Frieren Wiki
This article contains a list of known spells within Frieren: Beyond Journey's End as used by Monsters, Demons, and magic-wielding classes of humans. For spells used in the mini-anime spin-off, see Frieren's Mini Anime.

Spells are the effects created by consuming a mage's mana. They can be conferred to others or recorded using grimoires and Holy Scriptures. They are typically cast with the assistance of a staff, holy scripture, or magical tool, though mana can be channeled without such tools. Some mages choose to fight without the assistance of an implement.


Within Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, spells can constitute offense spells, defense spells, Goddess's magic, curses, support spells, or any other forms of magic, which fall broadly under "other spells." These classifications are fan-made and not from official sources with the exception of Goddess's magic and curses, and they are defined as follows:

Unofficial classifications[]

  • Offense spells: Spells cast by mages in battle to attack opponents directly, potentially via modifying their surroundings to become ammunition or by conjuring up attacks with magic.
  • Defense spells: Spells with the purpose of providing defensive properties against other spells or attacks.
  • Support spells: Spells not directly used to attack but have been shown to prepare the caster for or assist the caster during combat, such as through incapacitating opponents, improving the caster's fighting ability/other stats, reshaping the terrain in an advantageous manner, etc.
  • Other spells: Any other magic or spell that doesn't fall under the other existing classifications, typically used outside of combat. This can consist of magic applied towards everyday life, such as spells that change the properties of an object or perform non-combat or trivial actions.

Official classifications[]

  • Magic of humans: Magic utilized by humans and elves.[note 1][1][2] Ordinary people, especially within the Empire, can use magic to a certain degree even if they are not mages.[3] Some human magic is developed through extensive study and theorization of magical principles, and may need magic circles in order to be cast. The spells that humans discover are recorded in grimoires[4] or on scrolls.[5]
    • Folk magic: A general term for magic that has been passed down through the people.[6] There are many such spells, ranging from ones that are useful in everyday life, to ones that don't have a clear reason for their use. Folk spells may originate from a specific region or tribe[7] and often are specific in their usage and limitations.[8]
    • Summoning: Not much is known about summoning, other than ingredients being needed for it.
  • Goddess's Magic: Magic utilized by priests with the assistance of Holy Scriptures. Those with a natural talent for the Goddess's magic are said to possess "the Blessing of the Goddess,"[9] also known as "the Goddess's Divine Grace,"[10] which makes them resistant to curses. In the anime, the Goddess's magic is usually depicted with a green glow.
  • Magic of Demons: Magic utilized by demons.[11] Most demons devote themselves to researching one specific type of magic over the course of their lives,[12] though demons are capable of using the magic of humans and may spend time researching human spells.[13] Certain spells, such as flight magic, are so ubiquitous amongst demons that they are not considered to be magic at all.[14]
  • Curses: Magic used by demons and monsters that changes the state of living or nonliving matter such as through sedation, petrification, or transformation.[2] Their magical principles are not readily understood through the framework of the magic of humans. Curses are not perceived as magic by mages, and thus they are impossible to evade or obstruct using defense spells. Goddess's magic can be used in some cases to temporarily lift curses.[15] To dispel ordinary curses a priest must utilize Goddess's magic,[16] perform a ritual with specific equipment, or eliminate the source of the curse.[17]

Both named spells and unnamed spells have been listed. Spells under unofficial classifications are classified based on the context of how they were used and thus may not necessarily be limited to a specific classification.

List of Spells[]

Named Offense Spells[]

Offense Spells
Image Description
Offensive magic: Zoltraak一般攻撃魔法 (ゾルトラーク) Zorutorāku?

Zoltraak (Human Killing Magic) EP3

Human Killing Magic: Qual orchestrates multiple Zoltraak casts.

Zoltraak (Demon Killing Magic) EP8

Demon Killing Magic: Fern launches a surprise attack against Lügner.

Frieren destroys Qual CH5

Frieren casting Zoltraak against Qual.

A simple spell that shoots either a large blast or multiple smaller blasts of concentrated mana. Originally created by the demon Qual as the first form of piercing magic, but humans have altered it to be effective against demons. Considered the basis of humans' modern offensive magic system.
The initial version developed by Qual is also referred to as Human Killing Magic人を殺す魔法 (ゾルトラーク) Zorutorāku? and depicted black in the anime, while the version modified by humans to be effective against demons is also referred to as Demon Killing Magic魔族を殺す魔法 (ゾルトラーク) Zorutorāku? and depicted white in the anime.

Notable Users: Qual, Frieren, Fern, Denken
First Appearance: Episode 3 (anime), Chapter 5 (manga),

Blood Manipulation: Balterie血を操る魔法 (バルテーリエ) Barutērie?

Balterie EP8

Lügner prepares to attack the Graf with his blood manipulation.

Lügner uses Balterie CH20

Lügner uses Balterie.

Forms and manipulates numerous tendrils of the user's blood that can be sharpened for attacking purposes or used to block attacks.

Notable Users: Lügner
First Appearance: Episode 8 (anime), Chapter 16 (manga)

Transform flower petals into steel: Jubelade花弁を鋼鉄に変える魔法 (ジュベラード) Juberādo?


Scharf casting Jubelade against Land.

Jubelade CH41

Scharf casting Jubelade against Land.

Turns petals from flowers into sharp blades of steel which surround the target and cuts them. Larger blades can form from the pieces of steel and be directed towards the target.

Notable Users: Scharf
First Appearance: Episode 19 (anime), Chapter 41 (manga)

Change rocks into bullets: Doragate石を弾丸に変える魔法 (ドラガーテ) Doragāte?


Ehre attacks Fern with Doragate.

Doragate CH41

Ehre casting Doragate against Fern.

Converts rocks into bullet projectiles that can be directed at a target.

Notable Users: Ehre
First Appearance: Episode 19 (anime), Chapter 41 (manga)

Spell that slashes almost anything: Reelseiden大体なんでも切る魔法 (レイルザイデン) Reiruzaiden?


Übel attacks Wirbel with Reelseiden.

The aftermath of Reelseiden CH54

Übel uses Reelseiden to destroy Sense's clone.

Slashes through anything with the caster's staff as long as the caster can properly visualize themselves cutting through it. A simple magic that is difficult to follow the trajectory of. The spell range is estimated by Wirbel to be about five meters, which Übel confirms,[18] but a few years later, she displays improved range by slashing a tall building .[19]

Notable Users: Übel
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime), Chapter 41 (manga)

Arrows of Ice: Nephtear氷の矢を放つ魔法 (ネフティーア) Nefutīa?


Lawine attacks Richter using Nephtear.

Nephtear CH44

Lawine casting Nephtear against Richter.

