- “O great one who summons me. Terrible one who commands me. I stand by my oath. Loyalty to wishes three.”
- ―Genie's introduction[src]
Genie is a character who appears in the 2019 live-action remake of Aladdin.
He is based on both the character from the Arabian Nights tales and the character of the same name from the 1992 animated film.
This version of the Genie is significantly less wacky than in the original film, having a more relaxed and sarcastic personality. In the remake, wishes must be done with more specific words, or else the Genie could give something different than was intended, something Aladdin later uses to trick Jafar into becoming a genie. Additionally, in this version, the Genie states clearly that his power comes from the lamp as well as himself, with the result that he becomes human when freed from the lamp. Genie is also portrayed as forming a romance with Jasmine's handmaiden Dalia, to the point that he asks her to join him in traveling the world after he is freed from the lamp.
Role in the film[]
The start of the film features a plot twist featuring a human Genie telling Aladdin's story to his and Dalia's children, a reference to a deleted concept from the original film in which the Peddler from the start would reveal himself as the Genie.
While trapped inside the Cave of Wonders, Abu reveals that he stole the lamp back from Jafar. Aladdin notices the lamp is a bit dusty and gives it a rub. This causes the lamp to release a powerful Genie who can grant him three wishes, as long as he is holding the lamp in which Genie introduces himself to Aladdin who has never made a friend like him before. Aladdin wishes to escape from the Cave (though he makes a wish without holding the lamp, keeping his three wishes intact), and both he, Genie, Abu, and Carpet find themselves in the middle of the desert. After seeing Genie's potential, Aladdin wishes to become a prince in the hopes that he can attract Princess Jasmine's attention. Genie transforms him into Prince Ali, turns Abu into an elephant, and parade to the Sultan's Palace, where the Sultan welcomes him. Arriving there, the Sultan introduces Aladdin to Princess Jasmine where the Genie tells him to find ways to get her attention.
While Aladdin and Jasmine ride on Carpet to explore the world around them, the couple arrives back to Agrabah where Aladdin tells the Genie that "Prince Ali" is actually Aladdin where the Genie tells him to tell the truth who he really is. After Jafar pushes Aladdin out of his tower and falls into the sea, Abu and Carpet arrive with the lamp, and Aladdin manages to rub it before drowning. Genie appears and rescues Aladdin who does the wish for him due to him being unable to speak underwater. Aladdin, however, manages to get back to the Palace where he stops Jafar from putting Agrabah under control where "Prince Ali" is once again revealed to be Aladdin.
Talking with the Genie again, Aladdin tells him that the people in Agrabah say that "Prince Ali" is actually Aladdin and after discussing the lie he did with Jasmine, Genie becomes very upset and disappointed for Aladdin's claim to which he feels upset about himself in pretending to be a prince. Jafar, wearing a robe, takes the lamp from Aladdin where he takes Genie to be his new master. During Jafar's first wish, he plans to become the Sultan of Agrabah. After granting his first wish, Jafar becomes the Sultan of Agrabah. When Hakim sends the guards to arrest the vizier, Jafar rubs the lamp and tells the Genie that his second wish is to become the powerful ruler of Agrabah just as Aladdin, Abu, and Carpet notice this just as Jafar sends everyone to the dungeon. Jafar then tells everyone that "Prince Ali" is actually Aladdin just as he banishes him to a frozen wasteland. Just as Aladdin is banished to a frozen wasteland, Genie and Carpet notice Jafar preparing to kill Jasmine, Dalia, and the Sultan under his tyrannical rule in forcing them to bow to Jafar much to Genie's worry.
Later after the Sultan stops Jafar from destroying Agrabah, he then becomes enraged and creates a violent storm to destroy Agrabah where during the confrontation against Aladdin and Jafar, Genie turns Jafar into a powerful genie just like him by using his final wish to become a powerful genie. Just as Jafar prepares to destroy Agrabah, he soon ends up getting chained with gauntlets to which Aladdin tells him that he didn't do this. Soon as Jafar and Iago are sucked back into the lamp, the Genie banishes them to the Cave of Wonders while Aladdin apologizes to Jasmine for lying to her and everyone in Agrabah. The Genie then arrives and is reunited with Aladdin where he explains to him that he must marry a princess he loves to which Aladdin chooses Princess Jasmine to be his wife. Aladdin uses his final wish to set the Genie free; later, he asks Dalia to travel the world with him. The handmaiden accepts and also she wants kids. The genie later married Dalia and have two children named Lian and Omar and have a small boat to travel the world. Aladdin finally marries Jasmine in front of a large crowd as Jasmine finally found a prince to marry just as Genie attends the marriage between Aladdin and Jasmine. Genie is then seen dancing with all the palace inhabitants during the credits.
- When the Genie was freed by Aladdin at the end, he transforms completely into a human and he does not retain his powers unlike in the original character.