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�Jeffrey D. Sachs Archive
How the US and Israel Destroyed Syria and Called It Peace
“Don’t bomb Syria !†by alisdare1 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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In the famous lines of Tacitus, Roman historian, “To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.â€

In our age, it is Israel and the U.S. that make a desert and call it peace.

The story is simple. In stark violation of international law, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers claim the right to rule over seven million Palestinian Arabs. When Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands leads to militant resistance, Israel labels the resistance “terrorism†and calls on the U.S. to overthrow the Middle East governments that back the “terrorists.†The U.S., under the sway of the Israel Lobby, goes to war on Israel’s behalf.

The fall of Syria this week is the culmination of the Israel-U.S. campaign against Syria that goes back to 1996 with Netanyahu’s arrival to office as Prime Minister. The Israel-U.S. war on Syria escalated in 2011 and 2012, when Barack Obama covertly tasked the CIA with the overthrow of the Syrian Government in Operation Timber Sycamore. That effort finally came to “fruition†this week, after more than 300,000 deaths in the Syrian war since 2011.

Syria’s fall came swiftly because of more than a decade of crushing economic sanctions, the burdens of war, the U.S. seizure of Syria’s oil, Russia’s priorities regarding the conflict in Ukraine, and most immediately, Israel’s attacks on Hezbollah, which was the key military backstop to the Syrian Government. No doubt Assad often misplayed his own hand and faced severe internal discontent, but his regime was targeted for collapse for decades by the U.S. and Israel.

Before the U.S.-Israel campaign to overthrow Assad began in earnest in 2011, Syria was a functioning, growing middle-income country. In January 2009, the IMF Executive Board had this to say:

Executive Directors welcomed Syria’s strong macroeconomic performance in recent years, as manifested in the rapid non-oil GDP growth, comfortable level of foreign reserves, and low and declining government debt. This performance reflected both robust regional demand and the authorities’ reform efforts to shift toward a more market- based economy.

Since 2011, the Israel-U.S. perpetual war on Syria, including bombing, jihadists, economic sanctions, U.S. seizure of Syria’s oil fields, and more, has sunk the Syrian people into misery.

In the immediate two days following the collapse of the government, Israel conducted about 480 strikes across Syria, and completely destroyed the Syrian fleet in Latakia. Pursuing his expansionist agenda, Prime Minister Netanyahu illegally claimed control over the demilitarized buffer zone in the Golan Heights and declared that the Golan Heights will be a part of the State of Israel “for eternity.â€

Netanyahu’s ambition to transform the region through war, which dates back almost three decades, is playing out in front of our eyes. In a press conference on December 9th, the Israeli prime minister boasted of an “absolute victory,†justifying the on-going genocide in Gaza and escalating violence throughout the region:

I ask you, just think, if we had acceded to those who told us time and again: ‘â€The war must be stoppedâ€â€“ we would not have entered Rafah, we would not have seized the Philadelphia Corridor, we would not have eliminated Sinwar, we would not have surprised our enemies in Lebanon and the entire world in a daring operation-stratagem, we would not have eliminated Nasrallah, we would not have destroyed Hezbollah’s underground network, and we would not have exposed Iran’s weakness. The operations that we have carried out since the beginning of the war are dismantling the axis brick by brick.

The long history of Israel’s campaign to overthrow the Syrian Government is not widely understood, yet the documentary record is clear. Israel’s war on Syria began with U.S. and Israeli neoconservatives in 1996, who fashioned a “Clean Break†strategy for the Middle East for Netanyahu as he came to office. The core of the “clean break†strategy called for the Israel (and the US) to reject “land for peace,†the idea that Israel would withdraw from the occupied Palestinian lands in return for peace. Instead, Israel would retain the occupied Palestinian lands, rule over the Palestinian people in an Apartheid state, step-by-step ethnically cleanse the state, and enforce so-called “peace for peace†by overthrowing neighboring governments that resisted Israel’s land claims.

The Clean Break strategy asserts, “Our claim to the land—to which we have clung for hope for 2000 years—is legitimate and noble,†and goes on to state, “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon…â€

In his 1996 book Fighting Terrorism, Netanyahu set out the new strategy. Israel would not fight the terrorists; it would fight the states that support the terrorists. More accurately, it would get the US to do Israel’s fighting for it. As he elaborated in 2001:

The first and most crucial thing to understand is this: There is no international terrorism without the support of sovereign states.… Take away all this state support, and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into dust.

Netanyahu’s strategy was integrated into U.S. foreign policy. Taking out Syria was always a key part of the plan. This was confirmed to General Wesley Clark after 9/11. He was told, during a visit at the Pentagon, that “we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years—we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.†Iraq would be first, then Syria, and the rest. (Netanyahu’s campaign for the Iraq War is spelled out in detail in Dennis Fritz’s new book, Deadly Betrayal. The role of the Israel Lobby is spelled out in Ilan Pappé’s new book, Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic). The insurgency that hit U.S. troops in Iraq set back the five-year timeline, but did not change the basic strategy.

The U.S. has by now led or sponsored wars against Iraq (invasion in 2003), Lebanon (U.S. funding and arming Israel), Libya (NATO bombing in 2011), Syria (CIA operation during 2010’s), Sudan (supporting rebels to break Sudan apart in 2011), and Somalia (backing Ethiopia’s invasion in 2006). A prospective U.S. war with Iran, ardently sought by Israel, is still pending.

Strange as it might seem, the CIA has repeatedly backed Islamist Jihadists to fight these wars, and jihadists have just toppled the Syrian regime. The CIA, after all, helped to create al-Qaeda in the first place by training, arming, and financing the Mujahideen in Afghanistan from the late 1970s onward. Yes, Osama bin Laden later turned on the U.S., but his movement was a U.S. creation all the same. Ironically, as Seymour Hersh confirms, it was Assad’s intelligence that “tipped off the U.S. to an impending Al Qaeda bombing attack on the headquarters of the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet.â€

Operation Timber Sycamore was a billion-dollar CIA covert program launched by Obama to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. The CIA funded, trained, and provided intelligence to radical and extreme Islamist groups. The CIA effort also involved a “rat line†to run weapons from Libya (attacked by NATO in 2011) to the jihadists in Syria. In 2014, Seymour Hersh described the operation in his piece “The Red Line and the Rat Lineâ€:

“A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and ErdoÄŸan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.â€

Soon after the launch of Timber Sycamore, in March 2013, at a joint conference by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House, Obama said: “With respect to Syria, the United States continues to work with allies and friends and the Syrian opposition to hasten the end of Assad’s rule.â€

To the U.S.-Israeli Zionist mentality, a call for negotiation by an adversary is taken as a sign of weakness of the adversary. Those who call for negotiations on the other side typically end up dead—murdered by Israel or U.S. assets. We’ve seen this play out recently in Lebanon. The Lebanese Foreign Minister confirmed that Hassan Nasrallah, Former Secretary-General of Hezbollah had agreed to a ceasefire with Israel days before his assassination. Hezbollah’s willingness to accept a peace agreement according to the Arab-Islamic world’s wishes of a two-state solution is long-standing. Similarly, instead of negotiating to end the war in Gaza, Israel assassinated Hamas’ political chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran.

Similarly in Syria, instead of allowing for a political solution to emerge, the U.S. opposed the peace process multiple times. In 2012, the UN had negotiated a peace agreement in Syria that was blocked by the Americans, who demanded that Assad must go on the first day of the peace agreement. The U.S. wanted regime change, not peace. In September 2024, Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly with a map of the Middle East divided between “Blessing†and “Curse,†with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran as part of Netanyahu’s curse. The real curse is Israel’s path of mayhem and war, which has now engulfed Lebanon and Syria, with Netayahu’s fervent hope to draw the U.S. into war with Iran as well.

The U.S. and Israel are high-fiving that they have successfully wrecked yet another adversary of Israel and defender of the Palestinian cause, with Netanyahu claiming “credit for starting the historic process.†Most likely Syria will now succumb to continued war among the many armed protagonists, as has happened in the previous U.S.-Israeli regime-change operations.

In short, American interference, at the behest of Netanyahu’s Israel, has left the Middle East in ruins, with over a million dead and open wars raging in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, and with Iran on the brink of a nuclear arsenal, being pushed against its own inclinations to this eventuality.

All this is in the service of a profoundly unjust cause: to deny Palestinians their political rights in the service of Zionist extremism based on the 7th century BCE Book of Joshua. Remarkably, according to that text—one relied on by Israel’s own religious zealots—the Israelites were not even the original inhabitants of the land. Rather, according the text, God instructs Joshua and his warriors to commit multiple genocides to conquer the land.

Against this backdrop, the Arab-Islamic nations and indeed almost all of the world have repeatedly united in the call for a two-state solution and peace between Israel and Palestine.

Instead of the two-state solution, Israel and the U.S. have made a desert and called it peace.

(Republished from Common Dreams by permission of author or representative)
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  1. BuelahMan says:

    It’s the Grasping Bastards that cannot stop their unhinged murderous endeavor.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @Kaiser Wilhelm
  2. Wokechoke says:

    7 million Palestinians ruled by around 6 million Israelis? Try 6 million Jews ruling 350,000,000 lard assed Amerimutts.

  3. Timely and well written. Jeffery Sachs is a voice of truth and reason in a sea of mainstream Zionist propaganda.

    •ï¿½Disagree: Yababa
    •ï¿½Replies: @Yababa
  4. The world watches as they kill and destroy the fruit of other people’s work with abandon, then they complain about how hatred has grown everywhere. And they don’t care that the churches are emptying out while their former followers are looking for a new life with a new faith that is not worshipping destruction and death.

    With Iraq and Syria they destroyed the cradle of human civilization, surely that doesn’t matter to them because it is not money that is important, like bitcoin that has no other backing than the dollar that will have no one the day the killing machine stops.

    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  5. Charles says:

    It may be that “almost all of the world” wants the slaughters perpetrated by Jews to end. Certainly if American White “Evangelicals” are asked (with no reference to anything else) if they approve of mass murder they will say they do not. Nevertheless if “the world” and Whites must contradict the Jews to stop the killing – or to stop the degradation of their own countries – then whatever debate existed is over. People all over the world fear (with good reason) what the US will do next. Whites in the US are afraid that if a Jew does not get his way, the Jewish tribal deity called Yahweh will vaporize or drown or perhaps strike with lightning bolts the offending Gentiles. Credulity and superstition reign, and Jewish crimes continue unabated.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Anonymous45
    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @Anon
  6. Notsofast says:

    this whole talk of disassembling the axis brick by brick, is a load of hasbara bullshit. hezbollah isn’t dead and iran isn’t afraid of the big bad bibi. just remember what iran did in iraq, in arming and equipping the resistance forces, as well as establishing networks within the shia element in iraq. they still have plenty of connections there and iraq and syria share a huge border that the u.s. for all their trillions couldn’t close.

    remember all the glorious posturing and self congratulatory praise for their mission accomplished. they destroyed iraq’s army and scattered their forces, thinking they had just rolled over untermensch iraqis, showing them our superiority, making them cower in fear. well that hubris and stupidity came back to haunt them and sparked an insurgency they could never put down. eventually obama had to “declare victory” and sneak out in the middle of the night. learning nothing from this, obama’s bff tried to do the same in afghanistan, which then collapsed so fast, they got their ass blown off trying to get out of the door.

    now bibi is declaring victory once again, learning nothing from history, which seems to be a common trait of his people. does anyone believe for a moment that iran won’t do exactly the same thing again and that hezbollah won’t rise under new leadership like a phoenix? iran no longer has troops in harms way, that can be targeted by israel with impunity and the same can be said for russia. now it’s israel and the u.s. with troops illegally occupying syria, with their bases and equipment making big fat targets, for drone equipped insurgency forces to have a field day.

    this was exactly what these bastards wanted to do to iran and russia, who fully understand the game changing use of drones and who produce them in greater numbers that any other countries in the world. this isn’t over and in fact it hasn’t yet even begun. now the russians can fully concentrate on cleaning out the rats nest in ukraine and iran can operate from the shadows knowing they can counter anything the israelis throw at them and respond in a way to which israel has no real defense, through their vastly superior hypersonic missiles that they have been amassing for years.

    the u.s. and west cannot produce weapons at the rate the israelis (and ukrainians) are using them. they are like some foolish girl with a platinum card that will soon be maxed out and the bill come due with 35% interest. bibi will soon be brought down brics by brics, and the axis of evil sugerdaddy, will be bankrupted by his jewish princess and her insatiable appetite for blood.

    •ï¿½Agree: Daniel Rich
    •ï¿½Replies: @Lemmy Tellyuh
    , @Poupon Marx
    , @Ronehjr
  7. deejay says:

    The people of Syria are likely to be already lamenting the fall of Bashar “Gassed-his-own-people” Assad. They replaced a semi-unified state with thieves and murderers, in the hopes of a better material existence through the removal of American economic sanctions. Now, they shall get constant fighting between armed factions, as the Zionists gobble up parts of the south.

    Iran is weakened and isolated, since America has toppled three of its neighbors–Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. The Zionists appear to be marching unimpeded across the world stage, as Netanyahu gloats in this article.

    If Iran falls, it is Russia that will then be weakened and isolated. Both Iran and Russia seem hesitant to act and defend themselves, in their attempts to avoid a nuclear world war at all costs. They are better people than the Judeo-Americans, who have a bloodlust for power and destruction that is unfathomable to most people.

    Neither Iran nor Russia want to see their country like Germany in 1945, should the West win the war. They’ve shown patience and restraint out of a desire for peace and for preserving human life. Yet, if the history books are written by their enemies, Russia and Iran will be depicted as states on a mad rampage and the incarnate of evil, which had to be stopped. A complete inversion of the truth.

    But war is coming, whether or not Russia and Iran want it. The Judeo-Americans are on the march and it is only a matter of time. How long can China stay on the sideline? Do the Chinese not realize that they are next, after the fall of Russia and Iran?

    Every independent country is going to get the Syria treatment, unless this malevolent force is stopped. No normal person seeks war, but perhaps Syria will be the line in the sand for those who would oppose Judeo-American tyranny.

    •ï¿½Agree: hobnob, mark green, SteveK9
    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
    , @Yababa
    , @Angry Santa
  8. anon[143] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Look at this Jewish mafia member WHORE, Roya Hakakian, a zionist works for Mossad as informant, who supported the genocide of Palestinian toddlers. I wish her and her zionist family harm for spreading propaganda LIES.
    Death to Israel and its genocidal tribe members all over the world.

    @Roya Hakakian
    I know JeffSonnenfeld doesn’t mind me tweaking the title of his latest OpEd!
    “Syria Could Be the Beginning of the End of Russia’s [AND IRAN’S] Imperial Ambitions”

    Please expose this genocidal Mossad agent all over the world.

    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @ghali
  9. HT says:

    The FBI gets all the attention but the CIA is what really needs to be dismantled. What good does it do? America is basically run by Zionists and the Chi-coms while the CIA is the completely unaccountable government arm that carries out their bidding for activity that provides absolutely zero benefit to the American people.

    •ï¿½Agree: Cauchemar du Singe
  10. ghali says:

    Killing poor and unarmed children has become the Jews’ and their supporters’ (the U.S.) sacred ritual to satisfy their desire for livestreamed violence. After all, the killing of Jesus, as a ritual, is celebrated every year. Even when there is a dim light for peace, Jews want war. They thrive on violence like scavengers thrive on the dead. The Jews want a big war. They benefited from world wars. World War I and II benefited the Jews tremendously. World War III would put an end to these scavengers of the dead.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Disagree: Face_The_Truth
  11. Carlton Meyer says: •ï¿½Website

    Barack Obama covertly tasked the CIA with the overthrow of the Syrian Government in Operation Timber Sycamore.

    This was a Hillary Clinton op that she is proud of, although it shocks decent Americans:

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Thanks: Liza
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @Cauchemar du Singe
  12. Z-man says:

    That’s why Russia and China, as much as they aren’t eager to do it, have to act fast to bolster Iran. Missiles, SAM’s, SSM’s, Hypersonics, the latest electronics and electronic countermeasures have to get to Persia ASAP. Pakistan should help Iran build nukes or just supply a couple covertly.
    That’s what has to be done.

    •ï¿½Agree: SteveK9
  13. IronForge says:

    Türkiye, ISIL, and the Kurds had their Hands in this Game as well…

  14. The bottom line is that the world is watching and the world respects winners and disrespects losers.

  15. How the US and Israel Destroyed Syria and Called It Peace

    As usual, Sachs lacks discernment because he wears Jew coloured glasses.

    The US is a vassal state of Judea. Israel is the head of the Judean serpent. To claim that the “US and Israel” destroyed Syria is like claiming that England and Ireland defeated Napoleon. The Irish never had a choice in the matter, and neither does the US.

    As Congressman Thomas Massie explained, every Republican congressman has a Jewish handler (and every Democrat one too). When the Jewish war monger, and agent of the spirit of the dead Rebbe, Bibi Netanyahu came to Congress he got over 50 unanimous standing ovations, and Mike Johnson, the leader of the house, had made it clear that there would be no dissent would be allowed.

    Sachs is constantly squealing and deflecting from Jewish guilt for all the horrendous and despicable acts that they are committing across the planet and projecting it solely onto “the Zionists”. He wants to pretend that since there are a few self-proclaimed “good” Jews, of which he considers himself one, that it is not Jews who control the US, but just Zionists who have excess influence.

    This is a bald faced lie. If “good” Jews had any agency over Judea, then there would Jewish organizations actively working against the genocide of millions of Arabs and the theft of their land. If “good” Jews had any agency over Judea, then there would be a civil war going on in Judea.

