Orjuela ADHS 09
Orjuela ADHS 09
Orjuela ADHS 09
Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of state estimation for hybrid systems modelled
via multiple models and subject to delayed measurements. In contrast to the most popular
results found in the multiple model literature, we consider heterogeneous multiple models, also
known as decoupled multiple model, which allow to use submodels whose state space dimension
can be different. On the basis of this multiple model a proportional-integral observer (PIO) is
designed in order to cope with the robust state estimation with respect to disturbances. Sufficient
delay-independent conditions for ensuring robust performances (attenuation level) and dynamic
performances (exponential convergence) of the estimation error are provided in terms of LMIs
using the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method. The validity of the proposed methodology is illustrated
by an academic example.
that can be upper bounded, using the a priori knowledge C̃i = [0 · · · Ci · · · 0] (27)
(2) of the time-delay as follows: such that the term Ci is found on the i block column of th
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