Feedback Control Theory
About this ebook
The opening chapters constitute a basic treatment of feedback design. Topics include a detailed formulation of the control design program, the fundamental issue of performance/stability robustness tradeoff, and the graphical design technique of loopshaping. Subsequent chapters extend the discussion of the loopshaping technique and connect it with notions of optimality. Concluding chapters examine controller design via optimization, offering a mathematical approach that is useful for multivariable systems.
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Book preview
Feedback Control Theory - Bruce Francis
Striking developments have taken place since 1980 in feedback control theory. The subject has become both more rigorous and more applicable. The rigor is not for its own sake, but rather that even in an engineering discipline rigor can lead to clarity and to methodical solutions to problems. The applicability is a consequence both of new problem formulations and new mathematical solutions to these problems. Moreover, computers and software have changed the way engineering design is done. These developments suggest a fresh presentation of the subject, one that exploits these new developments while emphasizing their connection with classical control.
Control systems are designed so that certain designated signals, such as tracking errors and actuator inputs, do not exceed pre-specified levels. Hindering the achievement of this goal are uncertainty about the plant to be controlled (the mathematical models that we use in representing real physical systems are idealizations) and errors in measuring signals (sensors can measure signals only to a certain accuracy). Despite the seemingly obvious requirement of bringing plant uncertainty explicitly into control problems, it was only in the early 1980s that control researchers re-established the link to the classical work of Bode and others by formulating a tractable mathematical notion of uncertainty in an input-output framework and developing rigorous mathematical techniques to cope with it. This book formulates a precise problem, called the robust performance problem, with the goal of achieving specified signal levels in the face of plant uncertainty.
The book is addressed to students in engineering who have had an undergraduate course in signals and systems, including an introduction to frequency-domain methods of analyzing feedback control systems, namely, Bode plots and the Nyquist criterion. A prior course on state-space theory would be advantageous for some optional sections, but is not necessary. To keep the development elementary, the systems are single-input/single-output and linear, operating in continuous time.
Chapters 1 to 7 are intended as the core for a one-semester senior course; they would need supplementing with additional examples. These chapters constitute a basic treatment of feedback design, containing a detailed formulation of the control design problem, the fundamental issue of performance/stability robustness tradeoff, and the graphical design technique of loopshaping, suitable for benign plants (stable, minimum phase). Chapters 8 to 12 are more advanced and are intended for a first graduate course. Chapter 8 is a bridge to the latter half of the book, extending the loopshaping technique and connecting it with notions of optimality. Chapters 9 to 12 treat controller design via optimization. The approach in these latter chapters is mathematical rather than graphical, using elementary tools involving interpolation by analytic functions. This mathematical approach is most useful for multivariable systems, where graphical techniques usually break down. Nevertheless, we believe the setting of single-input/single-output systems is where this new approach should be learned.
There are many people to whom we are grateful for their help in this book: Dale Enns for sharing his expertise in loopshaping; Raymond Kwong and Boyd Pearson for class testing the book; and Munther Dahleh, Ciprian Foias, and Karen Rudie for reading earlier drafts. Numerous Caltech students also struggled with various versions of this material: Gary Balas, Carolyn Beck, Bobby Bodenheimer, and Roy Smith had particularly helpful suggestions. Finally, we would like to thank the AFOSR, ARO, NSERC, NSF, and ONR for partial financial support during the writing of this book.
Chapter 1
Without control systems there could be no manufacturing, no vehicles, no computers, no regulated environment—in short, no technology. Control systems are what make machines, in the broadest sense of the term, function as intended. Control systems are most often based on the principle of feedback, whereby the signal to be controlled is compared to a desired reference signal and the discrepancy used to compute corrective control action. The goal of this book is to present a theory of feedback control system design that captures the essential issues, can be applied to a wide range of practical problems, and is as simple as possible.
1.1 Issues in Control System Design
The process of designing a control system generally involves many steps. A typical scenario is as follows:
1. Study the system to be controlled and decide what types of sensors and actuators will be used and where they will be placed.