    As Hitler said, Jews stick together like a clump of burrs, and no Jews are tearing themselves out of the clump to physically do anything about the destruction and take over of the middle east. All we hear is a few isolated Jews like Sachs and some groups of god’s chosen Hasidic Jews squealing and kvetching but doing nothing.

    Wake me up when Sachs finally comes out of the Holocaust closet and clearly states that it is an impossible lie that Germany gassed and cremated 6 million Jews.

  16. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Imho – the genocidal bloodbath that Syria is going to be has just begun. There is no way to detect which way the wind is going to blow or what Turkey and Israel are really up to but this situation does not look good at all.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Trout
  17. @Charles

    Iran MUST forget the fatwah. Unless they have nukes they will be destroyed.

    •ï¿½Agree: Rev. Spooner
  18. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Ain’t that the truth – Israel is herding the U.S.A. to its destruction.

    •ï¿½Agree: Getaclue
  19. @anon

    If you work for the Judeonazis you are evil-no ifs, buts or maybes.

  20. @Liborio Guaso

    Read the Torah. Read the Talmud, or the commentaries of rabbis and ‘Torah Sages’. Read the declarations of numerous Judeonazi demons today. Genocide IS their religion. In Gaza they are at worship.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, Cauchemar du Singe
    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  21. Anonymous[234] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    The Russians have been afraid of Americans. They could not defeat the terrorist in Syria since 2015. Every time the terrorist faced defeat the Americans intervened and evacuated them to safety AND Russia allowed it. If the roles were reversed, the Americans would have bombed the terrorist and the Russians protecting them to smithereens. The failure of Russia to defeat terrorist and defend the Syria has led to this. The Russians show their incompetence in Ukraine from the beginning of the bs smo. Slow motion operation. Paul Craig Roberts has been right all along about Putin and Russia. Americans act decisively, Russians don’t and do not have clear strategy, and for that matter Iran. In the end its better to have US as an ally than Russia in battle.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Lemmy Tellyuh
    , @SteveK9
  22. eah says:

    Hezbollah’s willingness to accept a peace agreement according to the Arab-Islamic world’s wishes of a two-state solution is long-standing.

    What does ‘the Arab-Islamic world’s wishes of a two-state solution’ mean, exactly? — as understood by most people, ‘two-state solution’ means the existence of Israel, within some borders — since accepting the existence of Israel in any form is contrary to the popular understanding of the politics of Hezbollah, it would’ve been nice if Sachs had provided confirmation of this surprising and important claim other than a Substack article by Seymour Hersh, one that requires you to register if you want to read it.

  23. Tom Welsh says:

    Most of the trouble stems from religion – or at least what many people think of as “religion”.

    That distinguished and perceptive American Gore Vidal had the courage to put his finger right on the sore spot. Note that he was not anti-Judaism, anti-Christian, or anti-Islam. He believed that, springing from a common source, they all had the same harmful characteristics and consequences.

    “The great unmentionable evil at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved — Judaism, Christianity, Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal — God is the Omnipotent Father — hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates. The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is in place not for just one tribe but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god’s purpose”.

    – Gore Vidal, “America First? America Last? America at Last?”, Lowell Lecture, Harvard University (20 April 1992)

    •ï¿½Agree: Dutch Abraham
    •ï¿½Thanks: Zumbuddi
    •ï¿½Replies: @Dumbo
    , @Getaclue
  24. ghali says:

    I have been reading UNZ for the last decade. This is the biggest BS I have seen posted. How can you go down that low?

    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
  25. geokat62 says:

    Original title:

    How the US and Israel Destroyed Syria and Called It Peace

    More accurate title:

    How Jewish Supremacists in the US and Israel Destroyed Syria and Called It Peace

    … written by Jeffrey Sachs Russia

  26. Chriss says:

    1/ barberians of xx and xxi centuries as in ‘According to a reliable account, the founder of the
    Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan (1162-1227) is supposed to have expressed: ‘I feel the greatest joy in spilling the blood of my enemies and the tears of their women’.

    2/’The first law of civilisation declares that each civilisation, as long as it is alive, as long as it does not die, seeks to expand. (…) The second law of history: two civilisations, having found themselves on the same ground, must fight each other. (…) There is no synthesis between civilisations – and this is the third law of history’

    •ï¿½Replies: @Chriss
  27. Chriss says:

    -in gratitude to the author of the article,

    Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Jaspers#Selected_bibliography

  28. lavoisier says:

    Don’t support the troops. That is the first step to ending the madness.


    When Military service becomes something to be ashamed of the blood lust will end.

    The only reason Israel can still get these wars going is the folly of the soldier thinking that they are defending freedom and American values.


    They are defending psychopaths and participating in unjust and immoral wars.

    STOP SUPPORTING THE TROOPS. They do not deserve praise at this point but condemnation.

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd, Dutch Abraham
  29. Netanyahu’s ambition to transform the region through war

    Er, Jew ambition. You know, the toxic Christ-killers abetted by “Good Jews” who let Tribal Terrorism happen. The same Good Jews who blame “Good Germans” for letting the alleged Hollowcost happen.

    And enough of this “not all Jews” nonsense. Do Jews ever finely parse who’s a guilty WWII German and who innocent?

    Israel’s entire history justifies antisemitism. It explains why any and all horrors “mysteriously” befell kikenheimers throughout history. Yet the Nose acts “shocked, shocked” that goyim in the past punished Matzonians for the very things Jews today do openly and often to The Other.

    Jews mock international laws passed after the one-sided, biased, hoax-filled Nuremberg show trials. Is it any wonder dreidel-devils are instinctively hated?

    Jews “heal the world”as as much as Jack-the-Ripper honored women.

    There will be no peace in the world so long as Israel exists. It is evil incarnate. And abetted in being so by stool-eating hebephiles in Congress, Bibian rump-swabs in Europe, and Evangelical whores in Hageestan.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, Cauchemar du Singe
  30. @Notsofast

    now it’s israel and the u.s. with troops illegally occupying syria, with their bases and equipment making big fat targets


    Plus how in Hebe-Hell are kikes going to “hold” all the area in a supposed “Greater Israel” when they can’t even defeat Hamas?

    And wait until all the Muslims driven from their homelands by jive-ass Juden start attacking rando christ-killers around the world! Shlomo and Nadine won’t know what hit ’em and will be deservedly soiling their undies 24-7-365

    Creatives need to start pumping out books-podcasts-Youtubes-blockbusters-conferences-curricula-etc. wherein Zionazis are blown to shitereens by decent human beings finally fed up with Matzonian murderers.

    Jew crimes throughout history need to be published and punished.

  31. Surely we should accept Mr. Sach’s neglect of the ‘Jewish Power’ issue in the USA and its Western protectorates (France, UK) and in their supposed enemy, Russia, as necessary for obfuscating both reality and the true goals, FOR OUR OWN GOOD, and in fact FOR INEVITABILITY TO PROCEED MORE SMOOTHLY.

    In the USA and the ‘west’ in general, the White Christians and Deists and Atheists and Science minded have proven themselves weak, non-virile, fat and frankly a bit stupid. They no longer deserve to rule.

    Instead, inevitably, the Tribe with the strongest IDENTITY will come to the fore, and will, according to the theory of NICHE FULFILLMENT, will occupy ALL NICHES of political ideology and point of view.

    Every chair in the circle of ‘thought leaders’ will be filled by a Tribal Member, and the silent audience surrounding the circle will accept their own subservience because they will recognize their inferiority and the Tribe’s superiority.

    Mr. Sach’s omission of anomalous facts, such as the fact that Russia KNEW the situation in Syria and NEVER allowed Syria to fight Israel, NEVER gave them the necessary weapons, ALWAYS protected Israel and quite possibly SABOTAGED the defense of Aleppo and the retreats of the Syrian Arab Army and quite possibly KIDNAPPED Assad is holding him, even now, incognito, Mr. Sach’s omission of such facts is a polite veil over competing explanatory theories which will not be allowed in the mainstream or the ‘alternative’ stream. Similarly, Sach’s ommission of Chinese stinginess, who could have paid Syrian Arab Army soldiers a living wage, and thus have fielded their own mercenary force in opposition to the ‘west’s’ mercenary force, indicates an non allowable area of discussion.

    And of course the central omission: who REALLY governs the USA.

    So what we have, in the guise of an ‘alternative anti imperial anti-zionist analysis’, is in fact supportive of the main goal, which is a world where all niches are filled by the minority tribal members whose power derives from the fact of a minority with its own tribal god living in a universalist society with a universalist god.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
  32. @Anonymous

    The Russians have been afraid of Americans.

    Bwahahahaha! Dream on, Hasbara Harry!

    Every time the terrorist faced defeat the Americans intervened

    B-b-because the “terrorist” is Israel.

    The failure of Russia to…defend…Syria

    FACT: Both Russia and Iran warned Syria of looming threats and offered help. Assad refused their aid/advice, thinking he could befriend weak Arab nations led by dictators.

    The Russians show their incompetence in Ukraine

    Russia has made Ukraine a wasteland with insufficient young men alive now to reproduce and maintain/grow the population. Russia will soon own all of Ukestan, the former home of the Pale-of-Settlement that wisely corral’d parasitic Jews.

    Americans act decisively

    And wrongly. Like hysterical women.

    Russians…do not have clear strategy

    So that’s why they win! Good to know.

    In the end its better to have US as an ally than Russia in battle.

    FACT: Russia won WWII, not Uncle Sucker.

    In fact, the US loses most of the time: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  33. Yababa says:
    @Dick Lowman

    Jeffrey Sachs is one of us, dummy.

    We need Jews on every side of the issue so that we can control the narrative of the opposition and channel it away from being a real threat to our world domination.

    Long Live Jeffrey Sachs, Ron Unz, Chas Freeman, Max Blumenthal who shape the narrative for the goyim. Sack their cawks.

    All opposition to Israel in US media has to be controlled by Jews. That is why Ronald McDonal set up shop here to sell you junk food and give you false hope in a Russia China Iran nonexistent axis of sheep ready for slaughter.

    So keep swallowing .

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  34. Yababa says:

    “Do the Chinese not realize that they are next, after the fall of Russia and Iran?”

    First of all, Russia is not going to fall as long as Putin or some other Israeli sympathiser rules Russia. Besides, we need Putin to keep the pot of war boiling, allow us to expand NATO, test new weapons, kill lots of white goyim, destroy Russo Ykrainian infrastructure, humiliate Russian barking dogs, depopulation Ukraine to make room for a future potential backup Jewish colony, and above all keep tabs on Iran to protect Israel and if necessary throw Iran under the bus like Syria.

    China is too big too fail, or be attacked by anyone. They don’t need puny Arabs, backstabbing Russians, or shaky unstable Iran.

    China has already cut its purchase of Iranian crude oil by 1/3. They have already made a deal with Trump to throw Iran under the bus and sanction Iranian oil. Because Iranians threaten shipping supplies and Jewish controlled Arab countries where China has heavily invested like UAE and Saudi.

    China is a giant on its own, has no cultural or propaganda Chinaware to sell to non Chinese, so they have no chance to create an empire rivaling our Jewish American empire. They are only providers of cheap goods and merchants. As long as they can sell their physical Chinaware they won’t care who is in power where, except in their immediate vicinity, perhaps but not at any cost.

    •ï¿½Replies: @FreQuenSee
  35. anon[188] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Why? You words is BS. The reason behind this poster to show the photo of a Mossad agent, Roya Hakakian, along with other Mossad assets, Irwin cotler and Payam Akhavan, all working for the same propaganda lies. Roya Hakakian is a zionist Jew who supports the genocide in Gaza, 100%, and attack the ‘femenists’ that they have not supported Israel’s action against Hamas.
    Everyone knows who Irwin Cotler is. A zionist mass murder pro genocide in Gaza and a propagandist from Israel Lobby. Payam Akhavan, a Jew who became Bahai, spreading propaganda lies against Iran, but works closely with the intelligence services of Canada, CIA, MI6/mossad, who was involved in the campaign against Sudan to Partition Sudan for US/Mossad.
    Akhavan, is a liar who poses as ‘human rights’ activists, yet he refuses to say a word about Israel apartheid or GENOCIDE in Gaza, working closely with the West intelligence service, supported Irwin Cotler propaganda lies to advance the interest of Israel. All in the poster supported the terrorist MEK and worked with this Org. to advande Israel’s interest for regime change in Iran. Why hasn’t he come forward to expose his superiors US/Israel’s crimes against humanity, but all go around the world spinning on lies of Mossad/CIA/MI6 about Iran? Show me anything that all people in the POSTER have condemned the GENOCIDE in Gaza. If someone poses as ‘human rights activists’, but has supported the genocide, then these people are criminals. Payam Akhavan, Irwin Cotler and Roya Hakakian are all criminals. Not only they have not condemned, even with empty words, the genocide but have supported the genocide in public either openly or stayed silent. Akhavan has even supported, in a video, the crimes of Canada in Afghanistan, where had soldiers in Afghanistan. Mind your own business and don’t comment about something that you know shit about!!
    All these agents have called for more sanctions against Iran, not against Israel at least for her genocide, in addition to demanding military action against Iran, Iraq style. If these agents were against genocide, apartheid and oppression of the Palestinian, then they should have gone against US/Israel crimes against humanity, they didn’t, but they work closely with the state department and Congress begging for more sanctions, military attacks on Iran, like the genocidal Netanyahu. These traitors are foot soldiers for CIA/Mossad/MI6.
    You know shit about the action of these genocidal Jews, yet dare to comment. Payam Akhavan is to the right of Irwin Cotler.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ghali
    , @John Trout
  36. @Z-man

    Yes and no. What if Iran falls apart internally (of course with the external interference of the usual suspects) and all these advanced weapons fall into wrong hands to be used against Russia and China? Would they then be calling onto Israel to bomb all these weapons to smithereens? Otherwise they’d have to do it themselves in spite of the uproar of the world media and Muslims worldwide, something Israel seems to avoid.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
  37. Anynomous says:

    American and british will not kill all of us. We will fight against american and british. Afrer us, our children will fight them and then their children.

    We will not surrender, we will not submit to the american and british enemy! Traitors of our countries, collaborators of american and british will be dealt with.

  38. maskazer says:

    Following the fall of Bashar Assad, many Russian apologists in support of Moscow’s decision of not intervening in Syria very conveniently put all the blames on poor ousted Assad. But that’s simply baloney. The collapse of the Syrian government was a well coordinated ploy between Israel (US) and Russia. It was only a matter of timing. The followings demonstrate how Moscow treated its supposed ally ever since entered Syria in first place:

    – Russia officially calls the Oct. 07, 25 Palestinian incursion on their own territory which according to UN resolutions is an occupied Palestinian land, a terrorist attack.

    – For more than 11 years and long before Ukraine conflict, Russia in secret agreements with Israel failed to supply its ally with needed military, essential hardware or economic assistance so Bashar Assad could have had better control over Syria then began dialogue with his opponents.

    – During all those years and up to now Russia closed its eyes on Israeli bombings inside Syria and even prevented Syrian defense forces from responding.

    – Russia still gets to keep the Heimim base which clearly proves it had backstage agreement with Israel (US) and Turkey prior to regime change since the jihadists from the north could have only initiated their move on Damascus after receiving a green light from Tel Aviv- Washington-Ankara not the other way around.

    – Despite NATO plan of pushing Turkey play a new role of revitalizing its Turanian Empire that stretched from Turkey to China, Russia at one point supported the creation of the proposed Zangezur corridor from Azerbaijan to Turkey, ignoring the dangers posed by such a proposal especially ignoring Turkey as the second largest NATO member. It show that Russia is either a globalist wannabe or simply suffering from massive incompetence.

    – In spite of getting tricked time after time by the west, example, after the fall of the Soviet Union and America’s promise of not moving an inch towards Russian border or the Minsk agreement … etc. Russia kept Syria at a major disadvantage by signing yet another agreement with Turkey called Astana agreement until Ankara managed to break it by ordering its proxies to move on Damascus.

    – Despite blabbering about Russian-Iranian strategic relationship, Russia somehow supports UAE ( officially recognized a UN member state 53 years ago on 9 Dec, 1971) claims on several island in the Persian Gulf that have been integral part of Iran since beginning of history of the states of the world over 3000 years ago. Iran and Armenia are the first official countries in history.

    There are many more instances of Russia being either a wannabe globalist or just an incompetent, gullible actor. They could have supported the Assad government with direct/coordinated effort alongside Iran which was fully ready to intervene yet stopped by Moscow. The world after watching such sheer incompetence on the part of Russia and to some extend China will from now on ignore BRICS, Chinese BRI,… as sheer mockery.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
    •ï¿½Thanks: WingsofaDove
    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
  39. Z-man says:
    @Commentator Mike

    That’s probably the reason Russia and China are hesitant to go all out for Iran. I think it’s unfounded and with more pressure being dealt by the Anglo-Judaic Empire on all three, the more Russia and China should realize that Iran 🇮🇷 must be protected. The Iranians under these circumstances would be united against the Anglo-Judaic Empire and wouldn’t turn their weapons on Russia and China since with such outside pressure they’re not going to break up but rally around the flag. But even if it overthru the Mullahs, Iran would be suicidal to hit Russia or even more far fetched, China.

    •ï¿½Replies: @BlackFlag
    , @Commentator Mike
  40. @BuelahMan

    Do you mean WASPs? Israel does none of this without WASP empire, and that is so because this Modern Israel is a creation of WASP empire to serve the desires of WASP empire. The specific think tank plan goes back toe th height of Victorinaism. In order to have lire control over the store globe, the Middle East must under control. That can be achieved by taking Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, creating a state called Israel, removing s many of the native Palestinians as possible, Christians as well as Mohammedans, and replacing them with Jews from. all over the globe. That Jewish state would make certain of permanent chaos across the Middle East, which would guarantee the success of divide and conquer.

