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FS1 Ep14

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JERVYN E. GUIANAN | Fourth Year Block-A

Episode 14
The Teacher as a PERSON and as a PROFESSIONAL

Activity 14.1 Teacher Personal Qualities: A View from My Lenses

Resource Teacher: Eralyn D. Darca Teacher’s Signature: ___________________

School: Rapu-Rapu Central School
Grade/Year: Two
Subject Area: Filipino Date: November 29, 2022
Personal Qualities Observe (O) Data Results
Interview (I) I have found out that ….
a. Dignified Observe The teacher I observe is respectable,
self-assured, and well-liked by her
b. Healthy Observe The teacher is physically healthy.
c. Spiritual Observe The teacher respects other religions
and has a strong
d. Knowledgeable Observe The teacher demonstrate mastery in
her field of teaching.
e. Humble Observe Despite her success, this teacher
maintains her modesty and has her
own ideals.
f. Determined Observe The teacher endures the heat, gives
effort in order for the student to cope-
up with the lesson, and doesn’t give
up quickly.
g. Cooperative Observe This teacher is willing to help out
when others are in need.

Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the information
that you have gathered.
Answer the following Questions.
1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal
qualities of the teacher you chose as your case? Why do you consider these as
a. Determined – Being determined as a teacher show that you are doing the best
giving your one hundred percent enable for the students to learn.
b. Knowledgeable – A teacher that shows mastery in her field combined with her
other positive characteristics is someone who can truly create a well educated
c. Dignity – The self-respect and dignity of a teacher are very important qualities.

2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher
someday? _____ Why? Describe your self.
Determined – Despite all the experience I’ve undergone I truly am doing my best
to finish my studies and provide a quality life to my family.

Good teachers are the role models, whether in school, at home or in the
community. From the teachers that you had from elementary to college, did the
personal qualities that they possess, help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristics of your model teacher that has made a great
impact in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.
My teacher's Determination help me as a student learn more efficiently. And their
qualities, like their readiness to recognize her role as a teacher and assist us in learning
and develop our skills. Thanks to the teacher's efforts to treat each student like her
children, it may be proved that schools serve as pupils' second homes.

Activity 14.2 Is the Teacher a Professional Teacher?

Resource Teacher: Eralyn D. Darca Teacher’s Signature: ___________________
School: Rapu-Rapu Central School
Grade/Year: Two
Subject Area: Filipino Date: November 29, 2022

Name of the Teacher: Eralyn D. Darca
PRC License No.
Grade level Taught: Grade Two

Answer the following statements based on your OBSERVATION of the teacher. Check
Yes or No or Doubtful.

Does the Teacher exhibit

Professional Competence the competence of a
professional teacher?
Check your answer below.
Yes No Doubtful
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
2. Teaches the subject matter very well with mastery
3. Keeps self updated with educational trends, policies
and curricula
4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate learning
with skill and ease
5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to
cooperate as partners in educating the children
6. Teaches with compassion based on the knowledge
and understanding of the characteristics and needs of
diverse learners
7. Prepares curriculum plans, implements these with
innovation in every lesson
8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate
assessment strategies and tools for lesson taught
9. Make classroom atmosphere physically (arrangement)
and psychology (friendly, inclusive)safe and secure for
10. Serves willingly beyond teaching work by
participating in other extracurricular activities when

Name and Signature of the Teacher Information (Peer)

Name and Signature of the Supervisor Information (Head)

Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)

Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher’s professional
competences? Now let us analyze the data.

Answer the following questions

1. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what
competencies is the teacher Strong? ___ Weak? ____ Doubtful? _____ Why?
Yes based on my observation this teacher truly show the characteristics of
a true professional teacher. All Competencies

2. Did you answer to the survey from coincide with the answers of the co-teacher or
head of the teacher you observed? Why?
Yes because her characteristics can be observe in her to day-to-day
works , thus, making her co-teacher been able to observe.

Now, it is time to reflect on Activity 2.
Complete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity
1. As a future teacher, the result imply that I should
As a future teacher, I do believe that ishould put my Professional
Competencies of Filipino Teachers into practice. I must know everything there is
to know about my chosen subject or career in order to share my knowledge and
assist students in developing their talents.

2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and
competencies as the teacher/s observed then learners will be
I do believe that, based on the teacher characteristics of the teacher that I
observe, I will be an efficient way and students won’t have difficulty learning.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Show here the artifacts of this Episode.
1. Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities and
professional characteristics that you have observed. You may request a picture
from the teacher.

My Teacher, My Hero

My teacher is a hero, for she do all that she can to fill the gap in education
caused by the pandemic. Her compassion let the students feel that they are guided all
the time when in their learning. She is an example of great teacher, for she treats her
students as one of her children.
My hero is my teacher, for she doesn’t give up even through the most difficult
challenges brought by her profession. She is determined to help her student achieve
greatness in life, for us teacher must prepare them for their future. Teachers are hero
for they go to war every day against ignorance.
(Picture of the Teacher Observed)

Narrative (about the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher)

LINK Theory to Practice

Based on Episode 1, choose the correct answer for each item.
1. Any teacher currently teaching is called a professional because he or she
I. is a licensed teacher
II. has personal qualities appropriate to be a teacher
III. possesses the characteristics given A, B, C.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

2. Which of the following is a quality that is unbecoming of teacher?

A. Patience and understanding
B. Humble and open minded
C. Aggressive and dominating
D. Dignified and accommodating

3. Which statement is TRUE about the spirituality of the teacher?

I. Goes to church everyday
II. Gives contribution to church activities
III. Behaves according to the beliefs, mores and tradition of the community
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

4. What could be the best practice of a professional teacher?

A. Burns midnight candle every night writing a lesson plan
B. Utilizes knowledge of the learners’ characteristics while teaching
C. Expects equal performance of learners in lessons taught
D. Masters one teaching method and uses it all the time.

5. The saying goes, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” How is this directly related
to teachers?
A. There are many teachers but few are qualified.
B. There are many professionals who shift to teaching.
C. Teaching is a very lucrative job.
D. The teachers assigned in the senior high school are the chosen teachers.

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