Review Paper
Certain Algebraic Methods for the Stability Analysis of
Differential Delay Systems
Dr. S.N.Sivanandam, 2K.Sreekala*
Address For correspondence:
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science Engineering, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MET’S School of Engineering, Mala, Trissur, India
Abstract— The objective of this paper is to formulate certain system; this algebraic test is simple in application compared to
criteria to analyze stability of complex polynomials that arise any other procedure and further it can also be used for
in engineering systems. In certain class of applications, like parameter design. Thus the Routh stability criterion is unique in
time-delay systems , stability can be analyzed with the help of the study of system stability. When the characteristic equation
complex polynomials. Here two different algebraic schemes C(s)= 0 has real coefficient, then the application of Routh’s
are formulated to handle the complex polynomials for Stability criterion becomes direct and straight forward; if it has
analyzing system stability. In both the schemes, Routh-like complex coefficients, then it is not possible to apply for
table is developed and the elements in the first column are stability study. If needed, the given C(s) =0 with complex
coefficients can be multiplied by its conjugates and the
utilized to evolve the stability results termed as Sign Pair
transformed equation T(s) = C(s) x C*(s) =0, can be handled
Criterion(SPC). In the proposed first scheme , the first two
by Routh’s test, but the computational work load will be more
rows are formed directly using complex coefficients while in in this procedure. In general many schemes are available for
the second scheme , the real and imaginary parts of the given handling complex polynomial each having its own merits and
complex polynomial are separated to form the two rows of application [4]-[10].
Routh –like table. These two criteria are very convenient
compared to other available algebraic procedures for analysis Many important types of engineering system, viz , thermal
of stability since they are deduced in line with the classical process, distillation process, space control systems, machine
Routh’s table. tool chattering as well as physical and biological systems [11]-
[16] involve time-delays and hence governed by differential
Keywords-complex polynomials; stability analysis; Routh equations whose terms are computed at separate finite time
–like table; time delay systems; sign pair criterion I and II. intervals. This equation represents the system known as
differential difference equations. Sometimes, time-delay may
I. INTRODUCTION also be referred as transportation lag. In this chapter, the above
types of systems are dealt for stability analysis with the usage
Any system which is useful to human kind should possess
of the proposed stability criteria SPC-1 and SPC-II [17], [18].
the basic property known as stability. The stability of any
system indicates its ability to find a condition of static In this paper, the procedure utilized in the formulation of
equilibrium after it has been disturbed. Any time-delay direct Routh’s test for handling the n-th degree characteristic
component existing in the system may degrade the equation with real coefficients is extended suitably with
performance of the system thus weakening the stability complex coefficients. For instance let the n-th degree C(s)=0
property. with complex coefficients be
The stability problem of time–delays in various engineering C(s) = sn +(a1+ja2)s n-1 + (a3+ja4)s n-2 +……+ (ak + jak+1) = 0 (1)
system has been analysed by Olgac and Sipahi [1]. Edward
John Routh provided a numerical technique for determining the Where a1, a2, a3, a4 …. are real numbers.
distribution of roots of a given characteristics equation in the s
-plane [2],[3]. Routh test is still now used as a basic scheme for [email protected] * Corresponding Author Email-Id
analysis of stability in a linear time – invariant continuous
Pure x(t)
Delay Where m = 0, 1, 2, . . .
τy(t) For a choice of m= 0, the critical values may be obtained:
Fig .5.1 Time-delay element with τ θc = π/2 (or) ωc c= π/2
(Where τ is in seconds) For applying SPC-II, the second form of Routh-like table is
Due to this delay, the input will be delayed and the output is given below:
This table also provides the pair P1=(1, k cosθ ) and the
Thus, the transfer function for the system shown in Fig.5.1 is
above result obtain using SPC-1 reflects here also.
(4) Estimation of k:
Employing bilinear transformation
In general, the characteristic equation of a first-order delay along with s = jω, the characteristic equation is
system may be written as [12]. modified for r-domain as,
(5) (9)
However, the characteristic equation may be depicted in a With r = jΩ, the real and imaginary parts of C (jΩ, jω) =0 are
general notation as entered in the second form of Routh-like table:
5.4. Summary:
1 j√3 5 In this chapter, the stability investigation of certain
types of differential-delay systems represented in the form of
1 -j√3 0 their respective characteristic equations have been performed
with the help of the proposed SPC-1 and SPC-II. The
j2√3 5
simultaneous application of SPC-1 and SPC-II utilized in the
-j0.5/√3 0 case of design problems. The proposed algebraic criteria are
simple and direct in application compared to other schemes
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while the other two pairs violate. Thus, the system becomes pp.1213-1216.