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The X Files: The White Man’s OJ Simpson

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Daniel Penny is free. He was on trial for restraining Jordan Neely, a black man who was threatening people on the subway. Several people helped Mr. Penny, but Neely died soon after. It may not be accurate to say even that he accidentally killed him, because Mr. Neely was evidently alive when police arrived.

Events late last week did not look good. A hung jury typically results in a mistrial, but when the jury could not come to a verdict on a count of manslaughter, the judge agreed to the prosecution’s request to allow it to consider criminally negligent homicide. It looked like a blatant attempt by a blue-state judge to work with a blue-state district attorney to convict Mr. Penny of something, no matter what.

This was the prosecutor.

The tactic failed. The jury acquitted him on the lesser charge, which means he is free.

The late Mr. Neely had a long criminal record, was homeless, and was yelling at people on the subway. ABC News reported he was simply suffering a “mental health crisis.” If so, it had been going on for a very long time.

He had 42 prior arrests, an active warrant out for a 2021 incident, and a long history of attacks on subway riders. This included punching a woman in the face and exposing his privates to riders. He failed to complete an alternative-to-prison program designed to allow more leniency, but he was left free to roam. Neely explicitly stated “I will kill” during the fatal incident. Of course, all this does not disqualify Neely from being another civil rights hero. Such depravity did not disqualify Michael Brown, George Floyd, or others.

However, the verdict shows people may be tired of such antics. It was not only Mr. Penny who was helping to restrain Neely, nor was he without defenders. Other passengers said that they were afraid of Neely, and these included other non-whites. Still, there was an undeniable racial angle in this case, with a law-abiding former Marine who looks like the sculpture of The Dying Gaul putting down a criminal who should not have been free. It was a classic case of what our society’s values should be, compared to what they are.

Naturally, after Mr. Penny was set free, Black Lives Matter mysteriously became active again. This could be a harbinger for the second Trump Administration.

Separation is the solution, and it is what they say they want.

BLM says the departed criminal had “infinite worth,” like all blacks.

What exactly is that judgment based on?

The press conference after the trial also featured threats by Jordan Neely’s family and their supporters. “It’s a small world, buddy,” said Neely’s uncle to Mr. Penny. The uncle, Hawk Newsome, continued his tantrum outside the courthouse, calling for “black vigilantes” to rise against oppression and saying that racists should burn in hell.

A civil lawsuit filed by Mr. Neely’s family, who did not seem to be very concerned while he was homeless and terrorizing people, is pending.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that locking up Mr. Penny would make subways safer.

Several blacks in Congress were also upset.

The outgoing congressman makes a revealing admission when he says who “my people” are.

Some left-leaning authors and influencers joined in the performative outrage.

The “Community Note” on the latter post points out that Neely was offered such healthcare — but he refused it.

Some reactions from various blacks and leftists:


The Community Note above is a welcome addition.

Yet overall, the response is muted. Black Lives Matter simply doesn’t have the kind of energy it once did, though the protests are likely to gin up again once President Trump is back in power. If even a deep blue New York City jury wanted to free Daniel Penny, that is a hopeful sign. If President Trump crushes BLM, he may win even more support.

The case is essentially the white man’s OJ Simpson Trial – except Mr. Penny actually did not do anything wrong. Many leftists seem to believe it is an inherent right to threaten people and cause chaos on public transportation, at least if you are black. Hopefully, they have now learned otherwise. We do not have to live like this.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology, Race/Ethnicity •�Tags: Black Crime, Judicial System
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  1. usNthem says:

    We shouldn’t have to live like this, but we do. It’s because we’ve given into the black undertow and mental midgets like aoc. They’re provided all sorts of platforms to spew their anti-White bulls*** and degeneracy and are never forcefully called out – along with major consequences. Penny dodged a major bullet and if he’s smart, he’ll get the hell out of New York asap.

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson
  2. The difference is that Penny was actually not guilty. OJ was guilty but set free by jury nullification.

    •�Disagree: ServesyouallWhite
    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  3. The OJ trial was a turning point for American society.

