On Tuning PI Controllers For Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems

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Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2010, pp.

145–164, ISSN 1890–1328

On Tuning PI Controllers for Integrating Plus

Time Delay Systems
David Di Ruscio

Telemark University College, P.O. Box 203, N-3901 Porsgrunn, Norway. E-mail: [email protected]


Some analytical results concerning PI controller tuning based on integrator plus time delay models are
worked out and presented. A method for obtaining PI controller parameters, Kp = kτ , and, Ti = βτ ,
which ensures a given prescribed maximum time delay error, dτmax , to time delay, τ , ratio parameter
δ = dτmax
τ , is presented. The corner stone in this method, is a method product parameter, c̄ = αβ.
Analytical relations between the PI controller parameters, Ti , and, Kp , and the time delay error parameter,
δ, is presented, and we propose the setting, β = ac̄ (δ + 1), and, α = δ+1 a
, which gives, Ti = ac̄ (δ + 1)τ ,
and, Kp = (δ+1)kτ , where the parameter, a, is constant in the method product parameter, c̄ = αβ. It also
turns out that the integral time, Ti , is linear in, δ, and the proportional gain, Kp , inversely proportional
to, δ + 1. For the original Ziegler Nichols (ZN) method this parameter is approximately, c̄ = 2.38, and
the presented method may e.g., be used to obtain new modified ZN parameters with increased robustness
margins, also documented in the paper.

Keywords: PI controller, tuning, integrating system, time delay, maximum time delay error, frequency

1. Introduction control in connection with a distillation column is pre-

Most PI controller tuning rules for integrating plus
This paper is concerned about PI controller tuning
time delay processes may be formulated in the follow-
based on integrator plus time delay models. Integra-
ing setting
tor plus time delay processes and close to integrator
plus time delay systems are common and important α
Kp = , Ti = βτ, (1)
processes in industry. Examples of integrating plus kτ
time delay processes are level systems, pulp and pa- where, Kp , is the PI controller proportional gain, Ti ,
per plants, oil-water-gas separators in oil industry, and the integral time, k, is the gain velocity or the slope
all time constant lag dominant processes which may of the integrator and, τ , is the time delay. Here, α,
be approximated with an integrator plus time delay and, β, are dimensionless parameters, which may be
process. Reported examples are high purity distilla- related to each other, e.g. such that β is a function of
tion columns where there are large time constants for α or vice versa. For instance using the classical tun-
small changes in the set-point, and where the delay e.g. ing rules by Ziegler and Nichols (1942), α = 0.71 and
comes from an analyzer, see e.g. Chien and Fruehauf β = 3.33. Using the IMC tuning rules in Table 1 of
(1990), Tyreus and Luyben (1992) and earlier refer- Chien and Fruehauf
√ (1990) with closed loop time con-
ences in this paper. In Skogestad (2001), Sec. 6.4 of stant, τcl = 10τ , as proposed in Tyreus and Luyben
that paper, it is also stated that integrating processes (1992) gives parameters α = 0.42 and β = 7.32. Us-
are important in industry and an example of re-boiler ing the Simple Internal Model Control (SIMC) Skoges-

c 2010 Norwegian Society of Automatic Control
Modeling, Identification and Control

tad (2001) tuning rules with closed loop time constant, choice indeed, i.e., Tc = τ , Skogestad (2003). See also
Tc = τ , gives α = 0.5 and β = 8. This also holds for Shamsuzzoha et al. (2010) for a statement of this. We
the tuning rules deduced in Chidambaram and Sree notice in connection with this, that a basic requirement
(2003). when choosing the tuning parameter should be stabil-
In order to obtain PI controller settings with good ity of the closed loop system. In Tyreus and Luyben
robustness properties and at the same time reasonable (1992) it was commented upon that the IMC approach
fast set-point and disturbance properties, for integrat- requires some trial and error in order to specify the
ing plus time delay processes, without e.g. too much closed loop time constant that will give a reasonable
overshoot, then the size and balanced relationship be- damping in the closed loop responses.
tween the two parameters α and β are of appropriate The main foci and motivations of this paper may be
importance. itemized as follows:
From the basic PI setting in eq. (1) we may also
define a method product parameter, c̄, for later use, as • One of the main foci in this paper is to discuss PI
controller tuning rules for integrating plus time
c̄ = αβ. (2) delay systems, and instead choose the closed loop
time constant such that some sensitivity or robust-
Notice also that c̄ = αβ = Kp kTi holds for the setting ness measure is achieved. In connections with such
in eq. (1). The defined method product parameter, c̄, systems it makes sense to focus on the phase mar-
in eq. (2) is constant for many methods. The SIMC gin and the corresponding maximum time delay
PI settings, Skogestad (2001), yield a method product error, which also is one of the main foci of this
parameter, c̄ = αβ = 4. The original Ziegler Nichols paper.
(ZN) method gives a parameter approximately, c̄ =
αβ = 2.38. • The disturbance response by using the SIMC PI
This work is somewhat inspired by the Skogestad controller settings is relatively slow and may pos-
(2001) SIMC PID controller tuning rules, also further sibly be improved, without reducing the margins.
presented in Skogestad (2003) and Skogestad (2004). This problem is among others addressed in this
The SIMC PI controller settings for a pure integra- paper.
tion plus time delay process is derived in order to ob-
• A question also investigated in this paper is
tain simple and robust tuning rules, i.e. by using the
whether we may deduce PI controller tuning rules
proportional gain setting found from an argumentation
for integrating plus time delay systems in which
that the process is first order plus time delay, and time
the method product parameter, is less than c̄ = 4,
constant/lag dominant. Furthermore, studying the set-
without reducing margins and with approximately
point response we find a P-controller equivalent to the
the same set-point and disturbance response prop-
SIMC setting. In order to suppress input disturbances
erties, as e.g. the SIMC method with the robust
a PI controller is needed for integrating plus time delay
lower bound for fast response, i.e. Tc = τ .
processes. The integral time constant in the SIMC PI
setting for pure integration plus time delay processes Notice in connection with this, that one also may fo-
is found by neglecting the time delay and specifying cus on the maximum peak Ms , of the sensitivity func-
a pole polynomial for the responses with unit relative tion as also described in Åström and Hägglund (2004),
damping. The resulting margins are relatively good, and Åström and Hägglund (1995) where some inequali-
but somewhat reduced compared to the good margins ties relating the gain margin and phase margin, P M , to
when using the SIMC PI controller settings for a first the Ms sensitivity index are presented on p. 126. Rea-
order plus time delay process, or using a pure P con- sonable values of the minimum sensitivity index Ms are
troller for integrating plus time delay processes (Gain in the range from 1.3 ≤ Ms ≤ 2, Åström and Hägglund
Margin equal to π and Phase Margin equal to 61◦ ). (1995). The Ms sensitivity measure is noticed upon in
In the IMC settings, Chien and Fruehauf (1990), and connection with some of the results and examples in
in the SIMC settings, Skogestad (2001, 2003, 2004), this paper, and may be a topic for further research.
the closed loop time constant is the tuning parame- The contributions of this paper may be itemized as
ter. We believe that there in general will be some trial follows:
and error procedure involved in prescribing the closed
loop time constant. When using the SIMC method the • A method for tuning PI controller parameters, α,
closed loop time constant, Tc , is the tuning parame- and, β, in eq. (1) based on integrator plus time
ter in the range −τ < Tc < ∞, and for robust tuning delay models, such that the resulting closed loop
Tc ≥ τ , Skogestad (2001). However, for fast and ro- system obtains a prescribed maximum time delay
bust control it is recommended to choose the simple error, dτmax , to time delay, τ , ratio δ = dτmax
τ ,

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

is presented in Sec. 6. This method has two tun- Simulation examples are presented in Sec. 7. Some
ing parameters, in addition to the maximum time related discussions are given in Sec. 8 and conclusions
delay error ratio, δ, a method tuning parameter, follow in Sec. 9.

• Instead of neglecting the time delay when deriv- 2. Preliminary Theory

ing the integral time constant, Ti = min(T, 4(Tc +
τ )) = 4(Tc + τ ), as in the SIMC method we, in 2.1. Lag Dominant Systems
Sec. 5, use the truncated series approximation,
Consider a system approximated with a first order time
and common approximations as Pade and Balchen
constant plus time delay model
approximations, and derive alternative relations
between the proportional gain, Kp , and Ti , and e−τ s
alternative PI controller settings are derived. This hp (s) = K , (3)
1 + Ts
setting gives somewhat improved margins com-
pared with the SIMC PI controller tuning, faster where, K, is the process gain, T the dominant time
disturbance response and approximately the same constant or time lag and, τ , the time delay.
set-point response. The system eq. (3) may be defined as lag dominant
when T > τ which is the case for many systems. It
• We discuss alternative settings for the integral is well known that when T τ then eq. (3) may
time constant, e.g., Ti = min(T, 3(Tc + τ )), in be approximated with a pure integrator plus time de-
the SIMC method for PI control of integrator plus lay model and the controller tuning could be based
time delay processes which gives a faster input on this approximation, Chien and Fruehauf (1990),
disturbance response than the SIMC setting, but Tyreus and Luyben (1992).
with approximately the same margins. From the model eq. (3) we obtain
• We propose a PI controller setting, for first order K e−τ s
plus time delay systems, where instead of specify- hp (s) = , (4)
T s + T1
ing the time constant of the set-point response as
in the SIMC method, use a dimensionless param- where we define the factor between the gain, K, and
eter, c, such that the closed loop time constant is, the time constant/lag, T , as the gain velocity, k = K
Tc = cτ , and such that the closed loop system gets When the system is lag dominant and T “large” we
a prescribed Gain Margin, GM . may approximate eq. (4) as an integrator plus time
delay system
• A review over some existing PI controller tuning
rules for integrating plus time delay processes are e−τ s
hp (s) = k , (5)
given. s
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. where k = K T is the slope of the integrator, i.e., the
2 some basic theory and definitions used throughout gain velocity and τ the time delay.
the paper are presented. In Sec. 3 we give a discussion We will in this paper focus on PI controller tuning
of how to find the PI controller parameters such that which may be based on the integrator plus time delay
the closed loop system gets a prescribed Gain margin, system eq. (5), and that this integrator plus time delay
for systems in which the integral time, Ti , is chosen model may be an approximation of a lag dominant first
equal to the dominant time constant. In Sec. 4 we order plus time delay model as in eq. (3).
work through the SIMC method, Skogestad (2001), for Furthermore, notice that if the SIMC method for PI
integrator plus time delay systems, as well as the SIMC controller tuning as in Skogestad (2001) is used, then
settings Ti = min(T, 4(Tc + τ )) = 4(Tc + τ ) with some the PI controller tuning becomes the same, whether
connected discussions. In Sec. 5 we derive PI controller the tuning is based on the lag dominant model eq. (3)
tuning rules, but instead of neglecting the time delay or the integrator plus time delay model approximation
as when deriving the SIMC rules in Sec. 4, we instead eq. (5), when min(T, 4(Tc + τ )) = 8τ . We have here
are using three different approximations to the time assumed the lower bound for the closed loop time con-
delay, i.e., an inverse response approximation, a Pade stant, Tc = τ . This means that we may tune the PI
approximation and a time lag approximation. In Sec. 6 controller based on eq. (5) with gain velocity k = K T
we deduce analytical results concerning the maximum when T > 8τ , when e.g. the SIMC method is used.
time delay error and propose PI controller tuning rules This also implies that most methods which are con-
in terms of a prescribed maximum time delay error. structed for integrating plus time delay systems may

