Event-Based PID Control:: Application To A Mini Quadrotor Helicopter
Event-Based PID Control:: Application To A Mini Quadrotor Helicopter
Event-Based PID Control:: Application To A Mini Quadrotor Helicopter
Abstract: Although periodicity simplifies design and analysis in control theory, it is no more
adapted for embedded systems because it results in a conservative usage of resources. Indeed,
the control signal is computed and updated at the same rate regardless whether is really required
or not. On the other hand, event-driven sampling calls for resources whenever they are indeed
necessary. Event-based PID controllers are proposed in this paper as an alternative to classical
PID approaches, with the same performance but reducing the control updates. The algorithms
are built here without safety limit condition contrary to the seminal event-based PID setup
that was originally proposed by Årzén (1999), in order to reduce the periodicity even more.
Both integral and derivative terms are considered. The different approaches are tested for
controlling the position of a real-time mini quadrotor helicopter. A reduction of the computing
and communication resources utilization is demonstrated for similar final performance.
Shannon sampling condition is no more consistent in the (a) Representation of the time instants and the sampling intervals.
asynchronous framework. Nevertheless, a safety limit is
uselessly applied in reported works like in Sánchez et al.
(2009b); Heemels et al. (2009); Mounier et al. (2011). Re-
cently, different event-based PID and PI algorithms were level-crossing detection
The forward approximation gives
ysp (t) e(t) u(t) y(t)
Cc H
− ui (tj ) = ui (tj−1 ) + Ki h̄e(tj−1 )
continuous-time u (t ) = Tf − h̄ u (t ) + Kd e(t ) − e(t ) (6)
PID controller d j Tf
d j−1
j j−1
For the event-based PID control law, the forward and ui (tk ) = ui (tk−1 ) + Ki hk e(tk ) (14)
backward difference approximation methods are applied
for the integral and derivative parts respectively in Årzén Remark 3.3. In order to simplify the understanding,
(1999), that gives Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) illustrate idealized behaviors of
40 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics
forward approximation
ē signal
hk time
tk−1 tk
tk−1 tk tk+1
(a) Forward approximation. e = ysp − y
ē signal time
backward approximation
hk − h̄
hk+1 h̄
tk−1 tk tk+1 Fig. 6. Boundary of the integration increment between two
(b) Backward approximation. successive events after a large steady-state interval in
the non-uniform sampling scheme.
Fig. 5. Comparison between forward and backward ap- Actually, issues come from the calculation of the integral
proximations in the non-uniform sampling scheme. part (14) that involves the product hk e(tk ) — afterwards
called the integration increment Γk . Indeed, the integra-
the event-based scheme since they do not consider the tion increment is over-estimated in the current version of
synchronization of the events with the event detector sam- the control algorithm. However, in fact the time interval
pling instants tj . Indeed, the time of level crossing could be between two successive events after a large steady state
between two successive time-triggered sampling instants, can be divided into two parts, as drawn in Fig. 6, that are
that are tj − h̄ and tj , because the event detector is time i) the time interval where the signal is really in a steady
driven with the constant sampling period h̄ by construc- state and ii) the time interval required to detect a new
tion (see section 3.1). Nevertheless, the right behavior will level crossing.
be discussed and taken into account in the sequel.
i) The first part starts the last time a control signal was
computed, that is at the sampling instant tk−1 , and
4. ANALYSIS AND MODIFICATION OF THE finishes just before the reference changes. Because of
EVENT-BASED SCHEME the time-triggered event detector, this time is tk − h̄.
During this interval, i.e. hk − h̄, the error remains very
In order to simplify the original Årzén’s event-based setup, small, it is lower than the detection level ē else this is
the safety limit condition (10) — initially introduced not the steady state.
for stability reason — is removed here. However, several ii) Then, because the error becomes higher than the
modifications are mandatory with such a simplification. detection level ē, the second part starts. A request
is sent and a new control signal is finally calculated
4.1 Boundary of the integration increment at time tk . This instant does not necessarily occurs
exactly when the reference changes because of the
periodic behavior of the time-triggered event detec-
Fig. 6 depicts an example of the error e between the tor (see Fig. 1(b) and Remark 3.1), nonetheless the
measured signal y (i.e. output of the controlled system) interval to detect the level crossing is bounded by the
and a given reference to track ysp , in order to visualize sampling period h̄.