Produces large spears of ice around the caster that are then fired at the target.

Notable Users: Lawine
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 44 (manga)

Tornado Winds: Waldgose竜巻を起こす魔法 (ヴァルドゴーゼ) Varudogōze?


Denken casting Waldgose against Frieren.

Waldgose CH44

Denken casting Waldgose against Frieren.

Forms a tornado, enveloping the target.

Notable Users: Denken
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 44 (manga)

Wind becomes Hellfire: Daosdorg風を業火に変える魔法 (ダオスドルグ) Daosudorugu?


Daosdorg turns the wind from Waldgose into flames.

Denken envelops Macht with his magic CH96

Denken envelops Macht with Daosdorg.

Turns a source of wind into a blaze of fire surrounding the target.

Notable Users: Denken
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 44 (manga)

Lights of Judgement: Catastravia裁きの光を放つ魔法 (カタストラーヴィア) Katasutorāvia?


Denken attacks Frieren with Catastravia.

Catastravia CH44

Denken aims Catastravia towards Frieren.

Numerous arrows of light are directed at the target. Upon contact, they form a barrage of large explosions.

Notable Users: Denken
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 44 (manga)

Water Manipulation: Reamstroha水を操る魔法 (リームシュトローア) Rīmushutorōa?


Kanne uses Reamstroha on Richter.

Reamstroha CH45

Kanne prepares Reamstroha against Richter.

Surrounding water is collected to form a massive sphere of water directed above the target that then waterfalls down, drenching them. Especially effective when raining. With enough water, the spell is powerful enough to break defensive barriers.

Notable Users: Kanne
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 45 (manga)

Destructive Lightning: Judradjim破滅の雷を放つ魔法 (ジュドラジルム) Judorajirumu?

Judradjim EP25

Fern witnesses Frieren and her clone cast Judrajim.

Judradjim CH53

Frieren and her clone casting Judradjim.

Casts numerous bolts of lightning in multiple directions from the user's staff.

Notable Users: Frieren, Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 25 (anime), Chapter 53 (manga)

Hellfire Summoning: Vollzanbel地獄の業火を出す魔法 (ヴォルザンベル) Voruzanberu?

Vollzanbel EP26

Frieren's clone casts Vollzanbel.

Vollzanbel CH53

Frieren and her clone casting Vollzanbel.

Creates a large blast of fire in front of the user.

Notable Users: Frieren, Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 25 (anime), Chapter 53 (manga)

Whirlwind Attack Spell: Medrozobalt攻撃を旋風に変える魔法 (メドロジユバルト) Medorojiyubaruto?
Medrozobalt CH75

Methode avoids Medrozobalt when battling against the Demon.

The caster slashes towards the ground, creating a large rift that runs along the ground directed towards the target.

Notable Users: Unnamed Demon in the Northern Plateau
First Appearance: Chapter 75

Named Defense Spells[]

Defense Spells
Image Description
Curse Reversal Spell: Mistilziela呪い返しの魔法 (ミステイルジーラ) Misuteirujīra?
Serie reflects Diagoldze CH93

Serie uses Mistilziela to reflect Diagoldze.

A primitive magic that reflects any magic that is perceived to be a "curse." It takes a hundred years to learn.[20]

Notable Users: Serie, Denken
First Appearance: Chapter 93

Named Goddess's Magic[]

Goddess's Magic
Image Description
Three Spears of the Goddess () (がみ) (さん) (そう) ?

Three Spears of the Goddess

Sein casts Three Spears of the Goddess against the Chaos Flower.

Three Spears of the Goddess CH31

Sein casts Three Spears of the Goddess against the Chaos Flower.

Shoots three concentrated spears of light at a target.

Notable Users: Sein
First Appearance: Episode 15 (anime), Chapter 31 (manga)

Awakening Spell () () めの (かい) (じゅ) Mezame no kaiju?

Awakening spell EP15

Sein wakes Frieren using his awakening spell.

Sein wakes Frieren CH31

Sein wakes Frieren using his awakening spell.

Dispels a sleeping curse for five seconds.

Notable Users: Sein
First Appearance: Episode 15 (anime), Chapter 31 (manga)

Spell to Return: Vialathorフィアラトール Fiaratōru?
Vialathor CH118

Frieren returns back to her timeline with Vialathor.

Allows one to return back to their present time.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 107

Seizure of Holy Punishment () (ばく) (せい) (じゅ) Hobaku no seiju?
Seizure of Holy Punishment CH137

Lore attempts to seal Fern's mana use.

Disables the opponent's ability to use mana. Any active spells that are maintained with mana are disabled as well.

Notable Users: Lore
First Appearance: Chapter 137

Named Curses[]

Image Description
Spell to Transmute All Creation into Gold: Diagoldze万物を黄金に変える魔法 (ディーアゴルゼ) Dīagoruze?
Macht transmutes into gold CH96

Diagoldze as reflected back onto its caster.

Transforms anything in the material world into gold. It is regarded as the strongest curse, one that can not be dispelled even with the magic of the Goddess. The gold created by Diagoldze is indestructible and immalleable. Diagoldze will not reverse itself in the event of the caster's death.[21]

Notable Users: Macht
First Appearance: Chapter 82

Named Support Spells[]

Support Spells
Image Description
Imitation Spell: Erfassen模倣する魔法 (エアファーゼン) Eafāzen?

Linie Erfassen

Linie casts Erfassen, mimicking Eisen's fighting style against Stark.

Erfassen CH20

Linie casts Erfassen, mimicking Eisen's fighting style against Stark.

Generates a suitable weapon and imitates the action and fighting style of an individual using prior analysis of their mana flow.

Notable Users: Linie
First Appearance: Episode 9 (anime), Chapter 20 (manga)

Spell of Obedience: Auserlese服従させる魔法 (アゼリューゼ) Azeryūze?

Auserlese EP10

Aura casts Auserlese, putting her and Frieren's souls on the Scales of Obedience.

Aura casts Auserlese CH22

Aura casts Auserlese, putting her and Frieren's souls on the Scales of Obedience.

Both the caster and target's souls are placed on the Scales of Obedience, and the mana of each individual is weighed. The soul of the individual with greater mana tips the scale down, forcing the other to submit to them. If the will of an individual is strong enough, it is possible to break free from the subordination.

Notable Users: Aura
First Appearance: Episode 9 (anime, mentioned), Episode 10 (anime, casted), Chapter 18 (manga, mentioned), Chapter 22 (manga, casted)

Spell of Binding: Sorganeil見た者を拘束する魔法 (ソルガニール) Soruganīru?

Sorganeil EP20

Wirbel traps Übel with Sorganeil.