Modeling, Identification and Control

work well for time lag dominant systems. The main The SIMC PI controller tuning yields a Phase Mar-
focus of this paper is to possibly give some improve- gin, P M ≈ 61.4◦ , as described in Appendix A. Further-
ments of PI controller tuning for such systems. more we may tolerate a maximum time delay error,
2.2. SIMC Tuning Rules for First Order dτmax = = (π − 1)τ = 2.14τ. (7)
Plus Time Delay Process
One interpretation of this is as follows. Suppose that
Consider the first order time constant plus time delay the true time delay, τp , in the process is, τp = τ + dτ ,
process in eq. (3). The standard SIMC PI controller where τ is the time delay in the model. The corre-
settings (Skogestad (2001), Skogestad (2003)) for the sponding true Phase Margin is then P Mp = −(τ +
PI controller parameters are dτ )ωc − π2 + π = P M − dτ ωc . The maximum time
T delay error perturbation, dτmax , which may be tol-
Kp = , Ti = min(T, 4(Tc + τ )), (6) erated before the system becomes unstable is found
K(Tc + τ )
for the phase margin limit ( P Mp = 0), i.e., P Mp =
where Tc ≥ τ for robust tunings Skogestad (2001), is a P M − dτmax ωc = 0, which gives eq. (7).
prescribed time constant for the set-point response.
Consider the case in which min(T, 4(Tc + τ )) = T . 2.3. On Some Methods for Tuning
Canceling the dominant time constant by choosing, Integrating Plus Time Delay Systems
Ti = T , gives the PI controller transfer function,
hc (s) = Kp 1+T is 2.3.1. Tyreus and Lyben Modified ZN Tuning
Ti s , with proportional gain as in eq. (6).
This is found by specifying the loop-transfer function, The Tyreus and Lyben (TL) settings as presented in
y hc hp e−τ s
r (s) = 1+hc hp = 1+Tc s , and solving for the controller, Tyreus and Luyben (1992) are re-presented for compar-
hc , which gives, hc (s) = hp1(s) 1−r y (s) , and in order to ison purposes in Skogestad (2001)-Skogestad (2004),
ensure a rational controller transfer function, hc (s), the but the parameters settings may be misunderstood. In
approximation, e−τ s = 1 − τ s, is used. The case when Tyreus and Luyben (1992) it is suggested
the minimum time constant is, Ti = 4(Tc + τ ), is de- Ku
rived based on an integrating plus time delay process Kp = = 0.311Ku , Ti = 2.2Pu , (8)
as discussed in Subsection 4.2.
where Ku is the ultimate gain and Pu the ultimate
period. For an integrator plus time delay process
2.2.1. Margins for the SIMC PI Setting: First
with P-controller we simply find the ultimate period
Order Plus Time Delay
and ultimate gain from the frequency response of the
We will in this section discuss the guaranteed margins corresponding loop transfer function, i.e., h0 (jω) =
for the SIMC PI controller settings for a first order |h0 (jω)|e∠h0 (jω) where the magnitude is, |h0 (jω)| =
plus time delay process. The aim is to present some Kωp k and the phase angle ∠h0 (jω) = −τ ω − π2 . This
definitions used in the paper. π
gives the Phase crossover frequency, ω180 = 2τ , such
Consider the robust lower bound and simple choice that ∠h0 (jω180 ) = −π. This gives the ultimate period,
Tc = τ which gives Kp = 2Kτ , and the case with Pu = ω2π = 4τ . The ultimate gain is the largest Kp
Ti = min(T, 8τ ) = T . As in Appendix A we find the such that the magnitude |h0 (jω180 )| = 1 which gives
1 π
gain margin GM = |h0 (jω180 )| = π. Assume that the the ultimate gain, Ku = 2kτ , also such that the phase
true process gain is, kp , and different from our model crossover frequency and the gain crossover frequency
gain K. Then this means that we may tolerate a multi- coincide, i.e., ωc = ω180 . This gives the PI controller
plicative uncertainty in the process gain, kp = GM K, settings
(at the phase crossover frequency, ω180 ) before the sys-
tem becomes unstable. Kp = , Ti = 8.8τ. (9)
The SIMC PI controller tunings (T ≤ 8τ ) give a con- kτ
stant gain margin GM = π irrespective of the model This setting gives approximately the same responses as
parameters K, T and τ . For the setting Tc = τ and the SIMC setting (for an integrator plus time delay pro-
Ti = min(T, 8τ ) = 8τ then the gain margin is approxi- cess), and with a somewhat slow disturbance response,
mately equal to 3, also reported in Shamsuzzoha et al. and with much improved margins compared to the ZN
(2010). This case is discussed in detail based on an settings discussed below, i.e., a GM ≈ 3.06, a Phase
integrator plus time delay model, in Sec. 4 and Sec. margin, P M ≈ 48.54◦ , a maximum time delay error,
6, where some results regarding the Phase margin and dτmax ≈ 1.69τ and a sensitivity index Ms ≈ 1.67.
maximum time delay error are derived. This is further analyzed in Example 7.1.

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

2.3.2. Original Ziegler Nichols (ZN) Tuning difficult to specify in advance. Often some trial and er-
ror procedure is used, also commented upon in Tyreus
From the above discussion in Sec. 2.3.1 we find the ZN
and Luyben (1992).
PI controller tunings for a pure integrating plus time
Let us instead chose, Tc , as a dimensionless param-
delay process as follows
eter, c, times the time delay, i.e.,
Ku 0.714
Kp = ≈ Ti = Pu /1.2 ≈ 3.33τ. (10) Tc = cτ, (11)
2.2 kτ
where the parameter, c, is chosen such that the feed-
This setting gives relatively aggressive responses with
back system has a prescribed Gain margin, GMpre .
oscillations and relatively poor robustness margins, i,e,
We find the settings
a Gain margin, GM ≈ 1.85, a Phase margin, P M ≈

24.7 , a maximum time delay error, dτmax ≈ 0.56τ T
and a sensitivity index Ms ≈ 2.86. Notice that this Kp = , Ti = min(T, 4(c + 1)τ ), (12)
(c + 1)kτ
ZN tuning is further used in Example 6.1 where we
increase the margins by prescribing a maximum time and when Ti = T we simply have the parameter c as
delay error. 2
c = GMpre − 1. (13)
2.3.3. Discussion
Note here, that when prescribing a Gain margin,
Notice that two PI controller settings are proposed in GMpre = π, then we obtain the SIMC tuning rules for
Tyreus and Luyben (1992), as follows: a first order time delay process, with Ti = T , Tc = τ ,
i.e., Kp = 2Kτ . Typical values for the gain margin
• The “TL ultimate gain and period method”,
are in the range 2 ≤ GM ≤ 5, Åström and Hägglund
Tyreus and Luyben (1992) as in eq. (9) above.
(1995) p. 126.
• The proposed settings in Tyreus and Luyben Notice also that the closed loop time constant now
√ is found by using eq. (13), i.e.,
(1992) with closed loop time constant, τ0 = 10τ ,
eq. (18) in that paper and in corresponding with

the settings eqs. (2-3) of that paper (equivalent Tc = GMpre − 1 τ, (14)
with IMC settings in Table 1 in Chien and Frue-
hauf (1990)), give the settings Kp = 0.42 and with GMpre > 1 in order to ensure stability of the
Ti = 7.32. closed loop system. This strategy may help to find a
reasonable closed loop time constant, Tc , as given in eq.
Notice also that there possibly is a minor error in (14). Notice that eqs. (12) and (13) may be combined
Table 3 in Skogestad (2001) were the TL settings are to give K as a function of GM , i.e.,
p pre
presented as Kp = 0.49 and Ti = 7.32.
π T
Kp = . (15)
2 GMpre kτ
3. Gain Margin Aspects
Note that we here have proposed an alternative ap-
We will later on in Sec. 6 deduce some analytical re- proach for tuning the PI controller parameters. In the
sults concerning the maximum time delay error of in- SIMC method the time constant, (Tc ≥ τ for robust
tegrator plus time delay systems, and it makes sense tunings), is specified initially, but in this gain margin
to focus on the Phase margin for such systems, and in-approach the PI controller parameters are a function of
stead prescribe the maximum time delay error, to time the prescribed Gain margin, GMpre . One should also
delay ratio, dτmax
τ . However, in connections with time
notice the simple setting, eq. (11), of the closed loop
constant systems, as e.g. in eq. (3), where the inte- set-point response time constant.
gral time is chosen as the dominant time constant, i.e., The case in which Ti = min(T, 4(c + 1)τ ) = 4(c + 1)τ
Ti = T , we may look at the Gain margin and some is not so simple as the explicit setting for, c, given
results are discussed in the following. by eq. (13). This case is considered in connection
with integrator plus time delay systems, and we will
3.1. Specifying Gain Margin Instead of instead focus on the Phase margin and the maximum
time delay error for such systems, as discussed in Sec.
Closed Loop Time Constant
The time constant, Tc , for the set-point and distur- Also notice that this gain margin approach gives al-
bance load responses may in some circumstances be most similar tunings as the SIMC tuning rules, for a