    The dreaded “N-Word” became the actual get out of jail free card.

    Blacks showed racial solidarity and took delight in an obvious miscarriage of justice.

    An Asian was the Ringmaster, ostensibly educated and impartial but unable to keep the defense lawyers from running the show.

    Cops were bad/stupid/masterminds/inept/able to frame Simpson – any of the above was true depending on the lawyer and the witness.

    The dead white man was treated like an afterthought.

    Facts, evidence and reality took a back seat to feelings and emotions.

    A majority black female jury showed their intellectual limitations and it was ignored and even praised.

    A bitchy Karen white lady ran the prosecution into the ground taking the “I’m smarter than the entire courtroom and we all know it” attitude to never before seen heights.

  4. fnn says:

    It’s really amazing how today’s Dems and leftists hardly ever say anything truthful that isn’t also trivial. That’s true from the lowest of the rank-and-file (Many of whom are brainwashed, deranged or simply stupid) to White and Jewish Members of Congress.

  5. fnn says:

    A point of inquiry for any BJJ or judo practitioners: What did Penny do wrong when he applied his apparent rear naked choke? Or maybe they teach something different in the Marines.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  6. The Congo stink monkey is an invasive species in the Northern Hemisphere. Their eradication is a public service, and in a sane world, there’d be a bounty on ’em.

  7. Anon[366] •�Disclaimer says:

    A point of inquiry for any BJJ or judo practitioners: What did Penny do wrong when he applied his apparent rear naked choke?

    Neely didn’t tap out and Big John McCarthy wasn’t there to stop it.

  8. roonaldo says:

    If many BLM leaders are laying low on this it is likely because they have bought houses and cars, etc., from large sums siphoned off from the billions their organization has received, and they don’t want to raise attention to themselves. BLM newcomers will holler for their piece of the pie. Neely’s father and his lawyers are sniffing for bucks the way Biden sniffs for females. King of the Grifters Sharpton and the washed up hags of The View love the limelight as well as the moolah. Maybe they should take a cue from grateful Latino ballplayers and say something like, “Da Race Hustle been very, very good to me…”

  9. Gabby Gabby. Would it be Tae much Tae ask the BBC presenter be pretty, presentable, knowledgeable aboot sport n able tae pronoonce basic English words?

    Gabby calls the trans heroes, strips Kenny nude. They all tie him up. Boot of car. They plan the route with the most speed bumps to cause him pain. They Dinny care that their own manjaws are bumping their knees. They so happy that Kenny is getting biggest bruising of hif life

  10. This article should be entitled a hundred tweets or x’s or held together with a very thin glue of commentary.

    If Perry has any brains, he will get out of the US asap because the civil lawsuits are going to start hounding him. There are countless young unprincipled dirtbag lawyers who would just love to start their greasy careers by suing someone like Perry. Successfully pulling that one off would get them a lifetime job with the ADL or SPLC.

    •�Replies: @zonoy
  11. Most of those leftist and black people have a poor grasp of the law. It’s a travesty of justice that Penny was even charged with anything.

    •�Agree: Adam Smith, Anonymous Goy
    •�Replies: @AxeGryndr
    , @Anonymous Goy
  12. anarchyst says:

    If there ever was a reason to separate blacks and their (((handlers))) from White, Hispanic and Asian societies this is it.
    Jim Crow had a purpose…

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  13. BLM leader Hawk Newsome sells T-shirts out of an apartment he shares with his mother. It would appear that Mr. Newsome did not get his cut of the BLM shake down money from the 2020 riots.

  14. Gallatin says:

    People would use public transportation en masses if it was safe and clean.

    Why is it not safe? People like Jordan Neeley.

    •�Replies: @WhiteWinger
  15. @American Citizen

    Here we fucking go again. OJ was definitely a precursor to 99%’er Whites blaming Obama for everything under the damned sun.

    -Obama gave my wife a pancake ass straight out of IHOP.

    -Obama mind-controlled me into dating underage girls.

