Twenty-five years ago, NATO was bombing Serbia as the first performance in its new role. The collapse of the Soviet Union had deprived the military alliance of its initial official role of defending its member states from a theoretical communist threat. Under no threat and devoid of UN Security Council approval, NATO assumed the self-ordained role of virtuous defender of allegedly oppressed minorities by bombing what was left of largely dismantled Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999 on behalf of Albanian rebels in the Serbian province of Kosovo.
NATO’s air attacks on the Balkan nation were the practical application of a new post-Cold War doctrine. To succeed, this doctrine relied on Western media to report on crisis areas with the appropriate mixture of exaggerations, omissions and outright lies to justify NATO’s virtuous interventions. The military industrial complex could breathe easy and a new generation of journalists began successful careers eagerly spinning their reports to serve the new humanitarian war ideology.
None was more successful than Dublin-born Samantha Power, whose novice reports from Bosnia in the mid-1990s provided the basis for her 2002 book on “genocide” which “quickly became an international sensation, glowingly reviewed almost everywhere, a huge bestseller that won her a Pulitzer Prize and launched her career as a leading figure in human rights doctrine.” She has gone on from one top governmental post to another, a Washington star, urging the United States to intervene on moral grounds.
Samantha Power owes her remarkable success to her talent as a writer, her ambition, her striking presence, but not least to the man at the origins of the whole humanitarian war policy.
That was none other than Morton Isaac Abramowitz, a highly influential member of the foreign policy establishment and the main inventor of what would become the “R2P” (Responsibility to Protect) doctrine. The crucial policy contribution of Abramowitz is explained at the start of my 2002 book, Fools’ Crusade, as follows:[1]See Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions, Pluto Press, 2002, pp 9-10; Monthly Review 2003
As president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in the early 1990s, Abramowitz headed a project to develop a new U.S. foreign policy for the post-Cold War era. Rather than identifying “threats”, especially at a time when few threats could be seen, a successful new policy needed to combine promotion of U.S. interests with proclamation of U.S. “ideals”.
Theory and Practice
At the Carnegie Endowment in 1992, Abramowitz published the theory of the new U.S. “humanitarian intervention” policy as Self-Determination in the New World Order.
“The vision of a ‘new world order’ since 1990 has been a world with one superpower – the United States – in which the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle, disputes are settled peacefully, aggression is firmly met by collective resistance, and all people are justly treated.”
That sounds very nice. But put into practice, “collective resistance” means NATO, and “all people are treated justly” depends on Washington’s preferences. The new rules-based order was not to be confused with traditional international law, based on national sovereignty. Globalization was making national sovereignty outdated (except for the United States). “Ideals” make rules more flexible.
The sovereign nation is being broken down subtly by the pressures of economic globalization. It may also be undermined from within, by domestic insurgencies. In the post-Cold War world, the Carnegie Endowment study noted, “groups within states are staking claims to independence, greater autonomy, or the overthrow of an existing government, all in the name of self-determination”. […] In the future, the authors announced, “humanitarian intervention will become increasingly unavoidable”. The United States will have the final word as to when and how to intervene.
Abramowitz subsequently helped put his theory into practice in crumbling Yugoslavia. He was the eminence grise behind U.S. diplomats, steering the events leading to the “Kosovo war” that split the province of Kosovo off from Serbia. He was advisor to the Kosovo Albanian delegation at the imitation “peace negotiations” staged at Rambouillet to provide an excuse for the bombing of Serbia. The moderate Albanian Kosovo leader Ibrahim Rugova was replaced by the armed gangster, Hashim Thaci. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright set terms no Serbian leader could accept, demanding the right to station NATO troops over the entire country, with full impunity. The Serb side was then blamed for the failure, and NATO began to bomb on March 24, 1999.
Samantha Steals her Way into Bosnia
Back in 1992, fresh out of Yale, 22-year-old Samantha Power was given a position as intern in the office of Abramowitz at the Carnegie Endowment. As a proofreader, she quickly absorbed the new official doctrine. At that time, her boss was obsessed with the conflicts in Bosnia as implicating the future of NATO. Determined to get to Bosnia where the action was, Samantha stole stationery from the neighboring office of Foreign Policy magazine and forged a letter from the editor to the head of the UN Press Office, asking that the UN provide her, as Foreign Policy’s “Balkan correspondent,” with “all necessary access.”[2]Here, with William Burns, Samantha Power discusses her new autobiography The Education of an Idealist and recalls her short term working for Abramowitz at the Carnegie Endowment.
From that time on, her work functioned precisely to advance the new “humanitarian intervention” policy of her mentor, Morton Abramowitz. She recalls that his influence helped her get increasingly important assignments – most crucially, writing about the Srebrenica massacre for The Washington Post.
With the Srebrenica reports, the term “genocide” emerged as the power word that could give NATO its new mission.
The Western press corps based in Sarajevo tended to become emotionally involved with the Muslim side which was its principal news source. Missing from their dispatches were reports on Muslim massacres of Serbs villages or on the well-armed Islamic fighters who joined the Muslim side from Afghanistan and Arab countries, some of them settling permanently in Bosnia.
When Bosnian Serb forces captured the Muslim base at Srebrenica in July 1995, they evacuated women, children and the aged to safety, while men fled, fearing retaliation. Many were killed in unclear circumstances.
Without reference to such context, Western media focused on reports of a massacre of 8,000 male prisoners as a unique event which branded the Serbs as the guilty party in the three-sided civil war. With the Srebrenica reports, the term “genocide” emerged as the power word that could give NATO its new mission.
Calling Srebrenica “genocide” provided the argument for NATO bombing: if Serbs committed genocide in Bosnia, it implied that Serbs were genocidal and risked committing genocide in Kosovo unless NATO intervened. This theory was supported by wildly inaccurate accusations voiced by leading Western politicians during the bombing campaign.
That was the story that was sold to the public by politicians and the media. From the start, the Serb majority in Yugoslavia had been portrayed as invaders in their own country, with everyone else as victims. Thus was destroyed the last semi-socialist, nonaligned country in Europe.
The Kosovo war indeed combined U.S. “interests and ideals”. The ideals were preventing a genocide that never would have taken place (and also, incidentally, preventing a negotiation that could have settled the whole conflict as well). The interests included the immediate construction by the Americans of a giant U.S. military base on the territory of Kosovo, once Serbian forces were obliged to leave.
Genocide and R2P
Samantha Power’s 2002 book was subtitled “America in the Age of Genocide”. To speak of the present as an “age of genocide” is wildly melodramatic, but the purpose is to place virtuous America in the center of drastic moral demands. America must save the world from its genocidal self. “Genocide” was thereby promoted as the most potent pretext for U.S. military intervention – precisely by deploring its absence, both in Bosnia and more convincingly, in Rwanda. The Clinton administration was certainly not going to intervene in Rwanda, because the bloody chaos was in fact favoring the conquest of Rwanda by Paul Kagame and his army, which had invaded Rwanda from Uganda in 1990. Kagame was a favored client of the United States. There was no reason for Washington to interfere with Kagame’s victory.
But the “failure to stop genocide” was an appeal to the liberal conscience to intervene later on, whenever the U.S. was in need a powerful argument to get rid of a someone it wanted to get rid of. Moammer Gaddafi had been on the U.S.-UK hit list for decades, but had made concessions to gain reconciliation. But when Gaddafi’s usual fundamentalist Islamic opponents in Benghazi used the 2011 “Arab spring” to raise protests, the “threat of genocide” alarm was raised on their behalf. In Washington, action to stop Gaddafi from “committing genocide” was urged by Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power, while Bernard Henri Lévy raised the alarm in Paris. NATO rose to the challenge, destroyed the most economically successful country on the African continent and murdered its leader, creating a flood of refugees to Europe and other disasters. Most of the liberal left cheered.
Today it is widely recognized that the Irak war was based on deceit and ended in disaster. Other U.S. wars are mostly conceded to have been unfortunate mistakes. There are doubts about Libya, due mainly to the refugee flow. But the destruction of Yugoslavia, and in particular the 1999 “Kosovo war”, is still widely accepted in the West as what it was arranged to appear: NATO’s generous humanitarian intervention to prevent “genocide” by racist Serbs against the oppressed Albanian minority.
The distortions of the Bosnia conflict and the Kosovo war were precisely the practical application of the Abramowitz policy: promote minority rebellions to break down national sovereignty and change governments the U.S. doesn’t like, while supplying NATO with a new geographically unlimited mission of “humanitarian intervention”. Yugoslavia was the starting point of the whole aggressive post-Cold War U.S. policy as “single superpower” determining the world order, using the idealistic pretexts set out by Abramowitz. Young Samantha Power, who was very smart, got the point and ambitiously cheated her way into a supporting role as reporter in the Bosnia spectacle, which she eventually transformed into an astonishingly successful career.
I was in Kosovo on my own in months prior to the NATO bombardment and saw quite clearly that in that small province, the Serbs were a frightened minority while Albanians were already tasting their future triumph. There was absolutely no danger of a Serbian “genocide” of Albanians. But Western editors kept sending in ignorant young aspiring journalists, on the lookout for some “Serb atrocity” that could advance their budding career. Editors rejected any report that went in a different direction. It was at that time just plain impossible to publish an unbiased report. I know from experience.
Above all, breaking up Yugoslavia was an exercise in subsequent efforts to undermine the Russian Federation, by inciting the Federation’s ethnic minorities against the Russians. Ukraine was the crucial battering ram. I always used to think of Ukraine when studying the conflicts in the Krajina regions of Croatia and Bosnia, as both words have the same root (border land) and suffered from similar conflicts, notably in World War II. Western powers had revived the Nazi-supported Croatian nationalism against the Serbs to break up Yugoslavia. They would revive much more virulent Nazi-supported Ukrainian nationalism against Russian-speakers in Eastern Ukraine, in an effort to weaken and eventually even break up the Russian Federation.
And for the United States, the humanitarian “ideals” of supporting minorities would be compensated by the major strategic “interest” of eventually gaining control of Crimea, and with it, Russia’s main naval base in Sebastopol. Putin did what any Russian leader not brain-dead would have done: he headed off this disaster by mobilizing the Russian inhabitants of Crimea to vote to return to Russia, which they had never chosen to leave. This obvious act of self-determination is denounced in the West as an invasion.
The Ideological Backlash
Unfortunately, the blatantly tragic misuse of the “humanitarian intervention” or R2P doctrine in Libya has not managed to achieve its discredit. It is threatened now by the danger that it is changing sides in the very global conflicts it has stimulated.
The referendum in Crimea was a democratic measure of self-determination that fit the Abramowitz standards. The Russian “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine in 2022 was partially motivated by the sort of consideration featured in the Abramowitz doctrine: defense of the population of Donbas, under attack from an ultranationalist regime in Kiev. Of course, Western governments and media have simply totally ignored any Russia appeal to the ideals of human rights and self-determination, which they consider their own private property as self-declared unique “democracies”. Russia is classed as an “autocracy” whose interests must be malevolent and thus don’t count.
A greater threat to the West’s self-proclaimed monopoly on virtue is coming from Israel’s merciless attack on the people of Gaza. Most of the Global South and growing sections of Western populations are horrified by Israel’s destruction of hospitals, mass murder of children and efforts to starve the Palestinians. They see Israel, with full Western backing, committing Genocide – the real thing this time, out in the open, blatant and unrelenting.
The NATO war machine may have to conjure up a new set of moralizing pretexts for its aggressions.
[1] See Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions, Pluto Press, 2002, pp 9-10; Monthly Review 2003
[2] Here, with William Burns, Samantha Power discusses her new autobiography The Education of an Idealist and recalls her short term working for Abramowitz at the Carnegie Endowment.
thank you for this insightful and informative article, that fills in many voids in my understanding of the zioneocon empire. the most shocking revelation for me was that this decaying sea hag is ten years younger, rather than older than me, wow talk about getting the face you deserve by 50! i had never heard of morton isaac abramowitz before and didn’t realize the r2p buzz words were attributable to him, (don’t you just love their catchy orwellian acronyms). this was a foreshadowing of the pnac manifesto of 1997, where their zioneocon new world order was clearly laid out, culminating in their 9/11 false flag attack (new pearl harbor).
where is this filthy whore on the actual genocide occurring in gaza at this very moment?
perhaps she can bring out a new edition, of her new york times best seller, entitled “america in the gilded age of supremacist genocide, or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb”. scum like her, have a special place reserved in hell, in the devil’s own lava hot tub.
Uh huh. The real takeaway for terrorists everywhere should be that hiding behind civilians is not going to protect your sorry asses,whether you hide in hospitals, schools, residential apartments, retail stores, whatever. You will be chased down and killed. Civilians that allow themselves to be used as shields could also be killed. They will be collateral damage. Nothing more.
Human lives are not any more precious or more important than any other life on this planet, whether it be fish, insect or animal, regardless of what counter beliefs your personal religious choice indoctrinated you with.
A key point is that since Kosovo held an election to cede from Serbia, why couldn’t Crimea and the Dobas leave Ukraine after they held elections and voted to leave? The United States declared them “terrorists” and helped the Ukrainian army attack. Why can’t Russia use the R2P doctrine to intervene after 14,000 ethnic Russians were slain?
Few Americans know about the 1999 NATO bombing campaign (with nearly all American aircraft) that focused on civilian targets and killed some 2000 civilians. It failed, so the USA agreed to Serbia’s original offer to allow a temporary peacekeeping force into Kosovo, then Bush screwed them by making it permanent along with a new American military base there.
Video Link
Human lives are not any more precious or more important than any other life on this planet, whether it be fish, insect or animal, regardless of what counter beliefs your personal religious choice indoctrinated you with.”
You forgot to remove your self and other pigs of Herzyla IDF Unit 8000 Settler Baby killer complex from the equation.
Thanks for the article. Here are a couple of anecdotes about the Yugoslavia narrative:
– Twenty plus years ago, a refugee couple told me pretty much what you have written about Srebrenica, but added more. In their version, the Serbs had been telling the UN Peacekeepers that if they didn’t stop the attacks on Serb villages, they would take matters into their own hands. About 5 years ago I heard Lewis McKenzie speak about his time in Yugoslavia and the horrors going on there. In a nutshell, there were no “good guys”. Every side was committing atrocities.
– The stories of mass graves in Kosovo, prompted a local, high profile pathologist to take a leave of absence and declare he was going to prove those evil Serbs were mass murderers. He was very quiet on his return. Turns out, they couldn’t find any of the advertised mass graves, but found several small ones filled with Serbs.
“Human lives are not any more precious or more important than any other life on this planet, whether it be fish, insect or animal, regardless of what counter beliefs your personal religious choice indoctrinated you with.”
Thanks, this video proves your above statement 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Her relative silence on Gaza volumes.
Were the Rwandan and Yugoslav ops just CIA coups with a humanitarian fig leaf?
Seems like Power was a fraud then as well as now. People know how to get rewarded by TPTB. Some received prizes for fraudulent staged photos and reporting back then, always accompanying it all with sanctimonious lectures. Demolishing countries by focussing on their ethnic and religious fault lines is a favorite American strategy. The neo-cons, Marilyn “worth it” Albright and all the rest have had a bottomless thirst for blood, war and chaos. Are those folks even human? The real nature of the US was on display when it was unchecked and felt it could do whatever it wanted. Fortunately that’s now slowly being circumscribed, step by step. Perhaps someday the US will learn to live in peace with others and not live by lies.
Ever since Woodrow Wilson and Austria-Hungary in 1918-1919 lol.
But occasionally this could have value. Does one think that a partitioned Afghanistan right now would be worse than all of Afghanistan under Taliban rule, for instance?
If human lives and no more important than any other life on the planet, why do you people keep going on about your alleged “Six Million”?
That hypocritical, malevolent hag, Samantha Power, is currently the head of USAID, part of the US government:
And she’s said and done nothing about the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Not even resigning from a government that’s arming and funding that same genocide. Indefensible.
Samantha Power, a face that sunk a thousand ships.
I’m saving your remarks meamjojo — for future reference.
“Human lives are not any more precious or more important than any other life on this planet, whether it be fish, insect or animal, regardless of what counter beliefs your personal religious choice indoctrinated you with.”
Samantha Power is part of Zionism-indocrinated Western propaganda against those who are considered U.S. “adversaries”. Power was a member of the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama criminal gangs. She has as much blood on her hands as Clinton, Albright and Obama. Her criminal record is long and no one can cancel it. A a member of the Biden-Jews gang, Power continues (as head of USAID) to serve U.S. imperialism and Jewish terrorism. She is famous using the phrase “every option is on the table” to commit aggression against Libya. In the “Politics of Genocide“, Edward Herman & David Peterson did great job dissecting Power’s fraudulent thesis of Genocide. Other articles on the subject by Edward Herman are also useful.
The West-manufactured R2P is a pretext to justify aggression outside UN mandate in derogation of International Law. It was used as a pretext in US-led NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and later against Libya. R2P never applied to the Palestinians despite they have been facing – for decades – the most transparent barbaric Genocide by barbaric psychopathic Jews.
One of the horrible consequences of Western and NATO’s stupid and dangerous strategy in Ukraine against Russia is that many people try to whitewash Serbia in the 90-ies.
Serbia is a malevolent factor in the Balkans, during wars and after expansions it terrorized minorities. What happened to minorities after the Balkan wars? What happened to Germans and Hungarians in Vojvodina (northern Serbia) after WW2?
Muslims had a large presence in Bosnia on the left bank of the Drina river (the border between Bosnia and Serbia); now, they’re gone. Chetniks, the Serb military, did pogroms over Muslims in WW2; they continued during aggression in the 90-ies.
Srebrenica genocide is proven, with mass graves, and the Serbian state was found guilty because it participated in the genocide, not only Bosnian Serbs.
NATO bombs on Serbia was overdue punishment for all evils Serbia did against Croatia and Bosnia in the 90-ies.
Do people do this intentionally or they’re unable to think critically? Serbia and Russia are now the same??? C’mon.
Serbs and Serbia haven’t learned a thing, they’re arming, they’re biding their time, readying for the next aggression against Croatia and Bosnia. You who write inane stupidities, you won’t be the target of Serbian conquest, but we will be.
Inversions of reality have become the “soup de jour” in the Collective Waste. Johnstone, clearly presents Abramowitz as the typical Talmudist agitator…although she does not directly make that call. One needs must read between the lines.
Samantha Power is yet another case in point. The best description of that woman is that of a conniving bitch on the make. She has the ethics of a whore who became the captain of a pirate ship.