Modeling, Identification and Control

first order plus time delay model, the only difference which is an integrator process with time delay. Note
is that instead of specifying the time constant, Tc , that we may approximate eq. (18) as an inverse re-
of the set-point response, the dimensionless parame- sponse with τ ≥ 0. Using the method as presented
ter, c, which corresponds to a prescribed Gain margin, in Sec. 2.2 for a process, y = hp (s)u, leads to a P-
GMpre , is used. controller with proportional gain
We will in the next Sections 4, 5 and 6 focus on PI
controller settings for integrating plus time delay sys- 1 1
Kp = = , (20)
tems, in which the resulting PI controller parameter k(Tc + τ ) 2kτ
settings give some improved controller performance,
both with respect to load disturbance rejections and where the last equality is obtained by the simple rule
robustness margins. of thumb, Tc = τ . This P-controller setting has good
margins, i.e., a Gain Margin, GM = π, Phase Margin,
P M = 61◦ and a maximum time delay error dτmax =
3.2. Tuning for Prescribed Gain Margin 2.14τ .
We will in this section look at a simple PI controller Unfortunately, a P-controller will give set-point error
tuning method which results in a prescribed gain mar- for disturbances at the input, i.e. for systems y =
gin, GMpre . Consider the SIMC PI controller set- hp (s)(u+v) because the response from the disturbance
ting for the integral time, (Skogestad (2001), Skogestad to the output then is given by
(2003)), and the case in which
y y
r (s) v (s)
Ti = min(T, 4ζ (Tc + τ )) = T, (16) z }| { z }| {
hc hp hp
y= r+ v. (21)
where Skogestad (2001) is choosing a relative damping 1 + hc hp 1 + hc hp
factor ζ = 1. The case in which Ti = min(T, 4ζ (Tc +
τ )) = 4ζ 2 (Tc + τ ) is focused on in Sec. 4. Looking at the response from the disturbance, v, to the
−τ s
Assume that we want a prescribed Gain Margin, output, y, for a process hp = k e s and a P-controller,
GMpre , for the feedback system. In order to find the i.e., hc = Kp gives,
proportional gain, Kp , which gives this gain margin
−τ s
we first find the gain margin, GM(Kp =1) , for the loop y ke s
transfer function with unit proportional gain, i.e. a PI (s) = −τ s . (22)
v 1 + Kp k e s
controller with Kp = 1,
y 1
1 + Ti s In steady-state we have v (s = 0) = Kp and that
h0 (s) = hp (s). (17)
Ti s
The proportional gain y=r+ v. (23)
GM(Kp =1)
Kp = , (18) This implies that we usually need a PI-controller for in-
tegrating plus time delay systems in order to eliminate
ensures that the loop transfer function obtains the pre- the offset from load disturbances, v, at the input, i.e.,
scribed gain margin, GMpre . We have in the above as- we need a controller in which, y (s = 0) = 0. Note that
sumed that the system is stable for a unit proportional load disturbances at the output will be removed by us-
gain in connection with this result, and that the open ing a P-controller, i.e., for systems, y = hp (s)u+v, and
loop system is stable with real time constants. This is integrating plus time delay systems as in eq. (18).
not considered further.

4.2. Neglecting the Time Delay when

4. On the SIMC Method for Deriving the Integral Time
Integrating Plus Time Delay In practice, for the reason of eliminating load distur-
Process bances v at the input, i.e., for systems y = hp (s)(u + v)
and in case of unmodeled effects we use a PI controller
4.1. Input Load Disturbance for integrating processes. The SIMC PI settings, Sko-
gestad (2001), are
Consider a system described by the transfer function
e−τ s 1
hp (s) = k , (19) Kp = , Ti = 4(Tc + τ ), (24)
s k(Tc + τ )

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

and with the robust simple choice for the time constant (28) may be written in terms of the natural/resonance
for the set-point response, Tc = τ , we obtain the SIMC frequency, ω = τ10 .
settings By comparing the coefficients in the pole polynomial
and the corresponding coefficients in the standard sec-
Kp = , Ti = 8τ. (25) ond order polynomial we may find relations between,
Kp , and, Ti . We have
This SIMC setting gives reasonable margins, i.e., a gain
margin, GM ≈ 2.96 and a Phase margin, P M = 46.8◦ . Ti
τ02 = , 2ζτ0 = Ti . (30)
The SIMC integral time setting in eq. (23) may be Kp k
deduced as follows. Consider a first order system with
2 2
time delay, and with a large time constant, T , i.e. we This gives (2ζτ0 ) = Ti and
may write the model as
−τ s −τ s −τ s Ti = 4ζ 2 . (31)
e K e e Kp k
hp (s) = K = ≈ k , (26)
1 + Ts T T1 + s s
Using the setting for the proportional gain, i.e.,
with, k = K , the slope of the integrator step re-
T 1 T
sponse. In the time domain, k, is the input gain pa- Kp = = , (32)

rameter/matrix for a model, ẏ = ku, and a delay, k(T c + τ ) K(T c + τ)

y = y − (t − τ ). The slope/gain, k, may be found from where K is the gain and T the time constant in the
system identification but the time delay may be more first order process. Note that the slope is k = K in
problematic in case of high frequency noise on the data, case of an integrating process. Hence we have
but this is not a topic of this paper. For systems with
large time constants and neglecting the time delay we Ti = 4ζ 2 (Tc + τ ). (33)
obtain the transfer function
1 Putting ζ = 1 gives real roots and a pole polynomial
hp (s) ≈ k , (27) π(s) = (1 + τ0 s)2 = τ02 s2 + 2τ0 s + 1. Furthermore
using the settings Kp = k(T 1+τ ) = 2kτ 1
gives the SIMC
which is used for the derivation of the SIMC PI- setting T = 4(T + τ ) = 8τ cwhen T = τ .
i c c
settings. Note also that, according to the pole polynomial co-
In Skogestad (2001) it is argued that the oscillations efficients, eq. (29), this gives a time constant, τ =
caused by the delay occur at a frequency, ω ≈ τ1 , and 1 T = 4τ , for the closed loop responses, and that this
2ζ i
is faster then the “slow” oscillations caused by the is 4 times larger than the specified set-point response
disturbances, and the delay is therefore neglected in time constant, T = τ , in the SIMC settings. This in-
the SIMC derivation. From which is found below, the consistence is believed to be due to the neglection of
disturbance oscillations caused by a high proportional the time delay in the derivation.
gain, Kp , occur at a frequency ω ≈ 4τ . Notice that this Furthermore, from the polynomial coefficients in eq.
argumentation is obtained from separating the delay (29) another strategy could have been to specify the
from the problem, and from simulation experiments. speed of response, τ0 , and then the integral time con-
The pole polynomial for the disturbance and set- stant, T , and the proportional gain, K , expressed as
i p
point response is obtained from
1 + Ti s k Ti 2ζ
1 + hc hp = 1 + Kp Ti = 2ζτ0 , Kp = 2 = kτ , (34)
Ti s s kτ 0 0

1 2 Kp k preferably with ζ = 1. Furthermore, we will propose
= s + (1 + T i s)
s2 Ti choosing the speed of the response time constant,

1 Kp k Ti 2
= s + T i s + 1 . (28) τ0 = cτ, (35)
s2 Ti Kp k
This gives a pole polynomial on standard second order and to choose the dimensionless parameter, c, to ensure
form as robustness (sensitivity) measure, and an alternative PI
controller setting for integrating plus time delay pro-
Ti 2
π(s) = s + Ti s + 1 = τ02 s2 + 2ζτ0 s + 1, (29) cesses is the result. Hence, the SIMC settings may be
Kp k formulated as
where, τ0 , is the speed of response for a given dimen- 2
sionless relative damping coefficient, ζ. Note that eq. Ti = 2cτ, Kp = . (36)