    It’s all Obama’s fault that I and my family have been into necrophilia for the past 10 generations

    -Looking at Obama’s husband caused my dick to turn pink and fall off (well that one my be valid)

    Anyhow, no one with a functioning brain, that lacks visceral, unthinking hatred for all things nigger can believe that a low IQ (he was clearly low IQ as he married Nicole Simpson),
    old, broken down, washed up, D-list celebrity had actually murdered such a sweet, innocent White woman who having access to all of OJ’s dirty nig money, a shitload of free time, (as rich old White women seldom work an actual job) just happened to be into drugs and screwing a Jew kid less than half her age.

    OJ was set free by jury nullification (saying that in my best ‘Skolnick from Revenge of the Nerds voice)

    Most 99%’er Whites, as with Obama, ignore the fact that there was clearly a conspiracy around the investigation and around the trial as the conspirators knew they could count on 99%’er White simpletons to focus on only the nigger rather than the conspiracy!

    And year later, whatdayaknow! The same exact damned paradigm has repeated itself with Obama (through the High IQ trickery of his 1% White and White Jew Elite creators)after making total asses out of White America. (in fact, the same phenomena of stupidity was most recently repeated with Whites sucking pajeet Ramaswamy’s balls)

    OJ’s biggest mistake was running off. That cemented his guilt in the eyes of most Whites. (but then blacks are not known for making the best decisions under severe stress)

    Fast forward to the future, some of the nimnulls here on Unz will be sitting in front of their bowl of cockroach-based gruel (brought to them by 1% Whites and White Jew elites of the WEF) half-asleep mumbling in doddering old jackass-speak:

    ‘I….I…I.. remember….zzzzzzzzzz, uh uh! I remember when OJ developed the covid vax and raped my dog! zzzzzzzzz, Poor little Nicole…if it weren’t for that dammed monkey, Nicole would still be married to King Charles! ……………………..zzzzzzzz…And! And, and then Obama did jumpjacks in front of me in the bathtub with his junk dangling and then, and then, dat’s when the U.S. Economy collapsed…..zzzzzzzzz’

    •�Replies: @36 ulster
  16. @American Citizen

    The OJ trial was a turning point for American society.

    Sure was, it set the 99%’er White precedent for the ‘Everything is Obama’s fault despite Obama being a creation of 1% White and White Jew elites who really actually control everything years later.’

    The dreaded “N-Word” became the actual get out of jail free card.

    Nah, that started with greaseball coon Al Sharpton and the Tawana Brawley hoax

    Blacks showed racial solidarity and took delight in an obvious miscarriage of justice.

    1. What the fuck did any White person expect and 2. To be fair, Whites are no different, if that were not true, then men like Fauci and Bill Gates alone would not have gotten away with as much globally genocidal death and destruction as they have. (and they are still not done as the death and maiming toll is still ongoing)

    An Asian was the Ringmaster, ostensibly educated and impartial but unable to keep the defense lawyers from running the show.

    The ‘Magic Nip’ who’s race often get’s praises of High IQ from 99% Whites was a paid-off or blackmailed corrupt judge. That should have been obvious.

    Cops were bad/stupid/masterminds/inept/able to frame Simpson – any of the above was true depending on the lawyer and the witness.

    Law Enforcement as always, were foot soldiers of the ‘OJ conspiracy’. Try researching RFK’s deep state assassination. LEOs worked tireless to cover-up, debunk and outright ignore valid evidence on RFK’s actual murderer(s) Law Enforcement is an absolute prime requisite for any multi-layered conspiracy.

    The dead white man was treated like an afterthought.

    Do you mean the Jew Goldman? Got news for you, his entire group treats all goy Whites as an afterthought after instituting such marvels as multiculturalism and evangelical Israel worship to destroy White Western nations.

    A majority black female jury showed their intellectual limitations and it was ignored and even praised.

    Why was that a surprise? She-boons are always gonna boon.

    A bitchy Karen white lady ran the prosecution into the ground taking the “I’m smarter than the entire courtroom and we all know it” attitude to never before seen heights.

