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STUDENT ID: 18031034
SPERVISOR: Dra. Sadhique

VOLUME 1, 2019 1
Date of publication April 26, 2019, date of current version April 26, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.


Department of Electronic and Telecommunication, University of the west of England, Bristol, United Kingdom

Corresponding author: K. ALWALEED ([email protected]).

This work was supported by scientific Research, global collage for engineering and technology

ABSTRACT The S band communications satellite frequencies offer a great opportunity to gather a higher bandwidth
demands. As the title of the paper itself proposes a wide-range look to the satellite communication link. Moreover, important
parameters that will administer the design of a communication satellite link. The importance of each one of these parameters
will be examined for the overall link performance. The performance will be discussed in terms of both quantity and quality
using the MATLAB Simulink. It could be understood that satellites are an evidence of technical development. That is
because of their use in communications, astrophysics and physics which have turned them into an unconditional and reliable
implementation of everyday use. Furthermore, currently communications satellites did not perform extra services of
commercial. Nonetheless, it is also being used for scientific educational regarding the radio researches. This is sufficient due
to the probability of building free cost satellite and earth stations for GEO using the simulation of MATLAB Simulink. In
this paper, we will study the link between an earth station to broadcast using radio frequency via a geostationary satellite in S
band. Moreover, the paper considers the setup of various components of both downlink and uplink. After that, the calculation
of the link budget for both systems is being done. The communication application allows us to simulate the budget link in
both directions the downlink and uplink. Furthermore, all parameters which been used in the link budget and calculation are
developed. Lastly, the verify of the link will be developed the possibility of designing this system using MATLAB Simulink.

INDEX TERMS S band, satellite communications, link budget, trade-off analysis, mitigation technique,
azimuth angel, GEO satellite, telecommunication, MATLAB, Simulink, radio frequency.

I. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE The idea of applying satellites communication go backs

The main objective of this paper is to establish the uplink to 1945. In that year a famous science writer his name Arthur
and downlink using the MATLAB Simulink simulation Clarke has defined the deployment of geostationary orbit
software. Both links has to considered to the Muscat satellites. Moreover, it could be implemented for the
environment. Such as, the weather are hot and desert storms determination of communicating radio signals. This
will be affecting the communication signals. Furthermore, perception revolved to the reality in time of 1962 by lunching
the distance of Muscat which hold the earth station will be the Telstar one. Which in fact help to establish the initial
calculated to find the path loss as in Muscat not located international and global link between Europe and USA. This
exactly in the equator. link help to provide a telephone communication in addition
to television services. To this date there are more than 3200
communication satellites which have been already launched.
Telecommunication satellite counters as the greatest More than one thousand satellites have already launched in
prominent one between other uses of satellite. This consider the last ten years. This is really a large number compared to
terms of the potential quantity of satellites launched in entire the satellites launched between 1970 to 1980. There were
categories. The uses filed of communication satellites only one hundred and fifty satellites lunched in that period.
generally involve international telephony, data There were around 650 satellites lunched in time between
communication services and television broadcasting. 1980 and1990. These satellites have secured and link the
Communication satellites perform as repeater stations which entire world together and prepared it appear like a one peace.
will afford uplink and downlink.

VOLUME 1, 2019 1
The background of upcoming communications satellite C. FREE SPACE LOSS
systems will be dealing with the implementation of the S
band. especially because of the saturation hold in this band. The Free-space loss is the loss which accrue when signal
The operation on this bands provides extra benefit losses its own power because of the distance between the
particularly a wider channel which infect upkeep a large transmitter and the receiver. Though, the free space is a
amount of users. Moreover, it is great for the user as it uses a theoretic conception of space empty of all substance. The
smaller antenna size and terminal [1]. current context implies isolation from totally every material
The work shows in this paper is the design of the satellite objects. This types of matter which could affect the delay of
and which involves the part to analysis the mission of a the electromagnetic waves. Nonappearance of any substantial
telecommunications satellite. For example, telecom satellite martial attenuation of electromagnetic signal will radiated an
is a geostationary satellite have same period as the day 23 electromagnetic power diminishes as the reverse square of
hours and 58 minuets [2]. the distance from the transmitter. In the situation of uplink
The simulation consists of uplink system and downlink budget, the antenna of the Earth station will act as the
system through a geostationary satellite. Additionally, the transmitter and the transponder of the satellite act as the
calculation of both links budget will be done in order to receiver. It is the reverse in the case of downlink budget. The
understand if this links can be really achieved in the real-life figure one below shows the fading phenomenon.


