As a young man in the 1970s I always enjoyed observing the characteristic behaviours of the various races I saw around me in the English cities where I lived. For example, I was intrigued by the way older Black men played dominoes in the doorways of empty shops on the Golborne Road in west London, round the corner from my bedsit. When gaining an advantage, they would slam their tiles down with a shout, sometimes getting out of their seats to do it. It would have been hard to imagine them quietly playing bridge in a social club.
But it was only when I moved to South London twenty years later that I came to see just how different from White people Black people are. I especially noticed the behaviour of “rude boys”, this being a traditional Jamaican term for anti-social young Black men.[1]The term “rude boy” appears in Desmond Dekker’s 1967 song “007 (Shanty Town)”, which begins with the words: “0-0-7, 0-0-7 / At ocean eleven / And now rude boys a go wail / ‘Cause them out of jail / Rude boys cannot fail / ‘Cause them must get bail”. A “rude boy” was also the subject of the 1979 song “A Message to You Rudy” by the Specials. Although by the 1990s the term had been replaced by “ragamuffin”, I use “rude boy” here because it is more descriptive.
Every day as I rode my motorcycle to or from work in another part of South London, I was inconvenienced three or four times by anti-social driving. When I looked at the offending driver, I usually saw a Black face. “That’s funny”, I thought. “Why are so many anti-social drivers Black?” Noticing that they were rarely old or female, I started looking to see how much of south London’s anti-social driving came from young Black men. It was three weeks before I was inconvenienced by someone of any other description.
In a typical scenario I would be riding along a main road such as the Albert Embankment when I would see a car approaching down a side road, which instead of stopping and waiting for me to pass would join my lane so that I had to brake to avoid going into the back of it. I sensed that these drivers wanted to show that they had got the better of me. They had forced me to give way to them when I had the right of way.
If I didn’t have the braking distance, they would continue as though they hadn’t seen me and then just as I was preparing for a collision would slam on their brakes and stop right at the line. I gathered that this was supposed to be some kind of joke. They had made me expect a crash before in effect saying: “Ha ha, not really!”
One day I was riding along a residential street when an oncoming car moved onto my side of the road and stopped right in front of me, staging a nose-to-nose confrontation. After nonchalantly dialling a number on his mobile phone, the driver, a young Black man, reversed and went off, having at no point looked at me. This time the message seemed to be that he was in control. I would proceed at his pleasure, nor was it incumbent on him to acknowledge my existence.
This kind of thing happened so often that I began to wonder whether young Black men didn’t have a conception of themselves as slave-masters with White people as their slaves. One day I was walking down the road when I heard a shout from a young Black man standing by a parked van. He wanted to borrow a pen, so I gave him one, which he took without speaking or making eye contact. After spending some time writing something on a piece of paper, he extended his arm, again without looking at me or saying anything, holding the pen. He had finished with it. I could have it back.
Another time, I was walking down the left-hand side of a thoroughfare with a side road ahead of me to my left, which a car behind me was about to turn into. I slowed down to let it make the turn, after which I would be able to pick up speed and cross the side road. But as soon as the car turned, it stopped dead, right in front of me, so that under my momentum it was all I could do to avoid walking into it. Had I done so I imagined that I would have been roundly attacked by the young Black man at the wheel for taking insufficient care.
I came to recognise this kind of trick as typical of rude boys, who would set up situations where a White person’s normal behaviour could be held against them with an implicit accusation of being anti-Black. Similar behaviour was documented in a travel guide to Jamaica, which spoke of the psychologically disturbing games played on visitors by obstreperous and confrontational young Black men, who would suddenly say out of nowhere: “What matter? You got sometin’ against me?”[2]Christopher Baker, 1996, Jamaica: A Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet, p.62. Here was the essence of anti-racism as an expression of racial politics: the false accusation.
Yes, I had become so interested in rude-boy behaviour that I was reading up on Black people even to the extent of buying travel guides to Jamaica without having any intention of going there. It was only later, however, that I saw the resemblance between the anti-social young Black man on the street and the one in a suit, the activist, who used the same technique of false accusation. It was a while before I started investigating the politics of race rather than just the anthropology.
