Robust Smith Predictor Design For Time-Delay Systems With Performance
Robust Smith Predictor Design For Time-Delay Systems With Performance
Robust Smith Predictor Design For Time-Delay Systems With Performance
Abstract: A new method for robust fixed-order H∞ controller design for uncertain time-delay
systems is presented. It is shown that the H∞ robust performance condition can be represented
by a set of convex constraints with respect to the parameters of a linearly parameterized
primary controller in the Smith predictor structure. Systems with uncertain dead-time and
with multimodel and frequency-domain uncertainty can be considered straightforwardly in the
proposed approach. Furthermore, it is shown that the design method can also be extended to
design of robust gain-scheduled dead-time compensators. The performance of the method is
illustrated by simulation examples.
τ = 4.5s
0.5 Example 2 Consider the model studied in Meinsma and
Zwart [2000] given by:
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
The interval of variation of τ is gridded using q = 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
equally spaced points. A finer grid just increases the
number of constraints and for this example does not
change significantly the final controller. The performance
and uncertainty filters are respectively chosen as:
τ= 5.5s
s+1 s + 1.1
W1 (s) = 2 and W2 (s) = 0.2 (32)
0 5 10 15 20
Time [s]
25 30 35 40
10s + 1 s+1
Here, we use the SP with modified dead-time free model
Fig. 3. Example 1: Blue solid line: proposed; black dot- (Fig. 4) due to its simplicity. The dead-time free model
dashed line: ref Kaya [2001] Gm (s) is chosen as
Tm s + 1
Gm (s) = . (33)
4. EXTENSION TO UNSTABLE SYSTEMS Tm is computed in order to obtain H(s) = Gm (s) − P0 (s)
without a pole in s = 1. Since
The SP in the scheme shown in Fig. 1 cannot be used for 1
unstable plants since the controller will contain zeros in H(s) = [Tm s + 1 − e−0.2s ], (34)
right-hand side of the s-plan which cancel the unstable s−1
poles in the plant and leads to instability. To avoid if Tm = e−0.2 − 1, then s = 1 is a zero of H(s).
this unstable zero-pole cancellation, the control structure A PI as the primary controller is designed. The first step is
shown in Fig.1 should be changed. Several alternatives to choose the transfer function Ld (s), which must encircle
are available in literature to cope with unstable processes the critical point in the Nyquist diagram once and must
with dead-time (see, for example, De Paor [1985], Majhi contain one integrator. Therefore, it is chosen as
and Atherton [1998], Liu et al. [2005], Normey-Rico and s+1
Camacho [2007, 2009]). Consider, for instance, the SP with Ld (s) = 10 . (35)
modified dead-time free model depicted in Fig. 4 which s(s − 1)
is discussed in Normey-Rico and Camacho [2007]. In this Optimization problem (25) is solved considering N = 100
case, the dead-time free model is defined as Gm = N m equally spaced frequency points between ω = 10−3 rad/s
Dn and
the equivalent controller becomes: and ω = 103 rad/s and the following controller is obtained:
C0 (s) = (3.582s + 0.5838)/s (36)
r + u y
C(s) P (s) which yields γ = 0.6854. This result can be further
− improved by using a new Ld (s) based on C0 (s) in the
+ optimization problem. With this new Ld (s) = Gm (s)C0 (s)
Gm (s) P0 (s) − the optimal primary controller is:
C(s) = (2.994s + 0.4612)/s (37)
yp +
and γ = 0.6074. Figure 5 depicts the function
Γi (jω) = |W1 (jω)Si (jω)| + |W2 (jω)Ti (jω)|
Fig. 4. Smith Predictor with modified dead-time free where Si and Ti are respectively given by (7) and (8)
model with H = Gm − P0 and Pi is obtained by gridding of τ .
Note that the maximum value of the function is 0.6072, r + u y
which occurs when τ = τn + 0.02 = 0.22, is close to C(s, θ) P (s, θ)
the bound γ. It is worth to point out that, although
the conditions given in Theorem 1 are only sufficient to +
guarantee Γi ∞ < γ, with a proper choice of Ld it is Gn (s, θ) e−τn (θ)s
possible to obtain a solution with very low conservatism.
Furthermore, the resulting controller is a standard PI yp
which can be implemented in a straightforward manner +
and has great practical significance.
Fig. 6. Gain-Scheduled Smith Predictor
ρT (θ) = [ρ1 (θ), ρ2 (θ), . . . , ρn (θ)] (40)
τn+∆τ Every gain is a polynomial function of order δ of the
0.55 scheduling parameters and is defined as
0.5 ρi (θ) = (νi,δ )T θδ + . . . + (νi,1 )T θ + νi,0 (41)
Consider an uncertain plant P (s, θ) belonging to the set: Re{[1 + L∗d (jωk )][1 + Li (jωk , θl )]} < 0
for k = 1, . . . , N, i = 1, . . . , q, l = 1, . . . , m (44)
P = {G(s, θ)e−τi (θ)s , i = 1, . . . , q} (38)
where the dead-time free part of the model has unstruc- Example 3 The design method is applied on a simulated
tured multiplicative uncertainty and is described as: system having a resonance whose frequency changes as
G(s, θ) = Gn (s, θ)[1 + ∆(s)W2 (s)] (39) a function of a scheduling parameter θ. Consider the
and θ is a vector of scheduling parameters that belongs following plant model
to a finite set Θ = {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θm } (corresponding e.g. to P (s, θ) = G(s, θ)e−τ s (45)
the different operating point parameters). It is assumed where G(s, θ) = Gn (s, θ)[1 + ∆(s)W2 (s)] and
that the operating point does not frequently change (the
stability and performance are achieved for the frozen (2 + 0.2θ)2
Gn (s, θ) = (46)
scheduling parameter). The dead-time is also a function s2 + 0.2(2 + 0.2θ)s + (2 + 0.2θ)2
of the scheduling parameter and uncertain, so for a given 1.1337s2 + 6.8857s + 9
value of θ it belongs to the set {τ1 (θ), τ2 (θ), . . . , τq (θ)}. W2 (s) = 0.8 (47)
(s + 1)(s + 10)
We will consider the SP shown in Fig. 6 where both, and θ ∈ [−1, −0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]. Consider also that the dead-
the nominal model P0 (s, θ) = Gn (s, θ)e−τn (θ)s and the time is within the interval τ ∈ [2.7, 3.0, 3.3] but its ex-
primary controller C(s, θ) are functions of the scheduling act value is unknown in runtime. The objective is to
parameter vector θ. The goal is to compute a primary gain- design a primary gain-scheduling PID controller for the
scheduled controller for this scheme that meets the H∞ Smith Predictor structure considering the performance
robust performance specification. 2
filter W1 (s) = (20s+1) 2 . The parameters ρ of the primary
The primary controller C(s, θ) is linearly parametrized by: controller will be affine functions of the scheduling param-
C(s, θ) = ρT (θ)φ(s), where the basis function vector φ(s) eter θ. The filter of the derivative action is chosen to have
is defined in (5) and ρT (θ) is given by a time constant of Tf = 0.01s.
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