    That is pretty much the attitude of most Whites and White Jews, again, which is why you have men like Fauci and Gates causing death and genocidal destruction to never before seen heights unchecked not in the slightest. (and that is only 2 I can mention)

    Ok! Bring it on anyone! Tell me how OJ gave you anal warts and his gay lover Obama gave the latina housekeeper you are committing adultery with ‘Doritos-scented tits’ and toenail fungus as your wives iron the family laundry on their dinner -plates of an ass.

    Ah! And we all left out shady White freeloader, as much of a deadbeat as any negro (if not more so) Kato Kaylan. Would bet a year’s pay he had something to do with all of the shit.

    It looks like he was given an honorary ‘N-word’ free pass for his part in the conspiracy.

    •�LOL: 36 ulster
  17. SMK says: •�Website
    @American Citizen

    The haters of Penny and lovers of Neely are psychotic, totally delusional, completely estranged from objective reality, impervious to facts and logic and reason, the inhabitants of an inverted fantasy world.

    •�Replies: @SMK
  18. Blacks are such a drag on society.

  19. My thanks to Mr. Hood for wading through the cesspool of X commentary and providing this summary of the craziness.

  20. @Gallatin

    They had been safe; when they were Whites Only , or at least segregated. But the ((( communist party USA ))) put an end to that , beginning in 1955, with their most famous member, rosa parks. Buses and trains ( WHITE INVENTIONS ), have never been safe since.

    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  21. Anonymous[668] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website
    @American Citizen

    “Dead white man” you mean (((dead white man))).

    Love when joos get caught up in the jooish system.

  22. @WhiteWinger

    Buses and trains ( WHITE INVENTIONS )

    Umm, WTF does the above have to do with the Penny verdict or the kajillionth 99%’er White ‘OJ bitching session?’

    But since you brought it up, my favorite WHITE INVENTIONS include

    -AIDS , engineered by some very very High IQ Goy White scientists who were actually stupid enough to believe their 1% White Jew bosses when told:

    “Don’t worry! This will only get darkies and fags! Your White goy ass is totally safe!’

    -Glyphosate, (thank you White and White Jew geniuses at Dupont!)

    -‘Forever Plastics’ that do not degrade and never break down.

    -Cigarettes and cigars (modern versions) I remember a friendly White man handing me 2 packs of smokes when I was 8 fucking years old.

    -Nuclear Waste, which lasts anywhere from tens of thousands of years, to billions of years.

    -Mass extinctions such as when our genius White ancestors wiped out the buffalo in trying to wipe out the Red people.

    -Using black slaves instead of picking their own damned cotton. Whine about OJ and nigs in general? then don’t blame the coloreds, blame dumb-shit White ancestors, Your great-great-great grandfucking pappy enjoyed it, and Whites today are paying for Pappy’s playtime.

    I could go on, but hopefully yourself and others on here get the point……but probably don’t.

    •�LOL: 36 ulster
    •�Replies: @Tennessee Jed
  23. SMK says: •�Website

    And some, who knows how many, realized that Neely was violent and dangerous, an obvious menace to the passengers on the subway, especially the women, and that Penney was justified in subduing him, but were lying for demagogic and propagandistic reasons.

  24. @ServesyouallWhite

    You’re right those evil Jew slave traders should have left the blacks in the jungle where they belong. Do you think it’s too late to send them back, maybe re-home them for a fee?

    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  25. AxeGryndr says:
    @kerdasi amaq

    Facts too. They shove the truth right out of the way so their ignorant ranting can have a front row seat.

  26. Anonymous[668] •�Disclaimer says: •�Website

    The key is to make sure their (((handlers))) have no way of accessing anyone else.

  27. @Tennessee Jed

    You’re right those evil Jew slave traders should have left the blacks in the jungle where they belong. Do you think it’s too late to send them back, maybe re-home them for a fee?