But it wasn’t only White people who were targeted by the rude boys of the street. They might target anyone. One day I was walking down the same thoroughfare to post a letter when I saw the following five things. A young Black man parked his car so that it stuck out enough to take out a lane for other drivers. Another nosed his way in from a side street so that other drivers had to steer round him or give way. A third, going down the middle of the road, saw a car coming towards him and instead of moving to one side to let it pass, stayed in the middle. Young Black men were constantly creating deadlocks of this kind, which became showdowns between their manhoods. Fourthly, a young Black man reversed into the road from a side street, forcing others to stop for him. Finally a young Black man stopped his car in the middle of the road and stayed there conversing with his passenger, who at length got out. There was nothing unusual about seeing this much anti-social driving during a ten-minute walk. For the rude boys of South London the road was a stage on which to demonstrate their prowess, which was measured by the amount of inconvenience they could cause for others.
Rude boys produced similar behaviour as pedestrians. Once, I was walking down the road when I saw ahead of me two Black couples talking. If they had drawn in a bit I would have been able to pass them on the pavement, but as I approached, a man enlarged the group by stepping towards the kerb so that I could only pass them in the gutter. I wondered whether he had done it consciously or had acted out of a purely instinctive urge to obstruct.
One got involved in the pedestrian version of the Ha-ha-not-really game as follows. A young Black man approaching on a collision course would continue until the last moment, when he would nimbly step aside as though to say: “You didn’t think I was going to knock you over, did you?” This game was mentioned in a childhood memoir of London in the 1980s. Referring to a Black classmate, John-Paul Flintoff wrote: “Samuel Thomas scares women in the daytime, and old men. He walks towards them on the pavement and, just when they’re passing, he swings his hand out so they think he’s going to thump them — but all he does is, he looks at his watch!”[3]John-Paul Flintoff, 1999 (first published 1998), Comp: A Survivor’s Tale, London: Indigo Orion, p.180.
As with the rude boy’s car or physical person, so with his bicycle. In my part of South London, young Black men habitually laid their bicycles across the doorways of corner shops behind them as they went in so that no one could enter or leave until they had finished their business. Everyone seemed to accept this as entirely normal. I never once saw anyone question a rude boy’s right to assert himself as top dog in this way. I must admit that I deferred to rude boys myself in these situations. Who wants to get a black eye or a broken jaw? But I did start to get a little tired of rude boys after living among Black people for a few years.
I wondered how a race could have evolved to be like this. Surely any society depends on a degree of co-operation among its members, I thought, and couldn’t see how natural selection could have favoured a race whose young men were devoted to the opposite of co-operation. Only later did I see that such people could form the basis of the sort of society that appeared to exist in sub-Saharan Africa and had apparently existed there for centuries. The crudest and most cunning would rise to the top, which could continue generation after generation. There was no particular reason why civilisation should appear.
I also wondered whether the fact that I had noticed the anti-social character of many young Black men meant that I was a racist. I was fairly sure that most people would say that it did. How could it be acceptable to notice an unwanted fact about another race, especially Black people? But I couldn’t see how it could be wrong to make an observation and eventually decided that our problem was that we were not allowed to make observations. The problem was not racism but the the concept of it, which forced us to close our eyes or at least say nothing. This only made social reality worse, for if the behaviour of rude boys could not be taken in, let alone commented on, they would be induced to behave even worse than they were already doing.
[1] The term “rude boy” appears in Desmond Dekker’s 1967 song “007 (Shanty Town)”, which begins with the words: “0-0-7, 0-0-7 / At ocean eleven / And now rude boys a go wail / ‘Cause them out of jail / Rude boys cannot fail / ‘Cause them must get bail”. A “rude boy” was also the subject of the 1979 song “A Message to You Rudy” by the Specials. Although by the 1990s the term had been replaced by “ragamuffin”, I use “rude boy” here because it is more descriptive.
[2] Christopher Baker, 1996, Jamaica: A Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet, p.62.
[3] John-Paul Flintoff, 1999 (first published 1998), Comp: A Survivor’s Tale, London: Indigo Orion, p.180.
