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An Attack on Intelligence

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Not in my lifetime,†I used to think when contemplating America’s decline and fall—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic such that it stands for the ideals it professes to uphold but unreservedly ignores. Blind justice, disinterested leaders and institutions, tolerance of others, freedom of thought and speech, a Jeffersonian respect for reason and knowledge: Those who come after me will see the imperium’s collapse and will begin the work of restoration, but not I.

So I long assumed. And so does the pace of events suggest I may well be wrong. Things I used to think would take, maybe, 20 years now occur in five or six or seven. If I reckoned some turn of history’s wheel was a decade out, what do you know but that it now seems hard upon us.

Decline and fall. It is not pleasant to live in such a time as ours, but it is, as the Chinese are credited with saying (or was it the Arabs?) interesting. Let us not, as we accept our fate, lose sight of the optimism within the apparent pessimism.

On May 2 the House passed a bill that, broadly speaking, defines as “antisemitic†any criticism of Israel, or—heaven forbid!—disapproval of Israel as a “Jewish state.†The kookier House members have been trying to get this rationally disconnected piece of legislation to the floor for eight years. The House now sends the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the Senate on a 320–to–19 vote.

As if to second the House’s intent, President Biden announced, a May 7 event marking the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual remembrance day, a series of new legal and administrative measures to counter the nonexistent crisis of antisemitism that now overtakes the U.S. the way a Communist takeover did in the 1950s. Will someone explain why we hear daily about all this antisemitism but cannot see anything of it more than the odd, unalarming case—the everyday here-and-there variety? Someone, anyone?

This is an assault on reason, language, law—and even that highest of American “valuesâ€â€”common sense. It is a sign of American weakness and further advances this weakness. I would ask what the people pushing this bill are thinking, but the question implies an assumption one ought not make.

On Monday an interesting new website called Zeteo published a letter 12 Republican senators signed and sent to the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, in response to the ICC’s reported-but-unconfirmed plans to serve various Israeli officials, among them Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with arrest warrants charging them with war crimes in Gaza. You have to read this to believe it, and you can do so here. “Target Israel and we will target you,†the letter reads. “If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.â€

And then the much-remarked punchline: “You have been warned.â€

Think about this. This missive is an outright rejection of international law. At the same time, we see in it an imperium that broods in a defensive crouch, waging rearguard actions as 21st century realities arrive. There are only 12 signatories, and they include such Ciceros as Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. But do not kid yourself: Their letter reflects a strong and prevalent current of opinion in Washington—even, I would say, among Democrats such as Chris Van Hollen, who thought the letter, if not its sentiments, “thuggery befitting the Mafia.â€

What strikes me most of all about the senators’ letter is this: Those purporting to lead this nation are very little interested any longer, if they are interested at all, in what the rest of the world thinks of America—or even what Americans think of America. Power is all the late-phase imperium has left to rely upon. And power alone in any of its three principal forms—military power, coercion, and bribery—is not fated, present circumstances notwithstanding, to define the era that is hard upon us.

We are talking about decline and fall. This is what it looks like, piece by piece, perversity following perversity. It is often announced with bold assertions of authority by people who presume to make law as it suits them but stand above it—what scholars, beginning with Carl Schmitt, the Nazi theoretician, call “the state of exception.â€


The most startling events of the past few months, approaching a climax as we speak, concern what is now a prevalent effort to destroy America’s colleges and universities as independent institutions of higher learning. It is true, as some have remarked, that the confrontations on American campuses, and may they continue, are not to be taken as the main event. The main event remains the Israeli–U.S. genocide prompting students across the country—and the Western world at this point—to pitch tents and demonstrate in support of the Palestinian cause.

As I type these sentences, the early Tuesday bulletins arrive, reporting that the Israelis have shut the two crossings in southern Gaza, Rafah and Kerem Shalom, that serve as lifelines for Palestinians in need of aid and medical treatment. It does not get more barbaric, except that, in the Israeli case, it consistently does.


But with these developments bitterly in mind, we should recognize the meaning and gravity of the vicious responses—state and private—to the honorable displays of principle, integrity, and clear thinking we witness on American university campuses. In any imperium’s late phase, all institutions are required to serve the state and the reigning ideology. This is a structural reality, an historical imperative, that is rarely remarked upon but easily identified nonetheless. We have already witnessed this coerced enlistment in the cases of corporate media, previously independent courts, nongovernmental organizations, and all manner of cultural institutions—book publishers, libraries, museums, the Hollywood studios. Now it is the turn of the colleges and universities.

In this late phase of decline, no one or no entity is permitted to stand beyond the fence posts in the name of independent thought or free speech. The special gravity of this when tertiary education is the target cannot be overstated. Destroy colleges and universities as sanctuaries of uncircumscribed, purposefully exploratory thought and speech—academic freedom in the common parlance—and you are a good way along to destroying the nation’s intellectual dynamism, and so the nation’s future.

Here is an exceptionally well-crafted segment of the Al Jazeera program called Listening Post, broadcast over the weekend under the headline, “The problem with the coverage of the U.S. campus protests.†Look at the footage, especially of the police—local police departments, state police, highway patrol units, campus police. If there is a term for this other than state repression, I cannot think of it.

Listen to the commentary. It is clear, analytic, grounded in reality, professional, dispassionate, more or less spotlessly objective. It is near to impossible to find footage of campus events this bold, this balanced, this undoctored, and it is absolutely impossible to find analysis and commentary of this insight and honesty in American media.

On American screens we instead see this presentation—the ne plus ultra in television coverage last week—in a segment of Inside Politics, Dana Bash’s CNN program. Let me go back to that list of attributes just mentioned. This piece is neither clear nor analytic nor grounded in reality nor professional nor dispassionate, and it does not even pretend to objectivity. It is one coerced institution that has succumbed to the state and its ideology doing its bit to help coerce another into submission. Nothing more.

“We start with destruction, violence and hate on college campuses across the country,†Bash begins. After a couple of minutes of paranoia-pumping, this, in Bash’s italicized delivery: “Protesting the way the Israeli government, the Israeli prime minister, is prosecuting the retaliatory war against Hamas is one thing. Making Jewish students feel unsafe at their own schools is unacceptable, and it is happening way too much right now.â€

Then a video clip of a Jewish UCLA student, who, it is perfectly obvious, does not feel the slightest unsafe, as he tries to argue his way past a picket line to his class. Then Bash again: “What you just saw is 2024 in Los Angeles, harkening back to the 1930s in Europe. And I do not say that lightly.â€

Jiminy Cricket.

If Dana Bash’s May 1 program was egregious, it also reflected the rest of corporate media. Can you beat the spectacle of boastfully liberal broadcasters and newspapers cheering the suppression of free speech and free inquiry—attacking, this is to say, one of the most fundamental institutions sustaining a liberal order? Media opposition to “free speech fundamentalists†is not a new phenomenon, true, but it worsens as it carries over into educational institutions. The only thing I liked about the Bash segment was her introduction of the old “outside agitators†theme. What fun. She dredged this straight out of the John Birch catechism and sent me on a weirdly amusing walk straight down memory lane.

To stay briefly with the matter of media, I found it just as concerning, if not more so, to read last week that The Real News Network has canceled The Chris Hedges Report. Why?

Well, if you want to list journalists of high professional standards whose integrity is exemplary, it will be short, yes, but Hedges would have to be on it. His dismissal at the hands of people who couldn’t, as we used to say, change his typewriter ribbon is something approaching obscene. Though Hedges was told that an interview he did with a Congressional candidate threatened the station’s nonprofit status, in my understanding knees wobbled at TRNN because Hedges is consistently critical of the Biden regime and the genocide it sponsors, thus jeopardizing Biden’s chances in the election this November. Those running the network folded.

It has been a long, long time since corporate media, from The New York Times on down (or over), surrendered their sovereignty, their status as an independent pole of power, to the reigning ideology. This is a sort of “mission accomplished†for the national security state. So far as I can make out, and I am not going to make a study of The Real News Network, its treatment of Chris Hedges is symptomatic of the creep of the liberal authoritarians into independent media. The Dana Bash Monster, let’s say, appears to be drawing nearer. This is an increasing worry now. The No. 1 task of these media now, what they must get done before they do anything else, is to refuse to serve the state and the neoliberal ideology.


Conservatives in Congress have long planned an attack on universities in the cause of suppressing academic freedom. And it has been evident since last December, when they held those McCarthyesque hearings prior to demanding the dismissal of the presidents of Penn and Harvard, that they have identified the Gaza crisis and the antisemitism shuck as the opportunity they had waited for.

The abiding desire is to defund colleges and universities that do not conform to the way they see the world. We now read that four members of the House have begun investigations into the fantastical crisis of rampant antisemitism among university demonstrators.

What struck me last fall, and keeps on striking me now, are the intrusions of very wealthy donors into questions of academic freedom. This started among University of Pennsylvania graduates, when numerous of them either threatened to withhold donations, or did so, because Penn administrators defended academic freedom instead of agreeing to suppress those at the university—students and faculty—who stood against a genocide and in favor of the Palestinian cause.

Last week another such donor announced he would stop supporting Brown University, his alma mater, after the administration agreed to negotiate with student leaders on the question of divesting endowment funds from companies profiting from Israel’s various atrocities. The most determined of these intruders—O.K., the most obnoxious—is William Ackman, who pledges to use his money to go after media as well as universities that do not conform to his way of looking at the world. “I fix things,†he told Fortune magazine in an interview published in January. “This is just fixing things.â€

Look at this list, which is very partial. David Magerman (Penn, hedge fund billionaire), Cliff Asness (same), Mark Rowan (Penn, private equity), Ronald Lauder (Penn, the cosmetics empire), Barry Sternlicht (Brown, real estate), William Ackman (Harvard, hedge funds). We now have money people and a landlord—yes, a landlord—purporting to dictate how institutions of higher learning run themselves: what they teach, how it is taught, what can be said or thought and what cannot. It is beyond unconscionable.

Michael Massing, the writer and journalist, published “How to Cover the One Percent,†a brilliant piece on the fraud of “disinterested philanthropy,†in The New York Review of Books back in 2016. There is no such thing as disinterested giving, he argued with plenty of evidence. Leaving private wealth to support institutions in the public sphere—universities, museums, public broadcasting, what have you—is at bottom a way of controlling public discourse—and so a method of political, social and (most of all) ideological control. This is what Massing meant.

A few commentators remarked, as the Israel–U.S. genocide proceeded, that Israel would prove the downfall of the West. The principles by which it, the West, purported to live, its old, old claim to global superiority: backing the hideous apartheid state would leave all this a shambles. And now it is plain. Law, language, free thought, knowledge: In all such spheres, Israel is taking down what is called the liberal order. One cannot be altogether surprised: The state of Israel was an unworkable fallacy, funded on cruelty and intolerance, from the start.

“But the utility of intelligence is admitted only theoretically, not practically,†Bertrand Russell wrote in a wonderful essay, 102 years ago, called “Free Thought and Official Propaganda.†“It is not desired that ordinary people should think for themselves, because it is felt that people who think for themselves are awkward to manage and cause administrative problems.â€

We should consider this as we think about the students and the attacks on them from many quarters, about the Dana Bashes corporate media push at us, about the attempted sabotage of Chris Hedges’ work, about the nonsensical laws moving through the House, about the corrupted language deployed in the antisemitism-everywhere routine, about the attacks on institutions of learning. What is under siege in all such cases is our knowledge and our intelligence. We are not supposed to see and think about these things as they are.

It is by far best that we do—to see and think, to guard our intelligence. Then we will know our time for what it is, as it moves so swiftly along.