    You cannot solve the Jewish Problem without also solving the WASP problem.

    •ï¿½Replies: @BuelahMan
  41. ariadna says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    I feel bad for Stevens being beaten by terrorists and dying alone in Benghazi.
    I think he would have derived some comfort from Hillary’s companionship in his last hours. Of course it would have been tragic for her to share his fate– which she would have, had she been present– but she would have received due honors as a heroic American and would have been spared the suffering of being attacked by her detractors later on all kinds of flimsy pretexts .
    Did Obama ever visit Benghazi ? If he would have been there too, together with Hillary and Steven that day… no, no, I must stop imagining these what-if scenarios…

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  42. Dumbo says:
    @Tom Welsh

    No offence, but Gore Vidal was a homo, so he had reasons to go against “monotheism” and “organized religion”. But since now Protestantism has gone fully gay, and Catholicism is going the same way (Judaism was always gay), and perhaps even Islam will bend over, perhaps we will have some gays defending organized religion too, who knows. They didn’t seem to have much trouble with the Greek gods and their homo ways.

  43. ariadna says:

    “Russia and China, as much as they aren’t eager to do it, have to act fast to bolster Iran. Missiles, SAM’s, SSM’s, Hypersonics, the latest electronics and electronic countermeasures have to get to Persia ASAP. “

    When that happens I will release all the winged piglets I have been breeding and let them fly away happy and free…

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
  44. BuelahMan says:
    @Kaiser Wilhelm

    Cart or horse.
    The jews are the cart. WASP’s WERE the horse. Now it is pretty much all jews.

  45. Baron says:

    The best dissection of the Syrian boil by a mile, professor Sachs cannot be bettered, the man should have a statue built in each of the US 50 States to remind the corrupt American politicians what wisdom is all about.

    •ï¿½Disagree: Zumbuddi
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  46. The same as always. They will never say that it is to steal land and oil and of course they trust in military superiority to kill civilians and children with impunity because the military never attacked.

    In a decade, a summary of the consequences will be made.

  47. anon[707] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    You raise many interesting points supported by events and facts.

    Last remaining question is how come the “wise” supreme leader of IRI has missed all this. You also omitted to list all the actions of IRI, such as needless involvement in the “SMO” and subsequent sanctions that have harmed Iran’s interests, yet were to the benefit of RF and what we all suspect are her actual rulers: chabad talmudic zionists.

    •ï¿½Replies: @EL_Kabong
  48. None of it had to happen but the obsession of Muslim hatred towards the Israelis and the Americans has done them in. And I will bet they haven’t learned anything and are probably still on the march to destroy all infidels. If peace hit them in the face, they would not recognize it.

  49. @ariadna

    I feel bad for Stevens being beaten by terrorists and dying alone in Benghazi.
    I think he would have derived some comfort from Hillary’s companionship in his last hours. Of course it would have been tragic for her to share his fate…
    Did Obama ever visit Benghazi ? If he would have been there too, together with Hillary and Steven that day… no, no, I must stop imagining these what-if scenarios…

    Ah yes, those “what-if” scenarios: What if Nellie (aka ariadna) had better things to do with her life that live here, as The Unz Review, all day and every day, churning out her bitterly negative comments. What if whatever it was that turned Nellie into an obnoxiously mean-spirited nasty old biddy hadn’t happened and she was, instead, a happy woman surrounded by people – a husband, children, grandchildren – who loved her.

    I, too, “must stop imagining these what-if scenarios.” They get you nowhere.

    On the plus side, at least it this latest nasty comment you are not making rape jokes about the Cossack gang-raping of Jewish women being good for their gene pool…so, there is that.

  50. ariadna says:

    The succulent bit which Sachs placed in his article for us to take away and suck on is this:

    “The fall of Syria this week is the culmination of the Israel-U.S. campaign against Syria that goes back to 1996 with Netanyahu’s arrival to office as Prime Minister.

    It is Netanyahu, folks! If only he hadn’t become Israel’s PM!
    It all started with him. He is the Kapellmeister in charge of the Weltdämmerung concert.

    I think Mercer would like this article.

    •ï¿½Replies: @JM
    , @James Speaks
  51. SteveK9 says:

    I would only change this to ‘Jews act decisively. Look at the recent bombing of Syria … they did not wait more than a couple of hours.

  52. BlackFlag says:

    But even if it overthru the Mullahs, Iran would be suicidal to hit Russia or even more far fetched, China.

    Ukraine was willing to suicide itself. Control a handful of top leaders and propagandize the masses to march themselves into fire.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
  53. eah says:

    Almost as remarkable as the rapid disintegration of the Assad regime is the massive bombardment and simultaneous invasion of Syria by Israel — especially since we’re being told the ‘rebels’ were supported by Israel, and therefore do not appear to be an immediate threat to the Jews — so there’s no reasonable self-defense explanation for the bombardment and invasion.

    But it looks like this is largely accepted by the ‘international community’ — it seems to me it would not be unreasonable to call an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (not that it would do much good since the US has veto power) over this blatant aggression of one sovereign state against another — but I’ve not seen any talk of that.

    •ï¿½Replies: @eah
  54. BlackFlag says:

    Hasn’t Pakistan already been couped by America and brought into its fold? Sachs himself recently wrote an article about it. Lots of pro resistance writers keep floating but I keep seeing American-Israeli victories, eg. Pakistan, Argentina, Syria.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
  55. BlackFlag says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    When Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands leads to militant resistance, Israel labels the resistance “terrorism†and calls on the U.S. to overthrow the Middle East governments that back the “terrorists.†The U.S., under the sway of the Israel Lobby, goes to war on Israel’s behalf.

  56. Z-man says:

    How long have you been breeding them?

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  57. EL_Kabong says:

    Listening to all the excuses being made for Russia after this Syria debacle by people I other wise have respect for, like Ritter and Johnson, is becoming too cringy to bother with at this point. Yes, Putin is in fact very tight with Chabad –

    Putin’s Chosen People

    Putin fires top official who described Chabad as a supremacist cult

    Also, I am now convinced Paul Craig Roberts has been right all along with his criticism of Putin’s handling of the SMO in Ukraine. Good article on this latest fiasco in Syria –

    •ï¿½Thanks: TitusAlone
    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  58. Getaclue says:
    @Tom Welsh

    Vidal was a rabid homosexual and though bright his vision as to religion and God was defective and blind due to that….He glorified the last Pagan Emperor Julian-whose last words were admitting he failed to defeat the “Galilean”–only a fool tries to defeat God–perhaps get a clue?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Skeptikal
  59. Z-man says:

    Yes, a lot of victories, regrettably so.
    Pakistan would be a tough nut for Iran to crack even if Pakistan didn’t get pressure from the Anglo-Zionist troika (UK, US & Izrael). But hope springs eternal and I’m hoping some courageous Pakis at least help Iran develop the bomb.💣

  60. “The first and most crucial thing to understand is this: There is no international terrorism without the support of sovereign states.… Take away all this state support, and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into dust.”

    How ironic that Benj himself, nearly 30 years go, would confirm what so many (including myself) have only recently come to appreciate. That, having morphed from initially being used principally to suppress and extract the prosperity potential from the rest of the world, the global US dollar based financial system has now evolved into the greatest global terrorism funding system know to man.

    Even more ironic is the fact that in continuing to support the dollar system, in hope that some tangible, if undeserving rewards will continue to be forth coming, even the developed Western nations of this world are acting to support and sustain a corrupt Empire that is committed to destroying what prosperity and moral dignity the citizens of their states may yet still retain.

    Take away the false prosperity (ZIRP, QE, unbounded leverage etc.) and criminal potential (Ukraine) that this so-called “reserve currency” status bestows and be amazed at how epic the ensuing collapse of Empire will be. Sure, the initial collateral damage will be intense, however, restoring the future potential of all of the people of this world is a prize worthy of the risk. A prize which ironically Russia and a growing number of the global majority seem to increasingly appreciate. End the dollar, save the world!

  61. Z-man says:

    Sickening but true, but you know what? I think the Persians have more sense than the Ukrainians. I mean, how smart can a people be to ‘elect’ Zelensky as their president, and to have not deposed him yet!

    •ï¿½Replies: @BlackFlag
  62. maskazer says:

    @anon[707] • Disclaimer
    good question. Iran like most developing countries today suffers from severe case of kleptocracy – constantly encouraged by western neoliberalism – yet still follow those goals because of cultural, geopolitical, historical and national reasons at political level. On SMO, it was obvious from the beginning that the Anglo-Zionist empire wanted to maintain its dominance by finally bringing down the last remaining antagonist powers Russia, China and Iran which still is the case today. Russia maybe a chabad talmudic wannabe in political sphere but in historical, national sphere it’s intensely pro its own national sovereignty just like Iran, both running contrary to globalist mantra. So when Iran assists Russia on SMO it’s thinking about the latter case but then finds out Russia behaving talmudic way. Similarly Russia has difficulty with Iran’s kleptocracy which makes it difficult to talk with the Iranians. Iranians are merchants from the land of carpet weavers while Russians follow their own discipline. Russians like to drink vodka sometimes but that’s illegal in Iran. They also like to wear what they think is appropriate when in Iran there are some rules about it. So there’s basically a cultural gap among Russia, Iran, China that may be improved in the future.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous
  63. ghali says:

    They are faggots who do not deserve to be posted on UNZ. I thought UNZ is not for Faggots to spread their fogatory. You are giving them too much credit.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anon
  64. @Yababa

    First of all, Russia is not going to fall as long as Putin or some other Israeli sympathiser rules Russia. Besides, we need Putin to keep the pot of war boiling, allow us to expand NATO, test new weapons, kill lots of white goyim, destroy Russo Ykrainian infrastructure, humiliate Russian barking dogs, depopulation Ukraine to make room for a future potential backup Jewish colony, and above all keep tabs on Iran to protect Israel and if necessary throw Iran under the bus like Syria.


    China is too big too fail, or be attacked by anyone. They don’t need puny Arabs, backstabbing Russians, or shaky unstable Iran.

    China has already cut its purchase of Iranian crude oil by 1/3. They have already made a deal with Trump to throw Iran under the bus and sanction Iranian oil. Because Iranians threaten shipping supplies and Jewish controlled Arab countries where China has heavily invested like UAE and Saudi.

    China is a giant on its own, has no cultural or propaganda Chinaware to sell to non Chinese, so they have no chance to create an empire rivaling our Jewish American empire. They are only providers of cheap goods and merchants. As long as they can sell their physical Chinaware they won’t care who is in power where, except in their immediate vicinity, perhaps but not at any cost.

    And Bingo again!

    Trump didn’t invite Xi to his inauguration for any reason.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  65. JFYI
    Statement issued today, 16 Dec 2024, in Moscow by Bashar al-Assad.
    Eng trans from Arabic original.

    —â—ï¸ðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡¾ BREAKING: Former President Bashar al-Assad has released his first statement

    ‘As terrorism spread across Syria and ultimately reached Damascus on the evening of Saturday, 7th of December 2024, questions arose about the president’s fate and whereabouts.

    This occurred amidst a flood of misinformation and narratives far removed from the truth, aimed at recasting international terrorism as a liberation revolution for Syria.

    At such a critical juncture in the nation’s history, where truth must take precedence, it is essential to address these distortions. Unfortunately, the prevailing circumstances at the time, including a total communication blackout for security reasons, delayed the release of this statement. This does not replace a detailed account of the events that unfolded, which will be provided when the opportunity allows.

    First, my departure from Syria was neither planned nor did it occur during the final hours of the battles, as some have claimed. On the contrary, I remained in Damascus, carrying out my duties until the early hours of Sunday 8th of December 2024. As terrorist forces infiltrated Damascus, I moved to Lattakia in coordination with our Russian allies to oversee combat operations.

    Upon arrival at the Hmeimim airbase that morning, it became clear that our forces had completely withdrawn from all battle lines and that the last army positions had fallen. As the field situation in the area continued to deteriorate, the Russian military base itself came under intensified attack by drone strikes. With no viable means of leaving the base, Moscow requested that the base’s command arrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th of December.

    This took place a day after the fall of Damascus, following the collapse of the last military positions and the resulting paralysis of all remaining state institutions. At no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individual or party. The only course of action was to continue fighting against the terrorist onslaught.

    I reaffirm that the person who, from the very first day of the war, refused to barter the salvation of his nation for personal gain, or to compromise his people in exchange for numerous offers and enticements is the same person who stood alongside the officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just meters from terrorists in the most dangerous and intense battlefields. He is the same person who, during the darkest years of the war, did not leave but remained with his family alongside his people, confronting terrorism under bombardment and the recurring threats of terrorist incursions into the capital over fourteen years of war.

    Furthermore, the person who has never abandoned the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon, nor betrayed his allies who stood by him, cannot possibly be the same person who would forsake his own people or betray the army and nation to which he belongs.

    I have never sought positions for personal gain but have always considered myself as a custodian of a national project, supported by the faith of the Syrian people, who believed in its vision. I have carried an unwavering conviction in their will and ability to protect the state, defend its institutions, and uphold their choices to the very last moment.

    When the state falls into the hands of terrorism and the ability to make a meaningful contribution is lost, any position becomes void of purpose, rendering its occupation meaningless.

    This does not, in any way, diminish my profound sense of belonging to Syria and her people – a bond that remains unshaken by any position or circumstance. It is a belonging filled with hope that Syria will once again be free and independent.’

    Personally I’m looking forward to those more detailed accounts forthcoming, which will not be found in the “journalism” of the west.
    And of course to the destruction of the Beast.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @Jim H
    , @TitusAlone
  66. ariadna says:

    “professor Sachs cannot be bettered, the man should have a statue built in each of the US 50 States to remind the corrupt American politicians what wisdom is all about.”

    So he can’t be “bettered” but he can be buttered up, and you slather it on him thick…
    A statue in every state… wow!

  67. ariadna says:

    Several generations, ever since talking about the “two-state solution” became a topic raised with a straight face.
    ] The older ones died off, life-long pedestrians, but I have their offspring hoping that your predictions come true.

    •ï¿½LOL: Z-man
  68. Agent76 says:

    January 23, 2024 The US steals Syrian oil, and the Kurds sell it to Israel at a discount in Erbil

    Israel buys much of its oil from Erbil, and Israel depends on the heavily discounted crude, making it a key customer. The oil is discounted to Israel because it is free, as the source is the stolen Syrian oil. 40% of Israel’s oil supplies were from IKR in the first three months of 2023, which doubled the amount in 2022.


    Dec 12, 2024 Syria suffers the most well-funded insurgency in history
    The Grayzone’s Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal examine the factors behind regime change in Syria, focusing on a foreign-funded mega-insurgency that swallowed an entire generation.
    Video Link

  69. Solutions says:

    Zionist damage control PR will continue to work on some of the people, some of the time.
    It definitely no longer works on all of the people, all of the time.
    What will happen when this spell is finally broken.

  70. Jim H says:

    ‘Instead of the two-state solution, Israel and the U.S. have made a desert and called it peace.’ — Dr Jeffrey Sachs

    Well, there he goes again. Now, upon encountering Jeffrey Sachs’ byline, I just type Cntl-F and search ‘two-state’. It took me straight to the poisonous, diversionary bullshit at the conclusion, without having to plow through the intervening 1,900 words of text.

    What are we to make of Jeffrey Sachs, still shucking and jiving for a ‘two-state solution’ that was never on the table in the first place, and now is geographically impossible?

    He’s obviously not lacking in intelligence or information. But for some reason, he’s playing stupid mind games, just messing with his readers.

    Israel is now building remote-controlled gun towers in the occupied West Bank, so that genocidal zionazis can just assassinate Palestinians at will. And Jefftrey Sachs prattles on about a pie-in-the-sky ‘two-state solution’? What is actually wrong with him?

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  71. Crush Limbraw says: •ï¿½Website

    At what point will American and all of Western churchianity come to realize that our ignorance – and outright lack of concern – of the suffering of millions of people including Christians in this world – all caused by the actions of OUR GOVERNMENT AT THE INSTIGATION OF ISRAEL – which is the modern Synagogue of Satan? And all without consequences eventually to ourselves? Are we truly that delusional? Hosea – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2022/12/hosea-to-priests-and-pastors-do-your-job.html?m=0 – it happened before – God guarantees again…. if we do not repent and DO OUR JOB – NOW!
    Either we do…..or WeDaPeople is nothing but a sick joke! Which eventually will play out on ourselves!

    •ï¿½Agree: Arthur MacBride
  72. @Z-man

    I am not sure how long the theocracy will survive. Of course if the people depose it they will hope for something better but could get something worse with Kurds and Baluchis breaking off.

    Also I am not sure if Israel is an enemy of Russia and China. It seems to me that the American and European Jews are anti-Russia and anti-China. Of course Israel doesn’t want Russia and China supporting its enemies, but that’s as far as it goes.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what I feel. Of course I would like to see Russia and China supporting Israel’s enemies but then how reliable are those Arabs and Muslims?

  73. @Pepé Le Pew

    I really don’t know what to think.

    Even in this article Jeffery Sachs doesn’t acknowledge that 911 was done by Israel but follows the official version.

    Granted, that coming out and fingering the real perpetuators is fatal to one’s career, but Sachs could throw in some hints to show us what he thinks.

    Sachs also has an unsavoury reputation from the time the USSR imploded. It’s said that he helped the Harvard Boys fleece Russia. I have not really gone into it and don’t know how much of it is the truth.

    From what I see now, I think he’s a sincere and honest person.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  74. @Notsofast

    Entirely correct. The expression of “Biting off more than you can chew” is frequently relevant; and can take the form of expectoration when an incompatible chunk of food is ingested.