Sorganeil CH41

Wirbel traps Übel with Sorganeil.

Completely prevents someone from moving or accessing their mana to cast spells while their full body is within the user’s vision. The spell is visually represented with particles moving in a circular motion that surround the target. The target's body, including hair, must be in full view while casting the spell and maintaining it, otherwise the spell disables itself.

Notable Users: Wirbel, Übel, Wirbel's Spiegel clone, Übel's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime), Chapter 41 (manga)

Spell for High-Speed Movement: Jilwer高速で移動する魔法 (ジルヴェーア) Jiruvēa?


Laufen uses Jilwer to corner the Second Party.

Jilwer CH44

Laufen uses Jilwer in an attempt to rescue Denken.

A folk spell originally belonging to a mountain tribe in the Southern Lands.[8] It allows the caster to move at high speeds, even when they are holding objects or individuals.

Notable Users: Laufen
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime), Chapter 40 (manga)

Earth Control: Bargland大地を操る魔法 (バルグラント) Baruguranto?


Richter uses Bargland to separate the two groups.

Bargland CH43

Richter uses Bargland to separate the two groups.

Divides the earth by forming a large fissure through the ground.

Notable Users: Richter
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime), Chapter 43 (manga)

Fog Control: Nebeladora霧を操る魔法 (ネべラドーラ) Neberadōra?
Nebeladora engulfs Frieren, Fern, and Methode CH73

Nebeladora engulfs Frieren, Fern, and Methode.

An unconventional magic that creates a large fog of mana, completely surrounding the victims and blocking their vision and mana detection. Targets enveloped in the fog can be easily detected by the caster. The fog can be used to attack or condensed to defend against attacks.

Notable Users: Unnamed Demon in the Northern Plateau
First Appearance: Chapter 73

Spell to manipulate niello wings: Digardnacht黒金の翼を操る魔法 (ディガドナハト) Digadonahato?
Digardnacht CH74

Genau casts Digardnacht, granting him a pair of black wings.

Grows a pair of giant black wings—presumably made of niello—on the caster that can be used to attack and defend. It also appears to afford flight. The individual feathers on the wings can be used as projectiles towards a target.

Notable Users: Genau
First Appearance: Chapter 74

Spell to dispel fog: Erilfrachte霧を晴らす魔法 (エリルフラーテ) Erirufurāte?
Erilfrachte CH75

Methode dispels the Demon's fog with Erilfrachte.

Dispels fog, including fog made of magic, by making it slowly dissipate away.

Notable Users: Methode
First Appearance: Chapter 75

Spell to transfer a spell: Fürwehrer魔法を譲渡する魔法 (フィーアヴェリア) Fīaveria?
Serie grants Denken Mistilziela CH96

Serie granting Denken Mistilziela with Fürwehrer.

Generates a grimoire that sunders the knowledge and practice of a spell from the caster and confers it to the recipient of the grimoire. Allows for one-way transfer of spells between mages.

Notable Users: Serie
First Appearance: Chapter 96

Spell to guide to paradise: Ansehelschella楽園へと導く魔法 (アンシレーシエラ) Anshirēshiera?
Grausam puts the Hero Party to sleep CH117

Grausam puts the Hero Party to sleep with Ansehelschella.

Puts the opponent to sleep, making them experience an endless illusion of a happy dream, even if impossible.

Notable Users: Grausam
First Appearance: Chapter 117

Named Other Spells[]

Other Spells
Image Description
Spell to analyze treasure chests: Mikheit宝箱を判別する魔法 (ミークハイト) Mīkuhaito?
No image available (square)
A spell used to analyze the contents of a treasure chest, particularly helpful for identifying Mimics. The spell has a 99% success rate.[22]

Notable Users: Frieren, Fern
First Appearance: Episode 23 (anime), Chapter 48 (manga)

Unnamed Offense Spells[]

Offense Spells (Unnamed)
Image Description
Spell that creates a sharp wire () (りょく) (いと) Maryoku no ito?

Draht hangs Frieren with his wire EP8

Draht hangs Frieren with his wire.

Draht hangs Frieren CH15

Draht hangs Frieren using the sharp wire he generated.

Magic that creates an extremely sharp, magical wire that can slice through anything, even that which has been reinforced by mana.

Notable Users: Draht
First Appearance: Episode 8 (anime), Chapter 15 (manga)

Fire magic (ほのお) () (ほう) Honō no mahō?

Fire magic EP19

Mages attempt to melt the lake in the Grobe Basin.

Fire magic CH39

Blei and Dünste attempt to melt the lake after Lawine freezes it.

Blasts a continuous stream of flames from a staff or a wand. These flames can be used offensively or as a source of heat.

Notable Users: Blei, Dünste, First-Class Mage Exam candidates
First Appearance: Episode 19 (anime), Chapter 39 (manga)

Spell to freely manipulate your own hair () (しん) (かみ) () () (ざい) (あやつ) () (ほう) Jishin no kaminoke o jizai ni ayatsuru mahō?

Spell to freely manipulate your own hair

Sense turns her hair into sharp drills to break through defensive magic.

Hair magic CH51

Sense attacks an omnidirectional defensive barrier with her hair.

Allows the user to freely manipulate their hair. The hair can be used to attack, defend, or as a prehensile implement.

Notable Users: Sense
First Appearance: Episode 23 (anime), Chapter 48 (manga)

Mana-driven telekinesis () (りょく) による (ぶっ) (しつ) (そう) () Maryoku ni yoru busshitsu sōsa?

Stone hurling spell EP24

Edel directs multiple pieces of stone towards Sense's clone.

Mana-Driven Telekinesis CH128

Neu performing telekinesis on the buildings around him.

A spell that telekinetically manipulates objects around the user using mana. A standard attack that uses mass, and an offensive version of the spell to make things float. Can be used to reflect debris at an opponent. Presumably, Edel, Blei, and Dünste redirect the huge pieces of debris that the attack by Sense's clone creates back at her using this spell. Neu's version of the spell makes the objects being controlled difficult to react to even with the use of mana detection.[23]

Notable Users: Edel, Blei, Dünste, Neu
First Appearance: Episode 24 (anime),[note 2] Chapter 128 (manga)

Spell to create a black hole
Spell to create a black hole EP26

Frieren's clone creates a black hole that vaporizes debris.

The user creates a black hole that attracts surrounding objects in, ultimately vaporizing them.

Notable Users: Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 26[note 2]

Shattering spell
Shattering spell EP26

Frieren and her clone cast the shattering spell.

A colorful spell that appears to cause fragments around the caster to shatter.

Notable Users: Frieren, Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 26[note 2]

The Height of Magic () (ほう) (たか) Mahō no takami?

