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Robert Weissberg Archive
Where Are the Black Rudy Giulianies?

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Reaction to the recent Milwaukee riot has followed a predictable script and for liberals this requires insisting that that blacks themselves are largely blameless for the “uprising.” But, even if liberals admit that some Milwaukee residents were guilty, they will nevertheless claim that these miscreants, typically unemployed school dropouts, are only a minuscule element in an otherwise law-abiding, peaceful population. In other words, we should not smear an entire community by the actions of a tiny untypical handful.

This “only a few bad apples” view is factually incorrect—the pathologies are far more extensive than a few attention-getting rioters. To be sure, thousands of Milwaukee inner-city residents did not take to the streets and a few residents did denounce the mayhem. Nevertheless, the penchant for disorderly behavior, and this includes criminality, is more deeply ingrained in these black neighborhoods than the liberal-dominated mainstream media admits.

This unflattering assessment rests on a dog that does not bark: if the overwhelming majority of ordinary ghetto residents—as liberals usually claim– are so opposed to the thuggery punctuated by occasional rioting, where are the ambitious local politicians anxious to capitalize on this supposed thirsting for law and order? After all, it is rare office-seeker who will shun any type of pandering almost guaranteeing electoral victory.

Indeed, if, as many liberals allege, the trouble-makers are exclusively poorly educated youngsters who almost never vote, why would black office-seekers pay them any attention? Why should elected black officials traffic in responsibility escaping justification—white racism, oppression, rotten schools, years of financial neglect, bigoted cops—when, supposedly, thousands of law-abiding residents dread neighborhood predators? How many votes can Black Lives Matter deliver? If economic self-interest motivated voters, the Hobbesian inner-city should be the ideal place for a black Rudi Giuliani. It would not take much for this black Rudy to woo ghetto residents with the benefits of tough policing: more tax-paying businesses, more convenient shopping, more jobs, safer public parks and, most of all, enhanced personal freedom. Why don’t all those African American preachers who organize anti-violence rallies run for office? If the bad guys are just a small minority, surely these Reverends would win in a landslide.

Why the absence of black law and order Giulianis? Let me hypothesize two probably over-lapping possibilities, both of which, if true, bode poorly for future efforts at reducing criminality and rioting. First, and most obviously, is the ghetto culture that permeates black neighborhoods in cities like Milwaukee. This culture rejects anything “white” and nothing is more quintessentially “white” than law and order. In fact, the very phrase “law and order” and “crime” have now widely viewed by self-designated community spokesmen as the code word for racism.

This aversion even applies to the small stuff like eliminating graffiti or cracking down on public drinking. In an electoral contest between a fire-breathing black nationalist (a good “race man” to use an older terminology) who denounces white privilege as the root of black misery and a mild- mannered rival who modestly calls for making parks drug-free, the firebrand will almost always win. Hard to even imagine a black Rudy Giuliani campaigning in the Hood. Recall the long successful career of Washington DC’s Marion Berry, a dissolute crackhead whose popularity among blacks totally baffled law-and-order whites.

A second explanation is more rational: even many upright inner-city blacks personally have more to lose than to gain by electing a black Giuliani. Though it is impossible to admit in public, many inner-city blacks at least occasionally engage in petty drug dealing, prostitution, public intoxication, shoplifting, misusing EBT cards, fencing stolen goods (including guns), small-time gambling, and similar unsavory behaviors. Strict law and order will thus invariably restore mass incarceration which in practice means imprisoning family members (especially teenage children), boyfriends/girlfriends and neighbors, a situation that many whites find unimaginable given their minimal contact with criminals. Put another way, a “broken windows” campaign is perhaps the most disparate policy imaginable and a costly one, too, given fines and lawyer fees. In a sense, the damage done by the corner drug dealers or burning down the local CVS pharmacy (as occurred in the Baltimore riot) is a tolerable alternative to locking up these miscreants, all of whom are blood relatives of other community residents. Again, this trade-off is unthinkable to middle class whites watching the mayhem on TV.

Taken together, this bodes poorly for government-based efforts to ameliorate black slums of Milwaukee, East St. Louis, Detroit and Camden, NJ and elsewhere. It is delusional to believe that millions of black inner-city residents are silently waiting to be rescued by a black Giuliani who refuses to be intimidates by Black Lives Matter and street gangs. After all, these cities have been festering for decades, more than sufficient time for a black law and order Messiah to arrive.

This dismal prognosis is especially true for the free-market nostrums favored by Republicans who insist that thousands of these residents would benefit from capitalism. Reality is, however, quite different—capitalism will be DOA. It is highly unlikely that businesses will be enticed by tax breaks to set up shop in crime infested neighborhoods where nearly every new hire arrives with a criminal record. And what business wants to invest in training workers notable for their terrible behavior in school? Remember the now almost forgotten empowerment zones of the 1990s that failed to revitalize places like Detroit and Atlanta despite generous tax incentives. In fact, force-feeding capitalism into these areas may only exacerbate the criminality–working in a newly built nearby factory may be a great opportunity to peddle drugs or pilfer’


If these troubled localities filled with underclass blacks are to be “rescued,” the impetus must be external pressure—running City Hall from the State House. The relevant model is one of a colonial power imposing its will, not enticing the locals to reform themselves by altering the mix of economic incentives or Great Society nostrums. And a “colonial” approach will never be popular regardless of the benefits. Just ask Rudy Giuliani’s about how New York City’s black activists hated him despite his success in making black neighborhoods safer and prosperous. This dismal conclusion is especially bad news for Donald Trump and his current outreach to African American voters—for millions of blacks, Trump’s embrace of law and order candidate will only certify him as racist and in today’s political landscape, there is no greater sin than racism.

•�Category: Race/Ethnicity •�Tags: Black Crime, Blacks, Race/Crime
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  1. Once again Weissberg is correct: It is the people themselves in a given place who create the social environment. Isn’t this obvious? It certainly is in schools, as he himself explains in Bad Students, Not Bad Schools.

    There should be a book called Bad Residents, Not Bad Places.

    •�Replies: @Barnard
    , @Anonymous
  2. Jason Liu says:

    You gotta remember, African-American political thought is essentially white liberal thought with a few modifications. They just have a hard time admitting it. Or realizing that white liberal mentalities are the product of easy living — a consequence of success, not the cause.