    I have often written here, out of my long experience of very large and complex power plant management of the importance of the TREND. Not what you see right now, at the moment. It is the trend that overrides all other considerations. Inexperienced technicians, engineers, etc., are sometimes lulled into a complacent mode by a glance a the data, where “everything is in range”.

    Really? What about the 5 deg C temperature rise on #4 cylinder of # 2 generator over the week? Too small to be significant? Wait and see, as that gas leak starts to cut a channel right through the valve seat until it is critical and you have no generator and down time to repair. What about intermittent vibrations? Oh, no worries. It goes away by itself.

    “If all people were the same, the World would be a boring place”. Uh-huh. Then let’s be thankful for the stupids, the ignorant, the presumptuous, the morons, and the generally inadequate for purpose. That being the act of commenting on this site.

    Russia, in an RT article, just warned Israel of taking Syrian territory. This of course is difficult to reconcile the assertion that Putin is a crypto Jew, or Chabad boy, etc, etc. Of course, his mother was Jewish [who made sure he was baptized in secret], and then that he is a confirmed member of WEF, by the fact that he showed up for a meeting. {It’s called “recon” and “intelligence gathering”, you pitiful morons and little shoat sucklings.}

    Yes, let us be thankful for the twits, nits, idiits, with a mouse brains.

    Russia warns Israel against annexing Golan Heights
    Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has advised “hotheads†in West Jerusalem to refrain from trying to exploit the situation in Syria


  75. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Sadly, his self-justifying whine contains quite a few lies. I(t make him look worse than before he released it.

  76. Jim H says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    ‘With no viable means of leaving the base, Moscow requested that the base’s command arrange an immediate evacuation to Russia on the evening of Sunday 8th of December.’ — Bashar al-Assad, quoted by Arthur MacBride

    So (as happens so often in Amerika and Britain too), ‘the Russians did it.


    p.s. Putin b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d-d-d.

  77. @FreQuenSee

    Thanks for being stupid and an obvious sayanim. Your stupidity and native personality defects make the World a mosaic instead of a monochrome palette. You need no description, as you are seen in every toilet after a sit down session of elimination.

    “You’re just a flush away” – Roiling Stoneds

    •ï¿½Troll: Yababa
    •ï¿½Replies: @FreQuenSee
  78. @EL_Kabong


    You are moving in reverse, i.e., “Astern”. Backwards. Take the exact opposite of what you said and posted, and you will be going “Ahead”, “Forward”.

  79. This is not a war to defend Israel.
    It is a war to topple governments that oppose Israel’s occupation of Palestine and oppress its people.

    •ï¿½Replies: @HT
  80. @Pepé Le Pew

    Wake me up when Sachs finally comes out of the Holocaust closet and clearly states that it is an impossible lie that Germany gassed and cremated 6 million Jews.

    Wake me up then too.

  81. @cousin lucky

    It’s simple cuz, isreal wants greater isreal, sans Arabs.

    •ï¿½Replies: @cousin lucky
  82. anon[429] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Do you think Netanyahu, Biden, Macron, Keir Starmer, Olaf Scholz, Trump, Greenblatt, MBS, Blinken and … are not the same? Why are their photos posed here?
    These ENABLERS are the evil’s foot soldiers who carry out the evil propaganda lies, Soft Power, where is more important than, Hard power, to weaken their victims, before military attacks. Why were so much propaganda lies about Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan before the military attacks. This is part of the package. The propaganda work carries out by these ‘faggots’. These evil doers are even going to the university to lecture the Professors and the students to give them ‘legitimacy’. They publish FAKE books spreading propaganda lies to a larger audience for US/Israel’s evil plan, and the publishing houses promote their FAKE book, because ALL are in the same SHIP to destroy their targets. The Evil empire even gives them Noble Peace Prize to make them famous around the world so these ‘faggots’ can be more effective to sell their fake messages.
    The evil doer HIRES terrorists and propagandists to do genocide and mass destruction to others. These criminals under FAKE MASK of ‘human right activists’ and holohoax victims should be exposed all over the world, so others don’t believe their lies. Many people don’t know who these people are, but they know who Netanyahu or Biden is.

  83. EL_Kabong says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    I’ve posted this before but think it worth repeating as it applies directly to your comment

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  84. HT says:
    @De Oppresso Liber

    The long story of American support for the fake Israeli state, starting with its initial founding and evolving through numerous insane wars on their behalf costing trillions of dollars and thousands of US lives is one of complete insanity. No other country would be so stupid as to sacrifice itself in this way. The only thing even close is the USA destroying itself in a similar fashion by trying to incorporate Negroes into their civilization. Americans are so propagandized that most can’t even see the damage done to their country by supporting this fake Israel and by similarly insane policies on behalf of the Negro.

  85. @anon

    Irwin Cotler is the defacto king of Canada, baby Trudeau answers to him.

  86. @Poupon Marx

    Russia, in an RT article, just warned Israel of taking Syrian territory.

    Russia, Iran and Hizbollah should mind their own business. Sunni Mohammedans have made it clear again and again that they do not like Shi3as, Iranians and Russians.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  87. I have yet to grasp how a small cabal of evildoers can have such power to control a large portion of the world, and get away with what they do with no apparent power to counter them in any meaningful way?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  88. Blow Joe says:

    Once Israel was able to commit genocide of the Palestinians in full view of the entire world with no consequences it was game on. Watch “When Israel Is Mighty Yossi Gurvitz” on youtube

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  89. megoy says:

    There you have it! Of course Jewish Mr. Sachs won’t make the connection between 9/11 and the Jews plans!?! Where was the rest of the world when the US just decided to take over the oil fields of Syria for themselves? Could you imagine Russia or China just dropping into America and taking over our oil fields? Or Mexico doing “preemptive†bombing on the US to protect themselves from…..the US deporting Mexican illegals, maybe? Lol! 🤔

    AMAZING that the rest of the world just sits back and allows these evil Jews to destroy the world.

  90. Sachs is doing his best to blame America when this was a Turkish operation. He amazingly wrote this article without mentioning Putin or Erdogan. That’s some mighty fine shifting of responsibility.

    The US had AC-130s in the air and chose to not help the rebels.

    Erdogan was training these rebels while depicting himself as a neutral mediator. A tricky Turk outfoxed the dwarf king. The Russians naturally hate the Turks so that is a bitter pill to swallow.

    Russia was supposed to be providing security as a part of a deal and Putin chose to abandon the country so he can focus on his glorious 2.5 week special operation. The are unfinished Russian and Chinese business projects that will most likely be taken by the rebels. I’m sure the Chinese are just thrilled with these events.

    Russian Security Services: Your security will be considered if the situation works in our best interest. Call today for a quote and ask about our zero guarantee of service pricing!

    •ï¿½Agree: Yababa
    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Yababa
  91. BlackFlag says:

    Yeah, Middle Easterners are probably more venal than Europeans but shrewder.

  92. ariadna says:

    HTS central operator in Damascus: “No, the Commander is not available. No, his schedule is all booked up for the rest of the week. Stop pestering us. We’ll advise you when a decision has been made on the logistics of the evacuation.”

    Kremlin Admits The Fate Of Its Syrian Bases Is Undecided

    On Monday the Kremlin disclosed that the fate of its military bases in Syria remains unclear and undecided, following the collapse of the Syrian government and Assad having fled the country on December 8.

    “There are no final decisions on this,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a press briefing. “We are in contact with representatives of the forces that now control the situation in the country.â€

    Likely Moscow is pressing representatives of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which holds Damascus, to at least temporarily give assent to the continued Russian military presence on the coast.

    The Tartus Naval Base remains Russia’s only Mediterranean military port. And alongside Khmeimim Air Base, these are the only two major Russian military outposts outside the former Soviet Union.

    They are strategic and crucial for Russia’s operations in the Middle East and North Africa, and a full closure of these bases would be a logistical blow in the region for Moscow. It would also signal Russia’s waning influence in the Middle East, also at a moment the Pentagon continues occupying Syria’s northeast.

    Moscow has been busy evacuating both diplomatic staff and some military assets from Syria, as Maxar satellite photos show.

    Since the HTS takeover of Damascus there have been no reported incidents of Russian troops or the bases coming under fire; however, Moscow forces are on high alert.

    The last several days have seen huge Russian armored and troop convoys withdrawing from the capital area and some other parts of Syria, headed to the safety of Hmeimim airbase in Latakia province. Assets like anti-air defense missiles are being flown out, and will likely be repositioned related to the war in Ukraine.

  93. @Charles Martel France

    So what? What gives them the supremacist last word? Power? How old are you?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  94. Anonymous[139] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    As a continuous reader of RT, I am astonished to read that Russia is a “talmudic wannabe”. The other readers of RT are not shy about commenting about Jews and their total lack of human qualities. Also my paternal grandparents were Russian nationals and those tales that they relayed to me (about conditions in the Old country) indicated that Jews in Russia were “complete assholes” both yesterday and today.

  95. Notsofast says:
    @Poupon Marx

    This of course is difficult to reconcile the assertion that Putin is a crypto Jew, or Chabad boy, etc, etc. Of course, his mother was Jewish [who made sure he was baptized in secret], and then that he is a confirmed member of WEF, by the fact that he showed up for a meeting.

    don’t forget that erdogan is jewish, as are the mullahs in iran and xi in china, everyone is a secret zionist agent and there is no hope for the world and we must assimilate to the zioborg collective, resistance is futile. this seems to be the message, that we receive on a daily basis. the problem is that the the u.s. has been so thoroughly corrupted, by zionist bankster scum, aipac and the adl that everyone starts to assume, the whole world is as well.

    the whole of the western world perhaps but that’s only the golden billion. the rest of the world (or real world as i call them) are horrified by these zionist scumbags and look forward to seeing their ivory towers fall. in the words of charlie dog, the towers are falling.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Zumbuddi
  96. anon[517] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    The saddest part of all of this is the fact that white Americans and Europeans don’t seem to realize that once the muslims and Russians are gone, we’re next. Do you really think white Christians aren’t on their list? Really, morons? What do you think digital money is all about? Checkmate. Enjoy dying of famine in your 15 minute city, jackasses.

  97. @mulga mumblebrain

    Genocide IS their religion.

    You are undoubtedly basing your comment on what you have read about the expansionist Mohammedan Jihadist wars.

  98. Anani says:

    How the US and Israel Destroyed Syria we should also add Russia in this list, because Russia played a pividal role in the fall of Assad and destruction of Syria to let ‘greater Israel’ have a chance since Russia was one of the columns of ‘Israel Project’ and erection of Israel in the occupied land of Palestine. Putin’s close relations with UAM, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, all reveal Russian’s treason in this genocide. No one should trust Russia. Both UAE and Saudi Arabia hate Palestinians and want to get rid of them to do BUSINESS with the genocidal Jews, so terrorist Erdogan, where Putin cooperated with him in Syria and in the central asia, in the fight between Baku and Armenia to let Erdogan wins over Christian Armenia to buy Pan Turk’s side for him. Putin is a COWARD. Putin has no shame openly to say to the world that Russia is willing to work with the West against IRAN for concessions, but this coward does not want to believe that the West does not need his pettiness, they can destroy Russia without his ‘favor’, they have done it before and are willing to do it again. He is so coward thinking to suck up to the Jews is going to help him in the fight against evil. For this reason, Putin was working closely with Netanyahu against Iran and the Axis in Syria limiting their activities againt Israel, to weaken Assad to bring Syria down. Putin listened to Netanyahu to deny Iranians a foothold in order to protect Syria, also Putin along with Netanyahu supporting to disarm Hizbollah. Putin did not allow Assad to stage a retaliatory attack on Israel. When a country does not answer the enemy’s repeated attacks, then they become more aggressive and stage more attacks. Israel did it, all with the cooperation of Putin.
    Assad is NOT a traitor and had no one to turn to except the Iranians, but he thought Russia will do something in the time of needs, but Russia didn’t and won’t do a damn thing for Iran either. Iranians mus rely on the axis and themselves and no one else. Death to the West, Death to Jewish Mafia Tribe.
    Putin was the ally of Netanyahu in Syria. Down with Putin and Russia.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  99. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website
    @John Trout

    That is what Israel wants but there are others in the middle east opposed to that.

    Does Israel have the troops needed to get what it wants?

    Will Donald Trump risk nuclear war in servitude to Israel?

    At what point do China and Russia say ” enough is enough “?

    What are the cards the snake running Turkey intends to play?

    What are the intentions of all the rag -tag militias operating in Syria?

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Trout
    , @ariadna
  100. @EL_Kabong

    The video is correct, the divide between liberal Jews and Zionist Jews is as fake as the holocaust.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
  101. Notsofast says:
    @John Johnson

    The US had AC-130s in the air and chose to not help the rebels.

    that’s when the idiots figured out that they had been totally suckered and the terrorists they ordered weren’t working for them.

    A tricky Turk outfoxed the dwarf king.

    you got that right, erdogan played zelensky like a piano and the dwarf dictator screwed himself, arming terrorists with drones, that will now be used on israeli and u.s. invaders, while sealing the fate of ukraine forever, freeing up troops and resources for the continued grinding of the former ukraine, into ground round. lights out for hohols. now you idiots can enjoy the hornet’s nest you intended for the russians and iranians. goes around comes around.

  102. Yababa says:
    @John Johnson

    “Call today for a quote and ask about our zero guarantee of service pricing!”

    I can already hear the phones ringing!


    •ï¿½Thanks: John Johnson
  103. The z onist demons from hell have the world in an Orwellian stranglehold where war is peace and freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength and the zionist controlled ZUS is the tip of the spear for every diabolical, demonic, draconian event that the zionist Israelis and their slave ZUS has done and is doing and will do in the future.

    The demonic satanic genocide of the Palestinian and Lebanonese and now the people of Syria, all done by the satanist demons from hell in Israel and in conjunction with their slave the zionist controlled USA , is going to go down in history as one of the most demonic genocides in the history of the world, and all of this was made possible by the total complicity of the ZUS and their dual zionist Israeli citizens who are calling the shots.

    Zionists are destroyers of nation and humanity and some day they are going to destroy America and the process is well underway.

  104. In all the uncertainty, one thing is certain.

    — â—ï¸ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡±/🇸🇾/ 🇸🇾 HTS leader Abu Muhammad Al-Jolani: ‘I will not allow Syria to be used as a base for attacks against Israel.’

    Nobody will be surprised to hear this from a man of straw who would be gone instantly if he should fail to make this statement.
    Sultan Dog wishes to annex three provinces of Syria.
    Israel has annexed Golan, moving into other areas.
    And the good old bonehead Yanks are lumbering around at taxpayer expense.

    But Russia ?
    Unless there is a clear decision ref Hmeimim, Tartous, even presence in Syria at all, this is not shaping up well for Russia. Not just ref Arab world, either .
    Maybe kickback to Putin admin also.

    •ï¿½Agree: ariadna
    •ï¿½Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  105. @Notsofast

    I feel the Stalin Fever taking over me. I see a Jew behind the floor boards. I’m taking blood samples of my cats to be examined by Ancestry.com to see if they are Ashkenazim or Sephardim. Every wield look I get in public or inattentive waiter is high probability of being a Jew.

    What’s that you say? Stalin could not be a Jew because he killed so many? You don’t get it. By killing Jews, he exonerated himself and made himself an invisible Jew, in order to serve The Tarmud more effectively.

    •ï¿½LOL: Notsofast
  106. @cousin lucky

    Yes, it is questionable if they can attain their goal of greater isreal. But they make long range plans; in 1897 they decided to take Palestine as a homeland for jews and they started two world wars to fulfill that goal.

  107. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    More like Israel-Infest.

  108. @Poupon Marx

    Thanks for being stupid and an obvious sayanim. Your stupidity and native personality defects make the World a mosaic instead of a monochrome palette. You need no description, as you are seen in every toilet after a sit down session of elimination.

    “You’re just a flush away†– Roiling Stoneds

    Dear Poupée Marx. Instead of having a tantrumatic meltdown, may I suggest you to pick your uterus off the floor and address whatever you may disagree with like a man.

    @Yababa echoes a geo-political reality that you either bothers you or that you’re ignorant of: no friends but interests. You may disagree or not like it but it remains true.

    Russia’s actions in Syria are a testimony of betrayal. Instructing Syria to not strike back for Israel’s years-long of incessant bombings. Thwarting Iran’s influence in Syria. Etc. This is not to say Russia should take the blame entirely. Assad’s rapprochement with the Gulf States definitely played a role. Assad also strikes me like a degraded Arab who thought he would be seen as equal by the racist West.

    Former British intelligence, Jew, Zionist and so-called expert Orientalist, Bernard Lewis said it once, and I paraphrase: a united Arab World with all its resources would rival Europe. Hence why the British Empire and its continuation under the US (the British Empire never died, only the world reserve capital shifted (£ -> $)) kept the region in a forever state of chaos.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  109. @Pepé Le Pew

    What is your purpose in doubting the sincerity of a man who agrees with your views?
    We have an ample supply of Zionist supremacists whose goal is World domination, so
    it makes no sense to vilify someone who opposes the
    bloodthirsty maniacs in his own Tribe.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Pepé Le Pew
  110. Anon[640] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Saudi Arabia’s Riyadh Season, hosting fashion shows, concerts, and dance performances by WHORES on stage resembling the Kaaba to bring Saudi Arabia the Western Democracy while US and Israel are doing Genocide and taking down country after country to grab their lands and their resources Now, more than ever, has become clear to the world what is the reason behind the genocide of Muslims by Americans and Jewish mafia tribe, to have $billions worth of business in every single area including WHORE houses and WHORE performance for arousal of the impotent ‘leaders’, where was not legal in the past, next to the stage of Kaaba, to give support for the rights of QLBT. Can’t get more insulting than this. This insult is similar to when Americans RAPED Iraqi men and women in Abu Gharib prison after their illegal invasion, to SHAME their victims forcing them into submission, copied from a book written by a zionist Jew, Raphael Patai, ‘the Arab Mind’, as a Manuel on how make Muslims to surround without act of resistance. The book was a road map for the State Dept. after the illegal invasion of Iraq. The reason for all these wars and genocide, not only to make the Jewish Mafia scum as the Hegemonic scum in the region, but also to steal their assets and honor at the same time, to improve US broken economy to feed their gullible people at the expense of others and Palestinian toddlers.
    Performance of WHORES in Saudi Arabia next to Kaaba. Who is going to be the NEXT WHORE?