Ms Johnstone, now a nonagenarian, is still going strong, calling it as she sees it, as perhaps the world’s most productive peace advocate. She literally wrote the book on the takedown of Yugoslavia…by devious and utterly foul means. A major activist during the U.$. assault on Vietnam and an ongoing voice of genuine journalism; Diana Johnstone is one of the outstanding voices of reason during the past 60 years. A woman to be admired, Diana is an inveterate truth-teller and a paragon of applied common sense.
Inversions arise as a result or sometimes byproduct of ethical perversions. In the case of that observation; the U$$A made a big fuss about a false depiction of “genocide” by the Serbians. Ironically, our ruptured republic has done essentially a 180 by aiding and abetting the totally real and most nefarious genocide of the 21st Century, that of the native Palestinian people, mostly descendants of the victims of the 1948 Nakba, where Talmudist terror organizations genocided entire Palestinian villages in order to steal their alleged “promised land”…thereby terrorizing the remnants of the Palestinian peoples as refugees who fled to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt…and of course, Gaza.
Cynical inversions of reality: Abramowitz’ cousins in ethnic exclusivity, the Trotskyite Neocons, were the ideological creators of the “War on Terror”. So the descendants of the 1948 terrorists such as the Hagannah and the Irgun, are currently decrying the Gaza resistance forces as “terrorists”.
The irony becomes overwhelming. Inversion of reality is riding high in the saddle. The Serbians, who greatly aided the allied cause in WWII and who heroically defended their traditional homelands including the Krajina and Kosovo, have been depicted as villainous genociders.
Indeed, in this clown world, where there no adults in the room in the Di$trict of Corruption…or in Perfidious Albion…truth, honor and integrity have been replaced by greedy financiers, pro$titicians and whorish faux “journalists”. It is an inverted “reality”…a world turned upside down, where black is white and day is night.
Several Muslim enclaves were surrounded by Serbian aggressors in eastern Bosnia, similar to Sarajevo was surrounded. Remember that?
How does one fight when surrounded on all sides for years and help is not coming? How do you get supplies and weapons? Your only chance is to steal it from the enemy.
Serbs wanted to clean up the enclaves, and they slaughtered males of Srebrenica. It’s genocide, proven. Not only Bosnian Serbs but Serbian state organs participated.
Muslims had a large presence in Bosnia on the left bank of the Drina river (the border between Bosnia and Serbia); now, they’re gone. Chetniks, the Serb military, did pogroms over Muslims in WW2; they continued during aggression in the 90-ies. Now, both Drina banks are clean and pure Serbian.
Samantha Power – “a striking presence”
Diana has a sense of humour
“D’accord” as the French would say. Without previously reading your telling account; I set about to address many of the same issues…and coincidently, or more probably, congruently, we dubbed the egregious Samantha, the Wicked Witch of a currently degraded Ireland… as a whore. A woman on the make, of course she chose Abramowitz as her mentor, becoming his devout Shabos Goil.
There is something in Talmudism which is innately toxic. The Byzantines had the right idea when they did not allow Jews of any description to be part of the government, to ply their wares in the field of education…or to be involved in financial affairs. Tell me those old Orthodox Greeks were not discerning and prescient.
Perhaps, the only ones who are more despicable than the “Chosenites” are the ones on the make who prostitute themselves as $habos Goys and Goils. Deviousness and conniving are not the exclusive province of those with Bris-bruised psyches.
Ms Power is a perfect fit for the Chew Pork Slymes and the Washington Post-Menopausal Malady. Job descriptions for both of those rags would properly insist that the applicant must have the talent of smiling while they lie. They do retain a certain value, however: In emergency situations they are modestly suitable as buttwiper.
As terrorists go, nobody today could measure up to the Hagganah and the Shtern gang.
Keeping up the good work, the current Nuts n’ Yahoos regime is happily killing children (often for sport), women (so they could rip off their knickers), elders, in order to force them to run and then shoot them in the back, food providers from international charities…so they can delightedly gun them down…and of course, doctors, emt’s and nurses…as yet another key to their hatred for anyone who is not a member of their malodorous tribe.
The more dead babies, the more delighted those psyches bruised by the Bris.
Of course, primitive Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians were not the victims of anything [2][3][4]5][6], but rather Serbia’s version of China’s Muslim Uyghurs – radical Muslim minority weaponized by NATO to steer trouble in the country, then cry genocide, and give the pretext for the attack, followed by occupation and Regime Change (TM).
Below is the map [5] of their Greater Albania land/territory theft plan – with the help from NATO – it includes even more Serbia’s territory outside of Occupied Kosovo, half of North Macedonia, part of Montenegro, and part of Greece.
Some interesting info below. First article [1] was written by the Jeremy Kuzmarov, author of the book ‘Warmonger’.
Post 1995, after Serbia did not agree to become NWO puppet, give up its sovereignty, and hand over all of its industries and resources to the globalists, familiar strategy was used. Radical and primitive minority in Serbia was selected to create trouble and to give pretext for NATO’s attack. Namely, primitive Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians (WW2 partners of Nazi Germany), were armed, trained and unleashed on the local civilian population in Serbia’s Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Once police and army reacted, Western MSM and NATO cried bloody murder, lied about some “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” and “rapes” of Shqiptars/Albanians and attacked the country following an unacceptable ultimatum. After initial couple of days of bombing, after Serbia did not surrender as NATO expected, civilian targets were included, as well as usage of depleted uranium. So bombing campaign was not limited. Albania’s army also took part in the attack on Serbia.
That was all work of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Wesley Clark, Madeleine told reporters in an off-the-record session: “We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They need some bombing, and that’s what they are going to get.”
Post “liberation” i.e. post NATO occupation of Serbia’s Province of Kosovo, Muslim Shqiptar aka Albanians started not only killing and ethnically cleansing Serb civilians, but Catholics, Gorani/Goranci, Romas/Gypsies, as well as Muslim Turks! Yes, not even Muslims were welcome if non-Shqiptar! Even today, occupied Kosovo is just an open-air prison/concentration camp for anyone who is not Shqiptar! You can get beaten, attacked, robbed, raped, anywhere anytime, if some Shqiptar feels like doing to a non-Shqiptar. Perpetrators do get arrested in some cases, but then released due to “lack” of evidence. Even dead Serbs are not left in peace – at least 90,000 Serbian graves have been desecrated since 1999! More than 200 OC churches and monasteries have been destroyed by these savages. Even today, after some funeral, they come in the night and brake the cross and desecrate the grave! That is how sick and primitive these savages are!
This is just for all those “anti”-NATO hypocrites that talk and cry all day long about NATO attacks on Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc., while are completely silent about NATO attack on the Orthodox Christian Serbia.
[1] Occupied Kosovo, Serbia | If Hashim, Then Why Not Bill—and Joe – CovertAction Magazine
[2] H.R.2203 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): To remove the Kosovo Liberation Army from treatment as a terrorist organization, and for other purposes. | | Library of Congress:
[3] How Albanian Gangs Are Dominating the UK’s Cocaine Supply Networks
[4] Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves on | Neil Clark
[5] Greater Albania Map – Wikimedia Commons:
[6] It Began With A Lie | English subs German documentary:
Video Link
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Worth opening that link. It’s the official face of the Jewish American Empire 2024. White males deliberately excluded (or possibly considered if they’re homosexuals).
There has never been a referendum and even if there had been, it would be as valid as Arabs holding a referendum in Paris suburbs to secede from France. Kosovo isn’t Corsica or the Basque Country, Albanians are not its native inhabitants, they were imported first by the Ottomans then by Tito’s communists. Both had the same goal, to fragment the Serb nation, in which they largely succeeded. Every nation has its liberals. That said, nobody really knows how many Albanians actually live there. Kosovo is a black hole and is kept as a black hole b/c everything said in the West about it is a lie and lies have to be maintained.
The reason for that is simple and of spiritual nature: Serbs are Orthodox Christians, and not Muslims, hence suddenly, in the eyes of those hypocrites and bigots, NATO and MSM are truth-telling and good! Many “anti”-NATO authors here at TUR do support/approve crimes committed against Serbian people, while they cry bloody murder all day long when Muslims are attacked!
Re NATO’s attack on the Orthodox Christian Serbia in 1999:
Excerpt from [2]: NATO launched its illegal 78-day bombing campaign against Serbia to take control of its Kosovo province. The war was based on a series of deceptions, such as the staged “Racak massacre” shown above: fallen KLA [i.e. Albanian Muslim terrorists] fighters were reclothed, rearranged, and passed off to the international media as executed civilians.
Excerpt from [1]: The KLA – funded by the narcotics trade and organ harvesting—explicitly sought to maximize civilian casualties, in order to precipitate Western intervention.
Excerpt from [1]: Meanwhile, in September 2001, a UN court in Pristina determined that Belgrade’s actions in Kosovo were not genocidal in nature, or intent.
Excerpt from [1]: Still venerated in Western mainstream as a successful “humanitarian intervention” conducted to prevent an impending “genocide” of Kosovo’s Albanian population, the war was in fact a wantonly destructive, illegal assault on a sovereign, multiethnic country, based on lies and atrocity propaganda. Belgrade had in fact been engaged in a counterinsurgency battle against the CIA and MI6-backed Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), an Al Qaeda-linked extremist group.
[1] Kosovo War at 25: Blair’s secret invasion plot to ‘topple Milosevic’ revealed | 2024-03
[2] The “Kosovo War” 25 Years Ago – Swiss Policy Research
[3] H.R.2203 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): To remove the Kosovo Liberation Army from treatment as a terrorist organization, and for other purposes. | | Library of Congress:
[4] Kosovo War: It Began with a Lie (German documentary with English subs): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[5] Moral Combat: NATO at War (BBC, 2000) | Kosovo War | Top Scenes
[6] The US and NATO Bombed Serbia to Seize Kosovo in 1999 (TAE, 2020)
[7] Yugoslav Wars: Propaganda and Deceptions (2002) | The Avoidable War ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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More than 200 Serbian Orthodox Christian Churches destroyed/vandalized [1] and 90,000 Serbian Orthodox Christian graves vandalized [2] in Occupied Kosovo, by these savages, i.e. primitive Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians!
[1]) Google Image Search: Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Christian Churches in Occupied Kosovo
[2]) Google Image Search: Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Christian Cemeteries in Occupied Kosovo
[3]) Video – 2004 Destruction of Serbian Orthodox Churches by Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians in Occupied Kosovo | YouTube (<3 min video)
Video Link
[4]) Since 1999, numerous Serbian Orthodox cemeteries in Kosovo have been extensively and severely vandalized.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
A illuminating collection of articles on the War to Destroy Yugoslavia
The holocaust was real and is not alleged. As to going on about it, that doesn’t happen in real society, just on places like TUR.
Kosovo’s separatist leaders pose with Greater Albania map
[1] Dec 15, 2022 | Kosovo’s separatist leaders pose with Greater Albania map which includes Epirus and Corfu
[2] Twitter/X | Kosovo’s separatist leaders pose with Greater Albania map
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Repeating lies ad nauseam will never make them the truth. With time, they become increasingly difficult to maintain. Yours will fall apart too eventually. Your whole “Bosniak” identity is based on lies, myths and hatred. It must be hell in your apostate minds.
To provide context and avoid possible confusion, this essay ought to have delineated between the different territorial manifestations of Yugoslavia during the 1990s. From its inception, a few weeks after the end of the Great War in 1918 and many decades thereafter, Yugoslavia existed as a superficial political construct, comprising multiple ethnicities, with four official languages. This became clear to me while traveling through all the Yugoslav provinces in the 1970s; there were military road checkpoints with passport controls at the internal borders of the regions. Slovenia seemed like an extension of Austria, while Kosovo appeared to be the most backward region in all of Europe. These cultural differences were even more significant than those existing between the Italian regions of South Tyrol and Calabria.
In the wake of German reunification in October 1990, the former Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia eventually declared their respective independence in early summer 1991, half a year prior to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Many of the lingering problems in the other regions of Yugoslavia were a consequence of the enduring Ottoman legacy, with its associated Muslim influence prior to the Great War, and conflicts with Orthodox Christianity. Whereas Slovenia and Croatia, with Austrian or Venetian legacy, are now members of the European Union and use the euro currency, the other regions remain outsiders, due to different developmental influences.
The manipulative power plays described in this essay can be regarded as part of then ongoing political tensions, motivated by desires for influence in the region, between Russia, through its historical affinity with Serbia, and western Europe. Though the still non-EU rump states of Yugoslavia were subjected to unfortunate developments, as described by the author, it is not evident that absent of the NATO intervention in 1999 without UN approval, there would alternatively not have been a greater conflict, including even more deaths and destruction, attributable to those power interests operating outside the influential domain of the United States and western Europe.
In my view it would be better if these economically more backward countries (Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Kosovo) not become part of the European Union, notwithstanding their pending applications. Finally, with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, it should be noted that Russia did not request or make a case at the United Nations for authorization to invoke the R2P provisions on behalf of the population in the Donbas region that fell under the tentative control of the militant rebels that initiated hostilities there in 2014. Therefore, it would be dishonest to retrospectively pretend or insinuate that Russia had a legitimate pretext to invade, occupy, and then annex those territories.
Re NATO intervention ‘to protect’ Kosovo, and Russia using the same argument for intervention to ‘protect’ Donbass as noted above –
In 2010 the Hague Court declared that, ANY region with aggrieved people has a legal right to rebel and secede – UN Charter Article 1, self-determination – and a right to ask outside powers to intervene for them against the ‘sovereign’. A very BIG legal notion … violated by many countries around the world. Think Palestine, Taiwan, Catalonia, Kurdistan … and obviously applying to Donbass / eastern Ukraine.
EU chief Ursula von der Leyen is reporting as admitting in early 2022 that Russian incursion into Ukraine was in large part LEGAL based on this 2010 international court ruling on the Kosovo case, considering the killing by Kiev of 13,000+ Russians in Donbass 2014-22, and Ukraine’s violation of the Minsk agreements
Von der Leyen engineered the ban on Russian media in the EU, in part to hide from EU citizens that Russia had significant justification
And Von der Leyen reportedly admitted Russia would WIN, the Ukraine war was just a profit game for herself, Zelensky and Western war profiteers, who have owned Von der Leyen since 2013 when she was Germany Defence Minister routing many millions to Pentagon ‘consultants’
William Luther Pierce spoke about the NATO bombing of Serbia a number of times in his weekly broadcasts — he regarded it as the first military campaign waged on behalf of the New World Order, intended to enforce multiculturalism as a priority over national sovereignty — some may remember this remark attributed to Wesley Clark: ‘There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.’
And regarding ‘depends on Washington’s preferences’, obviously there was no concern for the fate of the ethnic Russian minority in eastern Ukraine after Maidan.
Jew remember your spew when Karma comes for YOU….
Context? Sure, lets’ start with Contemporary Nazi Croatia.
As one can learn from the civil war in former YU in the 90s, nothing has changed. Again, just as in the WW2, Nazi Germany, post-unification, immediately rushed back to the Balkans to rejoin its WW2 Nazi buddies (primitive Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians, Catholic Croats, Bosnian Muslims, and Catholic Slovenians), and to continue its sick revenge against Orthodox Christian Serbs [4][5], as they blame the Serbs for their loss in both WW1 and WW2 – which is correct. Serbs fought against both Nazis and AHE, while paying many heavy prices in the process.
Re-unified Nazi Germany did everything it could to cause trouble, including blackmailing France and Britain to recognize Contemporary Nazi Croatia – the same as the WW2 Nazi Croatia – 80 years apart, yet so close – [1][2][3].
[1] WW2 – Independent State of Croatia | Nazi Croatia | NDH – Wikipedia
[2] 2007 – Croatian Nazi salutes, caps and shirts at 2007 concert of the Nazi singer Marko Perković -Thompson celebrating Croatia’s 1995 mass-murder and expulsion of the Orthodox Christian Serbs
[3] 2022 – Croatian Nazi Dinamo Zagreb fans performing the Nazi salute in the streets of Milan. | Twitter
[4] French General Truth About NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
Part 1/2 | English subs | YouTube
Video Link
[5] French General Truth About NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
Part 2/2 | English subs | YouTube
Video Link
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Its’ face is the face of the USian.
That is not unbiased language. It is, in fact, inflammatory language. To accuse the Israelis of murder is shameful, particularly when Israel does what they can to prevent civilian casualties. Hamas makes that difficult because they use the civilian population as human shields.
The world is simply swallowing lies about what is going on over there. They are right to continue to root out Hamas.
Forgot to attach the map [1] – sorry about that.
As mentioned, Greater Albania is pure land/territory theft plan with NATO’s help – it includes even more Serbia’s territory outside of Occupied Kosovo, half of North Macedonia, part of Montenegro, and part of Greece.
[1] Greater Albania Map – Wikimedia Commons:
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
You did not answer the question, which was:
“If human lives and no more important than any other life on the planet, why do you people keep going on about your alleged “Six Million”?”
So if it was real, why does it matter more than, as you yourself stated 6 million other life forms on the planet, insects, fish, etc.?
Great comment Meamjojo.
Us Ashkenazi must always be guided by the 14 words.
We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for Jewish children.
The attack by Russia against Ukraine does not occur to reconquer territories, the reasons have always been said to be to abort the Western plan to use Ukraine in an attack against the Russian population.
And taking into account the development of current events, no one can doubt that the West was preparing aggression against Russia using neo-Nazism cultivated in Ukraine since 2014.
Because if the West really respected the right to life and freedom of nations, it would not be giving the Israelis weapons, money and providing them with the political and military support that guarantees them impunity in the execution of the current genocide in Palestine.
Carlton, thanks for this and all your other informative videos.
When the KLA started its campaign to secede from Yugoslavia (as it was still called) the matter was taken to the ICJ by Yugoslavia (Serbia). They argued that, in international law, the right to secure borders meant that Kosove did not have the right to secede. The Kosovan argument was that, in international law, the right to self-determination meant that Kosovo did have the right to secede The ICJ agreed that the two were contradictory and they would need to rule on which had precedence. They ruled that self-determination was more important than secure borders.
N.B. The administration of Kosovo declared independence without going to a referendum but the ICJ ruled that, since they were a regional government, they could be said to be expressing the will of the people of Kosovo.
Applying the, now, established principle to Ukraine would mean that Crimea had the right to secede and ask to join Russia (even if they hadn’t bothered with a referendum), and that Lugansk and Donetsk had the right to declare independence ……. and later to apply to join Russia.[
This was NATOs shining moment.
They prohibited the Serbs doing to the Albanians what the jews are doing right now to the Palestinians.