Man, are you people obsessed.
No, just observant.
All being pushed from behind the curtain by oligarchs of semiteness. They indeed will NOT have blacks in THEIR ‘special’ nation
Reinds me of the scene in the movie “Young Frankenstein” where the monster says: since I cannot inspire love, I will create terror (or words to this effect).
Their problem is not that we hate them but that they hate themselves. And we react in kind, as we must. And those who profit most from divide-and-conquer are there encouraging us both, every step of the way.
Are you sure about that?
Are the authors of the “pro-white” website?
Blacks are dysfunctional, cannot “behave” in normal civil society and should be repatriated to the African continent. I don’t care where ((they)) go as long as it is out of civilized American society.
Black DNA IS different; violent African tribal mores are the norm.
Disputes are “settled” with violence, not with logic and reason. Instant gratification is the rule, not the exception. The DNA for logic and reason does not exist within the black psyche. Blacks thrive under a “strong man” form of government, where one’s status is determined by proximity to the “chief”.
Keep in mind that African blacks have never inventing anything. From the wheel, to mining the wealth of minerals beneath their feet, to wondering “what is beyond that ocean or river”, blacks do not possess the DNA for future planning or exploration.
I realize that almost everyone has interacted with a “good black”. However, truly “good blacks” who accept the “rules” for living in civilized society are few and far between. When the SHTF, black tribal instincts will take over and gullible whites will “pay the price”, possibly with their lives.
Fatigue resulting from having to deal with and coddle this dysfunctional race is not only tiring, but getting to be truly intolerable. Whites who “walk on eggshells” to avoid possible by violence by blacks are doing themselves and white society a disservice.
I, for one, am tired of pandering to this dysfunction subset of (sub)humanity…
Here goes…
You seem like the kind of guy that assholes of every race, color, and creed love to push around. I myself would like to lift you off your feet with a wedgie.
What the author is describing is entitled, arrogant and impulsive behavior. Non-cooperative, lacking empathy, self-centered, confrontational. Not only do they want what’s theirs, but they want what’s yours too: the sidewalk, the road, your money, your life. Probably also deriving pleasure from the suffering of others (schadenfreude).
All the hallmarks of sociopathic behavior, the antithesis of “civilized”.
One great big societal “wedgie”.
If you think their driving in London is bad you should try the roads in Lagos sometime.
White Man! WHY are you so worried about being “racist”?
Learn how to FIGHT, in every single way.
Birmingham, UK, rush hour, in a “slip road” onto a major road, Highgate Middleway I think. Traffic completely stopped and solid.
Black guy decides he’s had enough of queuing like a mug, reversing lights on, three (or more) point turn in the traffic, daring anyone to object, back up the slip road against the traffic, other drivers avoiding his eyes – if he’ll do this, what else might he do? – and he makes his way back up.
Now there are plenty of bad white youth drivers – the Max Power brigade you occasionally read about in the inquest reports. But they generally care about their motors too much to start playing dodgems.
I have been fortunate to not have been around blacks most of my life, having said that, I’ve been well prepared for them, having read all about them. Having read about the worst experiences people have with American blacks, I always expect the worst from them and have always avoided them. In the times that I’ve had interactions with them, the American blacks are the worst, Jamaican blacks intermediate and African blacks are the best. The African blacks seem to be the exact opposite of American blacks in demeanor. I would never want to live around any of them, but given the choice, I would pick the African blacks over the Jamaican or American ones any time.
“Blacks thrive under a “strong man” form of government, where one’s status is determined by proximity to the “chief”.”
Blacks don’t “thrive” under any system, you should say that they do their best under such a system.
I played dominoes with a Jamaican girl and she had that same ritual. Slamming them down. I asked why and she said it was not a game of dominoes if that was not done.
I prefer chess.
On all fronts, America is disintegrating into a real live, boots on the ground, Hieronymus Bosch painting. The country we knew, is already dead and the country we will come to know, will be controlled by the very rich jews, Acela Coridor elites and bumptious beadle Nazis in Federal Government cubicles giving orders of the day to the FBI-Deep State.
