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Guess Who First Came to America?

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Before the Europeans came, the Americas were settled by three waves of people from northeast Asia: the oldest wave beginning some 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, which gave rise to most Amerindians, and two later waves, which gave rise respectively to the Athapaskan and Inuit peoples of northern Canada and Alaska. That’s the conventional view.

Kennewick Man. An earlier form of Northeast Asian?

There is growing evidence, however, for earlier waves of settlement. There’s Kennewick Man, who lived nine thousand years ago in the American northwest and who looked more European than Amerindian, the closest match being the Ainu of northern Japan. He also looked a lot like Patrick Stewart.

Nonetheless, a DNA study has found him to be closer to Amerindians than to any other existing population in the world (Rasmussen et al., 2015). He was apparently descended from the same Northeast Asians who would later become today’s Native Americans. Those earlier Northeast Asians looked more European because they lived closer to the time when these two groups were one and the same people. It may be that the Ainu best preserve the appearance of this ancestral population that would later develop into present-day Europeans, East Asians, and Amerindians.

But why would Kennewick Man be closer anatomically to an Ainu while being closer genetically to an Amerindian? The answer is that the genes that shape our anatomy are a tiny subset of the entire genome. Most genes are of low selective value, often being junk DNA, so they change at a steady rate through random processes. Taken as a whole, the genome thus provides a “clock” that can measure how long two populations have been moving apart since their common ancestors. Genealogically speaking, Kennewick Man is closer to present-day Native Americans than he is to the Ainu. Anatomically speaking, the reverse is true … probably because his ancestors had escaped the extreme Ice Age conditions that affected northeast Asia 20,000 – 15,000 years ago by retreating to an ice age refugium on the Northwest Pacific Coast. The Ainu may have similarly sat out the Ice Age in another refugium on the other side of the Pacific.

[…] ancient plant and animal remains found on several offshore islands provide evidence that some areas of land on the outer coast remained unglaciated and habitable during the Ice Age. These ice-free areas are called refugia, and evidence for their existence has been found off the Pacific coast from Alaska to southern British Columbia.

Although there is no direct evidence for human occupation of these refugia during the mid-glacial period, it is clear that a chain of habitable environments existed along the Pacific Northwest Coast, and that these environments could have supported people as they made their way down the coast.

If people moved down the West Coast, and then into the interior from there, where and when did this inward movement occur? Is there any archaeology suggesting that populations on the coast began moving inland?

A few sites from the interior areas of Washington State, Oregon and Idaho may demonstrate this. Stemmed projectile points are found in a site along the Snake River in Washington State, with dates ranging from 8,800 to 10,800 years ago. Another site in south-central Oregon, Fort Rock Cave, contained a layer of gravel that had two obsidian points within it. Dates from this layer are as old as 13,000 years BP. Wilson Butte Cave from Idaho also contains human made artifacts dating to between 14,500 and 13,000 years ago. Perhaps these sites are examples of early people moving in-land; however the small number of sites uncovered so far makes it hard to determine definitively whether the early settlers came from the coast, or from the east. (VMC, 2005)

Kennewick Man may thus have been part of an earlier wave of people moving into the Americas, which was long confined to the coastal Northwest. With the end of the ice age, circa 12,000 years ago, another wave of settlement opened up via an ice-free corridor running from Alaska to Montana along the eastern side of the Rockies. This second wave, associated with the Clovis culture, brought more people than the first one and ultimately contributed the most to present-day Amerindians.

There were humans even earlier

But the story doesn’t end here. There seems to have been another people before the Amerindians and even before the older and more European-like Kennewick humans. A recent study has looked at the gene pool of Native Americans from the Amazon. Not surprisingly, most of it closely matches that of Northeast Asians. But a tiny portion is like what we see in the natives of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Melanesia (Skoglund et al., 2015)

It would be easy to dismiss this finding as a fluke, were it not for other evidence of a very different people who once lived in the Amazon basin 16,000 to 9,000 years ago (Roosevelt et al., 1996). While overlapping in time with the Clovis culture, they show none of its emphasis on big game hunting, as seen in the well-known Clovis projectile point and other hunting tools. In fact, they were much like tropical foragers of central Africa or Papua-New Guinea. And their earliest remains precede the Clovis culture by at least three thousand years, even though the Amazon rain forest should have been one of the last areas to be penetrated by former denizens of the Arctic.

There’s more. A site in central Brazil has yielded several skulls dated to between 8,200 and 9,500 years ago. They don’t look at all Amerindian:

[…] they exhibit strong morphological affinities with present day Australians and Africans, showing no resemblance to recent Northern Asians and Native Americans. These findings confirm our long held opinion that the settlement of the Americas was more complicated in terms of biological input than has been widely assumed. The working hypothesis is that two very distinct populations entered the New World by the end of the Pleistocene, and that the transition between the cranial morphology of the Paleoindians and the morphology of later Native Americans, which occurred around 8-9 ka, was abrupt. […] The similarities of the first South Americans with sub-Saharan Africans may result from the fact that the non-Mongoloid Southeast Asian ancestral population came, ultimately, from Africa, with no major modification in the original cranial bau plan of the first modern humans. (Neves et al., 2003).

Similar findings have emerged from analysis of skulls from Mexico dated to between 9,000 and 11,000 years ago and skulls from Colombia dated to between 7,500 and 8,300:

[…] only 6 out of 25 comparisons displayed in Table 3 tend to tie an early Mexican specimen to an Amerindian sample. Conversely, 19 of the 25 comparisons reflect the greatest similarity to Africans (6/25), Paleoindians (5/25), Australians (3/25), Polynesians (3/25), South Asians (1/25), or the Ainu (1/25). When first-place positions are explored, all five are circum-Pacific, either recent or early. Among second-place positions, 4 out of 5 are circum-Pacific, and the remaining one is African.