(Republished from Scheerpost by permission of author or representative)
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  1. muh muh says:

    Decline and fall. It is not pleasant to live in such a time as ours, but it is, as the Chinese are credited with saying (or was it the Arabs?) interesting. Let us not, as we accept our fate, lose sight of the optimism within the apparent pessimism.

    Needs repeating, and often, at that.

    As comforting as it is to see so many here conscious of the realities of our political world, such consciousness typically carries with it the hard realization that most of us seem powerless to affect meaningful change in the ominous status quo, a realization that often leads to pessimistic despair.

    I’m pleased to see Lawrence speak of America as a ‘late stage empire’, comparing it to other such polities that have gone before as a means of allowing us to see the greater historical picture: the collapse of the American regime will invariably result in that of Israel, the parasite that has afflicted us for all too long.

    It’s a hard road ahead, but one that must be traveled to reach a more promising destination.

  2. Lincoln’s “house divided†speech comes to mind, because the system today is again where it was in 1858, and we cannot go on pretending that it is worth preserving as half of one thing and half of another. We must meet and pass another “great national trial†before we can hope for a “new birth of freedom.†Our belief in freedom and self-government is too strong to ever abandon, but it has been distracted (and even perverted) for a long time by the same kind of ill-designing oligarchs whom Lincoln confronted in his day. The fall of empire is essential, for it creates the space for the restored republic to fill.

    •ï¿½LOL: Hulkamania, RoatanBill
  3. Anon[254] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Man, Tongsun Park really missed the boat. When he was bribing crooked pedo Congress losers for CIA, he coulda rigged everything so the Ivy League was full of gooks, and gooks get to steal all the money with banks and blow up the World Trade Centers and collect triple Jewish Lightning Indemnity, and you can’t say anything bad about gooks or they go apeshit. So AIPAC takes over for him and here we are.

    •ï¿½Replies: @JimDandy
  4. Anon[280] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Don’t forget, Ackman’s a slumlord’s trust-fund baby too, a Z-list Jewfirmative Action admit. Daddy’s friends let him in on all the kosher nostra white collar rackets. His Izzie wife looks like Beetlejuice but taking sloppy 82nds on an IDF clearing barrel makes you seem more refoined.

    •ï¿½LOL: Rev. Spooner
  5. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    •ï¿½Replies: @Katrinka
  6. Wokechoke says:

    Ridding Hedges was a bit of a misstep.

    He can’t quite go on saying it’s white supremacy after Jews directly offed him. Hope he starts to be more direct and not distract the case on White Supemacy.

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd, Understory
    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
    , @Notsofast
  7. barr says:

    A bipartisan pair of AIPAC-funded congressmen are pushing a new bill to create an “October 7th remembrance curriculum” to be taught in high schools across America.

    “I am proud to introduce new bipartisan legislation with @RepSteel to create an October 7th remembrance curriculum,” Rep Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), who is funded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, said.

    “10/7 was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust,” he added. “By teaching about that awful day and the hate that followed, we can combat surging antisemitism.”


    May be Turkey Iran Yemen Algeria Malyasia Indonesia Afgahnistan and Syria should start observing 7 th Oct as the International day of the eternal justice .

    House GOP drafting Biden impeachment articles over Israel aid cutoff threat
    ‘The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden,’ says Rep Cory Mills
    By Elizabeth Elkind Fox News

    FIRST ON FOX: Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., is preparing impeachment articles against President Biden over his threat to halt U.S. offensive aid to Israel, the first-term lawmaker told Fox News Digital on Thursday.

    Mills accused Biden of forcing Israel into a “quid pro quo” situation by leveraging U.S. dollars against the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza, drawing parallels to Democrats’ first impeachment of former President Trump over his handling of Ukraine aid.

    “The House has no choice but to impeach President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden.


    •ï¿½Thanks: hobnob
    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @DanFromCT
  8. Anonymous[246] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Yeah we all how rememberance how October 7th was the signal for all the Jew State genocidaires to lock up their indigenous peoples and cut off their circulation with restraints and after a couple weeks amputate their hands because they’re turning black.

    •ï¿½Agree: ld, OldWhiteMan
  9. Saggy says: •ï¿½Website

    Destroy colleges and universities as sanctuaries of uncircumscribed, purposefully exploratory thought and speech—academic freedom in the common parlance—

    This fellow lives in a fantasy world. Every university, every academic to the last man (save Arthur Butz) has supported and promoted the most absurd and greatest hoax (save Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) in the history of the human race . This hoax is the primary cause of the wars in the ME and the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and the proximate cause of the incredibly dire situation the world is in now because of the looming war with Russia. The universities have been prime players in the creation of the fantasy world in which the greatest accomplishment of the greatest generation was to design, develop, and deploy the Doomday machine that can destroy civilization. It can’t get any more upside-down than that.

    •ï¿½Agree: BrooLidd, tamberlint, HdC
  10. Rich23 says:
    @muh muh

    Oh, Jesus.
    Thanks I guess

  11. RobinG says:
    @muh muh

    “—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic…”


  12. Law, language, free thought, knowledge: In all such spheres, Israel is taking down what is called the liberal order. One cannot be altogether surprised: The state of Israel was an unworkable fallacy, funded on cruelty and intolerance, from the start.

    yes…it’s almost as if there was a war going on…with hidden or even occult features. if only someone saw it coming…


    if you look at the history of the west and especially the US you see a steady flow of genocide culminating in the current slaughter of innocents by vermin in somewhat human form (or its inverse in the russian “cleansing” of azov bros). the only thing that has changed is the reacton to said atrocity by the subspecies of human actually deserving of the name – who, for any “unwashed masses” faults they may have don’t bury children alive and steal organs.

    in the 1930/40s WWII era people may have known about the plight of russians (plus any other slavs), jews, gypsies and anyone else on the wrong end of an SS or banderite rifle but they gave zero sh_ts. that’s just how it was. it’s not like they had 1080p footage of the carnage.

    it’s like the west’s hoi polloi are just now realizing killing brown people for land isn’t a great “look”. if they grow some balls and build some guillotines they may put the other dominant but sparsely populated subspecies of “human” in their place.

    •ï¿½Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
    , @Gvaltar
  13. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    The Israeli crack whores running the government of the U.S.A. will do anything and everything to protect their Israeli pimp and parasite.

    This situation is insanity!

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, Rurik
  14. Where are the hostages? Are there any hostages? Or are they the non-existent excuse to demolish Gaza?

  15. tosca says:

    Let us suppose that the protests have been organized by those who are now willing to supress them. They are now able to identify their possible future opponants and to ‘genocide’ them socially and professionally. Wouldn’t it be very very smart?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Voltaria Voltaire
  16. “A few commentators remarked, as the Israel–U.S. genocide proceeded, that Israel would prove the downfall of the West.â€

    Great article but somehow it evades focusing on the powerful source behind the censoring of free speech and totalitarian policies.

    The corrupt politicians like Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton will not be bribed by Israel but by the “donor classâ€. 95% of the media that is censoring the genocide and falsely accusing the college student is not pressured by Netanyahoo who has no real power, the power he does use is granted by global organized Jewry. That is who is behind the destruction of our freedom of speech and assembly.

    I understand that it probably wasn’t Voltaire who said: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.†But it is such a important point that it needs repeating.

    The lies we hear about the genocide, the college protests, the ridiculous comments and legislation passed by corrupt politicians are now and have for a very long time been the work of organized Jewry. And yet, articles like this talk in generalities and euphemisms like “imperium’s late phases†“serving the state and reigning ideologyâ€. We have been in a decline for, at the very least, 30 years due mostly due to the actions of the neocons, globalists, elite, cosmopolitan class, donor class or otherwise known as global organized Jewry. How is it that after 6 months of the slaughter on an industrial scale of Palestinian women and children, the heads of state of Britain, France, Germany and Italy all flew to Israel to support Netanyahoo and his genocide?

    •ï¿½Thanks: annacat, Buck Ransom, John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @Bro43rd
    , @Rurik
  17. @barr

    Since Israel is ignoring Biden’s “no go” Rafah warning, will Cory Mills
    drop his impeachment idea. Should someone explain to Cory that
    whatever Biden says publicly is just twaddle? Mills is obviously
    desperate to squeeze more campaign money from AIPAC.

    •ï¿½Replies: @shankar
  18. The most startling events of the past few months, approaching a climax as we speak, concern what is now a prevalent effort to destroy America’s colleges and universities as independent institutions of higher learning

    Too late for that. They have been crap for at least 20 years.

    •ï¿½Agree: N. Joseph Potts
  19. Michael McCarthy says: •ï¿½Website

    May I suggest a solution for the sake of all nations of our troubled world, I have worked for a US Congressman and Presidential candidate. http://www.mccarthyplan.com separation should not mean division but natural law. Let the blue birds fly with the blue birds, let the pigeons fly with the pigeons etc.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Roger
  20. MEexpert says:

    Abraham Lincoln said,

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.â€

    This is what is happening now. We are being destroyed by the institutions that are sworn to protect us. Those who are supposed to guarantee our freedom are the ones who are taking it away from us.

    George Washington said,

    If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.


    Washington’s farewell address argued for a careful foreign policy of friendly neutrality that would avoid creating implacable enemies or international friendships of dubious value, nor entangle the United States in foreign alliances.

    Perhaps Washington had Israel in mind.

    President Jefferson

    favored a policy of neutrality in the European wars,

    This should be equally applicable to the Middle East.

    Our founding fathers will be turning in their graves, as they watch our present day leaders marching us towards the slaughter house.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Gvaltar
    •ï¿½Replies: @xyzxy
  21. The speed of America’s decline as a superpower is staggering.
    In this case, the Jewish white masters of the empire should have a sense of responsibility and a long-term strategic vision.
    But apparently they didn’t.
    If they had taken a more moderate approach there might not have been a Palestine in the last century.
    But apparently they didn’t.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anon
  22. Eric135 says:

    Anti-American Marxism takes over the universities. Conservatives do nothing.

    Jew$ complain about the universities. Conservatives are right on it!

    •ï¿½Agree: Beyond the pale and fedup
    •ï¿½Replies: @HT
  23. Che Guava says:

    Doesn’t seem to have had any effect.

    His latest is also on the front page, and the nonsense factors in it (my favourite, the Arab alleged physics student who claims to be quantum-entangled with Gaza, which is why I say ‘alleged physics’), do more to weaken rather than strengthen sympathy with the cause.

  24. GMC says:

    Let’s see – threatening not one judge but the entire ICC court with bodily harm, harm to their families, and tampering with an undergoing international investigation gets No Indictments, No arrest warrants, or even a ” Squeak ” out the ICC, the World Court or anyother Attorney General on the Planet? Ladies and Gentlemen – The Entire West should now be considered Free Fire Zone. This is not a spectator Sport anymore.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alfred
  25. xyzxy says:

    Abraham Lincoln said…

    Well, I guess if anyone should know, Honest Abe should. He pretty much started America’s decline. His only redeeming act was his last act at Ford’s Theater, when skull met bullet.

    •ï¿½Agree: N. Joseph Potts, mocissepvis
  26. @muh muh

    Thanks Muh Muh and I agree with you. As more of us become aware and tuned to the evil around us, we become insulators and less and less conductors to the movement of evil.
    The Petrodollar system was established to maintain the supply of oil to the US at a great cost to the tax payer and at a great profit to the oligarchs. Israel played the role of the hammer, anybody that came up must be hammered down.