2. Model the resulting system to be controlled.
3. Simplify the model if necessary so that it is tractable.
4. Analyze the resulting model; determine its properties.
5. Decide on performance specifications.
6. Decide on the type of controller to be used.
7. Design a controller to meet the specs, if possible; if not, modify the specs or generalize the type of controller sought.
8. Simulate the resulting controlled system, either on a computer or in a pilot plant.
9. Repeat from step 1 if necessary.
10. Choose hardware and software and implement the controller.
11. Tune the controller on-line if necessary.
It must be kept in mind that a control engineer's role is not merely one of designing control systems for fixed plants, of simply wrapping a little feedback
around an already fixed physical system. It also involves assisting in the choice and configuration of hardware by taking a systemwide view of performance. For this reason it is important that a theory of feedback not only lead to good designs when these are possible, but also indicate directly and unambiguously when the performance objectives cannot be met.
It is also important to realize at the outset that practical problems have uncertain, non- minimum-phase plants (non-minimum-phase means the existence of right half-plane zeros, so the inverse is unstable); that there are inevitably unmodeled dynamics that produce substantial uncertainty, usually at high frequency; and that sensor noise and input signal level constraints limit the achievable benefits of feedback. A theory that excludes some of these practical issues can still be useful in limited application domains. For example, many process control problems are so dominated by plant uncertainty and right half-plane zeros that sensor noise and input signal level constraints can be neglected. Some spacecraft problems, on the other hand, are so dominated by tradeoffs between sensor noise, disturbance rejection, and input signal level (e.g., fuel consumption) that plant uncertainty and non-minimum-phase effects are negligible. Nevertheless, any general theory should be able to treat all these issues explicitly and give quantitative and qualitative results about their impact on system performance.
In the present section we look at two issues involved in the design process: deciding on performance specifications and modeling. We begin with an example to illustrate these two issues.
Example A very interesting engineering system is the Keck astronomical telescope, currently under construction on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. When completed it will be the world’s largest. The basic objective of the telescope is to collect and focus starlight using a large concave mirror. The shape of the mirror determines the quality of the observed image. The larger the mirror, the more light that can be collected, and hence the dimmer the star that can be observed. The diameter of the mirror on the Keck telescope will be 10 m. To make such a large, high-precision mirror out of a single piece of glass would be very difficult and costly. Instead, the mirror on the Keck telescope will be a mosaic of 36 hexagonal small mirrors. These 36 segments must then be aligned so that the composite mirror has the desired shape.
The control system to do this is illustrated in Figure 1.1. As shown, the mirror segments are subject to two types of forces: disturbance forces (described below) and forces from actuators. Behind each segment are three piston-type actuators, applying forces at three points on the segment to effect its orientation. In controlling the mirror’s shape, it suffices to control the misalignment between adjacent mirror segments. In the gap between every two adjacent segments are (capacitor-type) sensors measuring local displacements between the two segments. These local displacements are stacked into the vector labeled y; this is what is to be controlled. For the mirror to have the ideal shape, these displacements should have certain ideal values that can be pre-computed; these are the components of the vector r. The controller must be designed so that in the closed-loop system y is held close to r despite the disturbance forces. Notice that the signals are vector valued. Such a system is multivariable.
Our uncertainty about the plant arises from disturbance sources:
• As the telescope turns to track a star, the direction of the force of gravity on the mirror changes.
• During the night, when astronomical observations are made, the ambient temperature changes.
Figure 1.1: Block diagram of Keck telescope control system.
• The telescope is susceptible to wind gusts.
and from uncertain plant dynamics:
• The dynamic behavior of the components—mirror segments, actuators, sensors—cannot be modeled with infinite precision.
Now we continue with a discussion of the issues in general.
Control Objectives
Generally speaking, the objective in a control system is to make some output, say y, behave in a desired way by manipulating some input, say u. The simplest objective might be to keep y small (or close to some equilibrium point)—a regulator problem—or to keep y − r small for r, a reference or command signal, in some set—a servomechanism or servo problem. Examples:
• On a commercial airplane the vertical acceleration should be less than a certain value for passenger comfort.
• In an audio amplifier the power of noise signals at the output must be sufficiently small for high fidelity.
• In papermaking the moisture content must be kept between prescribed values.