    I’m sorry Jed, it’s too late for 99%’er Whites. Ship the nigs back and we still have the latinos (wetbacks and every other sub-group)

    If Trump enlists every magician in Las Vegas to somehow magically deport all the illegal aliens, then…

    That leaves 99%’er Whites with Indian pajeets and pajeetas, whom as I type, continue to infiltrate and take over every Corporation, increase their numbers in the U.S. Government, be it political office or U.S. Law Enforcement/Intelligence agency, Healthcare, Education…… It’s like being in the movie ‘They Live’

    Chalk another destroyed nation for the kikes after centuries of successfully destroying White goy nations courtesy of the White goys they destroyed.

  28. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Will Jews who control media ever be held accountable for pushing the false narrative of Evil White Males and Saintly Blacks? Reality has been the opposite.

    But then, why blame only Jews? If whites weren’t such craven, brownnosing, and cuckish dogs to Jews, they would have pushed back, and Jews would have thought twice about defaming an entire race. As long as whites cuck, they don’t get to complain. In 2020, Jewish Power unleashed BLM pogroms on the white race, and what do white people do in 2024? Elect politicians whose first words out of their mouth is “I stand with Israel, America’s greatest ally, blah blah.”

    The Duke Lacrosse hoax… I still remember. Right away, everyone in media was talking like it must be true without waiting for the evidence.
    As if no one learned anything, there was then the UVA hoax pushed by Sabrina Rubin Erderly.

    Jussie Smollett’s hoax, however, jumped the shark. It was just too funny. Chicago as MAGA Country, and he greeting the police officers with a noose around his neck like a carefully worn necktie. But the shit walked free.

    •�Thanks: ServesyouallWhite
  29. Mike Tre says:

    “putting down a criminal who should not have been free. ”

    He’s shouldn’t have even been in the US. He should have been free somewhere in Africa.

    All these independent journalists, contributors, writers that are supposedly advocates of whites pull up short every time and fail to say what is necessary. That negroes are not capable of functioning in any Western nation and the only solution is for them to return to Africa.

    Hood refers to “separation” and that is all fine and good. But what does he mean? Concede certain parts of the US to negroes? If so that is frankly a stupid contention, because it assumes that once this concession is complete, that negroes will cease in their attempts to move to wear whites (and all of their productivity and wealth and nice things) are. Negroes will continue to behave as they always have, which means anything left to them will be a catastrophically dysfunctional wasteland within a very short period of time. What happens next will be the appeals to humanity and charity and virtue and all of the self-righteous, guilt ridden altruistic whites will demand the gates be opened and let the integration begin again.

    No. they have to go back if the country is to be saved. Every last one of them.

    Further, who wants our country littered with prisons filled with 100’s of 1000’s of them? Who wants to pay for it? Who still believes there is any rehabilitative value to a prison?

    Repatriation, today, tomorrow, and forever. It is the only way.

    •�Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  30. @Mike Tre

    You make 1 key mistake. You limit the expulsion to blacks only. I keep saying this, White fixation on blacks and only blacks will enable their impending racial replacements to pick up where the negroes leave off.

    For instance, Try bringing home a family of bloated wetbacks and see what they turn your house into. Fucking wild chickens in your backyard and that God awful Mexican mariachi-type music blasting into the AM, and that is only to start, Now extrapolate that with not only Mexicans infesting your formerly White neighborhood, but El Salvadorians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and all the rest.

    And that is not even including the ever -growing numbers of CCP infiltrators, Scheming Indians, Eurotrash from criminal countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, etc.

  31. @ServesyouallWhite

    “not only Mexicans infesting your formerly White neighborhood, but El Salvadorians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and all the rest.

    And that is not even including the ever -growing numbers of CCP infiltrators, Scheming Indians, Eurotrash from criminal countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, etc.”

    …And the Jew was happy.

    •�Thanks: anonymouseperson
  32. Mike Tre says:

    “You make 1 key mistake. You limit the expulsion to blacks only.”

    For sake of discussion I was referring only to negroes, yes. But you are absolutely correct. Hindus, Chinese, Arabs, Siberians, Mongols; essentially every Asian ethnic group, along with every different type of racially mixed Central and South American mestizo, and finally, our good friends, the juicy ones.