Height of Magic EP26

Frieren's clone unleashing the spell as a last resort.

Height of Magic CH55

Frieren's clone unleashing the spell as a last resort.

An offensive spell that Frieren's clone uses when cornered. Fern is unable to sense its mana or recognize it as an attack. The attack is so strong that it knocks Fern into the wall and destroys her staff but it also leaves the caster's guard completely down.

Notable Users: Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 26 (anime), Chapter 55 (manga)

Spell to create blades of mana
Spell to create blades of mana CH95

Solitär attacks Stark with blades of mana.

Creates double-edged blades out of mana that shatter upon impact. Can be controlled telekinetically or physically, both by the user of the spell and by others.

Notable Users: Solitär
First Appearance: Chapter 95

Mana strike () (りょく) をぶつける Maryoku o butsukeru?
Mana strike CH97

Solitär uses mana strike against Fern and Stark.

A pure and simple spell that blasts the opponent with dense mana.

Notable Users: Solitär, Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 97

Unnamed Defense Spells[]

Defense Spells (Unnamed)
Image Description
Defensive magic (ぼう) (ぎょ) () (ほう) Bōgyo mahō?

Fern defends herself and Frieren against Qual's attack EP3

Fern defends herself and Frieren against Qual's attack.

Fern blocks a surprise attack CH39

Fern uses defensive magic to block a surprise attack.

Magic that generates a protective barrier that can defend specific locations or encircle the caster. It was developed to resist Zoltraak by aligning itself with the magic and dispersing its power,[24] and thus it is immensely powerful and suffices to protect against most spells. Casting the spell requires heavy mana usage, so it cannot be sustained over large areas for a long period.[24][25]

Notable Users: Utilized widely by human Mages and some Demons
First Appearance: Episode 3 (anime), Chapter 5 (manga)

Reflection magic
Reflection magic

Methode reflects a gargoyle's beam.

A spell that allows the user to take control of an opponent's offensive magic that has made contact with the user's basic defensive shield and reflect the magic back upon the opponent.

Notable Users: Methode
First Appearance: Episode 23 (anime)[note 2]

Spell that shuts the door of a treasure vault at the risk of your life (いのち) () けで (ほう) (もつ) () (とびら) () じる () (ほう) Inochigake de hōmotsuko no tobira o tojiru mahō?

Spell that shuts the door of a treasure vault at the risk of your life EP25

Frieren's clone binding Spiegel's vault with the spell.

Frieren's clone defends the door to Spiegel's vault CH52

Frieren's clone binding Spiegel's vault with the spell.

A binding spell that is considered top-rated in folk magic. Used to seal the entrance of a treasure vault, with the seal only breaking upon the caster's death.

Notable Users: Frieren's Spiegel clone
First Appearance: Episode 25 (anime), Chapter 52 (manga)

Spell that hinders perception (にん) (しき) () (がい) () (ほう) Ninshiki sogai mahō?
Spell that hinders perception CH84

The spell that hinders perception cast on the barrier of the Golden Land.

A spell that prevents whatever it is being cast on from being perceived. Presumably, Serie or the first-class mages that created the barrier of the Golden Land cast this spell on the barrier.

Notable Users:
First Appearance: Chapter 84

Protective spell (ぼう) () () (ほう) Bōgo mahō?
Protective spell against Diagoldze CH98

Frieren casts a protective spell that nullifies Diagoldze on Denken and herself.

A protective spell that nullifies the curse Diagoldze and makes it ineffective.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 98

Unnamed Goddess's Magic[]

Goddess's Magic (Unnamed)
Image Description
Recovery magic (かい) (ふく) () (ほう) Kaifuku mahō?
Stark receiving treatment for his wounds EP11

Stark is healed by the Father of the church in the town in Graf Granat's Domain.

Magic that heals physical wounds. Wounds still require care after. Commonly used by priests, but mages who are proficient with Goddess's magic can also cast it. Lernen's golems are capable of using recovery magic as well.

Notable Users: Priests, Mages proficient at Goddess's magic, Lernen's golems
First Appearance: Episode 11 (anime), Chapter 23 (manga)

Detoxification magic () (どく) () (ほう) Gedoku mahō?
Detoxification magic EP13

Sein cures Stark of the snake's venom.

Removes toxic substances such as poison or venom from someone affected by them.

Notable Users: Sein
First Appearance: Episode 13 (anime), Chapter 27 (manga)

Spell to identify illnesses (びょう) () (はん) (べつ) する () (ほう) Byōki o hanbetsu suru mahō?
Spell to identify illnesses EP17

Frieren identifies what illness is afflicting Fern.

The user discovers what illness the target is afflicted with.

Notable Users: Priests, Mages proficient at Goddess's magic
First Appearance: Episode 17 (anime), Chapter 36 (manga)

Spell that allows for survival without supplies or oxygen () () (きゅう) () (さん) () (じょう) (たい) でも (せい) (ぞん) できる () (ほう) Muhokyū musanso jōtai demo seizon dekiru mahō?
No image available (square)
Allows the target to be able to survive for up to two months with food, water, or oxygen.

Notable Users: Heiter
First Appearance: Chapter 97

Stealth magic (おん) (みつ) () (ほう) Onmitsu mahō?
Spell to prevent trigger of mana detection CH115

Heiter casts a spell to prevent the trigger of mana detection on the Hero Party.

Prevents other humans, monsters, and demons from sensing the mana of those affected by the spell. Affects everyone in a circular radius around the user, including the user.

Notable Users: Heiter
First Appearance: Chapter 115

Defensive Goddess's magic
Defensive Goddess's magic CH118

Heiter shields Frieren and Himmel.

Magic that generates a protective barrier that can encircle a wide radius around the caster. It is able to defend from physical attacks.

Notable Users: Heiter
First Appearance: Chapter 111

Spell that binds an opponent
Spell that binds an opponent CH118

Heiter binds Grausam to prevent him from attacking Himmel.

A magic circle is cast in the air. From it, bindings appear and wrap around a target, immobilizing them.

Notable Users: Heiter
First Appearance: Chapter 118

Unnamed Curses[]

Curses (Unnamed)
Image Description
Sleeping curse
A villager succumbed to the sleeping curse EP15

A villager under the effect of the sleeping curse.

Puts those within range to sleep indefinitely so the Chaos Flower can absorb their mana, killing them in the process. Humans fall into slumber according to their resistance to the magic, with priests that have the Blessing of the Goddess being hardly affected. The curse only affects humans, and animals don't fall asleep. The curse can be lifted with some equipment and a ritual.[9] Otherwise, it fades when the source is defeated.

