"All Aboard the Hot Diggity Dog Express!" is the first segment of the eightieth episode of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures. It premiered on December 11, 2020 alongside "Flea-bee Jeebies!", and is the first segment of the twenty-ninth episode in the third season.
When Mickey rallies his pals to fix up the old historic steam engine, the Hot Diggity Dog Express, everyone, including Commander Heist, wants to be the engineer.
The episode begins in Mickey's house, where the gang are playing with Mickey's toy train. Daisy wishes the train were bigger so she could be the engineer and drive it. This gives Mickey an idea to renovate the Hot Diggity Dog Express, an old train that used to chug all over Hot Dog Hills before becoming old and rusty. Mickey and friends begin fixing up the train and all the cars, with the addition of moderations to make the train more fun for everyone.
The scene then cuts to the train station, where everyone is excited to see the newly renovated train, including Commander Heist, who tells his cat Lazlo about how he always wanted to be a train engineer when he was younger. Mickey brings the train to the station and says that everyone will take turns being the train engineer. Susie is picked first, much to the anger of Commander Heist, so he leaves to his laboratory to find a way to pilot the train on his own as Mickey explains the controls to Susie.
The Hot Diggity Dog Express is chugging all over town and eventually Susie hands the control to Pete. However, at that moment, Commander Heist tricks Mickey and friends into the train cars so he can hijack the train for himself, but has trouble controlling it since he hasn't learned them. Mickey tells Heist to press a button that disconnects the train cars so they can get away from him. The cars are now travelling all over Hot Dog Hills, with the car containing Mickey and Goofy landing at a ranch. This gives Mickey another idea and he calls his friends to meet him at Lisa Longtree's ranch.
Commander Heist now realizes that he is now in trouble because of his selfishness and finds the engine heading for a cliffside. As he and Lazlo panic, Mickey and friends arrive on horses and use lassos to halt the engine. Heist apologizes and promises to help Mickey find the other cars as Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Daisy return the horses to the ranch. All the train cars are now found and the Hot Diggity Dog Express is ready to roll again. The episodes ends with Donald wanting to go next, but everyone, including Heist, reminds him that Pete hasn't had his turn yet.
This episode is a resemblance to that of the Clubhouse episode Choo-Choo Express.