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Why Israel's Attack on Iran Was a Bust

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We make threats, but what exactly are we going to do? We’re the guys who couldn’t stop the Houthis from shutting down the Red Sea. Okay? So, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as this undefeated heavyweight champion that no one can lay a glove on. We may have been that in our prime, but we’re past our prime. We’re overweight, we’re out of shape, we have really expensive systems that are really undermanned, and then, all of a sudden, we have to extend our logistics and communication lines to attack Iran? Good luck with that. Larry Johnson: Iran’s new Strategy to teach Israel a Harsh lesson, You Tube

Israel’s failed aerial assault on Iran on October 26 augurs a major shift in the regional balance of power. Iran’s technologically advanced air defense system coupled with its state-of-the-art, long-range hypersonic ballistic missile stockpile make it the most powerful state in the Middle East portending a peaceful era of cooperation and economic integration ahead. In contrast, Israel will be forced to accept its modest role in the emerging order by abandoning its expansionist ambitions and working collaboratively with its neighbors. (If that’s possible.) The prospects for regional peace have been greatly enhanced by the steady erosion of US global power due in large part to the looming financial crisis that will unavoidably curtail Washington’s relentless foreign interventions. With US and Israeli meddling in check, the China-led multipolar world order will quickly replace the threadbare “rules-based” system. Even so, the proximate cause of these remarkable events can be traced back to Israel’s misguided attack on Iran which proved beyond a doubt that Tehran’s multi-layered air defense system along with its prodigious cache of cutting-edge ballistic missiles made it the preeminent power in the region. Here’s a brief summary from former British intel officer Alastair Crooke of how Israel’s attack unfolded:

Judge Andrew Napolitano—Did Israel cause any meaningful damage to Iran in its attack on October 26?

Alastair Crooke—No, but something significant did happen, because the attack was supposed to lead off with the destruction of the air defense systems…. what they call SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) The aircraft was supposed to destroy the air defenses in Iraq, Syria and Iran so the second and third waves would come in with conventional weapons to destroy the targets that had been selected for them. But the second and third wave could only enter Iranian airspace if it was safe for them to do that. (if the air defenses had been properly suppressed) Now what happened (although we don’t know precisely) is that those second and third waves never happened. We got into the first wave and the Israelis said “That’s it, we’re finished. It’s over. We won and it’s a great success.”

What seems to have happened is that the Israeli aircraft with their long-range missiles to destroy the air defense systems never got closer than 70 kms to Iran, too far for their missiles to lock on to the air defenses because they needed the signals to lock onto. …The key thing they said—and this is from Israeli sources—“We’ve discovered an unknown air defense system over Tehran province.” So what seems to have happened is that they (the Israeli aircraft) were being locked onto by another air defense system so they were frightened to go ahead and they scrapped the attack. They then simply released their long-range missiles (Most of these missiles are guided by GPS and the Russians are highly adept at jamming GPS.) But …this unexplained air defense system, was possibly a Russian air defense system that can attack stealth fighters like the F-35s. … If you have a missile that has a radar capacity that is able to identify a stealth fighter, then the whole idea of the attack on Iran seems to have collapsed….

All the conventional bombers carrying conventional weapons wouldn’t go into the area because it was too dangerous, it was not a secure area. The airspace was dominated by air defense that threatened the stealth fighters themselves.

This has huge geostrategic implications if this is what in fact happened….

You see, there was a three-phased plan; and when the plan was scuppered, they just announced the plan as if it had happened. “We’ve succeeded. We flew over Tehran; we suppressed their air defenses, we bombed targets and we destroyed their missile capacity.”

It’s just hype. It’s not true. Judging Freedom, Alastair Crooke, You Tube

So, now Israel has decided to cover up what actually transpired because the strategic implications are just too catastrophic to face. As Crooke points out, if America’s stealth fighters cannot enter enemy space without fear of being detected, then the “whole western defense concept” lies in ruins. So, what Israel’s failed operation did was to expose the vulnerability of critical military assets that have been rendered obsolete by technologically advanced air defense systems that can not only intercept enemy missiles mid-flight but can also destroy the warplanes that launch them.

Let’s summarize:

  1. Iran has developed an advanced multi-layered air defense system that can counter any potential Israeli attack on the homeland.
  2. Iran has produced a sizable stockpile of state-of-the-art, long-range hypersonic ballistic missiles that can elude Israeli air defense systems and strike military or civilian targets anywhere in Israel.

The combination of these offensive/defensive capabilities ensures that Iran will continue to emerge as the regional leader.

Game. Set. Match.

For a more detailed account of the Israeli attack see interview with Colonel Jacques Baud or Col Larry Wilkerson & Scott Ritter or this piece in the Unz Review by former CIA officer and intelligence analyst Larry Johnson who says the following:

The Zionists used more than 100 aircraft to send an estimated 200 air-launched ballistic missiles into Iran. Israeli aircraft did not dare to fly inside Iran. And what happened? Iran, with Russian help, shot down the majority of the Israeli missiles. Iran showed no signs of panic or anger in the aftermath of the attack — not what one would expect if Israel’s assault had been a smashing success. Israel and Ukraine Gaslighting to Cover Up Failures, Larry Johnson, Unz Review

Repeat: Israeli aircraft never crossed into Iran’s sovereign airspace. They fired their missiles outside Iran’s borders and split.

The point is that many of the more reliable foreign policy analysts corroborate Crooke’s basic analysis. Yes, a few radar units were apparently destroyed in Iran’s western province of Ilam and in southwestern Khuzestan. And, yes, 4 Iranians were killed in the offensive. But Israel’s greatly anticipated and meticulously engineered aerial operation was largely a bust that achieved nothing and simply reinforced speculation that Iran has achieved a considerable technological edge on the Jewish state.

As far as deterrents, that is a matter that can only be settled by convincing Israel that serial retaliation is going to cost far-more in terms of blood and treasure than what is gained. So far, Israel has not been persuaded on this matter mainly because it foolishly believes that Washington ‘has its back’. But even the US is not thickheaded enough to engage in a conflict that will inevitably lead to the destruction of its military bases and oil fields across the region sending the US economy into an empire-ending nosedive. So, while the sudden deployment of B-52 bombers and warships to West Asia suggests that Uncle Sam is preparing to join the fray in a Battle Royale against Tehran; it’s all a bluff. The Pentagon has gamed out this very scenario many times before and the outcome has always been the same: The United States is defeated.

In the comments section of Larry Johnson’s recent article at the Unz Review, editor Ron Unz had this to say:

(If Crooke’s analysis of Israel’s attack is) what really happened, I think the implications are potentially gigantic.

As I’d said some time ago, we might be soon seeing the first real-life test between America’s top-line F-35s and the Russian defensive systems. If the latter were clearly successful and the Americans can’t quickly get around this problem, why would other countries buy F-35s? They’re extremely expensive and supposedly have all sorts of maintenance problems, and if they can’t defeat much less costly Russian defensive systems, what good are they?

Also, how likely would it now be that America could actually destroy Iran in a direct war? Obviously, America has far more top-line aircraft than Israel and could deploy them from closer positions, not requiring as much refueling, but why would our F-35s fare any better than Israel’s? Meanwhile, our carriers and bases would probably be very vulnerable to Iranian retaliatory missile strikes.

I’m still not absolutely sure that the Israeli attack was totally unsuccessful, but if that’s the case, the global strategic landscape may have dramatically shifted. Ron Unz, comment 305

All good points, and they fit with our overall theory that US foreign policy elites know that the US cannot prevail in a conventional war with Iran and that, thus, Washington will not follow Israel “like a dumb mule” into battle.

If Israel decides to go to war with Iran, they’ll have to ‘go it alone’, which might just ‘bring them to their senses.

As many readers are undoubtedly aware, Iran is fully committed to responding to Israel’s latest aggression as is their right under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter which establishes the right of self-defense for member states. Iran will exercise that right and launch a retaliatory strike sometime in the near future. According to The Times of Israel:

Iran’s supreme leader on Saturday threatened Israel and the US with “a crushing response” over attacks on Iran and its allies…. Iranian officials are increasingly threatening to launch yet another strike against Israel after its October 26 attack on the Islamic Republic that targeted military bases and facilities and that Iran said killed at least five people.

Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Iranian military facilities came weeks after the October 1 attack, in which Iran launched 200 ballistic missiles at Israel, sending most of the population rushing to bomb shelters and safe rooms, causing relatively minor damage to military bases and some residential areas…

“The enemies, whether the Zionist regime or the United States of America, will definitely receive a crushing response to what they are doing to Iran and the Iranian nation and to the resistance front,” Khamenei said in video released by Iranian state media….

The USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier likely is in the Arabian Sea, while Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said Friday that more destroyers, fighter squadrons, tankers and B-52 long-range bombers would be coming to the region to deter Iran and its terror allies. The Times of Israel

Iran will not back down or shirk its responsibility. There will be a response, and Israel will be held to account. What happens after the attack is anyone’s guess, but the threat of escalation will not impact Iran’s decision. According to an article at Axios:

The Biden administration warned Iran in recent days against launching another attack on Israel and stressed it won’t be able to restrain the Israelis, according to a U.S. official and a former Israeli official briefed on the issue….

“We told the Iranians: We won’t be able to hold Israel back, and we won’t be able to make sure that the next attack will be calibrated and targeted as the previous one,” a U.S. official said…..

Pentagon press secretary Gen. Pat Ryder said Friday that the U.S. was moving additional ballistic missile defense destroyers, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several U.S. Air Force B-52 long-range strike bombers to the Middle East.

“Secretary Austin continues to make clear that should Iran, its partners, or its proxies use this moment to target American personnel or interests in the region, the United States will take every measure necessary to defend our people,” Ryder said. U.S. warns Iran: We won’t be able to restrain Israel if you attack, Axios

These attempts to intimidate Iran are not going to work. From the very beginning, Iran has acted with great patience and restraint, but it cannot allow another country to attack it with impunity. Even so, we should expect that Iran’s attack will be measured and proportional as they have been in the past. At the same time, Tehran needs to send a strong message to Tel Aviv that future provocations will be met with overwhelming force. (IMHO, Iranian leaders will discuss the appropriate response with strategic ally, Russia.)

As for Israel’s October 26 attack on Iran: analyst Alon Mizrahi summed it up like this on X:

What actually transpired in the last Israeli strike?

My ear is quite attuned to the different frequencies of Zionist propaganda, and from the very beginning the celebration seemed a little cold and fake, accompanied by a sense of apprehension and trying to give ‘everything is as it ever was‘.

And now, with the advantage of having been exposed to the reported damages and some other analysis by military experts, we can quite safely conclude that the Israeli strike failed in a major way.

A strike planned for weeks and decades and marketed as a resounding payback proved to have damaged some 2 or 3 structures in a way that’s hardly visible from satellite imagery.

That’s anticlimax if ever I saw one. @alon_mizrahi

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  1. Auger =/= Augur

    •�Thanks: Etruscan Film Star
    •�Replies: @John Dael
  2. Anonymous[236] •�Disclaimer says:

    A Trump presidency is nearly immanent, and with it would come the near guarantee of war with Iran. Trump is needed by his handlers to persuade his largely conservative, working class, Catholic, white base to march down to the local US military recruiting center and join up so they can sacrifice their lives for the “jewish state of Israel” by going to war with Iran.

    This article makes it seem like the US is not committed to going to war with Iran, but it fails to mention just how much of a docile servant Trump is, along with nearly the entire American government, to jewish interests. The incompetent whore Kamala Harris who sucks jewish cock, (literally), was selected to run against Trump so that she’d lose, nearly securing a Trump victory, (the plan was, I believe, to select someone more capable from the Democratic side, such as California’s Gavin Newsom to run against Trump, but I believe the whore was selected specifically so she’d fail).

    On another note, several Chabbad Rabbis have said that war with Iran will happen, that it’s only a matter of time. They’ve calculated that it will happen before 2030, around 2028 or 2027, (I can’t remember how they got this number or if it was one or the other). The “clip” on Trump’s ear from his apparent suicide attempt is a mark taken by a slave to show ownership to his master. Trump’s master is of course, organized jewery, and one of the center’s of power is the immensely powerful Chabbad. You’d be a fool to ignore the sheer influence and power that Chabbad has over US politics, so when one of their own speaks, it’s best you listen!

    Finally, if you’re reading this and you’re a young white man or woman, PLEASE DON’T JOIN THE US MILITARY! The US is not worth fighting for in it’s current state, especially because the US, like most Western nations, hates Western white people and wants to see them eradicated completely. The military offers you nothing other than impending death and hardship. Besides, why fight for a government that hates you, and hates your very people? Do you even know what you’re fighting for young white man or woman?

    So no, don’t fight for a nation who hates you. Let the millions of illegal invaders, blacks, trannies, brown people and other filth that have invaded this one great nation do the fighting.

    The republic needs to die off and something new needs to be reborn.

  3. The slobs at NATO were not about to let a vaunted F 35 get shot down over Iran. The Russian S 500 system locked on to the Israeli fighters as they approached Iranian air space and they had to fire the missiles before they got to the target. Keep in mind that getting to the target allows the pilot to “Center” the missile. Firing from a long distance means that GPS takes it to the target area but it may hit the corner of the building.

    •�Replies: @Antisemantic Prosecutor
  4. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    With all the money in the world, you would expect Jews to feed their own people. ROTFL.
    Dumb Goyim will fall for this every time.

  5. Biff says:

    It would be interesting if the Iranian response was on (s)Election Day.

    •�Agree: Thor Walhovd
    •�Replies: @Tucker
    , @Proteus Procrustes
  6. Whitney’s usual stuff-and-nonsense.

    minimal Izrahell strike destroyed:

    1) Iran’s only drone-production factory
    2) Iran’s only solid fuel for missiles factory
    3) 3 or 4 of Iran’s c. 16 S-300 defensive missile batteries

    w/o losing a single plane or pilot.

    compared to Iran’s October 1st missile barrage, which knocked a hole in the roof of one hanger at an Izzie airbase. It did however (like the April bottle rocket barrage), kill another Palestinian, not to mention one Iranian launch crew when a missile blew up on the pad.

    this is why I am hoping for a Trumpstein win tomorrow. He’ll back a much larger Izzie attack on Iran, and (again, I hope) motivate the mullahs to – finally – do something serious about Izrahell.

    hey Whitney! what ever happened to that fabulous array of “tens of thousands” of Hezbollah ballistic missiles that were going to descend on Zion once Izzies invaded Lebanon? Either the Izzies already destroyed them in c. 2000 pre-invasion airstrikes….OR they never existed in the first place.

  7. deejay says:
    @Priss Factor

    With all the money in the world, you would expect Jews to feed their own people. ROTFL.
    Dumb Goyim will fall for this every time.

    If the Jews are starving because of a war that they started, then it is literally the bicycle meme, where the guy jams a stick into his spokes. But if it’s just another way to fleece the goyim, then this is simply Judaism 101. Either way, you are correct.

    •�Agree: De Oppresso Liber
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
    , @Old and Grumpy
  8. deejay says:

    This article makes it seem like the US is not committed to going to war with Iran, but it fails to mention just how much of a docile servant Trump is, along with nearly the entire American government, to jewish interests.