There might be the side constraint of keeping u itself small as well, because it might be constrained (e.g., the flow rate from a valve has a maximum value, determined when the valve is fully open) or it might be too expensive to use a large input. But what is small for a signal? It is natural to introduce norms for signals; then "y small means
y small." Which norm is appropriate depends on the particular application.
In summary, performance objectives of a control system naturally lead to the introduction of norms; then the specs are given as norm bounds on certain key signals of interest.
Before discussing the issue of modeling a physical system it is important to distinguish among four different objects:
1. Real physical system : the one out there.
2. Ideal physical model : obtained by schematically decomposing the real physical system into ideal building blocks; composed of resistors, masses, beams, kilns, isotropic media, Newtonian fluids, electrons, and so on.
3. Ideal mathematical model : obtained by applying natural laws to the ideal physical model; composed of nonlinear partial differential equations, and so on.
4. Reduced mathematical model : obtained from the ideal mathematical model by linearization, lumping, and so on; usually a rational transfer function.
Sometimes language makes a fuzzy distinction between the real physical system and the ideal physical model. For example, the word resistor applies to both the actual piece of ceramic and metal and the ideal object satisfying Ohm’s law. Of course, the adjectives real and ideal could be used to disambiguate.
No mathematical system can precisely model a real physical system; there is always uncertainty. Uncertainty means that we cannot predict exactly what the output of a real physical system will be even if we know the input, so we are uncertain about the system. Uncertainty arises from two sources: unknown or unpredictable inputs (disturbance, noise, etc.) and unpredictable dynamics.
What should a model provide? It should predict the input-output response in such a way that we can use it to design a control system, and then be confident that the resulting design will work on the real physical system. Of course, this is not possible. A leap of faith
will always be required on the part of the engineer. This cannot be eliminated, but it can be made more manageable with the use of effective modeling, analysis, and design techniques.
Mathematical Models in This Book
The models in this book are finite-dimensional, linear, and time-invariant. The main reason for this is that they are the simplest models for treating the fundamental issues in control system design. The resulting design techniques work remarkably well for a large class of engineering problems, partly because most systems are built to be as close to linear time-invariant as possible so that they are more easily controlled. Also, a good controller will keep the system in its linear regime. The uncertainty description is as simple as possible as well.
The basic form of the plant model in this book is
Here y is the output, u the input, and P the nominal plant transfer function. The model uncertainty comes in two forms:
n: unknown noise or disturbance
Δ: unknown plant perturbation
Both n and Δ will be assumed to belong to sets, that is, some a priori information is assumed about n and Δ. Then every input u is capable of producing a set of outputs, namely, the set of all outputs (P + Δ)u + n as n and Δ range over their sets. Models capable of producing sets of outputs for a single input are said to be nondeterministic. There are two main ways of obtaining models, as described next.
Models from Science
The usual way of getting a model is by applying the laws of physics, chemistry, and so on. Consider the Keck telescope example. One can write down differential equations based on physical principles (e.g., Newton’s laws) and making idealizing assumptions (e.g., the mirror segments are rigid). The coefficients in the differential equations will depend on physical constants, such as masses and physical dimensions. These can be measured. This method of applying physical laws and taking measurements is most successful in electromechanical systems, such as aerospace vehicles and robots. Some systems are difficult to model in this way, either because they are too complex or because their governing laws are unknown.
Models from Experimental Data
The second way of getting a model is by doing experiments on the physical system. Let’s start with a simple thought experiment, one that captures many essential aspects of the relationships between physical systems and their models and the issues in obtaining models from experimental data. Consider a real physical system—the plant to be controlled—with one input, u, and one output, y. To design a control system for this plant, we must understand how u affects y.
The experiment runs like this. Suppose that the real physical system is in a rest state before an input u is applied (i.e., u = y = 0). Now apply some input signal u, resulting in some output signal y. Observe the pair (u, y). Repeat this experiment several times. Pretend that these data pairs are all we know about the real physical system. (This is the black box scenario. Usually, we know something about the internal workings of the system.)
After doing this experiment we will notice several things. First, the same input signal at different times produces different output signals. Second, if we hold u = 0, y will fluctuate in an unpredictable manner. Thus the real physical system produces just one output for any given