    I would include a great deal of Eastern European groups as well, as they do not resemble those who historically populated what is known as Western Civilization.

    •�Agree: ServesyouallWhite
  33. In listening to the issues, it is very hard to claim that the “yelling man was a threat. No direct threatening behavior was directed at anyone. So it was a matter of perception or feeling of threat. A lousy standard for police and a lousy standard for people in general.

    Once the yelling gentleman was subdued. He was no longer a threat as he was supposedly held by three people. on the ground. At that point a choke hold was no longer neccessary and when the gentleman passed out — he was absoliutely no threat and the hold should have been released – without question.

    Skin color, hair color, eye color, tee shirt or shirt and tie . . . a nonissue. No one’s life was at risk and as such — deadly force was unneccessary and a choke hold is deadly force.

    The standard seems to be that “chokeholds” are prohibited even by police officers. So, that practice by a citizen not trained as an officer — speaks for itself. I have to use the Septenber 11 matter as a standard. Would anyone defend an officer who used a chokehold on those violently breaking into the capital?

    I am more curious about the fight mode fixation in which Mr. Neely was out of touch with others who told him to release his grip or that his grip should cease or lighten up. As he was not attacked — I wonder about his state of mind. Time will tell.

    •�Replies: @Renard
  34. Renard says:

    The standard seems to be that “chokeholds” are prohibited even by police officers. So, that practice by a citizen not trained as an officer — speaks for itself. I have to use the Septenber 11 matter as a standard. Would anyone defend an officer who used a chokehold on those violently breaking into the capital?

    I am more curious about the fight mode fixation in which Mr. Neely was out of touch with others who told him to release his grip or that his grip should cease or lighten up. As he was not attacked — I wonder about his state of mind. Time will tell.

    People violently broke into the Capitol on September 11? And Jordan Neely murdered someone with a death grip? You are spectacularly confused – not for the first time — and probably should take a long break before posting any more drivel.

    •�Replies: @zonoy
  35. Well, there is one silver lining in this day and age, compared to the 90’s.

    You can go on the internet and watch Penny kill this guy again and again.

    There are also many videos of idiot eggplants being shot dead by other eggplants and cops.

    It is cathartic, wonderful and gives me hope.

  36. zonoy says:
    @Joe Paluka

    doubt running will work, from what I have heard countersuing those that go after him might be the best option. particularly if he can get all the other survivors of the attack he survived join in on the countersuits of any that sue them.

  37. zonoy says:

    so somehow the police letting people into the capital with a full 200 or more fbi assets setting up the frameup is what you claim.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  38. “People violently broke into the Capitol on September 11? And Jordan Neely murdered someone with a death grip? You are spectacularly confused – not for the first time — and probably should take a long break before posting any more drivel.”

    Laugh. I think the parallels here clear and simple.

    One guy is simply yelling randomly on a subway car — not all that unusual if you have been in NYC or any large city. One simply stays clears of the person — a brave soul may ask them — if they can be helped.

    In another scenario, a rather large group of people are breaking in through windows, crashing through doors . . . essentially storming the place. And they are actually met with very little violent response. Sadly one woman was killed as she came through the window.

    the guy in the subway — gets a chokehold and dies and his killer was applauded.

    the officer who shot a a person smashing through a window is villifed and the protestors in general praised as abused by law enforcement — that arm of government usually held in high esteem when some black bloke get his due innocent or not.

    Ooooy and veeeeh.

    FBI operatives were not crashing through windows. And I suspect the comparison I make is a far sight better than the analogy to OJ Simpson.

    •�Troll: anarchyst
  39. zonoy says:

    fine job discrediting yourself with professional liars like factcheck.org.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  40. @kerdasi amaq

    Most of those leftist and black people have a poor grasp of the law.