Although I appreciated the article and learned a lot, especially about Samantha Power’s mentor Morton Abramowitz, I think Diana Johnstone should have included at least a brief discussion of the term “genocide” itself, since the concept of “the Power of a Word” is right in the title. Maybe she has done this in other articles or maybe she assumed everybody knows the story, but it would have been worth repeating at least briefly. Here is an interesting take by Israel Shamir, right here on TUR:
There is also a revealing comment about Lemkin himself within another article here on TUR:
Yet another insightful comment:
Obviously this is a wild exaggeration. You are gratuitously exploiting the term “Nazi” in the same way that Jews and Russians habitually do. Stop the bullshitting and please calm down!
Instead, do explain to us, if Croatia is as pro-Nazi as you claim and wish readers to believe, why it still observes an Antifa national holiday around the best time of the year, the summer solstice.
There’s something to be said about restraining your ambition.
You have it backwards. NATO assisted Albanians doing to Serbs what Jews are doing to Palestinians- killing them, stealing their land, and repurposing the land as a western geopolitical wedge.
Not enough is made of the fact that she married the truly diabolical epitome of malevolent Jewish duplicity, Cass Sunstein.
Please see my comment in the last paragraph directly above your assertion. The point you are missing is that arguments need to be substantiated before they are presented to the United Nations for subsequent measures to be authorized.
The administration of Kosovo was agreed to in a binding UN resolution after Milošević agreed to a withdrawal of troops from Kosovo.
At that time the R2P doctrine had not yet been adopted. You are unjustifiably attempting to equate two different circumstances.
They needed a colony of drug dealers to supply the SOMA – to Europe and the Uk , one tonne of crap a week into England a week ! Sure it gets done in usd €£¥%$. Great plan until a few associates thought a side deal is possible …. UKRANIA arm deals gone wrong way to Palestine ! Shit happens … just like the priest from Mt Athos that told me that Christ is NOW HERE and dismantling ! ( same one that talks to Charles Uk King ! ) He – the Jesus of retribution , is here and waiting ! Orthodox cleansing ain’t Jew discrimination! They will hunt them down as they sleep ! The revenge of Logos is sweet !
Diane has shown herself to be highly uninformed about this topic. She thinks Serbs dindu no genocide in Bosnia or “attempted” genocide in Kosovo, despite the proven over 10k dead civilians in Kosovo which a lot of Serbs now claim mostly a result of the KLA killing their own. Another ridiculous claim but they’re always grasping at straws to make themselves innocent. I’ve talked with these people, some of them boast about it and there’s pictures of actual in process rape, a Serb I’ve discussed with seemed gleeful when he showed me that on a 4chan thread.
Diane suffers from cognitive dissonance when it comes to Serbs. I think she must be paid by the Serbian government if she’s posting typical Serb propaganda. She really doesn’t know their history, or perhaps she does. She doesn’t go back to the precursors of the 90’s wars and why it happened, she neglects what the Serbs were doing in the Balkan wars. And for the anti Zionist crowd, the Serbs were a powerful ally in fomenting Zionist control in ww1 by helping start ww1 and rejecting Austria’s ultimatum. Is she not aware of the brutality the Serbs were doing in Kosovo and Macedonia in 1912? And how Serbs were opportunistically waiting to invade with the go ahead of their Jewish and Russian backers?
The entire bombing was justified considering that Serbs had already committed genocide against Albanians that far back and weren’t shy from doing it again, they were doing a fine job of it just before NATO bombed them, it reminds me exactly of what’s going on in Gaza today but gaza is 150 sq miles while Kosovo is 4000 sq miles so the deathtoles are different.
Is it a wonder that Serbs genocide Bosnian muslims, who are actually more genetically Slavic than they are, and later Kosovo Albanians who are more native to the Balkan’s than they are, all proven by genetics that show Serbs are a unhinged comparatively foreign horde of aggressive chauvinists, really no different from israel? They have no claim to the land they call their own.
Other way around, Serbs were doing to Albanians what Israelis are doing to Palestinians. Killing them, stealing their land and repurposing history to suit their need. Serbs are not native to Kosovo, by what standing to Serbs have in genociding the natives then?
After reading this, no one should be shocked by the incredibly deceptive and evil activity of the American government and NATO in Ukraine.
Samantha Power never met a Jewish cock she wouldn’t suck! A real trailblazer in what a ZOG representative at the UN should be – sucking Jewish cock no matter how many canker sores it has on it! Street shitting Nikki Haley observed Power’s gold standard of how to suck Jewish cock and definitely tried to one-up her! Disgusting! No wonder Jews say that women are like Jews!
Carl, the difference is that Russians are a recent people in crimea, not a single Russian lived in crimea before 1780, while Albanians have been in Kosovo for thousands of years prior to Serbs migrating to the area 800 years ago. This is all proven by genetic evidence of modern populations relative to genetic evidence of ancient gravesites from the Balkans.
It would be great if you could do it in secluded location far away from non-Jews
October 03, 2016 Barbarism in Words and Deeds. Barbarism of U.S. Imperial Wars is Unmatched
“What Russia is sponsoring and doing [in Syria] is not counter-terrorism it is barbarism” Samantha Power, US Representative to the United Nations. The US representative to the United Nations, Ambassador ‘Ranting Sam’ Samantha Power, accused the Russian and Syrian governments of ‘barbarism’, claiming Moscow or Damascus had attacked an unarmed United Nations humanitarian convoy delivering aid to civilians in Aleppo. No evidence was presented. Rants and threats do not require facts or proof; they only require vehement emotional ejaculations and compliant mass propaganda organs.
Jan 22, 2017 Russia roasts State Department shill Samantha Power
Unfortunately for me – Samantha Power’s address at the Atlantic Council was around an hour long. I had to listen through most of the cringe-worthy statements in order to find and select the phrase that Maria Zakharova referred to in her briefing (featured at the end).
Make NATO Trump-Proof w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
Video Link
Nice follow up (perhaps unintentionally) to a Ron Unz article on Samantha Power and genocide.
By now only fools believe words like “democracy” and “autocracy”. Russia trusted the US not to expand NATO eastward; now State Media (essentially run out of the federal government) claims they should have received those assurances in writing, as if the US has ever honored any agreement which went against its interests.
Of course Clinton and Wall Street and the MICIMATT wanted the war in Bosnia and Kosovo. In addition to potential business opportunities, aligning with our friends such as Osama bin Laden and the Mujahideen and the Muslim World (much, much oil to steal), the breakup of Yugoslavia gave the US an opportunity to punish Moscow’s traditional Little Brother Serbia. Russia has been the traditional protector of the Slavic populations, (which is why they destroyed NAZI Germany, much to the chagrin of the US and UK). “Genocide” was their one-sided code word for justification; today of course DC and the Israel Firsters refuse to accept “genocide” for what Israel is doing, even more blatantly than the NAZIs (who at least had the deprivations and shortages of WWII to hide behind).
It is ironic that Russia and Putin’s lawyers used Clinton’s Kosovo as the model to recognize the Donbas provinces as independent breakaway republics and engage in the SMO against US puppet state Ukraine, (or as Clinton and the US put it “collective self-defense”. Obviously Russia didn’t really want the headaches that protecting ethnic Russian Ukrainians would bring (or he would have annexed them by plebescite like Crimea in 2014); the ethnic Russian Ukrainians had elected Yanukovych in both 2005 and 2010, both times overthrown by the US/ CIA. Once Biden policies of eradicating the Russian language, Russian culture and ethnic Russians in Ukraine took hold, the “unprovoked” invasion by Russia was mandatory.
Surprise! Married to a jew.
The first statement or thesis often rests on false narratives. If a woman is speaking, beware:
The Soviet Union became the enemy in 1946, when Stalin invented national communism. The “international financier” was being removed from influence via show trails, and the doctors plot. Prior to 1946, the financiers loved “Uncle Joe,” and the soviet man was held up by the “comintern” as the ideal. World Jewry especially loved Russia as the new homeland for Jewish in-group interests.
Of course, Hitler was rightly concerned about the Comintern (communist bolshevik international – funded by international stock market capital), as Germany was being over-run by these liberal types. Clown world invaded Germany in the 1920’s, and the German Hyperinflation was due to an “international” finance gambit. Up to 1/3 of Germany’s lands had transferred to new international owners, in the same way that Blackrock is trying to own Ukraine today. The German’s found themselves dispossessed in the lands of their fathers, in the same way white Americans are waking up to find themselves dispossessed.
NATO was not in a new role 25 years ago. The A in nato is Atlantic, or Atlantacism. Atlantacism won in WW2. Atlanatacism is finance international, or finance capitalism, which controls countries by special in-group monied interests. They get their way via “democracies,” which are weak forms of government. The first “creditor” democracy was not invented in Greece, it was in Holland, and it soon jumped to London (before 1694) in what was called the crossing of the Dutch, which was really Sephardic Jews. The upper house of parliament represents upper control by the landed and creditor class.
NATO moving toward Russia is entirely consistent with the economic “breaking up of Russia” in the 90’s. Much of Russian land and industry was dollarized, or put into foreign denominated debts. Breaking up a nation state into parts, allows the international financier to attach new debts, as new debts pay old debts. This helps keep the stock market inflated. This is why Russia had such a large “drain” of its foreign exchange reserves in the 90’s, and why Putin had to save the country by jailing the Oligarchs. And yes, the vast majority of the Oligarchs were Jews, who were borrowing foreign dollars to buy up Russia. The ultimate insult is when the Jewish oligarchs tried to grab Yukos, and thus own Russian oil. This is nearly the same finance mechanism they ran when buying up Germany in the 20’s, and also what pissed off Stalin during world war 2. (Jewish merchants were not participating in the war effort, and were on-selling Russian goods into the far east, basically stripping the native Rus people of their wealth.)
Yugoslavia was a successful national socialist economy, and it could not stand as as example to the world. Also, the international “creditor class” has long used minorities as agents of destruction. They find some sort of disaffected group, and then fund a color revolution. The ensuing chaos allows new credit from stock market centers, or private banks (created at debt), to flow into buying up the now fragmented country. BUY WHEN THERE IS BLOOD IN THE STREETS! Breaking up a country is their modus Vivendi. NATO was only held in check by the Soviet Union, there is no new mission for the Atlantacists, they are up to their old tricks, and they won in WW2.
The Atlantacists are “internationalists” and are at war with nationalist fascism, nationalist socialism, or nationalist communism. There is no such thing as nationalist democracies, since the form of government is so easy to subvert. Or, as Ezra Pound used to say, Democracy in Europe, is currently defined as a country run by Jews.
Below is Parenti on the state department war against Yugoslavia. Whenever a woman speaks, grind your teeth and listen politely. But, generally they are witless dupes. Goebbels was right to remove women from politics and industry, to send them to the home-life, and hence remove them from positions of authority or influence. They are to be making babies and baking cookies for their grandsons.
When you see something like Samantha Powers, or Cookie Nudelman baking cookies for Kosher Nazis in Ukraine, then your head should rightly explode at yet another clown world gambit.
“The real takeaway for terrorists everywhere”…. SHOULD BE that. WE now understand that “our” CIA & Mossad have full control of them with their spooks & moles deep inside guiding the direction.
When you look at “evil ISIS” you find dozens of mossad moles in full leadership positions. “EVIL ISIS” attacks every counntry Israelis hate, but never Israel.
“The real takeaway for terrorists everywhere” for now, is that they are controlled opposition. From ISIS, to AlQiaeda, to yes the Bibi funded HAMAS.
“The real takeaway for terrorists everywhere” is that the Controlled Oppos deception continues to work again and again and again.
The public sees theControlled Opps as “evil white supremacists”, then they they are shown face covered “evil White Nationalist”. Then they are directed to do some very vile and evil deed (like kidnap a governor or even assassinate a president) which then gives the Deep State MIC all the excuse it needs to do what it wanted to do in the first place…… like Bibi getting to claim ALL of the $500 billion in Gasa Gas rights, ALL of Gaza Land, and Expell ALL of the Gazan people.
Everything in your comment is false.
… He is a Kike
There are two parts to understanding someone llike Samantha Power. One, she is a psychopath, with little affect, feeling, sympathy, or altruism for the Other. She is emotionally dead, and able to rationalize anything to make herself look good and get ahead.
Two, her ambition to achieve a high level in hierarchy trumps and overwhelms any other consideration. You will get no human feeling from this soulless and relentless machine-like killer. She should have been sterilized and identified as not adequately human and relegated to low potential harm employment. That to me means nothing above menial labor.
This myth or Big Lie has been debunked so many times already at this web site over the past two years, including with references to documented quotes by Gorbachov himself in the Russian media, so it is surprising that you would repeat it nonetheless.
If the United States passed a law explicitly mandating the English language for all official governmental discourse, would that make it mandatory for Mexico to militarily invade all regions of America that have a substantial Spanish speaking population?
If you don’t have time to watch the Parenti video I posted above, especially about Yugoslavia. Got to around the 25 minute mark, where he begins to explicate the gambit used to destroy Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia was to coalesce the Southern Slavs into a nation state, to protect themselves against the Atlantacist “imperialist” west, which wants to break up peoples to then exploit. A viable nation that is strong enough to develop and resist the forces of western finance capital (greed and usury) is a necessary condition. (This is yet another reason why Libertarians are full of crap, and why Jews fund the ideology.)
Multi-ethnic socialist Yugoslavia after WW2, was an economic power. Mult-ethnic countries are usually a bad thing, but after about 5 generations, the ethnic groups, if close enough racially, will coalesce. This means no Jews or negroes are to be allowed in. Swarthy Islamic types are also hard to integrate into white racial areas, due to divergence in race and ideology. Yugoslavia did not have too much swarth.
Between 1960 and 1980, Yugoslavia had a vigorous growth rate, a decent standard of living, free medical care and education, guaranteed right to a job, and one month free vacation with pay.
Oh my, just like NSDAP Germany, it cannot stand!
Yugoslavia had affordable housing, mass transportation, and high literacy rates. Life expectancy was 72 years, and much of the economy was in the public sector.
Note: the commons and natural rent producing sectors of the economy are not to be privatized. When privatized, they produce usury and rents for the “creditor class” or what Parenti calls group A.
The Serbs should take the top quarter of Kosovo back, making Mitrovica the buffer town between the two. The rest is all populated by Albanians. They should merge with Albania but they won’t because they can scam more money from the Americans and the EU
The EU must be destroyed.
NATO should have disbanded when the Warsaw Pact, NATOs reason for being, disbanded. Instead it morphed into the strong arm of USA imperialism waging aggressive war, the highest crime, in North Africa, Asia and Europe. NATO even warred on itself when two NATO members, the USA and Norway destroyed the Nordstream gas pipelines.
You must be from that region since you speak with such hate. Let me just drop here one word: Jasenovac
I do not have insight enough to figure out which one of the two ladies comes closer to the truth about what happened in former Yugoslavia, probably none of them (the bombing of Serbia was definitely unacceptable). I however had the opportunity – at the end of the sixties, as a young girl- to spend a few months in the different provinces of former Yugoslavia. To my surprise, I easily could pass for an Slovenian or Albanian, if I didn’t try to speak, but was always “detected” as a foreigner during my stay in Serbia, before I even uttered a word. As I was back then not aware of the race aspect, I just assumed that the Serbs simply where more curious than other ethnic groups in Yogoslavia. With hindsight, I assume that my “Germanic” appearance was behind the Serbian curiosity about my ethnic background. Nowadays, I believe that the conflicts there had some racial background as well, not just USA-inspired “justice” and religion.
Yes, kids allow themselves to become Hamas shields, these dirty terrorist kids. Hospitals are the worst, even new born babies try to shelter the Hamas.
Meamjojo, my slithering venomous friend, try to locate your heart and your absconding, missing conscience.
Just as the 9/11 false flag gave the United States carte blanche to go on its R2P killing spree, 10-7-23 has done the same for its orchestrator, Bibi Netanyahu. After the dust settles and (hopefully) Israel in its current form is no more, it will become apparent that the Netanyahu government was the mastermind of the Hamas attack, using the 9/11 playbook. But just as 9/11, the Covid/Vaxx-scam, and the 2020 ‘selection,’ you’ll be branded an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist for trying to talk about it – except on a few free speech zones like our own beloved Unz Review.
Yes, kids allow themselves to become Hamas shields, these dirty terrorist kids. Hospitals are the worst, even new born babies try to shelter the Hamas.
Meamjojo, my slithering venomous friend, try to locate your heart and your absconding, missing conscience.
100% this.
That’s how they do it. When we point it out, we become “conspiracy theorists”.
They are trying to take our guns away now with the school shootings. They have basically taken away white people’s right to have clubs or social charities for downtrodden members of their own race via phony fed-infested groups like Patriot Front or Blood Tribe.
It’s astonishing that the powers-that-be used the left-groups primarily to achieve their objectives, but looking back it was just logical, as left-ideologies are transnational (the proletariat, right-to-migration, lgtbq) in nature and hence can be used worldwide, not merely in one nation.
The lgtbq, and climate refugee stuff can be used against any dissenting nations going forward. If they can get a few thousand Africans migrated into your country, they can set up a Black Lives Matter chapter ready to raise hell whenever one challenges a police officer and gets shot= insta BLM riot. There are so many ways for our hidden rulers to stick their fingers in other nations’ pies now beyond sanctions.
Primitive Shqiptars (aka Albanians) came to the Peninsula (Balkans) in the 11th century (1043 AD) from Sicily with George Maniakes and lived among indigenous Serbs. You are an artificial nation created by the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1912 AD!
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Still peddling your fiction Shqiptar? Allegedly, nobody suffered more “genocides” than WW2 Nazi Germany partners: Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians, Catholic Croats, and Bosnian Muslims! Such an interesting common ground shared among all these “victims”!
Below is an FYI for others after reading your shallow garbage:
Primitive Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians are neither Illyrians nor indigenous to the Peninsula. There was no Albanian nation before 1912 AD. Their “national”, or rather tribal, “unification” was simply a project of Austro-Hungarian Empire against the Serbs – taking primitive Shqiptar tribes, creating an artificial nation out of them, and weaponizing them to be use when needed. Today, they are the biggest criminals and drug dealers in Europe, human organ traffickers, terrorist for hire, etc. Of course, there were WW2 partners of Nazi Germany, along with Catholic Croats, Bosnian Muslims, and Catholic Slovenians.
Below are two well researched videos [1][2] exposing details of the creation of artificial Albanian nation in 1912 by Vatican and Austro-Hungarian Empire out of several primitive Shqiptar tribes that did not even speak common language. This nation-engineering project included common language/grammar, history, epics, myths, indigenous claims, etc. Shqiptars came to the Peninsula (Balkans) in the 11th century (1043 AD) from Sicily with George Maniakes. Their territory theft is still in progress and supported by the West and Turkey.
