Simultaneous Robust, Decoupled Output Feedback Control For Multivariate Industrial Systems
Simultaneous Robust, Decoupled Output Feedback Control For Multivariate Industrial Systems
Simultaneous Robust, Decoupled Output Feedback Control For Multivariate Industrial Systems
Received November 27, 2017, accepted December 30, 2017, date of publication January 8, 2018, date of current version March 9, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2790803
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a simultaneous robust decoupled output feedback control approach for
multivariate industrial processes with parameter uncertainties. Based on the desired control performance
indicators, the expected transfer function of the closed-loop multivariate system is configured as a
nonsingular diagonal matrix. Using coprime factorization theory, the weighting functions are selected and the
parameterization matrix and controller are designed and calculated to achieve simultaneous robust decoupled
control that takes into consideration parameter uncertainties. The performance and effectiveness of the
proposed approach is demonstrated using a case study based on the crown-thickness control system of the
hot strip mill processes.
INDEX TERMS Multivariable control system, robust control, system decoupling, industrial processes.
I. INTRODUCTION can cause issues with variable control using the original con-
Due to increasing demands on production quality and system troller. Driven by these needs, great effort has been made both
performance, operation safety and system reliability have in academic research and engineering application to develop
become critical aspects, which have led to much attention advanced control systems that can handle these problems,
both in the academic and industrial fields. Furthermore, large- including, robust H∞-control and decoupling control.
scale complex processes with strong integration of control Robust control, especially H∞-control theory, has
loops and subsystems are the state-of-the-art in many modern attracted researchers’ attention since its appearance in
industrial systems. For example, a large number of control the control engineering field. For MIMO systems, multi-
loops are found in the rolling mill process, where there are variate robust controller design can be formulated as an
hundreds of sensors, actuators, and controllers [1]. In larger, H∞ optimization problem based on the general formula-
more complex industrial systems, it is common that most tion of the control problem [9]. Controller synthesis and
of the processes variables that are to be controlled require parameter design is a hot research topic for multivariate
multivariate control systems. Although PI/PID methods are systems [10]–[12]. Meanwhile, due to the complexity of
still widely used for industrial process control [2]–[4], espe- industrial system and strong coupling between different
cially in cascade control loops, their application is limited subsystems, decoupling control approaches for multivariate
in the following cases: 1) where high production quality systems have been developed and implemented in the past
and flexibility over a wide range of operating conditions are few years [13]–[15].
required [5]; 2) where there are large changes in process However, few researchers have considered combining
conditions due to operational changes [6], component mal- these two approaches, which could provide a solution for
function, or disturbances that lead to a significant plant-model the problem of parameter uncertainty. Fragoso et al. [16]
mismatch [7]; and 3) where there is strong coupling between compared the performance of decoupling control and H∞
the different components of the system [8]. These limitations multivariable robust control for a lab-scale wind turbine.
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P. Li et al.: Simultaneous Robust, Decoupled Output Feedback Control for Multivariate Industrial Systems
They showed, using both theoretical and experimental where S(s) is the sensitivity function which shows the mag-
results, that both robust and decoupling control are required, nitude of the tracking error, and is defined as:
especially since decoupling control needs to consider
S(s) = [I + G(s)K (s)]−1 (2)
model uncertainties, while H∞ control introduces strong
interactions. When we focus on the robust dynamic performance of
Thus, this paper seeks to develop an approach for system, the controller should satisfy the following robust
the design and realization of a robust, decoupled control performance indicator:
approach for MIMO system that can guarantee closed loop
stability and control performance. Furthermore, the proposed kW2 (s)T (s)k∞ < 1 (3)
approach will be tested on the crown-thickness control system where T (s) is the complementary sensitivity function which
of the hot strip mill process, which is a highly coupled system. reflects the influence on the system of the uncertainty and
disturbance, and is defined as
T (s) = G(s)K (s)[I + G(s)K (s)]−1 (4)
Then, the mixed sensitivity function and complementary
sensitivity function are
T (s) = G(s)K (s)[I + G(s)K (s)]−1
T (s)[I + G(s)K (s)] = G(s)K (s)
FIGURE 1. The generalized robust control problem.