    This article does not suggest that America is not committed to going to war with Iran. As you say, the US may proceed with this war because Trump is a docile servant and nearly the entire American government is captured by jewish interests.

    What the article does say is that such an attack would be a folly, because America’s best weapons appear to be vulnerable and ineffective. There are several examples where the article says this, but here is one: “If you have a missile that has a radar capacity that is able to identify a stealth fighter, then the whole idea of the attack on Iran seems to have collapsed…”.

  9. A123 says: •�Website

    Israel’s response was proportionate to Iran’s very limited attack. Much of the target selection was done to minimize (or fully prevent) civilian casualties.

    Iran’s highest technology S-300 air defenses were quickly forced off line. There is no evidence of any significant number of intercepts. Just the opposite, F-35’s operated freely in Iranian airspace and could not be countered. This comes as no surprise to objective observers. Prior generation Israeli F-16I fighters have been operating over Lebanon and Syria for years with only one plane lost.

    Facilities related to missile production were hit. Iran has admitted 4 soldiers were killed. Thus, the Israeli response delivered more damage than the original Iranian aggression.

    It looks like it was well calibrated to head off escalation. A few loud voices in are trying to push towards additional violence. However, key Iranian backers are not joining in: (1)

    Iranians Frustrated By China, Russia For Meager Response To Israeli Strikes

    China and Russia’s response to Israel’s attacks on Iran has drawn widespread criticism, with many deeming the reactions insufficient and delayed.

    The Tehran-based Ham-Mihan daily newspaper emphasized that given the extensive promotion of strategic relations between Tehran, Moscow and Beijing in recent years, there was an expectation that Russia and China would officially condemn the attacks on Iran.

    The newspaper wrote: “Three days passed after the Israeli military attack on sites in three Iranian provinces before China’s foreign ministry responded. The Russian foreign ministry spokesperson also commented on the attack only hours afterwards. In the end, neither Beijing nor Moscow condemned Israel’s actions.”

    Will Iran will make the smart move and back down?

    So far, this appears to be the case. Israel’s ability to neutralize Iranian air defenses must be giving the military leadership concerns.

    PEACE 😇

    (1) https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/iranians-disappointed-china-russia-meager-response-israeli-strikes

    •�Disagree: acementhead, Corrupt
    •�Troll: Sarita
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
    , @Corrupt
    , @MEexpert
  10. Rumours and speculation are sometimes close enough to the truth, depending on who you believe. Take a look at who was right, I think they are right about a lot of things. Remember how the doomers wail and gnash teeth, how the trolls troll and Zionists brag, and don’t be like them. Things change gradually, have a little faith and stay white-pilled.

    •�Replies: @Buck Ransom
  11. A123 says: •�Website
    @Haxo Angmark

    Trump’s 2nd term will feature containment of Iran. This involves rebuilding the prior coalition that Biden threw away. Thus, he will discourage any major action that could create significant civilian casualties.

    Huge chunks of Iran’s population loathe the theocracy. The situation is ripe for a counter revolution after Khamenei passes. Will he be the last Ayatollah? Iran could easily follow the Egypt model and wind up with a military leader akin to Abd el-Fattah el-Sisi.

    what ever happened to that fabulous array of “tens of thousands” of Hezbollah ballistic missiles

    destroyed them in c. 2000 pre-invasion airstrikes….OR they never existed in the first place.

    Most likely the latter. Iranian Hezbollah bluffed about having large numbers of accurate missiles. Palestinian Jews raised, called, and won. They never existed.

    Iranian Hezbollah can keep trying unguided rocket attacks. However, these are not militarily effective. The best they can do is occasionally kill civilians, such as Druze children on a playing field.

    PEACE 😇

  12. Notsofast says:

    think of the data that russia and iran picked up. the f-35, like the vaunted patriot system, that had been hyped up as untouchable technologies, justifying their ridiculous price, are being revealed as the useless junk they are.

    in ukraine the russians have countered every weapon system, the u.s. has thrown at them, decreasing their effectiveness to near zero over time. they have gone to school on the conflict, while zato is now so far behind, they are dropping out. this is an existential crisis for the warmongers, their business model is being destroyed and purposefully so, as part of the russians economic war, that was started by the zioneocon empire.

    this is why bibi, is now wanting putin to negotiate on the behalf of israel, with hezbollah, they are beaten.

    •�Agree: Avery
    •�Thanks: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  13. Ron Unz says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Whitney’s usual stuff-and-nonsense.

    minimal Izrahell strike destroyed:

    1) Iran’s only drone-production factory
    2) Iran’s only solid fuel for missiles factory
    3) 3 or 4 of Iran’s c. 16 S-300 defensive missile batteries

    Well, Alastair Crooke seems very knowledgeable about those things and he is standing by his very contrary analysis:

    Video Link

  14. In order to understand what is really going on in the ME

    One must appreciate that the Mullahs and the Israelis are in bed together.

    I’ve been saying this for a long time, but here’s a guy who’s put together a great argument that shows conclusively that the elite of Iran and Israel are colluding together to maintain the present ME status quo.


  15. Unknown missile defense systems are the wild card of a Israeli vs Iran encounter. The Joker is wild, very wild indeed.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  16. @A123

    It has always been the fake Jew controlled West that built up Iran and Hezbollah as great boogeymen.

    This so as to distract from the main-event; Palestine

    This is what is happening right now.

    All this bluster from Israel and the Mullahs and the Hezbollah elite are to take the West’s attention away from Israel’s ongoing Genocide in Gaza

    In a real conflict between Israel and Iran there would be Blood for Blood

    But there never is, therefore the Mullahs are in bed with the Israelis

    The implications of this fact are vast and far reaching.

  17. Anon 284 says:
    @Priss Factor

    That “charity” is based in israel where it is not subject to audit

    The woman who runs it has been using the money to buy property all over israel and abroad, including a multistory building in tel aviv. She also “pays” herself a nuce wall street level salary

    Great scam!

  18. Anon 284 says:

    “Huge chunks of Iran’s population loathe the theocracy.“

    Well, on my tv screen i saw 30 million people out mourning soleimanis murder. Thats about a third of iran…

    Have you gone to iran and counted the people who “loathe the regime”?

    Also, you epsteinians are deluding yourselves if you deny that the tripple kH’s (khamas, khizballah, and khooti) are kicking your asses. Again… the video evidence contradicts you

    Try harder to suppress X and telegram and tik tok etc

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  19. Anon 284 says:

    This contradicts your idf hasbarat talking points. Explanation please?


  20. Given the military resources that the United States has just deployed in the region, it can be assumed that everything has been a stage play with a trap against Iran, a fatal temptation to counterattack Israel again only to stumble upon an unexpected end.

    Because if in the West they were incapable of thinking like human beings, it is because they are thinking of committing another atrocity like in 1945 to claim a new false victory.

    •�Replies: @Paul Greenwood
  21. @Haxo Angmark

    All you need is one division of the old Waffen-SS to take care of these IDFer’s. I’d love to see it…. The Leibstandarte or Das Reich on the ground, and the Jews screaming for help from Uncle Shmuel!

    •�Agree: Druid
    •�LOL: Intrepid
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  22. Anon 284 says:
    @Ron Unz

    I dont agree with everything Alastair says but…..

    One would be a fool to write off his words without thought

    Its his field!

  23. meamjojo says:
    @Anon 284

    “Well, on my tv screen i saw 30 million people out mourning soleimanis murder. Thats about a third of iran…”

    You’re so dumb 284. You SHOULD know that these are just the “ass-kiss” brigades. Showing up for these displays ensures they keep their jobs, their kids get free education and they are not harassed in their neighborhoods. They earn points on the scorecard of the government informers who report on these matters.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark, A123
    •�Troll: Corrupt
    •�Replies: @Anon 284
    , @Rev. Spooner
  24. meamjojo says:

    Listen up losers!

    U.S. warns Iran: We won’t be able to restrain Israel if you attack
    Iran plans attack on Israel soon
    Barak Ravid / Nov 2, 2024

    The Biden administration warned Iran in recent days against launching another attack on Israel and stressed it won’t be able to restrain the Israelis, according to a U.S. official and a former Israeli official briefed on the issue.

    Why it matters: After Iran attacked Israel on Oct. 1, in response to a string of Israeli assassinations, Israel responded by hitting military targets but not nuclear or oil production facilities.

    Behind the scenes: “We told the Iranians: We won’t be able to hold Israel back, and we won’t be able to make sure that the next attack will be calibrated and targeted as the previous one,” a U.S. official said.


  25. Anon 284 says:

    If the iranis can mobilize 30 million people around their country to demonstrate for a few points, maybe you should take them seriously

    From what i hear, you are unable to do the same. I hear people are fleeing israel, refusing to show up for military duty or flat out disobeying orders…..

    On a separate note, i never really understood the hate you epsteinians have for iranis. They seem pretty bright and resourceful to me. But then, thats probably why you hate them. Youre jealous.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Anglo Mark
  26. Anon 284 says:

    Seems some are even choosing to epstein themselves rather than fight. I wont object

  27. Anon 284 says:

    Iran seems to be fueling up its missiles…..

    Getting my popcorn!

  28. @Ron Unz

    “seems very knowledgable”

    With all due respect, so am I. I’ll make it simple for you, Ron:

    Izrahell is currently running roughshod over half the Middle East, massacring people in Gaza/West Bank/Lebanon/Syria by the tens (soon to be hundreds) of thousands – 90+% of them civilians, and this mostly women and children because they aim to destroy the future – while, month after month, the fabulous Shi’a “axis of resistance” has done nothing of substance to stop it.

    first, after laying down a “don’t send in the troops” Red Line on Gaza, Hezbollah + I-ran then stood by and emitted nothing but blasts of hot and an occasional barrage of bottle rockets for a full year. Both betrayed Palestine. No surprise to Haxo, who never believed that Shi’a would come galloping to the rescue of Sunnis.

    then, after the murderous IDF blizt on Lebanon began, we got and continue to get more of the same from Hezbollah, while I-ran stood and continues to stand by by with folded arms (doing the wink-wink/nod-nod with Izrahell), thus betraying Hezbollah. And now

    I-ran, like a rat before a cobra, waits to get flattened by Izrahell + Uncle Schmuel.

    so far, this isn’t even a War. It’s a grotesquely one-sided Talmudic massacre.

    Wait! Did I forget to mention the mighty Houthis? Yes, I did. Because, since the Zionists bombed-out their only port, and ‘Murkan B2’s bombed-out their missile storage dens, and the Houthis themselves sank that tanker filled with Russian oil…..they haven’t been heard from.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @meamjojo
    , @Pepé Le Pew
  29. @Notsofast

    “in the Ukraine, the Russians….”

    Babyface Tsar’s Legion of Doom is so weak it can’t even evict the Ukes from Kursk province, 300 sq. miles of which are still occupied by Zelensky and Co.

    and now have to bring in thousands of N’orks to do the job.


  30. @Monika92gti

    “all you need is one division of Waffen-SS….”

    no doubt. At Caen in June-July 1944, one Waffen-SS Division (#12, Hitler Youth), w/o air support, held off 6 British and Canadian divisions – & incessant tactical air attacks – for two weeks. Finally Churchill sent in the heavy bombers and flattened the town. Which killed 2,000 French civilians, but did force 12th-SS to withdraw.

    unfortunately, neither the Arab states nor I-ran has anything like the Waffen-SS. Here’s some good reading for you:

    Karl Ullrich: Like a Cliff in the Ocean – History of the 3. SS-Panzer-Division “Totenkopf” (Altona, 2002)
    Peter Strassner: European Volunteers – 5. SS-Panzer-Division (Winnipeg, 1988)
    Otto Kumm: Prinz EugenHistory of the 7. SS-Mountain-Division (Winnipeg, 1995)
    Hubert Meyer: History of the 12. SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” (Winnipeg, 1994)

    •�Replies: @Monika92gti
    , @Paul Greenwood
  31. A123 says: •�Website
    @Anon 284

    How much is Iran paying you to be a Taqiyya Troll? You are behaving like Muh Muh… 100% fact free. You are not achieving anything with your painfully obvious disinformation.

    Have either of you considered behaving rationally and engaging in constructive discourse?

    The two of you may, of course, continue to lie. However, everyone laughs at your pathetic & unconvincing gibbering.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Anglo Mark
  32. @Haxo Angmark

    Hahahaxo, you are one amazingly negative asshole, LOL. Looks like it’s all too easy for you to just shit over everything. I get the idea you aim to play the cool cynic, but you come across as a rather smug cynic.

    I think Iran and Russia are making the best of difficult circumstances. Everyone wants to stop the genocide, but that is going to be highly difficult as long as the US and others keep enabling and protecting Israel. Same with Ukraine, it’s a process, not a quick fix.

    Luckily there is more than one side to story, and we get to choose what we believe. Get some sunlight as they say.

    Martyanov is guest on Daniel Davis’ YT channel


    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  33. I wonder how many Americans, fronting up to the ballot box are thinking about the killing of children…or is it all about them and their wants?

    A vote for the Red or Blue is a vote for evil, for the killing of children and the theft of others assets. Is this what the American Empire will be remembered for…if we survive the next war?

    Gold won’t save you, money won’t save you, if the earth is poisoned by war then nothing can live…the earth will be like all the other inhospitable planets in our solar system…that will mean the chance of life will be handed to another solar system in the universe.

    Are we going to allow a few evil greedy people at the top to buy us off or are we going to put a line in soil and say no more…the system that allows this stops here?

    Its up to every individual to draw that line…but be quick, you haven’t much time.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  34. Anon[118] •�Disclaimer says:

    {{Huge chunks of Iran’s population loathe the theocracy. The situation is ripe for a counter revolution after Khamenei passes.}}

  35. @Haxo Angmark

    Thank you – I am going to get these books. I have a number of books now about the Waffen-SS and the more I delve into it, I see how it was that these men, vastly outnumbered by the Allied “gang” could accomplish so much. Truly a conflict between quality and quantity.

  36. anon[144] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    this is why I am hoping for a Trumpstein win tomorrow. He’ll back a much larger Izzie attack on Iran, and (again, I hope) motivate the mullahs to – finally – do something serious about Izrahell.

    It is better to shut up and do something about your expensive PROXY where its weak strike performance at Iran’s during the first retaliatory attack of April, cost the American tax payers about $1.5 Billion dollars, while Iran spent only $100 Millions to punish the terrorist state of Israel where bombed Iranian embassy killing many Iranians where Iran had to respond to this terrorist state and US proxy in the region. Then, the second round of attack and retaliatory attack, the expenses was doubled, meaning Iran spent $200 Millions and American tax payers spent more than $3 Billions of dollars to get such a failed response.

    Do you think Trump, a member of the Jewish mafia with large amount of debts, is going to spend that kind of money to keep this expensive proxy alive? If he does, the American tax payers cannot AFFORT it..Thus, the genocidal Netanyahu has to end its genocide or be killed.

    •�Replies: @acementhead
  37. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    Bumph, in my opinion.

    Iran has made it clear that if she is seriously attacked, she’ll set every oil facility in the Gulf ablaze. So when Israel started planning her great strike, the great powers told her ‘no you don’t. We don’t want a global recession.’

