It is useful when considering politics, including racial politics and sexual politics, to be aware of cheer words and boo words. As an example of a cheer word, the philosopher Jamie Whyte gives “justiceâ€, where “what it means is not perfectly clear but, whatever someone takes it to mean, he will think it’s a good thingâ€.[1]Jamie Whyte, 2005, A Load of Blair, London: Corvo, p. 48. Jamie Whyte calls cheer words hooray words. Boo words are the opposite of cheer words, an example being “racismâ€. What this means is not entirely clear, but whatever it is, it’s bad.[2]The categories of cheer words and boo words overlap with those called purr words and snarl words by S. I. Hayakawa in Language in Thought and Action (1949). “Democraticâ€, for example, is both a cheer word and a purr word. “Fascist†is both a boo word and a snarl word.
The sort of meaning that is unclear in cheer words and boo words is what the linguist Geoffrey Leech calls conceptual meaning, which is meaning as we normally think of it: that which tells us what a word denotes. It contrasts with various other sorts of meaning, including what Leech calls affective meaning, which expresses the speaker’s attitude to what is being talked about.[3]Geoffrey Leech, 1981 (1974), Semantics: the Study of Meaning, 2nd. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, p. 15. It is characteristic of cheer words and boo words that while their conceptual meanings are elusive and weak, their affective meanings — positive for cheer words and negative for boo words — are evident and strong, so strong in many cases as to overwhelm their conceptual meanings. Thus even if one were to specify, no matter how carefully and laboriously, a concept of racism that made racism excusable, one would not get far using the word in this sense, which would be defeated by the word’s negative affective meaning. This is as certain as it is that no matter how one defined justice, any argument saying that this was something a society could have too much of would fail because of the word’s positive affective meaning. The tendency of cheer words and boo words to elicit a cheer or a boo is built into them, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
It follows that cheer and boo words are of little use in rational conversation unless their conceptual meanings are specified — and, for practical purposes, specified in such a way as to line up with their affective meanings. Otherwise it will be impossible for anyone to be sure, or at least for everyone to agree, what is being discussed, while their affective meanings will arouse emotions not necessarily grounded in any conceptual material that might have been conveyed. If you want to be understood, it is better to use words with known and accepted conceptual meanings. If you do not want to be understood, on the other hand, but wish to befuddle and mislead, perhaps because you are a politician or a demagogue, you will find cheer words and boo words just the ticket. They enable you to gain support without saying anything or to get your audience to cry out against things you have not identified.
As Geoffrey Leech puts it: “the greatest dangers to intelligent communication come with cases where the affective meaning becomes a major part of, if not the whole of, the messageâ€.[4]Ibid., p. 45.
(Geoffrey Leech, 1981 (1974), Semantics: the Study of Meaning, 2nd. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, p. 15.) Therefore statements such as that one intends to promote justice or stands firm against racism in all its forms, which we hear all the time, are not in the business of intelligent communication. They are in effect tautologies, saying little more than that the speaker favours the good and is against the bad.[5]Note incidentally that the formulation “racism in all its forms†seeks to evade not one but many tasks of definition.
Cheer words and boo words do not necessarily just exist but can be created. This involves minimising a word’s conceptual meaning and maximising its affective meaning, but it can only be done by a meaning maker, such as a parent vis à vis a child or the mass media vis à vis a society. We can trace the process whereby the media, over a period of fifty years, turned the word “racism†from denoting a degree of aversion to people of other races, which is pretty much a human universal, into the worst of sins, which can ruin a person’s life if detected in them while being hard or impossible to define.
Minimising the word’s conceptual meaning occurred almost automatically, by a process known as concept creep.[6]Nick Haslam et al, 2020, “Harm inflation: making sense of concept creepâ€, European Review of Social Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 1. If it is bad to be averse to people purely because of their race, as might be generally accepted, and if one sees oneself as the nation’s moral legislator, as the media see themselves, one will be tempted to apply the word to anything that can be done regarding race of which one disapproves, from where one will proceed to apply it to anything else regarding race that one wants to stop people doing. Eventually the word will denote so many different things, some the opposites of others, such as treating people differently by race and failing to do so, that it might as well mean nothing.
Maximising a word’s affective meaning is accomplished by modelling the desired reaction to it. Thus commentators, when mentioning something they want people to deplore, act as though anyone would be scandalised that such a thing might be done, thereby telling their audience that it would be wrong to do it. When people start being punished for offending, as when a White character in a soap opera is shunned for mocking something said by a Black character, or when a White contributor to a discussion is hissed at by the rest of the studio audience for expressing concerns about the behaviour of Black youth, the viewing audience sees that the offence is serious. This goes on without the media needing at any point to explain what is supposed to be wrong with the behaviour being condemned. Reason doesn’t come into it as they shepherd the public into the desired moral position.
To sum up the process of making a word a cheer or boo word, it is essentially a matter of creating a conditioned reflex. By multiplying the word’s conceptual meanings to the point of disappearance and making its affective meaning massively predominant, the meaning maker causes us to associate its mere sound with the idea of goodness or badness, and so we feel joyful anticipation or disapproval and revulsion as the case may be. In doing these things the meaning maker follows Ivan Pavlov, who conditioned his dogs to associate the sound of a bell with the idea of being fed, which made them salivate. We end up reacting to the stimulus automatically, our thinking minds playing no part.
The case of an expression like “anti-Semitism†is slightly different in that this has a determinate conceptual meaning, which it wears on its face. As long as we ignore the fact that Arabs are Semites too, we can see that it means being against or disliking Jews. To make “anti-Semitism†a boo word it was therefore necessary to concentrate mainly on maximising its affective meaning, which is to say conditioning us to see disliking Jews as bad, in contrast to disliking the French or Germans, say, which we could continue to do with impunity. This again was accomplished by modelling, not by reason, as can be confirmed by reflecting that we have never heard an argument to say why disliking Jews is bad: that is, unless you call it an argument to suggest should this sentiment arise in us it would mean that we wanted to exterminate the race, for having misgivings about the behaviour of Jews, we have been encouraged to believe, would be equivalent to commissioning the construction of gas chambers.
Thus the media place Jews in a special class simply by acting as though they were in one, and we pick the idea up. It is the same back-to-front process as with “racismâ€, whereby we accept that something is bad because we see it disapproved of rather than disapproving of it because we think it is bad: a process that can occur because we accept the authority of the media or other meaning maker. Once “anti-Semitism†is established as a boo word, it is too late to enquire what Jews have done to deserve their special status. How dare one ask the question when Jews are such special people?
According to a count of all the words used in books published between 1960 and 2019, “anti-Semitism†is top dog among racial boo words, coming far ahead even of “racismâ€, let alone such comparatively paltry failings as xenophobia and White supremacy.[7]American Renaissance, Dec. 1st 2023, “Words the Left Uses Against Usâ€, Video Link. So while racism in general is bad, this particular variety of it is gigantically bad, which might have something to do with the fact that the mass media and publishing industry are largely owned by Jews.
As the gold standard of racial badness, and indeed of all possible badness, anti-Semitism acts as the measure of other offences, so that it is asked, for example, whether anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. People have gone on demonstrations holding placards saying that it is not. If they are mistaken, then anti-Zionism is a no-no, whereas if they are correct it is OK. What can never be doubted is that anti-Semitism is as bad as bad can be.
Since the expression has a determinate conceptual meaning, it behooves Jews to make this as comprehensive as possible. The more it covers, the more we can be condemned for doing and hence the more we can be controlled, not just by Jews but by others on their behalf. Thus in 2016 the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) produced a document defining the offence. This document, which shows that it is not for nothing that Jews are known for being clever with words, justifies a digression.[8]The original document no longer seems to be available online. The text and some illustrative examples can be found at .
It starts by quoting the Stockholm Declaration of 1972, which presupposed that humanity was still scarred by anti-Semitism and stated that the international community had a solemn responsibility to fight this evil. The scars presumably still existing 44 years later, or seventy-odd years after the event the IHRA exists to remember, the suggestion is that the countries of the world still have this responsibility. Thus the IHRA seeks to get the rest of the world to side with Jews against their enemies.
The document describes its definition of anti-Semitism as only a working one, yet its authors wanted governments and other bodies to sign up to it in its presumably provisional form. The bodies duly complied, including the British government, which adopted the definition promptly, followed eventually by the Labour party, both of which therefore committed themselves to a form of words that might avowedly change at a later date.[9]The Labour party adopted the definition two years after the Conservatives “after a long struggle against a fierce campaign in its favour†(Morgan Jones, Sept. 4th 2019, “Labour’s Fictitious Anti-Semitism Problemâ€, ).