Teodora Toleva, Bulgarian researcher that discovered this nation-building project documents in Vienna archives and wrote a PhD thesis on it, died under suspicious circumstances at the age of 43. Her book is available in German [3].
[1] The Austro-Hungarian Invention Of The Albanian Nation – YouTube:
[2] Who Was Skanderbeg? Factual Data Exposes The Hidden Truth – YouTube:
[3] The Influence of Austria-Hungary on the Formation of the Albanian Nation 1896-1908
Der Einfluss Österreich-Ungarns auf die Bildung der albanischen Nation 1896-1908
Teodora Toleva | ISBN-10: 3708607562 | ISBN-13: 978-3708607566
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Most of history has been a fucking holocaust, and putting a “the” in front of one, which in spite of your official pronouncement is highly questionable, won’t keep you or your vile ilk in the front of the victimhood line much longer jojo. Sassoon and the Opium Wars, slave labor based sugar cane and cotton businesses, westward expansion in North America at local’s expense, Bolshevik Revolution are some other historical memories that Jews consider just business and holocaust adjacent. Samson Option is prophetic, it’s coming, and not soon enough. It will be worth it to rid the world of your SATANIC TALMUDIST PRESENCE
So, either fast-food or an Uber driver. She’d resent the demotion though and likely spit in your soda or ,in a fit of road rage, run someone off the road.
Weimar Germany had a Minister for Occupied Territories………..
Adolf Hitler engaged in ““R2P” (Responsibility to Protect) doctrine.” to look after Sudeten Germans in Moravia and Bohemia who had suffered at the hands of Czechoslovak nationalism…………….he subsequently did the same in Poland where even the British Embassy files acknowledge Polish government persecution of German churches and changing letter boxes in German city of Danzig interwar
This doctrine “R2P” is not new and has caused world wars before…….around 01 September 1939
Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg (Mitte) mit dem Koblenzer Oberbürgermeister Karl Russell (links) und dem preußischen Ministerpräsidenten Otto Braun (rechts) bei der Befreiungsfeier 1930 am Deutschen Eck. (Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-10168)
3. Die Errichtung des Reichsministeriums für die besetzten Gebiete 1923
Seit 1920 war die Frage der Errichtung eines eigenen Reichsministeriums für die besetzten Gebiete immer wieder erörtert worden und wurde im August 1923, im Zuge der Bildung der Regierung von Reichskanzler Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929, Reichskanzler 13.8.-28.11.1923), schließlich realisiert
Racism is a good thing, it is a natural defense mechanism. White people, and some north east asians develop high trust civilizations. This was an outgrowth of the ice age experience, where you had to get along or die. Whites developed “guilt” and northeast asians developed “shame.”
White people are Cro-Magnons, and they did not come out of Africa. They suddenly appeared in Europe about 50k years ago. Later they became the Aryans, and they ranged all over Europe, including into the regions around the black sea, also called the Pontic Steppes.
This region is a confluence zone, where Neanderthals came down out of the mountains, setting up race war. This is where the “swarth” comes from that many Semitic speaking people have, also including many middle eastern Islamics.
The cro magnon whites in the region have long been in conflict with the swarth, and have not been able to set up high trust civilizations as per their hyperborean cro-magnon instincts would allow.
It was a travesty that Hitler moved into the east as a conqueror and not a liberator. It is very important to not get caught up in clown world narratives, such as racism is a bad thing. It is not a bad thing, it is natural self protection. White people have enough problems on their own with various white psychopaths and sociopaths emerging, and blending in the swarth, negroes and jews, means that building high-trust civilization becomes even more difficult.
In addition to a protective nation state, run by sovereign classical economic doctrine, there also has to be a religion for the normies, where the religion is not perverted.
Christianity in the west became Judeo-Christianity, especially as Manessah Ben Israel funded protestant reformation. Usury and rent seeking was erased from consciousness. Christianity became a universalizing religion professing that everybody is an equal debt slave, to be harvested for their wealth, and it was good for the Jew.
Orthodox Christianity is also under attack by the Judeo West, especially as it holds up White Saints as their icons. De-Nugent did us a big favor by translating the latest from Russia. This is the Slavs re-asserting themselves. The orthodox are concerned also that Putin has allowed Muslim swarth to invade into the former Rus areas.
Putin has screwed up by allowing unrestricted immigration from the south, and the Orthodox Church has noticed. Putin is not racist enough.
The uncontrolled mass influx of foreign labor leads to underestimation of wages of the indigenous population and their subsequent replacement by migrants in entire sectors of the domestic economy. The massive influx of migrants who do not speak Russian and do not have a proper understanding of Russian history and culture, and therefore are not able to integrate into Russian society, is changing the appearance of Russian cities, which leads to a deformation of the unified legal, cultural and linguistic space of the country.
These migrants are the swarth neanderthalics, which other cro- magonon Aryan slavs notice, and have been at race war with since at least 10,000 years ago.
Closed ethnic enclaves that are hotbeds of corruption, organized ethnic crime, and illegal migration are emerging and actively developing in major cities. Existing by their own rules, they serve as a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism, and are also a source of enormous tension in society.
Putin is screwing up by pandering to the Islamic regions, and creating problems for the future. This is not the act of a statesman.
State control is required, and democracy cannot do it, which is why the U.S. needs to fail. (I’m American).
Here are the policy plans being put forth in the Russian federation (mostly by the Orthodox Church).
Implementation of effective state control, as well as planning and management of external migration flows;
Creating conditions conducive to the mass repatriation of (Slavic) compatriots to Russia, as well as the relocation of foreign highly qualified specialists, scientists, investors and their family members who are loyal to Russia and ready for linguistic and cultural integration;
Significant restriction of the inflow of low-skilled foreign labor (the Swarth) to the Russian Federation from other cultures. Introduction of the principle of maximum legal and economic responsibility of an employer for foreign cultural workers employed by it;
Ensuring anti-terrorist security, countering illegal migration, as well as ethnic crime.
Introduction of the principle of maximum legal and economic responsibility of an employer for foreign cultural workers employed by it;
This is code for the employers to become racists and nationalists, and not chase after the bottom dollar by using cheap immigrant labor.
Still peddling your NATO/MSM Srebrenica fiction Bosnian Muslim? Allegedly, nobody suffered more “genocides” and “aggressions” than WW2 Nazi Germany partners: Bosnian Muslims, Catholic Croats, and Muslim Shqiptars aka Albanians! Such an interesting common ground shared among all these “victims”!
Next time, try to mention that 7,500 Serb civilians were murdered by Bosnian Muslims in Sarajevo alone, and 3,500 Serb civilians murdered in Srebrenica by Naser Oric and his savages.
British invented “genocide” fiction 7 years after the civil war ended to put more pressure on Serbia’s leadership to let go of the occupied Kosovo. ICTY had one single star “witness” – lowlife Nazi Croat mercenary bribed to testify. The entire Dutch battalion entered Srebrenica with the Serbian Army (Gen. Mladic was there with them) and their 100+ pages report to the ICTY, saying that not a single person was executed, was ignored. 2,000 bodies initially buried there were just Muslim fighters and mujahideen that died in combat, declared as executed civilians by one lying German doctor “expert” witness, while the rest of corpses were simply moved in from all over Bosnia over the years until they got the count to 8,000.
As you know, even your separatist leader, Alija Izetbegovic, was a Nazi soldier, and Jihadist post-WW2.
[1] Alija Izetbegović as a member of the 13th mountain division of the SS “Handschar” | source: The New York Times
[2] November 1943 al-Husseini greeting Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers with a Nazi salute. On the right is SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig. Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1980-036-05 / Unknown / CC-BY-SA 3.0
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There are several important facts that you seem to be unaware of. First, the process with ICJ was initiated by the puppet government of Serbia, installed in the CIA organized putsch in the year 2000 (Serbian equivalent of the Ukrainian 2014 Maidan). Second, this bunch of spies and gangsters pretending to be a government, purposely did not raise at ICJ the question of the illegal secession from a sovereign state. Instead, they asked “whether it is allowed that a group of people (referring to the non elected, self proclaimed parliament of Kosovo*) declares the independence of a territory of their choice”. Third, the ruling of ICJ was NOT in favor of secession. They merely said that, thanks to the principle of the freedom of speech, any group of people may say and/or write on paper whatever they please. This ridiculous statement was then trumpeted in all western media as the “final proof of the legality of the Kosovo independence”.
You’re peddling Serbian propaganda. You Serbs have no shame. Albanians are Illyrian by recent genetic evidence from the cetina valley gravesites showing the males of that site, dating back to the Bronze Age having the same forefathers as 25% of modern Albanian men. This valley is located on the Dalmatian coastline. Another 50% of the forefathers of Albanians are indo-European or aboriginal Balkan. Haplogroup E-V13 was found amongst numerous Thracian samples dating to 600 bc in Bulgaria, other samples in Croatia and Hungary as far back as 5000 bc. R1b of Albanians is another paternal forefather, almost all of the yamnaya variety coming from the Ukraine around 3000 bc. If you’re not aware of haplogroups, they’re either Y chromosomes or X chromosomes. The ones I’ve listed are Y chromosomes because only men can have them and they are passed down from father to son. Your entire racist position has been dismantled. You live on Albanian land.
These are the fathers of 70% of Albanian men. Here’s the evidence.
>skanderbeg was a Serb
His modern descendant says he’s an Albanian like him. His genes were tested, he is E-V13 in his haplogroup or Y chromosome
>Albanins were brought from Sicily
Sicilians don’t have Albanian genes in large number, 20% at best and from Albanian migrations to Sicily.
I know more on this topic than you. Albanians are native to the balkans while you Serbs migrated and stole Albanian land. It’s all there in the genetic record. Not only are Serbs mostly of foreign forefathers but you also tend to have faces not native to the Balkan’s, the dinaric look which includes face and skull shape.
There never was a referendum for independence in Kosovo. You’re a liar or badly misinformed.
Yes, I agree that “inversion of reality” has become the topic of the day. Unz has written repeatedly that “media creates our reality”. But I think it’s worse than that: first, because “media” is just a euphemism for “Jews” and thus the correct phrase should be “Jews create our reality”. And it gets even worse, for Jews warp and invert that created reality, so the complete concept we’re dealing with, if we really want to be awakening observers, should be the following:
Jews create and invert our reality.
And it takes a lot of effort, for us who are farther along on our awakening journey, to deal with all the normies around us who still live completely in this Jew-created inverted reality. But there is a reason that most people can’t wake up: the Jews are relentless in their pursuit of complete mind control of the goys. Kmac calls it the “full court press” — and they have succeeded to an unimaginable degree. All we have to do to prove this is to talk to people we know and listen to them regurgitate all the Jew lies which have been shoved down their throats. It’s depressing.
What’s incredible is that the Jews have already hijacked the concept of “inversion of reality” itself. Just do a quick search on those terms and most of the results are Jews accusing others of inverting reality and not the other way around. A recent example is an article in the Times of Israel in which they lambast a UN expert, Francesca Albanese, for that self-same “crime” of inversion that they’re guilty of:
Oy, vey, the chutzpah is unbearable! The Jews have the gall to invert the concept of “inversion of reality” itself and rub it back in the goy’s face. How twisted and convoluted is the Talmudic mind? It’s unfathomable. It’s not “turtles all the way down” — it’s Turdmud all the way down. So what the hell are we gonna call this new Jew word-wizardry concoction? The “inversion of the inversion of reality”? Talk about obscene — that’s some obscene mind control tactic….
I’m sorry, that came across more harshly than appropriate. I’m just sick of people claiming there was a referendum for independence in Kosovo, even well-meaning, usually well-informed people.
Serbs are Slavic migrants. Albanians have native dna, Serbs have invader Slavic DNa. It’s all proven in the genetic record you low intelligent serb.
Here’s what genetics say:
Kosovo was never yours, you migrated in 1200 AD to Kosovo from Bosnia. Your ancestors did nothing for 600 years in Bosnia. Albanians didn’t arrive from Sicily, otherwise Albanians and Sicilian’s would have the same dna but we don’t.
It became clear that the usual bellicose American foreign policy had come totally off the rails when TV talk show host and lunatic loudmouth Geraldo Rivera announced that he was signing up to become not just a war correspondent but an actual “freedom fighter” on the side of the Albanian rebels in Kosovo. He went so far as to broadcast several shows on-site in a rebel base, wearing his camouflage uni and packing a standard “assault rifle.” Geraldo became quite accomplished at dispensing incendiary fascist talking points. He came right back to the safety of America once the novelty of his situation wore off, which did not take long.
That whole charade seemed as looney as Rachel Maddow prancing around “liberated Afghanistan” alongside Richard Engel a generation of American warmongering later, when that society of mountaintop Wahabis, which still lives in a different millennium, had been definitively “set free” from the Taliban and bequeathed the full blessings of proper “Woke” governance by Dubya’s American hero squad. Nothing ever changes because nobody ever learns, especially not America’s ruling class. If you want to win the bet, always put your money on any and every other faction (save for our fossilized Nato vassals) ultimately being “against us.”
Great description.
I would add to your very valuable post the experience I got when visiting Dubrovnik in 2019. I was amazed that of the eight to ten croats I managed to talk to, from taxi drivers to bartenders and other hospitality workers, all without exception expressed their longing to the old system, noting they had more time to enjoy life and felt more secure than under the usury dominated system euphemistically referred to as “free market”.
Interesting and timely piece.
I’m reminded of the concept that most of the time, countries always start out every new war, by fighting the same way they did in the last one, and also, you fight with the army that you have, not the army that you want.
Thus, is pretty typical for NATO to enjoy some success with a template and then, keep using that template over and over, until it finally fails, and fails, and fails, and then they realize “gee, this is working anymore, we need a new tact”
So it goes, and so it goes…
According to Samantha Power’s R2P doctrine, those aid workers were legitimate military targets.
UNSC 1244 – established permanently in international law that Kosovo & Methohija is part of the Serbian National State. Period
As expected, your genetic “evidence” is just misinterpretation of haplogroups (probably misinterpreted by low IQ Albanian nationalists). Y chromosome haplogroups don’t prove anything regarding origin or descent of a population. A person can be 90% subsaharan African and have R1b Y chromosome (probably many blacks in the USA are just that). Looking at autosomal DNA studies, Serbs and Albanians are closely related, and both are closely related to other Balkan populations. Regardless, it is a historical fact that mass immigration of Albanians occurred under Ottoman rule. This is well known. Furthermore, Albanians are subhuman garbage who gave up their right to life by allying with the USA as separatists to create a fake Jewish state. They deserve to be exterminated, like anyone who allies with the USA (Anglos, Jews, Polacks, Japs, etc.). It’s unfortunate that the “genocide” was a hoax because they should have just been completely wiped out.
How about some links to your sources. Otherwise your comment should be understood as western narrative control.
I agree.
See my comment on earlier Power thread re her marriage.
When I first saw her I was really impressed—so young, so articulate, that beautiful head of hair.
The Yugoslav situ was truly confusing. On hindsight an older me can see how I, like others, was flooded with propaganda that demonized the Serbs. It was only later that I started to get a glimpse of the bigger picture, of the attack on Serbia as, among other things, an attack on Russia.
Only as VVP gradually brought Russia back on its feet was I able to put that piece into the bigger picture.
As I lost any hopes at all the Obama could bring positive change to the USA I suppose that was a drawn-out redpill moment. I soon distrusted him on every level—and all of the female harpies he surrounded himself with, including Power.
Then I heard of her marriage to the odious Cass Sunnstein.
Now when I see a photo of her all I can think of is: Neanderthal throwback!
She threw away her genuine intelligence to make deals with a number of devils.
Now she actually looks like one herself.
Thanks for the links.
Except these are specific subclades which can’t be conflated with thousands of years of indifference. Albanians have specific dna tied to the Balkan Bronze Age and before.
Example, J2b-l283, R1b-z2108, R1b-PF7576, and EV13, these are specific genes only found in high promixety in the balkans and with high diversity. Albanians have the highest amount because we are the most native. This isn’t up for debate, I’ve already linked a peer review paper. You can believe your Serb propaganda to legitimize your theft of our territory but the truth is plain for those that seek objectivity. In contrast, Serbs have specific dna tied to recent migration from Ukraine. Albanians were always in Kosovo by promixation, Serbs aren’t. Serbs have autosomal DNA from the balkans because they’re rapist scum.
In the future, there will probably be a larger pan-Balkan state. These small states are unnatural.
“Kosovo” obviously will not exist, since the only countries that recognize it are the same countries that recognize America’s “rule based order,” recognize Juan Guaido as the leader of Venezuela, recognize Israel’s right to defend itself against hospitals and kindergartens, recognize Crimea as “Ukrainian,” etc. (i.e. the dying American empire). For the Kosovo Albanians, they should probably start apologizing to the Serbs and making amends for their crimes or their future in the post-American world order will likely be very grim.
They’ve been there for thousands of years yet there’s not a single piece of evidence of their presence until the Ottoman invasion. Everything in Kosovo before the Ottomans has been built by Serbs. The toponyms are Serbian. Heck, even Kosovo is a Serbian word. As if the Albanians who were there before Serbs were complete illiterates who lived in caves or in trees. Actually, if they had lived in caves, some trace of their presence would have been found but there’s nothing, nada, zilch. Archaeology doesn’t support Albanian claims. Genetics don’t support Albanian claims. No written record supports Albanian claims. Albanians have as much right on Kosovo as Eastern European Jews have on Palestine.
Does Hamas reside and store/launch it’s rockets from the cornfields/plantations?
There’s zero evidence physically for Serbs being in Kosovo before 1200 ad, it swings both ways moron.
There’s plenty of evidence of Albanians being the natives of the balkans. A person this invested in it being the opposite you must be a retarded Serb. Your ancestors were migrants, thieves, rapists and total scum.
Here’s my evidence, peer reviewed genetic paper by academics. Albanians have more right to the entire balkans than Jews or Palestinians have to the holy land.
>genetics doesn’t support Albanian claims
It does, I posted proof, there’s plenty more. Now you’re a liar, something typical of your thieving kind.
Again, that is not the implication. Y chromosomes say almost nothing about ancestry.
You remind me of a jew who thinks they are the victims here. Every reasonable human knows how dirty cetniks are. Thats why everybody in the Balkans hates dirty Serbs.
You must be one brainwashed son a of a bitch
This quote from your link:
Theodesius was an Aryan, who opposed Jewish Aiparu (Jewish merchant class) usury. He has been mostly written out of history. You know, because white Aryan history which goes back some 50 thousand years is illegitimate. If you are going to prey upon a people, you have to first deracinate them.
