Kashiwagi, H. (2004) CAutoCSD–evolutionary search and optimisation
enabled computer automated control system design. International Journal
of Automation and Computing 1(1):pp. 76-88.
Yun Li 1 , Kiam Heong Ang, Gregory C.Y. Chong, Wenyuan Feng 2 , Kay Chen Tan3
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, UK
Hiroshi Kashiwagi
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science
Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, Japan
Corresponding author email: [email protected]
Present Address: Xinjiang Esquel Textile Co. Ltd., 6 Yinchuan Road, Urumqi 830054, China
Present Address: Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
This paper attempts to set a unified scene for various linear time-invariant (LTI) control system design
schemes, by transforming the existing concept of ‘Computer-Aided Control System Design’ (CACSD)
to the novel ‘Computer-Automated Control System Design’ (CAutoCSD). The first step towards this
goal is to accommodate, under practical constraints, various design objectives that are desirable in both
time and frequency-domains. Such performance-prioritised unification is aimed to relieve practising
engineers from having to select a particular control scheme and from sacrificing certain performance
goals resulting from pre-committing to the adopted scheme. With the recent progress in evolutionary
computing based extra-numeric, multi-criterion search and optimisation techniques, such unification of
LTI control schemes becomes feasible, analytically and practically , and the resultant designs can be
creative. The techniques developed are applied to, and illustrated by, three design problems. The
unified approach automatically provides an integrator for zero-steady state error in velocity control of a
DC motor, meets multiple objectives in designing an LTI controller for a non-minimum phase plant
and offers a high-performing LTI controller network for a nonlinear chemical process.
Keywords: LTI, PID, Control System Design, CACSD, Performance Index, Genetic Algorithms,
Evolutionary Computation, Process Control, Robust Control.
Before any design actually takes place in control engineering practice, an applications engineer needs
to choose a control scheme to suit his/her application. At present, a single control scheme does not
offer all what a practising engineer desires to obtain (Kashiwagi 1983; Levine 1996). One control
scheme is often restricted ad hoc to one particular problem and only addresses a subset of performance
issues. Further, the design of each different scheme often requires a different design technique.
With the rapid progress in computer-aided control system design (CACSD), the task of design
simulation is now tremendously eased. However, a question a practising engineer continues to ask is:
Can the problem of pre-selecting a control scheme also be solved with the power of modern CACSD?
Unfortunately, the answer is No. This is mainly because design specifications and objectives
are often mixed, some of which may be weakly defined and hard to quantify. Existing CACSD tools
are mostly simulators, but design is the reverse problem of simulation.
Fortunately, the design of an optimal linear quadratic (LQR/LQG), an H∞ or a µ-synthesis
based control system is associated with a pre-defined and more quantified objective. Hence, the design
is more computerised with the help of an optimiser. However, these schemes impose some theoretical
E ( s) = R ( s) − Y ( s ) =
[R ( s) − G( s ) D( s )] . (1)
1 + H ( s) G( s )
-2 -
R(s) C(s) E(s) U(s) + Y(s)
F(s) H(s) G(s)
+ -
where D(s) represents a disturbance, which may be coloured and also be modelled to include the plant
uncertainty. The ultimate objective of a control system design is hence to find an H(s) such that
E ( s) = 0, ∀s , D( s) , (2)
e( t ) = L−1 {E ( s )} = 0, ∀t , d (t ) . (3)
This ultimate goal means that Condition (2) or (3) needs to be satisfied under plant and
environmental uncertainties, which is impossible in practic al control system design due to control
signal or actuator saturation (e.g., voltage limit) and constraints on the rate of change of the control
signal (e.g., current limit). In fact, should (2) or (3) be met regardless of time and frequency, the
feedback system would become open-loop and this, in turn, would not guarantee a zero e(t) or E(s)
with the presence of disturbance or model uncertainty.
Hence, a performance index, J : R n → R + , must be devised to measure how close the above
ultimate objective is met, where n is the number of parameters that need to be determined in the design.
For this, performance indices and specifications need to reflect the following qualitative specification
requirements (Kashiwagi 1983; Levine 1996; Li et al 1995):
Spec. 1. Good relative stability (e.g., good gain and phase margins);
Spec. 2. Excellent steady-state accuracy (e.g., minimal or no steady-state errors);
Spec. 3. Excellent transient response (e.g., minimal rise-time, settling-time, overshoots and
Spec. 4. Robustness to the environment (e.g., maximal rejection of disturbances); and
Spec. 5. Robustness to the modelling and plant uncertainties (e.g., minimal sensitivities to
parametric and structural variations).