According to the oft-cited definition, anti-Semitism is “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jewsâ€. What perception this might be the document does not say. What does it mean by hatred? Again it doesn’t say, so we can suppose that hatred could be a strong aversion, such as some people feel for cabbage, or perhaps a tendency to disagree with Jews, as when those who disagree with transgender activists are said to hate transgenders. Then again it could be the sort of thing that makes one embark on a programme of genocide. All the definition really says is that anti-Semitism is an unspecified perception.
To fill out this rather minimal concept, the document provides examples of anti-Semitism, the first being “the targeting of the state of Israelâ€. It concedes, however, that criticising Israel isn’t necessarily anti-Semitic. If the criticism is “similar to that levelled against any other countryâ€, it can be legitimate. In other words, as long as Israel behaves no worse than other countries, it can be criticised, but if it goes further, the excess must pass without comment.
Rather than considering whether anti-Semitism might be provoked by things Jews do, the document describes it as a tool used by presumably appalling people to accomplish further ends, such as charging Jews with conspiring to harm humanity. Anti-Semitism is also, according to the document, “often used to blame Jews for ‘why things go wrong’â€. The implication that one has a perception or emotion for a purpose, intending to “use†it, rather than perceptions and emotions just arising, supports the idea that having them can make one guilty.
The document reifies anti-Semitism, seeing it as something that goes round doing things. For example, anti-Semitism “employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traitsâ€. Naughty anti-Semitism! How could it employ negative character traits when the Jewish character, as is well known, has no flaws?
Other examples include alleging that Jews control the media, which is a “mendaciousâ€, “dehumanising†and “demonising†idea and moreover a “myth†and “stereotypeâ€. This verbal outburst rather suggests that Jews do control the media, or why would the IHRA protest so excessively that they do not? To see how excessive the protest is, one might ask how it can be mendacious, dehumanising or demonising to say that somebody controls something.
It would also be anti-Semitic, according to the document, to deny the fact, scope or mechanisms of the holocaust, which again might raise the question of how well the official version of this event could withstand impartial investigation. Otherwise, why try to deter such investigation? Also we know that in practice not only denying these aspects of the holocaust would be regarded as anti-Semitic but also merely questioning them. On top of this it would be anti-Semitic, says the IHRA, to accuse Jews of exaggerating the holocaust, which means that it can be anti-Semitic to state what appears to be a plain fact, for Jews still make their six-million claim more than thirty years after the number killed at Auschwitz alone was officially reduced by almost three million.[10]In 1990 a plaque at Auschwitz stating that four million people were killed there was replaced by one reducing the figure to 1.1 million.
Nor must we say that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the other countries in which they may live. American Jews, that is, are no more loyal to Israel than they are to America, which may be doubted in view of the passionate comments made by such American Jews as Ben Shapiro about Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians.
Scrutiny of the IHRA’s document thus perhaps reveals more about Jews than it does about their critics, making one wonder whether Joseph Sobran was not right to say that an anti-Semite is not someone who dislikes Jews so much as it is someone Jews don’t like.
Especially notable about the document is the fact that at no point does it explain in any reasonable fashion what is wrong with disliking Jews. For example, if it is anti-Semitic to say that Jews control the media, so what? What is wrong with saying that Jews control the media? Attempting to justify the idea that this is bad in terms of dehumanisation and so forth is silly. The document defines a boo word purely on the strength of the fact that it is already a boo word, relying on our existing conditioning to make us accept that we mustn’t do whatever it describes as anti-Semitic.
Coming out of the digression, we can note that when a word has enough conceptual meaning for different opinions to be possible as to whether what it denotes is good or bad, it can be a cheer or boo word for some but not for others. Thus “equality†is a cheer word for many. No one who advocates something in the name of equality needs to say equality in what respect or even necessarily equality between what or whom to raise a cheer from such people. The mere word, with no referent attached to it, is enough. But those who find variety the spice of life or are aware of the horrors that have been wrought by history’s equalisers have less time for equality. This difference of opinion is possible because when all is said and done we know what “equality†means conceptually, namely sameness, and opinions differ as to whether this is desirable. The difference of opinion is also made possible by the fact that the media have yet to complete the process of making “equality†a universal cheer word, at which point every last person will be a mindless devotee of this supposedly glorious ideal.
The power of cheer words and boo words to affect our thinking is illustrated by the word “freedomâ€. Being a cheer word, this is used in the most preposterous ways, which we unthinkingly accept. Rousseau’s statement that man is born free yet everywhere is in chains strikes many people as a profound truth, yet what could possibly be less free than a new-born baby, which is utterly dependent on its mother? “Free at last!†is something everyone wants to be able to cry, yet who really wants to be free? About the most appealing thing a woman can say to a man is that she is his, to do with as he wills. She doesn’t want to be free but will be only too happy if he takes her on, makes all the difficult decisions and takes responsibility for all the disasters. Every day we see how women value freedom less than security, nor are men necessarily that fond of it. Who wants to go to work and be allowed to do as he likes? One wants a boss to deprive one of that freedom and tell one what to do. Yet another fact that shows how limited can be the attractions of freedom is that in America many emancipated slaves returned to their erstwhile owners asking to be taken back.[11]In “The day freedom came†(1901), Booker T. Washington described the gloom that descended on many former slaves when they realised that they would now have to provide for themselves. Gradually, he reported, the older ones began to go back to the “big house†to have whispered conversations as to their future (included by Christopher Ricks and William A. Vance in The Faber Book of America, 1994, London: Faber and Faber, pp. 198-99). The idea that we innately and always love freedom is a delusion, created in part by the word’s cheer factor.
The conclusion of this discussion must be that it is good to be aware of how we have been conditioned to react in certain ways to certain words. This awareness is needed if we are to undo the conditioning and think. We should also be aware that the media and other meaning makers are at this moment trying to condition us or to intensify our existing conditioning. Their goal is to put our minds out of action. We shouldn’t let them.
[1] Jamie Whyte, 2005, A Load of Blair, London: Corvo, p. 48. Jamie Whyte calls cheer words hooray words.
[2] The categories of cheer words and boo words overlap with those called purr words and snarl words by S. I. Hayakawa in Language in Thought and Action (1949). “Democraticâ€, for example, is both a cheer word and a purr word. “Fascist†is both a boo word and a snarl word.
[3] Geoffrey Leech, 1981 (1974), Semantics: the Study of Meaning, 2nd. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, p. 15.
[4] Ibid., p. 45.
[5] Note incidentally that the formulation “racism in all its forms†seeks to evade not one but many tasks of definition.
[6] Nick Haslam et al, 2020, “Harm inflation: making sense of concept creepâ€, European Review of Social Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 1.
[7] American Renaissance, Dec. 1st 2023, “Words the Left Uses Against Usâ€, Video Link.
[8] The original document no longer seems to be available online. The text and some illustrative examples can be found at .
[9] The Labour party adopted the definition two years after the Conservatives “after a long struggle against a fierce campaign in its favour†(Morgan Jones, Sept. 4th 2019, “Labour’s Fictitious Anti-Semitism Problemâ€, ).
[10] In 1990 a plaque at Auschwitz stating that four million people were killed there was replaced by one reducing the figure to 1.1 million.
[11] In “The day freedom came†(1901), Booker T. Washington described the gloom that descended on many former slaves when they realised that they would now have to provide for themselves. Gradually, he reported, the older ones began to go back to the “big house†to have whispered conversations as to their future (included by Christopher Ricks and William A. Vance in The Faber Book of America, 1994, London: Faber and Faber, pp. 198-99).
Just more Communist language games by our Israel Overlords. Since reality or phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct, the Jew knows that language can be utilized to pervert perceptions & program whites into Antifa Commie nutjobs.
Arabs are Semites too? Who are the other Semites? The Gypsies from around and north of the Black Sea who identify as Jews? Um, yeah, no they’re not Semites. They are less Semites or Jews (as in coming from Ancient Israel and Palestine) than Adm. Richard Levine is a woman.
Arabs are Not “also Semites.”
Arabs ARE Semites.
Jews (Ashkenazim) are NOT Semites.
Elementary semantics, my dear Watson,
but also true.
The Jews should hire a full time stat-man to
keep adjusting down the holohoax death totals.
Not Funny:
Gaza has a full time statistician to track
the daily rising death total, the missing
and the wounded.
Diversity is a cheer word for the normie simpleton.
Tl;dr version: Sometimes a word’s connotation supersedes its lexical meaning, particularly in mass media and political discourse.