    Today the US is a net producer of oil and with sufficient resources and a workforce capable of delivering if it would be trained and economically maintained. It happened once before when the Christians ran the country.
    It is logical to deduce that the maintenance of the Petrodollar is a diminishing return and at the very least unnecessary at least for the US. When the Petrodaller is over and done so will the need for Israel the hammer.
    Then Israel will be told you are on your own and have to make peace with your neighbors. In addition, when our students become our leaders and realize the damages done by zionists, they will not assist Israel, for there will be no reason for it or lost love.
    Then zionists will face half a billion Arabs without anyone coming to their aid, they will leave if smart. Then we will have a tabula rasa or a clean slate.
    When Jerusalem is free the world is free.

    •ï¿½Replies: @tamberlint
    , @James Scott
  27. One slap at the students is that they are “Marxist” in nature. That they are the same as those of the BLM/ANTIFA strain that rioted in ’20. This while saying they want to destroy Jews and Israel.

    But, a raw look at “Marxism” reveals that Marx and Engels were Jews. Most of the Bolsheviks were Jews. Soviet Palestine was a Jewish project in 1919-1921. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Workers_Party_(Mandatory_Palestine)

    After the fall of the Soviet Union massive numbers of Jews fled to Israel. Israeli Kibbutz is nothing less than a communist housing project.

    Yet, those students are anti-Semitic while being Marxist/Communists which is a Jewish political philosophy.

  28. Why is it difficult to sympathise with the Mohammedan settlers in the Holy Land and the Qazawis in particular ?

    1_They celebrate every year the fall of Constantinople.
    2_They applaud the desecration of Christian churches in Turkey by Erdogan and his followers.
    3_They dream of reconquering Spain to restore the criminal past glory of the Mohammedan invaders.
    4_They dream of capturing Rome to realise the prophesy of Mohammed, the founder and prophet of Mohammedanism.
    5_They dream of taking control of the Holy Land and giving ISIS treatment to the Jewish and Christian owners of the land.
    6_Since they consider Mohammedanism as the only true religion they are led to believe that even their non-Mohammedan sympathiser would directly go to hell. Poor Annamaria !!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Aleatorius
    , @annamaria
  29. Roger says: •ï¿½Website
    @Michael McCarthy

    “Any constructive criticism and suggestions for this project are welcomed.”

    Three suggestions:

    1. Take your website offline until you finish it.
    2. While you are working on it, make sure that links are set. At first, all I saw was one small page of rhetoric and had to hunt to find the Project Page. For those who haven’t located it yet, here is the link: https://www.mccarthyplan.com/project-page
    3. Don’t promote that you have worked for politicians. That is an immediate red flag in some quarters. Besides, it does not look good on your resume.

    There. Mr. McCarthy, you see how easy that is.

    Now, as to your list of things to accomplish, if I wanted to, I could pick that apart all day long, but your proclamations are safe from my criticism…for the most part. However, I will go after the one which I found to be the worst, #24, as copied below.

    “Any philosophy, mystery school or religion, publicly promoted, that regards those that do not adhere to its doctrine or beliefs, as being less than fully human and not worthy of full respect as a fellow human being, may be criminalized.”

    Please define what you mean by “publicly promoted”. That could be a conversation between as few as two persons. Do you really want to go down that road?

    Let me get this straight. If you hold to a philosophy, teaching of a mystery school (I had to look that up and will not promote it), or religion which tends to denigrate and look down upon other human beings because they do not fully subscribe to your doctrines and beliefs, is subject to prosecution and punishment.

    Wow! The world is going to need more prison cells. Or guillotines.

    In other words, you will not be allowed to say what you really think about many of your fellow human travelers. If enacted and enforced rigorously, it would immediately take out at least half, probably more, of the commenters on The Unz Review. I would be included as well because I preach a philosophy of anarchy and individual sovereignty which has nothing good to say about politicians, bureaucrats, and statists of all types.

    Now, whether you think that others are your equals, above your station, or well below it, is a matter of personal opinion and you should be able to express that opinion as you wish. It does not mean that you are correct in your beliefs, but you do have the right to talk about them without fear of punishment by law.

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd, HdC, 2stateshmoostate
  30. Roger says: •ï¿½Website

    You speak about “freedom and self-government” and Abraham Lincoln in the same sentence?

    •ï¿½Agree: N. Joseph Potts, mocissepvis
  31. @One Nobody

    The dollar pricing premium mollifies the motley inhabitants of America. When it ends, civil war likely begins. The civil society runs on capital mediation without social coherence.

  32. Bro43rd says:

    Voltaire was critical of jews. It’s probably his quote.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
  33. HT says:

    Anti-American Marxism takes over the universities. Conservatives do nothing.

    Jew$ complain about the universities. Conservatives are right on it!

    Jew controlled Anti-American Marxism. It is basically Jews complaining about what Jews have created. Their dishonesty has no limits.

    •ï¿½Agree: Eric135
    •ï¿½Replies: @Zumbuddi
    , @Eric135
  34. JR Foley says:
    @muh muh

    Canada will indeed have its own “copy cat” version of the Anti-Semitism Bill and it fits the scene well. Anytime commenters pen anything regarding Canada’s current National leadership –it is absolutely toxic–the venom almost peels off the screen BUT —that is how things are for now.

    The leader divorced last year BUT –scuttlebutt has it that he will NOW Marry a Jew and Canada can then impose more lockdowns and ensure Justin Trudeau’s leadership remains intact until he dies or resigns because it will be LAW that not to vote for Justin Trudeau will be the reason for jail sentence.

    Hunter Biden is supposed to be the best man—and Soros will be the MC.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
    , @bike-anarkist
  35. @Observator

    The only way to support the failing foundation that America rests is to get rid of the Cheeto. Perhaps also get rid of the constitution, because that hurt Black folk. We should look to China as a model.

    That’s why I’m voting for Joe Biden this November.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anon
    , @24th Alabama
  36. @Charles Martel France

    Mohammedans have all ready conquered the Indian Subcontinent and are working on taking over the rest of Asia and Africa. How far can Europe be?

  37. The vote was 320-91, NOT 320-19. Other recitations of fact may be wrong, too.

  38. @Commentator Mike

    Great question. Why raze Gaza if you’re trying to retrieve your people? Its almost like Hamas is once again in cahoots with Mossad and Likud to achieve something. Still can’t get over one of the first places destroyed in Gaza was the second oldest church. Hamas isn’t Christian, so why? Oh well Jared and his Trumpian BILs should have a grand time building those beach front properties with the proper kosher people living there. But hey at least we here won’t have free speech because of the Jews. I feel blessed. So why we can still ask where are these hostages? Piles of shoes don’t count.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Katrinka
    , @Gvaltar
  39. The criminal gang running the US

    Has been forced out into the open

    By the surprise slave revolt of 10/7

    This is a good thing

    In fact it is the best thing that has happened in decades

    Now more Americans are putting 2 and 2 together

    And realizing who has truly been running the place

    One can hope.

  40. Canute says:

    Just as a note of interest here…….flying through Boston (Logan) Airport on Thursday, I could not help but notice that the Unz Review website is quite emphatically blocked through the airport’s free service provider system. If others are running into this, please post them here. I have noticed that Ron is also blocked at some of the Pritzker hotels (Hyatt) – notably Chicago.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Thrallman
  41. Ozark Grandpa says: •ï¿½Website

    We should all be really proud of our college kids in all of this. They are showing courage and principles, shamefully, things you rarely see in American society. https://folkpotpourri.com/the-cost-and-reward-of-an-education/

  42. Wokechoke says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    Pile of Jews is no substitute for a pile of Shoes.

  43. Wokechoke says:

    The things Voltaire said about Jews were far more direct and hateful.

    He would have applauded Hitler.

    •ï¿½Replies: @A B Coreopsis
  44. Well maybe 2024 election offers a chance for change, so think carefully who you’ll vote for – Shabbos Goy Biden, Ziowhore Trump, or Shekelslut Kennedy.

    •ï¿½LOL: MarkU
    •ï¿½Replies: @Abbybwood
  45. @Mark in BC

    Most of those Jews are NOT Semites.
    The actual Semites are in Palestine: Palestinians… the people that never left, and are on the receiving end of ethnic cleansing, genocidal violence.

    Marx and Engels have nothing to do with it!
    You seem to think that an ideology must be behind every human act of defiance or protest.

    The BLM protests DO NOT EQUAL the protest against Israel.
    The BLMers had the police stand down; they could pillage at will; the campus protests are not pillaging anything, and the participants are aware of the indiscriminate killing going on in Palestine.

    Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.

  46. anarchyst says:
    @JR Foley

    Holocaustianity is already Canada’s “state religion”. Dissent from its official teachings and narrative by non-believers is subject to prosecution and incarceration under Canadian “law”.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Wear
    •ï¿½Thanks: HdC
  47. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters, That Tells You Something by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!


    When nobody in power will lift a finger to earn your vote but they are falling all over themselves trying to stomp out a robust protest movement, that tells you what the powerful are actually afraid of and where you should really be focusing your political energy.

    The way to see past the distortions of the imperial propaganda matrix is to learn to distinguish between empty narrative fluff and the raw data of where weapons, money and resources are moving to.

    The truth is we live in a highly abusive mind-controlled dystopia where peoples thoughts, words and actions are largely predetermined by an information system controlled by powerful plutocrats and empire managers, and the genius of it is that it controls us to a greater degree than overt tyranny ever could while at the same time giving us the collective delusion that we are free.

    •ï¿½Agree: A B Coreopsis
    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  48. @JR Foley


    Justin is a Jew.
    His mother was Jewish.
    Margaret Sinclair’s parents were Jewish.
    In 1971 Margaret was a North Vancouver citizen at the time of her engagement.
    Pierre was a homosexual. 30 years older than Maggie.

    In 1998, Justin and his brother Michel and friends went ski-touring in Kokanee park… in November.
    All my friends and acquaintances that work in the ski industry remarked that there wasn’t enough snow for skiing when the death of Michel occurred.

    Canadians do not do well after being told things that are unsavoury. Look at how so many reacted to the CoronaPrank, and willing to go rogue for the drama teacher and his psychopathic cohorts?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Katrinka
    , @A B Coreopsis
  49. @Mark in BC

    a raw look at “Marxism†reveals that Marx and Engels were Jews

    “Friedrich Engels was born on 28 November 1820 in Barmen, Jülich-Cleves-Berg, Prussia…Friedrich’s parents were devout Pietist Protestants and they raised their children accordingly.” ~Wiki

    •ï¿½Replies: @MarkU
  50. @muh muh

    The crumbling empire, when it rises once again (as it inevitably will), will need to make sure that dual citizens are left by the wayside.
    Psychopathy cannot be cured or eliminated but only quarantined. Americans should remember this and why it happened forever.

  51. Notsofast says:

    someone needs to ask him, if he’s including jewish supremacy, when he speaks of white supremacy or if he places them a separate category. it would be most interesting to see him have to answer that question. if he answers yes, ask why he never points that out, if he answers no, ask why he never points to them in his accusations.

    lies by omission, are still lies none the less.

    •ï¿½Agree: MarkU
  52. Katrinka says:
    @Priss Factor

    Hillary Clinton is the poster child for evidence that the current system does not work. There are no consequences for people of her ilk. They lie, cheat, murder, rob with absolute impunity. Alejandro Mayorkas is another example of systemic absolute corruption without punishment. The U.S. cannot go on like this much longer.

    •ï¿½Agree: MarkU
    •ï¿½Replies: @OrangeSmoke
  53. @MegaHerzls

    James Forrestal saw it coming (among others). See what happened to him.
    They’re all dead and/or unpersoned (cf. Orwell).