how it behaves during transient and steady-state intervals
(note that the error signal is zoomed but proportions are To summarize, the time interval between two successive
respected). Typically, many events should occur when the events can be divided into i) a first part where the
measured signal is converging to the reference (i.e. during sampling interval increases but the error remains small
transients) since the error is varying. Conversely, no event and ii) a second part where the error could become large
should be enforced once the measured signal vanishes but only during a short instant. Taking into account such
close to the reference (i.e. during steaty-state intervals). considerations makes the integration increment Γk :=
By removing the safety condition (10), the duration of a hk e(tk ) will not explode anymore, since both h(·) and e(·)
steady-state interval can increase as far as the error does compensate themselves each other. Finally, the integral
not cross the threshold level ē — because of (9) — whereas part (14) is hence bounded in practice
it was limited to hmax before. This allows to reduce even
more the control updates but new problems have to be ui (tk ) = ui (tk−1 ) + Ki Γk (15)
considered, in particular when the reference drastically
changes after a large steady-state interval. This can lead to with Γk ≤ (hk − h̄)ē + h̄e(tk )
overshoots whereas the system output is over-corrected in and this boundary has to be integrated in the event-based
case of huge sampling interval hk and/or huge error e(tk ). control algorithms without safety limit condition that are
Such a case is deeply analyzed here. then developed in section 4.5 based on that result.
Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 41
Furthermore, note that the inequality (15), which was ini- For the integral term, an exponential function is chosen
tially built for the steady-state intervals, is finally correct such that
for the whole running. Indeed, (15) becomes (14) during a
transient phase (where an event is enforced at each time- hiexp (hk ) = hk e−αi (hk −h̄) (17)
triggered sampling period) since hk = h̄ in this case.
where αi > 0 is a degree of freedom to increase/decrease
the exponential sampling interval (17). This forgetting
4.2 Sampling interval in the derivative term factor allows to have hiexp (hk ) close to the sampling
interval value hk when it is small, whereas it exponentially
The derivative part of the event-based PID controller can vanishes when hk increases.
be canceled when removing the safety limit condition (10),
because a huge sampling interval hk makes vanishing (12). The dynamics of (16) and (17) with respect to hk is
depicted in Fig. 7.
In practice, the derivative term calculates the slope of the
error over time in order to predict the system behavior.
As a consequence, if this rate of change vanishes, the
derivative action will not be applied anymore. For this 0.3
2 2
8 7 6 5 4 8 7 6 5 4
3 2 3 2
show that the modifications which follow are required. (a) Algorithm 1. (b) Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 – Saturation of the integration increment:
0.4 0.06
2 0.02 2
0 0.5
0 0.5
Consider the application case above, with: implement the bilinear approximation). However, whereas
only absolute measurement (18) enforces events in the
• The continuous-time second-order system (23), where
proposal case, events are enforced either with the relative
κ = 0.2, ζ = 0.8 and ωn = 0.5 s−1 ;
measurement (9) or when the safety limit condition (10)
• The desired closed-loop system as a first-order system
of the form (24), where τ = 1.98 s; is satisfied with Årzén. On the one hand, it can be noticed
• The sampling period h̄ = 0.1 s; periodic events because of such a safety limit condition. On
• The PID control parameters are as defined in (25) the other hand, the proposal only generates events during
(using pole compensation), that gives Kp = 8.08, transients and then no event during steady states.
Ki = 2.53 s−1 , Kd = 10.11 s and Tf ≈ 5h̄; Comparison with Arzen's PID (bilinear approximation)
system output
The different event-based PID algorithms without safety 0.4
limit condition are compared in Fig. 9 for both backward 0.2
0 5 10 15 20 25
changes (from 0 to 1) at time t = 5 s. On the one hand,
the frequency of updates is reduced in all event-based cases 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
compared to the classical time-triggered strategy. This is time [s]
stable closed-loop system). Note that the controller runs in
algo 1
0.5 algo 2
algo 3
open loop between two successive events (e.g. tk−1 and tk ),
algo 4
but in fact it is a closed-loop system thanks to the event
0 5 10 15 20 25
detector which periodically monitors the system output
(at each periodic sampling time tj ) and decides when to
0 5 10
time [s]
15 20 25
update the control signal. In the worst case (in term of
(a) Backward approximation. frequency of events), the event-based feedback works as
when applying the classical discrete-time controller: the
Event-based PID (bilinear approximation) events occur periodically, with h̄ as the sampling period
(the minimum sampling time by construction). Conversely,
1.5 when the interval between two successive events increases,
system output
stability is still ensured because the error remains lower
algo 1
than ē by construction, thanks to the triggering condition
0.5 algo 2
algo 3
algo 4
(18), then allowing a practical stability.