In the context of evolutionary computation, a performance index is often termed a ‘fitness
function’, where ‘maximising a fitness function’ is more commonly encountered than ‘minimising a
cost function’, although an evolutionary algorithm (EA) can do both maximisation and minimisation in
one process. For convenience, a cost function can be converted easily into a normalised fitness
function by, for example, f: R + → R+ ,
f (H ) = ∈ (0, 1] . (4)
1 + J (H )
-3 -
for a given application, a control system can be automatically designed or invented if a search, machine
learning or optimisation algorithm can accommodate these objectives under practical constraints.
J f ( H ) = E ( j ω) x , (5)
or in the time domain:
J t ( H ) = e (t ) x . (6)
Remark 1 This implies that control system design may be carried out by search and optimisation
using either time or frequency domain based performance indices.
Remark 2 A performance index based design may be assessed using any one of the common norms ,
as all linear metrics are equivalent, i.e., they are bounded linearly by one another.
Note that, however, different norms’ selectivity in indexing can be different. For example, an
index based on L∞ loses selectivity completely if the maximum error is not greater than e(0) for a step
tracking, as often happens to any reasonable design.
Special cases of the Fundamental Index (FI) are two commonly used indices as listed below.
J ISE = ∑ e 2 (t ) = e(t ) 2 .
J FISE = ∑ E ( j ω) = E ( j ω) = N ∑ e 2 (t ) ,
2 2
ω t
where N denotes the number of samples in both the time and the frequency domains. Eq. (9) is
obtained from Parseval’s energy equivalence theorem in time and frequency domains.
Remark 3 Eqs. (8) and (9) imply that time and frequency domain indices can be equivalent and
hence the design of an LTI control system under this index can be unified into any one
Remark 4 An ad hoc LTI control scheme may be represented by a uniform scheme through the
modification to the FI of (5) and/or (6).
-4 -
For cases where gain and phase margins are specifically required (although unnecessary, given
Remark 5), these can be added to a composite index or can form a second, independent, index in non-
committal multi-objective optimisation (See Section 3).
J ITAE = ∑ t e (t ) = t e( t ) 1 . (10)
J ITSE = ∑ t e 2 (t ) =
t e (t ) . (11)
Integral of Square Time Weighted Square Error (ISTSE) (Zhuang and Atherton 1993) :
J ISTSE = ∑ t 2 e 2 (t ) = t e( t ) 2 .
1 E ( jω)
J IIFAE = ∑ E ( jω) = . (13)
ω ω ω 1
Integral of Inverse Frequency Weighted Square Error (IIFSE):
1 E ( jω)
= ∑ E ( jω) =
J IIFSE . (14)
ω ω ω 2
Integral of Square Inverse Frequency Weighted Square Error (ISIFSE):
E ( jω)
J ISIFSE = ∑ E( j ω) = . (15)
ω ω ω 2
e (∞ ) = . (16)
1 + H (0)G (0)
Remark 8 If the design of a control system requires emphasis on suppressing against steady-state
errors, building block (16) may be added to the FI in either the time or the frequency
-5 -
Note that if the L ∞ norm is used to replace L2 , an emphasis will be placed on the maximum
magnitude of the spectrum that occurs near the dc frequency, where static steady-state errors contribute
most. Similarly, the time domain cost can be in L1 , which tends to accumulate the absolute values of
errors that are significantly contributed ∀ t → ∞.
Remark 9 In the time domain, another additive ‘weighting’ block against steady-state errors is the L1
norm added to the FI.
Remark 10 In the frequency domain, a simple ‘weighting’ block against steady-state errors is the L∞
norm added to the FI.
e (0) = . (17)
1 + H ( ∞) G(∞ )
Remark 11 If fast rising and suppressing overshoots and undershoots are required, weighting against
the transient may be realised in either the time or the frequency domain by adding to the
Remark 12 In the time domain, another additive ‘weighting’ block highlighting transient is the L ∞
norm added to the FI. The L∞ norm in the time domain places an emphasis on the
maximum amplitude of errors, which often occurs at t → 0 for a ‘hard-start’ command
such as a step (unless the controller is too poorly designed or the closed-loop system is of
a nonminimum-phase).
Remark 13 In the frequency domain, a simple ‘weighting’ block highlighting transient is the L1 norm
added to the FI. This is to accumulate frequency response values significantly ∀ω → ∞ ,
which are contributed most at transients.
