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The Post-George Floyd Revolution

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Credit: Mike Shaheen, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Credit: Mike Shaheen, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Heather Mac Donald, When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives, DW Books, 2023, 319 pp, $28.99 hardcover, $9.99 kindle.

Heather Mac Donald’s seventh book is an account of the latest stage in America’s racial madness, reached since the death of George Floyd in May 2020. Insofar as current thinking has any principled basis, it lies in “disparate impact theory,” something that has been in place since the Supreme Court’s Griggs v. Duke Power Co. decision of 1971. That theory holds that whenever blacks are underrepresented in employment, housing, etc. in comparison with their numbers in the population, the only possible explanation is discrimination.

At present it is still possible, although dangerous, to challenge this fallacious idea by citing data on racial gaps in skills and behavior. But such data themselves are increasingly being attacked or hidden. This is the reason standardized test scores are being dropped from school admissions, for example. Such tests have never impeded the practice of racial preferences — different standards have simply been set for the different races. But they have continued to provide evidence of actual skill gaps. For that reason, nearly 2,000 colleges, including the entire University of California system, have now either banned the use of test scores or made them optional.

The next frontier is the rejection of the concept of accomplishment itself, since it leads inevitably to the realization that some people and groups accomplish more than others. The behavioral standards that make accomplishment possible cannot be left intact either. In the summer of 2020, the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC, declared that rationality, planning for the future, punctuality, delayed gratification, and being polite were aspects of white culture that “people of color” might not wish to internalize. We are sacrificing civilization itself to maintain the illusion of racial equality.

Medicine and science

When Race Trumps Merit is divided into three main sections, dealing with the worlds of medicine and science, the fine arts, and law and justice.

All the major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC), have embraced disparate impact theory. The AMA recently adopted an Organizational Strategic Plan to Embed Racial Justice and Advance Health Equity — 86 jargon-filled pages that, as Miss Mac Donald notes, “is virtually indistinguishable from a black studies department mission statement.” This document calls for “just representation of Black, Indigenous and Latinx people in medical school admissions as well as . . . leadership ranks.” Such representation is allegedly lacking only because people of color have been “excluded, exploited, and deprived of needed resources,” so it is now the AMA’s responsibility to “prioritize and integrate the voices and ideas of people and communities experiencing great injustice.”

Heather Mac Donald. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Heather Mac Donald. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Medical schools are dropping the entrance exam known as the MCAT due to the racial gaps it reveals. Instead, they are seeking out, as one admissions officer puts it, students with a “strong appreciation of human rights and social justice.” Blacks are apparently thought to excel in that regard.

In the curriculum itself, medical schools are replacing science with advocacy. More than half of the top 50 medical schools, for example, already require courses in “systemic racism.” As the author points out, part of the appeal of such requirements lies in the creation of new employment slots that can be filled by non-whites, but “every moment spent regurgitating social-justice jargon is time not spent learning how to keep patients alive.” Such practices are no doubt already costing lives, although that is difficult to document.

The new dispensation brooks no opposition. Edward Livingston, deputy editor at the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), participated in a podcast on “Structural Racism for Doctors” in February 2021. He agreed on the importance of making sure all people “have equal opportunities to become successful,” but thought that goal could be better achieved by considering socioeconomic disparities rather than alleged racial animus. JAMA quickly scrubbed the podcast from its website, fired Livingston, and began issuing apologies. The podcast was said to be “inaccurate, offensive, hurtful, and inconsistent with the standards of JAMA.” The journal announced it would be “instituting changes that will address and prevent such failures from happening again.”

An even fiercer reaction greeted Norman Wang of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in 2020 when he argued in the Journal of the American Heart Association for an end to racial preferences. Mr. Wang pointed out that years of research showed students admitted under quotas disproportionally drop out because of poor grades and have a harder time passing medical licensing exams. Miss Mac Donald quotes a president-elect of the American Heart Association who wondered out loud how such a paper could have been published, given its “unbalanced, unscientific, and untrue statements” — without citing a single example of such statements. The AAMC claimed Mr. Wang’s paper was factually inaccurate, also without examples. Another doctor denounced Mr. Wang’s “racist beliefs and paper” on Twitter. The editor of the journal apologized for publishing the article and retracted it, assuring readers it would be “improving” its peer-review process to avoid such “missteps” in the future. Mr. Wang not only lost his position as director at the University of Pittsburgh Heart and Vascular Institute, but was banned from all contact with medical students and residents. A lawsuit is pending.

Dr. Norman Wang
Dr. Norman Wang

One of Mr. Wang’s critics specifically complained that he “sends the message to minority trainees that they owe their position to affirmative action.” But this is indisputably correct: A large majority of blacks attend the schools they do only because of racial preferences. Academic gatekeepers would never defend the policy so fiercely unless they knew it was the only way to achieve racial proportionality. Yet they hope to enforce continued respect for the credentials and institutions they have corrupted.

Young white and Asian students can read the writing on the wall and are increasingly opting against medical careers. Meanwhile, China, America’s chief geopolitical rival, is undeterred by racial concerns. The author writes:

[China] identifies top math talent early on and gives mathematically gifted students accelerated instruction. [Its] rigorous university entrance exams reward achievement, not identity. Undergraduate math competitions provide a pipeline to the best graduate programs. These efforts are working. As of 2018, China ranked number one in the international tests of K-12 math, science, and reading known as PISA; the US ranked twenty-fifth. […] China will likely overtake the US in research dominance in the coming years [and] has already displaced the US in the production of high-impact research studies.

The fine arts

The Western artistic tradition is now called “racist” because it emerged in Europe and thus supposedly is an injustice to everyone else. The canonical repertoire of classical music, for example, is said to be white supremacist. Philip Ewell, music theory professor at Hunter College, claims that Beethoven is celebrated only for his whiteness and maleness. (Prof. Ewell has no explanation for why so many of the composer’s equally white and male contemporaries have fallen into oblivion.)

Prof. Ewell is also noted for his critique of early 20th-century musicologist Heinrich Schenker, who Miss Mac Donald notes had “developed an influential system of analysis that identifies the most important elements of a musical phrase in order to explain that phrase’s emotional impact and role within a work’s thematic development.” She writes:

In a keynote address at a November 2019 music theory conference, Ewell argued that Schenker’s ranking of notes and harmonies within a composition is merely a stand-in for a white-supremacist ranking of the races. The “white racial frame” of Schenkerian analysis has kept blacks from becoming music theorists.

In a similar vein, a speaker at a meeting of the prestigious Composers Forum in June 2020 told the assembled guests, “You are complicit in racism every time you listen to Handel’s Messiah.” Handel, as Miss Mac Donald explains, briefly held stock in a slave-trading company after receiving it in payment for a commission.

Classical music has been facing serious funding shortages, yet there always seems to be enough money for diversity bureaucrats. The Metropolitan Opera had been in the red long before Covid cost it $150 million in revenue. In December 2020, General Manager Peter Gelb told employees that financial cutbacks were a life-and-death matter. By February 2021, Met musicians had gone nearly a year without pay and the stagehands union was locked out. Yet that same month, the Met’s first Chief Diversity Officer — a woman with no background in music — started work. We have no word on her salary, but it is likely to have been generous, because she left a six-figure job at Harvard Law School to accept it.

The Metropolitain Opera House. Professorcornbread, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Metropolitain Opera House. Professorcornbread, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In March 2020, members of the Philadelphia Orchestra agreed to a 20-percent pay cut in the hope of reducing a $15-million deficit. Then Covid hit and the Orchestra’s principal venue, the Kimmel Center, shut down for an entire year. Yet in October 2020, the orchestra managed to create a new vice presidency for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access. That position, too, was filled by someone without a musical background.

Orchestras and opera companies are now routinely accused of excluding black musicians and composers, although the obvious reality is that for decades they have been making special efforts to seek them out. The Juilliard School, for instance, has run a fellowship program for minority students since 1986. Miss Mac Donald writes, “Rather than requiring them to come to New York, Julliard set up regional auditions across the country. Minority applications rose fivefold, but minority admission remained low since most applicants were not qualified.” When black musicians do make the cut, they are so prized that they are treated with great tolerance. Unfortunately, they perceive this. For example, they know they can get away with lateness and absences that would not be tolerated in white students.

