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For Bibi, the Road to Tehran Goes Through Damascus
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Syria is an indispensable part of Israel’s ambitious plan to remake the Middle East. The country sits at the heart of the region and serves as both a critical landbridge for the transport of weaponry and foot-soldiers from Iran to its allies, as well as the geopolitical center of the armed resistance to Israeli expansion. In order to truly dominate the region, Israel must topple the government in Damascus and install a puppet regime similar to Jordan and Egypt. Now that Washington has been persuaded to ‘unconditionally’ support Israel’s interests (over its own), there is no better time to affect the changes that are most likely to achieve Tel Aviv’s overarching plan. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is thus prepared to launch a ground war from the South to create a two-front war that will split Syrian forces in half greatly improving his prospects for success. At the same time, US-backed jihadis will continue their rampage in the North gradually eroding Syria’s tattered defenses while further securing Syria’s industrial capital, Aleppo. If Damascus falls and Assad is removed from power, Israel’s dream of regional hegemony will be within reach and likely attainable if—as we assume—President Trump has committed to initiating a war with Iran as part of a quid pro quo with powerful Lobbyists who shoehorned back him into the White House. But, first, Syria must be pacified, its army defeated, and its present ruler ousted. That is the only way that Iran can be effectively cut off from its allies and partners and thus prepared for the dreadful onslaught ahead.

At present, there is only one man on earth who can put an end to Israel’s bloodthirsty crusade:

If Putin does not act fast and provide emergency assistance to Assad, then the current course of events is likely to be irreversible. This could even mean the deploying of Russian combat troops to stave off the US-backed terrorist offensive or (the soon-to-be) provocations in the South. In short, the sovereign state of Syria now faces an existential crisis which will negatively impact the entire region and the world if Putin does not abandon his typically cautious approach and provide the tools Syria needs to fend off the barbarians.

In Sunday’s edition of the Times of Israel, we see that Israeli war-planners have already settled on a pretext for invading Syria from the South. Check out this excerpt from an article titled Rebels’ advances in Syria spell short-term benefits, potential trouble for Israel, intel chiefs said to tell PM

Israel is watching the jihadist rebels’ advances in Syria with considerable wariness, with intelligence chiefs telling the political echelon developments in Syria could ultimately spell trouble for Israel, Channel 12 reports…. Netanyahu was reportedly told that Hezbollah’s attention will now be shifted to Syria, and “so will its forces, in order to defend the Assad regime.”….

The intelligence chiefs ….have warned, “the collapse of the Assad regime would likely create chaos in which military threats against Israel would develop.”

Channel 12 further reports that concerns were raised at Friday’s security consultation that “strategic capabilities” of the Assad regime could fall into the jihadists’ hands. The prime concern relates to “the remnants of chemical weapons,” the report says.

The IDF is said to be preparing for a scenario where Israel would be required to act, the report says without elaboration.

There is also an assessment that Syria might open its gates to a significant number of Iranian forces in order to try to stabilize the country, the report says.Rebels’ advances in Syria spell short-term benefits, potential trouble for Israel, intel chiefs said to tell PM, Times of Israel

There it is in black and white, the justification for invading Syria. Israel has a number of excuses from which to choose; everything from “chemical weapons” to “Iranian forces” to post regime change “chaos” to Hezbollah forces “defending the Assad regime.” At every step, you can see how well-prepared Israel is for any eventuality. This plan has been in the works for years if not longer. And, of course, the strategy needs to be executed quickly to prepare the battlefield for the Grand Finale, the January inauguration, when the most pro-Zionist president in US history will ascend the throne and reward Israel with the war on Iran it so ardently seeks. Nothing is left to chance.

Video—Syrian President Assad explains that “Terrorists are the new armies of the West” 3 minutes

Surprisingly, the folks at the Jerusalem Post are more straightforward about their views on the developments in Aleppo. In fact, one astute analyst candidly admits that the capitulation of the nation’s industrial Capital at the hands of fanatical throat-cutters is “good news”. Say what?? Her’s an excerpt from the article:

The Islamist attack on Aleppo is “ostensibly good news for Israel,” Daniel Rakov, a senior research fellow for the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, said in a Saturday post to X/Twitter….. he said that “the fall of northern Syria to the rebels damages the infrastructure of the Iranians and Hezbollah there and will make it difficult for them to work to restore Hezbollah.”……

The Israeli researcher also stated that Russian state media is largely ignoring the conflict in Aleppo while claiming that Russian commentators on global conflicts said that Moscow is not responsible for the defense failure of the Syrian city, saying that Russia had very few forces there and the incident was a huge failure for the Assad regime….

An opportunity for Israel to strike Syria?

Rakov then entertains the idea of Israel having the opportunity to attack Syria due to the weakness demonstrated by the Assad regime….

“Assad’s loss of Aleppo damages Russia’s image as a power capable of projecting influence outside the post-Soviet space and threatens an important strategic asset of Putin’s, which is the bases in Syria,” he wrote. “This also reflects negatively on Russia’s image in the region.

“The Russians, as we can learn from the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk, are in no hurry to get hysterical, but the speed with which Aleppo fell will require them to respond quickly,” he wrote.

The JISS researcher concluded his post by saying that while the unstable situation in Syria may cause Assad and the Russians to open the gates more strongly for the entry of Iranian military forces, the collapse of the Assad regime may create a scenario for the growth of significant military threats against Israel. Attacks in Aleppo ‘ostensibly good news for Israel,’ JISS researcher says, Jerusalem Post

Repeat: “An opportunity for Israel to strike Syria”?

It is, but it is equally interesting to see that ‘driving Russia out of the Middle East” is nearly as important as toppling Assad. (from Israel’s point of view.) And it’s also clear that Mr. Rakov thinks Putin is ‘on the ropes’ and will fail to respond in a timely manner and that this could be greatly to Israel’s advantage. But, of course, what is most shocking about Rakov’s overall assessment, is the sheer joy he derives from the destruction of a thriving city at the hands of deranged savages bent on replacing a stable, rational system with a despotic religious autocracy. But, I suppose, if genocide is your benchmark for success, nothing should surprise us.

This is a Sunday update on the extremely volatile situation on the ground in Syria:

Russian and Syrian government air strikes pounded central Aleppo on Saturday as rebels claimed control of the city’s international airport and advanced towards Hama… It was the first time air strikes had targeted Aleppo since 2016, when the Syrian opposition was driven out of the city.

However, rebels led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and allied groups, including some backed by Turkey, claimed stunning gains on Saturday. They claimed to have seized Aleppo International Airport and the strategic city of Khan Sheikhoun in southern Idlib. The administrative borders of Idlib Governorate were fully under their control, they added.

They also claimed to have begun marching towards Hama, successfully capturing six towns and villages in the countryside, including Morek, which lies along an important highway connecting central Syria to the north.

The offensive began on Wednesday when rebels broke out from opposition-held territory in northwest Syria towards Aleppo. Within two days, they had seized dozens of towns and villages, as well as a section of the strategic M5 highway, cutting off supply routes to Damascus. They have taken several military bases and fortified positions since, often meeting little resistance.

Collapse of government forces

According to SOHR, government forces have collapsed in Idlib and Aleppo. This has left Aleppo, Syria’s second-largest city, outside government control for the first time since the country’s independence in 1946, the monitoring group said….

Amid fast-moving developments, the foreign ministers of Turkey and Russia – both major stakeholders in Syria – spoke by phone on Saturday and agreed to coordinate efforts to stabilise Syria, according to Moscow.

“Both sides expressed serious concerns at the dangerous development of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic in connection with the military escalation in the Aleppo and Idlib provinces,” the Russian ministry said….

Most of Idlib province has since been held by HTS, a former al-Qaeda affiliate, which has established a civilian administration. Turkey-backed rebel groups in the Syrian National Army coalition have held sway in other areas of the north.

However, despite Russia being distracted by the war in Ukraine and Assad’s forces weakened by frequent Israeli attacks, Syrian and Russian warplanes have stepped up air strikes on opposition-held areas since August 2023. Syria: Deadly strikes hit Aleppo as rebels seize airport, push towards Hama, Middle East Eye

Video: Turkish-backed terrorists enter the president’s villa in Aleppo

Readers should be aware that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the other so-called “rebel groups”, are mainly Al Qaida affiliates that have been recruited, armed and trained by the US, Qatar and Turkey to pursue a proxy war against the opponents to Israeli expansion and the remaking of the Middle East. Author and analyst Max Blumenthal has done considerable research on the origins of these groups and presented his findings in a recent article titled The US has backed 21 of the 28 ‘crazy’ militias leading Turkey’s brutal invasion of northern Syria. Here’s a short blurb from his article:

Former and current US officials have slammed the Turkish mercenary force of “Arab militias” for executing and beheading Kurds in northern Syria. New data from Turkey reveals that almost all of these militias were armed and trained in the past by the CIA and Pentagon…..

According to a research paper published this October by the pro-government Turkish think tank SETA, “Out of the 28 factions [in the Turkish mercenary force], 21 were previously supported by the United States, three of them via the Pentagon’s program to combat DAESH. Eighteen of these factions were supplied by the CIA via the MOM Operations Room in Turkey, a joint intelligence operation room of the ‘Friends of Syria’ to support the armed opposition. Fourteen factions of the 28 were also recipients of the U.S.-supplied TOW anti-tank guided missiles.”…

In other words, virtually the entire apparatus of anti-Assad insurgents armed and equipped under the Obama administration has been repurposed by the Turkish military to serve as the spearhead of its brutal invasion of northern Syria. The leader of this force is Salim Idriss, now the “Defense Minister” of Syria’s Turkish-backed “interim government.” He’s the same figure who hosted John McCain when the late senator made his infamous 2013 incursion into Syria…..

This band of hacks (The media) is now fully exposed for foisting a bloody scam on the public, marketing some of the most brutal fanatics on the planet as revolutionaries and “moderate rebels” while they destabilized an entire region. Like the extremists they once promoted, most have somehow managed to evade accountability and remain employed. The US has backed 21 of the 28 ‘crazy’ militias leading Turkey’s brutal invasion of northern Syria, Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone

So, who is the world’s biggest supporter of terrorism?

You guessed it: Uncle Sam.

Finally, I’ll finish with a quote from a blogger who I just discovered but with whom I agree on nearly every point she makes. I would be interested to know if other readers feel the same:

This US-Israel-Al Qaeda-Turkey backed operation against Syria, using various proxies and terrorist groups, was long planned in order to divert the Syrian Army’s forces, destabilize & overextend them, allowing Israel to come in from the south, preventing the flow of weapons to Hezbollah from Iran into Iraq, Syria & then Lebanon. The war continues, they merely shifted the theater slightly.

That’s why moments before this “ceasefire” Israel was attacking the border between Syria and Lebanon and continued after. The ceasefire gives Israel time to recover because it’s weak, and time to strategize with Washington until the most Zionist administration comes in. Make no mistake Trump will do what Bibi wants regarding Syria which will now be the focus, as it’s a huge resistance block standing in the way of the greater Israel project. …

Turkey & the two-faced conman Erdogan want control of the North (Syria) and will sell themselves to Israel and the West while condemning Bibi on Gaza. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte went to Turkey & worked out a deal with Washington giving F35s to Turkey right before this attack. He also met with Trump in DC days prior on 11/23.

None of this is coincidence. Essentially Israel isn’t going to follow through with this ceasefire. It’s in essence moot. The collective West including Tel Aviv are already at war against those fighting them to hold onto their national sovereignty. They want to stop Iran, Russia, & Syria, from cooperating to halt their expansionist, warmongering ambitions. Fiorella Isabel @FiorellaIsabelM

First-rate analysis. It helps to explain what’s going behind the fog of media coverage.