The Code of Justinian, the first of four parts of the Corpus Juris Civilis (“Body of Civil Law”) compiled by command of Justinian I, the Emperor of Rome, was issued on this date in 529. Among its principles was Servitus Judaeorum (“Servitude of the Jews”), enforced by new laws that would further reduce the status of Jews beyond the century-old discriminatory edicts of the Theodosian Code. Jews (and other non-Christians) were now denied citizenship and disqualified from holding public office; they could not testify in court against Christians. Hebrew prayer was banned, the Sh’ma was condemned as being anti-trinitarian, and synagogues were liable to confiscation. Passover seders were banned if they preceded Easter. Conversion to Christianity was encouraged through inheritance laws and taxation policies; conversion to Judaism became a capital offense, as did the ownership of Christian slaves by Jews.
The above is a jewish source, so of course they engage in deception. There were other limitations including Jews being disallowed from “money counting,” and teaching, which goes back to Theodesius. I could dig it up, but you should do your own homework rather than asking for citations. That said, there is plenty of history “erasing” going on today.
‘Morty’ Abramowitz! Further commentary is superfluous.
A really fine race-horse-look it up yourself, troll!
Is it true that you KLA butchers supply human organs to order? And run drug and sex trafficking in the southern Balkans? Not to forget invading poor old Britain. What busy beasts you are! No wonder the Yanks love you!
Just a thousand huh?
That’s autosomal dna, YDNA is dna passed from father to son, your YDNA is your forefather. 70% of our forefathers were around the balkans thousands of years before Serbs moved out of their swamps. All proven by genetics.
Violence against Serbs isn’t violence.
They indicate who your father is dumbass. Being a son of the soil implies land rights greater than those that have no ancestry from the original population.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Diana Johnston for bravely speaking the truth about the events in the former Yugoslavia, even though she had a lot of discomfort because of it, because she went against the narrative created by those who intend to dominate the whole world. She belongs to a small group of people with unshakeable intellectual integrity who have risked their careers to get the truth out to the public.
Thanks to Diana and others, the truth is slowly breaking through to the public after several decades. The fight for the truth is not over yet, the UN session is about to take place, where the same people who bombed the Serbs for a whole decade and destroyed the entire infrastructure with bombs, will try again at the end of this month to push through the resolution on the alleged genocide conducted by Serbs. The goal is to declare Srebrenica a genocide and to immediately declare that Republika Srpska (the Serbian half of Bosnia) is a genocidal creation and must be destroyed.
The higher aim is to try to restart the conflict in Bosnia and divert attention from the defeat in Ukraine and the actual genocide in Gaza. Ever since the bombing of Serbia, where material damage of 100 billion dollars was caused along with many human casualties, there has been a continuous attempt to seize the Serbian territory, Kosovo, which the communists declared a province with the aim of separating it one day from Serbia.
Those who observe things over a longer period of time can conclude that the Serbs have been the target of all ideologies aimed at global domination for hundreds of years, so that even in the events of the 1990s, we had a solid anti-Serbian coalition of the Vatican, communists, Zionists and also Islamic fundamentalists.
Diana debunked many lies about the causes of the bombing of Serbia and the so-called R2P, which under the guise of humanitarian interventions was actually the conquest of territories, the destruction of independent states and their conversion into colonies, up to committing genocide against peoples who did not want to submit.
Kosovo itself has been a Serbian land since the beginning of time, where after the expulsion of the Christian Serbs by the Ottomans 300 years ago, primitive tribes originating from the Caucasus moved to it. By chance, they reached the Balkans via S. Arabia and the Muslim part of Sicily. Serbia unsuccessfully spent tens of billions of dollars in order to civilise them, but they remained a black hole in the European fabric, recognisable only by the sale of narcotics thanks to their primitiveness.
On the territory of Kosovo, which is only 90 km in diameter, there are about 2,000 Serbian churches, monasteries and other sacred buildings, some of which are more than 1,000 years old and from the beginning of Christianity, while the Caucasian Muslim intruders, who served as an excuse for bombing Serbia, do not have a single one. monument.
On the link below is a monograph of 1000 pages in which part of the Serbian cultural and civilisational heritage in Kosovo is presented, which will be interesting to every admirer, regardless of his background.
Once again, a big thank to Diana and wishes for her good health, with the expectation that we will be reading her texts for a long time to come.
But “The” worked didn’t it? The state of Israel got created, which if you think about just the value of Israel land alone, may be one of the biggest paid reparations for harm done ever. Far better than “40 acres and a mule”, yes?
So, while extremely sad and traumatic, those who lost their lives in The Holocaust at least contributed to the formation of the state of Israel, that is for Jews and is run by Jews (so far).
I am fairly certain that this will the only time I will be able to non-facetiously write “Thanks NAZI’S!”.
What’s being proved is that Hamas approach to terror warfare is correct.
Bleeding hearts will indeed choose protection of civilians over chasing down terrorists.
Terrorists everywhere should embrace this approach. Take hostages and hide behind civilians. The world will let you go.
Kids suffer the sins of their fathers. Did you miss that section in the Bible Reverend?
Having a common ancestry doesn’t mean being the same as. Being present in a place doesn’t mean owning the place. Celts have a more legitimate claim on the Balkans than you have. Nobody knew that you existed before the 11th century. Whether Albanians in Albania descend from ancient inhabitants of the territory that is now the state of Albania is irrelevant. Nobody cares to occupy your shith*le, we leave it to you. Your article mentions Kosovo exactly twice and makes no definite statement about it for the simple reason that not a single analysed sample is from there. Your presence there in recorded history has always been negligible until the Ottomans came and your presence remained marginal until the end of the 19th century. Then after WW2, Tito opened the floodgates to allow you in from Albania and forbid Serbs who were expelled to return; that is how you became a majority. In summary, there is nothing to attest that you were the rightful owners of Kosovo before Serbs. There is no archaelogical trace, there is no genetic trace and your article doesn’t say otherwise.
That paper has been written very recently, in 2023, although genetic research has been going on for decades. Suddenly, a great interest in the DNA of terrorists [5] and the biggest drug dealers in Europe [4], and also when Occupied Serbia’s Province of Kosovo is being accepted into some EU bodies as a “country”! Not sure yet, but may be something ordered and paid-for to “support” theft of Serbia’s holy land?
Now, even that paper clearly states right at the start that “Albanians first appear in the historical record in the 11th century CE”, confirming records of your migration to the Peninsula (Balkans). You were migrants in Sicily too – your roots are from today’s Armenia – many words are shared between those two languages.
Also, many “Albanians” (i.e. a conglomerate of many Shqiptar tribes and many ethnicities through conversion to Islam) have Serbian genes, as many Serbs accepted Islam during Ottoman rule and assimilated. E.g. Dua Lipa looks like a Serbian beauty – most likely her roots are from those Serbian converts, and not hooked nose Albanian “beauties”.
Even Hashim Tachi’s great-granddad was not only a Serb, but a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church that converted to Islam. Hashim admitted that himself.
I2 is Peninsula’s dominant gene [3] – which Serbs have the most, 38%, while “your” genes are only 15% combined R1 + I2, as per that paper – most likely due to those Serbian converts, otherwise it would be close to zero. So you are just gaslighting, cherry picking, and projecting.
You are nothing but the project of the Austro-Hungarian Empire [3], and been supported by all empires that came along, not because they respect you or think of you highly, but for you are useful to them as primitive thugs to be utilized against Orthodox Christian Serbs that the NWO hates with passion as the Serbs do not want to serve them.
Regarding Skenderbeg: Video below [1] quotes many Albanian historians, even on video, clearly stating that he was a Serb. His genealogy is listed out thru the work of over a dozen Western European genealogists and according to that:
1) Skenderbeg is the great grandson of Branilo, the Serb duke of Kastoria
2) Skenderbeg’s brother was named Staniša, a contemporary Serbian name
3) Staniša’s son (Skenderbeg’s nephew) was also named Branilo
4) Skenderbeg’s mother was Vojislava who was the daughter of the Serbian ruler of Polog
5) Skenderbeg’s sisters Vlaica and Jela as well as Mamica are all Serbian names
Note that neither Branilo, Staniša, Vlaica nor Jela exist as Shqiptar/Albanian names
[1] Who Was Skanderbeg? Factual Data Exposes The Hidden Truth – YouTube:
[2] The Austro-Hungarian Invention Of The Albanian Nation – YouTube:
[3] Oldest Genes Concentration Map – Europe
[4] How Albanian Gangs Are Dominating the UK’s Cocaine Supply Networks
[5] H.R.2203 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): To remove the Kosovo Liberation Army from treatment as a terrorist organization, and for other purposes. | | Library of Congress:
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>celts have more right than
Ah, I see you’re a dumbass. Celts aren’t more native than us, even in their homeland, celts came from the east as well. You don’t know the literature. And we come from a direct ancestral group from that area, we already knew this before the genomic revolution but it’s good to expand upon this with evidence instead of your day dreams and bullshit.
>that’s how you became a minority, after ww2
Albanians were already a majority before Yugoslavia was created. Yea you re a lying Serb, very typical
Hahaha they’re making it up? Serbian genes came from Ukraine. This isn’t up for debate, my source is from academics. Albanians and sicilians don’t share the same genes, your entire thesis is made up. Albanians have ancestry more ancient than Serbs because Serbs showed up and bred like cockroaches on our land.
E-V13, J2b, R1b all in the balkans before I2a-din and R1a, these are Slavic genes, foreign filth if you will.
>the paper has been written very recently
Is that supposed to mean it’s fake you moron? It uses dozens of different papers as sources to sum up a position. All of these genes, the Albanian ancestors were located all over the Balkan’s before the Bronze Age. Serbs come in 600 ad and 1200 ad in Kosovo.
>we come from Armenia
We don’t share the same genes. You look like them though.
Serbshits migrated into our land 800 years ago. Albanians were already in the Balkan’s thousands of years prior. We descend from Balkan ancestors from before the Bronze Age. You SERBS descend from Slavic intruders and foreign mongrels.
“Albanian paternal ancestry shows continuity from Bronze Age Balkan populations, including those known as Illyrians. Our results provide an unprecedented understanding of the historical and demographic processes that led to the formation of modern Albanians and help locate the area where the Albanian language developed.”
Now let’s see provide some evidence for your made up bullshit you terrorist.
Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem. But then, what could be expected from people with the lowest average IQ in Europe. If socialist Yugoslavia hadn’t provided you education, you’d have a 90% illiteracy rate.
Where did you find that nonsense? Encyclopedia Shqiptarica, Extended KLA Terrorist Edition [1]?
We were just chillin there, I guess?
[1] H.R.2203 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): To remove the Kosovo Liberation Army from treatment as a terrorist organization, and for other purposes. | | Library of Congress:
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You can post and repost your link all you want. It won’t change the fact that it doesn’t say what you pretend it says. It only says that today Albanians most like likely descend from tribes in the territory that is Albania today and it certainly doesn’t say that you are the only people native to the Balkans. Living in caves in the Albanian mountains away from civilisation, and it is fucking obvious that you stayed away from civilisation given that there is no written record of your existence before the 11th century, doesn’t give you a right to other peoples’ land. There are other people whose genes tell that they are native to the Balkans. In fact, the people with the most native Balkanic genes are Herzegovina Croats and it definitely doesn’t cost me to concede it. As for you, you just crawled out of your caves in the Albanian mountains, noticed that there were people living nearby, that those people had better lives than you in your caves because they have actually created stuff, and all of a sudden you pretend that everything others have built belongs to you, even though you haven’t built anything anywhere yourselves.
You appear to be deeply disturbed. Your psychopathy are in full display for everyone to see.
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That paper [1] is a fraud as it assumes widespread and large migrations in the 6th century AD, which did not happen. I.e. Porphyrogenitus’ De Administrando Imperio, the story of the alleged Serb migration to the Peninsula, was a forgery put together in the 17th century by Vatican. Even lying Germans admitted that in the 80s.
[1] Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Albanians | bioRxiv
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The paper is awaiting peer-review. Probably b/c no academics agree with its conclusions, which I think differs greatly from your own interpretation. Your extreme attitude toward serbs does zero to help bring the subject to light. If your conclusions were correct, the invective towards serbians is unnecessary.
As evidenced by the practical prohibition on the United States defending its own borders or holding fair and free elections, the US is no more sovereign under “globalization” than any other Western state. Rather, Jews hold sovereignty over all. They commit blatant fraud in US elections and perpetrate genocide against the Palestinians and no one is allowed to hinder them or even point out what they are doing. “Globalization” is nothing more than a euphemism for the permanent Judeo-Satanic tyranny the enemies of all mankind (1 Thes 2:15) have long dreamed of imposing over the whole world. They will not reach their goal in the end and will pay dearly for trying, but it is an undeniable fact they are doing their utmost.
Brilliant and very informative article. I demand more articles by Diana Johnstone.
As one who has had opportunity to chat with Diana some numbers of years back and also to meet with her “chip off the old block” granddaughter; I much appreciate your appreciation of the steadfastness of Ms Johnstone in support of the victimized Serbians.
From my observations and researches; Diana Johnstone is the premiere “peacenik” in today’s insane world.
Internationally, Diana was one of the earliest Americans to decry the horrific assaults made against the Vietnamese people by the controlling WarDefense Industry shareholders and also those of Big Oil. Both of those nefarious money-grubbers have oceans of blood on their hands. Our heroine stood up to that deviltry from the get-go.
Thank you. However, you seem to not understanding how sick and evil these people are. His vitriol is not for academic arguments sake or caused by topic dispute, but rather an expression of pure arrogance and hubris as they have full license to rob, beat, hurt or kill Serbs almost anywhere and suffer close to no consequences – nothing will be reported by the West, Muslim World, or even Russia.
Yes, Russia too will keep quiet, as it’s traitorous to all of her true friends under Putin. How do I know? Well, these Albanian savages got so arrogant that they have even beaten up Russia’s UNMIK Colonel with no response – below is the machine translated article [1] explaining the incident and other issues. Russia, under Putin, has become such pushover and a suck up that it is sickening. Even these primitive Albanians are mocking Russia!
Putin/Kremlin have betrayed Serbia in close to everything, as well as done much evil and backstabbing, including helping NATO’s color revolution to occupy Serbia in 2000. Kremlin/Russia have actually armed Contemporary Nazi Croatia in 1993/1994, while violating international embargo in the process, and with those weapons remaining Serbs were killed and expelled from Nazi Croatia which is now 95%+ ethnically Croat. Russia visits Serbia for a photo shoot from time to time, and to remind us that they “support” friends.
President of Serbia is a traitor and puppet too, and has been working hard to separate Occupied Kosovo from Serbia, as he made the promise to the West back in the day, in order to be installed in power by them. Everything that these murderers, separatists, and terrorists have “achieved” over the years is only what Belgrade gave them through signatures, nothing more! They just sit and wait for the next round of high treason move by the puppets in Belgrade.
This psychopath calls Serbs genes filth, not because he’s upset or insulted but because he can. They are the most primitive characters in Europe, with full support in their land theft from the West, while at the same time being presented as innocent victims. Albania has been the poorest country for ever even though everybody has been helping them in many ways, especially contemporary Nazi Germany, as they were WW2 AH’s Nazi partners, plus they execute Germany’s revenge on Serbs. They are primitive, not civilized, and never will be it seems.
However, the time will come when that traitorous dwarf in Kremlin will be deposed and Russia will be set free!. Serbia will free itself as well. That will inevitably bring about the end of NATO murderers, i.e. Putin’s highly esteemed Western/Turkish partners, as he calls them. Stay tuned!
[1] Kosovo slapped Russia. What is Russian diplomacy doing?
by Sergey Artyomenko | Jan 6, 2022
Reading time 3 min
The beating, arrest and expulsion of Colonel Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, a member of the UNMIK political department by the special unit of the ROSU of the Kosovo Police Service was to cause general alarm and response from both the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Republic of Serbia. Unfortunately, the two sides did not respond adequately, which opened the door for a further unhindered escalation of open Albanian terror and humiliation of Russian diplomats and diplomacy in Kosovo and Metohija and in the region.
After Krasnoshchekov, the second secretary of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Serbia, Denis Hungarian and First Secretary Alexei Krivosheev were also declared undesirable persons in the Serbian autonomous region of Kosovo and Metohija, which is technically under the control of UNMIK, but de facto under the coalition administration of the Albanian separatists and the party “Serbian List” Alexander Vucic. The Russian diplomats now joined the expelled Russian diplomats by Andrei Antonov, head of the internal disciplinary service of UNMIK, while the Kosovo government is preparing to expel in the near future the head of the Russian mission in Pristina, Andrei Shugurov.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, his Serbian List or any state body or representative of the Republic of Serbia have never spoken on this, let alone take countermeasures, although everything happens on the territory of Serbia, albeit under the UN temporary administration.
On the other hand, even the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, Alexander Botan-Kharchenko, did not react. Maria Zakharova and Vasily Nebenzia reacted, but there were no real measures against the Republic of Kosovo and their representatives. There were no complaints against the Serbian leadership.
Thus, the whole world could laugh at the barren power of a world power that, enduring the humiliation of humiliation, does not know how to confront the Albanians.
Russia is in a defensive position in the Balkans. She was knocked out in Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania, working against her in the Federation of BiH, and Kosovo Albanians play Russian roulette with UNMIK and diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Serbia. At this time, Vucic and Botan-Kharchenko are developing the best relations. Media reports about their many meetings exude harmony, understanding and mutual support on each topic they have touched. At this time, Vucic is doing everything to destroy Serbia, to separate Kosovo and Metohija, and to recognize Kosovo, to create a “Greater Albania,” to eliminate the Republika Srpska, to remove Milorod Dodik and to strengthen Christian Schmidt at the head of the Unitarized BiH. Not to mention the shameful sanctions of Serbia against Belarus, for which we can only apologize to the fraternal people and the state.
We do not know what Botan-Kharchenko is reporting to Moscow, but it should be remembered that his visit to Serbia was accompanied by dreams that an outstanding expert has arrived in the place, who will make a significant contribution to the stabilization of the region and will help Serbia and the Balkans, but, more importantly, will contribute to the return of Russian diplomacy to this crisis region. However, the results show that His Excellency has not met the expectations. Diplomats are kicked out one by one, while Vucic is playing chess, in which Botan-Kharchenko is just another pawn on his abuse board.
Some media reports that a significant part of foreign diplomats in Serbia are in intoxicated with the sweet life of Belgrade, which is provided to them by the Vucic administration. In turn, the ambassadors send a false image of the golden age in Serbia to their headquarters, and the Serbian president draws from this the actual legality and legitimacy used to continue the robbery and destruction of Serbia and undermining Russia’s presence in the Balkans.
