Not Quite a Civil War
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In the second episode of View From the Right, the hosts break down what’s really happening with the next War Between The States. Spoiler alert: By itself, it means nothing, but it could lead to almost anything.
Thumbnail credit: © Suzanne Ringle/Texas National Guard via ZUMA Press Wire
(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Immigration�
Let’s face it, the US is under attack from within and invasion from without. Yet “real Americans” still think they can win this war and preserve their union by being “nice”. Wars are not won by being nice.
Talking heads still believe in the political process. They’re going to talk their way out of their predicament.
Was Stalin more intelligent than Hitler?
Were it not for Amerikka, Germany would have conquered France, England AND Russia.
Germany was conservative capital ‘C’.
The NSDAP values were mom, morality, and apple strudel.
Lawyers aren’t liberal, they are evil.
November means everything.
And we still may have our Revolution II.
The Lord will punish the Jews for their destruction of Christian Germany and also for their smearing of decent and good Adolf Hitler whose only crime was to free his country from Satanic Jewish control.The Jews have controlled the information Americans receive for over 100 years and now God is bringing us the truth.Thank you for your comment.All those good that were destroyed by evil will live again in Heaven.That I am sure of.
No, it’s a worldwide race war and Americans are the only ones that don’t get it.
These “migrants” are the legions the Rothschilds know can’t lose because the stupid SJW females all feel sorry for them. They’ll coddle these savages right up to the minute they are eaten by them.
Too busy staring at their own reflection and worrying over the blunders of earlier centuries, Americans cannot see the trap has already sprung.
every election year the open-borders anti-White Republiscam wing of the Zionist Uniparty has a fake argument with the anti-White open-borders Demonrat wing of the Zionist Uniparty.
this Tejas bullshit is more of the same.
and every election year the stupid Whites go out and vote at the and expect something good to happen.
and only bad happens. This
is self-extincting stupidity.
Americans are starting to wake-up to the fact that their enemies are in Washington.
White Americans are continually told they are racist that they keep blacks and other races down so affirmative action is brought in to “balance” the wheel…the borders are thrown open to dilute the white ethnicity, this is deliberate and targeted.
Can there be any clearer demonstration of the deliberate targeting of white Americans termination then the actions of Washington. Washington is sending billions of dollars in assistance to the most Racist nation on earth so they have a right to genocide a dark skin people.
Americans WAKE UP! You have been lied to constantly and if you want to save yourself you have to overturn 78 years of attack against you. The answer is sending those that don’t belong back and taking back control of your culture, society, government.
Its either you or the latins, Asians or blacks. If you don’t “DO SOMETHING” you have lost and whites will disappear into a tint of brown.
More or less the same illegal invasion that cost 250 million dead redskins to steal their lands. If what is happening now is barbaric, what happened then was an immense crime.
That is why the evil of the current invaders, who are not killing anyone, should not be exaggerated.
No, it’s a class war. The rich are treating the rest of us like cattle, jamming in more warm bodies for the sole sake of driving wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few.
What, you say that you don’t believe in class war? That’s OK, class war believes in you. And your class is losing. And your class is hardly even fighting back!
Sure Karl Marx got most everything wrong, but he was right about this.
If by redskins, you are referring to American Indians please produce the data showing 250 million dead from an illegal invasion.
If no pressure from Roosevelt onto Chamberlain to defend Poland’s virginity from German thrusts, the Wehrmacht would have got into a fight with the USSR in 1940. Instead, the French got Zelenskyy’ed and the British pulled a rabbit out of the hat with a couple of decent fighter designs. Then Germany stumbled into the Ukraine and got pulverised.
30% of libtards are trying to replace the White Christians that they hate. They will MEVER admit they’re doing this, that’s why they are SO OPPOSED to Tucker Carlson types who have exactly identified and spoken up about this.
Voting is use of power, without responsibility. Pro-rate this to 70 years of a political direction, and it is most assuredly WAR.
The people making war, by immigration and replacement, will never admit it even though they admit their stance a thousand times a day by whom they hate.
These people must be confronted with the consequences of their choices. The migrants going to Jew York and to Martha’s Vineyard and Chicago, should be increased. The list of destinations needs to be bigger, and the numbers need to increase.
Germany walked across France, gave CPR to England at Dunkirk, and kicked Russia’s ass all the way to the gates of Moscow. Without Lend Lease Russia was nothing. US&A turned Germany around.
Remember, German technology was ten years ahead of Anglo tech. The stripping of Germany’s patents and brain trust was job number one after her defeat. Operation Paperclip.
(That and US’s usual mass murder which was carried out for Jew lust. The Swedish Jew. Sheesh.)
One man’s opinion.
I can’t take anyone seriously if they are not naming the joo. Greg Hood is great, but if put out by Jared Taylor’s outfit, that fact is not permitted.
Everything is taken by power. YT is most powerful. The dirty joo saw that and like a malignancy infected YT. What is happening is YT dying because they can’t see the sickness, rather afraid to see the sickness. The sickness controls the levers of power and control.