    It certainly isn’t going to help a struggling minority. For that, blacks should embrace patriarchy and nationalism.

    •�Replies: @Dave
  3. Maybe Mr Weissberg is right, I honestly don’t know. But it does seem interesting that IN SPITE of the fact that the US has the highest incarnation rate in the world, and that blacks are massively over represented on a per capita basis in prisons, black crime continues to be such an issue. And, boil it all down, Mr Weissburg wants to intensify the policy. He calls it the “colonial approach”. Given the history of colonialism over the centuries one shudders to think what it might actually entail….
    I wonder whether Weissberg has ever read any of the works of Mr Whitehead, of “Battlefield America” fame ?
    And incidentally, I do not suggest LESS law and order in these communities, nor do I suggest pandering to mealy mouthed black, or white politicians. However– law & order is a necessary condition of improving this situation, but it is NOT a sufficient one.

    •�Replies: @Alden
    , @boogerbently
  4. I suppose we could wall off the problem areas a la Escape from New York. Better hurry though, because HHS is working overtime to export the problem to the ‘burbs.

    We all know how this is going to end, though most of us can never publicly state it for fear of recriminations ….

  5. Gene Su says:

    I have read Keith Richburg’s [Out of Africa] and Thomas Sowell’s [Black Rednecks and White Liberals]. Thomas Sowell argues that most of the dysfunctional behavior of blacks is picked up from Southern whites during their time in slavery. However, I think if there is one bit of culture that blacks bought with them from Africa, it is the corrupt strongman. There are many corrupt white politicians. However, thuggish pols like Marion Barry have no white counter part. Indeed, the black leadership in America is very similar to that in Africa as described by Keith Richburg. They don’t see themselves as wardens of law and order, as a benevolent government should. They see their posts as a spoils system where they can milk wealth.

  6. Rehmat says:

    Sorry Weissberg – Giulianis, as usual very busy in covering anti-Muslim false flags, and thus have no time for Blacks – hated and slaved by Jews all over the world.

    In Israel, hatred toward Black people is based on the color of skin and not on being non-Jewish. Take for example, Ethiopian Falasha Jews, who were flown into Israel from Ethiopia and Sudan over 20 years ago with great fanfare – as a “Jewish humanitarian” gesture, are now being treated like untouchable in the Zionist entity.

    In 2012, Israeli daily Ha’aretz reported that as soon as Ethiopian Jewish black women arrived in Israel, the government had them injected with a birth control shot without their knowledge or consent. On January 27, 2013, Ha’aretz reported that Israeli government acknowledged for the first time that its Health Department was involved in the practice of injecting women of Ethiopian origin with long-acting contraceptive Depo-Provera. There are more than 80,000 Ethiopian Israeli citizens.

    On April 15, 2012, speaking at the Ramle conference, Zionist interior minister Eli Yishai, called for the expulsion of all Africans – claiming they’re “a criminal element in Israeli society “.


  7. Barnard says:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    There should be a book called Bad Residents, Not Bad Places.

    The Dutch and Swedes who settled Camden, New Jersey lived in a much better place than the city is today. Maybe they used up all the magic dirt.

  8. Durruti says:

    Pure unadulterated Racism from Weissberg.

    He fails to mention the imperialist Racism of the Zionist Oligarchs, who are ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from their homeland. Weissberg will also condemn their – the Palestinians’ ‘lawlessness,” no doubt.

    Slavery is not mentioned by this proto-fascist. Slavery involved mass murder (of millions), and 300 years of unpaid labor. Additionally, American slaves were not allowed to join Churches, Marry, or to learn to Read and Write. By comparison, Slaves in Latin America were allowed Religious freedom, and formal Church Marriage.

    Advocates of ‘Law and Order’ usually fail to clarify – for whom the Law and Order is to be imposed on.

    Start at the top and work down.

    Respect for all; Bow to none!

    •�Replies: @Forbes
    , @Rehmat
    , @sayless
  9. Dr. X says:

    First of all, I’m not a big Rudy fan. Giuliani was a liberal as they come as mayor — he favored gun bans and universal registration, gay marriage, abortion, etc. The only thing that he went against the liberal establishment on was black crime, and they hated him for it. They called him a “fascist” for arresting the graffiti taggers and winos masturbating on the sidewalk.

    As to why there is no “black Giuliani,” the answer, I think, is that the welfare system is enabling dysgenic breeding among urban black populations. Blacks who are congenitally incapable of personal restraint, impulse control, literacy, etc. are not going to elect a “law and order” Giuliani — they’re going to elect Kwame Kilpatrick, who is going to ride around in a pimped-out mayormobile with a bunch of “hos” and then get sent to prison for tribal favoritism and graft.

    Urban black problems will become more intractable as black ghettos descend into genetic black holes, where the worst genetic traits are passed on in very large numbers, while those with the most desirable traits have fled. There are numerous stories about black felons who have 15-20 offspring. A couple of years ago there was a story about a Tennessee inmate who had sired 33 offspring. I just read a story about a 40-year old black postman who got shot to death in Chicago — he had fifteen kids. (At least he had a job before he died).

    Black problems are not going to be solved by a mayor in City Hall — they can only be solved by blacks controlling their own breeding and productively raising their own spawn.

    That appears to be very unlikely.

    •�Replies: @jay
  10. Arclight says:

    Having lived in a big city black neighborhood (because it was the only place I could afford to buy a home in one of the most expensive real estate markets) it is true that many residents have a much higher tolerance for anti-social behavior than any white or mixed neighborhood I have lived in.

    It’s not to say that a lot of my black neighbors would see the drug dealers, the fairly regular violence, or the existence of “babies raising babies” and think nothing of it – it’s that the cultural dysfunction is so widespread that most of them have some member of their family that is part of the problem and they would rather take it easy on them so they are not removed from their daily lives than see them punished or ostracized. This is the exact opposite of how I was raised and how family members of mine who crossed society’s norms were treated, but there you have it.

    At the end of the day, there is no external force that can solve this – if inner city residents are willing to look the other way or refuse to cooperate with the authorities, they have to live with the consequences.