    •ï¿½Agree: A B Coreopsis
    •ï¿½Thanks: Katrinka
  54. Anonymous[169] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Great catch, Canute, direct censorship in CIA Boston explosions proving grounds.

    Was it blocked through this? Everybody should be using this for Unz.


  55. Zumbuddi says:

    The Tikvah organization has been in my sights for several months, starting in Fall 2023 when Tikvah held a conference aimed at “young Jews” to keep them strong in their “love” for Israel and to train them up as the “new leaders” of “Jewish civilization” and the “renewal of Western civilization.”

    Elliott Abrams was chair (or director or something like that) of that project. Participants included Leon Kass, Ruth Wisse, Larry Arnn of Hillsdale College.

    In the aftermath of the conference, the “young Jewish” target audience was urged to consider and be leaders in the “renewal of universities in the US” and, indeed, “leaders in renewal of Western Civilization,” to which they would commit their “manifold gifts.”

    Recently, Tikvah has taken a more urgent turn, toward Exodus.

    The anti-Israel encampments …force us to confront the moral confusion that plagues so much of higher education. This assault on Jews and Israel is also an assault on America and the West.

    Can our most prestigious universities be saved, or is it time to build new centers of learning that advance our noblest Jewish and American values?
    Are these storied institutions of higher learning worthy of our children, our creativity, and our support, or is it time for an exodus?

    Exodus you say?

    This time, leave the gold and silver, if you please.
    And if you feel compelled to slay leadership of the nation that harbored you for so many years and gave you the best lands, don’t bother with Biden, he’s Dead Man Walking. Wipe out Congress & Senate if you’re so inclined (sparing a few).

    But by all means, Go.

    But the presumption that Jews are the suitable guardians of “Western Civilization” — don’t even think about it. Stew in your own juice, and take it with you. We’ll do fine with our own cuisine, thanks.

    What Tikvah is telegraphing is this: Having reached the limits of market-saturation, the Jewish brand has lost its luster; exceeded its shelf-life. The audience has figured out the slick movements behind the Magic Show.
    The Goy Know.

    Dana Bash was not that far off-base with the reference to 1930s Germany.
    I view Kristallnacht as a operation led by zionist Jews (Mossad el-Aliyeh bet) to frighten the remnant of German Jews who had hitherto refused to leave Germany, to get out of town: Jewish leadership knew what was coming next: even before Kristallnacht, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. had convinced FDR to start building planes; had already begun extracting income taxes from wage-earners; young German Jews had already begun migrating to USA and to train as anti-German spies and saboteurs at Fort Ritchie in Maryland.

    Similarly, constantly blaring the 3,970,641% spike in antisemitism, not to mention the attacks on Jewish eyeballs, are calculated to induce young Jews to do something outside their comfort-zone but in compliance with the needs and demands of the managers of the transgenerational criminal gang, to borrow Jeff Gates’s term.

    That transgenerational criminal gang of zionists has a laughably limited playbook.

    I’ve never played or coached sports, so wiser strategists than I will have to put their talents to the task:

    How to respond to this coming, next iteration of the scam/scheme of the transgenerational criminal gang?

    •ï¿½Agree: Anonymous44
    •ï¿½Thanks: Understory
  56. Katrinka says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    John B. Wells asked the same question on his Caravan to Midnight broadcast the other night. It would appear bombing Gaza into the stone age is the objective. The Hamas “invasion” and the hostages were merely the cover to go in and start up the destruction and the genocide. It is obvious, but Israel doesn’t care.

    Payback is coming. “Shalom from the Children of Gaza.”

  57. Katrinka says:

    I run into many Canadian expats and vacationers here in Panama. They are hopelessly brainwashed. Even the most ardent Jehovah’s Witness has more in the way of critical thinking skills. Canada is finished.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
  58. Pablo says:

    The ‘Anti Semite’ Bill is a testament to how tightly controlled the US Ruling Class–Congress, the White House but many of the DC ‘Swap Creatures’–is by the Israel Lobby. And the Israel Lobby–and its Lackeys, especially in Congress and The White House–has zero concern for the Welfare of the American Economy or its Taxpayers. These Israel Firsters are more than willing to obliterate the USA and its Citizens in the service to Israel.

    •ï¿½Agree: Sarita
    •ï¿½Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Geowhizz
  59. Megoy says:

    AGAIN Patrick Lawrence REFUSES to say “JEW†at the core of the LYING media, donors, politics and finance. He FAILS to openly state that a criminal international Jewish MAFIA has CAPTURED the United States and ALL Western Nations. Jews are the TERRORISTS who use threats, violence and intimidation to obtain political objectives while claiming anyone opposing them as “anti-Semites†and “terroristsâ€

  60. It’s painfully obvious that Americans are literally slaves of the Jews.

    2016 Presidential Election: Judah had planned for Ted Cruz to be the Republican nominee. Cruz’s wife had been given an executive position at Goldman Sachs. She stepped down to hide this connection. Goldman Sachs then promptly funded the Cruz campaign. It appeared that the plan was that after Cruz won the nomination, the Jewish controlled media would release evidence of Cruz’s involvement in extra-marital sexual liasons with various women. Ultimately, Hillary Clinton, an individual in which Israel was heavily invested in, was to be victor, but Trump’s popularity derailed all of this. The careful placement of certified Israeli asset Hillary Clinton in the position of President of the United States was a major operation and innocent American lives were taken (human sacrifices) along the way, to achieve this Judean goal. It is no wonder that the Jews are still furious with the outcome and are continuing to use the American justice system to punish Trump and his supporters. They are within reach of jailing any White person, anywhere in the world, who criticizes Judah.

    Trump 2024: It is ridiculous to assume that Jeffrey Epstein was the only individual running a sexual blackmail operation for Israel. Recently, President Trump has shifted from America first, to Jewish first, and it seems puzzling. There is some connection between Trump and Salomon Melgen, a person suspected of running an operation in Florida very similar to that of Epstein’s.

    I had read a conspiracy theory on this subject, but I cannot find this on the Web, now. The theory stated that Trump has been hosted by Dr. Melgen, in Florida. Here are two remaining links of interest:



    Nonetheless, I strongly recommend voting for Donald Trump in the coming election.

    •ï¿½Replies: @A B Coreopsis
  61. JimDandy says:

    The Pro-Palestinian campus protests were at least partially a psyop to turn the Regular-Joe-Who-Is-Sick-Of-Woke-Shit pro-Israel, and also to grease the wheels for this speech ban bill.

  62. Sarita says:

    I think informing about a percentage of the different races attending the protests is important.
    The Jew/Zionist/Evil owned media places pictures of mostly Arab or Muslim students in their articles.
    I have the suspicion they do it on purpose for the subliminality effect on readers minds and Americans Jew managed rotten brains.

    The reality is that the people in the protests are mostly white and black students.
    And some Jews.
    God bless them and protect them.

    •ï¿½Agree: Rurik, MarkU
  63. ltlee says:
    @muh muh

    Rand Corp’s has recently published a report entitled “The Sources of Renewed National Dynamism.” The report has inserted an objectively identifiable successful “anticipatory national renewal” phase for a nation in decline to renew its dynamism.


    The following from the Summary of the report:

    “• Recovery from significant long-term national decline is rare and difficult to detect in the historical record. …

    • The United States may be entering a period requiring the kind of anticipatory national renewal that we found in several historical cases …

    • Several common factors appear to distinguish cases of successful anticipatory renewal from failures. …

    • The United States does not yet appear to be demonstrating widespread shared recognition of societal challenges or determination to reform and change in key issue areas. …

    • The United States has all the preconditions for a potential agenda of anticipatory renewal. ”

  64. anarchyst says:

    I can explain Canadian brainwashing.
    The united States of America was formed after a revolution…a revolutionary society.
    No such revolution took place in Canada…being an evolutionary society.
    Canadians believe in “good government”, in place for the “good of Canadian society”.
    The abuse of Canadian citizens involved in the truckers’ strike woke up many Canadians to the evils of their own government. From threats to remove children from families to freezing of bank accounts and confiscation of “go fund me” receipts among other abuses, Canadians finally realized the evil nature of their government.
    The western provinces are more amenable to attitudes prevalent in the USA although, there may be no hope for Ontario or Quebec.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
  65. Rurik says:

    The most startling events of the past few months, approaching a climax as we speak, concern what is now a prevalent effort to destroy America’s colleges and universities as independent institutions of higher learning.

    Is that a (f’ing) joke?

    …Now it is the turn of the colleges and universities.

    In this late phase of decline, no one or no entity is permitted to stand beyond the fence posts in the name of independent thought or free speech. The special gravity of this when tertiary education is the target cannot be overstated. Destroy colleges and universities as sanctuaries of uncircumscribed, purposefully exploratory thought and speech—academic freedom in the common parlance—and you are a good way along to destroying the nation’s intellectual dynamism, and so the nation’s future.

    which planet from which solar system have you been living on?

    during my lifetime, (the last 60+ years) has there been an unfettered debate on such issues as the ‘Holocaust’, or racial or gender realities in America’s universities? Do the universities allow unfettered intellectual discussion and debate about Climate Justice, or Covid or Putin’s ‘unprovoked aggression’? How many political science professors at those universities have been declaring (the obvious) – that Obama and Hillary are unambiguous war criminals, as are (obviously) Cheney and Bush and many, many others. But as near as I can tell, there is an iron pall over all discussion, (like ((9/11))), whereby no one dares push the ((Overton window)) that even entertains actual conservative (honest, traditional) values ~ (like the idea that treasonous war criminals should be talked about by our intellectuals, and justice sought after).

    ….Conservatives in Congress have long planned an attack on universities in the cause of suppressing academic freedom.

    You write conservatives without quotation marks. I consider myself a nominal conservative in the traditional sense, and no scum on this planet are more egregiously outside of the tenets of that conservatism that these Republican Zionist whores in D.C.

    While I agree generally with you vis-a-vis the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and the larger questions of Zionst control of our governments and media and police forces, etc.., it seems you’re just realizing it now, because for all those decades, you’ve been fine with the Orwellian anti-free-speech policies of our universities, when those policies shut out actual conservative perspectives and suited your narrow perspectives, huh?

    when they held those McCarthyesque hearings

    McCarthy was right, (obviously).

    The abiding desire is to defund colleges and universities that do not conform to the way they see the world.

    ♫♪♪ ‘How does it feel?’ ♫♪

    Here’s a clue: The universities, (in my lifetime) have *never* tolerated, (let alone conformed) to the way actual conservatives see the world. That you’re just discovering that they’re intolerant, at this very late date, is quite telling, actually.

    What struck me last fall, and keeps on striking me now, are the intrusions of very wealthy donors into questions of academic freedom. This started among University of Pennsylvania …

    You didn’t suspect something was rotten, when it was revealed that a serial child rapist was being coddled at the Penn State athletic department? A scandal so pervasive that even the president and vice president of the University had to resign in disgrace?

    Additionally, three Penn State officials – school president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley – were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, failure to report suspected child abuse, and related charges

    from Wiki

    They all knew this monster was raping little boys wholesale, for many years it went on, and they said nothing.

    This is the kind of thing that alerted a true conservative like myself, that our universities are simply bastions of liberalism, like the massacre at Waco, TX, taught me all I needed to know about liberal, progressive Democrats, who- to this day coddle the murderous, treasonous fiend Bill Clinton and his wife, who were in the White House, and were responsible for that (and other) atrocities. Not a problem for liberals, but a big, *big* problem for actual conservatives.

    —yes, a landlord—purporting to dictate how institutions of higher learning run themselves: what they teach, how it is taught, what can be said or thought and what cannot. It is beyond unconscionable.

    what’s beyond tragic, is that you’re just realizing this now

    I suppose better late than never.