The silver lining to this (I know, because I live in a blue city.), is that the cops are not coming very fast if at all and when they do, crimes rarely get solved.
If you are disguised appropriately and armed, you can even now, embrace the violence that is visited upon your head every day by sub human, atavistic, genetically inferior filth and cauterize your physical and mental wounds in the fires of retribution.
Organize, embrace the violence and use that violence with no quarter.
Northern Ireland violence inflicted upon our enemies is at least, some salve on the lacerations so frequently inflicted upon those who still believe there is a Rule Of Law.
There is NO rule of law and YOU must take responsibility for your safety and that of your family.
The cops are not coming and if they do show up, they will arrest YOU white boy.
They do similar things here. It’s their only means of projecting power. Imagine being so powerless, so incompetent, so pathetic that your only means of power is making people stop their cars while you saunter across the street.
“What’s your superpower?”
“I walk across the street really slow so people have to stop.”
“That’s not a superpower. That’s just you being an asshole.”
No Joe, African blacks are not better, they are still adjusting to their new circumstances and will very quickly start behaving just like the American blacks. The British mentality of not causing offense and apologizing profusely does not exist in Africa, queues are made to be jumped, as are robots (traffic lights), there is no order except the law of the jungle, which means that might is right.
Here in South Africa the worst is the black minibus (vans) taxi drivers, when they want to drive slow you have to wait behind them, when they want to drive fast they will hoot and overtake on yellow lines or into oncoming traffic. Its not that they are inconsiderate, its just that they don’t consider others, they only consider themselves. Its not personal, its just business. I’ve seen the same thing with the Jewish mommas in their multi people vehicles, they are clueless about others, only they and their objectives exist. The number of traffic accidents in my area is horrendous due to Jews, they forget to stop at stop streets or stop with half the car into the intersecting roads, they want to overtake on roads full of dog walkers and joggers, a marked and designated 2 lane road they want to turn into a 3 lane.
Some lack something in their brains that tells them that others exist and have a right to exist. Such folk are just not suitable for civilized existence with others, or even with themselves. You will note that the majority of Jews don’t stay in Israel.
‘No Joe, African blacks are not better, they are still adjusting to their new circumstances and will very quickly start behaving just like the American blacks. The British mentality of not causing offense and apologizing profusely does not exist in Africa, queues are made to be jumped, as are robots (traffic lights), there is no order except the law of the jungle, which means that might is right.
Here in South Africa the worst is the black minibus (vans) taxi drivers, when they want to drive slow you have to wait behind them, when they want to drive fast they will hoot and overtake on yellow lines or into oncoming traffic. Its not that they are inconsiderate, its just that they don’t consider others, they only consider themselves. Its not personal, its just business. I’ve seen the same thing with the Jewish mommas in their multi people vehicles, they are clueless about others, only they and their objectives exist. The number of traffic accidents in my area is horrendous due to Jews, they forget to stop at stop streets or stop with half the car into the intersecting roads, they want to overtake on roads full of dog walkers and joggers, a marked and designated 2 lane road they want to turn into a 3 lane.
Some lack something in their brains that tells them that others exist and have a right to exist. Such folk are just not suitable for civilized existence with others, or even with themselves. You will note that the majority of Jews don’t stay in Israel.’
Less radically, I used to make my living as a courier driving around L.A. Not having much to think about but seeing a lot of driving, I started collecting data.
I only counted incidents where I saw some instance of noxious driving without having first noticed the race of the driver, but could then identify the race; I wanted my data to be as objective as possible.
Blacks worked out to be ten times as noxious proportionate to their representation in the overall driving population as other ethnic groups.
In South Africa the blacks use the generic term muntu as a generic, non-descriptive term for a person. The term does not inform the hearer of the age, sex or any other information pertaining to the person. Whites here have shortened the word to munt, or munts for plural persons and have coined the term “entitlemunt” for this form of behaviour. It is exacerbated by the individuals belonging to a race which considers itself to be permanently discriminated against.
Powell warned them. Blacks are a negative for any country in the world they live in.