There, I just saved you guys a lot of time. Thank me later.
One might coin the phrase, “Semite antics”.
“Nor must we say that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the other countries in which they may live. American Jews, that is, are no more loyal to Israel than they are to America…”
Not just American Jews – most American politicians have pledged their everlasting loyalty to Israel, merely in order to qualify as candidates for office.
Someone please tell me why the arabs are not using oil to force a decision that can HUMILIATE these jewish sadists?
A very useful and well written piece. We are in Mr Knight’s debt. (I hope I am justified in inferring the proper title from his Christian name – gosh, just reading the article has made me feel as free and giddy as a young girl!)
While the article tells us nothing that is particularly new, everything in it is of great importance; and I suspect that much of it is unknown to many of today’s citizens. All children should be taught about the difference between denotation and connotation – and why it matters so much. And adults benefit from being regularly reminded.
Very funny: Gaza needs to be obliterated
Using secular science invented during the last 100 years to deal with language, which is thousands of years old. First of all, you assume this type of science is correct, and this is the correct approach to discuss things related to language. BUT, in doing so, you leave out the religious level (here it’s Judaism), which explains language differently. Let me just say – the Word of God. The religious level also includes religious law. That is left out completely. Out of this level arises Power, which manifests in various currents, e.g. money, politics, health, intelligence, prosperity, sucess, etc. Secular science of the last 100 years, and especially the Humanities, is absolutely lame at explaining how the world works, and why it’s there and is like that, in the first place. One could argue that old school religion fares a little better in doing this. Or if you are e.g. a Zionist, or Islamist, etc. – that it explains exactly and correctly, with nothing to be added or taken away. So essentially, this is a secular, ‘scientific’, ‘Marxist-Communist’ approach that reduces people to dogs hearing a whistle. Please try to explain: what is language, and what makes it work non-stop all around the world – for thousands of years. You haven’t done anything until you have explained that.
Jews wrote “good” books to instil guilt and self-loathing in white people. But Jews couldn’t prevent all white people from continuing to write “bad” books that invited readers to think rationally by themselves. People who think by themselves are by definition “anti-semites” because they aren’t keen on worshipping a “chosen people”. So Jews degraded the education systems to make new generations functionally illiterate to the point of making youth altogether averse to reading organised thought. It is much harder to sell “anti-semitism” to people whose thought is disorganised but who see the deaths and destruction that Israel is inflicting on Gaza. The gut reaction to Israel’s behaviour is horror. Hence the reaction of young people. Evil uses entropy to advance its goals and always ends up destroyed by entropy. Hence the absurdity of Zionist evil.
U.S. has become increasingly isolated at the UN over its backing of Israel as the civilian death toll in Gaza mounts.
Language has been so corrupted as to produce in people visceral reactions to words that preclude any thinking.
The worlds ‘religion’ and ‘government’ are positives in most people’s minds because they’ve been propagandized their whole lives to consider them essential and a requirement for civilization itself to exist. They never examine what’s been done in the name of religion and government very closely because different standards are applied to the gods of heaven and the gods of earth.
Today, the moslems and jews are having it out in Gaza, both a political and religious expression of how influential the nonsense of religion is in people’s lives. That the jews want a country of their own stems from a purely religious idea that has been transformed into a militant action through the gang mentality known as government.
To show just how propagandized most people are, I offer my Anarchist’s Dictionary for your perusal to provide the correct meaning to words.
Language is the perfect instrument of empire.
Antonio de Nebrija, Bishop Of Avila, 1492
We think in language. The quality of our thoughts and ideas can only be as good as the quality of our language.
George Carlin
Over many decades language has been used to provide an alternate reality for the masses of people that don’t question how they have been subtly propagandized to not see what is clearly in front of them. Below is a translation of the euphemisms commonly employed to deceive the public to the point that they question why everything appears out of their control without understanding the real reasons. Once the proper language is used to analyze current events, things start to make more sense. Reverting to a language devoid of indoctrination techniques gets to the root of the problems we face.
a: A geographic region where one criminal organization, known as the government, defines the laws that make their predations ‘legal’.
b: An open air prison where government permission is required to leave their jurisdiction in any significant way.
c: A ranch or farm where the tax cattle are corralled to continuously steal their labor over their entire lives.
a: Mafia
b: Most successful criminal organization in a geographic region.
c: A confidence operation designed to offer only false choices to a population through mechanisms like voting, poling for popular sentiment and other measures designed to deceive.
d: Murder Inc. Government allows themselves to kill their own and other’s populations for purely manufactured reasons with no accountability or consequences to those implementing the policies.
e: A gang with a flag and anthem.
president, prime minister, head of state etc:
a: Mafia Don
b: ‘Big Guy’
d: Best actor, liar during the highest priority election.
a: A spectacle organized by the political parties to allow the gullible part of the population to think they have a say in how the government is run.
b: A theater presentation courtesy of the political parties that display the talents of the best liars and actors available that also have no morals and desire to preen before adoring fans.
a: A place where arbitrary ‘laws’ are made to cheat the citizenry and subjugate them ‘legally’.
b: One ‘branch’ of government for plausible denial ability so it and the other branches are never held to account for any government policy.
c: A place where existing ‘laws’ are stricken or revised to make any new government initiative ‘legal’ and to make previously legal activities ‘illegal’.
a: Mostly arbitrary rules designed to manufacture crimes that can’t identify a victim or property damage for the purpose of extracting fines and controlling the population.
b: A mechanism to micro manage the society, especially through economic and coercive means to funnel wealth to the oligarchy that should belong to the working population.
c: A mechanism that confers ‘titles of nobility’ through ‘licensing’ on a segment of the population where such licensing involves payment to government periodically for the privileges bestowed and to secure votes in future elections.
d: A mechanism to ensure that just living peacefully can usually lead to some statute that’s been violated for the fines or control it offers.
a: An activity of governments that takes away your natural right to be able to sell it back to you along with restrictions on how you may use what was naturally yours.
b: A ‘Title of Nobility’ that emphasises that all men are created equal but some are more equal than others.
a: Tax cattle.
b: Slaves to the oligarchy.
c: Cannon fodder during times of war.
d: Usually totally propagandized people that want to be told how to live their lives.
e: People suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
passport, identity documents of any kind:
a: The government’s title of ownership for any individual within their geographic region that allows the government to dispose of that individual any way they like by inventing ‘laws’ for the purpose.
a: A disagreement between two or more governments that requires their citizens to die in large numbers till the most successful purveyor of violence, death and destruction is deemed the winner of the conflict and gets to invent the history entry to be taught as propaganda.
b: A distraction employed by government when their policies have failed.
c: An economic opportunity for the financial class, political class, weapons manufacturers and their hangers on to profit from pure destruction.
a: Properly aged propaganda where the otherwise useless, known as ‘historians’, invent stories designed to shield powerful organizations like government or religion from its wrongdoing or to exaggerate claims of good deeds.
b: A lie repeated often enough, especially to young impressionable minds, that is thereafter considered truth.
a: A place where young minds are propagandized to think only approved thoughts about the controlling organizations of the society, like the government and religious institutions.
b: A detention center for children where they are given just enough education to become useful to the oligarchy after age removes them from the school system regardless if they have learned sufficient skills to benefit themselves or the society as a whole.
a: Continuing ‘education’ for adults to reinforce propaganda absorbed when in school.
b: The attempt to monopolize information to suppress ‘wrong think’.
a: Theft of labor to support the oligarchy.
b: A mechanism that has the victim pay the salaries of the government enforcers to keep him oppressed.
c: One of the funding sources governments use to thwart the will of the people.
d: An arbitrary assessment against anything the government decides can be identified as taxable.
e: A more modern and sophisticated version of the highwayman of old; ‘your money or your life’.
a: A place where government agents pretend to honestly adjudicate disputes involving government policies.
b: Part of the Criminal Justice System and ‘branch’ of government that manages to ignore the original foundations of law to enact tyranny under law.