Juilliard School, Alice Tully Hall. Pmasck, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Juilliard School, Alice Tully Hall. Pmasck, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Anti-racism is now coming for the music curriculum. Departments are under pressure to eliminate the requirement for students to be able to read scores, as that supposedly has a disparate impact on non-whites. As the author explains, one of the distinguishing features of Western music is precisely that it is written down, unlike most other world music. She writes, “[N]otation allows us, miraculously, to hear what people were playing in the fifteenth century.” Such direct influence across the ages is one of the factors that allowed “an unparalleled transformation of style over seven centuries.”

The practice of blind auditioning, adopted long ago to combat the possible bias of judges, is now under attack. Yet Miss Mac Donald explains that eliminating it will not enable schools and orchestras to meet racial quotas because there are not enough qualified black musicians in the pipeline. A career as a classical musician requires an early start. As one put it, “[U]nless you start the violin at age seven, you won’t be auditioning for the New York Philharmonic when you are 25.” And ever fewer children are being exposed to classical music early: From 1962 to 1989, the percentage of high schools with orchestras declined from 67 to 17, while musical instruction programs have also disappeared. This has affected whites as well. Indeed, the most visible racial change in the world of classical music over the past decades has been a large increase in Asians. Only Asian families continue to insist on the necessary early discipline. The author concludes:

Without encouragement at home, the best hope for creating more black classical musicians is to restore widespread music education. The anti-racism advocates have said little about that imperative, however. It’s easier to extract racial quotas from compliant organizations than it is to engineer a change as profound as exposing students to a vanishing musical aesthetic.

Talented teachers with seemingly impeccable anti-racist credentials can be “cancelled” at a moment’s notice. Dona Vaughn was artistic director of opera at the Manhattan School of Music. She had endowed a scholarship specifically for minority musicians at her alma mater, Brevard College in North Carolina. This did not protect her from attacks when she produced Franz Lehár’s supposedly racist opera The Land of Smiles, but she seemed to weather that storm.

Then, in June 2020, she was teaching a class on musical theater via Zoom when an unidentified student suddenly rose to challenge her over the Lehár production from several years before. Since he was taking up class time with an irrelevant matter, she cut him off. A student petition declaring her a “danger to the arts community” quickly gathered more than 1,800 signatures. The petitioners found another proof of her “racism” in her having cast a black man as a butler (many of the best opera roles are servant roles). None of her colleagues came to her defense, and she was fired.

The sheer unpredictability of such moral panics makes them more intimidating. Nixon in China is an acclaimed opera that has been produced repeatedly since its first performance in 1987. From the beginning, white singers have usually been cast in the Chinese roles without controversy. Then, in June 2021, an advocacy organization calling itself British East & South Asians in Theatre and on Screen (BEATS) denounced the practice as “yellowface,” the supposed moral equivalent of blackface. The Scottish Opera withdrew its production of Nixon in China from an award competition, apologized for causing “offence,” and asked for “space” to learn from its errors. Do not expect any protests against “whiteface,” however. As a BEATS spokesman explains: “Casting a black singer as a white historical personage can be progressive . . . [but] . . . casting a white actor in a specifically non-white role is regressive.”

Since the 19th century, ballet dancers have applied white body paint in certain works, especially those featuring a supernatural element. In 2018, the Staatsballett Berlin staged Swan Lake, in which white body paint has traditionally been used to increase the illusion that the dancers are swans. The company’s sole black dancer, Chloé Lopes Gomes, lamented, “I’ll never look white.” The ballet mistress responded, “Well, you will have to put on more than the other girls.” This trivial incident went unrecorded for two years until Gomes became one of 12 dancers not to have their contract renewed. Suddenly the imagined slight became useful to her and was soon featured on the front page of the New York Times arts section. The Staatsballett Berlin issued a groveling apology. As the author notes, the scandal could not have been prevented, even if the ballet mistress had instead told Gomes, “Don’t bother with the body paint. You’re too black. It will never work.” Racism accusations are unfalsifiable, governed by the principle of “heads I win, tails you lose.”

The Art Institute of Chicago has sponsored a volunteer docent program since 1961. The volunteer basis of the program has never served as an excuse for lax standards. Prospective docents attend curatorial lectures, read widely in the museum’s library, and write papers proposing ways to communicate art historical concepts to children and other visitors. The 18-month training program is run with “military” discipline, according to one trainee, and gives docents a body of knowledge virtually equivalent to a Master of Fine Arts degree. Even after graduating, docents follow up with ongoing study of art history and pedagogy.

In September 2021, the Art Institute shut down this program because too many of the docents were white. More than 80 unpaid docents were replaced with six salaried, part-time employees chosen on the basis of their anti-racist credentials. Obviously, they will be unable to offer nearly as many tours or presentations, and the chances that they will be as passionate about art as the white volunteers are nil. Following the docent sacking, letter writers to the Chicago Tribune speculated that if the Art Institute can do without volunteers, it must not need financial support either.

Law and justice

As with medical schools, the application of disparate impact theory to the criminal justice system will cost lives, but that gives anti-racist zealots no pause. Every disparity in arrest or incarceration rates must now be attributed to racism, and criminal penalties and enforcement are being softened to eliminate disparities.

The case of New York City is especially unfortunate since the changes followed a historic drop in crime attributable to the aggressive prosecution of minor offences under mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. Even the execrable Bill de Blasio kept his predecessors’ successful policies for a time, even as the city council and state legislature were starting to lighten criminal penalties and eliminate bail for all misdemeanors and some felonies. District attorneys began refusing to prosecute certain offences such as subway turnstile jumping.

Former mayor Rudy Giuliani. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0
Former mayor Rudy Giuliani. Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

Then came the George Floyd riots, which saw mobs of New Yorkers smashing storefronts, looting, burning police cars, and attacking officers with bricks and metal pipes. Police worked back-to-back shifts without time to sleep, and nearly 400 were injured. Mr. De Blasio called the riots “justified” and urged police to use a “light touch” since people were “angry for a reason.” Eventually he imposed a curfew, but DA Cyrus Vance refused to prosecute violations.

On June 15, New York’s Police Commissioner announced he was dismantling the undercover units charged with getting armed felons off the streets, since the officers were involved in a disproportionate number of shootings. This was obviously due to the nature of their work. As Miss Mac Donald says, “[C]onfronting armed, violent, and resisting suspects was virtually their job description.” Despite this, only 3 percent of these officers had discharged their weapons at suspects in 2019, a figure that suggests considerable restraint. After the units were disbanded, shootings in the following weeks jumped 205 percent over the same period the year before, while gunshot injuries climbed 238 percent. The author notes, “[S]uspects knew their chances of getting stopped with a gun had dropped enormously.”

The police cannot win: When they let up on enforcement for fear of being branded racist, they are accused of racist indifference to the crime increases that inevitably follow. A number of prominent New York politicians are on record making both types of accusations.

The author describes media double standards regarding crime. The most obvious is that race goes unreported whenever suspects are black, but is always considered relevant in the case of white suspects. But bias goes much further than that. The author highlights two cases in which we can see how expectations for parental responsibility vary by race.

In March 2021, a 13-year-old Latino boy named Adam Toledo was shot while roaming the streets of Chicago with a fellow gang member at 2:30 a.m. He had a handgun at the time. Shortly afterwards, in an unrelated incident, a seven-year-old black girl named Jaslyn Adams was gunned down by her heroin-dealing father’s gang rivals as the two were parked at a McDonald’s drive-through. The following day, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot made a visit to McDonald’s headquarters. Afterwards, CEO Chris Kempczinski sent Lightfoot a text message, saying:

p.s. tragic shootings in last week, both at our restaurant yesterday and with Adam Toldeo [sic]. With both, the parents failed those kids which I know is something you can’t say. Even harder to fix.