Remark 14 For a ‘hard’ command, transients already contribute a relatively large amount of error and
are, hence, seldom weighted in practice.
Remark 15 The change of error instead of the error itself may be used to highlight the transient
performance and/or to penalise chattering. This is equivalent to multiplying by frequency,
as transients constitute high frequencies.
Integral of Time Weighted Absolute Error Derivative (ITAED):
-6 -
J ITAED = ∑ t e&( t ) = t e&( t ) 1 . (21)
J ITSED = ∑ t e& 2 (t ) =
t e&( t ) . (22)
Y ( jω) 1
= G( jω) (24)
D( j ω) 1 + H ( j ω)G ( j ω)
Comparing this with (1), the following can be inferred.
Remark 16 Load disturbance rejection is maximised if the FI is minimised, largely meeting Spec. 4.
Note that, however, the best set-point following does not necessarily mean the best load
disturbance rejection (Åström and Hagglund 1995).
∆Gc ( j ω) / Gc ( jω) 1
SGG c = lim = (25)
∆G → 0 ∆G ( j ω) / G ( jω) 1 + H ( jω)G( jω)
Remark 17 The closed-loop sensitivity to the plant uncertainty is minimised if the FI is minimised,
largely meeting Spec. 5. Often, the L∞ norm may used here to represent maximum
-7 -
In optimisation, clearly, the use of the ISTSE and ITAE indices would hence offer their
sharpest selectivity at ζ = 0.67 and 0.75, respectively. An ITAE-selected controller should offer a high
and near-resonant damping. Nevertheless, combining different indices together should provide a
composite one that meets different needs a design.
ISTSED @ 1.00
10000 ITAED @ 0.84
ITSED @ inf
IAED @ inf
1000 ISED @ inf
-8 -
ISTSE @ 0.67
ITAE @ 0.76
100000000 ITSE @ 0.60
IAE @ 0.67
10000000 ISE @ 0.50
ISTSED @ 1.05
10000 ITAED @ 0.85
J 10
= ∑ ω + E ( j ω) E( − j ω) =
1 1
J Notch ω + E( j ω) . (27)
ω ω ω 2
Further, it has been discussed that steady-state is emphasised by time weighting and transients
by frequency. These two weightings can hence be combined together to tackle both steady-state and
transient problems. An example of such a hybrid index is given by:
J TF = ∑ te2 (t ) + ∑ ω E (ω) =
2 2 2
t e( t ) + ω E ( jω) . (28)
2 2
t ω
If need, another hybrid index may also be formed to offer a selecting point on ζ, new from the existing
ones. However, the ten indices shown in Fig. 2 have already covered a large range.
-9 -
3.1 Unified LTI Control Scheme
Almost all types of LTI controllers are in the form of a transfer function matrix or its corresponding
state space equation when the design is eventually complete. The order and the coefficients of the
transfer function, for example , vary with the design objective or specific control law pre-selected. For
instance, a controller designed out of an LQR scheme tends to offer a minimised quadratic error with
some minimal control effort, whilst an H∞ controller offers robust performance with a minimal mixed
sensitivity function. Although the obtained coefficients and orders of these two types of controllers
may be different, the common purpose of both control laws is to devise an LTI controller to offer a
closed-loop system that meets certain customer specifications in either the frequency or time domain.
Regardless of a pre-selected control scheme, the design of an LTI controller can be unified
under performance satisfaction with objectives that an application engineer wishes to achieve. Without
loss of generality, consider single -input and single -output for argument. Shown in Fig. 1, the
controller is of a structure unified and universally described by
U ( s) pn s n − m −1 + L + pm + 2 s + pm +1
H ( s) = = (29)
E (s) pm s m + L + p2 s + p1
where pi ∈ R + , ∀ i ∈ {0,1, K , n}, are the coefficients to be determined in the design together with the
controller order, under satisfaction of multiple design objectives.
Here L−1 [U ( s) ] = u( t ) is the controller output voltage with usually a hard-constraint saturation
range in practice, such as the limited drive voltage (or current), subject to the plant’s dead-zone,
backlash and hysteresis. The error input to the controller, L−1 [E( s ) ] = e(t ) , is calculated by
subtracting the reference from the plant output, which is often subject to a delayed measurement,
sensor nonlinearity and restricted amplitude of the A/D converter used.