Criminal Justice System:
a: Criminal protection racket.
b: An entity with many parts so that they each can claim they are doing their job but on the whole crime remains always out of control.
c: Where laws are enforced or not depending on the whim of some bureaucrat.
d: Where the fraud of ‘police protection’ prevents people from using their natural right of self defense to create defenseless victims for the criminals to victimize.
e: A system that includes prisons where the violent are given food, clothing, shelter and medical care for years for free that the labor of the population actually pays for.
f: A system that releases the violent to continue victimizing the population, using the nonsense of ‘served their time’ as the excuse.
a: An organization of professional killers specifically granted an exclusion from ordinary laws by the government it serves, staffed with the amoral and most stupid of the society willing to take orders without question.
street cops:
a: Enforcement arm of court and laws system staffed by the losers of the society with a mean streak that want to dominate those they encounter. Many ex military that liked killing the innocent.
a: The process that allows the most gullible to continuously select their next disappointment in the never ending desire to find the impossible – a decent politician.
a: Low IQ individual willing to waste time and emotions on a completely controlled process.
b: Doesn’t learn from decades of experience.
c: Cultivated by the oligarchy as the useless idiots that are the intended audience for elections.
a: Identical to a democracy but without the theater of elections. More honest in its outright contempt for the citizenry.
a: A money substitute that is actually a debt instrument, created by the collusion of government and the banking mafia, condoned and rationalized by economists.
a: A member of a completely fraudulent profession with various ‘schools’ of thought that disagree with each other.
b: Whore for the government and bankers that will write up a justification for any and all government and banking policies. If one economist won’t cooperate with a policy, the next one will.
I knew Whites in America were doomed when I read an actual sentence, similar to this, in The New Yorker:
Boo Words? Not so cute, not so Sesame Street.
It is the language of genocide.
It’s because the arab countries have most of their investments abroad. If they choose to lower oil production, their assets could be frozen.
Remember the Russisn oligarchs?
Post Russiagate, post scamdemic, we have arrived at a place where the meaning makers and authorities in the West have lost all credibility with a significant portion of the population, probably for good.
The Jews and woke globalist corporatist Uniparty types have overplayed their hand. And legions of deplorable racist Russian bot anti-vaxxer nazi insurrectionists are not scared of their words anymore.
How about s-l-o-w-l-y moving the goal posts or definitional hypertrophy.
Over the last 50 years the Mainstream Media Lefties have expanded the definition of ‘racism’, which used to mean actual Birmingham city Regulations and now means ‘merely noticing race’.
And ‘anti semitism’ which used to mean mandatory yellow armbands; but now means merely criticizing Jews.
Don’t forget any positive statements regarding White people are now interpreted via defintional hypertrophy as ‘White supremacist’
All the while other groups(BLM, ADL) are not ‘Black Supremacists’, or ‘Jewish Supremacists’.
In contrast they are fighting for social justice?
In Double Standard Land we operate incrementally by Definitional Hypertrophy.
The kind of linguistic analysis and philosophical enquiry that Mr Knight has delivered is exactly the kind of endeavour that only White people appear to take an interest in or be capable of.
Hey, what about the Hitlerian pogrom by Gazan children against the Jews on October 7th?
See, the Israeli Jews are simply bombing Hitler youth in Gaza who were responsible for the pogrom. Have some sympathy for the pogrom survivors!
They use other boo words within the definition of a boo word–literally boo words stacked upon boo words. The mendacity of these people!
In our times, when perception for many people is formed through mass media and social media, certain words are charged to produce a conditioned reaction. The actual meaning of these words may be unclear, but the definition is entirely irrelevant because it is the reaction that matters. By surrendering our agency and reacting to external stimulus, the sad state of the world is revealed. Hopefully the sharp clarity of this article can help cut the strings that the puppet masters use to control society.
Perhaps there is something to be said for the Native American movement to decolonize our minds. From an article, To Decolonize our Minds, Start with Words:
“The Western mindset continues to be a primary source of domination, and a little-noticed paradox makes replacing a colonized mentality easier said than done: The English language I am using to write this article has been designed to reinforce and maintain the domination I want to end. We cannot end colonizing patterns by continuing to think and act in ways that maintain those patterns.”
Leftoids and war mongers have their own “boo words”, including the particularly degenerate fake term Islamophobia.
Angela Merkel’s Welcome Rape-ugees policy continues to devastate Christian lives in the Europe. These crimes cannot be properly investigated, reported, or punished because of Islamophobia. Do you remember the Muslim run Rotherham grooming gang?
Honest discussion about Muslim migration is risky. Why are so few advocating the obvious answer to protecting Christians in Europe?
����� Muslim Colonies are the problem
� Muslim Decolonization is the solution
Imagine how much better life in Germany, France, the UK, and other European countries would be with no violent Muslims contaminating Christendom.
Step #1 towards this goal is eradicating the “boo word” Islamophobia.
Since reality or phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct language can be utilized to pervert perceptions & program us.
Very few of us live in reality but in pseudo reality/fiction. It’s almost impossible to live in reality. If you want it you must do hard work to correct all you have been conditioned to.
Our brains have been marinated in nonsense for so long that we are afraid of anything that might disturb our erroneous belief system.
For ex. Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong as Ron Unz writes. And that’s only a tip of the iceberg.
The questions that really should be asked are: What is a Semite or what is Semitic?
I can tell you what it is not. It certainly is not a description of a religion or a religious-based identity, except in erroneous usage.
Semitic accurately describes a group of languages: Arabic, Aramaic, Chaldean, Hebrew, Syriac, etc. So does a native speaker of a Semitic language constitute a Semite? If so, then it is clearly not an ethnic description either.
Good article.
Listening and reading are active processes not passive.
If one is not aggressively parsing both the denotative and connotative meanings of words within the context in which they are being presented or framed, then one is easy meat for the mendacious likes of the ADL.
Most of you are food.
Once you have passively accepted another’s definition of a term, then you have already lost control of the narrative. You can forget about the debate.
This is precisely what has happened with the term “anti-Semitism”. It has been allowed to socially metastasize for the last 50 years just like a cancer.
And here we are… terminal.
“Language is the perfect instrument of empire.
We think in language. The quality of our thoughts and ideas can only be as good as the quality of our language.”
Thanks. This could interest you:
Words versus world /excerpt form the link
…The most famous attack on Jewish verbosity, of course, came from Richard Wagner who heavily critiqued his Jewish musical contemporaries for their preoccupation with speech ‘for the sake of speaking, rather than with the object that first makes speaking worthwhile.’â€
And what does make speaking worthwhile? It’s to communicate truth, first and foremost.
…There’s a basic division in life between those who think that reality should govern words and those who think that words should govern reality. Those in the first group try to conform their words to reality. That is, they try to speak the truth.
Those in the second group try to control reality with words. That is, they have no respect for the truth. Instead, they’re interested in something else, like power or benefiting some identity-group.
Cheer words, Boo words, meaningless words ! With 16 comments on this non-article it seems readers are as interested in it as last months intestinal explosions.
At one time the cool jargon was “awesome”, “amazing”. When my boss’s secretary told me he wears “totally amazing ties” I knew it was time to wear earplugs to shut out all this verbal tripe. Recently “no problem” was in fashion and now replaced by “no worries”. Yesterday I thanked the clerk at McDonalds for making my coffee. “No worries” was the reply ! Huh ? What does that teenie bopper vocal vomit mean ? “No worries” for a cup of premade coffee ?
Everyone wishes everyone “have a nice day”. The fact is neither they nor I care who has a nice day or ends up in a fatal accident.
We have entered a dimension where language has devolved into bullshit ! Words, no longer mean anything or rather, they have become meaningless.
These days everyone seems to be an anti-semite, a Nazi, a narcissist, racist ,a self hater, a homophobe, an Islamophobe or whatever hogwash erupts from the mouth of the grieved ignorant. I am told this is to shut up the opponent. It seems to me though that one party has nothing to say, no points to make and so resort to silly name calling. The point has been reached where even calling someone a cocksucker has no effect, means nothing.
My tried and true advice is the next time some idiot mouths a word salad of cheer or boo words, just laugh in their faces and agree. It REALLY unnerves the cheerer or booer. They expect indignation, a denial, a defence. Instead they get mockery. LMAO
Too much jibba jabba…
Shit talk or talking shit.
Something interesting is that constructed affective words can backfire.
For example these affective words:
“Genocidal Jewish race supremacists are destroying Gaza in a challenge to tolerance, diversity and human rights.”
These particular affective words aren’t supposed to be used this way.
Is there an official compilation of “anti-Semitic tropes†from the ADL yet, or is this open-ended? Should Greenblatt add criticism of “so-called genocide,†“so-called war crimes,†and “so-called organ harvesting†to anti-Semitic tropes?
Is it true that so much as a whiff of criticism of Congress, the State Dept., Justice Dept., DHS, dual loyalty, open borders, espionage, atomic spies, communism, official 9/11 narrative, the CIA, FBI, pornography, fentanyl deaths, cancel culture, Wall Street, Hollywood, publishing, debt slavery, rootless cosmopolitans, etc, are all anti-Semitic tropes? Just asking.
