CDC 2005 1583310
CDC 2005 1583310
CDC 2005 1583310
Abstract— In this paper different methods for the (model- view of the achievable performance and of the ease of use.
based) tuning of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) con- The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the different
trollers for high-order processes are analyzed and compared. considered approaches are reviewed and their characteristics
In particular, two approaches in the internal model control
framework are addressed and discussed: (i) the (high-order) are compared. Section 3 is devoted to the presentation of
controller that results from considering the high-order process simulation results regarding processes with different dynam-
model is reduced through a Maclaurin series expansion in ics. These results are discussed in Section 4 and conclusions
order to obtain a PID controller; (ii) the process model is first are drawn in Section 5.
reduced in order to obtain naturally a PID controller (different
techniques are considered for this purpose). Simulation results
regarding different process dynamics are evaluated in order to II. METHODOLOGIES
draw general conclusions.
A. IMC design: generalities
I. INTRODUCTION The internal model control methodology [8] has been
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers are the widely adopted for the purpose of PID controller tuning
most commonly adopted controllers in industrial settings (though, being based on a pole-zero cancellation approach
due to the cost/benefit ratio they are able to achieve. Be- it is not suitable for lag-dominant processes subject to load
cause of their simple structure, they are particularly suited disturbances [9], [10]). Indeed, it provides the user with a
to control processes whose dominant dynamics is of first desirable feature as a tuning parameter that handles the trade-
or second order [1]; however they are employed also for off between robustness and aggressiveness of the controller.
high-order processes, because of the economic advantages In a general form, the IMC control design can be described as
provided by their standardization. However, despite many follows. Consider a standard unity feedback control system
tuning rules having been devised in the past assuming a first- (see Figure 1) in which the (stable) process to be controlled
order plus dead time (FOPDT) or a second-order plus dead is described by the model:
time (SOPDT) process model [2], the case where a high-
order process dynamics (which is assumed to be known) is G(s) = pm (s)pa (s) (1)
explicitly addressed has received a significant attention only
recently [3]-[6]. Actually, it has to be taken into account that where pa (s) is the all-pass portion of the transfer function
in many cases, an apparent time delay is indeed due to the containing all the nonminimmum phase dynamics (pa (0) =
presence of a high-order dynamics [7]. 1). The controller transfer function is chosen as
It is realized that, because of the relative low-order of the f (s)p−1
m (s)
controller, a model reduction has necessarily to be performed. C(s) = (2)
1 − f (s)pa (s)
In this context, two approaches can be followed: (i) design a
model-based high-order controller by considering the (full) in which
high-order dynamics of the process and then reduce the con- 1
f (s) = (3)
troller to a PID form; (ii) reduce first the process model to an (λs + 1)r
appropriate low-order form so that a model-based controller
results directly to be in PID form. Actually, despite the fact is the IMC filter where λ is the adjustable time constant and
that it is obvious that the procedure for the determination of r is an appropriate order so that the controller is realizable.
the process model plays a key role in the controller tuning It has to be noted that the nominal closed-loop transfer
and therefore in the control system performance, this aspect function, i.e. the transfer function from the set-point signal
has been often overlooked in the literature [7]. ysp and the process output y, is
In this paper the two previously-mentioned approaches are pa (s)
thoroughly analyzed and compared in the internal model T (s) = . (4)
(λs + 1)r
control (IMC) framework [8], which has been extensively
adopted for the purpose of PID controller tuning, in order to This makes clear the role of the free design parameter λ
assess their advantages and disadvantages from the point of in selecting the desired closed-loop dynamics (and therefore
in handling the trade-off between robustness and aggressive-
This work was partially supported by MIUR scientifi c research funds
A. Visioli is with Dipartimento di Elettronica per l’Automazione, Uni- ness, as unavoidable mismatches between the true process
versity of Brescia, Italy, [email protected] dynamics and its model have to be taken into account).
By choosing B1 (s) and B2 (s) of first order and A1 (s) and It turns out that the first part of the series expansion contains
A2 (s) of second order and by subsequently applying the IMC a proportional term, an integral term and a derivative term
design (with a first order filter (3)), a PID controller (6) and therefore, if the high-order terms are neglected, a PID
naturally arises. If there are no zeros, two solutions can be controller (6) results (a first order filter can be easily added
exploited: (i) a second order denominator is calculated in the in order to make the controller proper and its time constant
reduction procedure and a second order filter (3) is applied in can be selected sufficiently small so that its dynamics is not
the IMC design, yielding to a PID controller; (ii) a first order significant).
denominator is calculated in the reduction procedure and a Hence, the overall procedure can be easily automated, al-
first order filter (3) is applied in the IMC design, yielding to though it is not based on tuning formulae and its compu-
a PI controller. tational burden is somewhat considerable. However, it has
It has to be noted that, differently from the method described to be stressed that a wrong choice of the design parameter
in subsection II-B, the case of complex conjugate roots is λ can result in the overall control system being unstable
also addressed in [5], but it will not be considered hereafter (see Section IV). Although this can be easily checked before
(see Section III). applying the controller, it can be considered as a major
Summarizing, the Isaksson and Graebe’s method can be drawback of the method.