Mr. Kempczinski found out the hard way that attributing irresponsibility to non-white parents is indeed “something you can’t say.” A coalition of activist groups got hold of his message several months later and published an open letter to him, declaring: “Your text message was ignorant, racist and unacceptable.” Both McDonald’s employees and racial advocates protested outside the company’s headquarters, calling for his resignation and demanding “reparations.”

Jaslyn Adams’s mother emerged to say, “How dare you judge me! . . . You come from privilege. You can’t speak about me.”

Even Mayor Lightfoot’s office issued a statement: “Victim shaming has no place in this conversation.” (As the author explains, “‘Victim shaming’ is a euphemism for ascribing moral agency to a favored victim class.”)

Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Credit: Prachatai via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Credit: Prachatai via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In response, the CEO accused himself of racial insensitivity and held “listening sessions” with franchise owners and employees. Here are a few samples from his various apologies:

Not taking the time to think about this from their viewpoint was wrong, and lacked the empathy and compassion I feel for these families. This is a lesson I will carry with me. […] My texts to the Mayor of Chicago were wrong — plain and simple. I am truly sorry and I know I have let you down. I also know this has conflicted with our values.

The author suggests that Mr. Kempczinski had gotten it right the first time. If 13-year-old Adam Toledo had been at home in bed at 2:30 a.m., he would be alive. Did his (single) mother know where he was, or that he had a gun? We do not know, for the questions cannot be asked. Jaslyn Adams’s drug-dealing father certainly knew his enemies were looking for him when he took his daughter to McDonald’s. Just the day before the shooting he had tweeted: “Opps probably downstairs waiting for me.”

This lack of interest in holding non-white parents responsible contrasts sharply with what happened in the case of Ethan Crumbley, a 15-year-old white boy who allegedly killed four fellow students at his Michigan high school in November 2021. Three days after the shooting, a district attorney filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the boy’s parents for having allowed him to access a legally purchased handgun, reasoning that they should have known the boy was primed to kill his classmates. The author notes:

[T]the Crumbleys’ very presence in their son’s life and their responsiveness to the authorities made them available as a target of criminal liability. On the day of the shooting, a teacher noticed a drawing Ethan had made of a handgun pointing at the words “the thoughts won’t stop help me.” The Crumbleys had recently bought Ethan a pistol for Christmas. Following interception of the note, school officials summoned Ethan’s parents to school. They promptly showed up but declined to take Ethan home because they both worked and didn’t want to send him to an empty house. Had Ethan’s parents been from the inner city and not shown up at all, no media figure would have objected.

In fact, says Miss Mac Donald, “The press, Democratic politicians, and gun-control advocates greeted the homicide charges against the Crumbley parents with ecstatic approbation.”

Many in the media deny outright that blacks are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime. Yet the author notes their habit of treating any concern a white politician expresses over crime as a “racist dog whistle.” According to a Washington Post columnist, President Donald Trump’s defense of police and condemnation of looting and violence after the Kenosha riots of August 2020 were “undisguised white supremacy.”


Some of the incidents Heather Mac Donald describes, especially within the arts academy, are the kind that might have occurred a generation ago. However, certain novelties suggest that America’s racial revolution has entered a new phase. One such novelty already referred to is the growing impermissibility of mentioning racial gaps in skills and behavior, even when attributing them to “cultural” factors. Another is preemptive self-accusation: In the wake of the George Floyd riots, observers who thought they had lost the capacity to be surprised at America’s racial madness were bewildered to see eminent people and institutions rushing forward to confess their “racism” like the victims of Stalinist show trials. Miss Mac Donald has a noteworthy take on this:

The self-abasement common in the post-George Floyd era is actually a form of self-aggrandizement. Individuals and institutions blame themselves for inequalities for which they have no responsibility in order to claim a current impact they do not possess. [Thus they] position themselves as essential to the anti-racism crusade.

Under a regime of anti-racism, cultural authority can come from only two sources: “the assertion of victimhood or the acknowledgement of oneself as a victimizer.” Whites cannot adopt the first strategy, so “that leaves the vigorous assertion of racial guilt as the second-best means of retaining social capital.”

Frustrated by the failure of white and Asian men to fight back against the diversity juggernaut, the author asked one research scientist, “How much longer would they continue to allow their hard work and accomplishments to be disparaged and sidelined?” His reply:

We need our jobs. Our peers will turn on us. Speak out, lose job forever, be quickly forgotten and abandoned. I admire the bravery of those who speak out but they will be systematically exterminated until they are all gone. The system will have to rot from within and be reinvented, which will take 50-100 years.

Miss Mac Donald suggests a membership organization might be able to mitigate such fears.

[An organization] dedicated to the unapologetic defense of color-blind standards of achievement and behavior would relentlessly provide the data that explain the lack of racial proportionality in meritocratic institutions and the criminal justice system. If one of its members were punished for opposing the latest application of disparate impact analysis, the organization would come to his defense. Ideally, there would be enough strength in numbers to avoid its members being cancelled.

No civilization can long survive without standards, so the current dispensation certainly cannot last. But no one can predict whether it will be followed by a return to color blindness or an evolution toward racial separation.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Voltarde says:

    Dumbing things down does blacks no favors.

    Here’s an excerpt from the documentary Hitsville (about the history of Motown), starting at the 28:00 minute mark:

    Narration by Brian and Eddie Holland (of the legendary songwriting trio of Holland-Dozier-Holland):

    “Paul Riser, when he came (to work at Motown Records), . . doing arrangements, he was only 18 years old! He was one of the greatest arrangers ever, . . just out of high school!”

    Narration by Paul Riser (arranger and trombonist):

    “I was classically trained, and enjoyed nothing but classical, I thought R&B (rythym and blues) music was just worse, okay.

    Narration by Prof. Suzanne E. Smith (author of Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit)

    “You also had (in the 1950s) in Detroit a big investment in public education. They had an incredible public music program in these high schools and Motown artists came from these communities.”

    Narration by Brian and Eddie Holland:

    “Back when I was in school, the Ford Motor Company would give the class tickets to go to see the Detroit Symphony. I saw them (i.e., the orchestra) playing violins, French horns, . . . and oboes, bassoons, . . . and I thought that was the greatest sound ever. So that’s what got me going.”

    The entire movie is available on YouTube:

    Hitsville: The Making of Motown

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Franz, HammerJack, Richard B
    •�Replies: @che guava
    , @anonymous
    , @Colinsky
  2. Franz says:

    Speak out, lose job forever, be quickly forgotten and abandoned.

    True, too damn true.

    I saw these things happen in industry years ago. The only thing new is it’s moving up the food chain.

    Rich and even upper-middle class whites are the dumbest creatures this side of the dodo bird. They think as long as it’s only happening to mechanics and sheet metal workers and forklift drivers, who cares?

    Because it only starts down there. It keeps moving.

    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @KenH
    , @Wokechoke
  3. Realist says:

    Rich and even upper-middle class whites are the dumbest creatures this side of the dodo bird. They think as long as it’s only happening to mechanics and sheet metal workers and forklift drivers, who cares?

    That is so very true. The rich are different than you and me. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

    They are rich because they are wedded to rapaciousness…not because of intelligence.

    I will read Heather Mac Donald’s latest book.

    •�Thanks: Franz
  4. Realist says:

    My reply #3 was meant for you.

  5. KenH says:

    Rich and even upper-middle class whites are the dumbest creatures this side of the dodo bird.

    There not so much dumb as gullible and guilt ridden. Most have had little contact with negroes so hold a romantic view of them as the noble underdog in American society constantly being assailed by poor and working class white racists. If they have had negative interactions with negroes they just dismiss it as “bad” blacks just like there are “bad” whites and ignore the possible black race hatred.

    They are unworldly on racial matters and don’t know that the vast majority of blacks are socialized early in their lives into an anti-white worldview. This fact coupled with the lower IQs of blacks and their other biologically rooted foibles makes coexistence with them impossible.

