The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Alison Weir Barbara Honegger Ben Davidson Catherine Austin Fitts Christopher Bollyn David Ray Griffin Douglas Valentine Edward T. Haslam Ellen Brown F. William Engdahl Franck Biancheri Frank Morales Gary Null Gilad Atzmon Graeme Macqueen Hamid Gul Indira Singh J. Michael Springmann James Bacque James Corbett James Tracy Jim Fetzer Jim Garrison John Davis Jonathan Simon Judyth Vary Baker Keith Harmon Snow Kevin Barrett Kevin Ryan Marshall Auerback Max Keiser Michael Hudson Michael Ratner Michel Chossudovsky Ole Dammegard Oliver Stone Peter Dale Scott Peter Phillips Reese Erlich Richard Gage Robert Schoch Russ Baker Stephanie Kelton Steven Jones Suzanne Humphries The Saker Tod Fletcher Wal Thornhill Wayne Madsen Webster Griffin Tarpley William K. Black William Pepper Alain Parquez Alan Phillips Alan Sabrosky Ann Tomkins April Gallop Art Olivier Arthur Stamoulis Barry Kissin Bob Bowman Charlie Eaton Charlotte Dennett Craig Bartmer Dan Kovalik Daniel Estulin Darwin Bond Graham Dave Lindorff Dave von Kleist David Cay Johnston David Cobb David Meiswinkle David Miller David Talbott Dmitry Orlov Dongping Han Dorothy Naor Dr. Joel Wallach Eric Nadler Excerpts from Part Five of Evidence of Revision Francis A. Boyle Frank Morales. George Lakoff Georgia Kelly Gerard Colby Grace Aaron Gray Brechin Greg Glaser Jay Dyer Jay Kolar Jeffrey M. Smith Jeremy Scahill Jerome Corsi Jim Costanzo Jim Hogue Jim Stauber Joel Kovel John Decamp John Judge John McMurtry John Whitehead Jon Rappoport Joseph P. Farrell Joshua Landis Kevin McPadden Kevin Zeese Kris Millegan Kristina Borjesson Libbe Halevy Loren Goldner Lori Handrahan Mae Brussell Marc Armstrong Margaret Flowers Mark Crispin Miller Matt Gonzales Michael Collins Piper Michael Hoffman Michael Lerner Michael Rupert Michael Steinbacher Michel Collon Michel Shehadeh Mick Harrison Mickey Huff Mike McCormick Mike Whitney Mohamed Hassan Paul Connett Paul Craig Roberts Paul Cross Paul Zarembka Philip Giraldi Phillip F. Nelson Ralph Nader Richard Becker Richard Dolan Robert Weil Robin Hordon Roman Bystrianyk Rowland Morgan Sander Hicks Scott Paul Steve Seuser Steven F. Freeman Tim Canova Umberto Pascali Ying Lee
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�Bonnie Faulkner Podcasts / Hamid Gul

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US Pakistan Relations; the war in Afghanistan; the Haqqani Network; the Taliban; the bombing in Kabul of the US embassy and CIA headquarters; the assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani. Listen
Background on the US/Pakistan relationship; CIA contractor Raymond Davis; US raid on alleged Osama bin Laden compound; the attack on the Mehran Naval Station in Karachi, the Pakistan Taliban; the Chicago terrorist trial and informant David Headley; Mullah Omar; the way forward. Listen
Financial and fiscal austerity policies; the appeal of economic austerity to bankers; economic depression and war; post-WWII vs. post-cold war economic policy; government to government grants vs. commercial lending; the euro and dollar; privatization in New Zealand and elsewhere; social unrest; speculation and prices; criminalization of the economy; impoverishment of the US. Listen
Pakistani General Hamid Gul explains that the US war in Afghanistan was doomed from the start. As a military professional with a distinguished career, he identifies the key factors that determine success or failure in war, and shows that the US is failing in almost every area, including long and insecure lines of communication, an... Listen
We discuss the events of September 11th; Osama bin Laden; General Gul's famous interview with Arnaud de Borchgrave; US invasion of Afghanistan; drone attacks; Pakistan's military operations in the Northwest Frontier, US Special Forces; destabilization of Pakistan; the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Listen
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
Becker update V1.3.2
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
How America was neoconned into World War IV
Teach your children well.