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Actual targets hit in the April 14th missile strike on Syria; symbolic strike; chemicals would have created toxic cloud; facts no longer matter, only perceptions; Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation resolution blocked by UN; abandonment of international law, conflicts to be resolved by war; Russia announces ahead of time evidence Britain... Listen
What the destabilization of Syria is really about; the Responsibility To Protect (R2P); the violence in Syria; the rebels, who they are, who supports and trains them and where; the Free Syrian Army; the role of the United Nations; the Islamization of the Middle East as an intelligence operation; the role of Israel; the effect... Listen
Foreign journalists trip to Syria; religions and ethnicities; cities of Damascus, Qara, Homs and its Zahra Neighborhood and Hospital, Baniyas, Tartus, and Beirut, Lebanon; Russian Naval Base; death squads/snipers/ambushes and kidnapping; Syrian Army; foreign intervention. Listen
We discuss the evolution of the protest movement in Syria, media coverage and distortion, the Syrian opposition, the Turkey/Iran/Syria axis, Russian interests in Syria, and what the fall of Assad would mean. Listen