[…] To summarize, analyses of individual skulls against reference samples suggest that the early Mexican fossils studied do not share a common craniofacial morphology with Amerindians or East Asians, as reported elsewhere for South Paleoindians, some North Paleoindian specimens […] and some modern groups like Fuegian-Patagonians and the Pericúes from Baja California.

[…] This study does not support continuity between Early and Late Holocene groups in the Americas: Archaic remains from Colombia are not an intermediate point between Paleoamericans and modern groups. Moreover, the data presented here support the idea that the first settlers of the New World preceded the origin of the more specialized morphology observed in modern populations from Northeast Asia. (Gonzalez-Jose et al., 2005)

This shouldn’t be too surprising. Here and there in Southeast Asia we find relic groups of small, dark-skinned, and woolly-haired hunter-gatherers: the Andamanese of India, the Semang of Malaysia, and the Aeta of the Philippines. They used to predominate throughout that region as late as four thousand years ago. Farther back in time, in prehistory, they may have also lived farther north, perhaps at one point the entire East Asian littoral … and from there into the Americas. This would be before the last ice age, and probably before another wave of modern humans moved into northern Eurasia.

The past is another country, just as the future is another country. We unthinkingly assume that a place has always been home to a people who look a certain way, behave a certain way, and organize their lives a certain way. This is as untrue for the Americas as it is for anywhere else. Going back in time, we see people who look more and more ancestral not only to Amerindians but also to Europeans and East Asians. Eventually, those ancestral Eurasians disappear and we meet a very different sort of human.

What happened to those first inhabitants of the Americas? Did they go peacefully into the night when the newcomers arrived, retreating farther and farther into more remote areas? Or did the two groups fight it out? There was probably a range of scenarios—perhaps small numbers of newcomers initially worked out a modus vivendi with the natives, which later broke down as they became more and more numerous. In any case, the process matters less than the result. Those first Americans went into the night, peacefully or not.


Gonzalez-Jose, R., W. Neves, M. Mirazon Lahr, S. Gonzalez, H. Pucciarelli, M. Hernandez Martinez, and G. Correal. (2005). Late Pleistocene/Holocene Craniofacial Morphology in Mesoamerican Paleoindians: Implications for the Peopling of the New World,American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 128, 772-780

Neves, W.A., A. Prous, R. Gonzalez-Jose, R. Kipnis, and J. Powell. (2003). Early Holocene human skeletal remains from Santana do Riacho, Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World,Journal of Human Evolution, 45, 19-42.

Rasmussen, M., M. Sikora, A. Albrechtsen, T. Sand Korneliussen, J.Victor Moreno-Mayar, G. David Poznik, C.P.E. Zollikofer, M.S. Ponce de Leon, M.E. Allentoft, I. Moltke, H. Jonsson, C. Valdiosera, R.S. Malhi, L. Orlando, C.D. Bustamante, T.W. Stafford Jr. D.J. Meltzer, R. Nielsen, and E. Willerslev. (2015). The ancestry and affiliations of Kennewick Man. Nature, early view

Roosevelt, A.C., M. Lima da Costa, C. Lopes Machado, M. Michab, N. Mercier, H. Valladas, J. Feathers, W. Barnett, M. Imazio da Silveira, A. Henderson, J. Silva, B. Chernoff, D.S. Reese, J.A. Holman, N. Toth, and K. Schick. (1996). Paleoindian cave dwellers in the Amazon: The peopling of the Americas, Science,272, 373-384.

Skoglund, P., S. Mallick, M.C. Bortolini, N. Chennagiri, T. Hunemeier, M.L. Petzl-Erler, F. Mauro Salzano, N. Patterson, and D. Reich. (2015). Genetic evidence for two founding populations of the Americas, Nature, early view.

VMC (2005). A journey to a new land. Coastal Refugia

(Republished from Evo and Proud by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Peter’s another land bridge worshiper talking out his a**


    We’re still a long ways from the facts –

    •�Replies: @leftist conservative
    , @Wally
  2. Jesus, RT West,
    expert on everything,
    give it a rest!

    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @schmenz
  3. The Norwegian, Thor Heyerdahl, first discovered America!

    •�Replies: @Realist
  4. @Jeff Albertson

    Jesus, RT West,
    expert on everything,
    give it a rest!

    Jesus? Read up on the most lied about man in history here:



  5. Pacific says:

    Schools are so full of BS they all teach White man was first to do everything…

    This is a refreshing change from Bias media and education well done UR…

    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @woodNfish
  6. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    Fascinating stuff – tough people.

  7. Realist says:

    “The Norwegian, Thor Heyerdahl, first discovered America!”


  8. Realist says:

    “This is a refreshing change from Bias media and education well done UR”

    Because it ‘supports’ your liberal agenda.

    Don’t forget your beloved dark people, on average, have a much lower IQ than whites.

  9. Truth says:

    If you’re not careful, Mr. Frost, you run the risk of differentiating your abilities from those of your cohort here in the Unz galaxy.

  10. helena says:


    Peter and Razib both seem out of place here. I’d prefer a dedicated HBD section, Ron’s HBD-zine if u like, where Greg and Chick could come together with Raz and Pete and generate some critical mass to discussions on gene-culture flow and proliferation/elimination etc. I gather Steve coined the term but most of his vg stuff is arts/politics with a bit of stats. [If Eurogenes, Maju, Miles, and Dienekes could be persuaded into the mix too that would be a bonus :)]

    •�Replies: @PandaAtWar
  11. @helena

    Hear hear! Panda seconds your suggestion! ^-^ And don’t forget to send invitations to Hsu, Thompson, Chuck, and perhaps RLindsay, Pumpkin as well.

  12. @Ronald Thomas West

    yeah, the solutrean hypothesis is very interesting, and yes, academia is all about rigid dogma and politically correct kowtowing to the dominant paradigm.

    Years ago I saw a map of haplogroup X distribution. It was heaviest in northeastern canada. I have not seen anyone address this distribution.

    •�Replies: @Hrw-500
  13. Biff says:

    Going back in time, we see people who look more and more ancestral not only to Amerindians but also to Europeans and East Asians.


