The Circular Saw is an automatically spinning weapon block.
This block rotates forward (or left) in the direction of the red arrow. Hovering over it and pressing [F] in the editor will flip the direction.
This block deals Tick Damage to other machines in Multiverse.
Parameter | Default Value | Range |
Speed Adjust the speed of the block.
x1.00 | x0.00 - x2.00 |
Acceleration Adjust the acceleration of the block
Infinity | x0.10 - x50.00,
Infinity |
x1 Rotation Speed translates to 250 RPM, and increases linearly (i.e. x2 speed is 500 RPM, x3 is 750 RPM, etc.)
The Circular Saw is basically a Powered Wheel, except for more speed, sharper edges, and the fact that it can't be turned off (See that page for more details).
It is easily the best melee weapon in the game; it doesn't break as easily as the Drill, and doesn't require an external source of power like the Metal Blade. It can be used for a variety of anti-personnel and anti-installation tasks.
It also has a hidden connection point embedded inside it with an 0.225m offset. This can be used to connect other blocks to it (like Propellers, or other Saws).
The obvious use of this block is as a weapon - it is excellent for breaking bricks and slaying hapless NPCs, especially when there's a lot to get through. It doesn't need ammunition, and it does not break as easily as other weapons.
Placing it on a Suspension can also help to improve durability and recoil from hitting things.
In vanilla, they are the fastest rotating block in the game, and in the past were used extensively for Propeller Engines. As the game's technology has evolved, however, they have fallen out of favour.
The discovery of Powered Wheel toggleable clutches makes it possible to 'turn them off' by disconnecting them from the rest of the machine.
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