    •�Agree: AceDeuce
    •�Replies: @Franz
    , @ricpic
  6. IronForge says:

    Marching Morons and the Camp of the Saints…

  7. SafeNow says:

    No civilization can long survive without standards, so the current dispensation certainly cannot last. But no one can predict whether it will be followed by a return to color blindness or an evolution toward racial separation.

    This could well be false choice. There is another possibility, which is that this will be the new normal. Graham Greene wrote that men’s lives have turning point; a point of no return. I believe this also applies to societies, and that the turning point has occurred. The so-called “biological imperative” will now drive this: Humans are wired to do that which maximizes their territory; their quality-of-life-seeking; their reproductive prospects.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
  8. aandrews says:


    The media is running with the name now because they need someone to crucify for Operation Saint George Floyd 2.0 and the Marines, like Pontius Pilate, have washed their hands of Penny [Did the Marine Corps just dox the Marine who put the violent homeless man in a chokehold?, NotTheBee.com, May 6, 2023]

    White men, do not join any branch of the U.S. military. Daniel Penny is a hero, but the U.S. Marine Corps doxxed him to the media, and for daring to make the New York City subway system safe for law abiding people—by confronting a black male who had been arrested more than 40 times (including for attempted kidnapping)—he has now been arrested in a city with a black mayor and black district attorney.

  9. I actually never watched the George Floyd Video. After several decades worth of phony “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” lying media narrative creation I knew it would only be more BS. So I never watched it. I must say it provided me with an interestingly objective platform to watch the normie world go crazy from.

    •�Replies: @TKK
  10. Handel, as Miss Mac Donald explains, briefly held stock in a slave-trading company after receiving it in payment for a commission.

    What a delightful analogue to the case of Samuel Adams, whereby he was actually a slave owner for a day or so, because he’d received one as a gift. He’s been permitted to skate, though.

    Probably because (surely due in part to the lack of classical education today) far more people appreciate a case of Sam Adams than even know what a Handel oratorio is.

  11. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Defund all cops in blue areas, please.

  12. Everyone is tired of niggers and the solution is obvious, and it doesn’t involve listening.

    •�Agree: TKK, martin_2, Ambrose Kane
    •�LOL: true.enough
    •�Replies: @Kak
  13. GMC says:

    In Todays other article, we see that the US Gov. is just tripping over itself when it comes to honoring Israel and their shinning beacon of light nation, in the Middle East. But how many Palestinians get to go to Israel Universities in order to become doctors, lawyers, engineers much less get invited to Universities in the USA ? Yet, its similiar to a crime against humanity if the USA doesn’t make it a mandatory Law to let the minority, less intelligent, get ahead of the more intelligent , more deserving White or Asian class. How many countries, have to be played by the Zionist One World Order before the World wakes up. ?

    Right now , I’m watching it play out in the Ukraine/Russian arena , whereas the Israeli /Ukie Zionists Oligarchs owned 90% of the wealth in Ukraine and are Directly responsible { along with the usual Western Zionists } in destroying at least two generations of Ukrainians, while shedding Slavic blood in a horrific war against their cousins in Russia. All the while, their JewKing President is playing a Wall Street wolf , trying to sell Ukraine to the other Zionist Oligarchs – Black Rock – one of, if not the largest investment corporation in the World , located in New York. If Russia let’s this go down after the War – we will be ……….

  14. Franz says:

    They are unworldly on racial matters

    Agree; I’m almost willing to say their obtuse delusions are a mental disorder of some sort, but it won’t ever do any good.

    White people are brighter than most ON PAPER, but they also have an odd tendency to believe what they see on television. Or anyway think the diversity they see in the screen is harmless or maybe even useful.

    It’s frustrating.

    •�Replies: @SafeNow
    , @Rooster17
  15. Anonymous[426] •�Disclaimer says:

    The hardworking Asian kids who can no longer find opportunity in America ought to consider moving back to the countries of their ethnic roots. Japan especially has a massive population imbalance with few young and far too many oldsters. Besides, the place is cleaner and more modern than anywhere in North America. Those sparkling new cities that have everything but residents, most notably in China, might be the place to go as the world approaches mid-century. America will be left with Section 8 public housing blocks and gang-land turf off Central Park and Malibu. And, even if we wanted to try to turn things around by infusing some cash in the right places, we’d know that we lost the chance and blew our wad propping up Zelensky so he could cancel elections in 2024. Ninety-year old Japanese Mama Sans will still be collecting dividends on the remaining American banks and financial firms that were sold for pennies on the Yuan when any source of cash in the Great Existential Collapse meant clinging to life or starving to death. Go West, young man, West across the Pacific.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�Thanks: TKK
    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @TKK
    , @kiwk
  16. Jews using useless fucking niggers as a battering ram against Whites.

    •�Agree: TKK, Female in FL
  17. SafeNow says:

    Most white people are attuned to try to grasp “which way the wind is blowing.”. Or, in anthropologist parlance, “the biological imperative.” (See my comment number 7). This was the way to survive during cave-man days. But of course it is not cave-man days anymore, and the wind is blowing the wrong way.

    •�Replies: @Franz
  18. Wokechoke says:

    I would not say mechanics are immune but mechanics are largely immune to politics. Engines don’t just fix themselves.

  19. usNthem says:

    Unless the White race quickly WTFU, which at this point seems unlikely, the negro will be the death of western civilization. The insanity of kowtowing to the lowest denominator everywhere with the apparent expectation that it will lead to future progress and prosperity, is, well, insane.

  20. Anon[144] •�Disclaimer says:

    Japan is a mold covered shithole, enjoy breathing in car exhaust and a stagnating economy.

    •�Troll: JPS
  21. JR Foley says:

    Toronto news alert ” Stabbing South of Charles Avenue–victim has died. Suspect is a black man wearing——”

  22. But…, muh “white supremacy”!

    Great article.

    Here is A Coulter with a similar take.


    Look, there is no fixing this. We just saw, if we didn’t already know, exactly how corrupt the enemy Federal Government FBI/CIA etc is with the (This took 4 years? Really?) almost fin de seicle, historical (4 years? We all knew this shit in the summer of 2017.) release of the “Durham Report”.

    The “Duh…ram Report” reveals not just the corruption, and malfeasance of the enemies of America in the Acela Corridor, it exposes the uniform, worn by Big Tech, Big Media, Wall Street, The Federal Agencies are all the same color. Some block, some run, some punt, some throw, some catch, but they are all on the same team and their best weapon is racial accusations directed against Beta Americans who are wet by every rain and blown by every wind.

    We are forced to either bend the knee, or, learn how to hate right back, the aforementioned enemies of the American people.

    These are enemies unto the rattle and they want us dead, incarcerated, or literally and metaphorically sucking that black cock.

    For now, if you are not famous, or keep your mouth shut in public, you can go about your business and ruminate, while looking over your shoulder with your friends at the sad state of affairs.

    This is no way to live. In fear of constant reprisals from atavistic, sub human self appointed commissars both white and black, whose vocation is either “victim” or enforcer of the soup de jour talking points/diktats from woke oracles puking pearls onto we swine, it is slavery. P.E.R.I.O.D.

    Our best hope, is a Northern Ireland (The grid is down, go outside and fight!) resistance against the brute innate power of the DNC “One Ring To Rule Them All” Imperium.

    Hate is a good thing. Read the book, eat the ice cream, see the movie, wear the T-Shirt and draw blood, in the dark, whenever you can.

  23. TKK says:

    My sister is in the final stages negotiating a contract to teach English in Japan. She is taking her son and we both hope she can live there forever. I am very curious about the remote villages that need someone to renovate old homes for a good price.

    The pay is very good and there will be none of the bait and switch that the Chinese use when employing ESL teachers from the West.

  24. TKK says:

    You may want to watch it because it explains a lot about the hysteria and later foundation shaking changes that stemmed from it.

    It was the look on Chauvin’s face. As Floyd screamed and cried, Chauvin ignored him completely and had this dead eyed, brutal 1000 yard stare. A large group of people, not all black and not all hysterical, were shouting and pleading for Chauvin to release the pressure on Floyd’s neck.