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  1. The Arab resistance must understand that it’s the U.S that has to be defeated…Israel will fall as a natural consequence because all they do is willingly pull the trigger, they can be hunted down after the great Satan is gone.

    How do you do it?

    By making the U.S concentrate its resources inside its borders

    Make the cost of maintaining bases in the middle-east to high.

    There is a belief that these U.S bases are a trip wires. Then trip the wire…it cannot be a bad thing that the U.S sends resources and men to you…its better than having to go over there to get at them.

    Americans hate seeing the body bags come home…then start doing it, what the Arab resistance is doing now isn’t working, look at the damage being done…so do the same inside America.

  2. In this game, Bibi is nothing more than a prominent Western thug who recalls the good times of Bin Laden.

    The attack is against the Russia-Iran-China triad, the origin of the Western decline, of which Iran is the weakest link because it does not have nuclear weapons and therefore the only possible target of military terrorism.

    They are not going to risk it against the Russian missiles that are so much talked about or a Chinese surprise, and they are trying to attack the weakest link in the chain seeking to spread terror, and the main thug only acts as such and if he fails he alone would be responsible for the defeat.

    •�Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
    , @RobinG
  3. Notsofast says:

    this is all part of the larger war, this is the eastern front and ukraine the western. it’s no coincidence that the russian defense minister was in korea, cementing ties, with kim pledging his complete support for the russian federation.

    assad was in russia, not because he was fleeing a coup attempt (like erdogan did) but because he was coordinating with the russians and other near eastern nations such as iraq, who pledged their support in combating “terrorists”. the coup is all western psyops and the russians are pointing to the ukranazis as providing training and weapons. they will use this to come down on ukraine and there will be no korean dmz with 100,000 zato “peacekeepers”, if they send them, they will be 100,000 targets.

    this is an act of desperation on the part of zato and israel. the saudis will have nothing to do with this and the houthis are doubling their attacks on israel and zato ships and any daring to head to israel. the russians have taken out the “rebel” leader, as well as turkish and israeli intel in an air strike. erdogan is looking nervous and insisting that all parties follow the existing agreement he brokered with the russians (lol).

    this is kursk 3.0, their version 2.0 failed so spectacularly, they gave promotions to all involved in the planning and decided to do it again. this is a disinformational blitzkrieg of bullshit and they will shoot themselves in the other foot now. nothing succeeds like failure in the western world, just ask blow jo the clown, who will probably end up as p.m. again, judging by his reappearance from his borrow.

    the iranians are keeping their powder dry, knowing they are the ultimate target of the zioneocon empire. that’s because they fear the iranians and damn well they should. there is no panic in the russian, iranian, chinese and korean axis of liberation, they will respond. expect falling hazelnuts on zato decision making centers in ukraine, as promised, perhaps this time with conventional warheads, to take the demonstration to the next level.

  4. Looks like the plot to carve up Syria continues after a long pause. Turkey wants northern Syria, Israel wants the south, and the USA wants a puppet Kurdish state with its non-Arab Kurd merc army in the east. This had almost succeeded until the Russians intervened in 2015. But most of the Russians and their aircraft returned to fight in Ukraine so now is a good time to restart the effort. It will be easier for Israel to then attack Lebanon from the east after their failed effort to push up fortified and mountainous southern Syria.

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: JWalters
    •�Replies: @Hrw-500
    , @Paul Greenwood
  5. Renoman says:

    Israel can’t beat the Iranians even with US help, besides no one wants the Strait of Hurmuz closed especially Murica. Israel is toast now, might as well get Bibi gone and get on with the fixin.

    •�Agree: Rev. Spooner
    •�LOL: meamjojo
  6. Hrw-500 says:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Also, on a off-topic sidenote, Turkey like to join the BRICS from what I read on this article published last September. https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240903-nato-member-turkey-seeks-to-join-brics-nations-says-process-is-under-way I think there’s more than meet the eyes and we only scratched the tip of the iceberg.

    •�Replies: @Carlton Meyer
  7. Anonymous[420] •�Disclaimer says:

    Lying Mormon cultist POS, Al Qaeda and ISIS, like the Ukrainian neo-nazis of Azov and Aidar battalions, are CIA creations. And they are fighting for the same (((people))), who, according to Jesus Christ, are children of the devil (John 8:44)


    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  8. Thousands of Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces arrived in Syria to join the Syrian army in the fight against the terrorist groups.

    More fighters are on the move for the counter-terrorism operation as well.
    See video– https://twitter.com/i/status/1863332491337011462

    From Alon Mizrahi–

    One scenario I’m not sure the planners of the restart of the civil war in Syria took into consideration: the increased military presence of Russian and Iranian forces in Syria is going to provide the perfect cover and opportunity for rebuilding and rearming Hezbollah with new and better everything.

    If I am not completely mistaken, in the coming days Russian and Iranian planes are going to land, and ships are going to dock carrying many many tons of military equipment and experienced soldiers and officers. Within weeks, everything Hezbollah lost in the war could be resupplied, with Israel and the US not being able to do much about it.

    And I can only guess Russia, in light of America’s continued push for escalation in Ukraine, has an almost strategic interest in a strong Hezbollah to deter Usraeli aggression. This wasn’t the case 5 years ago, but it is now…

    Hope so!

    •�Agree: JR Foley, Cat, purrturbed
    •�Replies: @Anon 284
  9. @Hrw-500

    I assume the problem arose because Syria deployed most of its army to the south to deter an Israeli invasion. Assad assumed the Turkish proxy army to its north would not cause trouble as the Muslim world faced off the Zionists. Yet they took advantage and attacked, with artillery support from Turkey! Ergodan is odd. He talks tough about Israel but still allows 30% of its oil imports to be loaded at a Turkish port and now resumes the war on Syria as it faces an invasion from Israel.

    •�Agree: One Nobody
    •�Replies: @One Nobody
  10. Anon 284 says:
    @Mike Whitney

    I mentioned in giraldis comment section that syria has already begun mopping up this mess. This was a kursk style attack; to quickly penetrate as deep as possible and give the impression of weakness to create chaos

    The russian airforce has already cut off the terrorist supply lines from turkey. The terrorists stuck in syria will all be killed in the coming weeks.

    What is frightening is that an outside power (israel, us, or turkey) may engage russian warplanes to stop assad from quickly reclaiming aleppo. Thats what worries me. Also the potential of a turkish invasion of syria from aleppo to al tanf (their potential qatari gas pipe route)

  11. As for Turkey…anyone who has had anything to do with turks know, although affable, you cannot trust a word they say and you count your fingers after shaking their hand.

    Erdoğan is firmly in the U.S column, why do you think the U.S has no fear of losing influence in the middle-east.

    Erdoğan owes his existence to the U.S, who do you think warned him of a coup attempt allowing him to be ready when it appeared.

    Erdoğan leads, what still is, a sick man of Europe and will remain so until Turks rid themselves of the likes of Erdoğan who thinks he is white European.

  12. Wokechoke says:

    If JohnJohnson isn’t Jewish he’s a Fellow McMullin.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  13. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    I’ve met a few Turks in my day, and I would say in general they were hardly what I would call affable.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  14. JimmyB says:

    Go get ’em Syria! Rid the world of the CIA/Mossad/IDF parasitic blight!

  15. Anynomous says:

    Besides Putin, its time to finally end the rabid dog by legal means, that has terrorized, robbed, interfered, mass murdered, enslaved and spread drugs among european white nations and later among everybody else, american and british. American and british have always their entire history been just sick parasite animals, global imperialists without any normal moral. They see that the world is theirs to take and use with any means necessary, with any means. They will sell children, spread drugs, corrupt etc., if they will reach their goals. Just look at known history and you see it over and over again and they are openly proud of doing that.

    The damaging sanctions, wars and occupation of american and british, occupation of allies of american and british from around the world and mass immigration of american and british will not stop, unless we hit american and british soft targets with legal means. Until these animals are driven off from our lands and contained with legal means, they will continue to harm your people, your country, degenerating and corrupting with their sick values and sick culture.

    American and british are controlling our political opposition, our officials, our politician, our elections and our policies. You cant change faith of your people with normal political means anymore, as they are in control through weapons, blackmailing, threats, terrorism etc. Right now they are using every means that exist to remain in power and occupying your lands. They are not going to let any street movements, election candidates or political parties to power that are against the american and british enemy. In past years and decades they have used terrorism through various means, threatening, physically harming and murdering people and movements that would oppose the american and british enemy. This is how they pushed latest countries to Nato as well.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  16. G23 says:

    Trump will invade Iran, you say? Against the wishes of the base that elected him?

    That seems thin. On its face.

    •�LOL: Arthur MacBride
    •�Replies: @Tucker
  17. Anynomous says:

    Its sickening to see american and british forces, american and british “civilian” in your country, knowing how they invaded your lands and people little by little, threatening, blackmailing, terrorizing, corrupting and murdering your people in the background.

    Local people are hostile to american and british, but once they get full control of your country installing their political puppet government, controlling your politics, theres very little you can do after your people get disarmed under their fist.

    Fight the american and british enemy!

  18. ghali says:

    What a mixture of BS and HS! The entire rant is part of decades-old Jewish propaganda. Ask yourself one question: if the barbaric Jews haven’t managed to defeat the defenceless and starved Palestinians, how can they defeat a war-tested state army (the SAA and its affiliates) who have access to enough weapons? Terrorists are criminals who commit criminal acts on behalf of their sponsors. I’m sorry to say, the author lacks the skill to do critical analysis using reliable and credible sources, including on the ground independent media. Here is the credible Eva Bartlett: https://www.rt.com/news/608503-syria-terrorists-attack-aleppo/.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
    •�Thanks: John Trout
  19. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    ICC can’t touch Bibi and Hunter got off scot-free

    •�Thanks: Gallatin
    •�LOL: Digital Samizdat
  20. Xavier says:

    Is it just me or does the analysis from the Jerusalem Post sound exactly like one of Haxo’s comments?

    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�Thanks: X101
    •�LOL: Daniel Rich
  21. C’mon, Mr. Putin – now is the time to shift into a higher gear. Send a division of battle-hardened Russians to deal with these ISIS decapitators. The Ukraine is on its last leg anyway, and Russia must not lose face by not coming to help its ally. It’s all part of the same war, just another front. Deliver some hazelnuts to them!

    •�Replies: @Daniel Rich
  22. Yababa says:

    The Iranian population are wary of war and want the lifting of sanctions. Most consider thir regime incapable, corrupt, and secretely in cahoots with the West, selling the country if needed to stay in power. That is why 60% of voters boycotted the elections. Those who voted chose a moderate figure who wants to remove censorship, stop forced veling ( though he won’t be allowed to) and negotiate with the West. He said we have to make additional concessions to the West to have sanctions lifted, hinting Iran has to abandon the resistance. Such people have even convinced the supreme leader that there is zero chance of winning against Israel with not a single Arab government getting involved in the fight against Israel. Assad refused to open a front against Israel in Golan, as his popular base is thin Iraq has repeatedly refused to get involved in the fight against Israel, despite repeated requests from Iran. Hezbollah was left to fight Israel alone, while mist Lebanese wanted the war stopped. So Iran has weakened militias on its side opposed by their own governments in the axis of sheep.

    Of course other Arab countries outside the axis are even less interested in fighting Israel.

    This is the real situation propagandist for Iran and Russia won’t admit. Thierry Meyssan a few days ago said Iran abandoned the resistance.

    Israel and the US know this. Khizballah had no choice but to surrender at least for now pending more favorable circumstances.