Notable Users: Chaos Flower
First Appearance: Episode 15 (anime), Chapter 31 (manga)

Unnamed Support Spells[]

Support Spells (Unnamed)
Image Description
Spell to make things float (もの) () かす () (ほう) Mono o ukasu mahō?

Frieren and Fern float ship

Frieren and Fern float a shipwreck out of the sea.

Frieren floating books CH2

Frieren floats books while deciphering Sage Ewig's grimoires.

Causes something other than the user to float in the air. The spell can be used to clear debris or move objects around.

Notable Users: Frieren, Fern, Wirbel
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime), Chapter 2 (manga)

Flying magic () (こう) () (ほう) Hikō mahō?

Flying magic EP2

Frieren flies to the top of the blue-moon weed tower.

Kanne and Lawine practicing flying magic CH38

Kanne and Lawine practicing flight magic in the Academy of Magic.

Allows for the caster to levitate and move through the air. Using this magic requires a large amount of mana, so the caster is limited by the duration of flight.[26] Originally a magic inherent to Demons, human Mages have since adapted it. Part of the standard curriculum for human Mages to reach third-class.

Notable Users: Demons, third-class and above Mages
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime), Chapter 3 (manga)

Phantom magic (げん) (えい) () (ほう) Genei mahō?

Himmel's phantom appears behind Frieren EP5

Himmel's phantom appears behind Frieren.

A phantom of Himmel appears behind Frieren CH9

Himmel appearing as a phantom behind Frieren.

Creates phantom illusions of deceased individuals dear to the target through using the target's memories. Used to lure in humans for the Einsam to eat.

Notable Users: Einsam
First Appearance: Episode 5 (anime), Chapter 9 (manga)

Spell that manipulates stones as puppets (いし) (にん) (ぎょう) のように (あやつ) () (ほう) Ishi o ningyō no yō ni ayatsuru mahō?

Spell that creates a dancing rock golem

Frieren creates a dancing rock golem for the Hero Party.

Spell that manipulates stones as puppets

Frieren creates a larger golem to fight her clone.

Spell that creates a dancing rock golem CH10

Frieren creates a dancing rock golem for the Hero Party.

Manipulates stones and rocks from the surrounding environment into the shape of a golem of varying sizes and allows the caster to manipulate the resulting golem. The golem can be puppeteered to move according to the caster's will and can cast duplicates of other spells the caster is using.[27][note 3]

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 5 (anime), Chapter 10 (manga)

Barrier magic (けっ) (かい) () (ほう) Kekkai mahō?

Barrier magic (Flamme) EP8

Flamme casts barrier magic on a small plant.

Rain falls onto the barrier over the test area in the Grobe Basin EP20

Rain falls onto Serie's barrier over the test area in the Grobe Basin.

Böse Barrier Magic CH97

The Immortal Böse traps the Hero Party in his barrier.

A diverse supportive class of spells that can be altered based on the caster's strength and purposes. Creates a barrier that isolates whatever is within the barrier from outside the barrier. Deciphering a barrier can allow for it to be broken, but the strength of some barriers makes them incredibly hard to break. Barriers can also weaken over time.[28]

Notable Users: Flamme, Serie, Genau, Böse
First Appearance: Episode 4 (anime), Chapter 7 (manga)

Dispelling magic (かい) (じょ) () (ほう) Kaijo mahō?

Dispelling magic

Frieren dispels the effects of Auserlese on Aura's undead army.

Frieren negates Auserlese on the undead soldiers CH18

Frieren dispels the effects of Auserlese on Aura's undead army.

The user analyzes an opponent's spell and cancels the effects of the spell. The user's staff glows golden while casting the spell.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 9 (anime), Chapter 18 (manga)

Spell that identifies poison (どく) (しゅ) (るい) (ぶん) (せき) Doku no shurui no bunseki?
Spell that identifies poison EP13

Frieren attempts to assess what the type of venom the snake that bit Stark in the Alt Woods had.

Allows the user to determine what type of poison or venom someone has been afflicted with based on a recognizable reaction. For unrecognizable reactions, a priest is necessary to assess the type of poison.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 13 (anime), Chapter 27 (manga)

Spell that captures a bird (とり) (つか) まえる () (ほう) Tori o tsukamaeru mahō?

Spell that captures a bird EP18

Frieren uses the spell on a Geisel.

Frieren saves Kanne from a Geisel CH38

Frieren uses the spell on a Geisel.

A form of folk magic originally developed by hunters. Traps any bird or birdlike creature with magic. When used, it produces a glow. Has a range of 50 centimeters.[29]

Notable Users: Frieren, Fern
First Appearance: Episode 18 (anime), Chapter 38 (manga)

Corpse detection magic

Corpse detection magic EP19

Denken tells Laufen about the magic Geisels cast on dead corpses.

Corpse detection magic CH40

The traces of the spell cast by the Geisel on one of the dead examinees.

Leaves traces of magic on dead corpses that can be tracked from afar. The caster is alerted to the position of whomever tries to move the corpse.

Notable Users: Geisel
First Appearance: Episode 19 (anime), Chapter 40 (manga)

Clone magic (ぶん) (しん) () (ほう) Bunshin mahō?

Clone magic

Land dispels his clone against Scharf.

Spiegel clones of Wirbel's team EP23

The Spiegel creates clones of Wirbel, Ehre, and Scharf.

Land dispels clone magic CH42

Land dispels his clone against Scharf.

Spiegel clones of Wirbel's team CH49

The Spiegel clones of Wirbel, Ehre, and Scharf are revealed.

Creates a physical copy of the user or any mage within a certain range of the user that can interact with the environment and utilize magic. Physical objects that the user is carrying may be copied as well.

Land's clone magic creates indistinguishable copies of the user that may be piloted from a distance. The range of the spell is extremely long. At least two clones can be deployed at one time. The clones vanish when sufficient damage is taken.

The Spiegel's clone magic creates visually distinct copies of any mage within the Ruins of the King's Tomb. The copied mages retain their memories and personality and act like the original but are unable to speak. However, they are only imitating a mind and do not actually possess one, thus spells such as hypnosis magic are ineffective. The clones a Spiegel creates appear to possess the same mana capacity as the original mage.

Notable Users: Land, Spiegel
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime), Chapter 42 (manga)

Spell that produces a small electric shock
Spell that produces a small electric shock EP20

Land temporarily paralyzes Scharf.

Creates a small shock of electricity that temporarily paralyzes the opponent.[note 2]

Notable Users: Land
First Appearance: Episode 20 (anime)

Restraint magic (こう) (そく) () (ほう) Kōsoku mahō?

Binding spell EP21

Denken and Laufen are bound by Frieren's restraints.