Modeling, Identification and Control

Eq. (35) is obtained by using eq. (34) in eq. (33) with Table 1: PI-controller settings for an integrating plus
−τ s
ζ = 1. Notice that using c = 4 in eq. (35) gives the time delay system, hp (s) = k e s , with gain
SIMC PI settings with Tc = τ , i.e. presented in eq. velocity, k, and time delay τ ≥ 0. Setting 1
(24). is the Skogestad IMC (SIMC) setting. Set-
However, we will in the next section use this strategy, tings 2 are suggested by Haugen (2010) and
but instead of neglecting the time delay in the deriva- settings 3 are proposed in this paper. Differ-
tion use some common approximation to the time de- ent settings for the relative damping factor,
lay, Pade’ approximations, and e−τ s ≈ 1 − τ s, etc. ζ, used in eq. (28), and maximum time delay
One should also note that from the above analysis error, dτmax , to time delay, τ , ratio, are illus-
and the relationship given by eq. (30) we find that trated. The corresponding gain Margins GM,
in order to avoid oscillations in the feedback loop we and sensitivity indices Ms , are also indicated.
should chose, ζ = 1, and tune the PI controller such
that the product of the proportional gain, Kp , and the Kp Ti ζ GM dτmax Ms
integral time, Ti , should be 1
1 2kτ 8 τ 1√ 2.96 1.59 1.70
4 2 1
4 τ 2
2.74 1.08 1.96
Kp Ti = . (37) 2kτ √2
k 1
3 2kτ 6 τ 3
2.89 1.41 1.77
Eq. (36) may be used to develop a strategy to re-tune
an oscillating feedback loop, as presented in Skogestad
Notice for later use in Sec. 6 that from eq. (36) and We will in the next section discuss PI controller set-
the PI setting, eq. (1), that the SIMC method yields a tings for integrating plus time delay processes in which
method product parameter, c̄ = αβ = Kp kTi = 4. we use different approximations to the time delay, i.e.,
Unfortunately, as also pointed out by Haugen (2010), an inverse response approximation e−τ s ≈ 1 − τ s, and
the response of eliminating load disturbances, v, is slow Pade’ approximations etc.
by these settings and the integral time constant, Ti ,
may be reduced by a factor of√two, i.e. by allowing
oscillations and requiring, ζ = 22 ≈ 0.7. This gives
5. Alternative Settings for
Integrating Plus Time Delay
Ti = 4τ. (38)
This setting gives
√ a Butterworth pole polynomial
π(s) = τ02 s2 + 2τ0 s + 1 with τ0 = 2τ . The cor- 5.1. Settings by Approximating Time
responding margins for this setting is, a Gain mar- Delay as Inverse Response
gin GM = 2.74 and a Phase margin, P M = 34.1◦ .
This setting gives a considerable faster disturbance re- Instead of neglecting the time delay as in the derivation
sponse, but the margins are believed to be too low in of the SIMC PI settings we will in this section deduce
general. Notice, that this gives a method product pa- an alternative PI controller tuning for the integral time
rameter, c̄ = αβ = Kp kTi = 2. See further relations to constant Ti , and the proportional gain, Kp .
the tuning rules deduced in Sec. 6. Let us study the disturbance response in case of a

PI controller. We have
A third choice proposed here is to choose ζ = 23 .
This gives the integral time, −τ s
ke s
y hp
(s) = = −τ s
Ti = 6τ. (39) v 1 + hc hp 1 + Kp 1+T is e
Ti s k s
kse−τ s
Notice that this gives a method product parameter, = K k
c̄ = αβ = Kp kTi = 3, and further relations to the s2 + Tpi (1 + Ti s)e−τ s
tuning rules deduced in Sec. 5.3 and Sec. √6.
These settings, i.e. with ζ = 1, ζ = 22 and ζ = Approximating the delay as an inverse response term
√ we get
2 are listed in Table 1. As expected, and as we see
from Table 1, the maximum time delay to time delay y ks(1 − τ s)
ratio, dτmax , is reduced when reducing the relative (s) = Kp k
τ v 2
s + Ti (1 + Ti s)(1 − τ s)
damping coefficient, ζ. As we will see later on Sec.
6, and Example 6.2, the product parameter c̄ = αβ = Ti s(1 − τ s)
= . (41)
Kp kTi = 3 may give a tuning with reasonable margins. Kp KTik s2 + (1 + Ti s)(1 − τ s)

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

The poles are given by the roots of the pole polynomial, that both the Gain margin, GM , and the Phase mar-
i.e., gin, P M , are constant for varying time delay, τ , con-
stant gain, k, and with a prescribed dimensionless pa-
Ti 2 rameter, c = ττ0 . Furthermore, the Gain margin, GM ,
π(s) = s + (1 + Ti s)(1 − τ s)
Kp k the Phase margin, P M , and the maximum time delay

1 uncertainty, dτmax , are constant for varying gain ve-
= Ti − τ s2 + (Ti − τ )s + 1
Kp k locity (slope), k, and with constant time delay, τ , and
2 2
= τ0 s + 2τ0 ζs + 1. (42) for a prescribed dimensionless parameter, c = τ .
Note that an alternative expression of the settings
Comparing the coefficients with the standard second eq. (45) may be found by defining the parameter β =
order form polynomial we find 2c + 1, i.e., as

Ti 4β
τ02 = − Ti τ Ti = βτ, Kp = . (47)
Kp k kτ (β + 1)2
For instance a setting β = 6.5 gives the same setting

= Ti −τ , (43) as eq. (45) with c = 2.75. This last variant may be a
Kp k
simpler formulation in case of tuning as a function of
and β.
Some related discussion and analysis is done in the
2τ0 ζ = Ti − τ. (44) following. From 4ζ 2 τ 2 = (Ti −τ )2 we find the following
2nd order polynomial for the relationship between Ti
Let us now prescribe the speed of response, τ0 , for
and Kp as a function of the relative damping coefficient
a given relative damping, ζ, where it makes sense to
ζ, i.e.,
choose ζ = 1. Hence, we have the following PI con-
troller tuning 2 2 1
Ti − 4ζ − τ + 2τ Ti + τ 2 = 0. (48)
Kp k
Ti 2τ0 + τ
Ti = 2τ0 + τ, Kp = = . (45) 1
k(τ02 + Ti τ ) k(τ0 + τ )2 With the setting Kp = 2kτ for the proportional gain
we obtain τ0 = Ti τ . Requiring ζ = 1 gives
This PI controller setting eq. (44), as deduced above,
is presented in Tyreus and Luyben (1992) eqs. (2-3) 4Ti τ = (Ti − τ )2 , (49)
of that
√ paper, where it also was suggested to choose
τ0 = 10τ . The tuning rules in eq. (44) and deduced
above, are similar to the IMC PI settings in Table 1 in Ti2 − 6τ Ti + τ 2 = 0, (50)
Chien and Fruehauf (1990).
Furthermore, we here propose to choose the pre- with the positive solution
scribed speed of the response, τ0 , equal to a factor of √
6 + 32 √
the time delay, τ , in order to ensure the same robust- Ti = τ = (3 + 2 2)τ ≈ 6τ. (51)
ness properties, approximately constant as a function 2
of the time delay, i.e., we chose τ0 = cτ , and c chosen This gives very good set-point and disturbance re-
according to e.g. a prescribed maximum time delay sponses. Notice that the setting, eq. (50) is approxi-
error. With this we propose the settings mately the same √
as the one proposed in eq. (38).
Putting ζ = 2 gives
Ti = (2c + 1)τ √
2c + 1 2c + 1 Ti = (2 + 3)τ ≈ 4τ, (52)
Kp = = . (46)
kτ (c2 + 2c + 1) kτ (c + 1)2
which is approximately the same setting as in eq. (37),
Choosing a factor, c = 2.75, gives a Gain margin, and is not considered further.
GM ≈ 3.15, and a Phase margin, P M = 44.61◦ , maxi-
mum time delay error, dτmax = 1.61τ and Ms = 1.67. 5.2. Settings by Approximating Time
Choosing a factor, c = 2.6, gives a Gain margin , Delay with Pade and Balchen
GM ≈ 3.04, and a Phase margin, P M = 43.41◦ ,
etc. Simulation results show that this controller tun-
ing gives very good robustness margins for integrating We will in this section use a standard first order Pade
plus time delay processes, and faster load disturbance approximation to the time delay, as well as the alter-
response compared to the SIMC settings. Notice also native approximation presented in Balchen (1990).

Modeling, Identification and Control

Let us study the disturbance response in case of a Comparing the coefficients in polynomials (57) and
PI controller. We have (59) we find

−τ s
ke s Ti 1
y hp τ03 = ᾱ , 3τ02 = Ti − ᾱ , 3τ0 = Ti − ᾱ. (61)
(s) = = e−τ s Kp k Kp k
v 1 + hc hp 1 + Kp 1+T is
Ti s k s
This problem is a little bit tricky. In order to use
kse−τ s
= K k
. (53) the three coefficients in eq. (60) we first eliminate
s2 + Tpi (1 + Ti s)e−τ s the ratio, K Ti
, from the coefficients, τ03 = ᾱ KTpik , and,

3τ02 = Ti ( K1p k − ᾱ), and use the third coefficient,

The delay is approximated as follows.
3τ0 = Ti − ᾱ, to eliminate Ti , and find the 3rd order
1 − ᾱs polynomial for, τ0 , as
e−τ s ≈ , (54)
1 + ᾱs 1 3 3 3
τ0 − 2 τ02 − τ0 − 1 = 0, (62)
where ᾱ = τ2 gives the first order Pade approximation. ᾱ ᾱ ᾱ
An alternative is to use the Balchen (1990) approxima- or equivalently written in terms of the ratio, ᾱ0 , i.e.,
tion, i.e. with, ᾱ = 2τ
π . This gives
τ 3 τ 2 τ0
0 0
−3 − 3 − 1 = 0. (63)
1−ᾱs ᾱ ᾱ ᾱ
y ks 1+ᾱs
(s) = Kp k
This polynomial has one real root λ = τᾱ0 , which may
v s + Ti (1 + Ti s) 1−
2 ᾱs
1+ᾱs be analytically expressed as
Ti s 1− ᾱs
1+ᾱs λ
= T 1−ᾱs
. (55) z }| {
Kp K k s + (1 + Ti s) 1+ᾱs
i 2 1 2
p τ0 = (2 3 + 2 3 + 1) ᾱ ≈ 3.8473ᾱ. (64)
which is equivalent with By defining the parameter in the Pade’ approximation
as ᾱ = pτ , where p = 12 gives the Pade approximation
y Ti s(1 − ᾱs) 2
(s) = T
, (56) and p = π the Balchen approximation, we find that
v Kp K k s (1 + ᾱs) + (1 + Ti s)(1 − ᾱs)
i 2 the closed loop time constant is

