Besiege Wiki
Besiege Wiki

There are two ways to play Besiege. One is building levels, and the other is building machines.
This category covers the latter.

  • Basic Building-thumb Basic Building covers how building works on a surface level, for new players.
    • Basic Siege Engine provides several examples of simple machines for clearing levels.
    • Basic Steering lists the various ways a machine can be controlled.
    • Basic Flight details the 'basics' of getting off the ground.
    • Basic Mobility is about the various methods a machine can use to move around.

  • Advanced Building-thumb Advanced Building is an overview of the more advanced building tools, which allow moving and rotating blocks after they are placed.
    • Scaling is a vanilla-compatible way of resizing blocks. It's not as simple as it sounds.
    • NoBounds is a vanilla-compatible way of removing limits on block settings, which comes with its own opportunities and challenges.
    • Modding covers less vanilla-compatible ways of changing how the game works.

  • Starting Block-thumb Blocks are what machines are made of. Each has its own unique properties and functions.
    • Skinpacks are how a block can be made to look different - sometimes to an unrecognisable degree.
    • Colliders define how blocks interact with the world and each other. This is not a simple subject, especially when Scaling is involved.

  • Principles-thumb Principles are the fundamental physics and mechanics of the game.
  • Technology-thumb Technology is about the various ways you can combine blocks into complex systems for more functionality.
  • Vehicles covers the nitty-gritty details of building various types of vehicles (e.g. planes, helicopters, and cars).

All items (13)