Yet another first post by Nico. This creature seems to have little other purpose in life than to scan this site and do the ‘in B4’. Although I agree with much of the comment.
As for the article, has its points of interest, only a very few new to me, but pretty good. I particularly liked the correct use of ‘advocates’, get tired of yanks always using ‘advocates for’ lately. The latter has a meaning in English-language legalese, otherwise not.
Sup, X. They air hyping, yo. Tear the roof off the mutha, yo.
Cue: Turn This Mutha Out by MC Hammer
And you haven’t explained anything either.
One needs to reduce words to their original meaning, and why they evolved into other meanings.
If the analysis is truly scientific the study of language is without bias.
The F word, the use of which is highly recurrent by blacks, somehow has not lost any of its impact as what I will call neither a boo word nor a cheer word but rather a scare word. For whites, I will suggest the category of words that manifest the speaker’s (Hannity, for example) limitations: Um, and YuhKnow. Years ago, YuhKnow was used after one has basically made one’s point, and that utterance meant, all right, enough said. Now however, YuhKnow is uttered prematurely, where the speaker might be going anywhere at all. What is especially telling about disrespect for the intelligent use of language is that Google now prioritizes “audience reviews†of films above the Ebert review. After the audience review has told us that the film is amazing, Ebert will explain how (not merely what) to think about the movie. As Long John would succinctly say, Arrgh!
Excellent brainstorming and accurate alt-definitions.
May I add:
Voter: a person repeating the same action, getting the same outcome, not realizing the outcome is the same as before; or
a person who obediently executes an action that has no change in outcome.
Ah.. yours are better!
Dear Zionists,
There will be no victory in your artifice of words.
Everyone else
Elephant Talk:
Video Link
Nico X is the white supremacists version of the retarded jew settlers in the west bank.
His kind is ever worse because they go around killing the innocent Sikh people because the Sikh got beards and head turbans. White supremacists are so stupid they mistake the Sikh for Muslims.
90% of white supremacists come from the white ghetto and are bastards;
The most confusing day for white supremacists like Nico X is father’s day.
They love mongoloid Trump specially when he twistes his head and body when talking racist shit.
Twistes and tweeks as if he just took a hit of crack, crack made of cocaine courtesy of my country Colombia.
Cocaine: the poor man’s white atomic bomb against the Evil Empire….
They even find it at the white house
So Nico X shithead,
join the president’s son and take a nice hit.
The value of an individual vote matches the reward, a paper sticker that says, “I voted,â€while the value to the state is priceless, enabling Congress to fund Israel’s war crimes and genocide in our name.
My favorite is the substitution of the word “gay” for sodomite or sodomizer…. Or Even ” The sodomized. ” Gay is so amorphous rather than the descriptive former term. Well done Jewbags!
Play that Doors song “The End”
How do you like them Polacks? Always sucking up to the West for approval.
Hymie has no jedi mind tricks in his knapsack.
His knapsack is full of funny money and blackmail.
Without credibility these immorality plays fail.
The dinosaur media is near extinction.
How many people still watch this rubbish?
Not a lot, I would say.
Chutzpah is a myth believed by con men.
Asking people to die off so ghettos can take their place is the siren song of judenvermin.
Hymie bets it all on black.
Good luck with that, imbeciles.
Crayola politics is even now biting their ass.
Other policies will also boomerang back.
Identifying as a racial group, for one.
Discrimination against other races, another.
White Men are learning in group advantages.
They are grasping ethnocentrism as policy.
White Men are the best thing on Earth.
They have the ability to learn and adapt.
This entire exercise was a teachable moment.
No more brother wars in Europe.
The meat puppets are an expendable asset.
They were just tools for education of European students.
You’ve forgotten Jeudeo’s sidekick – Christian.
“Compassion”, “Tolerance”, “Victim, victimize, victim-hood” are the refuge of the christian and post-christian white suburban dingbat victim-wannabe, male, female, shemale & etc. These are ones reliably voting for the end of Western Civ on account of “Racist”.
Blaming just the media is like blaming the messenger for the message. It’s one message that do-gooder Christians want to hear.
The ownership-class are pushing to conceptualize the value of your existence as ‘EQUITY’, and selling this concept to you as synonymous with distributive-fairness.
‘EQUITY’ -One identical part out of many; subject to an ‘Owner’ or ‘Stakeholder’; exchangeable on the market; bought and sold or discarded as waste at the will of the owner.
Why dredge up those vicious, Jew-hating toddlers, again?
Even cattle can smell a fake, and don’t need a genetic test
to find out they have just impregnated sister.
Unz commenters are hep to boo words and cheer words. They aren’t scared of the former or impressed by the latter.
This article, like almost everything else on this website, should really be addressed to the normies. Not that that would do any good LOL.
It’s an odd situation when you think about it.
Anyway, I have a question. Is ‘antisemitism’ a more powerful boo word than ‘nazi’?
Nazi is a word that even Unz commenters use/misuse. ‘Zionazi’ for example. It seems impossible to wean people of that word.
People have tried to ‘explain’ language for thousands of years and continue to try to ‘explain’ it. Result? Acres of very tedious prose.
It’s an impossible task. Why? Because we have to use it to explain it. We are trapped within language. We can’t see it from ‘outside.’
Wittgenstein’s thoughts on language are the most useful, I think.
Under the tutelage of Bertrand Russell he wrote, as a relaatively young man, an abstract/scientific/whatever ‘analysis’ of language, his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
He then abandoned that approach and almost ceased to write. His students at Cambridge made notes of his subsequent lectures, and it is these notes, more than anything else, which preserve his mature thoughts on language.
Anyway, three sayings of his recorded by his students give almost a complete picture of his mature ‘philosophy’ of language:
You’re a grumpy old coot, aren’t you?
I am, too LOL.
“No problem” really used to enrage me, too. I never hear it now either, thank God. We should be grateful for small mercies.
In today’s jargon what you and I need to do is:
P.S. If you’re not an ‘old coot,’ my apologies.
Thanks for your reference to Wagner.
The other day someone replied to a comment I had made regarding the sad state of present day Western music with this: ‘Rock has truly been a blessing to the world.” My impression is that this opinion is shared by most of the commenters of this website.
I don’t know what your tastes are in music, but it pleases me no end just to hear the name of a great composer mentioned.
Sorry, floyd, but the media grants or denies political existence in America by determining who gets air time and who doesn’t. Have you seen those hilarious compilations of dozens of talking heads all using exactly the same script on everything from deep state bullshit about “every vote counts†to “don’t forget to spend money on yourself this Christmasâ€â€”, and this whether they’re on Fox News or CNN? These moral reprobates on TV news are co-conspirators and hardly neutral messengers.
Sean Hannity, even several years ago, was getting paid $40,000,000 a year—let that sink in—to recruit Americans to enlist and possibly die or be maimed fighting for Israel, all so good Jewish boys need not be bothered. Hannity’s score card is something like 17,000 Americans dead fighting Israel’s wars, another 50,000 wounded, many of them horribly so, plus there’s now more than 30,000 of our young vets who’ve committed suicide after participating in America’s unspeakable war crimes against innocent civilians to satisfy the blood lust of our Jewish masters.
In a democracy, the people at large seize on language for political reasons. The meaning of many words consequently becomes political, and understanding of language has to be adapted to the capacities of understanding of the lowest common denominator, which means that language is totally stripped of intellectual understanding, and words attain a primitive magical (emotional) meaning. In fact, the people at large not only seize on language for political reasons, but they seize on it at large, and collectively, which means on the long term the total dumbing down, and the total stripping of intellectuality or any sophisticated understanding of language.
In the political sphere the language is by now no more than a set of magical formulations and incantations. Words like antisemitism, discrimination, etc., are magical incantations in the democratic language sphere. The word ‘discrimination’ for instance, originally meant to discern, to select, to discern difference, in the democracy, by constant abuse of demagogues and radicals, it has become a mere incantation signifying something evil.
Political texts in the media, academical political texts, official policies, etc, are loaded with and or built around a set of magical formula phrases and magical incantations, no intellectual understanding is required, in fact, we are so much bombarded with such magical language, that intellectual understanding cannot even be applied, thus criticism can hardly be applied. Individual understanding and criticism based on individual intellectual capacity cannot be applied as the words have ever more become magical words owned by a collective and the demagogues and radicals who feed them.
Hence, in a democracy we all are at risque to become equal imbeciles, which is the main goal of democracy. The slogan of democracy is: we are born stupid, we insist to remain stupid, and we insist that everybody becomes equally stupid.