τ0 = λpτ, (65)
y and the dimensionless parameter is c = λp. Hence the
(s) = integral time is obtained as
Ti s(1 − ᾱs) Ti = 3τ0 + ᾱ. (66)
ᾱT 1
. (57)
Kp K k s + Ti ( K k − ᾱ)s + (Ti − ᾱ)s + 1
i 3 2
p p Interestingly, from the coefficients in eq. (60), by using
that, 3τ03 = Ti ( K1p k − ᾱ)τ0 , we find the linear expression
Hence, we have the pole polynomial
involving Ti and Kp as,
Ti 3 1 1


π(s) = ᾱ s + Ti ( − ᾱ)s2 + (Ti − ᾱ)s + 1. (58) 3 ᾱ = − ᾱ (Ti − ᾱ). (67)
Kp k Kp k K k K k 3
p p

We may now find a relationship between the controller Solving eq. (66) for the proportional gain, gives
parameters by specifying the polynomial coefficients. √ Ti − 10ᾱ τ0 − 3ᾱ
One choice is a Butterworth configuration with ζ = 22 Kp = = , (68)
k(Ti − ᾱ)ᾱ ᾱkτ0
in a prescribed 3rd order pole polynomial
or alternatively from, τ03 = ᾱ KTpik , gives
2 2
π(s) = (1 + τ0 s)(τ0 s + 2ζτ0 s + 1)
Ti 3τ0 + ᾱ
= τ03 s3 + (1 + 2ζ)τ02 s2 + (1 + 2ζ)τ0 s + 1. (59) Kp = ᾱ 3 = ᾱ . (69)
τ0 k kτ03
We will instead for the sake of increased robustness Note that we have used the expression eq. (65) in eqs.
in the resulting feedback system choose, ζ = 1, and (67-68).
three multiple real time constants, i.e. a prescribed Eqs. (63), (65) and (67) with ᾱ = pτ (p = 12 Pade
pole polynomial approximation, p = π2 Balchen approximation) give PI
controller settings in terms of the closed loop time con-
π(s) = (1 + τ0 s)(τ02 s2 + 2τ0 s + 1) = (1 + τ0 s)3 stant, τ0 = cτ , given by eq. (63). This may be equiva-
= τ03 s3 + 3τ02 s2 + 3τ0 s + 1. (60) lently formulated in the following Proposition 5.1.

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

Proposition 5.1 (PI tuning rules: Pade approx.) Notice that a PI controller in the time domain may
be expressed as a feedback, u = Kp e + Tip z, where
Given process parameters, i.e., velocity gain k, the ratio Kp is the feedback gain from the integration
and time delay τ . Chose the tuning parameter p, R∞
controller state, ż = e or z = 0 edt. See further
preferably in the range 0.4 ≤ p ≤ 0.7, and with p = 0.5 R∞
relations to the Integral Error, IE = 0 edt in Åström
(Pade’) as default. We have the following PI controller
and Hägglund (1995).
tuning rules.
Notice, that the PI controller tuning stated in Propo-
ᾱ = pτ, (70) sition 5.1, according to the PI controller parameters,
1 2 gives α = λ−3
pλ and β = (3λ + 1)p, and the PI controller
λ = 2 3 + 2 3 + 1, (71)
parameters from eq. (1). Finally, note that the method
c = λp. (72) product parameter, c̄ = αβ, is constant and given by

We have (λ − 3)(3λ + 1)
c̄ = αβ = ≈ 2.7622. (79)
Ti = (3c + p)τ = (3λ + 1)pτ, (73) λ
The setting in Proposition 5.1 which gives the method
parameter c̄, in eq. (78) is further discussed in con-
c − 3p λ−3 nection with a prescribed maximum time delay error
Kp = = . (74)
pckτ pλkτ tuning approach in Sec. 6.
From Proposition 5.1 we have the concrete settings
5.3. Settings by Using Approximation
Ti = 12.542pτ = 6.271τ, e−τ s ≈ 1+τ
0.2202 1 0.441 1
Kp = = for p = , (75) In the model reduction procedure proposed in Skoges-
p kτ kτ 2
tad (2001) small time lag constants are approximated
1 −T s
with a time delay, i.e., 1+T s ≈e where T is a time
0.3459 2 constant much smaller to the dominant. Hence, it also
Ti = 7.985τ, Kp = for p = . (76)
kτ π makes sense to approximate a (small) time delay with
The PI controller settings in Proposition 5.1 with a time constant as in the following.
Pade’ approximation p = 0.5 gives very good margins, Finally we will present another PI controller setting
i.e., a gain margin GM ≈ 3.3, a phase margin P M = for integrating plus time delay systems to those found
44.4◦ , a maximal time delay error dτmax ≈ 1.67τ and in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. Using the approximation
and Ms ≈ 1.64. The corresponding SIMC PI settings
1 1
with Ti = 8τ give GM ≈ 2.96, P M = 46.86◦ , dτmax ≈ e−τ s = τ s ≈ , (80)
1.58τ and Ms ≈ 1.7. Furthermore, the disturbance e 1 + τs
response is compared with other settings in Examples in the disturbance response transfer function eq. (54)
7.2 and 7.3. Varying the tuning parameter p in the gives
range 0.4 ≤ p ≤ 0.7 gives an Ms ≈ 1.94 for p = 0.4
and an Ms ≈ 1.32 for p = 0.7. Hence, a large p gives a 1
y hp ks 1+τ s
more conservative tuning. (s) = = Kp k
v 1 + hc hp 2
s + Ti (1 + Ti s) 1+τ 1
5.2.1. Other Related Details Ti s 1+τ s
= Ti 2 1
. (81)
Kp Kp k s + (1 + Ti s) 1+τ s
Alternatively, we may instead solve for the integral
time (from polynomial coefficients in eq. (60) and us-
From the denominator in eq. (80) we find the pole poly-
ing eq. (66) ) and obtain
ᾱ( K10p k − ᾱ) 1 Ti τ 3 Ti 2
Ti = 1 = Kp kτ03 . (77) π(s) = s + s + Ti s + 1. (82)
Kp k − ᾱ ᾱ Kp k Kp k
Kp Requiring real poles and ζ = 1 as in eqs. (58) and (59)
Note also that the integral gain, Ti , in the PI controller
may be expressed as and comparing coefficients gives

Kp 1 Ti τ Ti
= . (78) τ03 = , 3τ02 = , 3τ0 = Ti . (83)
Ti kλ3 p2 τ 2 Kp k Kp k

Modeling, Identification and Control

From this we find the closed loop time constant as The Gain crossover frequency is analytically given by
τ0 = 3τ, (84) ωc = f Kp k. (91)

and the integral time A proof of eq. (90) is given in Appendix B. Let us use
the defined expressions for the PI controller parameters
Ti = 3τ0 = 9τ, (85) as in eq. (1), and we find

and the proportional gain q

1 + 1 + (αβ) 2

1 1 f= . (92)
Kp = = . (86) 2
τ0 k 3kτ
The Gain crossover frequency is then given by
This results in a rather conservative setting with good p α
margins, i.e., Gain margin, GM ≈ 4.46, Phase margin, ωc = f . (93)
P M ≈ 52.33◦ , a maximum time delay error dτmax ≈ τ
2.61τ and a sensitivity index Ms ≈ 1.42. The set-point We find the Phase margin in radians, analytically as
and disturbance responses may be rather slow by this p p
setting, but a rather safe setting indeed. Notice that P M = − f α + arctan( f αβ), (94)
the tuning rules deduced above give a method product
parameter, c̄ = αβ = Kp kTi = 3, and relations to the and the maximum time delay error analytically as
tuning rules deduced in the next Sec. 6. PM
dτmax = = δτ. (95)
6. Tuning for Maximum Time where coefficient, δ, is defined as
Delay Error √ √
− f α + arctan( f αβ)

arctan( f αβ)
δ= √ = √ − 1. (96)
In order to get some insight into the Phase margin, fα fα
P M , of the closed loop system and the maximum time
We find that the maximum time delay error, dτmax , is
delay error, dτmax , we work out some analytic results
proportional with the time delay, τ , with proportional
in the following, which lead to some interesting results.
coefficient, δ, defined above.
Consider an integrator plus time delay system,
−τ s The above states that the ratio, dτmaxτ = δ is a
hp (s) = k e s , where k is the Gain velocity and τ function of the PI controller parameters β and α in eq.
the time delay, and a PI controller. The loop transfer (1), i.e., δ = f (α, β).
function, h0 (s) = hc (s)hp (s), is Consider now the case in which the product, c̄ = αβ,
1 + Ti s e−τ s is constant, then eq. (95) may be written as
h0 (s) = Kp k . (87)
Ti s s 1
δ=a − 1, (97)
The frequency response is given by, h0 (jω) = α
|h0 (jω)|ej∠h0 (jω) , where the magnitude is given by and
Kp k p a
|h0 (jω)| = 1 + (Ti ω)2 , (88) δ= β − 1, (98)
Ti ω 2 c̄
where the parameter, a, given by
and the phase angle as

arctan( f αβ)
∠h0 (jω) = −τ ω − π + arctan(Ti ω). (89) a= √ , (99)
First we find the Gain crossover frequency, ωc , analyt-
is a function of c̄ = αβ and constant. Notice that the
ically such that |h0 (jω)c | = 1. From this we find ana-
parameter, f , is defined by eq. (91).
lytic results for the Phase margin, P M = ∠h0 (jωc )+π,
We have the following algorithm.
and the maximum time delay error, dτmax , such that,
0 = P M − dτmax ωc , in the following. Algorithm 6.1 (Max time delay error tuning)
Define a factor, f , as
q Define the method product parameter
1 + 1 + (Kp T4i k)2
f= . (90) c̄ = αβ. (100)