    So they decided to move on the Hezbollah supply routes in Suria to prevent its rearmament and reactivation. Turkey, Qatar, Ukraine, and NATO are behind the Al Nusra fighters to further weaken Assad, attack Russian bases, and cut supply routes to Lebanon, and overthrow Assad.

    Hardliners elements in Iran may want to save Assad but the reality is Assad refused or was incaple of fighting Israel in Golan, leaving Hezbollah to fend off for itself. Hezbollah is decimated and could no longer hold territory.

    Those in Iran who want to end this futile conflict that they have zero chance to win because no Arab army is willing to join them, may secretely hope Al Nusra takes over Syria and even parts of Iraq and Syria to punish these regimes from playing it safe. The only official government who attacked Israel directly is Iran. Arab governments say bac, relaxed,and watched

    Ghalibaf has made serious military support conditional on Iraq and Syria governments signing a military pact with Iran but they refused. Lebanon rejected an Iranian offer to establish an air bridge to resupply Hezbollah.

    Thys Iran is left alone, along with its militias, and the governments like Syria and Iraq refuse to get involved directly in fighting Israel.

    Therefore, IRAN may be happy to see these uncooperative threatened by Sunni jihadists and may no longer be willing to support them unconditionally, since the have proven almost as friendly to Israel as Saudi Arabia in practice.

    Moderates in Iran would welcome the hand over of the Israel problem to J8hadisSunnis in Syria, so Iran can disengage from a war it cannot win. The question is whether hardliners who have bought land and homes in Damascus are willing to let go of Assad

    Once Jihadis take over Syria, Hezbollah is cut off from Iran and disarms itself voluntarily, the Sunnis will be on charge of Israeli file. AL nusra may fight Israel or it may sign Abraham accords. Regardless the blame will fall on Sunnis and Iran will be off the hook.

    This might allow also some internal change in Iran to happen more easily.

    •�LOL: Col from OZ, Xavier
    •�Troll: ariadna
  23. RobinG says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    One correction here:
    …the Russia-Iran-China triad is NOT the origin of the Western decline.

    The origin is Wall Street and the greed of investors who happily outsourced manufacturing, mining, etc., anything nuts & bolts in exchange for a flim-flam service and information facade.

    The defeat will come from Mr-Chow-Mein‘s “inside” but it will be at their own hands.

    •�Agree: DanFromCT
    •�Replies: @werpor
  24. JWalters says:

    The Prime Minister’s office in he Knesset –

    Netanyahu: That reporter is really annoying.

    Aide: I know the one you mean, sir.

    Netanyahu: Is there no one who can rid me of this troublesome reporter?

    Aide: I’ll look into it, sir.

    Netanyahu: Is it true what they say about these new missiles?

    Advisor: No stopping them, and they pack a nuclear size wallop.

    Netanyahu: Who has these things?

    Advisor: Wh doesn’t? Even the Houthis may have them by now.

    Netanyahu: So … do you mean … right now some Houthis could be targeting this building with one of those things?

    Advisor: It’s theoretically conceivable.

    !!!***!!! KA-BAM !!!***!!!

    •�Replies: @inspector general
  25. JWalters says:

    The Jewish Mafia (not all Jews, of course) is getting desperate. Their various swindles are coming unraveled. This article does a good job on their notorious Treaty Swindle.

    The Victim Swindle is a key tactic. The ultimate disguise for a predator is as a victim. The victim is the exact opposite of the predator. If the public already thinks of you as a victim, it will be a harder stretch to think of you as a predator. The “eternal victim” story has been an eternal swindle.

    The Holocaust Swindle is a key building block in the Victim Swindle. A swindle is a hoax with criminal intent, versus a harmless pranks. Therefore the Holocaust is more precisely described as a “swindle”. That label immediately says this is not a mere prank.

    Equally relevant today is the “Terrorism Swindle”. This swindle claims the Israelis are the victims of Palestinian terrorism. The overwhelming, indisputable evidence shows exactly the opposite. The Palestinians have been the hapless victims of the Israeli terrorists since the inception of Israel.

    Israel was established using terrorism – bribery, blackmail, assassination, mass murder, and mass theft.
    Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won
    War Profiteers and the Roots of the ‘War on Terror’

    Therefore Israel has no legal right to exist, despite its tribal legend (which has no legal standing). And as an occupying power, Israel has no right to defend itself against its victims. The Palestinians, on the other hand, have a legal right to defend themselves against Israel.

    Every politician and reporter who says “Israel has a right to exist”, and “Israel has a right to defend itself”, reveals themself to be an asset of the Jewish Mafia, or pretending to be. The large percent of politicians and press who are Israeli assets, and in effect enemies of America, shows starkly the extent of the Jewish Mafia’s grip.

    And just as the Terrorism Swindle was used to attack American liberties after the 9/11 Swindle, “terrorism” is now being used to further gut Americans’ liberties at home.

    In one particularly absurd example, on college campuses protests against Israel’s genocide of Palestinians are claimed to make some Jewish students “uncomfortable”. On this basis Jewish donors / controllers coerce university administrators to crack down violently on students protesting Israel’s glaring crimes. Now American students are targets in the Zionists’ extended Terrorism Swindle.

    We shouldn’t ignore the Great Ukraine Swindle currently being sold by their fake news. And the COVID Swindle is showing the breadth of their infiltration. And the Great Media Swindle enables all these other swindles.

    American Jews will be major beneficiaries from having the Holocaust Swindle revealed. They will be liberated from the fear that “another Holocaust is right around the corner”. That fear will vanish. What a relief!

    Fortunately, awareness of these swindles is spreading through the internet. We all need to do all we can to spread awareness of the Victim Swindle and all its affiliated swindles, especially the Great Media Swindle.

    •�Agree: John Trout, Daniel Rich
    •�Thanks: Cloverleaf, mark green, HdC
  26. RobinG says:

    …who do you think warned [Erdoğan] of a coup attempt

    I don’t think it was the US.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  27. Priss Factor says: •�Website


  28. Cat says:

    Isn’t Erdogan a Donmeh?

  29. Goy Buoy says:

    American bases in West Asia are beginning to look vulnerable.
    The jihadis, they are dead meat.

  30. Russian General Staff long ago wanted to act but were constrained by Putin. Syria has a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with Russia.

    Israel should assume Russia will honour it.

    Although Americans are oblivious it is clear that Israel will drag USA into a multi-front war on every continent simultaneously – against the Muslim Ummah as well as Russia, China, Iran, N Korea

    There is noone outside the Skinner Box inhabited by politicians that does not expect global war and the devastation of the US mainland. It is pre-programmed.

    Zionists are in essence German. The origins of East European Jews who underwent name changes to claim ancestry in Biblical Palestine is essentially German and Yiddish. The whole concept emerged from an Austrian journalist. The behaviour is German, the mentality is German, it is why Germany supports them……….the Communist GDR supported the Palestinians and trained the PFLP and PLO.

    West Germany as a US cutout has simply seen in Zionism its own doctrines

    •�Replies: @HdC
  31. @Carlton Meyer

    The original plan after the Arab Revolt was Greater Syria down to the Red Sea

  32. Daniel Rich says: •�Website

    “Is it just me or does the analysis from the Jerusalem Post sound exactly like one of Haxo’s comments?”




    One of the reasons I never enter any debate with any of hasbara trolls. The need oxygen. I’m foam :p]

  33. Sometimes it helps to try and understand what the other side’s perspective and motivations could be:


  34. Let’s remember the reason behind the Syrian conflict. It was about a pipeline and today it is so very needed by Energy starved Europe and its Bankesters who are paying Americans four times the price for gas Russia used to charge them.

    With Ukraine slipping out of Western Oligarch’s grip, today, Syria is about commodities. It is about collateral. It is about the last chance, Kursk encore to avert an EU banking collapse and bail-in. Never forget it’s the Bankesters folks. It’s the Bankesters from the City of London who ruled the World for the last 500 years by spreading death and corruption in return for huge wealth. They manage a financial model of converting Human misery into profits, just like Ukraine and West Asia. However, theire model has failed.

    Shitrahell needs to become the transportation hub and the terminus to the land road diverting Iranian oil from China into Europe. All pipelines must go through Syria to fulfill Erdogan’s dream of Turkey becoming an Energy distribution hub. That’s why he continues to supply Shitrahell with oil so as to not damage his reputation as a dependable supplier for all. That’s why alNusra, Erdogan’s proxy is attempting to expand south by controlling the line between Allepo, Idlip and Hama. Thus isolating Tartus, the Russian base. Remember, why Russia’s reason for entering Syria. To fight Western created ISIS “overthere” instead of on Russia’s border.

    This map should help one, after a couple of minutes of reflection, understand why Syria has become the focus. (I am not sure how current it is but it will give one a good picture)


    There is no success like success at failing. They failed in Ukraine and they will fail in West Asia. The good news is the price for their failure is payment in real assets. The US and Euro debts are crippling and the ammunition stores of the West are depleated. American boots on the ground in West Asia could be the last lost war every empire undertakes before its collapse. Remember the Suez crises? It was Britains last flex.

    The concentration of all the ISIS and alQaeda splinters all in one place is an opportunity for mass liquidation of all these criminals once and for all. I hope Putin takes this opportunity and unleashes Comrades Hazelnut and Kinzhal. This could be a master’s stroke.

    The zionist entity only respects power and will always tiptoe out of its way. So, an eradication of the Jihadis is an excellent display of power for the satanic construct called Shitrahel.

    A couple if days ago, I became exhausted by all this mayhem and then I realized how exhausting it must be for the architects of this chaos loosing so much and scrambling for more counter moves with ever depleating stores.

    One thing is for sure, if Trump bigfoots his way into West Asia and puts boots in Syria, it will lead to a Vietnam 2.0 10 times bigger. Trump has the zionist brass section in his cabinet well represented and America’s reputation as the big satan is on everyone’s mind.

    It is hopeless to warn America of this impending danger because our AIPAC elected politicians always make sure what Shitrahell wants, shitrahell gets, without question or debate.

    America has no one but God left to to help her people, it will never be the ruling class that helps, remember New Orleans, Texas, Flint, Maui, East Palestine, Ohio, North Carolina and Appalachia.Will he help or will he punish. Was the destruction and despair in North Carolina similar to Ghaza? Are we as Americans paying attention or did we forget God and only remember Him in times of calamities? Do we fear God or do we fear the Bank? It will come down to that? Are we free and God fearing or are we slaves to the Bank because we buy shit we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t give a damn about.?

    •�Replies: @Gerbils
  35. @Carlton Meyer

    Hrw… You are correct about Ergogan supporting his proxy Muslim Brotherhood, not Shia, alNusrah.

    From what I have been told by friends in the ME, is that initially the Syrian Army performed a strategic withdrawal in order to use its heavy artilery to destroy alNusrah’s supply routes, thus isolating them, as a first phase. In the second phase, the Syrian Army engaged alNustlrah to deplete their supplies and they succeeded only for Erdogan to hastily resupply alNusrah.

    Erdogan is one slimy Turk.

  36. Anonymous[262] •�Disclaimer says:

    Methinks the imams in Tehran are smoking far too much kif…


  37. The Jihadis raised the Turkish flag in Aleppo. Here is an assessment of the Turkish perspective.


  38. White Helmets are charging in after the Jihadi advance in Syria, planning to sacrifice children in false flag attacks that they will pin on Syrians, Iranians and Russians. This is all so that Trump, when he takes over, will start launching his cruise missiles at Syrians and Iranians. Russians should launch an Oreshnik or two at Idlib and start dropping the FABs on the Jihadis. Jihadis are also forcing tides of Syrian refugees to pour back into Syria so that they can use them as human shields and create media hysteria when these human shields of women, children and old men are hit by the Resistance. This will then divert attention from the genocide in Gaza. When a few civilians are killed in Syria as collateral damage, this will be blown up by the SMS to unheard of levels, calling on the ICJ to prosecute Assad and Iranian and Syrian commanders. The MSM will yell and scream about the inhumanity of the Resistance, while downplaying the deliberate murders of tens of thousands of children and women in Gaza. The news will all be about outrages in Syria instead of those in Gaza, and demonstrations against the Jews in the West will hardly be reported from that point on. The Western media propagandists are just waiting for the vile Hollywood sponsored White Helmets to start doing their thing. Just more trouble for Trump to deal with as he assumes office, and the media and “human rights” organisations will pour pressure on him to act.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  39. “If Putin does not act fast and provide emergency assistance to Assad, then the current course of events is likely to be irreversible.”

