation. If the dying is beneficial to Israel….?

    Berman, Aaron.
    Nazism, The Jews and American Zionism, 1933-1948.

    Chapter IV: American Zionism and the Holocaust

    […] On June 1, 1943…attended a meeting of the American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs (AECZA)… and that he wished to make “a few summary remarks.” Zionists, he said, had to consider seriously the implications of the Nazi extermination of European Jewry. Where, he asked, will the millions of Jews who were supposed to go to Palestine come from? In Nazi-occupied Europe, only the courageous few who were lucky enough to have the means to endure would survive the war. The Soviet Union would probably not let any Jews left in Russia after the war go to Palestine because of the traditional communist opposition to Zionism. Weizmann also noted that the five million Jews of the United States would not go to Palestine unless “driven.” Therefore, given the demographic and internal problems confronting Zionists and the lack of American and British support for Jewish statehood, Weizmann urged Jewish nationalists to abandon “old methods” and “slogans” and to seek out new strategies and positions. These, however, he did not specify.
    The end.

    Either the Nazis/Germans were in the process of killing 6 million Jews (yet again?) or they weren’t. Let’s see…how can we work this situation to our advantage? Eenie, meenie, miney, mo…

    Your attempt at levity is astonishing…

    How so? Perhaps you meant abysmal? Or, inappropriate? Although, he had a point – the Jews will have to put 6 million! to bed eventually, or people may begin to wonder why precisely 6 million Jews keep dying or are in danger of dying every few decades.

    HD David Irving says not to worry about offending the delicate sensibilities of Jewry when calling out their astonishingly stupid and ridiculous BS.

  151. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/sep/05/harris-election-allan-lichtman

    Go, Schmamala, Go!

    So Schmamala is predicted to” win”, but for now, it’s a tossup in 7 swing states: razor’s edge. Wh/means that if she squeaks it out, Trumpio will go batshit, perhaps even declare civil war. Jesus, what a stupid fake country. 345.5 million imbeciles w/heads rammed in recta, rolling around like donuts, looking at cat videos and doing silly dances.

    We love it. Go Schmamalala

    •ï¿½Agree: mulga mumblebrain
  152. @meamjojo

    The six captives were almost certainly killed by the Israelis, for propaganda purposes. Stephens’ filthy shit is made even more despicable by the fact of the Hannibal Directive where Jews kill fellow Jews, several hundred on October 7, lest they become captives. The rest is the usual filthy, three thousand year old, race hatred of the goyim.

  153. @meamjojo

    True. If the decent, human, Jews who remain in Zionazistan, leave, then it will only be the racist, fascist, religiously hate-crazed who will remain to face the Hell that Israel is bringing upon itself. If you are not already there, may I kindly invite you to move to Israel for its Nutterdamerung.

  154. @Fin of a cobra

    I don’t think it’s ‘the Jews’. It’s some Jews, unfortunately many, particularly in Israel.
    The great evil is JUDAISM, a death-cult that preaches that murder of children is ‘God’s Will’ and that Jews are a different, higher, level of human existence from the goyim. We see its evil in Gaza and the West Bank EVERY day, and its has terminally poisoned the whole West with a genocidal hunger that cannot be sated. As Voltaire predicted, it has become a menace to ALL humanity.

  155. anon[182] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    You are one of those babies that got past the condom ‘s tapering point .

  156. I’ve been watching the news all day and catching trailers on tonight’s debate – 9:00 PM on NBC.
    Observe, this is September 10, the eve of our country’s most recent tragedy, and the first question is about the Twin Towers and the mystery of Building 7. The idea is to catch the contestants off guard. Tune in.

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