Genocide is a crime, ‘the crime of all crimes.’ It stands alone; no mitigation or extenuation attaches to genocide
IF it is portrayed as a war crime; genocide—the methodical, malicious murder of the many—can be dismissed as incidental to battle; a mere case of, “Oops, bad things happen in war.” You hear the last phrase all the time from Israel’s supporters, as they gush their enthusiasm for the Jewish State’s crimes.
The genocide-as-a-war-crime conceptualization provides cover and lends imprimatur for criminals and criminality. You mitigate and minimize genocide when you call it a war crime.
This is precisely the point of Israel and its co-belligerents: The purpose of framing Israel’s ongoing extermination of Palestinian society in Gaza as a byproduct of war—the same having commenced in the West Bank and East Jerusalem—is to give the impression that industrial-scale mass murder is often incidental to war. Bad things happen in the butcher’s shop of war.
But genocide—legally and morally—is a stand-alone crime; it is not a crime attached to a set of mitigating or explanatory circumstances. Israel, gleefully engaged in methodical, indiscriminate mass murder, is thus a criminal entity. Perhaps not a common criminal, but, nevertheless a criminal country, a threat to the comity of nations. It doesn’t take a Carl von Clausewitz, famed Prussian general and war theorist, to figure this out.
Disquieting though this is, a better source of metaphor for Israel than von Clausewitz is Truman Capote. He is the originator of the true-crime genre, in which a real event is treated with fictional techniques and turned into a literary work of art. That Capote’s In Cold Blood certainly is.
Israel, to commandeer and paraphrase Capote, is that “rarity, a natural killer—absolutely sane, but conscienceless, and capable of dealing, with or without motive, the coldest-blooded deathblows.”
In the crime he anatomized, Capote encountered the “single-killer concept” and “the double-killer concept.” Israel comes under the nation-killer concept, given that the nation, with thumping majorities, backed the killing of Gaza.
In any event, because it is an indefensible crime for which there are no extenuating circumstances or traditional defenses—genocide is not a war crime.
The manifestly willful attempt to destroy a society and its people is a crime for which the death penalty—execution of those involved—has, historically, been meted. The exculpatory agents of Israel’s crimes against humanity are, alas, incapable of reasoning from fact, ethics and logic. Like programmed automatons, they therefore recite a counterfactual storyline, an ideological meme.
Israel’s odious excuse-making has come to be known as Hasbara.
In Hebrew, hasbara is the name of the verb to explain (lehasbir). It means explanation. Exculpatory constructs, assorted Hasbara, serve to coat Israel’s corporeal crimes against humanity with ideological respectability, to give these some imagined purity of purpose.
Think of Hasbara as providing cretins with bogus constructs with which to rape reality.
The facts of mass murder have been undercounted so far in a 649-page list of every Palestinian recorded killed in Israeli attack s. Two hundred and twenty-six pages of these, list the names of children 18 year and younger, including 14 pages of newborns and babies under a year old. Each name corresponds to a body, identified and interred. The last 11 pages list Palestinian elders, ages 77- to 101-years-old, all older than the country that killed them. (Via The Electronic Intifada.)
This carnage is being dismissed as a byproduct of war, executed within the matrix of Israeli “self-defense,” as Hasbara has it.
Hasbara to what end ? To propagandize international audiences into sympathizing with Israel and demonizing Arabs . (+972 Magazine.)
Hasbara to dress up tiny dismembered babies, courtesy of Israel’s American baby-busting bombs, as something other than a little torso, and a miniature groin, from which a floret of baby flesh protrudes, where once a chubby little leg kicked. Watch! The tot is watching.
Hasbara to frame the specter of baby flesh peeled away to expose gleaming white bone—little bodies and minds shattered for life should they live—as the doing of a third party. “I didn’t do it,” jokes Bart Simpson in that all-American parody, The Simpsons. Hamas made me do it. CNN’s Hasbara, which ascribes an almost-attractive raffishness to IDF criminals, has it that the Occupation made Israeli soldiers commit their crimes.
Hasbara to help leave refugees with no redoubt, and nothing to their name but a nylon dome above their heads. Gaza’s homeless must wait to parry whatever next thrust Israel will deliver in… “self-defense.”
In-the-heat-of-battle Hasbara greases the skids for a Jewish Taliban and his posse of soldiers, whooping it up, as they explode one more mosque among the hundreds they’ve already vaporized.
Hasbara explains away another IDF demon grimacing maniacally while reciting The Shmah, our “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one” prayer. He then levels a mosque. “Have an explosive Sabath,” roar these particular IDF, before bursting into popular song, “The Nation of Israel Lives,” and sharing that they had just wired up a house of prayer in Khirbet Khizaa, Khan Younis, in the central Gaza Strip. Next I want to see their faces, scores of them, appear on our screens from the Hague. But will Hasbara tools like Matthew Miller, ensconced in the State Department, allow it? Rhetorical.
Israel’s Hasbara facilitates “Israel’s conceit of invincibility,” in Mouin Rabbani’s words. It has marred the West’s morality, but will never contaminate the natural law, and has yet to fundamentally change the common law.
Civilizing systems of ethics still stipulate that no one has the right to kill a single innocent human being, directly or indirectly, let alone hundreds of thousands of them—for by the time the Israeli serial killers are cajoled to stop the carnage, there could be, in my informed opinion, between 250 to 500,000, maybe more, Palestinian deaths by Israel.
Easily—that is if the Lancet, the medical journal of record, and the human rights community don’t lie. The scholar Norman Finkelstein, author of Gaza, An Inquest Into Martyrdom (2018)—an exegesis of fact and law—has strongly suggested that they, too, have been compromised.
International law is not at odds with the natural law or the libertarian law on the matter of industrial-scale mass murder. For reasons obvious, there should certainly be no difference between how classical liberals or anarchists understand the non-aggression axion in this context. Minarchist or anarchist; genocide is verboten in libertarianism.
Craig Mokhiber, one of this country’s most principled specialists in “international human rights law, policy, and methodology,” explains:
‘International law does not allow a claim of self-defense to justify crimes against humanity and genocide. Nor does it magically overcome the international humanitarian law imperatives of precaution, distinction, and proportionality, or the protected status of hospitals and other vital civilian installations.
In addition, the presence of people associated with armed resistance groups (even if proven) does not automatically transform a civilian location or protected structure into a legitimate military target. If it did, the common presence of Israeli soldiers in Israeli hospitals would equally render those hospitals legitimate targets. Attacking hospitals is not an act of self-defense. It is an act of murder and, in systematic and large-scale cases, of the crime of extermination.
A claim of self-defense does not justify collective punishment, the siege of civilian populations, extrajudicial executions, torture, the blocking of humanitarian aid, the targeting of children, the murder of aid workers, medical personnel, journalists, and UN officials- all crimes perpetrated by Israel during the current phase of its genocide in Palestine. And all shamelessly followed by claims of self-defense by Israel’s defenders in the West.’ (Via Mondoweiss)
Having figured out, over this pixelated page, that genocide must be addressed as a crime, not a war crime, I humbly discover that I stand on the shoulders of “Raphael Lemkin.
Lemkin was … first …to put forward the theory that genocide is not a war crime and that the immorality of a crime such as genocide should not be confused with the amorality of war.” Genocide is “the gravest and greatest of crimes,” and thus dubbed “a crime against humanity,” wrote Lemkin, a Polish, Jewish human rights lawyer.
“‘The term does not necessarily signify mass killings although it may mean that,’ Lemkin explained in a 1945 article. ‘More often it refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations’—cultural institutions, physical structures, the economy—’of the life of national groups.” (Via Mother Jones.)
Much like any good libertarian, Lemkin was a natural-rights thinker, whose reasoning about genocide—the intentional murder of the many—was derived from reasoning about the crime of homicide. Mass murder, essentially, is when “the natural right of the individual to exist” has been sundered many times over.
As to the offender: If the individual may not gratuitously and serially kill people; neither may the collective, the state, exterminate a class of people. It should make no difference as to whether the felon is a lone criminal or the “common force,” to use Frédéric Bastiat’s natural-rights nomenclature. In The Law, Bastiat writes this:
“Since … force by an individual cannot legitimately be… used against the person, freedom, or property of another individual, by the same argument, the common force cannot legitimately be used to destroy the person, freedom, or property of either individuals or classes.”
If words matter, then boy! does money matter.
The Israel Lobby, AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee), is an almighty fifth column which ought to have long since come under corruption investigations and dismantled (ditto the ADL). At the very least, AIPAC, a blatant Israel operative, ought to have been forced to register as a foreign agent and scrutinized.
The first such endeavor was attempted by William Fulbright decades back. In 1963, by Wikipedia’s telling, Fulbright—academic, statesman and politician—had implicated AIPAC in laundering five million tax-deductible dollars “from philanthropic Americans,” by ostensibly sending the money to Israel “and then recycle[ing] it back to the U.S. for distribution to organizations seeking to influence public opinion in favor of Israel.”
On April 15, 1973, Fulbright told Face the Nation, a current affairs television program, that “Israel controls the U.S. Senate. … [and that we] should be more concerned about the United States interest rather than doing the bidding of Israel … The Senate is subservient to Israel, in my opinion much too much.”
That was the end of Fulbright’s campaign.
Fulbright’s reality, underscored in 1973, has reached its nadir in 2024. On July 23, American law-makers-cum-Israel-lap-dogs leap to their feet some 50 times, with cheers and deafening applause, to express adulation for mass murderer Bibi NetanYahoo, who is named as an offender by the International Criminal Court.
From Fulbright whose re-election bid AIPAC helped torpedo in 1973, to Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman, two charismatic Americans with grassroots support, who’d refused to do Israel’s bidding, in 2024: AIPAC (track it) continues to buy influence, and to subvert Americans whenever they attempt to exert their popular will against that of the Israel donor-class.
Progressive representatives Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Cori Bush of Missouri dared to voice disgust for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians of Gaza. That was the end of the Bush/Bowman bids for office.
While we’re deconstructing Israel’s lexicon of crime, do please quit calling its “Operation Swords of Iron” in Gaza a war. It’s not.
Israel’s onslaught on Gaza—from my diligent daily tracking, the Israelis have comfortably settled into massacring between 30 to 100 individuals, each day—is not a war by any definition.
In Gaza, there are no armies arrayed one against the other. This is no war between equal, opposing warrior forces. There is no parity on the battle field, only, for the most, the bullyboy’s aerial blitzkrieg carried out against a trapped civilian population. In terms of matériel, not the quality or morality of its men, the Middle East’s most powerful army is also among the world’s top 20 military forces.
The IDF’s extermination campaign against a population of cornered civilians has indeed been disrupted by pockets of asymmetric guerilla warfare from non-state resistance fighters. Their exploits are available on the X platform of military analyst Jon Elmer.
Gleaned from my close observations over 11 months; the Gaza-based Hamas fighting brigades are no fat cats; they are skinny young Ghazzawi men, some in sandals, slinking among their ruined homes, darting in-and-out to defend what is left of their communities. These fighters are indubitably of the Palestinian people and for the people, as Palestinians see them.
And the way Palestinians see things is all important. The art of getting along, differences and all, is imperative in conflict resolution. Realpolitik demands not dominance, but that dueling perspectives be taken into consideration. Israel and America should not foist their reality on their opponents.
At any rate, let us try to avoid a dialogue of the deaf, and remember that words matter. They mediate action. Use them accurately: Genocide is the kind of crime that stands alone; no mitigation or extenuation attach to genocide. By extension, Israel is waging genocide, not war, and … Americans want it stopped.