In such political and diplomatic circumstances, the question arises whether Alexander Botan-Kharchenko is working for Russia, Serbia, the UN and international law, or, perhaps, under Vucic’s pressure, he implements a hidden program of difficulties and weakening Russian diplomacy?
To this should be added, the fact that the news is widely disseminated in the Serbian media that the new Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Russian Federation will become prof. Momcilo Babich. Undoubtedly, fighter-Kharchenko will be asked about his opinion on the granting of agreman Babich, so we will see how much expert, in which Kosovo has already expelled four of his diplomats, is in fact able to realistically and impartially assess the legality of the successor of the incompetent Miroslav Lazansky.
[1] Kosovo slapped Russia. What is Russian diplomacy doing?
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Here’s that Russia’s UNMIK Colonel in a hospital in Belgrade [1], after being beaten up by Albanian separatists police. No consequences. Read my previous comment #134 to you for context.
[1] Chairman of the State Duma visited Mikhail Krasnoshchekov in hospital in Belgrade
Excerpt: On May 28, 2019, Kosovo special forces detained and assaulted Russian citizen Mikhail Krasnoshchekov. As a Russian member of the UN mission, Mikhail Krasnoshchekov has diplomatic immunity. He is currently getting treatment in Belgrade.
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It cites numerous peer reviewed papers that tell the same story. It’s a summary of the genetic work.
Here’s an example,
Lazaridis et al. (2022) examined these 18 samples from the Bronze Age Cetina Valley. Out of 10 males whose Y-DNA was successfully extracted, 9 belonged to haplogroup J2b (mainly J-L283 subclades) and 1 to haplogroup R-Z2118. The mtDNA haplogroups consisted of 2x H, H13a2a, H5, H6a1, 3x H6a1a, HV0e, 6x J1c1, N1a1a1, T1a1 and U5a1a.
25% of Albanians have those genes. The paper examined other genes. You can’t deny archeogenetics.
The Slavic migrations have been proven by archeogenetics. Slavic dna like specific clades of R1a and I2a-din do not appear in the genetic record before 500 AD. I don’t care if you dispute written work because the written work of Serbs are also forged since your history is largely made up.
I can post dozens of others. You’re not aware of the field of archeogenetics. There’s dozens of sites dug across the Balkan’s including Serbia and they show conclusively your ancestors did not arrive in the region before 500 AD. In these numerous cites, they tested the genetic material of these people, both male and female, and for the males they extracted their Y chromosomes. Y chromosomes are passed on from father to son. Over 70% of Albanians have y-chromosomes found among ancient people from the Bronze Age and copper age balkans. Serbs descend from later migrant filth. They now claim land that wasn’t there’s.
I will repost that land to hammer the point in because you thieves just don’t get it but I will teach others who lurk here. My source is from 2023 and sums up anything related to Albanians that have been concluded in past studies.
Now I understand what they mean when they say “Spawn of the Devil”.
You, meamjojo, are a child of the devil.
I may be the Devil itself.
Can I make an offer for your eternal soul Reverend?
You are wasting everyone’s time here with your own “expertise” and your own “research” in genetics, as well as gaslighting, moving the goalpost, projecting, and being a psychopath, while willfully ignoring materials provided where multitude of Albanian historians, etymologist, and linguists themselves are quoted saying many things about Albanian roots, Skenderbeg, and even mother Teresa, etc.
E.g. I’d not be surprised if you happen to not know what the word ‘Shqiptar’ mean. But you can ask Albanian etymologist and linguist, Xhevat Lloshi [1].
[1] Xhevat Lloshi | Albanian etymologist and linguist
Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies
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All the world’s genocidal nations are going to declare Serbs the only genocidal nation.
You could consult Ottoman data to see how few Albanians lived in Kosovo when the Turks arrived.ć_(1455)
And all those Serbian churches and monasteries survived centuries of Ottoman occupation but the Albanians have been destroying many in just the last few decades. Of course you can rewrite history when you erase the evidence.
Here’s a classic essay on NATO’s war against Yugoslavia
The ottoman defter is as fake as you claiming my genuine genetic research to be fake. Mine is actual science. The ottoman defter doesn’t encompass all of Kosovo either. Every single one of your churches were built in the ottoman period or appropriated churches from the previous Catholics and Greek and Bulgarian orthodox. Removing the Serb menace from Kosovo is ultimately a good thing. Removing cancer from our territory is a good thing, I’m happy my coethnics in Kosovo are doing this. It was there land from ancient times before the genocidal animals showed up.
I didn’t move the goal post scum. I told you that there are numerous gravesites from different cultures in the Balkans from as far back as the copper age bearing the same genetics as modern Albanians, some of these sites were examined by Serbs and they don’t show Serb genes but you migrated here 1500 years ago and then infested Kosovo around 1200 ad.
Speaking of language, Hyllested & Joseph 2022 et al, proved Albanian shares a common ancestor with messpaic, an Illyrian language spoken by Dauian colonists in apulia that migrated to the region from modern Croatia in the early Iron Age. Both languages are shown to be descended from a common Illyric language. The word shiptar either means those that speak a common language or those that live in the land of the eagles.
Now for Slav, Slav either means slave or those that speak a common language. I think the former is the correct meaning since the slav loves despotism.
Don’t worry, Serbs can still larp as innocent people on the internet.
You are absolutely right. Serbia cannot thank Diana Johnston enough for her courageous stand on the side of truth against the forces of evil that want to conquer the whole world. Many intellectuals were afraid and sided with the Empire of Evil, many remained silent, and some even joined a mindless media campaign, the likes of which the world had not seen before, or since.
It is fair to mention a few more names who came forward bravely and with full intellectual integrity despite all the threats and censorship of the world powers. The bombing of Serbia and the mock trial of its president was a litmus test for all the world’s intellectuals to show their true colours and to give ordinary people hope that truth and justice still have a chance to win. Here are some names:
Christopher Black, Attorney, Canada, Vice-Chairman ICDSM, Chairman of the ICDSM Legal Committee
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, USA, Co-Chairman
General Pierre Marie Gallois, France
Klaus Hartmann, Vice-Chairman of the World Union of Freethinkers, Coordinator of ICDSM in Germany, Vice-Chairman ICDSM, Chairman of the Board
Dr Michael Parenti, writer, USA, Chairperson of ICDSM-US
Harold Pinter, Playwright, England
Professor Alexander Zinoviev, philosopher, writer, Russian Federation
Peter Handke
Edward Herman
Nikita Mikhalkov
Mikis Theodorakis
Michel Chossudovsky, Canada
Professor Erich Bucholz, Lawyer, Berlin, Germany
Many more names can be found on the list of the committee for the defence of the president of Serbia, a prisoner of war of the NATO pact (
The President of that Committee, German Klaus Hartmann, said on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Belgrade:
“The series of imperialist wars since 1999 followed a long-term strategy of encircling and weakening the Russian Federation, “containment” of Russia (and China). And it also served to prepare the current NATO war against Russia. Geostrategic planning games dating back to before WWI and played all the way up to Hitler were based on the premise: “Whoever has Ukraine can command Russia” and “Russia cannot be a European power without Ukraine.”
The USA, NATO and the EU pride themselves on being bastions of freedom and democracy. Strangely, they also claim that those values are being defended by the Nazi regime in Ukraine. The same powers that bombed Yugoslavia 25 years ago are now promoting themselves as Serbia’s new friends. Everyone can see that these are fake friends.
After the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the installation of the Bondsteel base in Kosovo and the NATO membership of Montenegro and Macedonia are additional elements of the aggressive course against Russia.
As a precondition for EU membership, Serbia must renounce its historical province of Kosovo and Metohija, which was separated by NATO. Serbia is then asked to choose between “the West” and Russia. Blackmail will continue – Serbia also needs to adapt its relations with China to the hostile course of the West.”
On this day, Easter 1941, German bombers attacked Yugoslavia and bombed Belgrade. Incendiary bombs were used to cause maximum damage and to destroy first of all cultural institutions and first of all the library with old manuscripts, witnesses of old Serbian history.
The goal is not only to destroy the Serbs as a nation, but also to destroy their history above all. For this purpose, they enabled the Croats and the Vatican to carry out the most monstrous genocide against the Serbs that human civilisation has ever seen. At the same time, entire compositions of wagons took Serbian cultural treasures to Germany.
The commander of that bombing was General Lehr, who came secretly to Serbia even before WW1 and drew military maps for the Austro-Hungarian aggression against Serbia, which had been prepared for decades. Even in ww1, Belgrade was the first city to be bombed from airplanes (before that they were used only for reconnaissance), even though the aviation industry at that time was still in its infancy. The first air battles with Serbian aviators were also recorded there.
Belgrade was bombed several more times. At the very end of WW2, allied planes (US and UK) bombed Serbian cities at the invitation of the communists, again on Easter, and killed thousands of civilians even though the Germans were no longer in them. Those ‘allies’ armed the communists who were in a secret alliance with the Croatian Ustasha against the Serbs, and all of them together imposed on the Serbs a communist rule, led by Croats and Slovenes, whose main goal was the disintegration of the Serbian people, their economic exhaustion and plundering, including post-war the shooting of more than hundreds of thousands of Serbian professors, industrialists, farmers, officials, artists, virtually the entire Serbian intelligentsia.
They divided Serbian territories into several parts, invented artificial nations, invented provinces such as Kosovo and installed anti-Serb elites in each of them. This came to the fore in the conflicts of the 90s, when those artificial groups instructed by the West wanted to separate, create banana states, and they terrorised the Serbs who lived in them. The cause of the conflict was that the West recognised the communist provisional, anti-Serb borders, which divided the Serbs into seven parts, as internationally recognised borders between separate states.
The bombing of Serbian territories in present-day Bosnia and Croatia followed, and the expulsion of Serbs from those areas, so that in the end, with 1,000 planes, they bombed Belgrade again (1999), and again they did not want to skip Easter day itself, even though there were calls in the West itself to at least on that day there should be no bombing.
This article from 2009 exposed Samantha Power in ways few people know about.
It was a harbinger of Power’s dishonesty.
Putting Principle over Power:
Serbs benefitted from international Jewry in ww1. Your genocide in the balkans back then was rewarded with land because the Jew is your master.
Yes she is, she neglects the causes of the conflict in Kosovo because it doesn’t suit her Serb masters that pay her way. She doesn’t mention the genocide of Albanians in 1912 as it is extremely relevant to the bloodshed in 1999. She doesn’t make mention of Kosovo’s history, she knows nothing about the regions history but will parrot common Serb talking points that are easily debunked. She is a shill and is either of low intelligence and a horrible journalist or a propagandist for Serbs and Russophiles.
Admitting that the ruse worked is not the same as understanding that the roadshow is running out of paying customers jojo. Cue the Motown ditty Nowhere to Run
I thought you may say that. Or claim that those non-Muslims in the Ottoman defter were actually Albanians. OK, so someone arrived there a thousand years ago. Even if that can be proven, it’s no reason to genocide them. I mean there are Arabs, Gypsies, Turks still living there and so what if they came later?
The Serbs claim that that’s the Albanians.
No verbiage is ever as explanatory as a diagram. I found this one:
Albanians have fully assimilated the lesson from their Jewish sponsors on how to cry in pain while they stab you.
Note: the diagram is not fully accurate and misses a few things. In short, the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo happened in four stages: the first great migration of Serbs in 1690, the second in 1739, the exodus of ~400000 Serbs between 1876 and 1912 while ~40000 Albanians left from regions liberated from Ottoman rule to Kosovo, and the last from 1974 until today. Albanians accusing Serbs of genocide is textbook accusatory inversion.
When it comes to the demography of Kosovo, a few more important facts should be added. Christian Serbs were exposed to Muslim terror during the Ottoman occupation led by Shiptars/Albanians. Hundreds of thousands of Serbs were expelled or forcefully Islamised.
Even today, among the Albanians, one can see the descendants of converted Christians, who look like Europeans and who are genetically different from the original Caucasian Albanians, who are uglier than (((the ugliest))).
An even greater persecution of Serbs took place under the communists, when hundreds of thousands of Serbs were again expelled from Kosovo during the 70s. After the WW2, the communists prevented the return of the Serbs who were exiled during WW2 and opened the borders, so many goat-bangers from Albania came down from the mountains and occupied the fertile plains of Kosovo.
During the communist rule, the Albanians were encouraged to have many children and they used this Islamic tactic, in addition to sheer terror, to suppress the Serbs. Every Albanian family had around 10 children and every 10th child had Tito as their godfather. Few Albanians worked and they lived on social assistance, which was allocated by the whole of Yugoslavia, and mostly by Serbia. The Albanian birth rate was higher than the African one, and they literally became a cancer in society that began to metastasise.
At the time of the creation of Yugoslavia (1918), 99.9% of Albanians were illiterate, but the billions of dollars allocated by the Serbs for their civilisation were wasted. Btw, not only Kosovo, but also the whole of Albania was a Serbian land before the arrival of the stray Shiptars (1043), who were the accompanying unit of the Byzantine general, who died suddenly after arriving from Sicily, so the Shiptars could not return to Sicily.
They asked the Serbian ruler to stay and engage in animal husbandry. The Serbian ruler allowed them to do so with a symbolic tax in the form of a certain number of sheep. It was written in the law, and for 400 years they were herders on the Jablanica mountain in today’s Albania (its Serbian name remains to this day), until the Turks came. From then until today, they have been terrorising the Serbs, previously protected by the Turks, later by communists and today by the NATO pact.
It is interesting that after the entry of the UN (i.e. NATO) into Kosovo (1999), the birth rate of Albanians fell sharply because there was no more abundant Serbian aid, when the Albanians lived like parasites and did nothing. Even today, some old Albanians remember the Yugoslav times with nostalgia, not only because of the enormous social giving, but because the Americans destroyed their traditional family structure and imposed all these lbgt innovations.
Many Albanians used the media promotion of them as victims, so many countries (US, W.Europe) opened their borders for them. The decrease in the birth rate and the departure of Albanians, who knew that they were intruders, and that Kosovo was not their country, significantly reduced the number of Albanians in Kosovo (so that diagram looks different today), while Western countries received enormous imports of narcotics from the Albanian mafia.
During all that time, from the Ottomans until today, Albanians as a primitive group without history, faith, culture and language, did not build a single building or anything else, and their contribution to world civilisation is zero. The Russians admitted that they owe Kosovo to the Serbs since they suffered blows (and aggression) aimed at them, so the moment of Kosovo’s return to its homeland is not far away.
Dear Madam,
It boggles the mind why they don’t simply dispense with pretenses and declare: we came, we saw, we conquered! Mrs. Clinton was delighted with the sound of it, and the world will be spared the depressing hypocrisy. Bomb, bomb, baby! Or, we will bomb you because we can! We got the Maxim gun, they don’t …
Growing up, i would hear the Iran-Iraq war news daily. The Western press almost convinced me that the Shi’a were the fanatics and the Sunnis the moderates. After the rise of Al Qaida and the invasion of Iraq, i started hearing that the Sunnis were the fanatics with the roles completely reversed. No explanation provided, no attempt to educate the populace, nothing that i heard. It seemed Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia but not Eurasia. And Big Brother Napoleon or BB is always right, we just have to work a lot harder and pay our taxes.
i also remember watching Nutty Yahoo berating the hapless goyim from the UN podium for their opposition to sodomy. i searched for the video on YouTube but couldn’t find it. He who controls the media controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future. Blinken may blink over Gaza but Kamala the Great is biding her time.
Free Julian Assange!
Give peace a chance!
No Mike, there are no other people living there except few remaining Serbs living in enclaves and under constant terror of primitive Shqiptar/Albanians.
These savages expelled everyone, including Catholics, Gorani/Goranci, Romas/Gypsies, as well as Muslim Turks! Yes, not even Muslims were allowed to stay if non-Shqiptar/Albanian! You do not know that as the West never reports their crimes – they have a license to do any evil including killing anyone there with impunity – courtesy of NATO/MSM [1].
[1] The Silent Persecution of Christians in Kosovo | EWTN Global Catholic Television Network | 2021-01
Excerpt: … international condemnation of their abuses is very rare.
Excerpt: What is the situation of Christians in Kosovo today? Extremely difficult. The Serbs, who were the original population of Kosovo, have undergone a slow ethnic cleansing that has been accelerating since the war of 1999. Today there are just over 100,000 of them. They live in enclaves (in a street, a neighborhood, a village …) which are open-air prisons from which they cannot get out without risking a skirmish. They are regularly attacked, beaten, looted and pushed to leave. They live in great poverty; they are systematically discriminated against; their schools are abandoned. They are condemned to a form of autarky. The objective of many radical Islamists is to eradicate the Serbian and Christian presence in Kosovo; hence, the importance of ensuring their autonomy and security.
Excerpt: In addition, there have been anti-Christian pogroms and the targeted destruction of 150 churches or monasteries in the last 20 years. In particular, we support the monastery of Visoki Decani, which is regularly targeted by Islamist terrorists but also by Kosovar Albanian media and politicians. It was attacked with a rocket launcher and defiled by a tag saying “The Caliphate is coming.” In 2016, the NATO forces stopped four jihadists armed with Kalashnikovs in front of the monastery’s gate. They were filmed by the surveillance cameras we have equipped the monastery with. We also built a security airlock, made of traditional stone, with iron gates. We still hope for the arrival, one day or another, of a peaceful cohabitation, because the majority of Albanians are moderate. But extremists are very powerful, and international condemnation of their abuses is very rare.
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It indicates exactly one thing about the father. That he had that Y chromosome. It says nothing at all about the father’s overall ancestry, though.
Russians had a base at Prishtina airport for a several years. They should have held onto it like the Americans kept Bondsteel. It was during Putin’s rule that the Russians left. If it was a matter of money, the Serbs should have offered to fund the Russian base there.
The only relevant fact is that Kosovo Albanians allied with the USA to create a fake American puppet state. By doing this, they have given up their right to life and they deserve to be exterminated, just like other trashy ethnic groups who sign on to become American puppets (Kurds, Polacks, “south koreans,” etc.). Whether these groups are “native” or anything is irrelevant.
The “genocide” didn’t happen, but it should have. And, God willing, in the future it will.
The Serbs say they’re gods chosen. They’re retarded animals. You can be on the side of the Serbs all day but that doesn’t change the fact we Albanians had our land stolen and we took it back and that it was always ours thanks to ancient genetics of NUMEROUS sites all over the balkans where in contrast Serbs are migrants.
The ottoman defter isn’t all of Kosovo but continue showing a preference to Serb propaganda to actual science mate.
Get a load of this gypsy. You are 100% scum and I hope you get replaced by actual foreigners, like how the Serbs replaced us but we took our land back. Siding with America means squat, Serb monkeys wouldn’t have had their state without Russians.