The computation of uplink and downlink is a very
essential stage in the design part of any satellite. That is in
order to make ensure the appropriate operational after the
launch. Moreover, we have to ensure that the structure
typically working with the parameters to do that calculation
of the link budget and downlink budget is being done. a
lower margin of error in both links is really important. It is
important as because a large margin causes over-sizing of the
system and an extra cost. Furthermore, a lesser margin can
cost an extreme error rate which in other hand lead to loss of
the bond. consequently, it necessary to modify the
parameters of the entry till the margin reach at least 8 dB
FIGURE 1. the fading phenomenon shows the difference time respect
larger than the rate of the quality of the estimated link [3]. to the signal power received.
The link budget calculation consists of the finding the ratio of
carrier signal to noise density. The calculation will be for The calculation of free space loss or ( Ls ) which is
both levels of the satellite which is uplink and at the other mentioned in both equations (1) and (2) is a fundamental step
level which is downlink. The equations below show the in the link budget calculation and especially for the
calculation of the links [4]. geostationary communication satellite. That is because of the
huge distance between the Earth station and the satellite. The
A. UPLINK BUDGET CALCULATION losses in the free space can be stated by the following
( ) = 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡,𝑏 − 𝐿𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑,𝑏 + 𝐺𝑡,𝑏 − 𝐿𝑓 + 𝐺𝑟,𝑠 − 𝑇𝑠,𝑠 − 𝑘 − 𝐿𝑠 (1)
𝑁0 𝑈
𝐿𝑓 = 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( 4𝜋𝑑
) 2 (dB) (3)


Adding to that, it is important to take into consideration
all type of losses that signal may travel throw. Which in fact
( ) = 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡,𝑠 − 𝐿𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑,𝑠 + 𝐺𝑡,𝑠 − 𝐿𝑓 + 𝐺𝑟,𝑏 − 𝑇𝑠,𝑏 − 𝑘 − 𝐿𝑠 (2) cause disintegration of the link budget. Therefore, the signal
𝑁0 𝐷
disturbed by a range of losses which degrade it. All type of
disintegration which happen outside the transmitter and the
𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the power output from the transmitter and 𝐿𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑 is receiver except the path loss gathered in one term as Ls . This
the feeder loss. Moreover, 𝐺𝑡 is the transmitting gain and 𝑇𝑠 paper will take consideration over the rain and sandstorm
is the equivalent noise temperature. k is the constant where which both effecting the capital of the saltant of Oman.
𝐿𝑠 is the atmospheric loss. Lf is the free space loss.