    And Putin won’t act. It’s isn’t either in his own interest or in interest of Russia. He will concentrate on securing one half of the Ukraine which is in own backyard. Russia will support Iran-Syria nexus up to a point but won’t risk an all out war with the West.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  40. Thanks Mike Whitney.
    Reasonable coverage, but I disagree that VVP is the only man that can stop the US-Israel Crime Cartel that is again getting into full-on murderous assault.
    The US proxies in HTS display the usual beheading, execution of prisoners.
    America must be proud to have such useful allies.

    The Iranian FM visited Damascus yesterday and promised Syria whatever was needed. Iranian Officers flew into Hama and coordinated the SAA counter-attack. Reports indicate SAA has recovered its spirit after Aleppo.
    Thousands of Iraqi Hashd al Shaabi crossed the border to join the fight.
    Certainly Rus airstrikes (w Syrian AF) are invaluable, but Russia is too wise to fall for this trick to divert forces from Ukraine. Russian Commander in Syria has been replaced, apparently with a hardline patriot.
    Gloves will further come off imho.
    The big question in my mind is what if anything will be the blowback for the Turkish DOG who has again shown himself a snake. His supplying vital resources to Israel was/is bad enough, but a direct assault on Syria and therefore Russia ?

    Ja, two cheers again for Great Satan, aka Murder Incorporated.
    Still, Joe has pardoned his son, so Joke Sullivan can feel good as he scrambles to get those weapons to Ukraine before USA imposes a “ceasefire” (LOL).

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  41. ariadna says:

    No, it was Putin, who may regret it now

    •�Replies: @RobinG
  42. Bama says:

    The Israeli Jews and their global brothers intend to turn the Middle East into Gaza and then spread their control Eastward.

    Their plans would be but a wisp in the wind were it not for U.S. money, science and manpower. The Eastern troika of China, Russia and Iran will one day clear the tables after waiting for the Jews to make America a weakling.

  43. Anynomous says:

    Its just disgusting how american and british are always the ones telling everybody “Oh, you are so evil, bad and tyrannical. We are so good. You must do like we tell you to do or we will kill you.”.

    •�Troll: ariadna
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  44. ariadna says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “White Helmets are charging in after the Jihadi advance in Syria, planning to sacrifice children in false flag attacks that they will pin on Syrians, Iranians and Russians.”

    This has started already. I could not believe my eyes this morning when I saw a “White helmet witness” being interviewed on BBC about the “Assad regime” slaughtering civilians, according to him. The BBC inteviewer looked impreassed…
    I was stunned because in my naivete I had assumed they would never use White Helmets again, knowing the fake outfit was compromised in the eyes of the world after their past claims that Assad was “using chemical weapons against his own people.”
    They count on people having amnesia or act on the principle “We are shamelessly lying to your face again, so what are you going to do about it? Are you with us or against us?”

    •�Thanks: John Trout
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  45. This more detailed map from Aljazeera gives a better perspective of the HTS controlled area, not as big a gain as some are trying to claim. The Kurds still have the biggest slice.



  46. ariadna says:
    @Arthur MacBride

    I agree with you but Putin need not divert ground troops from Ukraine. There is a lot more he can do, like BOMB the hell out of the “rebels” and drop a few on the US-illegally occupied Syrian oil fields.

    •�Replies: @Arthur MacBride
  47. ariadna says:

    The MSM will soon only say “Judea and Samaria” ands top using the name “West Bank,” which is already under “reorganization”:

    Israel Appoints Pro-settler Activist to Head Agency Overseeing Palestinian Property in East Jerusalem
    Henanel Gurfinkel, who has claimed East Jerusalem is under ‘Arab occupation,’ will head the division in the Finance Ministry with powers over property claims in the area.

  48. Just a reminder folks to keep your eye on the ball

    The ball is Gaza

    This “invasion” in Syria is another fake Jew sponsored distraction from the Gaza Genocide

    Daily the fake Jews of Israel are brutally murdering scores to hundreds of defenseless Arabs in Gaza

    Our fake Jewish friends can not win on the battlefield so they openly murder random groups of Palestinians to pressure the resistance to accept surrender.

    My bet is that the Palestinians hold out for their original demands; meaning defeat for the squatters and the rearming of the resistance.

    The fact is the squatter colony can not exist for long without total control of Gaza and the West Bank

    Because of 10/7 that’s out the window now

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see the squatter colony totally marginalized in 5 years.

    •�Agree: John Trout, druid
  49. Anon[417] •�Disclaimer says:

    The Iranian population are wary of war and want the lifting of sanctions. Most consider thir regime incapable, corrupt, and secretely in cahoots with the West, selling the country if needed to stay in power.

    Shut up liar zionist Jew. You will be massacared soon. No one listen to the words of a zionist faggots.
    How many mass murderers of yours that you call IDF, have been killed. The reason you accepted FAKE ceasefired, because you CANNOT fight idiot genocidal, and you don’t have enough land to put your scum into graves. Send them to America especially your jewish mafia pimp, trump.

    •�LOL: Yababa
  50. “At present, there is only one man on earth who can put an end to Israel’s bloodthirsty crusade …”


    You thought Putin was going to stop Israel? Hilarious!

  51. Agent76 says:

    The Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs have had their own plan.

    November 29, 2024 US-NATO Led Wars:“When the Cold War Turns Into Hot”  

    To prevent the emergence of an economically prosperous Eurasian land space after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington and its NATO allies fostered separatism across the former parts of the Soviet dominated Eurasia. They did so by wooing countries, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and others to join NATO, feeding tension between those states and Russia. 


    Gen. Wesley Clark, Democracy Now! interview, 2007

    Gen. Wesley Clark, Democracy Now! interview, 2007. Objective: take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

    Video Link

  52. Hourly update: Syrian Defense and Strategic Updates:

    • Stability on Engagement Lines: The situation on the front lines has stabilized compared to the past two days.

    • Terrorist Weaknesses: Terrorist groups have failed to breach Syrian defenses and are now heavily reliant on drones, but their effectiveness has been significantly reduced by Syrian Arab Army countermeasures.

    • Airstrikes Against Terrorists: Syrian and Russian airstrikes have destroyed key Al-Nusra Front operations rooms and headquarters, resulting in the death of high-ranking leaders, including “Amir Masri” and an “Egyptian prince” at the Abu Nawar Farm operations room near Idlib.

    • Ongoing Air Campaign: Syrian helicopters and fighter jets continue to target terrorist movements, convoys, and operations hubs, significantly weakening their operational capacity.

    More reliable updates at @VanessaBeeley https://twitter.com/VanessaBeeley/status/1863586342334005689

    •�Thanks: James of Africa
  53. ariadna says:

    Sorry, the Troll” was meant for yababa not for you

    •�Troll: Yababa
    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  54. @Notsofast

    this is an act of desperation on the part of zato and israel.

    Is it an act of desperation? I don’t see Israel even nearing a collapse. Blackrock is buying up Ukraine while old Vlad is imagining Nazis running amok in Ukraine rather than the Jewish Khazars. The corrupt government officials and bureaucrats in both the US and Britain seem to be more untouchable than ever. And sad to say, Trump never crosses a Jew of any stripe. Perhaps Iran is ready to take on the real Axis of Evil, but will it matter or just be a convenient meat grinder for young men and women? Seems our Malthusian overlords would consider that a great win.

    Also aren’t there two or three proxy wars going on in Africa right now?

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Notsofast
  55. Obama started the latest round of this despicable war against Syria, her people and national sovereignty in 2011, as part of the warmongering and profiteering which earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. Because jihadists on the CIA payroll, chopping off the heads of fathers in front of their children is SO US exceptionalism.

    Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are two voices of compassion, civility, peace and justice that would fit well with the other critical voices here on TUR. ☮️

  56. @Old and Grumpy

    See it’s comments like this that makes me wonder why I even read the other comments here, there’s always a lot of speculation about how Israel is on the losing end. Then someone like you come along and say “Well I don’t see Israel nearing any collapse”

  57. CKing says:

    Israel can only bomb Syrian sites and will run the risk of getting their precious pilots killed or captured. Israel has no infantry to spare or see destroyed fighting a real national army. The terrorist armies, Israel’s proxies, are never successful in the long term. And as E Michael Jones has said ‘the war is already over’; Iran can exert control over Syria, both Russia and Turkey will be emboldened. If the US Navy, for instance, interjects its might in the region, Iran can and will bomb and make the Strait of Hormuz unnavigable, sending the price of oil past $500.00 a barrel, collapsing the Global economy’. Israel must be restrained and to the surprise of many President Trump who first quipped “We spent over $7 Trillion dollars in the ME and what do we have to show for it?” may actually be the guy who controls Bibi in the future. Trump remembers Bibi’s shenanigans and betrayal in the last election. They don’t trust each other; Bibi fears Trump and Trump now has the upper hand. Bibi thinks to push this thing to the limit and hand Trump a fait-accompli; which only shows us that Bibi is a crazy incompetent. We’ll see.

  58. Netanyahu is thus prepared to …split Syrian forces in half

    Russia will never let that happen:



  59. AnoN[417] •�Disclaimer says:

    The GENOCIDAL Biden, after sending so much arms and money to GENOCIDAL war criminal Netanyahu, recently got some time to buy a book on ‘history of Palestine’ but not necessary to read. Trump is so illiterate that said he does NOT read, even a REPORT. Biden is the same. All of these zionist mass murderes are gullible like their civilians. That’s why the gullible population are easily manipulated. Or someone may has given this genocidal scum the book written by Rashid Khalidi to educate himself.

    The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017 is a 2020 book by Rashid Khalidi, in which the author describes the Zionist claim to Palestine in the century spanning 1917–2017 as late settler colonialism and an instrument of British and then later American imperialism.

    Biden should see himself as a genocidal imperialist where should be arrested and executed as a war criminal.

  60. Tucker says:

    “Trump will invade Iran, you say? Against the wishes of the base that elected him?”

    After campaigning for the last 4 years, or actually since he ran and spanked Hillary’s prodigious sized fanny in 2016, the Orange Con Man has been assuring his base and those outside his base that he is an anti-war, pro-peace candidate and he has promised that he would prevent WW3. He was elected by a landslide due to this position and due to his promises to secure the border and deport millions of illegal, criminal aliens.

    For the guy to flip flop and turn into a pro-war, pro-WW3 president would likely result in vast numbers of Americans who voted for him screaming for him to be impeached for betraying them.

    Even though I am personally convinced that the Orange Man is an imbecile – a conviction that is based mostly on his horrible habit of staffing his administrations with the most war mongering, bat crap crazy, blood-thirsty, Israel First America Never treasonous anti-America First psychopaths – I still think that the Orange Imbecile is smart enough to know that his base would desert him if he starts any big new wars.

    So, how could he and his Boss Satanyahu ‘manage’ the flip flop from being anti-war to pro-war and not anger the base of his supporters? Well, the easiest and most likely move to make would be to arrange for a few hundred or a few thousand American military service members to be sacrificed, i.e., killed in a false flag attack that would be then blamed on whichever nation the Israelis and the Israel First America Never lobby wants to become the next target for the US military to wage war against.