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
time [s]
(b) Bilinear approximation. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and particularly the
mini quadrotor helicopters, give rise to great enthusiasm
Fig. 9. Simulation results: closed-loop system responses in research because of its high manoeuvrability, its pay-
with event-based PID controllers using the different load capacity and its ability to hover, see Castillo et al.
algorithms without safety limit condition. (2004). However, the quadricopter is nonlinear, unstable
and under-actuated with only four input forces (voltage
Finally, the hybrid algorithm 4 with bilinear approxima- of each rotor) for six output coordinates to control (roll
tion is compared with the Årzén’s algorithm in Fig. 10 (the φ, pitch θ and yaw ψ for the attitude; x, y and z for the
original Årzén’s algorithm was modified in order to also position). Fortunately, its model can be broken down into
44 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics
two subsystems: one defining the translation movement the quadcopter) and, consequently, x and y positions too.
(position) and the other one the rotation movement (atti- The aim of the control strategy is to stabilize the x and y
tude). Both are coupled in cascade since the translational positions of the quadrotor helicopter to a given reference.
subsystem depends on the rotational one, but the rota- The yaw angle ψ and altitude z are not addressed here
tional subsystem is independent of the translational one. and will be constant. In other words, the control objective
consists in calculating the angles φ and θ as well as the
The algorithms proposed in the present document will be
thrust T (all needed by the internal loop) that will drive
tested in practice for such a control architecture. Event-
the quadcopter to a given position x and y.
based control is quite new for UAVs systems, since the
system has to be actively actuated to remain stable. 6.2 System model for position control
Nevertheless, attitude control was addressed in Téllez-
Guzmán et al. (2012); Guerrero-Castellanos et al. (2013, Let consider the dynamical system model
2014) and position control is now addressed here.
mξ¨ = mg + RT b3 (26)
6.1 Experimental platform T T
where ξ = (x y z) , m is the mass, g = [0 0 g] with g the
The system is a 18 grams Blade Nano QX quadricopter gravitational constant, T is the thrust of the quadricopter.
(see Fig. 11). In order to release the platform from de- b3 is a unit vector of the body fixed frame and R is the
cision making related to guidance and navigation, posi- rotation matrix to express the orientation of the body fixed
tion and orientation are calculated by a Vicon motion frame in the inertial frame
capture system, where the movement of the vehicle is " #" #" #
cos ψ − sin ψ 0 cos θ 0 sin θ 1 0 0
processed through T40s high-resolution cameras (based R = sin ψ cos ψ 0 0 1 0 0 cos φ − sin φ
on the principle of inverse projection and triangulation). 0 0 1 − sin θ 0 cos θ 0 sin φ cos φ
Measurements are sent to the control unit through a UDP | {z }| {z }| {z }
Rz Ry Rx
frame every 2ms. Control algorithms are programmed in
Matlab/Simulink and implemented in the control unit side Developing these equations gives the model
in real time at 200Hz to a target computer using xPC
target toolbox. Finally, control variables are sent to the mẍ = T (cos ψ sin θ cos φ + sin ψ sin φ) (27)
quadricopter through a built-in bridge that converts UDP mÿ = T (sin ψ sin θ cos φ − cos ψ sin φ) (28)
frames to DSMX 2.4Ghz protocol. An overview of this
architecture is presented in Fig. 12. mz̈ = T cos θ cos φ − mg (29)
z 6.3 From nonlinear to linear control
x The tricky idea consists in dividing the controller into
y two cascaded parts, as suggested in Hably et al. (2006):
a first one that contains a linear control law (i.e. a PID
controller here) and a second part used to compensate
for the nonlinearities of the system. The second part is
calculated in such a way that the model obtained from
its input to the output of the system behaves like a simple
Fig. 11. Representation of the different control variables in and linear system (i.e. a double integrator here, as detailed
the mini quadrotor helicopter. below). Therefore, the PID controller acts on the (virtual)
double integrator system, while the whole controller (i.e.
Vicon unit
both PID and nonlinear parts) drives the real system.
Motion capture In practice, reformulating (29) gives
Then choosing The performance indexes obtained for the different exper-
iments (detailed below) are summarized in Table 1 for x
−1 rx sin ψ − ry cos ψ and y positions. Results are discussed in section 6.5.