    I imagine Iran was literally consulted as to what she would accept — and then Israel was allowed to do that — and no more. The whole thing was choreographed — and demonstrated little about either side’s military capability.

    •�Agree: dimples
    •�Thanks: Thor Walhovd
  38. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @Haxo Angmark

    ‘”in the Ukraine, the Russians….”

    Babyface Tsar’s Legion of Doom is so weak it can’t even evict the Ukes from Kursk province, 300 sq. miles of which are still occupied by Zelensky and Co.

    and now have to bring in thousands of N’orks to do the job.


    …which is precisely what makes the notion that he’s the next Hitler and must be stopped so absurd. If Putin is the next Hitler, all he’s got is the Italian army. Russia’s got some serious rebuilding to do before she becomes a global superpower again. Something to check on in 2050.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
    •�Replies: @Badger Down
  39. ghali says:

    I would be very careful to buy into Larry Johnson’s “analysis.” He is a paid Russian informant with a Zionist brain, not much different from Scott Ritter. His comment that “Iran, with Russian help, shot down the majority of the Israeli missiles” is outrageous Zionist thinking. Where is Russia when the Jews have been bombarding Syria non-stop on a weekly, if not daily, basis? Remember, Russia has military bases in Syria where Russian forces, including the air force, are stationed. You wonder why the Russian forces in Syria are turning a blind eye to Jewish terrorism? In reality, Russia is central to Israel’s terror in the region. Empty Russian rhetoric aside, Russia has always supported the satanic, savage Jews. Most of the dirty extremists in Natanyahu’s gang are Russians.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
    •�Disagree: ariadna
  40. Anon[358] •�Disclaimer says:

    Waffen-SS. What a diabolical name. A French guy said about German language, “It’s not a language, it’s disease.”. And their national flag colors: black=death, red=blood, yellow=jealousy.
    And that black eagle, and that black cross, death skull, etc. Horror !!! God, please save us from that Evil.

  41. muh muh says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    With all due respect, so am I.

    With all due respect, no you’re not.

    You’ve made consistently bad predictions, even admitting last year that you should quit while you’re behind:

    having predicted that Izrahell would have Gaza City substantially under control by the end of November, and been proven wrong, Haxo is loath to make any more predictions.


    Of course, this didn’t stop you. On Oct. 4 of this year, you wrote

    and other indications that Izrahell “retaliation” for Iran’s missile attack, maybe Tuesday-Wednesday of next week, will be full spectrum – oil targets, nuclear facilities, leaders, military sites, etc. – and come in more than one wave.


    Not full spectrum, not in multiple waves, and late by nearly three weeks. You’ve been mainlining copium ever since. Then there’s this doozy, made on Oct. 1:

    Haxo predicts: IDF reaches Litani River in less than 2 weeks, w maybe 3,000-5,000 KIA.


    It’s been three weeks since your deadline. Israel is getting clobbered in its south Lebanon ground war, eliciting heavy sobs from minister Bezalel Smotrich, whose religious Zionists are paying a disproportionate price. Hizbullah’s rockets and drones continue to evade its missile defense system, striking targets deeper into Israel than ever before, and Israel’s stated goal of returning squatters to the north is nowhere closer to being realized.

    This interviewer reminded me of your arguments and why they always appear so ridiculously superficial:

    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  42. The F35’s would have done as well as the F117A that was brought down by a little country that didn’t know that it was invisible.

    Maybe they need to go to the Germans and beg for a flying saucer.

    •�LOL: Odyssey
    •�Replies: @showmethereal
  43. @Haxo Angmark

    Churchill was not in charge at Caen – Eisenhower was and Montgomery was the field commander.

    German Forces

    7 infantry divisions
    8 panzer divisions
    3 heavy tank battalions

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  44. @Anon

    Why ? It simply means “Waffen – Schutz-Staffel”

    Which is “Armed Protection Group”

    It was not part of Germany Army but a Party Organisation derived from SA

  45. @Liborio Guaso

    Iran is 2.5 times the size of Afghanistan

  46. @muh muh

    yes, I was overly pessimistic.

    I failed to realize that Satanyahu would extend the massacres as long as possible: to keep himself in power.

    But Izrahell is still winning by a wide margin.

    as will eventually become obvious.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @ariadna
  47. ghali says:

    More than 7000 religious Jews are recruited to participate in the ongoing Genocide of unarmed and starved Palestinian women and children. The U.S. is complicit providing the barbaric Jews with massive air and naval support. Meanwhile, the rest of the “civilised” world, including Russia and China are turning a blind eye careful not to be accused of being “antisemitic”.

    •�Replies: @Anne Lid
  48. eah says:
    @Ron Unz

    >Alastair Crooke

    Crooke is an ‘expert’ on the result of Israel’s strike on Iran in the same way Raul Hilberg was an ‘expert’ on what happened in the ‘death camps.’

    Looking at your use of the word ‘experts’, it seems pretty clear you’re a typical boomer who believes in expertism insofar as you very often cite ‘experts’, especially when their opinion matches what you want to believe.

    An important thing to recognize about the IDF strike on Iran is that it was deliberately underwhelming — it was limited, and they purposely didn’t hit any soft targets, e.g. they spared oil facilities.

    Personally I don’t know exactly what happened, but I previously posted info on satellite foto analysis by the AP indicating the IDF hit significant military targets in Iran — what I do know for sure is that with its far superior strategic capability, the IDF has the potential to do heavy damage to Iran.

    •�Agree: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Zumbuddi
    , @eah
  49. muh muh says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    But Izrahell is still winning by a wide margin.

    It cannot ‘win’ until it actually secures territory — with ‘security’ meaning *no* resistance.

    But it has not accomplished this even while it is transparently executing civilians en masse in northern Gaza.

    This was just yesterday:

    Resistance will persist and it will cost Israel dearly. Its defense budget for Gaza was one of the main reasons it withdrew its settlements there twenty years ago.

    as will eventually become obvious.

    Eventually, Israel will run out of able troops and its economy will tank relative to the demographic rise of the Haredim. All its best and brightest have fled and the brain drain will accelerate once the religious Zionists have completed their coup.

    Israel will never recover its status quo ante. It is doomed regardless of the outcome of the current fighting.

    •�Thanks: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  50. @anon

    The world still pays, not the US. The printers are still printing.

    •�Replies: @Vidi
  51. A focus on oil facilities and distribution, pushing a gallon of USA gas to $6 would finally reveal insane ideas and who we are not allowed to criticize.

  52. hobnob says:

    Has anyone ever shot down a manned Israeli fighter aircraft on the attack? Are the Resistance’s vaunted hypersonic and what-not missiles capable of destroying an incoming missile but incapable of destroying the plane that fired it? Israel flies around the Middle East bombing whatever they want. The airplane is their chosen machine for baby killing on an industrial scale, but nobody shoots them down. “Tehran needs to send a strong message to Tel Aviv that future provocations will be met with overwhelming force,” says the author. Wouldn’t downing some of the jets firing on Iran be the perfect message: hitting a military target with little loss of life and that only of military personnel? Hell, if their air defenses are so hot they should destroy a whole flock of the goddam things rendering military aircraft obsolete.

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
  53. meamjojo says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Very honest and perceptive!

    All these trash taking A-rabs and Persians have been proven to be nothing more than paper tigers. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

    Israel is regaining its strength and mojo after October 7
    Yes, Israel is getting its mojo back. It is not just about power and prowess. It is about restoring deterrence.

    NOVEMBER 4, 2024 03:43

    Walking on Broadway, a friend slapped me on the back and exclaimed Israel is getting its “mojo” back.

    I understood the meaning from the context – that they were complimenting Israel.

    Considering the gargantuan amount of criticism heaped on Israel on a regular basis, criticism nearly everywhere, I took this as a welcome and appreciated blessing.

    Obviously, they were referring to the spectacular retaliatory strike on Iran.

    They also must have been thinking about the remarkable multipronged targeting of Hezbollah leadership via pagers and then walkie-talkies.

    They were probably also referencing the assassinations and targeting of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iranian leadership.

    So, mojo must mean impressive successes. Yes, it does, but it is much more.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @Anonymitous
  54. Russia and China are turning a blind eye careful not to be accused of being “antisemitic”.

    China is a different matter and let’s leave that aside. There is a problem with the use of the term “antisemitism”. To my knowledge, the wanton murder of 1 million Iraqis has never qualified as an act of antisemitism. Notwithstanding the fact the Euro-bastardized Jews claim exclusive right to that term, as they do with the term holocaust, although revised figures point to 1.5 million dead (thus the holohaux) not 6, but 1 million Iraqi deaths have yet to be defined.

    Russian balls are firmly in the vice of their Zionist masters who control them just like they do America, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. Their moving to Syria has not made any difference in the Zionist bombing of that country. Not a single Israeli fighter jet has been downed, despite the purported presence of S-400 anti-aircraft missiles.

  55. meamjojo says:

    “I wonder how many Americans, fronting up to the ballot box are thinking about the killing of children…or is it all about them and their wants?”

    A meaningless, small number. Let the games continue…

  56. hobnob says:
    @Priss Factor

    One would think they’d simply publish this appeal in German and presto, problem solved. Surely they’re not desecrating the Holocaust to run a scam.

  57. @Anon

    “Waffen” is just a qualifier to distinguish the military formations from
    the “regular” SS, and the skull is the old cap insignia of the hussars.
    Of course you got the colours wrong, the black-red-gold (“powder, blood and fire”)
    are the colors of the National Revolution 1848 (and not used during the Twelve
    Years), going back to the Freikorps Lützow in the Napoleonic Wars.

    Hatred tends to work better if it isn´t unintentionally humorous 😁

  58. muh muh says:

    So, mojo must mean impressive successes. Yes, it does, but it is much more.

    Like bombing a 19th century church, no doubt.


    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  59. Anne Lid says:

    It’s not that. Dmitry Orlov said the longer the conflict the more expenditure on the US /NATO/Israeli side. It seems to me that an eventual WWIII is unavoidable, because of the same power hungry circles who caused the other two (and it was not the Germans). So Russia is letting the enemy tire itself out. But this enemy has no scruples, when it will be about to lose it will apply some chemical/biological terror.
    I would be relieved if someone, anyone finally squished the mass murdering Israeli army. The tragedy is that their crazy rabbis will keep being unreasonable evil supremacists and the brainwashing of Jewish children will continue till Kingdom come.

  60. If you knew how the Chinese behave in Serbia, you wouldn’t want a Chinese-led world order for the life of you.

    •�Agree: Druid
  61. @Haxo Angmark

    minimal Izrahell strike destroyed:

    1) Iran’s only drone-production factory
    2) Iran’s only solid fuel for missiles factory
    3) 3 or 4 of Iran’s c. 16 S-300 defensive missile batteries

    None of these things happened, except in the imaginations of inbred Jewish goblins like yourself.

    •�Replies: @Passing by
  62. Tucker says:

    “It would be interesting if the Iranian response was on (s)Election Day. ”

    This is something that I have also been thinking might happen. Imagine the media frenzy and chaos that would ensue. Would be a perfect diversion that could be used to distract the American electorate’s attention away from focusing their undivided attention on any demonRat election fraud that gets exposed. Iran has supposedly said they don’t want the Orange Bull manure spreader to win, so maybe they are in cahoots with the Demonrats and agreed to hand them this huge news story that could help them camouflage the steal of another election?

    Meanwhile, I wonder if Bibi Satanyahu has stocked up on a big supply of depends diapers because something tells me he no longer has full control of his bowels.

  63. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “Wouldn’t downing some of the jets firing on Iran be the perfect message…”

    Did you miss the bit where it said that the Occupied Palestine Air Force stayed far away from anything that could shoot it down [outside of Iranian airspace] and that waves 2 & 3 [of the full scale attack] never materialized?

    This reply is based on the assumption that you’re not a circumcised sock puppet.

  64. @deejay

    Judaism 101 is to always play the victim while victimizing.

  65. AxeGryndr says:

    The Blinken administration still has 76 days to go….much can happen in that expanse of time. The results of the Selection may, or may not have any bearing on the plan going forward. The war department is already well into it.

  66. @meamjojo

    Kike trash quoting kindred spirit.

  67. anon[355] •�Disclaimer says:

    Iran’s technologically advanced air defense system coupled with its state-of-the-art, long-range hypersonic ballistic missile stockpile make it the most powerful state in the Middle East

    You are a scum, Mike Whitney. I say this as an Iranian who is not getting paid to write propaganda on the internet. You know nothing about “Islamic Republic” and its military. You know what anyone else knows by searching and reading propaganda and the rest is guess work or outright fantasy.

    Mr. Ron Unz. Why do you constantly publish this sort of rubbish? Once in a blue moon you publish something worthy of sharing and reading but in the midst of all this daily lies and propaganda and bullshit?

  68. Anon[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    Obviously, America has far more top-line aircraft than Israel and could deploy them from closer positions, not requiring as much refueling, but why would our F-35s fare any better than Israel’s?

    Because you Dummy, Tom Cruise will be leading them !

  69. @A123

    A123… Stop washing your face with your own khazbara piss.

    You zionist cowards got locked on by advanced radar tech and unloaded your American made and donated payloads faster than you could say “run.” The Shitrahelli Air Force has been discovered to be the Shitdahelli Air FARCE.

    Just like your ground offenssive in S. Lebanon got its ladies panties pulled down, your Air Farce got sawtted like typical Shitrahelli fairies. When the going gets tough, the shitrahelli fairies cut and run whether in the air land or sea.

    So how did you try to keep your myth of a “Chosen People supported by satan” alive in your minds? You went and bombed sick and wouded women and children in a tent hospital. Is there anything more deserving of a death by a firing squad? Thank the real God for Facial Recognition, for someday all your criminals who survive Khamas will be rounded up and shot. It’s a certainty.

    All your bluster and arrogance makes you forget you are nothing without the American Taxpayers you call goyim and seek to destroy their country with your satanic zionists fifth column.

    Shitrahell is America’s Crack baby.

    •�Agree: Druid
    •�Replies: @anonymous
  70. @Anon

    What a retard…

    I am at a loss of words here…

  71. John Dael says:

    There will be NO US WAR with Iran because the balance of power has shifted.

    Soon, Iran will solidify this very fact with a major strike on Israel. Then, POTUS, whoever he/she is, will soil his/her diaper.


  72. @Haxo Angmark

    Haxo.. Stop it child, no one believes you. If you don’t stop, we are going to send you to fight for Shitrahell.
    Good, now he’s quiet and I thought he was stupid.

  73. @Hulkamania

    I don’t think he’s Jewish but I think that he’d rather have Jews win, even if only in his imagination, than being proven wrong.

  74. Anonymous[112] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Bruce Arney

    One thing that I am sure of is that- if the Jews could have entered Iranian airspace, they damned sure would have done so – they would have put a hole in Iranian defenses as big as a barn (just to let the Persians know that they were “messing with the bull”). There was something to interfere with that – and it is probably that the Israeli forces couldn’t put a black eye on Iran without losing too many aircraft (Jews don’t die for a lost cause). The Jews probably have figured out that they need the USA to fight Iran (or sone sucker to do so). Iran MUST be destroyed——-the heavy lifting MUST be done by the dumb-assed goyim.