    This would give the Orange Con Man the excuse he needs to become pro-war. Gotta get revenge, right? And his MAGA voters would say, yea, let’s go get ’em!

    Sadly, the vast majority of these MAGA voters are not intelligent or savvy enough to either anticipate a trick like this, or recognize it for what it was, and not be tricked into supporting a new war based on deception – and, besides that, there are the gullibility, naivete and rube factors to consider. These MAGA types are incapable of being suspicious towards their Orange Hero; most of these rubes seem to think the guy can walk on water. And, that he doesn’t have a single conspiratorial or evil gene in his entire body.

    They are making what I have always said was the biggest mistake anyone can make – and that mistake is falling in love with any politician. Even the ones who you hold your nose a vote for should always be scrutinized under a microscope because none of them can ever be trusted.

    •�Agree: NoBodyImportant
    •�Thanks: Event Horizon
  61. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    The Coup attempt was CIA, American sponsored and Erdodoggy was warned by Russia. Talk about un-gratitude.

    •�Agree: inspector general
  62. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    By making the U.S concentrate its resources inside its borders

    WHOSE borders?

  63. Yababa says:

    Long Live Al Nusra.
    Long Live Erdoğan.

    Shalom Aleichem Yeretz Yishrael.

    Syria will be ours soon once Iran and Turkish proxies exterminate each other.

    Gaza is ours already.

    Khizballah on its knees surrenders to Israel.

    Southern Lebanon will be annexed up to Beirut which we will rename Be’erot.

    Israel rocks and rules.

    As I wrote before in invisible interdimensional forces are hypnotising pur enemies into surrender and into mutual extermination by Sunnis and Shhites. Our enemies kill each other, surrender, or watch passively.

    We thank Turkey for this voracious and brave operation coordinated with Putin to end Iranian occupation.

    Baruch Obamao.


  64. @Anynomous

    You have an inordinate faith in “legal means” which is totally misplaced. Legality and rules are just lipstick on a pig’s snout, powerful nations have scant respect for rules and power is all that matters. I do not want to offend you but your comment is very naive.

  65. @Mr-Chow-Mein

    You’re are asking why is there no Blood for blood?

    I’ll tell you why

    Because there is collusion between Assad of Syria and the Israelis/US to maintain the existing criminal ME status quo.

    It bothers Assad not a whit that Syrian Army solders get killed either by Israel or by the Israeli proxy Takfiris as long as he is safe from assassination by Syrian/Arab patriots.

    If Assad was the real deal he would resist the Israelis the way the Palestinians in Gaza are doing

    And the argument that Israel is invincible has been blown out of the water by the surprise game-changing slave revolt of 10/7

  66. @Tucker

    What you just described was 9/11…Same thing and then years later, “We regret it.” There are several ex service members on Twitter that say this very same thing, “I regret it because we were lied about the whole thing.”

  67. @Wokechoke

    If JohnJohnson isn’t Jewish he’s a Fellow McMullin.

    Gosh are you thinking about me in a thread where I haven’t posted? That’s very sweet of you.

    Turkey has 3.6 million Syrian refugees. What does anyone expect them to do?

    This is a wise play and I’m surprised that Turkey didn’t try it earlier.

    Overthrowing the government is the best way to get rid of them.

    If the insurgency doesn’t work then no loss to Turkey.

  68. @ariadna

    I was stunned because in my naivete I had assumed they would never use White Helmets again, knowing the fake outfit was compromised in the eyes of the world after their past claims that Assad was “using chemical weapons against his own people.”

    The UN concluded that sarin gas was in fact used

    That shouldn’t be a surprise since there were pictures of dead families without obvious wounds. There were also pictures of people with Miosis which is a disturbing pupil effect from the gas.

    Of course Assad would never do such a thing.

    He’s just a morally upstanding dictator who would never be elected and lets his troops gang-rape women. Here it is from an Arab source:

    He actually had his troops gang rape women in front of their husbands and children.

    What a guy. Why ever would the Muslims want him out.

    I support neutrality in the Middle East in part so Whites don’t have to take sides with the inevitable psychopaths and losers that run these countries.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
    , @Commentator Mike
    , @anon
  69. @JWalters

    Great post Mr J Walters. Bravo.

  70. Notsofast says:

    agree on the yababa troll. you can change your troll, to an agree or thanks anytime after it’s posted, just by hitting the button again.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  71. cousin lucky says: •�Website

    Imho – Mr. Satanyahoo will very easily convince President Donald Trump to attack Iran and whatever happens after that.

    Humanity is on the table.

  72. Why didn’t Russia finish off the jihadis when Russian jets came to Syria’s rescue in 2015? They could’ve wiped them out at the time. But instead many of the jihadis were allowed to retreat safely into Idlib, where they were able to regroup and strengthen over the past 9 years. Why?

    Also, why hasn’t Russia provided S-400 defense systems to Syria? Why has Russia allowed Israel to bomb Syria repeatedly for years now?

  73. Great cartoon to lead off the article! Is that the artist’s signature at lower right? It resembles a gibbon with its arms raised.

  74. Hello all, here is a great article about the pro-war zionist cabinet of the Donald Trump government and how Trump will be a lot more zionist than Joe Biden



    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  75. Gerbils says:
    @One Nobody

    It’s the Bankesters from the City of London who ruled the World for the last 500 years by spreading death and corruption in return for huge wealth.

    Don’t forget slavery and why we have africans in the New World.

  76. First: I object to the use of the affectionate term of “bibi” for the psychopathic blood thirsty genocidal mobster who rules the US/isreal and to some extent Europe.

    The neocons have been planning to take Syria and Lebanon since the eighties when they published their paper “A Clean Break”. So nothing new here.

    Recent news say the mercenaries are being routed, as before, the leaders will be airlifted to isreal and the fanatical followers will receive their 7.62 retirement package.

    So, the isreal press has whipped up the population to a war frenzy. One little problem: their soldiers are cowards and easily beaten. Oh sure, they are great at shooting the defenseless. women and children but, they shit their pants when faced with real soldiers.

    •�Agree: Angharad, 24th Alabama
  77. Alfred says:

    The attack by the terrorists on Aleppo bears an uncanny resemblance to the invasion of Kursk by the Ukrainians.

    I am sure that the Russians, Iranians and Syrians independently worked out weeks ago what was being planned by Turkey, the USA and Israel.

    One cannot prepare an army of 15,000 fighters with tanks, armoured cars and artillery without months of hard work. All of this is visible from space and from spy planes. The Iranians have a large number of spies in Turkey who are indistinguishable from Turks and Azaris. Plenty of Turkish officers hate Erdogan with a passion. There is no way this could be kept secret.

    I believe the Syrians and Russians deliberately weakened this area so as to encourage the terrorists to expose themselves. 1,900,000 Syrian civilians are hostages of the terrorists and the Turks in Idlib. There was no way for the Syrians and Russians to attack the terrorists without massive civilian casualties.

    Now, the terrorists are being eliminated. Just like in Kursk. The outcome is obvious. The result will be that the Turks will be kicked out of Syrian territories and the 1,900,000 hostages will be freed.

    The photo shows reinforcements with tanks on their way to Aleppo.

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�Thanks: Joe Levantine
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @anonymous
  78. Latest news:
    Russian diplomats flee Damascus

    Where are you going? The fun is just getting started.

    Boy is it a tough day for defenders of mass murderers.

    The Aloah Snackbar is now open for Putin’s Rent-A-Thugs.

    Good luck.

  79. Alfred says:

    So much for the “Syrian Rebels” narrative promoted by the West. Here is someone putting the Turkish flag on the Aleppo Citadel. The good news is that I think this will in due course lead to the downfall of Erdogan – the proxy of Israel. This war does not benefit the Turkish people in any shape or form.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
  80. The US has tied its fate to Israel’s ultimate fate.

  81. @Low-carb Political Movement

    I’d click on it but I don’t feel like being angry or pissy this morning, so f it….

  82. @Alfred

    Now, the terrorists are being eliminated. Just like in Kursk.

    You do realize that Ukraine has been in Kursk for months now?

    But you are right in that something is definitely fishy. Most likely a series of bribes or maybe the Syrian Army plans to turn against Assad.

    Allepo was practically empty. I watched an assault video where the Syrian Army had left a couple 18 year olds behind and they died without guns. The rebels walked right into abandoned government buildings. The Syrian Army even left behind an armory of AK-47s.

    Look at this video of a mass surrender:

    Video Link
    They’re in jeans and don’t have any wounded. They are all fresh troops without a scratch or limp.

    There are rumors of fighting breaking out in Damascus.

    •�Replies: @Carlton Meyer
    , @Alfred
  83. Mike Whitney writes:

    If Damascus falls and Assad is removed from power, Israel’s dream of regional hegemony will be within reach and likely attainable if — as we assume — President Trump has committed to initiating a war with Iran as part of a quid pro quo with powerful Lobbyists who shoehorned back him into the White House.

    History tells us:

    President Harry Scoundrel Truman was doomed for Korean War.

    President Lyndon Bastard Johnson was doomed for Vietnam War.

    President George Warmonger Bush was doomed for Iraq War.

    President Joseph Robber Biden was doomed for Ukraine War.

    And, President Donald John Trump will be doomed for Iran War.

    Majority of Americans never learn from history; because, majority of Americans are Christians (i.e., Jew-worshipers) who constantly lie, rob, cheat and debauch.

    •�Agree: NoBodyImportant
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  84. @Face_The_Truth

    My main concern with Trump is starting a ground war with Iran as his red hat followers scream in delight.

    Rural Whites are sent off to fight another sand war while Fox watching suburban Trump supporters say stuff like “well you dun made him mad” and cheer as if it is another test of his masculinity.


    His cabinet picks didn’t help. A Zio-Avengers mockery of the positions that should be a parody.

    Hegseth at least looks like he will be out after the letter from his mom was leaked. So there is that.

    His cryptkeeper treasury pick is the stuff of nightmares. An actual cocksucker hedgefund investor who helped make Soros rich. Just a fine….fine servant of satan. Knows the numbers…bigley numbers. Stock markets…he loves that stock market. Hail satan everyone.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  85. Sarita says:

    Ice cream Joe let the Jews get away with murder …

    Why wouldn’t he not let his punk son get away with smoking crack? 🪈🪈🪈

    •�Replies: @Charles Martel France
  86. ariadna says:
    @John Johnson

    “I support neutrality in the Middle East in part so Whites don’t have to take sides with the inevitable psychopaths and losers that run these countries.”

    So may you live if you aren’t telling the truth, inept Troll?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  87. Sarita says:

    The two biggest cowards, Abdullah II and the so called president of the UAE, servants of the US, have called Assad expressing their support!
    These two are the ones who stayed quite at the genocide in Gaza by the Jews.
    Now they are scared because these “terrorists” might be visiting soon!

  88. Low paid, or no paid writers. Often deserve respect if for nothing else but the lack of pay for their work.

    However, again the overuse of below average AI imagery harms articles. Poor AI graphics detract from articles.

    Perhaps an article can stand on its own with no teaser image..

    Or use a paid artist to draw a real image, even if just a cartoonist line graphic.

    Or perhaps, this image can be useful to show people, just how obvious poor quality AI generated images can be.

    The character in the center, in black uniform of a sort, he is huge.. with oversized hands, and holding a graphically incorrect undersized weapon…

    In this image, the weapon is the somewhat uncommon USAS-12 (USAS = United States automatic shotgun), that uses 12 Guage shotgun shell as it’s ammo.

