A Fuzzy Logic Method For Autotuning A PID Controll
A Fuzzy Logic Method For Autotuning A PID Controll
A Fuzzy Logic Method For Autotuning A PID Controll
A fuzzy logic method for autotuning a PID controller: SISO and MIMO systems
4 1,249
3 authors, including:
Antonio A. R. Coelho
Federal University of Santa Catarina
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Abstract: In this paper a new method for autotuning SISO and MIMO PID fuzzy logic
controllers (FLC) is proposed. The fuzzy autotune procedure adjusts on-line the
parameters of a conventional PID controller located in the forward loop of the process.
Fuzzy rules are based on the representation of human expertise on how can be the
behaviour of gain and phase margins of a control system to efficiently compensating the
system errors. Performance and robust stability aspects are assessed by practical and
simulated examples.
Keywords: fuzzy control, PID control, multivariable feedback control, nonlinear systems,
In this paper a method for autotuning SISO and MIMO
For years the fuzzy logic control has proved its broad FLC is proposed. The autotune procedure adjusts on-
potential in industrial applications (Altrock and line the parameters of a conventional PID controller
Gebhardt, 1996; Qin, et al., 1998). The fuzzy control located in the forward loop of the process.
theory has been applied to a number of systems with In order to give an autotuning capacity to SISO and
single-input and single-output (SISO) structures, MIMO cases, a scheme of identification and sequential
mainly to overcome uncertain parameters and multivariable identification are implemented by using
unknown models (Hu et al, 1999). Generally, fuzzy relay feedback (Wang and Shao, 1999; Luyben, 1990;
control shows good performance for controlling Shen and Yu, 1994; Shiu and Hwang, 1998). Since the
nonlinear and uncertain systems that could not be transfer function in each step of the sequential design
controlled satisfactorily by using conventional has a mix of underdamping and overdamping behavior,
controller, for example, a conventional PID controller a second-order plus dead-time structure is adopted as
(Ying, et al., 1990). Also, in applications when there plant model. Also, fuzzy rules, employed to determine
are multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) the set of PID gains, are based on the representation of
systems with strong loop interactions, conventional human expertise on how must be the behavior of gain
controllers do not work well and advanced control and phase margins of a control system to efficiently
conceptions are required. Control literature of MIMO compensating the system errors. In both SISO and
fuzzy logic controllers (MIMO FLC) shows limited MIMO cases, gain and phase margins are determined
results and a great effort has been used by researchers by a set of Mandani rules and the membership function
to derive stable control strategies. Usually, a MIMO of the fuzzy sets are based on the system error and its
FLC is tuned by trial-and-error that means a tedious difference.
and time-consuming task, and design techniques for
systematic tuning must be obtained. Also, MIMO FLC Performance and robust stability aspects are assessed
applications are frequently solved by using the by practical and simulated examples of SISO and
conventional decoupling theory and with single FLCs, MIMO systems. Simulation results for other
resulting in high-dimensional rule-bases that may not conventional control algorithms are also included for
be implemented in practical systems, due to required comparison purpose. The proposed control scheme
processing time (Nie, 1997). offers advantages over the conventional fuzzy
controller such as: i) a systematic design is attained in 2π 1
t − jω t
∫ u y r (t )e u dt
both SISO and MIMO cases; ii) it is necessary only ωu = ; G p ( jω u ) = − = − 0t − jω t
one rule base for all loops; iii) the tuning mechanism is Tu Ku ∫0u u r (t )e u dt
simple and control operators can easily understand how (3)
it works; and iv) it is completely autotuned, requiring
only one relay feedback experiment per loop. where, yr(t) and ur(t) are process and relay output,
respectively. Ku and ωu are process critical gain and
frequency, respectively.
2. AUTOTUNING OF FUZZY PID CONTROLLER: Literature shows many methods for tuning PID
SISO CASE - FPID-SISO control. In this paper, the initial PID parameters are
determined by considering the transfer function of the
Since the proposed controller uses a nonlinear form (Wang and Shao, 1999)
fuzzification algorithm and output membership
functions, the controller can be considered as a As 2 + Bs + C
nonlinear PID where parameters are tuned on-line Gc ( s ) = k
based on error e(t) and change of error de(t) about a
setpoint r(t), as shown in Fig. 1. The system error is where A=Kd/k, B=Kc/k, C=Ki/k and (Kc, Ki, Kd) are the
compensated by a set of fuzzy linguistic rules which PID gains.