    Europeans migrated with East Asians to America? Geographically that doesn’t make sense.

  14. schmenz says:
    @Jeff Albertson


    You need to do what I do: I just skip over his comments without wasting a moment to read them. Life is too short to die of boredom.

  15. Biff says:

    Did ancient Egyptians use material only found in the new world?

    1992 Svetlana Balabanova, a well- respected pathologist associated with the University of Ulm took samples of hair, bone and soft tissue from the museum’s nine mummies. She tested the samples using radioimmunoassay and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Her results were surprising. Finding no opium, no lotus, the samples contained traces of nicotine and cocaine. The levels were low, but Balabanova believed they must have dropped over the centuries. If her interpretation was right, the levels originally equaled those in modern smokers and cocaine users. But, the only concentrated source of nicotine is tobacco, and cocaine is found only in the coca plant. Both are New World plants, and are generally considered to have been unknown elsewhere before 1492. The Munich mummies lived hundreds to thousands of years earlier. Balabanova was intrigued and, since 1992, has tested hundreds of mummies from Egypt, Sudan, China and Germany ranging from 800 to 3000 years of age. Nicotine showed up everywhere in an average of a third of the mummies from each site. Recently, other labs have begun testing Egyptian mummies and finding nicotine. Three samples from the Manchester Museum revealed traces of the drug, as have 14 samples taken directly from an archeological dig near Cairo.

  16. BDoyle says:

    “Most genes are of low selective value, often being junk DNA, so they change at a steady rate through random processes.”

    This is not quite right. Briefly, junk DNA is DNA that does not affect the phenotype if it is mutated. Most human DNA is junk (in my opinion, anyway), but the parts that are genes are definitely NOT junk. Genes can have different versions (alleles), and these alleles can be either adaptive, maladaptive, or neutral. Mutations in junk DNA are often proposed to be random, meaning we can construct a clock from them. This is a different thing entirely from relative frequency of gene alleles. There, you have different gene variations fluctuating in frequency because of their different fitness, or because of neutral drift.

  17. @schmenz

    You need to do what I do: I just skip over his comments without wasting a moment to read them. Life is too short to die of boredom

    That’s pretty funny, the traffic has been moving from this article to my site … must be some closet ‘bright’ folk here in Peter’s ‘big-brained White people’ domain. But obviously not ‘schmenz’ who broke his own rule and opened this opportunity. What’s missing to now? How about a comedy?


    ^ Satire of Chomsky’s theory of language 😉

  18. Fred Reed says:


    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
  19. Hrw-500 says:
    @leftist conservative

    I thought it could be worth to share some videos I saw on Youtube about the solutreans hypothesis.

    Video Link

    Video Link

    Video Link

  20. Wally says:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    Ronald Welfare West will be the MC for The New Soul Train, coming soon.

    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
  21. Peter’s another land bridge worshiper talking out his a**

    All Amerindians are genetically related to Northeast Asians. And if you don’t believe genetics, just look at their faces and their anatomy.

    Peter and Razib both seem out of place here. I’d prefer a dedicated HBD section, Ron’s HBD-zine if u like, where Greg and Chick could come together with Raz and Pete and generate some critical mass to discussions on gene-culture flow and proliferation/elimination etc.

    I agree.

    Years ago I saw a map of haplogroup X distribution. It was heaviest in northeastern canada. I have not seen anyone address this distribution.

    Haplogroup X is most common today in Europeans and Southwest Asians. It is absent from present-day Siberians. It is present in 3% of Amerindians over a wide area of North America (and not just the northeast):

    “Haplogroup X has now been reported in contemporary members of seven specific unrelated
    language families (Athapaskan, Algonquian, Kiowa-Tanoan, Wakashan, Plateau Penutian, Northern Hokan, and Siouan) which are distributed throughout markedly noncontiguous geographic regions of the Canadian Subarctic/Great Lakes region, the Southwestern U.S., the Southern Plains and the Central and Northwest Coasts”


    I’m not hostile to the idea that some Europeans made it to North America before Columbus. We know the Norse were here, for instance. Another explanation is that this haplogroup used to be present in Siberia and then disappeared at the height of the last ice age. In general, Siberians show restricted genetic variability because their ancestors were repeatedly squeezed through population bottlenecks.

    But, the only concentrated source of nicotine is tobacco, and cocaine is found only in the coca plant.

    Nicotine is present at high levels in many plants, not just tobacco.

    Most human DNA is junk (in my opinion, anyway), but the parts that are genes are definitely NOT junk

    Many genes have been inactivated and produce nothing at all. On the other hand, nothing in the human genome is truly junk because even the inactive parts influence the 3D configuration of active genes and how they relate to each other. My point is simply that genes vary considerably in their impact on growth and development. Some genes don’t do much of anything. Some produce structural proteins. Some regulate other genes. And some regulate those regulators.

    That’s pretty funny, the traffic has been moving from this article to my site

    I followed the link and went to your site.

  22. @Fred Reed


    Right you are Fred! (how’s the ‘bottle’ treating you these days?)


    ^ “Barack Obama is a White man”

  23. @Wally

    Ronald Welfare West will be the MC for The New Soul Train, coming soon

    It’s true, I appreciate my veteran’s pension welfare. Meanwhile in this essay you’ll find maybe the best Native American story about White people (ever)



  24. Ron Unz says:

    You need to do what I do: I just skip over his comments without wasting a moment to read them. Life is too short to die of boredom.

    Most of the commenters here are strongly opinionated and since their opinions vary a great deal, many of them regard each other as ignorant, biased, or crazy wasters-of-space and would probably like to see them banned.

    Since I’m reluctant to do that, I’ve added a convenient Javascript-based feature that allows individual readers to make that decision. At the very top of each comment-thread is a “Commenters to Ignore” button that allows you to enter a list of commenters to skip. This list will be saved in a permanent cookie on your device/browser and hide all comments by those individuals across all the threads in the webzine (though you can still unhide them individually).