Methode attempts restraint magic CH51

Methode attempts to use restraint magic on Frieren.

A diverse supportive class of spells that restricts the movement of the opponent. Restraints can take the form of magical bindings.[30] Some variations of the spell require physical contact to cast.[31] The spell can be resisted through various means, such as disparity in mana levels.[32] It is a method to combat stronger mages than oneself.[31]

Notable Users: Frieren, Methode, Edel
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 44 (manga)

Spell that breaks barriers (けっ) (かい) (やぶ) () (ほう) Kekkai o yaburu mahō?

Frieren breaks barrier EP21

Frieren breaks Serie's barrier.

Frieren breaks barrier CH45

Frieren breaks Serie's barrier.

The user analyzes a barrier and then destroys the barrier.

Notable Users: Frieren, Solitär
First Appearance: Episode 21 (anime), Chapter 45 (manga)

Golem magic

Escape golem (bottle) EP23

A bottled up golem designed to help examinees escape.

Golem magic EP23

Länge breaks her bottle and is taken to safety by the escape golem.

Escape golem (bottle) CH48

Sense passes out Lernen's escape golems.

Giant combat golem CH85

Lernen deploys a giant golem specializing in combat against Macht.

Cooking golem CH105

A cooking golem from the Unified Dynasty era.

A spell that allows the user to create golems. These golems can be designed for specific purposes and can vary significantly in size, shape, and equipment. Golems can wear gear and handle weaponry. The spell to create golems has been known to mankind since the Unified Dynasty era.[33]

Lernen uses a specific form of golem magic that enables him to store his golems in bottles, no matter the size of the golem, and the golems are released upon breaking the bottle. These golems are immensely strong and durable and can carry out offensive roles, defend the user against attacks, and heal. With the flexibility of the bottled golems, Lernen can create the golems in advance, store and transport them, and deploy them whenever necessary by breaking the glass bottle.

Notable Users: Lernen, Flamme
First Appearance: Episode 23 (anime), Chapter 48 (manga)

Spell to map a dungeon

Spell to map a dungeon EP23

Fern opens up a map of the dungeon that has yet to be filled out.

Spell to map a dungeon CH48

Fern opens up a map of the dungeon.

Marks down the layout of a dungeon on a translucent map that is displayed midair.

Notable Users: Fern
First Appearance: Episode 23 (anime), Chapter 48 (manga)

Hypnosis magic (せい) (しん) (そう) () () (ほう) Seishin sōsa mahō?

Hypnosis magic EP24

Methode attempts to use hypnosis magic on Frieren.

Edel uses hypnosis magic CH51

Edel attempts to use hypnosis magic on Sense's Spiegel clone.

A type of mental magic. The user can give orders to the opponent. Requires direct eye contact to cast, and the target must possess a mind.[34] Hypnosis magic is a method to combat stronger mages than oneself.[31] However, it can be resisted through various means, such as mental defenses,[32] and is usually ineffective on Demons and other non-human targets.[35] The Stone Bracelet of Servitude utilizes hypnosis magic and is the only magical item in the world known to be able to control the mind of Demons.[36]

Notable Users: Methode, Edel, Sage Ewig, Grausam
First Appearance: Episode 24 (anime), Chapter 51 (manga)

Precognition magic / Spell that lets one see up to one thousand years in the future
No image available (square)
Magic that allows the user to see the future. Two distinct versions of precognition magic have been shown in the manga: the Hero of the South's magic, and the Omniscient Schlacht's magic. The Hero of the South's future sight extends beyond death[37] and shows an immutable future.[38] The Omniscient Schlacht is able to see up to one thousand years into the future[39] and is able to see visions of different futures.[40]

Notable Users: Schlacht, the Hero of the South
First Appearance: Chapter 63

Spell that lets one control birds
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Magic that allows the user to control birds to gather Intel. Genau when he is on subjugation duty in his hometown sets up bird patrolling the area for surveillance.[41]

Notable Users: Genau
First Appearance: Chapter 71

Spell to change one's appearance
Spell to change appearance CH74

The unnamed young demon serving the Divine Revolte changes appearance.

Illusion magic that completely changes the user's appearance. Can be used to deceive opponents.

Notable Users: Unnamed young demon serving Revolte
First Appearance: Chapter 74

Memory transference magic () (おく) (じょう) () () (ほう) Kioku no jōto mahō?
Memory transference magic CH87

Denken transfers Macht's memories to Frieren.

An advanced mental magic spell. Transfers memories from the user to a target, or from a target to the user. The memory tends to start from a scene that left an impression on the caster. The spell can be used without the target's consent.

Notable Users: Edel, Denken, Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 82

Teleportation magic (くう) (かん) (てん) () () (ほう) Kūkan ten'i mahō?
Zart teleports Frieren into the sky CH108

Zart teleports Frieren into the sky.

Upon making direct contact through touch, the caster can teleport the target to any location they desire. Zart utilized the spell in an offensive manner by making targets fall from great heights, thus killing them as flying magic had not existed for mages at the time.

Notable Users: Zart
First Appearance: Chapter 108

Shadow magic
Falsch emerges from a shadow CH138

Falsch emerges from a shadow.

The caster can conceal themselves into a shadow and seemingly emerge at will.

Notable Users: Falsch
First Appearance: Chapter 138

Cloaking magic
Falsch cloaks Serie CH138

Falsch produces a cloak on Serie.

The caster produces a cloak and automatically places it on a target.

Notable Users: Falsch
First Appearance: Chapter 138

Unnamed Other Spells[]

Other Spells (Unnamed)
Image Description
Spell to produce a field of flowers (はな) (ばたけ) () () (ほう) Hanabatake o dasu mahō?

Frieren creates a field of flowers EP2

Frieren creates a field of flowers.

Frieren grows a flower bed around Flamme's grave CH22

Frieren uses the spell to grow a flower field around her master's grave.

Grows a flower field around the caster. The species of flower can be chosen if the caster has encountered it previously. The origin of Flamme's love for magic and a spell she learned from her parents. She later taught it to Frieren.

Notable Users: Frieren, Flamme, Flamme's parents, Scharf[42][note 2]
First Appearance: Episode 1 (anime), Chapter 1 (manga)

Spell that creates an animal lightshow

Spell that creates an animal lightshow

Frieren creates a lightshow for the villagers.

Light spell CH1

Frieren casts a light spell for the villagers.

Creates bright, iridescent animals[43][note 2] that run into the air from a magic circle on the ground.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 1 (anime), Chapter 1 (manga)

Spell that turns sweet grapes into sour ones (あま) () (どう) () っぱい () (どう) () える () (ほう) Amai budō o suppai budō ni kaeru mahō?