  75. @Haxo Angmark

    What you say is fundamentally correct. Foolishly Iran had one but facility for producing drones and one for rocket fuel. My sources also reveal Israel destroyed Iran’s only parsnip garden, their only sewer facility, their only burka distribution scooter and their only indoor shithouse.

    One has to marvel how inept this ancient, accomplished & proud civilization is to only have one of everything. The only thing more amazing is Israel managed to identify these unbelievably critical choke points and eliminate them; truly Iran is overawed & will seek peace on Israeli terms, crawling on their bellies and mewling for jewish cock like a US Evangelical congregation

    •�LOL: muh muh, Passing by
  76. ariadna says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Well, Alastair Crooke seems very knowledgeable about those things and he is standing by his very contrary analysis.’

    Even more so Martyanov, a military analyst, and he is in agreement with Crooke.

  77. Ron West says:

    “Trump is needed by his handlers to persuade his largely conservative, working class, Catholic, white base to march down to the local US military recruiting center and join up so they can sacrifice their lives for the “jewish state of Israel” by going to war with Iran.”

    Not gonna happen, at least not on any large scale.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  78. ariadna says:

    “An important thing to recognize about the IDF strike on Iran is that it was deliberately underwhelming — it was limited.”

    The very claim that –after beating their chests about how they will really, really “punish Iran”–
    they did not mean to hit it hard, in fact, it was a planned “underwhelming” attack, a “message” if you will, is an admission of their overwhelminhg and humiliating failure.

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
  79. @Anonymous

    ‘The incompetent whore Kamala Harris who sucks jewish cock, (literally), ‘ – LOL LOL LOL LOL

  80. It wasn’t a bust, it was and is all nothing but poppycock.

    Israel was alerted before Iran attacked.

    Iran was alerted before Israel attacked.

    What kind of ‘enemies’ is this?

    Moreover, the successive killings of Ebrahim Raisi (to make room for the West-inclined Masoud Pezeshkian, Hassan Nasrallah (who was declined military support by Iran a year ago), and dozens of other Hezbollah and IRGC high ranking officers is indicative of a re-organization of alliances in the region.

  81. Bama says:

    The U.S. will continue killing innocents and arming and financing Israel as long as Americans sleep. Eventually, these two partners will force the big war and get their just desserts. China and Russia are not the Arab world nor Iran.

  82. @Biff

    It would give the US pretext to destroy Iran utterly, which would make Saudis very happy because the price of oil would just shoot up and no pretender to challenge their supremacy over Islam. Iranians are not that stupid!

    •�Replies: @Biff
  83. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    “But Izrahell is still winning by a wide margin.”

    This is true only if the definition of “winning” is:

    — killing hundreds of thousands of civilians (close to 2oo,000 in Gaza alone per the Lancet, more than 3,000 in Lebanon, countless in the West Banks) without being able after more than one year to suppress the riot in the concentration camp called Gaza, or advancing in Lebanon after almost two months anywhere near the Litani river as they boastfully announced they would, and without being able to return the settlers who had fled from Hezbollah attacks back to their deserted squattlements;
    — having their Iron Kippa and other defense systems exposed as incapable to stop an Iranian attack;
    — having their offensive systems exposed as worthless in the attack on Iran and later claiming they meant it to be “underwhelming”…
    — losing maritime trade on the Houthis Lake previously called the Red Sea;’
    — having their economy degraded by about 40% and their investment-worthy coutry rating degraded twice
    — losing the most qualified of their population to an increasing exodus
    — losing workforce by their having to join the IDF as reservists
    — having become the undisputed pariah of the world, regarded not only by the vast majority of the world as genocidal sociopaths but also so accused by ICJ, and several human rights organizations.
    Then, yes, they are … “winning”

    •�Thanks: One Nobody
  84. @deejay

    It’s about starving, Holocaust surviving, Ukrainian Jews. Israelis are fat and happy with all that Palestinian kid blood and organs now available.

  85. I heard rumors Yahweh told the mullahs they must destroy greater Jerusalem due to a locust strike and HAARP based overflowing rivers. No word on Egyptian eldest male poison vapors. (This might be stupid to you all, but I sent an Evangelical into meltdown with this comment.)

    •�LOL: Zumbuddi
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  86. barr says:

    Israel would have sent ground forces helmed by Bantu Gravida ,Smoochtrick, and Satayahuu if the attack was successful. It would have mounted more attacks with Saudi UAE Jordan Egypt celebrating by allowing the air passage to Israel openly.Thatss what the Arab Sunni royals and despot do.
    America would have asked Israel openly to finish the job.
    Thats what America does- weaken and destroy .
    This has been the leitmotiff of US in Iraq,in Libya and of Israel in Gaza and West Bank.
    Nothing of the sort happened tells us that something did not go right for Israel.

    Revisiting 2006 for Israel and 2011 for US regarding Lebanon and Afghanistan respectively leads us to think the likely grim pictures would emerge much later . Realities were portrayed differently and facts were not shared by public while war was going on.

  87. Completely off subject, but what’s happening with the “game changing” F-16s sent to Ukraine?

  88. @James of Africa

    Things change gradually…,

    “Little by little, and then all at once.”
    Who knows, maybe we are entering the all-at-once phase.

    •�Agree: James of Africa
  89. bjondo says:
    @Priss Factor

    Forward thinking. Jew like that.

    They are simply collecting for the next few generations of survivors.

    Also, $50-$100 billion/yr doesn’t go as far as it used to.


  90. Zumbuddi says:

    Speaking of experts
    Zerohedge included this bit of financial advice from the CIO of a finance outfit that, one supposes, was not otherwise able to afford a pop-up ad on a Judging Freedom podcast:

    “Israel sent 100 aircraft for a 2000km flight to attack Tehran. Zero were shot down. First, the IDF took out Iran’s air defenses. Those Russian S-300 anti-aircraft systems can now be found disassembled in large craters through the region (Russia’s newer S-400 system underperformed expectations in Ukraine and the S-500 is in test phase). With Iran’s air defenses offline, Israeli aircraft had their way with whatever targets they chose in Tehran. They skipped over the mullahs this time. Next time who knows. Such is the nature of warfare for those with superior tech.”

    the comments are entertaining.

    Here’s what I’ve learned over many years of observing Israel & Iran:

    Israelis lie.
    Iranian culture is everywhere characterized as firmly committed to telling the truth, uppermost value.

  91. Harry Law says:

    In my opinion the Israeli/US assault on the Arab world has been brought about as a sort of Hail Mary pass a last resort as it were, because they can both see the writing on the wall, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran have now Joined BRICS with Turkish participation a possibility. Also the rapproachement between Iran and the Saudis portends a grave future for the racist, apartheid and genocidal entity, with just 7 million Israeli Zionists with no strategic depth and very vulnerable targets like ports, gas rigs, desalination plants and power stations.
    Iran has the capability to erase Israel with many hundreds of thousands of very accurate ballistic and unstoppable hyper-sonic missiles stored away in underground city’s all over the Iranian deserts.
    If the US are foolish enough to get involved bases like its largest in the middle east are very vulnerable Al Udeid in Qatar 1 minute flying time for a barrage of ballistic missiles, any US interventions would mean the loss of other bases and the oil producing facilities of the Arab satraps hosting them causing a melt down in the global economy. Hezbollah has barely started and are only [for the most part] using their short range unguided katyusha missiles.
    Israel is on the way out, it is only kept in being due to US largess which will fade away when the Chinese and Russians team up with the massive oil producing Saudis and Iranians, they will have no choice.

  92. eah says:


    For anyone interested:

    Jasmin Kosubek is a German woman who used to be an on-air personality for RT television in Berlin — RT Deutschland was effectively shut down in 2022 when EU (and German) authorities banned transmission of its content (RT is also now inaccessible via the internet throughout the EU) — she left RT before that, and started her own YouTube channel where she does interviews — most recently she talked for 1h45m with John Mearsheimer — the discussion is in English, and you can watch it at the link below.

    Prof. John Mearsheimer on Trump, Ukraine, Nuclear War, Israel-Gaza, and the Dangers of Multipolarity

  93. H. L. M says:

    New Leader of the Free World:


    •�Agree: Thor Walhovd
  94. Harry Law says:

    Professor Norman Finkelstein in this video calls the Israeli army a ‘Deaths head’ army, and because everyone is required to serve in that army it reflects the society as a whole, he then says Israeli society with few exceptions is a society of war criminals. He goes on to claim [rightly in my opinion] that Israel has the backing of the western elites in everything that it does. The US supplies the aircraft, the bombs and the money [$20 billion dollars for this Gaza massacre alone] it also uses its veto at the UNSC and generally will not criticize any atrocity Israel commits.
    As an example he said imagine a football stadium with 15,000 children in it. Harris and Biden are responsible for the murder of everyone of those children. I would add Starmer and Lammy a pair of true psychopaths to that list.

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @FreQuenSee
    , @Bama
  95. Zumbuddi says:

    lemme guess —
    you live in California where Granny & Gramps settled after flying out of Iran ust before Khomeini landed, with a plane-load of carpets & gems & kosher meals for all those other Iranian Jews who were pissed that they could no longer live the good life in Iran.

    Are you among those ‘Iranians’ that Reza Pahlavi Jr. is talking to here:

    Crown Prince Reza has schemed since his earliest days to re-instate the monarchy, including a collaboration with Israeli businessmen, government, and US CIA:

    In 1982, [Israeli businessman] Yaakov Nimrodi told BBC in a radio interview that along with Adolph Schwimmer and Adnan Khashoggi, he was involved with Pahlavi and Gen. Said Razvani to scheme a coup d’état and install him in Iran. According to Samuel Segev, the plan had the approval of both the CIA and the Israeli cabinet, but it was abandoned when Menachem Begin resigned in 1983 and the new leadership “thought Israel should not be involved in a new adventure”. (wukipedia)

    Is that who Bibi was talking to when he spoke, in English, to Iranians, praising Persian culture and telling them Israel was going to save them from the mullahs?

  96. Anani says:

    I say this as an Iranian who is not getting paid to write propaganda on the internet.

    You pose as an Iranian, or you are one of those Iranian traitors abroad ‘opposition group’ and secessionists who are working for Mossad to pay your expenses. Why don’t you view the following links before reporting to your superiors to collect your $100 reward.
    Iran relied on its own indigenous made air defense system BAVAR 373 to repel the enemies

    The Bavar-373 is Iran’s long-range air defense system that can detect and intercept incoming aircraft, drones, and missiles at high altitudes and long ranges:
    Range: The Bavar-373 has a range of over 186 miles and can reach an altitude of up to 75 miles.
    Target detection: The Bavar-373 can detect up to 100 aerial targets simultaneously.

    Can you speak Persian? or you were born abroad who is brainwashed by the zionist media. Are you one of the stooges supporting the zionist servant, Reza, a loser?
    If you know Persian, then you can understand what other people, beside Mr. Crooke, are saying.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Druid
  97. Madbadger says:

    As an American I agree with you about Mike Whitney. He loves China so much I am sure he gets most of his information from them and the Chinese don’t know that much about Iran. Russia does more with Iran than the Chinese. The Chinese want to buy all of Iran’s resources that’s all they care about. I have nothing against the Persian people. I wish the USA would stop all the propaganda they put out about Iran. Ron Unz will publish more of Mike Whitney because people read it. It doesn’t have to be correct.

  98. The Empire lost the military and technology race a long time ago, but is still pre-eminent in the media propaganda, fifth column NGO, private mercenary army and bioweaponry departments. As others have said, now it’s a War OF Terror against the Empire’s enemies, both foreign and domestic.

    And still, the Empire will lose. Going out with a satanic orgy of cruelty and inversions that will make the world hate us for many generations, but still losing.

    Thanks be to God. Sucks to be Yahweh. ☮️

  99. @Haxo Angmark

    Putin and Iran both have shown “saintly” patience and restraint.

    Israel is deliberately like a mad dog to scare all the enemies of the Jews.

    Besides, who knows what secret Jew weapons the IDF has. Likely including a collection of bio-weapons that would put a Rabbis kiddie porn collection to shame.

    Ron Unz and Andrew Anglin have called this Jew behavior and penchants for revenge “cartoonish”.

    It serves a very specific purpose. Like nuking the grain silos in Beruit in 2017. Or 9/11. I could go on and on.

    This appears to be the Jews latest bludgeon to murder Amalekites like seals:

    Jews are madmen, and they have seriously dangerous weapons systems for all of humanity. In effect the Jews are holding the planet hostage.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  100. Anon 284 says:

    “ I say this as an Iranian who is not getting paid to write propaganda on the internet.“

    They dont pay propagandists in tel aviv? Not even an idf salary?

    Btw, i did not hear any sort of argument from you. Do you have any countering evidence mr iranian? 😂

  101. @Priss Factor

    I may be wrong, but I believe the voice on them donate to save the Poor and sick puppy ads that are run on the same TV channels is the same as these donate to save the poor and sick jew ads mentioned here.

  102. @meamjojo

    The most polite, hospitable and the kindest people I have ever encountered are Iranians. If you doubt me ask anyone who has travelled to Iran.
    I spent three weeks there recently and all I encountered was kindness and an Old World charm and hospitality.
    Tehran has very clean roads, lots and lots of cars, mostly French Peugeots, two or three local brands and some Chinese imports. I think the per capita car ownership in Teheran is comparable to the US and higher than the UK.
    Nothing, absolutely nothing is in short supply. And the people love partying out in forests and every family has all the essentials for this. A carpet, a barbecue for skewered meat, coolers, illegal wine/vodka/whiskey.
    They love life and enjoy it unlike you meamjojo, you are consumed by hate.
    You are a loser meamjojo.

    •�Thanks: Sarah
  103. @Harry Law

    Professor Norman Finkelstein in this video calls the Israeli army a ‘Deaths head’ army

    Biden, Harris, Starmer et al. are mere puppets. The true hidden ruling class of this planet worship demon gods. That ruling class create death cults (Nazis, Bolsheviks, the US military, the IDF are some more recent examples) to shed blood and appease the demon gods. All past ruling empires have worshipped the same gods. All also mass killed. It’s not a coincidence.

  104. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    many people might wonder why a mossad/zafo troll would say such disparaging things about his own people but the things you never talk about, is what gives you away. you never mention the larger economic war, that israel and ukraine(zato) are losing so badly.

    perhaps you are just an idiot grandpa simpson, spouting off about kaiser bill and the babyface tsar or the zionist mullahs in some alzheimer’s rage and not cognizant enough to understand the much larger economic war, that destroying israel and her zato vassal statelets, who knows, you might even be paul craig roberts roommate, in some horrible nursing home, that hasn’t gotten your meds right.

    i think that scenario is unlikely though, you probably fully understand stand, just how badly your ass is being handed to you and are paid to divert attention away from your badly damaged achilles heel of an economy. nothing to see here folks, our israel overlords are unbeatable ubermensch and we should just accept our fate and stop resisting. resistance is futile, right?…. isn’t that what they taught you in your unit 8200 mossad borg training center?