    So all you should feel free to go ahead and “ban” each other as much as you wish…

    •�Replies: @Biff
    , @Drapetomaniac
  25. The great book “Lies my Teacher Told Me,” notes that Columbus’ diary recorded that when they reached what is now Haiti, he found the Arawaks (local natives) in possession of spear points made of what they called “guanine.” The Indians said they got them from black traders who had come from the south and east. Guanine proved to be an alloy of gold, silver, and copper, identical to the gold alloy preferred by West Africans, who also called it guanine. Given that West Africa is half the distance to the Caribbean compared to Europe, this is not surprising.

    When Jacques Cartier mapped the mouth of the St Lawrence River in 1535, he reported there were a many Basque fishing boats already there. The Basques of northern Spain have always asserted that their fishermen where summering off the American coast for decades before 1492, harvesting cod and whale. The crew of Columbus’ ships were mostly Basque, including his navigator! There’s lots on the Internet about this plausible claim. 

    There is lots of hard archeological proof from old Basque fishing camps in the Americas from the early 1500s, but hard proof prior to 1492 has yet to appear. Fishermen set up Summer camps to gut and dry/salt their cod/whale meat and barrel whale oil before sailing home. Had the Basque discovered great fishing areas along the American coast prior to 1492, it is unlikely they would have announced this discovery to the world.

  26. @schmenz

    I read everything here, but I usually skip the handle. I actually enjoy his schtick (shameless blog-whoring) for the same reason I’ll probably watch the Republican debates; unintentional hilarity. ’cause nothing screams sophisticated hyper-intelligence like calling Peter Frost an a**! The lack of self-awareness is amazing, but wearing thin.

  27. Biff says:
    @Ron Unz

    Most of the commenters here are strongly opinionated and since their opinions vary a great deal, many of them regard each other as ignorant, biased, or crazy wasters-of-space and would probably like to see them banned.

    One of the reasons I’m here is the entertaining nut-jobs are not banned.

  28. @Peter Frost

    All Amerindians are genetically related to Northeast Asians. And if you don’t believe genetics, just look at their faces and their anatomy

    I didn’t dispute the land bridge, I dispute it could only have been a one way street and the only source of the Americas populace from Asia. There’s a lot of people in anthropology overemphasize the land bridge and Beringia, including yourself in the article, my opinion. Insofar as Blackfoot faces, you’ll see lots of what could be called European features in the historic photographs, not only today’s Blackfeet. Interesting coincidence their culture hero, Napi, is said to have been a White man. More than that, it is said all Blackfeet are descended from Napi. These oral histories have memories so far back as woolly mammoths, so somehow I doubt the possibilities are limited to Welsh, Basques and Vikings.

    Where you see more classic Asian features is in the surrounding tribes, particularly towards the West coast although as well the Cree often look more Asian.

    If you read my article, you see the case I set out, not least culture and genetics are often conflated by anthropologists in amazingly twisted ways to suit ‘science’ .. insofar as belief in genetics, I think it can be a useful tool but likely there’s a whole lot yet to be discovered and it’s far too soon to make any sweeping determinations, recalling western science held the appendix was an abandoned organ of indeterminate function for how long? Two or three hundred years? Now, we know it is a perfectly functional part of the intestine for restarting gut flora following a bout of dysentery.

    •�Replies: @dahoit
  29. Sean says:

    The original Tierra del Fuego natives are supposed to have had Australian Aboriginal level robusticity. How did they get there?

    Peter and Razib both seem out of place here. I’d prefer a dedicated HBD section, Ron’s HBD-zine if u like, where Greg and Chick could come together with Raz and Pete and generate some critical mass to discussions on gene-culture flow and proliferation/elimination etc

    They have different special subjects and areas of expertise, which they are not going to be told about by anyone. Collaboration could only take place on subjects none of them know much about. It is better to pick your expert on a subject, and listen to whatever gut feeling they have about it.

  30. Europeans migrated with East Asians to America? Geographically that doesn’t make sense.

    If you go back in time, you reach a point when the ancestors of Europeans and the ancestors of East Asians were the same people. Some academics peg this time of common origin at 40,000 years ago. Others, including me, lean to the onset of the last glacial maximum: 20,000 years ago.

    The ancestors of Kennewick Man avoided the glacial maximum (the coldest part of the last ice age) by living in the refugium of the coastal Northwest. So they didn’t undergo the anatomical evolution that occurred in Northeast Asians during that time, like the evolution of the epicanthic eye fold. They consequently retained an older and more European-like appearance.

    This is something the advocates of the Solutrean hypothesis should consider. The Solutrean culture existed in Western Europe about 22,000 to 17,000 years ago. So it was very close in time to the common ancestors of all northern Eurasians.

    Insofar as Blackfoot faces, you’ll see lots of what could be called European features in the historic photographs, not only today’s Blackfeet.

    If we look at maternal DNA (which probably provides the best picture of the unmixed Blackfoot gene pool), the closest match (other than with other Amerindians) is with Northeast Asians.

    You may be right that those European features are of pre-Columbian origin. I don’t believe the Kennewick humans died out. They simply became submerged by the people of the Clovis culture.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  31. @Realist

    “Don’t forget your beloved dark people, on average, have a much lower IQ than whites.”

    They were able to migrate and survive in a hardscrabble world – like many successfully surviving animals.

    Nothing special.

  32. @Ron Unz

    I’m for everyone having their own opinions, I just don’t want people to use a mechanism like government to force them on other people, or for government to suppress the opinions they don’t approve of.

    Beliefs should be relevant to those who hold those beliefs., for others, they should be free to choose if that is so.

  33. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Peter Frost

    If you go back in time, you reach a point when the ancestors of Europeans and the ancestors of East Asians were the same people. Some academics peg this time of common origin at 40,000 years ago. Others, including me, lean to the onset of the last glacial maximum: 20,000 years ago.

    That’s assuming the out of Africa hypothesis is true. It’s just a hypothesis, and there are alternative theories such as multi-regionalism, which is supported by anthropologists such as Wolpoff.