For all their initial stated eagerness; most of our countrymen (61 percent now) want Israel’s genocide halted. Americans, moreover, want to stop arming Israel, as a June poll from CBS showed (via The Intercept). This includes 77 percent of Democrats and nearly 40 percent of Republicans.
Beholden to donor-class dominated politics, the regnant villains of the Stupid and the Evil Parties are, nevertheless, refusing to end the genocide in Gaza. Yet it must be stopped. Actively and urgently so, given that, in an attempt to bury the crime of all crimes; Israel has shifted the focus to its northern front, to Lebanon.
How to stop the genocide, in my next instalment.
Ilana Mercer is paleolibertarian author, essayist and theorist. Her new book is “The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy” (February 2024). Mercer is described as “a system-builder. Distilled, her modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events.” She’s Jewish and grew up in Israel from which she fled, aged 19, never to return.

Excellent piece, Ms. Mercer.
It’s high time Christian America realized these people are inveterate enemies of Jesus:
Well done , once again. I’ll be looking forward to the next one , ” stopping the genocide” . Please hurry up with that. Can’t wait . What is taking so long ? Pray tell.
Talking the talk is easy , talk is cheap, intensions are not acts and there can be no substitute for victory. Looks to me that this is where we’re at, and until there’s a massive change in consciousness, this is where it is going . Something likes this reality, has created these leaps in progress, and continues to prophet through prays . What tangled web$ we weave … luck to all , and to all, a good whatchamacallit , GOD ?
If your reference will to Israel, then I’ll tell you straight up that you can’t stop something that isn’t occurring.
However, if the focus of your article will to real genocide, such as what is happening in Sudan and other countries in your home continent of Africa,then perhaps this future article will be worth reading.
NTNyahoo has a big problem. He can destroy Gaza completely, he can kill a large number of Gazans and even erradicate HMs. Nonetheless the world could demand the end of the occupation of Gaza and demand a two states solution after the end of the war. This would mean a complete defeat for NTNyahoo. The Palestinians would be in a better position than before the war. This would be a desaster for NTNyahoo. This would mean that he killed a lot of people, commited a lot of crimes but the Palestinians would get their state. He would have a problem in the World and in his land. He cannot backpedal anymore because he went too far already. He went too far and the only acceptable outcome for him is total victory, the end of the Palestinians in Palestine. There is no way back for him, either complete victory or complete defeat. He has chosen complete victory, the erradication of the Palestinians which he can only achieve through a genocide. The only purpose of the war is to carry out a genocide as a way to avoid the two states solution or any other solution for the Palestinians. The genocide will preclude a solution for the Palestinians. It would make the talk of a two states solution meaningless because there wouldn’t be any Palestinians anymore. NTNyahoo would become a hero because he had the courage to accomplish the aims of Zionism, show the strenth of Jish values, the US would be happy that they would have one problem less. Genocide is the peak of Jish history and values, and the only option for NTNyahoo.
Totally agree.
BDS is a good start.
I always tried to be impartial with regards to Israel/Palestine, which isn’t easy because the extreme arrogance and entitlement of the Jewish State — the only people on the world allowed to keep out hostile foreigners — makes them so easy to hate. But now, with this genocide thing, I say Israel delenda est. God never gave them this land, they have to leave.
“Israel is….a criminal entity….a natural killer, absolutely conscienceless, capable of dealing the coldest-blooded deathblows.”
s’truth. But Izrahell is merely the organized expression of the ultimate problem:
until the Jewess Issacsohn-Mercer attains this higher plane of wisdom, she will remain an inmate of Camp Penitence, restrained less by physical barriers than by the satanic bonds of her own inescapable Jewishness.
To continue the replacement genocide of the Americans for example?
Thus speaketh Jojo: “It’s not genocide when we do it.”
Thank you to spell the obvious.
There is a war when two armies fight against each other like in Ukraine (US/EU/NATO fights against Russia using Ukrainian canon fodder led by their local puppet).
There is no war in Palestine or Lebanon who have no army, no navy, no airforce, nothing that could be called an army or stand-up to heavily funded and armed “israel”.
And this is not a war when the perpetrator permanently targets civilians, civilian buildings and infrastructure:
The “western” media are in the hands of the perpetrator, otherwise they woudn’t use the word WAR instead of the word GENOCIDE in all their reports. From far left to far right and center, the MsM is 100% under control of the same zionists who control western rotten political class.
This is a a genocide committed on the field but a war for our minds.
There are other media, not controlled by the zionists or the US emprire and its junior partners that tell the story and the fights of the Resistance (not on X, owned by a zionist shill):
Presstv (presstv. co. uk )
Almayadeen (english. almayadeen. net )
Almanar TV from Lebanon ( english .almanar .com. lb)
Palestinian news network (english. pnn. ps)
uprootedpalestinians. wordpress. com
1/ Don’t vote for any of them, and if there is no other choice, don’t vote. In the US, the only candidate left with a conscience is Jill Stein, even if she can’t win, is a “green” and a Jew, she stands for Palestine and against the criminals funding the genocide. (SHAME ON YOU RFK JR.)
2/ BOYCOTT all businesses small and big owned, controlled or helping by their investments the zionist mafia. There is a mindblowing list as some of the best known and biggest corporations are either owned by them or are funding the criminal regime of “israel”, from big pharma to big food, to big insurance, to big weaponry to big banking. Make your research and stop buying from these evil corporations.
3/ You can’t control federal elections but you can influence local ones and as a citizen, you have a duty to pressure local representatives to take steps against the genocide and stop supporting criminals.
4/ Protest, organize protests, paint the walls of grafitti, distribute flyers, use your keyboard to spread the message but make sure not to stay only online as it is in real life that people must be made aware and fight against these criminals.
5/ AIPAC, ADL and all the other foreign agents who have infiltrated and are controlling politicians and parties are just lobbies and fighting them with our own lobbies is the first step to end these crime syndicates. Name and shame those who are their recipients for bribes and name and shame those who do the bribing.
6/ DIRECT ACTION – I will not elaborate but terrorists and their sponsors deserve only terror. “Israel” is a terrorist state, zionism is a terrorist and fascist ideology, therefore they deserve anything that they inflict to others, in any country they pollute.
It’s difficult to get news about the fighting there. The best source I know of is:
Video Link
Meanjoojoo… OK deckhand, let’s not call a genocide, let’s call it a holocaust of 6 million Palestinians. Anyway, stop deflecting, just stop it when we are talking about shitrahell and its Anal Rape Heros.
Please, do thank your boss,on our behalf, for hiring you.
If you’re on X you’ve probably seen this, but if not, it’s a much watch …. absolutely perfect summary of what’s going on in Gaza …
Netanyahu – The Freddy Kreuger of Gaza
The ‘right’ is scum too.
Genocide is EVIL work. Work of Satan.
Spawns of Satan they are. And they need to be in the abyss with him.
In addition to using starvation as weapons to kill defenceless population, the Jews, that is, “Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population [of mostly women and children] that has no air force, no air defence, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanised armour, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war; it is [mass] murder.” It is a televised genocide supported by no other than the unconscionable U.S.-led Western regimes that have always claimed to be the global “defenders” of “democracy”, “freedom”, and “human rights”.
How to tell if genocide is occurring for Dummies.
The Great Irish Famine Was Genocide
By Prof. Francis A. Boyle
Global Research, March 16, 2010
17 March 2010
Region: Europe
Theme: Crimes against Humanity
“As demonstrated by the following legal analysis, the Famine was genocide within the meaning of both United States and International law.
The United States Government is party to the 1948 Convention On The Prevention And Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“Genocide Convention”). As a Treaty of the United States , the Genocide Convention is therefore “the Supreme Law of the land” under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Government has also passed implementing legislation which substantially adopts the Genocide Convention and makes any violation of the Convention punishable under federal law. 18 U.S.C. § 1901.
Article II of the Genocide Convention provides:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within a group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Gaza and Ukraine are just stepping stones toward ((( their ))) main objective, which is LARGE SCALE WAR against the BRICS countries (Russia, China, Iran, etc).
Here is an excellent 50 minute video which shows how ((( they ))) = the international banking cabal, handle any person or country that does not go along with ((( their ))) program.
History is written by the victors ((( international banking caba ))l)…this 50 minute video is written by the other side.
Excellent video. Well worth the time.
Video Link
Greater Israel alone?
No – the PLO-Hamas/PA have been at it as well.
The PLO have been targeting Jordan as well to take the Entire “Mandate for Palestine”; but they’ve been defeated repeatedly and since Deported with their Citizenship revoked.
Per the Precedent King of Jordan: “Jordan is Palestine; and Palestine is Jordan”.
Jordan have been a Murican Protectorate for decades; and we’ve sent more Troops there since 07Oct.
Taking a look at Hamas’ Mission Statement, Israel and their Jewish are to be conquered and enslaved.
And the PLO NEVER showed interest in a peaceful “2-State” Solution hoped by many.
That being said, people can criticize Israel for the Civilian Casualties; but they need to hold the PLO-Hamas responsible and accountable as well.
The Lebanese Conflict are another aspect of this War; and we should cross examine the Arguments and Activities.
One thing we do know is that the Israeli recently killed in Lebanon the Mastermind of the 1983 Beirut Bombing of Marines sent to prevent the leveling of Beirut and to allow Arafat to Leave.
Yet another Eastern Mediterranean Land-Bridge Conflict:
Video Link
The world could demand a one-state solution: Palestine. The isaliens leave. End of problem.
Interesting URL to watch, while this development of the conflict continues.
“…if the focus of your article will (be) to real genocide, such as what is happening in Sudan…”
Classical whataboutism, always the last resort of the Jewish scoundrel.
Israel allows the world to see a society run solely by Jews for Jews and what that entails.
This is a resource war for land. It is also a war of choice on the part of both Gaza and Israel. Both sides are their own friend and everybody else’s enemy.
Support either side, and that side will injure you.
Horrible things happen in resource wars for land. Bad things done by one side do not make the other side either good or safe to associate with. Consider Jewish activity in the US. Consider Hamtramck, the displacement of its previous occupants, and their political actions — roughly the same as those of the Jewish block, but more intense and supporting a different side of the Israel/Gaza war.
This is yet another folly of US internal politics. To reference some recent articles — Mercer’s article is yet another replay of the WW II myth [1] with Gazans substituting for Jews (!), it is yet more lies (largely by omission) [2], and it does not mention long term and growing Islamic hostility towards the West [3], being in that regard just the Israeli propaganda slightly rewritten by swapping the names.
If you insist on playing with fire, ally with people who want you either dead or converted, you will get burned, converted, then prematurely dead. Domestically, you play these games of distraction while looting the US and destroying its institutions.
That game is old, now, and almost worn out. You are finding, as the USSR did, that absolute political control is, paradoxically, a sure way to lose political control.
1] https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-tucker-carlson-darryl-cooper-and-holocaust-denial/
2] https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/the-government-lies-just-keep-on-coming/
3] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/09/03/marines-attacked-in-turkey-video/75057376007/
Because those they kill aren’t really human, only Jews are really human.
Very accurate critique, mate.
Judaic genocide IS different. Most genocides are hidden by the perpetrators, and denied. Often the killers show remorse or guilt. But the Judaics celebrate, wildly, their slaughters. Their politicians, ‘religious’ leaders and public figures DEMAND it, and the whole obscenity is justified by tracts from their murder cult.
Where it is most appalling is in the behaviour of the Western slave regimes, where elite opinion ranges from fervent, blood-crazed support eg the US Congress, the Murdoch cancer and the Opposition in Austfailia, and mealy-mouthed acquiescence as with Austfailia’s odious Foreign Minister, Wong, and the Albanese regime as a whole. The great Western moral overlords of humanity support the slaughter of tens of thousands of untermenschen children because Jewintern money, blackmail, slander and threats control them totally, and they persecute, criminalise, attack and threaten the opponents of genocide, while licking the arses of the butchers.