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

From this we may express, β, as a linear function of Example 6.2 (Tuning with reduced margins)
a prescribed δ > 0, in order to ensure stability of the Consider the tuning deduced in Sec. 5.3 where we ob-
feedback system. We have tained PI controller parameters Ti = 9τ and Kp = 3kτ ,
c̄ with as we believe, in general too conservative margins.
β = (δ + 1), (101) However, the product parameter seems acceptable, i.e.
c̄ = αβ = 3. Specifying a maximum time delay error
where parameter, a, is defined in eq. (98). Notice that, parameter, δ = dτmax τ = 1.6. Using eqs. (100) and
α, then is found as (101) gives modified PI controller parameters
c̄ a
α= = . (102) α = 0.4630, β = 6.4789. (106)
β δ+1
Or equivalently in terms of the PI controller parameters This modified PI controller, Kp = kτ and Ti = βτ , for
an integrating plus time delay process has gain mar-

Ti = (δ + 1) τ, (103) gin GM =dτ3.147, sensitivity index Ms = 1.674 and
a prescribed max
τ = 1.6.

a Probably, the most important with a PI controller

Kp = . (104)
kτ (δ + 1) setting, is the robustness against model uncertainty, in
connection to reasonable fast and smooth closed loop
This is a useful result. Algorithm 6.1 and eqs. (100) set-point and disturbance responses. A maximum time
and (101), may be used in connections with methods delay error of about, dτmax = 1.6τ , seems reasonable.
in which the product c̄ = αβ is constant, in order to This is approximately, equal to the maximum time de-
find the PI controller parameters Ti = βτ and Kp = kτ lay error for the SIMC setting, dτmax = 1.59τ .
such that the closed loop system has a prescribed max- One idea, is to find theoretical arguments for setting
imum time delay error ratio, δ = dτmaxτ . Or, in other the product parameter, c̄, such that the closed loop
words the above states that the PI controller parame- system obtains some optimal settings, e.g. minimize
ters, α and β may be expressed in terms of the method Ms for a prescribed δ.
dependent product parameter, c̄ = αβ, and the maxi- Using the tuning rules deduced in Proposition 5.1
mum time delay error, dτmax , to time delay, τ , ratio which gives the product parameter as in eq. (78), i.e.
parameter δ. c̄ = 2.7622. Choosing a prescribed maximum time de-
Before continuing, we illustrate the above algorithm lay error ratio parameter, δ = 1.75 gives a correspond-
in an Example, in order to improve the robustness in ing Gain margin, GM = 3.4148 and smooth responses
the original ZN tuning in eq. (10). approximately as fast as the corresponding responses
Example 6.1 (ZN with increased margins) by using the SIMC setting, on an integrator plus time
Consider the original ZN tuning in eq. (10) in which delay example with gain velocity, k = 1, and time de-
α = 4.4 4
≈ 0.714, β = 1.2 ≈ 3.33. The maximum time lay, τ = 1.
The method parameter, c̄ = αβ, may be viewed as
delay error for the original ZN tuning is dτmax
τ =δ≈
a tuning parameter. SIMC are using a product pa-
0.562 and the sensitivity index Ms ≈ 2.864.
rameter, c̄ = 4, and the corresponding Gain margin
For the original ZN method we have the product, c̄ =
is as low as, GM ≈ 2.96, but the maximum time de-
αβ ≈ 2.38. Specifying a maximum time delay error
lay error seems acceptable, i.e., dτmax = 1.59τ . This
parameter, δ = dτmaxτ = 1.6. Using eqs. (100) and
setting gives a relatively slow disturbance rejection, as
(101) gives modified ZN PI controller parameters
commented upon in Sec. 4.2 and Example 7.1, see also
α = 0.4209, β = 5.5471. (105) Haugen (2010). Hence, we may view c̄ = 4 as an up-
per limit for this parameter. Simulation experiments
This modified PI controller ZN tuning, Kp = kτ and show that a lower limit before oscillations (a relative
Ti = βτ , for an integrating plus time delay process has damping less than one) is approximately c̄ = 2.4, (on
margins GM = 3.3455, sensitivity index Ms = 1.6568 an integrator model with gain velocity k = 1 and time
and prescribed dτmax
τ = 1.6. This modified ZN tuning delay τ = 1). Based on the investigations in this pa-
has relatively smooth closed loop responses with a rel- per we propose a relatively wide range for the method
ative damping slightly less than one. The ZN method product parameter, c̄, to be chosen according to
parameter c̄ = 2.38 is relatively low but see later dis-
cussions. 1.5 ≤ c̄ ≤ 4. (107)

A second motivating example is presented in the fol- Notice that the tuning in Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5
lowing. results in the parameters c̄ = 2.76 and δ = 1.67.

Modeling, Identification and Control

For a prescribed δ, we find that a method product 6.1. SIMC Formulation in Terms of
parameter c̄ = 2.0 is optimal in the sense that Ms is Prescribed Maximum Time Delay
minimized. This is found from simulation experiments Error
and illustrated in Figure 1.
As an illustrative example we use the SIMC tuning
rules for a pure integrating plus time delay process with
δ=1.6 Kp = k(Tc1+τ ) and Ti = 4(Tc + τ ) with Tc = cτ and
2.02 1.69

c = 1. Hence parameters α = 0.5, β = 8 and method

parameter c̄ = αβ = 4. This gives the maximum time


1.96 1.65 delay error relative to the time delay from eq. (95),
1.94 1.64
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
analytically as
δ=2.0 δ=3.4
1.58 1.35

1.57 1.34 dτmax

1.56 = δ


1.32 p √ p √
1.53 1.31
4 arctan(2 2 + 5) − 2 + 5
1.5 2 2.5 3
1.5 ≤ α β ≤ 4
3.5 4
1.5 2 2.5 3
1.5 ≤ α β ≤ 4
3.5 4 = p √
2+ 5

Figure 1: PI control of integrating plus delay pro- 4
−τ s = p √ arctan(2 2 + 5) − 1
cess, hp (s) = k e s . PI-controller hc (s) = 2+ 5
Kp 1+T
Ti s
with settings k = 1 and τ = 1. ≈ 1.59. (109)
Sensitivity index Ms as a function of vary-
ing method product parameter 1.5 ≤ c̄ ≤ 4. Equivalently, the result eq. (108) may be found from
and varying δ. c̄ = 2.0 is optimal in the sense eq. (96).
that Ms is minimized. For a chosen prescribed time constant, Tc ≥ τ , of
the set-point response and a time delay, τ , then for the
SIMC method we have the PI-controller parameters in,
eq. (1) as follows,
Furthermore we propose to choose the maximum
time delay error ratio δ > 0 in order to ensure sta- Tc
c = (110)
bility, and choosing δ in the range τ
β = 4(c + 1), α = . (111)
1.1 ≤ δ ≤ 3.4, (108) The maximum time delay error may be expressed as

for robustness and in order to ensure 1.3 ≤ Ms ≤ 2.0, dτmax

=δ = ac + a − 1
seems reasonable (Åström and Hägglund (1995) p. τ
125). See Figure 1 for illustration. Notice also that = 1.2948c + 0.2948, (112)
the Phase Margin is in the range 31.4◦ ≤ P M ≤ 59◦ where the parameter, a, is defined in (98). Expression
when choosing the tuning parameters c̄ and δ from eqs. eq. (111) is obtained from the analytic relationship
(106) and (107). See also eq. (128) in the following dis- eq. (96). Notice that since the product parameter,
cussions in Sec. 8.3 for an analytic expression for the c̄ = αβ = 4, then eq. (96) with eq. (111), may be
phase margin in connection with Algorithm 6.1. written as
A MATLAB m-file function for the main result in 1
c = (δ + 1 − a), (113)
Algorithm 6.1 is enclosed in Appendix C. a
Furthermore, parameters β and α are often functions where the parameter, a = 1.2948.
of the closed loop time constant tuning parameter, τ0 , Using Algorithm 6.1 we obtain the following. The
which may be expressed proportional to the time delay, parameter β in the integral time, Ti = βτ , is linear in
i.e., τ0 = cτ . Interestingly, we find that the maximum the maximum time delay ratio, and found to be
time delay error ratio parameter, δ, given by the an- β = 3.089(δ + 1). (114)
alytic expression eq. (95) is linear in the parameter, dτmax
c. This holds for methods in which the product αβ where δ = τ . Furthermore we find the propor-
is constant. It also turns out that the parameter, β, tional gain
is linear in dτmax
τ . This is discussed in the following 4 1.2948
Subsections. α= = . (115)
β δ+1

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

Here we have modified the SIMC tuning rules such that The maximum time delay error may be approxi-
the PI controller parameters are found in terms of a mately expressed as follows,
prescribed maximum time delay error. Notice that the
SIMC method gives a prescribed time delay error, δ = dτmax
= δ = 0.6488c − 0.1803. (120)
1.59 as shown in eq. (108). Using δ = 1.59 in eqs. τ
(113), (114) and (112) gives the SIMC tuning rules, Expression eq. (119) was found by linear regression
i.e. with Tc = τ and c = 1 from eq. (112). With and the error over the range 1 ≤ c ≤ 10 measured with
the above we may find new PI controller parameters in the Frobenius norm is about 0.03. The coefficient, c,
terms of a prescribed maximum time delay error ratio, related to the closed loop time constant, τ0 = cτ , is
δ = dτmax
τ , instead of the closed loop time constant, then given by
Tc .
From the above we have found the relationship c = 1.5413δ + 0.2779. (121)

