Pid Toolbox

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A toolbox for robust PID controller tuning

using convex optimization

Mehdi Sadeghpour, Vinicius de Oliveira and Alireza Karimi
Laboratoire dAutomatique
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract: A robust PID controller design toolbox for Matlab is presented in this paper. The
design is based on linearizing or convexifying the conventional non-convex constraints on the
classical robustness margins or H constraints. Then the existing optimization solvers can
be used to compute the controller parameters. The software can be used in a wide range of
controller design problems, including multi-model systems and gain-scheduled controllers. The
models can be parametric or non-parametric while the software is compatible with the output
data of the identication toolbox of Matlab. Three illustrative examples exhibit convenience of
working with the developed commands.
Keywords: Robust control, PID controller, convex optimization, toolbox
PID controllers have become the most widely used type
of controllers in practice. They are simple, eective controllers able to cover a large area of applications. Although
the PID controller has only a three parameters to be
tuned, it is surprisingly dicult to nd the right tuning
for them without systematic procedures and tools. To this
end, a quite large variety of techniques and tools has been
designed. Most of the techniques are useful in just special
applications and cannot be considered a tool. The available
tools, however, although having very good attributes, have
at least one of these characteristics: 1) Using nonlinear
and non-convex optimization problems in design, 2) not
supporting multi-model systems, and 3) not considering
H controllers for multi-model, either SISO or MIMO
For instance in [Garpinger and Hagglund (2008)] a software tool for robust PID design is presented. But it uses
a non-convex optimization method to design controllers
and does not support multi-model cases. In [Oviedo et al.
(2006)], a software package is proposed for tuning PID
controllers based on constrained nonlinear optimization.
The multi-model cases are not considered here either.
Gonzalez-Martin et al. (2003) and Harmse et al. (2009)
also provide useful PID tuning tools, however, multi-model
systems is not supported and the methods are based on
non-convex optimizations.
Few software tools have been presented so far that support
multi-model cases. Most of them have not got the rst
and/or third properties mentioned above. An example
of these softwares is the one proposed by Bajcinca and
Hulin (2004). This Matlab Toolbox designs PID or other
three-term controllers based on the method of singular
frequencies. But it cannot be used to design multivariable
H controllers. Another example is in Ge et al. (2002)

Corresponding author: Alireza Karimi [email protected]

where robust PID controllers are designed via Linear

Matrix Inequalities (LMI) approach. This method does not
support MIMO systems too.
According to what is said, there is not to the best of authors knowledge a PID controller design tool which designs
robust controllers based on H or classical robustness
margins for multi-model (SISO or MIMO) systems. In
this paper, a quite comprehensive, yet simple and reliable
robust PID controller toolbox for Matlab is presented. This
toolbox designs robust controllers in terms of H performance or classical robustness margins such as the gain
and phase margin, for single/multi-model, either SISO or
MIMO systems by solving linear or convex optimization
problems. The software also supports the design of gainscheduled PID controllers for LPV (Linear Parameter
Varying) systems. The toolbox uses the YALMIP interface Lofberg (2004) for formulation of the optimization
problems and the standard optimization solvers.
The paper is organized in ve sections. In the next section, a concise theoretical basis for the commands of the
software is presented. Section 3 is devoted to the explanation of the commands. In Section 4, three examples are
provided, and Section 5 presents some conclusions.

The underlying theories of the developed software are,
in fact, the results of Karimi et al. (2007), Karimi and
Galdos (2010), and Galdos et al. (2010). We shall briey
describe these results here in order to better understand
the commands of the toolbox. Hence, rst the class of controllers and models are presented and then dierent control
performances that can be considered by the toolbox are

2.1 Class of models and controllers

The design method needs the frequency response of the
plant model in a nite number of frequencies which can
be obtained directly from data by spectral analysis or
computed from a parametric model. Therefore, high order
models with pure time delay and non minimum phase zeros
can be considered with no approximation. We consider the
set of m models
M = {Gi (jk ); i = 1, . . . , m, k = 1, . . . , N }
where Gi (jk ) can be a scalar or a matrix representing
the frequency response of a SISO or MIMO model, respectively, at k and N is large enough so that it will give a
good approximation of the frequency response of the system. In the sequel a SISO model with a SISO controller is
considered. Then, it will be shown how this method can be
applied to compute multivariable decoupling controllers.