String of consciousness replies are useless. Try organizing your thoughts (those few that you might have) using paragraph breaks.
Betcha can’t make us leave…
Jewjew sees all goyim as untermenschen. It is literally its religion. It could as easily be you or I, as Gazans, Lebanese, Syrians etc being slaughtered as religious observance. The blood-lust is all.
I’ve found the perfect curse for you in my copy of the Talmud. Shortly, your ear-holes will turn to arse-holes, and shit on your shoulders, you unspeakable abomination.
American and british terrorists, as well as israeli terrorists have never known how to do actual open war. They are too coward for it. Besides israeli, american and british have always been coward terrorists, thieves, con-men, asssassins, robbers and prostitutes. This scum is what literally started America, as well as Australia etc.
Real-Time Gazacaust.
A mother in Gaza was killed and her baby blown out of her stomach
Does this look like the world’s most moral army
Has anyone mentioned “Greater Israel” yet? Isn’t It just industrial level colonialism?
The powers of darkness are now bombing the holy land where Jesus lived and worked: ancient Galilee west of the sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias) out to Tyre on the west coast.
Silly comment which you have no ability to effect
Well for all that bile they have proven remarkably successful so far
What the ‘F’ is wrong with this world that *nobody* stops these filthy Jews from mass-murdering? No brains? No balls? What?
The evil depravity of Israel and its monstrous Gaza Genocide will, hopefully one day, be wholeheartedly avenged.
Israel is a cancer on humanity!
Genocide isn’t the crime of crimes unless it’s directed toward the news such a the holocaust. Zionists want you to believe that antisemitism is the crime of crimes and not the gazacaust currently taking place against the Palestinians.
Burying you alive would be just as well.
Another great (if gut-wrenching) chronicle of this ongoing tragedy, that is being memory holed as fast as it occurs. Thank you.
Fulbright was a great man of conscience, the apotheosis of what a liberal should have been. I hadn’t realized that AIPAC was so powerful that long ago.
The strange case of Cori Bush is instructive. She was celebrated by the Wokerati as much as anyone, until she said something negative about Israel. Now she has been consigned to oblivion. Truly, the “51st State” is the Third Rail of American politics. A genuine no-fly zone.
Nation-killer concept indeed.
Mercer skillfully articulates this crucial distinction: it’s not war, it’s genocide. I’ve been saying that all along even though it sometimes feels so pathetically obvious, like a vigorous assertion that water is wet.
I’m looking forward to Mercer’s next article on how to stop this genocide. IMO, she is currently doing the best and most important work of her career.
His boss picked a vile, hideous, lying and an ignorant excuse for a pig in human clothing.
It must be very difficult having one jew spill the beans on you fake jews, memewhore.
I have provided some comments from the Jerusalem Post concerning the pager incident. I would say that 90% of the comments are dripping with venom even when they disapprove of the government. I only provided the ups and downs on the first comment which should give a good indication of the general sentiment.
I would think that the JP is more representative of the general Israeli population than TUR’s representation of Americans. If so, the JP comments would closely represent the pulse of Israel regarding their attitudes toward the war. It appears that the majority see war as necessary to uproot a barbaric enemy. Sounds familiar?
Such is the power of propaganda and ignorance of which humanity is not in short supply. The Judaic strategic installment of “God’s Chosen People” into their program greatly enhances an unfortunate naturally occurring need for group identity which has the potential to get out of control and become a group think psychosis on steroids. I think this is what we are seeing in Israel.
Are they becoming so detached from reality that they will self destruct?
Netanyahu is surfing this big wave of psychosis while the Ventures are playing WIPE OUT in the background. Corrupt or not, if he wins he will be their hero. If he looses, he is all washed up.
“Most Zionist don’t believe that God exists
but they do believe that he promised them
Satanists blame God for all the evil in the world. “How could God allow this to happen?”
Gawds Chozen people work By Way of Deception! After they are done with Palestine they will be coming for you. Moloch wants your children’s blood in order to usher in the Anti-Christ Dajjal, who will rule the world from Jerusalem.
Qur’an Chapter 62
5. The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah, but then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying works of literature. Miserable is the example of the people who denounce God’s revelations. God does not guide the wrongdoing people.
6. Say, “O you who follow Judaism; if you claim to be the chosen of God, to the exclusion of the rest of mankind, then wish for death if you are sincere.”
7. But they will not wish for it, ever, due to what their hands have advanced. God knows well the wrongdoers.
8. Say, “The death from which you flee will catch up with you; then you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will inform you of what you used to do.
Maybe if we can use a sports comparison it will make more sense to meanjojo
The game did NOT start on Oct 7th, it started in 1948.
Prior to Oct 7th, we would hear terms like “Measured Response” and the scoreboard would exhibit a tit for tat death toll, damage/destruction reaction.
Here is the scoreboard now.
Dead Jews – 1400 (Some, maybe many killed by friendly fire.)
Dead Palestinians – Who fuck’n knows, probably more than 100,000.
There is no “10 run rule” and this shit has gone a light year past the 5th inning.
Why? American Jews are making money and consolidating ever more power.
Jew sharks can’t stop moving, can’t stop destroying, can’t stop sucking the life out of everything they see, touch and devour. They think if they stop they die.
Americans should give a shit less what happens in the Levant and STOP sending ANY money or arms for wars, conflicts or, disagreements of any type. There would be a brief paroxysm of violence and then things would settle down. The Sunni’s could get back to hating the Shia and the Jews could get back to creating diasporas full of bankers all over the world where they are hated accordingly.
The American State Department is run by Jews, as is our entire country. Big Jew media, big Jew tech, Big Jew government, Big Jew bankers like Larry Fink, who controls 25 Trillian dollars @ BlackRock and is drooling like Pavlov’s dog at the prospect of ever more power and money euchred out of taxpayers pockets to “rebuild” the Ukraine and Gaza after the last miserable sand nigger wretch is finally pushed into the sea, or, killed.
In the meantime, we will be assailed with the “Us Kikes were just sitting around minding our own business on Oct 7th when…blah -blah – blah.
It’s fuckin disgusting.
Another chapter in the Holocaustianity bible for we goys – wear the t-shirt, read the book, see the movie and eat the fuck’n ice cream.
During the NFL games you all will watch today, be sure and pay attention to the Pfizer commercials with NFL star Travis Kelce. The Jew Albert Bourla, who runs Pfizer, is killing millions more of us than BiBi is in Palestine. The vaccine is “safe & effective”. The war in Gaza is a distraction from the real genocide, effected against us all, right here in America by Jews.
Their mission statement is “Killing millions while making billions”.
I don’t know if you’re honestly stupid or dishonestly cunning. But sure, blame the PLO (and the Palestinians) for what happened to them and their land.
According to former Mossad, Victor Ostrovsky, Israel had foreknowledge of the 1983 bombing but did not alert the US. Why?
Nice cartoon video (sigh).
I have the answer to my first question. You are just stupid.
No one here buys your dreck, goyim hater.
Oh please… all Jews do is leave for the proverbial greener grass that has been sowed and maintained by someone else. Also they haven’t believed in Yahweh in a very long time. Israel has no real meaning other than mocking Evangelicals, and a place to lay low when there is a criminal warrant outstanding.
Justification for non-Jewish genocide by Jews is all in the Torah.
Jews actually believe this disgusting Torah shit and call it holy.
The Jewish Problem like our Border Problem ( orchestrated by Jews) could be solved almost overnight with the right type of people in power. The negro problem, the sex trafficking problem, the moral decay, the screw the other guy attitude so prevalent in today’s society, so on and so on all have one common denominator, under every rock slithers the Synagogue Of Satan.
Anyone who stands with World Jewry stands with Satan, or if you are not a Believer than you stand with evil over good.
Memejo-ho responds to a poster:
“Try organizing your thoughts (those few that you might have) using paragraph breaks”. (comment #4)
When the little bitch had written in post #3″
“However, if the focus of your article will to real genocide..”
Skipping or missing words because she probably had a huge made in Tel Aviv greasy dildo 🥴
Stating the “obvious” is called anti-semitism. I never in my life would have believed that the day would come where good is proclaimed as evil and evil as good… but here we are. This is one sick society and the ones pulling the triggers are also the ones pulling the wool over our eyes.
You are dumb and smelly. Clean your organ that do business with. Before any more blow job to get information for Mossad, buy the following to clean yourself. No blow job, no shekels.
Muslims, like Jews, believe that lying to an unbeliever is “kosher”. And that’s not something I agree with. The act of killing innocents is evil no matter who says what.
😱 omg
Jews who came from Poland and who today occupy Palestine are fleeing the northern part of Palestine.!!
I slept good last night, dreamt with angels and nice sceneries here in Colombia.
Meanwhile these monsters can’t close their eyes because the sirens keep getting activated !
Poor Jews!
Shouldn’t have killed Jesus!
Look at Bibi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Understand who they truly are
Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله describing the Jews. He said:
“The nation upon whom is the Divine wrath are the Jews, the people of lies, slander, betrayal, conspiracy and trickery, the killers of Prophets and consumers of ribaa (usury) and bribes. They have the most evil hearts of all nations, and the worst attitude. They are the farthest removed from (divine) Mercy and the closest to (divine) wrath. Their way is enmity and stirring up hatred. They represent the house of witchcraft, lies and trickery.
They do not see anything wrong in rejecting and disbelieving in Prophets whom they did not like. With regard to a believer, they respect not the ties, either of kinship or of covenant [cf. Quran 9:10].
They do not respect the rights of those who agree with them, or show any compassion towards them, nor do they show any justice or fairness to those who work with them. There is no safety or security for those who mix with them, and there is no sincerity towards those who use their services. The most evil of them is the one who is most intelligent, and the cleverest one among them is the one who cheats the most. The one who is good at heart – which it is unlikely to find among them – is not a Jew in any real sense. They are the most bad-tempered of people, with the gloomiest houses and the filthiest courtyards. They have very bad manners – their greeting is a curse, and meeting them is bad news. Their slogan is wrath and they are filled with hatred.”
[Hidaayat al-Hayaaraa, p. 8]
These are just a few drops from a flood of information. Whoever researches the matter will find out a great deal about their shameful actions and the forms that their kufr and deviation take. We ask Allaah to suppress them, humiliate them, put them to shame and defeat them, and to grant the Muslims victory over them sooner rather than later. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
I have always said the downfall of the west will be because of the jews regime because they are very treacherous people and do not care about anyone except themselves and will wreak havoc on others for their own gain. These people have betrayed people for centuries and still doing it to this day.
Greater Israel And The Destruction Of Medina
Video Link
Yet who “controls” the world?
Honestly stupid or dishonestly cunning?– FreQuenSee wonders. Does it matter? The result is the same: troll palaver
This is GENOCIDE carried out by the Jewish mafia child killers.
Israel has NO RIGHT to EXIST. Must be bombed beyond recognition.
But if you even finger his merchandise before rejecting it, he settles for that. It’s still attention. Gives him something to tell his mother: “Mamele, I did so well today! You should see how many Amaleks I pissed off online. When will you praise me the way you praise Dovid as if he were your only son, only because he has a job?!”
Everybody’s scared of their nuclear weapons and the threat they made.
Ilana Mercer and her father are covered in the blood of White South Africa. They helped over throw White rule and then moved out of the country so they could escape the mess they created. Screw her…
Folks, please don’t feed the troll(s).
Four lies in as many sentences, and that’s just for starters:
“This is a resource war for land. It is also a war of choice on the part of both Gaza and Israel. Both sides are their own friend and everybody else’s enemy. Support either side, and that side will injure you.”
