MC Engl 102 Act 1
MC Engl 102 Act 1
MC Engl 102 Act 1
1. Did any of your teachers in grade school teach you how to read literature when you
were a child? If so, how did this affect your appreciation of literature?
Yes, I do recall the days when practicing our reading abilities was actually
necessary in third grade. Sometimes it's just me and my teacher reading it; other
times it's in front of our classmates. My appreciation of literature has been
greatly influenced by my practice of reading during my elementary school years
because it has opened my eyes. I learned a lot from reading books, and this
knowledge is incredibly beneficial because I can still use it. My comprehension of
every material I read has improved since I started reading in elementary school.
Finally, it strengthens my speaking abilities. This also helps me pronounce words
clearly and give each sentence the appropriate amount of emphasis.
2. What educational experiences increased your enjoyment of specific text? What literary
text outside of the classroom did you enjoy reading when you were in grade school?
I think through reading. It improves my understanding, how I read literature, and
lastly, my imagination, in my opinion. Reading allows me to expand my
imagination through this activity, which enhances my creativity in all areas of my
academic achievement. I recall that I loved reading horror stories when I was in
elementary school. I find mystery, terror, and occasionally things that defy
scientific explanation to be so fascinating. Reading is a lot of pleasure, and it can
teach us a lot of information. This is why I think everyone should read because it
has so many advantages.
In groups of four (4) gather one example of children’s literature for each genre justifying your
choice. Give a brief description of each and point out and explain effective strategy/ies on how
to teach this literary text.
Picture Book MY PET FEET A little girl wakes up Reading aloud the
one day to find that story with
R, a vital piece of the pictures/illustrations,
alphabet, has using gestures or
vanished! Suddenly, reading it with feelings
she has pet feet so that the children
instead of a ferret. will be attentive and
Flocks of cows to easily catch their
replace crows flying attention. Language
in the sky. Giant concept should be
shoes (not shores!) emphasise such as the
live on the sandy text size, it should be
beaches of her town. colorful since children
is easily attracted to
such things when it
What could have comes to book.
happened to the
eighteenth letter of
the alphabet? Did it
get lost—or stolen?
One way or another,
the town needs to be
Historical Fiction Little House on the Lots of terrifying Let students pull out
Prairie adventures and important details,
challenges are faced organize information,
by the characters in and have the students
the book. There are to practice using
eye-opening listening strategies
discussions on and discussing
cultural and racial characters, settings,
differences and and important events
shows how life can in the story. Students
sometimes be should be allowed
unforgiving. time to make
connections to the
book whether those
connections be
personal or related
books which they have
read. The students can
work in small groups
to analyze the story by
creating a timeline
Modern Fantasy ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN Alice's Adventures in There are various ways
WONDERLAND Wonderland to introduce and
(commonly Alice in utilize modern fantasy
Wonderland) is an in the classroom.
1865 English novel by Some strategies I
Lewis Carroll. It would teach and use
details the story of a modern fantasy in my
young girl named classroom would be to
Alice who falls have students write a
through a rabbit hole continuation of a story
into a fantasy world that was previously
of anthropomorphic taught to the students.
creatures. I'd also have them
dictate some dialogue
between some of the
characters. Another
activity that can be
employed is
incorporating music
into the discussioncan
than can help readers
relate to fictional
situations and
Realistic Fiction PENNY AND HER MARBLE In this cautionary The effective way to
tale, Penny finds a teach this is to let the
beautiful blue marble students explore
on the sidewalk in penny's character
front of her traits and let them
neighbor’s house. reflect from the stories
She takes it home wherein they can think
but feels guilty about of a scenario that
stealing it and not relates to the story,
returning it to her afterwards, teacher
neighbor. Finally, she can ask questions
returns the marble about the children's
and her neighbor realization of the
tells her she can keep story.
Poetry " The owl and the Pussy The Owl and the After reading the
Cat" Pussy-cat is a three- poem, let the students
verse nonsense poem read it to check how
about an owl and cat they will pronounce
who fall in love and the word, the rhythm,
sail away to marry 'in and to ensure that the
the land where the students have
Bong Tree grows'. understood the story
line. Talk about the
words and ask the
students how they
knew what words to
fill in.
1. In a group of 3, read the poem (face to face) aloud simultaneously, checking for one
another’s pronunciation and rhythm.
2. Write or discuss the possible story behind the poem. For whom was it written? What led
to the writing of this poem?
The poem is about the romance between the owl and the pussycat, their
eventual marriage, with the turkey officiating, and how they were able to
purchase their engagement ring with the aid of the pig house. This poem was
written by Edward Lear for Janeth Symonds, the daughter of a friend. Edward
Lear created the poem when he was just three years old, and Janeth was born in
1865. The daughter of John Addington Symonds was Janeth.
3. Discuss issues the poem raised and how they relate to your life as student.
Their marriage and where they could find a ring were the primary issues in the
poem. And for a year and a day, they sailed away as a result. After purchasing
the pig with the ring on his snout, they were able to marry. It relates to me as a
student, since being a student is difficult. In order to succeed in life, we must put
in our best effort and overcome numerous obstacles. As students, we must be
patient and enjoy life in order to attain our goals and be successful. It is related
to poetry because we have many years and days to give up before realizing our
aspirations. In the poem, the characters sail for a year in order to obtain a ring.
4. Do you think this is a good poem for children to read? Try to figure to the reasons that
led to your judgement.
Yes, in my opinion, it is beneficial for kids since it will encourage them to read
and help them improve their language and critical thinking abilities.
Having the same group in ASSESS activity, choose one from the genres and come up with a
creative children’s book (six-eight pages) about it. As an added requirement, think of the value
of your children’s book for young people.
GENRE: Fiction
TITLE OF THE BOOK: Angelina loves…
VALUE FOR YOUNG READER: The lesson in this story is that we must not give up on the things
we want to achieve, even if they are very difficult. As they say, try and try until you succeed.
This story also serves as a reminder that asking for help from others should not be viewed as a
sign of weakness because it will be easier for you to achieve what you want if you have
someone that will help and support you. Aside from that, the lesson that we can get from this
story is that we should be considerate when it comes to the feelings of others. Lastly, always
keep in mind that your family will always be there for you, especially through trying times.