There is a 5 minute pre-show before the main show.
A cobra storyteller named Bakeet - portrayed by an animatronic puppet - tells the tale of an untalented magician named Shaban, and his servant Aseem. Animated scenes played on screens around the waiting area show how one day, Aseem found a Magic Lamp, which was snatched from his hands by Shaban. Shaban rubbed the lamp and released the Genie, who granted Shaban's wish to become the "world's biggest magician." Unfortunately, the magician chose his words poorly, and the Genie interpreted the wish literally, transforming Shaban into a giant. Shaban was forced to use his second wish to correct the mistake. This time, the genie granted Shaban's wish by becoming his partner, helping him perform magic in his show, to great success. Over time, however, Shaban became jealous of the way audiences clearly loved the Genie more than him, and he angrily locked the lamp, with the genie inside it, inside a chest...
Main Show[]
The story continues in the live-action main show, as Shaban performs his first one-man show since locking the Genie in the chest. The show doesn't go very well; Aseem (who is usually played by a female cast member) serves as Shaban's "volunteer" as he performs the famous "cutting a person in half" magic trick, but Aseem's legs go running off on their own. In the confusion, Aseem is able to obtain the key to the chest from a distracted Shaban. While Shaban goes offstage to prepare for the next trick, Aseem pulls himself together, directs the audience to don their 3-D "Magic Glasses," and uses the key to unlock the chest and free the Genie, who appears on a large screen via 3-D imagery. The Genie schemes to make Shaban use up his third wish so that he will be free of him, and he and Aseem can be partners instead.
Shaban returns and attempts to perform the "pulling a rabbit out of a basket" trick, but the Genie takes the place of the rabbit and fouls up the trick deliberately. Shaban is dismayed to see the Genie has been freed, but is clever enough to release he is being deliberately taunted in an effort to get him to wish for the Genie to go away, thereby using up his final wish. He attempts to leave the stage, but is dragged back by the Genie's magic. Shaban laments that things were better before he ever met the Genie, and the Genie is able to lead him into accidentally voicing his desire to go back to that time. The magician vanishes in a cloud of smoke as the Genie grants this "third and final wish" by sending him back to the "old days."
Aseem re-enters to find that Shaban has disappeared, and that he is Genie's master now. Genie launches into a rendition of "Friend Like Me" as he levitates Aseem on a Magic Carpet and brings him inside the screen. The Genie grants Assim the clothing and talents of a magician, and they both zoom around on the carpet, ending the show with a final 4-D effect as they jostle the audiences' seats by flying under them.