A contorted and drawn out revamping of the shorter version: “A pox on both of their houses,” which poses as American interests-focused advocacy for staying out of fights between indistinguishable baddies.
When the number of “Palestinians” quits GROWING and starts getting near a couple hundred left worldwide, then the world can lecture about genocide. Until then it is just simple self-defense on the part of Israel, nothing more, nothing less.
The “Palestinians” have made their choice, for terror, for hate, many times, even when they were given Gaza, they destroyed the greenhouses. They are a decrepit, corrupt, evil Muslim terrorist people, rotten to the core, not worth saving to any rational person worldwide.
A non-jew TRAITOR WHORE, sitting at the whore house, congress, purging people with conscious and talents from the university to keep ‘little jews’ comfortable to kill ‘freedom of speech’, so ELise Stefanik can keep her petty job at the congress to serve the interests of genocidal Jews against American interests. What do you call her except a TRAITOR.
She is a traitor committing TREASON where should be arrested, put on trial and imprisoned. Many countries in the world will execute these kind of scum. She is a WAR CRIMINAL like her superior, Donald Trump. How America can survive with these sluts and pimps who lie after lie to feed themselves while serving the Jewish interests against American people’s interests. Shame on America and its genocidal ‘elite’ who is complicit in genocide of Palestinians’ toddlers and women in GAZA.How these criminals can sleep at night?
Stefanik At the Israeli American Council Summit: America Stands Strong with Israel
Video Link
Totally agree with Ilana , October 7 was a false flag attack by the Mossad front Hamas to give Israel the excuse to genocide the Palestinian people. This is genocide and not a war, Palestinians have no weapons to fight back, they are defenseless in the face of the brutal inhuman attacks by the Israel reptilian demonic shape shifters from hell and the zionist controlled ZUS regime is complicit in every facet of this genocide of the Palestinian people, for without the ZUS taxpayers money and weapons and support this genocide could not happen.
People need to read The Protocols of Zion and the Torah and the Talmud and the Kabbalah , the messianic demonic plan to kill every gentile aka goyim and muslim is right in these writings, they see all of us non zionists as insects and animals, and they intend at some point to kill all of us, and they will, unless we wake the hell up.
So, given that according to the Jewish almanac, there were several hundred thousand times more than a couple hundred left, actually it said that there still were 15 million Jews right after WW2, the “Holocaust” wasn’t genocide either?
He’s a bit of both, which is why long time commenters here ignore his ramblings and sorry attempts at concern trolling.
Meanjoojoo, for a long time Khizbullah and Khamas haven’t been targeting your civilians, especially women and children because of the ethics of their Quran, as opposed to that anti Human, violent demonic book you call the Talmud.
Now, as my Muslim friend told me, the Quran informs Muslims also to feed the oppressor from his dish.
Shitrahell and Shitrahellis have always considered the ethics and decency of friend and foe, alike, as a weakness, as we Americans and, I am sure, the Arabs have noticed.
As I write this, watching KhizbAllah hitting your homes, cars and population shows how your arrogance and your treachery bordering on stupidity has brought the Arabs and Muslims to a eye for a eye end, where they do not care to be blinded if it means sending you scurrying, back to New York and Russia, like the Anal Rape Heroes and child killers that you are.
The sky has oppened up with the fire of hell, burn Shitrahell burn, not because you don’t deserve a country of your own but because no one deserves to have you as a neighbor.
Thank your boss for hiring you, our resident part time troll and full time Anal Rape Hero.
Who initiated the Incursions of 07October 2023?
Usually takes two Parties to start a Fight…
Can you pull your Head out of your Arse and see the Regional Picture?
I’m stating the HISTORY, Dumbass. Everybody BUT the PLO wanted a State Solution for them since NO ONE in the REGION wants Terrorist-CoupMongers in the COUNTRY.
Were you complaining when Egypt Occupied Gaza, or disdain their Occupation as a historical event if you were too young? If you didn’t, you’re a Hypocrite.
Only AFTER Israel’s response to the Incursions Hammering Hamas in Gaza did the PA start pleading 2-State Solution Petitions.
Do you know why? Because Israel choosing to fight the Hamas, which requires the gutting out of Hamas Tunnels – may very well spell the End of Hamas’ Occupational Control over Gaza with Settler-Militia stepping in the exact their vengeance, which will drive out many from the Gaza.
Ownership doesn’t matter anymore, since they invaded a Neighbor with stated intentions of Occupying the Neighbor and Enslaving their Residents. If the PLO-Hamas/PA tried that on Egypt, Jordan (again, making it at least their 5th attempt – getting the big picture yet?), or Syria – they’d get their Arses Kicked, Driven Out, and Conquered Permanently.
Even as the Hamas killed off and drove out the PA and Fatah Factions out of Gaza, Gaza was the last hope for the West Bank PLO Civilians as the West Bank was being overrun by the Settler-Militia.
Do you think that Israel are going to let Hamas keep their Tunnels? Even “If” IDF and Settler-Militia decide to abandon Gaza (I’m betting the Settler-Militia marching in regardless), the Hotel Services, Gasoline, NatGas, Food, Shipping/Transport, and Employment available to Gaza Residents PROVIDED by Israel will get cut off, making Gaza Residents reliant upon Egypt.
Do you think Egypt are going to provide that? Probably not so much – enough to let them through to seek refuge ELSEWHERE.
What the PLO SHOULD have done were to accept Egypt’s offer of lands in the Sinai to relocate themselves to years ago – instead of rejecting it.
WakeTF and GrowTF Up – Jewish-Diaspora are deeply integrated within the Western Hegemony’s Plutocrats and Govt Oligarchs. The State of Israel aren’t going away anytime, because the Diaspora in the Masonic-Zionist Hegemony are making sure of that.
-AngloMurican and Franco Masonic States – Masons are Zionists by Definition
-With NATO+€URoGarten pwnd by AngloMurica, Israel will be protected.
-Jordan are being protected by Murica, which means that Israel will HAVE to be protected in order for Murica to protect Jordan.
That’s Life. All Non-Masons, Non-Jewish, Non-ChristoZionists, Non-Catholics in NATO+€URoGarten can do are to:
*Choose who you vote for;
*Choose who you affiliate or do business with;
*Choose and sign up into Militaries, Foreigner Legions, Militias, PMC/Merc/Security Corps, Civil Defense, Police, or Terror/Criminal Cells(not recommended) if you wish to take up Arms as a Lifestyle.
The Israeli and Diaspora have the right to discuss their concerns – and if applicable, vote – over Israeli matters. These are their Wars.
Others can extend their sympathies to Hamas+PA to their hearts’ content. I’m sorry about their Non-Participant Civilians entrapped as Human Shields and Hostages; but by no means are the PLO-Hamas/PA Faction Actors Innocent Victims here –
They Attacked Jordan and their King repeatedly; and Killed US Marines intervening to protect Beirut from the IDF.
Shall we go into other acts made by the PLO? Passenger Aircraft Hijack-Murders? Terror Attacks on Lebanese, Jordanians, Egyptians, Americans, and Non-Jewish Citizens of other Nation-States?
Remember the History, Retard – Invader/CoupMonger/Hijacker/Terrorists are just that. There’s NO JUSTIFICATION of their Acts outside of Israel.
Taking Egypt’s Offer was the safest solution for the PLO Factions. The Settler-Militia weren’t being stopped in the West Bank already, spelling doom for the PA. It’s pretty much too late now to restore the pre-07Oct Status Quo.
Hamas pretty much squandered their chances of Employment and Infrastructural Aide. They’ll probably rcv Food, Water, Field Medical, and Relocation Assistance. At least some are making it to Libya.
Sure they’ll probably be Humanitarian Agencies to donate to.
The situation in Gaza are truly FUBAR’d.
Their War, Their Problems. They will have to manage.
Trolling from Multiple Accounts don’t help your Dimwitted Arguments
Hez also hit Haifa a few hours ago w something larger than the usual bottle rockets, but too few got thru to do a lot of damage:
1) one hit on an apt bldg, 2 Jews wounded. Also a kid driving too fast in response to the air raid siren got killed in a car accident.
2) one hit some sort of military-related electronics production facility in a northward suburb. No casualties, maybe some “significant” damage.
what’s needed: an all-out strike to saturate the defense and flatten the entire city, esp. the oil refinery. Ditto re Tel Aviv and the airport. I think what’s deterring Hez is the suspicion that if they ever do this sort of thing, Izrahell will use nuclear weapons and simply sterilize south Lebanon.
Be sure that everything is moving with various speeds towards justice. Some times it appears as if nothing is moving from you vantage point, but there is always movement.
For example, AIPAC, ADL and IAC have had, for the first time, to come out in the open, and oppress the American people who have sacrificed their taxes to help Shitrahell oppress others.
Pause and listen to the grass roots, they are aligning for a movement, not different from a hundred previous movements around the World, against this demonic energy.
Let’s put it in a simple way.
Israelis are fighting for existence of their tiny and only Jewish country on earth.
And, Israelis are winning.
Because, losing is not an option for them.
Lot of blood were shed for the existence of this only one Jewish country in post-WWII and all the blood-shedding should not go in vein; so, there should not be any compromise from Israeli side.
World’s Muslims have more than 55 Islamic countries and one more Muslim country, which was fictitiously named “Palestine”, is totally unnecessary.
As for Ilana Mercer’s persistent hurtful headlines, I can honestly say that there is no GENOCIDE taking place in Israeli military operation(s) when Israeli military announces to all civilian Muslim-population to evacuate prior to any strike!
Not only the Israelis have absolute right to protect and defend their homeland, but also have the full right to kill all Muslim enemy-combatants at Israeli government’s choosing.
I am proud for and thankful to Prime Minister Bibi Net-Any-Ahu for doing the hard-work by eliminating Muslim terrorists and their Christian collaborators.
Only civilized people on earth can take side with the Israelis at this juncture of human history; because, military-political ideology of Islam should have no place in any civilized part of our world.
The United Nations is extremely busy this week and if Indian premier His Excellency Narendra Modi had allowed me to write his speech, I would have advised him to say the above on world-stage.
Historic crimes of world’s Muslims on non-believers of genocidal ideology of Islam should never be forgotten.
Before I conclude this post, here I write a short conversation I had with an old Jewish rabbi many, many years ago:
The rabbi asked me, “You have your ‘Hindu Nation’, why can’t the world’s Jewry have their own?”
I replied, “Of course, you can. Don’t give up your forefathers’ land no matter what your opponents say to you.”
You people keep saying “genocide” when there’s been no statistically significant reduction in the Palestinian population.
Zionist liars continue to post on TUR that Israeli officials are not committing genocide in Gaza, while simultaneously ignoring posts on TUR that repeatedly debunk their genocide denial. These same Zionists argue that “Israeli forces are not committing genocide in Gaza . . . but even if genocide is being committed, the Palestinians support Hamas and deserve to die.” Obviously, the objective is to fool the infrequent visitor to TUR, as opposed to the frequent and intelligent reader of TUR. Reject the lies of Zionist denialists! See e.g., number 3, supra.
For evidence of genocide in Gaza as opposed to the comments of Zionist denialists and liars, see for example:
1. The nine pages of genocidal intent expressed by high-ranking Israeli officials and soldiers at https://www.icj-cij.org/node/203394, paragraphs 101-107.