    Floyd said he could not breathe. Chauvin did not have the right to deny a suspect medical care. He should have let him up and get medical attention. He was still going to jail and probably would have still died. This is not “siding” with Floyd- it’s the basic humane, professional standards of care- the kind of place we want to live in. Most cops are pond scum, human vermin- and it could have been us under Chauvin’s knee. Floyd’s race is and was irrelevant.

    But the optics are terrible.

    •�Agree: Bardon Kaldian
    •�LOL: Anomaly
    •�Replies: @Galbrip
    , @Johnny LeBlanc
  25. Rooster17 says:

    When I say liberalism is a mental disorder many people laugh because they think I’m joking; I’m not. There’s something in the psyche of a White liberal that I just don’t understand, I think a lot of it comes down to what I call the “feel good narrative”. Humans naturally want to feel good, who doesn’t, but there’s other virtues that trump “feeling good” such as duty, honor, truth, loyalty, etc. A doctor does not wish to tell his patient that they have terminal cancer, yet it’s the truth, and the person has a right to know their fate; this doctor is upholding his duty to tell his patient the truth.

    Liberals are missing the “duty, honor, truth, etc.” part of the equation, they simply focus on the “feel good” narrative no matter how absurd it becomes. It doesn’t give me any joy pointing out the absolute failure that blacks are in our society and realizing there’s some real differences between the races, but it’s truth and I need to acknowledge it; liberals cannot.

    The real difference between “woke” and “red pilling” comes down to acceptance of the truth, no matter whether it’s what you want to believe or not. To be “woke” is to believe a fantasy version of the world that fits how you want to see it. To be “red pilled” is to see the world as it is, and to accept the truth even if it’s difficult to do.

    •�Agree: TKK, Franz
    •�Replies: @Ulf Thorsen
  26. Personally, I think Option #2 most viable. Things have gone too far for a return to color-blindness so I vote for racial separation (Separate and sort of equal).

  27. HT says:

    How is it even possible that a complete hoax like George Floyd became the basis for such a complete revolution of America’s criminal justice system, destroying law and order and turning Whites into targets? Never underestimate the power of the Jew media empire and their ability to deceive and lie endlessly. Then throw in the money and pure evil of George Soros who now selects America’s prosecutors. You have to wonder what they will do next.

  28. ricpic says:

    “The system will have to rot out from within and be reinvented, which will take 50-100 years.”

    Translation: the United States is kaput.

    •�Agree: Female in FL
  29. With all due respect, isn’t it better to let America burn down to the ground and either abandon it completely or rebuild it from step one ? The current system is not salvegable nor repearable because everyone and everything is infected by the mind virus

  30. dogismyth says:

    Many of these kooks, like Lightfoot, would have been burnt or skinned alive in the 1600s. And rightly so! We have come so far now that we are a understanding and compassionate people, to allow these people in key leadership position to disrupt our lives to the point of sanctioned murder and intimidation.

    Life falls apart when you stop paying attention to who is holding the levers, and who is next in line. Complacent, arrogant, self-serving and ignorant americans are the norm, and now there is a price to be paid. Nothing will stop this from happening unfortunately.

  31. Anon[361] •�Disclaimer says:

    I dont know why all the hallabaloo about a University Education. Some of the dumbest fucks I know are University grads. Ivy League grads take the cake when it comes to common sense, most of what comes out of their mouths is nonsense. West Pointers are practically useless, attending the Academy to learn how to polish their boots and make their beds.

    As for blacks, the University should just collect their fees and send them the Diploma or whatever, like those internet degrees. The Professors dont give a shit whether they attend class or not. Never mind these cretins spend most of their time marching and protesting some cannot even reed or rite. Besides, a Phd in Baluba Hunting Tactics in the Congo wont even qualify you for a job as rodent catcher.

    You know the higher education system has hit rock bottom and is scraping the bottom of the barrel when Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend holds a degree in something or the other. DUH !!

    These useless scraps of paper are nevertheless valued. One can point to them as a symbol of supreme intellect and success even if unemployed or employed as the lavatory cleaner at a public toilet in the ghetto.

    Give me a tradesman qualification any time. You can work for a contractor and have more side work than you can handle. But wait, who wants old work boots, dirty nails, your own house and a nice car all paid for. Living in your parents basement, working at a shit job and admiring your MAsters in AI is more prestigious.

  32. ricpic says:

    “Most have had little contact with negroes so hold a romantic view of them…”

    I’d imagine this might be true of whites who are raised in affluent suburbs. But even suburban living, much of it, is no longer free of the black/hispanic curse. Nor are many of the schools that service suburban whites without black students in significant numbers. Still, a small percentage of whites are raised, schooled and then find employment in low black environments. What percentage of whites live such blessedly ignorant lives? I can’t imagine it would exceed 5% of the white population.

    Which is to say that something else is going on with the huge percentage of whites who either will not or cannot see blacks for what they are. There are only two explanations for the blindness. One is an unwillingness to be out of step, out of fashion. The other is unadorned fear that the wrong word, the wrong attitude can mean the sudden loss of employment…the loss of everything.

    •�Replies: @Hang All Text Drivers
  33. I grew up in liberal NE Portland in the 1970s, in a truly mixed-race neighborhood that was about 50/50 black/white, played hopscotch with the black girls on recess in the 4th grade instead of soccer with the white boys, and my first real girlfriend was black. Post-Floyd riots I now live in a rural red county and avoid black people altogether. While still holding to classical liberal values.

    US Democrats and their DEI culture warriors are not liberals, they are Maoist zealots filled with vindictiveness, ignorance and hate. US Democrats have not just destroyed our biggest cities with crime and filth, they have used and victimized black people to enhance their own power and material standing in the world. US Democrats are right-wing nut jobs who bear full responsibility for the current state of race relations and black urban criminality.

    And DEI is now at work demolishing the finest traditional classical ballet company in North America, which is the National Ballet of Canada. There isn’t enough white pancake makeup in the world to cover up the ugliness of what they are doing.

    Which all just perfectly fine and to the good. As St. Julian of Norwich said, All is Well, and All Will Be Well. Especially knowing that the Russians will keep the flames of Ballet alive in the coming dark ages that surround the collapse of the Nazi West.

    •�Replies: @Anomaly
    , @HT
  34. Agent76 says:

    Feb 26, 2020 Billie Holiday: How the Government Targeted the “Strange Fruit” Singer with Drug Arrests In 1939, Billie Holiday rode the service elevator in a midtown

    Manhattan hotel on her way to sing on stage. Of course the hotel had a front door, but Holiday wasn’t allowed to use it because she was Black. Little did she know this was just the beginning of the troubles that would follow her that night.


    Billie Holiday – “Strange Fruit” Live 1959 [Reelin’ In The Years Archives]

    Rare Live Footage of one of the first anti racism song ever

    Video Link
    Mar 1, 2021 Thomas Sowell’s Maverick Insights on Race, Economics, and Society

    The peerless 90-year-old scholar is the subject of a new documentary and biography.

    Video Link
    May 29th, 2020. New video shows Minneapolis police arrest of George Floyd before death

    Four white officers involved in the death of George Floyd have been fired from the Minneapolis Police Department, but Mayor Jacob Frey is saying that one of the officers should be arrested for pressing his knee on Floyd’s neck.

    Video Link

    •�Troll: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  35. che guava says:

    I saw it at the cinema, best way. Would also recommend it, it’s fun to watch, interesting and informative.

    To me, the only two surprises were Berry Gordy’s direct reference to his affair with Dianna Ross (which she must have hated him saying), and the very ‘flamboyant’ style of Smokey Robinson at the time of filming.

    My one IRL friend from the U.S. of now told me that Robinson had long been known as fruity, and that Gordy had been reputed to go either way. I don’t know about the latter, but Smokey sure seemed a flamer in talk scenes in the movie.

    One thing I’d like to have seen: an account of how the label and all of its acts fell into the hands of the usual suspects.

    I know, that would not have fit the happy narrative.