    And when?

    Video Link

  111. @FreQuenSee

    Amature, Mossad spookpersons are a trivial match for Mr. Marx,
    even if a double-flush is needed for your disposal.

    Why did you switch to being a Hasbara pimp after your successful
    career working for your Mom and Sister?

  112. ariadna says:

    To those arguing that Israel will not be able to hold on to the Syrian lands it occupies because it doesn’t have enough troops, how many troops do you need to control scorched earth?

    Israel healing the world

    Days ago Israel began warning that it will use large bunker buster munitions to begin destroying the former Syrian Army’s underground missile and weapons storehouses.

    This has begun in the overnight hours, with Israeli warplanes pummeling air defense systems and ammunition depots in Damascus and the coastal city of Tartous, near where a Russian naval base is located. The strike on Tartous resulted in the single biggest explosion seen in Syria in years, unleashing a fireball and mushroom cloud so large it led to quick speculation it could have been a tactical nuke (which widespread reports are denying).

    “A 3.1 magnitude tremor was reported by the Geographic Survey of Israel’s seismology department at 11.49pm on Sunday night in the region of the bombings.”

    In total there have been an estimated 600 Israeli strikes over the course of eight days. Some of them began immediately upon Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) entering the environs of Damascus as President Assad fled the country.

    An Israeli broadcast correspondent from Kann previously wrote that “An Israeli source tells me: Israel’s goal is to destroy everything from Assad’s army that could fall into the hands of the rebels – from tanks to missiles. We are destroying the equipment of the Assad army.”

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @John Johnson
  113. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…Most likely Syria will now succumb to continued war among the many armed protagonists, as has happened in the previous U.S.-Israeli regime-change operations…’

    That is not a bug, but a feature. For Israel, anarchic misery is the ideal condition for her neighbors — and beyond. Witness Iraq, the sponsorship of Hamas to undermine the PLO, the current condition of Libya, and the probable intended future of Iran.

    It leaves her antagonists weak and divided, and prone to exactly the sort of Islamic fundamentalism that will justify future Israeli attacks. Witness how she now bombs Syria at will.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, EL_Kabong
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @24th Alabama
  114. Zumbuddi says:

    don’t forget that erdogan is jewish, as are the mullahs in iran and xi in china,


    Rumors of ErdoÄŸan’s Descent from Failed Jewish Messiah …
    …According to Wiki, the Dönme were a group of Sabbatian crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who under coercion converted outwardly to Islam,

    The Mullahs:

    Xi Jinping:
    Elie Wiesel (b. 1928) was in Auschwitz with Xi Jinping (b. 1953).
    It is well known that Wiesel’s Auschwitz stories were less than true. Less well known is that Xi Jinping told Elie the stories, translated from the original Chinese

    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
  115. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…All this is in the service of a profoundly unjust cause: to deny Palestinians their political rights in the service of Zionist extremism based on the 7th century BCE Book of Joshua. Remarkably, according to that text—one relied on by Israel’s own religious zealots—the Israelites were not even the original inhabitants of the land. Rather, according the text, God instructs Joshua and his warriors to commit multiple genocides to conquer the land…’

    It only adds insult to injury that the account is demonstrably not history but a historical fantasy. ‘Joshua’ razes cities where the archeological record shows no catastrophic destruction, and conquers others that had yet to come into being.

    It’s an invented tale, a fiction. It’s as if I found a mandate for conquest in The Chronicles of Narnia.

    This is what we are supporting. Evil nonsense based on willful delusion. It makes the original Nazis look safe ‘n sane.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  116. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @24th Alabama

    ‘What is your purpose in doubting the sincerity of a man who agrees with your views?
    We have an ample supply of Zionist supremacists whose goal is World domination, so
    it makes no sense to vilify someone who opposes the
    bloodthirsty maniacs in his own Tribe.’

    Indeed. Petty infighting is not the path to eventual victory.

    •ï¿½Thanks: 24th Alabama
  117. ariadna says:
    @cousin lucky

    “Will Donald Trump risk nuclear war in servitude to Israel?”

    There is no such risk. As with tango, it takes two to have a nuclear war. Russia will not launch a first strike and the US will not have to because Russia can be “managed”without it, as the Syria spectacle has shown.
    That should be a huge sigh of relief sui generis…

  118. @Carlton Meyer

    Hillary should be impaled, Vlad Tepes Style…
    First, at the head of a line of at least 100…
    filthy, rotten, evil, demonic scum that have forfeited their right to Life.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  119. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Jewish historian(of Stalin) says Ireland is ‘antisemitic’, LOL.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  120. eah says:

    >largely accepted by the ‘international community’

    X/Glenn Diesen

    The media’s reference to Israel’s plans to “expand Golan settlement” versus Russia’s “unprovoked full-scale war” — The language of the “rules-based international order” is designed to either legitimise or delegitimise. Substance is not required

    The oil-producing nations in the region who are sympathetic to the Palestinians, but were too self-interested to cut output in order to indirectly help them, ought to at least use the UN to bring attention to what’s being done to Syria.

  121. Z-man says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    They all have the same common denominator.
    Independent, truth telling Jews are few and far between. Ron Unz, the gracious host of this site and Norman Finklestein, a man who is despised by most Jews, are two of the few. They are righteous Jews.
    As always, ‘Beware the Power of The Cabal’.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  122. JM says:

    This ambition as old as the Torah:

    Genesis 15.18: “The Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt [the Nile] unto the great river, the River Euphrates.”

    The Neocons (USA) are, inter alia, the contemporary ideological vehicle for its expression.

    No matter how their spokesmen deny it, it’s unfolding before the eyes of the world.

    •ï¿½Replies: @JM
  123. @Colin Wright

    Syria is not Haiti, so by creating chaos the foreign agitators have almost
    assured the rule of another dictator in the near future. Any leader who
    can establish law and order by breaking a few heads is preferred to the
    tedious process of building a consensus.

    Any Syrian Government which emerges will not forget the Gaza
    Genocide lesson, that not submitting to the Israelis will guarantee the
    obliteration of every building in every city. The Americans will sacrifice
    all that is needed to supply Israel with bombs and missiles for their
    next killing spree, while the UN debates, endlessly.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  124. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘7 million Palestinians ruled by around 6 million Israelis? Try 6 million Jews ruling 350,000,000 lard assed Amerimutts.’

    Yes, but (at any rate, to date) they have to be more subtle than they are with the Palestinians. They can’t just bring down the boot and grind it into our faces.

  125. annamaria says:

    “Netanyahu’s strategy was integrated into U.S. foreign policy.”

    — Parasitism at its finest.

    The nomadic jewish tribe of liars, thieves, sadists, and genociders still continues using the extractive shoah-business schema. All major jewish organizations (including the throughly amoral Holo–museums) support the fascist jewish state and its genocidal policies targeting children and women (amaleks).

    The collective west was doomed when jews spread the network of banking/usury cartel and various “jewish centers” of indoctrination in dishonorable behavior (“Kol Nidre”) and hatred towards non-jews. The phrase Kol Nidre is a legal formula used every year during Yom Kippur for the annulment of all jewish promises and vows.

    Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid, by declaring that all vows are “absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect.” Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune that has been passed down for generation.

    The judaic/talmudic educational centers and sects like chabad lubavich create monsters — the dishonest, lying, whining, and predatory sadists. Only a small fraction of highly intelligent Jewish individuals adhere to humanity and protect their dignity. The majority of jews obey the diktat of anti-humanity global jewry.

    The aipac-owned congress has been channeling American resources to achieve a talmudic goal of full-spectrum dominance: https://karlof1.substack.com/p/putins-annual-address-to-the-extended

    the current US administration and virtually the entire collective West do not give up trying to maintain their global dominance, continue to impose their so-called rules on the world community, which they repeatedly change, distorting as it is convenient for them. …

    In an effort to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, the United States continues to pump the virtually illegitimate ruling regime in Kiev with weapons and money, send mercenaries and military advisers, and thereby encourage further escalation of the conflict. …

    Meanwhile, NATO countries themselves are increasing military spending. Strike groups of the alliance’s troops are being formed and assembled near the Russian borders. So, the number of American military personnel in Europe has already exceeded 100 thousand people. [And who has authorized the US ongoing war against Russia? – the zionized banking cartel and fascist mega-corporations like judaized BlackRock, which own the US?]

    In addition to the so-called eastern flank, NATO is increasing its presence in the Asia-Pacific region, which undermine the security architecture that has been established for decades. Of equal concern is the United States’ efforts to create and prepare for the deployment of high-precision ground-based strike weapons with a firing range of up to 5,500 kilometers in advanced zones. At the same time, the transfer and deployment of these missile systems in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region is already being worked out.

    Guess, the Enemies of Humanity have designated US as a sacrificial lamb for a hot phase of WWIII. — This time, the global war will reach directly the territory of the disunited & zionized USA. The only way to prevent the slaughter is to arrange Hazelnut visits to the bunkers and mansions of the main “deciders/haves.” The moral rot afflicting the top rulers of the collective west is irreversible and must be excised together with the top rulers.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @Felpudinho
    , @Poupon Marx
  126. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘They all have the same common denominator.
    Independent, truth telling Jews are few and far between. Ron Unz, the gracious host of this site and Norman Finklestein, a man who is despised by most Jews, are two of the few. They are righteous Jews.
    As always, ‘Beware the Power of The Cabal’.’

    Don’t get too excited. At heart, I suspect Ron et al of the same motive that leads Jews to undermine gentile civilization in general: the desire to subvert, to differ, to undermine.

    ‘Two Jews, three opinions.’ Woody Allen’s childhood flashbacks in Annie Hall

    How cute.

    ..except when they apply it to our world. And Ron Unz et al are just expressing the same compulsion. Only now that it’s a Jewish-ruled world, it’s applied to that. They’re only doing this because they perceive Jews to already be on top.

    They’re not bad people. But I’m suspicious of what drives them. Norm Finkelstein would try to throw you under the bus exactly when you were trying to organize the victory parade. It’s just who he is. In fact, he did just that. See his denunciation of BDS.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Z-man
    , @Wielgus
    , @Ron Unz
  127. @ariadna

    Netanyahu is the most psychotic of the Zionist-Judeo killers.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  128. ariadna says:
    @Jim H

    He is the rearguard of JP, covering the redeployment of the diaspora jews’ narrative to what are supposed to be morally defensible positions: acknowledging the genocide in full-throated indignation, blaming it mostly on Netanyahu and claiming that the murderous, illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of the native population — a goal rooted in the Jewish supremacism belief hardwired not only in “zionist†Jews but in the entire “Yiddishkeit”– could have been cured by the “two-state solution.â€
    The fact that he acknowledges the genocide makes him a courageous hero in the eyes of many non-Jews especially because he is a Jew. Ironically, those who admire him more for his stance because he is a Jew exhibit a real but an unconscious anti-semitism, implying that a Jew capable of behaving morally is an anomaly to be celebrated. While the numbers support this conclusion, in reality the anomaly is not he but the overwhelming majority of Jews who are incapable of behaving morally when perceived tribal interests are involved.
    A Christian or a Muslim can reject his faith and rail against his own religion and its followers and separate himself from them without losing his personal identity, but a Jew, even a self-professed atheist, cannot renounce his tribal allegiance without which he has no identity (not to mention the “perksâ€) unless he is a very strong, independently thinking individual. Few are, unfortunately.

  129. ariadna says:

    You are very good. I mean it sincerely.
    Enough said.

  130. ariadna says:

    “The only way to prevent the slaughter is to arrange Hazelnut visits to the bunkers and mansions of the main “deciders/haves.â€

    How many of those hazelnuts have you got? I’m all out.

  131. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Sam Harris, what a joke.

  132. Skeptikal says:

    I am sick of the selective use of the word “regime.”

    As in “Assad regime.”

    Shame on you, Jeffrey Sachs.

    You should know better.

    •ï¿½Agree: 24th Alabama
    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  133. @Poupon Marx

    …..What gives them the supremacist last word? Power? …….

    Local support. You shouldn’t forget that Sunni Mohammedan countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar did everything to remove Iran, Hizbollah and Russia from Syria with the support of the Syrians ( Sunni Mohammedans) themselves.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dieter Kief
  134. Skeptikal says:


    The sooner this is called out clearly, the better off the world will be.

    My Russia correspondent, when I said “IMO Putin is too soft on the Zionists/Israelis because some of them came from the USSR,” responded:

    “He is too soft by this reason and, also, because he wants to avoid an escalation of direct conflict with Zionism, the most powerful global force. The conflict is occurring indirectly against the proxies of this force acting in Ukraine and in the West.”

  135. Odyssey says:

    The goal of the action in Syria, directed by Antony Blinken was to lure Russia and Iran into a trap and involve them in a war with terrorists. Because there aren’t many of them, most of the terrorists are Israeli and Turkish soldiers dressed in NATO uniforms.

    Erdogan’s mother and grandmother were Jewish. The leader of the rebels, Abu Mohammed Golani, is an Israeli. There are 2-3 Jewish villages in the Golan Heights. His father was an engineer who supplied the Israeli army. He was supposedly in prison and, in fact, trained with Ali Baghdadi for six years. They were trained to learn to behave like Arabs. Ali Baghdadi (aka Samuel Elliot) was also an Israeli agent. They were set up to be leaders to lead the Islamic armies. Mossad passed from US at least a million dollars to each Syrian general (about 30 of them) to not resist.

  136. @Skeptikal

    I am sick of the selective use of the word “regime.â€

    As in “Assad regime.â€

    Shame on you, Jeffrey Sachs.

    You should know better.

    The English language is also becoming a whore, as a Moroccan writer once said when he noticed that words like revolution were being abused to describe the Sunni Mohammedan uprising, which aimed to oppress women and minorities.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  137. Skeptikal says:

    “Vidal was a rabid homosexual and though bright ”

    Well Vidal was a hell of a lot more than “bright.”

    As for “rabid,” not sure what that means. He was was not a prude, that’s for sure. He spoke and wrote openly about the reality of homosexual sex and power trips. He also spoke openly about all of the sexual shenanigans in the DC higher-echelon and high society fast lane.
    Such as the sexually aggressive and active young Miss Jacqueline Bouvier, a family acquaintance.

    I don’t know how his sexuality affected his view of monotheistic religions—did he state that somewhere? You don’t have to be queer to think these religions have caused a lot of trouble.

    Anyhow, he was a brilliant writer and historian. I loved his books on Burr and another titled I think Creation. His autobiography was also a tour de force.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Tom Welsh
    •ï¿½Replies: @Wielgus
    , @Alden
  138. @Charles Martel France

    The English language is also becoming a whore, as a Moroccan writer once said when he noticed that words like revolution were being abused to describe the Sunni Mohammedan uprising, which aimed to oppress women and minorities.

    Well let’s go ahead and look at the English language then:

    a. A government, especially an oppressive or undemocratic one: a fascist regime.
    b. A usually heavy-handed administration or group in charge of an organization: Raises were canceled under the new regime.

    Sachs was using English properly.

    Assad’s government was certainly undemocratic and heavy-handed.

    And a revolution can simply be a rapid change in government. It doesn’t have to be one that favors the people.

    The 1917 revolutionaries immediately oppressed all kinds of groups and were never supported by the majority.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  139. @24th Alabama

    The role Sachs played in the impoverishment and looting of Russia is more evil than any goyim could ever accomplish in a lifetime. I have never heard Sachs accept his complicity in this, let alone apologize for it.

    More recently, I have heard hours of Sachs kvetching about how “the US” is destroying Ukraine, but he never mentions Jewish complicity, let alone how this is just another facet of an age old Jewish conspiracy.

    Now we have Sachs kvetching about how the “Zionists” and “the US” are committing genocide on a daily basis in occupied Palestine, but instead of him explaining how all of Judea is accessory to this action, he tries to isolate Zionist Jews from the rest of the lying, stealing and murdering Jewish tribe.

    This is disingenuous and deceitful.

    It’s the Jews. And if Jews don’t like being party to this genocide, then at a minimum they need to be stand up and be counted as being opposed to the centuries of sin that they have committed and the centuries of lies that they have told.

    All of Germany was made culpable for the actions of the “Nazis” because they didn’t prevent a fake holocaust. All of Judea is now far more culpable for the actions of the “Zionists” because they haven’t prevented a real genocide.

    We need another Nuremberg, and Sachs needs to go onto the dock with all of the Zionists and be forced to justify all the half truths he did say, and all the truths he never said.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  140. @Arthur MacBride

    Bibi just sent a message to Putin:

    It reads

    “See Vlad, we can use tactical nukes whenever we want, while you have watched tens of thousands of young Russian men get killed and were afraid to use a tactical nuke to prevent it.

    Get out of the Levant now, or be prepared to face the wrath of the Rebbe.

    We own you.”

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
    , @ariadna
  141. JM says:

    This is quite explicit about the methods and territorial aims of Zionist Revisionism:

  142. @Pepé Le Pew

    Now the Jews have started killing Russian scientists just as they have been killing Syrian and Iranian scientists for decades.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  143. @deejay

    Succinct, to the point, but most importantly, absolutely true.