The class of linearly parameterized controllers K = T ,

where is the vector of controller parameters and is a
vector of basis functions is considered. A continuous-time
PID controller belongs to this class with;
= [kp ki kd ]T , (s) = [1
s 1 + s
where kp , ki , and kd are, respectively, the coecients
of the proportional, integral, and derivative part of the
PID controller and is the known time constant of the
derivative part.

Fig. 1. GPhC specications converted to linear constraints

in Nyquist diagram

For a discrete-time PID controller, we have:

z1 T
= [kp ki kd ]T , (z) = [1
It is clear that higher order controllers can also be designed
by the proposed approach with choosing for example a set
of Laguerre basis functions for (see Karimi and Galdos
(2010) for details).

Let us dene the set of all points in the complex plane on

the line d by f (x + iy, d) = 0. Assume that f (x + iy, d) < 0
represents the half plane that excludes the critical point.
Then, computing a controller that satises the desired
performance can be carried out by the following linear
optimization problem:
max ki
subject to:
f (T (jk )Gi (jk ), d1 ) < 0 for k > x ,

The main interest of linearly parameterized controllers is

that every point on the Nyquist diagram of the open loop
transfer function is linear with respect to the controller
parameters; i.e., L(jk ) = T (jk )G(jk ). This property
enables us to obtain linear or convex constraints for the
optimization problems used in the controller design.
2.2 GPhC controller
Gain margin, phase margin and crossover frequency
(GPhC) are typical performance specications for PID
controller design in industry. We use these specications
for SISO minimum-phase stable systems if the number of
integrators in the open-loop transfer function is less than
or equal to 2. Specifying the gain and phase margin denes
a straight line in the Nyquist diagram (see d1 in Fig. 1).
Now, if the Nyquist curve of the open loop system lies in
the right side of d1 the desired values for the gain margin
gm and phase margin m will be assured. This can be
represented by a set of linear constraints thanks to the
linear parameterization of the controller. Now, consider
another straight line d2 which is tangent to the middle
of the unit circle arc in the sector created by d1 and the
imaginary axis. If we call x the frequency at which the
Nyquist curve intersects d2 , a crossover frequency greater
than or equal to x can be achieved by a satisfying a set of

linear constraints. In fact, for frequencies greater than x

the Nyquist curve should lie below d1 and above d2 while
for frequencies less than x it should lie below d2 .
The control objective is to optimize the load disturbance
rejection of the closed-loop. This is, in general, achieved
by maximizing the controller gain at low frequencies. For
continuous- and discrete-time PID controllers it corresponds to maximizing ki [Karimi et al. (2007)].

f (T (jk )Gi (jk ), d2 ) > 0 for

k > x ,

f (T (jk )Gi (jk ), d2 ) < 0 for

for i = 1, . . . , m

k x ,


In many control problems a constraint on the controller

gain at high frequencies can help reducing the large pick
values of the control input. This can be achieved by a
constraint on the magnitude of the controller gain at
frequencies greater than h :
|T (jk )| < Ku for k > h
This constraint is convex but can be linearized by considering a bound on the real and the imaginary part of
T (jk ) and including it into the above linear programming optimization.
2.3 Loop shaping controller :
The performance specication can be dened by a desired
open loop transfer function Ld (j). A typical choice for
stable systems is Ld (s) = c /s. If a desired reference model
M is available, Ld can be computed as Ld = M/(1 M ).
Then, a PID controller can be designed by minimizing the
following quadratic criterion:

d(Mm , Ld (jk ))


|W1 (jk )|

d(W1 (jk ), Ld (jk ))







Ld (jk )
Ld (jk )

L(jk , )

Li (jk , )

|W2 (jk )L(jk , )|

Fig. 2. Loop shaping in Nyquist diagram by quadratic

J() =


|Li (jk , ) Ld (jk )|2


i=1 k=1

where Li (jk , ) = T (jk )Gi (k ).

