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(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: History, Ideology •�Tags: Black Crime, OJ Simpson, Political Correctness
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  1. No sympathy for Nicole.
    Burn the coal, pay the toll.

  2. Lying under oath and the public is supposed to believe detective Furman. Nah.

    •�LOL: JPS
    •�Replies: @Douglas Self
  3. Anon[394] •�Disclaimer says:

    NBS was fucking a Hebe while teasing OJ about it.

    OJ did it.

    NO other POSSIBLE explanation.

    Occams Razor is sharper than the bloody knife.

    He’s in Hell with Goldman now… oh my.

    See what blacks and jooz do to White Women?

  4. profnasty says:

    Means, Motive, Method, can’t account for whereabouts, no other suspects…. GUILTY!
    DNA? Slam dunk.
    Murder One.

    •�Replies: @eah
    , @AlmaMater
  5. @Johnny LeBlanc

    No sympathy for Nicole.
    Burn the coal, pay the toll.

    Yeah I had very mixed feelings about the verdict. On the one hand, I really hated that the nogs thought they got one over on us (and boy were the chimps happy!). On the other hand, I sympathized very much (and still do) with the sentiment you’ve expressed above. Hopefully some day those who created the sick society which told Nicole that it’s fine and dandy to miscegenate will be held to account.

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson
    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
    , @Anon
  6. Curious that early on there were those that mentioned a “drug deal” connection. It was completely blown off by police. Now Chris Todd claims OJ’s accomplice was the guy used for a fake drug deal.
    Let’s face it, the cops were angry he got off, so they set him up in Las Vegas on a bullshit charge in stead. I don’t get all of the hand wringing over a bimbo and her new diversity project being offed.

  7. eah says:

    An aspect of the case that can (and really should) also be seen as evidence against Simpson is the brutal way Nicole Brown Simpson was killed: she was practically decapitated — you can read the description of her neck wound in the autopsy report.

    That kind of wound indicates a certain viciousness stemming from extremely strong emotion, e.g. a jealous rage — there is no other explanation for it — this also points to Simpson.

    •�Replies: @Patrick McNally
  8. eah says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    There’s an account on Twitter/X (it used to be this one), which you can find here, that highlights black-on-white killings in a sober, matter-of-fact way — of course there are a fair number of black males killing their white female significant others, as one can see in the monthly compilations from Kenn Gividen on Vdare, republished here by Unz — anyway, not long ago he said in a tweet that he was seriously considering disabling replies because he was fed up with all the mindless, robotic ones saying nothing more than ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’ — I understood, because I tired of it long ago too.

    Something for you to think about.

  9. @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    In Texas it was not exactly legal but nonpunishable to shoot a Jew off your
    trophy wife until 1965 (!) so the reasoning it not that alien;
    but of course you both have a point.

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
  10. Mr. XYZ says:

    To be fair, in Texas, it wasn’t actually legal for a black man to have a white trophy wife until 1967, two years after 1965.

    •�Thanks: nokangaroos
  11. @eah

    Burn the coal, pay the toll. Any fucking White whore who fucks niggers is just asking for it. No sympathy.

    •�Agree: Catahoula Parish
    •�Troll: 36 ulster
    •�Replies: @eah
  12. eah says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    >No sympathy.

    I didn’t ask you to have sympathy for her — I suggested you stop aping the juvenile phrase ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’ — it’s old dude, and there is no prize for using it the billionth time — so grow the fuck up and give it a rest.

    But it looks like I mistook you for someone who can think — my bad.

    Oh and I have a book suggestion for you — it’s this one.

    •�Replies: @36 ulster
  13. @eah

    I’m going to commit the sacriledge on this site and confess sympathy for poor Goldman too. That poor guy paid the toll just for passing in the vicinity of the coal. His blood DNA found in Simpson’s car – which was excluded as evidence in the criminal trial – rather proved the travesty of justice in that show trial.

    •�Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
    , @eah
  14. @eah

    … he said in a tweet that he was seriously considering disabling replies because he was fed up with all the mindless, robotic ones saying nothing more than ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’

    Unfortunately, short and snappy slogans effectively popularize ideas. The kind of white women in danger of slipping into racially mixed relationships are more likely to “get” the message of “burn the coal … ” than to be convinced by elaborate discussion.