    Oh, Founding Fathers, why hast thou forsaken this creation of yours to be replaced with this damned hell hole? Must our citizenry be embarrassed by every immoral choice demanded by those who have sold their souls to become our leaders? “In God we trust!” Don’t make me laugh. Any deity, real or imagined, is not amused by the unending obscene clown show starring Greed, Arrogance and Cruelty in the center ring.

    •ï¿½Replies: @deejay
  144. @Charles Martel France

    This Sunni-connection is strong – – – and for me, tbh – hard to grasp.
    The best I could make of it: Old and deep stuff… – obviously still strong.

  145. deejay says:
    @Angry Santa

    Oh, Founding Fathers, why hast thou forsaken this creation of yours to be replaced with this damned hell hole? Must our citizenry be embarrassed by every immoral choice demanded by those who have sold their souls to become our leaders? “In God we trust!†Don’t make me laugh. Any deity, real or imagined, is not amused by the unending obscene clown show starring Greed, Arrogance and Cruelty in the center ring.

    Everything in clownworld is a degraded form of what existed in the past. Even our traitors are of the lowest quality.

    People in the past betrayed their country for real gold. Now they take fake currency that can be printed without limit.

    We are “embarrassed by every immoral choice demanded by those who have sold their souls to become our leaders” because these people are psychopaths who actually believe that they are working to fulfill Biblical prophecy.

    They are waiting for Jesus to come and pat them on the head, saying, “Good goy, you have sold out your nation for worthless paper.”

    If leaders in the West were simply greedy, it might be understandable, but they also have lunatic beliefs about their place in the history of the world.

    They are pawns, easily controlled through their own greed and vanity. They’ve convinced themselves that good is evil, and evil is good.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  146. @Rev. Spooner

    Granted, that coming out and fingering the real perpetuators is fatal to one’s career ….

    It’s actually much worse than that. If you have a high profile and you come out speaking 9/11 truth (even if you’re one of the tribe), they will kill you.

    Watch the few seconds of the following video from 9:10-9:30 and 38:30-39:10, and hear what Lynn Margulis PhD has to say:

    She is not your run of the mill academic. She is the recipient of the U.S National Medal of Science (the most prestigious award given to an American scientist – what you might call the U.S equivalent of the Nobel Prize).

    As you would’ve observed in the video, she appeared in pretty good health for her age (she was in her early 70’s and had no preexisting conditions).
    Well, she was dead not that many months after that video was made.

    The Talmudic financier misfits that control the entirety of the western financial (and political) systems, have no hesitation in killing one of their own – especially someone like this woman, whose gravitas was in the stratosphere.
    No one could accuse her of being scientifically incompetent.
    No one could accuse her of being an anti-Semite for speaking 9/11 truth (she was Jewish).

    As far as ZOG was concerned, this woman had to disappear, and fast. Because she was doing immeasurable damage to the official narrative.
    For the same reason, the likes of Dr Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, Julian Assange (and likewise Jeffrey Sachs) can never speak out and finger ZOG as the culprit behind 9/11.

    If they did, they’d be lying dead in a ditch within days.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Angry Santa
    , @ariadna
    , @John Trout
  147. @Arthur MacBride

    I am not sure that Bashir Asad is still alive. The Russians say he is safe, but no one has seen him.

  148. GoySoy says:

    Everything is going as planned. We are now in the final stage. There will be more false flags regarding “jew hate” around the world, but especially in the US to promote jews to go to israel.

    Sanhedrin Announces Ruling: All Jews Worldwide Must Come Home to Israel Immediately


  149. @annamaria

    I had never heard of Kol Nidrel; I looked it up and found this:

    “Kol Nidrei has had an eventful history, both in itself and in its influence on the legal status of the Jews…and in the nineteenth century (it was) expunged from the prayer-book by many communities of western Europe, “[Kol Nidrei] has often been employed by Christians to support their assertion that the oath of a Jew can not be trusted.

    When Jews make a yearly “declaration” before God that proactively annuls any personal oaths or vows over the coming year, of course these same Jews cannot be trusted. This reminds me of the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements Russia, in good faith, signed with the West, agreements that weren’t worth the paper they were printed on. Did all the Western Minsk I & II signers proactively make a Kol Nidrei declaration absolving them of honesty? Kol Nidrei definitely explains Benjamin Netanyahu, Kol Nidrei explains a lot.

    I particularly noted the disingenuousness of the Jew-serving last bit of the above Wikipedia information that states: Kol Nidrei’s existence as a part of Jewish culture “has often been employed by Christians to support their assertion that the oath of a Jew can not be trusted.”

    As if noticing reality and acting accordingly is shameful or (nowadays) worse: it’s anti Semitic. Jews can and do lie, their religion allows it. But don’t you take that into consideration and act accordingly.

    The way Jewish dominance over America is going, give it a year or two and our American politicians might have a new law on the books making it illegal not to trust a Jew.

  150. @Gee Eye Joe

    I have yet to grasp how a small cabal of evildoers can have such power to control a large portion of the world, and get away with what they do with no apparent power to counter them in any meaningful way?

    Well then, how do you suppose a relatively small number of British troops colonised India two hundred or so years ago?
    Answer: They had the military firepower to decimate multiples of any opposing forces.

    In other words, given sufficient firepower through modern weaponry, relatively few can control the many.
    And, what buys firepower?
    Answer: MONEY – and lots of it.

    We’ve often heard from ZOG owned media entities over the last decades, how Bill Gates was [allegedly] the richest man in the world. At other times it was Jeff Bezos and more recently Elon Musk – with Warren Buffet not that far behind.

    Well, let’s COMBINE the net worth of the four individuals above, and add the net worth of King Chuck III of Gross Britain for good measure.

    The aggregate net worth of these five men is a ROUNDING ERROR in comparison with the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG).

    Got it now Mr G.I?

    The Talmudic misfit financiers located in the shadowy halls of that square mile in the City of London have MULTIPLES of U.S GDP in financial wherewithal, with the ability to print/digitally conjure scores of trillions more with a key stroke on their computers (which in fact they’ve done in the post 2008 GFC period), to dole out to themselves and their genitally mutilated cronies.

    This ‘conjuring’ of currency they do via possession of the ‘River of Riches’.
    ie: ownership/control of the U.S Federal Reserve and the other western central banks.

    Have you absorbed that G.I.J?

    Of course ZOG do not have a physical stash of WMD’s stashed away in the City of London (although their bastard child/aka Apartheid Israel has quite a few).
    This incalculable stash of wealth they possess enables ZOG to control the Armed Forced of the U.S and it’s NATO (and non-NATO) vassals.
    You see ZOG control the entirety of the western financial and political systems.

    Every western politician of note has been vetted for loyalty to them.
    Their money enables them to control the narrative via ownership of the western MSM, all the major book publishing houses, academia, the western health bureaucracies and scientific academies, control of the World Bank/IMF/BIS/SWIFT International Payments system.

    SUMMARY: The solution to inflicting a mortal blow on ZOG which will eventually lead to their demise is to END THE FED.
    Deprived of this cash cow, ZOG will wither on the vine.

    Dr Ron Paul and the libertarians knew from Day One what the solution was – because (unlike the Keynesians/Socialists /Marxists like Michael Hudson/Prof. Richard Wolff), they’re economically literate.
    They actually know how the financial system works, how the Fed precipitates and exacerbates the boom/bust cycle and makes recessions far worse than they would otherwise be – not to mention the chronic inflation from the endless money creation that robs the masses of their purchasing power (5 min video):

  151. @Pepé Le Pew

    Now the Jews have started killing Russian scientists just as they have been killing Syrian and Iranian scientists for decades.

    Ukraine said that they did it, not Israel. Although it is possible Ukraine is stealing Israel’s thunder. Many here would say that even if Ukraine murdered Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, Israel was behind the Ukrainians doing it.

    I seriously doubt that Israel is going to start picking off Russian scientists the way they pick off Iranian scientists. Russia, like America, would never tolerate it and Israel isn’t that stupid.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
    •ï¿½Replies: @Pepé Le Pew
  152. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    It does seem to be a trait – a sort of iconoclasm, on occasion even directed at the Jewish Holy of Holies.


    The first time I heard of him, from a book on Jewish history, he was merely described as an anti-Semite. It was only later that I learned Pfefferkorn was born Jewish. Samuel Brenz, who lived a couple of generations later, seems to have been similar.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  153. Jeffrey Sachs is another one of the Great Men interviewed each week on Judging Napolitano.

    All this is in the service of a profoundly unjust cause: to deny Palestinians their political rights in the service of Zionist extremism based on the 7th century BCE Book of Joshua. Remarkably, according to that text—one relied on by Israel’s own religious zealots—the Israelites were not even the original inhabitants of the land.

    So many Christians and Jews really need to go back and actually read the first several books of the old testament: Abraham was not from the Levant, but was born in UR, in modern day Iraq, and moved to Teran in modern day Turkey. He demanded his children and grandchildren not marry any natives of the Levant areas. Moses was from Egypt. The Abrahamites (what I call them) actually moved to Egypt according to these books and spent hundreds of years there before going back to terrorize the locals of the Levant.

    Of course, the old testament was not first written until about the 5th or 6th century BC. Before that it was largely oral tradition, so who the hell really knows how much of the Old testament is true? The idea that the ancient “Hebrews” had any claims on this area is also ridiculous.

    That the Jews of today (especially the Ashkenazi European ones) have somehow survived thousands of years in diaspora, and are the direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews is ludicrous at best, but downright lethal at worse seeing what this is all culminating in today.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  154. @Truth Vigilante

    Margulis was Carl Sagan’s wife. She established that the mitochondria (the ATP factories) of every eukaryotic lineage (including our own human line) were descended from once free-living bacteria. We are all just conversant mud puddles in the beginning and the end.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  155. @Priss Factor

    From S. Sebag Montefiore’s “X” post:

    “The only miracle was that no one lost his life, but for the Jews who had just escaped the Cossacks it was terrifying.”

    Montefiore claims there was an honest-to-goodness “pogrom” in Limerick in 1904 yet not a single Jew was murdered. His post contains all the usual ingredients leading up to so much anti-Jewish hostility, it’s all there: selling on credit, collecting debts, showing off wealth.

    Montefiore continues with:

    “Now there is only one Jew in Limerick — and when Stuart Klein moved there in 1957, his Dublin friends were afraid for his life.”

    Let me guess. A new “pogrom” in Limerick in 1958 where no one gets hurt.

    I’m beginning to feel like Hitler did when he wrote in Mein Kampf how, as he got to know and interact with Jews, he grew to despise them. And now Jewish Power is getting closer to stripping all Americans of our country’s foundational Constitution right guaranteeing freedom of speech with a new ant-Semitism bill that has passed in Congress, moved on to the Senate, and could soon be signed into law.

    If, thanks to AIPAC, Jewish interests stealing our Constitutional right to Free Speech doesn’t cross a red line I don’t know what will.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  156. Ron Unz says:
    @Colin Wright

    Don’t get too excited. At heart, I suspect Ron et al of the same motive that leads Jews to undermine gentile civilization in general: the desire to subvert, to differ, to undermine.

    LOL. I’m glad I happened to notice this comment. You’re really over-thinking this whole situation.

    My own guess is that at least 80-90% of Western Jews are just ignorant and gullible enough to simply believe the entire framework of historical reality constructed by our mainstream media, and their behavior is therefore at least semi-understandable as a consequence. Suppose you were Jewish and believed everything the MSM said about your centuries of horrific persecution everywhere, finally culminating in history’s worst genocide, the unending efforts of the Arabs to annihilate the only Jewish State, and so forth. Wouldn’t much of your political activity reasonably follow exactly the pattern you so decry?

    So although I had always disliked much of this Jewish activism, I did generally have quite a bit of sympathy for it until a couple of decades ago when I gradually figured out that so much of our true history was totally different than what I’d always accepted, as I’ve described at enormous length in my American Pravda series. And since I’ve always prided myself on my intelligence and analytical ability, this whole situation greatly irritated me, filling me with considerable animosity towards the groups and individuals I blamed for my utter humiliation.

    One aspect of your remarks that strikes me as rather ironic is that despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, not least provided on this website and presented by my own hand, you’ve always steadfastly maintained your total belief in the reality of the Holocaust, certainly the single most important factor justifying and enabling the Jewish activism that you so condemn.

    I think you may also refuse to accept the overwhelming evidence that Israeli Mossad played a central role in both the JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks, which are also such crucial elements of our shaping historical framework.

    That’s why I’ve sometimes half-suspected that you might be some sort of ultra-deep-cover mole. Thus, 95% of everything you write expresses powerful outrage at the severe misbehavior of Jews and Israel, thereby ingratiating you with most of the anti-Jewish commentariat. You then deploy this resulting credibility to push back against any questioning of the three or four most ultra-important elements of our official narrative.

    I’m certainly not saying you’re actually following that sort of deceptive strategy, but since it’s straight out of the Cognitive Infiltration 101 textbook, I’m naturally a little suspicious.

  157. ariadna says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    I did’t know about Lynn Margulis. Obviously one of them bad Jews… A shanda!

  158. ariadna says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    The message is plausible except for “We owe you,” which is out of character.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  159. @Felpudinho

    Zelensky is a Jew. Netanyahu is a Jew. In fact, Putin is part Jew.

    Putin tolerates everything Netanyahu does, including genocide and the complete and total eradication of Russia’s strategic allies. Putin is even standing by and watching Netanyahu destroy bases and infrastructure up to and including in Tartus.

    So give me a break about how “Russia wouldn’t tolerate it”.

    •ï¿½Agree: NoBodyImportant
  160. That’s why I’ve sometimes half-suspected that you might be some sort of ultra-deep-cover mole. Thus, 95% of everything you write expresses powerful outrage at the severe misbehavior of Jews and Israel, thereby ingratiating you with most of the anti-Jewish commentariat. You then deploy this resulting credibility to push back against any questioning of the three or four most ultra-important elements of our official narrative.

    I seriously doubt that Colin Wright is an “ultra-deep” anything; to call Colin Wright, or anyone else commenting here, an “ultra-deep-cover-mole” is to give the person far too much credit. It’s much more likely that Colin, like most others commenting here, has contradicting thoughts and ideas that continually change along with lots of free time to write whatever happens to pop inside his head at the moment. Though I’ll push back hard on certain commenters – you are much more even keeled than I am – I find it best to take most of these comments with a grain of salt.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Truth Vigilante
    , @Colin Wright
  161. @Ron Unz

    My own guess is that at least 80-90% of Western Jews are just ignorant and gullible enough to simply believe the entire framework of historical reality constructed by our mainstream media, and their behavior is therefore at least semi-understandable as a consequence.

    My guess is that 90-99% of Jews can somehow balance the cognitive dissonance and psychopathy that the Jewish “religion” rains down on them every day. They can some how accept that there is no god, yet god gave them the right to steal land from Palestinians and form their “home for a people who have no home”. They can accept that the fake genocide of their own people justifies their committing of genocide against another people. They can accept that European lands must accept wave upon wave of refugees, yet their own country Israel must remain racially pure. They can demand “equality” as a human right, yet feel justified when >40% of students at ivy league schools are Jews and that Bidens cabinet was about 90% Jewish.

    This Jewish hypocrisy goes on and on without end.

    In summation: Jews like to claim that they are the smartest people on the planet while simultaneously playing dumb to all the havoc that they wreak across the planet every day. Jeffery Sachs is the poster boy for this Jewish hypocrisy.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout, annamaria
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Chebyshev
  162. @ariadna

    The message is plausible except for “We owe you,†which is out of character.

    The message, in character, was “We OWN you,” not “We owe you.”

  163. @deejay

    If leaders in the West were simply greedy, it might be understandable, but they also have lunatic beliefs about their place in the history of the world.

    That is correct and an uncomfortable subject here.

    The most pro-Israel politicians are the Rapture Ready House Republicans. You could take away their funding and they would still see themselves as honorary Jews. It’s really not an issue of AIPAC funding. They have core beliefs that existed before going into politics. Hegseth got his giant crusader tattoo when he was in the national guard.

    They view themselves as having a direct line to God and actually clash with secular Democrats in the Senate over Israel. They view secular Jews like Bernie Sanders as betraying Chosen Ones heritage for not rubber stamping every defensive bill for Israel.

    There is a complete lack of balance and absolutely zero representation of Southern rural Whites. The worst Rapture Ready conservatives are by far Southern and Evangelical. Country raised Baptists and Pentecostals that do not see themselves as White but lightly colored Hebrew descendants who chose the right messiah.

    We have zealously pro-Israel House Republicans arguing with moderately pro-Israel Senate Democrats. If that isn’t bad enough we are about to get a president who just nominated the most pro-Israel cabinet in history.

    If the founding fathers could see into the future I think they would have changed their minds on freedom of religion. Evangelism has become an intransient doomsday cult that denies race and puts Isarel first. In rapture circles they speak of America as a lost nation that can only be fixed by divine destruction. Jefferson was privately skeptical of the old testament and a Hebrew centered universe. Interestingly he suspected there were problems related to the nature of man but there were gaps in science at the time.

  164. ariadna says:
    @Angry Santa

    “conversant” in what sense?