  34. Seraphim says:

    There is definitely an obsession with IQ with the people who believe that theirs is the highest.

    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @MarkinLA
  35. Bliss says:
    @Peter Frost

    All Amerindians are genetically related to Northeast Asians. And if you don’t believe genetics, just look at their faces and their anatomy.

    The faces of these 3000 years old giant Olmec head statues from central america do not look at all like northeast asians to me. Instead they look very much like west africans. Explain that away without making us laugh…


    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
  36. Bayonet says:
    @Peter Frost

    Another interesting article, Dr. Frost.

    I’ve been reading your stuff for awhile, here and on your blog, and I appreciate the work you do. HBD is an interesting field once you filter out the axe-grinders and the race fantasists.

  37. That’s assuming the out of Africa hypothesis is true. It’s just a hypothesis

    It hasn’t been a hypothesis for some time now. We are all descended from a relatively small group of humans that began to expand somewhere in East Africa some 80,000 years ago. Around 60,000 to 50,000 years ago that expansion began to spread to the other continents. We see some signs of admixture between them and archaic hominins, like the Neandertals in Europe, the Denisovans in East Asia, and other groups in Africa itself.

    That is our current state of knowledge. Call it a modified version of the Out of Africa theory. The multiregional theory is no longer accepted.

    The faces of these 3000 years old giant Olmec head statues from central america do not look at all like northeast asians to me.

    You raise an interesting point, one that occurred to me while writing this column. Were the Olmecs descended from these “First Americans”?

    •�Replies: @leftist conservative
  38. @Peter Frost

    blacks look somewhat like the african apes –chimps and gorillas….

    asians looks somewhat like the asian ape, orangutan….


  39. Realist says:

    I did not say whites had the highest IQ….just much higher, on average, than blacks.

    You should learn to read.

    •�Replies: @Seraphim
  40. @Bliss

    ‘Perma-Frost’ isn’t going to allow for any possibilities other than ‘he’s right because he’s Peter Frost’ … so if he must yield a point, it will always be in a way that seems to prove himself right. Narcissism is hardly a hallmark of true intelligence. So much for the ‘big brained White people’ theory –

  41. woodNfish says:

    White men didn’t necessarily do everything first, we just did it better, and our modern world proves that – like it or not.

    •�Replies: @dahoit
  42. dahoit says:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    How does the modern or pre Colombian treatment of animals and hunting by Amerindians,that is,one of oneness and conservation and respect,relate to the wiping out of all that fauna,10,000 or so years ago.(Sabertooths,mammoths etc.)I certainly can see the Eurasians slaughtering,but one always has been told of native American oneness with the natural world.
    Weird.Or common human nature.

    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
  43. dahoit says:

    A world of strife,hate, intervention and a total lack of minding ones business,yes we do do it better.
    And what’s this we stuff?Because our ancestors had more brains than you(we) do?All WE seem to be doing is retrograde.

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
    , @Pacific
  44. dahoit says:
    @leftist conservative

    Well,we are all related,are we not?Even whitey.(We all interbreed and our offspring interbreed)Simple science always defeats simple statements.
    I have no idea of IQs,but I do know that black people overwhelmingly said Iraq was a bad deal,and whitey overwhelmingly disagreed.sheesh.

  45. woodNfish says:

    The “we stuff” is “us white people” and must not include you, but I really don’t know what color you are, and don’t care either. And the strife and hate and intervention have no color and has been going on since the dawn of man. Besides, I was writing about modern inventions and Western culture and capitalism – all brought to you (mostly) by WHITE MEN. Your thing about intervention (which we probably agree is bad) is politics, not invention, culture, or economy. I guess your limited intellect didn’t allow you to understand all that.

    •�Replies: @Biff
  46. So it appears that the Northeast Asian migrants to the Americas committed genocide against the earlier arrivals? I thought only straight white Christian males did that. Or are we all descended from conquerors and the conquered? I believe that is what folks did in ancient times.

  47. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @leftist conservative

    Also look at the snub-nosed monkeys of east Asia:


    Google images of them. They have snub-noses, almond shaped, slanted eyes, and roundish heads. They resemble Asians more than orangutans do, and they’re based in Tibet/SW China region, which is where Asians are believed to have originated.

    Japanese macaques resemble Europeans as they have fair, pinkish skin, green eyes, narrow faces and long noses:


    There’s no geographic connection between the Japanese macaques and Europeans, but the Japanese macaques may resemble species that used to exist in western Eurasia.

    These may suggest that there was some degree of multi-regional evolution or admixture.

    •�Replies: @Bliss
    , @Difference Maker
  48. Biff says:

    I was writing about modern inventions and Western culture and capitalism – all brought to you (mostly) by WHITE MEN.

    Western culture was brought to you (mostly) by WHITE MEN? who wudda thunk?

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
  49. @dahoit

    How does the modern or pre Colombian treatment of animals and hunting by Amerindians,that is,one of oneness and conservation and respect,relate to the wiping out of all that fauna,10,000 or so years ago.(Sabertooths,mammoths etc.)I certainly can see the Eurasians slaughtering,but one always has been told of native American oneness with the natural world.
    Weird.Or common human nature

    ‘Alternative hypotheses to the theory of human responsibility include climate change associated with the last glacial period and the Younger Dryas event, as well as Tollmann’s hypothetical bolide, which claim that the extinctions resulted from bolide impact(s)’ (from wikipedia, not perfect but points to the other possibilities)

    Nobody knows what actually happened. I’m inclined to impact theory because it seems to coincide with the oral histories –

  50. woodNfish says:

    dahoit seemed to have a problem with that, and I wrote “mostly” because peanut butter, jazz, rock & roll, and other parts of Western culture and invention were invented by black men, but we’ve had other races lend a minor hand as well. (Although jazz and rock classify as major contributions.)