}| The parameter, β, in the integral time, Ti = βτ , is
{ approximately linear in the maximum time delay ratio,
Tc = − 1 τ, (116) and found to be
β = 3.0827δ + 1.5557. (122)
were a = 1.2984 is constant and only a function of
the method product parameter c̄ = 4, for the SIMC where, δ = dτmax
. Furthermore we find
method. The interpretation of eq. (115) is that the
SIMC tuning rules may be expressed in terms of the 4β
maximum time delay error ratio parameter, δ, as the α= . (123)
(β + 1)2
tuning parameter instead of the closed loop time con-
stant, Tc . Furthermore we also find from eq. (115), Here we have presented a variant of the IMC tuning
that in order to ensure stability of the feedback system rules, (44), such that the PI controller parameters are
(δ > 0) we have to choose the SIMC tuning param- found in terms of a prescribed maximum time delay
eter in the range, ( a1 − 1)τ < Tc < ∞. Hence, we error ratio parameter, δ = dτmax
τ , instead of the closed
have reduced the range for the SIMC tuning parame- loop time constant, τ0 .
ter, Skogestad (2001, 2003, 2004), where the range is
specified as −τ ≤ Tc ≤ ∞ in order to ensure a positive
and nonzero controller gain. 7. Simulation Examples
In order to compare different controller settings against
6.2. Alternative IMC Formulation each other we will in the examples use the same indices
as defined in Skogestad (2003), Skogestad (2004). See
For a chosen prescribed time constant, τ0 , of the set- also Åström and Hägglund (1995) and Seborg et al.
point response and a time delay, τ , then for the IMC (1989) for such indices.
method we have the PI-controller parameters in, eq. To evaluate the output from set-point and distur-
(1) as follows, bance responses we use the Integrated Absolute Error
(IAE) index, i.e.,
c = (117) Z ∞
2c + 1 IAE = |e|dt, (124)
β = 2c + 1, α = , (118) 0
(c + 1)2
where, e = r − y, is the control deviation error and, r,
For this method we find that the product, c̄ = αβ, is the reference.
not constant and given by Notice, that the IAE may be calculated recursively
in discrete time as, IAEk+1 = IAEk + ∆t|ek |, where,
(2c + 1)2 4β 2 ∆t, is the sampling time, and, k, discrete time.
c̄ = αβ = = . (119)
(c + 1) 2 (β + 1)2 To evaluate the amount of input used we use the
Total value (TV) index formulated in discrete time as
Notice that using a fixed parameter, c = 2.75, gives a

product parameter c̄ ≈ 3.00 and tuning rules almost X
TV = |∆uk |, (125)
similar to that in Example 6.2 is the result, e.g. with
a Gain margin, GM ≈ π and a maximum time delay
error, dτmax = 1.61τ . where, ∆uk = uk − uk−1 , is the control rate of change.

Modeling, Identification and Control

In the upcoming examples we evaluate the IAE and The PI controller settings from Sec. 5 which are
TV index, eq. (123) and (124), respectively, for the considered are: 1) The modified IMC setting, eq. (45)
entire simulation interval, 0 ≤ t ≤ tfinal , i.e., both for different different closed loop time constant, τ0 =
set-point and disturbance responses are contained and cτ , i.e., different parameters, c. 2) The PI controller
measured in the IAE and TV index values presented in setting in Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5. Some results
the examples. As default we are using a positive unit are presented in Table 2.
step change in the reference, r, at time t = 0, and a
unit positive step change in the input disturbance, v,
Table 2: PI-controller settings for an integrating plus
t −τ s
at time t = final
2 .
time delay process hp (s) = k e s with gain,
As the default we will in the examples compare with k = 1, and time delay τ = 1. Comparing
the SIMC tuning rule for fast response with good mar- SIMC setting in eq. (24), TL settings in eq.
gins, Tc = τ , Skogestad (2003). (9), IMC setting
√ Chien and Fruehauf (1990)
with τ0 = 10τ as in eq. (44), the PI con-
Example 7.1 (Settings in Table 1) troller setting in eq. (45) with c = 2.75, etc.,
Given an integrator plus time delay system described and the setting proposed in Proposition 5.1
by the transfer function with p = 0.5.
e−τ s
hp (s) = k , (126) Kp Ti GM PM dτmax IAE TV
SIMC 0.5 8 2.96 46.86 1.59 19.91 2.28
with gain velocity k = 1 and time delay τ = 1. The re- TL 0.49 8.8 3.06 48.54 1.69 21.99 2.18
sults by using a PI controller with settings as in Table IMC 0.423 7.3 3.48 47.50 1.87 21.61 2.17
1 are illustrated in Figure 2, which shows set-point and c=2.75 0.46 6.5 3.15 44.61 1.61 18.12 2.34
c=2.85 0.45 6.7 3.23 45.34 1.67 18.93 2.29
disturbance rejection responses after a unit step in the c=2.95 0.44 6.9 3.31 46.08 1.74 19.77 2.25
reference, r = 1 at time t = 0, and a unit step in the p=0.5 0.441 6.3 3.3 44.42 1.67 18.39 2.33
disturbance from v = 0 to v = 1 at time t = 40. As we
see the SIMC settings give a relatively slow response
from both the set-point and the disturbance. The But-
terworth setting (2) results in the fastest responses but Example 7.3 (Algorithm 6.1)
has small oscillations. The settings derived in this pa- The same integrator example as in Example 7.1 is con-
per (3) result in nice, smooth response approximately sidered. We will in this section illustrate different PI
as fast as the response of the Butterworth settings. controller settings obtained by using Algorithm 6.1 in
Sec. 6. In Table 3 the setting with product parameter
PI settings for integrating pluss delay process

c̄ = 2.76 is from Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5 which
2. Buttherworth

3. This note
results in a maximum time delay error ratio δ = 1.67.
The theoretical background for the parameter c̄ = 3 is

from the tuning in Sec. 5.3 as well as the discussion

in Sec. 4.2. The maximum time delay error ratio,
δ = dτmax
τ = 1.6 is prescribed. Simulation results are
illustrated in Figure 3.

Furthermore in Table 4 we illustrate the different set-

0 10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 tings obtained from Algorithm 6.1 with varying method
parameter, c̄, and where the maximum time delay er-
Figure 2: PI control of integrating plus delay pro- ror ratio is constant, δ = 1.59. As we see from Table
−τ s
cess, hp (s) = k e s . PI-controller hc (s) = 4 decreasing c̄ will decrease both the integral time, Ti ,
Kp 1+T is and the proportional gain, Kp . At the same time we
Ti s with settings as in Table 1.
see that the gain margin increases, the IAE decreases
but seems to have a minimum, at the cost of a slightly
Example 7.2 (Proposition 5.1 and eq. (45)) increased TV. Notice that the IAE seems to obtain a
We will in this example consider the same integrator minimum for about c̄ = 2.5. We also see that the sen-
example as in Example 7.1 and we will compare the dif- sitivity index Ms is minimized for c̄ = 2. This is in
ferent PI controller settings presented in Sec. 5, with agreement with the results in Figure 1.
the SIMC setting Skogestad (2001), the TL setting in Notice that reducing the tuning parameter in the
Tyreus and Luyben (1992) (see also eq. (9) in this pa- SIMC method below τ , i.e. choosing Tc < τ will de-
per) and the IMC PI controller parameters as in Chien crease Ti but the proportional gain Kp , will increase,
and Fruehauf (1990) (see also eq. (44) ). and the maximum time delay error, the gain and phase

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

margins, will in general be reduced. However, notice Table 5: PI-controller settings for an integrating plus
−τ s
that at the same time, the IAE decreases and the TV time delay process hp (s) = k e s with gain,
increases. This is illustrated in Table 5. The corre- k = 1, and time delay τ = 1. Illustrating the
sponding sensitivity indices in Table 5 are Ms = 1.59, SIMC settings for different tuning parameters,
Ms = 1.88, Ms = 2.18 and Ms = 2.31, and the tunings Tc .
lack robustness when Tc < 0.75τ .
Table 3: PI-controller settings for an integrating plus Tc = 1.25τ 0.44 9.0 3.36 50.14 1.91 24.41 2.07
−τ s
time delay process hp (s) = k e s with gain, Tc =τ 0.50 8.0 2.96 46.86 1.59 19.91 2.28
k = 1, and time delay τ = 1. Comparing Tc = 0.75τ 0.57 7.0 2.57 42.65 1.27 15.91 2.62
Tc = 0.5τ 0.67 6.0 2.17 37.04 0.94 12.41 3.25
SIMC setting in eq. (24), with different set- Tc = 0.425τ 0.70 5.7 2.05 34.97 0.85 11.46 3.57
tings obtained from Algorithm 6.1. The tun-
ing with method product parameter, c̄ = 2.76,
is from Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5 and where Illustration for Example 3

the resulting maximum time delay error ratio Reference, r

2) c=2.76, δ=1.6

is δ = 1.67. 3

Kp Ti GM PM δ IAE TV 2.5

1) SIMC 0.5 8 2.96 46.86 1.59 19.91 2.28 2

c̄ = 2.76 0.441 6.27 3.3 44.42 1.67 18.39 2.33 1.5

2) c̄ = 2.76 0.452 6.12 3.21 43.75 1.60 17.64 2.37

c̄ = 3 0.463 6.48 3.148 44.54 1.60 18.04 2.35 1


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Table 4: PI-controller settings for an integrating plus