I prefer to use the words ‘magical incantations’ instead of just cheer and boo. Equality is a word which has been democratically stripped of all intellectual understanding, to have attained a magical positive meaning, where ‘magical’ means that it has power over people, that is, it has power of those who are devoid of the capacity of intellectual understanding, and even where intellectual understanding is not dead yet, the magical power of the words seeks to suppress intellectual understanding.
I remember reading a dissertation made by someone who attained a Phd on the basis of that dissertation. I ran several word counts on it, and it consisted of repetition of 10,20, 30 times the usual words like ‘equality’, ‘diversity’, ‘fairness’ and such, so it was loaded with magical words which the democracy is fond of. When I confronted the person with that fact, she said this was required to have your dissertation approved…
“substitution of the word “gay†for sodomite or sodomizer”
It has a biblical and religious connotation, it is thus also rather devoid of intellectual understanding …., so you are doing the same boo thing.
If you think gay is amorphous, meaning non descriptive, drawing no outlines, we could also say that your ass is a ‘hole which is intended to get rid of poop’, and if poop sounds too ‘amorphous’, poop is a ‘stinking often brown coloured half solid substance ranging from the size and shape of a pinball to that of several eggs’, it being the waste product of your stomach.
Hannity is a hasbara shill whose U. S. citizenship should be revoked and should be deported to israel.
While I was listening to his radio show on the way home from work, a caller asked him about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) by israel on June 8, 1967.
Hannity stammered a bit and declared: “israel is our friend and would never have done such a thing†(his exact words) and then cut off the caller. I damn near ran off the road when I heard THAT.
For Hannity to declare that a well-documented historical event “did not happen†is merely more PROOF that he is owned “lock stock and barrel†by israel.
When it comes to expending American troops for israel’s interests, Hannity never found a “war†that he did not like.
In fact, israel’s favorite military song is “Onward Christian Soldiersâ€.
I have absolutely no respect for Hannity or other of his ilk.
“No problemo” (as spoken by non hispanics) is even worse. What are they trying to prove.
Hey, not to worry (stupid but appropriate expression)! We have been blessed with Tunnel to Towers & similar foundations for those armless, legless boys, mentioned endlessly on Fox News. Free, specially designed houses, etc! Keeps the economy going!
Your comment is so interesting.
Have you escaped your conditioning? Have I? Have we escaped into ‘the clear light of day’?
At almost 82 I like to think I have. Who’s to say?
Statements like these fall, I think, under Wittgenstein’s dictum:
My ex-wife told me I was inclined to be naive, dense and to miss the point.
You may agree with her, but I don’t detect a racist intent in your out-of-context
New Yorker quote.
Racial and intra-racial ethnic groups have different responses to some drugs,
just as they vary in susceptibility to disease. My cardiologist is a Finn, although
his appearance suggests there was a Swede in his woodpile. He has done research
on the high incidence of heart disease in the Finnish population and has concluded
that there is a strong genetic component.
Four of my eight great grandparents died of tuberculosis and both of my parents
were hospitalised with T.B. and had lung surgery. I have had T.B. three times and
have only survived because of the invention of anti-tubercular medications.
Genetic susceptibility and variable response to medication are well-documented
phenomena and have nothing to do with racist sentiment.
The only good thing that comes out of Poland is polish sausages.
The rest sucks.
Jew zionists love to aid islam-hate, and they especially love to have Christians as the useful idiots against he Islam. The Jewish Pamela Geller, Geert Wilders, and many more Jews invest a great deal of money and time to create hate propaganda campaigns. Also the European right is ripe with pro-Israel anti-islam fools.
What are you wining about, the anti-islam has the consent of many Zionists, and access to their deep pockets. In the Netherlands, the pro-Zionist Israel lover and most fanatic anti-islam basher has won the elections, why don’t you go to him and whine your whinings about the ‘obvious answer’.
In fact, you are not so alone as you think, there is a Zionist Jew under your christian bed right now, who whispers sweet word in your ears every night about how bad the Muslims are.. and you are his useful idiot, and he loves your dumb christian ass.
The term Islamophobia these days refers mostly to those who have been subject to the anti-islam propaganda campaigns of Zionists, which is a campaign for the glory of Zionism, which has been married with the Dupes of Christianity for the sake of Israel.
“Muslim run Rotherham grooming gang”
It was not a Muslim run gang you christian freak, it was an immigrant gang. You cannot tie it to the Muslim faith. Pooping on someone else’s religion, right, hypocrite christian swine.
The upcoming global financial implosion will wash away concerns about so-called “racism†or so-called “anti-Semitism†or other anti-White nonsense. When the debt repudiation cascade starts, nobody will listen to these anti-White, anti-Christian rats who continuously attack White Core Christian Americans.
The ultimate aim of all this niggling anti-White propaganda rhetoric is to grind down and demoralize Whitey. Young Whites, especially those in the rising political force called WHITE CORE AMERICA, are fueled in their determination to win political power by these anti-White propaganda rhetorical attacks.
The European Christian nations — USA, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Australia, Canada…etc. — are all using monetary policy extremism and mass immigration and accusations of so-called “racism†and so-called “anti-Semitism†and other nonsense to deliberately destroy national sovereignty and to concentrate loot and political power in the hands of the evil globalizer plutocrats and the nasty and vile White Upper Middle Class Snot Brats.
Evil and demonic JEW SUPREMACISTS are attacking and killing European Christian nations everywhere on the globe.
Mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, destroys habitat for wildlife, causes urban and suburban sprawl, creates multicultural mayhem and brings infectious diseases and terrorism to the United States of America.
JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is an evil gang of nation-wrecking rats and they are using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy White European Christian nations such as the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, England, Scotland…etc.
The United States is a European Christian nation-state, and the hostile non-Whites and hostile non-Christians are resentful of that fact. Americans of European Christian ancestry will soon collectively begin counter-attacking against their tormenters and enemies.
Tweets from 2014 and 2015:
There are Swedes in the woodpiles of most Finns actually.
You are reducing philosophy of epistemology to ‘if you get rid of the illusions imposed by others, you will live in reality’. While actually you are only exchanging one political reality = illusion, for another.
Also @Broolidd takes it so far that he speaks about ‘the clear light of day’, as if disposing of the illusions sold to you by one political power will make him escape from Plato’s cave…
Let me see, which generations are you, those who never learned anything about epistemology? And your ‘epistemological’ enlightening is purely political/ideological…. You stole the ideas from the philosophy of epistemology, and you apply it to the political sphere, using big words like ‘live in reality’ as if that whole sphere is not a big mirror hall of illusions regardless of which party.
Now, that was a shitty-boo reply!
And, if you are dumping eggs you are overdue
for a visit to your local gastroenterologist,
ornithologist or herpetologist.
What freak of the mind has invented this line. First of all, it is a line which makes an enormously grand statement, but he grammatical construction is wrong.
Since reality or phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct, language can be utilized to pervert perceptions & program us.
Punctuation! very important if you make such grand statements.
Other wise you get this lining up of words like:
‘essentially a neuro-linguistic construct language ‘
reality is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct
reality or phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct
What the fuck, reality or phenomenology???
‘phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct’
Oke, if you cannot make large sentences and write clearly, break them up please, and let’s get rid of the words which in this arrangement makes it pseudo philosophical verbiage.
reality is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct
A fuck, lets get rid of this useless word ‘essentially’
reality is a neuro-linguistic construct
So, you are a subjectivist? you argue that the material world does not exist, but in the mind?
Or what are you stating?
Or did you mean to state that much of what we think exists only in our thoughts, has no correspondence with reality, and you used an over expensive formulation, which actually means something different, to convey that?
Have you actually been studying with cultural marxists or communists? because you appear to use language games yourself. Or other wise, if you are a subjectivist, you employ reality games through language games.
Thank God.
I understood what he was attempting to say even with the poor punctuation. The one comma didn’t really make that much of a difference,I just mentally put it in the sentence where it is supposed to go.
I believe his argument is utilitarian and constructivist rather than strictly subjectivist.
Boiled down and put into conversational English,he is attempting to say that what we think of as “real” is simply a collection of names that we have applied to experiences,and because this is the case then that means that by peppering one with the names for things,a person can thereby “construct” a reality for them consisting of those names.
Now,I personally do not hold to this belief. I think it is false,poisonous, and in some vague and ineffable way it feels….evil. I believe,or more accurately sense, that there is an objective truth that exists outside of our own selves;whatever we may believe ourselves to be.