The modulus margin, the shortest distance between the
Nyquist curve and the critical point, is a better robustness
indicator than the classical gain and phase margin [Landau
et al. (2011)]. A modulus margin Mm of 0.5 is met if
the Nyquist curve does not intersect a circle of radius
0.5 centered at the critical point. This can be achieved
if the Nyquist diagram is at the side of d, a straight line
tangent to the modulus margin circle, that excludes the
critical point. This constraint is linear but conservative.
The conservatism can be reduced if the slope of this
line changes with the frequency. A good choice is a line
d(Mm , Ld (jk )) orthogonal to the line that connects the
critical point and Ld (jk ) and tangent to the modulus
margin circle (see Fig 2). The controller can be designed
solving the following quadratic optimization problem :
min J()
f (T (jk )Gi (jk ), d(Mm , Ld (jk ))) < 0
for k = 1, . . . , N , for i = 1, . . . , m
This approach can be applied to unstable systems if Ld
contains the same number of unstable poles as well as
the poles of Li (s) on the imaginary axis (see Karimi and
Galdos (2010) for details).
2.4 H controller
Consider a SISO plant model with multiplicative unstruc
tured uncertainty: G(j)
= G(j)[1 + W2 (j)] where
G(j) is the plant nominal frequency function, W2 (j)
is the uncertainty weighting frequency function, and
is a stable transfer function with < 1. In the
Nyquist diagram the open loop frequency function will
belong to a disk centered at L(j, ) with a radius of
|W2 (j)L(j, )|. This disk can be approximated by a
circumscribed polygon with p > 2 vertices: Li (j, ) =
K(j, )Gi (j) for i = 1, . . . , p, where

Fig. 3. Expression of the robust performance condition as

linear or convex constraints

|W2 (j)| j2i/p
Gi (j) = G(j) 1 +
Suppose that the nominal performance is dened as
W1 S < 1, where S = (1 + KG)1 is the sensitivity
function and W1 is the performance weighting lter. This
condition is satised if the Nyquist curve of the nominal
model does not intersect the performance disk, a disk
centered at the critical point with a radius of |W1 (j)|.
Therefore, the robust performance is achieved if there is
no intersection between the uncertainty and performance
disks [Doyle et al. (1992)]. This constraint can be linearized
using a straight line d(W1 (j), Ld (j)) which is tangent to
the performance disk and orthogonal to the line connecting
the critical point and Ld (j) [Karimi and Galdos (2010)].
The robust performance is met if Li (j, ) is at the side of
d(W1 (j), Ld (j)) that excludes the critical point for all
. This can be represented by the following set of linear
f (T (jk )Gi (jk ), d(W1 (jk ), Ld (jk ))) < 0
for k = 1, . . . , N , for i = 1, . . . , p
As a control objective the criterion in (6) can be minimized. An alternative is to dene W1 S < as performance specication and minimizing with a bisection
In the same way, constraints on the weighted innity norm
of other closed loop sensitivity functions can be included
in the optimization problem (see more details in Karimi
and Galdos (2010)):
W3 KS < 1 , W4 GS < 1
where W3 and W4 are weighting lters.
2.5 MIMO controller
The performance specications for SISO systems can also
be used for designing MIMO controllers if the open loop
system is decoupled. The main idea is to design a MIMO
decoupling controller such that the open-loop transfer matrix L(j) becomes diagonally dominant. For this reason
a diagonal desired open loop transfer matrix Ld is considered and the following quadratic criterion is minimized:

J() =


L(jk , ) Ld (jk )F



where F stands for the Frobenius norm.