θL = Earth station longitude
𝛼= 𝑎𝑅 𝑏
(7) θl = Earth station latitude
Along with electromagnetic energy attenuation there is H. DISTANCE FROM EARTH
another negative effect produced by rain which is The used communication satellite is a geostationary
depolarization. The assignment as it mentions depolarization satellite. A geostationary orbit is a constant speed with orbital
is considered as ignored. period equals to the Earth period of 23 hour and 55 min. For
any orbit which is plane to the equator it will remain
F. ROUND TRIP TIME DELAY stationary respecting to that given argument on the Earth.
Round-trip time delay (RTTD) and in which sometimes These types of orbits are called a geostationary orbits (GEO).
called a round-trip delay (RTD). It refers as the time needed To reach the geostationary satellite orbital velocity the
for a signal pulse to transport from a particular source to a satellite has to be at a height of 35,786 km from the earth
destination and return back. In uplink situation, the surface equator. To calculate the distance from any place
communication source is the earth station which initiate the away from the equator the sin and cos formulas will be used.
signal after that travels to the destination satellite. In
downlink the process is vise reverse. Equation below to find I. ANTENNA PARAMETERS
the time delay where C is the speed of light and d is the In addition, to the parameters of the antenna the gain play
distance. one of the key element related with the parabolic antenna
reflector. At the higher level of gain is one of the core
𝐶 motives of why the reflector parabolic antennas were used.
𝑇= seconds (8)
2𝑑 Indeed, the parabolic reflector antenna gain could go as high
as thirty to forty dB. These value of the gain are hard to
G. AZIMUTH ANGLE achieve using the other forms of antenna.
The azimuth angle (A) of the Earth station antenna is Common feature of all those models is the gain of
defined as the angle shaped between the line of the horizontal parabolic dish or the gain of the parabolic antenna. In other
plane and the plane passing through the satellite. By hand the bigger antennas have a larger levels of parabolic
conditional of the location of the Earth station and the gain. It is a prime important the playing rolls of performance
satellite point then the angle of azimuth can be figured as of all these antennas type.
follow. There are a few numbers of factors which affect the gain
of parabolic antenna. These elements consist of the span of
𝑡𝑎𝑛|𝜃𝑠 −𝜃𝐿 | the reflecting surface. The greater the antenna span of the
𝐴 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1( ) (9)
reflecting surface the greater the gain of the parabolic
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃𝑙
reflector will be.
Where Another element is wavelength operational. The antenna
gain of parabolic reflector is independent to the reflector size
θs = satellite longitude
in relationships of wavelengths. As a result, if the same
θL = Earth station longitude reflector is used in two unlike frequencies that will result in
θl = Earth station latitude gain difference. It is in reverse proportional to the
wavelength which is being used.
Other factor to consider is antenna efficiency. The
H. ELEVATION ANGEL effectiveness of the antenna has a substantial influence on the
The elevation angle of the Earth station (E) is the angle overall antenna gain. Typical effective percentage are
lays between the line of the local horizontal plane and the between 50% and 60%. The effectiveness will differ as a
plane passing through the satellite. because of a number of other elements which are in depth
will be explained below.
𝑟−𝑅 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿 | The antenna gain of parabolic reflector is computed as the
𝐸= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 [ ] − gain over an isotropic source. Isotropic is relative to the
𝑅 𝑠𝑖𝑛{𝑐𝑜𝑠−1(𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿|)}
power which radiates equally in completely every direction.
𝑐𝑜𝑠−1 (𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿 |) (10) This is a theoretic power which used as the standard against
real life antennas. The gain is repowering the signal and it
unit is dBi. Standard formula used to calculate the antenna
Where gain of parabolic reflector is:
r = orbital radius, 𝜋𝐷 2
R = Earth’s radius 𝐺 = 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑘 ( ) (11)
θs = satellite longitude


Where (G) act as the gain over an isotropic power in dB. For any orbit which is plane to the equator it will remain
Moreover, (k) is the effectiveness factor which is normally stationary respecting to that given argument on the Earth.
goes about 50% to 60%. Furthermore, (D) is the distance of These types of orbits are called a geostationary orbits (GEO).
the antenna reflector in meters and λ represent the signal To reach the geostationary satellite orbital velocity the
wavelength in meters. satellite has to be at a height of 35,786 km from the earth
To measure the effectiveness of an antenna at receiving surface equator.
there will be few elements to consider such as receiving cross The capital of Saltant of Oman located in latitude of
section, effective area and antenna aperture. The aperture is 23.588 north of the equator. So, the distance from Muscat to
defined as the space range which is perpendicular of the the geostationary satellite will be more than 35,786 Km.
using the sin, cos and tan formulas the distance can be found
signal received direction. This will allow an intercept amount
as it appears in the figure three.
of power from that signal as is produced by the antenna
receiving it.