My underlying worldview is empiricism,and at the heart of that, a way of measuring truthfulness or veracity that has reliably served me throughout my life;predictive potential. The power of one’s assumptions to be used to reliably predict future results.
But one thing that has shaken me recently is the failure of my own worldview to accurately predict the level of success enjoyed by those who believe in what I believe to be pure evil to a rational mind, this poisonous concept that reality is “constructed” through labels.
I’ll be honest…I never personally thought that it would get to the point where you can go to jail in some countries for calling a male person a man. I would have predicted natural consequences for treating men as though they were women,for instance, which would have multiplied through the system these people are constructing and collapsed it under its contradictions long before this point.
Instead,society is functioning like a giant abacus that they just move the beads around on. The male bead moves over here and the female bead moves to take its place.
I am still firmly convinced that they can’t keep all of this stuff straight forever but the frightening thing is,they only really need the 3 axis points that they’re orienting things around to keep the freak show going for a very long time:
Jews god
Whites bad
Women good
At the end of all of the bullshit circle jerk in modern Western society,these are the Asimov’s Laws of Robotics governing the programming of the millions of NPC’s.
We’re not on the same page, you and I. But that doesn’t prevent conversation.
Is Plato’s cave the starting point of ‘the philosophy of epistemology’? Do you think of yourself as a Platonist? Has epistemology moved beyond Plato? Are you an ‘epistomologist’? Are you a proponent of any particular philosophy?
As a boy I loved the idea of ‘philosophy’ and desired to ‘understand’ philosophy. As a young man I read a little (a very little LOL) Schopenhauer. I read the first two or three pages of the Critique of Pure Reason more than once.
My failure to get any further doesn’t bother me now at this stage of my life. I consider the attempt to ‘understand’ philosophy a futile endeavor.
I agree with Wittgenstein. There are no philosophical ‘problems.’ To believe that there are is an error. It represents a misunderstanding of language, that is of the capabilities of language.
In another comment I cited three statements that Wittgenstein made in his lectures that his students recorded. Two of them relate to his ‘rejection’ of ‘philosophy.’
My opinion now is that philosophical discourse consists of little more than determining certain sets of words that ‘should be said’ or ‘can be said’ and imposing those sets of words on other people—the philosopher as snake oil salesman more or less.
“Johan…†Sind Sie deutsch? Wir könnten uns auf deutsch unterhalten.
Diversity is the reality of Life on Earth. Rightists, being intractable egotists, would prefer that everything was a reflection of their poisonous egomania.
Wittgenstein SHOULD have become an aeronaut.
With the Swedish conquest of Finland in 1149 there began a two-tier society in which the Finns were the bottom feeders and the Swedes were the apologetic, but not always kind masters. The marriages between the two were usually a Swedish man and a Finnish woman, typical of colonial marriages.
I am about 1/64th Swede-Finn from the 17th Century settlements in Western New Jersey, but I never quite understood the difference between a Swede-Finn and a Finn-Swede. I hear that this is important to some.
Sounds like you have had a pleasant encounter with a Polish sausage.
Those aren’t worth it.
I prefer Israeli made mulatto dildos.
I strongly recommend them, instead of wasting your time at Krogers looking for the Perfect cucumber 🥒 while people looks at you suspiciously.
You’re the kitty
On the contrary. He was an anti-bloviator.
“—you are only exchanging one political reality = illusion, for another.”
I tray to avoid it… to destroy illusions or keep them away or not mix them with reality.
The interesting question is why people’s perception of reality gets distorted and why it always gets distorted inevitably and even without any conscious effort to distort it through propaganda.
The reasons are complex.
Biological, psychological and social causes are all at play and need to be taken into account.
The ancient philosophers did not vainly stress the importance of knowing oneself because the better one knows oneself the better one knows reality.
The more you live with the herd, the more you are a prisoner of the herd’s reality. Only separation from the herd allows for another reality and an attempt to find reality even if one never fully finds it.
“Have you escaped your conditioning? Have I? Have we escaped into ‘the clear light of day’?
–That which cannot be said should not be said.”
Yes, it is true. All I know is that I have escaped conditioning into the “bright light of day” … no need to explain that.
It means that I’ve put my own brain to work.
Thanks. Nice to hear that.
Beethoven is my favorite. Pastorale.
I use the moniker “homosexual” for gay.
Man do woke people get triggered.
Actually I’m surprised that you know a tune by Hammer other than Can’t Touch This. Have I been going back and forth with a wigger?
Cue: Warning by Black Sabbath
You are obviously a connoisseur with a depth of experience in this field,
but I would remind you that a phallus with an attachment, a man, can
also be the provenience of your joie de vivre.
The neglect of classical music and the popularity of rock are part of the dumbing-down
process which has crippled the spirit of Western Civilization. Trading infinitely complex
harmony and counterpoint for “the beat goes on” was a vile assault on the senses.
Then, add to the mix the utter banality of most TV and movie products. Their lack of
of creativity is depressing, but the incessant social messaging is inspiration enough to
make some people want to kill us, so keep your mod AR-15 handy.
There is a mystery about who is churning out the garbage, so I
propose that a commission be formed to identify the perps.
I am not German, but Dutch.
“My opinion now is that philosophical discourse consists of little more than determining certain sets of words that ‘should be said’ or ‘can be said’ and imposing those sets of words on other people—the philosopher as snake oil salesman more or less.”
That is a philosophy in itself… so it could be applied ad absurdum, that your words are also ‘that what could be said or can be said’.
I think the problem is simple, with our thoughts (which are language based) we can think or invent any reality with our thoughts, which has no correspondence with physical reality, and that kind of thinking happens very much.
So thinking is mostly subjective.
But, if we consider material reality to be an objective experience provided by the senses, which can be experienced without mediation of thought, and we apply reason to that experience of the senses, our thinking mostly corresponds to reality.
So thinking mostly produces illusions when it is not based on some experience of material reality.
So I take it that you argue that ‘philosophical discourse consists of little more than determining certain sets of words that ‘should be said’ or ‘can be said’, you are stating that because you have an idea that there is no reality behind it. But in order to have an idea that there is no reality behind a great deal of thinking, you must have an idea of what reality is, right?
Odd Rabbit actually declared this:
“For ex. Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong as Ron Unz writes. And that’s only a tip of the iceberg.”
History writing is a few percent facts, and the rest of it is pure speculation about causes and effects, and intentions of humans. What Ron Unz put’s forward as the alternative reality of WWII is just another set of speculations. While if you really would want to drop what you only think you know, what you have been told, the most honest thing to do is to realize that ANY history writing is a mountain of speculation built on a few facts.
So I argue that to live in reality consists of being aware that what you have been told by others is mostly speculation, but also that by far the thinking we produce ourself is mostly about fiction (in lack of facts supported by physical reality).
Since we are also psychological beings, we tend to assume and speculate about motivations and intentions of other people, and ourselves, and my view is that aside of some basics, also that is mostly ‘what we make up’.
In short, our faculty of thinking is the most abused faculty, probably producing more then ninety percent of subjective thought which has no correspondence to reality. We humans are thus fantasts, we do need to fill in the gaps where we are short of facts, but we do that to a degree which produces whole worlds of fiction, and indeed most of philosophy belongs to fiction.
The above though is philosophy, though a critical reductionist philosophy about what we can know.
In short:
Thinking is subjective unless it is supported by physical evidence provided by the senses (and even in that case we can make mistakes concerning causes and effects).
The problem with the whole line which I criticized is that it is vague and multi interpretable, in fact, that the statement in itself is an example of abuse of language, and the possible vagueness of language.
I draw the conclusion that it signifies subjectivism, or smells like it (denial of physical reality), you draw the conclusion that it is ‘ utilitarian and constructivist ‘.
“he is attempting to say that what we think of as “real†is simply a collection of names that we have applied to experiences,and because this is the case then that means that by peppering one with the names for things,a person can thereby “construct†a reality for them consisting of those names.”
“is simply a collection of names that we have applied to experiences”
Is that subjective experience, or objective experiences? because that is what matters.
So we humans have an objective experience of a creature which we call a cat. The word ‘cat’ being the language based identifier of an objectively existing thing.
Through language we can thus create an illusionary reality, I can state ‘there is a cat in my garden’, while there is none.
So this kind of ‘construction of reality’ is an illusion. But in this case, the language based identifier is based originally on an objective experience. The statement which I criticized did not acknowledge that this ‘name’ is part of a collection of names which are the product of objective experience (provided by the senses).
“Since reality or phenomenology is essentially a neuro-linguistic construct language can be utilized to pervert perceptions & program us. ”
Thus, the above line is vague and in itself abuse of language, a mere philosophical word game. And what does ‘pervert perceptions’ even mean, concretely?