  36. If continued on the trajectory we’re now on, our own elite will be kowtowing to the up and coming (cunning) Chinese.

  37. Logic: The systematic study and practice of discerning and then…telling the truth!
    In order to corrupt this process, all you need is to understand……..
    The Unholy Trinity of Deceit – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/05/the-unholy-trinity-of-deceit.html?m=0 – and how do you accomplish this?
    Simple: Read Hebrews 5:11-14 to see where most churches are now.
    “We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” – and we wonder why our institutions are geared for the mindless mobots.
    When DaChurch abandoned the culture war almost 200 years ago, the battle was over and chaos became the rule…which collapses our society!

  38. Charles says:

    A man determined to commit suicide cannot be prevented from doing so.

    Certainly there is a minority of Whites who 1) want to survive and prosper, and 2) want their children and grandchildren to live well, and 3) understand the immutable facts of biology and race. You will say that the last point is the “controversial” one. You are wrong. ALL the points are controversial to a majority of Whites.

    Read about the 1993 murder of Amy Biehl. The reaction of her parents is not atypical and not unusual at all. Their reactions may have been extreme, but their underlying attitudes are commonplace. Similar examples are legion. Those are not the behaviors of a dominant race nor even of one which wishes to survive.

    •�Replies: @eah
  39. Anomaly says:
    @Thor Walhovd

    Lol at “collapse of the Nazi West.”

    As if we’d be in the current mess if the Axis has won.

    •�Agree: Dragoslav
    •�Replies: @inspector general
  40. HT says:
    @Thor Walhovd

    US Democrats have not just destroyed our biggest cities with crime and filth, they have used and victimized black people to enhance their own power and material standing in the world. US Democrats are right-wing nut jobs who bear full responsibility for the current state of race relations and black urban criminality.

    No. Blacks are victims of nothing but their own low IQ and inability to make good decisions for the future. They vote over 90% for the Democrats you say are exploiting them. Also, Democrats are not “right wing nut jobs”. They are self serving power hungry politicians who will do and say anything, including pander to blacks and destroy our currency, to maintain their power. Plus they are fully funded by wealthy Jew filth like Soros, Zuckerberg, and Steyer and others who control everything they do.

    •�Agree: Dragoslav
  41. This article has the best photo of Mayor Lightfoot ever taken. She looks almost as nice as Dylan Mulvaney.

  42. eah says:

    >a majority of Whites

    I’m not sure if that’s the case — but the problem you describe (‘not the behaviors of a dominant race’) does exist in a not insignificant fraction of Whites (as was made clear latest during the BLM ‘protests’) — however while not often recognized as such, this is also a question of nature vs nurture — clearly in the not too distant past, Whites were a ‘dominant race’ in the sense I believe you have in mind — so there are good reasons to believe these behaviors, which one can charitably describe as exhibiting low in-group preference, and uncharitably as being racially (tribally) suicidal in an evolutionary context, are a matter of nurture, rather than nature, and can therefore be seen as largely remediable — the obvious susceptibility of Whites to this is another issue.

    William Luther Pierce spoke often and forcefully about the pernicious influence of the controlled mass media, e.g. the impact of incessant anti-racism propaganda on the psychological well-being of Whites — you can catch many of those talks on the 24/7 stream of the National Alliance — or listen to specific episodes here.

    •�Thanks: Charles
    •�Replies: @Anomaly
    , @Charles
  43. Dr. Rock says:

    Miss Mac Donald suggests a membership organization might be able to mitigate such fears.

    Yeah, right! That “organization” would be immediately called “The Klan”, “Neo-Nazis”, or worse.

    When the media is part of the tyranny, you can’t win.

  44. ”’The case of New York City is especially unfortunate since the changes followed a historic drop in crime attributable to the aggressive prosecution of minor offences under mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. “”””

    But they continued to let millions of illegal aliens violate the law by living in the city.

  45. “””””Jaslyn Adams’s mother emerged to say, “How dare you judge me! . . . You come from privilege. You can’t speak about me.””””

    There is no white privilege. Blacks get affirmative action special treatment in everything.

  46. @ricpic

    “”The other is unadorned fear that the wrong word, the wrong attitude can mean the sudden loss of employment…the loss of everything.””

    And that rule only applies to whites. Remember late last year when black sportscaster robert griffin used the word “jigaboo” on national tv? And nothing was done to him.

  47. Anomaly says:

    Good post. I did a several-months-long binge of Dr. Pierce’s content when I discovered it in the early 2000’s, back when the NA was on its last legs.

  48. anonymous[385] •�Disclaimer says:

    Blacks still dont get IT..They are being replaced with Illegal Mexicans, their cities will be flooded with illegal migrants, cartel sicarios, gangs, and tons of Fentanyl, cocaine..their cities will become WAR zones. Blacks are going to lose political control, demographic control, and their young will die massively …guns/drugs/poverty..

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  49. Galbrip says:

    If you can’t breathe, you can’t talk. If you can say “I can’t breathe” then you obviously can breathe. Chauvin ignored Floyd’s complaints because he heard the same sort of jive ass for years. He kept his knee next to Floyd’s neck because that’s how you apply pressure to a control point. You let off when the suspect is compliant, but you don’t let him go because he will likely act up again.

    If you watched the video, you would have seen what Floyd did when not being forcibly restrained. He was a big, strong man, who managed to writhe his way out of the back of a police car while cuffed. No way the cops were going to let him up.

    As for medical attention, the cops called the paramedics. What would you have done?


    •�Replies: @Ambrose Kane
    , @TKK
  50. profnasty says:

    Organization is the key to success.
    I can see NO organized response to Black/Jew cultural assault.

    #1. Join Repug Party and name and actively confront RINOs.
    #2. Organize a monthly picnic in your county for like minded Patriots and their families. Be well prepared for push back.
    #3. Find Patriots willing to join. Organize in groups of ten with a leader. He alone will know their info. Ten leaders- 100. Ten hundred leaders, 1000. Etc.
    Leaders will only know IDs of one level. Any leader who reveals names to .gov will be dealt with harshly.

    Three suggestions. Waddyou got?

    •�Replies: @Ulf Thorsen
  51. Agent76 says:

    Jan 6, 2023 ‘It never stops’: killings by US police reach record high in 2022

    Law enforcement killed at least 1,176 people or about 100 people a month last year, making it the deadliest for police violence.

    July 6, 2022 Rogue Cops: The Supreme Court Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

    The doctrine of qualified immunity was intended to insulate government officials from frivolous lawsuits, but the real purpose of qualified immunity is to ensure that government officials are not held accountable for official misconduct.


  52. @Agent76

    1) Derek Chauvin’s actions, least of all the knee on the neck, were not responsible for George Floyd’s death. Floyd’s swallowing enough fentanyl to kill an elephant was what killed him.

    2) Like Billie Holliday, I have several times in the course of my life been asked or told to ride either a service elevator or a freight elevator. Must I conclude that my white privilege is the only thing that can adequately explain why these experiences failed to turn me into a heroin addict?

    •�Replies: @Agent76
  53. Notsofast says:

    i have been saying the same thing for years, look at los angeles, the black populations have been pushed out of areas like compton, that now has a 2/3 hispanic population. the illegal central american immigrants are forced to work for sub minium wage in many cases, and come from a background where hard work is just the norm. by allowing and encouraging illegal entry, there are no limits to the number of migrants (as well as low cost labor) and when the critical mass is achieved, a blanket amnesty will be given insuring a whole new voter base to replace their black base, they no longer find useful or controllable.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  54. @Rooster17

    “I think a lot of it comes down to what I call the “feel good narrative”

    You’re giving these creatures too much consideration and leeway. They’re arrogant. That is their problem, and they truly believe they’re better than you. I could look the other way and simply let it go were it simply that thinking the way they do simply makes them ‘feel good’. But that really doesn’t go far enough in explaining it. This is in reality, arrogance at work in them.