  165. ariadna says:
    @Ron Unz

    Excellent repartee, Ron..
    I agree with your estimate that “at least 80-90% of Western Jews are just ignorant and gullible enough to simply believe the entire framework of the so-called historical reality…
    Nevertheless, attributing that construct of historical reality that Jews are gullible enough to believe to “our mainstream media†is wrong. Jews do not derive their understanding from the MSM.
    The flow is in the opposite direction: they feed their version to the jew-owned MSM for wide distribution.
    Ignoring the real source of Jewish indoctrination (tribal fealty drummed into their heads from the cradle to the grave) minimizes and makes it hard to appreciate the complex and arduous struggle of the ethical Jews who question their tribal identity, and the fact that abandoning “Jewishness†often means abandoning your family and life-long friends.
    When Jewishness is your Northern Star, abandoning it can leave you lost at sea unless you have a very strong personal moral compass, like the one Atzmon recommends: Athens against Jerusalem.
    Even among these “lapsed Jews†(Jews by ethnic origin only), phantom pains of Jewishness perdure in a way, whereby Jewishness is still a referent, but now it is the negative image of what they must always guard against and extinguish in themselves. I have personally known such Jews and while my experience is anecdotal, not probative, it is illustrative:

    I once did a project for a Jewish American scientist and upon completion I submitted the bill to him. I simply charged him for the number of hrs worked, did not give him any discount based on friendship or my admiration for him (related also to prior conversations, like, for example, his description of the emotional impact his visit to the Lascaux caves made on him, which revealed a man of superior intellect and sensitivity, but that’s another anecdote).
    He looked at the bill and said “How did you calculate thisâ€? “Number of hours I worked on it.†He gave me a check for TWICE that amount saying: “My Jewish grandmother used to tell us, ‘Never ever pay more than you absolutely have to.’ But if she were alive today I’d explain to her that your work is well worth this payment.†The man could not simply be generous, as was undoubtedly in his character; he felt the need to make it an act of revolt, a proof of “unjewishness.â€
    Such Jews make me think of Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement that purports to be focused on asymmetry. Yet no ikebana arrangement shows lack of symmetry (which would be a haphazard thing) but rather a focused attempt to express anti-symmetry.

    I shared a cab once with the most vocal and articulate “ex-Jew†I know, and since I got off first I insisted on giving him my share of the fare. What did he say? “How unjewish of you!†Any non-Jew, if he wanted to make any comment at all might have said “How Dutch of you!â€

    I believe that for an ethical Jew who is a first generation rejectionist of “Jewishness,†introspection and self-testing is a constant, life-long endeavor. It is for these Jews that I have not only “quite a bit of sympathy†and also admiration.
    As for “deep cover mole”… always possible but not likely. Confused and not as bright as he thinks he is more likely

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Felpudinho
  166. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @Ron Unz

    ‘…Suppose you were Jewish and believed everything the MSM said about your centuries of horrific persecution everywhere, finally culminating in history’s worst genocide, the unending efforts of the Arabs to annihilate the only Jewish State, and so forth. Wouldn’t much of your political activity reasonably follow exactly the pattern you so decry?’

    This is an interesting point — but only partly satisfying. Other groups believe more or less fictional versions of their history: not to single them out, but Greeks, Irishmen, Poles, and Hawaiians come to mind.

    However, it doesn’t lead them into the sort of frenetic and culturally subversive activism so pronounced among Jews. Simple indolence may not be a virtue, but it does make them less of a problem.

    ‘…I’m certainly not saying you’re actually following that sort of deceptive strategy…’

    I’m glad to hear that. My response would essentially be that because you have adopted a contrarian position doesn’t require me to adopt it.

    I don’t know who the hell whacked Kennedy. If you are convinced the Israelis did it (perfectly plausible), that doesn’t mean I have to agree.

    For what it’s worth, I think that yes, the Holocaust did occur, and largely as described. I’d point out that insisting it didn’t (a) evades the considerably more interesting and fraught question of why it did, and (b) allows us to overlook the detail that we as Americans are adopting a position with respect to Israel’s crimes that is astonishingly similar to that the Germans took with respect to the mass murder of the Jews. History may not repeat, but it does rhyme — but we don’t notice when it does!

    As to 9/11, Saudi Arabian terrorists certainly did carry out that attack, and it certainly did occur. Israel also was certainly was involved. To what extent, I’m not sure. Merely passively but benignly letting the attack take place? Actively guiding and facilitating it? Gute Frage. Of course one can select one’s evidence and present a case for almost anything, but I remain unsure.

    Anyway, thanks for your reply, and while I refuse to go down the rabbit hole of arguing about the evidence for Holocaust Denial (look, if there was no Holocaust, where did all those Jews go?) or the notion that I might be a deep state mole merely because I dissent from your dissents, I remain interested in the other questions that you raised.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
    , @John Trout
  167. @Truth Vigilante

    If they did, they’d be lying dead in a ditch within days.

    True, the fanatical supremist have no compunction about killing, it is the panacea for all the roadblocks in their goal of world domination. We are, afterall, two legged animals with a lesser soul than them.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  168. @Felpudinho

    Felpu-dildo writes:

    I seriously doubt that Colin Wright is an “ultra-deep†anything; to call Colin Wright, or anyone else commenting here, an “ultra-deep-cover-mole†is to give the person far too much credit.

    If you believe that, then you’re seriously wrong.

    Of course I don’t think you actually do believe that.
    It’s just a case of you covering for yet another one of your (((tribal))) ilk.
    As Colon Wrong knows first hand, I’ve had countless exchanges with him in the past where I’ve called him out for his hypocrisy, for not willing to face up the facts of the Holohoax or the 9/11 False Flag.

    And, I’ve gone even further than that. I’ve said that like the disinfo peddler (and likely ADL operative) Patrick McNally, Colon Wrong also uses an Anglo-Celtic pseudonym to cover for the fact that he’s actually a Shlomo.

    All UR readers should take heed of what Ron Unz says.
    Colon Wrong, as I like to call him (seeing as he’s wrong on many of the important issues, and only pretends to sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians), is one very suspect individual indeed.

  169. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘The first time I heard of him, from a book on Jewish history, he was merely described as an anti-Semite. It was only later that I learned Pfefferkorn was born Jewish. Samuel Brenz, who lived a couple of generations later, seems to have been similar.’

    There was also some Viennese (?) Hochjude who died young after vilifying his fellow Hebrews.

    See also some of the intracommunal conversation. In Yochna and Schelke, Isaac Bashevis Singer delivers what can be read as a stinging denunciation of Shtetl culture. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1977/02/14/yochna-and-shmelke

    For a bit back in the early 2000’s, Haaretz was enjoying itself reporting on cases of incest and sexual abuse in the Israeli Haredi community — it was a fertile field. Then they pulled back. They realized the goyim might read of it?

    I’d say Jews go at each other hammer and tongs. I really don’t mind it at all if they do. Like Poles drinking or Swedes not having children, it’s their funeral. It’s that the Jews go after us as well that’s the problem.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wielgus
  170. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…As for “deep cover moleâ€â€¦ always possible but not likely. Confused and not as bright as he thinks he is more likely’

    Thanks a lot. There goes your Christmas present.

  171. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @Pepé Le Pew

    ‘…In summation: Jews like to claim that they are the smartest people on the planet while simultaneously playing dumb to all the havoc that they wreak across the planet every day.’

    Indeed. My take would be that Jews can recognize the folly of the various particular items on their agenda — but they never come to terms with the flaws that drive them to formulate the agenda in the first place. How can we permit such activism from a group that remains so profoundly suspicious of and hostile towards ordinary white Christian civilization? What is this impulse to undermine, subvert, wreck?

    It’s there. That observation is inescapable. Just count up the Jewish names the next time you see a piece on anything advocating any of this sabotage. Three out of five will be Jews, or four out of five, or all five. It’s drearily predictable.

    However, I’ll point out that contra your assumption, I doubt if most Jews ‘wrestle’ with these issues. They’re fed a line they find congenial, and they accept it. Like most of us, they’re too busy with other things to bother. It’s like my elderly neighbor who remains convinced the Palestinians beheaded forty Jewish babies. She was told it, it suited her, and she’s never had the time or interest to look into it further.

  172. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘Of course, the old testament was not first written until about the 5th or 6th century BC. Before that it was largely oral tradition, so who the hell really knows how much of the Old testament is true?’

    In my opinion, what it was was a pastiche of the various legendary material floating around the Persian Empire and the Hellenic successor states, collated and edited between the Fifth Century BC and the Year Zero or thereabouts.

    Before the recent past it has no historical value at all. References in it are like those in Medieval texts claiming that the current king is descended ‘from Brutus.’ Of course ____ the Fat or whoever wasn’t descended ‘from Brutus.’ It’s merely an attempt to lend dignity to his authority.

    Similarly with anything in the Old Testament pertaining to events before about 600 BC. It’s just every legend on hand, assembled with an eye to glorifying and lending authority to the cult practiced by those assembling it. And in point of fact, the claims therein are rarely supported by any external evidence and often directly conflict with what external evidence we do have. Contemporaries appear to be oblivious of this mighty Jewish Kingdom, cities are sacked that the archeological record shows hadn’t been founded yet, Israelites herd camels that had yet to be domesticated, etc.

    As a historical source it’s nonsense; of interest for telling us about the mentality of those who composed it — but not of any for more distant history. We can infer facts about Herod or the Seleucids from its rantings — aren’t going to learn much about the Babylonians.

    Another apt comparison would be to Mallory’s Morte d’Arthur. Want to get a feel for Fifteenth Century England — great source. Think it tells you about Dark Age Britain? May I interest you in a bridge?

  173. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    You probably mean this guy.

    He was briefly mentioned in an Austrian literature seminar when I was studying German at university.

    •ï¿½Agree: Colin Wright
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Wielgus
  174. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @John Trout

    ‘True, the fanatical supremist have no compunction about killing, it is the panacea for all the roadblocks in their goal of world domination. We are, afterall, two legged animals with a lesser soul than them.’

    In this they bear a distinct resemblance to their ideological predecessors, the original Nazis. Consider Himmler:

    ‘Whether 10,000 Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interest me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished.’

    Of course, the Jews have a more fully developed ideology justifying their brutality, but the similarity is evident.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Trout
  175. Wielgus says:

    I read Palimpsest. A very good read.

  176. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…He was briefly mentioned in an Austrian literature seminar when I was studying German at university.’

    It seems tragic that he died at twenty three. Who knows what he might have gone on to contribute if he had reconsidered? After all, what he did produce were only his first works.

  177. ariadna says:
    @Colin Wright

    Your last comment allows me to guess what your Christmas present was: Elie Wiesel’s The Night.

  178. @annamaria

    As I wrote in another comment here, in which I expressed my investigation of the strengths of Russia versus Ukraine/NATO, and the conclusion I reached 1 week into the SMO of Feb. 2020, I assert that the combined forces of NATO will result in a loss against Russia. That is, an all out war, non-nuclear.

    There are many reasons and variables, which I have considered. Also, analyzing the opinions of the real experts is taken into consideration. Furthermore, at this point, the West has already committed acts of war against Russia by invasion, directly.

    Therefore, a barrage of unstoppable non-nuclear missiles targeting NATO HQs is justified at this time. As well the same for the HQ of the European Union. If a WWIII becomes full on, expect these targets to be reduced to scrap.

    •ï¿½Replies: @annamaria
  179. @Pepé Le Pew

    Naturally, I don’t relish being seen as an apologist for Sachs’ role in the 1990’s
    robbing of Russia by the Russian Jews and their financier collaborators in the
    U.S. and the U.K.

    Taken as a whole, this theft of natural resources was easily the single largest
    heist in history, but my guess is that the Harvard Professor was preoccupied
    with macroeconomics while the thieves were walking out
    the back door with the loot.

    Sachs did try to secure loans for the Russian Government to enable it to stave
    off hunger and avert chaos, but the financial policy people in the Clinton
    Administration slammed the door in his face. There is no evidence that Sachs
    or any of his associates personally profited from Grand Theft Russia.
    Sachs was an advisor with no actual authority.

  180. @ariadna

    To those arguing that Israel will not be able to hold on to the Syrian lands it occupies because it doesn’t have enough troops, how many troops do you need to control scorched earth?

    This question is unanswerable. If “scorched earth” means denuded, no cover, then that would be a lot of exposure, easy reconnaissance from the air. It means no place to hide.

    I had read a report that stated Zelensky wanted the cache of materiel and armaments of the Syrian Army transferred to Ukraine. This request was made through the US. Putin called Netanyahoo and asked him to destroy these armaments, in BOTH their interests, ASAP.

    It is essential to access and seek as many sources as possible to determine and divine which factors and parameters are exerting influence and force.. This preferable to feeding a Confirmation Bias, or Emotional Bias or other unempirical basis of reasoning and discovery.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  181. @ariadna

    I once did a project for a Jewish American scientist and upon completion I submitted the bill to him…He looked at the bill and said “How did you calculate thisâ€? “Number of hours I worked on it.†He gave me a check for TWICE that amount saying: “My Jewish grandmother used to tell us, ‘Never ever pay more than you absolutely have to.’ But if she were alive today I’d explain to her that your work is well worth this payment.†The man could not simply be generous, as was undoubtedly in his character; he felt the need to make it an act of revolt, a proof of “unjewishness.â€

    I used to double pay the shoeshine boys in Bogotá 33¢ instead of 16¢ without giving them a brief family history as to why. And, if I had been a Jew doing the same it wouldn’t be because I “felt the need to make it an act of revolt” or “proof of “unjewishness.”‘ It would have been for the same reason: because they were poor, homeless, and needed the money. Turning a minor moment of generosity into a grandstanding, revolutionary, event is, frankly, bizarre.

    The Jew who double paid you simply wasn’t as tightfisted as his dear ol’ granny, while his telling you that family story while double paying you is about as Jewish as it gets; his making a show out of his generosity – “granny would not be pleased with me, but you’re worth it!” – completely ruins your claim he was in an act of anti-Jewish revolt. As per usual, you incorrectly read far too much into this small event, the same as you so often do with large world events.

    •ï¿½Troll: ariadna
  182. Wielgus says:

    One of my lecturers had a first edition of his work. Probably bought in a Vienna second-hand or antiquarian bookshop.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  183. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @24th Alabama

    ‘…Any Syrian Government which emerges will not forget the Gaza
    Genocide lesson, that not submitting to the Israelis will guarantee the
    obliteration of every building in every city. The Americans will sacrifice
    all that is needed to supply Israel with bombs and missiles for their
    next killing spree, while the UN debates, endlessly…’

    One hopes you’re wrong. Perhaps Israel has taken another giant step downwards with her latest outrages. For Chrissakes, she’s openly singing songs rejoicing in killing women and children. Now back in the day, it was different.

    I remember noticing that back in the Seventies, mainstream opinion was that of course Israel was substantially in the right. Perhaps a bit hard-handed, but then they had to be.

    Then by the 2000’s, it was ‘they really should be reined in somehow. Oh, what to do…’

    Now, it’s like the US government and media is the only one still singing the song. The consensus in the rest of the world is moving towards addressing this blight. If there’s one thing everyone is coming to agree on, it’s…

    At any rate, it’s a thought. Perhaps Israel has already lost. Like Germany at the start of 1942, she may plunge onwards for a while, but the correlation of forces implies she’s doomed.

    The only real questions may be how much longer it’s going to take, how many more have to die, and how far we are dragged down with her.

    …plus, of course, where are all the Jews are going to go. When I hear about a ‘peaceful solution’ I have to laugh. Why should the Palestinians ever forgive the Jews? After the last year?

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  184. Anon[261] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I don’t think that Americans truly believe that YHWH will destroy them if they don’t help Israel. A few surely do. But remember that pseudo-secular Catholic Northeasterners also support Jews to the death. And, remember, that at least half of the people in the pews of even the Evangelical churches don’t really believe the stuff. Also remember that the Evamgeical movement can not encompass more than 25% of the population (depends how you measure it), while a good 70% or so of the population supports Jews to the death according to surveys.

  185. @Colin Wright

    There is no comparison between one statement by Himmler made during a stress filled wartime event and a basic tenet of the Talmud.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  186. Notsofast says:

    xi in auschwitz….. yes, this is exactly what i am talking about, you can’t make this stuff up.🤣

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  187. ariadna says:

    You can buy it on Amazon. Have not checked recently but I did several years ago.

  188. @Colin Wright

    Revenge does not have a gentle mode, and is returned in multiples
    of what is due, but the Israeli calculation is that Americans will
    always protect them.

    Will we reach a place where we are no longer able or willing to
    sacrifice ourselves to rescue the Jews from their deranged behavior
    and self-inflicted disasters? How long will we assist in the mass
    murder of helpless, innocent civilians?

    Sentiment can change faster than anyone would predict, and
    given the Jewish record of arrogantly reckless behavior, we
    may reach our end of toleration before the Israelis satisfy their
    blood lust.

    Future generations will remember that Americans assisted
    the Jews in genocide. They will not understand why.

    •ï¿½Agree: Colin Wright
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @annamaria
  189. @Colin Wright

    Your bold assertions and double speak certainly reveal you to be a zionist propagandist. Your bold assertion that “Saudi Arabian Terrorists” carried out the attack on New York flys in the face of all the studies done by Architects and Engineers as well as the studies done on building seven by the University of Alaska that debunk the official narrative printed by the jews.

    And since by their own census there were as many jews after the war as before shows the holocaust did not occur.

    •ï¿½Agree: Quincas Borba
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  190. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @John Trout

    There is no comparison between one statement by Himmler made during a stress filled wartime event and a basic tenet of the Talmud.

    I suspect that if you ever try to read the Talmud…you’ll abandon the attempt.

    But more to the point, I doubt if its sole or even primary concern is the abuse and vilification of Christians. Lots of other stuff too, I’m sure. If a woman’s uncle has been seen eating shellfish, should you divorce her? Etc.

    Riveting, I’m sure. Not that I would know, or even have any intention of knowing.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wielgus
    , @John Trout
  191. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @24th Alabama

    ‘…Will we reach a place where we are no longer able or willing to
    sacrifice ourselves to rescue the Jews from their deranged behavior
    and self-inflicted disasters? How long will we assist in the mass
    murder of helpless, innocent civilians?’