I agree. Blacks tend to be one-dimensional and boring. Black American culture, always overrated, has degenerated completely. They’ve got nothing to offer, except recrimination and dysfunction. I understand why white men factor them into their daily thoughts: often times blacks represent a threat to body and property. But we need to put geography between us and them; and when it’s impossible to avoid them maintain situational awareness and a defensive posture. Otherwise do not squander precious time and energy on them: they tend to be extreme racists and are not worth a particle of head space.
You’re perfectly welcome to disappear. Then whatever would we do?
Probably what you do now; spend your lives impotently whining, watch porn, and ride around Wal Mart in your carts spending your disability checks on BBQ grills, and salty snacks.
Guess what, jogger. The author wasn’t the one engaging in the anti-social behavior; it was yo fella soul brothas. We’ll stop noticing when you people stop chimping.
Not in my neck of the woods…
Honkees is straight GOIN’ GOTHAM in this jaynt, and this is just in the last munff.
Thanks for cherry-picking, jogger. But the good news is that most readers on this site can tell the difference between dog-bites-man (black shenanigans) versus man-bites-dog (White shenanigans).
Thanks for cherry-picking, jogger. But the good news is that most readers on this site can tell the difference between dog-bites-man (black shenanigans) versus man-bites-dog (White shenanigans).
How is it cherry picking when they are all from the same city in the same month?
It’s cherry-picking because you know you were searching for White misdeeds. If I did likewise for any given black-infested city (e.g., Camden, Detroit, Gary, Chimpcongo) for any given month (especially during the summer months) the blotter likely would run too long for anyone to care to read; it would become just too monotonous.
This is one of the things that pisses me off about BLM. Why should I consent to being harangued about black lives supposedly mattering, when you people are bumping each other off like it’s going out of style? I’m not complaining, because fewer joggers is of course a good thing. It’s just the goddamm hypocrisy of the whole conversation that I find unacceptable.
This is going to be a major problem with AI cars. Humans on foot will bully them mercilessly. The arforities will have to make new laws.
Lets get real here, shall we? You know it’s the White Spaniards doing the bulk of the heavy lifting in yo city. And even with the small percentage of munts they seem to be represented still on almost every page.
Although he did find a few Whitey (probably strung out meth heads) problem children, the attached website shows who truth likes to call “white peepoh” and who they really are in reality. Hispanics I’ve said are only marginally better than munts when it comes to criminal stupidity, clearly cluttering up the bulk of Bernalillo County’s arrest numbers. Yeah, there are some Whites on those pages but look at the population numbers. Funny how even though the blek population is very low there they still seem to be represented just as much as Whites in the mugshots.
Lets get real here, shall we? You know it’s the White Spaniards
I was searching a violent crime (mostly murder) site for the month of April 2023, which happens to be where we are.
Stephen Bailey and Stephen Powell are Hispanics?
Matthew Hunter is Hispanic?
Samantha Shull is Hispanic?
Jennifer Key is Hispanic?
John Eugene Bearden is Hispanic?
Braxton McCarty is Hispanic?
Kristina Whitrow and Kristian Crespin are Hispanic?
New Mexico is the second most violent state in the US. Your peeps are making it PURE HELL Here, I’m gonna move somewhere safe like Baltimore.
If you say so troofie. You also believe the sun is 1500 miles from the earth, which you seem to think is flat as well. Do you work for the FBI? They seem to find it convenient to lump Whites in with spics too when tabulating crime stats, I wonder why.. I guess anything and everything that adds to their marginalization is fair game now.
Hey numb nuts, did I say there were no Whites in your story? I simply pointed out (correctly I might add) the overwhelming majority of arrests in the county where you live are bean eaters, proven by the link I put up for superhonky. There were nearly as many munts in those mugshots as there were Whites and they’re supposedly only 4% of your city’s population.
Here, I’ll post it up again real slowly so maybe you can understand it.
