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The Cinematic Camera dialog allows you to smoothly pan/rotate the main camera between two positions, with options like key emulation. This is useful for recording cinematics and the like.

It is opened with LShift + RShift + P.


Set start and end points by moving the camera into position and clicking the 'Start' or 'End' buttons.

Set time to move between the start and end points with the 'Time' slider.

Some additional options are available at the bottom, which don't have tooltips.

  1. Preview camera path
  2. Move camera relative to focused object
  3. Smooth camera start and stop
  4. Show/hide cursor
  • 🎵 Simulate cropping to aspect ratio (adjustable with the attached text box)
  • 💳 Social media (i.e. TikTok) text overlay

Press 'Begin' to start cinematic control. Right Click to exit.


You can save the camera path and other options:

  1. Save to file name
  2. Load from file name
  3. Save/load position/rotation relative to machine

Key Emulation[]

If 'Emulate Key' is enabled, the Numpad + key will be emulated after a certain time as if it were triggered by a Timer. There is no way to set this to something different.

Set key delay time with the aptly-named slider.