    •�Replies: @E. Rekshun
  11. The problem isn’t fixable, the black populations simply reflects an ingrained desire to recreate the same semi-tribal that sprung from the Niger-Congo Delta 1000 years AD, (Bantu expansion) that is the cultural environment that west African Bantu and their progeny have recreated throughout the world. It’s simple fact, of course they bristle at law and order, that’s not what they want, that’s our idea of the way things should be not theirs, in the Ghetto, things are how they want them to be, same in Haiti or Congo or Detroit or South Africa or Zimbabwe etc. etc.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  12. the myth that guiliani’s law & order policies were responsible for lower crime rates in ny continues. in truth, crime rates dropped nation-wide during his time as mayor. but, guiliani is a shameless self-promoter and people, like the author, tend to believe what they want to believe.
    poverty creates an atmosphere conducive to crime. generational poverty produces generational crime.
    it’s easy to be a moral warrior. i wonder how mr. weissberg would have turned out had he been raised by a single, under-educated, mother in a crime ridden, broken down, violent neighborhood on 10$ a day? if he faced a legacy of discrimination and outright hatred for the way he looked?
    we are all products of our environment. what chance does a little kid growing up in the ghetto have?

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
    , @Alden
  13. @Arclight

    Having lived in a big city black neighborhood (because it was the only place I could afford to buy a home in one of the most expensive real estate markets)

    This sounds very risky – not only to your health but to your finances. Why not just rent in a better neighborhood and save until you can afford to buy a home in a good neighborhood? Or not buy a home at all? Or move to and find employment in a lower-cost, less-black city?

    •�Replies: @Arclight
  14. Dave says:
    @Jason Liu

    That is essentially what Farrakhan has been telling them for decades. I’ve watched a number of his speeches over the years, dozens are on youtube, and his admonitions can be distilled down to patriarchy and nationalism. He knows that most black people are impulsive and overreactive and the only social system that will keep them all in line is a rigid authoritarianism in the guise of Islam, or at least his particular flavor of it. As long as the message is coming from a black man who calls whitey a devil, then he can sell them patriarchy and nationalism.
    Of course, most black people don’t listen. They love him for telling off the white man, but the path he asks them to stick to is too rigid.
    It feels better to play the victim and scold whitey and wallow in your own filth, and the bonus is white liberals making empty excuses for all of it.

    •�Agree: Triumph104
    •�Replies: @Jefferson
    , @Alden
  15. Wally says: •�Website

    Why should blacks say anything about their own criminality when they know whites will pick up the tab for it?

    Blacks profit from black dysfunction.

    Stop paying their tab, their criminal behavior then drops.

    And given their levels of crime, especially violent crime, the prison incarceration rate is much too low.

  16. Arclight says:
    @E. Rekshun

    I figured the area was going to get gentrified sooner rather than later, and I was right. I don’t live there anymore, but as far as real estate goes it was a good bet.

  17. Alden says:

    Sadly, I have known that the most respectable blacks have long standing family ties to criminals.
    I noticed this in my first job out of college, probation officer. The criminals were young, many under 30. Many of the mothers had respectable jobs in federal state county and city government and of course were pillars of their church

    Every change of shift in the jail, the black sheriff/guards and other jail employees would groan as they noticed cousin brother baby daddy uncle aunt etc in the roster of newly admitted inmates.

    In fact in many county jails the guards other employees and prisoners are the same demographic, blacks. Los Angekes and other cities are now accepting police recruits with felony, not misdemeanor records so as to increase diversity.

    Here are a few examples of highly respectable blacks with criminal records
    Black Los Angeles chief of police Bernie Parks. He was not affirmative action, he was actually qualified for the job. His grand daughter was murdered in a gang shoot out. She was with her boyfriend a gangster with a major criminal record

    Damien Williams was one of the thugs who nearly beat White truck driver Reginald Denny to death. His mother and grandmother were both civil servants life long employees of the welfare department.
    After serving his sentence for beating Denny, he continued his criminal career.

    Singer Jennifer Hudson comes from a long line of high school grad, married, home owning highly paid Chicago bus drivers and church goers. Her sister’s husband murdered her mother and sister
    His father was convicted of murder. He murdered someone when he was 18 and served a few years After the short youthful offender sentence he committed another murder served a few years and got out again. Then he met Hudsons sister.

    2 middle manager black women employed at UCLA a top university. One was always taking off in the middle of the day when she got the call her son had been arrested again. She also took a lot of time off to attend his court hearings etc. The baby daddy of another was in Pelican Bay prison in California. It’s a maximum security prison mainly for life sentence murderers. She has 2 kids by him and he is the love of her life.

    Black preachers make a lot of money testifying as character witnesses for black criminals they have never met.

    If ever a state prison is built in your rural town, move as soon as it’s approved. The guards, clerks, teachers and medics will all be black and Hispanic affirmative action dreck. Their thug children will destroy the schools and kids recreation activities. The guards will behave themselves but the clerks, medics etc will turn the town into a ghetto.

    That’s probably why Obama was picked as the first black president His black relatives are mostly in Kenya and the few living in America are unknown. Except of course for the illegal alien aunt on SSA disability, medi caid food stamps and living in a comfortable section 8 apartment in Ohio while native born American homeless froze to death in the cold Ohio winters.

    As far as I know, Ms Obama’s family is free from crime.

  18. woodNfish says:

    (Leftists) will nevertheless claim that these miscreants, typically unemployed school dropouts, are only a minuscule element in an otherwise law-abiding, peaceful population. In other words, we should not smear an entire community by the actions of a tiny untypical handful.

    Notice any commonality with what the leftists say about muslim terrorists (yeah, I know that is redundant)?

  19. woodNfish says:
    @Lawrence Fitton

    You really are a sucker, aren’t you?

    What have blacks done to reduce the number of black single mom’s? Nothing – it is worse than ever and on top of that you have the degenerate black culture exemplified by rap music in which black women are all “ho’s” and gang banging and walking around with pants around your knees is cool, and doing well in school is copying whitey.

    No one can fix the black community, but the black’s themselves. We have pumped over a trillion dollars into the black problem since the 1960s and the only thing that has changed is that it is worse now. I suggest you reed Fred Reed’s Milwaukee: https://www.unz.com/freed/milwaukee/

    Empathy is all well and fine, but not if you are going to make excuses for them.

    •�Replies: @Lawrence Fitton
    , @Stonehands
  20. woodNfish says:

    Los Angekes and other cities are now accepting police recruits with felony, not misdemeanor records so as to increase diversity.

    Most cops are thugs anyway, so now they will be professional uniformed thugs.

    As far as I know, Ms Obama’s family is free from crime.