φ = tan cos θ (31)
rz + g Table 1. Performance indexes for different ex-
rx cos ψ + ry sin ψ periments with several PID control strategies.
θ = tan−1 (32)
rz + g (a) Control of the position along x.
rz + g Nb (%) IAE IAU
T =m (33)
cos θ cos φ Classical PID
backward method 100 1.78 12.42
bilinear method 100 1.59 12.59
with rx , ry and rz as virtual control inputs from the algo 1 94.92 1.88 12.74
position errors on x, y and z axes respectively. Therefore, backward
algo 2 88.46 1.86 11.94
the (virtual) system to control can be written as three algo 3 92.50 1.71 11.29
Event-based PID algo 4 88.61 1.79 12.22
independent double integrators (ē = 10 mm) algo 1 82.27 1.71 10.90
algo 2 97.88 2.75 17.84
ξ¨ = r (34) algo 3
algo 4
T algo 1 63.70 2.37 15.31
where r = (rx ry rz ) . Eventually, considering the atti- algo 2 67.32 2.81 17.40
tude control dynamics on the x and y accelerations as a backward
algo 3 66.20 2.59 17.54
first-order system leads to the transfer functions Event-based PID algo 4 67.97 2.74 17.90
(ē = 50 mm) algo 1 63.70 2.26 13.99
ωx bilinear
algo 2 63.89 2.79 18.01
x= rx (35) algo 3 59.09 2.36 15.07
s2 (s + ωx ) algo 4 60.01 2.44 14.61
y= 2 ry (36) (b) Control of the position along y.
s (s + ωy ) Nb (%) IAE IAU
1 backward method 100 1.55 10.29
z = 2 rz (37) Classical PID
bilinear method 100 1.43 8.79
algo 1 99.26 2.25 15.09
To summarize, the position control of the quadcopter algo 2 89.81 1.74 10.90
consists in controlling three independent (filtered) double algo 3 69.31 1.39 8.91
integrators (35)-(37). This will be fulfilled by a PID Event-based PID algo 4 77.50 1.61 11.00
(ē = 10 mm) algo 1 78.73 1.69 10.62
controller. Then, nonlinear equations (31)-(33) — i.e. the algo 2 99.26 2.73 18.67
second part of the controller — allow to calculate the bilinear
algo 3 78.58 1.54 9.68
variables needed for the orientation control. algo 4 81.43 1.50 8.85
algo 1 61.13 2.23 13.53
Remark 6.1. The altitude z is actually a double integrator algo 2 64.66 2.73 16.84
system which gain decreases with respect to the battery algo 3 63.70 2.72 17.85
load. This is no more detailed in the sequel since only the x Event-based PID algo 4 65.39 2.66 17.52
(ē = 50 mm) algo 1 58.43 2.22 13.02
and y positions are addressed, nevertheless the battery will
algo 2 64.01 2.68 16.81
be charged before each experiment to reduce its impact. bilinear
algo 3 55.90 2.32 14.17
Remark 6.2. Since it is assumed that the drone similarly algo 4 55.01 2.04 12.36
behaves in x and y axes, then the control parameters will
be tuned only once and applied for both axes in the sequel.
6.5 Experimental results
6.4 Performance indexes The mini helicopter has to track three points in the space,
which coordinates are (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), and
Performance indexes, introduced in Sánchez et al. (2009b), (1, 1, 1) respectively. The altitude is kept the same (i.e. 1 m
are recalled here. They allow to compare the different high) for the three points because the study only focuses
event-based proposals with respect to classical approaches: on x and y position control (z is not depicted in the plots).
• The number (Nb) of samples required to perform the Typically, the quadricopter has to draw a triangle in the
test bench (normalized and expressed in percentage); xy-plane. The system goes to one point to the following
• The IAE index, which gives information on the refer- point after a waiting time of 10 s in order to analyze both
ence tracking (and so on the performance): the reference tracking and the stabilization. This gives
different steps at different instants, which are filtered in
X order to avoid abrupt changes in the position references.