    That particular semi-automatic shotgun, is on Pres Clinton’s silly ban list, along with the comical “street sweeper” as “destructive devices”.. like nuke or mass kill chemical weapons.

    The USAS-12, when caring a full 10 round magazine (as the image depicts), is so heavy, .. that it’s weight is problematic. It is mote of a skeet sport shotgun rather than military device, as it’s too heavy to pack around in military feild conditions.

    To top it off, the black uniformed bad guy, is even carrying the USAS-12.. with only one hand… he will have a bad case of strained wrist in just hours..or wrist arthritis in just a day or so… ie. a self inflicted military casualty.

    The image is something I’d expect from Hollywood. It’s just too lame, not to speak of it.

    There are lighter 12 guage equivalents for sure, that also have better, less problamtic body and magazine dimensional shapes…. and these new ones on the market, have no restrictions in most US states, no federal law issues.

  89. @John Johnson

    As if the White Helmets wouldn’t gas children just to get the attention of the media and blame it on the Syrians. False flag attacks are SOP by the Israelis, West and their proxies.

    The Israelis are getting away with mass murder of children in their tens of thousands and genocide while you, the MSM, UN and whoever complain about a few children killed in Syria.

    •�Agree: ariadna
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  90. @ariadna

    I’m in agreement with the UN on both Ukraine and Israel. Both Russia and Israel should go back to their borders.

    I’m sorry if you find that position to be mind blowing but it’s called normal outside of Unz.

    You’re clearly bothered by nuanced thought. That is normally the result of depending on conformity for answers.

    I am for the US telling the entire Middle East that it will not be taking sides with anyone. I held that position before the Ukraine war existed and never once believed that we should be sending them weapons. They can buy their own damn weapons. Israel in fact doesn’t have to pass sanctions on Ukraine due to their dependence on Russian oil. They get a pass to play both sides so they can afford to buy their own military toys. Israel has in fact turned down military assistance requests from Ukraine in favor of Putin.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  91. ariadna says:
    @John Johnson

    This is the “concern” shtick… Haxo keeps us well stocked up.

    In response to this comment posted on MoA in reference to the Russia-Ukraine conflict:

    I can always tell by the increased censorship at MOA that things aren’t going well for the self-styled “geopolitical experts” here. Loss after loss after loss but you still fantasize that victory is right around the corner…it’s quite amusing to see (and laugh at)…

    Posted by: Johnny Johnston | Dec 1 2024 16:32 utc | 12]

    Another poster wrote:

    At the Unz Review, there’s a character who goes by John Johnson who spouts this kind of drivel. . He tends to show very NAFO-like characteristics, always using terms like “bootlicker” and accusing pro-Russian people of having a homoerotic fixation on Putin, who he frequently accuses of being a cowardly midget. It is possible that Johnny Johnston is a nom de guerre of John Johnson, or was simply named in his honor.

    Posted by: Hunsdon | Dec 1 2024 17:59 utc | 26

    Could it be that our resident troll is making itself `as highly appreciated on other sites as well posting under a barely modified handle?

    •�Agree: Notsofast
    •�LOL: James of Africa
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  92. @Commentator Mike

    The Israelis are getting away with mass murder of children in their tens of thousands and genocide while you, the MSM, UN and whoever complain about a few children killed in Syria.

    I don’t support the use of sarin gas in Syrian villages and I also don’t support airstrikes against Gaza neighborhoods. In fact I was against the Israeli practice of leveling apartment buildings back when the US found that to be acceptable revenge against Hamas. It doesn’t matter if they are empty. You are leveling the home of someone who may in fact want nothing to do with Hamas.

    You and others seem bewildered by the possibility of being opposed to both sides. There was a time in Europe where it was considered barbaric to attack an occupied village of any type and in fact Europeans were shocked that the Mongols would use such tactics. It was considered Asiatic and unnatural to European morality. The Europeans in fact had to change tactics against the Mongols as they weren’t used to having an enemy that would attack unprotected villages. It was assumed that any village would be given quarter under the assumed rules of war.

    You don’t have to pick a side. It’s completely fine to conclude that both Assad and Netanyahu are world class assholes that should be replaced.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  93. Eventually , Netanyahu and zionist ass kisser Trump are going to take us into a nuclear war on behalf of zionist satanist demonic Israel and the zionist satanist demonic ZUS regime is going to go on this suicide trip with Israel and get us all killed.

    These zionist demons from hell expect to ride out the nulear exchange in their deep underground military bases, which they have throughout the ZUS and Israel and ZEU and emerge to a world of their own, which will in reality be an un-liveable waste land of radiation, but these demons do not consider the results of their messianic plans.

    The zionists are riding the pale horse of death and destruction, they are going to reap the whirlwind.

  94. Dr. Rock says:

    Geez, this is a tough challenge.

    I’m sure that from Putin’s perspective, he could also see this as a way to pull forces from his Ukrainian SMO, and a concern about fighting on two fronts, while the US and NATO are talking about sending troops in, giving the Uki’s nukes, and any number of other provocations/escalations.

    I realize that the Russians have a pretty big army right now, and they are clearly winning in the Ukraine, but I’m sure they don’t welcome this headache. Now, granted, fighting in the Syrian desert is much different from the Steppes of Ukraine, but it does constitute an additional front.

    And not for nothing, but if we (the US) really wants to goad Putin into acting rashly, and kicking things up a notch, this, coupled with that shit going on in Georgia, is a pretty good way to do it.

    I think if I were Putin, Id’ probably arm Syria to the teeth, and encourage them to attack Israel directly, with long range missiles, etc. I’d also help militants in the area, attack every US base in the ME.

    Two can play at that game!

    But, as I said a few days ago, if I were Putin, I’d threaten to nuke all of Israel, and turn it into a radioactive desert for a thousand years.

    The ((Right People)) would hear that message, loud and fucking clear!

    If the US thinks it’s funny to stir up shit in the Ukraine, then they will get a real laugh out of their “favorite ally” facing complete annihilation!

    Kill the head of the snake!

  95. anonymous[158] •�Disclaimer says:

    In less than 1 year Natanyahu has ignited WARS in Gaza/Lebanon/Syria/Irak/Houthis..etc…when is enough enough?? They should arrest him NOW..

  96. @Notsofast

    The Empire is striking back in Syria now that it is all clear that the battle is lost in Ukraine. The Western strategy was to keep pressuring the Russians into upping the ante to the point that Russia would have to resort to tactical nuclear weapons at which point the Empire’s omnipotent media would start inculcating into the global south citizenry that Russia is a weak and brutal country that should be treated like a pariah state. But to the Western government’s surprise, there came the Oreshnik attack that delivers the same destructive power as nuclear weapons while staying under the conventional armament definition. That pretty much dashed the hopes of the hothead neocons of turning the tide against Russia.

    Here the blowhard, double dealing Erdogan sensed an opportunity to act as the vanguard of the Western assault against Syria and gave the orders to his intelligence apparatus to organize the assault against the weakened Syrian Arab Army which had fought heroically for more than a decade against all types of American-Israeli sponsored terrorists but which suffers, along with the Syrian population, from the American occupation of Syria’s oil fields and bread basket in the Eastern region of Syria. This American act of piracy caused enormous hardship to the Syrian society.

    Soon the American Empire will have to declare victory and leave the Ukrainian battlefield. The Empire’s bet is that controlling Syria and then Iran would cause enormous damage to Russia’s centuries old strategy of reaching the warm waters of the Mediterranean while at the same time blocking the progress of the Chinese BRI that heavily depends on Iranian and Syrian geography.

    The Western Empire has lost the initiative and can only hope to face the rising powers of Asia through sabotage. Their media dominance will convince their populace that the Empire is winning, thereby playing a political Ponzi scheme that will one day unravel causing immense socio-economic repercussions within their societies.

    The whole battle in Syria hinges on how fast the cautious and deliberative master chess player Putin decides to keep Erdogan in check. It will be a very hard balancing act, but then the failure of the Syrian regime would spell disaster for the future of the Levant.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Notsofast
  97. HdC says:
    @Paul Greenwood

    Your last two paragraphs are utter rubbish!
    You have read about WWII?
    Germany is still occupied territory and must dance to the tune of the allied victors, nowadays the USA.

    Germany needs nuclear weapons and the means to effectively deliver them. Do you think the North Stream Pipeline would have been sabotaged if Germany were armed to the teeth?

  98. @ariadna

    I don’t post at MOA or any website that censors. It was already pointed out that I have a doppleganger and he isn’t that good at being me. That is old news and we discussed it at Sailer.

    You Putin defenders are clearly losing it mentally if you spend this much time thinking about me.

    Syrian rebels just captured huge amounts of Russian equipment. The Russians didn’t even bother disabling their AA guns. It looks like they left billions worth of military hardware.

    The Russian ruble is at a 10 year low and Russia’s birth rate has sunk even further. The US military industrial complex has record profits and Russia will exit this war with fewer Slavs and more Muslims as they are brought in from Central Asia to work the factories. They will of course stay and continue to have a higher birth rate than the Slavs.

    You have much bigger problems than the minority dissenters at Unz that opposed this war.

    Maybe re-think your dedication to the dwarf dictator and his glorious 2.5 week special operation before getting that fixated on an anonymous internet poster. Or just go hang out at MOA since they censor heavily in the forums to keep the secret agents away from their precious world views. It is the most pro-Putin website and the owner has to constantly curate the comments to keep narrative going. Good luck.

    •�Replies: @Haxo Angmark
  99. @ariadna

    Ja, good thought; he certainly is now/will continue to do the former.
    As to the latter, he prob wouldn’t want to cross a major red line (even though everyone thinks it’s well and truly deserved).

    At least for the moment anyway.
    While there’s a chance USA could possibly get some sanity/self respect.
    In theory anyway.

  100. anonymous[363] •�Disclaimer says:

    Glad to see you back. You were one of the best analysts and commentators on UNZ. Hope you stay and continue to analyze and comment. I always learned greatly from what you had to say.

    •�Replies: @Alfred
  101. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Evil Empire

    •�Thanks: Agent76
    •�Replies: @Agent76
  102. Trump will make ISIS great again and his christian base will cheer! He will also announce that he will steal even more oil than he did before he left office in 2021. Biden kept the theft going. America is the ultimate gang of thugs. If George Washington could see this nation today, he wouldn’t have bothered fighting for independence from the King. In reality, we have many wealthy Kings and Queens in America. The ruling class financially rape the working class at will. Home ownership is at an all time low. Most of us are fast becoming slaves.

  103. @John Johnson

    You sound like an idealist. Nothing wrong with that, I can sympathise with such a view. But in reality it isn’t quite like that. Where is that power that will oppose all these bastards of all stripes? And obviously all those “people’s power” uprisings we see these days are colour revolutions acting to replace existing rulers with worse lackeys of ZioUSA. it is the Maidan colour revolution that killed a million Ukrainians and that was obvious from the start when it installed a ZioNazi regime. Same with the Syrian colour revolution, it resulted in all those killed in Syria, and they wanted to replace Assad with whom? Jihadi terrorist murderers. And the West supports these worst of the worst – Nazis, Zionists and Jihadis. I agree they shouldn’t support any of these … but they do.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  104. @Proteus Procrustes

    “Putin won’t act”

    unfortunately for the Jihadis/Israel, Putin already has acted, and with uncharacteristic decisiveness.

    while Izrahell seems paralyzed. Not sure why, but Zion appears to be unwilling to tangle directly with the Russians over Syria. All in all, the Jihadis and/or their CIA/Mossad wirepullers should have waited until Trumpstein arrived in the WH……when all this might have gone very differently.