I + T (s)[I + G(s)K (s)] = I + G(s)K (s)
[I + G(s)K (s)]−1 + T (s) = I
FEEDBACK CONTROL APPROACH T = I − [I + G(s)K (s)]−1 = I − S(s)
A. BACKGROUND S(s) = I − T (s) (5)
Fig. 1 shows the general model of the H∞ robust con-
trol problem, where G(s) is the generalized plant, K (s) the B. THE SIMULTANEOUS ROBUST, DECOUPLED
feedback controller, v the measured variables, u the control CONTROL APPROACH
signals, ω the exogenous signals, and z the error variables. In general, consider a stabilized and detectable nominal sys-
tem G(s), which has a state-space realization of the form
G(s) = (6)
Let G(s) = U (s)V −1 (s) = V̂ −1 (s)Û (s), be the right-
coprime factorization and left-coprime factorization of G(s)
over RH∞ . Then, the set of all proper controllers based on
FIGURE 2. The robust control system based on the mixed sensitivity
problem. the Youla-Kučera parameterization [18] that achieve internal
stability can be parameterized as
Although the optimal H∞ control problem cannot be K (s) = [X (s) + V (s)Q(s)][Y (s) − U (s)Q(s)]−1 ,
solved using a standard systematic design procedure [17],
there are solutions for the suboptimal problem. One such Q(s) ∈ RH ∞
method is the mixed sensitivity method shown in Fig. 2, det[Y (s) − U (s)Q(s)] 6 = 0 (7)
where G(s) ∈ RH∞ is the transfer function matrix for the where X (s), V (s), Y (s), and U (s) ∈ RH∞ satisfy Bezout’s
multivariable square system; K (s) ∈ RH∞ is the robust identity
controller that is to be designed; RH∞ is the set of all proper
and real-rational stable transfer matrices; R(s) is the reference U (s)X (s) + V (s)Y (s) = I (8)
input; Y (s) the system output; and E(s) the error vector. The
and Q(s) ∈ RH∞ is the Youla-Kučera parameterization
weighting functions W1 (s) and W2 (s), need to be designed
based on the desired control performance, using such crite-
Theorem 1: Let G(s) ∈ RH∞ be a given minimum phase,
ria as the output tracking behavior and the overall system
stabilizable, and detectable square nominal system. If the
dynamic behavior.
closed loop system can be reconfigured as a nonsingular
When there are multiplicative disturbances in the system,
stabilized diagonal matrix, then the controller determined
in order to obtain the minimized tracking error, the stabilized
using ||W1 (s)S(s)||∞ < 1 is a stabilized robust controller.
controller should satisfy the following robust performance
Proof: When the closed loop system is reconfigured
as a nonsingular stabilized diagonal matrix, then the com-
kW1 (s)S(s)k∞ < 1 (1) plementary sensitivity function is a stable diagonal matrix,
in that case, the system is decoupled. If the weighting function are decoupled against uncertainty. Furthermore, since T (s) is
W1 (s) is properly selected, the following robust performance diagonal, then S(s) should also be a diagonal matrix. As well,
indicator can be satisfied since W1 (s) is diagonal, then the product W1 (s) and T (s)
is also diagonal, which implies that the system outputs and
kW1 (s)S(s)k∞ = ||W1 (s)[I − T (s)]||∞ < 1 (9)
tracking error are decoupled. Q.E.D.
Then, let
G(s) = U (s), X (s) = 0, V (s) = I , Y (s) = I
U (s) ∈ RH ∞ , V (s) ∈ RH ∞ , X (s) ∈ RH ∞ , Y (s) ∈ RH ∞
Substituting Equation (10) into Equation (7), gives
K (s) = [X (s) + V (s)Q(s)][Y (s) − U (s)Q(s)]−1
= Q(s)[I − G(s)Q(s)]−1 (11)
Since the system has been reconfigured as decoupled and
system output is also set to the desired control performance,
then based on Equations (4) and (11), the parameterization
matrix Q(s) is
T (s) = G(s)K (s)[I + G(s)K (s)]−1 = G(s)K (s)S(s)
= G(s)Q(s)[I − G(s)Q(s)]−1 S(s) FIGURE 3. The diagram of simultaneous action of rolling force and
−1 −1 −1 bending force.
G (s)T (s)S (s) = Q(s)[I − G(s)Q(s)]
Q(s) = G (s)T (s)S −1 (s)[I − G(s)Q(s)]
Q(s)[I + G (s)T (s)S −1 (s)G(s)] = G−1 (s)T (s)S −1 (s) III. CASE STUDY ON A MULTIVARIATE
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 ROLLING MILL SYSTEM
Q(s) = [I + G (s)T (s)S (s)G(s)] G (s)T (s)S (s)
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1
= [I + G (s)[S (s) − I ]G(s)] G (s)T (s)S (s) CONTROL SYSTEM IN THE HOT STRIP MILL PROCESS
= [I + G−1 (s)S −1 (s)G(s) − I ]−1 G−1 (s)T (s)S −1 (s) In the hot strip mill production, strip quality is one of the most
= G−1 (s)S(s)G(s)G−1 (s)T (s)S −1 (s) important factors for consumer satisfaction when selecting
= G−1 (s)S(s)[S −1 (s) − I ] = G−1 (s)[I − S(s)} competing products. It is usually expressed in term of such
variables as the strip thickness, the strip flatness, and strip
= G−1 (s)T (s) (12)
width. Since the strip rolling process is the last production
Therefore, the controller determined by this parameteriza- step in the long manufacturing steel process, it is especially
tion and Equation (11) is a robust controller. Furthermore, important to maintain stable production quality using a pre-
since the closed loop system transfer matrix is reconfigured designed control system in the hot/cold strip mill process.