2 ×𝐺 𝐶
2 ×𝐺
𝐴𝑒 = = (12)
4𝜋 𝑓2 ×4𝜋


The time-division multiple access (TDMA) at the
transponder will share both power and bandwidth by more
than a few earth stations. Each station transmits a radio
frequency bursts at the identical carrier frequency but at a FIGURE 3. Distance from Muscat to the satellite using sin and cos
different time. The carriers will be modulated by signals formulas. The distance from equator to Muscat is equal to 2549.4 Km
and the distance from Muscat to the satellite equal to 36407.68 Km.
approaching from multiple sources. Because all the earth
stations are synchronized which then only one burst occupies
the transponder for any specified time. this will result in the
The azimuth angle (A) of the Earth station antenna is
bursts from every different earth stations will never overlap.
defined as the angle shaped between the line of the horizontal
The Power amplifiers in other hand, can be operated at the
plane and the plane passing through the satellite. In this part
maximum efficiency in the earth station.
Muscat azimuth angle will be calculated based on GEO
Subsequently, since intermodulation noise is unpresented
satellite which it longitude are same as the Oman capital.
the communications capability is greater than then which
achievable with (FDM/FM/FDMA). The bursts will be
amplified by the transponder in the satellite and will be 𝑡𝑎𝑛|𝜃𝑠 −𝜃𝐿 |
𝐴 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) (13)
beamed down to other earth stations. For the downlink bursts 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃𝑙
will be receiving and detecting. Afterward de-multiplexed 𝑡𝑎𝑛|58.3829𝑜 −58.3829𝑜 |
the signals are brought to its destinations. Additional 𝐴 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 ( ) = 0𝑜 (14)
𝑠𝑖𝑛 23.5880𝑜
advantages of using (TDMA) including the ability in
accommodating a transmission systems development.
The necessities of uplink power control which is very
strict in (FDM/FM/FDMA) systems. Moreover, it is
θs = satellite longitude = 58.3829o
significantly reduced in (TDMA) systems. Nonetheless, θL = Earth station longitude = 58.3829o
when the bandwidth is only marginally higher than the θl = Earth station latitude = 23.5880o
signal symbol rate then the joined effect of transmit side and
nonlinearities made in result inter symbol interference and C. ELEVATION ANGEL CALCULATION
signal distortion that cannot be eliminated by linear filtering The elevation angle of the Earth station (E) is the angle
at the receive side. In case where the backoff of the power lays between the line of the local horizontal plane and the
amplifier is still needed to keep the signal filth within limits. plane passing through the satellite. In this part Muscat
azimuth angle will be calculated based on GEO satellite
IV. PRELIMERY CALCULATION which it longitude are same as the Oman capital. Moreover,
the radius of the orbit is equal to 42,156.92 km as pre
A. DISTANCE FROM EARTH CALCULATION calculated in the satellite distance part.
The used communication satellite is a geostationary
satellite. A geostationary orbit is a constant speed with orbital
period equals to the Earth period of 23 hours and 55 minutes.


𝑟−𝑅 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿 | There is a main import point which need to be declared
𝐸= 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 [ ] − for the downlink like the distance which is been calculated
𝑅 𝑠𝑖𝑛{𝑐𝑜𝑠−1(𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿|)}
previously in the preliminary calculation part. The distance
𝑐𝑜𝑠−1 (𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠|𝜃𝑠 − 𝜃𝐿 |) (15) of 36407.68 Km. The frequency used is 3.8GHz as the higher
and (R) is the surface rate of the rain at the location of frequency provide a better quality and frequency diversity is
Muscat with average of 0.0165 yearly [13]. important to achieve the system protection. This done by
operating two frequencies one for uplink and other one is for
downlink. Moreover, the area of the antenna is equal to the
𝛼 = 𝑎 𝑅𝑏 (28) 𝟎. 𝟐𝟏𝟔 𝒎𝟐 which in fact equals to two meters. The
9 270 temperature has been set to typical value as the Muscat
𝛼 = 4 × 10 × 0.016 = 0 (29)
temperature take value of temperature average of 40 degrees.
In kelvin it approximately equals to 313 which is rounded to
290 K. Both Doppler error and phases noise is being ignored
The attenuation due to the rain can be called by (Arain ) as the assignment told so. Below figure
which stretched over the path length of L and can be
computed as bellow.

𝐴𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 { ∫0 𝛼 𝑑𝛼} (30)
𝐴𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ∫0 𝛼 𝑑𝛼 = 2 𝑑𝐵 (31)

Where α is the exact attenuation of rain fade in dB/km.

Exact attenuation again depends upon various factors like
rain drip size and drop size distribution. The refractive index
and the operating wavelength are also factors of the rain


Round-trip time delay (RTTD) and in which sometimes
called a round-trip delay (RTD). It refers as the time needed
for a signal pulse to transport from a particular source to a
destination and return back. In uplink situation, the
communication source is the earth station which initiate the
signal after that travels to the destination satellite. In
downlink the process is vise reverse. Equation below to find FIGURE 4. block parameters shows the major aspects of the downlink.
Each of the mask parameters sets the parameters in the corresponding
the time delay where C is the speed of light and d is the radio frequency impairment or corresponding correction block(s).