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  105. @meamjojo

    If Israel resorts to nuclear weapons, even then it will not defeat Iran, but Iran will obliterate Israel as it’s so tiny.
    The use of nuclear bombs by Israel will seal it’s fate, it will go extinct. All it’s neighbors will finish it off as a rabid dog.
    With widespread use of internet, even the censorship will not work , and the chosenites will get no traction crying “Holocaust” once again.
    The times have changed Meamjojo and A123. Sorry, but you deserve your fate.

    Peace. It’s a better option

  106. EL_Kabong says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    I have heard the same about Iran. I have also heard that many people there smoke marijuana, even openly. I find that hard to believe frankly but it was the same person claiming that who said similar things about Iran as you stated.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  107. @Ron West

    I am curious as to why you believe it won’t happen.

    •�Replies: @Corrupt
  108. hobnob says:

    Iran better get its air defense ducks in a row if they aren’t already. Looks like the Israelis are conniving to hit them with 30,000 pound bombs.

    Israel can’t arm itself with 30,000-pound bombs in time against Iran–short of leasing an American strategic bomber and providing nationality to the pilots and maintenance crew, no option would be operationally ready within months if not years.


    The opinion writer is “a National Security and Holocaust Studies MA thesis researcher/student at the University of Haifa. He specialized in modern warfare, with an emphasis on air power and logistics.”

    So he would know.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @Corrupt
    , @Haxo Angmark
  109. @Pepé Le Pew

    The Mad Dog scene in To Kill a Mockingbird reminds me of the Jews in Occupied Palestine.

    Everyone knows that you cannot fix a rabid dog anymore than you can fix a psychopathic cult of genocide.

    So Atticus Fitch had to do the dirty deed.

    It is the same with the Jews today, and the planet needs an Atticus Fitch. Hitler arguably came close, but he choked at the key moment.

    “don’t go near that dog, you understand. He’s just as dangerous dead as alive.”

    To demand that Iran deal with this monstrosity created by the US and Europe is, to say the least, unreasonable. Especially with the US is just looking for an excuse to unleash its entire Jew-made arsenal of genocide on Iran should Iran make one false move.

    So really it is up to the US to play Atticus Fitch and eliminate the Mad Dog known as Judea.

  110. Bama says:
    @Harry Law

    U.S. complicity with Israeli genocide and atrocities is America’s irreversible shame. Both are destined to receive a payback for their brutality.

    •�Agree: Arthur MacBride
  111. Corrupt says:

    “It looks like it was well calibrated to head off escalation. ”

    So the other 100 planes in the second and third waves were just joyriding? You are delusional.

    •�Replies: @A123
  112. muh muh says:

    The west’s general image of Iran and the greater Muslim world is shaped almost entirely by Jewish dominated media.

    This doesn’t mean those societies are as open about certain matters as western ones, but much of that image is a deliberate distortion of the reality on the ground.

    It’s a weapon used to dehumanize Muslims in order to desensitize western populations toward their governments’ green lighting their slaughter.

    •�Agree: mulga mumblebrain
    •�Replies: @EL_Kabong
  113. muh muh says:

    Looks like the Israelis are conniving to hit them with 30,000 pound bombs.

    What a glorious firework display that would be.

  114. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    hey babyface haxo, if your idf ubermensch are winning so big, how come bibi just sacked gallant, his defense minister? i’m sure you’ll have some lame excuse, like they were winning so big and their last over hyped attack was such a success, they don’t even need a defense minister anymore. most likely though you won’t respond at all, because even you can’t spin that one.

    •�Agree: Hulkamania
    •�Replies: @muh muh
  115. 1.

    Israel will be forced to accept its modest role in the emerging order by abandoning its expansionist ambitions and working collaboratively with its neighbors. (If that’s possible.)

    And everyone knows from centuries of evidence that that’s impossible.
    So we are all back to the Wannsee “Ausrottung” (uprooting) solution, ie —
    Jews, those that are not on trial for their lives, get to leave Palestine, a country that never belonged to them and which they have systematically abused for 100 years. It would be reasonable if this were to be carried out with minimum sympathy for the “settlers”

    2. This is an American analysis so the focus naturally is what this means for USA and, thanks for a reasonable analysis Mike Whitney, the short answer is Nothing Good.
    A nation of Glenn Becks about to elect one of the two openly Israeli candidates, maybe Orange Man Bad or an airhead semi-prostitute, doesn’t have a lot of future. Not only b/c sclerotic and corrupt “leadership” but also (a) the fact that millions of Glen and Glenda Becks give them credibility.
    (b) USA is outgunned, has meandering lines of supply all over the world, is widely hated. The opposition (most of the world) is focused on preventing damage by USA before it (USA) is totalled. And getting them to leave.
    (c) Iran-Persia like most non-America countries has a vast and valuable culture, whereas USA has RocknRoll, hotdogs and baseball. People fight for culture; it impels Morale. And there are Americans, incl on UR, who refer to people who are superior in just about all departments, especially prolonged courage, as “Sandniggers”. What a travesty.
    (d) USA needs a sense of realism. This also, like the murderous cruel bastards that they sponsor in Palestine, seems if not impossible then nearly so.

  116. @Myron Ketterling

    Firing from a long distance means that GPS takes it to the target area but it may hit the corner of the building.

    GPS has been subject to so much jamming and spoofing lately that western navies have started retraining for navigation by stars and sextant.

    GPS spoofing was what allowed Iran to capture those US drones some years ago.

    They would be lucky to hit land at all using GPS guidance from long range.


    •�Thanks: Sarah
  117. EL_Kabong says:
    @muh muh

    No doubt about that. Americans are, round the clock, having their minds bludgeoned by the biggest mind-control propaganda machine in history.

  118. The Jews just keep bitch slapping the entire planet. It is the strategy of intimidation. The strategy of thugs.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  119. All the satellites and reporters in the region and we still can’t get a clear picture of what happened?

    I’ve tried to get a fix on Ukrainian casualty numbers. That data also seems to be missing from the Western media.

    Andrei Martyanov says it’s over 2000 some days and about 25000 killed in October. You would think that would be news worthy.

    What ever happened to “If it bleeds, it leads.”

  120. An interesting development jfyi.

    Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says his country is part of a core group drafting a resolution, which, among others, proposes that Israel be expelled from the UN General Assembly following its human rights violations and genocidal crimes.


  121. Sarita says:

    Well, you idiot, it won’t be removed from the UN walls.
    Stop killing children you moron!

  122. anonymous[196] •�Disclaimer says:
    @One Nobody

    You are right for the most part about this commenter a123. But he’s not jewish. He is one of those Fatmerican retards who identifies with the jewish state for some reason or another.

  123. muh muh says:

    hey babyface haxo, if your idf ubermensch are winning so big, how come bibi just sacked gallant, his defense minister?

    Oh, boy.

    Looks like more than one low blow to dodo’s mojo:

    Police probing ‘criminal incidents’ from start of Gaza war linked to PM’s office
    Despite gag order, reports indicate investigation tied to allegations Netanyahu tried to alter transcripts of wartime meetings; detentions of suspects in separate leak case extended

    Amid an ongoing investigation regarding illicit access to IDF intel and leaks by several suspects including a spokesman in the Prime Minister’s Office, a court cleared for publication Tuesday that an additional police probe is being conducted, into “criminal incidents” last year reportedly linked to wartime meetings. […]

    Reports in Hebrew media indicated that the probe is linked to reported allegations earlier in the year that Netanyahu had been attempting to keep his conversations regarding the management of the war in Gaza untraceable. […]

    Earlier this year, the Ynet news site reported that senior figures in the security establishment feared that efforts were being made to edit the minutes of wartime discussions held with Netanyahu after discovering discrepancies between transcripts of the meetings and what the figures had heard in real-time.

    The report indicated that Netanyahu’s former military secretary, Maj. Gen. Avi Gil, had alerted the attorney general to such activity after he was reportedly approached by others in the PMO voicing their concerns. […]

    According to Haaretz, police have been probing the matter for around six months, following concerns brought to them by a former staffer in the Prime Minister’s Office.

    The news of the ongoing investigation broke on Tuesday amid a separate deepening scandal linked to the PMO, in which top-secret documents held by the IDF were allegedly systematically stolen and leaked to officials in the premier’s circle, who leaked at least one of them to the foreign press for political gain.

    Over the past week, five suspects have been arrested as part of the case surrounding suspected leaks of stolen classified information with national security implications. On Sunday, a court cleared for publication the name of the main suspect, Eli Feldstein, a former Netanyahu spokesman, while four unnamed IDF soldiers have also been arrested.


    Should be interesting to see what happens. 🍿

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  124. Corrupt says:

    At this point, recruitment is already in the crapper. No one with morals would be loath to join the current DEI tainted military… who wants to spend any time around a bunch of fags, dykes, lesbos and trannies and mud people?

    •�LOL: NoBodyImportant
  125. Corrupt says:

    Not to mention you have to be pretty close to the target as these are not missiles, or even glide bombs. The so called “stealth” properties would be useless, as these bombs are too big to carry internal to the stealth fighters. A B2 might be able to carry it internally, but there is ZERO chance one will be given or lent to the jizzrealis.

  126. ariadna says:

    So, your calling Whitney a scum is supported by SAYING you are an Iranian?
    Take a number and get in line, troll. It’s a long line of trolls speaking “as a” anything and everything.
    It would be refreshing to get one saying one day, “As a troll, my spiel is the following.”

  127. ariadna says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    You are being mean to the feeble-minded…

  128. Sarita says:

    They called you a Jew, but your words fit a Sunni Muslim profile.
    That fact makes you very miserable because of your disappointment.
    Sunnis are 1.8 billion and their rulers do shit about Palestine because they place their interests first over Palestinians’.
    Iran? Well Iran has a project, an expansionist plan. Iran succeeded in conquering Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.
    Oh, and Gaza, and guess who helped them do so? Arabs. Shia Arabs who attacked their Sunni Arab brethren.
    So the only solution is another Arab spring but this time they need to drag those bastards rulers and dictators and hang them from the highest palm tree.

    Look at this animal

    And look at Gaza children

    Where is Allah?
    It all look hopeless.

    •�Troll: Druid
    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  129. Sarita says:

    Shit done hit the fan in so called Israel:


    Protesters Take to the Streets After Netanyahu Fires Defense Minister Gallant.

    Sources close to Netanyahu: PM considering firing IDF, Shin Bet chiefs.

    Netanyahu cites breakdown in trust and significant difference in managing Israel’s wars after Gallant’s firing.

    God’s justice minister drags his feet but if Iran was so powerful it should do it now that the jerks are shaking 🫨🫨🫨

    Do it!

  130. ariadna says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    “UNRWA is now occupied by the Israeli Army and used as a military base.”

    So they finally proved that the UNRWA building houses terrorists!

  131. @A123

    Huge chunks of the Judenreich’s population, and that of the diaspora, LOATHE Satan-yahoo and his theocratic regime. And even huger chunks of humanity LOATHE the Judenreich. It’s not looking good, troll.

  132. @A123

    The two of you may, of course, continue to lie. However, everyone laughs at your pathetic & unconvincing gibbering.

    Do you not know where you post? TUR and its readership only laugh at the Zionist dribble from the mouths of Zionists like you. Perhaps you mistakenly thought that you were posting at the Jerusalem Post and speaking to your fellowship of demons? Zionists always accuse their enemies of what they themselves are guilty of. A perfect case in illustration: you post a peace symbol after every one of your posts that defend and urge more war; more killing and more death. But you encourage and lament only a Zionist peace: the peace of the grave; the peace of surrender. And thus you and your kinship, not Anon284, not only receive any and all of the ridicule at TUR, but deserve any and all of the ridicule at TUR. I only differ with my colleagues in that they accuse you and your colleagues of engaging in hasbara – a rhetorical tool designed to convince and persuade – when in fact you only engage in the rhetoric of repulsion. If your purpose in posting at TUR is to increase the hatred of Zionists . . . congratulations; otherwise post among true believers and the choir at the Jerusalem Post. You and your fellow Zionists only bring amusement at TUR.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @ariadna
    , @eah
  133. Vidi says:

    If [Trump spends lavishly on Israel], the American tax payers cannot AFFORT it.

    The world still pays, not the US. The printers are still printing.

    The US inflation rate suggests that the world is refusing to soak up the printed dollars. I’m referring to the real inflation rate (link), which has been roughly twice the “official” rate since about Bill Clinton’s time. And more and more Americans are saying out loud, from their experience with shopping, that the relatively low official rate is a lie.

    •�Agree: Corrupt
    •�Replies: @Antisemantic Prosecutor
  134. muh muh says:
    @Anglo Mark

    Do you not know where you post? TUR and its readership only laugh at the Zionist dribble from the mouths of Zionists like you.

    You have to understand that by ‘everyone’, one-tooth is referring strictly to his comrades in the Tel Aviv boiler room from where they post.

    Once we have a clear picture of how he sees things, his otherwise delusional rant begins to make sense.

    I only differ with my colleagues in that they accuse you and your colleagues of engaging in hasbara – a rhetorical tool designed to convince and persuade – when in fact you only engage in the rhetoric of repulsion. If your purpose in posting at TUR is to increase the hatred of Zionists . . . congratulations; otherwise post among true believers and the choir at the Jerusalem Post.

    One would think Israel would have a much deeper pool of talent from which to draw some skillful advocates for their cause.

    But when you look at the figures they advance in the mainstream, like Shmuley Boteach, you realize just how intellectually vapid hasbara is in and of itself.

    Even someone as ostensibly talented as Alan Dershowitz looks quite silly when pitted against mere amateurs arguing for Palestine.

    I believe it’s just a matter of hasbara agents being compelled to defend the indefensible. No matter who’s up to bat, they’re gonna strike out.

  135. ariadna says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    That is not what I heard and read lots of times about the Iranians. They are generally regarded as pushy, arrogant, entitled and aggressively rude. There have been cases of hotels refusing to accept them as guests, with them later suing for anti-iranianism.
    They are notoriously stingy, arguing about the bills, trying to “iranian down” the payment due, and not leaving tips, which makes them unpopular among the hotel and restaurant staff.
    Their personal hygiene also leaves a lot to be desired, which caused many of them to be taken off planes before departure due to people complaining about their stench. In all these conflicts they always resort to complaining about anti-iranianism.

    Emily Litella (SNL)

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Insouciant
  136. ariadna says:
    @Anglo Mark

    I agree with all your statements except for this one:

    “You and your fellow Zionists only bring amusement at TUR.”

    While they cause occasional mocking laughter the usual response they elicit is usually of disgust.

  137. Notsofast says:
    @muh muh

    now it’s getting good, gallant and nutty hated each other and gallant had called for a full investigation of the israeli response on 10/7 including nutty and himself. that was all swept under the rug in the name of genocidal unity. this is looking like the walls closing in on poor bibi. too early to celebrate, as bibi is a cockroach and sometimes you stomp one flat and a minute later they dust themselves off and scurry away.

    love to hear from baby face haxo and jojo the dogfaced boy but apparently they heard their mother calling, so they had to run home.