are derived from the experience and knowledge of a
control designer on how can be the behaviour of gain Zeros of the controller are chosen to cancel the poles
and phase margins for efficiently compensating the of the process model, A=a, B=b and C=c. Then, the
system error. In this sense the FPID-SISO can be following relationship holds
interpreted as a fuzzy gain scheduling PID controller.
ke − sL
G p ( s )Gc ( s ) = (5)
where k is obtained by considering the gain (Am) and
phase margin (Φm ) and the gain crossover frequency
(ωg) and phase crossover frequency (ωp). So, the
following relation can be derived
π 1
Φm = 1 − (6)
2 Am
Fig. 1. Fuzzy logic controller system. and PID parameters are
An approximated model for the process is considered. 2.2 Autotuning fuzzy logic controller engine
A second-order transfer function with time-delay is
usually enough for practical systems and is given by The gain margin Am and the phase margin Φm, Eq.(6)
and (7), are considered linguistic variables which
e − sL values are defined with respect to the same universe
G p (s) = (1) of discourse specified by human expertise about the
as 2 + bs + c
operational knowledge of the process. It is assumed
that the feedback system gain and phase margins are
where a, b, c and Ld are unknown parameters and they
in prescribed ranges [Am,min, , Am,max] and [Φm,min ,
need to be determined by a feedback relay
experiment. Depending on a, b and c, the model may Φm,max], respectively. For convenience, values of Am
have real or complex poles and it is representing both are normalized into a range between zero and one by
monotonic and oscillatory processes. Under relay the following linear transformation
experiments, the parameters a, b and c are given by
the following equations Am' = ( Am − Am, min ) ( Am, max − Am, min ) (8)
where Am,i is the gain margin for i rule, Ai, Bi and Ci By using the membership functions in Fig.2c, the
are fuzzy sets on the corresponding supporting sets. following condition holds
The membership functions of these fuzzy sets for e(t) n
and de(t) are shown in Fig.2c. Fuzzy rule base sets are ∑ µi = 1 (15)
obtained from operator’s expertise by using the step i =1
(b) The new fuzzy PID controller is now assessed for its
(a) ability to control nonlinear and time-varying plants,
and to evaluate its performance in comparison with
the corresponding PID control tuned without the
fuzzy part of the algorithm. Four experiments are
shown: three simulations and one practical system.
The first system to be tested is a second-order plus
time-delay with the following transfer function
Fig. 2. (a) Plant response and fuzzy rule base sets; (b)
rules base; (c) membership functions. G p (s) = e −2s (17)
(2.5s + 1)(3.75s + 1)
The fuzzy set Ci may be either Big or Small and it is
characterised by logarithmic membership functions. The Since it is known that the PID controller can deal with
grade of the membership µ and the variable A has the
low-order linear systems with short dead-time and
time-invariant, an error of 50% with variance of 0.01
following relation
is applied to the time-delay estimation for assessing
the performance of the controllers. As shown in Fig.
µ B ( Am' ) = − η1 ln(1 − Am' ) (11) 4, FPID performs better than PID controller.
−( δ ' |)
µ M ( Am' ) = 1 − e |0.5 − Am
− jω u ,i Li K c ,i bi
ci − real [e G p ,i ( jω u ,i )] π c
ai = (21) K i ,i = 2 LA i i = 1, 2 (25)
ω u2,i K d ,i m ,i
a i
− jω u ,i Li
imag[e G p ,i ( jω u ,i )]
bi = (22) where the parameters Am,i is a nonlinear variable
ω u ,i determined by the fuzzy engine.
Design steps for the auto-tuning MIMO fuzzy
where the index i is the loop number and ωui is the controller are: i) tune a Ziegler-Nichols PID
crossover frequency controller considering individuals loops; ii) if the
control system is unstable, one step of a sequential
design should be done to tune a PID controller for the
3.2 Autotuning multivariable fuzzy logic controller MIMO process; iii) identify the MIMO system by
engine performing a relay experiment in each loop while the
other loops are under PID controllers designed in step
The multivariable fuzzy logic controller proposed in one. A transfer function like that of Eq. (19) is
this paper utilizes fuzzy rules to determine the set of obtained for each loop; iv) define the discourse
PID parameters. As in the SISO case, control signals universe to the fuzzy variables; v) specify the
in the MIMO case are generated by PID controllers, maximum and minimum values to A’ m. Typical values
Fig. 11. for A’ m ranges from 2 to 5 and is corresponding to
phase margin between 30 to 45; vi) apply the MIMO
fuzzy controller engine.