  51. blacks look somewhat like the african apes –chimps and gorillas…. asians looks somewhat like the asian ape, orangutan…. discuss…

    That’s a very weak foundation to build a theory upon. Most of the human gene pool seems to have a relatively recent origin in a relatively small population, perhaps some 80,000 years ago. As that population expanded it did pick up some admixture from archaic groups like the Neanderthals. But Neanderthals and modern humans shared common ancestors as recently as 350,000 to 400,000 years ago. By comparison, chimps and humans shared their last common ancestors between 5 and 7 million years ago.

    I don’t see the point in discussing an idea that doesn’t pass the test of superficial plausibility. It’s this sort of discussion that makes “race realists” look like a bunch of chickenheads.

    ‘Perma-Frost’ isn’t going to allow for any possibilities other than ‘he’s right because he’s Peter Frost’ … so if he must yield a point, it will always be in a way that seems to prove himself right.

    I’ve been wrong in the past, and I’ve admitted to being wrong.

    Narcissism is hardly a hallmark of true intelligence. So much for the ‘big brained White people’ theory –

    The biggest-brained people aren’t necessarily white folks. (Are the Igbo white folks?) Your criticism is all the more strange because I belong to the minority within the HBD community who believe there’s a lot more to human evolution than the increase in general intelligence.

    I have no idea of IQs,but I do know that black people overwhelmingly said Iraq was a bad deal,and whitey overwhelmingly disagreed

    Is this true? I thought American public opinion was divided on the Iraq war from the very beginning.

  52. No need to guess and stop finger-pointing quarrels, all of you kids!

    Who first came to America?

    Panda did!

    …was 4.5 million years ago, and colonised Tennessee! Beat that, huh? ROFL


  53. @Peter Frost

    I didn’t espouse a theory…I just made two observations…and my observations stand….asians look a bit like orangs, and africans look somewhat like chimps & gorillas.

    Furthermore, the erectus in asia has big cheekbones like asians.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  54. Seraphim says:

    The point is that: “After conducting the largest ever study of intelligence, researchers have found that far from indicating how clever you are, IQ testing is actually rather ‘meaningless’.
    “IQ tests are pretty meaningless – if you are not good at them, all it proves is that you are not good at IQ tests.”
    These are the (provisional) conclusions of a research conducted on more than 100,000 participants of different background, complemented with brain scanning of some participants.

  55. @Peter Frost

    Your criticism is all the more strange because I belong to the minority within the HBD community who believe there’s a lot more to human evolution than the increase in general intelligence

    Perma-Frost-Pete is a good Indian nickname for someone who is married to the landbridge. It is entirely possible there were multiple migrations via other routes and the land bridge was a two way street. ‘Twenty thousand years trapped in Beringia’ is the new stretch that looks like little more than cramming the genetics findings into orthodoxy. My problem isn’t with you per se, except in the general sense of Western scientific assumptions. Per my previous note on science ‘gospel’ dead wrong for centuries on the subject of the appendix, your “junk DNA” could go the same route. You don’t know that, it’s an assumption and the science of DNA is still in its infancy or perhaps is a toddler by now. It’s about the lack of open mind of those who cling to orthodoxy.

    Perhaps the best example of this is the ‘electric universe’ model which is embraced by quite a few highly intelligent scientists but is treated by the orthodox science community like the plastic dog shit in the corner of the room no one has the balls to mention to the host at a party.

    And it couldn’t hurt time to time to drop the hammer on the out and out racists who frequent your articles’ comments sections, anything less smacks of a sympathetic view –

  56. Realist says:

    You are picking and choosing your ‘facts’.

  57. MarkinLA says:

    What about the obsession with people trying to deny IQ?

    The day some guy with an IQ of 85 wins the Fields medal or the Nobel Prize for Physics is the day I will agree that IQ is meaningless.

    •�Replies: @Seraphim
  58. Seraphim says:

    The guys who invented and built the atomic bomb, used and are ready to use it again against people of lower IQs, certainly had IQs of 200 or more. They should get the Nobel Prize for Peace as well.

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA
  59. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Peter Frost

    The ancestors of Kennewick Man avoided the glacial maximum (the coldest part of the last ice age) by living in the refugium of the coastal Northwest. So they didn’t undergo the anatomical evolution that occurred in Northeast Asians during that time, like the evolution of the epicanthic eye fold. They consequently retained an older and more European-like appearance.

    Where is the evidence that these originated during the ice age or that they are ice age adaptations? It’d be one thing if they were thick coats of body fur or something, but they’re not. Do epicanthic folds help prevent eyeballs from freezing or something? If, say, Chinese people could get by in the winter without wearing jackets or something I think people would have noticed by now. They still have to wear jackets like the rest of us.

    At any rate, has this idea ever even been tested? It seems like it would be pretty easy to test in a lab. It’d be easy to test cold tolerance or resistance in a lab.

  60. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @leftist conservative

    Peking Man, the erectus specimen that was found near Beijing, is believed by many Chinese anthropologists to be an ancestor to the Chinese. He also looked Asian:


  61. Bliss says:

    Japanese macaques resemble Europeans as they have fair, pinkish skin, green eyes, narrow faces and long noses

    Probably the majority of monkeys are white skinned, including the rhesus monkey of mainland Asia, mostly in south asia:


    The snow monkeys of Japan are the Nordics of the simian world:


  62. MarkinLA says:

    Well thank you for that irrelevant nonsense. I am sure we all learned something valuable. Maybe they just should have captured the Japanese cut out their beating hearts and ate it like the Aztecs or started butchering and eating albinos like they do in Africa.

  63. Seraphim says:

    You are welcome, although I am not too sure what are you thanking me for.