  55. @profnasty

    #2 all by itself is a challenge. I haven’t even been able to get the men I know who are strong 2nd amendment supporters and sincerely worried about what the gov is doing when it comes to ‘gun control’ to stick together.. They’re lazy in some cases and in others I detect that what they claim to believe with their lips, they don’t have the strength of character or fortitude to actually do anything constructive about it. Even something as simple, and legal, as organizing get-togethers with other like minded and dedicated people. And a good number of these people I refer to are former military which makes it even harder to understand.

    •�Thanks: profnasty
  56. I see it on Twitter as well. A large number of the “Rah rah Democrats! Rah rah Biden!” accounts are people with military experience in their bios.

    Lefty bootlicking also seems to correlate with sportball fans.

    All the retired government workers of any kind are, of course, strong “F*** Aemrica” types.

    •�Replies: @Johnny LeBlanc
  57. Franz says:

    Or, in anthropologist parlance, “the biological imperative.”

    That worries me the most, actually.

    White women (some) act like the Conquest is done and over. Since the new privileged class will be nonwhite and nonbinary, they go with the flow.

    This could jump up and bite them. White men are getting quietly furious. If it comes down to any sort of war, the white guys will very probably win and history is clear on how white boys treat the girls who collaborate with the enemy. The French Resistance only shaved the heads of gals who consorted with Germans. Honestly that was nothing.

    I want the best for white women, I honestly do. The ones in politics and entertainment have made themselves real pests. I hope their tune changes before a serious reckoning comes.

  58. @TKK

    Get a grip. Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. He was a useless criminal POS. The world is better off for his death, except for the Jews that are using his corpse as a battering ram against Whites.

    •�Replies: @TKK
  59. Ambrose Kane [AKA "RockaBoatus"] says:

    Thanks for pointing that out. Some people are unable the see the entire picture because their bias is too strong.

    Incidentally, what Chauvin did with his knee was not any different than what many cops do when attempting to restrain an uncooperative suspect. His knee was NOT on his neck in a way that prevented him from breathing, but positioned in a such a way that allowed him control.

    I won’t defend all that was done at the scene on that fateful day, but there was no attempt on the part of the cops to murder St. Floyd. That big goon was simply feeling the effects of the Fentanyl he had ingested.

  60. kiwk says:

    Nah, the section 8 housing will be destroyed by its inhabitants. but I like the rest of your comment.

  61. cosMICjester says: •�Website

    NO LIVES MATTER especially feral ORCs who can’t seem to comply w/ the armed jerk w/ the badge. Cops treat everyone like peasants you’re not special

  62. Agent76 says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    You clearly did not view or even listen. Please try reviewing before commenting. This is how you should blog reasonably. Shakespeare defined it well, “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” William Shakespeare

    •�Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  63. Colinsky says:

    I had a friend who played backup violin on a lot of Motown hits. His day job was as second violinist in the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. He had an amused contempt for rock & roll; he called it “a genre of minimal competence.”

  64. Charles says:

    You expressed the question well, and I do not know the answer. I do agree – the reason for susceptibility to self-destruction is unknown. Just half-a-dozen generations ago Whites were adamant about the necessity of segregation; to-day no White of whom I am aware (and who has anything like a viable public image) would make that kind of public declaration.

    I know of the late William L. Pierce and the National Alliance because of my admiration for the late Revilo P. Oliver. I personally do not believe a new religion, that is to say Cosmotheism, is necessary or in fact even desirable. Others will disagree.

    P.S. In The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Dr. Pierce was quoted as saying that if he had known that the originally serialized The Turner Diaries was going to be such an “underground” success, he would have put more time and care into it!

    •�Agree: Anomaly
    •�Replies: @Anomaly
    , @eah
  65. @Marielle Redclaw

    Most government workers are niggers, spics, women, or faggots. Ever been to DC?

  66. The Post-George Floyd Revolution

    I say:



    Blacks, proportionally, commit more violent crime than do Asians or Whites because Blacks are genetically predisposed to do so.

    Brave political leaders must point this out to state clearly that Blacks are imprisoned more than Whites and Asians because they commit more violent crime than do Whites and Asians, proportionally.

    Blacks and Mestizos are innately less intelligent than Whites and Asians.

    Blacks do poorly in school and on school tests because they are highly cognitively dissimilar to Whites and Asians.

    Brave political leaders must state this to knock down the argument that external factors inhibit Blacks from doing as well as Whites and Asians in school.

  67. TKK says:

    As a lawyer, I know how powerful optics are.

    I am stating that the video, no matter the technical accuracy of Chauvin’s restraint, wiped out any hope of Chauvin being found Not Guilty- and that is without the national media whipping people into a hysteria.

    It was the video that sunk him from the jump.

  68. TKK says:
    @Johnny LeBlanc

    Of course he was a useless POS.

    Again, the video sunk Chauvin. He was not alone in a cave with Floyd. He did not work in a vacuum.

    When you have a group of people- RECORDING YOU – begging you to let him up- at some point common sense would take over and you would let him up. I feel sorry for Chauvin to a degree, but Floyd was not being detained over a violent crime. It was a counterfeit bill. Let him up, get him checked by medical, then take him to jail. If Chauvin would have followed these rudimentary steps, he could be home eating supper instead of getting beaten and raped in prison.

    You have to realize – I am around criminals most days. I know they are histronic and deceitful. But I have no desire to go to prison for any criminal. If my client tells me he is having a heart attack in the attorney room at prison, and I want to get going to get home- I still go get help. This is not rocket science.

    And- I don’t defend cops- ever. Not in life or in theory. I have witnessed too many of them lying on the stand. I detest them. They are all company men that would shoot us in the head if it added $50 to their paycheck/pension.

  69. @Agent76

    You reply with the words of a mindless conformist, a patronizing fool, and a self-important troll. You insult Shakespeare by pretending that you are fit to repeat his words.

    •�Agree: Richard B
  70. Kak says:
    @the Man Behind the Curtain

    I don’t think everyone is tired when you have a culture where fathers and brothers allow their daughters and sisters to date and fuck negroes with a half breed being spawned out of the unholy union sometimes. Go out in any city where negroes are a noticeable minority and you’ll see them with white women. It’s a growing trend, you see it every where. I saw a 4K drive through video of Naples Florida and saw a few of them. Just what the hell is going on with white men these days? A return to honour killings is what’s needed.

  71. @TKK

    I say defund the cops and let the niggers run wild. Or the cops that are still on the job should just step back. We need to shock Whites into the necessary frame of mind. Maybe being raped and having their houses burned down by feral orcs will encourage the needed change in attitude.

    •�Agree: Anomaly
  72. Anomaly says:

    “The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Dr. Pierce”

    I got that back in the early aughts! I couldn’t put it down. I think I finished it in a week. It’s one of my favorite books!

    •�Agree: Charles
  73. anonymous[351] •�Disclaimer says:

    AMIGO your demographic main threat is NOT CentralAmericans..it is MEXICANS..8/10 illegals in LA are Mexicans…the “hispanic” members of the LA Council are ALL Mexicans…the Hispanic members of the LA County Board/School Board are all Mexicans…and now Mexicans have 1 of the Senatorial seats, The USA Health/Housing/SSA are Mexicans…the 5th may Mass shooters in TX las week were members of La Familia MEXICA Movement..a Mexican Supremacist organization that FEARS losing demographic HEGEMONY in the USA..they claim the USA Southwest as their ancestral native lands..regarding everyone else as invaders..RECONQUISTA/Replacement….CentralAmericans are insignificant little enclaves statistically irrelevant..use/abuse/opress/supress politically culturally ERASED. When Mexicans say Hispanics/Latinos they mean MEXICANS…first/last..BLACK cities will be flooded with Mexicans/Cartels/Gangs/Fentanyl…wake up black people. Funnythe other day I met a black teenager that could NOT be hired at the local McDonalds because he does NOT speak Spanish..what??? everyone in the place doesn’t speak ENGLISH so this black guy could not COMMUNICATE with the crew..