  138. ariadna says:

    Ironically Israel’s best deterrent against a devastating, no holds barred attack by Iran is the presence of Palestinians on the land, whom Iran would not wish to harm.

  139. @Anon 284

    On a separate note, i never really understood the hate you epsteinians have for iranis. They seem pretty bright and resourceful to me. But then, thats probably why you hate them. Youre jealous.

    The Jews suffer from terminal envy.

    First case in point: In the 1970’s, Iraq served as the Middle Eastern model for progress. The solution: sanctions, wars and finally regime change – regime change urged, armed and funded by Jews. Second case in point: In 2011, after the many successes of Gadaffi in Libya in bringing water to the desert and building a socialist state that brought education and housing to millions, the Jews required a solution: sanctions, wars and finally regime change – regime change urged, armed and funded by Jews. The Jews tried to repeat their evil in Syria and Iran and continue to employ the same tactics: the arming and funding of terrorists like ISIS in Syria the MEK in Iran – while simultaneously accusing their enemies of funding and arming terrorism. All met with utter failure in Syria and Iran; hence the renewed need for Trump!

    The greatest fear and threat for Jews: that a Muslim country proves more successful than the parasitical state of Israel!

    •�Troll: Sarah
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  140. muh muh says:

    too early to celebrate, as bibi is a cockroach and sometimes you stomp one flat and a minute later they dust themselves off and scurry away.

    Sure, his support base is still broad, at least where prolonging the carnage is concerned.

    But Gallant’s replacement does not bode well for Israel at all.

    A yes-man is the last kind of person a wiser prime minister should want as DM.

    Then again, who am I to complain about such a perfect decision? 🕶️

    love to hear from baby face haxo and jojo the dogfaced boy but apparently they heard their mother calling, so they had to run home.

    Typical fair weather fanatics.

    They and a host of rarely-heard-from fellow travelers flooded this venue with hollow braggadocio after the pager operation. Since then, such stirrings have been largely muted.

    That sense of foreboding must be weighing heavily on them now.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  141. A123 says: •�Website

    “It looks like it was well calibrated to head off escalation. ”

    So the other 100 planes in the second and third waves were just joyriding?

    Iranian air defense was so pathetic the first wave completed 100% of mission objectives.

    The second and third groups turned around because there were no surviving designated targets.

    PEACE 😇

    •�LOL: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Corrupt
  142. Anonymous[786] •�Disclaimer says:

    Your description of the Iranians remind me of another group, the Jews. Jews are famous for being stingy, smelly, arrogant and rude. But, I never heard of Iranians being stingy.
    Majority of the Iranians pray so they clean themselves on a daily basis, majority have bath at home to wash themselves. The description you gave is the description of HOMELESS people that the US has plenty of them. Also, there are a group of people who does not want to show their wealth to create dislike, thus they present themselves as ‘poor’. You might have talk with one of them.
    Are you a Jew from the Middle East or North Africa? The only group that is considered to be STINGY around the world is the Jew NOT Muslims, including Arabs and Iranians.

    Are you stingy, smelly and arrogant?

    •�Troll: Sarah
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Notsofast
  143. @ariadna

    So many memories from travel in Iran — three weeks, like Rev. Spooner, but a number of years ago– it was just after Bush decreed that any person arriving in US from ‘that region’ had to be finger-printed upon arrival.

    So Iranians returned the favor: at Khomeini Airport passport control, a young guard took out the equivalent of a Staples rubber-stamp ink pad. He laughed, we all laughed. The fingerprints were tossed away.

    I got lost in a mosque in Qom and separated from my Farsi-speaking guide, just at prayer time, when courtyard was filled with carpets and men at prayer. I stood fascinated, watching a man bend over his young son (presumably), fold the boy’s hands, motion him when to bow, etc. That’s how Belonging takes shape. Somebody, an Iranian cleric, guided me (smiling indulgently) through the crowd and to the bus that was waiting for me.

    Ariadna’s comment about poor hygiene is spot-on (as sarc).
    Iranians in several cities & towns I visited are fanatic about clean footwear: shoe-polishers at shop- and hotel- entrances, and terry-cloth slip-ons in every room. It was said that the entire Iranian population could be taken down by merely failing to place slip-on footware at the door, so they could take off street-shoes.

    Children are prized in Iran. My favorite photo is of a young Iranian man & woman sitting beside river in Isfehan, he with one arm around her shoulder, the other arm holding a squirming little boy.
    Visited several monuments — most of them crowded with children in groups. Iranian children climb all over monuments to their poets and Ferdowsi, author of Iran’s epic, while in USA school children are trotted through holohoax museums. Whatever happened to ‘thou shalt have no strange gods before me.’

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @anarchyst
  144. MEexpert says:

    Iran’s highest technology S-300 air defenses were quickly forced off line. There is no evidence of any significant number of intercepts. Just the opposite, F-35’s operated freely in Iranian airspace and could not be countered. This comes as no surprise to objective observers. Prior generation Israeli F-16I fighters have been operating over Lebanon and Syria for years with only one plane lost.

    First hand account of the Israeli attack on Iran by Lt. General A123 of the Israeli airforce. hahahaha.

    Will Iran will make the smart move and back down?

    Would Israel make the smart move and backdown?

  145. anonymous[786] •�Disclaimer says:


    Iranian air defense was so pathetic the first wave completed 100% of mission objectives.

    Fuck off LIAR

  146. @Vidi

    And more and more Americans are saying out loud, from their experience with shopping, that the relatively low official rate is a lie.

    To be fair, the official rate is relatively low. It has not increased proportionate to the cost of many goods. What people are reacting to is coincidental profiteering rationalized using retarded Jewish math.

    I.e. oy vey, the interest rate doubled? Make up for it by doubling prices to make up for 50% of that, and halving portions to make up for the other 50% of the increase.

    What’s that, you want a raise? In this economy? Get the fuck outta my foyer.

    The same fucking block of cream cheese I’ve bought for a decade now markets itself as a 2-pack despite volume remaining static (if not less). Toilet logic, where 8 rolls of toilet paper are the same thing as 64 rolls (until you have a bad case of antisemitic diarrhea and ask where those other 56 rolls went). Or the logic that says men are actually women and black is the same as white. Making yourself feel good means you are good. Etc.

    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
  147. muh muh says:


  148. ariadna says:

    I have an Iranian friend to whom I showed both my comment and your response and she urged me to be kind to you. She thinks you are probably very young but mean well….

  149. Notsofast says:

    just to clue you in on the joke, that quote was from emily litella, (glida radner) a clueless character, from the original saturday night live. it was sarcasm of the highest grade and amazing that she could get away with it.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  150. ariadna says:

    I envy you so much. I had dreamed of visiting Iran and several years ago, when I was vacationing in a European country (from where I thought the trip would be shorter) I went to the Iranian consulate there and applied for a tourist visa. I even had a friend in Teheran who had invited me so I could give them an address where I would be staying.
    I was flatly refused–they said I could only apply in the consulate of my country of residence. I could not blame their suspicion of a person with a US passport. My friend made some attempts from the other side talking to some officials in the Min of Foreign Affairs but with no luck.
    I am too old now to hope I would live long enough to get to make it there. Eating an occasional meal in an Iranian (“Persian”) restaurant in Chicago was a poor substitute…

    •�Replies: @Zumbuddi
  151. Avery says:

    {this is looking like the walls closing in on poor bibi. too early to celebrate,}

    I understand the sentiment, but Bibi being removed or even being jailed WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING.
    90+% of Israel’s Jews are 100% A-OK with expelling and/or exterminating Palestinians in both Gaza and West Bank and taking their lands. They are 100% supportive of terror-bombing Lebanon — to “teach Lebanese a lesson….”.

    What we can read — between the lines — from this public infighting is that Israel’s wars in Gaza and particularly Lebanon are going very badly for Israel. They will throw Nutsonyahoo under the bus, hoping to buy time to do……what?

    Ganging up on Nutsonyahoo is a desperation move.
    But the war will not stop.
    The Genocide will not stop.
    There are lots more like Nutsonyahoo in the Zionist leadership.
    Some much worse than him, if that is even possible.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  152. eah says:
    @Anglo Mark

    >Zionist dribble

    Speaking of ‘amusement’, dribble is what you do with a basketball — the word you apparently want here is drivel.

    It’s a shame an otherwise valuable comment is marred by such a mistake — yes, the intellectually highbrow take ‘everyone I don’t agree with is a Zionist’ is new and was sorely missing here — so thanks for that.

    •�Thanks: meamjojo
    •�Replies: @Anglo Mark
    , @muh muh
  153. ariadna says:
    @Anglo Mark

    Don’t forget the important point that Iran and North Korea are the only countries left (after Libya was destroyed) whose financial system is not ensnared in the Rothschild/Bank of Settlements/IMF tentacles.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  154. @Paul Greenwood

    the city of Caen was defended by 12th-SS-Panzer only. The other German units were elsewhere in Normandy.

    and Eisenhower did not tell the RAF – or Montgomery what to do about Caen. That was WC’s call. See David Irving’s excellent The War Between the Generals.

  155. @eah

    If a person dribbles, saliva slowly (like words) drips from their mouth. Synonyms: drool, drivel, slaver, slobber.

    Thus, consistent with the true definition of “dribble,” I suggest that you dribbled a false narrative in a vain attempt to defame a superior wordsmith.


    •�Replies: @eah
    , @ariadna
  156. meamjojo says:
    @muh muh

    The Taliban destroyed many historical artifacts including a couple famous Buddha statues.


    Shit happens in war. That is why war should be avoided when it can be.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  157. meamjojo says:

    Trying to score brownie points with the Iranian regime, eh?

    Israel is going to wipe out the Iranian theocracy and help free the common citizens of Iran to democratically elect their own rulers.

    •�Replies: @A123
    , @Amman
  158. eah says:
    @Anglo Mark

    I know the definitions of dribble — in your context, you rather obviously wanted and intended the noun drivel — why not just admit the mistake? — instead of making it worse by pretending it wasn’t a mistake.

    Not to mention your comment was generally infantile, which more or less matches with the fact you made such a mistake.


  159. @ariadna

    I cant even imagine Kim taking orders from them, or even wanting to be their puppet.

  160. ariadna says:
    @Anglo Mark

    Easy for you to talk. They don’t have Webster’s in the yeshiva.

  161. @muh muh

    actually, Gallant’s fall is very bad news for the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, and Persians. Katz is a murderous Smotrich-clone.

    and my mistakes – as re your well-justified critique of my bad predictions – were

    a) underestimating the IDF’s “we kill but don’t get killed” aversion to casualties, and

    b) underestimating the Natanyahu’s regime’s satanic intent to win by destroying everything and slaughtering all of Izrahell’s enemies in a sustained stand-off air-war….while taking minimal casualties, as is well underway in Gaza and now also in Lebanon. To be more specific: now that Izrahell is expelling UNRWA, there will by mid-December be literally no food in Gaza; the c. 2,000,000 people who have so far survived the masscres-by-bomb will shortly be dead via starvation and induced disease.

    perhaps the several ongoing Talmudic genocides will be halted by an internal Izrahell collapse. About which you may be right. Absent this, I don’t see any external force that will do so:

    *Gaza/Hamas: doomed. Hamas now down to a few hundred guys with small arms creeping about in the ruins, picking off an Izziie soldier every few days (12 so far in the latest massacre of thousands of Palestinians in the north). And most of the tunnels are gone too; probably symptomatic that the last two remaining of the original Hamas bigwigs, Sinwar and the guy they caught yesterday driving an open car on a road between point A and point B, both hunted down and killed above ground. Also symptomatic: latest attempt by someone somewhere to reinforce Hamas….a drone w 2 rifles strapped on. The Izzies shot down the drone and took the guns.

    *Lebanon/Hezbollah: ditto. A year or less from now both south Lebanon and Bekkah Valley will look like Gaza. Bombed into a blood-spattered wasteland. And Hez will be long since out of their remaining drones and bottle rockets.

    *Syria long since supine. And yesterday the IDF Air Force began obliterating the shi’a towns outside of Damascus.

    *I-ran: maybe, possibly, if the mullahs ever get out of CYA mode and pre-empt. But likely won’t and, if Trumpstein wins today, adios I-ran pretty soon. If Harris: the same, just later on.


    View post on imgur.com

    so probably not…..

    ZOG- ruled Murka: nope, not ever.

    •�Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @Amman
    , @Xavier
  162. muh muh says:

    Your analogy only undermines your ‘shit happens’ argument, as the destruction of those statues was a deliberate act that occurred before the American invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

    Try again, dodo.

    I believe in you. 🕶️

    •�Replies: @Anon 284
  163. anarchyst says:

    Contrast the Iranian penchant for cleanliness and good hygiene with jewish hygiene practices which, to this day are almost nonexistent in many jewish circles.
    From post-WW2 jews who had to be forced to use latrines and clean themselves up under the threat of rifle butts to (more recently) stinky jews kicked off a flight from Detroit to Miami, jews seem to have a problem with good hygiene practices.
    Let’s not forget the male infant mutilation that takes place on the 8th day after a jewish male infant’s birth, the dirty “mohel” fellating the infant after the bris “deed is done”–sick.
    What is it with jews and their lack of decency and cleanliness?

    •�Troll: Sarah
  164. A123 says: •�Website

    Israel is going to wipe out the Iranian theocracy and help free the common citizens of Iran to democratically elect their own rulers.

    I have to 100% disagree.

    Palestinian Jews are carefully ensuring that failed senior Mullahs and sociopath Khamenei remain alive to take the blame. The Iranian people hold them responsible for beating women to death, collapsing the economy, and other issues.

    These creatures of the theocracy are so despicable, they cannot be voted out. Also, Muslim nations have an extremely poor track record when it comes to democracy. For example, Egypt almost fell to the Muslim Terrorist Brotherhood.

    Hopefully, Iran’s next leader will be both popular and unelected. A current or former general would be in the best position to cut off Hamas and Hezbollah. Secular authoritarian rule could root out the degenerate religious extremists that have spent decades brutalizing the Iranian people.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  165. muh muh says:

    It’s a shame an otherwise valuable comment is marred by such a mistake

    What’s even more shameful is straw grasping pedantry.

    Of course, you’d have to be capable of grasping something else to begin with.

    Like the concept of shame, for example. 🕶️

    •�Replies: @Anglo Mark
  166. @Notsofast

    as re my comment above: Gallant’s replacement, Izrahell Katz, is a murderous clone of Beelzebub Smotrich.

    You think Gallant’s ouster is good news for the Palestinians and Shi’a? Better think again.

  167. @Sarita

    “Sunni Muslim”

    yup. ya’ got me.

    now go away while I unroll my prayer rug for the 5th time today.

  168. ariadna says:

    This is the kind of skit the character called Emily Litella would do on SN, in which she would go on a rant about something she misunderstood or misheard, like “violins” instead of “violence” :

    so I made up an Emily Litella-like rant that confuses “Iran” with “Israel.”

    It was my pastiche, not a genuine SNL sketch. You don’t imagine the Jewish actress who played her, Gilda Radner, or the Jewish producers ever allowing hints to the less endearing aspects of their tribe mates like that.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  169. Poor Japan! They bought all those hyper-expensive F35s for no good reason, and they don’t work.