    •�Replies: @eah
  15. @Niebelheim

    I’m going to commit the sacriledge on this site and confess sympathy for poor Goldman too.

    Are you ready for a greater sacrilege? I confess to some sympathy for Nicole.

    Yeah, she showed poor judgment in hooking up with OJ. She probably wasn’t very bright. It must have dazzled Nicole to be hitched to a rich celebrity. He might have had a good social mask, including in his relationships, that hid his violent impulses until they erupted Vesuvius-style. But her lack of psychological sophistication was not a moral failing.

  16. @eah

    An interesting alternate thesis was suggested by another poster on these boards a few days ago: Jason Simpson, offspring from OJ’s first marriage to a black woman. That actually is the first alternate theory which I haven’t been able to dismiss out of hand. I’ve encountered crackpots claiming that Mark Fuhrman was behind the murders and wanted to frame OJ. No serious argument was ever made for that view. But the idea that Jason Simpson might have murdered Nicole himself, and then OJ may have sought to cover up for his son by drawing attention to himself, is certainly plausible. In that case, all of the evidence which seems to point to OJ would actually be pointing to Jason. But since they’re father/son, it would be easy to confuse. A hypothesis like that also allows us to explain the glove problem. Most arguments against OJ discount the issue of the glove fitting by saying that the glove shrank as a result of laboratory testing. But if Jason was the real murderer, then the glove might have been too small for OJ. It’s worth thinking about.

  17. Barnard says:

    Regarding the comments late in the podcast about white people saying “no more” after O.J., the biggest reason for it not happening is that corporate America never would have allowed it. They still plowed ahead with diversity programs and kept making AA hires after the verdict. If anything they went looking for even more of them. The economy was starting to boom, it was easy for people to move on and keep their heads down.

  18. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    In the annals of Negrodom, this has to be the CTE or Craziest Thing Ever.

    •�LOL: Gallatin
    •�Replies: @Wielgus
    , @Wielgus
  19. AlmaMater says:

    An interview exists of one of the black jurors, an old woman. She said that they knew Simpson was guilty, but the not guilty verdict was “payback” for all the bad things white people have done to black people.

    How can white people possibly coexist with a race that thinks they’ve been done wrong by them, although they have had their bills paid and been given preferential job treatment since the 1960s?

    •�Agree: anonymouseperson
    •�Replies: @eah
    , @eah
    , @Tono Bungay
    , @Colin Wright
  20. AlmaMater says:
    @Patrick McNally

    The glove problem: Simpson had arthritis in his hands for which he took medication. Two weeks before he tried on the glove for all the world to see, Simpson stopped taking his arthritis medication, so his hands were swollen from the arthritis; he told this to his attorney. Additionally, he had thin plastic gloves on while trying on the gloves.

    •�Thanks: Gallatin
  21. Wokechoke says:
    @Patrick McNally

    The gloves, if I recall, were put on over a set of neoprene or latex surgical gloves. Later he put them on they fit alright enough.

    Interesting drama really.

    No sassy black female jurist was ever gonna convict Simpson over murdering his white divorce wife. End of Story.

    The lack of psychological realism, let alone race realism on the jury selection is one for the ages.

    OJ got to fuck the cheerleader, murder her and beat the prosecution. The African American Dream come true.

  22. eah says:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    >effectively popularize ideas

    I understand that, but I could ask: Among whom?

    It’s old now, and massively overused — it was always lowbrow — if he had said ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’ as part of a comment where he said something else worthwhile, I probably would have let it go, even though I’m tired of seeing it, and have never used it myself.

    If you followed the book reference I gave (Coming Apart, by Charles Murray), you understand I’m concerned about the sharpening and increasing class and political divide among Whites, e.g. it appears the votes of college-educated Whites were decisive for Biden in 2020 (disregarding the claim the election was stolen), whereas Trump’s support among Whites with a high school education or less was solid (I despise Trump, but clearly for Whites he would have been marginally better than Biden) — the political reality is that non-whites vote as a block for Democrats, while Whites generally split their vote, which is a huge political disadvantage for them.