𝑇= 2𝑑
seconds (32)  Bernoulli Binary Generator
Bernoulli-distributed function is to generate a random
𝑇= = 4.1seconds (33) binary numbers. That will be done using a Bernoulli
2 ×(36407680)
distribution. The function of Bernoulli distribution is to
produces zero with probability p and one with probability 1-
p. The Bernoulli distribution has mean value 1-p and
V. DESIGN AND SIMULATION variance p(1-p). The Probability of a zero parameter specifies
p, and can be any real number between zero and one.
A. DOWNLINK MATLAB DESIGN The probability with which a zero or one output occurs.
In this situation the best to choose the 50% chance of both.
Downlink is the process of sending the signal the satellite Moreover, the initial seed for the random number generator it
transponder to the earth station. The process of sending the is Specify to Parameter to define the number of 40 as initial
signal will go throw a lot of attenuation and internal noise seeds. The simple time is the time between each sample of a
within the subsystems. Every block of the process will be column and it measured to be fit for the used frequency and it
shows and proven of why it is being used. is equal to 1 × 10−5 . The number of samples per frame in
one channel of the output signal is set to 400.
 Major link parameters of downlink


The output type of the block will be specified as a double.
And the simulation mode selected as interpreted which mean
it will simulate without generating code. As we need fast

 High power amplifier

The high power amplifier is being used in the transmitting

part to provide the power needed for the signal to travel
throw loss path. In order to do so the Saleh model will be
used. There will be two Saleh model and both has to have
same values. The purpose of having two is that to use it as a
feedback system with the help of digital Predistortion. It is
also added a memoryless nonlinearity to complex baseband
signal. The input scaling of the Saleh model will be -30.6266
and the output scaling will go up to 32.9118 dB increasing
the power up to 63.5371 dB. Below in the figure eight shows
the parameters used for the Saleh model in High power

FIGURE 9. block of space path loss. The distance from the earth
station to the satellite and the frequency operation for the downlink.

 Attenuation due to the rain

As previously be calculated the attenuation of the rain in
Muscat will has an effect of 2dB. The attenuation path is
presented in MATLAB as a loss of power with same value in
negative mention it as loss. Below figure 10 show the value
of the loss. Because the rain is not constant thing so the slider
gain is used to change between the weather condition.

FIGURE 8. block of Saleh model showing the parameters used, all the
values is nominal to an impedance of 1 ohm.

 Free Space Loss

It is the loss of signal power because of the distance from
the transmitter to the receiver. The block of Space Path Loss
simulates the loss of power of the signal using two matching the block self-calculated loss and it is equal to 196
parameters which is the distance and the frequency. Every dB.
time the distance increases the path loss increases and the
same for the frequency. The first parameter is the frequency
and it is set to 3.8GHz for downlink and the second
parameter is the distance as pre-calculated is equal to
36407.68 and the figure below shows the design. The
calculation done previously to calculate the space loss is


FIGURE 12. block of antenna gain of the receiver at the satellite.

FIGURE 10. block of rain attenuation of -2dB. The slider can be change
if there is no rain the communication will be better.
 Antenna thermal
The antenna which is being used will be suffer to a
thermal affect. The average temperature in Muscat is 40
degrees and which is equal to 313.15 kelvin. Below is figure
13 shows the thermal noise for both transmitters in earth
station and receiver in the satellite.
 Sand Storm Attenuation
As previously be calculated the attenuation of the sand storm
in Muscat will has an effect of 27.13dB. The attenuation path
is presented in MATLAB as a loss of power with same value
in negative mention it as loss. Below figure 11 show the
value of the loss. Because the sand storm is not constant
thing so the slider gain is used to change between the weather

FIGURE 13. block of thermal noise within the antenna. The average
temperature is shown is kelvin in the figure.