Spell that turns sweet grapes into sour ones EP4

Frieren turning sweet grapes sour for Fern and Eisen.

Spell that turns sweet grapes into sour ones CH7

Frieren turning sweet grapes sour for Fern and Eisen.

A spell that is capable of making sweet grapes sour, obtained by Frieren and Fern as a reward for a job.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime), Chapter 3 (manga, mentioned), Chapter 7 (manga, casted)

Spell that produces hot tea (あたた) かいお (ちゃ) () てくる () (ほう) Atatakai ocha ga detekuru mahō?
No image available (square)
A form of folk magic. Presumably, it is used to brew hot tea through magic.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime, mentioned), Chapter 3 (manga, mentioned)

Spell that removes rust from bronze statues (どう) (ぞう) (さび) () (れい) () () (ほう) Dōzō no sabi o kirei ni toru mahō?

Spell that removes rust from bronze statues EP2

Frieren and Fern try out the rust removal spell.

Frieren and Fern clean Himmel's statue CH3

Frieren and Fern clean Himmel's statue using the spell.

Used to clean all the rust off of a bronze statue, leaving it shiny.

Notable Users: Frieren, Fern
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime), Chapter 3 (manga)

Spell that tracks animal footprints
Spell that tracks animal footprints EP2

Frieren tracks the footprints of the seed rat that stole the seed satchel.

Tracks the footprints of an animal. The footprints glow blue on the ground with wisps of blue mana rising from them.[note 2]

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime)

Spell to create mana butterflies

Spell to create mana butterflies

Fern sits amongst butterflies created by the spell.

Spell to create mana butterflies CH3

Fern shows Heiter the mana butterflies she creates with the spell.

Creates glowing blue butterflies from mana that float into the sky. A spell that made Heiter happy and inspired Fern to choose magic.

Notable Users: Fern
First Appearance: Episode 2 (anime), Chapter 3 (manga)

Spell that starts a fire () () () (ほう) Hi o dasu mahō?

Spell that starts a fire EP4

Frieren and Fern set the wreckage pulled from the sea on fire.

Fern ignites a fire under the pot CH61

Fern lights a fire under the cooking pot.

Starts a fire. Requires flammable items for the fire to continue to burn.

Notable Users: Frieren, Fern
First Appearance: Episode 4 (anime), Chapter 6 (manga)

Spell that lets you see through clothes (ふく) () けて () える () (ほう) Fuku ga sukete mieru mahō?

Fern tries seeing through Frieren's clothes EP6

Fern tries seeing through Frieren's clothes.

Spell that lets you see through clothes CH11

Fern tries to see through Frieren's clothes.

Allows the caster to see through what is recognized as articles of clothing, revealing details such as weapons hidden under. Found in a Dragon's nest.

Notable Users: Fern
First Appearance: Episode 5 (anime, mentioned), Episode 6 (anime, casted), Chapter 10 (manga, mentioned), Chapter 11 (manga, casted)

Spell that makes shaved iceかき (ごおり) () () (ほう) Kakigōri o dasu mahō?

Spell that makes shaved ice EP6

Frieren generates shaved ice.

Spell that makes shaved ice CH11

Frieren testing the shaved ice spell with Heiter.

Forms a pile of shaved ice in a bowl. Its grimoire was presumably found in a dungeon chest.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 6 (anime), Chapter 11 (manga)

Spell to unlock a window
Spell to unlock a window EP8

Fern unlocks the window of Graf Granat's manor to infiltrate.

Unlocks a window that has been locked or latched.

Notable Users: Fern
First Appearance: Episode 8 (anime)[note 2]

Spell to pull someone out of a bottomless swamp (そこ) なし (ぬま) から () っこ () () (ほう) Sokonashinuma kara hikkonuku mahō?
No image available (square)
Retrieves an individual that is sinking/has sunk into a bottomless swamp.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 13 (anime), Chapter 27 (manga)

Spell for finding lost accessories () くした (そう) (しょく) (ひん) (さが) () (ほう) Nakushita sōshokuhin o sagasu mahō?

Spell for finding lost accessories EP14

Frieren identifies her ring's location with the spell.

Frieren finds her ring CH30

Frieren finds her ring using the spell.

Identifies the location of a lost accessory with a sharp glow.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 14 (anime), Chapter 30 (manga)

Photo-taking magic

A mage photographing Sein and Gorilla EP16

Magic being used to photograph Sein and Gorilla.

A mage photographing Sein and Gorilla CH34

Magic being used to photograph Sein and Gorilla.

Takes a photograph using magic which can then presumably be conjured or printed out. The photo-taking interface appears as a hologram.

Notable Users: Unknown mage
First Appearance: Episode 16 (anime), Chapter 34 (manga)

Spell to get rid of moldカビを (しょう) (めつ) させる () (ほう) Kabi o shōmetsu saseru mahō?
No image available (square)
Presumably capable of removing mold from objects.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Episode 17 (anime, mentioned), Chapter 35 (manga, mentioned)

Spell to remove tough oil stainsしつこい (あぶら) (よご) れを () () (ほう) Shitsukoi aburayogore o toru mahō?

Spell to remove tough oil stains EP17

Fern admiring a pot after its stains were removed.

Spell to remove tough oil stains CH35

Fern admiring a pot after its stains were removed.

Removes tough oil stains from objects.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Episode 17 (anime), Chapter 35 (manga), Episode 6 (mini anime)

Spell to repair a staff (こわ) れた (つえ) (なお) () (ほう) Kowareta tsue o naosu mahō?

Richter repairs Fern's staff EP27

Richter repairs Fern's staff.

Richter repairs Fern's staff CH56

Richter repairs Fern's staff.

Allows the user to place the pieces of a broken staff back together and seal the cracks with magic. After using the spell, the staff appears like new and functions as normal.

Notable Users: Richter
First Appearance: Episode 27 (anime), Chapter 56 (manga)

Spell to make clothes clean and spotless (ふく) (よご) れをきれいさっぱり () とす () (ほう) Fuku no yogore o kirei sappari otosu mahō?

Spell to make clothes clean and spotless

Fern showing off the effects of the spell.

Spell to make clothes clean and spotless CH60

Fern showing off the effects of the spell.

A legendary spell from the age of the myth.[44] Originally one of Serie's grimoires that was passed down to Fern as her reward for becoming a first-class mage. Useful for laundry.