    The bitch is an illegal alien stealing government benefits – that makes her a criminal.

    •�Replies: @Alden
    , @Jim Christian
  21. Alden says:
    @Lawrence Fitton

    From a law enforcement perspective, broken windows stops crime by clearing warrants.
    It is amazing how many people stopped by police for turn style jumping, public drinking and fighting, harassing bus drivers and passengers etc turn out to have outstanding warrants and parole violations.

    THey are arrestied and off to city jail or parole violated back to state prison. The outstanding warrants and parole violations are the reason so many seemingly innocuous traffic stops of blacks end up in assaults of officers and arrests.
    Warrants are out for the drivers. Crime goes down when the criminals are off the streets and in prison or jail for whatever reason.
    That’s why the broken windows theory is so effective. It gets rogues and rascals off the streets for small crimes like graffiti or drinking.

    That broken windows theory was just sugar coating for liberals any way. Guiliani
    presented it claiming that if there were no broken windows or graffiti or bums drinking on the bus benches the locals would magically reform

    But he and every law enforcement prison in the country knew that arresting public drinkers etc would clear a lot of warrants and get them off the streets.

    That is why complicated gun control laws are good. The law abiding just fill out more forms, obey all the regulations and keep out of trouble. But when someone who runs a red light and has an unregistered gun whose ballistics showit’s been used in crimes sitting on the front seat, well, that gets a criminal off the streets and often solves another crime.

    Consensus among law enforcement is that blacks have the highest rate of gun ownership in America. They need them to protect themselves from their friends, relatives and neighbors.

    Please note there is a big difference between owning a gun and owning a legally registered gun and conforming to all the persnickety regulations

    The most crime ridden cities have the strictest gun regulations. So the blacks who own illegal guns in those cities are most vulnerable to bring arrested for gun regulation violations.

    For instance firing a gun within city limits is a felony in many cities, even if you are shooting at the raccoons killing your cat.

    But a lot of blacks like to shoot off their guns on New Years. Well that is a serious felony in every crime ridden city blacks live.

    Note; gun ownership, not the ownership of legally registered guns. Blacks get arrested all the time for gun regulation violations. Police get called for a drunk or fight and there in the living room are unregistered guns stolen from a sporting goods store during the last riot.

  22. woodNfish says:

    in today’s political landscape, there is no greater sin than racism.

    That was true at one time, but any longer it is like crying “wolf!” No one believes it anymore.

    •�Replies: @CanSpeccy
  23. Alden says:

    Abortion starting in 1973 cut down crime a lot. Crime is basically demographic, black and Hispanic men between 14 and 50.

    If they are not born, they can’t commit crimes.

    •�Replies: @Bill Jones
  24. Alden says:

    Michelle Obama, not the illegal alien half aunt some sort of relative of President Obama.

    The Obama half aunt died comfortably in her section 8 apartment. She was ordered deported several times but every time her taxpayer funded legal aid attorney got a six month continuance. That went on for decades while she got SSA and medi caid for some bogus back pain. Well, I’d have back pain too if I carried 250 pds around.

    •�Replies: @Luxeternae
  25. CanSpeccy says: •�Website

    Racism is generally defined as the belief that a particular race is superior to another. Depending on context, a racist may simply be a person who believes that it is better that Germany, say, is populated mainly by Germans, for to say otherwise is to say that Syrians, for example, or Chinese, are not as good as Germans, at least in Germany.

    This kind of racism is in stark opposition to the liberal-left project to make the European peoples minorities in their own homes by a combination of suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration, as has already happened in London, many other European urban centers and as is happening in many parts of the United States.

    Thus, racism, as the term is today most often used, is applied to those who oppose the destruction — genocide in fact — of their own group. This kind of racism seems entirely legitimate, just, and morally defensible.

    And it is in this sense of the word that Donald Trump and his supporters are being called racists by old Commies like John Pilger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama, David Camoron, Tony Bliar, etc. That’s fine with me as long as those bastards acknowledge their complicity in the genocide their own people.

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
  26. @animalogic

    “blacks are massively over represented on a per capita basis in prisons”

    It is statements like that that make it sound like it’s not their fault.
    Like there shouldn’t be that many blacks in prison.
    They can reduce those numbers by reducing the % of black people committing those crimes.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
    , @animalogic
  27. @Alden

    Legal aid?… I read she was represented by an expensive immigration attorney lady of asian descent. The internet wondered how she could afford to have this NY attorney flown in.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
    , @Alden
  28. woodNfish says:

    a racist may simply be a person who believes that it is better that Germany, say, is populated mainly by Germans, for to say otherwise is to say that Syrians, for example, or Chinese, are not as good as Germans, at least in Germany.

    That is simple nationalism, and it is called “racist” because the people who want to stop it know that labeling it as racist will help their cause. That tactic is no longer working here in the US which is why Trump’s numbers continue to grow. We aren’t buying what the commies are selling, and we can see ourselves that what he says is true.

    •�Replies: @CanSpeccy
  29. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    I formerly did 5-year renewal background checks for FBI non-Agent personnel. The black administrative staff (mostly all female) always had some convicted felons as close family members. I remember one particular black female administrative assistant, early ’30s quiet and pleasant, her baby-daddy live-in boyfriend was on federal probation after doing seven years federal time for a bank robbery conviction. This fact didn’t affect her security clearance or job status…scary.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
  30. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    They can reduce those numbers by reducing the % of black people committing those crimes.

    Or, alternatively, increase the number of black people…scary. And maybe that’s what the leftists are trying to do.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
  31. Forbes says:

    He fails to mention…

    Well, you could’ve stopped right there. LOL.

  32. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:


    That’s why the broken windows theory is so effective

    Yes, and that’s why “Stop and Frisk” is so effective. Get a lot of bad guys and bad guns of the street.

    That is why complicated gun control laws are good.

    The best gun control law already exists in every state – the one that makes it illegal for convicted felons to possess a gun (or even ammunition). I scan the on-line mugshots in my mid-size FL city every morning. Out of a couple dozen daily arrests, almost half are convicted felons in possession. The other half are possession of small amounts of marijuana and driving w/o a license. And, yep, 90% are black (though just 10% of the population).

    •�Replies: @Luxeternae
  33. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    “Another unique life lost.”

    So much more applicable to all the victims of black crime.