2. An exhaustive study by the University Network for Human Rights study, led by a group of researchers from Boston University, Cornell Law School, the University of Pretoria, and Yale Law School, published a report on May 15, 2024 @ https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/human-rights-researches-conclude-israel-committing-genocide/ (“Specifically, Israel has committed genocidal acts of killing, causing serious harm to, and inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in Gaza, a protected group that forms a substantial part of the Palestinian people.”) See the full report @ https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b3538249d5abb21360e858f/t/6644b96c59a09c12e6939533/1715779949018/Genocide+in+Gaza+-+Final+version+051524+Clean.pdf
Because of the obvious genocide that the Israeli government continues to inflict on the people of Gaza, the International Court of Justice ORDERED on May 24, 2024 that Israel: “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; . . . Maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance; . . .”
Idiot, you project. I have only one account
Not even my strychnine brownies?
They’re literally to die for!
“Israelis are fighting for existence of their tiny and only Jewish country on earth.”
There is no need for a”jewish country” when Jews are doing spectacularly well in non-Jewish ones where they are allowed to prey upon the native population. How long could they survive in Israel if forced to be self sustaining? Eating each other? Birobidzhan, which I have always recommended, does nevertheless pose this same problem for them.
“And, Israelis are winning.”
No, they are not and you all know it, hence the rabid despair.
“Because, losing is not an option for them.”
This is true: they know that there is no cure for hard-wired “jewishness.” They know they will die as mass murdering psychopaths and only wish to kill as many innocent people as possible before they flame out.
“World’s Muslims have more than 55 Islamic countries and one more Muslim country, which was fictitiously named “Palestine”, is totally unnecessary.”
Correct this to say:
“The world has dozens of countries taken over by global Jewish power, and one more country, fictitiously named “Israel,” that serves as a decanter for the most abominable judaic instincts, is not only unnecessary but noxious for the world.
“Don’t give up your forefathers’ land no matter what your opponents say to you.”
It’s not your forefathers’ land. None is. Not even the shtetls from which you poured out. You are the Red Sea Pedestrians, wandering in search of loot. And deep down you know it, which is why close to 2 million have already scurried out already with more lining up to go.
There wasn’t a significant reduction until now.
Gaza’s population is said to be around 2 million. The ‘official’ death toll with the ongoing madness is said to be 40K. Oddly enough, everyone on both sides of the fence agree on that number. It is said it makes Hamas look less incompetent and Israel less maniacal.
The ‘unofficial’ number is believed to be around 200K. Given the situation (continued bombing/killing, lack of clean water, of medical services, disease, starvation, the direct attack on children with the polio ‘vaccine’ etc), the number will definitely increase by the time Israel’s overlords decide Saturn is pleased enough.
Oh, and a pox on you, ariadna.
And I forgot to mention the Islamic justified stabbings, rapes, assaults of European citizens.
The “I’ll show that one side is bad and so you must support the other side — oh, and anybody who disagrees with this is an evil liar. EVIL I say!!!” argument has produced too many catastrophes for anybody to be taken seriously by anybody. In fact, those who use that argument have been shown by events to be evil themselves.
I’m sure there are other genocide parties taking place in this world, and I hereby deplore each and every one. That said, I hope you’ll understand why I take particular exception to the one that is made possible solely by the actions of “my” government, bought and paid for by AIPAC, etc. The murderous Israelis are doing all this under a red-white-and-blue, stars-and-stripes canopy. And when the next 9/11 happens, I’m sure most Americans will once again be all hurt and confused. “Why … why … why … they must hate us for our freedoms, right?”
So, go to India and fix the problem(s) of 26% Indians defecating in the open.
I cannot find another uglier people, in thoughts, deeds and/or appearance. Even the language is like listening to nails on a chalkboard.
Surely this can’t be what “god” chose.
How do you remove this stain on humanity?
Words, words, words.
Jews use words to bilk money for a so-called Holocaust that can’t be openly or honestly examined.
Jews also use words to excuse their 76-year shoah of Arabs.
Jews hear the words of the Koran that forbid Muslims from killing civilians, women, the elderly, children, or wounded enemies and use that against honorable Islamists…killing anything that moves, including other Jews.
Jews then kill endless numbers of Palestinians, using words that swear the IDF only targets “terrorists” and Hamas/Hezbollah soldiers…not innocents (and the innocent first-responders who come to help them). They really do treat Arabs like sub-human Amalek.
Time to return the favor!
Jews around the world have, for 7 decades, supported/funded Jews who use overwhelming force against weaker others…and live like kings on stolen land while butchering the natives.
Jews spew words about “healing the world” while committing endless atrocities. Because the Mudtal tells them they are superior beings.
Jews control Jew media so the world cares more about Harvard’s Jew students being “looked at funny” than Palestinians actually being killed en masse. We’re to endlessly kvell about Anne Frank (who died after being well cared for in a Nazi hospital!) than the Gazan kids blown to shitereens by cucked IDF cowards.
So when will a fed-up world, sick of Jew degeneracy, start a real Holocaust of the Nose?
When will Muslims around the world act like Inglourious Basterds and hunt down each and every Zionazi fleeing Matzonia?
When will goyim give Juden 76 years of non-stop payback…including mass hangings?
How much shite will Iran and Hezbollah eat before giving the Tribe its bellicose due?
Make Antisemitism Great Again!
Israel Hates Truth by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses.
Israel has continued its war on journalism with another attack on Al Jazeera, this time with a raid on the outlets office in the West Bank and an order to shut down for 45 days. The shuttering occurred despite the office being legally under Palestinian control per the Oslo Accords.
This move comes as Israel and Hezbollah exchange heavy fire and step closer to the brink of full-scale war, and as Israel continues its daily massacres in Gaza and keeps ramping up its brutality toward Palestinians in the West Bank.
Israel keeps attacking Al Jazeera, assassinating journalists and bombing press offices for the same reason the mafia kills witnesses. They want to commit their crimes in the dark.
Israel hates truth for the same reason anyone has ever hated truth: because the truth about them is ugly.
No wonder populism is attacked while elitism is called ‘democracy’.
Jewish Power wants to control everything by controlling the elites.
Trump bitches about the illegal invasion of America but fully endorses the illegal Zionist invasions of Arab lands.
What a vile lowlife whore scumbag.
He looks like a dirty old panjeet with that turban on 😂.
Life sucks and then you die!
But usually it sucks less if you are not a follower, or a victim, of the 5 pillars of Islam!
Those pillars being
1 Kill the Infidel! The Non-Muslim!
2 Kill the Apostate! The one who no longer wants to be Muslim.
3 Kill the Heretic! The one who wants to change what it means to be Muslim.
4 Kill the Hypocrite! The pretend Muslim.
5 Kill anyone that has anything bad to say about a certain raping, slaving, child molesting desert bandit known as Mohammad!
From the Hamas Covenant of 1988
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory)
You have to wonder where those “others” are? Genocided perhaps?
Even if Israel decided to genocide all of the Gazans, which it has yet to do, I can only say “Live by the sword! Die by the sword!”
Jews actually considered numerous homelands in Abyssinia, Alaska, Angola, Argentina (Rothschild lands), Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Japan, Madagascar, Manchukoku, Nebraska, New York, Surinam, Texas, Uganda, and USSR. They chose the one guaranteed to cause trouble forever.
Since Israel is so “tiny” (like a scorpion and/or cyanide pill), it’d be no biggie to move the whole Nose en masse to Antarctica…where Kikestanis can occupy snow and oppress penguins to their non-existent hearts’ content.
The Nazis, like the Muslims, have specifically stated their goal of eliminating the Jews. But while the Israelis may have to engage in some harsh tactics of war, to deal with the Muslim terrorists, they have never called for the extermination of all “Palestinians” or Muslims, in fact they operate on them in Jewish hospitals to save their lives. Given the immense power difference, if the Jews really did want to exterminate 100% of the “Palestinians” it sure seems like they would be able to do that, in a lot less time than three quarters of a century.
Ilana Mercer is about as ‘jewish’ as Woopie Goldberg or Rena Sofer or Gal Gadot ~>

= another faker, so her ‘defector’ status is all a big joke. She is beautiful and even looks Greek, so definitely not a joo = like Rena (which is also a Greek name BTW).
Every actual jew is always a genocidal maniac, world wide, everywhere, & most of the fake j00z 2, as a trick 2 gain Favor$ from ‘(((The Community)))’, like the sea of ((($hills))) in ‘So-Called (((Congre$$)))’ giving 54 $tanding ovations cheer leading 4 izraeli j00 terrorists & their endless genocide against Arabs, when they’re not busy pushing 4 exterminating Russians, etc. The word ‘Jew’ or calling yourself a ‘Jew’ at any point in life is itself an insult to all of humanity, because the purpose of all Jews is to do harm. It is not just their ‘so-called religion’ (of pure hate) but also in their genetic wiring, & you can not ‘educate’ or ‘reform’ it out of them.
Jooz R poison, & even their blood is poison, so the solution is they must be isolated from humanity, so they can eat each other. Murderous vampires can not survive on their own. It’s time to drop ‘truth bombs’ on everybody, world wide. I have urged Putin (whoever reads submissions 2 him =) You can not make a corpse suffer, & assaulting them gives them an excuse to pretend you are evil, which gives them pleasure, so it is important to deny them that pleasure, as they all know deep down they are vile hideous creatures who deserve to be rejected & ignored & whither away alone, erased from history. The greatest form of suffering for any j00 is to have to do any form of actual work, so crimnal j00z should be put in the desert raising bacon for ‘the goy’, & not allowed to ever speak, because all that comes from their mouths is lies. Those who refuse to obey can live with the pigs, where their noise will drown out their j00 (((Bull$hit))) =)
I urged Putin to do speeches calling out jewish terrorism & how they are behind the j00Krane terrorism & all the rest, rather than stupidly doing exactly what the j00z want by tricking him into murdering innocent white people in various European countries, who have no control over the governments of (((Z.O.G.))) there, whatsoever, same as all the eletctions in ((($kAmerika))) R fake =P
She fully admits it and says it was a horrible mistake.
Then she wrote a great book, called, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot” which excoriates the ANC, Nelson Mandela and the entire movement.
I then wrote a follow up tome called, “Niggers Suck & Not Just In South Africa” which was lauded the world over for it’s scholarly approach to racial problems in America.
Here are some reviews.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer -“A refreshing deep dive into racial animus and the Rupestrian origins (Even Neanderthals hated niggers. Fred and Wilma moved to Bedrock for a reason.) that persist to this day for good reasons.
Publishers Weekly – “A quixotic romp through the ages with nogs and a nod to the halcyon days of the antebellum South. A “White Man’s Burden” opus set to the music of “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful” protests and the crescendo of screams from liberal white girl allies during rapes.
It’s a hard book to find now.
Here is a fun video, IDF taking care of business, making sure the AID trucks get through!
Video Link
Shut up iron pussy.
Hitler was right, go eat shit back in the oven.
QED. 🕶️
Were your countrymen as ‘civilized’ as you’d have us believe, they wouldn’t need mine to ‘fix’ anything.
“A pox on both of their houses…”
And in the case of the “Palestinians,” even if their house is just a big pile of rocks and dirt!
” What a vile lowlife whore scumbag. ”
Let us face the truth ; the wizards behind the curtains running the U.S.A. only allow vile lowlife whore scumbags to be installed as POTUS.
This article is the best summary I’ve seen on economic impacts to Israel since Oct 2023:
‘Many highly educated and skilled workers are leaving, deciding to raise their children away from missile alarms. Compounding this problem is the fact that attracting new talent to a country at war is tough.
‘Nobel prize-winning scientist Aaron Ciechanover last month warned in a speech that “there is a huge wave of departures from the country.”
“Most senior doctors are leaving the hospitals; universities are finding difficulties in recruiting faculty members in critical areas,” he said, warning that this community is “very narrow. As soon as 30,000 of these people leave, we won’t have a country here,” he said.