  64. @MarkinLA

    Or gas our soldiers like the Germans did in WW I ? (let’s see the holocaust deniers get around that one)

  65. @leftist conservative

    I´ve had always the feeling the flora and fauna of a region resemble the people who live there, although it is probably some kind of posterior rationalization. For example trees in Europe tend to big and massive , while those in east asia like bamboo are rather slender. Or take the Giant Panda, the animal which is a symbol of China nowadays: it has a big head, rather small paws, it is not very aggressive and has a very low fertility. All attributes one could associate with East Asians.
    One thing I am rather sure of is that dog breeds somehow reflect features of the people they have been bred by. For example the “big dogs” in East Asia are not as big as the big digs in Europe (with the exception of the tibetan mastiff). The Japanese Akita Inu (other than the American Akita) is a big dog, but not as big as a German Shepard I think, never the less like a Rottweiler or some other huge dog breed.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  66. @Peter Frost

    the idea about the similarities of local humans and apes was rather about convergent evolution to certain ecological circumstances – not some really ridiculous theory of mixing between the two. At least thats the way I understood it.

  67. HA says:
    @leftist conservative

    “…blacks look somewhat like the african apes –chimps and gorillas…. asians looks somewhat like the asian ape, orangutan…. discuss…”

    That depends on what features you fixate, as Desmond Morris among others have pointed out. Blacks have woolly hair. Chimps and gorillas — straight hair. Blacks often have thick lips. Chimps and gorillas — thin lips. Black women are commonly regarded in many countries as curvier (relative to the rest of humanity) with regard to breasts and buttocks. Chimp and gorilla females — not curvy. And while gorillas have black skin, a fair number of chimps have pale skin, so that doesn’t help either.

    In short, it’s a mixed bag. And as for orangutans looking like Asians? I don’t see that at all. Ditto for snub-nosed monkeys (for one thing, there’s a creature with really thick lips).

  68. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Erik Sieven

    Most dog breeds are relatively new and were only bred over the last couple hundred years or so. The German Shepherd for example is only a little over 100 years old.

    If we look at older breeds, I don’t think the contrast is that great. The Shar Pei and the Chow Chow are large dogs

  69. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Erik Sieven

    The breed standards for the Shiba Inu and Akita Inu include small, almond shaped eyes. I don’t know if that is just coincidence or if it was deliberately bred.

  70. And it couldn’t hurt time to time to drop the hammer on the out and out racists who frequent your articles’ comments sections, anything less smacks of a sympathetic view

    I can only conclude you’re new around here. I’ve repeatedly condemned such comments in the past when they appear, since they tend to drag down the level of discussion. On the one hand, they bring other keyboard Nazis out of the woodwork. On the other, they cause serious commenters to go elsewhere. Unfortunately, I have no power to moderate comments.

    Of course, there are many definitions of “racist.” If you make the definition broad enough, you’ll end up including almost anyone.

    •�Replies: @Ronald Thomas West
  71. “…blacks look somewhat like the african apes –chimps and gorillas…. asians looks somewhat like the asian ape, orangutan…. discuss…”

    Other than being comical, you gots to be from another planet!
    It is well known and observable that thin lips are the domain of what we call white people today (a norm and an average!) along with bodily hair, which is nil to limited in the so named ‘black people” of today. We come back to environment/climate.

    •�Replies: @HA
  72. What is called junk DNA is the mindset of those who despite their alleged higher IQ, are unwilling, unable and incapable of figuring out its representation within the genome. Undifferentiated DNA, to those who use the junk DNA descriptive, appears to be an extra ‘tool’ of nature and within nature (something the high IQ adepts cannot understand and are incapable of understanding) that allows for continued success within the organism for its survival in the future. It is part of that higher calling often associated with natural synergy with the universe wherein it is manifested by certain groups having no knowledge of astronomy, music, or science to accurately but are naturally able to connect with it (the IT). Native people, wherever they may be, have solved, built, moved and planned out their communities without the use of what we call the tools of science today.

    Building the pyramids, whether in Africa, part of Eastern Europe, the Americas (Belize, Mexico, etc) and even Stonhenge, are part of that IT where these pre modern peoples (the actual builders)
    saw and cenceptualized their method. The modern mind seems incapable of understanding this as in 99.9999999999% of the time, ( p value less than .003? OK I am being preposterous) they attribute this to aliens and other beings!

  73. @Peter Frost

    I do believe my stating “out and out racists ” is pretty clear – so yeah, nazis is a good call on what I was getting at.

    I’ve perused a number several of your articles and this is the first time I’ve seen a clear cut disavowal of the bigots and hate mongers that cling to comments section like flies on stink.

    Nice to see this stated in no uncertain terms –

  74. Pacific says:

    Set those IQ tests on different sets of parameters that Don’t benefit white man’s agenda and see how you go!

    All your test are bias, and with agenda, from the young age of children blacks are programed to think they are dumb.

    On a internet work sheet children are asked who has certain amount’s of money out of pictures with different children white brown aisain and black on all occasions the black children had the lesser money out of the four children I called and complained when I seen this…

    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @MarkinLA
  75. Realist says:

    Yeah, blah, blah, blah!

    Who the hell are ‘aisains’?

  76. MarkinLA says:

    Set those IQ tests on different sets of parameters that Don’t benefit white man’s agenda and see how you go!

    Well the problem is that the parameters of the “white man’s agenda” coincide pretty well with success in the modern world. You are free to create tests of other parameters and should they do a better job of predicting success in the modern world you can be sure your test will replace IQ tests.

    However, we could ask north east Asians. They seem to be able to master the parameters that benefit the white man’s agenda. In fact, they tend to do better so maybe they really are the Asian man’s agenda.

    •�Replies: @Pacific
  77. Pacific says:

    Realest it was a error and if you cant work it out bad luck…..

  78. Pacific says:

    MarkinLA It is not only test but education too that has been rigged….. you wrote a lot, but said nothing

    •�Replies: @MarkinLA
  79. I do believe my stating “out and out racists ” is pretty clear – so yeah, nazis is a good call on what I was getting at.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “racist” (let alone an “out and out” one). It might be a good idea to provide a definition. By “keyboard Nazis” I mean commenters who:

    – write wildly off-topic, typically about their personal hobby horse
    – use uncivil, obscene language
    – are not motivated by a desire to engage in real discussion (their main motivation is usually to get the sort of exposure they cannot get on their own website).