  170. ariadna says:

    Netanyahu fired Galant and is rumored to be ready to fire his Chief of Staff too.
    Why, why, analysts ask and come up with needlessly complicated suppositions.
    I think all of them neglect to consider Sarah’s influence. Remember how much Reagan relied on Nancy’s opinion?
    We know that Sarah came under some criticism and ridicule for raiding the offices in search of empty recyclable plastic bottles which she collected. What if those fired by Netanyahu were hoarders of recyclables? If I were a cabinet member I’d make sure I leave more than my share of empty recyclables under my desk every night before leaving my office.

  171. @Colin Wright

    You have to ask how these commentards could know that Russia wants to eject kyyiiv troops from Kursk. They seem sure of this. They are so sure that they say “Russia cannot even evict”. It’s like building a house of cards on top of a fart.

    •�Agree: Felpudinho
  172. Anon 284 says:
    @muh muh

    Shit DOES happen in war as joojoo says….

    Like having to swim to cyprus

    Best be wearing a life preserver at the time

  173. ariadna says:

    What happened?
    You went from a smarmy “I am not a Jew” excretor of mewling noises and hand wringing for “peace” to a full-bore out-of-closet little Haxo, delirating about Iran being gobbled up by your tribe who are all torn up about Iranian women’s suffering. You get intoxicated by your own rant to the point where you even talk indignantly about theocracy in …. Iran!
    What happened? What made you come out? Despair?

    •�Agree: John Trout
  174. Zumbuddi says:

    I hope you’re never too old, because I would so like to travel to Iran again but also too old.

    Make fesenjan! I make it with eggplant. Takes forever, but it’s worth it. Pomegranate sauce is what makes the difference.

    A dinner party with fesenjan, custard with rose water for desert. Pretend you’re in Shiraz.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  175. Biff says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    It would give the US pretext to destroy Iran utterly,

    Pfft. Haha…. The U.S. can’t even subdue the Houthi’s, or the Taliban, or any other cave dwelling knuckle draggers.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  176. @hobnob

    USAF B2 carries a 40,000 lb. bomb load. Last week ‘Murkan B2’s wiped out Houthi’s missile storage dens.

    if Trumpstein wins today, Iran will – after its last c. 12 remaining S/300 AA batteries are destroyed – certainly receive a visit from these extremely destructive killing machines.

  177. Amman says:

    [Israel is going to wipe out the Iranian ….]

    You should FREE yourself and your MAFIA tribe from GENOCIDE and then fuck off.

    •�LOL: meamjojo
  178. Sarita says:

    Israel’s GNP 2022: 527.02 billion.

    Saudi Arabia’s GNP 2022: 1.068 billion.

    Why can’t the rulers in Saudi Arabia just stop oil production for a week or two demanding a stop to genocide?

    Add to their GNP that of the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain etc

    Damned cowards.

  179. muh muh says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    actually, Gallant’s fall is very bad news for the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, and Persians. Katz is a murderous Smotrich-clone.

    Which will only hasten Israel’s internal demise.

    As finance minister, Smotrich has been nothing but a disaster for Israel’s economy, its credit rating now a mere two notches above junk and set to plummet further. As I’ve already stated, Katz is a yes-man for the religious Zionist constituency, whose lack of practicality coupled with serial impetuosity will prove to be the inevitable undoing of Israel itself. Troops are already stretched thin, and the rapidly growing Haredim demographic won’t fight. The current war objectives are definitively impractical; they’re akin to fighting abstractions such as ‘terror’ or ‘narcotics’.

    perhaps the several ongoing Talmudic genocides will be halted by an internal Izrahell collapse. About which you may be right. Absent this, I don’t see any external force that will do so:

    So, after that display of humility, you press ahead with more predictions on the basis of manifest error and various other superficial observations. Old habits, I suppose.

    General Brik’s assessment of Hamas tunnels is that the network is so extensive, Israel couldn’t possibly put a dent in even a fraction of its known appendices. As per our illustrious webhost, Hizbullah already had its own internal telecommunications network in place prior to the pager operation. As such, any claim it has degraded the organization is wishful thinking, at best. From the looks of it, I see no significant progress being made by Israel in capturing Lebanese territory.

    So Katz is more murderous. He’ll be less discriminating in strafe bombing and slaughtering civilians, as if the soldiers engaging in those actions were somehow already ‘restrained’ by Gallant or Halevi. (They weren’t.)

    All I see is a nation now completely in thrall to its own delusions of grandeur, proceeding with cognitive dissonance so thick you couldn’t cut it with a diamond blade chainsaw.

    The latest window of time for ‘completing’ implementation of the General’s Plan in Gaza is now six months. (Recall that a window of mere weeks to ‘mission accomplished’ was given earlier this year.) Within one year, nearly the entire world has turned against Israel’s genocide and is now advancing moves to effectively isolate it. Israel and world Jewry will not be able to sustain its mass censorship, vilification, or demonetizing campaigns indefinitely, not without significant pushback.

    When all is said and done, Israel will be miserably worse for the wear.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
  180. Amman says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    @HOAX Angmark

    underestimating the IDF’s “we kill but don’t get killed”

    Now, everyone knows that holocaust is nothing but HOAX, according to your own confession here and your FIRST name HOAX.

    We know you cannot be killed even by Germans. We know all those stories and Films you made were HOAX for propaganda purposes to fool others, where you failed. Now, everyone knows your history is FAKE, FAKE, and F for FAKE, zionist.

  181. I’m spamming Andrei Martyanov’s latest YT video because he covers a lot of subjects, from B-52 to Su-57:

  182. ariadna says:

    Haxo, meamjoo, eah, A123….. not enough.
    You need to be 10 to make a “minyan” so you can properly mourn the impending but lamentably delayed passing of the Jewish State, which Haxo calls “Izrahell” to show his righteous “impartiality.”
    Whatever transmogrification will be invented to allow the continuing existence of some of the psychopathic parasites (minus the smarter ones who would have fled) on that land, it will not be the “Jewish State.”
    You’d have to be blind, dead and dumb to believe that the kaleidoscope has turned but the colored shards will fall in the same places, forming the same image.

    What’s still to come is a nasty rancor against the Israeli Jews, not from the Goyim (that will be hate), but from the so-called diaspora Jews:
    “You, greedy, selfish, ungrateful pigs! We had such a nice gig going all over the world and you had to ruin it! You had to film yourselves and boast about stuff that should have been done quietly and then denied like always. We had to defend you and now the Goyim have gone anti-semitic on all of us! We are even reduced to defending ourselves by claiming you are not “real Jews,” but “zionists!”

  183. @muh muh

    Eah invokes the classic ad hominem attack of labeling his superior and unassailable opponent an “idiot” in a feeble effort at a retort. Poor soul.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  184. Doesn’t anybody remember the Samson option of Isreal?

    •�Replies: @ld
  185. @Rev. Spooner

    You are a loser meamjojo.

    Loser is right.

  186. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    “Izrahell Katz, is a murderous clone of Beelzebub Smotrich.”

    What will he do to the IDFers who run from Lebanon crying and sobbing?

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  187. @Sarita

    Why can’t the rulers in Saudi Arabia just stop oil production for a week or two demanding a stop to genocide?

    The Koran suggests that Israel is a land for Jews.

    “O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.”

    – Sura 5:21. The Koran, tr. Yusuf Ali


    The Sharif of Mecca was among the Muslim Zionists after the Balfour declaration.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
    , @Sarita
  188. ariadna says:

    I have not seen pomegranate or its sauce around here. What could be a substitute? i love eggplant and don’t mind the labor– I make a decent imambaialdí.

  189. @Notsofast

    “the larger economic war”

    is irrelevant. It’s a simple matter of battlefield hydroponics:

    when the pond is drained,

    the fighting fish die. And

    the Palestine, Lebanon, West Bank, and Syrian ponds

    are being slowly but surely drained. With – so far – negligible Izrahell civilian or military KIA.

    but by all means go on “resisting”

    @ unz.con

  190. @Haxo Angmark

    Hacks… So what’s another ziocidal mother fucker in front of a firing squad? an extra bullet, no problem.

  191. @ariadna

    “what will he do”

    maybe order up some extra KP duty. But it doesn’t matter,

    for very few IDF soldaten have “run from Lebanon crying and sobbing.”

    on the other hand large numbers of Lebanese Shi’a – including former Hez fighters and their families –

    are fleeing into Syria to escape the daily deathstorm of Izraeli bombs. But that won’t save them,

    because sooner or later the Izzies will kill them there too.

    •�Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  192. ld says:
    @Richard Samson

    They are only insane when it comes to killing Amalek
    They seem reticent to destroy themselves in the process

  193. muh muh says:
    @Anglo Mark

    A little more than one month ago, that little ankle biter had the audacity to say this:

    Per the link(s) I gave, a majority of Jews are secular and hold fairly reasonable views — but the existence of this uncompromising, ‘Israel has no right to exist’ block now called the ‘Axis of Resistance’ makes it very difficult for them to marginalize the hardliners.

    So what is the resolution here? — unless the ‘Israel has no right to exist’ block moderates its stance, how can this inter-generational conflict be ended?


    I then gutted and skinned his comment:


    I’d say it’s amusing to watch him struggle to make some kind of point in this thread, but it’s merely a testament to how pathetic he’s become.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  194. @Haxo Angmark

    Dream on Fuckso, can you say firing squad or perhaps you prefer something more traditional.

  195. muh muh says:
    @the Man Behind the Curtain

    This is a fairly ludicrous argument, one that’s easily denied by the vast majority of Muslim scholars.

    You can do your own research, but the preponderance of Islamic scholarship doesn’t support the idea that The Qur’an affirms the Zionist claim to Palestine.

    To wit:

    As for claiming that the Jews have a right to take Palestine as their promised land, we will say that the verse that reads, “Go into the holy land which Allah has ordained for you.” (Al-Ma`idah 5:21) means that the promise stands so long as the people given this promise abide by Allah’s teachings. Once they show disobedience, the promise no longer exists.

    In addition, this promise is not an absolute one; rather, it is confined to a certain period of time. Now, the promise is no more valid, for Almighty Allah says, “We have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous slaves will inherit the earth.” (Al-Anbiya’ 21:105)


    This is one of the more mainstream Islamic sites out there. You’d be very hard pressed to find any significant body of Muslim scholars claiming otherwise.

  196. @muh muh

    “Israel is doomed regardless of the outcome of the current fighting”

    maybe. I hope so. But for the most part,

    I try not to engage in hope’ium,

    or ad hominems. Which

    is all you, Ariadne, NSF, and the rest of the foul-mouth’d Chorus Line @ the Unz Tinfoil Cathedral have got.

    •�Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @muh muh
  197. meamjojo says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    “as re my comment above: Gallant’s replacement, Izrahell Katz, is a murderous clone of Beelzebub Smotrich.

    You think Gallant’s ouster is good news for the Palestinians and Shi’a? Better think again.”

    I’m happy to see Gallant get the boot. What took so long? He and Biden should both hook-up as each are war wimps, afraid go all in when necessary.

    Hopefully Katz will put the Israel war machine pedal to the metal and cleanup the terrorists rat nests quickly. He could also get help from the Gazan civilians, who are starting (about time!) to get tired of being killed because they allow Hamas to hide around them.

    If I were Katz, I would offer a decent reward and safety in Israel for any information Gazans or Lebanese offer about terrorists in their midst.

    Are Gazans starting to wake up to Hamas’s apathy for them?
    By Cookie Schwaeber-Issan
    October 27, 2024


  198. Xavier says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    A palm reader at the flea market could make better geopolitical predictions than you. Give the concern trolling a rest.

    •�Agree: Biff, James of Africa, ariadna
  199. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    The lies, hypocrisy and deceitful spiels that ooze from your comments inevitably characterize you, so it is pathetic to whine that the inescapable conclusion is an “ad hominem” attack.

  200. meamjojo says:

    “Pfft. Haha…. The U.S. can’t even subdue the Houthi’s, or the Taliban, or any other cave dwelling knuckle draggers.”

    Haven’t heard much (anything actually) from the Houthis and their chest puffing spokesperson with all the medals pinned on since the US B2’s took some target practice on them in preparation for an Iran attack.

    We could have also subdued the Taliban but US Presidents Obama, Trump and Biden always refused to use necessary force out of fear of killing civilians and upsetting the leftwing politicos in the US. Instead, they all “tiptoe through the tulips”, trying not to step on any.

    I call your attention to this fine article!

    Israel, US face moment of reckoning and must embrace their power
    By MICAH AVNI jpost.com3 min
    October 29, 2024

    Israel’s recent airstrikes on Iran sent a message that reverberated through the Middle East and beyond: Israel’s reach extends to every corner of Iran, and Tehran’s ability to retaliate is severely limited.

    This demonstration of Israeli power underscores that, despite intelligence and surveillance, the United States cannot predict Israel’s every move.

    For two decades, Iran has projected strength through threats, capitalizing on the free world’s fear and hesitation.

    Now, the illusion of Iranian dominance is fracturing.

    Geopolitically, this is a game-changer.


    •�Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  201. meamjojo says:
    @muh muh

    You give yourself far too much credit here for cogent comments.

    As the saying goes “If brains were dynamite you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose”

    Suggest you stop patting yourself on the back. You might tear your rotator cuff! [lol]

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  202. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    “large numbers of Lebanese Shi’a – including former Hez fighters and their families –
    are fleeing into Syria to escape the daily deathstorm of Izraeli bombs. But that won’t save them,
    because sooner or later the Izzies will kill them there too.”

    You are right on this. The psychopaths would try to follow the civilian Lebanese fleeing to Syria in order to massacre them if they had the chance, because that is what these psychopaths are known for.
    It is only when they encounter women and children that they don’t soil their pants and run away crying and sobbing, but rape them, steal their clothes to photograph themselves wearing them, and kill them.

  203. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “…it was limited…”

    Words spoken by cowards that don’t know how badly they’ll be beaten, so they can hastily strategically run retreat back to Occupied Palestine, because ‘the operation was limited…’

    •�Agree: ariadna
  204. muh muh says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    I try not to engage in hope’ium,
    or ad hominems.
    is all you, Ariadne, NSF, and the rest of the foul-mouth’d Chorus Line @ the Unz Tinfoil Cathedral have got.

    Well, since you can’t provide a single example of my doing so, we can add psychological projection to your litany of errors.


  205. Sarita says:
    @the Man Behind the Curtain

    The Koran suggests that Israel is a land for Jews.”

    I don’t know buddy, I don’t read the Koran.
    I read the bible and it says :

    “Yahweh will bring a nation against you [Jewish wrongdoers] from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down.”

    Torah (Deuteronomy 28:49).

    Iran might be the one that will get you, if not maybe Sunni Muslims will.

    You could’ve had the support of everyone in the planet but you decided to start killing children by the thousands.
    You lost.

  206. @ariadna

    I’d say you proved his point.

    Typical female “intellectual.”

    That isn’t an ad hominem attack, that’s an ad feminem attack.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  207. Sarita says:

    Which of the posters in here can we compare this scumbag to?
    Just listen to him and read the comments..