  105. @Joe Levantine

    Since Uyghur terrorists are fighting on the side of the Jihadis in Syria it is time China joined the fray against them and their terrorist allies.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Joe Levantine
  106. @John Johnson

    generally agree re Putin and Russia in the long run, but as re the immediate Syrian situation, it’s by now clear that liddle Vlad – much to my surprise, given his past performance – has come up big….

    Russian Air Force + Hezbollah Shi’a fighters (not the SAA) has clearly stopped the Sunni southward drive. And I don’t think all the captured ground equipment is going to do the Sunnis much good; they have no air support, little in the way of triple-A (so far, only one Russian bomber shot down) and the Russian air strikes are just pulverizing them.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  107. Piece of advice to Putin: Kill the head and the body will die.

    Directly attack and take out Israel itself. Direct your new fangled kinetic energy bomb at everything of danger or potential value to Israel in what will become its swan song in the course of human events. And, be prepared to continue delivering the same cyclone of kinetic energy against the depraved Americans in service to Israel and the legion of demons it truly worships.

    You didn’t drag your people out of the gutter in the debacle arranged for them by the fucking Jews who deliberately caused the slow-motion but steady collapse of the Soviet Union only to see them fall a second time to all the terrorists employed by the United States against you and your valiant nation.

    Do not miss the essential point: This is the existential demise of your country unless you understand and adopt the same kind of deceitful scorched earth and terrorist tactics employed by Israel and the United States. Joe Biden and Volodimyr Zelensky have not a shred of morals and are not embarrassed to employ the most cruel, immoral and deceitful actions to advance one meter. Do not fall for the ruse that you and your nation OWES something–if even just to be civil and fair–to the conniving Jews who will do anything to bring you down–and quite sneakily I would add. They don’t deserve a fair shake. These are not Christians or even Muslims we are talking about here. Hell, they are not even fair-minded and honor-bound atheists. They are basically a pack of deranged terrorists who call their club members “Zionists.”

    Recruit the most lethal and vicious allies you can find, but assign the most consequential acts to the most efficient dealers of death. Excellent choice to sign on the volunteer Whooties a while back. Definitely renew their contact and double their salary. Offer them all the land and valuables buried in the rubble of California and New York City if they can sink the whole American fleet of super carriers.

    Losing after all these years of struggle would be simply insane. Might have well just surrendered to the Great Satan back in 2013 when the Yanks started to deliberately gin up World War III, which is now starring as the great attraction of our times. So you do what is necessary to ensure that the presidential corpse stuffed and mounted for display is Biden’s ugly carcass and no one else’s.

    •�LOL: Protogonus
    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  108. Anon[404] •�Disclaimer says:

    Didnt Turkey in Istanbul broker peace between Ukraine and Russia, which Ukraine walked away from, and now Turkey is at proxy war with Syria and Russia?

  109. @Commentator Mike

    You sound like an idealist. Nothing wrong with that, I can sympathise with such a view. But in reality it isn’t quite like that.

    I don’t think occupied villages should be bombed or gassed in any scenario. Most people would agree. I would call that common morality and not idealism. I don’t support destroying apartment buildings in the name of fighting terrorism. By definition most of an apartment building’s tenants consist of terrorists.

    it is the Maidan colour revolution that killed a million Ukrainians and that was obvious from the start when it installed a ZioNazi regime.

    A million Ukrainians were not killed in militia fighting. Just because you read something outside the MSM doesn’t mean you can assume it to be true. A lot of numbers are thrown around by pro-Putin bloggers that have no basis in reality. Have a look at the UN report for yourself:

    They estimate around 2,000 civilian lives on both sides.

    DPR and LPR lived in a de facto gray area where they were backed by Russia but not the world. There was never a “mass shelling event” by Ukrainian forces that has been repeatedly claimed by pro-Putin bloggers. I’ve asked many times for a source and nothing was provided. Just because the MSM lies doesn’t mean you can trust the word of someone like Ritter or Larry C Johnson. Fact check everyone. A pro-Putin blogger is not going to tell you that he will lie when he feels it is best for his side. Once you start fact checking people you will be surprised by how often these smaller youtube bloggers are clearly trying to deceive their audience. They use the same tricks as the MSM. It’s really disappointing to be honest.

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  110. @Haxo Angmark

    Russian Air Force + Hezbollah Shi’a fighters (not the SAA) has clearly stopped the Sunni southward drive. And I don’t think all the captured ground equipment is going to do the Sunnis much good; they have no air support, little in the way of triple-A (so far, only one Russian bomber shot down)

    I don’t think you can make such judgements for at least 48 hours.

    Yes the Russians are bombing them but I don’t see any troops on the ground. Which means after a few bombing runs the rebels will learn to not travel in groups with their guns out.

    This could easily spill over into other cities. We need a few days to see how far it goes.

    Allepo was suspiciously empty. Some have suggested a trap but it would make more sense to also add traps within in the city. A couple well placed machine gun nests would have made it much harder for them. Something is not right.

    Some Russian General is supposedly getting sacked over it. Wouldn’t the Russians see them coming by satellite? A lot of unanswered questions.

    •�Replies: @anon
  111. @John Johnson

    Look at this video of a mass surrender:

    Syrian soldiers wear military uniforms, those look like civilians who were rounded up. I had never heard of that news organization “Kanal 13” It is based far from Syria, so why is it producing reports. Its website provides the answer:

    We have received funding from the European Endowment for Democracy, the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the Open Society Foundations, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the Black Sea Trust, the European Journalism Centre, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Tbilisi, the Embassy of Switzerland in Tbilisi, the joint EU–UNDP initiative, the Confidence Building Early Response Mechanism (COBERM), the US Embassy in Tbilisi, as well as the International Centre for Journalists.

    So it was created and is funded by western intelligence organizations through their fronts, with the CIA’s NED being the biggest. Is posting this part of your covert disinfo job?


    •�LOL: Biff
  112. Notsofast says:
    @Joe Levantine

    great comment joe and now erdogan has the chutzpah to claim that ankara is committed to the territorial integrity of syria and wants the conflict there to be resolved in accordance with the legitimate wishes of the syrian people. his foreign minister blames assad for the resumption of large scale conflict, after the turks unleashed their wahhabist invasion force.

    i think mike whitney’s comment #8 and alfreds comment at #82, are spot on. now that the head choppers have been led out of their zato protection in idlib, they will be ground up , just like the zato terrorists in kursk. this will comeback to bite bibi on his big fat ass and erdogan on his duplicitous whizened backside.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  113. anon[684] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    “From the incoming Trump administration’s perspective, this would advance the returning president’s stated goal of “un-uniting” Russia and China, though some US officials might seek to obstruct this gambit

    With these possibilities in mind, Shoigu’s trip to Kabul can, therefore, be seen as part of a major power play designed to further Russia’s grand strategic goal of becoming a leading Asian nation.

    Of course, these plans could be impeded if ISIS-K isn’t readily defeated and it will still take considerable time even if that happens. But improved Russian-Afghan ties could shift the region’s geopolitical and geo-economic balance if even just part of Moscow’s plans come to fruition.”


    Russia has to find and kill ISIS whether the mercenaries in Sahel,Syria or in Afghanistan.

    Only the most clueless will not find the connection between ‘some US officials ‘ and ISIS-K or ISIS-L or ISIS Sahel.

  114. Anon 284 says:

    There are masked mossad agents in Tbilisi trying to provoke violence.

  115. anon[276] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    How many times do same lies need to be debunked ?Did you learn
    anything from past discussion on Syria.? Do you learn anything ever?
    Does your payer demand you feign ignorance ? Does your pay master
    demand that you keep on lying?
    Get a day job in some warehouse.

  116. @Sarita

    Sarita let the Pals get away with murder …

    Al-Nusra Front


    Upon the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, Islamic State of Iraq’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and al-Qaeda’s central command authorized the Syrian Abu Mohammad al-Golani to set up a Syrian offshoot of al Qaeda in August 2011, to bring down the Assad government and establish an Islamic state there.

    Golani and six colleagues crossed the border from Iraq into Syria, and reached out to Islamists released from Syria’s Sednaya military prison in May–June 2011 who were already active in fighting against Assad’s security forces.

    The six men who founded Nusra alongside Julani were :

    1_Saleh al-Hamawi (Syrian),
    2_Abu Maria Al-Qahtani (Iraqi),
    3_Mustafa Abd al-Latif al-Saleh (kunya:Abu Anas al-Sahaba) (Jordanian/Palestinian),
    4_Iyad Tubasi (kunya: Abu Julaybib) (Jordanian/Palestinian),
    5_Abu Omar al-Filistini (Palestinian) and
    6_Anas Hassan Khattab (Syria)

    •�Replies: @anon
  117. Sarita says:

    Very pretty lady

    Here she is

  118. Drake you says:

    Sisi in Egypt overthrown, Egyptian military crossing the sini. Jordan collapses and is crossing into Palestine.

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  119. @Tucker

    Astute observations, excellent post, thanks for this.

  120. Sarita says:
    @Drake you

    Let me know what you’re smoking; I want some 🤤🤤🤤

  121. bjondo says:

    This latest aggression by jews will be their end.

    And the end of Errdogone. Kiss your ass bye.


  122. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    West is now whore to zion, nothing more, nothing less.

    •�Replies: @NoBodyImportant
    , @Anon 284
  123. @John Johnson

    I blame Maidan for those killed during the SMO. Maidan did not install a truly democratic regime that gave equal rights to all nationalities, religions, political parties and the media but a violent repressive ZioNazi regime serving foreign interests. As such, Russian intervention was provoked and inevitable.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  124. @Angry Santa

    Russia’s doctrine is that there can be no world without Russia and if Russia’s existence is called into question then there will be no world, and they even have a “dead hand” response in case the government is taken out. Israel has something similar called the Samson option. I guess all nuclear powers have such doctrines and imagine the US also has a “dead hand” response. So there is no point in asking Russia to obliterate Israel. I know some Russians are threatening to drown the UK or annihilate it with a few nukes, but that is also pointless as the UK would then launch Trident missiles from its subs. You are calling for a conventional attack by Russia on Israel but if it is massive and overwhelming, Israel will reply with the Samson option.

    •�Replies: @Angry Santa
  125. Protogonus says: •�Website

    We must really talk of the road to Moscow, since the ultimate goal of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem is to return the Rothschild shill Khodorkovsky back to Russia and restore geopolitics to the status quo ante of 1945. Khodorkovsky occasionally resides in London–he makes no secret of his plans.

    All the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries have been manipulated by the Sanhedrin for its purposes and most lately the Ukraine War on behalf of Khodorkovsky. But why? What purpose is achieved by shedding all this human blood?

    The first thing to understand is that the Hebrews consider all the blood from all the wars merely ANIMAL blood, since only THEY are human. Moses the Sorcerer conceived this monstrous idea. The Hebrews organized as the Talmudic Monster endlessly developed Death Worship:


    Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

    Since the first Christmas, the wars ultimately have been about making the Sanhedrin comfortable in their intention to rebuild the long-lost Temple Mount (above the present “Wailing Wall”), restoring it to the “glory” of bloody animal sacrifice it had beginning in 516 B.C. (“Second Temple”).

    Before that, the First Temple (from King Solomon) lasted 957-586 B.C. As mentioned, Yahweh the God of Death demands blood, but not HEBREW blood. The animal blood shed in their temples is symbolic of the humans the Hebrews have slain with contempt and scorn for centuries.

    The Second Temple was allowed into the world by permission of the Persian King Cyrus (d. 529 B.C.). It disappeared after the siege of the Roman General Titus (72 A.D.) In the interregnum flourished a non-Christian alternative to the relentless Hebrew death worship–the ancient Greeks.