    Personally, I think the problematic racial and political behavior of some Whites is a matter of nurture, rather than nature — and while it may be only a small issue, the idiotic aping of ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’ is not going to help bridge that gap, which should be the goal.

    Perhaps despite your busy filming schedule, you can find time to think about that.

  23. eah says:

    >sympathy for poor Goldman too

    I didn’t really ask anyone to have sympathy for NBS or Goldman, I just suggested not mindlessly aping ‘burn the coal, pay the toll’ every time a white female is murdered by her black significant other (I do largely share some of the sentiment behind the phrase, i.e. its use as a condemnation of miscegenation and white women who engage in it) — I give the reason why I don’t like the phrase in a later comment.

    Of course any decent human being would have some sympathy for both NBS and Goldman, given the brutal, violent manner of their deaths — it was gruesome — per his autopsy report, Goldman had a number of defensive wounds, indicating he fought for his life against Simpson, who was much larger and more powerful than Goldman: Simpson was 6’2″ and weighed 220 lbs — Goldman was 5’9″ and weighed 170 lbs.

  24. eah says:

    >How can white people possibly coexist

    Obviously that’s a very good question — most of my comments here are devoted to telling Whites (the vast majority of those commenting are white) about the irremediable nature of biological differences between races, and trying to alert them to the threat being a minority in a multiracial society poses for them — one would think that all the malicious propaganda about how Whites have unfairly benefited from unearned ‘white privilege’, and cruelly exploited non-whites via an ‘institutionally racist’ system, would alone be enough to get them to realize this.

  25. eah says:

    >An interview exists of one of the black jurors, an old woman.

    Regarding the jurors, note this passage currently on the Wikipedia page about the DNA evidence (I omit all the links and references):

    Geraldo Rivera asked several jurors what their reasonable doubt was concerning the blood drops found next to the bloody footprints near the victims that were photographed hours prior to Simpson’s blood being drawn. Those samples were sent to Cellmarks for testing, not the LAPD, and were shown to be Simpson’s blood with chances of error being 1-in-9.7 billion. In response, juror Carrie Bess said that she thinks the blood belonged to Simpson’s children; juror Marsha Rubin-Jackson said that she thinks Simpson’s blood was left there next to the bloody footprints prior to the murders happening; and jury foreman Amanda Cooley said that she had no explanation for that incriminating evidence and stated that it did not factor into her decision of reasonable doubt.

    All the jurors mentioned are black women — belligerent idiocy and willful racial malice best describes it.

    OJ Simpson Juror: Not-Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ for Rodney King

    Nancy Grace Details Disturbing Encounter With A Juror From The O.J. Simpson Trial

    Grace says that she and the three jurors — former forewoman Amanda Cooley, Carrie Bess and Marsha Rubin-Jackson — were standing outside the studio when a stretch limo pulled up.

    “They all were getting into the limo,” Grace recalls. “One of them had her arm on the door. Just before she got in, she turned and she said, ‘You know, Nancy, the O.J. Simpson case — this trial — it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I get to come to New York, I get all these nice clothes, I get all these interviews, I get to stay in all these hotels and [eat] fancy dinners. I mean, it’s been great!’”

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  26. @Antediluvian Doomer

    All error is sin.

    How do you figure that, AntDoom?

    If it’s as you say, my life has sure been sinful. Mea culpa.

  27. God rest the soul of Orenthal J Simpson. He was a believing Christian, so if he repented of his sins he was SURELY, CERTAINLY forgiven and is now standing before the throne of God among the saints of every time and place.

    Los Angeles County threw the case. They did not want another Rodney King riot such as after the Simi Valley verdict, so while Simpson hired a dream team they set up inept Darden and Marcia Clark as sacrificial lambs. They also purposefully put together a Negro jury nullification panel.

    One of the jurors, Cheeseborough, wrote a book.

    The Goldman family were ruthless and relentless; like Ahab after the White Whale and Shylock after the pound of flesh, they squeezed OJ like a lemon for every nickel and penny.

    NBS was a gold digger but her family talked her into it. She didn’t care for Bl@ck; she didn’t care for football players. She liked effete white men who played volleyball and waited on tables.

    If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.

