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Government Officials Continue Claiming the Drones Are “Foreign”

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Previously: The Drone Hoax Continues

Phil Murphy is the lowest lace-curtain Irish scum. He will just say anything for Jews.

The Jews could put a green hat on him and he would get up on the table and dance like a nigger.

New York Post:

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy warned Thursday that the staggering influx of drone sightings over the Garden State the past few weeks — though harmless — is a “wake-up call” to the country’s vulnerability to potential foreign drone attacks.

“Now we can say this based on the most sophisticated drone detection systems on the planet that started to arrive in New Jersey last Friday and Saturday, there is no public threat here, period. I could say that unequivocally,” Murphy said on News 12 New Jersey’s “Ask Gov. Murphy” program.

But that doesn’t mean Jersey or the country as a whole is not at risk, he added.

The part that should worry really out there is the vulnerability that we as a nation have to drone incursions,” Murphy said. “It’s a big issue.”

Phil Murphy

The Democrat said the drone activity is “a benign wake-up call” to the US’s vulnerability to foreign forces — unlike, by comparison, the 9/11 terror attacks’ “tragic wake-up call.”

“Thank God nobody’s gotten hurt here, nobody’s gotten injured. Nobody’s — thank God — passed,” Murphy said.

But we as a nation are vulnerable. We must address that,” he implored. “We must address it sooner than later, and New Jersey’s not immune.”

They’re not foreign. There is no possibility of that.

Firstly, the government wouldn’t allow it.

Secondly and probably more importantly: why would foreign drones be following the government’s lighting scheme?

I listen to Dan Bongino because it’s the least offensive way find out what the establishment right is pushing, and he’s been trying to force people to believe these drones are from China.

It makes no sense. No one thinks it makes sense. Trump himself has said they’re from the US government, and he’s been briefed on this.

This is likely going to go the way of the “spy balloon” hoax, where the story will end unspectacularly, and never be resolved, but then these people promoting an anti-sino agenda will continue to bring it up for years and say “remember when China did those drones to New Jersey?”

At least no one believes they’re aliens.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology, Science •�Tags: Conspiracy Theories, Drones, UFOs
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  1. 1951 says:

    US govt is spying on us. So what else is new? Probably “Biden” is spying on wealthy MAGA supporters while he still has the chance.

  2. At least no one believes they’re aliens.

    Are we even allowed to use the A word anymore ?

    Maybe the drones are the new DHS way of moving the incoming migrants around the country, since airports proved to not be a stealthy to spread the cultural enrichment.

  3. More USian Psy ops. Perpetual us empire external Boogie man syndrome with a dumbo populace.

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