    In sum, the post-Soviet Kremlin with Putin & Co. (ca. 2003) began to assert an independent foreign policy, which is intolerable to the Sanhedrin and obstructive of its plans to uproot the Islamic Revolution, which has been the consistent goal of the Sanhedrin since the fall of the Shah (1979).

    With Trump’s help, the Sanhedrin will accomplish much more than victory over Tehran. By controlling the Persian Gulf the Hebrews will be able to coerce China to oppose Russia, and force Russia to submit to Khodorkovsky, and thereby please the Sanhedrin and satisfy Satan-Yahweh.

    •�Agree: John Trout
  126. The Americans know that Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani is located not very far away from their military camp in Syria but they do not seem to have the desire to capture him. Why ? Is he working with them ?


    Up to $10 Million Reward Offered for Information on the Leader of the al Nusrah Front, Abu Mohammed Al-Jawlani

  127. @Priss Factor

    Everything always have to be about race with these post on twitter, shit is annoying and boring. If Brown people gave that much of a fuck about each other, there wouldn’t be so much Brown on brown violence in Latin America and Mexico.

    •�Replies: @ariadna
  128. @Yababa

    Thys Iran is left alone, along with its militias, and the governments like Syria and Iraq refuse to get involved directly in fighting Israel.

    Video Link

    According to Lebanese political analyst Nidal Al-Sabe3 the president of Syria listened to the advice given to him by Mohammed Bin Zayed of the UAE. MBZ told Bashshar Al-Assad ” Don’t get involved, it is a trap. ”

  129. anon[684] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Charles Martel France

    The CIA and Pentagon have armed 21 out of 28 Syrian anti-government militias repurposed by Turkey into a mercenary “national army,” according to Turkish think tank SETA

    Many of these same US-backed groups participated in this week’s assault on Aleppo

    Here’s SETA’s chart showing US sponsorship of Syrian anti-government militias repurposed by Turkey as a mercenary force

    Many of these same groups fought in various coalitions with Al Qaeda/Nusra/HTS



  130. @Commentator Mike

    Obviously, Russia would have no reason to obliterate Israel unless Israel’s actions threatened the existence of Russia either directly or via some cascade of international events which can be easily foreseen. So, what we presently have is the classic Mexican stand-off until one of the parties goes for the kill. What you are saying is that the outcome will be the same no matter who takes the first shot–total annihilation of the human race. What all or most of the participants are saying is that remains to be seen. Each is trying to intimidate the others into surrendering without a shot fired–basically posing the question, “are you feeling lucky, kid?” Only the morons in Washington assume that they are pre-ordained to win because they are some higher form of life with innate prerogatives granted them by their imaginings of a hypothetical deity. They are most like the Israelis in that way. The baseless arrogance simply reeks.

  131. ariadna says:
    @John Johnson

    “Both Russia and Israel should go back to their borders.”

    What “borders” are those, Troll? Israel is the only state with no declared borders. Israel is a metastatic cancer that keeps expanding. How much of occupied Palestine would you include in those ‘borders,’ Troll? As much as it was in 1948? 1967? Now? Do the Lebanese and Syrian lands militarily occupied and stolen fall within them?

    There is absolutely NO similarity between Russia and Israel on this score, Troll. The only thing they have in common is the common agent against them: the global judaic drive to smash Russia and make the resultant fragments into easily accessible feed for the parasites, and to eliminate the Palestinians as a nation to grab its offshore energy resources and aggrandize the future hegemon in the ME.

    “You’re clearly bothered by nuanced thought.”
    There is nothing “nuanced” in your drivel, Troll. It is standard hasbara of blatant lies.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  132. @ariadna

    What “borders” are those, Troll? Israel is the only state with no declared borders.

    Why didn’t you provide the full quote:

    I’m in agreement with the UN on both Ukraine and Israel. Both Russia and Israel should go back to their borders.

    Do I need to explain what they mean in those votes?

    How much of occupied Palestine would you include in those ‘borders,’ Troll? As much as it was in 1948? 1967?

    I’ve said many times that I am for 67 borders. You clearly have a hard time with someone believing that both Russia and Israel are in the wrong. It breaks your brain and you lash out at me personally even though that is the position of the UN. You can’t separate Israel and Russia and make the irrational assumption that supporting Ukraine means you support Israel.

    Should we go ahead and pull UN votes on both matters?

    You and others here have a very hard time with nuanced opinion to where you find it outrageous that someone would have the same opinion of UN votes that were overwhelmingly against both Russia and Israel. I’m not sure if the open forum is something you can handle mentally. Do you at least accept the reality that the UN has ruled against Russia and Israel?

  133. Anon 284 says:
    @Priss Factor

    This post will give yababa a hard on

  134. @Commentator Mike

    I think that China is biding her time, staying out of the fray, but resolutely building up her defences. The Chinese have enormous internal problems to afford plunging into a useless war. Their youth unemployment is stubbornly high and they are still suffering the real estate boom indigestion. But if push comes to shove and the American ZOG government provokes a split between China and Taiwan, then the Anglo-American Empire will feel the wrath of the fighting Chinaman.

    •�Replies: @Charles Martel France
  135. ariadna says:

    Nobody can accuse them of being inexperienced

  136. ariadna says:

    The Houthis continue to harm and humiliate USrael:

    The Ansarallah movement, in coordination with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, carried out three military operations against Israeli targets within the last 48 hours, the group’s military spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced on Tuesday.

    According to Saree, two of the operations deployed multiple drones to strike Israeli positions in northern Israel, while the third targeted a strategic site in the Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat) region in southern Israel, also using drones.

    He confirmed that all three operations achieved their intended objectives.

    According to the Lebanese news network Al-Mayadeen, Saree “said the operations were in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their Resistance fighters and in response to the Israeli crimes against the Gaza Strip.”

  137. Agent76 says:
    @Priss Factor

    Know these fact’s about Al Qaeda.

    August 16, 2022 Al Qaeda: The Data Base By Pierre-Henri Bunel

    The article below describes the origins of Al Qaeda: The Base, by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.


    •�Thanks: ariadna
  138. werpor says:

    The United States is controlled by Jews. Jewish power emerged — after a long incubation period as a small predatory tribe of self interested ambition — in the years following the European discovery of America.

    The gold confiscated from the Aztecs and Incas flowing into Western Europe was so massively inflationary and destructive of the existing monarchies and the Catholic Church, few people except the Jews understood the essence of money — suddenly abundant and without the need for raising taxes. But instead monarchs began to fight one another while a great deal of the gold began to flow into Church coffers. The Church at least understood the need of ‘professional’ help to handle the massive inflows of gold. The hierarchy of the Church understood the newly overflowing coffers could fund the expansion of Church influence.

    Had the established monarchies understood a world suddenly awash with what was a limited means of exchange they would have harboured the gold and issued it slowly as currency. They continued to behave as though gold was still scarce. This meant conquering and making war against their neighbours. Spain could have lorded it over their neighbours using gold sparingly to coerce behaviours consistent with the power all that gold could have made possible.

    But rather the gold had power Jews most certainly understood. And they understood the psychology of those who would sell their souls to get their hands on it. Money and wealth set mens’ imaginations on fire. For most men then, as now, money begets power. Men lust over money because it can buy anything men desire and thus the material world began to subsume the urge to save their souls. The Church though, still sold indulgences. The price of a seat in heaven of course went up. Gold poured into Rome.

    And the costs involved in making war skyrocketed. Kings are no less greedy than anyone else. Every king wanted to be King of the World. Heaven they could buy! …And so could the means of making war. Raising vast armies began to cost more and more. More indeed than they could get their hands on. The Church had lots of gold. They hired professionals to handle it. And lending it at interest meant the gold would return safely to those who lent it. Here is where the Jew stepped in. They understood the nature of men, the nature of money, the nature of war, and the nature of mens greed.

    Their histories are one of constant antagonism and Christians and Jews never had aligned interests. It is certain some Christians and some Jews appear to have shared interests but to suggest their interests were aligned is a faulty assumption. Jews are masters of acting that it is so but their perfidy sooner or later is revealed. Jews are predatory, perfidious and parasitical — an invasive species — and venomous! They may not immediately kill the host but rather inject the host with ideological poison.

    They are consummate materialists. They imagine the Goyim are jealous! Why would they be?…

  139. @Joe Levantine

    The Chinese have enormous internal problems to afford plunging into a useless war.

    The Chinese in general know that they are winning and want peace to do business without disruption.

    Fear of disruption and not ” internal problems ” are preventing them from punishing the arrogant, aggressive and irresponsible Americans.

    The Chinese are capable of liberating Australia, New Zealand, ……let alone returning Taiwan to its right and natural place within the Chinese family.

  140. @Yababa

    I almost hear you singing ” Allah, Allah ya ba ba ……. ” but I am certain that deep down, you are not happy with the Turkish and American move.

  141. Plenty of tanks available if anyone wants to help back Assad:

    The fall of Assad or a split of the country would be good for Europe.

    It’s the best chance that the Syrians go home. Germany has nearly a million of them.

    Syria ending up with a pro-Israel regime would be a dice roll at best. They’d probably machete a few leaders before even deciding. It could just as easily turn into pro-Sunni, anti-Israel and anti-Russia state. The majority of Syrians don’t want Assad and they’re not going to forget that he has been propped up by Putin’s rent-a-thugs. Maybe the Iranians will bail out Assad but they seem to be disappointing everyone lately.

    •�Troll: ariadna
  142. RobinG says:


    Kathy Boylen of the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker in DC urges Pope Francis to go to Gaza. His belated call to investigate for genocide was pathetic. He should go see for himself.

    Contact the Pope’s ambassador in DC
    and implore Cardinal Pierre Christophe
    Email: [email�protected]
    Office: 202-333-7121
    For God and Gaza’s sake

    Our Father: For Kathy. Thanksgiving 2024

  143. Alfred says:
    @John Johnson

    You do realize that Ukraine has been in Kursk for months now?

    Do you realise that the Ukrainians and NATO have lost 36,000 of their best soldiers in Kursk?

    Far better to let them enter Kursk and then eliminate than than to attack their fortified concrete bunkers and tunnels in the Donbas. Common sense.

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  144. Alfred says:

    Glad to see you back

    Thank you for your kind words. These days, I do most of my commenting on


    The number of comments on UNZ is overwhelming. My stuff would drown here. 😊

  145. @Alfred

    Far better to let them enter Kursk and then eliminate than than to attack their fortified concrete bunkers and tunnels in the Donbas. Common sense.

    They don’t have concrete bunkers in Donbas.

    What do you think is more likely:

    1. They invaded on a whim and are now at a disadvantage and with no plan

    2. NATO used supercomputers to wargame a draw play and decided it would be worth the risk

    •�Replies: @Alfred
  146. 2.

    NATO used supercomputers to wargame a draw play and decided it would be worth the risk

    RISK: there’s your clue, neocons are playing board games. Putin plays chess.

  147. Alfred says:
    @John Johnson

    They don’t have concrete bunkers in Donbas.

    Over a period of 8 years, NATO built concrete defences with tunnels and much else underground all over the Donbas.

    Why do you think Russia uses 3000kg bombs?

    •�Replies: @John Johnson
  148. @Alfred

    Over a period of 8 years, NATO built concrete defences with tunnels and much else underground all over the Donbas.

    Stop making stuff up.

    DPR/LPR were in a contended status and Ukraine did not remove their unlawful governments. Russia claimed they were autonomous Republics while the UN voted that the region was Ukraine.

    NATO doesn’t build tunnels in Ukraine. In case you didn’t get the memo Ukraine is not in NATO.

    Kursk is a trap for Russia.

  149. @JWalters

    Fortunately, awareness of these swindles is spreading through the internet.

    Throughout the word…

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