as a nonsingular stabilized diagonal matrix, T (s) is stable Therefore, the thickness of the strip [19], which is mainly
and diagonal. Thus, the closed-loop system is also decou- controlled by the automatic gauge control (AGC) subsystem,
pled, which implies that a simultaneous robust, decoupled and the crown of the strip [20], which is mainly controlled by
controller is obtained. Q.E.D. the hydraulic bending roll (HBR) subsystem, can be defined
Corollary 1: Consider a standard feedback control loop as two key controlled factors for this system. However, due to
consisting of a given stabilizable nonsingular square MIMO the strong coupling effect of the different control subsystems,
system G(s) ∈ RH∞ and a controller K (s) ∈ RH∞ . If the it is difficult to achieve the desired control performance by
weighting functions W1 (s) and W2 (s) are selected to be non- merely focusing on each subsystem independently. As shown
singular diagonal matrix, then, from Theorem 1, the robust in Fig. 3, the HBR system is influenced by AGC system based
controller K (s) will be also a decoupled controller, satisfying on the spring equation of the strip mill process,
the control performance by simultaneously taking into con- P
sideration the uncertainty and tracking error. h=S+ (14)
Proof: The proof is straightforward. From Equation (5), where C is the equivalent stiffness of the mill stand, h the
we get actual exit thickness, P the rolling force, and S the roll
Y1c (s) = W2 (s)T (s)R(s) gap [21]. The roll gap difference 1S is the key parameter
to be controlled by the AGC system, which will lead to the
Y1a (s) = W1 (s)S(s)R(s) (13)
change in the rolling force 1P based on the spring equation.
Since T (s) and W2 (s) are diagonal matrices, the product of This results in parameter fluctuation of the roll horizontal
these two matrices is also diagonal. Thus, the system outputs bending deflection and shear deflection, which in turn causes
FIGURE 4. The step response of the system output by coupling effect and parameter uncertainty.
deviations in the strip crown. On the other hand, in the strip additive or multiplicative. In the crown-thickness system,
crown control system, the key controlled parameter is the the uncertainty is multiplicative, since it originates from the
change in the bending forces 1F, which will compensate for rolling speed. Fig. 4 shows the output of the system with
roll deflection, but can lead to the deviation of the rolling parameter uncertainties using conventional PI controllers,
force as an external disturbance and then cause a parameter under a unit step excitation. The upper right and lower left
coupling effect in the AGC system. Based on the above subfigures of Fig. 4 show the strong coupling effects between
analysis, the crown-thickness control system can be defined the two control systems. Furthermore, large overshoots due
as a typical multivariate system with strong coupling effects. to the parameter uncertainties can be seen. These observa-
Based on past research [22], [23] into the crown-thickness tions suggest that a simultaneous robust, decoupled control
control system, a transfer function model of the coupled approach is needed to improve the control performance.
system is
1h 1S
= G(s) (15) The implementation of the simultaneous, robust, decoupled
1CR 1F
controller follows the steps of Theorem 1.
where 1CR is the change in the crown thickness and 1h is
the change in strip thickness. 1) Step 1: Determine the Desired Configuration
Using standard system identification theory [24], the The closed loop transfer function matrix is reconfigured
parameters of the hot strip rolling mill for a nominal set point as a diagonal matrix based on the desired decoupling per-
of 1700 mm and a rolling speed of 13 m/s can be determined formance, where the zeros/poles should satisfy the system
as [23]: response. Since the crown-thickness system, which contains
a servo hydraulic and an inertia components, should have
1CR a settling time of less than 45ms [22], the complementary
sensitivity function is
G11 (s) G12 (s)
1F 1
G21 (s) G22 (s)
0.00025s + 0.025 0.001 T (s) = 0.01s + 1
2 + 0.065s + 1
= 0.00075s
0.0002s2 + 0.03s + 1 0
0.00025s + 0.025 0.025 0.5(0.01s)2 + 0.01s + 1
0.00075s 2 0.0002s2 + 0.03s + 1
+ 0.065s + 1 2) Step 2: Select the Weighting Function W1 (s)
× (16) The selection of weighting function depends mainly on the
fact that its frequency bandwidth should be in line with the
In practice, the rolling speed can vary between 10 and 16 m/s, bandwidth of the complementary sensitivity function. The
leading to the potential for a 20% change in the param- weighting function can be determined based on the step
eters [22]. Generally speaking, uncertainty can be either response and Bode diagram of S(s). In such cases, W1 (s) can
FIGURE 5. The step response of the system output with the designed simultaneous robust, decoupled
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