I know you Serbs aren’t sure who your gypsy fathers where, let’s be honest you’re all Gypsies since you have nomadic origins. Y chromosomes is passed down from father to son in an unbroken chain. Considering we Albanians have ancient Balkan forefathers while Serbs have Slav forefathers you should cease spreading retarded Serb propaganda or risk being looked at as a low iq moron by anybody with objectivity and common sense.
It means quite a lot. It means that you support American global hegemony, zionism, Jewish global domination, “gay marriage,” subjugation of all peoples to an international financial elite, etc. And not just through some ephemeral moral support, but actual material, logistical, and human support. Consequently, it means that you are worthless subhuman trash, unworthy of life and fit only to line ditches, which is exactly where you will end up as the USA continues its decline and is forced to withdraw from Europe in the future.
Your position is faulty when you call us Caucasian considering we speak different languages and have different genes.
Caucasian (churkas as you dirty Slav animals call them) : J1, J2a, G
Albanians: E-V13, J2b-l283, R1b-z2108, R1b-PF7576
Now let’s look at an actual Greek writer, Claudius Ptolemy that writes of the Serbio living in modern Dagestan and Albanoi living in modern Albania around the 2nd century Ad.
Care to dispute these facts you stupid gypsy? And calling us ugly? You Chetnik apes look like a browner and devolved form of a chechen, a Chechen at least practices hygiene.
The amount of hilarity I see when I read a Serb like you writing up this comment and calling us genocide res when your own people have constantly genocided every single one of your neighbours the last 150 years. Cognitive dissonance.
Yes Reddit is a nice source. Noel Malcolm and a couple of author academics disproved the great Serb migrations in 1690, Albanians were a majority back then and also before that. Every other exodus is Serb propaganda and I can call it that since you lie about everything else so your reputation is unreliable and everything you post is suspect.
The Yugoslav census in 1921 shows Kosovo being 66% Albanian. And that is less than 10 years after the Serbs invaded Kosovo and since 1918 they forced in a lot of colonists to replace us but that failed. But continue calling us genociders when your people constantly genocide your neighbours every half century.
It is still not completely clear what happened there. The English general Michael Jackson wanted to use weapons to prevent the Russians from occupying the airport, but the Americans told him that they did not want a third world war.
The Russians could create their own zone where the Serbs would be protected and there would be a balance of power in Kosovo, which would allow for some kind of normality and maybe eventually some productive agreement. I think that Putin was still weak then, that Russia was in big economic problems, and probably even he himself was not yet aware of what kind of game was really being played and what the stakes were.
Many quote the Russian proverb (in the context of Ukraine) that Russians are slow to saddle a horse but fast to ride, so I guess they make up for it. I think that in fact there is a lot of inertia in such a large system, that the Russians are not proactive thinkers, which causes frustration for many (I think Prigozhin was one of those).
I think that Putin is at least 10 years late, and even when some say that he follows Dugin’s thoughts, he is doing so 10 years late. That is why Dugin was out of favour with the establishment for 10 years. The Russians (and Russian language) are a derivative of the ancient Serbs, but the modern Serbs (at least the leading thinkers) are far ahead of the Russians, probably because they have lived on the front line for thousands of years and know well the systems on both sides, especially since the border between the western and eastern Roman empire passed through the middle of Serbian lands (and through my grandfather’s property, so, as a kid, I was able to swim from the Eastern Roman Empire to the Western and back several times during the day).
It is important who will succeed Putin. I think D. Rogozin, who is currently sidelined, would be the best, not only because he is of recent Serbian origin, but he is a sharp talker and a sharp shooter. Even Naryshkin, the security chief, who some have mentioned as a possible successor, hesitated during Putin’s roll call about whether to launch a special operation, despite having the best first-hand information.
But we hope that the Russians will now ‘ride fast’, that the NATO border will be returned to the border of Slovenia and Italy, that NATO will leave Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic banana states, which means that that Kosovo will return to the control of Serbia (many Albanians will probably go to the US and the UK) and that Serbia will get access to the sea (even some anti-Serb panzers noticed here this illogicality, what even many Serbs, in the general chaos, did not notice).
Leaving Occupied Kosovo was yet another betrayal of Serbia by Russia – to please Western partners, nothing more. They even got NATO medal for it [2]. Not long after Russians left, in 2004, primitive Shqiptar/Albanian savages organized a pogrom on a false pretense – killed, looted, burned, and destroyed [1].
Putin/Kremlin withdrew troops from the Serbian part of Bosnia at the same time as well. They explained it as no longer having interest in the Balkans. It was never an issue of costs which were minimal and easily covered if asked for – that was just put out as a cover story to excuse their treachery. That was in 2003, the very same year Serbia’s PM Zoran Djindjic was assassinated in March by the West, as he drew the line on Western endless demands, including Kosovo, and said enough is enough.
P.S. More recent examples of Putin/Kremlin treachery are Armenia and Syria. They betrayed all of their true friends and true partners, because Putin is a globalist, and neither a Russian patriot nor an Orthodox Christian. Russia is a colony of the West and Putin is colonial administrator. Recall McCain calling Russia a gas pump – gas is still flowing from Russia to West through Ukraine. Putin is still exporting uranium to US – yes, you read that right!
[1] Failure to Protect: Anti-Minority Violence in Kosovo, March 2004 | HRW
Excerpt: French KFOR troops refused to come to the assistance of the Serb residents of Svinjare, even though their main base is located just a few hundred meters from that village. The entire village of Svinjare-all 137 homes-were burned to the ground within viewing distance of the main French KFOR base.
Excerpt: In nearby Vucitrn, located in between two main French KFOR camps, Albanian crowds burned sixty-nine Ashkali homes without a response from either French KFOR or international UNMIK police.
Excerpt: In the southern city of Prizren, German KFOR commanders refused to honor requests to come to the assistance of their international UNMIK police counterparts, and Albanian crowds destroyed all remaining vestiges of the centuries-old Serb presence in the city, including several religious buildings dating back to the fourteenth century, burning one Serb man to death in his home and leaving all remaining Serbs in Prizren homeless.
Excerpt: In the large town of Kosovo Polje, only a few UNMIK police and no KFOR personnel came to the assistance of the besieged Serbs, leaving a handful of local KPS officers to protect more than one hundred Serb families scattered around the city. One Serb was beaten to death, and at least one hundred Serb homes were burned, as was the main post office, the Serbian school, the Serbian hospital, and the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Excerpt: In the capital Pristina, Serb residents of the YU Program apartment buildings-an apartment complex originally built to house Serb refugees from Bosnia and Croatia-were besieged for hours by ethnic Albanian crowds who set their apartments on fire and shot at them before they were rescued by KFOR and UNMIK international police.
[2] NATO Update: Russian troops leave KFOR – 2 July 2003
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
You ungrateful brats! Without USA and MSM, you’d be nothing!
Now, even with USA and MSM, you’d still be nothing without traitors in Belgrade and Kremlin!
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Is this one better?
I mean, you can hardly accuse leftist, zionist Wikipedia to have a pro-Serb bias. Funny how if you want to represent the numbers listed on that page in a graph, you get, well, one like that on Reddit.
Are those ottoman census’s from 1867 or fake pro Serb estimations from outisders? Because we know Serbs were the darlings of the judeo Anglo empire, French and Russians at that time and up to 1945.
The 1921 Yugoslav census shows Albanian majority but you scum previously said we were still a minority then.
Serbia wouldn’t exist without Russia, England and France. What’s your point retard? Need I explain how Serbs were humiliated in ww1 and were given a grand prize for losing but even though they lost and hardly fought after losing they were given a large swath of land because they started ww1 for zionists.
Your cowardly online nature of avoiding my posts indicate you have zero grit to challenge opponents especially when I debunk your retarded claims time and again.
Serbs aren’t getting sea access. Serbs are dying out, Albania and Kosovo will have the same population 60 years from now while Serbia will be down to 4 million, mostly old and mostly gypsies since most of your very low 1.5 fertility rate comes from gypsies.
Punk, you were a majority because you cleansed 400000 Serbs in the decades before. Regarding your answer to Anon001, Zionists gave you Kosovo ungrateful moron.
PS: All you have proven so far is that you are a primitive, thick as two short planks, hateful p o s so I can’t resist to encourage you to keep up the good work.
That’s only due to the mass murder and expulsion of Serbs by primitive Shqiptars/Albanians, Bulgarians, and AHE during the WW1 (1914-1918).
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
You only exist because AHE and Britain created Albania in 1912 AD.
Serbia exists in spite of Russia (Bulgarian Exarchate), Britain (1903 Coup d’état – murder of the entire Serbian Obrenovic Dynasty, 1943-44 massive bombing of its ally Serbia, 1999 NATO attack) and France (Napoleon helping OE against the Serbs, 1999 NATO attack).
Serbia not only won the WW1, but decide the outcome of it, as German Emperor Wilhelm II reported in his letter to the Bulgarian King.
Ferdinand assassination was a false flag operation by the AHE and Free Masons. Main assassin was trained to shoot by a British operative. Black Hand was based in AHE and led by a non-Serb.
Learn some true history instead of the fake Shqiptar one.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Who knows what happened in Sbrenica? Here we are now in 2024 and there is an OBVIOUS genocide against the Palestinians happening in real time that many, and “official reports” , and even the World Court won’t APPROPRIATELY acknowledge and STOP. So as to what happened in 1993, when we didn’t have social media and eyewitness reports, well, even the people who WERE there who didn’t also have an agenda were likely to have it wrong, as they are today. So…. I don’t know. I happen to respect Professor Francis Boyle who represented the Bosnian Mothers. I have listened to many interviews by him which caused me to admire him. He has written many books, which I have though yet to read. He won against Slobodovan Milosevic. Slob did die before he could do any time, though Rat and Rad did get prosecuted, and are serving time. People who have dined on a steady diet of the destruction of others do tend to degenerate and self destruct at some point, very frequently, especially when PROVEN wrong. One thing is for sure, when governments use atrocities to further harm in the name of help, and do so illegally, the individuals in them should be held accountable and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and not just their military generals or presstitites, even if they are the President. I haven’t seen this so far. But I believe Professor Francis Boyle, International Human Rights lawyer and author has attempted to get real justice and has made strides in making this happen.
You should go comment on Yahoo, it is more your league.
I think, Carlton, that the responsibilities under the Geneva Convention that really and truly result in protection and the prevention and punishment of genocide have attempted to be supplanted by clowns with their perverted R2P which doesn’t DO what it SAYS. That is the same thing with this “rules based order” total crap which is trying to take the place of sane International Laws. Your question is valid, and if you want a sane media article in Russia’s ICJ case, which you won’t get on mainscream media, although Ron Unz will surely cover it at some point, if he hasn’t already, check this link to a Mint Press article:
Hey, passing by, It’s okay with me if you pass FULLY by. Bye by.
100% US-controlled so-called court in the Hague (aka ICTY, aka Kangaroo Court) could not find any Milosevic’s crimes, and since they could not afford to let him go and laugh in their faces, they poisoned him there [1] and then quietly officially exonerated and cleared him of all charges postmortem [2].
[1] Murder at The Hague? | Neil Clark
[2] Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves on | Neil Clark
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Well, it looks like it. Blackrock, Statestreet Vanguard and the Bank of International Settlements has infiltrated foreign policy, governments, media and court systems so thoroughly, it seems difficult to know realities. If only the psychotic billionaires behind these awful decisions would realize that if everybody suffers and dies, they will too.
Yep, Yahoo definitely is your IQ league miss.
Avoid arguing with a leftist silly goose.
Who knows what happened to those incubator babies in Kuwait and WMDs in Iraq? Everybody! The very same MSM liars and NATO mass-murderers also “reported” Srebrenica story to you. But I’m sure you know that.
I guess you are reluctant to say anything against it because that’d be siding with the Orthodox Christians, the Serbs, and not with Muslims? That is why you are trying to sit on two chairs – you know that NATO/MSM are liars but, at the same time, do not want to side with Christians. Isn’t that hypocrisy and cowardice, so prevalent here with many authors at TUR?
FYI, British invented “genocide” fiction 7 years after the civil war ended to put more pressure on Serbia’s leadership to let go of the occupied Kosovo. ICTY had one single star “witness” – lowlife Nazi Croat mercenary bribed to testify. The entire Dutch battalion entered Srebrenica with the Serbian Army (Gen. Mladic was there with them) and their 100+ pages report to the ICTY, saying that not a single person was executed, was ignored. 2,000 bodies initially buried there were just Muslim fighters and mujahedeen that died in combat, declared as executed civilians by one lying German doctor “expert” witness, while the rest of corpses were simply moved in from all over Bosnia over the years until they got the count to 8,000.
[1] What happened at Srebrenica? – by Michael Buergermeister
Excerpt from [1]: In September 2012 former CIA agent Robert Baer asserted that he’d been sent to Yugoslavia in January 1991 to help facilitate the dissolution of that particular country. One of his tasks involved disinformation: “The propaganda was aimed to divide the republics and to ensure that the states are separated from the mother of Yugoslavia. We had to choose a sacrificial lamb that could be blamed for everything. Someone who would be responsible for the war and the violence. Serbia was chosen because it is in some ways the successor of Yugoslavia.”
Excerpt from [1]: One of his most startling claims concerned Srebrenica: “Srebrenica is an exaggerated story, and, unfortunately, many people have been manipulated by it. The numbers of the people killed…these were all part of the political marketing.”
Excerpt from [1]: He’s not alone in challenging the commonly accepted narrative. In February 2013 Dr. Edward Herman told John Robles that there was a whole series of massacres in 150 Serb villages during which 2,383 Serb civilians were killed between 1992 and July, 1995.
[2] The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
[3] Srebrenica — Neither Massacre, Nor Genocide, by Alexander Dorin
[4] Srebrenica — The History of Salon Racism | NSPM in English
Excerpt from [4]: Dutch UNPROFOR troops testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct manner, while Srebrenica Muslim warlord Naser Orić with his fighters was massacring Serb civilians in the most monstrous fashion for years in Srebrenica municipality, and pillaging and destroying their property all the while.
Excerpt from [4]: He pointed to a very interesting investigation carried out by the Bulgarian reporter and author Germinal Civikov, who wrote a book about the case of Croat Dražen Erdemović, former member of the Bosnian Serb Army, whose testimony represents the key Hague “evidence” of “Srebrenica massacre”, who claimed that his commander Milorad Pelemiš “ordered him and few other soldiers to execute some 1,000-1,200 Muslim POWs”. But the analysis of that case, said Dorin, proves Erdemović invented most, if not all of that story.
Excerpt from [4]: Director of the Belgrade Center for Investigation of War Crimes Milivoje Ivanišević analyzed the lists of alleged Srebrenica victims. Ivanišević discovered that, a year after the fall of Srebrenica, some 3,000 Muslim men who were supposedly killed in 1995, were voting in the Bosnian Muslim elections.
Excerpt from [4]: It is perfectly clear that Muslim organizations listed as Srebrenica victims all the Muslim fighters who were killed in the fights after the fall of Srebrenica.
Excerpt from [4]: In addition, at least 1,000 of the alleged 1995 “Srebrenica massacre victims” have been dead long before or after Bosnian Serb Army took the town over.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Not arguing. It may look like I’m arguing, but I’m just posting info for everyone to see.
BTW, as другосрбијанац, aren’t you the leftist too?
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
What makes you think that I am “другосрбијанац”? My compulsion to utter unpleasant truths has made me persona non grata on both pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia and it doesn’t bother me the least. In truth, I have no interest for Serbian internal politics b/c life is too short to waste it picking sides between grifters, thieves, sellouts, douchebags, buffoons and goofs.
PS: to ex-Yugoslavs who’d be tempted to pick on what I just wrote, I may find my kinfolk blameworthy, I find you contemptible.
Well, we agree on some things. Like mainscream media DOES misinfo. Like Nato causing chaos. Like innocent people often being declared guilty, even though innocent. Like innocent people made guilty by a corrupt and bought media. Like not having an easy time getting justice from the courts who are too often corrupted. But, do you think Biden is innocent of the crime of aiding and abetting genocide? Even though he is bypassing congress to send those weapons over there and gives his snarky smile on how he is helping Israel, our ally? Do you think Netanyahu is innocent of genocide even though he is not personally dropping the bombs? Even if Biden and Netanyahu are pawns they are still guilty. Even if they resort to blaming each other and any other handy target they are still guilty and responsible for their actions and legally prohibited inactions. They could stop using arms. They could start giving aid, food, water, shelter. But you seem to think genocide is just an imaginary invention. Who do you think is causing all those murders? Is it just mother nature?
Have you ever actually read any of Professor Francis Boyle’s books or listened to any of his interviews? Do you know what he stands for? How many people’s views have you read about what happened to the Muslims in Bosnia? When they say they have no proof of genocide, what are the exact specifics of THEIR proof, or is it heresay? Here is an alternate viewpoint:
Personally, I have no problem with any religion. I believe in Freedom of Thought and Belief. I realize that is challenging in today’s world as truths are carefully masked. I have problems with murderers and genociders. I don’t think anyone should be beyond the law.
Hahahaha there is no credible census from that period. And the Zionists gave the Serbs the entirety of Yugoslavia after they started ww1 and helped them destroy the Ottoman Empire (to gain Palestine eventually) and the Germanic empires. The Yugoslav census in 1921 shows Albanians around 66% and that’s after 10 years of Serb colonization. It was higher. Your people were never in Kosovo as a super majority, even during the Middle Ages when you rats migrated in the 1200’s.
>serbs not only won ww1
Yep I now know you’re 100% a Serbian retard. For the record, Albanians rebelled on their own accord in 1912 and won against the Turks, only for Serbs, in cohoots with Jews, England, France and Russia invaded ethnic albanian territory but ultimately the goal was to destroy the Ottoman Empire. The reason is highlighted in tragedy and hope by Carol Quigly, Germans and Turks were in alliance and the Turks would have given the Germans oil. That is why Jews gave you half of the Balkan’s thereafter. That is why Serbs are treated in high respect by Jews and why Israel supported Serbia in 1999. You are of the same genocidal land thieving ilk.
Remember, YUGOSLAV CENSUS IN 1921 itself shows Albanians as the majority and that’s after mass migration of Serbs after 1918. In three years I’d bet serbs went from a tiny minority to a plurality because you migrate all the time and steal land.