Nice little country you got here. Be a shame if somethin’ were to happen to it.
Farther down in the article is a chart showing that tourist arrivals to Israel have dropped 85% since 12 months ago. Another chart shows that Israel’s budget deficit is running 8.3% of GDP.
Anecdotes are quoted about the rising cost of food and housing. Then there’s this:
‘Construction has stalled amid the absence of 80,000 Palestinian construction workers, mostly from the West Bank. Efforts to replace them with other foreign workers have so far failed, fueling concern over rising house prices.’
Multiple tells here: 1. 80,000 West Bank Palestinians fired, in an apparent to starve them out; 2. Israel wants to replace them with imported workers; 3. Occupied Palestinians are labeled as ‘foreigners’ in their own country.
Boycott, Divest, Sanction.
‘Since Israel is so “tiny” (like a scorpion and/or cyanide pill), it’d be no biggie to move the whole Nose en masse to Antarctica … where Kikestanis can occupy snow and oppress penguins to their non-existent hearts’ content.’ — Lemmy Tellyuh
Christ, man, think of the innocent penguins!
With the Haredi dressed in black suits and white shirts, the only way to distinguish them from the penguins is by their hats and ringlets.
Hilarity will not ensue. 🙁
You are terminally stupid. Inextinguishable low life. What is your educational level? Have you suffered any brain damage?
There’s a reason for that:
I am late to the party. Good to know, thanks.
The statistics keep bearing out just HOW indiscriminate Israel’s ‘warfare’ is.
Ergo, along with the 16,700 children, and the 11,000 women, they’ve killed 13,700 men. Since one may reasonably assume that as many male civilians have been killed as female, it follows that only 2700 — less than seven percent — of those Israel has killed have been even suspected Hamas fighters. In fact, the ratio could be even less. After all, one hopes the Jews at least prefer killing adult men to killing adult women and their children.
Why shouldn’t hilarity ensue? After all, people getting their hands blown off and children being blinded for life is apparently pretty funny.
To fight the genocide and the zionists (and their lackeys) behind it, here are more resources:
https://trackaipac.com/ To check corrupt politicians receiving bribes from the foreign agent aipac.
: news from Palestine and the fight against the genocide perpetrators and their backers. Very good for activism in the west.To know what is happening on the field outside of zionist/western media:
(Lebanon) –http://www.presstv.ir (Iran)
english.almanar.com.lb (Lebanon)
On a lesser extent: aljazeera.com
…and that is, I am reluctantly led to suspect, an indictment of Judaism itself.
With Zionist Israel Terrorists and their USUKEU fore skin anal chompers using supply chain electronic devices modified with remote controlled explosives to maim and kill thousands, they have set the bar for future operations for their arch enemies to expand upon.
This will not end well, we are now playing a game of Supply Chain Russian Roulette Warfare via analog and digital electronic devices on a global scale. Holocaust hysteria became blinded by its inability to comprehend logic and reason, using lies and false equivalences to target non-jews for the greater good of an illegitimate penal colony that imprisons its native population until total annihilation.
Zionism – Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
Winter is Coming.
Hey STOOPID. Did you fail arithmetic in 6th grade before you left school?
There are only about 5 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank. And [sadly], only about 20k of them killed in Gaza so far. That’s a far cry from 5 million or 6 million or whatever other dumb numbers you can come up.
Good question.
I don’t see unequivocal extinction as an option. Too many challenges.
As such, subjugation becomes the next most desirable path.
Muslims were able to keep them under wraps for over 1,000 years, which is why you always find the usual suspects in these threads spamming it with diversionary attacks on Islam. They have a long historical memory and enjoying any social position shy of dominatrix is tantamount to blasphemy.
Yes, they also loathe Christians, who had ghettoized them, though to be fair, medieval Jews preferred to live separately from the unwashed masses, and they were the only non-Christian community tolerated throughout ancient Christendom given the biblical imprimatur of their potential salvation in the final days — a historical fact which should call into question both the authorship and motive of this dogma.
Perhaps a syncretic confederation of approaches, none of which need be explicitly religious, yet allowing for treaties of inter-ideological comity to supersede alternative impositions of jurisprudence.
Or something like that.
Let’s just say that folk like Ms. Mercer and our esteemed zine editor, to name but a few, should not be unduly deprived of any liberty they currently or could potentially enjoy.
As for the Zionist, he’ll be shuttled off to those halcyon days of lachrymose minstrelsy, spinning tear-jerk medleys of unwhole cloth, imploring the world with histrionic pleas of ‘let my people go’ yet again, eventually wearing down the resistance of some of us just enough to demonstrate why they’ll still have to take their seat and keep crying.
Even if anyone were to agree that this “game” started in 1948, like nay game, what is past is done. You can’t go back and reply the 1st quarter of a football game when you are in the 4th quarter. You accept the score as it is and move forward.
The score is currently Israel 980 to the Palestinians ZERO! There isn’t any reason to keep playing this game. The Palestinians should just surrender, get on their donkey’s and head over to Jordan because Israel and its people certainly aren’t going anywhere..
Whataboutism is an acceptable response because you and the majority of posters here have a one-track focus n Israel to the exclusion of many other peoples getting killed. I am merely calling attention to these other situations and calling for equal treatment.
We have enough evidence to date to know that Israel knew of the upcoming attack of October 7th (months ahead) and did nothing to prevent it. Furthermore, as the attack was happening, Israeli forces were on standby. This is confirmed by Israeli officials.
All very reminiscent of 9/11: NORAD on stand down for hours.
That said, can you explain why Israel let it happen?
Not sure what this has to do with the ‘regional picture’ when your first comment was strictly about the genocide in Gaza. But okay, the regional picture started over a hundred years ago when the (Jewish-led) British Empire decided to collapse the Ottoman Empire and carve the Middle East, which is pivotal for world control.
Again, I am not sure why you’re going on such raving tangent when I merely replied to your previous comment where you stated that there is no genocide based on a Wikipedia link.
This is about today, darling.
Israel is not fighting Hamas and/or after Hamas’ so-called tunnels. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is modeled on the Scotish Rite of Freemasonry. Enough said. I’ll skip the fact that Israel supported Hamas’ creation (Fundamental Islamic in nature) to deter the PLO (nationalistic in nature).
More raving.
Some more raving. Mercilessly bombing hospitals, universities, schools, doctors and journalists isn’t about Hamas’ so-called tunnels. It’s about scourging the Earth as the Israelis put it. Hamas is the scapegoat. You might want to know that Hamas and the Palestinian resistance is not unified.
At last, some sense. But even with this, you don’t see the bigger picture of what’s really going on.
It’s not Israel’s wars. It’s their overlords in Europe. More specifically the bankers who created the Zionist state. I’ll give you a nugget of trivia: Israel’s creators give a flying fuck about Israelis or Jews.
Ah yes, Abu Nidal. The evil (Mossad) Palestinian. What did you ask Santa Claus this year?
Next time, cut it short.
Actually this person is not Jewish but is a Hindu. These people are even more rabidly zionist than most zionists themselves. The Hindu doesn’t look at Israel’s atrocities with disgust, like the rest of humanity, but instead looks upon them with envy.
They wish they could do to their Muslims what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. The Hindu’s insecurity is actually brahmin insecurity. For centuries, India was dominated by outside powers despite the brahmin’s self proclaimed superiority. But the Central Asian exposed the Brahmin’s weakness while the European exposed his ignorance (and the ignorant twaddle of the Hindu scriptures).
It is this small dick energy that has propelled the Hindu to the Anglo/Zionist camp. While western powers submit to Israel due to Jewish domination of their institutions, the Hindu submits purely out of the sycophantic nature of his character. He thinks that sitting at the Anglo/zionists table makes him a big player, even as half his countrymen shit on the streets. These people don’t believe in conventional morality, but instead are opportunistic and worship power.
Actually the Muslim world has a nuclear option……… without firing a shot.
By implementing Ghadafi’s plan and what he died for. Create a new monetary system away from international banking cartel and nationalize their central banks. They constitute 24+% of the planet. If they only knew what power the have.
That means the money lenders have to be content with western hemisphere.
Otherwise let’s go to war. That’s where all of this is headed anyway.
“The score is currently Israel 980 to the Palestinians ZERO!”
Look. I could care less if everyone in the fuck’n Levant kills each other. That said, if you’re gonna lie, try to at least come close to reality.
Palestinians are exsanguinating into the gutters in the GAZA abattoir like pigs in Sioux City Slaughterhouses.
I bet the Jews are harvesting kidneys, gold teeth, all types of body parts at a brisk exchange rate for any and all comers.
The body count lies (Yours is insane.) are so egregious, that they end up accentuating the malfeasance of the cold blooded IDF killers.
There are pictures, video, witness testimony from both sides, text messages, emails, phone calls, documentation.
The scoreboard is the scoreboard and your side is killing them by the thousands and the total is at LEAST 50,000 and more likely 100,000.
Just fuck’n own it. You want them dead, you are killing them on purpose and you hope this will blow over after the blow flies are outta corpses to eat.
=hence the rabid despair=
New collocation of the year !!!
Collocation – the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance.
According to my personal observations and a lot of memory-holed books which I read behind closed doors & looking over my shoulder – EVERYTHING about Talmudism is rabid:
-Rabid “Russian” Revolution of 1917
-Rabid “Red” Terror
-Rabid destruction of Germany
-Rabid use of bioweapons (“refugees”) against modern Europe and America
-Rabid poisoning of Goyim Culture
-Rabid denial of scientific facts
-Rabid Finance
-Rabit Talmudic Healthcare
-Rabid Talmudic Ambulance Services
-Rabid vaxxing of Dumb Goyim
-Rabid censorship
-Rabid Presidential Elections (meaning Presidential Inflictions)
A while ago 2 authors even published a book along the lines of Aesopian Fable, because, you know, Auntie Semitism, 6 gazillions, never forget, never again etc.
Nuclear option for non-Muslim world is to remove Mecca from the face of the earth. Leave it as a radioactive hole in the ground. Then watch as the Muslims continue their pilgrimage there. That is the end game, even if it doesn’t happen until Christ returns.
The beauty of Judaic ‘morality’, pretty plain and unadorned. Just why did so many societies expel them over the centuries? It’s ‘inexplicable’. Jameson, most of the non-Moslem world has no great prolem with Islam-it’s Judaism that they loathe and fear. Go look at the UNGA votes.
No, no, no, meanmeanjew. You are simply expressing your race hatred of Palestinians (and ALL goyim when the time is ripe)and celebrating their mass extermination, like a good Judaic will do.
Many Israeli Nazis HAVE called for the extermination of ALL Palestinians. Satan-yahoo did so in his call to treat the Gazans as Amalek, who your psychopathic God has ordered be exterminated ‘…down to the last suckling child’. You have a real knack for lying, swine.
As I said earlier, the goal of the Jews is to threaten the rest of the world by continue killing as many women and children as possible. Supported by their US-led Western goyim , the Jews have been using terror and starvation as weapons to attack defenceless population in a besieged large Concentration Camp, Gaza. The Jews, that is, “Israel uses U.S.-made sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population [of mostly women and children] that has no air force, no air defence, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanised armour, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war; it is [mass] murder.” It is a televised genocide supported by no other than the unconscionable U.S.-led Western regimes that have always claimed to be the global “defenders” of “democracy”, “freedom”, and “human rights”.
These aliens from hell, the Khazarian Mafia soulless criminal cabal who have killed more than 180 million people in the last century keep inciting Americans to inflame the hatred against Muslims and Christians and keep doing all these false flags to keep America in constant and never ending wars for the benefit of the most criminal entity the world has ever known, IsraHELL.