MIMO controllers presented by a matrix of transfer functions are considered, where each element Kij of the matrix
should be linearly parameterized, i.e., Kij = Tij ij . The
controller parameters are obtained by minimizing J()
under some constraints to meet the SISO specications
for each diagonal element.
In MIMO systems, besides the performance constraints,
there are other constraints implying the stability of MIMO
systems that should be considered. In fact, because the
closed-loop system will not be completely diagonal, the
stability of dominant loops will not guarantee the stability
of the MIMO system. However, a stability condition can be
obtained based on Gershgorin bands [Galdos et al. (2010)]:

rq (k , )[1 + Ldq (jk )] Re [1 + Ldq (jk )]

[1 + Lqq (jk , )] < 0,
for k = 1, . . . , N and q = 1, . . . , no

rq (, ) =
|Lpq (j, )|,

no is the number of the outputs of the system and Ldq is

the q th diagonal element of Ld .
2.6 Gain-scheduled controller
All presented robust controller design methods for systems
with multimodel uncertainty can be extended to designing
gain-scheduled controllers. Suppose that each model in (1)
is associated to a value of a scheduling parameter vector ,
which is measured in real time. The controller parameters
can be polynomial functions of and be computed by the
optimization algorithm. For example, for a PID controller
with a scalar scheduling parameter and the vector a
second order polynomial of we have [Kunze et al. (2007)]:

kp2 kp1 kp0

() = ki2 ki1 ki0

kd2 kd1 kd0

PID, Laguerre, General, where Laguerre and

General are used for higher order controller design using
Laguerre or generalized orthogonal basis functions and are
not discussed in this paper. ConPar denes the parameters
of the controller structure. For continuous-time PID and
PD controllers, it is the time constant of the derivative
lter, . It can be chosen such that 1/ be a high
frequency pole (the default value is = 1.2/N ).CorD is
a string taking the values s or z showing that phi
must be a continuous or a discrete-time transfer function,
respectively. Finally, F is a transfer function that can be
xed in the controller. For example, it can be the disturbance model according to the internal model principle.
3.2 Control performance
The control performance is dened by the following command:
per = conper(PerType,par,Ld)
PerType is a string specifying the desired performance of
the system. It can be GPhC, LS or Hinf, where LS
stands for the loop shaping method.
The par for GPhC is a vector containing gain margin
gm , phase margin m , crossover frequency c , maximum
of controller gain Ku and h . No constraint for crossover
frequency and maximum gain of controller is used if the
last three values are missed. This type of performance
can be used only for stable systems. If the desired Ld is
specied, the criterion (6) will be minimized, else the low
frequency gain of the controller will be maximized.
The par for LS is a vector containing Mm , Ku and h
and for Hinf is a structure containing the weighting
lters W1 , W2 , W3 and W4 . These lters may be given as
continuous- or discrete-time transfer functions or a vector
of complex values in discrete frequencies. For Hinf,
par.gamma can be dened as a vector containing min ,
max and
. If this vector is specied the innity norm
of the weighted sensitivity functions will be minimized by
a bisection algorithm using the minimum and maximum
value of with a tolerance of
. If this vector is missed,
the criterion (6) is minimized.
3.3 Controller design

There are three commands that constitute the software
structure. The rst command determines the controller
structure. In the second command the control performance
is dened, and nally the last command designs the controller with the predened structure to meet the performance specications. In the following comes a description
of these three commands.
3.1 Controller structure
The controller structure is dened by the vector of basis
function . The command is of the form:
phi = conphi(ConType,ConPar,CorD,F)
ConType is a string specifying the type of the controller and can take the following values: PI, PD,

The third and the last command is the main command in

which an optimal controller of the specied structure in
phi with the closed-loop desired performance characteristics of per is obtained. The general form of the command
is as follows:
where K is the transfer function of the optimal controller. G
is the model of the system that can be a tf, ss, or an frd
object. In multi-model case, G must be dened as a cell
array, G{i}, which refers to the model Gi for i = 1, . . . , m.
options is a structure that denes dierent options for
the controller optimization. For example, options.w is a
vector of frequency points where frequency response of the
system is known or is to be evaluated. If it is not specied by the user, a default grid for frequency is created.
For gain-scheduled controller design

In MIMO case, G is an no ni matrix transfer function

where ni is the number of inputs and no the number
of outputs. The controller will be an ni no matrix
transfer function. If one wants to dene dierent controller
structure for dierent elements of matrix K, one should
dene phi as an no ni cell object. Then each element
of phi can be created using the conphi command, for
example in a loop. If phi is entered just as one vector,
then it will be used for all elements of the controller matrix
transfer functions. In the same way, per is dened for
diagonal elements of L = GK. So per{i}{q} is a structure
containing the desired performance characteristics of the
q th diagonal element of Li = Gi K if we have dierent
performance specication for each model Gi .