    •�Replies: @Anon 284
  208. Anonymous[235] •�Disclaimer says:

    1. The US lost its expeditionary capability decades ago. There was never a chance that the US would fight Iran and win, whether in alliance with Israel or not. DOD was converted into a regime protection force during Obama’s first two terms (2008-2016).
    2. While air power is an important adjunct to ground forcers, it has never yet by itself been decisive even tactically. Therefore, even a successful attack would probably not have been strategically decisive.

    Therefore — the strategic situation has not much changed after the failure of Israel’s air attack. However — the realization of what the strategic situation really is has changed drastically.

    Israel’s strategic situation is as described in: https://www.unz.com/article/a-heroic-preference-for-self-destruction-is-taking-hold-in-israel/

    The strategic situation for the US is similar. As Hood wrote,
    the US Federal government has found itself headed by a racially based political system, see: https://www.unz.com/ghood/the-brown-scare/#comment-6842668 that is terrified by the specter of losing control, but is also incapable of maintaining US suzerainty over much of the world. This coalition (the Obama coalition, let’s say) is has turned DOD (which was once, during Desert storm, an expeditionary military, but became a “colonial army” after it bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan) into a “regime protection” army as it is today. By the same token, the US Navy has become either obsolescent or completely obsolete, as shown by its failure against the Houthis. One wonders if either force could defeat, say, Andora.

    (BTW, some idiot has an exercise in which US paratroopers drop over an island ( https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/11/05/us-army-rangers-parachute-assault-pacific-airbase-china-war/ ). Last time anybody tried that was the Germans in WW II, Crete, and about half the force was dropped over open sea and drowned. It’s been “never again” since, until now.

    Further, last time anybody tried an “airhead” (that’s what it used to be called) was Russian Federation trying to take Ukraine’s capitol by capturing its airport, then pouring in supplies while an armored column approached from the Russia to the North. The Ukrainians stopped reinforcement of the airhead by using artillery to put debris on the airhead’s runways, defeated the few airhead defenders, and then blocked the armored column. An island could do something similar, the more so if it mounted enough artillery/missiles to prevent use of simple landing craft.

  209. Rabbi Shmuley opitimizes Judeans today. All he can do is lie and kvetch and squeal about “antisemitism”.

  210. Rich343 says:

    Total destruction of Iranian air defense a bust? Ahahahaha, what a bullshit…and now that Trump has won, there won’t be any restrictions on Israel on the US side anymore i.e., the Mullah regime will be gone soon!!!!

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  211. @Sarita

    [Cluttering up this website with quotations from the Bible is bad behavior and such comments may get trashed.]

    Be careful what you wish for.


    “31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee.

    32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.

    33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.”

    – Exodus 23:31-33, the Bible, KJV

    Then of course after the book of revelation there’s 1 Nephi, where the Israelites build boats and sail to America.

    “13 And he read, saying: Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations! Yea, and many things did my father read concerning Jerusalem—that it should be destroyed, and the inhabitants thereof; many should perish by the sword, and many should be carried away captive into Babylon.”

    – 1 Nephi 1:13, the Book of Mormon (Another Testament of Jesus Christ)

    I haven’t read the Koran in full either but I did look up
    a few verses to understand why Israel has had so much cooperation from Islamic countries over the years

  212. @meamjojo

    “Haven’t heard much (anything actually) from the Houthis…”

    You’re absolutely right about that. The moron with all those fake medals (probably bought them from a Persian Bazar on his 4th honeymoon to Tehran) is most likely biting the dust.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  213. Believing in climate disaster is a lot dumber than believing in the Bible, Mikey

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  214. @ariadna

    Emily Litella would do on SN, in which she would go on a rant about something she misunderstood or misheard, like “violins” instead of “violence”…, I made up an Emily Litella-like rant that confuses “Iran” with “Israel.”

    The two words, “violins” & “violence” sound very similar whereas the two words “Iran” & “Israel” do not (both words starting with the vowel “I” isn’t enough). This key fact ruins the whole premise of your “joke,” which, if it has to be explained, isn’t much of a” joke” anyways.

    Comedy isn’t your forte. Stick to being your bitter/bitchy, supercilious, self.

  215. Bro43rd says:
    @Antisemantic Prosecutor

    Either you were schooled in some kind of new math or are being deliberately obtuse. Blaming the manufacturers for price gouging when the government is continually devaluing the $ is nothing but covering for state malfeasance. Read some Mises & Rothbard if you want to have an informed opinion instead of parroting government propaganda. There’s a good chance some price gouging is going on but it’s primarily happening in the procurement of services by those identified by Ray Mcgovern as micimatt contractors.

  216. ariadna says:
    @the Man Behind the Curtain

    “Typical female “intellectual.”
    That isn’t an ad hominem attack, that’s an ad feminem attack.”

    You should stay behind the curtain QUIETLY.
    If Haxo called you in as an intellectual adviser he is even more deluded than we all thought.
    You struggle with English and yet you venture into Latin?! There is no such thing as “ad feminem,” but Latin declensions are indeed somewhat tougher than in Yiddish.
    The next time you attempt to use it, make it “ad feminam,” even though you don’t even know what the phrase means. Neither “ad hominem” nor “ad feminam” refers to the alleged attacker but his/her alleged victim. But that’s way over our head.
    Haxo does not need your support, curtain lurker. He makes a fool by himself unaided.

  217. @ariadna

    Who cares, Latin is a dead language. Those people couldn’t hold it together and neither can you.

    I thought what he said was very funny because you immediately proved him right. All you do is spew not very clever insults.

    Maybe you aren’t getting enough tutti in your frutti, labia de caca

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  218. Anon 284 says:

    Epsteinians gunna epstein.

    Is anyone surprised?

  219. muh muh says:

    You give yourself far too much credit here for cogent comments.


    Maybe I should follow your lead and give myself credit for stupid comments.

    Thanks for the advice, counselor.

  220. Corrupt says:

    Pretty bad when even meanjewjew laughs at your claim.

    •�Replies: @meamjojo
  221. meamjojo says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    Speaking of which [rotflol]

    Iran-Backed Houthis Reportedly Declare Ceasefire Shortly After Trump Victory
    Wednesday, Nov 06, 2024 – 10:05 AM

    Former President Trump isn’t even back in the White House, but news of his historic victory in the US presidential election has already sent shockwaves through the top leadership of the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. Reports on X indicate that the rebels have declared a ceasefire, halting a year of missile and drone strikes on Western-linked commercial and military vessels across the critical maritime chokepoint in the southern Red Sea.

    According to Defense Arabia on X, Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarea stated, “Our operations in international waters were purely defensive, and we announce their final cessation.”


    •�Replies: @muh muh
  222. meamjojo says:

    “Pretty bad when even meanjewjew laughs at your claim. ”

    Doofus! I was laughing WITH this perceptive comment made by A123.

    •�Agree: A123
    •�Replies: @Corrupt
  223. muh muh says:


    Check your ZH link again.

    One tweet’s been deleted and the last one’s community noted as false.

    Feel free to pat yourself on the back, though.

    Just don’t tear that rotator cuff. 🕶️

  224. ariadna says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Stop spelling the terrorist genocidal state’s name as “Israhell” while you are plying your trade of hasbare peddling. It makes you look as Rabbi Shmuel would if wearing a crucifix while ranting.
    It’s too stupid a spiel, even for you.

  225. ariadna says:

    If you call Iran “the Mullah regime” what do you call Israel?
    The Psychotic Bronze Age cult genocidal `aberration?

  226. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    Oh, dear-YET another mega-fuckwit. It’s a disaster, you poisonous denialist troll, when ONE YEAR’S rain falls in eight hours, as in Valencia. But, of course, Rightwing sub-thugs don’t give a tinker’s curse when it’s others being drowned in mud, or burned in mega-fires or killed by heatwaves. That humanity produces such scum in such abundance was always our Achilles Heel.

  227. @Pepé Le Pew

    You surely mean ‘epitomises’, and the thing does do that, but only one type of Jew, the Talmudist, xenophobic, supremacist, blood-thirsty Judeonazi. Not all Jews are like it, and many remain decent humans opposed to the Judenreich’s genocide. To assert that all Jews are alike is pure racist bunkum, and quintessentially Judaic.

  228. @mulga mumblebrain

    We’ve already gone over many times how your silly hot air hypothesis is just empty virtue-signaling – a substitute for not having a boyfriend due to your being the village bicycle (how green!) in Australia during your younger years, mulga dear.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  229. Corrupt says:

    Sure you were. Admit it… You’re a moron and laughed at the wrong post. Your ancestors inbreeding is starting to show.

  230. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    at least your little brother jojo still believes in you, the rest of us here know you’re full of shit and have nothing to offer, other than your ominous predictions, that fail to deliver, just like the idf. unit 8200 is all that’s left of your once proud (hubristic) tradition.

    so it’s all up to you now, as propaganda is all you have left, the tribe is counting on you to deliver them. it’s your move moses, lead your people out of the desert of reality and into that land of bilk and money, you were promised by your dark god, the country formerly known as america. time to exercise your samsonite option, pack up the tents and move on (once again). i think i hear your mother calling….from miami.

    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
    , @ariadna
  231. Notsofast says:

    you’re right but there’s an element within them that understands the damage being done to their international reputation and the reputation of their religion. if they can be turned on one another their shithole supremacist apartheid state, can be destroyed from within, you know, “why don’t you and him go fight”.

    •�Replies: @Avery
  232. Bro43rd says:

    Nice to see the reference to “once upon a time in america”, the best one of the once upon a time series by Leone.

  233. Avery says:

    You make good points.

  234. anon[381] •�Disclaimer says:

    This was just a test for the Ashkenazim. They are eugenically advancing and will soon become intelligent enough to create weapons that will conclusively eliminate Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. These four nations are dysgenic and three of them have below-replacement fertility levels. And the leaders of Russia, China, and North Korea don’t even care, so long as they personally can live out full rich secular lives; what comes after they die is irrelevant to them. The Ashkenazim on the other hand are thinking one thousand years ahead.

  235. @Voyager III

    Apparently – what the Serbs did was they figured out the time and flight patterns the F117 used at night. They actually couldn’t see it well enough on radar. But they baited the plane. They realized that when the bomb bay doors opened – it suddenly became visible on radar and that’s how they shot down 2 of them. Very clever.

  236. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    I thought what he said was very funny because you immediately proved him right. All you do is spew not very clever insults.

    Maybe you aren’t getting enough tutti in your frutti, labia de caca

    Nellie (aka ariadna) is The Unz Review’s very own supercilious spinster crone. She’s a know-it-all who pretty much lives here and posts dozens of crotchety, dried-out, post-menopausal comments per day. Her hitting the “Troll” button is about as big of a thrill (“tutti in your frutti”) the old fogy gets, consequently, she uses that troll button often. It gives her a tingle.

    •�Replies: @A123
  237. A123 says: •�Website

    Nellie (aka ariadna) is The Unz Review’s very own supercilious spinster crone. She’s a know-it-all who pretty much lives here and posts dozens of crotchety, dried-out, post-menopausal comments per day.

    You are correct.

    She and Cuck Cuck (a.k.a. Muh Muh) are Taqiyya Trolls. Iranian “intelligence” pays them to lie and hit the troll button. As their deceptions have a 0% success rate, it is clearly poor value for the Rials. Incompetence is permitted, even welcomed, by Tehran under sociopath Khamenei’s degenerate theocracy.

    Their brain dead antics do serve as comic relief. I get a good chuckle ever time Cuck Cuck posts.

    PEACE 😇

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  238. @A123

    I doubt Nellie (aka ariadna) is paid, I doubt anyone commenting on this site is paid. I think she’s a lonely, barren, crone who was burned by a Jew or two in the past and never got over it; consequently, she spends many hours per day (no weekends off) venting her bile here.

    Her deep-seated hatred is laughably under the guise of love and concern for the two million deadbeat “Palestinians.” It’s for all the dead Arab babies! She doesn’t seem to realize that she’d be wearing permanent black eyes if she spoke to any of those subpar Arab men in Gaza the same way she constantly writes to many of us here.

    The biggest joke of all is that Nellie thinks she’s a hero. She’s thinks she’s like her crone friend, the one who carries around photographs of her bruised arms to show others how brave she was in getting between Israelis and Palestinian olive pickers in a land dispute.

    The bitter old biddy lives is delusional.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  239. @anon

    the Ashkenazim. They are eugenically advancing

    Strongly disagree. They are currently only kept alive through paper money, and the smartest priestly lines are only a quarter Jewish, like Lenin, Hitler, and Torquemada.

    Just look at any synagogue and you will see it full of female Rabbis. This is not a sign of strength.

    Much more likely Israel will be eliminated. Time for quality control.

  240. ariadna says:

    “it’s your move moses, lead your people out of the desert of reality and into that land of bilk and money”

    Haven’t you heard? The mythical, immortal Moses tried once again to part the Houthis Lake formerly known as the Red Sea but was hit by debris falling from the American drone downed the other day by the Houthis and gravely injured barely managed to escape and hide again in the mists of jewish mythology they call ‘history.’

    •�LOL: Avery
  241. @Anonymous

    You are so right that White people should not sign up. Nobody should sign up regardless what color their skin is.


    Arlene Johnson
    To access my work, which is top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine.

  242. @Pepé Le Pew

    Rabbi Shmuley opitimizes Judeans today. All he can do is lie and kvetch and squeal about “antisemitism”

    He is a prime example of a Zionist Jew and a filthy individual.

  243. Notsofast says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    “the larger economic war”

    is irrelevant. It’s a simple matter of battlefield hydroponics:

    further proof of hasbara, troll. like i said that’s what you don’t want to talk about, the economic death of your racist apartheid state. enjoy your slow economic strangulation, you murderous squatter.

  244. @Haxo Angmark

    Another delusional Zio Turd Agent pushing “Isreali Intelligence” (Lies, Deception and Complete Bollocks)

    All is not well in La La Land..

    How close is the Israeli army to collapse?

    Is the Israeli army on the verge of collapsing? That’s the question many families of soldiers recently returned from Gaza seem to be asking.

    A series of interviews with more than 20 combat soldiers and their families for an article published last month by Tel Aviv news site The Hottest Place, suggests that the Israeli army is suffering from a potentially terminal crisis.

    “This may be a quiet and hushed-up phenomenon,” writes journalist Revital Hovel, “but [it is] one that is continuously increasing. Many soldiers are refusing to continue fighting in Gaza and are voting with their feet.”

    A year of armed resistance to the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip is taking its toll. Many Israeli soldiers are now refusing to fight.

    Some are even dying by suicide rather than return to the field….


  245. @the Man Behind the Curtain

    Anthropogenic climate destabilisation is settled science and reality. To deny it is not ‘virtue’ signalling, but vice signalling, or, to be frank, evil idiocy signalling. You scum WILL face justice one day, (but far too late), either from society or from reality.

    •�LOL: Corrupt
  246. @mulga mumblebrain

    You scum WILL face justice one day, (but far too late)

    Sounds like unhinged virtue-signaling to me from someone who can’t accept that she is facing justice for her loose sexual behavior in her younger years.

    The quoted line could come from any children’s comic book.

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