While these practical issues can hardly be addressed all together using analytical design tools,
they can now all be simulated on computers. It should also address the issue of interpreting human
engineers’ perception of merit into a form that may be utilised for use with a CACSD package. Also,
suppressing u(t) in LQG and H∞ schemes, for example, becomes unnecessary, as the control signal is
automatically limited by actuator constraints and its rate of change can also be incorporated as
constraints in the simulations. Further, this treatment is more practice-oriented that mathematically
penalising u(t) for the sake of the optimisation to be solvable by conventional means.
- 10 -
Initial/existing or Final optimised
random designs
f(P1 : 1 2 0 9 0 2 1 7)=5%
f(P2 : 4 0 0 3 0 1 6 1)=60%
f(P3 : 0 1 6 4 1 8 0 1)=35% f(P1 ) f(P3)
Mutation P2 : 4 0 0 3 0 1 6 1
P2 ’: 4 0 0 3 0 0 6 1 P2 : 4 0 0 3 0 1 6 1
P2 ’’: 4 0 1 3 0 8 0 1
P3 ’: 0 1 6 4 1 1 6 1 P3 : 0 1 6 4 1 8 0 1
Conventional CAD
Yun Li, University of Glasgow, 1995-97
A conventional CACSD package that provides simulation results, taking into account actuator
saturation, is used to evaluate the performance of candidate controllers in terms of plant outputs,
closed-loop errors and control signal provision. Artificial evolution then enables CACSD to become
CAutoCSD. By trading off precision slightly using nondeterministic adjustments, the EA
exponentially reduces the search time compared with exhaustive search and thus provides much
improved tractability and efficie ntly in design automation (Li et al 1995; Li and Haeussler 1996; Ng
1995; Tan 1997).
Such an algorithm evaluates performances of candidate solutions at multiple points
simultaneously and thus efficiently approaches the global optimum. Evolutionary computation can
search multi-objective, globally optimised solutions to many practical engineering problems that
cannot be solved by conventional means. A number of automatically ‘evolved’ top-performing
candidates will finally merge as optimal designs. Its unique search and adaptive learning power has
facilitated design automation, transforming a manual iterative tuning process based on existing CAD or
CACSD packages into CAutoCSD (Chong and Li 2002; Tan and Li 2001). The advantages of such
CAutoCAD over traditional CACSD approaches include meeting multiple design objectives, offering
design quality improved beyond the present performance bounds, and dramatically reducing design
cycle and time-to-market.
CAD Performance
Structure &
parameters Trial-and-error
- 11 -
4.1 Application to a DC Servomechanism
A DC motor can often be modelled simply as an LTI plant where a small time-delayed may appear.
The motor is more difficult for velocity control, as it is a Type 0 system, where no integral element is
apparent in the system, and hence it will result in a steady-state error when following a step command.
The LTI model of this system is given by the second-order differential equation:
&&(t − 0.06)+ & (t − 0.06) +
ω ω ω(t − 0.06) = v(t ) (30)
v(t) ∈ [0V, 5V] : the field control voltage with a saturation limit and allowing no braking
ω(t) ∈ R : the angular velocity calc ulated from a Gray-code shaft encoder,
KT = 13.5 NmA -1 : the torque constant for a fixed armature current,
R = 9.2 Ω : the resistance of the winding,
L = 0.25 H : the winding inductance,
J = 0.001 kgm2 : the inertia of the motor shaft combined with a load, and
B = 2.342 × 103 Nms : the friction coefficient of the shaft, changing to 1.34 × 103 Nms when an
eddy current brake is released.
Although it is unnecessary to use a third-order controller for a second-order plant, it is used
here to test the ability of the unified scheme and the EA in finding an appropriate and optimal
controller. Thus, a third-order uniform controller for the hybrid time and frequency index of Eq. (26)
has been designed automatically using an EA. The resulting transfer function of the best controller is
given by
7.2 s 3 + 153.2 s 2 + 426.9 s + 293.8
H ( s) = (31)
. s 3 + 27.6s 2 + 29.2s + 0.0
The coefficients in the denominator clearly indicate that an integrator is recommended by the EA
automatically, for offering a zero steady-state error. The numerator indicates that a differentiator is
also recommended for a good transient response. The closed-loop performance is shown in Fig. 5,
where a step-down following was commanded 5 seconds after the initial rising step. Note that the
lower limit of v(t) is 0 V, which allows no braking voltage, and hence the motor can only slow down
by friction. To test the robustness of the control system designed out of the performance index, the
plant parameter value, B, was varied at t = 3 s and t = 8 s. Note that this uncertainty in plant
parameters was not modelled and a robust controller was not explicitly requested in the design.
However, the automated design procedure managed to achieve the implicit robustness as remarked in
Section 2.2.2.