IAE = e(tj )dt
j=0 The system trajectory in the xy-plane are compared for
several strategies, for both backward and bilinear approx-
• By analogy, the IAU index gives information on the imation methods:
control effort:
N • Classical (time-triggered) PID controllers;
X • Event-based PID controllers without safety limit con-
IAU = u(tj )dt
dition, where the control signal is calculated and
updated only when the system output crosses a given
where N is the final simulation time. level ē:
46 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics
position [m]
◦ With exponential forgetting factor of the sam- 0.5
pling interval (algorithm 3);
◦ With hybrid strategy (algorithm 4). 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
angle [deg]
The control parameters (obtained by trial and error) are 0 pitch
0 5 10 15 20 25
control x
0 control y
position [m]
ward or the bilinear approximation methods, for a 26 s 0.5 y
angle [deg]
angles (roll φ and pitch θ) and control signals. One can 20
see in Fig. 13(b) that the bilinear method gives better −20
0 5 10 15 20 25
performance than the backward one in Fig. 13(a), this is 4
control x
also verified when comparing the IAE and IAU indexes for −2
control y
Experimental results for the event-based control are repre- (b) Bilinear algorithm.
sented in Fig. 14 (only algorithm 4 with bilinear method is
depicted but all of them give more or less similar results). Fig. 13. Experimental results of the time-triggered PID
Extra bottom plots show the sampling instants in these controller (backward and bilinear approximation
event-based control schemes (‘1’ means the control law is methods).
calculated and updated during the sampling period h̄, ‘0’
means the control is kept constant). In the different cases xref
(even those not represented), the measured positions in 1 x
position [m]
Fig. 14(a) and performance indexes in Table 1 are close 0.5 y
of updates in the better case). When the detection level 0
increases, i.e. ē = 50 mm in Fig. 14(b), the frequency of −20
0 5 10 15 20 25
updates decreases even more (until 45% less of updates) 4
control x
0 control y
but with weaker performance in return (because of the −2
unstable behavior in open loop that occurs between two 0 5 10 15 20 25
updates updates
0.5 updates x
successive events, see section 5), so the IAE and IAU 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
indexes increase. 0.5
updates y
0 5 10 15 20 25
To summarize, the tradeoff between performance and fre- time [s]
application). 0.5 y
0 5 10 15 20 25
values of the control parameters, αi and αd for instance,
angle [deg]
but this is not the aim of the present work. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
control x
control y
0 5 10 15 20 25
updates updates
This paper recalled the classical time-triggered PID con- 0.5
updates x
based PID control algorithms were developed. The pro- time [s]
posed approaches are built without safety limit condition, (b) ē = 50 mm.
contrary to the original setup in Årzén (1999), and both
integral and derivative terms were considered. The dif- Fig. 14. Experimental results of the event-based PID
ferent approaches were tested in simulation and then on controller (bilinear method, algorithm 4 for different
a real-time system: a mini quadrotor helicopter using a detection levels ē).
motion capture system to provide its position, where the
Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 47
controller is deported and communications are hence of Eqtami, A., Dimarogonas, D.V., and Kyriakopoulos, K.J.
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Guerrero-Castellanos, J.F., Téllez-Guzmán, J.J., Durand,
Next step is to consider delays, as in Durand (2013).
Nonlinear strategies will also be a trajectory for future S., Marchand, N., and Álvarez Muñoz, J. (2013). Event-
works, with event-based control laws in the spirit of Marc- triggered nonlinear control for attitude stabilization of
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niques in reducing computation/communication resources. Dı́az, V. (2014). Attitude stabilization of a quadrotor
by means of event-triggered nonlinear control. Journal
ACKNOWLEDGMENT of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 73, 123–135.
Hably, A., Kendoul, F., Marchand, N., and Castillo, P.
The authors would like to thank J. Dumon and J. Minet for (2006). Further results on global stabilization of the
their technical support as well as T. Da Silva, M. Fayet, D. PVTOL aircraft. In Proceedings of the Second Multidis-
Manica, P. Perraud for their contribution in the context of ciplinary International Symposium on Positive Systems
student projects (Ense3, Grenoble university). They also : Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Control and
would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their Information Sciences LNCIS 341, p. 303–310. Springer.
valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality Heemels, W., Sandee, J., and van den Bosch, P. (2009).
of the paper. Analysis of event-driven controllers for linear systems.
International journal of control, 81, 571–590.
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PERSYVAL-Lab (ANR–11-LABX-0025). The experimen- approach to event-based control. Automatica, 46, 211–
tal platform was designed by the GISPA-lab technical 215.
staff and partially funded by EquipEx Robotex (ANR– Marchand, N., Durand, S., and Guerrero-Castellanos, J.F.
10-EQPX-4401). (2013). A general formula for event-based stabilization
of nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic
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