Imaginary Axis

should be assigned, where theta is a vector (or matrix if we

have more than one scheduling parameter) of the scheduling parameter values at which the constraints should be
met and is the order of the polynomial
for the gain scheduled controller. The number of models in G should be equal to the number of grid points
in theta. The optimization solver can be assigned by
options.solver=linprog if linear programming solver
should be used.




Real Axis

Fig. 4. The Nyquist diagrams of KG1 (blue line), KG2

(green line), and KG3 (red line) in Example 1. The
black line is d1 .

This section presents some examples of the use of the
toolbox commands.
Example 1 Consider a system with three models in three
dierent operating points :
G1 (s) =
; G2 (s) = 2
10s + 1
s + 14s + 7.5
G3 (s) =
20s + 1
Compute a PID controller for a gain margin of greater
than 3 and a phase margin of at least 60 for all models.
Specifying these margins, a controller with maximum
performance in terms of load disturbance rejection is
designed by entering the series of commands:
per=conper('GPhC', [3,60]);

The PID controller is:

0.5326s2 + 0.5214s + 0.05337
K(s) =
0.05s2 + s
It should be noted that the gain and phase margin of the
resulting open-loop system are greater or equal to the specied ones. The Nyquist curves of the three resulting openloop transfer functions shown in Fig. 4 exhibit satisfaction
of the constraints.
Example 2 Consider the system given in the previous
example. The aim is to design a gain-scheduled PID
controller with loop shaping method for this system.

Suppose that the three models corresponds to a normalized

scheduling parameter {1, 0, 1}. We consider a desired
open loop transfer function Ld (s) = c /s with c = 1
rad/s and a desired modulus margin of Mm = 0.4. Assume
that the gain-scheduled PID controller is described as
K(s) = [kp ki kd ] [1

s 1 + s

where kp = kp1 + kp0 , ki = ki1 + ki0 and kd = kd1 + kd0 .

Using the series of commands:

the coecients of the gain-scheduled PID controller are :

kp = 1.4703 + 2.0138
ki = 0.1671 + 0.3249
kd = 2.1845 + 3.1771


In Fig. 5 the Nyquist diagrams of the resulting openloop transfer functions for three values of = 1, 0, 1
are shown. All three curves do not intersect the modulus
margin circle and their distance to Ld is minimized.
Example 3
In this example, a PID controller for the
multi-model MIMO process proposed in Bao et al. (1999)
is designed. In Bao et al. (1999) a multi-loop PID controller
is designed for the process G1 (s) with weighting functions
W1 (s) and W2 (s). Afterwards, the designed controller
is examined on a slightly dierent system (denoted by
G2 here) to check its robustness. The related transfer
functions are:


Imaginary Axis


great advantage yielding faster and reliable results. Dealing with multi-model, either SISO or MIMO systems is
easy with the presented toolbox. Three main commands
are developed for design as shown in examples. A GUI
will also be designed for the software to become more
convenient to use.



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G1 (s) =
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(75.43s + 1)(0.30s + 1) (110.5s + 1)(0.03s + 1)
for robust PID design. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC

33.89 e0.1s
32.63 e0.1s
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+ 1)(0.43s + 1) (98.5s + 1)(0.33s + 1)

Ge, M., Chiu, M.S., and Wang, Q.G. (2002). Robust PID
G2 (s) = (98.01s

18.85 e0.1s
34.84 e0.1s
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(76.0s + 1)(0.31s + 1) (109.5s + 1)(0.025s + 1)
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3s + 5000
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10.83s2 17.12s 0.103 1.301s2 + 12.31s + 0.1239
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0.05s2 + s
0.05s2 + s
K(s) =

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2.332s 10.54s 0.05149 1.132s + 17.15s + 0.09748
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0.05s2 + s
0.05s2 + s
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A Matlab toolbox for designing robust PID controllers
is presented. This toolbox designs robust PID controllers
using linear programming and in some cases convex optimization. When designing controllers based on constraints
on classical robustness margins or H performance, solving linear or convex optimization problems would be a

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