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  74. @TKK

    Let him up, get him checked by medical

    “Letting him up” would violate police protocol, and open the cops to liability for any injuries that followed.. Remember that this person was violently resisting arrest. It’s easy for us to say that Chauvin should have released his knee, and I wish he had. But his knee on the back of Floyd’s neck did not cause asphyxiation. A lethal fentanyl cocktail did that. (How was Chauvin supposed to know what drugs Floyd had taken?)

    Getting checked by medical? What do you think they were waiting for? Do you really not know that medics were on the way? If they hadn’t gotten turned around, they would have arrived several minutes earlier and we’d never even have heard of George Floyd.

    But I agree with you that optics rule the day, and the optics in this case were horrific. A billion people now swear they saw something that they didn’t actually see. Now can you agree with me that if Chauvin had any idea the guy under his knee was dying, he would have relented? To save his own neck if not Floyd’s.

  75. @Johnny LeBlanc

    Most government workers are niggers, spics, women, or faggots. Ever been to DC?

    Not that many Hispanics to be honest

  76. @Kak

    Just what the hell is going on with white men these days? A return to honour killings is what’s needed.

    Well, I think American men have become “overpaid, oversexed, and over here” the world over, leading to extra unmarried American women. Hence the need for polygamy.

    Brigham Young believed the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ was insufficient for some extreme sins, such as interracial relations with the seed of Cain (blacks). Other interracial relations were discouraged but not considered sinful, necessarily. For such grave crimes as interracial relations with the seed of Cain, the offender would in theory need to die in such a way that their own blood was spilled, according to the proposed but never quite implemented doctrine of blood atonement (it was proposed this might one day be the law under a Mormon theocratic government):


    “…Cain I will not kill you, nor suffer any one to kill you, but I will put a mark upon you. What is that mark? you will see it on the countenance of every African you ever did see upon the face of the earth, or ever will see…

    “…You talke of the dark skin, I never saw a white man on earth. I have seen persons whose hair came pretty nigh being white, but to talk about white skins it is something entirely unknown, though some skins are fairer than others; look at the black eye and the jet black hair, we often see upon men and women who are called white, there is no such things as white folkes. We are the children of Adam, who receive the blessings, and that is enough for us if we are not quite white.

    But let me tell you further. Let my seed mingle with the seed of Cain [blacks], that brings the curse upon me, and upon my generations, — we will reap the same rewards with Cain.

    In the priesthood I will tell you what it will do. Where the children of God to mingle there seed with the seed of Cain it would not only bring the curse of being deprived of the power of the priesthood upon themselves but they entail it upon their children after them, and they cannot get rid of it. If a man in an unguarded moment should commit such a transgression, if he would walk up and say cut off my head, and kill man woman and child it would do a great deal towards atoning for the sin. Would this be to curse them? no it would be a blessing to them.”

    – Governor Brigham Young of Utah

  77. Notsofast says:

    la familia mexica and all mexican drug cartels are now white supremacists. the new narcos act designates cartels as terrorist groups, so now all gang violence will be considered acts of white supremacist terrorism. so i guess we won’t have to worry about the mexican problem, it’s those damn white supremacists they keep warning us about!

  78. I remember a claim in the 90s still being made is that “white kids use drugs at a higher rate than black kids yet black kids are the ones getting arrested for it.” Where did they get this from? I very much doubt it’s true based on my life experience. Virtually ALL black men smoke weed, it’s really really common, where I work I find out all but one are potheads, and the one who is not has a pot head brother. I go out on lunch break and see one sitting in his 20 year old SUV holding something small up to his lips glowing orange and blowing out smoke. While there are too many white idiots involved in drugs it’s not this ubiquitous.

    Back in the 90s at one of the top Big 10 Universities I found weed was not that common among the white students, and those who did were mostly males, it was a sausage fest that the girls there looking to snag a successful husband avoided like the plague because they saw it for what it was back then…before Generation Bastard embraced the “dispensary” lifestyle. However, among the black “students” (there on affirmative action) I found that MOST of them smoked weed, male and female. And these were the cream of the crop of the Chicago and East Metro ghettos, if weed use was this ubiquitous among the blacks who managed to make it through high school, then it must be even more common among the run of the mill loser who stayed in the hood.

    But white liberals would have you believe the vast majority of blacks growing up in these fatherless homes with little parental supervision are not all hanging out smoking weed constantly? Especially now with how much more widespread availability it has? I’m not overstating it when I say that ALL of these hoodrats who go “wilding” around downtown Chicago reeking havoc are stoned, and ALL of these Antifa rats rioting on the West Coast are heavy pot users. Drugs are a heavy culprit in the downfall of our civility, drug use retards the normal progression of whites from the college fantasy world of liberals into a more conservative reality when they get out into the real world in their mid to late twenties. It also makes blacks much, much worse. And I’m not talking about the horrid fentanyl, meth, and crack. Weed alone makes people very disturbed and antisocial. Letting this crap in your society turns your citizenry into garbage. No doubt someone will conquer North America in another couple generations, this scummy so called “citizenry” won’t be able to maintain the defense apparatus they inherited from previous, dead, responsible generations who actually built it.

    •�Agree: AceDeuce
  79. @TKK

    “”” I feel sorry for Chauvin to a degree, but Floyd was not being detained over a violent crime. It was a counterfeit bill. Let him up, get him checked by medical, then take him to jail. If Chauvin would have followed these rudimentary steps, he could be home eating supper instead of getting beaten and raped in prison.”””

    You have been media- brainwashed about the george floyd incident. Chauvin put floyd on the ground NOT because floyd was a criminal but because floyd had been repeatedly saying “I can’t breathe.”, and when he got to the point where he truly could not breathe he would go berzerk and harm himself or others. Asphyxiation is a horrible death.

    Many PDs had that policy. When a suspect says he can’t breathe it usually means he’s dying of a drug overdose and mayhem will soon follow. Get him on ground and keep him there.

    •�Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  80. eah says:


    Not knowing enough about it, I have no opinion about Cosmotheism, per se — but it’s important to understand Pierce’s motivation for promulgating Cosmotheism.

    Like Oliver, Pierce was not a fan of Christianity — any White Nationalist ought to be able to concede that in the modern world, Christian tenets are not compatible with the survival of white nations — but Pierce was (rightfully) concerned about the decline in religiousness among Whites, and the vacuum in society created by it — this vacuum was being filled by the media, which espoused a kind of secular moral absolutism, with anti-racism and white guilt as central parts — today one sees this clearly, including how the secular moral canon established and enforced by the media (heretics are punished via ‘cancel culture’) is constantly expanding to include the ‘latest thing’ — all of that has been very destructive to white society, and very damaging to the interests of white people.

    Pierce was a learned, intelligent man — also prescient: he predicted and warned about everything happening today — if Pierce was still alive, he would certainly be entitled to say ‘I told you so’.

    •�Thanks: Anomaly
    •�Replies: @Anomaly
  81. Great essay, which also redefines the old Jewish joke of “chutzpah”… “A young boy kills both of his parents then pleads to the court for mercy since he was now an orphan…”

    I bought Ms. MacDonald’s book as soon as I got halfway through this piece.

    I have seen her in one of her lectures on a similar subject. She is a very engaging speaker…

  82. @Hang All Text Drivers

    One of the best articles debunking the Official Narrative of Saint George Floyd was published here at Unz Review back in June 2020. No statement of fact in the article has ever been successfully controverted. Here follows a representative sample.

    • Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
    • Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
    • The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.
    • Floyd already began to complain “I can’t breathe” a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
    • It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
    • The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
    • Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
    • In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.

    The evidence that the Floyd narrative imposed by the (((Establishment))) is a total lie is so compelling that Ron Unz should permanently ban any commenter that treats it as legitimate. The (((Establishment))) is waging war against white men and women, and those who accept and proclaim the Floyd narrative are complicit in its long-term goals of killing whites and rendering the very idea of objective truth literally unthinkable.

  83. @Pierre de Craon

    Free Derek Chauvin

    Free Daniel Holtzclaw


  84. The simple fact is that racial equality for blacks is an experiment that has failed miserably. They are a stupid and vile lot and they aren’t as tough as you think.

  85. Anomaly says:

    Pierce changed my entire understanding of the world!

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