We don’t have to look as far afield as Gaza for an example of what Lemkin wrote about. This describes the activities of the woke left in the United States.
Appreciation to Ilana Mercer for an important essay.
@Uncle Jon,
Nuclear option for goy world is to remove Jews and zionist evangelicals from the face of the earth. Leave it as a radioactive hole in the ground. Then watch as the Jews and evangelicals continue their “God Chosen” “Promised Land” “ovens and Gas chambers” bull shit.
That is the end game, even if it doesn’t happen until Christ returns.
(Please remember there are also those who sit in wheelchairs all day typing stupid shit like Jameson above does, shh shh just watch him, and don’t be too harsh on him even his daughter abandoned him.).
Israel is not untouchable!
Hezbollah strikes deepest Israeli targets since 2006
“In an initial response to the brutal massacre committed by the Israeli enemy in various Lebanese regions on Tuesday and Wednesday (the Pager and wireless devices massacre), we bombed the military industries complexes of the Rafael Company, which specializes in electronic means and equipment, located in the Zevulun area north of Haifa, with dozens of Fadi 1, Fadi 2, and Katyusha missiles, at 6:30 am on this Sunday morning, September 22, 2024,” Hezbollah said early Sunday.
The initial response came shortly after Hezbollah announced two operations targeting the Ramat David Military Airport southeast of Haifa, which houses air force squadrons and fighter jets. Ramat David airbase is the only airbase in the north and is used for Israeli aerial operations against Lebanon. It is also considered one of the largest.
All it would take to end Israel is the United States not providing weapons or money.
The U.S.A. is going broke just like Israel.
Our demise is only a matter of time!
Personally I could care less about Mecca, Vatican, the wall or the third temple. Idol worship doesn’t interest me.
What unites Sunni and Shiite right now is not Mecca, Medina or Al-Aqsa. It Is the clean up of the deep stain in the ME.
Let these god’s chosen animals go back and contaminate where they came from. As long as it’s not in Palestine.
If you want to see a dummy, just look in the mirror.
You cut and paste w/o understanding what you are pasting. For example, referencing the definition of genocide from the Genocide Convention:
You’ve overlooked the word “INTENT”, which I have bolded.
I will wager you any amount of $$ that you can not cite ANY OFFICIAL Israeli government statement that states any government agency, including the IDF, has any INTENT to “to destroy, in whole or in part” the group of people identified as Palestinians.
This is where the old adage that “a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client” comes into play. In this case, you are the fool because you are unable to parse legal language effectively.
You can argue obviousness (in your or others POV), which I am sure you would attempt, but you cannot PROVE INTENT to commit genocide by Israel and therefore your conclusion that genocide is occurring would be tossed out of any real court of law as invalid.
This is good for Israel and its future. It’s called getting rid of the weak hands.
Unfortunately, those bleeding heart cowards will likely come to the USA to live.
OK, so call the dead number 100k. And 100k is still far less than the body count in Ukraine or Russia during their ongoing war, with tens of thousands of civilian having been killed by Russian attacks. But who cares about Ukraine, right? This is about the JEWS.
100k dead Palestinians doesn’t make that much of a dent in the pre-Oct 7th population of ~2.5 million.
The real question is, what will Israel do with the other 2.4 million Gazans, especially considering that their water table is totally polluted now, the poor infrastructure they had is mostly destroyed or will be when the tunnels below them are collapsed, their desalination plants are mostly destroyed, Gazan land will be littered with unexploded ordinance and mines for decades and their sole source of survival in the poor Gazan land they built on was the UNRWA, which Israel will not allow to service Palestinians in the future, due to their implication as harboring terrorists and essentially being part and parcel of Hamas? The land is uninhabitable!
So what does the world do with these people?
The USA has reached a milestone, the interest on its debt is one TRILLION dollars per year now.
Bad news for Brooklyn N.Y. they sent all their scum to occupied Palestine.
Nothing done by Israel to the Palestinians in Gaza is ever intended to do any harm. Israel is just helping to put these people out of their miserable existence. Problem–Reaction–Solution. [Sarcasm]
Israel/Palestine: Israeli army bulldozers allegedly buried alive wounded civilians in Northern Gaza; Co. did not respond
“On 16 December 2023, reports from NGOs and independent journalists in Gaza stated that the Israeli army has allegedly buried wounded Palestinian civilians alive outside of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the Gaza Strip’s northern town of Beit Lahia, after nine consecutive days of total siege of the hospital. The NGO Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor demanded an international investigation into the nine days long siege and the reports of the bulldozers being used to run over Palestinian civilians.
Caterpillar did not respond to these recent reports and allegations.”
Israel Raids Hospital, Shoots Doctors, Bulldozes Bodies, Lets Dog Maul Wheelchair-Bound Man
Bulldozers in Palestine
Show me evidence that Nazis have explicitly stated that goal. Unlike Israelis who have specifically stated that they want to exterminate Palestinians. Notwithstanding, I know you Jews consider it genocide when people hurt your feelings with truth but it isn’t. Genocide isn’t committed by words, it is committed by deeds, like by current Israeli deeds.
of Jews, but there’s not nothing that can be done;
Part repeat (@anon):
More part repeat, me:
Such a talent for lying, honed over thirty-five hundred years of RABID hatred. The civilian death-toll in The Ukraine is nowhere near the 100,000 in Gaza, and you DO NOT see Russians filming their atrocities] while singing, dancing and celebrating in the ecstasy of blood-letting. But they’re not Judaic, after all. As for the Gazans, they should just move into Israel, and scum like you can be dumped in Gaza.
This little hat is THE DEFINITION of a self Chosenite Supremacist CANCER OF HUMANITY.
Uncle Adolf, you were right.
Even just a cursory reading of Deuteronomy and listening to Israeli rabbis expatiating on the Talmud will remove your reluctance to “suspect.”
If he is an advocate for them it is appropriate to respond as if he is one of them.
Fungus troll
I feel sorry for Muslims, their “religion” ruins this life for them, and then the next as well, which they will realize when they join Muhammad in Hell.
At least for the hell raiser, partier, fornicator, drunkard, etc., they at least get to “enjoy” this life, in their own way, the Muslim doesn’t even get to enjoy a beer, or a pork bbq.
The problem is Islam, not individual Muslims/people.
“”I feel sorry for Muslims, their “religion” ruins this life for them, and then the next as well, which they will realize when they join Muhammad in Hell.”
I think you should set your typically Jewish empathy and altruism aside and start feeling sorry for your tribe instead.
They have never brought upon themselves a reckoning as big and wide as the one looming over them now.
When they realize that mutilating their baby sons was a cruel rabbinical hoax and tens of millions of their prepuces were donated to a non-existent “Hashem” who cannot be counted on to save them it will be too late.
There’s nothing in particular wrong with Islam at all. I wouldn’t want to live in a Muslim fundamentalist state — but then, I wouldn’t want to live in a Christian fundamentalist state either. And as a gentile, in a fundamentalist Jewish state…
Anyway, let’s take Turkey and Greece. Religion aside, very close to being the same people. Greece: pluses. Cheap and universally available wine. Turkey: pluses. Marginally more relaxed and friendly.
There’s really nothing much to be said objectively for one faith over the other. As someone from a Christian heritage, I’ll stick with my own, thank you, but…
Take your Islamophobia and stick it up your ass.
Israel is chasing after Hamas. The fact they they hide among and behind civilians isn’t Israelis problem.
You guys keep throwing around different number of dead Palestinians. The “official” number is about 42,000 now and 50% of those are Hamas militants, leaving only 20,000 dead civilians.
You look like an even bigger fool when you can’t use accurate numbers.
The problem is Jewish supremacism, not individual Jews.
I remember reading the Old Testament in childhood, and being struck by just how goddamn cruel it is. Basically religious cover for some Middle East tribe seeking to wipe out anyone who gets in the way. As it was in 700 BC or thereabouts, so it is now.
You were a simpleton then, try reading it again as an adult.
The “genocide” attributed by today’s regnant propagandists to Germany during World War II (a REAL, EXISTENTIAL war for Germany) was, indeed, no genocide at all.
At worst, it was (a) war crime.
But if so, then what is one to say about an individual Jew who insists on associating himself with the collective identity of Zionism?
Take a German in 1942. He could well be mighty fine — as an individual. But what if he insists on identifying himself with Nazism and Nazi actions? Should you still be all friendly and tolerant and accepting?
…in passing, I’ll note that it seems to be the most morally deficient Jews who most vociferously associate themselves with Zionism: Alan Dershowitz, Jonathan Pollard, Jeffrey Goldberg, several of the posters here.
This is the exact same argument I give to people who talk about the nice Muslim they know. They attempt to say that Islam itself is not a problem due to that person they know. They may be nice, but they are still part of one of the most evil ideologies birthed in the known history of the world. It is very simpleminded to attempt to white-wash the entire history of Islam, the texts and beliefs of Islam, and the acts of its founder when still alive, just based on the one or a few ‘nice’ Muslims some naive person in the West meets.
The nice Muslim may know the truth about Islam but be afraid to leave because other Muslims would kill him or her, that makes them a coward in a sense.
Or, if they know the truth about Islam, and still believe in it, knowing how evil it is, that makes them evil, even if they seem friendly. Plenty of hardened serial killers seemed ‘nice’ to people they came in contact with. The evil person doesn’t always strike someone as such when met in person.
You may be right — but I think my animosity is already sufficient.
I want to see Israel dismantled and Jews stripped of their ability to influence the direction of our society more than their numbers would indicate that they should. Jewish-Americans should control things about as much as Polish-Americans do, or Mormon-Americans.
I don’t particularly want to want more than that.
What about the excess influence that blacks are having? They are largely of low IQ, not very productive, dangerous in many cases, and yet, the society is driven by their demands, they appear in every advertisement even though they are just 13% of the population.
Why? Are the jews now kinder gentler killers?
Two wrongs don’t make a right. In any case, getting me to consider Jews in the same light I do blacks would not improve matters — from your perspective.
That’s the worst of it. If Amon Goethe was an aberration and intolerable even to his fellow Nazis, if he were a Jew in Gaza, he’d be perfectly normal.
@Ilana Mercer You are the same as a libtard, even worse a self hating Jew who tries to see world events through mere emotion and not facts which is why you are easily duped by any victim-pretending terrorist
Have the individual Zionist Jew or Nazi German committed any crime? Have they by their actions caused directly or indirectly physical harm to anyone? If they have they should be punished. If they haven’t, well, they can go f*ck themselves but there’s nothing to justify charging them.
The term “victim-pretending terrorist” is an accurate description of present-day Israelis, at least of the majority of them.
Ilana Mercer is not a “self-hating Jew”, she has a conscience. Try to find something similar in your own consciousness.
Actually, Islam would merely be one of the Abrahamic religions. It differs from Christianity primarily in that it attempts to cleave more closely to Judaism while still making a universal religion of it.
The individual Zionists certainly have. After all, Zionism implicitly requires just about what has happened — and overwhelmingly Zionists applaud and facilitate these actions. Can you seriously imagine the US providing all the munitions for these atrocities absent the Israel Lobby?
Jews are free to reject Israel — just as German Americans overwhelmingly rejected Nazism. Until they do, they are not merely complicit in Israel’s crimes — they are the source of those crimes. If I’m on a jury, and I vote for the death penalty, am I any less responsible for the execution than the actual killer?
I’ve read it as an adult. The only difference is that when I was a child it was presented as part of the “Good Book”, holy writ, and I went to Sunday school etc. As an adult I know that the OT is part of a narrative allowing a particular set of people to plunder and kill, and to give that set religious/ideological cover for doing so.
