Control-System Time Varying Delays
Control-System Time Varying Delays
Control-System Time Varying Delays
Abstract: The paper presents a model-based control design method linear systems
with time-varying delays. The design is based on pole placement of input-output
models. Furthermore, the design of an output feedback controller is divided into
two independent design tasks: a predictor design and a feedback design for non-
delayed output.
3.1 Systems
Instead, for the overall IO-relation there exists a y1 such that (uo , (y1 , yo )) satisfies
the equation
So = {(uo , yo )|∃y1 [(uo , (y1 , yo )) ∈ Si ]} (13) Ã1 (r)y1 = −Ã2 (r)yo + B̃1 (r)uo (17)
If the delay θ and the prediction interval ϑ are Thus x can be uniquely eliminated and the overall
related to each other by system is generated by
ϑ(k) = θ(k + ϑ(k)) (24)
ã(q)ẽ(q) .. −b̃d (q) (34)
q ϑ(.) rθ(.) u = u (25) 5. OBSERVER DESIGN