Honestly I really couldn’t give a hoot about who does what in your city, it just surprises me with a name like truth, the actual truth escapes you so often. Things like the earth being round, and the sun being 93 million miles away from us and the center of our solar system. And nig-grows and Spics having violent crime rates that far exceeds the White race, even with the high numbers of assholes we have in it. The difference is unlike dickheads like you we don’t make excuses for our scumbags, we just want them locked up far away from civilized society. Unlike the cunts in DC and corrupt DA’s in munt infested toilets that seem to do everything they can to return these walking hyenas back into circulation to reoffend.
Ok then do that search for Memphis, Gary, Detroit, Camden or Chimpcongo, and see what you come up with. Naggers truly are a plague.
At least in the US, all COVID mandates are finished.
Let’s see what difference it makes in America’s bantustans.
US to lift most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week
You’re wrestling with a [pig]. You get all hot and muddy, and the [pig] just enjoys it.
It’s one of the reasons I’m fairly sure ‘Truth’ can’t be more than half-black, genetically. A full-on black wouldn’t even be bright enough to engage in this rather low form of provocation. It’s some form of mulatto.
Why… that’s TWO compliments this week Collie, thanks much.
I call them compliments, because I get the feeling, from reading your posts, that this is the same level of praise you give your wife and kids.
Lol.. I guess that’s why he refuses to admit what I posted to him with his county’s mugshots.
In a society in which might is right, or with female sexual freedom, male aggressiveness is selected for over conscientiousness. Humans and near-humans were around for a long time before civilisation formed.
More accurately: such blacks as there are (e.g., in Occupied Palestine) will be treated precisely as one would expect blacks to be treated by the average Eastern European hovel-dweller.
About 2% of the Jewish population of Occupied Palestine are Ethiopian Jews – “The Beta Israel” or “Yehudey Etyopyah”.
There has been an organised Jewish community in Ethiopia since the time when Palestine was occupied by the Roman Empire. That’s 400 years before the real Ashkenazi communities in the Lower Rhineland were founded, and 7 or 8 centuries before the source of mankind’s current grief – the fake Ashkenazim from the lice-infested hovels of Eastern Europe.
It makes sense that a proselytising religion – as Judaism was at the time – would infest nearby places before the farther ones. They got the Jesus cult early on, too.
Ethiopia is a lot closer to Palestine than Khazar Country – which is where the majority of American Jews originate. The Neocon Ferengi-lookin’ motherfuckers don’t look remotely Semitic.
OK, so Ethiopians aren’t the same type of blacks as US negros: they’re finer featured, and more ‘dark orange’ than black. Ilhan Omar for example.
The health authorities of Occupied Palestine were caught throwing away blood donated by Ethiopian Jews during blood drives: in the 1990s, then again in 2013, and again in 2019 qnd AGAIN in 2023: the fucking scumbags didn’t even keep it for any Ethiopian Jews who might need a transfusion… they just disposed of it.
In 2013 an Ethiopian Jewish MK – who was raised in Occupied Palestine from the age of 3 – was barred from participating in a blood drive. She wanted to donate blood; the MDA was asking people to donate; she turned up – and she was told that her blood was no good because it was
“the special kind of Jewish-Ethiopian blood ”
… meaning HIV-infected.
On top of that: the Eastern European fuckbags who dominate the political/bureaucratic class in Occupied Palestine, were dosing Ethiopian Jewish women with depo-provera without obtaining their consent.
This is the bureaucracy to whom the US sends TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars of ‘aid’.
So – Zelensky isn’t an aberration: he’s the norm.
We might think he’s a corrupt racist authoritarian fuckbag who bans all other political parties and shut down all media, but to Nuland and the rest of the Kagan Khazar Kabal, he more than passes muster for the receipt of TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars of ‘aid’.
Do you now anything about the East Africans and Eritreans that allegedly enter Israel through the Sinai border guided by Bedouin ‘coyotes’? What about the ‘Black Hebrews’ who come from the USA?
Inviting West Indians to settle in the UK after WWII proved more destructive than a German invasion would have been. In all major English cities whites are no longer the majority and mixed race children are becoming the norm rather than the exception. R.I.P. Britain
I wouldn’t doubt what you are saying, the African blacks I’ve been around are in a minority so they generally behave. Once they get their confidence, they’ll probably just act as their genes instruct them to.