Arrest warrants is an even better place to start. These people need to be held accountable, not given 52 standing ovations by a bought and paid for Congress.
that is a very nice flag, much superior to Izrahell’s pornographic 6-pointed star.
let us know when it actually flies over a Palestine made Judenrein.
not holding my breath tho.
Nothing personal:
Belief in [imaginary!] deities is usually instilled before ‘the age of reason’ by parents’ and priests’ lying propaganda in
That brand-new young innocent ‘believer’, unprotected by mature reason grows up ‘in the faith’ then such [not all] go on to use their belief in [imaginary] deities to cause unimaginable horrors, like currently in Gaza [= ex-mandate Palestine], by alien ‘believer’ invaders illegally squatting on land *never to be theirs* [UDHR].
UDHR *inalienable rights*:
Now imagine how our undisturbed, beautiful world could look *without* belief in [imaginary] deities ..
Islam, in reality, has nothing whatsoever to do with the God of the Bible, or Abraham for that matter.
Satan set Islam up to make that claim to attempt to discredit God, the Bible, Judaism and Christianity, but they really have no relation to Islam at all. Muhammad made that up. He started out peaceful, but when the Jews rejected his nonsense, that is when he got violent, the violent verses are LATER, and Abrogate the earlier peaceful ones.
So as an adult you still have a very simplistic and childlike view of the Bible. That is your problem, not the Bible, not God.
We don’t need to imagine. Stalin and Mao gave us a taste of it.
So you think that ‘allowing’ ((them)) to perpetrate quite possibly the worst genocide ever (or at least in our lifetime), is the morally superior position, since:
1. ((They)) own the ‘Abrahamic’ deity,
2. So ((they)) also control the ‘life-after-death’ gateway, so
3. Your *own personal neck* is on the line; believe in ((them)) [& let the vicious slaughter go on], get eternal life, eh?
Nice. [You really believe that BS? Haw!]
I think that we could be smarter than Stalin and Mao.
If Christ does return, you are definitely going to be in trouble. Forgiveness is for those who have repented.
I’m not a Christian. I have no particular problem with those who are. But as for those who pervert the faith into a vehicle for their hatred…
Well, when the Levite in the Book of Judges let his concubine be gang-raped all night, and then cut up her dead body and sent the pieces off to start a war, it certainly got my simplistic and childlike attention. Still, perhaps cruelty is cruelty, even if dressed up and garnished in the pages of a “holy book”. The ways of God are indeed strange.
When it comes to being simplistic, I have long been intrigued by those little cartoon booklets issued by the late Jack Chick. Especially in his later years he developed a manic hatred of the Catholic Church, for example mentioning Hitler and “Catholic Germany” as baddies. I wonder how many of his readership were aware that German history since the 16th century has been marked by the Protestant-Catholic dichotomy.
The Bible is not supposed to be a cutesy nursery rhyme book for simpleminded twits to use to follow all of the verses like some sort of demented robot. So some of the verses or events seem harsh or bad, well don’t do that then, learn a lesson from what is shared, something more serious than “Boo hoo hoo, God is not a wice wittle grandma, boo hoo hoo.”
I merely think that doing away with Christianity or Islam does not improve matters.
Compare and contrast: Saddam Hussein vs. Ibn Saud. The classic example is the Spanish Empire vs. independent Mexico. Clericalist, priest-ridden Spain: treatment of the Indians?
Abominable. Treatment of the Indians under independent, anti-clericalist Mexico?
Worse. Christianity or Islam doesn’t miraculously make people perfect.
It does keep them from being as bad as they would be otherwise. I can’t resist pointing out that Judaism realized would appear to not conform to this principle.
The Judaic part of the Bible is a sewer of lies, mythology, massacre, genocide, torture and HATRED.In other words, YOU in print. The New Testament is its complete antithesis.
This troll thus, (self-hating’) defines ‘Jewishness’ as a taste for genocide and mass child murder. At least it has read its Torah.
Look! Holocaust revisionism from a Judaic child-butcher. And few ‘Holocaust’ revisionists celebrate the Judeocide the way that MONSTERS like this thing do the Gaza hecatomb. I wish I believed in a ‘just and vengeful God’ so you could get your just desserts.
Religion [here, belief in an imaginary ‘Abrahamic’ deity] is an acquired mental illness but worse, leads believers into complete, dead-end irrationality.
The only thing that unites ((them)) is their Judaism [since ((their)) genetic heritage is that of a StrassenMischung, aka mongrels, most probably itinerant Turkics but certainly *not* ancient Levantine].
But exactly that Judaism [plus the incredibly greedy desire to steal Palestinian land/property *never to be theirs* – UDHR] drives their current attempt to mass-murder part if not all of the entire population of Gaza = total, ghastly genocide.
((They)) are driven by [insane] religion, ((they)) may only mass-murder because [insane] believers do not effectively restrain ((them)).
Getting rid of religion [in modern idiom: Cancelling it] could/should stop ((them)) in their [criminal] tracks, and return believers to rationality. [Yeah, keep dreaming.] rgds
PS Failing that, humanity could find/invent an honest cop.
Follow all of the verses like some sort of demented robot
You seem to me to be saying there that it’s a bad idea to actually read the damn thing. The Catholic Church long made it difficult or even impossible to read the Bible, because it was only available in Latin, which only clergy could read (and sometimes not even them). Presumably the mass of people were too “simple-minded” (in your terms) to be trusted with actually reading it. Protestants took a different view, of course.
Learn a lesson from what is shared
What? That a possibly remote ancestor of Netanyahu let his concubine be gang-raped? And then chopped her into pieces for postal delivery? To start a war? Feminists, for example, have commented on that passage of the Bible, noting the clearly low status of women in Israelite society. Is that the lesson you draw?
God is not a wice wittle grandma, boo hoo hoo I find it considerably more likely that the Supreme Being simply does not exist, and that the OT is a purely human construct.
Note that Zionism for most of its history was an avowedly secular movement that often regarded religious Judaism with frank contempt. For their part, most religious Jews remained immune to Zionisms appeal, and even today, many still do. In fact, I’d say the only stable, consistent, and reliably anti-Zionist elements left in Judaism are some of the religious sects. I may not care for some of the other beliefs of Satmar Jews — but at least they don’t support Israel.
There’s your religion for you. Putting the brakes on Zionism. It was secular Jews who made it go.
If Wikipedia is correct, Theodor Herzl would not allow his son Hans to be circumcised. Quite a major departure from religious Judaism. Hans was circumcised after Herzl’s death, and resented it, converting at least temporarily to Christianity. He later committed suicide.
David Ben Gurion was also non-religious, though according to some accounts he became interested in Judaism in retirement, towards the end of his life. Religious Judaism was certainly not reflected in his political career.
Possibly but totally unhelpful.
My Q: Why does nobody stop the viciously rogue-outlaw, mass-murdering-to-steal Z-regime?
[Suggested A: ((They)) intimidate via allegedly ((their)) imaginary ‘Abrahamic’ deity.]
[Suggested remedy: Deny any such deity, arrest all perps + accessories.]
This Q also belongs to the “Defending Humanity” article.
Kindly note that entities which directly support such rogue-regimes [here primarily Zusa plus UK] make themselves accessories [could be similarly punished when justice-enforcement is enabled then applied], and also entities which do not move to stop active crimes-in-progress also make themselves accessories.
i.e. most of the entities which do not support UNGA and UNSC resolutions designed to rescue the victims of ((their)) ultimate-level crimes, say.
Part repeat:
Any response should concentrate on “My Q” above. rgds
Why do I suspect this would totally miss the point?
Hint: it would be Ben Shapiro heading the Inquisition, and he would ship you off to the Gulag on the grounds that your antisemitism was clear evidence of religiosity.
In fact…
Study the actors closely.
Put your ‘atheists’ in charge, and I can guarantee you who will be top dog.
Upon reflection, I’ll have to withdraw that remark. After all, the Nazis were, if not precisely atheists, certainly antagonistic towards religious expression not under their control — and the Jews were hardly ‘top dog’ in the Third Reich.
What I also think is questionable is the assumption that if there is a God, that he concerns himself with our lives.
After all, I exist, and no doubt there is some colony of termites or something somewhere in the soil under my house that also exists. They might well imagine that I am deeply concerned about the ups and downs of their existence — but actually, I’m not.
If they make a nuisance of themselves, I’ll kill ’em. Otherwise, I’m uninterested in the vicissitudes and moral complexion of their existences.
There could be a God. It doesn’t follow that he cares what we do. This notion that there must be an anthropomorphic God, desperately concerned about the rights and wrongs of every step each one of us takes, really is a kind of unconscious egotism. Why should he? Maybe it’s frogs He’s interested in.
Bible says every hair on your head is numbered. He knows all about you.
And with computers today, people could easily imagine the computer that God has, how it could keep track of every thought we have over our entire life.
He gives people free will, so they can do wrong or make bad choices, but he knows the heart.
I wouldn’t look forward to that, if I were you.
Twit, don’t use your free will to be a twit.
Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most profound play, in Act 2 Scene 2 has the play within a play, in which Hecuba sees her husband being slaughtered by Ajax amid the destruction of Troy. It is said her outcry would move the gods, “unless things mortal move them not at all”. This idea apparently existed in ancient Greece, with the philosopher Democritus, who was the first to raise the idea of atomic structure, being a proponent.
There’s a Doonesbury cartoon, in which the Vietnamese character is caught in a B-52 raid and goes off into a screaming rant against the American war criminals, etc, shaking his fist at the sky and frothing with rage.
The last panel shows the pilot and copilot of the B-52, discussing last night’s basketball score as they turn for home.
That God is moved by our travails is a pleasant conceit — but I see no convincing reason to think that He does. The thought is oppressive, but I suspect He’s not there at all. Again, beyond the fact that we need Him to be, I don’t see a reason to think He is.
Who’s “we?” For what purpose?
The ‘big bang’ was merely a phase-change, from super-dense, super-hot to expanding, cooling – all that is, always was = no ‘creator’ needed.
The conservation laws leave no opportunity for any [supernatural? Hardly serious] ‘external’ input to humans. Our ‘best’ science is so convinced – Feynman, say.
*All* gods etc. are only imaginary. Always as usual IMHO, of course. What anybody does in the privacy of believers’ own minds is not my business. rgds
A tune for the “Palestinians:”
NAPALM DEATH – On The Brink Of Extinction (lyrics on screen)
I take it when you find yourself collapsing and dying of what is about to turn out to be a fatal heart attack, it won’t bother you at all that this really is lights out, no sequel, end of the show, etc.
I’d say you have a decided lack of imagination. For myself, I want an eternal, infinitely forgiving God who will make me extra, super-duper happy for all eternity. Well, okay…I’ll take even select reruns.
…I just s’spicions He ain’t there at all, and me wishing He was won’t change that.
God will never forgive you. You’re a bigot, filled with mindless, unprovoked hate. If He is there, you are damned.
‘Nice;’ back at you. One of my ‘authority’ quotes [Feynman]:
The atoms that humans [as a ‘special subset’ of life] – are made of, organised into molecules then nucleic acids, etc., say, are ‘all there is, ain’t no more.’ So ‘yes,’ lights permanently out = cessation of all nerve-impulses = ‘the *definitive* end.’
The atoms [now otherwise sort-of useless] = ‘mortal remains’ and according to the conservation laws, nothing before/after neither gained nor lost [in computer talk GIGO.]
My tip: Enjoy all, even the smallest parts of each pico-sec + carpe diem.
Never saw that cartoon but the underlying reality for it was there. Then again, if a SAM missile got the B-52 and they had to eject, the Hanoi Hilton would have been a distinct possibility.