  34. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Always Right

    I agree. It’s so obvious. Blacks want to live the way they do. They create their comfort zone. Liberals don’t feel comfortable there and so can’t imagine that anyone else could either.

    Every organism affects the environment so as to enhance the likelihood of its offspring living to reproductive age. Black parents create ghettos because they instinctively know that the ghetto is the environment within which their children enjoy a selective advantage over whites, hispanics and asians.

    Nature doesn’t make mistakes. In creating murderous, trashy, unsanitary and unsightly neighborhoods, black parents are giving their children an evolutionary advantage over whites who, as they know, will do poorly is such an environment.

  35. In fact, the very phrase “law and order” and “crime” have now widely viewed by self-designated community spokesmen as the code word for racism.

    Not to mention Democrats, for over 50 years now.

    “Hard to even imagine a black Rudy Giuliani campaigning in the Hood. Recall the long successful career of Washington DC’s Marion Berry, a dissolute crackhead whose popularity among blacks totally baffled law-and-order whites.”

    Hard to imagine a Black Rudy indeed. But we were never baffled as to Barry’s popularity with Blacks in DC. He was a man of, by and for his people. Barry was TYPICAL of his people. No secret whatsoever and no one in the DC area was ever baffled.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
  36. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    Good comment. Thoughtful and accurate.

  37. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    Well, there was Kurt Smoke back in the day. Ending the drug war would do more to reduce crime than a system of mass harassment.

    The Broken Window theory just says that blatant law breaking sends a signal that the law is not being enforced. You can enforce every petty law, or you can repeal unnecessary laws. The advantage of repealing unnecessary laws is that the police go from being occupying army to being peace officers.

    Let us recall that races with a high propensity to Roman Catholicism had a high propensity for gang violence back during Prohibition. Maybe listening to Latin lowers the IQ…

    •�Replies: @Alden
  38. @Alden

    I noticed this in my first job out of college, probation officer. The criminals were young, many under 30. Many of the mothers had respectable jobs in federal state county and city government and of course were pillars of their church

    Earlier this year, Cherie Amoore was arrested for kidnapping a baby from a Philadelphia area mall. Cherie’s mother, Renee Amoore. is deputy chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania. Renee spoke at the National Republican Party Convention in 2008.

    A prison outside of Houston hires Nigerian guards who are far less likely to run into relative inmates.

    Michael Eric Dyson, professor, author, and media personality, has a brother serving life for murder.

    Javaris Crittenton and Gilbert Arenas pulled guns on each other in the Wizards locker room. Crittenton joined a gang after he entered the NBA. While he was awaiting trial for the shooting death of an innocent bystander, Crittenton was arrested for trafficking 400 kilos of cocaine. He took a plea deal and is serving 23 years for the death of a mother of four.

  39. @Luxeternae

    Margaret W. Wong is the Obama immigration attorney and she is headquartered in Cleveland, OH but “supports corporations and individuals throughout the world”. According to her Wiki page she not only represented Obama’s aunt but his uncle, Onyango Obama. “Wong was quoted before Mr. Obama’s hearing, “He has earned his privilege to stay in the United States. He has been here for 50 years.” “.

    On her website there is a picture of Wong shaking hands with President Obama.



    •�Replies: @Luxeternae
    , @Jim Christian
  40. CanSpeccy says: •�Website

    That is simple nationalism, and it is called “racist” because the people who want to stop it know that labeling it as racist will help their cause.

    Yes you are right, of course. But why not embrace the label racist since the Treason Party want to define it as opposition to genocide of a national group. Let’s call it “Virtuous Racism“.

    In any case, let’s make it clear that those who call nationalists racists are themselves genocidists, like Johny Bilger, who revealed his true treasonous streak by gratuitously labeling Trump a racist.

    In fact, though, Trump’s nationalism/racism is not white nationalism/racism but American nationalism that embraces the founding groups (i.e., founders of the settler nation), namely blacks and whites, plus all the legal immigrants, including millions of Hispanics. Such nationalism or American Firstism, or whatever you want to call it corresponds pretty well 100% with democracy as democracy would be defined by virtually all the people if they had the wit to understand what is in their own interest.

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
  41. @woodNfish

    There is also a brother or nephew of his Obama’s father, Baraq Hussein’s uncle or cousin, perhaps, who is an habitual drunk driving offender in the Boston region. That’s no actual CRIME, however, right? Well, compared to that “community”, no big deal. I believe he’s still knocking around these New England parts somewhere.

  42. @Anonymous

    In the pro-charter school documentary The Lottery 2010, there was a black woman with a master’s degree from Columbia University, finance I believe. Her husband or baby daddy had been a career criminal since the age of 16 and was doing a 40 year sentence.

  43. The Black Rudy, used to be Bill Cosby. We all know what happened there.

    •�Replies: @Jefferson
    , @KenH
  44. @anonymous

    The University of Michigan did something similar. They wanted to increase the percentage of blacks and Hispanics so they reduced the percentage of whites and Asians by not taking any applicants off of the waitlist, since just about only higher-income whites and Asians pay the deposit to stay on the waitlist.

    Remember Michigan banned affirmative action for public university admissions.

  45. @Jim Christian

    Marion Barry’s son died last week of a drug overdose at the age of 36

    •�Replies: @Jim Christian
  46. Dr. X says:

    Sadly, I have known that the most respectable blacks have long standing family ties to criminals.

    The black police chief of had a son who murdered a total stranger, then murdered a cop responding to the scene before getting killed in the ensuing shoot-out with the po-po.

    •�Replies: @CanSpeccy
  47. woodNfish says:

    Blacks are not founders of this nation. While not all of them came here as slaves, none of them are founders, not even the black man shot dead in Boston that began the revolution.

    And I don’t think that willingly taking on the title of “racist” is a good idea for any reason.

  48. Rehmat says:

    LAW & ORDER like Terrorism has different meaning for different people.

    For example, Iranian foreign ministry refused to grant visiting visas to three pro-Israel Republican lawmakers who wanted to monitor Iran’s appliance to the P5+1 and Iran nuclear agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed on July 14, 2015 – calling it a publicity stunt.

    “In sum, we consider your visa request to have been a publicity stunt and not an appropriate request to visit a sovereign country; and it has, and will continue to be, treated in that spirit,” said a letter published by the office of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday.