    I’ve perused a number several of your articles and this is the first time I’ve seen a clear cut disavowal of the bigots and hate mongers that cling to comments section like flies on stink.

    You really are new around here. Do a search for the term “keyboard Nazi.”

    A “bigot” is a “person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong.” Look in the mirror and tell that person he is not a bigot. With a straight face.

  80. aloha says:

    would you consider writing about the links between having a political ideology and aesthetic tastes. Why is it that a liberal person is more inclined to find modern art appealing. is this in anyway related to the research that you are interested in?.

  81. MarkinLA says:

    The master of saying nothing complementing me on saying nothing makes me blush.

    Yeah I can see how education has been rigged though. Instead of learning how to read, write do mathematics we should be doing what is important to places where the white man doesn’t live and learn to build mud or straw huts and dance all day long.

    •�Replies: @Pacific
  82. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    Most genes are of low selective value, often being junk DNA

    Come on, Peter, be precise! By definition, junk DNA is not genes and genes are not junk DNA.

    The larger question is just how it is possible that “most genes are of low selective value”. For an adaptationist like Greg Cochran that cannot be the case – every little nook matters and is selected for.

  83. Come on, Peter, be precise! By definition, junk DNA is not genes and genes are not junk DNA.

    Genes can become deactivated, and over time they will degrade through an accumulation of point mutations that don’t get removed through selection. So an inactive gene can become “junk DNA.” I don’t think I’m speaking loosely here.

    The larger question is just how it is possible that “most genes are of low selective value”.

    Genes vary in their selective value. Some genes code for a single protein, and that’s it. Others regulate the expression of other genes. Still others regulate the expression of these regulator genes. So certain genes have a much greater impact on growth and development than do others. They are also much fewer in number.

    No gene is totally without selective value. This is true even for inactive genes that have become degraded and incapable of doing anything even if they were switched back on. They still take up space and thus influence how other genes relate to each other.

  84. Pacific says:

    Not necessary, just stop stealing resources and placing unplayable debt on people…

  85. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Erik Sieven


    Male pandas also have proportionately small penises, meaning pandas must adopt a precise position in order to mate.

    •�Replies: @Erik Sieven
  86. The land named US America was never a white man’s land. It is only through theft, rape and deceit did it become such and when this happens the white peoples did what they did best to maintain that stranglehold on the US American landscape until today. Let’s face the truth and stop the pretense, please. What do you think the native peoples in the Southwest or elsewhere are saying, or have said on their predicament; Here is an excerpt from a shaman based on America’s best GOP contender;

    “When Europe sent its people, they did not not send their best. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs (alcohol) They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! .And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. They stole our land then ask us for title for the land. They ripped us off then sent us to reservations and we were never paid rent or compensated. What is that about!

    What can be simpler or more accurately stated? Europe is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. Likewise, tremendous infectious disease in the form of measels infected blankets and they call us dirty…. The United States has become a dumping ground for the escaped white man…

    We have great respect for the white people who stole our land and love their people and their peoples’ great spirit. The problem is, however, that their leaders are far smarter, more cunning, and better negotiators than ours….. and why should they be when the relationship is totally one sided in their favor ….
    I wonder……………

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
  87. @Anonymous

    Funny. But who knows

    Tang dynasty Chinese used to compare Europoid Caucasian features to macaques

    •�Replies: @Difference Maker
  88. @Difference Maker

    (And the faces of the women, to flowers)

  89. The land named US America was never a white man’s land.


    We all live on stolen land. There is hardly a square inch of land on this earth that did not formerly belong to another people. That was one of the messages of my column, assuming you read it.

    When Europe sent its people, they did not not send their best

    This isn’t a place for ideological rants. The average immigrant from Europe was better than average, at least if we’re talking about the initial period of settlement from the 17th to 19th centuries. Even in the early to mid-20th century, about 20% of all immigrants ended up going home. There was no welfare, and if you couldn’t make a go of it, you often had to go back.

    Here is an excerpt from a shaman based on …

    Are you a native American or a white guy using native Americans as a sock puppet?

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  90. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Peter Frost

    We all live on stolen land. There is hardly a square inch of land on this earth that did not formerly belong to another people. That was one of the messages of my column, assuming you read it.

    Racialism is implicit in these sorts of discussions. Stealing land is not really the issue here, and not all stolen land is regarded as equally stolen. People are upset by and object to mass migration and African and Middle Eastern immigration to Europe, for example, not because they’re really against stealing, but because of the race and genetic distance of the thieves. Implicit here is the view that race and genetic distance determine legitimacy and the gravity of transgressions.

    •�Replies: @Sean
  91. Sean says:

    White Europeans have fought civil wars and wars to defend their nations against people who were practically identical to them for over a thousand years. They object to stealing.

  92. HA says:
    @jack shindo

    “…bodily hair, which is nil to limited in the so named ‘black people” of today [cited as an example of blacks looking less like African apes than other people]…”

    Body hair, like skin color, is not very helpful in determining whether a group of people objectively appear more or less like apes.

    For example, men with hairy backs (who do seem mostly white to me, though I have no studies to substantiate that) also tend to have hairy chests, arm pits, and crotches. So, from the back, they look more ape-like. From the front, they look less so.

  93. Rdm says:
    @leftist conservative

    blacks look somewhat like the african apes –chimps and gorillas….

    asians looks somewhat like the asian ape, orangutan….


    Before we continue, what does “White” look like?

  94. woodNfish says:

    There is growing evidence, however, for earlier waves of settlement. There’s Kennewick Man, who lived nine thousand years ago in the American northwest and who looked more European than Amerindian, the closest match being the Ainu of northern Japan. He also looked a lot like Patrick Stewart.- Peter Frost

    Are you really so stupid that you can’t tell the difference between Asia and Europe and their peoples?

  95. woodNfish says:
    @jack shindo

    Gotta love your whiny, lyin’, revisionist BS.

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