    •�Replies: @Tono Bungay
    , @Wokechoke
  28. @AlmaMater

    John McWhorter has an op-ed that replies to your question.

  29. @TheAntidoteToToxins

    So Goldmans should have just turned the cheek? Like you would have done?

    •�Replies: @TheAntidoteToToxins
  30. @eah

    Unmentioned in comments both here and in Sailer’s piece on the same topic was the following:

    At the time of the OJ trial, California law required that the prosecution PROVE that this new-fangled, fancy-pants GENETIC DNA TESTING WAS VIABLE SCIENCE.

    Yes, the prosecution, before they could talk about probability of blood sample matching OJ’s and such had, first, to explain and then prove the theoretical truth of DNA testing to the Jurors.

    Imagine that. You’ve got to ‘splain to eight 86-IQ sheboons the nature of chromosomes, DNA, genotype et.al.

    These are women who may have made it through high school but who, likely, learned little more than how to write their names and perform simple addition of 2 digit numbers.

    So not only were they predisposed to regard OJ as innocent due to their racism, but the State had confounded the prosecution’s ability to win its case by having presented them with the insurmountable task of edumacating black people.

    •�Replies: @eah
  31. @Tono Bungay

    Fred Goldman constantly said he was trying to provide ‘justice’ for his son. According to Hebrew jurisprudence it has to be an eye for an eye/tooth for a tooth which in OJ’s case would have been his decapitation or stabbing. So, no, the Heismann Trophy or an old piano simply won’t balance the bill.

    The Brown family did forgive him because they wanted to have normal relationships with OJ’s kids

  32. eah says:

    Imagine that. You’ve got to ‘splain to eight 86-IQ sheboons the nature of chromosomes, DNA, genotype et.al.

    Yeah, insanity — but in a multiracial society, anyone who still believes the ‘jury of one’s peers’ nonsense is also insane.

    And obviously, once they are done with primary school, it’s pointless to educate all but a very small fraction of Blacks in an academic setting like a typical American high school — belief in racial egalitarianism results in all kinds of nuttiness.

  33. Anon[241] •�Disclaimer says:
    @fredyetagain aka superhonky

    That’s some serious losing sight of the order of things.
    Murder being murder comes much before than “miscegenation” being miscegenation (with or without quotes, as one prefers).

  34. Anon[241] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    Thanks for saying that better than I could have.

  35. Mac_ says:

    Is he, actualy, or was supposed murder or trial a conjob, to distract, divide, or fear trick people to continue clinging at cops n courts, similar to questions could ask on supposed mass shootings etc. Here’s a thing, though should shut off tv, forever, look at few football games, of him or others, slow way way down, see if notice anything. He could be in china, those ’empty cities etc.

    In any event, ‘tv was concocted for subversion. Notice none of us have ‘tv channel, or ‘radio, and ‘ytube etc anything on web is also censored. Convenient how ‘govt cons dictate who uses – our – air or not.

    Local communicating is what matters anyway.

  36. Wielgus says:
    @Priss Factor

    In William Hogarth’s Election series, commenting on an election in Oxfordshire in 1754, the result is clearly expected to be close because all sorts of unlikely people are being brought up to vote. A lunatic, a blind man, a prisoner wearing ankle chains, and a dead or dying man. The latter is wearing an orange Whig ribbon, just showing that you do not need to be alive and well to be politically enthusiastic…

    Roy Cohn was finally disbarred after being convicted of trying to get a dying associate to sign a document in his favour. The pen marks were found not to be a valid signature.

    •�Agree: 36 ulster
    •�Replies: @36 ulster
  37. Wielgus says:
    @Priss Factor

    The incident happened in Brazil. The woman was arrested – they were investigating whether she had any accomplices at the scene.
    He doesn’t seem to have rigor mortis. Perhaps that comes later…

  38. Wokechoke says:

    On the 911 call where Simpson busted down her door and ranted while she was on the phone to the dispatcher, he appeared to be setting up a weird nog justification for cutting off her head.

    He was talking about how she recklessly associated with some guy called Kevin or Kenneth or something. That the white guy was into drugs etc, reckless.

    Yeah a nog screaming to a white girl about inappropriate white male friends after he’s battered down her back door and he’s having a fit in the kitchen and banging on her locked bedroom door.