    In February 2016, three US lawmakers, Mike Pompeo (Christian Zionist), Lee Zeldin (only Republican Jewish congressman) , and Frank LoBiondo (Christian Zionist), requested to visit Iran in order to inspect its nuclear sites. All three, who are known Islamophobes, were vigorous opponents of the nuclear deal.

    “Despite what you seem to presume, members of the US Congress do not get to dictate the policies of other countries. This clearly applies to Iranian visa policies. Bear in mind that as members of the US Congress you are not a global authority,” the letter said.


  49. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    When I was a teenager, in 1967, I could not understand the cause of black rioting in Detroit et al. The grade school and high school I had attended were integrated. My fellow students, black and white, though poor, came to school in clean clothes and were well mannered in class even if they weren’t the best students. We lived together in peace and harmony.

    While in college, I first heard Jesse Jackson speak. I couldn’t recognize the black people I had known from his description of them. All he spoke of was anger, resentment and revenge. I was naive and assumed that all people had good natures, so I could not understand his motives.

    It took a while to overcome my fondness for black people and to understand racial politics, but I eventually saw clearly how demagogues such as Barack Obama and Jesse Jackson use rhetoric to arouse blacks by providing them with bogus reasons for feeling as though they have been cheated. They, the racist rabble rousers, prey upon their fellow black people’s simplicity, lack of worldliness and capacity to reason deeply. It is a very cynical ploy. They use black people to advance their own careers. They have no respect for the long term damage that they are causing to the blacks they victimize, the whites who end up dead and to our commonweal as a whole.

    There is simply no greater criminal fraud and pathological predatory behavior than that of Obama, Jackson and the like. They are leeches sucking the lifeblood from their own people.

    •�Replies: @Jim Christian
  50. Jefferson says:

    “He knows that most black people are impulsive and overreactive and the only social system that will keep them all in line is a rigid authoritarianism in the guise of Islam,”

    Islam can’t even turn Arabs into model minorities, let alone turn Blacks into model minorities.

    •�Replies: @Jim Christian
  51. @Triumph104

    Yeah, yeah, I saw that. Wanna here a good joke? A week or two before that, in Fairfax City, Virginia, say ten miles or so from DC where I grew up, their Mayor got busted trying to trade Meth for group sex. My little brother went to school with that mope, Scott Silverthorn. Something about being a Mayor just brings out sexual depravity and the druggie in a guy.

    With all the shit going on down there, I feel like I made the Great Escape in 2009, moving to New England.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
  52. CanSpeccy says: •�Website
    @Dr. X

    Blacks are not founders of this nation.

    True, to call the negro slaves founders of the United States is at variance with common usage. But the slaves surely did at least as much as the white slave drivers to create — which is to say bring into existence, the plantation economy from which the modern American nation in large part grew. In that sense, then, blacks were truly among the founders of the United States.

    •�Replies: @dcite
    , @Alden
    , @Ed
    , @Stan d Mute
  53. @Jefferson

    Islam can’t even turn Arabs into model minorities, let alone turn Blacks into model minorities.

    Ah, but Jefferson, Islam is doing a lot to turn run of the mill Black jailbirds in the prisons into radical jihadists. Homegrown flame thowers. They haven’t shown themselves, but they will sometime. Another ISIS human resource. I’m surprised ISIS didn’t claim the 5 cops in Dallas. BlackLiveMatter refused. Mustn’t waste a good kill, someone should have claimed that guy.

    •�Replies: @Marcus
  54. Jefferson says:
    @George Taylor

    “The Black Rudy, used to be Bill Cosby. We all know what happened there.”

    The Black Rudy Giuliani is Milwaukee county sheriff David A. Clarke Jr.

    The things he says about the criminal Black underclass would kill the career of any White person in the mainstream media if he or she had said it, because it would be considered extremely racist.

  55. dcite says:

    The word “founders” implies voluntary, deliberate and planned activity with a goal in mind of founding something. Very few whites owned slaves at all, and even fewer owned large numbers, but those few plantations with large numbers of slaves did enable cheaper goods from the Caribbean (sugar especially), and cotton from the south. Slaves were forced accomplices in the economy; but certainly a some free blacks in the mid-Atlantic and northern colonies, were indeed conscious and deliberate members of the founders; there are some on record. There were many free blacks in America from the earliest days.

    Slavery by Europeans in the 16th-18th centuries has always seemed anomalous. There had been almost no slavery in Europe in centuries — although some gypsies were slaves in Romania. Where did it come from? Even in the earliest days of the trade, many Europeans, including Queen Elizabeth I, expressed extreme disagreement with the venture but were convinced or overruled by powerful business interests, and individuals with ships ready to go. Greed of a relatively few people caused all this and we are still paying far more for it than it was worth financially imo.

  56. @Jim Christian

    LOL. I had to look him up. Scott Silverthorn was a substitute teacher until he got busted and his father is a former mayor. Apparently women weren’t involved in the meth for sex deals.

    •�Replies: @Jim Christian
  57. @boogerbently

    “Fault”: depends on the crime doesn’t it ? You seem to assume that a crime having been committed, prison is the ONLY response. For serious crimes–naturally. But at least 60% of the prison population is made up of non violent offenders.
    Given: the grotesque EXPENSE of prison, and the fact we are STILL debating this issue I like to see a few ideas beyond prison as the beginning and end of any crime debate.

    •�Replies: @Alden
    , @Alden
  58. @Triumph104

    Thank you! The restaurant see founded with her sister should not have been called “Pearl of the Orient” but “Two Wongs make it Right.”

  59. @anonymous

    Same situation with me. Every once in a while a lady will come up on a charge of “assault on a pregnant person” which strikes me as carrying gender neutrality to the n-th degree! Florida is nuts.

  60. Alden says:

    I agree blacks did help found this country
    So what? We don’t see huge crime rates among the British Dutch Germans immigrants and the French we aquired with the French and Indian war and Louisanna purchase.

    And more than half the pre revolution British settlers were indentured servants, convicts and some outright slaves.

    WW2 brought blacks to the great industrial cities of the north and they destroyed so many of those cities.

    We owe them nothing. 750,000 White men died to set them free. Tens of thousands civilians in the border states and the southern cities died from diseases and malnutrition.