    A few commentators remarked, as the Israel–U.S. genocide proceeded, that Israel would prove the downfall of the West

    If anything, the downfall of Israel, (and the Zionist Jewish supremacist Satanic cabal controlling the West’s institutions), would be the salvation of the West. Zionism and the true West, are mutually exclusive, just as Tom Cotton and true conservative Americans are mutually exclusive.

    What we, and the rest of the world must start to do, is examine the degree of Jewish supremacist subversion and corruption of our governments and institutions, because that is what has led directly to the events in Gaza, and the corrupt, treasonous whores in congress, (on both sides of the isle) who’ve been facilitating wars for Israel from before I was alive.

    That some people are just now discovering that there’s an Orwellian pall over honest inquiry at our universities, just goes to show how insidious has been the corruption that’s been going on for generations. And indeed, if they continue to refuse to speak of the problem, (powerful Jews and their insidious corrosion of our institutions), and instead try to blame “conservatives”, then that will only push the problem down the road, and the rubble on top of more children.

    Free Gaza!

    •ï¿½Agree: anarchyst, 24th Alabama, John Wear
    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
  66. anarchyst says:

    I have noticed on the various American news programs that israelis being interviewed seem to be very nervous and in certain cases seem to be “running scared”.
    The nervousness of both the interviewers and their jewish guests is much more obvious than it has ever been.
    I would surmise that the jews are finally seeing the “handwriting on the wall” yet have no where to go to find a truly receptive “audience”. Jews are used to getting whatever they want without opposition, that not being the case presently.
    The jews have “overplayed” their hand and are starting to realize it.
    No amount of support from tel aviv will be enough to temper the criticism that the jews are receiving for the genocide that their fellow jews are committing. They cannot justify the outright genocide that they are responsible for.
    Of course, the “israel-firsters” are attempting to “put the genie back in the bottle” by attempting to pass unconstitutional legislation to protect the jews from the righteous anger and groundswell of non-support for their actions in Gaza and the West Bank that they are experiencing.
    It won’t work, this time…

  67. Rurik says:

    The lies we hear about the genocide, the college protests, the ridiculous comments and legislation passed by corrupt politicians are now and have for a very long time been the work of organized Jewry. And yet, articles like this talk in generalities and euphemisms like “imperium’s late phases†“serving the state and reigning ideologyâ€.


    This fool is trying to say the people to blame for what’s happening in Gaza and the crack-down on the universities..

    .. are “conservatives”, “like Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton”, when those treasonous rats (like Mitt and Liz and Lindsey..) are the biggest enemies true conservatives have in this country.

    while this libtard seems convinced that for the last several decades our universities have been bastions of free-speech and unfettered intellectual inquiry.

    when the liberal is the guy standing,

    he’s quite content and convinced that the relationship he’s having with the conservative in the chair, is altogether proper and fair.

    what we all should be doing, (as is my mantra) is all demanding justice for Palestine.

    not trying to blame ‘conservatives’ or shitlibs on campus. For the first time in my life, I agree with the protesters on campus, and they deserve all our support.

    We all need to condemn the treasonous scum like Tom Cotton and Joe Biden. We all need to demand free-speech and free inquiry at our universities and in our living rooms.

    Free speech and free inquiry are like sunlight to the ((vampire/cockroach)).

    God bless Ron Unz for doing (more than) his part.

    And God save Gaza

  68. Geowhizz says:

    Allegedly, Netanyahu to the jailed Jonathan Pollard in 2002: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.â€

    •ï¿½Replies: @MarkU
  69. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    When the senior senator from New York called for Israeli elections Satanyahoo should have realized the shit has hit the fan.

    The very last thing that world Zionists want is to lose their golden goose the U.S.A.

    Israel has the politicians of this country very deep in their pockets ( under the lint ) but the United States public is not all made up of Israeli crack whores.

    It is not Russia interfering with U.S. elections it is Israel.

    Everything is Israel; they are the owners and the masters and the U.S. public is being made aware of that terrible fact.


    •ï¿½Replies: @MarkU
  70. Notsofast says:

    it might have been a typo, perhaps he meant, destroy colleges and universities as sanctuaries of uncircumcised….

    •ï¿½Replies: @Rurik
  71. Yes! We must NOW rise from the ashes!!!! It is a wonder that anyone is still gullible enough to listen to the mainscream media. If anyone feels the need to have their mind bashed in by someone named Bash….well….it’s your suicide!!! They really are just sales domains for Big Pharmacopaea such as Psychiatric drugs -that have more ad time for side effects than empty promises- and the WAR MACHINE.

    And the idea that the Universities were EVER bastions of free speech and thought is questionable. Follow the personal histories of some of the main purpetrators of the Nazi Holocaust who evaded justice, and find that many of them came over here to set up new professions, as those who would be determining the curriculums of the Institutes of “Higher Learning”. And what are the “esteemed” alumni doing now with the ultra valuable learning they supposedly got? When these institutions teach how to steamroll over people, squeeze blood from stones, get something without giving, get rich on the backs of poor, ruin the planet with irresponsible “science” that thinks nothing of the future or the inhabitants of it, well…..who needs it? The brave and honorable students (and honorable and WORTHY teachers) are finding out, perhaps a bit late, they are better off without it!! They will find a way to survive well while keeping their honesty and integrity. And those Intitutions of higher Psychotic Dogmatic Indoctrination can sanction themselves and commit their own suicides. THE MAJORITY OF HUMANS NEED AND WANT BETTER!!!! We need
    truly public education by the people and for the people.

  72. Anon[315] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Rurik, re 65, Sandusky’s anal rough-housing was a special case. As you are probably aware, pet Bush family charity Arrow Family Ministries absorbed the assets and tender young assholes of Sandusky’s pedo foundation.

    This was another branch of CIA’s perennial line of business, pedo kompromat and blackmail. There’s a high-level, one-hop contact chain from Franklin to Second Mile. The specific nests and kiddy-pimps get shoveled out every decade or so to obscure the common ties to CIA, with lots of unfortunate accidents like Epstein and Nassar and 6 million Hollywood cartoonists.

  73. Of all the Jewish tricks, perhaps none have fooled more goyim than the false dialectic. You see, the Jew has a deep instinctual compulsion to manage opposing ideologies within society. This is evident when observing clowns like Norman Finkelstein and Gabor Mate take up the cause of anti-Zionism, while at the same time utterly failing to expose Jewish diaspora political power at the root of Zionism. The truth is, the vast majority of Jews are foaming at the mouth insane ethnic chauvinists that totally approve of the genocide in Gaza, and from this perspective, Netanyahu is a moderate.

    Now that we know the Jews love dialectics, maybe it’s time to rethink this whole communism versus capitalism thing. Is it now not obvious these two paradigms are two sides of the same Jewish coin? Are Jews not collectivists? Tussle one hair on one precious Jew’s head, and they all cry out in pain as if each was sucker punched in his own solar plexus. Does the torah not command the Jews to rule the world through the practice of usury? There it is, usury and collectivism, capitalism and communism. In one word: Judaism.

  74. MarkU says:
    @cousin lucky

    Blaming everything on an external entity (Israel) doesn’t make sense. Israel is a symptom, the actual disease is the vast financial clout of the Banksters that run the West (the US and the UK in particular) The enemy is within.

    Ask yourself, how could a country of 330+ million be controlled by a nation (?) of less than 10 million on another continent? Only with the connivance of the US deep state could Israel have such an extreme amount of influence.

    •ï¿½Replies: @NotAnonymousHere
  75. shankar says:
    @24th Alabama

    1-Duke University letting Seinfeld Speak.
    2-The Long, Tortured Road to Biden’s Clash With Netanyahu Over

    Gaza War
    5 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/09/us/hillary-clinton-morning-joe-israel-history.html?searchResultPosition=1
    NY Times is not allowing the comments to be posted ( except may be for Brett -the aggressive supporter of butchers of Gaza and West Bank and himself a …) .
    The showcasing of these morally bankrupt people dont leave an iota of hope in the tableue of the grim moral situation describing both NYT and America.
    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  76. MarkU says:

    The process of desiccation is well underway. Netanyahu is desperately trying to squeeze the last drops of blood from the US (and the west in general) in order to finish the Zionist project before the ‘blowing away’ phase begins in earnest.

  77. MarkU says:
    @Lemmy Tellyuh

    It is also dubious to claim that Marx was Jewish because Marx’s family was originally non-religious Jewish but had converted formally to Christianity before his birth. Marx himself was an atheist.

    •ï¿½Replies: @eah
    , @Gvaltar
  78. @Commentator Mike

    Commentator Mike, they have been killing their own hostages, even ones waving white Flags. Ones the Resistance released were early on stating that they had been civilly, even somewhat kindly treated, but then the Israeli Government locked them up in Psychiatric Institutions for that. So it was out of the frying pan and into the fire. The types of individuals engineering and condoning this Genocide against the Palestinians, and pushing for a wider war don’t have any loyalty, not even for their own. Most people don’t even know that it was infiltrators into the Jewish religion that were responsible for the Nazi Holocaust in large part, not to say Hitler was not responsible, but there were “Jews” killing Jews too. Killers come in all shapes, sizes and types. One thing for sure is, they should NEVER be allowed to be in charge.

  79. Rurik says:

    either way, this poor deluded fellow seems to believe our universities were free-thinking bastions of unfettered inquiry, up until the Gaza protests. Which are being cracked-down on and condemned by “conservatives”, only he doesn’t put quotes on the word, which means he thinks (the ultimate enemies of conservatism); Mitt and Hagee- are conservatives.

    As you know, there is a concerted campaign to paint the Gaza protests as being little more than BLM and Antifa riots, which they aren’t. If they were, I’d be the first person to mock them. (George Floyd was not murdered by a racist cop, and ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’, is a lie).

    The Gaza protests are based on the truth, that Israel is a racial supremacist (on acid), murderous, genocidal state. And has been since it’s depraved and iniquitous inception. Duh, I know.

    And so all people of good faith and decency, should be supporting these protests, and condemning the draconian crack-downs by ZOG’s whores. But then right on cue, we have these whores of Zion trying to paint the protests as Antifa goons, or BLM losers, in a transparent attempt to de-legitimize them in the minds of actual conservatives, who rightly have no patience for BLM or your typical university shitlib- who calls all Deplorables = Nazis and white supremacists.

    There is a divide in the nation, (and beyond) on the respective sympathy we should have for people like Kyle Rittenhouse, vs. his victims.

    Many people honor Kyle’s victims as the best America has to offer. And alternatively, many on the right honor Kyle, as the best America has to offer.

    OK, I agree with the latter, but I also recognize the numbers and significance of the former.

    If those people of the former, (university college girls of both sexes, liberals and so on..) are now protesting the horrors of Gaza, and by extension the indefensible advent of Israel itself, then this can only be a wonderful development, and one all honest and decent people on both sides of the ideological divide, should all embrace.

    We now all can condemn the governments of Germany and America, as fascist regimes forcing their respective citizens to be party to crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing and the mass-slaughter of even children.

    What is there not to agree on?

  80. Anon[361] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Another ABU GHARIB in occupied Palestine. Those who designed and implemented Abu Gharib, now they are doing it in Gaza.

    DEATH to Jewish Mafia Tribe. Death to Genocidal Joe and Netanyahu.
    Long live Palestinians.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Thanks: Anonymous 1
  81. @One Nobody

    The USA imports about 8 million barrels of oil a day for domestic use. The only way they can claim we export oil is by claiming all of the oil sent to the USA to be refined and then sold on the world market is US exports. Its not. nothing they empire claims is true and your claim is no exception.