−τ s
time delay process hp (s) = k e s with gain, Figure 3: PI control of integrating plus delay pro-
−τ s
k = 1, and time delay τ = 1. Illustrating the cess, hp (s) = k e s . PI-controller hc (s) =
different settings obtained from Algorithm 6.1 Kp 1+T is
Ti s with settings as in Table 3.
with varying method parameter, c̄, and where
the maximum time delay error ratio, δ = 1.59,
is held constant. Notice that Ms achieves a where the gain velocity (slope) is k = K
T = 0.095.
minimum for c̄ = 2.0. Notice that the results The SIMC tuning rules with Tc = τ give PI con-
with c̄ = 4 are identical to the SIMC tuning troller parameters Kp = 1.316 and Ti = 32, irrespec-
rules with Tc = τ . tive of which of the models eqs. (126) and (127) are
Alg. 6.1 Kp Ti GM PM Ms IAE TV used.
c̄ = 4 0.5 8 2.96 46.86 1.70 19.91 2.28 The SIMC tuning rules are compared with the tuning
c̄ = 3 0.46 6.45 3.13 44.43 1.68 17.93 2.36 rules presented in this paper, eq. (45) with c = 2.75,
c̄ = 2.76 0.45 6.09 3.2 43.63 1.67 17.53 2.38 the tuning rules in Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5, and
c̄ = 2.5 0.44 5.70 3.28 42.64 1.66 17.25 2.41
the tuning rules in Algorithm 6.1 with c̄ = 2.762 and
c̄ = 2.0 0.40 4.98 3.52 40.23 1.656 18.10 2.52
c̄ = 1.5 0.35 4.28 3.96 36.83 1.69 21.22 2.71 prescribed maximum time delay error ratio, δ = 1.6.
Results from simulation experiments are illustrated in
Table 7.
Example 7.4 (Lag dominant system)
In Haugen (2010) an experimental setup of an air
heater was investigated and it was found that a time 8. Discussion
constant plus time delay model
e−τ s 8.1. Remarks to Sec. 5.1
hp (s) = K , (127)
1 + Ts The tuning rules in eq. (44) were deduced in Sec. 5.1
with process gain K = 5.7, time constant T = 60 and by using the approximation eτ s ≈ 1 − τ s. This is iden-
time delay τ = 4, approximates the process reasonable tical to the IMC PI settings in Table 1 in Chien and
well. We here approximate the first order time delay Fruehauf (1990)), but were not deduced in that paper.
model eq. (126) as in integrating plus time delay pro- The tuning rules, eq. (44) are a function of the closed
cess loop time constant, τ0 .
e−τ s It is in practice usually not trivial to prescribe the
hp (s) ≈ k , (128) closed loop time constant, τ0 , and some trial and error

Modeling, Identification and Control

Table 6: PI-controller settings for an lag dominant first approximation, p = π2 , gives the Balchen approxima-
e−τ s tion, etc. Notice that the method product parameter,
order plus time delay process hp (s) = K 1+T s
with gain, K = 5.7, time constant T = 60 and c̄, is constant and given by eq. (78).
time delay τ = 4. Comparing SIMC setting
against the PI controller setting in eq. (45) 8.3. Remarks to Sec. 6
with c = 2.75, Proposition 5.1 with p = 0.5
and Algorithm 6.1 with c̃ = 2.762. Probably the main results of this paper are presented in
Kp Ti GM PM dτmax IAE TV Sec. 6 and Algorithm 6.1. We found that PI controller
SIMC 1.32 32.0 3.06 54.4 7.5 34.3 2.86
tuning rules based on an integrating plus time delay
c=2.75 1.22 26.0 3.26 52.6 7.6 33.7 2.85 model may be expressed in terms of a method tuning
p=0.5 1.16 25.1 3.41 52.7 8 34.5 2.78 parameter, c̄, and a prescribed maximum time delay
Alg. 6.1 1.19 24.5 3.32 51.9 7.6 33.7 2.87 error ratio parameter, δ. This method has in principle
2 tuning parameters, the method parameter, c̄ = αβ,
Illustration for Example 4 and the maximum time delay error ratio, δ = dτmax τ .
Reference, r
2) c=2.75
Notice that this method may be used to re-tune ex-
3) p=0.5

1.4 isting tuning rules such that the closed loop system
1.2 obtains a prescribed maximum time delay error ratio,
δ. See also discussions in Sec. 6.
From the results in Sec. 6 we find the expression
P M = δ f α, (129)

0 20 40 60 80
100 for the phase margin in radians. Hence, prescribing
120 140 160 180

a maximum time delay error ratio, δ, ensures a pre-

Figure 4: PI control of time lag dominant plus time scribed phase margin because f is constant in the
e−τ s method parameter c̄.
delay process, hp (s) = K 1+T s . PI-controller
1+Ti s
hc (s) = Kp Ti s with settings as in Table 6.
9. Concluding Remarks
procedure is usually necessary. This is also commented Efficient PI controller tuning rules for integrator plus
upon in Tyreus and Luyben (1992). We propose to time delay systems as well as time lag dominant pro-
choose τ0 = cτ where c is a dimensionless constant, cesses, are deduced and presented. The IMC tuning
chosen according to some robustness margin, e.g., to rules are derived by approximating the time delay as
a prescribed maximum time delay error, and we pro- an inverse response. We have in this paper derived al-
pose two new variants in eqs. (45) and (46). The ternative PI controller tuning rules by using different
PI-controller tuning variant in eq. (46) is similar to approximations to the time delay. See Sec. 5.2 and
the one in eq. (45) but has some advantages when one Proposition 5.1.
wants to tune the controller. For instance, by increas- An algorithm for PI controller tuning of the parame-
ing β in eq. (46) we see that Ti increases and Kp de- ters α and β in the integral time, Ti = βτ , and the pro-
creases. The same occurs with the setting in eq. (45), portional gain, Kp = kτ α
, is presented. In this method
but not so simple to see due to the more complicated the parameters α and β are functions of a method prod-
functions of the parameter, c. Note also, that in case uct parameter, c̄, and a prescribed maximum time de-
lay error, dτmax , to time delay, τ , ratio δ = dτmax
of oscillations in a feedback loop, the correct strategy
τ .
is to decrease the proportional gain, Kp , and increaseWe propose the setting, β = ac̄ (δ + 1), and, α = δ+1 a
the integral time, Ti . where the parameter, a, is constant in the method
product parameter, c̄ = αβ. Based on the investiga-
8.2. Remarks to Sec. 5.2 tions in this paper we propose a relatively wide range
of the method product parameter, c̄, to be chosen ac-
In Sec. 5.2 we used the Pade approximation to the cording to 1.5 ≤ c̄ ≤ 4. Prescribing the maximum time
time delay and derived analytically the tuning rules delay error ratio δ > 0 in order to ensure stability, and
proposed in Proposition 5.1. This method proposes choosing δ in the range 1.1 ≤ δ ≤ 3.4 for robustness
parameters α = λ−3 pλ and β = (3λ + 1)p where the seems reasonable. Furthermore, for a prescribed δ we
parameter λ is constant and found analytically as the found that the sensitivity index Ms is minimized for
solution of a 3rd order polynomial. The parameter p is c̄ = 2.0. This method has two tuning parameters c̄ and
the tuning parameter. Choosing p = 0.5 gives the Pade δ, which gives flexibility for tuning. Furthermore, the

Di Ruscio, “On tuning PI controllers for integrating plus time delay systems”

PI controller parameters, α, and, β, obtained from the B. Proof of eq. (90)

Algorithm 6.1 presented in this paper, are independent
of the model parameters. The gain crossover frequency, ωc , satisfies |h0 (jωc )| =
Some theoretical justifications for the possibility of 1. Using eq. (87) for the magnitude we obtain
improving the load disturbance in the closed loop time
response, for integrating plus time delay processes, in Kp k p
1 + (Ti ωc )2 = 1. (135)
the SIMC method, are given. Furthermore, the possi- Ti ωc2
bility of using the maximum time delay error ratio δ This may be expressed as a 2nd order polynomial in
as a tuning parameter in the SIMC tuning rules, in- ωc2 , i.e.,
stead of the closed loop time constant is proposed, in
eq. (115).
Derivation of the IMC PI controller tuning rules, eq. ωc4 − Ti2 ωc2 − 1 = 0. (136)
Kp k
(44), for an integrating plus time delay process are pre-
sented. From this, some alternative PI controller tun- Solving for ωc2 and using the positive solution we find
ing rules are presented in eqs. (45) and (46), i.e., by
using that the closed loop response time constant may
1 + 1 + (Kp T4i k)2
be expressed as, τc = cτ , for some dimensionless pa- ωc2 = (Kp k)2 . (137)
rameter c, and this parameter may be chosen to ensure 2
some robustness measure, e.g. the maximum time de- And from this we find eq. (90) for the Gain crossover
lay error ratio. frequency.

A. Proof of margins in Sec. 2.2.1 C. Algorithm 6.1 MATLAB m-file

Consider the robust lower bound and simple choice
T function [alfa,beta,PM,a,f]=pi_tun_maxdelay(c,delta)
Tc = τ which gives Kp = 2Kτ , and the case with
% [alfa,beta,PM,a,f]=pi_tun_maxdelay(c,delta)
Ti = min(T, 8τ ) = T . The loop transfer function is
% On Input
h0 (s) = hc (s)hp (s) % c=alfa*beta; - Method dependent product.
1 + Ti s e −τ s
1 e −τ s % delta - The prescribed maximum time delay error.
= Kp K = . (130) % On output
Ti s 1 + Ts 2τ s
% alfa - Kp=alfa/(k*tau)
The frequency response is obtained by putting s = jω % beta - Ti=beta*tau
where ω ≥ 0 is the frequency, i.e., % PM - The phase margin
1 e−jτ ω
h0 (jω) = hc (jω)hp (jω) = f=(1+sqrt(1+4/(c)^2))/2;
2τ jω
= |h0 (jω)|ej∠h0 (jω) , (131) beta=(c/a)*(delta+1);
which is on polar form with magnitude, |h0 (jω)|, and alfa=a/(delta+1);
phase angle, ∠h0 (jω), given by PM=delta*sqrt(f)*alfa;
% End pi_tun_maxdelay
1 π
|h0 (jω)| = , ∠h0 (jω) = −τ ω − . (132)
2τ ω 2
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