Popular music is a perverted solipsistic and pseudo individualist replacement of folk music, where folk music sprang spontaneously from folk culture, and the spirit and temperament of a folk. Classical music belongs to high culture at large.
Complexity and lack there of is not the main issue, but a lack of folk spirit, cultural embedding, in times of societal atomization. Classical music is a culture on top of culture, popular music is not a replacement of that.
Actually the word Zionazi can be intellectually defended. It is a shortcut glueing of the two words National Socialism and Zionist National Socialism, ideologies which share many traits.
The neo-Nazi’s of our time who became admirers of Zionism are right on target.
Adolf Eichmann in an interview said that if he would have been a Jew, he would be the most fervent Zionist. Like knows like.
So this word is gonna stay, I use it regularly too.
Yes, the Eichmann case. I remember seeing him in his glass cage on TV during the trial.
I read about his involvement with Zionism at some point over the years but had forgotten it until Mr. Unz described it in some detail the other day.
Some claimed he was drugged of course. He sat erect in his cage, not slouched back, eerily calm, looking like the classic ‘faceless bureaucrat’ one sees in the paintings of Jared French. It was an unforgettable, ‘surrealistic’ image.
I’m sure not one person in a thousand, or a million, knows that story.
To speak sentimentally, “it did my heart good†to read your comment.
We know the perpertrators of course. They own the companies that record and propagate this ‘music’ LOL. At the moment they’re untouchable. Maybe some future legislature will be able to call them to account.
No melody. No harmony. Only rhythm.
I think often of something one of my professors at UT in Austin said more than half a century ago, Dr. Karl Heinz Draeger, a dignified, white headed, rather gaunt man, a saintly man. He looked rather like Peter Cushing. I wish I could remember the circumstances. It wasn’t in class.
I don’t remember his exact words but the gist of it was this:
In an abstract sense, in the essence of what it is, harmony is eternal, timeless. A major or minor chord, any chord, could theoretically exist forever. When it begins to be heard and when it ceases to be heard is irrelevant to its essence.
Rhythm on the other hand is bound in time, can exist only in time.
I heard this statement as a young man and ‘understood’ it in the way a young man understands things. Only in later years did I begin to realize how profound a statement it was.
“The music of the spheres.â€
Not Jared French, but George Tooker.
They shared a studio at one time I think.
Johan, what a wonderful comment.
I completely agree with you about history. It holds true for biography too of course.
Few facts. Much speculation.
I’m re-reading an old biography of Romaine Brooks. Facts make up perhaps five percent of the text. The rest is speculation and downright fantasy!
I especially like this:
Very true I think, and very well expressed. Also very encouraging!
Unfortunately we’re still trapped within language. We spend all our time defining. ‘Reason,’ for example. What is that?
Anyway, it’s on account of that that I find Wittgenstein’s thoughts so helpful.
Language, spoken and written, is a human activity. It exists and is useful/usable only within groups of people. Therefore: if you can, try not to stray too far from the language used by the larger language group.
In other words, follow the advice of the ancients: aurea mediocritas, the golden mean. (I had to look that up LOL.)
Language is useful over a limited range. Religion and philosophy a la Kant or Heidegger are outside that range.
I’ve gone on too long.
Thanks for all your comments, Johan.
(I studied Dutch for a couple of years. All I remember now is “gude dag,†good day. Is that the correct spelling, Johan? I remember the pronunciation but not the spelling.)
You have good taste as well as good sense!
I think it was Ron Unz (or someone else) who suggested that they kept him in a cage so that he could not embarrass the Zionists by declaring his love for them..
Concerning this ‘looking like the classic ‘faceless bureaucrat’, there is a book called ‘Eichmann Before Jerusalem’ where the author argues that Eichmann was not at all a faceless bureaucrat, but that he was a very ambitious, skilful and fanatic person. He ambitiously made himself a career. He also ambitiously and intelligently learned to get to know the cultures of various Jew communities.
This view is also more inline with the Nazi methods. On the higher ranks the Nazi’s did not look for people who blindly and stupidly followed orders, certainly not ‘penlickers’ as Hitler called them. On the contrary, the Nazi’s rigorously profiled and selected the people who worked among them on the basis of talent, zeal, ambition and loyalty. When an order was given, those who had to execute it had a great freedom of how to execute the order.
This is inline also with the writings of Hitler, where he wrote that the Catholic Church was the perfect order. Meaning the Jesuit order, the Jesuits also profile their members, they profile their talents, intelligence and loyalty, and they put people in offices accordingly.
Really, the Nazi’s hated bureaucrats, they recruited highly ambitious, enthusiast and skilful people, at least on the higher levels.
That is only good management: Hire good people for the job and then let them get on with it.
Micromanaging is the activity of weak managers.
Thanks, Johan. I enjoy your comments so much.
Eichmann… what a fascinating, surprising figure. So, too, I find, are Rosenberg, the Estonian, and Himmler, with his ‘order.’
And the ‘monuments men.’ The author of a popular book about them lives in an adjacent city. I could relate an interesting story about him, but dare not.
I disagree with his viewpoint and doubt the accuracy of some of his data. German museums stored much or most of their holdings in caves to preserve them from the carpet bombing, and many, if not most of the art works that came into the hands of leading nazis were purchased.
The GI who stole The Quedlinburg treasure lived in a small town nearby. It was discovered and returned to Germany quite recently.
A few years back a local museum was ‘persuaded’ to ‘return’ one of its most valuable paintings to a jewish family that admitted it had been purchased during the Third Reich, but claimed it had been sold under duress.
Most fascinating of all: Hitler’s copy of Böcklin’s Isle of the Dead. It disappeared at war’s end. Böcklin painted five versions of this incredibly popular work. Another lost version reappeared recently under mysterious circumstances. I don’t think it was thought to be Hitler’s.
Yeah that’s a great example of this rhetorical/ narrative framing technique. Knight talks a lot about “affective meaning,” but what he doesn’t clearly state is that these types of terms are commonly used to make normative statements (“moral” claims or “oughts”) which masquerade as positive statements (claims about the nature of reality or “is”). It’s a very simple rhetorical trick that works very well, especially when combined with motte-and-bailey.
How does this work in the case of your example? The literal meaning of “diversity” as used in current year rhetoric by major narrative promotion agencies is, of course, “non-White goyim”; “more diverse” means “fewer White goyim.” And since “diversity” has clearly been established by media oligarchs as what Knight calls a “cheer word” (strongly positive affective content), and the party line for decades now has been “diversity is our greatest strength”… the normative content of the term is “fewer White goyim is a good thing” (sometimes phrased as “there’s no such thing as “too much diversity”). Example: The NHL is “lacking in diversity,” but the NBA is not “too diverse.”
The response to your comment from the notoriously ignorant, hate-filled anti-White “mulga jumblebrain” illustrates the importance of this point. Note hat he doesn’t even try to directly contest your point about the affective/ normative content of the “diversity” canard — he instead completely ignores the primarily affective/ normative content of the term, and makes a failed attempt to claim that the word is used by oligarch-controlled narrative promotion agencies in the current year simply to make a positive claim about the nature of reality. Typical motte-and-bailey from a regime enforcer.
Similarly, the normative content of the term “racism” is essentially “White goyim have a ‘moral obligation’ to exhibit explicit out-group preference toward Goyim of Color — especially Black goyim,” and the normative content of the “anti-semitism” trope is “members of the Gentile community have a ‘moral obligation’ to exhibit explicit out-group preference toward People of Semitism.” No such reciprocal “moral obligation” exists, of course — rather the contrary. The affective/ normative content of “self-hating jew” or “Uncle Tom*” is quite similar to that of “anti-semite” or “racist,” respectively. The “anti-semitism” canard also serves to set a narrative frame of “the evil goyim hate us and are always conspiring to exploit and kill us and blablabla” — typical semitic supremacist projection.
Lastly, the OP isn’t bad overall, but it’s essentially a dumbed-down ripoff of the concept of “god terms” and “devil terms” from Richard Weaver’s The Ethics of Rhetoric. He should at least give Weaver credit. Knight, like Weaver, cites “freedom” as one of the most pervasive god terms/ cheer words — Weaver also mentions “progress” (see also).
*Typically referred to as a “c**n” these days, but due to that term’s prior history as a mild racial slur, it’s prone to misunderstanding when used by non-Blacks.
H. L. Mencken: ‘An anti-semite is a person who hates the Jews, more than absolutely necessary.’