Cstam Redysim13suril
Cstam Redysim13suril
Cstam Redysim13suril
Multibody dynamics find applications in robotics, have significantly helped in achieving real-time com-
automobile, aerospace and many other streams for anal- putations and model-based control laws. ReDySim6–8
ysis, simulation and control. It has evolved a lot in the is a MATLAB-based solver, which is a general pur-
last two decades and there is a huge scope of research pose platform, essentially consisting of very efficient re-
for scientists and engineers. Computer-aided dynamic cursive order (n) inverse and forward dynamics algo-
analysis of multibody systems has been the prime mo- rithms for simulation and control of a tree-type system.
tive of the engineers since the evolution of high speed ReDySim delves upon the decoupled natural orthogo-
facilities using computers. Dynamic analysis involves nal complement (DeNOC) approach9 originally devel-
force and motion analyses. Force or inverse dynamics oped for serial-chain manipulators. The specialty of
analysis attempts to find the driving and reactive forces this solver exists in its recursive nature and flexibility in
for the given input motion, whereas the motion analysis solving complex problems. The gain in computational
or forward dynamics, obtains system’s configuration un- time is more as the number of links and joints in the
der the input forces. Force analysis helps in design and system increases.
control of multibody systems, whereas motion analysis This paper mainly addresses analysis of fixed-base
allows one to study and test a design virtually without open- and closed-loop systems using ReDySim. The
really building a real prototype. An efficient framework floating-base module of RedySim is also available on
is essential for the dynamic analysis of complex multi- http://www.redysim.co.nr, and can be used for analyz-
body systems. ing legged robots7 and space robots with mobile or free
There are several software and toolboxes avail- base. Details of floating-base module are not given due
able for simulating multibody systems. They are in to space limitation.
the form of toolkit for MATLAB1,2 and LabVIEW.3 Even though, the algorithms in ReDySim are meant
The commercially available tools such as ADAMS4 and for tree-type systems as shown in Fig. 1, it can effec-
RecurDyn5 are the general purpose software used for tively be used to solve closed-loop systems by simply
dynamic analysis. These software are well suited for providing constrained Jacobian matrix resulting out of
some standard industrial applications, however, they loop-closure equations and letting ReDySim know how a
fail to attract research community mainly due to their closed loop system is cut-open. The flow chart showing
inflexibility at user’s end for solving complex problems. inverse and forward dynamics algorithms6 of the tree-
The generic nature of this software many times com- type systems are given in Fig. 2. The physical configu-
promise with accuracy of the results even for smaller ration of the system is mainly defined by the Denavit-
system for longer simulation time. Hartenberg (DH)10 parameters, as proposed by Khalil
In this context, recursive dynamics algorithms play and Kleinfinger.11 The user inputs for both the inverse
an important role. They are attractive due to simplicity and forward dynamics are discussed.
and computational uniformity regardless of ever grow- In order to perform inverse dynamics, the following
ing complex multibody systems. Recursive formulations input parameters are required:
Model parameters:
(1) number of links (nl );
a) Correspondingauthor. Email: [email protected]. (2) type of system (type), i.e., open-loop or closed-
b) Email: [email protected]. loop;
c) Email: [email protected].
(3) degrees-of-freedom (dof) of the system;
063011-2 S. V. Shah, P. V. Nandihal, and S. K. Saha Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 2, 063011 (2012)
Joint torques (-
τi), inertia parameters
(Mi), twist and motion propagations
- -
(Ai,j and Ni), and initial conditions
- .
qi and -
-- . -.. i/.s
Joint motions (q i, qi,qi), inertia .
-/ - - --
ti Ai,βtβi +Niθi
parameters (Mi), twist and . . . .-.
- -- -- -
motion propagations ti/Ai,βtβi +Ai,βtβi+Niθi
- and N - --. - - --
(q -
~ i*/M
i,β i) w iti +ΩiMiEiti
i/.s i/.s
-/ - - -- .
^ i/M -
^ iN-i - - - - - ^-
, I^i/NiT Ψ ^, Ψ ^
-. .
-- -- . .-
- . -- .. i
ti/Ai,βtβi +Ai,βtβi+Niθi+Niθi -
ϕ i/ϕ - -
ϕi -Ni ηi T-~
--. - - --
w~ i/M iti +ΩiMiEiti ~ i/-
ϕ ^ -1-
I i
^ -
^ -
^- T - -- ^i +-~i
M i,i/Mi -Ψ i Ψi , η i/ΨΨi ϕ η
^ -^ -T -
^ -
Mβ(i)/Mβ(i)+Ai,β(i)M i,iAi,β(i)
- - -
η η~β(i)+ATi,β(i)-
- -- ~i
- - - -
~ β(i)+ATi,β(i)w
~ β(i)/w ~i
w - - - .. -
µ ~
.. - -
- ϕi-Ψi T-
qi/ϕ ~i
Joint torques (-
τi) -
Independent accelerations q
θ O
O .
ϑ .
θ X ϑ
ϑ ϑ . ϑ
Y .
O,O θ X O,O
[ ( )]
T 2π ple joint torques for the robotic gripper are then plot-
t− sin t , (1)
2π T ted in Fig. 4. In order to validate the results, a CAD
where θ(0) and θ(T ) denote the initial and final joint an- model of the gripper was developed in ADAMS4 soft-
gles, respectively, as given in Table 1. The joint trajec- ware and used for the computation of the joint torques.
tory in Eq. (1) is so chosen that the initial and final joint The results were superimposed in Fig. 4, which show
rates and accelerations for all the joints are zero. These close match with the values obtained using the proposed
ensure smooth joint motions. The lengths and masses of inverse dynamics algorithm of the ReDySim. ReDySim
all links were taken as l1 = 0.1 m, l2 = l3 = l4 = 0.05 m, took only 0.025 s on Intel [email protected] GHz computing
m1 = 0.4 kg, and m2 = m3 = m4 = 0.2 kg. The sam- system. The ADAMS software, however, took 1.95 s,
063011-4 S. V. Shah, P. V. Nandihal, and S. K. Saha Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 2, 063011 (2012)
1.0 0.3
0.8 ADAMS 0.2
τ1/Nm 0.6
0.4 0
0.2 -0.1
0 -0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time/s Time/s
-60 20
θ2 /(Ο)
θ1 /(Ο)
-120 -20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time/s Time/s
Fig. 5. Simulated Joint angles for robotic gripper (Joints 1 and 2).
Fig. 7. Simulated joint angles of the KUKA KR5 (Joints 1, 2 and 3).
063011-5 Recursive dynamics simulator Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 2, 063011 (2012)
0 ϑ
-100 2 θ 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 ϑ
Fig. 9. A four-bar mechanism.
Fig. 8. Energy plot of KUKA KR5.
Table 1. Initial and final joint angles for robotic gripper. 0.4
Joints 1 2 3 4 0.3
θ(0) 0◦ 0◦ 0◦ 90◦
Driving torque/Nm
θ(T ) 60◦ 80◦ 80◦ 120◦ 0.2