The control action that provides the above closed-loop response is shown in Fig. 6, subject to
the hard voltage limits of [0 5] V. It can be seen that the feasibility of incorporating such a practical
constraint in the evolutionary design not only yields a practical control signal that offers the optimised
performance, but also eliminates the need for artificially minimising the control energy in scheme-
dependent modern control approaches, such as the LQR.
- 12 -
Fig. 6 Performance of the automatically evolved unified LTI controller (where the brake was
released at t = 3 and re-applied at t = 8 s)
Table 1. Time and frequency domain design objectives with their targeted values and priority
Customer specifications Objectives Goals Priority
1. Stability (Closed-loop poles) Re[ p i ] > 0, ∀i 0 on RHP 4
Frequency 2. Closed-loop sensitivity or S( j ω ) <1 2
- 13 -
domain disturbance rejection
3. Plant uncertainty T( j ω ) <1 2
4. Actuator saturation Act u ≤ 0.5 V 3
Time 5. Rise time Trise 4s 1
domain 6. Overshoots Oshoo t 0.05 1
7. Settling time (5%) Tsettling 7s 1
8. Steady-state error SS error 0.01 s 1
The design requirement in this example also includes that for explicit robustness against
disturbance and unstructured plant uncertainty under certain level of tolerances defined by the
weighting functions of W1 and W2 , as shown in Fig. 9. Although determination of the objectives and
the priorities vector may be a subjective matter and depends on the performances requirement, ranking
the priorities may be unnecessary and can be ignored for a ‘minimum-commitment’ design (Guan and
MacCallum 1996). If, however, the engineer commits himself to prioritising the objectives, it is a
much easier task than weighting the objectives, which is somewhat guesswork in conventional
optimisation. It is obvious that other design specifications such as gain margins, phase margins and
noise rejection (which can be quantified by distinctive LQG or H2 norms) may also be added to the
design if necessary.
W1 y1
e u y
r + H(s) G(s) W2 y2
Fig. 9 Tolerance added to the robust controller design in an the unified scheme
The tolerance in terms of sensitivity functions obtained, W1 and W2 , are plotted in Fig. 10,
which shows the time domain performance of 69 controllers, resulting from the unified design scheme
- 14 -
enabled by evolutionary computation, that satisfy all the requirements listed in Table 1. While the
orders of candidate controllers are free to vary in the evolution, an order up to three was preferred in
the application and hence this requirement was accommodated in the design objectives as well.
At the end of the evolutionary CAutoCAD process, the applications engineer can transparently
examine trade-offs between the design specifications, including constraints and even zoom into the
region of interested points before selecting one final controller for on-line test and commissioning. The
trade-off between the multiple objectives for the 69 resultant controllers is depicted in Fig. 11, where
each line represents one candidate controller recommended by the EA. The abscissa shows the design
objectives and the coordinate shows the normalised cost of controllers in each objective domain, with
the cross marks indicating the design goals.
Trade-offs between adjacent objectives result in crossing lines between them, whereas
concurrent lines indicate that the specifications do not compete with one another. For example, the
stability (Sta) and actuator saturation (Act) specifications appear not to compete with each other. As
anticipated, the sensitivity function (S) and the complementary sensitivity (T) do not appear to be
- 15 -
reconcilable . It is also found that the goal values for the settling time was set too high. The
information contained in the trade-off graph suggests that a more stringent goal setting for settling time,
overshoot and steady-state error can be achieved. An additional merit of the EA enabled design
unification is that the priorities or goals can be changed at any time during the evolution process if so
Fig. 12 Open-loop tests of the nonlinear process within its operating envelope
The authors are grateful to Mitsubishi Chemicals Corp., Japan, for providing this case study.
- 16 -
Static model data shown in Table 2 are often readily available for an established plant. If a first-
principles model is available, however, the plant’s nonlinearity may be illustrated analytically. For
example, corresponding to Eq. (32), a given level of u( ) determines a y( ) by the parabolic equation:
1 d
Ky 2 + u y− u = 0 (34)
which is often termed an ‘equilibrium manifold’, as illustrated by the solid curve in Fig. 13, which
agrees with Table 2 and Fig. 12, but reveals more details in the severely nonlinear region.
∆ d2,3
∆ d1,3
∆ d1,2
Fig. 13 The equilibrium manifold of the nonlinear process within its operating envelope
Apparently, to control such a nonlinear process, a nonlinear controller may be used, but this
lacks the transparency on stability and familiarity that a practising engineer would be confident with.
