"Duck, Duck Geese!" is the first segment of the seventy-seventh episode of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures. It premiered on November 6, 2020 alongside "Shhhhh!", and is the first segment of the twenty-sixth episode in the third season.
Goofy's bird call works a little too well when dozens of geese descend upon Hot Dog Hills.
The episode begins with Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto taking a walk through Hot Dog park, where they meet Goofy sitting on a bench with his latest invention: a machine that makes bird noises. He blows on it and Donald and Daisy show up in bathing suits. Donald blows on the machine and, all of a sudden, Hot Dog Hills is completely filled with geese. The geese begin irritating all the residents of Hot Dog Hills, such as a goose eating a resident's sandwich and some geese interrupting Pete and Butch's relaxation on their lawn.
The gang take the situation up to Mayor McBeagle, who wants to get rid of the geese. The residents perform numerous failed attempts to get rid of the geese, such as Goofy making a scarecrow, Mickey blasting noise in their ears, etc. Donald and Daisy, however, sympathize with the geese and understand that they just want to enjoy Hot Dog Hills like everyone else. The couple convinces everyone to welcome the geese instead of shooing them away, except for Pete and Butch, who are still upset that the geese are eating the grass on their lawn.
While the residents begin having fun with the geese like playing soccer with them and giving them picnics, Pete comes up with an idea to get rid of the geese: he made a machine that will make fake snow to fool the geese into thinking that it is winter so they migrate south. Nevertheless, the machine malfunctions and Butch ends up having to rescue a gosling from Pete's machine. In return, the geese rescue Pete when his machine explodes. Pete apologizes to the geese and lets them eat off his lawn when storm clouds roll in and it actually begins to snow. The geese fly away and everyone gives their tearful goodbyes. Later, it is shown that Donald, Daisy, Pete, and Butch have been invited to stay south with the geese for the winter.
Although Goofy was reason for the events of the episode, this mainly revolved around the duckcouple probably because they considered the geese to be their distant relatives, especially both ducks and geese are waterfowls.
Goofy's invention would works on Donald and Daisy because they're ducks and ducks are birds.
This episode acts as the series premiere.
The title of the episode is similar to that of the game Duck, Duck, Goose.