easily automated, although it is not explicitly based on tuning
D. Model approximation with step response data In order to analyze and compare the different methodolo-
gies, the following processes with high order dynamics have
Usually, for the purpose of PID tuning, a FOPDT or been considered:
SOPDT process model is obtained by means of step response
data. In this context, the least-squares based method proposed (15s + 1)2 (4s + 1)(2s + 1)
G1 (s) = , (17)
in [12] is considered in this paper. The nice feature of this (20s + 1)3 (10s + 1)3 (5s + 1)3 (0.5s + 1)3
technique is that it is capable of providing a SOPDT process
(−0.3s + 1)(0.08s + 1)
model without any iteration and, being based on process G2 (s) = ,
output integrals, it is very robust to measurement noise. (2s + 1)(s + 1)(0.4s + 1)(0.2s + 1)(0.05s + 1)3
Starting from the identified model, the tuning rule (12)
(−45s + 1)
has been adopted. However, for this purpose, the obtained G3 (s) = ·
SOPDT model must have real poles and no zeros. Thus, if (20s + 1)3 (18s + 1)3 (5s + 1)3
a zero is determined the half rule is then adopted, whilst if (4s + 1)
· ,
complex conjugate poles occur, a FOPDT model (obtained (10s + 1) (16s + 1)(14s + 1)(12s + 1)
G1 (s) Minimum phase dynamics
G2 (s) Presence of a nondominant positive zero 1.2
have been selected for both the set-point and the load Fig. 2. Optimal responses for G1 (s).
disturbance step responses (i.e. a unit step has been applied
on signals ysp and d separately, see Figure 1). For those 1.2
Note again that for the Isaksson and Graebe’s method two 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
cases (PID and PI control) can emerge, depending on the fact time
Analogously, a PID or a PI controller results from the 0.2
In order to evaluate better the results, the phase margin PM
and the open loop cutoff frequency ωc for each considered 0 2 4 6 8 10
12 14 16 18 20
control system are reported in Table IV. Finally, the resulting Fig. 3. Optimal responses for G2 (s).
(set-point and load) unit step responses are plotted in Figures
2-7. For the sake of clarity, the process responses obtained
with a PI controller resulting from the Isaksson and Graebe’s is true only if an appropriate value of λ is selected. Indeed, a
method are not reported. wrong choice of λ might yield the system to instability. For
example, for system G3 (s), if λ ≤ 6 or λ ≥ 162 the resulting
IV. DISCUSSION closed loop system is unstable and, in any case, if λ ≥ 20 at
From the results obtained it appears that the approach least one of the PID parameter results to be less than zero.
based on the Maclaurin series expansion provides in general Actually, it might happen that a quite narrow range of values
the best performance, both for the set-point following and the for λ is suitable. Despite the fact that an inappropriate value
load disturbance rejection task. This is due to its capability of λ can be easily recognized during the design phase, this
of providing a higher open loop cutoff frequency without de- can be considered as a major drawback of the method, which
creasing the phase margin with respect to the other methods. has been overlooked in the literature. Indeed, this makes
From another point of view, this means that in the set-point the overall design more complicated and, most of all, the
step responses a low rise time is achieved without impairing physical meaning of the filter time constant, which should
the overshoot and in the load disturbance step responses, a handle the trade-off between aggressiveness and robustness
low peak error results without the occurrence of significant and control activity of the control system, is somewhat lost.
oscillations. It has to be also noted that the optimal values of λ are
It turns out that it is better to reduce the model of the significantly different between the considered methodology,
controller than that of the plant, as the approximation in- although it appears, as expected, that in general a higher-
troduced by adopting only the first three terms of the series order filter (i.e. for the Maclaurin series based technique or
expansion is not detrimental in the range of frequencies that when a PID controller is adopted instead of a PI controller
is significant for the considered control system. However this in the Isaksson and Graebe’s method) implies a lower value
Process Skogestad Isaksson and Graebe step response
1 25.5s + 1 1
G1 (s) e−35.5s e−27.38s
(20s + 1)(15s + 1) 2642s2 + 73.25s + 1 44.46s + 1
1 − 0.26s + 1 1
G2 (s) e−0.77s e−0.79s
(2s + 1)(1.2s + 1) 3.21s2 + 3.38s + 1 2.48s2 + 3.17s + 1
1 − 42s + 1 1
G3 (s) e−180s e−127.7s
(30s + 1)(20s + 1) 8564s2 + 115.7s + 1 106.6s + 1
1 1 1 1
G4 (s) e−1.5s e−1.38s
(1.5s + 1)(s + 1) 2.25s2 + 3s + 1 2.5s + 1 2.71s + 1
1 1 1 1
G5 (s) e−5.5s e−3.88s
(1.5s + 1)(s + 1) 14.52s2 + 5.02s + 1 4.51s + 1 4.24s + 1
1 1 1 1
G6 (s) e−17.5s e−12.72s
(1.5s + 1)(s + 1) 95.98s2 + 11.40s + 1 10.70s + 1 7.76s + 1
of λ (and the load disturbance rejection task requires a lower worse performance than the Isaksson and Graebe’s one whilst
value of λ than the set-point following task). no general conclusions can be drawn with respect to the
From the results obtained, it also appears that the Isaksson Skogestad’s method.
and Graebe’s method provides in general better performance
that the Skogestad’s one and, as expected, the PID con- V. CONCLUSIONS
troller is better than the PI controller in the context of the In order for a method to be adopted in the industrial
technique described in subsection II-C. Note, however, that context, its pros and cons should be clearly pointed out.
the tuning rules (12) have been conceived with the aim of For this purpose, in this paper different model based PID
being applicable to a wide range of processes and of being tuning methods for high-order processes have been analyzed
easy to memorize. As for the method based on the step and compared. As a main result, it has been found that the
response data, it can be deduced that in general it provides best performances are obtained by reducing the controller
1.2 1.2
set−point step response
−0.2 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time time
load disturbance step response
0.2 0.2
0 0
−0.2 −0.2
0 500 1000 1500 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time time
Fig. 4. Optimal responses for G3 (s). Fig. 6. Optimal responses for G5 (s).
set−point step response
0.8 0.8
0.6 1
load disturbance step response
0.2 0.4
−0.2 −0.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150
time time
Fig. 5. Optimal responses for G4 (s). Fig. 7. Optimal responses for G6 (s).
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