Paper 6
Paper 6
Paper 6
A Modified Internal Model Control for Unstable – Time Delayed System
The new proposed controller is to cancel the process model second step will require being proper. Let is a
Gp(s) by the term Gp(s)-1 that considered as the inverse of the copy of .
process transfer function and substitute it by different transfer
function Gsc(s) such that:
Step1: Factor the mode into two parts:
Gc(s) = Gp(s) . Gsc(s) (s) = (s). (s) (4)
Where: Gsc(s) is the transfer function of the closed loop (s) contains all Nonminimum Phase Elements in the plant
that will achieve the required criteria as shown in Figure 3.
model, that is all Right- Half-Plane (RHP) zeros and time
E(s) delays. The factor (s), meanwhile, is Minimum Phase and
R(s) Y(s)
- invertible.
πζ The controller needs to achieve the design speciation: OS% <
1−ζ 2
Percent overshoot OS % = e × 100 10% and Ts < 5 sec.
First want to design Y(s) to meet the desired design:
4 4
Settling time Ts = =
ζωn σ
Y (s ) 5.3
π = 2 (8)
Peak time Tp = R (s ) (s + 3s + 5.3)
ωn 1 − ζ 2 Then obtain Gsc(s) from Y(s) such that R(s) is impulse input
G sc (s ) = (9)
Gsc(s) be can extract from equation (1) to get the form s (s + 3)
Y (s ) And when simulate Gsc(s) as a closed loop system as shown in
G sc (s ) = (3)
R (s ) −Y (s ) Figure 3 it is noted that the system will achieve the
Then have the overall system in Figure 2 and conclude that requirement as shown in Figure 4.
Gc(s) = Gp(s)-1. Gsc(s) will cancel the process behavior but
will add Gsc(s) that guarantees the desired specification to be
To have the invertible form of the process faces some
problems. To solve these problems is to use the method that
split the process transfer function to invertible and non
invertible parts then use the invertible part for design.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011
A Modified Internal Model Control for Unstable – Time Delayed System
Then choose a proportional controller K to stabilize this Figure 11: Modified IMC for Unstable systems
system as presented in Figure 10. K is intended to stabilize the
delay free unstable model , this simple proportional gain However, is a stable transfer function, it will contain
K will give a stable internal process unstable zeros so the inversion will make a problem. So in this
case another factorizing is recommended as discussed in
section 3 where
Another solution was proposed to solve the instability. The modified IMC controller is
Consider Figure 11 and let is factorized in another way
such that:
The term antistable refers to a system with all its poles in the 0.2
open RHP and minimum phase refers to a system with all its 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011
Figure 14: A plant/model mismatch of IMC system
x 10
-0.4 4
-1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 13: response of modified IMC
parameters and vary their values in the model such that the
plant and model transfer function are different.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
A Modified Internal Model Control for Unstable – Time Delayed System
Figure 18: IMC structure with time delay mismatch Figure 21: Response of a modified IMC time-delayed
Figure 22 exhibit the results of three controllers. The solid
line indicates the traditional IMC, the bold line for modified
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 IMC without smith predictor, the dotted line for modified
IMC with smith predictor.
Figure 20: Response of IMC with a mismatch time-delayed Simulation results indicate that the response of the
system modified IMC with smith predictor is superior which
compensate the time delay. The modified without smith
1.2 predictor has a small overshoot but it needs a little smaller
energy to eliminate disturbance than traditional IMC.
1 The traditional IMC suffer from a delay of 3 sec to
compensate the disturbance and overshoot 50%. On the other
side, the new method without SP has an overshoot of 20% but
with SP it is 40% but without any delay.
In this paper, a new approach of control design of internal
model controller was proposed. The proposed design method
focuses on modifying the old general structure of IMC and
develops a new model structure while saving the same general
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
concept of using the invertible version of the system in the
controller design. The new approach combines the IMC
structure and the traditional structure of a control problem and
this demonstrates an excellent performance and behavior
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-1, Issue-1, October 2011
against different disturbance inputs and model uncertainty
presented in model parameter mismatch. Beside that a smith
predictor is added to promote the design to compensate the
delayed time systems. Also a proposed stabilizer has
mentioned to deal with unstable systems.
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