The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Alison Weir Barbara Honegger Ben Davidson Catherine Austin Fitts Christopher Bollyn David Ray Griffin Douglas Valentine Edward T. Haslam Ellen Brown F. William Engdahl Franck Biancheri Frank Morales Gary Null Gilad Atzmon Graeme Macqueen Hamid Gul Indira Singh J. Michael Springmann James Bacque James Corbett James Tracy Jim Fetzer Jim Garrison John Davis Jonathan Simon Judyth Vary Baker Keith Harmon Snow Kevin Barrett Kevin Ryan Marshall Auerback Max Keiser Michael Hudson Michael Ratner Michel Chossudovsky Ole Dammegard Oliver Stone Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Reese Erlich Richard Gage Robert Schoch Russ Baker Stephanie Kelton Steven Jones Suzanne Humphries The Saker Tod Fletcher Wal Thornhill Wayne Madsen Webster Griffin Tarpley William K. Black William Pepper Alain Parquez Alan Phillips Alan Sabrosky Ann Tomkins April Gallop Art Olivier Arthur Stamoulis Barry Kissin Bob Bowman Charlie Eaton Charlotte Dennett Craig Bartmer Dan Kovalik Daniel Estulin Darwin Bond Graham Dave Lindorff Dave von Kleist David Cay Johnston David Cobb David Meiswinkle David Miller David Talbott Dmitry Orlov Dongping Han Dorothy Naor Dr. Joel Wallach Eric Nadler Excerpts from Part Five of Evidence of Revision Francis A. Boyle Frank Morales. George Lakoff Georgia Kelly Gerard Colby Grace Aaron Gray Brechin Greg Glaser Jay Dyer Jay Kolar Jeffrey M. Smith Jeremy Scahill Jerome Corsi Jim Costanzo Jim Hogue Jim Stauber Joel Kovel John Decamp John Judge John McMurtry John Whitehead Jon Rappoport Joseph P. Farrell Joshua Landis Kevin McPadden Kevin Zeese Kris Millegan Kristina Borjesson Libbe Halevy Loren Goldner Lori Handrahan Mae Brussell Marc Armstrong Margaret Flowers Mark Crispin Miller Matt Gonzales Michael Collins Piper Michael Hoffman Michael Lerner Michael Rupert Michael Steinbacher Michel Collon Michel Shehadeh Mick Harrison Mickey Huff Mike McCormick Mike Whitney Mohamed Hassan Paul Connett Paul Craig Roberts Paul Cross Paul Zarembka Philip Giraldi Phillip F. Nelson Ralph Nader Richard Becker Richard Dolan Robert Weil Robin Hordon Roman Bystrianyk Rowland Morgan Sander Hicks Scott Paul Steve Seuser Steven F. Freeman Tim Canova Umberto Pascali Ying Lee
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Bonnie Faulkner Podcasts / F. William Engdahl
�Bonnie Faulkner Podcasts / F. William Engdahl

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Discussion of the crisis and geopolitical stakes in Venezuela; evaluation of Venezuelan heavy oil reserves in its Orinoco Belt (now the Chavez Belt) and the far superior grade oil in the vast oil reserves of the Guyana Esequiba region; China’s Belt and Road Initiative in South America and the Panama Canal; Bolton cites the Monroe... Listen
We discuss his article, The Dark Story Behind Global Warming also known as Climate Change and his book, Myths, Lies and Oil Wars; the International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, draconian recommendations based on computer models; neuro-linguistic programming; the Global Warming Petition Project signed by 31,000 scientists; climate and the sun's activity; analysis of... Listen
National Endowment for Democracy an NGO controlled by the CIA; Reagan Administration guarantees Soviets no movement of NATO eastward in return for peaceful reunification of Germany under NATO; top secret CONPLAN 8022 global strike capability activated June 2004 by Rumsfeld; fake NED and NGO democracy apparatus orchestrates both the Ukraine Orange Color Revolution of 2004... Listen
Failed CIA attempt to bring down the Communist state apparatus in China; George H.W. Bush’s involvements in China; US influences Chinese economic policy; 1989 student pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square; Albert Einstein Institute; Gene Sharp’s From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation; non-violence as a weapon of warfare; Soros’ Fund for the Reform... Listen
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), brainchild of Reagans CIA Director William Casey, designed to function as a public non-governmental organization (NGO), but surreptitiously as an arm of the CIA and State Department to covertly create pro-Washington regimes in strategic parts of the world; the four affiliate organizations of the NED; Soros Foundation; first target... Listen
Finance analyzed as power; Alexander Hamilton's First Bank of the United States; the War of 1812; central banking backed by the power of the state, but in private hands; a silent coup d'etat since 1945 by the international bankers of Wall Street; the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve as a private central bank; the... Listen
India withdraws 86% of the value of all currency in circulation; USAID; Project Catalyst; Global Innovation Exchange; Better Than Cash Alliance; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; UNICEF; UN Development Program; Mitre Corporation; the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the larger global agenda of total control; ECB set... Listen
Christian Crusades of the late 11th century; split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox; the War on Terror; WWI betrayal as incubator for Muslim Brother jihadists; Sykes-Picot secret agreement; Muslim Brotherhood in Nazi Germany; the CIA and the Muslim Brothers; Osama bin Laden; Azerbaijan and Chechnya; Muslim Brotherhood a death cult; T.E. Lawrence; Muslim World... Listen
We examine some of the early political appointments of the new Trump administration and the geopolitical shift in American foreign policy that it represents. The powers behind the Trump presidency - the Netanyahu Likud connected think-tank, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, including General Mike Flynn, Walid Phares; James Woolsey, and Michael Ledeen, among... Listen