 Low Noise Amplifire

FIGURE 11. block of sand storm attenuation of -27.13dB. The slider can
be change if there is no sand storm the communication will be better.
It is important to have the low noise amplifier in the
receiver in order to power up the low signal that has been
received. The function of low noise amplifier is to amplify
 Antenna gain at the receiver
the signal with a lower noise affection. The gain of the
The gain of the receiver at the satellite will be the same
amplifier is set to very high value to receive a good signal.
size of the ground antenna of two matters. Therefore, the gain
The gain of one mega dB is set to achieve the higher quality
will be same equals to 35.8. Figure 12 bellow shows the
of connection. Figure 14 bellow shows the gain set to one
antenna gain in dB.
mega of act as low noise amplifier.

6 VOLUME XX, 2017

FIGURE 14. block of low noise amplifier with gain of one mega dB.

 DC Blocker
DC Blocker removes the DC component the coming
signal. The algorithm used in the IIR DC blocker which is it
the best way to element the DC component. The bandwidth
set to the lowest and the filter order it taken as 6 for better
response. Figure 15 shows the setting.

 16-QAM demodulator
The purpose of QAM Demodulator is to demodulate the
signal that was modulated in the satellite 16-QAM
modulator. All the setting of the demodulator has to match
the modulator to get the real signal back. Figure 19 bellow
shows the setting for the demodulator.

FIGURE 19. block of 16-QAM demodulator. The setting is matching the

modulating 16-QAM.

 Full design of downlink

The design of downlink has been developed and added
FIGURE 20. Full downlink module with analysis tools.
some analysis blocks will be explained later in the analysis of
the results in other section. The model parameter shows the
primary details of the link. Bellow figure 20 shows the full

6 VOLUME XX, 2017

VI. Simulation and Results
A. Uplink simulation results

The uplink will be tested and the results will be shown as

the bit error rate, end-to-end constellation, constellation after
HPA, the power spectrum and carrier to noise ration.

 Bit Error Rate

The block at the right hand side it computes the error rate
of the received data that is by comparing it to a delayed
version of the transmitted data. The block output is a three-
element vector consisting of the error rate, followed by the
number of errors detected and the total number of symbols
compared. This vector can be sent to either the workspace or
an output port. Below in figure 38 shows the bit error rate for

FIGURE 39. end to end constellation for uplink communication.

 Constellation before and after HPA

This block will enable to compare the transmitted signal

constellation before which is colored with dark blue and after
HPA with light blue. The amplifier gain will cause the high
power amplifier Output signal to be larger than the high
power amplifier signal Input. This plot will show us the
effect of the high power amplifier.
FIGURE 38. bit error rate for uplink communication. It shows an error
with only 0.00004 bit/s. where it is a good communication in fact.

 End-to-End Constellation

This block will enable the comparison of the reference

16-QAM constellation which is colored in red with the
received to 16-QAM constellation before demodulation
colored in blue. The comparison of the constellation
diagrams will show the effect of all the radio frequency
losses on the received signal. Below figure 39 shows end to
end constellation for uplink.

FIGURE 40. Constellation effect of the high power amplifier.

 Power spectrum

6 VOLUME XX, 2017

This block enables to view the power spectrum of the communication link budget was defined to demonstrate the
modulated or filtered signal shows with color yellow and the process. The summarized of the satellite communication link
signal received before demodulation with color blue. design approach is the most main points which is essential to
achieving a robust satellite communication link design with
anticipated characteristics.


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A quantity of aspects which has to be taken into
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communication tools needed to be taken into consideration. for Satellite Communication", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
The communication link which include carrier to noise ratios vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2378-2384.
and the bit error rate are great pointers of the probability of
the design of the system. The system accessibility is Wang, L., Liu, Y. & Yin, Z. 2018, "A Hybrid TDMA/CSMA-Based
Wireless Sensor and Data Transmission Network for ORS Intra-
additional factor with high interest and need therefore to be Microsatellite Applications", Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 18, no. 5,
taken into consideration. The reuse of frequency improves pp. 1537.
the satellite capacity. In fact, it makes it an important element
for improving the communication link. The sample

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Wang, X., Li, Y., Zhao, S., Zheng, Y., Zhu, Z. & Cao, G. 2019, "A
tradeoff resource allocation based on MF‐ TDMA scheme in the
multibeam data relay satellite systems", International Journal of Satellite
Communications and Networking, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 200-212.


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Communications", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
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