    That’s the primary reason that blacks and so-called “Hispanics” are the prime targets of the criminal justice system (sic). And I’m not talking about genuine criminals; I’m talking about the actually law-abiding non-whites,along with the majority of law-abiding white Americans who all too frequently find themselves on the receiving end of police and prosecutorial malfeasance. As Dr. Paul Craig Roberts assiduously pointed out, the object of the contemporary American criminal justice system ( sic) is not the determination of guilt or innocence of a given defendant of any given offense; the object of the criminal justice system is the securing of convictions, irrespective of guilt or innocence. All that prosecutors care about is their conviction ratio, which can bolster their pay grade and prospects for running for political office depending on how high it is.
    That is a far worse problem than any ” racial bias” that may be extant in the criminal justice system( sic) . The United States has police and prosecutors who adhere to the Lavrenti Beria school of jurisprudence: ” You find me the man, and I’ll find the crime”.
    DA Alvin Bragg’s office was salivating at the prospect of another media-hyped judicial crucifixion to feed yet another warm body into the brutal, sprawling and metastasizing system of prisons , probation and parole,that currently incarcerates some 2.2 million individuals , and maintains custodial control over yet millions more.
    Low IQ, subhuman detritus like All Out Crazy are far too stupid to understand that and see the Forest for the trees.

    The Justice System is Criminal, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.



    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  41. eah says:

    >The White Man’s OJ Simpson

    Except that unlike Simpson, Penny should not have been charged with homicide — his prosecution was largely political, which was not true of Simpson — im Gegenteil: the acquittal of Simpson despite significant DNA evidence incriminating him was overtly political (racial) — so the analogy is completely inappropriate.

  42. anarchyst says:

    New York City is the epitome of citizen disarmament whose residents have been taking it for a very long time…and apparently liking it.

    Since the Sullivan Laws were enacted, enabling the most extreme and restrictive limits on the acquisition and uses of firearms, the Constitutional right to defend one’s self and others has been almost totally obliterated.

    Once restricted to handguns, the laws have been extended to rifles and shotguns, all of (what were supposed to be “registered”) demanding that they either be confiscated or taken out of NYC.

    I’ll bet that those people who voluntarily turned in their weapons added to NYC police officers’ gun collections.

    NYC prosecutors relish the thought of prosecuting those who legally defend themselves, even a “rolled up newspaper” is considered to be an illegal “weapon”.

    The honest citizen is the easiest person to charge and convict.

    If you defend yourself successfully against a criminal without NYC police being involved, you WILL be prosecuted.

    Witness Daniel Penny who was being viciously prosecuted for saving fellow subway passengers from mentally ill Jordan Neely who had been harassing and threatening subway passengers for decades. Thankfully he was acquitted of all charges. Going through the process is a part of the punishment for “defending one’s self and others” in NYC.

    The case of the bodega owner, Jose Alba who successfully thwarted a knife attack, his attacker succumbing to his injuries, was under indictment and prosecution for murder until a groundswell of opposition forced the prosecutor to back off on prosecuting him.

    The case of Bernie Goetz, the subway rider who thwarted being robbed by dispatching three of his attackers to the “great hereafter”. Subway crimes dropped dramatically after that act. If Goetz had kept his mouth shut, no one would have been the wiser.

    What kind of society prosecutes the victim of a crime?

    It happens in NYC all the time.

    You see, the approximately 36,000 NYC police officers constitute a powerful lobby and do not want to give up their monopoly on the use of force.
    They cannot have their monopoly on the use of force jeopardized by allowing honest citizens to provide for their own self-defense by “taking the law into their own hands”.

    Despite having relatives who live in NYC, I will not visit or enter NYC. This also applies to New Jersey.

    •�Agree: Anonymous Goy
  43. @zonoy

    “fine job discrediting yourself with professional liars like factcheck.org.”

    It is fine to discredit a source. If you can discredit the source content here, I am certainly willing to entertain the matter.

  44. @Anonymous Goy

    The primary reason that people are targeted as you describe has less to do with understanding the law as much as having the time, money, connections or resources to challenge the state.

    •�Replies: @EliteCommInc.
  45. @EliteCommInc.

    or other entities with more money, connections and resources. It’s a mountain to take a system that is geared to protect the wealthy and damage those who they by deliberate or careless action inflict harm on others.

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