    Simpson lived in a fun house inverted mirror world. Yeah your white male friend is gonna get you killed Nicole.


  39. 36 ulster says:

    I found Hogarth’s painting to be fascinating; if you thought that there were Good Old Days, his works would disabuse us of that notion, at least in the eighteenth century. I used to say that we were living in contemporary versions of Hogarth paintings, though Hogarth’s denizens seemed to be better dressed in the context of the times. At any rate, thanks to the endeavors of Messrs. (((Boas))) and (((Elias))), todays urchins, inmates and the enterre’ can all have their “votes” tabulated without needing to appear. Of course, in the last-mentioned case, this was always a moot issue.

    •�Replies: @Wielgus
    , @Wielgus
  40. Pythas says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    That nigger is running around with a red-hot football in hell. I hope satan roasts his eggplant nuts with blow torches.

  41. Wielgus says:
    @36 ulster

    I once included Hogarth’s Election series in a presentation on the history of elections. My audience was a little dumbfounded. “That’s an election?” In Hogarth’s Britain, about 3% of the population had the vote.

  42. @Etruscan Film Star

    Bravo – and thank you ! I agree with every word. But the real issue here, completely overlooked by all, is simply the fact that a very “ordinary” commonplace, uneducated trailer-trash (and almost certainly emotionally-vulnerable) White female (though I hate the word “vulnerable”) had little or no inkling in her short and wasted life of any of even the most fundamental dangers and long-term serious risks with Blacks which you, I and everyone else take for granted and know inside out. In other words, the American / Western education system (and wider society itself), whose proper job is to safeguard her moral as well as her physical future as an egg-bearing female by warning of these very real risks, failed her completely. No one from the President down pays the price for that failure. Instead, she pays it herself out of a blue sky, as the primary victim of a murderous out-of-control nigger.

    Which leads straight into…

    … America has also failed – deeply, dismally, unforgivably and forever – by allowing itself to be tricked, manipulated, sabotaged and ruined by the ruling Jew filth who have backed the niggers to the hilt, and removed the only one single real-life working deterrent to the worst excesses of their bad behaviour – lynching.

  43. Wielgus says:
    @36 ulster

    His paintings and engravings are full of detail. Like in Calais Gate, my favourite painting of his, in which an exiled Scottish Jacobite in the corner of the painting has signs of a wound and has been reduced to begging, while a French soldier with a bullet hole through his hat is traditionally supposed to be Irish – the implication is that the French put foreigners in the front line.

  44. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘How can white people possibly coexist with a race that thinks they’ve been done wrong by them, although they have had their bills paid and been given preferential job treatment since the 1960s?’

    Well…it’s like the old saw about Southern and Northern Whites. Southern Whites don’t mind living with blacks; they just object to treating them as equals. Northern whites are happy to treat blacks as equals; they just don’t want to live anywhere near them.

    We can coexist with blacks easily enough; we did. Just get over the notion that they can be or should be treated as our equals. They’re not.

    •�Replies: @Douglas Self
  45. @gidoutahere

    Fuhrman was contradicted in his reply to question of using the term “nigger” re: blacks within the prior ten years based on heresay, not incontrovertible evidece like a verified recording. As Fred Goldman rued,, the proceeding had become more trial of Fuhrman than Simpr.

  46. @Colin Wright

    It’s also how one defines the “equality”. In practice, it’s become PRIVILEGE. Also, equality of opportunity can’t be expected to yield equality of results, and when it doesn’t, that’s cited as further evidence of ” systemic racism” and therefore MORE privileges.

  47. @Patrick McNally

    I saw a program on TV some years back, where that was tracked. The “investigators” found a private detective who had been “watching” a house across from Brown’s. He claims to have seen Jason in a car with OJ, but, if I recall correctly, it wasn’t OJ who got out of the car. They did a “test drive” from the restaurant to Brown’s at high speed then to OJ’s house. They just managed to get there about the time the limo would have arrived. It was theoretically possible, but everything would have had to have been perfectly timed with zero chance of error, including missing a couple of traffic lights.

  48. OJ was a hero. Killed his coal burning ex-wife and her Jew before they could ruin his mulatto son’s life. RIP.

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