    We owe them nothing But look at where they are today; running every government office, entire big city school districts and rioting every time they wish and never punished

    What happens after every riot? The politicians including the police chief grovel, the news papers not just exonerate but praise them, and half a billion dollars are distributed to the same rabble rousers who fomented the riot

    12.5 percent of the population causes about 60 percent of the problems

    •�Agree: Jim Christian
  61. Alden says:


    Those non violent offenders are violent they just pled to a lesser charge to avoid a trial. You should take a look at the criminal records of those non violent offenders They all, and I do mean all committed a lot more violent crimes before the one for which they went to prison.

    •�Replies: @animalogic
  62. Alden says:

    The only solution is to get them off the streets. Separate territory with soviet style border control
    would be the best solution but we would have to support them and send in an army of supervisors (guards) to prevent them from killing each other
    And we would still have to feed, shelter and medicate them.

    •�Replies: @jay
  63. Alden says:

    Like the Detroit Purple Gang and Mutder Incorporated

  64. Alden says:

    I stand corrected I did read somewhere among all the outrage that the attorney worked Pro Bono.
    Those immigration attorneys are often paid by all those religious non profits that resettle immigrants by getting them on welfare.

    Whoever paid Ms Wong it wasn’t the half aunt of Obama.

  65. Alden says:

    Unfortunately the only blacks who convert are prisoners. And not short sentence county jail either, but maximum security state prisons.

  66. @Anonymous

    Your timeline fits mine, although a little later in the calender. I went to school with a few, they were ok (perhaps because they were few), there were Blacks in my squadron and the flight deck crews and they were ok (again, perhaps because there were few), but Naval Aviation is a sticky wicket. From the pilots on down to the flight deck rats, you are either very good, or not any good at all and therefore dead. And so, quality. After the service on my return to the DC area I started to see what everyone else saw (and being it was DC, even more of it), but kept quiet about. Now? It is just as you say. All ruined.

    There is simply no greater criminal fraud and pathological predatory behavior than that of Obama, Jackson and the like. They are leeches sucking the lifeblood from their own people.

    And just look at the riches it brought them. You’d think the rank and file would show up at their doors for a piece of the action.

  67. @Triumph104

    Fairfax City is a father-son kinda town, actually. Fred, the father, was City Councilman and Mayor for many years during my upbringing. Scott made Mayor, also. He has presided over the churning up of every square inch of the city for McMansions-of-the-Rich. A gated subdivision named Barrister’s Keep being the ugliest one I remember. Progress. Anyway, the City police being corrupt, Fairfax County Police ran that investigation, they didn’t breathe a word to the City police while things were going along. Dear Scotty was divorced, had cancer, had a bankruptcy ongoing, lost his home and a job with a Manufacturer’s Association awhile back before the bust. Said 2015 was his worst year ever. This year was to be no better, I guess. Not sure how much teaching he really did, Fairfax City is a high-income little entity, but they don’t pay the Mayor much. I can’t imagine he hasn’t been fired. Ya figure, your Mayor is into meth and group sex on meth, your city’s business is subject to blackmail. It would certainly explain development decisions down there. Ah, memories, eh?

  68. @Triumph104

    Hey, Triumph, is that the same Uncle-Obama that keeps getting busted here in Boston for drunk driving? Last I heard of him, maybe a year ago, but never a word here in Boston about immigration issues. Heavens no. Major conflict of interest, handing out mass amnesty when your whole family is here illegally.

    •�Replies: @Triumph104
  69. @Alden

    Giuliani was the beneficiary of Rowe v Wade.

    More black babies were aborted in NYC last year than born alive.

  70. @Alden

    @17: most respectable blacks have long standing family ties to criminals.


    , 08/27/16 – Dwyane Wade addresses fatal shooting of cousin: Enough is enough


    A woman who was fatally shot while pushing a baby in a stroller on Chicago’s South Side has been identified as a cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade…

    Authorities say Nykea Aldridge, 32, was killed when two males walked up and fired shots at a third man about 3:30 p.m. Friday. Police say the woman was not the intended target…

    Wade grew up in a South Side Chicago house headed by his mother, who was then a drug dealer. Jolinda Wade gave up drugs and turned her life around after being released from prison in 2003…

    This is not the first time Wade’s family has been touched by gun violence. His nephew, Darin Johnson, was shot twice in the leg in 2012 but recovered.

    “Gun violence” or “Goon violence”

  71. “This dismal conclusion is especially bad news for Donald Trump”

    Naw; you are right that only a minority of African-Americans want Law & Order, but Trump doesn’t expect or need the bulk of the black vote; improving on Romney’s dismal performance is all he needs & is very doable.

  72. jay says:
    @Dr. X

    ”Black problems are not going to be solved by a mayor in City Hall — they can only be solved by blacks controlling their own breeding and productively raising their own spawn. ”

    A lot of executions for repeated felonies,murder,rape and kidnapping with tamp down on their numbers especially where neither black men nor women are exempt.

  73. jay says:

    Why not allow them to kill each other?

    •�Replies: @Jim Christian
  74. @Alden

    police states are great crime busters. but, do you want to live in one?

  75. @Alden

    Oh Puhleeezeee, indeed.
    I mean, you just KNOW don’t you ? When dealing with someone who can reduce the lives of 100’s of thousands with the wave of a keyboard you know this is about venting spleen not rational debate. In short: wanking.

  76. @woodNfish

    i made no excuses. i described reality and posed questions to it. your problem is you have a problem with reality.

    •�Replies: @woodNfish
  77. KenH says:
    @George Taylor

    Oh yeah, the sweet, “good” black man who had a penchant for drugging then sexually assaulting white women.

  78. KenH says:

    Many whites still cling to the false hope that we can find common ground with blacks and ride off into the sunset, but it just isn’t so. Generally speaking, blacks have a diametrically opposed worldview and value system to those of whites which is evident in their perverse toleration and acceptance of crimes of all sorts. Sheriff David Clarke and a few others are rare exceptions among American blacks. There’s more Trayvon Martin’s and Michael Brown’s than David Clarke’s and Ben Carson’s by about a 1o-12 to 1 ratio.

    Racial identity and racial loyalty is prided above all things which is why they won’t work with the police (po-lease in ebonics) to solve crimes in their communities because they see that as a betrayal of their fellow blacks. Thuggish, violent behavior is a badge of honor among black males while law abiding behavior is seen as selling out to whitey. Conservative and libertarian sales pitches to black community won’t alter this immutable reality.