  82. @tosca

    Tosca, now there IS a thought there. It is possible there was at least PARTLY a psyop there, not unlike January 6th. But like Jan 6th, there were some operatives, and a very small few crazies, as well as a broad majority of innocents (now being imprisoned with no rights or just cause) who thought it was okay to walk into their own Capitol building after being waved in by some of the police. I did see video coverage of that. It’s too bad it is the well intended innocents that often pay the harshest, most injust penalties. I’m not sure I would call that “smart” though, more like insanely idiotic and manipulative. Criminals don’t want anyone else to have rights but themselves. Actually, honest people have rights too. They need to be honored and upheld. Laws SHOULD reflect the fact.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Zumbuddi
  83. annamaria says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Have Muslims whined about their “incomparable victimhood” and fraudulent 6 mil. to extract shoah-biz reparations? — No. Jews have.

    Have Muslims demanded from westerners to recognize their ‘superior’ talmudic morality? – No. Jews have.

    Did Muslims collaborate with Ukrainian and Italian fascists Donstov and Mussolini, and did Muslims run the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinians while whining at each corner about their incomparable victimhood and superior morality? – No. Jews did.

    Did Muslims open the Gates of Toledo? — No. Jews did. Tell us, brainwashed jewish girl whether your yeshiva ever informed you about this and other treasonous actions of jews.

    Jews of Toledo opened the gates of the city to the Muslim conquerors when they came in 711. The jews were eager to welcome the Muslim armies.

    Did Muslims commit the genocide of Russians, Kazakhs, and Ukrainians after getting power thanks to the jewish bankers-financed jewish Bolshevik revolution? – No. Jews did.

    Have Muslims corrupted US educational system with the holocaustianity lies? — No. Jews did. Your Otto Frank (dad of Anne Frank and author of infamous “diaries”) and your Elie Wiesel were Fraudsters and big-time profiteers.

    Did Muslims produce the traitor Pollard and the whole bouquet of dual-loyalty scum in US congress and FedReserve, whose activities have been destroying the US and bringing death and destruction to the Middle East and Ukraine? — No. Jews did.

    Have Muslim produced the late genocidal witch Albright, a daughter of a thief Josef Korbel? — No.

    Have Muslims infested US with AIPAC and ADL thugs? — The ADL was created in memory of a jewish rapist and murdered Leo Frank. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-leo-frank-case-and-the-origins-of-the-adl/

    Are you aware that jews love, love their rapists and murderers Jabotinsky, Shamir, Begin, and the whole Lehi/Irgun gang of self-proclaimed terrorists?
    Why all these jewish thugs were physically dwarfs and mongrels from the Polish / Ukrainian shtetls known for the idiocy and judaic fanaticism of their dwellers? The educated West European jewry detested the shtetls’ dregs. The progeny of these dregs constitute the majority of ziocons in US. See the fatsos Kagans (including the ghastly Nuland-Kagan).

    Have Muslims infested US mass media with pro-zionist whores? — No. The presstituting mass media is owned by zionist jews.

    The fraudulent holobiz museums and the admiration for Ukrainian neo-Nazis is a jewish thing. The Lobby has loudly proclaimed that Ukrainian Neo-Nazis (Banderites) are “freedom fighters against Russia.” https://forward.com/news/462660/nazi-collaborator-monuments-in-belgium/

    Jews were not able to create jewish civilization due to their hatred of “others” and inability to be psychologically healthy humans. Both sociopathy and psychopathy have been nurtured by talmudic-judaic education throughout centuries. See the major jewish organizations’ & all jewish colleges’ support for the ongoing Genocide of Palestinian children and women.

    Your tribe has been ostracizing all decent and talented Jewish individuals with the potential to create a lasting civilization because decency is antithetic to judaism. See your organizations Hadassah & AIPAC, and your Milejkowsky (bibi), Wexner, Epstein, Karp, Schumer, R. Weiner, et al.

    •ï¿½Agree: A B Coreopsis, Anonymous 1
    •ï¿½Replies: @Gvaltar
  84. @shankar

    Absolutely correct. The U.S. has shed all pretence of moral standing
    by backing the Zionist butchers in Gaza. We have abandoned God,
    and He will abandon us.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, Thrallman
  85. anonymous[223] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @muh muh

    The corner stone of Western Liberal Capitalist political/economic/cultural/scientific global hegemony as part of our historical development, intrinsic to Human Nature is FREEDOM OF SPEECH..ideas

  86. annamaria says:

    The fascist jewish state of Israel is the greatest danger to humanity, according to the online-conducted poll:

    “Mass murder and mass surrender”

    Video Link

    Jewish fascists keep 600,000 Palestinian children as hostages.

    Holocaustinaity crumbles into dust.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  87. eah says:

    Jews are an ethnic group, Judaism is a religion — secular Jews are the largest fraction of Jews living in Israel, and one third of all Jews in Israel never visit a synagogue — yet non-religious Jews in Israel still strongly identify as Jewish.

    So yes, Marx was a Jew, even if he didn’t practice Judaism.

    •ï¿½Replies: @annamaria
    , @24th Alabama
  88. Gvaltar says:

    liberal authoritarians

    That makes no sense.

  89. @Katrinka

    Mayorkas who is actively promoting open U.S. borders was a member of the board of HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society).

    •ï¿½Replies: @Beyond the pale and fedup
  90. DanFromCT says:

    Don’t be so down on Rep. Mills. I may be mistaken, but did he in all fairness also just introduce a bill in the House to condemn the Jews in their role as virtually the entire Bolshevik leadership responsible for the worst atrocities and mass murders in all of human history?

    As I say, I’m not sure—I may have been dreaming—, but didn’t Mills say something like, ‘You know, my fellow members of this august body, the Jews have held the Germans collectively responsible for the sins of the few since WW II, and today they obviously hold the Palestinian children they’re massacring by the thousands collectively responsible for the supposed crimes of Hamas, and so, ladies and gentlemen, on what possible argument should the Jews on their own logic not be held collectively responsible for the sins of the Bolsheviks’ and pay perpetual reparations to theirvictims?’

    •ï¿½Agree: Bruce In Texas
  91. Create in your mind a music video of the people of Gaza to this song

    Video Link

  92. NotAnonymousHere [AKA "Anogomous"] says:

    Anyone who says “bankster” is automatically disqualified. Go Occupy Something. Maybe you’ll trick a dim-witted college girl. My favorite dim-witted college Jewess currently is the one who claimed that she’s hungry because the university won’t provide her with food…while she’s on a hunger strike.

    The true history of Israel isn’t hidden. Most people don’t read. Now Trump is on the “ironclad” bandwagon and might actually do something about it. Fox News hosts continue to talk about rapes and ovens despite the (lack of) facts. There’s a good bit in I think Deuteronomy about when soldiers are and are not allowed to rape. If it’s good enough for the Old Testament it’s good enough for me.

    One question though: Did they bring the ovens with them? Were the ovens battery powered? Is this the first ever instance of cooking babies on the battlefield? Lucy, where did all these ovens come from? Lucy?!!!

    Tovala? Did they have Q thingies?

    •ï¿½Replies: @MarkU
  93. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Hamas ‘reorganizes’ in Gaza’s north, battles invading army in Rafah


    Intense battles reignited in Gaza City’s Al-Zaytoun neighborhood on 11 May between the Palestinian resistance and Israeli troops, months after Tel Aviv claimed Hamas had been defeated in the north of the enclave.

    The Israeli army has also deployed to the city of Jabalia north of Gaza City, where it claims fighters from Hamas’ armed wing have “reorganized.â€

    A field commander from the Palestinian resistance told Al-Mayadeen that, in Al-Zaytoun, the invading tanks were forced to withdraw from the vicinity of the neighborhood’s clinic.

    “The resistance targeted in the past two days the forces that were positioned in the area with mortar shells and anti-tank rockets … Artillery and aerial bombardment is still ongoing on several axes in Al-Zaytoun,†the Palestinian commander said.

    The Israeli army on Saturday confirmed to Hebrew media that troops initially prepared to operate in Rafah are preparing to enter Jabalia.

  94. annamaria says:

    “Jews are an ethnic group.”

    — Keep repeating this nonsense if it makes you feel better.

    “Ashkenazi Jews, as well as the Yiddish language, came from four villages in Turkey:” https://nationalpost.com/news/world/ashkenazi-jews-as-well-as-the-yiddish-language-came-from-four-villages-in-northeastern-turkey-study

    In an effort to discover the origin of the Yiddish language, researchers say that they have found evidence that proves that Ashkenazi Jews are descended predominately from four villages in northeastern Turkey.

    The study, titled “Localizing Ashkenazic Jews to primeval villages in the ancient Iranian lands of Ashkenaz†was conducted by researchers from three universities in the U.K., U.S., and Israel. It was published in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution.

    Using a Geographic Population Structure device researchers converted the DNA of Ashkenazi Jews into geographic coordinates. … [There is] evidence that Yiddish is a Slavic language that was created by Irano-Turko-Slavic Jewish merchants, and is not of German origin as is commonly thought. .. it was devised as a “cryptic trade language,†and was used to gain its creators an advantage in trades along the Silk Roads. …

    Today, half the world’s 10 million – 11.2 million Ashkenazi Jews live in the United States, with another 2.8 million residing in Israel. They make up approximately 75 per cent of Jews, while Sephardi Jews comprising the remaining 25 per cent


    Sephardic Jews are a Jewish diaspora population associated with the Iberian Peninsula. … The name Sephardi means “Spanish.”

    Here are some facts that expose the ever ungrateful nature of jews

    The Jewish communities of the Iberian Peninsula prospered for centuries under the Muslim reign of Al-Andalus following the Umayyad conquest of Hispania.
    … The Alhambra Decree (also known as the Edict of Expulsion) was an edict issued on 31 March 1492, ordering the expulsion of practicing Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its territories and possessions. Many Spanish Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire where they had been given refuge. Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire, learning about the expulsion of Jews from Spain, dispatched the Ottoman Navy to bring the Jews safely to Ottoman lands, mainly to the cities of Salonika (currently Thessaloniki, now in Greece) and Smyrna (Ä°zmir, currently in Turkey).

    And see how jews have repaid the Muslims for their generosity and hospitality.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Sarita
  95. annamaria says:

    The nest of jewish war criminals and opportunistic shabbos scum infesting America:


    The ziocon Genociders are joyful:

    Israeli forces continued a “precise operation” targeting Hamas in eastern Rafah on May 12. The IDF Givati Brigade located and destroyed several tunnel shafts and rockets that Palestinian fighters had prepared to fire into Israel. The IDF 401st Brigade identified ten armed Hamas fighters and directed an airstrike targeting them. Israeli soldiers posted photos of the IDF inside the Rafah crossing.

    The fascist jewish state in action, genociding the Palestinian children and women:

    Video Link
    The whole edifice of the fraudulent extraction schema of shoah-business is crumbling to dust.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  96. Zumbuddi says:
    @Voltaria Voltaire

    Tom Luongo proposed a theory that the protests were a kind of double-false flage (my term, not Luongo’s):

    Starting from the reality of Civil Rights Act (CRA), Luongo theorizes that CRA is out of control. Not even the billionaires want to continue funding it.

    So they seeded a few protesters (from the rolls of Color-Revolutions-R-Us), a lot more could be counted on to join the bandwagon, then some thugs were inserted a lá Charlottesville. When riots inevitably broke out, police were called upon; university presidents faced a choice: either way, CRA funds would be restricted. And that was the goal.