> Dutch UNPROFOR troops testified that Serb Army treated Muslim civilians in an entirely correct manner
That’s because they did nothing and didn’t want to be held accountable for letting a bloodbath occur in front of them. Why do you Serbs love to distort the truth? Your precious Kosovo was invaded by your ilk in 1200 AD and you were defeated in 1389 by the Turks. The Serbs lied about the battle of Kosovo being an entirely Serb army and there were hardly any Serbs in the follow up battle, because you weren’t a majority.
Your response to my comment:
and also not commenting on my mainly rhetorical questions here:
Perhaps, you do not research those topics/areas, but were “informed” enough to label those as mythomania, which is typical behavior of those characters.
Either way, although involved in Serbia’s internal politics, they are the 5th column, thus ideologically tied to the NWO – they are godless, satanic, arrogant, narcissistic, hate Orthodox Christianity, hate Serbian tradition and customs, hate even Serbian language and alphabet, lower the numbers of Serbian martyrs, call research of Serbs-as-autochthon/indigenous topics mythomania, have inferiority-complex towards the West, crave Western approval and acceptance, etc. IMHO, Putin/Kremlin are the Russian version of that unfortunate phenomenon.
So are you one of them, considering that you check at least 2 boxes on my list? If not, then please accept my apologies.
I’d be interested in links to some of your posts/comments containing those unpleasant truths, on those pro-government and pro-opposition sites in Serbia. Always trying to learn things.
Thank you in advance.
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
You are dodging my points and trying to wiggle your way out of the paper bag! NATO/MSM is the source of the information! In other words, you believe and indirectly support this Joint Criminal Enterprise when Christians are being attacked, while cry bloody murder when Muslims are in the same situation, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc!
I also have problems with murderers and genociders – like Bosnian Muslims aka Bosniaks, Nazi Croats, and primitive Muslim Shqiptars/Albanians – all of them WW2 partners of Nazi Germany/AH and proven mass-murderers of Serbs in the WW1, WW2, and the 90s! Their crimes are not only supported behind the scenes, but at the same time, hidden and not reported by MSM. Quite the opposite, they are described as innocent victims.
Re Professor Francis Boyle: I know what he stands for – the exact same thing NATO/MSM stand for when targets are Orthodox Christians, like Serbs – he supports Bosnia. However, he does not support NATO/MSM when they attack Muslims – he supports Palestinians!
So, you see, you and Professor Francis Boyle have much in common- supporting Muslims 100% even when they are murderers of Christian on behalf of NATO like Bosnian Muslims!
450+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Yes, who knows? But there will always be doubt because whatever was “proven” was proven in a completely biased court which serves as a weapon of certain countries against others. If it was a true court then all the world’s war criminals would have been brought up in front of it, especially those of US and NATO. Yet a man (Assange) who exposed a US war crime is languishing in jail while those he exposed were not brought before this court that you seem to value and believe so much. Those international courts, like the UN, are just a charade. The war crimes of US and NATO grossly exceed any of those who were brought to the Hague. Yet they are allowed to escape punishment. Why? Because in those courts the world’s greatest criminals sit in judgement over those who may, or may not have, committed any of the alleged crimes. And those crimes are often manufactured by the same criminals in their propaganda war against those they choose to target. Well yeah, who knows?
With regards to your first link, because the number you advance is physically impossible and is contradicted by census data. More realistic numbers are between 120000 as an absolute minimum and 400000 as an absolute maximum for Jasenovac, and 400000 as an absolute minimum and 700000 as an absolute maximum for the whole of NDH. Again exaggerating the number of victims is disrespectful and is detrimental to credibility. Ustasha crimes were horrific enough, they did on a much more massive scale what Azovtsi did to Russians in Ukraine after 2014 – and would have done on the same scale if they could – or what the Israeli State Intelligence Service did in Syria since 2011, there is no need to advance unprovable, impossible numbers. Unfortunately, Serbian communists agreed to put a lid on research of the genocide in NDH after the war so we’ll probably never know its true extent but let’s stick to plausible numbers.
With regards to your second link, rhetorical questions don’t call for a reply and I mostly agree with what you wrote except with your exoneration of Serbian communists b/c Serbian communists made it all possible. You have no idea how many Serbs cheered Tito and turned against their fellow Serbs. I have relatives who were well-off, a lawyer and a doctor, and went through Tito’s gulags then emigrated to the USA b/c other relatives sided with communists and wanted to grab their property. Serbian communists agreed to forbid Serbs cleansed from Kosovo during WW2 to return and Serbian communists agreed to the infamous constitutional changes in 1971 and the new constitution in 1974 that made Kosovo a republic in all but name.
Still today, Serbia is run by quislings. As examples, why is the retail sector in Serbia dominated by a Croatian company or why does Vučić want to buy 7o million € French Rafale fighters but found 33 million € Sukhoi fighters too expensive? Why has a US / Soros trained and fostered, obviously incompetent and uncultured lesbian been prime minister for so many years and is now chairing the national assembly? Why has Vučić decorated Marina Abramović and wants to make her a member of SANU? Why has he signed the Brussels and Washington agreements? I don’t know why but I am under the impression that “другосрбијанци” actually run Serbia and that the political scene is theatre for the gullible.
As for links to my comments, I can’t provide any b/c as I said, I am persona non grata. My comments are deleted, not published at all, and even worse, rewritten to change their meaning, even on the supposedly patriotic NSPM. So I don’t comment any more on Serbian “information” sites and I limit myself to Sputnik and a local news site. Oh, and oddly enough, my Internet connection was cut off for a whole week during the last elections. Officially, an unintentional configuration error. What a coincidence. Well, I have two backup solutions now.
Why Serbs would do that? Well, I have been correspondent of SRNA from Paris in the 1990s, have been an adviser in the office of HRH, the late prince Alexander Karadjordjević, son of prince Paul, and in 2015 have written a letter to Putin to advocate for a Russian military involvement in Syria, just a few months before it actually happened. Oddly enough, Putin used the same arguments that I used in my letter to justify ordering the Russian intervention. I very much doubt my letter ever reached him but sometimes people take decisions on the basis of misinterpretation of coincidences. Given my tendency to correctly predict how situations evolve, perhaps some people grossly overestimated my influence and consider that it is better to be safe than sorry. The surest way to being censored nowadays is to be right.
Boyle is an ostentatiously quixotic, self-aggrandising p o s. What I have seen of his argumentation is riddled with inconsistencies and outright fallacies that are too many to enumerate. You are partial to him either because you are Muslim or because you are stupid. My wager is on both.
Commentator Mike, I don’t disagree with you a bit. I’m not certain, and not an expert but i think Milosovic was also found guilty in an earlier trial. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t an unwitting pawn in Natos plan to dissolve Yukoslavia. It doesn’t mean that there weren’t also SERIOUS crimes against the Serbs. The behind the scenes operators always get sides stirred up snd knocking each other off so they can have the spoils left. The Courts aren’t pure and the biggest criminals walk free, as those you mentioned. But, i value the hope and the not giving up on of the process. The last several hours I watched of the case South Africa brought against Israel (the first) showed me there were sane members and there were corrupt members and there were puppet members. Obviously the corrupt and puppet members disgusted me. When Charles Taylor was convicted at the Hague I believe it was because he was up against expert International Human Rights lawyers that really cared about the people of those African nations who were suppressed and affected, and DID NOT GIVE UP. Plus, it wasnt the US or Israel being made to stand accountable. Also the general area had a huge campaign to educate them on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Warlords hated it with a passion. Professor Francis Boyle defended the Bosniaks. He has also defended Puerto Ricans and Indigenous Hawaiians and Tamils and Palestinians and even Americans against Covid tyranny. He wants sovreignty respected and real International Human Rights. Individuals make a difference when they know their stuff and they don’t give up.
Re census: I believe that census numbers were most likely altered as:
1) Croats had 2 full years to prepare for the genocide after Paul gave them full internal independence in 1939 with Banovina and could’ve altered anything in their books.
2) Croats were also in many high-profile positions in KoY, and pretty sure had access to census books for the entire country.
3) I’d not discount possibility that communists burned/altered some of the census data books post-WW2. By changing just one number in the totals, one could’ve erased 1 million Serbs from the records.
My number (1.4M) was based on Gideon Greif’s book, plus the fact that once estimates reached 700k, communists stopped all forensics work, and rolled back the number to 70k. Also there were other extermination camps and 100s of local slaughter locations like towns, villages, cave pits, etc.
We’ll see – for now, let’s just agree that we disagree.
Re communists: In my view, just because some lower ranking “Serb”, e.g. Stambolic, voted for something, that does not make Serbs responsible for the evil done to them. Yes, there were many collaborators and traitors, but the very top was Tito + Kardelj + Dolanc+ other non-Serbs. I also blame Russia, that came, occupied Serbia in 1944, handed it over to local communists – mass murderers, and left. I also think that 1943/44 bombing by “Allies” were done to prevent Serbs from freeing themselves, until USSR Army was able to come and replace German occupation with theirs. It seems coordinated (bombing+occupation) between the British/USA and the USSR.
Re your postings: I did not know that the censorship was so strong., but I’m not surprised. Did you criticize the prez or some ethnicity? I rarely comment on Serbia’s portals, due to much smaller audience, and also due to my plan to reach English speaking audience, instead of preaching to the choir.
Re quislings: Well, the answer to most why-oh-why-questions is: Serbia has been occupied since 2000. Actually, IMO, Serbia has been occupied since 1903, just as Russia has been since 1917. IMHO, the main evil to Serbia and Serbs has been done by Dynasty Karadjordjevic – they are the butchers of everything Serbian. Otherwise, British would’ve not chosen them to execute their evil plans on the Serbs. I blame Dynasty Karadjordjevic for everything – they should be permanently expelled from Serbia.
Re Russia: You may have seen that I consider Putin a traitor. Russia’s version of combination of Tadic and Vucic traits.
Both countries will be freed in one way or the other when the time comes – Serbia most likely in a spontaneous uprising, while Russia possibly in a military coup. That will be the beginning of the end for the West and Turkey.
500+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Ok, look, I’m not trying to wiggle my way out of the paper bag, ok? I’ve got my face right in it talking to you, and I can hardly breathe. SO….. we agree on many things and first off, you will be very happy to hear that I agree I am not an expert. But that makes me smarter than most people because I know I don’t know everything, so I still can learn. I not only respect Professor Francis Boyle, I respect Michel Chossoduvsky and Diana Johnstone, and Unz, of course, and so many of the things they have written amd formulated views on. I also like them. But that doesn’t mean I agree with every conclusion they have made. I’m willing to look further when I don’t. Maybe I’m missing something, so I look, if it is an issue i am interested in. Boyle is not a NATO freak that only cares about Muslims. He has defended other peoples, of other religions for their rights and sovereignty. He is definitely not an MSM Presstitute. He got an order against Bush, AND Blair, and they are not TOTALLY SURE what countries they can now travel to without being arrested. You think THAT means he sides with NATO? Maybe if the Serbs had also had as good of a lawyer as him….it looks like there were serious crimes on both sides with very heated passions. The behind the scenes interlopers stir up two sides, make them hate each other, then sit back and wait for everything to fall apart so then they can swoop down like vultures to claim their prey. And TOO OFTEN walk free.
I hope that one day, you will fully understand how naive this quoted statement of yours is – analogous of saying “Maybe if the defendants in Stalin’s show trials had good lawyers …”
Thank you for your time.
500+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
I replied in #202
Here’s are some quick readings here on TUR about one of the biggest NATO/MSM lies [1][2]! Also, below is the Bosnian Muslims separatists leader that started the war in Bosnia, after getting the green light from NATO – Alija Izetbegovic – WW2 SS Nazi and Post-WW2 Jihadist [3]!
[1] Srebrenica 1995-2015: Just the Facts, Without Propaganda or Embellishment, by Stefan Karganovic and Aleksandar Pavic – The Unz Review
[2] Srebrenica Narrative Responsibly Challenged, by Stefan Karganovic – The Unz Review
[3] Alija Izetbegović as a member of the 13th mountain division of the SS “Handschar” | source: The New York Times
500+ Anon001 comments archive @ The Unz Review | TUR
Please, PLEASE tell me what genocidal things Albanians did to Serbs in ww1 and ww2!
Are you seriously going to ignore what you Serbs did to Albanians in 1912? That was a genocide but you couldn’t win then like in 1999 and you weren’t constrained or bombed back then. Just like the clown Diana that seemingly has zero clue about the Balkan wars and Serb barbarity.
As for Croatian and Muslim Bosnian genocide on Serbs, I don’t believe they ever happened since you people constantly lie and grift about our supposed genocides against you. And I don’t believe the numbers of jasnovec just like I don’t believe the 1 million dead and burned Jews in Auschwitz.
You are ZIONISTS, you use the same tactics as they do.
Ok, thanks. I’ll check it out.
I mistakenly posted one comment below the adjacent text. This is the text of the previously mentioned Canadian lawyer Christopher Black from (2015) published in Moscow’s Izvestia about the murder of Slobodan Milošević in NATO prison in The Hague.
Who wants to read the whole text, here is the link:
and there are also a couple of excerpts:
Exc 1:
The death of Slobodan Milošević apparently proved to be the only way out of the impasse in which the NATO countries found themselves as they appeared as his prosecutors before the tribunal in The Hague.
Propaganda against Milosevic reached unprecedented proportions. In the Western media, the process itself is presented as the greatest historical drama, as a theater piece in which the criminal must ultimately answer for all his crimes. But since no such crimes were discovered, except for those committed by NATO, all efforts to fabricate a criminal case against Milosevic turned into a farce.
From NATO’s point of view, that process itself was necessary to justify the aggression against Yugoslavia and the putsch carried out by the united forces of the democratic opposition in Belgrade and supported by NATO.
Exc 2:
Since the conviction of Milosevic was not possible after all the evidence the court heard, his death became the only way out for the NATO powers. Because the release of the former president would destroy the entire war propaganda system of the NATO machine and deal a blow to the interests of Western countries, which used the alliance as an iron fist.
Obviously, NATO did not expect that Milosevic would be able to successfully defend himself, especially with such boldness and determination. The beginning of the process was constantly reported by the media, newspapers published announcements on the subject on their front pages. The Milosevic trial was supposed to be the biggest event of the century.
However, soon the media coverage of that process was interrupted, and information about the process remained on the last pages of various publications. Things went terribly wrong on the NATO side from the very beginning.
Exc 3:
If the charges were dropped or if Milosevic were acquitted, it would have enormous geopolitical and geostrategic consequences. NATO would have to explain the real reasons for the aggression against Yugoslavia, and the leaders of those same countries would face accusations of war crimes. The decline in prestige would be difficult to measure. The only way out for NATO was to end the process and not allow the release of Milosevic and the recognition of the whole truth about the war. The death of Milošević in prison and the termination of the process logically followed from this.
1) Irish-born Samantha Power’s career-building book on genocide omitted one of history’s worst; one that her liberal establishment continues to conceal – the Holocaust of Ireland of 1845-1850. The at-gunpoint removal of Ireland’s abundant production of food crops required the deployment into Ireland of more than half (67 regiments) of Britain’s then-empire army of 126 regiments. “Holocaust”?: Michael Davitt, James Fitzgerald and others wrote of it as such in the 1800s. The Cork (now Irish) Examiner newspaper reported it as “Holocaust” starting on May 4, 1846 and continuing until November 19, 1855.
2) The augmented NATO’s March 1999 bombing of Serbia was enabled by the 1998 freeing up of Britain’s military from Ireland. That freeing-up was achieved by the defeat of the IRA. Chicago FBI Agent Patrick Buckley led the FBI team who, in 1994,5 joined MI5 in Ireland for that purpose. The mission continued past the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 that supposedly defeated the IRA They remained in Ireland until THEY knew they had defeated the IRA; departing upon mission completion, the evening of 15Aug1998 upon the murder of 29, to be blamed, as Buckley had done regarding the murder of the Langert family, on the IRA. Buckley had framed me but Murderer David Biro saved me by blabbing through his FBI cover into Life Without Parole. There is much more; but Chicago’s news media carefully defend their unknowingness.
Thanks, I wrote a little earlier about the unfortunate historical fate of the Irish.
The ICC issued arrest warrants for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova for saving children from a war zone but did it issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his partners in crime for killing thousands of children? Yes it’s noble what South Africa achieved against Israel and I support it but will it lead to any action? The international legal system is corrupt, biased, doesn’t perform the duties it should and it can’t be reformed.
On the occasion the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Serbs, thirty free-thinking Germans also came to the gathering at the Belgrade Forum for a world of equals.
Member of the Bundestag Rainer Rothfuss went to the monument of Milica Rakić (Odyssey: – 3 years old girl killed during bombing of Belgrade 1999), laid flowers and knelt down.
“What we believe in is justice, truth and friendship between nations. This is symbolized on the sweatshirt I gave to president Vučić. On the left side of the heart symbol are the colours of Germany, and on the right side is the Serbian flag. In front of the heart is a white dove as a symbol of peace. We long for reconciliation with Serbia, for achieving peace in Europe, including Russia,” said Rothfuss, an official of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), now the second party in Germany.
Back in 2019, Rainer Rothfuss was in Belgrade at a meeting “where the facts about the shame of the bombing, as well as the use of weapons with depleted uranium that senselessly killed thousands of innocent people… When the former YU Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke about the civilian victims, I realized how terrible the war was for the common people. How could NATO hit 60 percent of civilian targets and people in its member states still believe it was a ‘humanitarian action’.”
I know. It is a CRAZY WORLD!!!!!! But giving up solves nothing. Persistence has in the past and can again in the future. Some solace:
Just re the Karadjordjević family, something that wasn’t publicised by the media, prince Alexander has issued a formal apology to the Serbian nation for the creation of Yugoslavia by his uncle, king Alexander. But I agree that the official heir, whom we called Aca Gica is an a**hole.
To little too late. I’ll never understand their devotion to being British puppets and seeing everything Serbian just as something they are not part of or do not belong to. E.g. Regent wanted to remove our ancient alphabet from use and force Serbs to use a Latin one to please his beloved Catholic converts that slaughtered 10s of thousand of Serb civilians in the WW1!
Their greed and desire to rule, combined with narcissism and godlessness, have destroyed everything and caused millions Serb deaths. All evil that we experienced in the 20th century, from 1903 and up to today, is a consequence of them destroying everything Serbian – all on the behalf of the British.
P.S. Aca, aside from being a free masons, i.e. devil’s servant, is also a member of some catholic crusaders order. An order that fought against the Orthodox Church.
[1] Како су нам отели Србију – YouTube
[2] Карађорђе | Договор Цинцара и Хетерије – YouTube
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How many three year old Albanian girls were killed by Serbs?
Serbs served their Anglo Jewish masters well in the 19th century and up until Tito died. The Serbian holocaust, give me a break.