According to a recent survey, over 90% of industrial control systems in use are realised in various
forms of proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) control (Åström and Hagglund 1995). Hence,
the use and design of a simple PID control system is desirable. The simplest PID structure is given by
U (s) 1 1
= K p + K i + Kd s = K p 1 + + Td s (35)
E( s ) s Ti s
Based on the analysis of the nonlinear process and its model, however, the use of a
straightforward PID control would be inadequate. Fortunately , since a static model or open-loop step
response data are often available for an existing plant, the use of a Trajectory Controller Network
(TCN) appears to be the most appropriate (Chong and Li 2002). In this application, each node of the
TCN is a straightforward three-term PID controller, placed along the operating trajectory as shown in
Fig. 13.
Such a TCN is easily designed. Two initial TC nodes, 1 and 3, can be placed to bracket the
operating envelope for the anticipated output range [0 1] mol l-1 . Then, more nodes are added in
between during the automated design process. The simplest way of adding new nodes is to add one
pre-fixed at the desired set point at y( ) = 0.53 mol l-1 , as depicted in Fig. 13.
Alternatively , a new node can be inserted automatically during CAutoCSD along the trajectory
between the initial nodes, at where the maximum distance ∆d 1,3 occurs. If ∆d 1,3 max > δ, where δ is the
tolerance that the application engineer may specify, more nodes can be added in a bi-sectional search
- 17 -
manner. According to the maximum sizes of ∆d1,2 and ∆d 2,3 , this process continues until the tolerance
δ is satisfied.
In this example, a simple three-node network is designed automatically , under a hard
constraint on the input flow rate limited by the range [0 10] l h-1 . The third node optimally found is at
at y( ) = 0.553 mol l-1 , which happens to be close to the desired set point. The scheduling between
the three PID controller nodes is determined by either the input or the output levels, using a simple
stepped switch or triangular-shaped activation functions S 1 (y), S 2 (y) and S 3 (y). This is quite similar to
assigning the degree of memberships in a fuzzification process if a fuzzy control system (Chowdhury
and Li 1998). In this case study, simple input activation is used. Through a CAutoCSD process, an
overall controller yields :
Fig. 14 Performance of the three-PID TCN regulator compared with single PID based methods
In essence, an LTI building block based TCN is a nonlinear controller overall. The switching
between the nodes is through soft activation and hence imposes no threat of actuator damage. To
thoroughly test the performance of the PID network designed for the nonlinear problem, the system
was driven throughout the allowed operating trajectory. Results are shown in Fig. 15. It can be seen
that the TCN constantly outperforms a single PID controller in both step up and step down. Note also
that the hard constraint on the input flow rate limited by the range [0 10] l h-1 is automatically handled
by CAutoCSD and, even with this constraint, extremely high performance is achieved throughout the
entire operating envelope.
- 18 -
Fig. 15 Performance reliability of the PID network in the entire operating envelope
To test the robustness of this TCN regulator, a 20% load disturbance has been added between t
= 2 and t = 4 h and between t = 6 and t = 8 h. The results are shown in Fig. 16. It can be seen that the
TCN offers a much better performance with a fast rise, no overshoots, and an extremely good rejection
to the load disturbance. This is significant in that excellent rejection and set-point following are both
achieved at the same time, which are often irreconcilable in many control system designs (Åström and
Hagglund 1995).
The paper has attempted to set LTI control system design to a unified scene by formulating various
design schemes under index-based optimal design, hence transforming the present CACSD into
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CAutoCSD. Specifications and objectives in control system design are first analysed and assessed.
Different merit and selectivity of some commonly used indices are analysed and compared, together
with some new indices proposed. Issues concerning interpreting human engineers’ perception of
control system performance into a form that may be utilised for CACSD automation are also addressed.
The advantage of using the EA based global optimising and searching tool for automating CACSD is
The techniques developed in this paper have been applied to and illustrated by three design
problems. It has been shown that such unification is feasible analytically and is practical with the
recent progress in evolutionary computing based extra-numeric, multi-criterion search and optimisation
techniques. The CAutoCAD provides an integrator for velocity control of the DC motor, meets
multiple objectives in designing an LTI controller for the non-minimum phase plant and offers a high-
performing LTI network for the nonlinear chemical process.
The performance-prioritised unification is also shown to be able to relieve practising engineers
from having to select a particular control scheme and from sacrificing certain performance goals
resulting from pre-committing to the scheme. Through the studies reported in this paper, we hope to
have answered positive ly to the questions raise in the Introduction section.
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