    There you go. Worst case (and unfortunately for all concerned, the most probable) is that we continue to serve Master as our wealth and ability to project power continues to sink.

    Thenm when we’ve declined to about the condition of Brazil, it’ll be the end for our little tapeworm — and we won’t be able to do anything about it. What good will dollars be when dollars aren’t worth anything? Who will care what the US has to say about it all when we’ve the military clout of Turkey?

    •ï¿½Agree: 24th Alabama
    •ï¿½Replies: @Renard
    , @annamaria
  192. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @John Trout

    ‘Your bold assertions and double speak certainly reveal you to be a zionist propagandist…’

    I do believe that’s the first time I’ve ever been called that.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  193. @ariadna

    To those arguing that Israel will not be able to hold on to the Syrian lands it occupies because it doesn’t have enough troops, how many troops do you need to control scorched earth?

    It’s a deluded belief that has zero basis in reality.

    Israel just went on a rampage and hit over 200 military targets in Syria.

    They’ll probably start building condos in Golan and set their artillery to range any of the buffer zone.

    It’s very hard to take desert land without air power and Syria’s jets have been destroyed.

    The simple reality is that Israel stands to gain from Putin’s betrayal. Wishful thinking doesn’t somehow change their position.

    Israel has the latest in air power and plenty of time to beef up defenses. But more importantly they have an ace in the hole in DC. Bigley. Don’t be surprised if Trump works a deal whereby Israel gets a permanent cut of Syria. Let’s not forget that Golan was supposed to be temporary.

    I honestly wish we had a government like Israel. Must be nice having a government that values its people and acts in their best interest. As I said in another thread they also have top level health care for their workers and somehow do it without the insurance companies that our Republicans tell us are vital to God’s Super Special American Capitalism. The chosen ones can pick and choose from American capitalism. Israeli Jews get full healthcare while rural Whites get lectures on how they should value their Randian capitalist system that may bankrupt them if they get sick.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @Colin Wright
  194. @James Speaks

    There is a sense in which “Netanyahu the Outlier” is being exaggerated. He has served
    in office more years than any would like, but his habitual grand larceny is needed to
    support his Wife’s shopping addiction. If he leaves office he will be treated like the
    common thief and that worries him more than the ICJ’s indictment.

    He continues to have substantial, majority public support and there are those in his
    cabinet more murderous than the P.M., himself, so he is hardly an outlier

    Bear in mind that Blinken has far more blood on his hands from Ukraine and Gaza,
    if you can ignore his spoof of a latter day Mideast peace crusader. Granted, our dapper
    Diplomat lacks Bibi’s Satanic charisma which is used to charm billions from our hides
    by sweet talking the fairies, floozies and gremlins who park, squat and dishonor
    themselves in the halls of Congress.

  195. @John Johnson

    Presto! Your wish is granted. We do have a government like Israel
    since the U.S. is a totally owned subsidiary of Israel, and we are so
    fortunate that they allow us to support them and provide wonderful
    free medical care- for them, not us.

    We have become our own red-headed stepchild and will soon dispatch
    Ambassador-Grifter, Mike Cuckyoume to the Promised Land to smooch
    every last “Blessed,” unwashed Jew ass he can find while watching
    Palestinian rebar- rape porn.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @John Johnson
  196. @Colin Wright

    Colon Wrong, in responding to an astute reader who called him a Zionist propagandist, writes:

    I do believe that’s the first time I’ve ever been called that.

    Quit with the pretence Mr Wrong.

    I’ve called you things equivalent to that and much worse (eg: pointed out that you’re a Shlomo using an Anglicised pseudonym to deflect attention away from the fact that you’re a sayan), in relation to the B.S you’ve posted in the past.

    •ï¿½Troll: Mike Conrad
  197. Renard says:
    @Colin Wright

    As someone who’s spent a lot of time in Brasil, I frankly feel freer there than here. Granted, there are endless, unwashed hordes in the big cities, but that’s hardly a distinction. Likewise with crime.

    My guess is that we’re going to glide right past Brasil status on our descent. If we haven’t already.

    •ï¿½Agree: Quincas Borba
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  198. Chebyshev says:
    @Pepé Le Pew

    The 90% of Jews are wary of upsetting the 10% most difficult Jewish women.

    •ï¿½LOL: Pepé Le Pew
  199. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    Apparently it contains stuff like if a man ejaculates into a stream, and a woman swimming in the stream conceives, has she committed adultery? (The answer apparently is “no”.)

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  200. @Notsofast

    Xi’s family (Jewish) date back to the 19th century, when his family presented their son for plastic surgery to resemble a Han Chinese. Also, a subcutaneous substance was injected to give his skin a certain “yellow” (which is more fat under the skin than Caucasians).

    The goal was to implant a double agent as a mole in the Chinese society, constantly handled by the active secret Chopbad Judaic Underground. As is evident, the project was a success.

    It is best and most ideal to assume that everybody, living creature is crypto-Jewish to come down on the side of error. Guilty until proven innocent. Therefore, all males in society should display their penises in a transparent window in the crotch of their pants to control for circumsciption.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  201. @24th Alabama

    Huckabee regularly buys out all the bananas at his local supermarket, in order to practice his oral skill in not creating any irregular striations on the banana. Also, he works on the art of gentile peeling of the fruit as foreskin foreplay forever. His knee pads are made of the same material as Formula I brake discs. They take quite a lot of wear, however, and a spare set are always near at hand.

    “God hisself has mandated and guides my (cough) _______in my interactions with the Anointmented Ones. Jesus is always lovingly looking over my shoulder, as he bends me over. My four leaf clover.

    •ï¿½LOL: 24th Alabama
  202. @Anani

    So Assad needed a “Daddy” to pay all his bills and spring him out of jail for the 19th time. How about you? It seems likely your “Daddy” subsidizes your intemperate, overreach comments and actions, a buffer and cushion for stupidity, cupidity, and inanity.

  203. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…My guess is that we’re going to glide right past Brasil status on our descent. If we haven’t already.’

    Agree. I had a similar thought when I visited Argentina.

    Yes, that country has obvious problems; problems that await us in our near future. But it will be worse here; Argentina at least retains some cultural and social coherence.

    But we won’t even have that. If they are in the First Circle of Dante’s Purgatory, we’ll be further down.

  204. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘Apparently it contains stuff like if a man ejaculates into a stream, and a woman swimming in the stream conceives, has she committed adultery? (The answer apparently is “noâ€.)’

    Kevin Macdonald asserts that the Talmud does not appear to be interested in the answers to such questions for their own sake so much as in using them as a device to display and develop a certain brand of reasoning.

    Like if I ask you what are the possible values of x that will satisfy 2x^2 + 7x = 32. I’m not actually interested in knowing what x is, but in seeing if you can determine the correct answer.

    To be fair, this may absolve the Talmud of some of the more serious charges laid against it. Questions about whether a gentile should be left to drown if he falls into a well may reveal the religious prejudices of the authors, but it’s not necessarily evidence of any particular interest in fomenting sectarian hostility. The interest in the question may lie more in the abstract intellectual issues it raises.

    Hard to say. After all, apparently even a reliably objective translation can’t be had.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Martel France
  205. @John Johnson

    To avoid running into the issue of consistency, wouldn’t it be safer to write the Syrian government rather than the Syrian regime ?

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  206. @Colin Wright

    Questions about whether a gentile should be left to drown if he falls into a well may reveal the religious prejudices of the authors, but it’s not necessarily evidence of any particular interest in fomenting sectarian hostility.

    The interest in the question may lie more in the abstract intellectual issues it raises.


    abstract intellectual issues it raises !!

    Question : What is the duty of a Muslim towards a non-Muslim? Whether he is a dhimmi in a Muslim country? Or he is in his country and the Muslim lives in the country of that non-Muslim person? The duty that I want to clarify is dealings of all kinds, starting from greeting him and ending with celebrating his holidays. Please advise us, may Allah reward you with good.


    He should not initiate the greeting, but should respond, based on the saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Do not initiate the greeting of peace to the Jews or Christians.†Narrated by Muslim.

    He also said: “If the People of the Book greet you, then say: ‘And upon you.’†Agreed upon.

    So a Muslim does not initiate the greeting of peace to a disbeliever, but when a Jew, Christian or other disbeliever greets him, he should say: “And upon you,†as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded. This is one of the legitimate rights between a Muslim and a disbeliever, including good neighbourliness.

    A Muslim is not allowed to participate in their celebrations or holidays,

    but there is nothing wrong with offering condolences to them for their death, if he sees a legitimate interest in that, by saying: May God compensate for your loss, or may He replace you with something better, and similar good words.

    He should not say: May God forgive him, or may He have mercy on him if he was a disbeliever, meaning he should not pray for the dead, but rather he should pray for the living for guidance and good compensation and the like.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  207. Wielgus says:

    Zen Buddhism apparently has something called koan, which is a puzzle with no logical solution, intended to develop intuitive thought. It may be something similar to the Talmud, or at least parts thereof.

  208. @Colin Wright

    Replace talmud with death cult

  209. @Charles Martel France

    To avoid running into the issue of consistency, wouldn’t it be safer to write the Syrian government rather than the Syrian regime ?

    No because Syria’s government under Assad meets the definition of a regime.

    •ï¿½Replies: @ariadna
  210. @24th Alabama

    Presto! Your wish is granted. We do have a government like Israel
    since the U.S. is a totally owned subsidiary of Israel, and we are so
    fortunate that they allow us to support them and provide wonderful
    free medical care- for them, not us.

    If nothing changes then the US will become Brazil and our politicians will take surgery vacations to Israel.

    Then they will return to the US and tell us about how the free market system is the right choice for America.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  211. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Is Morgan a naive dummy or is he a clever(and even devious) closet-dissident who plays dumb(for plausible deniability) while giving voice to public dissidents and critics of power?

  212. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘…It’s much more likely that Colin, like most others commenting here, has contradicting thoughts and ideas that continually change along with lots of free time to write whatever happens to pop inside his head at the moment…’

    The road to consistency is mined by little hobgoblins.

  213. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @John Johnson

    ‘…I honestly wish we had a government like Israel…’

    So much the worse for you.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Johnson
  214. @Poupon Marx

    Sounds like you want to be the window washer.
    Just one more quirk in an amusing, but ever
    imaginative personality.

  215. @John Johnson

    American politicians already have Jew-chips, anally implanted in their
    brains by AIPAC. Lindsey, the Pecker Checker of the Senate, has
    agreed to keep track of the chips while in “the hood.”

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  216. @Colin Wright

    Yes, he is an idiot but you must appreciate the humor.
    Imagine going to a funeral and telling a bereaved
    “I hope God replaces her with someone better.”

  217. @Colin Wright

    ‘…I honestly wish we had a government like Israel…’

    So much the worse for you.

    Well I guess you are missing the context.

    I would like a government that puts the nation-state first which includes the people.

    Israeli politicians are unapologetically Israel First. They have zero shame over acting in the best interest of the country.

    Trump is unapologetically America First at his rallies. In policy he is Oligarchy/Israel First. The rural Whites that helped him win are not even in the top 10. He has even less reason to serve them now that he can’t run again.

    Trump is a NYC Democrat who views America as a business and Israel as a country.

    He put any doubts to rest with this Zio-Vengers cabinet which includes a homo that once worked for Soros.

  218. Alden says:

    Wasn’t the Limerick pogram a simple boycott of Jew owned stores that overcharged for defective shoddy products and encouraged charge accounts at usurious rates?

    Or was that the WW1 boycott?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Felpudinho
  219. Alden says:

    Love Gore Vidal read all his books.

  220. ariadna says:
    @Poupon Marx

    “to determine and divine which factors and parameters …”

    Look up “to determine” and “to divine” to understand that no divination is needed after you have determined something.
    The secret is simple: use only the words whose meaning you know.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  221. ariadna says:
    @John Johnson

    “Syria’s government under Assad meets the definition of a regime.”

    “Regime” is one of those words that was highjacked by the propaganda machine to have a specific meaning (bad, authoritarian) rather than the generic synonym of governance it always was before.
    Regime is ANY form of governance, ignoramus.
    Dictionaries are being constantly revised in Orwellian fashion and with enough brain washing people eventually forget that “gay” for example used to be simply a synonym for “merry.” The French used to call the monarchy that existed before the Republic “l’ancien regime”– simply the old, previous regime. The connotation attached to it depended on whether you were a royalist or a republican.

  222. @ariadna


    Look up “to determine†and “to divine†to understand that no divination is needed after you have determined something.
    The secret is simple: use only the words whose meaning you know


    Me: It is essential to access and seek as many sources as possible to determine and divine which factors and parameters are exerting influence and force.. This preferable to feeding a Confirmation Bias, or Emotional Bias or other unempirical basis of reasoning and discovery.

    verb: determine; 3rd person present: determines; past tense: determined; past participle: determined; gerund or present participle: determining

    1. Cause (something) to occur in a particular way; be the decisive factor in.
    “it will be her mental attitude that determines her future”

    2. Ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation.
    “the point of our study was to determine what is true, not what is practicable”

    Synonyms: ascertain, figure out….


    Discover (something) by guesswork or intuition.
    “his brother usually divined his ulterior motives”

    Synonyms: understand, prognosticate, predict, suspect…

    It seems that you are trying to hard for some reason, similar to your Negation Bias where a seemingly negative outlook and proclamation is issued by you, as if it represented the “Real”, over the implied naivete of other writers. Many times you are wrong, and your underlying assumptions and axioms are wrong or missing to support your opinion. Skepticism is good, default to the negative is an inherent fault, as it is mere reflexivity.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @ariadna
  223. @Poupon Marx

    Addendum: understanding is multi-channel. One might feel a solid conclusion or thesis has been reached by raw data and concrete information.

    However, that is not always accessible. In times of less than ideal information and data access, extrapolation, projection, and prediction are necessary. Hence “divine”, the process of knowing using other than empirical methods and sensate information, generally.

    “Ridin’ that train, high on cocaine. Casey Jones you better watch that speed. Trouble ahead, trouble behind; and you know that notions just passed my mind”.

  224. ariadna says:
    @Poupon Marx

    So after looking up the two words and laboriously copying out the lexicographic info you still did not grasp the difference between to ‘determine/establish’ and to ‘guess/intuit’?
    Well, then just go back to my previous advice:
    stay away from words whose meaning you don’t know and, as it appears now, you don’t understand even after you look them up.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Poupon Marx
  225. @ariadna

    Are you a communist/material determinist/Enlightment Thought Slave/Protestant Fundamentalist, etc?

    There is never [inclusive in the Scientific Method] an absolutely assured determination. “Never being like an asymptote line, i.e., at CLOSE to 100% Confidence Interval but never quite there.

    These remedial follow-ups get tiresome, as I have explained how many effects, though singular, can have many causes, with many unseen and unperceived.

    You could do yourself a favor-a big one-if you considered more, paused, meditated, and applied some mental mojo into meaning before you express yourself.

    The Buddhist law of continuous causation, also known as the law of cause and effect, is the idea that all things in the world are produced by the combination of a primary cause and a secondary cause. This law is explained in the doctrine of dependent origination, which states that all phenomena are produced and destroyed by cause.
    Here are some key aspects of the Buddhist law of continuous causation:

    The law of moral causation, which states that good and bad actions in one life determine roles in the next life.

    Dependent origination
    The idea that all things arise from or are produced through the agency of a condition.

    Multifaceted conditions
    Buddhist conditionality is not linear and controlling, but rather concrete and particular, making complete control impossible.

    The Law of the Twelve Causes
    A set of causes that include ignorance, actions, consciousness, name and form, six entrances, contact, sensibility, desire of affection, clinging, existence, birth of life, and old age and death.

  226. Ronehjr says:

    You might be correct, but how many people will die before this happens, or the rest of the word realizes whatever counterstrike is attempted must be at the psychopaths in D.C, NY, and increasingly florida.

  227. @Alden

    Wasn’t the Limerick pogram a simple boycott of Jew owned stores that overcharged for defective shoddy products and encouraged charge accounts at usurious rates?

    There was mumblings about the Limerick Jews selling on credit then when the Jew came for what was owed him the Irish peasant woman would pull out her breast, claim the Jew tried to rape her, and the Irish men beat up the hapless Jewish merchant.

    Anyways, that’s the Jews side of the story. The Jewish version never mentioned usurious interest rates, but that would be the case wouldn’t it. It wasn’t the WWI “pogrom,” it was the “pogrom” before.

  228. annamaria says:
    @Poupon Marx

    “a barrage of unstoppable non-nuclear missiles targeting NATO HQs is justified at this time. As well the same for the HQ of the European Union. If a WWIII becomes full on, expect these targets to be reduced to scrap.”

    — No sense to target compradors and brainwashed civilians, while missing the real cannibals and their luxurious lairs in Patagonia, New Zealand, et cet. There are few thousands major leeches directing wars worldwide, and these leeches must be targeted to save Humanity. Western financial centers and their owners would be the proper targets. Western fascist mega-corporations and their owners would be the proper targets. Global jewry’s principal centers would be the proper targets.

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  229. annamaria says:
    @24th Alabama

    “Future generations will remember that Americans assisted the Jews in genocide. They will not understand why.”
    — because of a moral rot, this inevitable result of jewish blackmail and jewish bribes

    •ï¿½Agree: John Trout
  230. annamaria says:
    @Colin Wright

    the nomadic tribe guided by Kol Nidre & supremacist hatred has been always looking for a plump host to devour.

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Trout
  231. @annamaria

    the nomadic tribe guided by Kol Nidre & supremacist hatred has been always looking for a plump host to devour.

    That is their history, they found the USA plump and stupid, ninetenyahoo said the USA is the golden calf and when they suck it dry it can blow away.

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The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World