    Tikvah Jews https://www.unz.com/article/university-an-attack-on-intelligence/#comment-6563294 are far too superior and precious to attend the same universities as CRA or DEI admits, so either those universities have got to be made to revert to a populace where Jews can rub elbows with elite WASPs or others of suitable bankrolls and employment prospects, or new institutions have to be created, by Jews, for Jews and those that Jews deem acceptable.

    •ï¿½Agree: Bruce In Texas
    •ï¿½Replies: @annamaria
  97. Sarita says:

    I thought Yiddish originated in Germany.
    Ashkenazim are originally from Germany and Poland, hence the saying “go back to Poland you thieve”.

    •ï¿½Replies: @NotAnonymousHere
  98. DanFromCT says:

    The author contemplates America’s immanent fall. If we go back to the covid lockdowns and body slamming cops, it’s the pension-scamming, time-serving goons of City Hall wearing police costumes that are enforcing the ruin of our country—with the double insult of sporting American flag patches on their uniforms.

    These are the slob-cowards who allowed green- and purple-haired dykes to spit filth in their faces or black rioters (paid for by the federal government) to burn their cities down. Now we see these goons putting a knee in the back of older women they’ve body slammed on the ground during college protests. This is all self evident at this point. What happens when the mother of all woke and evil bureaucracies, the military, turns on American citizens the way these disgusting slobs in police uniforms are doing?

    •ï¿½Thanks: 24th Alabama
  99. annamaria says:

    jewish fascists on the murder spree:


    Israeli doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being ‘a paradise for interns’; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.â€

    The testimony provided to CNN is consistent with details that a doctor at the camp’s field hospital included in a recent letter to top Israeli officials. The doctor described unlawful and inhumane conditions; in a single week, the person said, “two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event.â€

    “A 19-year-old detainee told an Al Mezan lawyer that he was tortured from the moment he was arrested. He described how three of his fingernails were removed with pliers during interrogation. He also stated that investigators unleashed a dog on him and subjected him to shabeh — a form of torture which involves detainees being handcuffed and bound in stress positions for long periods — three times over three days of interrogation. He was then placed in a cell for 70 days, where he experienced starvation and extreme fatigue.â€

    Mohammed Al-Ran, a Palestinian doctor who was arrested by Israeli forces in December, told CNN that he was “stripped down to his underwear, blindfolded and his wrists tied, then dumped in the back of a truck where … the near-naked detainees were piled on top of one another as they were shuttled to a detention camp in the middle of the desert.â€

    It becomes clearer with each day that the sadism and genocidal actions of jewish Bolsheviks against Russian, Kazakhs, and Ukrainians was a “feature, not a bag;” that jews enjoy torturing and murdering the innocents, whatever the age and ethnicity of the victims. This “feature” reflects on the talmudic/judaic education that systematically dehumanizes all “others” and indoctrinates jewish children in supremacism and genocidal proclivities.

    Jews will not be able to adjust to western civilization unless talmud/tora/judaic education are banned and all pro-Israel jewish organizations and synagogues are closed and outlawed. Westerners have been too patient towards the jews’ subversive activities. Up to date, all major jewish organizations and all jewish colleges support the ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian women and children. Zionist thugs attack peaceful students’ protests against the Genocide, and the corrupt US congress reinforces the zionist domination over US policies, both internal and foreign.

    The root of jewish evilness is jewish education that indoctrinates jewish children in sociopathy and reinforces psychopathic tendencies and the psychotic fear/hatred that are both characteristic for jewry worldwide.

    There are over 8,000 Palestinians inside Israeli prisons – including women, children and journalists. Almost 3,000 of them are being held without any charge.

    Video Link
    Time to demolish all holobiz museums because they founded on jewish lies and slander.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Zumbuddi
  100. Will someone explain why we hear daily about all this antisemitism but cannot see anything of it more than the odd, unalarming case—the everyday here-and-there variety? Someone, anyone?

    You should be ashamed of yourself for the statement above, Mr. Lawrence. You yourself might have just committed the crime of antisemitism just by suggesting that there is such a concept as “an unalarming case” of antisemitism. There is no such thing. You offend the Jews and the millions of Holocaust survivors with your vile, antisemitic statement. Because of your offensive remarks, you will now be earmarked as a no-fly person and soon as a non-person, tout court.

    You, of all people, Mr. Lawrence, should know full well that ANY case of antisemitism, however slight, however seemingly insignificant, might very well lead to another Holocaust of The Six Million. This must be prevented at all costs since it would not be just another everyday variety of genocide, like in Gaza, but would entail the annihilation of the Chosen People of God. This is unthinkable. It is because of people like you, Mr. Lawrence, who still don’t understand the error of your ways, that a new bill will have be proposed in congress, which will make the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) seem like a slap on the wrist: this new law will be called the Zero Antisemitism Tolerance Act (ZATA).

    I hope you understand what this means, Mr. Lawrence: it means that when ZATA becomes the law of the land, those who are even minimally suspected of antisemitism will be identified, persecuted and destroyed. A massive lawfare campaign against these Unrighteous among the Nations will start off this offensive. But then much more drastic measures must ensue: college protesters, for example, will be stripped of their dorm rooms, their cars and their boomboxes. ZATA will be rammed down their throats. You have no idea what awaits antisemites like yourself, Mr. Lawrence.

    Indeed, AAA and ZATA are just the beginning of what may be called the New Antisemitism Law of the Land (NALL): all legislations will be remade in which the antisemitism ZATA law will be inserted as the preamble. And all these new laws will be brief, plain, stable, leaving room for no kind of interpretations, so that even confused individuals such as yourself will have no doubt about the real meaning of Antisemitism.

    The main feature of these new antisemitism laws, Mr. Lawrence, will be complete and utter Submission to Orders, and this principle will be carried to a grandiose height. Every antisemitic abuse will then disappear in consequence of the responsibility of every American, from the lowest and most humble to the highest authority of the representative of power. Any and all cases of antisemitism will be so mercilessly punished that no one will ever again consider any of them “unalarming”, as you so callously stated above.

    I hope I have answered your question above to your satisfaction, Mr. Lawrence. And I also hope, for your safety, that you will be more careful with your words in the future. You have been warned.

    Last part of the above comment adapted from The Protocols (nr. 15):

    When comes the time of our overt rule, the time to manifest its blessings, we shall remake all legislations, all our laws will be brief, plain, stable, without any kind of interpretations, so that anyone will be in a position to know them perfectly. The main feature which will run tight through them is submission to orders, and this principle will be carried to a grandiose height. Every abuse will then disappear in consequence of the responsibility of all down to the lowest unit before the higher authority of the representative of power. Abuses of power subordinate to this last instance will be so mercilessly punished that none will be found anxious to try experiments with their own powers. We shall follow up jealously every action of the administration on which depends the smooth running of the machinery of the State, for slackness in this produces slackness everywhere; not a single case of illegality or abuse of power will be left without exemplary punishment.

    •ï¿½Agree: A B Coreopsis
  101. Geowhizz says:

    “talmud/tora/judaic education.†I’ve witnessed jewish children transformed by bar/bat mitzvah indoctrination. Disappointing.

  102. @Wokechoke

    As a Jew , you should know that prior to the nineteenth century, all serious thinkers and philosophers identified the virus that is the Jew.

    Doubtless there is a sub-committee at AIPAC combing through western documents to create a list of writers and works to be legally sanctioned and removed from government funded (“public†libraries, including universities’). Just do a search on “antisemitic philosophers†for a start. So the “Forbidden Books†compilation will be generated from Jerusalem instead of the Vatican. Plus ça change, plus ça reste le même.

    Just as Arab scholars preserved Aristotle, doubtless the Chinese will step in to protect Spinoza and Wagner. As for the greatest democracy the world has ever seen, the faster it shrivels, the better for mankind.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
  103. Eric135 says:

    “It’s basically Jews complaining about what Jews have created.”

    Anti-Marxist Jews (Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Dave Rubin, Dennis Prager, etc.) have been in the minority. Their function in the “conservative movement” is to prevent traditionalist Americans from seeing Jews as the subverters that they are and always have been.

    They’ve polished their conservative credentials by deploring the Left’s censorship of free speech and open debate. But now they show their true colors in the case of Israel. Suddenly free speech is not to be allowed if it includes criticism of Jews and Israel.

    •ï¿½Agree: HT
    •ï¿½Replies: @Monika and Alfred Schaefer
  104. @bike-anarkist

    When was in college, a Canadian (since become a Rhodes Scholar) told us about how he “did†Pierre.

  105. @William Everett

    Guess you haven’t read the delirious celebration in this past week’s Jerusalem Post, ecstatic that Trump will be elected America’s “first Jewish president.†Biden is a vomitous puppet of the Jews, but Trump is even more so, and RFKJr is a non starter.

    •ï¿½Replies: @1jonny
  106. Gvaltar says:

    the west’s hoi polloi are just now realizing killing brown people for land

    Haven’t the West helped brown people prosper/propagate?

  107. Gvaltar says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    Still can’t get over one of the first places destroyed in Gaza was the second oldest church. Hamas isn’t Christian, so why?

    Hamas used it as a holy shield?

  108. Gvaltar says:

    Have Muslims whined about their “incomparable victimhoodâ€

    Have you heard of Islamophobia?

    Have Muslims demanded from westerners to recognize their ‘superior’ talmudic morality?

    Have you heard of Islamization? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spread_of_Islam#Terminology

  109. Thrallman says:


    has been blocked by workplace for several years. It’s in the category “Hate/Discrimination”
  110. Gvaltar says:
    •ï¿½Replies: @MarkU
  111. Abbybwood says:

    Or Jill Stein? An anti-Zionist Jew.

  112. @eah

    Marx was a Jew? Well, yes and no. Define “Jew,” then as sophist Bill Clinton
    would say,define” yes and no” and define, “define.”

    By ancestry, and presumably genetics Marx was a Jew, and since both his
    parents had been Jews before they converted, Marx probably absorbed some
    aspects of Jewish culture from them. Marx was baptized as a Lutheran and
    received a typical German Protestant education of this period, but became an
    atheist in late adolescence. It is notable that his parents were secular Jews
    and later secular Christians.

    Hegel was the most influential philosopher in Europe at the time, but his
    ambiguous ideas were given a traditional interpretation by some and a radical
    exposition by others, including Marx and Engels.

    Some of what Marx wrote would be interpreted as anti-Semitic today, such
    as “money is the jealous god of Israel in face of which no other god may exist,”
    and “what is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering.” But, the context of
    these statements was an argument for emancipation of the Jews since Marx
    believed that the unsavory Jewish business practices were a by-product of
    their lack of full citizenship. Now, that argument has been refuted by time.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
  113. Anon[320] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    They also for some reason supported abortion, and mass immigration from hostile incompatible countries. Too late to reverse it now before the collapse.

  114. Anon[320] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Who’s Cheeto? The constitution need sto be fixed but it isn’t all too bad.

  115. Wokechoke says:
    @A B Coreopsis

    I’m complimenting Voltaire here. He had his flaws but he hated Jews with a passion.

  116. Wokechoke says:
    @24th Alabama

    We don’t have much time left to fix this now.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  117. 1jonny says:
    @A B Coreopsis

    Guess you haven’t read the delirious celebration in this past week’s Jerusalem Post, ecstatic that Trump will be elected America’s “first Jewish president.†Biden is a vomitous puppet of the Jews, but Trump is even more so, and RFKJr is a non starter.

    @#$%^! I’m going to have to go with a third party “throw away” vote again. *&^%$!!

