King Mamood is a minor character in the Disney animated series, Aladdin. He is the spoiled, bratty child king of Quirkistan who served as an antagonist until reforming.
King Mamood is a young child king whose emotions are linked to the land of Quirkistan, so whenever he is happy the land is prosperous but when he is upset the land becomes a barren wasteland. Like most children in power, King Mamood is spoiled, bratty and doesn't care who he hurts to gets what he wants, however at the end of the episode he is shown to be more caring and wants to help his people.
Physical appearance[]
Mamood is a young African boy with black, curly hair. He sports luxurious robes of red, white and gold, tan shoes and a tall headpiece.
Role in the series[]
In "Bad Mood Rising", a spoiled, child king named King Mamood tells his assistant, Wazeer, that there's a speck in his royal milk. Wazeer tells him that it's just a little speck and King Mamood gets angry, which makes the weather even worse. So Wazeer goes to get him another glass of milk.
Back to the group, Carpet rescues Aladdin and they all go to the palace to fulfill their diplomatic mission. Wazeer tells everyone that Mamood's bad mood is because he missed his birthday party (everyone came, but didn't tell him), and explains that when he is happy, the weather is beautiful, but when he's angry, the weather is bad. He shows them a treasure that he will give them if they make the king happy. Everyone tries to make Mamood happy, but instead, he gets bored until Aladdin juggles many swords and the weather becomes nice. But then, Aladdin accidentally pins Mamood with the swords. The king gets angry and the weather becomes bad again. Mamood now wants the group to leave, but then Jasmine gets an idea. She tells Mamood a story about how a golden prince met the king of the genies. The story makes Mamood happy and the weather becomes nice again.
Wazeer then suggests they keep Jasmine forever, but everyone refuses to accept that and they try to escape, making Mamood angry and the weather gets really bad. After the group escapes the palace and crash-land somewhere in Quirkistan due to lightning knocking Carpet out. They run into a mob of villagers, who blame Jasmine for making Mamood angry. But then, one of the villagers tells everyone that it's not really Jasmine's fault and that they shouldn't force others to suffer as they are. Just then, Mamood shows up his horse and demands that Jasmine be handed to him or he'll become angrier than he already is. Reluctantly, Jasmine goes with Mamood to keep Quirkistan's people safe (despite Aladdin's protests that giving in to Mamood's demands will only encourage his bratty behavior).
At night, a depressed Aladdin gets an idea after Genie mentions that Mamood doesn't know how miserable he's making everybody. They go to the palace and Aladdin and Jasmine miserably say goodbye to each other. Genie turns Iago and Abu into Jasmine's "parents" so they can say goodbye to her as well. Genie then turns himself into everyone else who will miss Jasmine: her "grandfather", a couple of village orphans, and her "pet wallaby" Edgar. Mamood becomes depressed and ashamed at the misery his selfishness is causing for the kingdom, causing it to rain as he begins to cry. He then lets Jasmine go, unable to bear the guilt of his actions. He then becomes happy for doing something good for other people and the weather becomes nice again. The king then decides to do more good stuff. Aladdin and Jasmine can now be together forever.
He and Wazeer attend Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding as seen in a cameo at the very end of Aladdin and the King of Thieves film.