    I’m not telling most readers anything they don’t already know, but unless whites start dealing in reality and using their common sense (i.e., equality is a myth, and set asides won’t work forever) then things are bound to get even worse if you can believe that. Nature is trying to tell all that can see and listen that blacks and whites aren’t the same and cannot live together harmoniously.

  79. woodNfish says:
    @Lawrence Fitton

    if he faced a legacy of discrimination and outright hatred for the way he looked?

    Sure you did. /s

    •�Replies: @Lawrence Fitton
  80. @Jim Christian

    It has to be the same guy. The president met and stayed with his half-uncle in Boston when he started Harvard Law and was waiting for his apartment to be ready. He saw his uncle every few months while in law school, but eventually lost touch.

    The president’s half-aunt moved to Boston in 2000 and died at the Kindred Nursing and Rehabilitation Harborlights facility in South Boston in 2014 at age 61. Wiki says she went to Cleveland and stayed with friends when her asylum case went public in 2008, to get away from the paparazzi in Boston.


  81. Funny, poignant and true story, a little off topic but not completely.
    I am white.
    Grew up in small town in Midwest .
    Went to Catholic high school early 70’s with only one black guy, basketball star.
    Started hanging out with him some.
    My dad goes apeshit, says black dude doesn’t care about me, only wants to screw my sister.
    I tell my dad he is out of his mind.
    Nine months later black guy is no longer my friend, and he is screwing my sister.
    My old man was right!
    Still trying to get my head around that event/phenomena 40 years later.

  82. @woodNfish

    Haha… of course you are right, and I agree to an extent…

    But let me give you a “Bigger” view.

    As I have stated elsewhere on Unz, I am a pizzeria owner in the tourist section of Philadelphia.

    Outside of my store is a valet stand, mostly staffed by men from Mauritania and Mali.

    Black men. Black men who are Moslem.

    And what I have found throughout the years, throughout my 100 hour work weeks [ That they also work] is a completely different reality for these men- as opposed to “African”- Americans.

    Isn’t it obvious that the total restriction of alcohol is good for men?

    These sober, hard working , affable men- within say, 10 years, have moved on to self employment
    and home ownership.

    The American booze culture- whether its rock n’ roll or rap- is permeated by loss of wealth, increased quarreling and susceptibility to crime, poor health and illness, loss of reputation and indecent conduct, and weakened insight and intelligence. In addition to the nonsense that goes on in the Norf Philly ‘Hood- we have the dystopic, raw, denizens of Kensington that Linh Dinh has written about. White or black- heroin is the final destination for the weaker brethren who use alcohol as a coping mechanism.

    Perhaps, as we have seen with cigarettes- over the course of a generation or two- alcohol will become unfashionable.

    People that smoke have achieved pariah status, and deservedly so.

    So should the boozers and the carnage that goes with it.

  83. woodNfish says:

    Isn’t it obvious that the total restriction of alcohol is good for men?

    No. I happen to enjoy social drinking and a good wine with a meal and a tasty cold beer with pizza.

    If you want sharia law move to the middle east. Islam is not a religion it is a political system that it totally incompatible with western civilization(WC). WC is responsible for all the huge strides we have made in individual freedom, lifespan, health, wealth and leisure time for common men. Leisure for commoners was unheard of 200 years ago and it is tied directly to capitalism.

    These muslims you think are so wonderful and that we should adapt their ways came here from a feudal society and they will return us to one given the opportunity. Slavery still exists in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. You want that too? And since you think muslims are so great why is it that muslim Afghanistan is the largest producer of heroin in the world? (Besides the fact that the US made it that way.) Do you think they don’t use their own product?

  84. @woodNfish

    like i wrote, reality is not something you’re familiar with. fantasyland is more suited to your convictions and features the popular retreat know as the island of broken toys.

  85. woodNfish says:

    You’re just a limp-wristed, hand-wringing pussy Larry – just like all bleeding-heart leftists.

  86. Ed says:

    I’ve always bristled at the notion that slaves “founded” or “built” this country. To me it’s like saying horses built this country.

  87. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    I just find it dismaying that there is a Rudy Giuliani at all. Never mind wondering about his black, hispanic, or asian clones. Let’s just be grateful that only one of him exists.

  88. Marcus says:
    @Jim Christian

    They haven’t shown themselves, but they will sometime.

    There was already Hassan K. Akbar, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, and others who got even less press.

  89. sayless says:

    Zionist Oligarchs. We aren’t talking about Israel. Slavery. Black people are entitled to join churches. They are entitled to learn to read and write.

    Are you a troll, dear one?

  90. More succinctly, “Society is a racial construct.” As always, the leftists have it exactly backwards with their moronic, “race is a social construct.” And once you fully understand and accept my truism above then virtually everything finally makes logical sense. Study the African in his native habitat and you’ll understand Detroit, Newark, E St Louis, New Orleans, etc. Study the Dutch and you’ll get Grand Rapids. Study the Scandinavians and Minneapolis follows. All living organisms follow their genetic programming and the more you zoom out to the macro, the greater the adherence to the population’s native norms.

    Thus there are negro Giulianis, see sheriff Clark in Milwaukee – a strong law and order guy elected by the majority white county population and strongly opposed by the majority negro city population.

  91. @CanSpeccy

    the slaves surely did at least as much as the white slave drivers to create — which is to say bring into existence, the plantation economy from which the modern American nation in large part grew. In that sense, then, blacks were truly among the founders of the United States.

    Right, and using your logic, horses were truly among the founders of the United States along with oxen and goats. Using a bit more rational basis of thought however, it’s pretty clear that the negroes were the 1600’s-1865AD equivalent of John Deere. They were universally illiterate unless taught to read by white colonists. Their conception of sanitation was the same as the horses and oxen (they simply stopped and squatted whenever and wherever the urge struck them – just as they do to this day in most of Africa). Conflating the authors of The Federalist Papers with unwashed savages with no literacy, no numeracy, and a morality that found cannibalism perfectly acceptable, is either desperately stupid or trolling.

  92. Rudolph went after his own “bad apples” mercilessly-the Italian mob for which his own father was a minor “collector”.

    People forget that the Mob was the MS-13 of the 1970’s and early 1980’s until Rudolph dismantled them.

    I have doubts that any blacks intend to pursue the Crips or Bloods with Continuing Criminal Enterprise laws.

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