MS SCI 102-Lesson 7

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MS SCI 102 – Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades

Jervyn E. Guianan II-A

Lesson 7
Activity 1.
Circle the top three types of assessment utilized by your science teacher in the
classroom when you were in Elementary or Highschool, then answer the question

1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Group/Peer assessment
4. End of unit paper and pen tests
5. End of quarter paper and pen test
6. Quiz bee
7. Self-assessment
8. Performance task/Student demonstration
9. Science journal entries
10. Rubrics/Checklists
11. Visual displays
12. Laboratory report
13. Research report
14. Pencil and paper tests/drills
15. Oral recitation
16. Computer-assisted games or instruction

Which of these assessment strategies did you find effective? Explain your answer.
Well the end of quarter paper and pen test certainly delivers properly it purpose.
We all know that different schools has different capability of serving their students and
this can bring them all to tie for this is one of the accessible option. Now only that the
lesson’s taken up can be effortlessly created into a written exam when the proper
lesson are taught to the students.

Activity 2.
Choose three strategies and examine them in terms of advantages and implementation

Assessment Advantages Guidelines for

Strategies Implementation
1. Pencil and Paper This can be easily pulled off This can be commonly
Test/Drills even with a short preparation used for single lesson only
in both teacher and students. Or every after a topic.
One of the most efficient way
of assessments.
2. Science Journals This serve as an assessment This can be used in some
on laboratory understanding schools who are capable
of each students, we all know of acquiring minimum
that many schools can’t amount of materials that
access on multiple laboratory can be used for
material and equipment, experiments.
therefore they tend to let the
professor or the proctor to
demonstrate and let the
students observe and answer
some questions given by the
3. End of Quarter This can should be used This needs a period of
paper and pen every after a cluster of lesson preparation for both
test in order to assess the teacher and students, this
students’ performance in this should be a graded
long span of time. assessment.

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