  118. @Mark in BC

    I’m ashamed that someone as stupid as you is from BC. But you’re not just stupid are you, you’re a Hasbara troll.

    Either that, or you have been brainwashed by Fox News types into the false dialectic of the protestors being ‘Islamo-Marxists’ and of the same ilk as BLM.

    THAT is exactly what the Jews want you to think.

    Their whole goal is to discredit the movement in the eyes of Americans of all kinds, especially conservatives and white men.

    So the Jew media and Jew government play the bad Muslim terrorist card, when in fact, all the so called bad Muslims are Crypto-Jewish or made up invisible boogeymen the Jews can call patsies for their Jewish-orchestrated false flags…

    i.e. 9/11, 7/7, 3/11, etc… ALL Jewish deep state run false flags.

    Anti-Semitic MEANS NOTHING.
    LESS THAN NOTHING ACTUALLY, since 90% of Jews aren’t even of Semitic lineage, whereas ALL Palestinians are Semitic People.



    Everyone who wants to know what is happening and why needs to first understand how the Jews use lawfare and floating definitions (or strategic NON Definitions) to wield power and control over the Goyim.


    •ï¿½Replies: @HdC
  119. annamaria says:

    Well, American patriots have been warning about the US Wars for Eretz Israel (see Oded Yinon Plan), which have destroyed the functioning societies and made millions of people into refugees. Moreover, you have your beloved jewess Barabra Specter who have been demanding the mongrelization of Europe but defending the apartheid and racist policies of the jewish state.

    And just to remind you about “special jewish virtue” of leaning toward fascism: Remember Jabotinsky, Shamir, Begin, and other jewish thugs collaborating with Ukrainians and Italian fascists.

    Jews have no morals. They have been shameless profiteers on WWII tragedy (which began as Judea War on Germany) and vicious and sadistic mass murderers — as the Russians tragedy of jewish Bolshevik revolution and the ongoing tragedy of genocide in Palestine illustrate so well.

    The jewish fascist state of Israel was founded on terror and has been run by self-proclaimed terrorists.


    1. Haifa Massacre 1937
    2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937
    3. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939
    4. Haifa Massacre 1939
    5. Haifa Massacre 1947
    6. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
    7. Al-Khisas Massacre1947
    8. Bab al-Amud Massacre
    9. Jerusalem Massacre 1947
    10. Sheikh Burek Massacre1947
    11. Jaffa Massacre 1948
    12. Deir Yassin Massacre
    13. Tantura Massacre 1948
    14. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
    15. Jerusalem Massacre 1967
    16. Bahro Al Baquar 1972
    17. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
    18. Al Aqsa Mosque Massacre 1990
    19. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
    20. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002
    21. Gaza Massacre 2008-09
    22. Gaza Massacre 2012
    23. Gaza Massacre 2014
    24. Gaza Massacre- 2018-19
    25. Gaza Massacre2021
    26. Gaza Massacre 2023 is still ongoing…
    •ï¿½Agree: Pat Kittle
  120. MarkU says:

    Anyone who says “bankster†is automatically disqualified

    And followed up with a bunch of strawman garbage addressing points that I never made and things that I would never even dream of saying.

    “If it’s good enough for the Old Testament it’s good enough for me.”

    Why didn’t you just tell us that you were a retard in the first place? It would have saved a lot of typing.

    You seem to be on the anti-Zionist side of the argument (which is good) but clearly you have trouble identifying friend from foe and you seem to have no clue who runs the US or Europe. I will give you a hint….follow the money, and we know ((who)) controls the money supply (except you, evidently)

    •ï¿½Agree: Beyond the pale and fedup
  121. MarkU says:

    Adolf Hitler was Jewish using those standards.

    As far as I know Karl Marx didn’t have a drop of middle eastern blood in his entire body, his parents weren’t Jewish by religion and he himself was an atheist, it is definitely a stretch to call him Jewish.

  122. @Gvaltar

    There is not one Muslim whining about Islamophobia – that’s all done by Hegelian Dialectic Jews and the people they brainwash.

    But anti Muslim sentiment in the West does need to be countered, because it’s based on lies and fraudulent boogeymen. I.e. It was Mossad Jews, Shabbos Goy Masonic slime, and Sayanim that orchestrated the 9/11 false flag, not Muslims.

    You, in your infinite intellectual loserdom, think you can cite Wikipedia as a legitimate source to people here on UNZ. Lolololol

    Get back to your desk in your Smell Aviv Hasbara troll center.

    Islam has no in-built supremacy complex like the Jews do.

    Jewish Supremacist apologists think they can just project onto Islam, Christianity or Buddhism their Talmudic ideology of Supremacism. But that’s all just another Jewish bait and switch tactic, because Supremacism and Chosenness only appears to the deep rooted extent it does, IN JUDAISM.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  123. HdC says:
    @Monika and Alfred Schaefer

    Ms Monika, are you the lady that was imprisoned in Germany for apologizing to her mother regarding the holy six million? If so, how were you treated? Thanks.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Monika and Alfred Schaefer
  124. @Monika and Alfred Schaefer



    Islam: The Arab National Movement


    Islam has caused more damage to the national dignity and honour of non-Arab Moslems than any other calamity that may have affected them, yet they believe that this faith is the ambassador of:

    1. Equality, and
    2. Human love.

    1a. This is a fiction which has been presented as a fact with an unparalleled skill.

    In fact, the Prophet Muhammad divided humanity into two sections – the Arabs and the non-Arabs. According to this categorisation, the Arabs are the rulers and the non- Arabs are to be ruled through the yoke of the Arab Cultural Imperialism: Islam is the means to realise this dream because its fundamentals raise superiority of Arabia sky-high, inflicting a corresponding inferiority on the national dignity of its non-Arab followers.

    From the Arabian point of view, this scheme looks marvellous, magnificent and mystifying but it is debilitating, derisory and destructive to the non-Arab Moslems. Yet under its psychological impact they rejoice in self-debasement, hoping to be rewarded by the Prophet with the luxuries of paradise.

    Jihad = Arabo-Muslim Invasion-Occupation of the Civilized World

    Islam is the Arab National Movement
    Islam is the Arab Imperialism

    2b. The Islamic love of mankind is a myth of even greater proportions.

    Hatred of non-Moslems is the pivot of the Islamic existence.

    It not only declares all dissidents as the denizens of hell but also seeks to ignite a permanent fire of tension between the Moslems and non-Moslems; it is far more lethal than Karl Marx’s idea of social conflict which he batched to keep his theory alive.

    In view of its deep-rooted tendency of Arab- glorification, Islam does not qualify as a religion but the Arab National Movement.

    Its success lies in total brainwashing of its non-Arab believers who begin to deplore their own national roots to adore the Arab sanctity, superiority and supremacy. Its spring is the mythical Intercessory Power of the Prophet Muhammad.

    This psychological paralysis caused the decline of great Asian nations such as India, Egypt and Iran, which once constituted as the great gushers of civilisation but now rank as members of the “Third World” for losing their national identity and zest under the influence of Islam.

    The issue this book discusses is a serious one though mischief-mongers may try to make a religious and political capital out of it. If they are really honest, they must not forget the Koranic principle of debating:

    “Bring your argument, if you are one of the truthful.” (The Cow: 111)

    Finally, I may add that this essay is a part of my unpublished work: “Culture, The Destiny.” It is being printed as a separate book owing to its religious and international significance. The reader may find it repetitive in style but it is deliberate to remind the reader of its salient point.

    Anwar Shaikh

  125. @Wokechoke

    True, it’s fix or be fixed time.

  126. @Charles Martel France

    Fighting again the battles of the past will
    leave us all without a future.

  127. Wokechoke says:

    America is several ways worse though. An entirely Jewish run executive and legislature with the judiciary lousy with Jews. It’s monstrous.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Beyond the pale and fedup
  128. NotAnonymousHere [AKA "Anogomous"] says:

    #98 @Sarita: The poster you are addressing is an idiot. Someone with highschool level German can understand a lot of Yiddish. There is another idiot who will eventually and unavoidably tell you that “Yiddish” is an old Serbian term for the Serbian language and Yiddish like everything else in the known universe comes from Serbia. There are two types of idiots: stupid idiots and mental disorder idiots. The problem with these two has not yet been determined to be stupidity. Smart money says put a side bet on “Both”!

    •ï¿½LOL: 24th Alabama
  129. @Supply and Demand

    I would have expected you to vote for the only President
    who is dumber than you. At last, you can feel superior
    to someone.

  130. @cousin lucky

    A government’s violent suppression of peaceful protest
    is an invitation for revolution.

  131. Anonymous[387] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Freedom of speech and tolerance were never more than “open the gate for MEEEE” whining from parties who have observably and reliably enacted their own preferred blasphemy laws, intolerance, and shunning and punishments once they are allowed in. They’re moronic pretenses of ideals for lazy ignorati to vapidly champion.

    Things can’t be free, only people can. Free markets for example just means slavery, whether you want to call it chattel or sweatshops or a rose. “Free” means lowest-common-denominator is your god.

    Freedom of speech means pornography, literally. Look up how pornography was legalized.

    Freedom of religion means the cult called, among other names, Gnosticism inducting naïve people into it as, for example, Freemasons and atheists, while pretending it doesn’t exist. Secrets for me and ignorance for you is the power of “knowledge”, so of course you’re not going to be told you’ve been programmed into the slave tier of the cult, you’re just going to be indoctrinated in its tenets via its slave-presented philosophical presuppositions disguised in terms of biology, mathematics, economics, psychology, and politics.

    Of course everything can have transformed out of nothing. Of course 1 is the same as 0.9… you can’t tell the difference, right? That’s all I need to know, that you literally cannot tell the difference between holy and unholy, and don’t understand the relation between that and the prior assertions. Welcome to my subordinating philosophy disguised as your education.

    Failure of blasphemy laws is a large part of why you think that “Jews” have anything to do with Christianity and the Bible, or Israel-the-person. Hint: The word “Jew” was not in any Bible whatsoever prior to the 19th century, and it is not an accurate translation of the terms that WERE, because it’s a modern slang-idiom from the most confused language on Earth to describe a people they did not actually know the origin of.

  132. Anonymous 387

    “Secrets for me and ignorance for you,” is an apt description
    for most hierarchies, such as bureaucracies and larger
    corporations. The fee for entry to the inner sanctum is
    absolute and unconditional loyalty, a price no ethical
    person will pay.

  133. Alfred says:

    The ICC has shown itself to be just another tool of the West – like CNN, the BBC, NYT, CIA, UN, IMF. Pfizer, WHO etc.

    •ï¿½Thanks: GMC
  134. @HdC

    I’m her good friend who uses her and her brother Alfred, as well as Germar Rudolf as strategic names on online forums. THE Arthur Topham also.

    wirsindmonikadotcom DOT wordpress DOT com/2019/05/28/sylvia-lionheart-stolz-azk-conference-speech-2012-transcript/

  135. @Charles Martel France

    Nice try KYKE.

    You’re an obvious Hasbara troll Sayan.

    •ï¿½Agree: Alfred
  136. @Wokechoke

    A corrupt and incompetent judiciary too.

    An ambush and firing bullets into somebody’s vehicle is assault here in MN. ditto doing the same and paralysing somebody with a bullet to the spine. two cases from 2022.

    The DAs and the judgtes are useless.

  137. @OrangeSmoke

    Which received $100M from Biden for importing new citizens. surely a conflict of interest there.,

  138. @Eric135

    This explains this more in depth…


    But of course, with the Christianity as the savior angle of Andrew Torba.

  139. Atle says:

    On the Unz Review intelligence is never in short supply, I’m happy to say.

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