The Roadster Racers compete with Piston Pietro, who is known for his dirty tricks in Rome for the Rigatoni Cup. Meanwhile, Goofy stops at a pasta restaurant which is home of the world largest meatball. While there, he sneezes after adding too much black pepper to his spaghetti and knocks over the monster meatball, causing it to roll onto the race.
The episode begins in the Roadster Garage, where the racers are prepping their Roadsters for the Rigatoni Cup taking place in Italy, where the racers are competing against the infamous racer and champion Piston Pietro, known for winning by cheating. Donald is sure that he is going to win against Piston Pietro. The gang sets off for the Rigatoni Cup race while Pluto looks after the garage. The gang meets Piston Pietro and when he gloats about winning, they show him their transforming Roadster, worrying him a little. The race is now underway.
Piston Pietro cheats by throwing pizzas at the other racers and covering the road with olive oil, knocking Goofy, Daisy, and Minnie out of the race while Mickey and Donald continue to tail Piston Pietro. Daisy and Minnie decide to go shopping while Goofy enjoys some spaghetti with a giant meatball. However, after receiving pepper for his spaghetti, he sneezes so hard that he ends up knocking his giant meatball away. Piston Pietro tries to lose Mickey and Donald in the Colosseum but his plans go sideways when he sees the giant meatball chasing them. Goofy realizes his meatball is missing and chases after it in his Roadster.
Piston Pietro looks the Colosseum doors, forcing the mouse and duck to face the giant meatball alone. Mickey uses a ramp to get rid of the meatball before he and Donald use it to get out of the Colosseum. Donald uses boosters to put himself in front of Mickey and Piston Pietro. However, the meatball catches up with the racers again, with Goofy and Piston Pietro getting caught on top of it. Mickey sacrifices his place to save Donald from the meatball, and Donald wins first place of the Rigatoni Ribbon. Donald thanks Mickey for the win and everyone gets spaghetti. The giant meatball runs into a statue, breaking it into a million tiny meatballs and Pietro getting his pants stuck on it. The episode ends with everyone enjoying their spaghetti while Pietro falls from the statue, leaving his pants on it in the process.