Notable Users: Fern
First Appearance: Episode 28 (anime), Chapter 60 (manga), Episode 11 (mini anime)

Spell to scratch the itchy parts on your back () (なか) (かゆ) () (ぶん) () () (ほう) Senaka no kayui bubun o kaku mahō?
No image available (square)
Scratches the itchy parts of one's back. Received as a reward for polishing a statue of Hero of the South in the Fabel Village.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 63

Spell to turn a red apple into a green apple (あか) リンゴを (あお) リンゴに () える () (ほう) Akaringo o aoringo ni kaeru mahō?
No image available (square)
A spell that can turn red apples into green apples. Received as a reward for retrieving an heirloom sword for Graf Dach.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 64

Spell to detect silver ore deposits
Spell to detect silver ore deposits

Frieren casts the spell in the mines.

A spell that detects the presence of silver ore deposits and causes the rock face in the direction of the deposits to glow.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 70

Spell that prevents eggshells from falling in when cracking eggs (たまご) () った (とき) (から) (はい) らなくなる () (ほう) Tamago o watta toki ni kara ga hairanaku naru mahō?
No image available (square)
Prevents eggshells from falling in when cracking eggs. Used by Methode to entice Frieren into letting her pet her head.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 73

Spell that allows you to say tongue twisters without tripping over your words (はや) (くち) (こと) () () まずに () えるようになる () (ほう) Hayakuchikotoba o kamazu ni ieru yō ni naru mahō?
No image available (square)
Prevents an individual from stumbling over their words when saying tongue twisters. Received as a reward for helping clear a thunder of dragons from a village in the Drachen Region.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 77

Spell to trace mana
Spell to trace mana CH77

Frieren tracks the mana of the thunder of dragons in the Drachen Region.

Tracks traces of mana. Used to find a thunder of dragons terrorizing a village in the Drachen Region.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 77

Spell that lets you flip pancakes perfectlyパンケーキを (じょう) () にひっくり (かえ) () (ほう) Pankēki o jōzu ni hikkurikaesu mahō?
No image available (square)
A reward given to Frieren by Gehen for clearing out the nest of giant birds disrupting his bridge. Presumably allows the user to make perfectly flipped pancakes.

Notable Users: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 79

Spell that lets a paper airplane fly far (かみ) () (こう) () (とお) くに () ばす () (ほう) Kamihikōki o tōku ni tobasu mahō?
Spell that lets a paper airplane fly far CH105

Frieren showing off the paper airplane's flight.

A spell that lengthens the flight trajectory for a paper airplane. Received as a reward for stopping an ancient Golem from destroying the crops of a village in the Ernst Region.

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 105

Locator spell (たん) () () (ほう) Tanchi mahō?
No image available (square)
A spell that allows the user to find a shortcut back to a main road.[45]

Notable Users: Frieren
First Appearance: Chapter 108

Spell to keep your body nice and warm (からだ) がポカポカする () (ほう) Karada ga pokapoka suru mahō?
Spell to keep your body nice and warm CH122

Frieren casting the spell on Stark.

A spell that keeps one's body nice and warm no matter the weather or state of dress. Received as a reward for helping Armée retrieve his family's treasures hidden away beneath the Titan Fortress Ruins.

Notable Users: Frieren, Armée
First Appearance: Chapter 122


Primitive form of defense magic EP8

Humanity's primitive defensive magic.

  • Sour grapes are Eisen's favorite food, and Frieren can be seen using the sweet-to-sour grapes spell to turn grapes sour for him.[46][note 4][47]
  • When Lügner discusses how Qual spent the majority of his life developing killing magic,[12] the anime includes a scene that shows a depiction of humanity's primitive defensive magic.[48]
  • In the manga, Land knocks Scharf out with a slap.[49] This has been changed to a spell that produces a small electric shock in the anime.[50]
  • As Frieren casts the spell that breaks the barrier over the exam location, a single frame of Serie, the creator of the barrier, can be seen in the anime.[51][note 2]
  • One of Serie's former apprentices was shown to have a favorite spell similar to the spell that captures a bird.[52] It is unknown if the two spells are identical.
  • Around half of the grimoires in the world are written in ancient Elvish.[53]
  • The official English localization by Viz Media has called Wirbel's spell both "Sorganeil" and "Sorganeel."
  • Some spells from the main series are also featured in non-canonical spin-offs:
    • Himmel asks if there is a spell to brew hot tea in Frieren Makes a Detour.
    • The scene where Frieren discovers a spell that makes shaved ice is extended upon in Frieren Makes a Detour.
    • The spell to remove tough oil stains is the featured spell for Episode 6 of the Mini Anime.
    • The spell to make clothes clean and spotless is the featured spell for Episode 11 of the Mini Anime.


  • "Erfassen" is German for "seize," "capture," or "comprehend."
  • "Auserlese" can be traced from the German word "auserlesen," an adjective meaning "choice" or "select."


  1. Dwarves have thus far not been depicted as a magic-using race.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Anime-only addition.
  3. The supportive applications of the puppeteered rocks in battle are an anime-only addition.
  4. The manga panel depicting this scene is only present in the volume version, not the magazine version.


  1. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 5 (pp. 13-14).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 31 (p. 4).
  3. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 129 (p. 7).
  4. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 43 (p. 18).
  5. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 3 (p. 3).
  6. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Official Guide Book (p.72).
  7. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 39 (pp. 3-4).
  8. 8.0 8.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 43 (p. 6).
  9. 9.0 9.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 31 (p. 6).
  10. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 118 (p. 2).
  11. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 31 (p. 5).
  12. 12.0 12.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 17 (p. 3).
  13. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 99 (p. 9).
  14. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 73 (p. 14).
  15. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 31 (p. 7).
  16. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 82 (p. 6).
  17. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 31 (pp. 6).
  18. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 41 (pp. 6-7).
  19. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 131 (p. 18).
  20. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 96 (p. 14).
  21. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 86 (p. 5).
  22. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 48 (p. 17).
  23. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 128 (p. 7).
  24. 24.0 24.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 5 (p. 14).
  25. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 3.
  26. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 27 (p. 7).
  27. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 26.
  28. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 78 (p. 13).
  29. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 39 (p. 3-4).
  30. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 44 (p. 15).
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 51 (p. 3).
  32. 32.0 32.1 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 51 (p. 4).
  33. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 105.
  34. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 51 (p. 6).
  35. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 83 (p. 11).
  36. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 83 (p. 12).
  37. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 63 (p. 13).
  38. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 63 (pp. 10-11).
  39. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 63 (p. 7).
  40. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 89 (p. 8).
  41. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 71 (pp. 9f).
  42. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 18.
  43. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 1.
  44. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 60 (p. 13).
  45. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 108 (p. 6).
  46. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 7 (p. 12).
  47. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 4.
  48. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 8.
  49. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 42 (p. 7).
  50. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 20.
  51. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 21.
  52. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 60 (p. 11).
  53. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 69 (p. 6).